SRS Vol 30: the Parish Register of Glynde Sussex 1558-1812
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SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY DIGITAL EDITIONS SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY VOL 30: THE PARISH REGISTER OF GLYNDE SUSSEX 1558-1812 Edited by L F Salzmann First published 1924 This edition is a reproduction of the Society’s original publication and is copyright © Sussex Record Society Copies may be downloaded free of charge for personal use. Extracts may be copied and reproduced provided appropriate acknowledgement is given © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY THE P ARISH REGISTER OF GLYNDE SUSSEX 1558 — 1 812. EDITEDY B L. F. SALZMAN, F.S.A. ISSUEDO T SUBSCRIBERS OF THE SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY AS AN EXTRA VOLUME FOR THE YEAR 1924. © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY LA NOTE. The P arish Register of Glynde, here printed, is contained in one book of 67 vellum leaves measuring 15£ x 6 inches. Thanks a re due to the Vicar, the Rev. W. E. Dalton, M.A., who has given facilities for the transcript, which has been made by Mr. li. F. Salzman, F.S.A. oDown t 1660 the entries are copied literatim, after that date the substance of the entries is given ; but in all cases the exact spelling of all names is retained. C.T.-S. © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY [If.] THE R egister-Booke of all suche Weddinges Christeninges and buryalls as have byn recorded and registered in the parish of Glynde in the Countie of Sussex as they have byn Collected and gathered out of the old bookes and papers and faithefullie transcribed accordinglie by me John Bohune Vicar of Glynd. ', A nno Domini 1558. B T he vjth of August was buried John Garrad. B The viijth of November was buried Margaret Peirce. B The xvth of November was buried John Glasebrooke. B The xxxjth of December was buried John Pollard. B The viijth of Januarie was buried Thomas Jurden. B The ixth of Januarie was buried Mr Thomas Morley Esquire. B T he second of Februarie was buried Richard Peirce. B The vth of Februarie was buried Agnes Lacey. B The viijth of Februarie was buried Thomas Ockenden. B The xijtt of Februarie was buiied Richard Thetcher. Anno D omini 1559. B T he first of Aprill was buried Robert Farrar. B The xijt11 of Aprill was buried Margery Tull. B The Xxth of Aprill was buried Elizabeth Hencote. B The vip of Maye was buried Pelham Cheyney gent. B The xxviijth of Maye was buried Elizabeth Peiroe. W The ijth of Julie were married Robte. Loudeley and Jone Willy a ms. W The iija of July were maried Robte. Stertt and Alice Ockenden. B T he xvth of August was buried Jone Lyeffe. W The xth of September were maried John Hollyff and Parnell C oppernatt. W The xjto of Sept, were married Simon Weston and Agnes Lambard. W T he xrjth of Novembr were married John Bokes and ElHnor H eer widdow. © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY •2 E EGISTERS OF GLYNDE Anno D omini 1560. C The viijth of Aprill was christened Elizabeth y6 daughter of B obte. Lowdle. B T he xviijth of Aprill was buried John Dawson. B The xxth of Aprill was buried Johane the wyfe of John Balcomb. B T he xxvth of Aprill was buried Edmond the sonne of John V ynall. B The first of Julie was buried Barbara y* daughtr of Bobte. S aunders. B T he xjth of July was buried Richard Butcher. C The vijth of Julie was Christened John the sonne of Wilhn. H ericote. W The of were maried Richard Thomas & Elizabeth Joyner. Examined a nd conferred wth old Coppye. [*/•] A nno Domini 1614. 1614 C T he tenth of July anno 1614 Elizabeth the daughter of William Pierce of Glyne bourne was baptised. 1614 C T he 30th of October 1614 Marie the daughter of John Reames was baptised. 1614 C T he 9th daie of December Susan the daughter of Christopher Yonge was baptised. 1614 B B uried the xiijth daie of Januarie Denis als Dionisia the wife of Martin Citolen. 1614 C T he 19 of Marche 1614 An the daughter of M' Willia Lovell was baptised. 1614 B ur The 17 of April 1615 Marie the daughter of Chris topher Yonge was buryed. 1614 C T he 20 daye of August 1615 John the sonne of Will. Piercef o Glyne Bourne was baptised. 1615 C W illiam the son of William Symons baptised the 18thf o Februarye 1615. .Anno D omini 1616. Harbert t he sonne of Robte. Morley Esq. was bap tized the second of Aprill 1616. Joane t he daughter of William Hollocke of Rams- combe was baptized the 13th of Aprill anno sup'scr. John t he sonne of William Browne was baptd. the xixto of Maye Anno sup'd. © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY REGISTERS O F GLYNDE 3 Baptizing A nno Domini 1619. Margrett M orley daughter of Robert Morley Esq. was b aptized the fourth daie of Maye. Thomas Lover sonn of John Lover of Glinde was baptized t he xxixth daie of Maye. Willm Browne sonn of Willm Browne was baptized the x rjth daie of Maye. 1621 J ohn Lover sonn of John Lover of Glinde was baptized the x xvth daie of March 1621 Bridgett R eames daughter of Thomas Reames of Glinde was baptized the second daie of December 1622. 1622 H ester Baldie daughter of Thomas Baldie of Glinde was baptized t he xxvijth daie of Januarie Anno Domini 1622. J ohn Dibbs sonn of John Dibbs of Glinde was baptized the n ynth daie of March Anno Domini 1622. John Haies sonn of Harbert Haies of Glinde gent. baptized t he thirteenth daie of June Anno Domini 1622. 1623 M arie Lover daughter of John Lover of Glinde was baptized t he xxth daie of December 1623. 1624 S usanna Morley daughter of Robert Morley Esq. baptized t he xxxth daie of March 1624. Elizabeth P upp daughter of Richard Pupp baptized the xvjth daie of Maye 1624. Marie H aies daughter of Harbert Haies Esq. was baptized the xvth daie of Julie 1624. Willm D ibbs sonn of John Dibbs of Glinde was bap tized the xxiiijth daie of October Anno Domini 1624. [*/•] 1624 J ohn Baldie sonn of Thomas Baldie of Glinde was baptized the xiijth daie of Februarie Anno Domini 1624. 1626 Benjamin Browne sonn of Willm Browne of Glinde was baptized t he second daie of October 1625. John Lover sonn of John Lover of Glinde was baptized the s ixteenth daie of October 1625. Edward Peirce sonn of John Peirce of Glinde was baptized the xviijth daie of December Anno Domini 1625. Willffi B aulcombe sonn of Edward Baulcombe of Horsham was baptized at Glinde the xi* daie of December Anno Domini 1625. © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY 4 R EGISTERS OF GLYNDE 1626 J ohn Haies sonn of Harbert Haies Esq. baptized the xjth d ale of Aprill. Grace Reames daughter of Thomas Reames baptized vthe x daie of Aprill. Marie Morley daughter of Robert Morley Esq. baptized the x xvth of September. Elizabeth Dibbs daughter of John Dibbs baptized the iijth d aie of December. Elinor Baldie daughter of Thomas Baldie baptized the xth d aie of December. John Pupp sonn of Richard Pupp baptized the xiijth daief o Januarie. 1628 E lizabeth Haies daughter of Harbert Haies gent. baptized t he first daie of Maye 1628. Marie Wells daughter of Thomas Wells baptized the first d aie of June. John Baulcombe sonn of Alexander Baulcombe bap tized t he seaventh daie of September 1628. Richard Pupp sonn of Richard Pupp baptized the xvj* dayef o November. Frauncis Morley daughter of Robert Morley Esq. baptized t he xxvth daie of Januarie 1628. Kidd a bastard baptized the xxiiijth day of March. 1629 J oann Simons daughter of Robert Simons of Gb'nde baptized t he xth daie of October 1629. Marie Peirce daughter of John Peirce of Glinde baptized the x xth daie of October 1629. Margrett Haies daughter of Harbert Haies Esq. bap tized t he seaventh daie of Februarie 1629. Marie Lover daughter of John Lover of Glinde baptized the f ourth daie of Julie. Abell Parson sonn of Abell Parson of Glinde was baptized t he xxth daie of March 1629. 1630 M arye James the dafter of Samewell James of Glinde 18th d aye of Aprille was baptized 1630. Anne Simones the dafter of John Simones of Glinde was baptized t he 9th daye of Maye 1630. Roberte Wealles the sonne of Thomas Wealles of Glinde was b aptized the 12th daye of September 1630. Thomas Bawlcombe the sonne of Sander Bawlcombe of Glinde w as baptized the 12th daye of October 1630. [Blank e xcept for four entries, struck through and copied on the next page.] © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY REGISTERS O F GLYNDE Burialls A nno Domini 1617. Phillipp B allard servant to Thomas Lover of Glinde was b uried the xxjth daie of December Anno sup'dict. Thomas L over was buried the xiiijth daie of Januarie. Marie Lover wife of the said Thomas Lover was buried the x ixth daie of Februarie. Marie Hollibone servant to Henry Peirce of Glinde was buried t he xvjth daye of Februarie. Marie Reames was buried the xvth daie of Februarie. Thomas Baulcombe sonn of Andrew Baulcombe of Glinde w as buried the vjth daie of March, Anno sup'dict. 1619 J ohn Peirce of the Cliff buried at Glinde the xxth daie of A prill Anno Domini 1619. Samuell Brooke was buried the xxvijth daie of Maye Anno s up'dict.