Additional Sites Assessed for Development – October 2016 CW008 - Duncan Mathieson Playing Fields and Adjoining Land
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Additional sites assessed for development – October 2016 CW008 - Duncan Mathieson Playing Fields and adjoining land Salford Local Plan (Suggested Sites) - Site Assessment Form Reference CW008 number Site name Duncan Mathieson Playing Fields and adjoining land Site Playing fields bounded by Sunningdale Drive to the north, Lancaster Road to the address east, Oxford Road to the south and Hereford Road to the west. Ward name Claremont Neighbourhood Claremont and Weaste area Uses under Housing, and recreation consideration Summary of The site comprises playing fields which are largely disused. The majority of key issues pitches on the site have been disused for a significant number of years due to the need for investment to address poor ground conditions, and it is understood that only one pitch is currently in use. The site lies within an established residential area and is bounded by housing on all sides. It occupies a sustainable location for new housing development with good access to a range of local services and facilities. The key issue is whether the benefits of development outweigh the loss of a recreation site, and whether suitable replacement provision can be made. Given that the playing fields have fallen into disuse partly due to the prohibitive cost of addressing the poor ground conditions, it may be that some form of enabling development would be required on part of the site to support qualitative recreation improvements on the remainder. CW008 - Duncan Mathieson Playing Fields and adjoining land OS grid Easting: 378,530 Site size 11.65 reference Northing: 400,142 (hectares) Uses under Housing, and recreation consideration Scale of 132 houses (assuming that 3.78 hectares of the site is developed for housing at a development / density of 35 dwellings per hectare, and that the rest of the site remains in number of recreation use). units Description The site comprises land that has previously been used as playing fields, and forms of site an expanse of open grass and some scrubland. There are three buildings on the site including a scout hall which is still in active use, changing facilities which are semi- derelict, and the former groundsman's house. Description The site is situated within an established residential area, and is bounded by the of rear of residential properties on all sides. Beyond the site to the north west lies open surroundings land which forms part of the golf course at Swinton Park Golf Club. Relevant Saved unitary development plan policy R6/3 allocates the site for new and improved planning recreation use. The site is unallocated in the Greater Manchester waste history development plan document and the Greater Manchester minerals development plan document. In March 2000 the city council refused a planning application submitted by the Greater Manchester Federation of Clubs for Young People for the erection of a sports hall together with associated leisure and changing facilities, and construction of a golf driving range and all weather pitch on the site (planning application reference: 99/40017/OUT). A revised scheme was resubmitted, which was subsequently refused by the city council in November 2000 (planning application reference: 00/41284/OUT). Source of site Boys and Girls Clubs Greater Manchester suggestion CW008 - Duncan Mathieson Playing Fields and adjoining land Accessibility1 Distance to nearest rail station Eccles - 1.43km Distance to nearest metrolink station Ladywell - 1.51km Distance to nearest bus stop 0.23km Sustainable travel time to city centre 15 - 25 minutes Sustainable travel time to nearest town or local centre 5 - 15 minutes Sustainable travel time to nearest major employment area 5 - 15 minutes Sustainable travel time to nearest primary school 0 - 10 minutes Sustainable travel time to nearest secondary school 5 - 15 minutes Sustainable travel time to nearest GP surgery 0 - 10 minutes Sustainable travel time to nearest hospital 10 - 20 minutes 1 - Distances stated are straight line distances from the centre of the site. Distance to nearest rail station excludes Clifton rail station due to limited frequency of services. Distance to nearest bus stop excludes any bus stop with less than two buses per hour due to limited frequency of services. Sustainable travel time calculated on the basis of travel time via public transport (bus, rail or tram) and/or walking, using public transport service data (as at October 2011). The full range of assumptions underpinning the sustainable travel time calculations are set out in the Local Plan Suggested Sites Consultation Overview Document. CW008 – Duncan Mathieson playing fields and adjoining land Summary of issues Biodiversity The site’s location adjacent to other green spaces means that it has the potential to function as part of a wildlife corridor if developed sensitively. Soil and land The majority of the site is previously undeveloped land, with the existing buildings representing only a very small proportion of the total site area. The site has no agricultural land value and there are no significant topographical constraints affecting the ability to develop the site. Water Gilda Brook runs along the southern boundary of the site and becomes a main river where it leaves the site at its south west corner. Another watercourse runs down the western boundary of the site. There is no modelled flood risk from these watercourses but the surface water modelling suggests flooding along the western boundary and in the south west corner of the site, with depths reaching 1m in an extreme flood. Any development would need to be accompanied by a detailed flood risk assessment to establish what the risk of flooding is and ensure that any flood risk to development could be adequately mitigated without increasing flood risk elsewhere. This could mean, for example, allowing space on the site for flood storage. Landscape There are no protected trees on the site. There are a number of mature trees across the site, focused largely around the perimeter. Gilda Brook runs along the site's southern boundary. Due to their location at the periphery of the site, these landscape features would not constrain the ability of the site to be developed. Heritage and townscape There are no known heritage assets on the site or within close proximity of the site boundary. Pollution and hazards A very narrow strip of land along the site’s eastern boundary lies with an air quality management area associated with its proximity to Lancaster Road, however given the very limited area involved this is unlikely to represent any form of constraint. There are no other significant pollution or hazard issues which would constrain the development of the site for housing or recreation use. If part of the site were to be developed for housing, with the remaining part of the site accommodating improved recreation facilities and sports pitches, there would be a need to ensure that the use of the recreation facilities did not result in an CW008 – Duncan Mathieson playing fields and adjoining land unacceptable impact on residential amenity both for existing residential properties which surround the site and the new housing development. Issues of noise and light pollution would therefore be important considerations, and the design of any scheme would need to ensure appropriate mitigation was in place to prevent any unacceptable impact on residential amenity. A small part of the site is located within the Manchester Airport notification zone for structures over 90 metres, however it is very unlikely that the scale of development that would come forward in this location would mean that this represents a constraint. Accessibility Bus is the most accessible mode of public transport serving the site, as the nearest rail and metrolink stations are 1.4km and 1.5km away respectively. Access to local services and facilities is generally good, with the nearest employment area, school, town/local centre and GP surgery all able to be reached by public transport/walking within a maximum of 15 minutes. The site is an existing open space site identified in the Salford Greenspace Strategy as sports pitches (CLW/008, Duncan Mathieson Playing Fields). Based on the maximum walking distances the site has good access to half of the six types of open space covered by local recreation standards. The site is within walking distance of several parks and the majority of the site is within walking distance of a play area for older children. The site is not within walking distance of any natural greenspace, although significant proposed enhancements to the former Swinton Sewage Treatment Works and surrounding land (SWI/001) would make the entire site accessible to strategic natural greenspace. It is likely that some enabling development would be required to finance qualitative improvements to the remaining area of disused playing fields. Assuming that 3.78 hectares of the site were to be developed for housing, the remaining 7.87 hectares of the site should be subject to qualitative recreation improvements to bring the site back into recreation use. Any housing development would need to provide a play area for younger children on-site in order to avoid exacerbating existing deficiencies to this type of facility. Town centres and infrastructure The site is located reasonably close to Hope local centre (0.9km), and the nearest town centre to the site is Eccles (1.5km). It is anticipated that there will be limited impact on the development of the site from known on-site utilities infrastructure subject to prior negotiations regarding the layout, scale and type of development for this site. CW008 – Duncan Mathieson playing fields and adjoining land Overall site summary The site comprises playing fields which are largely disused. The majority of pitches on the site have been disused for a significant number of years due to the need for investment to address poor ground conditions, and it is understood that only one pitch is currently in use.