Contents Contents

1 Introducing Lion 7 About OS X Lion 8 Installing OS X Lion 9 The OS X Environment 10 Interface 11 About Your Mac 12 About 17 Changing the Background 18 Changing the Screen Saver 19 Changing the Resolution 20 21 Background on UNIX 23 Shutting Down 24

2 Getting Up and Running 25 Introducing the Dock 26 Setting Dock Preferences 27 Stacks on the Dock 30 Dock Menus 32 Working with Dock Items 33 Trash 35 System Preferences 36 Desktop Items 38 Ejecting Items 39 Auto Save and Versions 40 Resuming 42

3 43 Working with the Finder 44 Finder Folders 45 Finder Views 47 Covers 50 51 Finder Toolbar 52 Finder 53 Finder Search 54 Creating Aliases 55 Copying and Moving items 56 Working with Folders 57 Smart Folders 59 Spring-loaded Folders 60 Burnable Folders 61 Selecting Items 62 Actions 64 Menus 66

4 Navigating in Lion 67 A New Way of Navigating 68 Pointing and Clicking 69 No More Scroll Bars 71 Scrolling and Zooming 72 Mission Control 78 and Exposé 80 Multi-Touch Preferences 82

5 OS X Lion Apps 85 Launchpad 86 Full-Screen Apps 88 OS X Applications 90 Accessing the App Store 91 Downloading Apps 92 Finding Apps 94 Managing Your Apps 96 Sharing Apps 98

6 Getting Productive 99 Dashboard 100 Adding Dashboard Widgets 101 Search 102 Address Book 104 iCal 107 110 Preview 111 OS X Utilities 112 Printing 115 Creating PDF Documents 116 Working with Folders 57 Internet and Email 117 Smart Folders 59 7 Spring-loaded Folders 60 Getting Connected 118 Burnable Folders 61 122 Selecting Items 62 Safari Top Sites 124 Actions Button 64 Safari Reader 126 Menus 66 Safari RSS 127 Mail 128 Using Email 129 Navigating in Lion 67 Email Conversations 131 Adding Mailboxes 132 A New Way of Navigating 68 iChat 133 Pointing and Clicking 69 FaceTime 134 No More Scroll Bars 71 Scrolling and Zooming 72 Mission Control 78 Digital Lifestyle 135 Spaces and Exposé 80 8 Multi-Touch Preferences 82 iPhoto 136 Viewing Photos 137 Organizing Photos 138 OS X Lion Apps 85 Editing and Sharing Photos 139 iTunes 140 Launchpad 86 Managing Your 141 Full-Screen Apps 88 Purchasing Music 142 OS X Applications 90 Adding an iPod 143 Accessing the App Store 91 iMovie 144 Downloading Apps 92 iDVD 145 Finding Apps 94 iWeb 146 Managing Your Apps 96 GarageBand 147 Sharing Apps 98 iCloud 148

Getting Productive 99 9 Sharing OS X 149 Dashboard 100 Adding Users 150 Adding Dashboard Widgets 101 Deleting Users 152 Spotlight Search 102 Fast User Switching 153 Address Book 104 OS X for the Family 154 iCal 107 Parental Controls 155 Font Book 110 OS X for Windows Users 158 Preview 111 OS X Utilities 112 Printing 115 Creating PDF Documents 116 10 Advanced Features 159 AppleScript 160 Writing Scripts 161 Using Scripts 163 Automator 164 Networking Overview 168 Network Settings 170 File Sharing 171 Connecting to a Network 172

11 Maintaining OS X 175 Time Machine 176 180 181 Activity Monitor 182 Updating Software 183 Problems with Programs 184 General Troubleshooting 185

Index 187 1 Introducing Lion

8 About OS X Lion Lion is the latest operating 9 Installing OS X Lion system from Apple 10 The OS X Environment . It is not only 11 Aqua Interface enjoyable and secure to 12 About Your Mac use, it also has a raft of 17 About System Preferences innovative features that 18 Changing the Background transform a number of 19 Changing the Screen Saver traditional ways for using 20 Changing the Resolution computers. This chapter 21 Universal Access introduces the OS X 23 Background on UNIX interface and shows how to 24 Shutting Down get started with it. 8 Introducing Lion computing environments. computing different within used be to ability and stability its for renowned is It computers. mainframe commercial large for used been traditionally has that system operating an is UNIX • • are: system operating laptop and desktop the to transferred been has devices mobile the of functionality the where areas main two versa.vice The iPad,than and rather iPhone, touch iPoddevices: Apple’smobile of functionality the by inspired been have they that in innovative are Lion X OS in features new the of Some system. operating any to unique are that features revolutionary of number a also are there Lion,but X OS with continues process functionality.and performance This both of terms in improved and refined been has it X OS of versions six previous the Through available. systems operating user-friendly and stylish most the of one also user,is the it for importantly designed.More been ever has that systems operating consumer stable most the of one is X OS that ensures and environment operating secure and stable very a is language,that programming UNIX the on based and It use of ease of terms in breakthrough major a was it introduced first ‘ten’)(pronouncedwas X Pro.OS When Mac and iMac,Mini MacBook,the Mac computers; Apple for system operating the of (10.7) version seventh the is Lion X OS X OS About which people work and interact with their Macs. their with interact and work people which in way the change radically to position a in be to claim justifiably can innovations,it and functions of range its and,with system operating revolutionary genuinely a is Lion X OS ways many In it. about worry to having you background,without the in work your save automatically will that function new a with problem this solves Lion X OS document.a on working are you while crashes your if information or work of loss the users: computer for annoyance constant a been has that area another addresses also Lion X OS

a trackpad or a . Instead of having to use a use to having of Mouse.Instead Magic a or trackpad a steps simple of couple a in installed be can programs, which provide to Store App Mac the utilizes Lion X disc,OS a using of around them around navigating and pages web and programs,apps accessing for ways of range a Multi-Touchprovide new that Gestures allows Lion X trackpad,OS laptop traditional a or mouse Options for navigating around pages and applications on applications and pages around navigating for Options installed. Instead and downloaded be can programs way The Lion 9 The installation of OS X Lion usually takes a minimum of 30 minutes, depending on the power and speed of your Mac.

including one for where OS X Lion is installed (this is usually the Mac Hard Disk) Follow Follow the installation screens process App App Store Install button to begin the installation Click on this icon on the Dock to access the Locate the Lion icon and click on the

2Gb of memory OS X Snow Leopard (version 10.6.8) Intel Core 2 Core Duo, Core i3, Core i5, or i7, Xeon processor

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l l l • If your Mac meets these you canrequirements, download and install OS X Lion as follows: install it on an existing Mac you will need to have a minimum requirement of: • • programs can be downloaded and installed. Traditionally, programs this can be downloaded Traditionally, and installed. has been done with an installation CD but or OS DVD, X Lion changes this by providing programs for downloading directly from the online Mac This App alsoStore. includesobtaining OS X Lion New itself. Macs will have Lion installed but if you want to Installing Installing OS X Lion One of the many new innovations in OS X Lion is the way that 10 Introducing Lion Chapter Two.Chapter see Dock, the at look detailed a For possible. as easy and quick as items opening and organizing make help to designed is Dock The the program in use in program the of regardless X, OS throughout standardized is menu Apple The Dock The menu Apple are: environment X OS initial the up make that elements main, original The and colors rich of combination a is it and X OS of heart the at system operating UNIX the to overlay graphic friendly user a create to designed been interface. has This user elegant its X is OS about element noticeable most first The The OS X Environment X OS Menu Desktop Windows 11 . . The through the green one is used to expand a window. X are designed in a style known as design of this means that some elements, such as menus, allow the background behind them to show The red window button is used to close a However, window. this does not quit the program. The amber button is used to minimize a window and The graphics used in OS Option buttons Whenever a with separate options is OS accessed, X highlights the suggested option with a pulsing This blue button. can be accepted by clicking on it or by If pressing you Enter. do not want to accept this clickoption, on another button in the dialog box. Window buttons These appear in any open OS X window and can be used to manipulate the window. Menus Menus in OS X contain commands for the and any relevant If programs. there is an arrow next to a command it means there are subsequent options for the item: describes the graphical appearance of the operating system. it is Essentially, just the cosmetic appearance of the elements within the operating but system, they combine to give OS X a rich visual look and Some feel. of the main elements of the Aqua interface are: Aqua Aqua Interface The name givenby Apple to its OS X interface This isAqua. 12 Introducing Lion see Chapter Eleven. Chapter see Updates, Software about information more For l l Menu.Apple this: To do the from accessed be can that option Mac This About the through done be storage.can of This amount the and memory of amount use, the in X OS of version the as again, such specifications these view to want will you when times be will Mac,there your have you purchase. Once a make you before specifications technical the check certainly almost will you Mac new a buy you When YourMac About l l 4 3 2 1

Click on the More Info…More the on Click Update... Software on Click About The Apple the on Click This Mac options Mac This About more view to button Mac your for updates software available see to button used being Disk Startup the and memory processor,the X,the OS of version the about information has window Mac This link Mac This About the on click and Menu 13

Updates... button Updates... to view available software updates for your Mac button button to view full details about the hardware and software on your Mac type of graphics card and the Serial Number Click on the Check for Click on the System Report... Click on the Overview button This window containsadditional information such as the

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l l

l This givesadditional general information aboutyour Mac: l ...cont’d Overview 14 Introducing Lion resolution, see page 20. page see resolution, the changing about information more For l l l display: Mac’s your about information gives This information Display ...cont’d 3 2 1

Click on Click display your about information contains window This button Displays the on Click resolution, brightness and color and resolution, brightness display’s the changing for options view to button Preferences… Displays the card graphics and type,size,resolution the including 15 The disk usage is shown for different content types on your Mac e.g. videos, music, photos and applications.

button button to view options for repairing problems on your Mac available storage on your hard disk and also options for writing various types of CDs and DVDs Click on the Disk Utility… Click on the Storage button This window contains information about the used and

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l l l This contains information aboutyour Mac’sphysical and removable storage: ...cont’d Storage information 16 Introducing Lion your Mac. your of components the on working are you when time other any or chips, memory new insert to Mac your opening are you if writstband static anti- an wear Always l l l computer: your on applications the also and X OS run to used memory, Mac’s is your that about information contains This information Memory ...cont’d l 4 3 2 1

A page on page A the on Click memory the about information contains window This button Memory the on Click Macs of models and makes different for chips memory upgrading for instructions gives website Apple the chips memory your upgrade to want you if Instructions Upgrade Memory Mac your in are that chips 17 Dock, see Chapter Two. For a detailed look at the System Preferences, see Chapter Two. For For more detailed information about the System System Preferences

customizing customizing it to return to the main System Preferences window window. window. Each item will have a number of options for on on an item to open it in the main System Preferences options options are shown in the System Preferences window (the bar of icons that appears along the bottom of the or screen), from the Applications folder Click on the Show All button Click once Click on this button on the Dock All of the

4 3 2 1 l

l l l configuring the way thatyour These Macare operates. located within the access Systems To this: Preferences section. About About OS X Lion has a wide range of options for customizing and 18 Introducing Lion photograph you want. you photograph the to browse and folder iPhoto the select this, do ToMac. your onto them loaded have you once background, desktop your as photographs own your select Youcan l l l l background: used.own be yourTo select can that options background of range a are There sit.) computer your on items other all which upon element graphical the is Mac.(This your to touch personal own your add to way important an is imagery Background Background the Changing l 5 4 3 2 1

The background is applied as the desktop the as applied is background The available the of one on Click where from location a Select Desktop the on Click System the in button this on Click background imagery background backgrounds background a select to want you folder Preferences

19 screen burn Screen savers were originally designed to prevent (areas of the screen becoming marked as a result of elements remaining static for a prolonged period of time), but now they are more for cosmetic graphical purposes.

to specify the amount of time the Mac is inactive before the screen saver is activated button button to the selected screen saver from from where you want to select a screen saver Preferences Preferences folder Click the Test Click the Test Drag this slider Click on the Screen Saver tab Select a location Click on this button in the System

4 5 3 2 1

l l l l l not been used for a specified period of Originally time. this was designed to avoid screen burn (caused by items being at the same position on the screen for an extended period of time) but now they largely consist of a select To graphicalyour own element. screen saver: Changing Changing the Screen Saver A screen saver is the element that appears when the Mac has 20 Introducing Lion physically smaller.physically appear they though even screen, the on sharper appear items makes resolution higher A l l l resolution: screen the items.the To larger change the resolution the lower screen,the the on items the smaller the resolution the screen. higher the The of area an in displayed dots colored of resolution,number i.e.the screen’s the by controlled is screen the on items of size The everything. see to around scrolling time of lot a spend to have you and large too strain; eye to lead and read to hard them make can this small too are items if issue: crucial a is screen the on displayed are items which at size the users computer most For the Changing l l 5 3 2 1 4

Click on the Color tab to select options select to tab Color the on Click setting resolution a Select tab Display the on Click System the in button this on Click Drag this slider to change the screen brightness. Check brightness.Check screen the change to slider this Drag calibrating your monitor your calibrating also and profiles color different using for screen overall the change to folder Preferences lighting conditions, via an ambient light sensor (if fitted) (if sensor light ambient an conditions,via lighting current the for automatically done this have to box the on resolution Resolution 21

Experiment with the VoiceOver function (in the Seeing window) if only to see how it operates. This will give you a better idea of how visually impaired users access information on a computer. visual

the default settings for your system display specific areas of the screen with issues connected with impairment Preferences Preferences folder Check on the White on Black display button to invert Click on the Seeing tab for help Check on the Zoom On button to enable zooming in on Click on the this button in the System

4 2 1

3 l

l l access access to the system Thisas includespossible. users with visual impairments and also people who have problems using the mouse and In keyboard. OS X this is achieved through the functions of the Universal use Access To these: System Preferences. Universal Universal Access In all areas of computing it is important to give as many people l 22 Introducing Lion down for a few seconds. few a for down held is key a if repeated is keystroke a before long how and screen the on appear to keystroke a for takes it time the for options are there tab Keyboard the Under l l l l l ...cont’d 9 8 7 6 5

Click on the Mouse & Mouse the on Click these devices these customizing for options access to Trackpadtab Click on the Keyboard tab to tab Keyboard the on Click whenever flash screen the make to box this on Check to button this on Click adjust to tab Hearing the on Click keyboard keyboard your customizing for options access Mac your on alert sound a is there volume system the adjust problem audio for settings 23 Lion In addition to OS X on consumer computers Apple have also released a server that runs on UNIX. This is called Server and it is used to run and manage computer networks.

UNIX If you are not familiar with you UNIX, need never worry about it or again. the Terminal Applications>Utilities folder. Applications>Utilities folder. user-friendliness. user-friendliness. Apple have made the most of the former and overcome the latter with its Aqua interface and Quartz graphics. For people with experience of programming UNIX, can be performed within ThisOS isX the in window. the Terminal gateway into the UNIX environment and it can be located in the UNIX first gained popularity inacademic institutions and it was then taken on by government Its organizations. adoption by Apple as the foundation for OS X has seen UNIX move into the mainstream of consumer UNIX’s greatest computing. strength is while its its stability, greatest weakness is perhaps its non- platform, i.e. differenti.e. platform, types of Up computers. until each then, operating system had generally been designed for a specific type Another of benefitcomputer. ofUNIX was that it was designed to be available to the The whole development community. program that was used to create UNIX is the now widely used C language. foundation foundation on which OS X In runs. OS fact, X is essentially a very impressive graphical interface placed on top of a version of UNIX known as Darwin. UNIX was developed in the early 1970s by programmers who wanted to design an operating system that could run on any Background Background on UNIX is the powerful and robust operating system that is the 24 Introducing Lion to do this if you have you if this do to you prompt will X OS although documents, open your of all saved have you sure make down, shutting When for details. for TwoChapter See down. it shut you when as state same the in up opens Mac your where function a has Lion X OS forgotten. Resume the Apple the access to here Click • • • selected: be can that options three are down,there shutting Mac. yourWhen down shut to easier it makes it that fact the is least advantages, not of number a working. has This are you which in program the of regardless options same the has it that X. means OS This in standardized been has window) X OS subsequent any or desktop the of corner left top the at icon Apple the on clicking by accessed be can (which menu Apple The Down Shutting down options down shut the of one access to here Click

have finished working finished have active it make to restart a requires computer your and software new added have you if useful be can This work continue to ready is it and Mac the up wakes keyboard. then the This on pressed is key a or moved is mouse the until maintained is state inactive.becomes This drive hard the and blank goes screen Shut Down. This closes down the Mac completely once you once completely Mac the down closes Down. Shut This again. it restarts then and Mac the down closes Restart. This mode, i.e. hibernation the into Mac the Sleep. puts This