COLLECTION: Frank McCarthy Papers


DONOR: Frilnk fv1cCa rthy


SIZE: 14 1i nea r feet - 33 document boxes


BIOGRAPHICAL Af'!D SUBJECT Stn·lMARY: Frank ~1cCarthy vias born in Richmond, VA on June 8, 1912. He graduated from VNI in 1933 and worked in various journalistic positions until 1940 when he joined the War Dept. General Staff. There he served as Assistant Secretary and later Secretary of the General Staff, and also secretary to the Chief of Staff, Gen. George C. j'larshall. In 1945, McCarthy left the War Dept. and accepted a position in Hollywood with the Motion Picture Association of America McCarthy's responsibilities involved coordination of the activities of the War Dept. General Staff and Special Staff and the three major Army commands; the air forces, service forces, and ground forces. Of particulilr importance are McCarthy's extensive files on the allied conferences he ilttcndorl as Hilital'Y Secretary to Chief of Staff George C. fi larshall. While in Hollywood, HcCarthy's correspondence file included letters from Gen. and !-irs. George C. f1larshall, largely \'Iritten vlhile General f·larsha11 was on a special government mission in China in 1946.

PHYSICAL DESCl:U FTIO\'J AND ARR.ANGEi1El1T: The Frank ~lcCarthy Co 11 ecti on spans the years 1941 to 1949. It is divided into two series; the first covering McCarthy's War Dept. years 1941 to 1945 (28 boxes) and the second covering his eilrly years in Hollywood 1946-1949 (5 boxes). The McCarthy papers for the years 1941-1945 are arranged alphabetically by correspondent or subject and include: correspondence, material dealing with inspection trips, arrangements and technical planning for allied conferences, speeches, maps, photographs, and clippings. A separate correspondence file covering the years 1946 to 1949 is arranged alphabetically by correspondent and includes magazine and newspaper clippings and a collection of theatre and opera programs.


I LOCATION: George C. [·1arshall Research Foundation. Archives - Vault


The papers of Frank McCarthy were given to the George C. Marshall Research Foundation in 1976. The collection spans the years 1941 to 1949 and is divided into two distinct series. The first covers the period 1941-1945 and deals mainly with McCarthy's work in the War Department as Assistant Secretary and Secretary to the General Staff as well as Military Secretary to Chief of Staff, General George C. Marshallo Included in this first series is correspondence, material dealing with inspection trips, arrangements and technical planning for Allied conferences, speeches, maps, photographs and clippings. The latter series covers the period 1946-1949 and consists mainly of correspondence pertaining to McCarthy's work with the motion picture industry in Hollywood. Also included here are magazine and newspaper clippings and a collection of theatre and opera programs. Access to the collection is unrestricted. Extent: 14 linear feet / 33 document boxes FRAI'JK McCARTHY PAPERS Biographical Sketch

1912 born in Richmond, Va., on June 8, the son of Frank J. and Lillian (Binford) McCarthy. 1929 graduated from John Marshall High School, Richmond, Va.

1933 received AB degree from Virginia t~ilitary Institute, Lexington, Va. Upon graduation he was appointed a second lieutenant in the Field Artillery Reserve, and was awarded the Society of the Cincinnati Medal. 1933-35 instructor in English and tactical officer at V.M.I. 1935-36 police reporter for the Richmond (Va.) News Letter. 1936-37 instructor and Alumni secretary at V.M.I. 1937-39 worked for George Abbott, New York theatrical producer, handling press relations for Brother Rat, What A Life, The Bo~om Syracuse, and other plays, both in New York and on the road. He was technical advisor on the filming of Brother Ra_t at Warner Brothers, Hollywood. 1940 received a master's degree in government from the University of Virginia. 1940-41 served as Chief of Dissemination section, Military Intelligence Division, War Department General Staff. 1941-44 Assistant Secretary of the War Department General Staff and t,1ilitary Secretary to the Chief of Staff. As Assistant Secretary of the General Staff, he served as liaison officer between the General Staff and the . As Military Secretary to the Chief of Staff, General George C. Marshall, he accompanied him to Anglo - American conferences at London, Casablanca, Algiers, and Washington; to an Anglo - American ­ Chinese conference at Cairo; to Anglo - American - Russian Conferences at Teheran, Yalta and Potsdam and on a round­ the-world flight. 1944 named Secretary to the War Department General Staff. 1945 left the War Depay'tment to become Assistant Secretary of State for the U.S. Department of State. By the time he left the War Department, he had attained the rank of Colonel. Upon leaving the War Department he was decorated with the Distinguished Service Medal. He was also selected as one of America's ten outstanding young men by the United StatesJunior Chamber of Commerce for distinguished contribution to the nation!s welfare during 1945. 1946-47 named assistant to the Vice President of the Motion Picture Association of America. 1947-49 served as representative for the Motion Picture Association in Europe. 1948 served as alternate delegate to the United Nations Conference on Freedom of Information in Geneva, Switzerland. 1949-62 executive and producer at 20th Century - Fox Studios, Hollywood. 1957 commissioned Brigadier General in the United States Army Reserve. 1963 awarded the Legion of Merit. 1963-65 producer at Universal Studios, Hollywood. 1965-72 producer at 20th Century - Fox Studios, Hollywood. 1970 named Virginian of the year by the Virginia Press Association. Produced the movie Patton. It was named Best Picture of 1970 for which McCarthy received an Oscar award. (Other films produced include, Decision Before Dawn, Sailor of the ~, A Guide for the Married Man, and Fireball Forward.) 1972-Present producer for Universal Studios, Hollywood.

Memberships and Associations Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences The Producers Guild of America Motion Picture and Television Fund Motion Picture Permanent Charities Committee Chevaliers du Fastevin Council of Atlantic Union Committee UCLA Art Council University of Southern California Friends of Libraries The Los Angeles Center Theater Group Virginia Military Institute Society Virginia Historical Society Board of Trustees of the George C. Marshall Research Foundation Virginia Military Institute Foundation Barter Theater of Virginia Board of Directors of the Thomas A. Dooley Foundation FRANK MCCARTHY COLLECTION (16A) 1941-1949 SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE

The Frank McCarthy Collection spans the years 1941 to 1949. It is divided into two series; the first covering McCarthy's War Department years 1941 to 1945 (28 document boxes) and the second covering his early years in Hollywood 1946-1949. (5 document boxes) The collection for the 1941-1945 period relates to McCarthy's service as Assistant Secretary and Secretary to the General Staff, as well as military Secretary to the Chief of Staffo It was his responsibility to coordinate the activities of the War Department General and Special Staff and the three

I major Army commands; the air forces, service forces, and ground forces. i He implemented many decisions of the Chief of Staff and assisted him in the J exercise of his responsibility as a member of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and the U.S. and British Combined Chiefs of Staff. He accompanied General George C. Marshall as Military Secretary to the several international conferences of the heads of the governments and the Chiefs of Staff of the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and China in which strategic direction of the allied military forces was accomplishedo His other duties included the processing of problems requiring action or concurrence by the President of the United States, the Secretary of War, the Chief of Staff, the Deputy Chief of Staff and the War Department's several staff divisions; maintenance of an office of temporary record and recording; authentification and distribution of the decisions of the Chief of Staff; supervision of War Department cables and radios classified as secret, confidential etc.; collection of statistical information of military importance required by the Secretary of War, the Chief of Staff and his deputy and the maintenance of liaison between the Chief of Staff and the White House, the Joint and Combined Chiefs of Staff and other agencies. The McCarthy papers for the years 1941-1945 are arranged alphabetically by correspondent or subject and include: correspondence and memoranda between the War Department General Staff and the Chief of Staff, material dealing with inspection trips, arrangements and technical planning for allied conferences, speeches, maps, photographs, and clippings. Also included is correspondence with lower ranking Army personnel, many he knew before the war, regarding matters related to the war and Army regulations such as promotions, furloughs and assignments. Of particular importance are McCarthy's extensive files on the allied conferences he attended as Military Secretary to Chief of Staff, George C. Marshall. Among these were the Anglo - American conferences at London, Casablanca, and Algiers; an Anglo - American - Chinese conference at Cairo; and Anglo ­ .---,. American - Russian conferences at Teheran, Yalta and Potsdamo These files illustrate McCarthy's handling of all arrangements and technical matters pertaining to the conferences. Among the major correspondents are Bernard Baruch, Irving Berlin, Harry F. Byrd, Richard E. Byrd, James F. Byrnes, Frank Capra, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jose Ferrer, Douglas Southall Freeman, Harry Hopkins, George C. Marshall, Katherine Tupper Marshall, George Patton, John J. Pershing, Nelson Rockefeller, Eleanor Roosevelt, Edward R. Stettinius, and numerous VMI alumni. The collection contains a significant number of photographs regarding I~ World War II. Over 700 photographs document the allied conferences as well as various inspection trips during the war years. They have been filed separately in the photograph room. Also included in these papers is a separate correspondence file covering the years 1946 to 1949, a period when McCarthy left Washington and moved to Hollywood. There he was named Assistant to the Vice President of the Motion Picture Association of America and later became special representative of that organization in Europe. The papers in this file are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and include magazine and newspaper clippings and a collection of theatre and opera programs. There is very little material related to the six weeks he served as Assistant Secretary of State in the fall of 1945. Of particular interest in this latter file is the correspondence with General George C. Marshall and Mrs. Marshall, largely written while General Marshall was on a special government mission in China in 1946. Other correspondents include , Frank Capra, Mark W. Clark, Henry Cabot Lodge, Nelson Rockefeller, Edward R. Stettinius and Darryl Zanuck. FRANK McCARTHY COLLECTION (16A) Container List

Box 1 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Abbate - Andrews F-l Abbate - Abott, 1941-1945. (21) Abbate, Joe 1944 (3) Abbatt, Joseph 1945 (2) Abbott, George 1941-45 (8) Abbott, John M. K. 1942 (3) Abbott, Judy 1944 (5) F-2 Academy of Political Science, November 7-16, 1942. (16) F-3 Academy of Political Science - Adams, 1942-1945. (24) Academy of Political Science 1944 (1) Cross Ref. Ackerly, John P., Jr. 1942 (2) Ackerly, Nelson 1942 (1) Adair, Dick 1943 (14) Adams, John, Jr. 1943 (3) Adams, T. A. (Capt.) 1945 (3) F-4 Adams, Claude M., 1942-1945. (45) F-5 Adamson - Addison, 1942-1945. (3) Adamson, T. D. 1945 (2) Addison, W. Marlborough 1942 (1) F-6 Addresses. (29) Addresses 1940 (29) (Officers of the Army: Stationed in or Near the District of Columbia Oct. 1940.) F-7 Adler - Albert, 1942-1945. (18) Adler, Julius Ochs 1944 (11 ) Agrafiotis, Chris J. 1945 (1) Akin, Spencer B. 1945 (5 ) Albert, Allan 1944 (1) F-8 Albert - Alexander, 1942-1945. (17) Albert, Eddie 1942-43 (13) Albright, Col. John J. 1945 (2 ) Alexander, Major William 1944 (2 ) F-9 Algiers, 1943. (8) F-l0 Algiers - Radios - Incoming and Outgoing, 1943. (25) F-ll Algiers - Radios - Incoming and Outgoing, 1943. (20) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 1 Continued

F-12 Algiers - Radios - Incoming and Outgoing, 1943. (21) I~ F-13 Algiers - Time (Vol. 41, No. 26 - June 28, 1943) and Newspaper Clippings, 19430 (4)- F-14 Algiers - Correspondence After Return, 1943. (25) F-15 Algiers - Correspondence After Return, 1943. (28) F-16 Algiers - Correspondence After Return, 1943. (24) F-17 Algiers - Correspondence After Return, 1943. (30)

.J F-18 Algiers - Correspondence After Return, 1943. (18) Correspondence After Return, 1943. (18) .J F-19 Algiers - F-20 Algiers - Inter-Departmental Correspondence After Return, 1943. (4) F-21 Algiers - Gasoline for Field Ranges, 19430 (3) F-22 Algiers - German Prisoners of War, 1943. (3) F-23 Algiers - Part Replacements, 1943. (7) F-24 Algiers - Recretional Equipment for Ascension Island, 1943. (9) .J F-25 Algiers - Reductions in Staff Personnel, 1943. (6) .J F-26 Algiers - Training for Replacements, 1943. (5 ) F-27 Algiers - Schedules and Distances, 1943. (14 ) _I F-28 Algiers - Schedules and Arrangements, 1943. (10) F-29 Allan, C. V. - Allan, K. C., 1942-1945. (12) Allan, C. V. 1942 (4) A11 an, Ka r1 C• 1945 (8) F-30 Allan - Allen, 1943-1945. (24) Allan, Mrs. Harper C. n.d. (1) A11 an, Rupert 1945 (8) .... A11 baugh, Ruby 1943-45 (6) Allen, Mrs. Frank A. 1944-45 (3) Allen, Lt. Col. James F. 1943-44 (6) F-31 Allen, M. E. - Almond, E. Mo, 1942-1945. (11 ) Allen, Mrs. Mildred E. 1943 (2) Allston, H. (Sat.) Cross Ref. 1945 (1) Almond, E. M. (Maj. Gen.) 1942-45 (5) Almond, E. M. (Mrs.) 1945 (3) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 1 Continued

F-32 American Legion Convention, September 18, 1944. (8) F-33 American Red Cross - Anderson, Edward, 1942-1945. (24) American Red Cross 1944-45 (6) -_ ..., i Amme, Kaye (Miss) 1944 (11 ) Amory, Cl i P 1942 ~2) Anderson, Edward C. 1945 5) F-34 Anderson, Mrs. Homer E. - Andrews, Alexander, B. , 1942-19450 (8) Anderson, Mrs. Homer F. 1944 (4) Anderson, Stewart W. 1942-45 (3) Andrews, Alexander B. 1942 (1) F-35 Andrews, W. G., 1944-1945. (30)

Box 2 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Andrus - Berlin F-l Andrus, B. C. - Anthony, Charles (Miss), 1943-1945. (17) Andrus, Burton Curtis 1943 (1) Anthony, Charles (Miss) 1945 (16) F-2 Anthony, James C. - Armstrong, James, 1942-1945. (24) Anthony, James C. 1942-44 (13) Archer, W. W., Jr. 1942 (4) Armistead, F. C. 1945 (4) Armstrong, James 1943 (3) F-3 Army Band - Arnold, Mrso Ho H., 1942-45. (27) Army Band 1945 (8) Army Day Luncheon (1) I Army Hour 1942 (3) Army and Navy Club 1943 ~1) Arnold, Col. George K. 1) Arnold, H. H. 1944-45 (12 ) Arnold, Mrs. H. H. 1945 (1) F-4 Arnold, L. E. - Arundel, R. M., 1944-45. (17) Arnold, L. E. (Lt. Col.) 1944-45 (6) Arnold, Maj. To St. John 1944 (3 ) Arnold, William R. 1944-45 (4) Arons, Maj. Nathan 1944 (1) Arundel, Russell M. 1945 (3) F-5 Ashby, J. - Ashby, Mrs. J., 1943-45. (26) Ashby, James 1943-45 (18 ) Ashby, Mrs. James 1943 (8) F-6 Ashby, N. - Atkinson, Bo, 1943-45. (19 ) Ashby, Nancy 1944 (2) Ashford General Hospital 1944-45 (2) Ashman, George L. 1943 (2 ) • Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 2 Continued

II F-6 Continued .~ Asseev, Maj. Pavel N. 1944 (1) Astor, Lady Nancy 1944 (2 ) Atkinson, Brooks 1945 (10) F-7 Atkinson, E. M. - Atkinson, T., 1945. (26) Atkinson, Eo M. 1945 ~20) Atkinson, Neville 1945 ? 2) Atkinson, Mrs. Thomas 1945 ? (1) Atkinson, Tom 1945 (3) F-8 Auchincloss, S. S. - Ax, G. B., 1942-1945. (19 )

;;. Auchincloss, Col. Samuel S. 1945 (4) Aurand, H. S. (Maj. Gen.) 1942 (3) r Ayers, T. A. (Lt.) n.d. (1) , Ayers, Theodore (Capt.) 1945 (6) ~ Ayres, Cynthia n.d. (1) Ayres, Mrs. Thomas H. 1944 (3) 4 Ax, George C. n.d. (1) F-9 Bachelder, T. - Baldwin, D. , 1942-1945. (23) Bachelder, Toi (Miss) 1945 (3) Badger, Daniel B. (Lt.) 1945 (1) Bagley, Plez n.d. (2) Bailey, James A. (Sgt.) 1945 (1) Baker, Grenville K. (Lt.) n.d. (1) Baker, Herbert 1942-44 (2) Balch, Earle H. 1945 (3) Baldridge, T. W. 1942 (7) Baldwin, Dick 1942 (3) F-l0 Baldwin, J. C. - Baldwin, J. C. (Mrs.), 1943-1945. (24) Baldwin, Joseph Clark 1943-45 (21) Baldwin, Mrs. Joseph C. 1945 (3) F-ll Bane, F. - Barker, H., 1943-1945. (26) Bane, Frank 1944 (3) Bane, Mark C. (Maj.) 1943 (1) Banks, W. G. (Mrs.) 1944-45 (10) Barker, Harry W. (Pvt.) 1943-44 (12 ) F-12 Barkhurst, G. L. - Barnett, L. , 1943-1945. (19 ) Barkhurst, Maj. George L. 1943 (5) .J Barksdale, Alfred D. (Judge) 1945 (9) Barnes, James 1944-45 (3) . Barnett, Lincoln 1944 (2) F-13 Barnum, H. - Barnum, W. H. , 1943-1944. (24) Barnum, Humphrey 1943 (21)

.J Barnum, William H• 1944 (3) F-14 Barnum, Walter, 1943. (20) \....J Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 2 Continued

F-15 Barnum, Walter, 1943-1945. (21) F-16 Baroff, M. D. - Barron, M., 1942-1945. (23) Baroff, Moe D. 1944 (4) Barrett, Ray 1944 (3) Barringer, Bugs 1945 (3) Barron, Carter T. 1944-45 (8) Barron, Joseph 1942-43 (4) Barron, Mark 1944 (1) F-17 Barrows, F. M. - Barton, G. L., Jr., 1943-1945. (24) Barrows, F. M. (Col.) 1944 (5) Barrows, Roberta 1944 (1) Barton, George L., Jr. 1943-45 (18 ) F-18 Barton, G. L., III, 1943-1944. (13)

-, F-19 Baruch, Bernard, 1944-1945. (25) I F-20 Baruch, Bernard, 1944. (27) Correspondence Concerning Patrick Higgins and John B. Hyde (Major). F-21 Bassett, R. H. - Bastion, J. L, 1942-1945. (29) Bassett, Ransom H. 1942-45 (5) Bastion, 1945 (2) Bastion, J. E. (Col.) 1944-45 (22) F-22 Bastion, J. E., Mrs. - Baya, H. P., 1943-45. (26) Bastion, J. L (Mrs.) 1945 (2) Bateson, Philip (Mrs.) 1943-44 (13) Ba ttl e, B. B. (Lt. ) 1944 (2) Battley, Joseph F. 1945 (1) Baya, Harry P. 1943-44 (8) F-23 Beasley, O. H. - Beatty, J. R. A., 1942-1945. (23) Beasley, Oscar H. 1942-45 (21) Beatty, John R. A., (Mrs.) n.d. (2) F-24 Beck, C. M. - Beckhard, R., 1942-1945. (23) Beck, C. M. (Col.) 1944-45 (11 ) Becker, Mortimer 1945 (3) Beckham, M. E. (Mrs.) 1945 (3) Beckhard, Richard 1942 (6) F-25 Begley, J. P. - Belin, P. (Mrs.), 1944-1945. (12) Begley, John P. (Lt.) 1944 (8) Belin, Peter (Mrs.) 1944-45 (4) F-26 Bell, A. C. (Mrs.), 1944-45. (15) F-27 Bell, G. F. - Bell, G. F. (Mrs.), 1944-45. (23) Bell, Gordon F. 1944-45 (22) Bell, Gordon (Mrs.) n.d. (1) .. Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 2 Continued i' F-28 Bendheim, S. - Bergheim, M., 1944-45. (15 ) i~ Bendheim, Sam, Jr. 1944 (2) rl Bennett, John Wheeler 1945 (1) Benson, Roy B. (Maj.) 1944 (2) -, Bent, Jack (Capt.) 1944 (2) Benton, William 1945 (3) Berenson, Robert 1945 (4) Bergheim, Myrtle 1944 (1) F-29 Berlin, Irving, 1942-1944. (28) F-30 Berlin, Irving, 1944. (25) F-31 Berlin, Irving, 1944-1945. (25) -~ Box 3 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Berlitz School of Languages - Brown ..... ~ F-1 Berlitz School of Languages - Besler, M., 1941-1945. (20) Berlitz School of Languages 1941 (1) Bernard, George S. 1942 (6) Berry, D. Neal 1942 (5) Berry, Thornton G. 1942 (3) Besler, Max 1944-45 (5) F-2 Bette1heim, E. S. - Billings, J., 1941-1945. (21) Bette1heim, Edwin S. (Lt. Col.) 1944-45 (10) Bettger, Lyle 1943 (3) Betts, (Col.) 1941 (2) Biemdiek, Arthur O. (Capt.) 1945 (5) Billings, John 1945 (1) F-3 Binford, E. - Binford, G., 1943-1945. (23) Binford, Ella 1944-45 (8) Binford, GUy 1943-44 (15 ) F-4 Binford, Mr. and Mrs. W. C., 1944. (26) F-5 Biographies, 1945. (32) F-6 Biographical Encyclopedia of the World - Blain, S., 1942-1945. (15 ) Biographical Encyclopedia of the 1944 (4) World Bissell, Clayton (Maj. Gen.) 1945 (3) Black, William E. 1943 (6) Blake, 1942 (1) Blain, Stanton 1942 (1) F-7 B1ees, W. - Bliss, R. W., 1942-1945. (21) B1ees, William 1944 (15 ) Blick, John S. 1942 (4) Bliss, Robert Woods 1945 (2 ) 'i 1 .. Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 3 Continued

F-8 Boatright, D. R. - Bond, J., 1942-1945. (24) Boatright, David R. 1943 (3) Boatwright, Mrs. Cynthia C. 1944 (3) Bobbs Merrill Company n.d. (1) Boehnke, E. C. (Col.) 1945 (1) Boettiger, Mrs. John 1944 (11 ) Bolton, Frances P. (Congresswoman) 1944 (1) Bombs, V-l and V-2 1945 (1) Bond, Joe 1942 (3) F-9 Booker, A. P. - Books, Pocket, 1943-19440 (22) Booker, Armistead P. 1943-44 (9) Booklet, Pictorial (96th Infantry 1944 (1) Di v.) Books, Avon 1943 (3) Books, Penguin 1943 (6) Books, Pocket 1943 (3) F-l0 Borden, W. A. - Boyer, D. P., 1942-1945. (22) Borden, Wm. A. nodo (1) Boretz, Al. 1944-45 (5) Bosgieter, E. W. (Maj.) (1) Bourne, William C. 1943 (3) Bowering, B. (Col.) 1942-44 (8) Bowles, Bevius (Sgt.) 1944 (1) Bowl es, E. L. 1944 (2) Boyer, Donald P. 1942 (1) F-ll Boykin, H. P. - Brandt, A. A., 1942-1945. (18) Boyk in, H. P. 1942-44 (8) Broacken, Eddie 1945 (1) Bradley, James L. 1944 (1) Bradley, Omar 1944 (1) Bradt, Campbell G. (Maj.) 1945 (1) Brady, Dorothy 1944 (1) Brady, Fred C. (Maj.) 1942 (1) Branch, James L. 1945 (1) Branch, Marjorie 1944 (1) Brandt, Albert A. 1945 (2) F-12 Brannon, J. A. F. - Bray, J. R., 1943-1945. (27) Brannon, Jerald A. Foster 1943-44 (9) Brauer, Marie 1944 (3) Brawley, Mrs. Francis 1943 (10) Bray, James R. (Maj.) 1945 (5) F-13 Bredin, L. L. - Bridge, L., 1942-1945. (17) Bredin, Lewis L. 1944 (6) Breese, Wm. L. 1945 (6) Brentano's Book Store 1944-45 (2) Brewer, J. C. 1942 (2) Bridge, Lew (Maj.) 1945 (1) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 3 Continued

F-14 Briggs, C. B. - Bri~ham, G., 1942-1944. (24) Briggs, Charles B. (Maj.) 1942-44 (20)

.J Briggs, Ruth 1944 (2) Brigham, Gorham 1944 (2) F-15 Bright, J. - Britcher, G., 1943-1945. (21) Bright, Joan 1943-45 (7) Brill, Edmond H., Jr. 1944 (12 ) Britcher, Gordon (Maj.) 1945 (2) F-16 British Mission - Brooke, Sir A., 1942-1944. (14 ) British Mission-Dinner 12/16/42 (4) Brock, Joseph S. 1942 (1) --' Bromberg, Gertrude 1943 (7) Brooke, Field Marshal Sir Alan 1944 (2) F-17 Brooke, G. M., Jr., 1943. (25) F-18 Brooke, G. M., Jr., 1943. (25) F-19 Brooke, G. M., Jr., 1943. (19)

...... F-20 Brooke, G. M., Jr., 1943-1944. (19) F-21 Brooks, M. L., 1942-1944. (29) F-22 Broughton, H. J. - Brown, B. E., 1942-1945. (20) Broughton, Harold J. 1944 (2) Brown, Allen T. 1942-44 (10) Brown, Barbara Trigg 1945 (3) Brown, Benjamin E. 1944 (5 ) F-23 Brown, C. C., 1943-1944. (20) F-24 Brown, C. T., 1942-1943. (10) ..... F-25 Brown, C. S., 1942-1945. (29)

Box 4 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Brown - Cairo - Teheran - Oran and Tunis Arrangements for Arrivals and Departures F-l Brown, E. F. - Brown, R. L., 1942-1945. (24) Brown, Edward F 1945 (2) Brown, Harvey C. 1942-45 (17) Brown, M. M. (Lt. Col.) n.d. (1) Brown, M. M. (Mrs.) 1943 (2) Brown, Madge 1945 (1) Brown, Ra 1ph L. (Maj.) 1945 (1) - Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 4 Continued

F-2 Brownjohn, N. C. C. - Bryan, O. F., 1943-1945. (24) Brownjohn, N. C. C. (Maj. Gen.) 1944 (12 ) Bryan, John Stewart 1943 (2) Bryan, Jonathan 1945 (2) Bryan, Nellie 1945 (1) Bryan, Otis F. 1943-44 (7) F-3 Bryan, R. C. - Bryan, T. P., Jr., 1943-1945. (23) Bryan, Robert C. (Mrs.) 1943-45 (16) Bryan, Thomas P. 1945 (6) Bryan, Thomas P., Jr. (1)

F-4 Bryan, T. P. (Mrs.) - Bryden, W., 1942-1945 0 (17) Bryan, T. P. (Mrs.) 1942-45 (16 ) Bryden, William (MG) 1942 (1) F-5 Buchanan, R. - Buck, G., 1942-1945. (24) Buchanan, Reggie 1942-44 (10) Bucher, Ollie B. 1943-45 (10) Buck, Gene 1945 (4) F-6 Buckley, J. W. - Bundy, H. Ho, 1943-1945. (13) Buckley, John W. (Lt.) 1943 (1) BUford, A. S. III (Mrs.) 1945 (5) Buford, W. C. (Mrs.) 1945 (2) Bull, H. R. (Gen.) 1943 (2) Bumgardner, Rudolph (Lt. Col.) 1944 (2) Bundy, Harvey H. 1945 (1)

F-7 Burgess, C. - Burghley, L., 1944-1945. (23) Burgess, Carter 1944-45 (20) Burgess, Carter (Mrs.) n.d. (1) Burgh1ey, Lord 1944 (2 ) F-8 Burke, J. O. (Mrs.) - Burke, J. W., Jr., 1942-1945. (16 ) Burke, James O. (Mrs.) 1942-44 (4) Burke, John W. (Dr. &Mrs.) 1945 (5) Burke, J. W., Jr. 1943 (7) I . ~ F-9 Burke, K. M. - Burr, J. G., 1944-1945. (24) Burke, Kenneth M. 1944 (15 ) Burke, M. O. n.d. (1) Burke, Peggy n.d. (1) Burr, John G. (Lt. Col.) 1945 (7) F-l0 Burress, B. - Business and Professional Women's Club, 1943-1945. (17) Burress, Bill n.d. (1) Burress, John W. 1944 (2) Burress, Withers A. (MG) 1943-44 (8) Bush, Dr. Vannevar 1944 (4) Business and Professional Women's 1945 (2) Club Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 4 Continued

. F-ll Bussey, Donald S., 1943-1945. (29) .(; F-12 Butcher, H. - Buxton, G. E., 1942-1944. (21) Butcher, Harry (Capt.) 1942-44 (8) Butcher, Harry (Mrs.) 1943 (1) Butcher, Kenneth 1944 (5) ,1 Butt1es, Bruce 1942 (1) Button, Joseph (Mrs.) 1943-44 (4) Buxton, G. Edward 1944 (2) j F-13 Byrd, B. B. - Byrd, H. F., 1943-1945. (11) Byrd, Bradshaw Beverly 1943-44 (6) Byrd, Harry Flood 1945 (5 ) F-14 Byrd, H. F., Jr., 1943-1945. (22) F-15 Byrd, R. L, 1942-1943. (21) F-16 Byrd, R. E. - Byrnes, J. F., 1943-1945. (26) Byrd, Richard E. 1943-44 (20) Byrne, John T. 1943-44 (3 ) Byrne, W. F. 1944 (1 ) Byrnes, James F. 1945 (2) F-17 Cabell, J. B. - Cabell, W., 1944. (36) Cabell, John B. (Maj.) 1944 (7) Cabell, John L. 1944 (2) Cabell, Wymond 1944 (27) F-18 Cairo - Teheran - President's Return Trip, Nov.-Dec. 1943. (14) F-19 Cairo - Teheran - Jerusalem, Nov.-Dec. 1943. (7)

F':'20 Cairo - Teheran - Radios - Incoming and Outgoing (Sexton) , Nov.-Dec. 1943. (25) F-21 Cairo - Teheran - Radios - Incoming and Outgoing (Sexton), Nov.-Dec. 1943. (21 ) F-22 Cairo - Teheran - Radios - Incoming and Outgoing (Sexton), Nov.-Dec. 1943. (19 ) F-23 Cairo - Teheran - Radios - Incoming and Outgoing (General), Nov.-Dec. 1943. (25) F-24 Cairo - Teheran - Radios - Incoming and Outgoing (Genera 1) , Nov.-Dec. 1943. (24) F-25 Cairo - Teheran - Radios - Incoming and Outgoing (General), Nov.-Dec. 1943. (23) F-26 Cairo - Teheran - Teheran Transportation Quarters, Nov.-Dec. 1943. (22) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 4 Continued

F-27 Cairo - Teheran - Cairo Publicity Re Conference, Nov.-Dec. 1943. (5) F-28 Cairo - Teheran - Cai~. - Transportation Qaurters, Nov.-Dec. 1943. (32) F-29 Cairo - Teheran - Oran and Tunis - Arrangements for Arrivals and Departures, Nov.­ Dec. 1943. (23) -- F-30 Cairo - Teheran - Oran and Tunis - Arrangements for Arrivals and Departures, Nov.­ Dec. 1943. (23) . J Box 5 u.s. Army, 1941-1945. Cairo - Teheran - Preliminary Arrangements - Cary F-l Cairo - Teheran - Preliminary Arrangements, Nov.-Dec. 1943. (12) F-2 Cairo - Teheran - Round the World, 1943-1944. (11) F-3 Cairo - Teheran - Round the World - Correspondence After Return, 1943-1944. (25) F-4 Cairo - Teheran - Round the World - Correspondence After Return, 1943. (25) _J F-5 Cairo - Teheran - Round the World - Correspondence After Return, 1943. (35) F-6 Cairo - Teheran - Round the World - Teheran - Correspondence, 1943. (14) F-7 Cairo - Teheran - Round the World - Cairo - Correspondence, 1943. (8) F-8 Cairo - Teheran - Round the World - Oran and Tunis - Correspondence, 1943. (10) -- F-9 Cairo - Teheran - Round the World - Miscellaneous, 1943. (25) F-10 Cairo - Teheran - Round the World - Photographs, 1943. (12) F-ll Cairo - Teheran - Round the World - Christmas Lists, 1943. (14) F-12 Cairo - Teheran - Round the World - Itinerary, 1943. (8) F-13 Caldwell, H. M. - Camp, J. , 1942-1945. (15) Caldwell, H. M. (Sgt.) 1943 (1) Ca 1fee, Lee P. (Dr.) 1945 (3) Ca 11, Joe 1942-45 (5) Callahan, North (Maj.) 1945 (1) Camp, Jack 1943 (5) F-14 Camp, J.M., 1942-1943. (26) F-15 Camp, J.M., 1943-1944. (26) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 5 Continued

II F-16 Camp, J. M., 1944. (25) III GA,- 4. F-17 Camp, J. M., 1944-1945. (22) F-18 Camp, J. M., 1945. (22) 'j F-19 Camp Pickett and Moore Gen. Hosp., April 1943. (27) F-20 Campbell, A. - Campbell, T. W., 1942-1945. (22) Campbe 11, Alan 1942 (1) Campbell, Craig 1943-44 (11 ) Campbell, Edmund S. 1945 (2) Campbell, J. L. (Lt. Col.) 1945 (7) Campbell, Thornton W. 1942 (1) F-21 Caperton, L. M. - Capra, F., 1942-19450 (20) Caperton, Lucien M. 1942-45 (4) Capra, Frank 1943-45 (16 ) F-22 Caravati, H. - Carr, Jo, 1942-1945. (29) Caravati, Henry 1945 (11 ) Caravella, Louis Po 1944 (1) Carmichael, H. St. George Tucker, 1943-44 (6) Jr. Carpenter, John M. 1942 (2) Carr, Jimmy 1944-45 (2) Carr, Julian 1942-45 (7) F-23 Carrington. H. P. - Carson, W. E., 1942-1945. (22) Carrington, Henry P. (Mrs.) 1945 (14) Carroll, Eugene L. 1942 (2 ) Carruthers, Edward J. 1944 (1) Carson, William E. (Mrs.) n.d. (4) Carson, William E. n.d. (1) F-24 Carter, B. P. - Carter, R. P., 1942-1945. (25) Carter, Bernard P. 1942 (20) Carter, Pat (Col.) 1945 (1) Carter, Richard Po 1943 (4) F-25 Carter, S. L. - Cartwri ght, W., 1942-1944. (24) Carter, Spencer L. 1942-43 (10) Carter, Taylor 1943-44 (4) Cartwright, Wilburn (Maj.) 1942-44 (10) F-26 Cary, H. - Cary, W. D., 1943-1945. (11 ) Cary, Hunsdon 1943 (2) Cary, William Miles 1943-45 (6) Cary, Wilson D. (Lt.) 1943 (3) I ...t Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 6

Box 6 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Casablanca - Casablanca Conference F-l Casablanca, January, 1943. (9) F-2 Casablanca - Correspondence After Return, 1943, A-B. (25) F-3 Casablanca - Correspondence After Return, 1943, C-Gai. (24) F-4 Casablanca - Correspondence After Return, 1943, Gay-H. (23) F-5 Casablanca - Correspondence After Return, 1943, I-Mon. (25) F-6 Casablanca - Correspondence After Return, 1943, Moo-T. (24) F-7 Casablanca - Correspondence After Return, 1943, T-W. (24) F-8 Casablanca - Equipment, 1943. (18) F-9 Casablanca - Equipment, 1943. (20) F-10 Casablanca - Equipment, 1943. (26) F-1l Casablanca - Equipment, 1943. (24) F-12 Casablanca - Equipment, 1943. (28) F-13 Casablanca Finances, 1943. (7) F-14 Casablanca - ANFA (Quarters, Transportation, Communication Facilities, 1943. (16) F-15 Casablanca - Messages Regarding Return, 1943. (25) F-16 Casablanca - Messages Regarding Return, 1943. (26) F-17 Casablanca - Incoming and Outgoing Messages, 1943. (17) ___ J F-18 Casablanca - Messages Re Arrival in Bathurst, 1943. (23) F-19 Casablanca - Messages Re Arrival in Belem and Natal, 1943. (36) F-20 Casablanca - Preliminary Arrangements, 1943. (18) F-2l Casablanca - Preliminary Arrangements, 1943. (26) F-22 Casablanca - Preliminary Arrangements, 1943. (19) F-23 Casablanca - Outgoing Messages, Jan., 1943. (25) F-24 Casablanca - Outgoing Messages, Jan., 1943. (28) F-25 Casablanca - Incoming Messages, Jan., 1943. (25) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 6 Conti nued

F-26 Casablanca - Incoming Messages, Jan., 1943. (25) F-27 Casablanca - Incoming Messages, Jan., 1943. (26) F-28 Casablanca - Incoming Messages, Jan., 1943. (30) I! F-29 Casablanca Conf. (7)

Box 7 U.S. Army, 1941-19450 Casad - Clewis F-l Casad, Campbell - Cavedo, No, 1942-19450 (17) Casad, Campbell 1945 (3) Case, Joe, Jr. 1942 (1) Caskie, Hamilton Bo 1942 (2 ) Cason, Edward T. 1943 (3) Cavanaugh, Helen 1945 (3) Cavedo, Norman L. 1942 (5) F-2 Cecil, Jo M. - Chambliss, J. Ao, 1943-1945. (22) Cecil, James Mo 1943-45 (5) Cecil, John H. (Mrso) 1944 (4) Century Sentinel 1944 (1) Chamber of Commerce (Va.) n.d. (1) Chamberlin, Sally 1944-45 (5) Chambers, D. L. 1944 (5 ) Chambliss, John A. 1945 (1) F-3 Chance 11 or, J. E. - Charrington, R. (Mrs.), 1942-1945. (23) Chance 11 or, J. Edgar 1943-44 (5) Chandler, Dan 1932 (1) Chaney T/4 n.d. Chapman, Belia 1943 (5) Chapman, E. G. 1943 (1 ) Chapman, Wade 1942 (4) Charrington, Betsy n.d. (1) Charrington, Randolph (Mrs.) 1943-45 (6) F-4 Charrington, R. - Chase, C. R., 1942-1945. (24) Charrington, Randolph 1942-45 (16 ) Charrington, Peter 1944 (2) Chase, Clarence R. (Lt. Col.) 1945 (6) F-5 Chase, I. - Cheek, L., 1943-1945. (31) Chase, Il ka 1944 (1) Chaves, A. B. (Sgt.) 1944 (1) Cheek, James H. 1943-45 (16 ) Cheek, Leslie 1943-44 (13 ) F-6 Cheek, L. (Mrs.) - Cheyne, W. E., 1943-1945. (14) Cheek, Leslie (Mrs.) 1943-45 (5 ) Cheves, Go Xo 1944-45 (6) Chevy Chase Country Club 1944 (1) Cheyne, W. Eo 1944 (2 ) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 7 Continued I .. F-7 Chorley, K., 1943-1944. (31) F-8 Chorley, K., 1945. (28) F-9 Christmas Cards, 1944, A-B. (15) J F-10 Chri stmas Cards, 1944, C-F. (16) F-ll Christmas Cards, 1944, G-H. (18) F-12 Christmas Cards, 1944, J-L. (13) F-13 Christmas Cards, 1944, M-N~. (13) F-14 Christmas Cards, 1944, P-S. (23) F-15 Christmas Cards, 1944, T-Y. (14) F-16 Christian, B. - Churchill, W. S., 1943-1945. (13) Christian, Bill 1945 (5) Christmas Seals 1943-44 (2) Church, Ralph E. nodo (1) Churchi 11, Mary 1943 (1) Churchill, Winston S. 1944-45 (4) F-17 Circulars, 1942-1945. (26) F-18 Clark, F. - Clark, M., 1944-1945. (29) (4) I Clark, Frank (Capto) 1944-45 ...J Clark, Harold P• 1945 (8) Clark, Mr. James Ro 1945 (5) Clark, Mark (Mrs.) 1945 (10) Clark, Mark 1945 (2) F-19 Clarkson, B. B. - Clay, S. (Mrs.), 1942-1945. (25) Clarkson, B. B. 1942 (2) Claudy, Carl H. 1944 (6) Clay, Mrs. Samuel 1943-45 (17)

--~ F-20 Claytor, C. Lo - Clewis, R. M., 1942-1945. (19) Claytor, C.oL. (Col.) 1945 (4) Clewis, Richard Martin 1942 (15)

Box 8 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Cocke - Dill F-l Cocke, W. Ho (Mrs.) - Coleman, T. S.,1942-1945. (25) Cocke, Mrs. W. H. 1943 (4) Cockey, E. A. (Capt.) 1944 (3) t Cadman, Charles R. (Lt. Col.) 1945 (5) - Col e, Ashl ey To 1945 (1) Coleman, Carlisle 1942 (1) Coleman, Thomas So 1944 (11 ) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 8 Continued

F-2 Coleridge, R. D. - Commendation Letters, 1942-1944. (12 ) Coleridge, R. D. 1942-44 (3) Collins, Thomas Wall 1942 (2) Colonna, B. A. 1943 (2) I Colonna, Leonard P. 1944 (1) j Colvin, Jay W. 1942 (3) J Commendation Letters 1944 (1) _. F-3 Conquest, E. P., 1942-1944. (22) F-4 Conroy, F. P., 1942-1943. (23) F-5 Conroy, J. S. - Cooper, H. 0., 1943-1944. (9) Conroy, John S. (Maj.) 1943-44 (3) Coolidge, William A. 1944 (1) Cooper, Basil P. (Maj.) 1943 (3) Cooper, H. OIB 1943 (2) F-6 Corle, Edwin, 1942-1945. (33) F-7 Cornell, K. - Cortazzo, F., 1944-1945. (25) Cornell, Katherine 1945 (14 ) Cornwall-Jones 1945 (3) Cortazzo, F. 1944-45 (8)

F-8 Costello - Couper, W., 1942-1944. (23) Costello, Sgt. 1943 (1) Cottrell, R. Stuart, Jr. 1942 (8) Cottrell, Walker C. 1944 (2) Couper, William (Col.) 1942-44 (12 )

I F-9 Cox, L, 1943-1945. (27) i --i F-10 Coxe, S. - Crim, H. G., 1943-1945. (15) Coxe, Simeon 1944 (8) Craig, Malin (Gen.) 1943-44 (2) Crawford, Linden 1943 (1) Creath, Walter Ao 1945 (3) Crim, Howell G. 1944 (1) F-ll Crystal, T. L., 1943-1944. (27) F-12 Culpepper, J. H., 1942-1943. (27) F-13 Culpepper, J. H., 1943-1945. (23) F-14 Culver, E. R. - Curtis, W. F., 1943-1945. (22) Culver, L R. 1943-44 (3) Cunningham, John K. (Lt. Col.) 1943 (3) Curley, John (Capt.) 1943 (3) - Curtis, Warren Forrest (Mrs.) 1944-45 (13 ) 1 iI Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 8 Continued

F-15 Cutchins, J. A. - Cutler, R., 1942-1944. (37) Cutchins, John A. (Col.) 1942-44 (31) Cutler, Robert (Col.) 1945 (6) F-16 Dalton, J. H. - Davis, D. F., 1942-1944. (23) Dalton, Joe N. 1943 (1) Da ly and Rogers 1943 (1) Daniel, C. G. H. 1942 (2) Dantzler, D. B. (Capt.) 1944 (2) Darling, Henry (Maj.) 1943-44 (12) Davenport, B. W. 1944 (3) Davidson, Jesse (Maj.) 1942 (1) Davis, Dwight F. 1942 (1) F-17 Davis, H. W. - Dayhuff, C. H., 1942-1945. (19) Davis, Horace W. 1942-43 (8) Davis, M. Roderick 1945 (2) Dayhuff, Charles H. 1943-44 (9) F-18 Darnall, J., 1945. (25) F-19 Darnall, J., 1945. (25) F-20 Darnall, J., 1945. (23) F-21 Dean, M. S. - Deane, J. R., 1942-1945. (26) Dean, Maurice S. (Lt.) 1942-45 (8) Dean, Paul Edison 1945 (2) Deane, John R. (Mrs.) 1944-45 (10) Deane, John R. (Maj. Gen.) 1944-45 (6) F-22 Deane, R. - Dementi, F., 1942-1945. (24) Deane, Russ (Gen.) 1945 (3) DeButts, Harry 1942 (5) Decherd, H. Ben (Lt. Col.) 1945 (1) Deckard, Wilmer 1945 (2) Decker, Jane Elizabeth 1945 (3) Deckerd, Ben 1945 (1) Deems, Clarence 1945 (4) Deford, Robert B. Jr. 1945 (3) Dehaven, C. T. (Lt. Col.) 1945 (1) Dementi, Frank 1944 (1) F-23 Dennison, L. (Mrs.) - Dew, 1. R., 1942-1945. (12) Dennison, Lillian (Mrs.) 1944-45 (2) Denton, O. L. n.d. (1) Derbyshire, George A. (Col.) 1942 (2) Devers, Jacob L. (Lt. Gen.) 1944 (2) Dew, Thomas R. 1942-45 (5) F-24 DeWitt, P., 1942-1945. (25) Frank McCarthy Coll ection (16A) Box 8 Continued

F-25 Deyo, L. - Dill, J. G., 1942-1945. (22) Deyo, Lila 1944 (6) Dickey, Woodrow Wo (Capt.) 1945 (3) Dickinson, Obie 1943 (4) Di 11, John G. 1943-45 (9) F-26 Dill, Field Marshall Sir John, 1942-1944. (17)

Box 9 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Dill - Dunton F-l Dill, Field Marshal Sir John (Funeral Arrangements For) 19440 (22) F-2 Dill, Field Marshal Sir John (Funeral Arrangements For) 19440 (24) F-3 Dill, Field Marshal Sir John,,(Funeral Arrangements For) 19440 (22) F-4 Dill, Field Marshal Sir John (Funeral Arrangements For) 1944. (24) F-5 Dill, Field Marshal Sir John (Funeral Arrangements For) 19440 (18) F-6 Dill, Field Marshal Sir 'John '(Funeral 'Arrangements For) 19440 (22) F-7 Dill, N. (Lady) - Dinner Party, 19L1.2-1945. (23) Dill, Lady Nancy 1944 (8) Dillard, Herbert N. 1942 (6) Dill ard, John L. 1943-45 (5) Dingman, Neville W. 1942 (1) Dinner Party n.d. (2) Dinner Party for Officers of the 1944 (1) Secretariat F-8 Dinse, C. W. - Dittler, H. A. (Mrs.), 1943-1945. (29) Dinse, Charles W. (Capt.) 1943-45 (4) Disgne, Mrs. William A. n.d. (1) Dittler, Mrs. Herbert A. 1943-44 (24) F-9 Diuguid, F. S. - Dobson, F. M., 1942-1945. (23) Diuguid, Frank So (Maj.) 1942-45 (15 ) Dixon, Ro E. 1943 (2) Dobson, Frank M. 1944 (6) F-l0 Dobson, J. W. - Dobyns, S., 1943-1945. (27) Dobson, John W. (Maj.) 1945 (6) Dobson, John (Mrs.) 1945 (3) Dobyns, Sam 1943-45 (18 ) F-ll Dodderidge, R. A. - Dodenhoff, D. r., 1943-1944. (9) Dodderidge, R. A. n.d. (2) Dodderidge, Robert R. 1943 (2) Dodderidge, W. H. 1943 (2) Dodenhoff, David I. 1944 (3) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 9 Continued

F-12 Doeller, W. (Mrs.), 1942-1945. (28) I~ F-13 Doll, B. - Dornin, R. E., 1943-1945. (25) Doll, Bi 11 1943 (8) Donaldson, Chase 1943 (1) Donegan, Edgar 1944 (1) Donnan, Edloe III 1945 (1) Donnan, Edloe (Mrs.) 1944 (2) Donnelly, Howard (Col.) 1944 (2) Donovan, William J. (BG) 1944 (2) Doolens, Humphrey 1943-44 (5) Dornin, Robert E. (CMDR) 1945 (3) F-14 Dorrance, G. - Dunton, E. L., 1942-1945. (28) Dorrance, Gordon (Lt. Col.) 1945 (2) Douglas, L. W. 1944 (1) Dowd, Franci s A. 1943 (7) Doyle, Brian 1945 (1) Doyle, Michael Ernest III 1942 (1) Drake, John No 1942 (3) Drury, Joseph Eo 1944-45 (3) Duane, Joseph S. 1944 (1) Duck, William O. 1943-44 (3) Dufrenne, Martin F. 1945 (1) Duffy, J. J. (Lt. Col.) 1944 (3) Dunn, James Clement 1945 (1) Dunton, Eva Louise 1945 (1)

Box 10 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Eagles - Fort Jackson (Mr. Churchill)-Program and Messages F-l Eagles, W. B. - Early, S. T., Jr., 1942-1945. (33) Eagles, W. B. 1942 (2) Eaker, Ira C. (Lt. Gen.) 1945 (2) Earle Theatre n.d. (1) Early, Steve 1942-45 (20) Early, Steve To, Jr. 1943-44 (8) F-2 Easley, Jo S., 1942-1945. (38) F-3 Eben, M. - Edens, W. A., 1942-1945. (23) Eben, Mary 1943-45 (7) Ebersole, Elmer E. 1944 (3) Echols, Marion P. (Col.) 1942-44 (10) Echols, William M. 1942 (1) Eden, Anthony 1943 (1) Edens, Walter A. 1942 (1) F-4 Edmondson, J. P. - Eichenberger, G. A., 1942-1945. (20) Edmondson, John P. 1942 (8) Edmonston, Charles 1942 (1) Edmunds, Paul C. III (Maj.) 1943-45 (8) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 10 Continued

F-4 Continued Edwards, Horace H. 1944 (1) Edwards, M. F. 1942 (1) Eichenberger, Geneveve A. 1945 (1 ) F-5 Einfeld, C. - Eisenhower, D., 1942-1945. (30) Einfeld, Charles 1943-45 (15) Eisenhower, DWight D. 1943-45 (15) F-6 Eisenhower Visit - Cprrespondence, January, 19440 (28) F-7 Eisenhower Visit - Miscellaneous Memoranda, January, 1944. (13) F-8 Eisenhower Visit - Arrangements On Departure, January, 19440 (9) F-9 Eisenhower Visit - Schedules and Appointments in D.C., January, 1944. (10) F-10 Eisenhower Visit - White Sulphur Springs - Fort Riley, January, 1944. (10) F-11 Eisenhower Visit - Arrangements On Arrival, January, 1944. (14) F-12 Eisenhower Visit - Messages Re Arrival And Departure, January, 1944. (16) F-13 Eisenhower, D. D. (Mrs.) ­ Emerson, F. B., 1942-1945. (30) Eisenhower, D. D. (Mrs.) 1944 (5) Eisenhower, John 1944 (1) Elansky, Mrs. H. 1945 (4) Elkin, Dan (Col.) 1945 (3) Elliman, Lawrence Bo (Majo) 1945 (5 ) Ellington, Clyde Leonard 1945 (3) Elliot, Benjamin Bruce 1942 (1) Elliot, Milton T. 1944 (2) Elliot, Warren n.d. (1) Ellis, W. A. 1943 (2) Emerson, F. B. 1943-44 (3) F-14 England - Correspondence, July, 1942. (24) F-15 England - Correspondence, July, 1942. (24) F-16 England - Arrangements and Schedules, July, 1942. (27) F-17 England - Arrangements and Schedules, July, 1942. (26) F-18 Englert, D. - Escudero (Gen.) (Visit from Chile), March, 1943. (31) Englert, D. (lst Lt.) 1944 (1) Ensel, Lee (Capto) 1943 (1) Epps, Jack L. 1942 (14) Escudero, Gen. (Visit of - Chile) March, 1943 (15 ) F-19 Estry, R. - Ewell, T., 1943-1945. (24) Estry, Roland 1944 (1) ~ Ethridge, Mark 1943 (16 ) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 10 Continued

F-19 Continued Evans, Robert W. W. 1943 (2) (The) Evening Star 1944 (1) Everett, Corporal 1944-45 (3) Ewell, Tom 1945 (1) F-20 Face, S. - Farley, J. A., 1944-1945. (30) Face, Ski pper 1944 (1) Face, William H. (Capt.) 1945 (7) Face, William H. (Mrs.) 1945 (2) Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr. 1945 (3) Farley, James A. 1944-45 (17) F-21 Farley, M. - Faulkner, W., 1943-1945. (29) Farley, Morgan 1943-44 (5) Fasque, George (Maj.) 1943 (3) Faulkner, Clark 1944 (1) Faulkner, Wert 1944-45 (20) F-22 Feamster, F. C. - Ferrell, W., 1942-1945. (24) Feamster, Felix C. 1942 (1) Feder, Abe H. 1944-45 (9) Federation of Women's Clubs 1944 (3) (Virginia) Fehlhaber, 1942 (1) Felton, Raleigh M., Jr. (Sgt.) 1944 (1) Fenard, Raymond 1944 (1) Ferguson, Bill 1944 (4) Ferguson, Thomas D. (Col.) n.d. (1) Ferguson, Thomas D. (Mrs.) 1944 (1) Ferrell, William 1942 (2) F-23 Ferrer, J. - Fields, W., 1942-1945. (28) Ferrer, Jose 1942-45 (12 ) Fields, William 1943-45 (16 ) F-24 Finklehoffe, F. - Finnegan, R. A., 1942-1945. (12) Finklehoffe, Fred F. 1942 (3) Finley, John L. (1st Lt.) 1945 (2) Finnegan, Richard A. 1945 (7) F-25 Fisher, C., 1942-1943. (27) F-26 Fisher, C., 1943-1945. (24) F-27 Fisk, R. - Fletcher, H., 1942-1945. (23) Fisk, Rebekah 1943 (1) Fitch, Burdette (Col.) n.d. (1) Fitzgerald, 1945 (2) Flag, United States 1944 (6) Flanagan, Roy (Lt. Col.) 1944 (2) Fleet, Rutherford, Jr. 1942 (4) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 10 Continued

F-27 Continued I ~ Fleharty, Lt. H. D. 1944 (1) Fletcher, Howard 1943 (6) F-28 Fogelson, E. - Foresman, R. A., Jr., 1942-1945. (25) Fogelson, Eligah 1942 (1) Foley, Nicholos Joseph 1944 (1) Folger, John Clifford 1945 (2) Flotz, Aubrey 1942 (6) Foreign Service Association 1945 (2) Foresman, R. A. 1943 (5) Foresman, R. A. (Mrs.) 1942-44 (6) Foresman, Robert A., Jr. 1942 (2) F-29 Forsberg, G. S. - Fort, R. E., 1942-1945. (11) Forsberg, Franklin S. (Col.) 1945 (2) Forster, Ralph P. (Maj.) 1944 (1) Forster, Rudolph 1942 (1) Forster, Warren H. 1943 (2) Fort, Rufus E. (Maj. Gen.) 1943-45 (5) F-30 Fort Jackson (Mr. Churchill), June, 1942. (3) F-31 Fort Jackson (~r. Churchill) - Correspondence, June, 1942. (22) F-32 Fort Jackson (Mr. Churchill) - Correspondence, June, 1942. (22) F-33 Fort Jackson (Mr. Churchill) - Schedules, June, 1942. (16) F-34 Fort Jackson (Mr. Churchill) - Program and Messages, June, 1942. (12)

Box 11 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Fort Myer, Virginia - Goetz F-l Fort Myer, Virginia, 1945. (1) F-2 Fort Myer, Virginia, 1944. (21) F-3 Fort Myer, Virginia, 1944. (20) F-4 Foster, B. - Fox, P. D., 1942-1944. (23) Foster, Bruce 1942 (8) Foster, MacNeece 1944 (2 ) Fox, Donald L. 1943 (11 ) Fox, P. D. 1944 (2) F-5 Foy, R. E., 1943-1944. (15) F-6 France-Italy, Correspondence After Return, Aug. 8-31, 1944. (25) F-7 France-Italy, Correspondence After Return, Aug. 8-31, 1944. (25) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 11 Continued

F-8 France-Ita)y, Correspondence After Return, Aug. 8-31, 1944. (27) .. ~ J F-9 France-Italy, Itinerary, Aug. 8-31, 19440 (14) " F-l0 France-Italy, Eau-de-Vie, Aug. 8-31, 1944. (3) F-l1 France-Italy, Miscellaneous, Aug. 8-31, 1944. (12) F-12 Francis, J. T. - Franz, C., 1942-1945. (35) Francis, James T. (Sgt.) 1943-44 (9) Franz, Charles 1942-45 (26) F-13 Fray, J. - Freeman, C. W., 1943-1945 0 (17) Fray, John (Col.) 1944 (9) Frazier, Thomas G. 1945 (3) Freeman, Arthur 1943 (2) Freeman, Clarence W. 1945 (3) F-14 Freeman, D. S., 1942-1943. (26) F-15 Freeman, D. S., 1943. (25)

F-16 Freeman, D. S., 1943-1944. (25) F-17 Freeman, D. S., 1944. (25) F-18 Freeman, D. S., 1944-1945. (35) F-19 Front Royal Remount Depot - Fuller, R., 1944-1945. (18) Front Royal Remount Depot 1945 (1) Frye, William 1944 (3) Fuller, Robert 1944-45 (14) F-20 Gabler, W. S. - Gaines, F. P., 1942-1945. (18) Gabler, Walter S. 1944 (6) Gailey, Col. 1942 (2) Gaines, Francis P. 1942-45 (10) F-21 Gale, W. P. - Garde, B., 1942-1945. (25) Gale, William P. (Maj.) 1943-45 (18 ) Gallagher, P. E. (Col.) 1942 (2) Gal1eher, James E. 1944 (1) Gard, Lorena E. 1944 Garde, Betty 1943 g~ F-22 Gardiner - Garrity, J. J., 1942-1945. (27) Gardiner, 1942 (1) Garlington, Alexandrine n.d. (1) Garnett, A. Y. P. (Mrs.) 1942 (5) Garnett, Audrey D. (Mrs.) 1944 (2) Garnett, Theodore S. 1943 (5) Garnett, Yelverton, Jr. 1944 (1) Garrett, Margin 1945 (1) Garrity, John J. 1942 (11) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 11 Continued

F-23 Gauld, C. A. - Gebert, H. H., 1943-1945. (25) l~ Gauld, Charles A. 1945 (2) Gault, James (Col.) 1945 (1) Gay, Hobart 1944 (13) Gayle, Joe (Mr. and Mrs.) 1943 (8) Gebert, Harold H. 1945 (1) F-24 Geddy, V. - Gellatly, J. A., 1943-1945. (9) Geddy, Vernon 1943-45 (8) Gellatly, John A. 1945 (1) F-25 General Officers List (Education), 1944. (50) F-26 General Officers List (Education), 1944. (47) F-27 General Staff Identification Badge - German, La, 1944-1945. (24) General Staff Indentification Badge1945 (1) George, H.L. (Lt. Gen.) 1945 (2) George, J. F. (Lt. Col.) 1945 (14 ) Gerard, J. W. (Maj.) 1945 (1) Gerhardt, Harrison A. (Col.) 1945 (2) German, Leslie (Col.) 1944 (4) F-28 Gibb, D. C. - Gilliam, B. M., 1942-1944. (24) Gibb, Duncan C. 1942 (2) Gibbs, Wallace P. 1944 (3 ) Gibson, Charles Dana (Mrs.) n.d. (1) Gilder, Rosamond 1943 (5) Gillen, E. F. (Corporal) 1944 (7) Gilliam, B. M. 1942-43 (6) F-29 Gilliam, E. - Gilmer, D., 1942-1945. (26) Gi 11 iam, Ell en 1943 (2) Gilliam, Frank J. 1942 (7) Gilliam, James R., Jr. 1944-45 (7) Gilliam, Robert S. 1944 (2) Gilmer, Dan 1944 (1) Gilmer, Dan (Mrs.) 1943 (7) F-30 Glasgow, C. S. - Goetz, R. C. F., 1942-1945. (22) Gl asgow, C. S. 1944 (6) Glass, Carter, Jr. (Lt. Col.) 1942-45 (11 ) Godchildren of Col. McCarthy n.d. (1) Goddin, Alfred P. 1945 (3) Goetz, R. C. F. (Col.) 1945 (1)

Box 12 u.S. Army, 1941-1945. Goforth - Hazen F-l Goforth, W. W. (Mrs.) - Gooch, R. La,1942-1944. (24) Goforth, William W. (Mrs.) 1942-44 (13) Goldsmith, Theodore 1943 (5) Gontrum, Ralph W. (Lt. Col.) 1942-44 (5) Gooch, R. La n.d. (1) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 12 Continued

F-2 Gooch, R. - Goolrick, C. B., 1942-1944. (26) j~ Gooch, Robert 1944 (1) Gooch, Robert Kent 1942 (2) Gooch, Watson P., Jr. 1942 (5) Goodwin, Rutherfoord 1943 (3) Goodwyn, Charles 1943-44 (8) Goolrick, Chester B. (Lt. &Mrs.) 1942-44 (7) F-3 Goolrick, C. 0., 1945. (37) F-4 Gordon, D. - Governor's Conference, 1942-1945. (10) Gordon, Douglas 1944-45 (4) Gordon, John 1942 (2) Gouax, J. n.d. (1) Gould, J. H. (Lt. Col.) 1944 (2) Governors Conference 1944 (1) F-5 Governor's Conference, Mont Joli - Columbus, Ohio - Correspondence, June 21-25, 1943. (18) F-6 Governor's Conference, Mont Joli - Columbus, Ohio - Arrangements and Schedules, June 21-25, 1943. (27) F-7 Governor's Conference, Mont Joli - Columbus, Ohio - Address by General Marshall, June 21-25, 1943. (7) F-8 Governor1s Conference, Mont Joli - Columbus, Ohio - Address by Joseph E. Davies, June 21-25, 1943. (10) F-9 Governor1s Conference, July 4-5, 1945. (6)

F-10 Graham, E. L. - Green, J.D., 1942-1945. (24) Graham, Elizabeth L. (Miss) 1943 (1) Grant, Walter S. 1944 (2) Grasty, John S. 1942-44 (10) Gray, Bowman 1945 (1) Gray, T. Woody (Lt.) 1943 (5) Grayson, Thomas Jackson (Col.) 1944 (2) Green, J. A. 1944 (1) Green, John D. 1944 (2) F-ll Greene, B. - Grier, J. C., 1942-1945. (22) Greene, Byrd 1945 (2) Greene, Grace C. 1942 (4) Greene, Joseph I. (Col.) 1945 (5 ) Greene, Louis S. 1943 (1) Gregory, Sherwood V. 1942 (3) Grier, John C. (Maj.) 1942-43 (7) F-12 Griffith, R. E. - Grimsley, J. M., 1944-1945. (25) Griffith, Robert E. 1944 (10) Grimes, Frank 1945 (3) Grimes, John L. 1944 (3) Grimsley, J. M. (Maj.) 1945 (9) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 12 Continued

F-13 Groner, D. - Grossman, W. G., 1942-1944. (23) )~ Groner, Duncan 1942-43 (11 ) Groome, Nelson S. 1942-44 (8) Grossman, W. G. 1942 (4) F-14 Groves Project - Gullion, A. W., 1942-1945. (22) Groves Project 1945 (4) Gruber, Herbert P. 1945 (3) Gruenther, Alfred M. (Maj. Gen.) 1945 (1) Grunert, George (Gen.) 1944 (l0) Gullion, Allen W. 1942-44 (4) F-15 Guyotte, R. 1.. - Gwaltney, P. M., 1942-1945. (26) Guyotte, Roland L. (Capt.) 1945 (1) Gwa ltney, P. M. (Capt. 1942-45 (25) F-16 Haas, H. - Hall, C., 1942-1945. (35) Haas, Hamilton 1943 (5) Hackmeister, Louise 1944 (1) Hagan, John C. 1945 (8) Hagan, John Co, Jro 1942-43 (6) Halifax, Lord 1944 (9) Hall, Channing M. 1945 (6) F-17 Haller, W. H., 1945. (25) F-18 Haller, W. H. - Correspondence Concerning Richard L. Fleming, 1944-1945. (4) F-19 Haller, W. H. - Correspondence Concerning Ernest Pickett, 1944. (19) F-20 Haller, W. H. - Correspondence Concerning Carl C. Thomas, 1944. (11) F-21 Haller, W. H. - Correspondence Concerning Harvey L. Thomas, 1944-1945. (22) F-22 Haller, H., Jr. - Haney, W. F., 1942-1944. (33) Haller, Harry, Jr 1942-43 (4) Hamilton, Walter G. 1944 (3) Hamlin, Jimmie 1942 (2 ) Hammon, James M. 1944 (3) Hancock, Charles W. 1942 (1) Handy, 1. H. 1944 (2) Haney, William F. (Maj.) 1944 (18 ) F-23 Hanger, S. - Hannan, J., 1943-1945. (24) Hanger, Stuart 1943 (8) Hanki ns, Dewitt 1945 (5 ) Hannah, Andrew L. (Capt.) 1943 (6) Hannah, Archer Berry 1943 (3) Hannan, James 1944 (2) ...... \ Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 12 Continued

F-24 Hansbrough, L. - Hardaway, B. H., 1942-1945. (25) I ~ Hansbrough, Lyle 1945 (3) Hansell, H. S., Jr. 1944 (2) Hansen, C. B. (Lt. Col.) 1944-45 (11 ) Hansford, Van N. 1942 (5) Hanson, Laurence n.d. (1) Harbord, General 1944 (1) Hardaway, B. H. (Capt.) 1944-45 (2)

--' F-25 Hardwick, S. E. - Harkins, P. , 1943-1945. (30) Hardwick, Sam E., Jr. 1944 (7) Harkins, Paul (Col.) 1943-45 (23) J F-26 Harkness, L. R. - Harriss, A. R. , 1942-1945. (23) Harkness, Lawrence R. 1942 (2) Harkrader, C. J. 1943 (3) ~_! Harksdale, F. H. (Capt.) 1944 Harrell, Thomas 1943-45 F)11) Harriman, Averill 1945 (2) Harriman, J. Borden (Mrs.) 1944 (1) Harris, Arthur R. (BG) 1943 (2)

.-! F-27 Harris, C. - Harris, H. W., 1942-1945. (28) Harris, Charles 1943-45 ~ 15) Harris, Herbert W. 1942 13 ) F-28 Harris, J. P. - Harrison, L, 1942-1945. (24) Harris, Joseph P. 1945 (1) Harrison, Agnes Gant 1945 (1) Harrison, B. Powell 1942-43 (12) Harrison, B. Powell (Mrs.) 1944 (4) Harrison, Edward 1945 (6) .-J F-29 Harrison, E. H. - Hassett, W. D. , 1942-1945. (28) Harri son, Ewing H., Jr. 1943 (5) Harrison, Winston P. 1944 (2) - Hart, J. P., Jr. 1944 (7) Hart, Moss 1944 (2) Haskell, Col. 1945 (1) Hassett, William D. 1942-45 (11) F-30 Hastings, D. - Hazen, E. E. (Mrs.), 1942-1945. (28) Hastings, Dave 1944 (13) Hatcher, Willis L. 1942-44 (7) Ha tfie1d, Arch. C. (Maj.) 1944 . (1) Hathaway, Calrin S. (Capt.) 1945 (1) Hayes, Evelyn 1942 (1) Hayes, Theodore T. 1943-44 (3) Hayman, Winfred S. 1942 (1) Hazen, E. L (t~rs.) 1944 (1)

\---....-, Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 13

Box 13 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Headerland - Johnson F-1 Headerland, H. - He11witz, A. M., 1942-1944. (25) Headerland, Herman 1944 (1) .... "'\ Healy, George W., Jr. 1944 (4) Healy, Patrick 1942 (4) Hector, Robert 1942 (2) Heerdt, Emmett 1942 (5) Heimberger, Edward A. n.d. (1) Helfrich, Robert B. (Capt.) 1944 (6) He11witz, Arthur M. 1942 (2) F-2 Henry, J. C. - Herman, G. D., 1942-1944. (26) Henry, John C. 1944 (2) Henry, S. G. (Maj. Gen.) 1944 (2) Herbert, W. C. 1944 (3) Herman, Gilbert D. (Lt.) 1942-43 (19) F-3 Higgins, P. J. - Hills, W. R., 1942-1945. (25 ) Higgins, Patrick J. 1944 (1) Higgins, William J. 1943 (1) Higginson, Edward 1944 (1) Hightower, G. B. (Mr. & Mrs.) 1942-43 (3) Hi 11, Luther L. 1944 (8) Hilliard, Landon, Jr. 1942 (4) Hills, Waldo R. Jr. (Capt.) 1944-45 (7) F-4 Hobby, D. C. - Hollowell, W., 1942-1945. (17) Hobby, Dveta Cu1p (Col.) n.d. (1) Hobson, William Ho BG 1944-43 (4) Hodge, Edwin, Jr. 1944 (3) Hodges, John (Capt.) 1945 (1) Holland, Billy 1942 (4) Ho 11 owe 11, Wade 1942 (4) F-5 Holmes, J. C. - Holstein, D., 1943-1945. (26) Holmes, J. C. 1943-45 (19) Holstein, D. 1944-45 (7) F-6 Holt, W. C. - Honnen, G., 1942-1945. (11) Holt, W. Clary 1944 (2) Holt, Wythe W. 1942-44 (7) Ho'lter, Bill 1945 (1) Honnen, G. n.d. (1) F-7 Hopkins, F. (Mrs.), 1942-1945. (37) F-8 Hopkins, F. S. - Hopkins, H., 1945. (32) Hopkins, Frank S. 1945 (3) Hopkins, Harry 1945 (29) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 13 Continued f F-9 Horn, W. - Horton, J. B. , 1942-1945. (14) j ~...J Horn, William 1943 (2) Hornor, John L. (Col.) 1945 (5) Horseman, Jack W. 1942 (5) Horton, John B. (Lt. Col.) 1942 (2) F-l0 Hot Springs, Virginia, Nov. 3, 1944. (19 ) F-ll Hotchkiss, H. S. - Houston, C. W., 1942-1945. (23) Hotchkiss, Henry S. 1944-45 (7) Hotchkiss, Thomas A. 1942-45 (5 ) Houghton, Charles N. (Lt.) 1945 (8) Houston, Charles W. 1942 (3) F-12 Houx, E. C. - Howell, M., 1942-1945. (26) Houx, E. C. 1945 (4) Howard, John Gordon 1942 (4) Howard, Meredith (Miss) 1944-45 (3) Howell, Clark 1942 (7) Howell, G. Norris 1943-44 (6) Howell, Margaret 1942 (2) F-13 Hubbard, T. T. - Huddleston, J., 1942-1945. (22) Hubbard, Tazewell T., Jr. 1942 (10 ) Hubard, Walter N. 1944 (2) Hubbard, Allan F. 1942-45 (6) Hubbell, John W. (Maj.) 1944 (3) Huddleston, John 1942 (1) F-14 Hudgins, E. C. - Huff, C. W. , Jr., 1942-1945. (23) Hudgins, Ernest C. 1942-45 (9) Hudgins, William H. (Lt.) 1945 (3) Huebner, C. R. (~aj. Gen.) 1943-45 (3 ) Huff, Clarence 1943 (2) Huff, Clarence W., Jr. 1942 (6) F-15 Hull , C. - Huntington, E. , 1942-1945. (19 ) Hull , Cordell 1945 (1) Hull, John C. 1944 (2) Hume, B. S. 1942-44 (6) Humelsine, C. H. (Lt. Col.) 1944 (6) Humphrey, Lovell M. 1942 (1) Humphreys, James W., Jr. 1942 (1) Huntington, Ellery 1942 (2) F-16 Hurt, R. - Inspection Trip (Eden), 1943-1945. (27) Hurt, Robert (Maj.) 1944 (13) Hurt, Shirley R. 1944 (10) Hyde, John B0 (Maj.) 1944 (1) Insley, Jeanette 1945 (2) Inspection Trip - Keesler, Maxwell ,1943 (1) Benning, Bragg

'''-..-/ Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 13 Continued

0' F-17 Inspection Trips -Gen., 1943. (2) j ~ ,1 F-18 Inspection Trip (Mountbatten) Correspondence, June, 1942. (20) F-19 Inspection Trip (Mountbatten) Correspondence, June, 1942. (20) j F-20 Inspection Trip (Mountbatten) Arrangements and Schedules, June, 1942. (21) F-21 Inter-American Defense Board (Gen. Carvalho) Reception and Luncheon, Aug., 1942. (10) F-22 Inter-American Defense Board (Gen. Carvalho) Brazil-U.S. Defense Commission Luncheon, Aug. 25, 1942. (24) F-23 Inter-American Defense Board (Gen. Carvalho) Reception at Fort Myer, Aug., 1942. (12) F-24 Inter-American Defense Board (Gen. Carvalho) Arrangements for Arrival in U.S., Aug., 1942. (26) F-25 Inter-American Military Association, 1945. (14) F-26 International Economic Council, 1945. (13) F-27 Invitations, 1944-1945. (27) F-28 Irvine, T. - Ives, B., 1943-1945. (18 ) Irvine, Tate 1945 (2) Isbell, Henry W. (Col.) 1944 (2) Ismay, Sir Hastings 1943-45 (11 ) Ives, Burl 1945 (3) F-29 Jackson, G. - Jacob, H. A., 1942-1945. (36) •..-.,J Jackson, George 1942 (2) Jackson, Janet 1944 (1) Jacob, Herbert A. 1942-45 (33) F-30 Jacobson, S. - Jarrell, T. N., 1942-1944. (22) Jacobson, Sol 1944 (7) James, Pleasant H. 1942 (2) James, Spencer 1942 (9) Jarrell, Thomas Northen 1942 (4) F-31 Jenkinson, R. C. - Johnson, D., 1942-1945. (22) Jenkinson, R. C. (Capt.) 1943-44 (9) Jensen, Henry (Mrs.) 1943 (2 ) Jewish Organizations, Council of 1944 (1) Johns, Jay W. 1942-45 (8) Johnson, Dorothy 1943 (2) -I

\ ...... / Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 14

Box 14 u.s. Army, 1941-1945. Johnson - Letters for Signature of CoS. by I t:) Frank McCarthy (S-Y), 1942-1944. (17) F-l Johnson, M. - Johnston, F. P., 1943-1945. (25) Johnson, Muriel (Mrs. Pegram) 1945 (8) Johnson, Robert W. 1944 (2) Johnson, Thomas M. 1943-44 (6) Johnson, Wayne 1944 (3) Johnson, Winant n.d. (1) Johnson, W. Kevan 1943 (2) Johnston, Fowler P. (Maj.) 1945 (3) F-2 Jones, B. M. - Jones, C. W., 1942-1945. (23) Jones, Bas il M. 1945 (5) Jones, Ca110m H. 1942 ( 5) Jones, Celeste 1944 (2) Jones, Charles W., Jr. 1944 (1) Jones, C. Wesley 1944-45 (10) F-3 Jones, D. - Jones, Lo B., 1942-19450 (21) Jones, Decatur 1945 (6) Jones, Dorothy 1942-45 (3) Jones, Eben R. 1942 (3) Jones, Frank W. 1944 (1) Jones, Hunter 1943 ( 2) Jones, Louis B. (Capt.) 1943 (6) F-4 Jones, M. V. (Miss), 1942-1945. (29) F-5 Jones, M. - Jordan, D. L., 1942-1945. (18) Jones, Marion (Mrs.) 1943 (5 ) Jones, Marvin W. (Lt. Col.) 1945 (1) Jones, T. Ralph 1943 (1) Jones, William P. 1942-43 (9) Jordan, Donald L. 1945 (2) F-6 Jurow, M., 1942-1943. (25) F-7 Kadick, M. No - Kaufman, L. M., 1943-1945. (30) Kadick, Misha N. (Capt.) 1943 (10) Ka in, J. M., Jr. (Lt. ) 1944 (3) Kane, W. M. (Capt.) 1943-45 (11 ) Kanin, Ruth Gordon n.d. (1) Karlin, Henry M. (Capt.) 1944 (1) Kauffmann, Godfrey 1943 (1) Kaufman, L. M. 1944 ( 3) F-8 Keesler, Maxwell, Bragg, Benning (Anthony Eden) - Programs for Benning, Bragg, March 22, 1943. (5) F-9 Keesler, Maxwell, Bragg, Benning (Anthony Eden), March 22, 1943. (11) F-10 Keesler, Maxwell, Bragg, Benning (Anthony Eden) - Arrangements and Schedules, \ ...../ March 22, 1943. (30) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 14 Continued

F-ll Keesler, Maxwell, Bragg, Benning (Anthony Eden) - Fort Bragg, March 22, 1943. I ~ (29) F-12 Keesler, Maxwell, Bragg, Benning (Anthony Eden) - Maxwell Fjeld, March 22, 1943. (17) F-13 Keesler, Maxwell, Bragg, Benning (Anthony Eden) - Keesler Field, March 22, 1943. (36) F-14 Keesler, Maxwell, Bragg, Benning (Anthony Eden) - Fort Benning, March 22, 1943. (26)

F-15 Kehoe, E. - Kelly, J., 1942-1945. (19 ) Kehoe, Elizabeth 1944 (1) Keighley, William J. 1943 (2) Ke ith1ey, W. P. 1942 (3) Kelly, Fred H. (Col.) 1944 (3) Kelly, Gene 1945 (3) Kelly, Joe 1942-44 (7) F-16 Kelly, R. P. - Kemp, V. E., 1944-1945. (27) Kelly, Robert P. (Major) 1944-45 (15 ) Kelly, W. L. 1945 (4) Kemp, Verb on E. 1944 (8) F-17 Kemper, J. - Keys, A., 1942-1945. (23) Kemper, John 1944 (1) Kennon, William Upshur 1942 (1) Kent, Cloyd 1943 (15 )

_.J Keogh, Congressman E. J. 1942 (2 ) Key, William S. (Maj. Gen.) 1945 (1) Keyes, Lewi s E. (Maj.) 1944 (1) Keys, Alvin (Mr. &Mrs.) 1945 (2 ) F-18 Kimbrough, R. C. - Kenkead, E., 1942-1945. (27) Kimbrough, Robert C. (Lt. Col.) 1944-45 (7) King, Ernest J. (Adm.) 1944 (1) King, George O. (Pvt.) 1945 (2) King, G. Moffett, Jr. 1942-45 (12 ) Kinkead, Eugene 1942 (5) F-19 Kinsey, B. T. - Kirkpatrick, C. C., 1943-1944. (24) Kinsey, Benjamin T. (Lt.) 1943-44 (7) Kintner, Robert E. 1944 (2) Kirby, E. M. (Col.) 1944 (1) Kirby, James Lewis (Pvt.) 1944 (1) Kirk, John 1943 (9) Kirkpatrick, C. C. (Cmdr.) 1944 (4) F-20 Kiss and Tell - Koontz, W. M., 1943-1945. (22) Kiss and Tell 1944 (2) Klinepeter, W. D. (Col.) 1944 (1) Klots, Allen T. 1944 (3) \ ...... Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 14 Continued

F-20 Continued Knight, Carl B. 1943 (5) Knight, Lewis C. 1943 (2) Knowles, Harry C. (Mr. &Mrs.) 1942 (3) Kohler, John 1945 (1) Koontz, William M. (Lt.) 1943-44 (5) F-21 Koster, C. A., 1942-1944. (31)

F-22 Kovar, K. P. - Kuhn, 1., 1942-19450 (7) Kovar, Vendel P. 1942 (1) Kroner, Hayes A. (BG) 1944-45 (4) Kudner, Mrs. Arthur (Madel in) 1944 (1) Kuhn, Irene Miss 1944 (1) F-23 Labarnum, T. B. - Landis, W. C., 1942-1945. (23) Labarnum, Tennant B. (Lt.) 1944 (1) Lambert, Alfred G., Jr. 1942-44 (17) Land, Walter W. (Capt.) 1942 (1) Landis, W. C. 1945 (4) F-24 Langdon, R. C. - Lawler, M., 1942-1945. (28) Langdon, Russell C. (BG) 1943 (6) Langhorne, Chiswe11 D. 1944 (3) Lansdale, John 1945 (2) Lathrop, C. P. 1942-44 (5) Laux, Ray J. (Col.) 1944 (2 ) Lavinder, M. L. 1942 (3) Law1 er, Ma ry 1944-45 (7) F-25 Lawrence, Do - Lee, C. R0 (Mrs.), 1943-1945. (16 ) Lawrence, David 1943 (1) Lawson, J. S. 1944 (2) Lawton, James K. 1945 (2) Lay, James S. 1945 (2) Ledbetter, James 1943 (4) Lee, Cyril R. 1945 (1) Lee, Cyril R. (Mrso) 1944-45 (4)

F-26 Lee, E. R., 1943-19440 (20) F-27 Lee, G. 0., Jr. - Lee, J. C. H., 1942-1944. (26) Lee, G. 0., Jr. 1942-43 (18) Lee, John C. H. 1944 (8) F-28 Leggett, W. B. - Lester, H. G., 1942-1945. (25) Leggett, W. B. 1942 (2) Legion of Merit 1944 (1) Lehman, Orrin (Lt.) 1945 (1) Lehrbas, Larry 1943-45 (11) Leiter, Thomas (Mrs.) n.d. (2) Lejeune, John A. 1940-42 (4) Leonard, Charles n.d. (1) (3) \ ...... / Lester, Henry Go (Maj.) 1944 Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 14 Continued •i F-29 Letters for Signature of CaS. by Frank McCarthy (A-B), 1942-1944. (21) F-30 Letters for Signature of CaS. by Frank McCartoy (C-D), 1942-1944. (22) F-31 Letters for Signature of CaS. by Frank McCarthy (E-L), 1942-1944. (23) F-32 Letters for Signature of CaS. by Frank McCarthy (M-R), 1942-1944. (27) F-33 Letters for Signature of CaS. by Frank McCarthy (S-Y), 1942-1944. (17)

Box 15 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Lewellen - McCarthy F-l Lewellen, J. - Lightburn, J. B., 1942-1945. (20) Lewe 11 en, John 1945 (1) Lewi s, A1en P. (1 st Lt.) 1944 (1) Lewis, H. R. 1942 (1) Lewis, James Rhodes (Pvt.) 1945 (1) Lewis, John T. 1944-45 (6) Lewis, Lawrence (Lto) 1945 (2) Lewis, Preston 1945 (2) Lewis, Victoria 1943 (4) Liberty Music Shops, Inc. 1945 (1) Lightburg, J. B. 1943 (1) F-2 Lind, R. C., 1942-1944. (18) F-3 Linder, C. - Lipscomb, A. A., 1943-1945. (29) Linder, Celia 1943-45 (17) Lindsey, Robert Vincent (PFC) 1945 (1) Liotta, Salvatore (Capt.) 1945 (1) Lipscomb, Andy A. (Lt. Col.) 1943-44 (10) F-4 Liquor Sales Permit - Lombardo, G., 1943-1945. (26) Liquor Sales Permit 1944 (2) Littauer, Catherine M. (Mrs.) n.d. (1) Little Brown &Company 1945 (3) Littrell, Robert 1944-45 (6) Lobb, A. W. (Lt.) 1943 (4) Locker, Clyde, Jro 1943 (6) Lodge, H. C., Jr. (Lt. Col.) 1944 (1) Lombardo, Guy 1944 (3) F-5 Long, V. D. - Lord, R., 1944-1945. (24) Long, V. D. 1944 (1) Longinotti, David C. 1944-45 (10) Lord, Robert 1944 (13 ) F-6 Loth, M. Ao R. - Lowry, M. E., 1942-1944. (25) Loth, Moritz A. R. 1942 (3) Love, John Allan, Jr. 1943 (15) Lovett, R. A. 1944 (1) Lowe, Frank E. (BG) n.d. (1) Lowry, Maxine Eo (Miss) 1943-44 (5) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 15 Continued

F-7 Lowry, W. L. - Lyon, Duke, 1942-1945. (20) Lowry, Walter L. 1942-44 (9) Luce, Henry R. 1942 (1) Luckett, Hayward D. 1943 (3) Lynch, Robert J. 1943-45 (6) Lyon, Duke (Capt.) 1945 (1) F-8 McAfee, W. - McCarthy, D. S., 1944-1945. (14 ) McAfee, William (Maj.) 1945 (1) McCabe, Thomas B. 1944 (11 ) McCarthy, D. S. (Mrs.) 1944 (2) F-9 McCarthy, Mrs. Frank J., 1943-1945. (32) F-l0 McCarthy, Frank J. - Clippings, 1944-1945. (25) F-11 McCarthy, Frank J. - Clippings, 1945. (23) F-12 McCarthy, Frank J. - Clippings, 1944. (25) F-13 McCarthy, Frank J. - Clippings, 1943-1944. (7) F-14 McCarthy, Frank J. - Clippings, 1943-1944. (26) F-l5 McCarthy, Frank J. - Misc. Publications, 1944. (6) Who's Who 6/44 (1) Army and Navy Journal 1/22/44 (1) The Insurance Field 2/4/43 (1) The Commonwealth 3/44 (1) Music Score "Th ere are no Wings on (2) a Fox Hole" F-16 McCarthy, Frank - Misc., 1944-1945. (25) F-17 McCarthy, Frank - Misc., 1943. (30) F-18 McCarthy, Frank - Misc., 1936-1944. (19) F-19 McCarthy, Frank - Misc., Air Travel, 1942-1945. (18) F-20 McCarthy, Frank - Official Correspondence, 1945. (16) F-21 McCarthy, Frank - Official Correspondence, 1942-1944. (34) Miscellaneous Memos 1942-44 (10) Campaign Star 1944 (6) Secretariat (Personnel) 1944 (18) F-22 McCarthy, Frank - Official Correspondence, 1942-1944. (26) Change of Name (official) 1943 (6) G.S. Badge 1943 (3) Post Laundry 1943 (6) Leave of Absence 1942-44 (11 ) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 15 Cont'j nued

F-23 McCarthy, Frank - Official Correspondence, 1942-1944. (38)

.....~, S/W Mess 1944 (5) Pay Da ta Ca rd 1942-44 (4) Post Quatermaster 1942 (2) Ration Books 1943 (2) Communications (telephone) 1943-44 (12 ) Rental Allowance 1942 ~3) Transportation 1944 10)

J F-24 McCarthy, Frank - Official Correspondence, 1943-1945. (30) Efficiency Reports 1944 (7) , Transportation Officer 1944-45 (9) ,J Finance Officer 1943-45 (14 ) F-25 McCarthy, Frank - Official Correspondence, Orders, 1943-1945. (22) _..I F-26 McCarthy, Frank - Official Correspondence, Orders, 1940-1942. ( 13) I F-27 McCarthy, Frank - Official Correspondence, Orders, 1942. (42) I, - F-28 McCarthy, Frank - Official Correspondence, Orders, 1943. (39) , F-29 McCarthy, Frank - Official Correspondence, Orders, 1944-1945. (29) --'

Box 16 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. McCarthy - Malone --' F-l McCarthy, Frank - Photographs, 1943-1944. (12 ) F-2 McCarthy, Frank - Speeches, 1942. (7) Unveiling of Portrait of GCM at VMI5/14/42 (7) F-3 McCarthy, Frank - Speeches, 1943. (14 ) Presentation of Bust of General 5/21/43 (14) Ma rsha11 to VMI F-4 McCarthy, Frank - Speeches, 1944. (19 ) American Red Cross, Richmond, 3/7/44 (19 ) Virginia F-5 McCarthy, Frank - Speeches, 1944. (11 ) American Federation of Women1s 4/12/44 (11 ) Clubs F-6 McCarthy, Frank - Speeches, 1944. (21) Universal Military Training and 12/44 (21) , Single Dept. of Armed Forces F-7 McCarthy, Frank - Speeches, 1944. (25) Universal Military Training and 12/44 (25) Single Dept. of Armed Forces F-8 McCarthy, Julien, 1942-1943. (24) \...../ Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 16 Continued

iI F-9 McCarthy, Julien, 1943-1944. (25) "-i ~ .....- F-lO McCarthy, Julien, 1944. (25)

-.." F-ll McCarthy, Julien, 1944-1945. (24) F-12 McCarthy, William, 1943. (25) F-13 McCarthy, William, 1943-1944. (25) ~ F-14 McCarthy, William, 1944. (26) F-15 McCarthy, William, 1944-1945. (27) F-16 McCarthy, William, 1945. (34) F-17 McCarthy, B. V. - McCloy, J. J., 1942-1945. (24) McCa rty, B. V. 1943 (15) "I McCarty, R. F. (Lt.) 1942-43 (5) McCloy, John Jo 1945 (4) F-18 McConnell, J. H. To - McDowell, Ro C., 1942-1944. (23) McConnell, J. H. Tyler 1943-44 (5) McCray, Bernard W. 1942 (3) McCray, Porter R. 1943 (1) McCrea, John L. (Capt.) 1943 (2) MacDonald, Maxine 1944 ~1) Mc Dowe 11, A. H. 1943 8) McDowell, Robert C. 1943 (3) F-19 McEwan, J. A. - McIlhenny, A. M. , 1942-1944. (27) I McEwan, J. A. (Col.) 1944 (6) McFarland, A. J. 1944 (1) McGill, Henry 1942 (3) McGinnis, (Col.) 1944 (1) McGuire, Hunter H. (Mrs.) 1944 (3) McIlhenney, Anne M. (Capt.) 1944 (13 ) F-20 McIntyre, M. H. - McKenna, c. E. , 1942-19450 (25) McIntyre, Marvin H. 1942-43 (4) McKelway, Benjamin 1944-45 (13) McKenna, Charles E. 1943 (8) F-21 McKessack, K. - McNary, J. E. , 1942-1945. (22) McKessack, Kenneth (Col.) 1945 (6) McKinley, Thomas 1942 (2 ) McKinney, A. Hamilton 1943 (4) McNair, Lesley J. (Lt. Gen.) 1944-45 ('7) McNarney, Joseph T. (Gen.) 1944-45 (2) McNary, James E. 1945 (1) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 16 Continued

F-22 McNeal, F. H. - McWilliams, A. J. , 1942-1945. (28) McNeal, Frank H. (Maj.) 1942-44 (10) McNutt, Paul (Mrs.) n.d. (1) MacOdrum, Douglas N. (Maj.) 1945 (1) MacRae, Elliot B. 1943-45 (7) MacReady, Gen. 1944 (1) McReynolds W. R. (BG) 1944 (2) McWilliams, A. J. 1944-45 (6) F-23 Macy, Gertrude, 1944. (27) F-24 Macy, Gertrude, 1944. (26) F-25 Macy, Gertrude, 1945. (30)

~- .~., 1 F-26 Maddox, M. - Major, W. F. , 1944-1945. (17) Maddox, Muriel (Miss) 1944 (2) Maffett, Paul 1945 (1) l Magruder, Gen. 1944 (2) Magruder, John (Mrs.) 1945 (2) Major, William F. 1945 (10) F-27 Makepeace, George, 1943. (26) F-28 Makepeace, George, 1943. (25) F-29 Makepeace, G. - Malone, J. F., 1939-1944. (30) Makepeace, George 1943-44 (26) Malone, John F., Jr. 1939-42 (4)

Box 17 u.s. Army, 1941-1945. Malta-Crimea Miscellaneous - Miscellaneous Stocks-T F-l Malta-Crimea Miscellaneous, 1945. (32) F-2 Malta-Crimea, Arrangements for Departure from Washington, Jan. 25 - Feb. 16, 1945. (27) F-3 Malta-Crimea, Casablanca, Lagens-Azores, Bermuda, Jan. 25 - Feb. 16, 1945. (14 ) F-4 Malta-Crimea, Marseille, Jan. 25 - Feb. 16, 1945. (43) F-5 Malta-Crimea, Radios, Jan. 25 - Feb. 16, 1945. (31) Crimea (Radios-Deane) (11) Crimea (Radios-Pasco) (7) Malta (13) F-6 Malta-Crimea, Italy, Jan. 25 - Feb. 16, 1945. (29) F-7 Malta-Crimea, Itinerary and Finances, Jan. 25 - Feb. 16, 1945. (7) F-8 Malta-Crimea, Return Trip, Jan. 25 - Feb. 16, 1945. (12) ~ Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 17 Continued

F-9 Malta-Crimea~ Correspondence, Jan. 25 - Feb. 16, 1945. (25) j ...... , \.. ./ F-l0 Malta-Crimea, Correspondence, Jan. 25 - Feb. 16, 1945. (25) F-ll Malta-Crimea, Correspondence, Jan. 25 - Feb. 16, 1945. (10) F-12 Malta-Crimea, Photographs, Jan. 25 - Feb. 16, 1945. (25) F-13 Malta-Crimea, Argonaut CCS Arrangements and Bulletins, Jan. 25 - Feb. 16, 1945. (25) F-14 Malta-Crimea, Argonaut CCS Arrangements and Bulletins, Jan. 25 - Feb. 16, 1945. (36) F-15 Mann, J. H. C. - Marker, L., 1942-1945. (10) Mann, John H. C. (Mrs.) 1944-45 (4) Markey, D. John (Col.) 1942-43 (4) Markey, Leo 1944 (2) F-16 Marshall, George Co (Mrs.),1942-1944. (25) F-17 Marshall, George C. (Mrs.), 19440 (31)

F-18 Marshall, George C., 1942-1944. (20) u F-19 Marshall, George C. - Misc. A-B, 1942-1943. (24) F-20 Marshall, George C. - Misc. C-D, 1942-1944. (35) F-21 Marshall, George C. - Misc. E-H, 1942-1943. (22) F-22 Marshall, George C. - Misc. I-K, 1942-1944. (25) F-23 Marshall, George C. - Misc. L-M, 1943-1944. (41) F-24 Marshall, George C. - Misc. N-Q, 1942-1944. (33) F-25 Marshall, George C. - Misc. R., 1941-1943. (26) F-26 Marshall, George Co - Misc. S., 1942-1943. (32) F-27 Marshall, George C. - Misc. Speeches, 1942-1943. (29) F-28 Marshall, George C. - Misc. Speeches, 1943. (17) F-29 Marshall, George C. - Misc. Stenographer, 1943. (36) F-30 Marshall, George C. - Misc. Stocks - T., 1942-1943. (32) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 18

...... Box 18 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Marshall - Miller , "--_/ F-l Marshall, George C. - Misc. Trips - W, 1942-1943. (25) F-2 Marshall, George C. - Misc. White House - Z, 1942-1944. (30) F-3 Marshall, George C. - Photographs and Clippings, 1943-1944. (2) Magazine 10/3/43 (1) Time 1/3/44 (1) F-4 Marshall, George C. - Photographs and Clippings, 1942-19450 (25) F-5 Marshall, George C. - Photographs and Clippings - West Point, 19420 (2) Times-Herald - Washington 5/30/42 (1) The Evening Star - Washington 5/29/42 (1) F-6 Marshall, George C. - Presentation of Portrait to Benning, 1944-1945. (25) F-7 Marshall, George C. - Presentation of Portrait to Benning, 1945. (24) F-8 Marshall, George C. - Presentation of Portrait to Benning, 1945. (26) F-9 Marshall, R. J. - Maynard, H. E., 1942-1945. (27) Marshall, Richard J. 1943-44 (6) Marshall, Walter P. 1944 (2) Martin, Lewis 1942 (3) Martyn, John W. 1945 (1) Mason, Franklin C. 1942 (1) Mason Wa Her N. 1944 Masonic Service Assn. of U.S. 1944 H~ Mathewson, Lemuel (Col.) 1944 (6) Maxwell, R. L. (MG) 1944 (1) May, J. Joseph 1944 (2) Maynard, Harry E. 1942 (3) F-l0 Meador, N. - Meem, L. H., 1942-1945. (28) Meador, Nace 1944-45 (12) Meek, Samuel W. 1944 (1) Meem, Langhorne H. 1942-44 (15) F-ll Meem, S. - Melton, L. R., 1942-1944. (23) Meem, Steve 1942 (2) Melnick, Dan 1942-44 (19 ) Melton, Laurence R. 1944 (2) F-12 Merri 11, G., 1942-1944. (25) F-13 Metca1f, J., 1942-1943. (25) , , F-14 Metcalf, J., 1943. (27) _._J F-15 Metcalf, J., 1943-1944. (25)

\....---) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 18 Continued

F-16 Metcalf, J., 1944. (25) F-17 Metcalf, J. - Metcalfe, J. S., 1944. (27) Metcalf, Jesse 1944 (21) Metcalfe, James S. 1944 (6) F-18 Mexico City - Arrangements and Schedules, Sept. 14-17, 1943. (24) F-19 Mexico City - Expenditures, Sept. 14-17, 1943. (6) F-20 Mexico City - Correspondence - General Marshall (Spanish Letters), Sept. 14-17, 1943. (35) F-21 Mexico City - Correspondence - General Marshall (English Letters), Sept. 14-17, 1943. (14) F-22 Mexico City - Correspondence - Col. McCarthy (Spanish Letters), Sept. -, 14-17, 1943. (25) I F-23 Mexico City - Correspondence - Col. McCarthy (English Letters), Sept. 14-17, 1943. (18) F-24 Miami, Florida - Information on Installations, March, 1943. (14) F-25 Miami, Florida - Arrangements and Schedules, March, 1943. (9) F-26 Miami, Florida - Miscellaneous, March, 1943. (28) F-27 Miami, Florida - Correspondence After Return, March, 1943. (22) F-28 Miami, Florida - Correspondence After Return, March, 1943. (22) F-29 Miami Beach - Miller, A. C., 1942-1945. (27) Miami Beach 1/1944 (3) Miami Beach 3/1944 (1) Miami Beach 1/1945 (1) Mickle, Ross T. (Mrs.) n.d. (2 ) Mignone, Mary (Miss) 1944 (2) Military Order of the World War 1944 (1) Military Review nod. (1) Millard, James 1943 (1) Miller, Allen C. 1942-44 (15) F-30 Miller, A. B. - Miller, D. M., 1942-1945. (12) Miller, Art B. (Col.) 1942-44 (7) Miller, Craig 1943 (2) Miller, David M. (Lt. Col.) 1945 (3)

Box 19 u.S. Army, 1941-1945. Miller - New York F-l Miller, J. C., 1942-1945. (25) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 19 Continued

F-2 Miller, J. C., 1945. (24) 'i e F-3 Miller, J. C., 19450 (15) F-4 Miller, L. H. - Mitchell, J. A., 1942-1945. (33) Mi 11 er, Lewi s N. 1943-45 (5 ) Miller, Paul 1945 (3) Mills, M. R. 1943-44 (10) Minnich, Lawrence A. 1944 (1) Minnick, L. A., Jr. (Capt.) n.d. 1) Minor, Gilmer, Jr. 1942 2) Mitchell, J. Ao, Jr. 1942 ~ 11) F-5 Moncure, R. - Montague, E. S., 1942-19440 (32) , '\, Moncure, Rutherford 1944 (4) Monks, John, Jr. 1942 (2) Monocle, The 1942 (1) ..., Montague, Edgar Sclater (Col.) 1942-44 (25) I F-6 Montague, L. - Moore, D., 1943-1944. (24) Montague, Ludwell 1944 (4) Montague, Penn 1944 (11 ) Montgomery, John 1943-44 (5) Moore, Dave 1943 (4) F-7 Moore, E. o. - Moreno, A., 1942-1945. (24) Moore, Erin O'Brien (Miss) 1945 (1) Moore, Grace 1945 (11 ) Moore, J. B. III (Col.) 1945 (5) Moore, William (Mrso) 1944 (2) Moreno, Aristides (Col.) 1944-45 (5) -,. F-8 Morgan, Gen. - Visit to u.s. - Arrangements on Arrival in U.S., Oct. , 1943. (6) F-9 Morgan, Gen. - Visit to u.s. - Expenditures, Oct., 1943. (21) F-l0 Morgan, Gen. - Vis it to U. S0 - Inspection Trip, Octo, 1943. (33) F-ll Morgan, Gen. - Visit to U.S. - Alibi Club Dinner, Oct., 1943. (11 ) F-12 Morgan, Gen. - Vi sit to U. S. - Correspondence, Oct., 1943. (31) F-13 Morgan, F. E. - Moryan, G. D., 1944-1945. (9) Morgan, F. E. (Gen. 1944-45 (7) Morgan, George D. (Mr. & Mrs.) 1944-45 (2) F-14 Morgan, W. Forbes, 1942-1943. (20) F-15 Morgan, W. Forbes, 1943-1944. (21) F-16 Morgenthau, Henry, 1944. (25)

',,---/' Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 19 Continued

F-17 Morgenthau, Henry, 1944-1945. (26) I ...... \:J F-18 Morgenthau , Henry, 1944. (31)

"1 F-19 Morris, B. D. - Morriss, C. T., 1943-1945. (25) I Morris, B. D. (Mrs.) 1945 (6) Morris, L. Allen 1944 (2) Morrison, Hobe 1944 (7) Morriss, C. T. (Capt.) 1943-44 (10) F-20 Morrow, R. E. - Mountbatten, L., 1942-1945. (25) Morrow, Richard E. 1944-45 (10) Moseley, Mr. &Mrs. T. A. E. 1942-45 (13) Mountbatten, Louis 1943 (2)

F-21 Muir, J. 1. (Mr. & Mrs.) - Munnikhuysen L., 1943-1945. (27) Muir, Mr. &Mrs. James I., Jr. 1943-44 (9) Mullen, Frank E. 1945 (1) Mullen, James R. (Lt. Col.) 1944 (3) Munce, John (Mrs.) 1944 (2) Mundy, Gardner A. 1943 (4) Munnikhuysen, Laurence, Jr. 1944 (8) F-22 Munsell, W. P. - Murphy, F., 1943-1945. (14) Munsell, Warren P. (Lt. Col.) 1945 (3) Munson, Curtis B. (Mrs.) n.d. (1) Munson, Henry 1943 (1) Murnane, George 1943 (5) Murphy, Frank 1944 (4) F-23 Murphy, James, 1943-1945. (30) F-24 Murphy, Robert, 1944. (16) F-25 Nash, C. P. - National Symphony Orchestra, 1942-1945. (25) Nash, Charles P. 1944 (3) Nason, Mona 1945 (1) National Association of 12/4/42 (18 ) Manufactures National Broadcasting Co. 1944 (1) National Symphony Orchestra 1945 (2 )

-, F-26 National Veterans Collegiate Assn. - Needham, H., 1943-1945. (25) National Veterans Collegiate Assn. 1945 (2) Nea1, Mi 11 sF. (Co 1. ) 1944-45 (20) Needham, Harold 1943 (3) F-27 Neem, S. H. - Hewman, C. W., 1942-1945. (25) I Neem, Stephen H., Jr. 1942 (1) I --' Nelson, E. Kemper 1942 (5) Nelson, Hugh Thomas (Mrs.) 1944 (3) Nelson, lJohn C. 1942 (2) Nelson, Otto L. (Maj. Gen.) 1944-45 ('7) Newell, Richard W. (Capt.) 1945 ( 2) Newman, Clarence W. 1944 (5 )

Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 20 Continued

F-9 Northwest Trip, May, 1944. (24) Correspondence After Return (24) F-l0 Norwegian Air Force - Nutt, S., 1942-1945. (31) Norwegian Air Force 1945 (1) Nowitsky, Alfred C. 1943 (4) Nuckols, L. W., Jr. 1942-43 (5) Nuckols, R. W. 1944 (5 ) Nuland, L. H. 1942 (1) Nunnamaker, Harold 1942 (13) Nutt, Sidney, Jr. 1942 (2) F-ll Oakes, G. - O'Donovan, J. H., 1942-1945. (24) Oakes, Goerge (Capt.) 1945 (2) Oatley, Charles W. 1942 (1) Obinger, Joseph C. 1943 (2) O'Brian, Robert E. 1942 (2) O'Connell, Burke 1943 ( 2) O'Daniel, John W. (Maj. Gen.) 1944 (10) O'Donovan, John H. (Maj.) 1944 (5) F-12 Office of Strategic Services - 01 iver, \J. M.,1942-1943. (11 ) Office of Strategic Services n.d. (1) O'Hara, Robert C. 1943 (1) O'Keefe, W. H. (Mrs.) 1943 (2) Oliver, B'Jaine 1942 (5) 01 iver, John M. 1943 (2) F-13 Omaha, Nebraska - American Legion Convention, Sept. 20-21, 1943. (25) Correspondence (10) Schedule (9) Miscellaneous (6) F-14 Opie, E. W. - Oregon and Michigan Trip, 1943-1945. (21) Opie, E. W. (Gen.) 1943-44 (7) Ordway, G. (Col.) 1944 (2) Oregon and Michigan Trip 6/45 (12) i F-15 Ortiz, E. - Oulie, A. K., 1942-1945. (29) _J Ortiz, Eulogio 1943-44 (12) Osborn, F. H. (Maj. Gen.) 1941-44 (4) auld, J. Wallace 1942 (2) Oulie, A. Kendall (Maj.) 1944-45 (11) F-16 Owen, E. M. - Oyler, J. E., 1942-1944. (35) Owen, Everett M. 1942-44 (28) Oyler, James E. 1942 (7) F-17 Pace, F. S. - Palmer, J. M., 1943-1944. (24) Pace, F. S. 1943-44 (3) Palmer, John MeA. (B.G.) 1943-44 ( 21) F-18 Palmer, J. M., 1944. (25)

\...J Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 20 Continued

., e F-19 Palmer, J. M., 1944-1945. (20) F-20 Palmer, J. Mo, 1945. (20) F-21 Palmer, J. W. - Parks, F. L., 1942-1945. (23) Palmer, John Woodson 1942 (1) Palmer, Paul 1945 (2) Palmer, Taylor L. 1943-44 (7) Palmer, William H., Jr. 1943 (4) Pamphlets To Wounded Military 1943 (3) Personnel In Hospitals ­ Circulation of Parks, F. L. (Maj. Gen.) 1945 (6) F-22 Parrish, E. J. - Pasco, H. M., 1943-1945. (18) Parrish, Edward J. (Mrs.) 1945 (3) Pasco, John 1943 (8) Pasco, H. Merrill 1944-45 (7) F-23 Patterson, J. M. - Patterson, R. P., 1943-1945. (21) Patterson, John M. 1943-45 (17) Patterson, John M. (Mrs.) 1945 (2) Patterson, Robert P. 1945 (2) F-24 Patton, G. S., Jr., 1943-1945. (38) F-25 Patton, H. C. - Paxton, F. R., 1942-1944. (18) Patton, Henry C. (Capt.) 1942-43 (9) Paxton, F. Roberts 1942-44 (9) F-26 Pearl Harbor Board - Pendleton, L., 1942-1945. (22) -',, Pearl Harbor Board 1944 (2) Peay, J. H. Binford 1942 (1) Pedreira, Anna 1943 (1) Peet, Herbert O. (Maj.) 1944 (6) Pence, Harvey J. 1945 (4) Pendleton, Louise 1943-44 (8) F-27 Penick, C. A. - Pepper, C., 1944. (20) Penick, Charles A. 1944 (16 ) Pennoyer, Frederick Wm. (Mrs.) n.d. (1) . Peple, William Lowndes (Capt.) 1944 (2) Pepper, Senator Claude n.d. (1) F-28 Perlman, P., 1943-1945. (26)

F-29 Perry, A. - Persons, W. B.,1942-1945. (13) Perry, Antoinette 1945 (4) Pershing, John J. (Gen.) 1942-44 (4) Pershing, Muriel (Mrs.) 1945 (3) Persons, Wilton B. (Maj. Gen.) 1944 (2 ) F-30 Peru - Dinner for President of, May 7, 19420 (15) \....-/F-31 Petrucci, Mo, 1944. (27) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 21

Box 21 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Pettigrew - President's Inspection Trip .~ F-l Pettigrew, W. H. - Pfeiffer, 1942-1945. (19) Pettigrew, W. H. (Lt. Col.) 1943-44 (10) Pettyjohn, Mich 1942 (2) Peyton, lJohn L. 1945 (2) Peyton, L. W. H. (Col.) 1944 (3) Pfeiffer 1945 (2) F-2 Phillips, A. E. - Pinckney, L., 1943-1945. (24) Phillips, Asa E. 1945 (2) Phillips, James H. (Col.) 1944 (1) Phillips, Joseph B. '1943 (2) Phipps, Thomas W. (Capt.) 1945 (1) Photographs 1943-45 (8) Camp Pickett News n.d. (1) Pidgeon, Luther (Capt.) 1945 (1) Pierce, Claude C. 1945 (1) Pierce, Ian F. 1945 (4) Pi nckney, Loui se 1944 (3) F-3 Pirrone, J. B. - Porter, R. E., 1944-1945. (23) Pirrone, John B. 1944 (2) Plohn, Edmund 1944-45 (14 ) Pomfret, John Edwin 1945 (1) Porteous, R. C. 1944 (1) Porter, I. W;. 1944-45 (4) Porter, Ray E. (MG) 1944 (1) F-4 Porterfield, R., 1942-1943. (21) F-5 Porterfield, R., 1943-1944. (19) F-6 Potsdam-Victory Telephone Directory-U.S. Army Signal Corps, 1945. (1) F-7 Potsdam-Telephone Directory-British Delegation, 1945. (1) F-8 Potsdam-Itinerary, July 10 - July 31,1945. (12) F-9 Potsdam-Correspondence, July 10 - July 31, 1945. (21) F-l0 Potsdam-Memos to CoS, July 10 - July 31, 1945. (12) F-ll Potsdam-Paris, Berchtesgaden, July 10 - July 31, 1945. (13) Paris (2) Berchtesgaden (11) F-12 Potsdam-Babelsberg, July 10 - July 31, 1945. (19) F-13 Potsdam-Frankfurt, Mihgah, Qu~bec, JUly 10 - 31, 1945. (12) Frankfurt (8) Mingan, Quebec (4)

·14 Potsdam-Santa Maria, July 10-31, 1945. (7) "---" Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 21 Continued

F-15 Potsdam-Secretary of War, July 10-31, 1945. (9) F-16 Potsdam-Misc., July 10-31, 1945. (18) ., F-17 Potsdam-Misc., July 10-31, 1945 • (23) I F-18 Potter, H. E. - Prendergast, W., 1942-1945. (21) Potter, Harold E. (Col.) 1943-44 (3) Powder, Sergeant 1943-44 (11 ) Powell, Lewis 1944 (2) Prado (President of Peru) 1942 (1) Prendergast, William (Capt.) 1945 (4) F-19 President's (Roosevelt) Inspection Trip-U.S.-Arrangements and Schedules, April, 1943. (25) F-20 President's Inspection Trip-U.S.-Arrangements and Schedules, April, 1943. (6) F-21 President's Inspection Trip-UoS.-Arrangements and Schedules, April, 19430 (26) F-22 President's Inspection Trip-U.S.-Arrangements and Schedules, April, 1943. (27) F-23 President's Inspection Trip-U.S.-Arrangements and Schedules, April, 1943. (25) F-24 President's Inspection Trip-U.S.-Arrangements and Schedules, April, 1943. (24)

-·f F-25 President's Inspection Trip-U.S.-Information on Installations, April,1943. (37) Alabama (2) Arkansas (12) Colorado (23) F-26 President's Inspection Trip-U.S.-Information on Installations, April, 1943. (29) Georgia (19) Indiana (4) Kansas (6) F-27 President's Inspection Trip-U.S.-Information on Installations, April, 1943. (28) Kentucky (14) Maryland (2) Missouri (12) F-28 President's Inspection Trip-U.S.-Information on Installations, April,1943. (26) Nebraska (12) North Carolina (6) Ohio (8) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 21 Continued

F-29 Presidentls Inspection Trip-U.S.-Information on Installations, April, 1943. (29) Oklahoma (9) South Carolina (11) Tennessee (9) F-30 President1s Inspection Trip-U.S.-Information on Installations, April, 1943. (21) Texas (21) F-31 President1s Inspection Trip-U.S.-Information on Installations, April, 1943. (21) Texas (21) F-32 President's Inspection Trip-U.S.-Information on Installations, April, 19430 (6) Virginia (3) West Virginia (3) ,,' ~

I Box 22- U.S. Army, 1941-1945. President's (Roosevelt) Inspection Trip - Robinson F-l President1s (Roosevelt) Inspection Trip-U.S.-Installations Inspected, April, 1943. (26) III Service Command (4) IV Service Command (General) (11) Parris Island, S.C. (3) Maxwell Field, Alabama (4) Fort Benning, Georgia (4) F-2 President's Inspection Trip-U.S.-Installations Inspected, April, 19430 (27) Warm Springs, Georgia (2) Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia (5) Camp Forrest, Tennessee (3) VIII Service Command, Dallas, Texas (17) F-3 President1s Inspection Trip-U.S.-Installations Inspected, April, 1943. (23) Monterrey, Mexico (19) Camp Joseph T. Robinson-Arkansas (4) F-4 President1s Inspection Trip-U.S.-Installations Inspected, April, 1943. Camp Gruber, Okla. (7) Tulsa, Okla. (8) Corpus Christi, Texas (5) Fort Worth, Texas (2) F-5 President1s Inspection Trip-U.S.-Installations Inspected, April, 1943. (20) VII Service Command-Omaha, Nebraska (16) Camp Carson, Colorado (4) F-6 President1s Inspection Trip-U.S.-Installations Inspected, April, 1943. (27) Denver, Colorado (11 ) Fort Riley, Kansas (8) Omaha, Nebraska (8) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 22 Continued , F-7 President~s Inspection Trip-U.S.-Installations Inspected, April, 1943. (28) Jefferson Barracks (6) Evansville, Indiana (10) Fort Knox, Kentucky (12 ) F-8 President's Inspection Trip-lJ.S.-IG Investigation of Soldier's Deaths, April, 1943. (20) F-9 President's Inspection Trip-U.S.-IG Investigation of Soldier's Deaths, April, 1943. (35) F-10 President's Inspection Trip-U.S.-IG Investigation of Soldier's Deaths, April, 1943. (23) F-ll President's Inspection Trip-lJ.S.-IG Investigation of Soldier's Deaths, April, 1943. (12) F-12 Press Club - Price, J. F., 1942-1944. (25) Press Club n.d. (3) Press Conference 1944 (2) Price, James F. 1942-43 (20) F-13 Price, J. F., 1942-1943. (25) F-14 Price, J. F., 1943-1944. (23) F-15 Prime Minister - Pritchett, C. P., 1942-1945. (22) Prime Minister n.d. (1) Prince, Charles L. 1942 (3) Prisoner of War 1944 (1) Pritchett, C. A. 1944 (5) Pritchett, Clark P. (Maj.) 1945 (12) F-16 Prothro, J. E. - Pyle, W., 1942-1945. (29) Prothro, James E. 1942 (3) Prout, William W. 1944 (14 ) Pryor, Jeanne 1943 (2) Pugh, J. F. (Lt.) 1945 (3) Pulitzer, Joseph (Mrs.) nodo (2) Putnam, Palmer Co n.d. (1 ) Pyle, Grover C. (Pvt.) 1944 (1 ) Pyle, Wilfrid 1943-45 (3) F-17 Raffo, F. M. - Ramey, M. G., 1943-1945. (28) Raffo, Frank M. (Capt.) 1943 (3) Ragland, Stuart 1945 (9)

Ramey, M. G0 ( Lt. CoL) 1943-44 (16) F-18 Ramsey, C. A. - Rawley, E., 1943-1944. (17) Ramsey, Charles A. (1st Lt.) 1943 (3) Ramsey, Lloyd B. 1943 (1) Rand, William (Capt.) 1943-44 (10) Ratcliffe, Clyde, Jr. 1943 (2) Rawley, Ernest 1943 (1) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 22 Continued

F-19 Read, B. M., 1942-1945. (21) 'll ...... ~ ~ F-20 Read, H. M. - Redmond Army Air Field, Oregon, 1942-1945. (24) Read, H. M. (Colo) 1942-43 (12 ) Reade, Frank R. 1945 (3) Reader's Digest 1944-45 (3) Reagan, Ronald 1942 (1) Red Cross Campaign 1943 (1) - Redman, H. (Brigadier) 1944 (3) Redmond Army Air Field, Oregon 1945 (1) F-21 Reed, L. - Reeder, R., 1943-1944. (22) Reed, Lathrop 1944 (4) Reed, Leslie H. 1943-44 (11 ) Reeder, Russell (CoL) 1944 (7) F-22 Reilly, M. - Renn, E. H., 1942-1945. (24) Reflly, Mike 1943-44 (5) Renardy, Ossy 1945 (15 ) Renn, Edward Ho (Capt.) 1942-45 (4) F-23 Replogle, R. W. - Rivers, F. E., 1942-1945. (21) Replogle, Roy W. 1942 (1~ Rhett, Harry M., Jr. 1945 (3 Richardson, Frank 1944 (1) Richardson, Robert C. (Lt. Gen.) n.d. (1) Richling, Don Jose 1945 (2) Ridgway, Ellis (Mrs.) 1945 (12) Rivers, Francis E. (Justice) 1945 (1) F-24 Robertson, A. W., 1944-19450 (29) -1 ! F-25 Robertson, G. M. - Robins, C., 1944-1945. (7) Robertson, Giles M. 1944 (4) Robins, Charles, Jr. (Mrs.) 1945 (3) F-26 Robinson, F. , 1942-1943. (28) F-27 Robinson, F. , 1943-19440 (25) F-28 Robinson, F. , 1944-1945. (22) F-29 Robinson, F. (Clippings) - Robinson, W., 1942-1944. (15) Robinson, Francis-Clippings 1942-44 (14 ) Robinson, Walker n.d. (1)

Box 23 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Rockbridge National Bank - Sexton F-l Rockbridge National Bank-Bank Statements and Checks-Lexington, Va. April-Dec., 1944. F-2 Rockbridge National Bank-Bank Statements and Checks-Lexington, va. Jan.-August, 1945. Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 23 Continued

F-3 Rockbridge National Bank-Check Stubs-Frank McCarthy-Lexington, Va., 1943-1944. F-4 Rockbridge National Bank-Check Stubs-Frank McCarthy-Lexington, Va., 1944-19450 F-5 Rockbridge National Bank - Checking Account, 1942-1944. (32) F-6 Rockbridge National Bank - Financial Agreements, 1942. (17) F-7 Rockbridge National Bank - Financial Agreements, 1943. (27) F-8 Rockbridge National Bank - Insurance and Taxes, 1942-1943. (6) F-9 Rockbridge National Bank - Taxes, 1943-1945. (33) F-10 Rockefeller, N. A. - Roosevelt, E., 1943-1945. (26) Rockefeller, Nelson A. 1943 (1) Rockefeller, Winthrop (Majo) 1945 (1) Rockey, James Doyle 1943 (2) Rodgers, Richard 1943-45 (9) Rogers, J. L. 1945 (5) Roller, C. So (Maj.) 1945 (1) Rooks, Martha Po (Mrs.) 1945 (1) Roosevelt, Elliot 1944-45 (6) F-ll Roosevelt, F. D. and Mrs., 1942-1945. (17) F-12 Roosevelt, F. Do - Funeral Arrangements, April, 1945. (23) F-13 Roosevelt, Fo D. Funeral Arrangements, April, 1945. (26) F-14 Roosevelt, T. (Mrs.) - Rosengren, R. P., 1942-1945. (23) Roosevelt, Theodore (Mrs.) (Eleanor)1944 (4) Root, Oren (Lt. Commander) 1945 (2) Rose, Leo 1942-45 (14 ) Rosengren, R. P• (Lt. Col.) 1944 (3) F-15 Ross-Duggan, J. K. - Rothrock, H. D., 1942-1944. (8) Ross-Duggan, Jo K. 1942 (4 ) Ross, John M. (Cpl.) 1944 (1) Rotary Club of Roanoke 1944 (1) Rothrock, H. D. (Capt.) 1944 (2 ) F-16 Round the World, Dec., 1943. (31) Southwest Pacific Area (1) Los Angeles (3) Canton-Honolulu (27) F-17 Round the World, Dec., 1943. (22) Fij i (4) Espiritu Santo (5 ) Guadal canal (13) F-18 Round the World, Dec., 1943. (26) Goodenough Island (6) ~' Port Moresby (20) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 23 Continued

" F-19 Round the World, Dec., 1943. (24) ...... Fenton Island (12) "[ \J j Exmouth Gulf (12) F-20 Round the World, Dec., 1943. (26) 1, Columbo (4) ;i} Karachi (9) Bahrein (6) Luxor (7) F-21 Rowan, L. - Ruddock, M., 1943-1945. (17) Rowan, Lexlie 1943-44 (12 ) Roddock, Merritt 1944 (1) It Ruddock, Merritt (Mrs.) 1945 (4) ~ F-22 Ruffner, C. L. - Ryland, H., 1942-1945. (21) j Ruffner, Clark L. (Maj. Gen.) 1944-45 (15 ) Rumel t, Joseph 1943 (2) '1 Rumelt, Ruthjane 1944 (1) " Russian Assistant Military Attache (1) to U.S. Ryland, Hobart 1942 (2) , .M F-23 St. John, R. L. - Saunders, S. 1., 1942-1945. (31) St. John, Robert L. 1942 (1) Sa 1e, Ernes t A. (Maj.) 1944 (1) Saltzman, Charles E. 1945 (2 ~ Saltzman, Charles E. (Mrs.) n.d. (1 Sanchez, Salvadore Jo (Maj. Gen.)- 4/6/43 (7) •• Dinner, Alibi Club Sanders, Raymond (Majo) 1943 (1) Sargeant, J. F., Jr. 1942 (2) Saunders, Stuart T. 1944-45 (16 ) F-24 Savage, J. - Sax, C. , 1942-1944. (24) Savage, Joe 1942-44 (8) oS Sax, Ca rro11 1942-44 (16)

~ F-25 Sayre, J. M. - Scott, D. E., 1942-1945. (17) 4 - ..j Sayre, Jack Mo 1944 (1) Sayre, Mr. &Mrs. Maurice 1944 (1) Schaubel, Carl A. 1944 (5) Schlenk, Henry (Mrs.) 1942 (3) . ..4 Schloss, William L. n.d. (1) Schneider, Robert E. (Lt.) 1945 (1) Scholle, W. D. 1943 (2) _..J. Schwarz, Percy 1943 (1) Sclater, I. H. (Maj.) 1944 (1) ;. (1) j Scott, Don E. (BG) 1945 _.""t F-26 Scott, G. C. (Mrs.) - Scott, K. D., 1942-1945. (17) Scott, George Cole (Mrs.) 1944-45 (12 ) Scott, K. Duval 1942-43 (5 ) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 23 Continued

F-27 Scott, R. S., 1943-1945. (28) ~ F-28 Scrivenor, A. - Scully, T., 1942-1945. (15) Scrivenor, Arthur, Jr. 1942-45 (9) Scrivenor, Arthur (Mrs.) 1944 (5 ) Scully, Tom n.d. (1) F-29 Sec. of State (Re use of airfield in British Guiana)-Sexton, William Too (Mrs.) 1943-1945. (36) Secretary of State-re use of 1943 (3) airfield in British Guiana Sener, William H. 1943-44 (5) Servants, Mexican for GeM 1943-44 (7) Sexton, William T. (Mrs.) 1944-45 (21)

Box 24 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Sexton - Sloan

F-l Sexton, W. 1., 1944. (25) F-2 Sexton, W. T., 1944-1945. (37) F-3 Shackleton, R. and Mrs., 1943-1944. (24) F-4 SHAEF - Correspondence, A-C, June, 1944. (35) F-5 SHAEF - Correspondence, D-E, June, 1944. (26) F-6 SHAEF - Correspondence, F-G, June, 1944. (25) F-7 SHAEF - Correspondence, H-J, June, 1944. (29) F-8 SHAEF - Correspondence, K-O, June, 1944. (30) F-9 SHAEF - Correspondnece, P-S, June, 1944. (33) F-10 SHAEF - Correspondence, T-W, June, 1944. (14) F-ll SHAEF - Telegrams to Wives for GeM, June, 1944. (26) F-12 SHAEF - Itineraries and Schedules, June, 1944. (17) F-13 SHAEF - Miscellaneous, June, 1944. (17) F-14 SHAEF - Stanwell Place, June, 1944. (23) F-15 SHAEF - Radios Re Trip, June, 1944. (28) F-16 SHAEF - Radios Re Trip, June, 1944. (32) F-17 SHAEF - Clippings Etc., June, 1944. (22) F-18 SHAEF - Te)ephone Directory, SHAEF, June, 1944. (1) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 24 Continued

'il F-19 SHAEF - Telephone Directory - USSTAF, June, 1944. (1) F-20 SHAEF - Telephone Directory, AEAF, June, 1944. (1) F-21 SHAEF - Telephone Directory - HQ 9th AF, June, 1944. (1) F-22 SHAEF - Telephone Directory - HQ8th AF, June, 1944. (1) F-23 SHAEF - Telephone Directory Et6usa, June, 1944. (1) F-24 Shannon, W. V. - Sheffey, H. C., 1942-1944. (27) Shannon, W. V. 1942-43 (6) Sharp, E. Frank (Mrs.) 1944 (13 ) Shear, Warren D. 1942-44 (3) Sheffey, Harold C. 1942-44 ( 5) F-25 Sheffield, T., 1943-1944. (20) F-26 Sheffield, T., 1944-1945. (18) F-27 Shelton, C. B. - Sherwood, R. E., 1942-1945. (30) Shelton, Charles B. (Capt.) 1944-45 (11 ) Shepherd, Wm. A. 1942 (1) Shep1ey, James 1945 (3 ) Sherri 11, S. H. 1944 (2) Sherwood, Robert E. 1945 (13) F-28 Shipley, F. W. - Shumaker, E. E., 1942-1945. (25) Shipley, Frederick William 1943 (1) Shomo, Harold E. 1942 (1) Short, Walter C. 1944 (3) Shotwell, Stuart M. 1945 (1) Shubert, John (Maj.) 1945 (7) Shumaker, E. E. (Lt. Col.) 1943-45 (i2 ) F-29 Siegal, L. - Sims, N. E., 1943-1945. (26) Siegal, Louis 1945 (5) Simmons, Frank Gordon (Capt.) 1944 (3) Simmons, Mrs. V. N. 1943 (2) Simmons, William 1944 (2) Simpson, John 1943 (4) Sims, Lt. Norman E., Jr. 1943-44 (10) F-30 Siposki, J. - Sloan, L., 1942-1945. (30) Siposki, James (Lt. Col.) 1942 (2) Sirles, Clyde P. (Capt.) n.d. (1) Slaughter, Mrs. 1943 (1) Slemp, C. Bascom 1942-43 (10) Sloan, John E. (Maj. Gen.) 1945 (14) I .i Sloan, Louise n.d. (2) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 25

Box 25 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Smith - Task Force School ~ F-l Smith, C. R. - Smith, M., 1942-1945. (22) Smith, C. R. (Majo Gen.) 1945 (2)

~ Smith, L Hunter 1944 (2) ! Smith, Fred 1944 (2) Smith, Frederick A. 1942 (1 ) Smith, Mrs. Harold 1942 (2) Smith, Mrs. Maude Howell 1944 (1) Smith, Mayo, Jr. 1942 (3) F-2 Smith, M. - Smith, O. D., 1942-1944. (30) Smith, Mela 1944 (6) Smith, Otis D. 1942-44 (24) F-3 Smith, P. W. - Smith, R., 1942-1945. (8) Smith, P. W. 1942-43 (5) Smith, Rex (Col.) 1944-45 (3) F-4 Smith, R. Ao, Jr. (Capt.), 1942-1945. (27) F-5 Smith, T. - Smith, Wo B., 1944-1945. (36) Smith, Truman (Col.) 1944 (1) Smith, W. Bedell (Lt. Gen.) 1944-45 (35) F-6 Smith, W. B. (Mrs.) - Smith, W. L, 1942-1944. (45) Smith, Mrs. W. B. 1943-44 (4) Smith, William E. 1942-44 (41)

F-7 Smither, E. - Spooner, F., 1942-1945. (18) Smither, Ethel 1945 (2 ) Smuts, Jan Christian n.d. (1) Smuts, Major 1944 (2) Sonnenschein, Hugo 1945 (2) Spaulding Sideny (Gen.) 1944 (1) Speamon, Wi'] 1i e 1942 (1) .i Spellman, Archbishop 1944-45 (7) Spooner, Fred 1942 (2) F-8 Stack, J. - Stalin, Jo, 1942-19450 (11) Stack, Jim 1944 (1) Stage Door Canteen (Paris) 1945 (1) Stainback, Edward R. 1942 (8) Stalin, Marshal Joseph 1944 (1) F-9 Stallter, M. T. - Stanton, E. H., 1943-1945. (33) Stallter, M. T. (Lt. Colo) 1943-44 (29) Stansbury, H. H. 1944-45 (3) Stanton, Edward H. (Sgt.) 1945 (1) F-l0 Stettinius, E. R., 1941-1944. (26) F-ll Stettinius, E. R., 1944. (25) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 25 Continued

F-12 Stettinius, E. R., 1944. (26) F-13 Stettinius, E. R., 1944-1945. (26) F-14 Stevens, H. (Mrs.) - Stokes, C. A., 1943-1945. (30) Stevens, Mrs. Hugo 1944 (1) Stewart, Herman Clyde 1945 (1) Stilwell, J. W. (LG) n.d. (1) Stimson, Henry L. 1944 (3) Stimson, Mrs. Henry L. 1944 (3) Stoddard, J. C. (Mrs.) 1945 (9) Stofberg, Charles 1944 (1) (11 ) i Stokes, Claude A. 1943 F-15 Stone, E., 1942-1943. (25) F-16 Stone, L, 1943. (20) F-17 Stone, E., 1943-1945. (23) F-18 Stone, So J., 1942-1944. (30) F-19 Stout Field, Indiana - Styer, W. D., 1944-1945. (8) Stout Field, Indiana 1944 (1) Stowell, John H. (Maj.) 1945 (4) Stuart, Robert D. (Maj.) 1945 (1) Styer, W. D. (Lt. Gen.) 1944 (2) F-20 Sullivan, C. A., 1943. (24) F-21 Sullivan, C. A., 1943-1945. (33) F-22 Summers, A. - Summersby, K., 1942-1945. (21) Summers, Mr. &Mrs. Allingham 1945 (1) Summers, Frank L. 1942 (4) Summers, George 1944 (4) Summersby, Kay 1943-45 (12 ) F-23 Surles, A. D. - Swope, H. B., 1943-1945. (15 ) Surles, Alexander D. 1944 (2 ) Sutton, Frank Taylor 1943 (2) Sutton, Mrs. Frank Taylor 1945 (4) Sydnor, Virginia 1943 (2) Swann, Don 1943 (3) Swope, Herbert Bayard 1945 (2) F-24 Tabb, N. C. (Mrs.) - Taplinger, Ro, 1942-1945. (20) Tabb, Mrs. Nina Carter 1944 (4) Talbott, Charles 1942-44 (7) Talman, John E. (Maj.) 1945 (6) Talman, Woods G. 1942 (2) Taplinger, Rober~ 1945 (1) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 25 Continued

F-25 Task Force School - Corres. After Return, Aug., 1943. (13) F-26 Task Force School - Schedules, Aug., 1943. (20) F-27 Task Force School - Travel Orders, Aug., 1943. (11) F-28 Task Force School - OPO Lectures, Aug., 1943. (26) F-29 Task Force School - Operation Telek, Aug., 1943. (24) F-30 Task Force School - Operation Heyjoe, Aug., 1943. (38) F-31 Task Force School - Miscellaneous, Aug., 1943. (25) F-32 Task Force School - Miscellaneous, Aug., 1943. (36)

Box 26 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Tate - Virginia Military Institute F-l Tate, F. J. - Theater Arts, 1942-1945. (19) Tate, Foster J. (Col.) 1942 (1) Taylor, Ashby (Maj.) 1945 (1) Taylor, Maxwell O. (Gen.) 1944-45 (8) Taylor, Paul G. (Mrs.) 1945 (4) Taylor, Samuel 1944 (3) Taylor, William Banks 1944 (1) Theater Arts n.d. (1) F-2 Theater Programs - Plowshares No. 48, 1944. (1) F-3 Theater Programs, 1942-1944. (11) John Brown1s Body (4) Brother Rat (1) The Eve of Saint Mark (1) What A Life (1) Jai-A1ai 1944 Winged Victory 1944 H~ Kiss and Tell 1943 (1) This Is The Army 1942 (1) F-4 Theater Programs, 1943-1944. (8) Another Love Story 1943 (1) Oklahoma 1943 (1) Over Twenty-One 1943 (1) Student Prince 1944 (1) Jacobowsky and the Col. 1944 (1) Lovers and Friends 1944 (1) Plan M n.d. (1) Angel Street nod. (1) F-5 Theater Programs, 1942. (6) The Ooughgir1s 1942 (1) The Student Prince 1942 (1) Golden Wings 1942 (1) \,-::::/ Papa Is All 1942 ~ ~1) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 26 Continued

F-5 Continued It ~-' Blithe Spirit 1942 (1) The Pirate 1942 (1) F-6 Theater Programs, 1942. (6) Candle In the Wind 1942 (1) Hold On To Your Hats 1942 (1) The Doctor's Dilemma 1942 (1) Hello Out There 1942 (1) Vickie 1942 (1) Candi de 1942 (1) F-7 Theater Programs, 1942. (7) Punch and Julia 1942 (1) MacBeth 1942 (1) Without Love 1942 (1) My Sister Eileen 1942 (1) Louisiana Purchase 1942 Angel Street 1942 H~ The Land is Bright n.d. (1) F-8 Theater Programs - Music Score To Oklahoma, (7). Oklahoma (1) Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin (1) Out of My Dreams (1) I Cain't Say No (1) The Surrey With The Fringe On Top (1) Many A New Day (1) People Will Say We're In Love (1) F-9 Thom, A. - Thomas, C., 1943-1944. (24) Thom, Alfred (Mrs.) 1944 (2) Thomas, Allan (Lt.) 1943 (4) Thoma s, C• C• C. 1944 (1) Thomas, Carlson R. (Capt.) 1943-44 (14 ) Thomas, Cora 1943 (3) F-10 Thomas, H. L. - Thomas, S. L., 1944-1945. (8) Thomas, Harvey L. (Pvt.) 1945 (7) Thomas, Samuel L. (Lt. Col.) 1944 (1) F-ll Thompson, C. R., 1942-1945. (37) F-12 Thompson, L. - Thurman, D. B., 1942-1945. (28) Thompson, Mr. &Mrs. Leon 1944 (1) Thompson, Malvina C. 1943 (1) Thornton, Barbour Nv 1942-45 (7) Thornton, Heber l . 1942 (6) .Thorpe,.Philip H. 1943-44 (3) Threadcraft, Hal. (Capt.) 1943 (6) Thurman, Donald B. 1942-44 (4) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 26 Continued

F-13 Tinsley, W. F. - Toon, J. A., 1942-1945. (23) , II Tinsley, William F. 1945 (2) Tobey, Nelson W. 1944 (5) Tomlinson, Cora 1945 (5) - -, Tompkins, Roswell D. 1944 (3) I Tompkins, William F. 1942 (3) Toohey, John L. (Sgt.) 1944 (2) Toomer, Harold 1945 (2) Toon, James A. (Col.) 1945 (1 ) F-14 Torrence, R. G., 1944. (20) F-15 Townes, J. E. - Trachtman, J., 1942-1944. (17) Townes, John E. (Col. and Mrs.) 1943 (2) Townes, Rosa 1942 (1) Townes, William W. 1943-44 (9) Trachtman, Joseph 1942 (5) F-16 Transcontinental Trip, Sept.-Oct., 1942. (16 ) F-17 Trapnell, E. R. - Trice, Jo No, 1942-1945. (22) Trapnell, Eo R. (Capt.) 1942-45 (16 ) Travis, Frank H., Jr. 1942 (4) Trice, J. Norvell 1942 (2) F-18 Trimble, F. - Trossbach, J. N., 1944. (25) Trimble, Ford (Col.) 1944 (19 ) Trips Overseas 1944 (1) Trossbach, John N. 1943 (5) F-19 Trueheart, W. C., 19430 (26) 1 F-20 Trueheart, W. C., 1943-1944. (30) F-21 Truesdale, D. D. - Tully, G., 1942-1945. (26) Truesdale, Donald David 1943 (1) Truscott, L. K., Jr., (Mrs.) 1945 (2 ) Tuck, William M. 1944 (4) Tucker, J. Randolph 1945 (1) Tucker, J. Randolph (Mrso) 1945 (1) Tucker, J. Randolph, Jr. 1942 (3) Tucker, St. George (Mrs.) 1944 (2) Tucker, Weir (1st Lt. ) 1943 (2) , TUffy, 'Es ther (Mrs.) 1944 (1) Tully, Grace (Miss) 1942-45 (9) F-22 Turpin, A. R. - Tyson, J. L., 1942-1945. (12) Turpin, A. Ro, Jr. 1945 (5) -i (1) ! Turri, Cipriano E. (Pvt.) 1944 I Tyl er, Gilman R. 1942 (1) Tyler, John (Capt.) 1945 (4) Tyson, J. Lloyd (Maj.) 1944 (1) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 26 Continued

F-23 Ulio, J. A. - Urquizo, F. L., 1941-1944. (14) Ulio, James A. (Maj. Gen.) 1944 (1) Upshur, W. P. (Maj. Geno) 1942 (2) Urick, Meredith 1941-42 (5) Urquizo, Francisco L. 1943-44 (6) F-24 Vance, J. D. - Van Wyck, D., 1942-1945. (27) (12) , '1 Vance, James D. 1942-44 Vance, Willis (Mrs.) 1945 (2) Van Mook, Hubertus J. (Dr.) 1944 (1) Van Patten, Alfred E. 1944 (11 ) Van Wyck, Donald 1942 (1) F-25 Vaughan, M. H. - Vaughan, R. F., 1942-1945. (22) Vaughan, M. H. 1945 (2) Vaughan, R. F. 1942-45 (20) F-26 VerMilyea, V. - Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Co., 1942-1945. (20) -! Vermilyea, Victor 1942-45 (9) Vesey, H. Bo 1942-44 (5) Vickery, Mrso Hugh n.d. (1) Virginia Federation of Junior 1944-45 (3) Women's Clubs Virginia Federation of Women's n.d. (1) Clubs Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance n.d. (1) Company F-27 Virginia Military Institute, 1945. (13) ..., F-28 Virginia Military Institute - Alumni Association, 1942-1944. (25) F-29 Virginia Military Institute - Alumni Association, 1944-1945. (20) F-30 VirJinia Military Institute - Alumni Association - Voorhis, C. G. , 1942-1945. (39 Virginia Military Institute Alumni 1942-45 (37) Association I Voorhis, Calvin G. 1945 (2) / Box 27 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Wagner - Williamsburg F-l Wagner, C. G. - Walker, G. B., 1943-1945. (22) Wagner, C. Gordon 1943 (5 ) Wakeman, J. B. 1943 (3) Wales, John 1945 (8) Walker, Byron W. 1945 (2) Walker, Fred Lo 1945 (3) Walker, G. B. (Lt. Col.) 1945 (1) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 27 Continued

F-2 Walker, G. W. - Wallace, M. M., 1943-1945. (24 ) Walker, Gordon W. (Maj.) 1944-45 (6) Walker, Grenville K. 1943 (8) Walker, Richard Henry (Mrs.) 1945 (1 ) Wa 11 ace, DeWitt n.d. (1) Wallace, Morgan M. (Lt. Col.) 1945 (8) F-3 Wallace, W. J., 1942-1944. (22) F-4 Wallach, R. - Walworth, N., 1942-1945. (15) Wallach, Richard, Jr. (Mrs.) 1942 (3) Waller, S. Gardner (BG) 1944 (2) Walsh, Robert L. (MG) 1944 (2) Walsh, William 1945 (4) Wa'I ters, Vernon (Maj.) 1945 (3) I Walworth, Ned (Capt.) 1945 (1) F-5 Warburg, F. M. - Washburn, C., 1942-1945. (34) , Warburg, Frederick M. 1944 (4) Ward, Newell 1944-45 (5) Ward, Orlando (MG) 1942-44 (9) Wardell, Norman W. 1944 (3) Waring, Colonel 1942 (1) Warner, Ethel (Miss) 1943-44 (5) Warner, Kenneth O. 1944 (1) Warren, Fred (Lt. Col.) 1945 (1) Washburn, Charles 1942-44 (5) F-6 Washer, B. (Mrs.) - Washer, B., 1942-1944. (29) Washer, Ben (Mrs.) 1944 (5) Washer, Ben 1942-43 (24) F-7 Washer, B., 1943-1945. (30) F-8 Washer, J. R., 1942-1943. (21) F-9 Washer, J. R., 1943-1944. (21) F-10 Wassell, F. L. - Watson, E. M. (Mrs.), 1942-1945. (25) Wassell, F. Lloyd 1945 Wassell Organization 1945 Watkins, Charles H. Jr. 1943 Watkins, C. R. (Mrs.) 1943 Watson, E. M. 1942-44 Watson, E. M. (Mrs.) 1945 F-ll Weal, - Weilman, S. J., 1942-1945. (28) Weal, Captain 1944 (1) Weaver, Aubrey 1942-43 (2) Weaver, Walter MG 1944 (2) Weddell, Alexander W. 1944 (10) Wedemeyer, A. C. (Lt. Gen.) 1943-45 (2) Weems, George H. (Col.) '1942 (1) Weilman, Sidney J. (Maj.) 1945 (10) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 27 Continued

F-12 Weiss, R. P. - Welton, C. C., 1942-1945. (24) Weiss, Robert P. 1942 (n Welles, Paul, Jr. 1942 (7) Welles, Rogers Galt 1943 (3) Wells, Robert 1942-43 (3) Welton, Courtenay C. (Capt.) 1942-45 (10) F-13 Werneken, F. E. - Westcott, M., 1942-1945. (11) Werneken, Frank E., Jr. (Capt.) 1945 (3) West Point Nov. 13-14, 1942 (7) Westcott, Marcy 1945 (1) F-14 Western Front - Miscellaneous, Oct. 5-14, 1944. (23) F-15 Western Front - Messages, Oct. 5-14, 1944. (27) F-16 Western Front - Schedules, Oct. 5-14, 1944. (22) F-17 Western Front - Correspondence A-F, Oct. 5-14, 1944. (23) F-18 Western Front - Correspondence G-L, Oct. 5-14, 1944. (26) F-19 Western Front - Correspondence M-S, Oct. 5-14, 1944. (32) F-20 Western Front - Correspondence T-W, Oct. 5-14, 1944. (19) F-21 Wetzel, A. E. - White, W. A., 1943-1945. (15) Wetzel, Alan E. (Capt.) 1945 (1) Wheeler, George 1945 (1) White, Ellen Spottswood 1945 (1) White, J. Stuart 1943 (2) White, Joseph A. (Capt.) 1945 (1) White, Miller D. (Maj. Gen.) 1945 (1) White, M. G. 1944 (1) White, Robert M. 1943-44 (4) White, Willard A. (Capt.) 1944 (3) F-22 White House Correspondence, 1942-1943. (14) F-23 White House Envelopes - Whitside, VA, 1943-1945. (24) White House Envelopes 1943 (4) Whitside, W. W. (Mrs.) 1943-45 (19) Whitside, Virginia 1945 (1) F-24 Whitten, F. L. - Whyte, J., 1942-1945. (25) Whitten, Francine Lewis (Miss) 1944 (2) Whittet, Robert 1942 (5) Whittet, Robert (Mrs.) 1945 (1) Whittle, William 1944 (2) Who's Who 1944 (4) Whyte, Jerry 1943 (11 ) ": Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 27 Continued

~ F-25 Wiley, J. M. - Willard Hot.el, 1943-1945. (29) r4 Wiley, James M., Jr. 1944 , ~ g~ :~ Wiley, Pat (Mrs.) 1944 Wilk, Max 1943 (2) , Wil kes, Allene 1944-45 (15 ) Wilkins, Charles 1944 (2) jj Wilkinson, Goerge L. (Mrs. ) n.d. (1) Willard Hotel 1943 (3) ~; .. F-26 William and Mary (College of), April 3, 1944. (22) Correspondence (13) Arrangements (9 )

F-27 Williams, C. - Williams, E. N9 , 1942-1945. (23) :,, Williams, Carrin9ton 1944-1945 (4) '1 Williams, E. H. (Lt.) 1943 (2) ~ Williams, E. Otto N. 1942-45 (17) ., ~ F-28 Williams, E. N. (Mrs.) - Williams, R. D., 1943-1945. (16 ) Williams, E. Otto N. (Mrs.) 1944 (2 ) Williams, Frances (Miss) 1944 (1) Williams, John L. B. 1944 (3) Williams, Mabel E. 1943 (1) Williams, Murat 1943-44 (7) Williams, R. D. Jr. 1944 (2) F-29 Williamsburg, VA - British Chiefs of Staff Visit - Report, May 15-16, 1943. (1) F-30 Williamsburg - British Chiefs of Staff - Misc., May, 1943. (7) F-31 Williamsburg, VA - British Chiefs of Staff Visit - Correspondence, May, 1943. (37) F-32 Williamsburg, VA - British Chiefs of Staff Visit - Schedules and Arrangements, May, 1943 •(22)

Box 28 U.S. Army, 1941-1945. Williamson - Miscellaneous Newspaper and Periodical Clippings and Photos F-l Williamson, E. C. - Wilson, J. M., 1942-1945. (25) Williamson, Elizabeth Cary 1945 Wil'Jis, A. M. Jr., (Lt.) 1943-44 1~l Willshire, Maggie Belle n.d. 1) Wilmer, Fred P. 1942 (4 ) Wilmer, T. W. 1943 (1) Wilson, Donald B. (Col.) 1945 (2) Wilson, Harriett E. 1943 (3) 1 (7) --' Wilson, James M. (Maj.) 1945 Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 28 Continued F-2 Wilson, L. - Winn, J. W., 1942-1945. (22) Wilson, Lily 1944 (3) Wil son, Morri s 1945 (1) Wilson, William To 1945 (3) Wiltshire, George (Mrso) 1942-45 (3) Winant - Ambassador 1945 (3) Winchell, Walter 1944 (1 ) Winegar, A'lice 1944 l) Winn, James J. (Mrs.) 1944 2) Winn, James W. (Lt. Col.) 1943 ~ 5) F-3 Winn, R. - Wood, E., 1944-1945. (26) Winn, Reggie 1944-45 (6) Witherow, W. P. 1945 (5) Witt, Sam B., Jr. 1945 (2) Wolfe, Hank 1945 (2) Wood, Erskine 1944-45 (11) F-4 Wood, R. - Woodward, R. E., 1943-1945. (20) Wood, Richard 1943-45 (6) Woodson, H. L. Jr., (Maj.) 1944 (3) Woodsum, Bob 1945 (4) Woodward, Ruth E. 1944-45 (7) F-5 Woolsey, R. - Wyman, J., 1942-1945. (30) Woolsey, Ross 1943-44 (10) Worden, Felice 1945 (2) Wright, Rosemary E. 1945 (1) Wright, Thomas H. 1945 (5) Wright, W. H. S. (CoL) 1942-44 (3) Wylie, David G. 1944-45 (8) Wyman, Jane 1945 (1)

-~ I I F-6 Yalta - Miscellaneous, 1945. (24) i F-7 Yank - Yeuell, D., 1944-1945. (27) Yank 1945 (1) Yeuell, Don 1944-45 (26) F-8 Yeuell, D. P. (Mrs.) - Youell, R. M., 1943-1944. (30) Yeue 11, D. P. (Mrs.) 1944 (5) Youell, R. M. 1943 (25) F-9 Young, C. T. - Young, J. R., 1943-1945. (13) Young, Chas. Talbott 1945 (2) Young, G. James 1943 (6) Young, J. Russell School of 1943-44 (5) Expression F-l0 Young, Mo, 1944-1945. (28) F-ll Young, M., 1945. (2) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 28 Continued

d F-12 Young, R. H. - Young, R. N. (Mrs.), 1943-1945. (25) Young, Robert H. 1945 (4) '--1I ~ Young, Robert N. 1943-45 (19 ) Young, Robert N. (Mrs.) 1945 (2)

-..,, F-13 Younger, S. P. - Zimmerman, J., 1942-1945. (16) Younger, Samuel P• 1944 (1) • Zalinsky, Nathan T. 1944 (2) Zanuck, Darryl 1942-44 (5 ) Zellerbach, James D. 1942 (1) rI Zimmer, William L. 1942-45 (6) Zimmerman, Jack 1943 (1) F-14 Miscellaneous - Newspaper and Periodical Clippings, 1937-1945. (25) Miscellaneous - Newspaper and 1937-45 (25) Periodical Clippings (most clippings deal with period that McCarthy was Assistant Secretary of State) , I F-15 Miscellaneous - Newspaper and Periodical Clippings, 1945. (25) F-16 Miscellaneous Newspaper and Periodical Clippings and Photos, 1945. (27)

Box 29 Correspondence File, 1946-1949. Abbink .- Allan

F-l Abbink, J. - Allan, H. C., 1946-1949. (27) Abbink, John n.d. (1) Abbott, George 1946 (2) Abbott, Judy n.d. (1) Abeel, Allen C. 1947 (2) Academy of Motion Picture Arts and 1946 (2) Sciences Acheson, Dean 1947-49 (3) Adams, Claude M. (Mrs.) n.d. (2) Adams, John, Jr. 1946 (3) Addresses n.d. (1) Aherne, Brian 1947 (1) Akin, John n.d. (1) - Akin, Spencer (Gen.) 1947 (4) Albert, Eddie 1946 (1) Allan, Betty 1946 (1) Allan, Harper C. 1946 (2) F-2 Allan, K. - Allan, R., 1946-1947. (30) All an, Karl 1946 (1) A11 an, Rupert 1946-47 (29) F-3 Allen, G. E. - Amory, R., 1946-1948. (20) Allen, George E. 1946 (3) Allen, George V. 1948 (1) All en, James 1947 (1) Alloy, Genevieve 1947 (2) Americans United For World 1946 (10) Government Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 29 Continued

II F-3 Continued American League For A Free Palestine1946 (1) Amory, Robert &Mrs. 1946 ( 2) F-4 Anthony C. - Ashby, J., 1946-1947. (25) Anthony, Charles (Miss) 1946 (14 ) Appointments 1946-47 (1) Arms, Walter 1946 (7) Arthur, Art 1946 (1) Ashby, James (Mrs.) 1946 (2) F-5 Atkinson, T. - Bateson, P., 1946-1948. (25) Atkinson, Thomas 1947 ( 2) - Austin, Warren 1946 (2) Autographs 1946 (1) Ayers, Thomas H. 1947 ( 2) Balch, Earle H. 1946 (3) Ba 11 et Theater 1946 (3) Ba 11 et Russe 1946 (1) Barnes, Leone 1946 ( 2) Baron, Richard (Col.) 1946 ( 2) Baruch, Bernard 1946-48 (3) Bassett, Ransom H. n.d. (1) Bateson, Philip (Mrs.) 1947 (3) F-6 Begg, J. - Benjamin, M., 1946. (19 ) Begg, John 1946 (2) Behymer Concerts 1946 (11) Be11, Gordon F. 1946 (5) Benjamin, Maurice 1946 (1) F-7 Benton, W. - Bissell, C., 1946-1947. (27) Benton, Wi 11 i am 1946-47 (10) Berger, Richard H. 1947 (2 ) Bergheim, Myrtle 1946 (2) Berlin, Irving 1946 (1) Bernouay, William A. n.d. (1) Beverly Hills Hotel 1946 (1) Bil tmore Theater 1946 (1) Binford, GUy R. 1946 (1) Bisgood, Tony (Mrs.) 1946 ( 2) Bissell, Clayton (Maj. Gen.) 1946 (6) F-8 Blair, D. - Bowen, J., 1946-1947. (25) Blair, Don 1947 ( 2) B1ees, Bill 1946 (1) Blees, Bob 1947 ( 2) Blees, William A. (Mrs.) 1946 (1) Bolton, Jack 1947 ( 2) Boretz, Al 1946 (3) Borthwick, George 1946-47 (4) Bowne, John 1946-47 (10) J Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 29 Continued J F-9 Bowron, F. - Bright, J., 1946-1948. (26) ''Ii> ..., "-/ Bowron, Fletcher 1946 (1) ,. Boyer, Charles 1947 (1) Brocken, Eddie 1946 (2) Brocken, Eddie (Mrs.) n.d. (1) Brad'ley, John G. 1946 (2) It Bradley, Omar (Gen.) 1947 (1) Bradt, Campbell 1946 (2) , Braham, Harold 1946 (1) If Breen, Joseph I. 1948 (1) Brentano's 1946 (4) Brigham, Gorham 1946 (6) .. Bright, Joan 1946-47 (4) F-l0 Brisson, F. - Bromberg, G., 1946-1947. (32) :i ~ Brisson, Frederick 1946 (5) .. Bromberg, Gertrude 1946-47 (27) ~ F-ll Browning, A. J. - Burress, C., 1946-1947. (20) ~ Browning, Albert J. ~Gen.) 1946 (3) Brownjohn, N. C. D. Maj. Gen.) 1946 (1) Brownley, Claud, Jr. 1947 (2) . Burgess, Carter 1946 (9) .I Burns, Robert v. 1947 (2) Burress, Charles 1946 (3)

" F-12 Burress, J. W. - Calhoun, W. L., 1946-1948. (29) Burress, John W. 1946 (2) Burt, Helen M. (Mrs.) 1946 (2 ) Bussey, Don S. 1947 (3) Butcher, Harry C. 1946 (1) ".1 Byrd, Harry F. 1946-48 (3) Byrd, Harry, Jr. 1946 (2 ) it Byrnes, James F. 1947 (2) Caffery, Jefferson 1947 (4 ) Claderwood, David 1946 (3) I Calhoun, W. L. 1946-47 (7)

, 'I, F-13 Camp, J. M. - Capra, F., Jr., 1946-1947. (30) j Camp, John M. 1946 (5 ) Caperton, Clifford R. (Mrs. ) 1946-47 (5) Capotosto, Al 1946-47 (9) Capra, Frank 1946-47 (4) -" Capra, Frank (Mrs.) n.d. (1) Capra, Frank, Jr. 1946 (6) i F-14 Carney, G. J. - Caughey, H. , 194601947. (26) Carney, Gerald J. 1947 (4) ! Caron, Lucette 1946 (1) ! ,-, Carpenter, Lee 1946 (1) Carr, Julian S. 1946 (9) Carrington, Henry Paul 1946 (2 ) Carter, Marshall S. (Col.) 1946 (1) Carter, Robert 1947 (2)

'..--/ Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 29 Continued

F-14 Continued . 1 ~ Carvell, J. Eo M. 1946 (1) Casey, Pat 1946-47 (3) Caughey, Hart (Col.) 1947 (2) F-15 Chadwick, I. E. - Chamberlin, G., 1946-1947. (36) Chadwi ck, 1. E. 1946 (2) Chaltain, D. H. 1946 (2 ) Chamberlin, Garlington (Mrs.) 1946-47 (32) F-16 Charrington, R. - Chorley, K., 1946-1947. (24) Charrington, Randolph 1946 (3) Cheek, Leslie (Mrs.) 1946 (4) Cheyfitz, Eddie 1947 (1) Chorl ey, Kenneth 1946-47 (16 ) F-17 Clark, K. - Cook, L., 1946-1947. (20) Clark, Kenneth 1947 (4) Clark, Mark W. 1946 (1) Coffin, Pat 1946 (5) Columbia Boradcasting System 1946 (3) Congressional Record 1946 (1) Cook, Lindsley 1946-47 (3) F-18 Cooksey, V. - Coughlin, E., 1946. (24) Cooksey, Virginia 1946 (8) Coolidge, H. J. 1946 (3) Cooper, Fred A. 1946 (1) Cooper, L. S. n.d. (4) Cornell, Katherine n.d. (2) Corrigan, Francis P. (Mr. &Mrs.) n.d. (1) Coughlin, Elizabeth 1946 (5 ) F-19 Crane, C. - Cutler, R., 1946-1947. (19) Crane, Carl 1947 (2) Cross, Ann Catherine 1946 (1) Crowder, Conrad W. 1947 (2) Culpepper, James H., Jr. 1947 (3) Cumming, Hugh S. 1946 (1) Cutler, Robert 1946 (10) F-20 Daniels, J. - Darling, H. B., 1946-1947. (12) Daniels, Jonathan 1946-47 (3) Dantzler, Dan 1947 (2) Darling, Henry B., Jr. 1946-47 (7) F-21 Darnall, J., 1947. (22) F-22 Darnall, J., 1946-1947. (25)

F-23 Davenport, B. W. - Dittler, H., 1946-1947. (14 ) Davenport, B. W. (Mrs.) n.d. (1) Dayhuff, Alicia n.d. (2) DeButts, Harry A. 1946 (2) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 29 Continued

F-23 Continued -1 ~ Deckerd, H. Ben, Jr. 1946-47 (2) Delahante, Thornton 1946 (1) Denton, O. L. n.d. (1) Deyo, Li1a 1946 (2 ) Dittler, Herbert (Mrs.) 1946 (3)

F-24 Diuguid, S. - Dulles, c. , 1946-1947. (25) Diuguid, Sam 1946-47 (7) Dobie, Magruder 1946-47 (4) Doll, Bill 1946 (1) Donations 1946 (1) Doolins, Humphrey 1946 (1) Dow, Joy (Col.) 1946 (1) Downs, John B. 1946-47 (7) Dull es, Clover 1947 (3) F-25 Early, S. 1. - Epps, J., 1946-1947. (24) Early, Stephen To 1946 (1) Easley, James S. 1946 (8) Edmunds, Paul Co III 1947 (2) Einfeld, Charles 1946 (3) -- Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Gen.) 1946 (6) Engel, Elsa 1946 (2) Epps, John 1946 (2) F-26 Erickson, R. E. - Everett, H. , 1946. (15 ) Eri ckson, Roy E. 1946 (7) Ermatinger, Peter 1946 (3) Essex, Harry 1946 (2) Everett, Horace (Sgt.) 1946 (3) F-27 Ewald, P. E., 1946-1947. (28) F-28 Fairbanks, D. - Florist, 1946-1947. (19) Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr. 1946 (1) Farnol, Lynn 1946-47 (10 ) Ferguson, Thomas D. 1947 (2) Ferrer, Jose 1946 (2) Fi e1ds, Wi 11 i am 1946 (2) Fi sher, Carl 1946 (1) Flori st 1946 (1) F-29 Flynn, M. B., 1946-1947. (30)

i -- F-30 Forbes, B. - Fylling, J 0 , 1946-1948. (20) Forbes, Brenda 1947 (4) Ford, Henry, II 1946 (4) -- Fort Myer, Virginia 1946 (1) Foulk, Bob 1946 (1) Franks, Joe 1946 (1) Freeman, D. S. 1948 (2) Fres ton, Herb 1947 (1)

"-""~ Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 29 Continued

F-30 Continued Frye, William 1946 (4) Fylling, Jane 1946 (2)

Box 30 Correspondence File, 1946-1949. Gabler - McCarthy-Investments F-l Gabler, W. - Groner, D., 1946-1947. (34) Gabler, Walter 1946 (1) Gainer, Pendleton 1946 (6) Garlington, Anna B. nodo (1) Garrett, Margie 1946 (1) Gilkie, Stanley 1946 (1) Gilliam, James R., Jr. 1946 ( 2) Gilliam, Robert 1947 (2) Ginsburgh, Arthur I. 1946 (2) Godchil dren 1946 (3) Goddin, Alfred P. 1946 (3) Goldwyn, Samuel 1946 (3) Golson, Florence n.d. (1) Greathead, Ro No 1946 (1) Griffith, Richard 1946 (2) Groner, Duncan 1947 (5 ) F-2 Hagan, J. C. - Hansen, C. B., 1946-1947. (25) Hagan, John C., Jr. 1946-47 (16) Hall, John D. 1947 (3) Haller, W. Harry 1946 (1) Hanley, Robert To 1947 (2) Hansen, Co B. 1946 (3) F-3 Hardin, M. L. - Hathaway, S. H., 1946-1949. (23) Hardin, Mary Lauriston 1946 (5) Harriman, W. Averill 1949 (1) Harmon, Francis 1946 (1) Harris, Allen Will 1947 (5 ) Harrison, B. Powell, Jr. 1946 (3) Hart, James P., Sro &Jr. 1946 (1) Harvey, James (Mrso) n.d. (1) Hasenclever, Arnold 1946 (2) Hassett, William D. 1946 (3) Hathaway, Stewart H. 1946 (1) F-4 Hayes, T. - Heil, P., 1946-1947. (13) Hayes, Theodore T. 1946-47 (6) Hays, Will H. 1946-47 (5 ) Heil, Pat 1947 (2) F-5 Heitzeberg, Co, 1946-19470 (23) F-6 Heitzeberg, C. G. - Hickey, Ro, 1946-1947. (27) Heitzeberg, Charles Go (Mrso) 1947 (3) Henry, Horton 1946 (1) Hersholt, Jean 1946 (8) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 30 Continued

F-6 Conti nued ~ Hickey, Richard 1946-47 (15) F-7 Higginson, E. - Hopkins, F., 1946-1947. (36) Higginson, Ed 1946 (3) Ho llywood Bowl 1946 (1) Holt, Wythe 1946 (3) Hopkins, Frances H. 1946-47 (29) F-8 Hopkins, H. (Mrs.) - Humelsine, C. H., 1946-19470 (25) Hopkins, Harry (Mrs.) n.d. (1) Hopper, Hedda 1946 (1) Houghton, Norris 1946 (1) Houser, Mervin 1947 (2) Houston, Lem W. 1946 (2) Hubbell, John W. 1946-47 (8) Hu 11, Thomas E. 1946 (1) Hume, B. Stewart 1946 (4) Humelsine, C. H. 1946-47 (5 ) F-9 India House - Jacob, Ho A., 1946-19470 (36) India House 1946 (1) Invitations 1946-47 (4) Jacob, Herbert A. 1946 (31) F-l0 Jaegerstrom, H. E. - Joy, J., 1946-1948. (29) Jaegerstrom, Hjalmar E. 1946 (7) Jamerson, Osmond T. 1946-47 (9) Jenkinson, Bobby nod. (1) Jensen, Elsie 1946 (2) Johnston, Eric 1946-48 (7) Joy, Jason 1947 (3) F-ll Judd, W. M. - Kendall, M., 1946-1947. (25) Judd, William M. 1946-47 (8) Jurow, Martin 1946-47 (4) Kanin, Garson 1946 (1) Kappa Al pha 1946 (1) Karp, Jacob Ho 1946 (1) Kearns, Henry 1946 (2) Keighley, William 1947 (1) Kelly, Bob n.d. (1) Kenmore Association, The 1946 (1) Kendall, Marjorie 1946 (5) F-12 Kilbourne, C. E. - Koverman, I., 1946-1947. (26) Kilbourne, C. E. 1946 (9) Kimbrough, Bob n.d. (1) Kinkead, Eugene 1946 (2 ) Kirkbride, Pennell C. 1946 (3) Kluczny, Muriel (Miss) 1946 (1) Kotite, Edward Ao 1946 ( 2) Koverman, Ida (Mrs.) 1946-47 (8) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 30 Continued

/. F-13 Krauss, D. E. - Larus, L. G., 1946-1947. (21) V Krauss, D. E. (Miss) 1946 (2) Krekel, Wallace 1946 Krim, Arthur B. 1947 ~~1 Krug, Dorothy (Mrs.) 1946 (1) i 1 Lady Astor 1947 (1) ~ Landy, George n.d. (1) Lansdale, John 1946 (3) Lapham, Claude 1946 (1) Lardon, Theodore 1946 (2) LaRue, Emily 1946-47 (3) . ,':, Larus, Lewis G. &Mrs. 1946 (2)

F-14 Lascelles, L. = Lockwood, J. E. , 1946-1947. (24) :. ) Lascelles, Lord 1946 (8) LaVien, John D. 1947 (2) Lay, James S. (Col.) 1946 (7) Lester, Grady 1946 (3) ~ Lewis, Preston 1946 (3) Library of Congress 1946 (1) Linhart, Lubomir 1947 (1) "'~~ Lockwood, John E. n.d. (1) F-15 Lodge, H. C. - Lyon, F. B., 1946-1947. (31) Lodge, Henry Cabot 1946 (8) Longinotti, David C. 1946 (3) Look Awards 1947 (1) Los Angeles Civic Light Opera 1946 (2) Association Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra 1946 (1) Lovett, Robert A. 1947 (1) ·',1 Loving, Boyce 1946 (1) (4) , ~ Lunn, Nina 1947 Lurie, Louis R. 1946 (3) Lynn, Jeffrey 1946 (4) Lyon, Frederick B. 1946 (3) F-16 McCarthy - Army, 1945-1947. (25) F-17 McCarthy - Army, 1946-1947. (28) F-18 McCarthy - Army, 1945-1946. (25) F-19 McCarthy - Army, 1945-1946. (32) F-20 McCarthy - Auto, 1946-1947. (28) F-21 McCarthy - Books, 1945-1946. (9) L~i'4 F-22 McCarthy - Clippings, 1946-1947. (29) F-23 McCarthy - Clippings, 1946-1947. (23) F-24 McCarthy - Clippings, 1946-1947. (31)

'-.../ Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 30 Continued

F-25 McCarthy - Clippings, 1945-1946. (4) Real Life Comics 1946 Future 1946 VMI Alumni Review 1946 . I Current Biography 1945 F-26 McCarthy - Decorations, 1946. (19)

; F-27 McCarthy - Finances, 1946. (2) .; F-28 McCarthy - House, 1946. (32) F-29 McCarthy - House, 1946-1947. (31) F-30 McCarthy - Investments, 1945. (2)

Box 31 Correspondence File, 1946-1949. McCarthy-Jobs - Myzet F-l McCarthy - Jobs, 1945-1946. (35) F-2 McCarthy - Jobs, 1946. (34)

F-3 McCarthy - MPAA, 1946 0 (26) F-4 McCarthy - MPAA, 1946. (30) F-5 McCarthy - Photo Collection, 1942-1947. (18) F-6 McCarthy - Rockbridge Nat. Bank Trust Account Receipts, 1945-1946. (45) F-7 McCarthy - Rockbridge Nat. Bank Trust Account, 1946. (24) F-8 McCarthy - Rockbridge Nat. Bank Trust Account, 1942-1946. (19) F-9 McCarthy - Rockbridge Nat. Bank Checking Account, 1946-1947. (21) F-l0 McCarthy - Speeches, 1946-1947. (4) F-l1 McCarthy - State Dept., 1945-1948. (23) F-12 McCarthy - State Dept., 1945-1946. (20) F-13 McCarthy - Taxes, 1946. (14) F-14 McCarthy - Taxes, 1946. (53)

-_ .., F-15 McCarthy - Taxes, 1947. (32) F-16 McCarthy, F. (Mrs.) - McCormick, C. P.,1946-1947. (19 ) McCarthy, Frank (Mrs.) 1947 (10) McCarthy, James W. 1946 (1) McCarthy, William H. 1946 (3 ) McClintic, Guthrie 1946 (1) ., Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 31 Continued

.f F-16 Continued -.. ~ McConnell, 1946 (1) ! McConnell, J. H. Tyler 194"7 (2 ) McCormick, Charles Po 1946 (1)

,,; F-17 McCray, P. A. - McNarney, J. T. , 1946-1947. (28) McCray, Porter A. 1946 (7) McCroskey, H. E. 1946 (2) McGregor, K. C. (Col.) 1946-47 (10) .. McNamara, Paul 1947 (3) McNarney, Joseph T. (Gen.) 1946-47 (6) F-18 Maas, H. S. M. - Magee, J. , 1945-1947. (13) Maas, H. S. M. 1946 (1)

" Machugh, Joseph V. 1945-46 (8) h Macy, Gertrude 1947 (3) it Magee, Joe 1946 (1) I'i F-19 Magnavox - Markey, G., 1946-1947. (16) Magnavox 1946 (14 ) Markey, Gene 1947 (2) F-20 Marshall, G. C. , 1946. (25) F-21 Marshall, G. C. , '1946- 1948. (28) F-22 Marshall, G. C. - Clippings, 1947. (12 ) F-23 Marshall, K. 1., 1946-1948. (12 ) F-24 Marshall , R. J. , 1946. (25) F-25 Marshall, R. J. , 1946-'1947. (29 ) F-26 Martin, L. B. - Mayer, L. B., 1946-1948. (19) Martin, Lee B. n.d. (1) Maury, Richmond (Mrs. ) 1947 (9) Maxime De Beix 1948 (2 ) Mayer, Gerry 1947 (6) Mayer, Louis B. 1946 (1) F-27 Melchior, L. - Miller, J. C., 1946-1947. (22) Melchior, Lauritz 1947 (1) Melnick, Dan 1946 (1) Metropolitan Club 1946 (1) Metzger, Charles 1946 (1) Meyer, Fred S. 1946-47 (7) Mickey, Evan S. 1946 (2) Mickle, Ross (Maj.) 1946 (2) -' Miller, Allen (Lt. Col.) 1946 (2) Miller, Colin 1946-47 (2 ) Miller, J. Clifford 1946 (3) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 31 Continued

L..... F-28 Minnich, L. A. - Motion Picture Assoc., 1946-1947. (17) ~ Minnich, Lawrence A. 1946-47 (6) Mitchell, Curtis 1946 (2) Mitchell, Homer 1947 (1) Monks, John, Jr. 1946 (3) Moore, E. (B.G.) 1946 (1) Morrow, Richard E. 1947 (2) Mot~on Picture Assoc. 1947 (2) F-29 Murphy, J. L. - Myzet, R., 1946-1947. (28) Murphy, James L. 1946-47 (25) Myzet, Rudolph 1947 (3)

Box 32 Correspondence File, 1946-1949. Nason - Clippings-Misc. F-l Nason, M. - Norman, H., 1946-1947. (23) Nason, Mona 1946 (8) Nelson, Donald 1946-47 (3) Nelson, Warren Eo 1946 (3) Newton, Edna Woolman nod. (1) Nimitz, Chester W. (Adm.) 1946 (3) Nolting, Frederick, Jr. 1947 (4) Norman, Helen n.d. (1) F-2 Norris, M. - Pancake, Fo Ro, 1945-1947. (26) Norris, Marion 1946-47 (3) Nutt, Sidney, Jr. 1946 ( 2) O.E.B. nodo (1) Oul ie, Kendell 1947 (3) Page, Arthur W. 1946 (2 ) Palmer, Bud 1947 (5) Pancake, Frank R. (Lt. Col.) 1945-46 (10 ) F-3 Parks, F. L. - Permanent Charities Committee, 1946-1947. (29 ) Parks, F. L. (Maj. Gen.) 1946 (2) Pasadena Playhouse 1946 (4) Patterson, Jack 1946 (6) Patterson, Pernet (Mrs.) 1946 (3) Paul, Wo So (Majo Gen.) 1946 (6) Peat, Wilbur D. 1946 (6) Permanent Charities Committee 1947 (2 ) F-4 Persons, W. B. - Poloskey, A., 1946-1947. (21) Persons, W. B. (Maj. Gen.) 1946 (5 ) Pert, George 1946 (2 ) Petersmeyer, Co Wrede 1946 ( 2) Peyton, L. Wo H. 1946-47 (6) Philharmonic Orchestra n.d. (1) "Pic" Magazine 1946 (1) Pitts, Rocky 1946 (2) Plohn, Edmund 1946 (1) Po1oskey, Anthony 1947 (1) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 32 Continued

F-5 Porterfield, R. - Pryor, J. , 1946-1948. (24) .~ ~ Porterfield, Robert 1946 (7) Price, Byron 1946-48 (10) Price, Byron (Mrs.) 1946 (3) Pritchett, James I., Jr. 1946 (2) Pryor, Jeanne 1946 (2) F-6 Rasmussen, H. C. - Richardson, W. D., 1946. (25) Rasmussen, H. C. 1946 (2) Rathbone, Perry (Mrs.) 1946 (2) Read, B. M. 1946 (6) Rector, Charles Morrow 1946 ~ 2) Reilly, Michael F. 1946 4) Rhapsody Record Shop 1946 ('I) Richardson, Willard D. 1946 (8) F-7 Righter, C. R. B. - Robertson, J. , 1946-1949. (21) Righter, Carroll R. B. n.d. (7) Rimini, Carlo 1949 (1) Riskin, Robert 1947 (1) Robbins, Louise (Mrs.) 1946 (1) Robertson, A. Willis 1946 ~1) Robertson, James 1946-47 10) F-8 Robinson, F., 1946-1947. (37) F-9 Rocamora, W. - Rosenthal, O. J., 1946-1948. (24) Rocamora, Wynn 1946 Roche, Henry S. 1946 F)1) ..i Rockefeller, Nelson 1946 (4) Roosevelt, Eleanor 1947-48 (2) Roosevelt Hotel n.d. (1) Roosevelt, James 1946 (6) Root, Oren, Jr. 1946 (2) Rosengren, Roz 1946 (5) Rosenthal, Olga J. (Mrs.) n.d. (1) F-1O Rosher, C. - Russell, R. , 1946-1947. (24) Rosher, Charles 1946 (5) Ross, George T. 1947 (2) Ross, Robert 1946 (2) Ruddock, Merritt (Mrs.) 1947 (4) Ruffner, Clark L. (Maj. Gen. ) 1946 (8) Russell, Donald 1946 (1) Russell, Rosalind 1947 (2 ) F-11 San Carlo Opera Company - Schumacher, J., 1946-1947. (32) San Carlo Opera Company 1946 (1) Sawyers, Lee Amory n.d. (1) Scanlon, E. L. 1947 (4 ) Schaefer, Carl 1947 (1) Schafer, Natalie 1946-47 (6) Scha 11, Mi ss 1946 (2) Schary, Dore 1947 (2) \.J Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 32 Continued

F-11 Continued ~ Schenck, Joseph 1946-47 (4) Schumacher, Jo 1946 (11 ) F-12 Selznick, D. O. - Silberberg, M., 1946-1947. (25) Selznick, David O. 1946-47 (9) Shackleton, Robert M. 1946 (3) Shaw, Freddie 1946 (1) Sheffield, Tom 1946 (1) Shepley, James 1946 (2) Sherwood, Robert E. 1946 (2) Shipley, Ruth (Mrs.) 1947 (3) Shreve, L. G. 1946 (2) Silberberg, Mendel 1946-47 (2) F-13 Siler, T. - Smith, H. , 1946-1947. (20) Siler, Tom 1947 (2) Si strom, Joe 1946 (1) Skinner, Cornelia Otis 1947 (2) Skouras, Spyros 1946 (1) Smith, C. R. 1947 (2) Smith, Eo W. (Gen.) 1946 (2 ) Smith, Harold 1947 (10) F-14 Smith, H. H. (Mrs.) - Stack, J., 1946-1947. (23) Smith, H. H. (Mrs.) 1946 (6) Smith, Merrie 1946-47 (4 ) Smith, Theodore n.d. (1) Sons of the Revolution In The State 1946 (1) of Virginia Southward, Charles L. 1947 (5 ) Spiegel, Sam 1946 (5) Stack, James 1946 (1) F-15 Stassen, H. - Sullivan, B. , 1946-1948. (22) Stassen, Harold n.d. (6) State Department 1946-47 (1) Stettinius, Edward R. &Mrs. 1946-48 (5) Stevens, George 1947 (1) Stone, Ezra 1946 (3) Strickling, Howard 1946 ~ 5) Sullivan, Barry 1946 1) F-16 Sullivan, C. - Trilling, S. , 1946-1947. (24) Sullivan, Charles 1946 (7) Sutherland 1946 (2) Symphony Association 1946 ( 3) S. S. America 1947 (1) Taplinger, Robert 1946-47 (5 ) Tenplin, Lucinda D. Leftwich 1946 (1) The New Yorker 1946 (1) Thomas, Eugene n.d. (1) Ti dermann, To H. A. 1946 (1) Toley, Walter 1946 (1) "'-j Tri 11 i ng, Steve 1947 (1) Frank McCarthy Col~ection (16A) Box 32 Continued

F-17 Trueheart, W. C. - Tully, G., 1946-1947. (23) ~ Trueheart, William C. 1946-47 (6) Tuck, William H. 1946 (2 ) Tucker, Beverly 1946-47 (9) Tucker, Morrison G. 1947 (3) Tully, Grace 1947 (3) F-18 United Jewish Welfare Fund - United Airlines, 1946. (6) United Jewish Welfare Fund 1946 (5) United Airlines 1946 (1)

..-/ F-19 U.S. Council On International Economic Policy, 1946 0 (22) _, F-20 U.S. Council On International Economic Policy, 1946-1947. (29) F-21 United States Gov1t. Printing Office - Vining, 1946. (13 ) I) United States Government Printing 1946 (1) Office United States Junior Chamber of 1946 (2) Commerce United States News 1946 (3) Vandamm, Florence (Mrs.) 1946 (1) Vining, Robert E. 1946 (6) F-22 Virginia Military Institute, 1946. (15) F-23 Virginia Military Institute Foundation Oirve, 1946. (18) F-24 Vogel, R. - Warner, J. L., 1946-1947. (24) Vogel, Robert 1946 (1) Voorhis, Calvin George 1946 ( 2) Wald, Jerry 1947 (1) Waldorf-Astoria Hotel 1947 (1) Wanger, Walter 1946 (7) Warda 11, Shil a 1946 (3) Warner, Jack L. 1946-47 (9) F-25 Washer, B. - Werneken, F., 1946-1947. (23) Washer, Ben 1946 (4) Watson, Kenneth M. 1946 (2) Weckerling, John (BG) 1946 (2) Werneken, Frank 1946-47 (15 ) F-26 White, C. I. - Williams, M., 1946-1947. (29) White, Compton I. 1946 (6) White, Gordon 1946 (1) Whitside, Virginia n.d. (1) Who's Who 1946-47 (5) Wilk, Jacob 1946-47 (4) Williams, Frances 1946 ( 2) Williams, Herschel 1946 (2 ) Wi 11 i ams, Murat 1946-47 (8) F-27 Wilson, A. - Wright, A., 1946-1947. (25) Frank McCarthy Collection (16A) Box 32 Continued

II F-27 Continued ," ~ Wilson, Allen 1947 (1) ''1 Wilson, Althea M. '1947 (4 ) Wilson, James (Lt. Col.) 1946 (2) .., Winn, Reginald 1946 (8) i Witsell, Edward F. (Gen.) 1947 ~6) 'I Wright, Alfred 1946 2) Wright, Alfred (Mrs.) 1947 (2)

F-28 Yearbook (1946) - Zanuck, D. , 1946-1947. (17) Yearbook 1946 (1) Yeuell, Donovan (Lt. Col.) 1946-47 (9) Young, Collier H. 1946-47 (5) Zanuck, Darryl 1946-47 (2 ) F-29 Unidentified Correspondence, 1948. (4) F-30 Clippings - Misc., 1946-1949. (27) Frank McCarthy Collection Box 33 'I y .,., Theatre Programs

1. Adelphi Theatre - Three To Make Ready '1 November 11, 1946 2. Alvin Theatre - Joan of Lorraine November 18, 1946 3. Biltmore Theatre - The Voice of the Turtle n.d. 4. Booth Theatre - The Playboy of the Western World November 11, 1946

, 5. Broadhurst Theatre - Happy Birthdaf I November 18,946 6. Columbus Circle Theatre - Hamlet December 13, 1945 7. El Patio Theatre - 20th Century n.d.

8. Ethel Barrymore Theatre - ~rano de Bergerac November 18, 1946 9. Hudson Theatre - State of the Union December 9, 1945 10. International Theatre - American Repertory Theatre, Inc. November 18, 1946 'll. Las Palmas Theatre - Home of the Brave n.d. 12. Las Palmas Theatre Inspector General n.d. 130 Lyceum Theatre - Born Yesterday November 25, 1946 14. Martin Beck Theatre - The Iceman Cometh November 18, 1946 150 National Theatre - Call Me Mister November 25, 1946

\...../ Page 2 Frank McCarthy Collection Box 33 Theatre Programs Continued

~ 16. National Theatre - Eagle Rampant December 2, 1946 17. National Theatre - o Mistress Mine tlanua ry 14, 1946 18. Plymouth Theatre - The Rugged Path December 9, 1945 190 Ziegfield Theatre - Showboat November 11, 1946 Miscellaneous Theatre Programs Antigone and Candida Antigone and the Tyrant The Playboy of the Western World ~ Central Park l Opera Programs 1. Carnegie Hall - The Philharmonic-Symphony Society of New York November 21, 1946 2. Carnegie Hall - The Orchestra November 19, 1946 3. Los Angeles Civic Light Opera The New Fortune Teller Association 4. Los Angeles Civic Light Opera Roberta Association 5. Metropolitan Opera House - December 14-20, 1945 6. Metropolitan Opera House - November 28 - December 4, 1946 7. Metropolitan Opera House - December 18-23, 1946 8. San Francisco Opera Company - Boris Godounoff 9. San Francisco Opera Company - Der Rosenkavalier 10. San Francisco Opera Company - Il Trovatore 11. San Francisco Opera Company ­ La Boheme 120 San Francisco Opera Company ­ La Forza Del Destino 13. San Francisco Opera Company - Lakme Page 3 Frank McCarthy Collection Box 33 Opera Programs Continued

II y 14. San Francisco Opera Company - Lohengrin 15. San Francisco Opera Company - Madame Butterill 16. San Francisco Opera Company - ~arriage of Figaro 17. San Francisco Opera Company - Magazines

1- Celebrities February 8-23, 1946 2. Celebrities February 26 - March 19, 1946 3. Celebrities March 20-26, 1946 4. Celebrities October 21 - November 3, 1946 5. Hollywood Bowe July 23-28, 1946 6. Hollywood Bowe July 30 - August 4, 1946

7. .t1 0 11ywood Bowe August 6-11, 1946 8. Hollywood Bowe August 13-18, 1946 9. Hollywood Bowe August 20-25, 1946 10. Hollywood Bowe August 27 - September 1, 1946 ll. Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, February 7-8, 1946 Symphony Magazine 12. Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, February 21-22, 1946 ~hony Magazine 13. Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, March 14-15, 1946 ~mphony Magazine 14. Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, March 21-22, 1946 Symphony Magazine 15. Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, March 28-29, 1946 Symphony Magazine 16. Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, April 4-5, 1946 Symphon~Magazine

17. Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, April 11-12, 1946 Symphony Magazine

\:_/ Page 4 Frank McCarthy Collection Box 33 Magazines Continued

~ 18. Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, November 14-15, 1946 Symphony Magazine 19. Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, November 21..;.22, 1946 1 Symphony Magazine II 20. Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, November 28-29, 1946 ~...9JJY.. Magazi ne. 21. Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, December 19-20, 1946 Symphony Magazine 22. Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, January 9-10, 1947 Symphony Magazine 23. Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, January 23-24, 1947 Symphony Magazine Miscellaneous 1. Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences - 18th Annual Academy Awards program, March 7, 1946 2. The Screen Writer, Vol. II, No.2 July, 1946 3. One folder of miscellaneous programs (13 items)