ABOYNE ACADEMY Winter Newsletter 2016

STEM IN THE PIPELINE 2016 Team Success for Innovation

The presentation day for this annual event run by TechFest was on 13th December, and a team of six S6 pupils going by the team name Elite Solutions represented Academy. STEM in the Pipeline is a project lasting four months for senior pupils to produce a field development plan for an oil field, write a report for the plan, and then present this to industry professionals. All members of the team have gained Silver CREST Awards from the British Science Association for this work, which are nationally recognised awards. This year, the school’s team of Ellie Bannister, Rory Bruce, Rachel Low, Dougal Stonebridge, Matthew Watt, and Lance Zhou, also returned home with the Energy Institute’s Award for Innovation in their project – a tremendous result for the team who worked very hard at recognising and utilising the wide variety of skills in its members. The faculty is very grateful for sponsorship from Reach Exploration, one of the school’s link companies, who generously funded minibus transport for the pupils.

There is more news from the Maths Department on page 13

Shaving My Head

On Children in Need Day, Friday 18th November, I shaved my head to raise money for Children in Need. I donated my hair to the Little Princess Trust, a charity that makes wigs out of real hair for children who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy. I chose to donate my hair to the Little Princess Trust because they really make a difference to children who have suffered from cancer by helping them to fit in more at school and with their friends and also build self-confidence and happiness. Although the money is still being counted so far I think I have raised about £800, which is amazing and I would like to say a big thank you to everybody who has sponsored me as the money is going to a really great cause and will make a huge difference to the children who need it.

Anna Benton, 5M1

1 Dear Parent/Carer

I am sure you will be both surprised and delighted when you read about the huge range of opportunities that are available to our pupils and see evidence of the large number of Aboyne Academy pupils who actually take advantage of these opportunities to enhance their knowledge, improve their skills, make new friends or simply have fun.

Our first two terms have flown past and they have been both busy and successful with new events such as the Careers Fair and traditional crowd pleasers such as the Christmas Concert and Christmas fair. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who have helped us with these events, in particular the Parent Council, our hard working staff, pupil volunteers and ARCADION.

I hope that you enjoy catching up with all our news and would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Yours sincerely Lorraine Scott (Head Teacher)

Children in Need 2016 The 18th of November this year saw Aboyne Academy’s Children in Need fundraising extravaganza come to the most amazing end with a diverse and talent-filled lunchtime show. Acts ranged from Pipers, to Highland Dancers with a modern twist, to Rachael rapping in Korean, to singers all topped-off with one of the best (and now infamous) S6 dances.

The S6 as a year group had really outdone themselves with their Festival theme: we had ‘pop-up’ music stages in various places around the school with the Rm 7 pupils particularly vocal about their enjoyment of the music stage outside their teaching area while the canteen was transformed into Aboyne Academy’s own campsite. There was an absolutely fabulous atmosphere throughout the whole school all day thanks largely to the S6 and the effort and hard work they had put in to what will be their last Children in Need at Aboyne Academy.

Aboyne Primary School was also lucky enough to receive a visit from Mrs Drewitt and her travelling minstrels and showed their appreciation with a very generous donation to our shared total.

It was great to see so many home-made costumes that pupils had clearly spent a lot of time creating. The Staff theme of ‘under the sea’ meant that there were an interesting mix of mermaids, fish, submarines, jellyfish and a whole host of other underwater treasures to be seen in the corridors. Winner of Best Dressed Pupil was Nathaniel as Pocahontas; winner of Best Dressed Teacher was Mr Sargent as a mermaid in a costume created by what is now the Friday Knitting Club.

There were fewer sponsored events this year than in previous years but one very special one involved Anna who has personally raised an amazing amount – you can read about what she did elsewhere in this newsletter. Our total currently stands at over £3700 but all the sponsorship money has not yet been handed in so this is sure to rise. We hope to be able to send our donation off to Children in Need headquarters early in the new year. Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and an excellent 2017 – get planning your costumes for Cin’17 now!

Staff CiN Team


Saturday 3rd December 2016

This weekend saw Aboyne Academy and ARCADION team up to assist in the delivery of our annual Christmas Fair.

Work began late on Friday afternoon with the arrival of the ARCADION catering equipment from their Dyce office. This was unloaded by ARCADION staff assisted by S6 helpers Ben Gifford and Calum Kitching and installed upstairs in the canteen area.

The following morning Chef Russell Mahoney and ARCADION Technical Director Clive Gregory worked with hospitality pupils Ruth Gibson, Jennifer Pirie and Emma Forsyth to prepare and serve lunch and snack refreshments for everyone attending the Christmas Fair. Highlights on the menu this year were soup, tasty chilli and pancakes with a variety of delicious toppings. The Fair was attended by over 350 members of the public.

Ruth, Jennifer and Emma really enjoyed the challenges of the day and the chance to develop their skills working with a real industry chef and commercial equipment. The above picture shows Ruth, Russell, Jennifer and Emma hard at work on pancake preparation wearing their ARCADION/Aboyne Academy chef whites. A big thank you to all the ARCADION involved in transporting the equipment to us and helping on the day.

Tuesday 8th November 2016

ARCADION staff are familiar faces in Aboyne Academy but this week it was our turn to visit ARCADION’S new office in Dyce. Their new home since February 2016, it houses their modern office, extensive warehouse and fantastic new showroom facilities.

A pupil group from S3 Graphics, accompanied by Mr Foy and Dr Holden, toured the new building led by Jodie Barbour and Kyle McLaughlan with a focus on their design process. Pupils received feedback on a current joint project with ARCADION where pupils are designing their own offshore accommodation showcabin and we were able to see the company’s actual showcabins which helped greatly with the ideas process. After an excellent lunch with some of the ARCADION team we returned to school for the afternoon.

Wednesday 2nd November 2016

As part of Health Week, ARCADION kindly donated water bottles for all pupils featuring the new school logo and ARCADION logo. These were issued to all pupils during period 6 today.


Friday 28th October 2016

Over the last few months Mrs Scott has been consulting with pupils, parents and staff to develop a new vision and values for Aboyne Academy. With these important statements now agreed we needed to consolidate them into a format which could be easily understood and displayed within the school. Phil Hynd, one of ARCADION’s Design Technicians and Lisa Cormack, ARCADION Business Co-ordinator, took our “Believe, Achieve, Succeed” motto and 4 values and created the below graphic incorporating our house colours. This will be shared with and displayed within the whole school community.

Thursday 22nd September 2016

On Thursday 22nd September, we held our first ever Aboyne Academy Careers Fair. As part of a committee of staff and senior pupils, ARCADION Technical Director Clive Gregory and Business Co-ordinator Lisa Cormack were instrumental in assisting us to organise and deliver the event. Working with a group of hospitality pupils, the ARCADION team including Chef Russell Mahoney provided refreshments on the day and we received some very positive feedback from pupils and exhibitors about the day and the quality of the food! ARCADION also exhibited at the event with nearly all staff from their Aberdeen office attending at some point during the day. The picture shows Clive, Russell and Hospitality pupil Katie Meston hard at work on the catering stand.

Monday 19th September 2016

As part of the new “Aiming Higher” course in S1, pupils were introduced to the schools partnership with ARCADION today. ARCADION Design Technician Phil Hynd led a group of four ARCADION staff who spoke at morning assembly and set a design task for the rest of the lesson, focusing on some key design and employability skills. Senior pupils who had recently benefited from working with ARCADION were also present in assembly to highlight the benefits of the partnership.

Wednesday 31st August 2016

Always keen to support our long standing partnership with the school, ARCADION have sponsored new school football strips for both the boys and girls teams. The kits, which carry both the ARCADION logo and the schools badge are seen here being modelled by some of the pupils accompanied by Lisa Cormack, ARCADION Business Co-ordinator and Mr Birse.

4 Partnerships

Partnership with Rotary Club of Aboyne and Upper Deeside

In August Aboyne Academy became the first corporate member of the Rotary Club of Aboyne and Upper Deeside.

The corporate membership scheme was developed by the Club to enhance the close relationship that already exists between the Academy and the Club to benefit the young people and communities of Upper Deeside.

The formal induction took place at a special meeting of the Club at the Loch Kinord Hotel where the Head Teacher and Senior Leadership Team, as representatives of the Academy, were welcomed into the Club.

A partnership charter was signed by Ruth Powell, Rotary President, on behalf of the Club and by Lorraine Scott, Head Teacher, for the Academy. The Senior Leadership Team also includes Depute Head Teachers, Malcolm MacIntyre, Michael Foy and Barry Drennan and Support Services Co-ordinator, Dr Jonathan Holden.

The Club and the Academy, who both serve the same area, already have a long standing and supportive relationship. The Rotary Club sponsors pupils to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership camps each year as well as organising the Young Photographer and Young Musician Competitions, supporting the annual Academy prize giving and assisting in the assessment of the Young Philanthropist Initiative.

The aim of the partnership, and corporate membership, is to further assist the school in improving pupil attainment and wellbeing as well as preparing pupils for the world of work. The Academy also have plans to help the Club to serve its communities.

The Club, as all Rotary Clubs throughout the UK and around the world, helps to raise funds and provide support for local good causes and international charities. This includes, locally, sponsorship of educational and personal development and sport, often in conjunction with Aboyne Academy and local primary schools.

Anyone who would like to know more about the work of the Rotary Club is welcome to contact Mike Powell on 013398 86369 or [email protected] or go onto the Rotary website at www.ribi.org

5 Aboyne Golf Club

The Academy has engaged with Aboyne Golf Club in a variety of interesting and innovative ways over the past year. Our partnership was initiated when the club sent two representatives along to the school Business Breakfast back in March. The representatives completed an exit card stating clearly their desire to work with the school after realising the potential of both organisations working together. From that day on our pupils have been involved in a variety of projects to advertise the club by creating pull-up banners and designing new club leaflets which enhance the appeal of playing at this fantastic venue. They have obviously further developed their marketing skills as well as further developing the skills needed to obtain a good grade in Graphic Communication.

In addition Aboyne Golf Club provided work experience opportunities spanning the different aspects of careers within the industry for our pupils which was extremely well received.

We have a number of exceptionally talented pupils and the club is extremely proactive in organising junior events and promoting the positive of the game to potential new recruits. They recently hosted an inter-house competition which was extremely popular and helped to further promote our positive ethos as well as stimulate interest in the game.

I have every confidence that the partnership between Aboyne Academy and Aboyne Golf Club will continue from strength to strength.

Duke of Edinburgh Award Update

We were very busy after the summer holidays trying to get as many Bronze and Silver expeditions completed as possible. This has encouraged pupils to finish their Volunteering, Physical and Skills sections and to fully complete their Award. To date, 26 Bronze awards and 2 Silver awards have been certified – well done to all pupils involved! Pupils who have yet to fully complete their Award are encouraged to do so as soon as possible – if anyone is unsure of what they need to do, then please come and see Mrs Birnie for guidance.

In October, we invited S3 pupils to start working towards their Bronze awards and were astounded to receive 65 applications – just over half the S3 cohort! These pupils have been attending weekly lunchtime training sessions to prepare them for the expedition section and many of them have also started working towards their Volunteering, Physical and Skills sections outwith School. We are also currently accepting applications from pupils who wish to progress on to the next level of the Award.

A huge thank you to everyone who helps support the Duke of Edinburgh Award program – group leaders, expedition assessors, assessors for the volunteering, physical and skills sections, parents, etc – and a very merry Christmas to you all!

6 Our First Careers Fair

On Thursday 22nd September, Aboyne Academy held its first careers fair. The event, organised by a group of teachers, pupils and representatives from our business partner ARCADION, hosted over 30 employers and organisations based on research into pupils interests.

The careers fair was held during school hours for pupils and staff and after school for parents. The event brought businesses and ex-pupils together to talk to students about opportunities for their future with a wide range of organisations represented ranging from the Royal Forces to accountancy firms and also some universities and colleges. Ex-pupils were invited along to talk to pupils about their experiences after leaving school which proved hugely popular with everyone who attended these sessions.

The day was supported by the school’s business partner, ARCADION, who sponsored the event providing refreshments throughout with various members of their team present to speak to pupils about all aspects of their business.

Prefects and the careers fair team assisted with the logistics and made sure the day ran smoothly. The event was a huge success and following positive feedback from teachers, pupils, and employers the decision has been taken to run regular career fairs as it provides pupils with a better understanding of life after education and the opportunities that are on offer in the local area.

The careers fair team would like to thank everyone involved, especially all the organisations and ex-pupils who came along and made the day such a success.

Louise Birse of BBKS Books visited the school on Friday 7th November to award prizes to the winners of their ‘My Big Idea’ competition which pupils entered on the day of the Careers Fair. The task was to come up with an innovative idea for a business. The overall winner was Elizabeth Batchelor from 3L2, who already runs her own business, ‘Equii Craft Products’, selling dog leads and goods for horses. This really impressed the judges, winning her a £50 Amazon voucher. Due to the number of excellent ideas that were submitted, BBKS chose 4 runners-up who each won a £20 Cineworld voucher for their creativity. The runners-up were James Knowles, Nathaniel Monahan-Lai, Daniela Muollo and Lucy Macaulay, who got special mention for her idea for a toastie shop humorously titled called ‘The Toast Office’ as it made everyone in the BBKS office smile.

Louise and the rest of the BBKS team were thoroughly impressed by the ingenuity of Aboyne Academy pupils and commended all of our pupils for their enthusiasm and good manners during the Careers Fair. Following the Fair, BBKS staff are now working with our Business Studies Faculty to support Advanced Higher Accounts. Thank you to Louise and her team for your generosity and support!

7 Faculty News and Reviews ENGLISH Academy’s Writer in Residence

Our S2 English class have started to work with an author called Alastair Scott. We will have quite a few lessons with our writer in residence. Most of the lessons have been before the Christmas holidays and then we will finish with a few lessons after the New Year.

We have started to read some extracts out of one of his books, which is in progress; “The Stone-Traveller Saga”. We have annotated the text and have been giving him some feedback. He shall then read some of our creative writing and give us some feedback. It is definitely the class helping Alastair and him helping us.

Once that is finished as a whole class we shall be writing a book with Alastair Scott. As you can imagine this is a huge opportunity for us and we are looking forward to the rest of our time with our writer in residence.

Alastair is a very exquisite chap who loves feedback and learning things. He shows a true passion for writing and words. He has, over a period of time, written down an extremely long list of vocabulary. These were words which he was unfamiliar with but he has subsequently researched the definitions. This is something we might like to do to de- velop our own writing.

I highly recommend Alastair Scott’s writing, his story draws you in and you get caught up in a tornado when you’re reading it. However, all of his other books are adult books therefore this is the first young adult book which he has written.

We look forward to him publishing this book, complete with our suggestions!

Sasha Eriksson,2L1

8 Cathy MacPhail Visits Creative Writing Competition

In her talk, Cathy MacPhail set the pupils the challenge of writing a story based on fear and, as it was House Week, we decided to run it as a competition for all of our S2. There was a fantastic response from pupils with many submitting a story done in their own time. Fiona Robertson, Network Librarian and Sabine Muir, Senior Library Assistant were tasked with choosing the best three; a difficult job considering the volume and quality of the entries. ‘The standard was exceptional,’ reported Fiona, ‘with some wonderful vivid description and build up of tension.’ The Cathy MacPhail talks to top three entries came from Katie Hendry in first place, Tosia Aboyne and Alford pupils Brozek in second and Ella Feeley in third who all gained house points and a prize. Well done to the three winners but all pupils Cathy MacPhail, author of ‘Another Me’, visited who entered did well! and the pupils of Aboyne Academy were invited to join in her talk. The Mrs Mercer limited available spaces for the Aboyne pupils were quickly filled up the day before the trip I really enjoyed our trip to listen to Cathy MacPhail at Alford when it was revealed what the benefits of Academy. It was so interesting to find out about her journey to attending would be and what it was going to be fame and inspirations for amazing novels. It was such a great about. opportunity, I am really glad I went. She answered all of our questions and was super inspiring! She explained where she got her ideas from and showed a trailer for the upcoming movie Leila Fernandez, 2M2 adaptation of her best selling novel, ‘Another Me’. She also told the pupils how she learned The Cathy MacPhail trip was really good because you got find out to write and how she sometimes made books what it would be like if you were a writer. Cathy told us how inspired by something as unimportant as a long it takes her to write a book, which is often only a few single sentence. She also inspired some of the months! She is very disciplined and organises her time strictly attending students to write their own stories. when writing – a top tip! I really liked the trip because she told We used an opening sentence and wrote the us how she got inspired to write all of her books and also showed continuation of the story. It was an amazing us the trailer to a film made from her book! It was really fun! talk, and we hope for something else like it soon to inspire the writers of Aboyne Academy. Tally Martin, 2L2

Jacob Higgins, 2C1

WriteFest at Aberdeen University

It has been tradition, for Advanced Higher English students to travel into Aberdeen University for WriteFest. For the first time in six years, WriteFest has taken a stage far closer to home, for us at least, becoming a far smaller and compact affair. Aboyne Academy played host to the presentation of writing talent from Alan Bissett (playwright and author) and Catherine Deveney (freelance journalist) with pupils from Alford, Westhill and Banchory academies travelling here to participate. The event only happened thanks to the network librarians and our own librarian Fiona Robertson who has done so very much for our ADVH class already and we are incredibly grateful for her enthusiasm and input toward the event. I personally enjoyed Bissett’s segment where he took us through the decisions a writer makes when applying tension to a piece, referring to the term “hook” and referencing the film “Jaws” to explain that the fear factor that came from the giant shark was not achieved entirely by its final floppy model appearance, but rather by the build-up beforehand. Bissett made it clear that without the build-up the shark’s reveal is worthless and this is an important lesson I have learned for any type of creative writing.

Seoras Blair, 6L3 Continues on next page

9 I really enjoyed having the experience of speaking to a real writers who have had years in their industries. I found Catherine Deveney really inspiring when she spoke about her journalistic experiences and she made me think in different ways about my discursive writing. Equally Alan Bissett’s enthusiasm had the whole room engaged and inspired to start writing creative pieces. I think the experience was incredibly useful and gave us plenty of ideas and inspiration to start writing pieces for our folios. I particularly enjoyed Catherine Deveney’s talk on the many interviews she has done; it was fascinating learning about where her career in journalism has taken her in addition to the tips on discursive writing. We were all very lucky to have the library staff organise this event for us and I am sure everyone there, including the pupils from other schools, benefited enormously from what they had to say. Overall I would say that the experience was a great start to our Advanced Higher course and definitely gave me the inspiration needed for the year.

Freya Cookson, 6C1


Real Coca-Cola Business Challenge

Recently the S3 Business class took part in the Real Coca-Cola Business Challenge. This is an exciting enterprise competition, set by Coca-Cola European Partners, which challenges pupils to tackle a business task. It is work-related learning at its most engaging and an opportunity for pupils to develop enterprise skills that will give them a competitive edge in today’s job market.

The class was split into two teams (companies) who each came up with a healthy fruit drink brand idea. The pupils showed a huge amount of enthusiasm and effort and took their individual company roles seriously. They worked on the commercial potential of the product, sustainability, promotion of the Special Olympics Great Britain, teamwork, community affairs, management of financial information, marketing , human resources and leadership.

The companies competed against one another by presenting their business proposals to the judges (Miss Sivewright and Mr Drennan) who had a very hard decision to make. However, there could be only one winner - Tinge Juice Company. Congratulations to Roan Grant (CEO), Kieron Cassie, Jamie McAra, Becky Findlater, Mimi Hutchison, Rachael Marshalsey and Annabel Ritchie. Commiserations to Ellipsis who were Aiden McMahon (CEO), Josh Buchanan, Caitlin Rattray, Grace Williams, Emily Wilson, Hannah Thom, Connor McInally and Christina Cox.

The winning presentation was sent to Coca-Cola to be judged and they said although the Aboyne Academy entry was “highly competitive” unfortunately Tinge was not selected to attend the regional finals in February 2017.

Gina Solimeno, Education Programme Manager at Coca-Cola European Partners said, “Over 1000 schools got involved in the challenge this year and the standard of entries was exceptionally high. They have demonstrated great enterprise in completing the in-school challenge and I do hope they have enjoyed taking part.”

Mrs Forsyth


We are a group of pupils from S5 and 6 who have set up a business through Young Enterprise. Young Enterprise is a charity and they help young people between the ages of 4-25 to develop their business skills and set up their own business. Young Enterprise is run by volunteers and has a competition at the end of the year to see what group had the best group overall and this is judged by a few things such as coordination, communication, etc.

In this business we came up with the idea of making scrabble photo frames. These can be personalised with family names for example and we also have a few “ready prepared” frames on offer. Each of us invested our own money into this company and became shareholders. Hopefully we will see dividends at the end of the year!

Our group has 2 different teams within it, the selling team and the production team. Each member of the team has a different business role to play. Rhys and Kieran are Managing Directors, Lance the Accountant, Rebecca the Secretary, Jaimee is Operations Manager and Caitlin and Shannon have responsibility for production. Each week we have a business meeting with a Business Advisor, Paul Cummins and Miss Sivewright.

We have faced quite a few difficulties along the way with the production of frames, the ordering of raw materials but in the end we have ended up with a good product which has been successful in personalised orders and set frames.

We had a great day at the Aboyne Academy school fair where we learnt a lot about selling techniques and also managed to make some money which was a bonus!

Rebecca McBeath, Company Secretary

Performing Arts News Music Success

Huge congratulations to Osh Arthur (S5) who was awarded a scholarship for piano at the North East Scotland Music School. A fantastic achievement!

We were delighted to learn that Kara Taylor (S5) has been accepted into the Aberdeen City Music School in Dyce. We are all very proud of her, however she will be missed greatly at Aboyne Academy having been a huge part of the life of the faculty over the last few years. In October, Kara also participated in the ‘Go Compose’ workshop with the Sound Festival and her composition has been chosen to be performed in Edinburgh to highlight the festival and to help them with fundraising. Another great achievement. Well Done Kara!

Our congratulations also extend to Jessica Lindsay (S3) who was successful in her recent audition into the Youth Orchestra . Jessica will join the Cello section and we look forward to hearing of future performances with the ensemble. I am sure Jessica will have some great stories!

11 Exam Success Huge congratulations to the following pupils who have received their marks in the recent exam sitting. Ross Smith (S4) – Grade 5 Saxophone – Merit Callum Geddes (S4) – Grade 6 Piano – Distinction Katie Bannister (S1) – Grade 1 Voice – Merit Ellie Bannister (S6) – Grade 6 (Classical) Voice – Merit & Grade 3(Popular) – Merit Ellie Stephen (S2) – Grade 1 Guitar – Passed Fraser Anderson(S6) – Grade 5 Guitar – Passed

The following pupils sat their exam and are still waiting results:- Keira Low – Grade 1 Guitar Blair Christie – Grade 2 Drumkit Fraser Donald – Grade 4 Drumkit Ralph Silcock – Grade 3 Drumkit Kit Newman – Grade 3 Guitar Rachel Greenwood – Grade 5 Piano Rory Geddes – Grade 3 Drumkit Jack Cowie – Debut Drumkit Kyle Whitehead – Grade 2 Violin Dylan Atkinson – Grade 2 Violin Logan Brown – Grade 2 Violin Callum Geddes – Grade 4 Violin Tom McLintock – Grade 3 Bass Guitar Connor McInally – Grade 3 Drumkit Yasmin Taylor – Grade 3 Drumkit Ross Smith – Grade 3 Drumkit

Staff News We would like to say a warm welcome to two new members of the Performing Arts Faculty, Mrs Sarah Bell and Miss Fern Lindsay. They arrived in school at a very busy time in the lead up to our Christmas concert and their help, support and enthusiasm was very much appreciated. We look forward to working with them and they will be a great asset to our team.

Bells of Brass

Nothing quite says Christmas like the sound of a brass band playing carols. Punters at the Aboyne Academy Christmas Fair were entertained by some of our brass pupils along with Mr Cosgrove and Mrs Bleck. Thank you to all involved.

Christmas Concert

Tuesday Night (13th December) saw yet another brilliant spread of talent from our pupils within the Faculty. Well done to all staff and pupils involved for many many hours of hard work and practice behind the scenes. Some great feedback was had from members of the audience who once again were amazed by the gifted pupils we have at this school. Thank you also to all parents and carers for their continued support and not to mention all the carting of instruments and children to various practices. We look forward to seeing you all again for the Summer concert! In the mean time we wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

12 Maths in the Pipeline

On the 25th of November a group of five S4 girls (Lucy, Lauren, Sophie, Tara and I) all went to Aberdeen to TOTAL’s British headquarters for the STEM Maths in the Pipeline workshop for the opportunity to see how maths can be applied in real life situations. When we arrived we were split into groups with other schools and as an ice-breaker challenge we had to build a stable helicopter landing pad using five sheets of paper, some paperclips and scissors. It allowed everyone to show their skills and work together to create the tallest and stable landing pad.

The day then consisted of talks from industry professionals and we were set a workbook with questions relating to the presentations, we were helped by the industry professionals and the teachers. After lunch we got to do a business challenge where we were given questions to do with finding an oil reservoir and then had to produce a presentation to present to all the people there and the industry professionals.

At the end of the day, after presenting and completing all the booklets, my team came first and it was a great experience. Overall the day was a great opportunity to see how maths can actually be applied in the workplace and mixing with other schools and people we don’t know to see everyone’s strengths and weaknesses.

Ailsa Gardyne, 4C2

Techfest’s Maths Masterclass series is aimed for all S2 pupils across the North-East of Scotland and provide a more realistic mathematical experience than you would get in the classroom. Techfest and their sponsors Cheveron and the Royal Institution are providing these Masterclasses for S2’s all across the United Kingdom. The Masterclasses have a range of topics, from Codes and Ciphers to Fun with Numbers. The Masterclasses are been taken by university lecturers, private tutors and professors.

This year Aboyne Academy has five S2 pupils attending these Masterclasses, which are held at Robert Gordon’s University in Aberdeen.

Ethan Sutherland, 2L1

Techfest Maths into Finance

On Wednesday, 16th November, we went into Aberdeen to do a Maths into Finance course organised by Techfest and sponsored by Aberdein Considine. The day consisted of travelling into Aberdeen Town and County Hall to do two courses followed by a big challenge.

The first course was understanding payslips. First it was explained to us then we were given a booklet which had some real examples to solve. To complete the example we needed to calculate a payslip using real code which showed how much Income Tax and National Insurance you had to pay. We were also told about the different kinds of bank accounts and which one would be most beneficial for us.

The second course was calculating interest and loans. Mortgages were also explained to us and this in turn told us what the company, Aberdein Considine, did. We were given real-life examples and had to decide whether or not it was sensible lending.

For the big challenge we had to choose an appropriate house for a growing family. First we had to calculate the in- come and monthly expenses and choose a house based on the money we had left over. Our team met with a repre- sentative from Aberdein Considine to agree mortgage payments. We chose a house and put in a bid. To end the day we gave a brief presentation on the reasons for our choice. Unfortunately we were outbid, but it was still a great day.

Dani McGregor 2M2, Ben Faichnie 2C3, Sasha Eriksson 2L1 13 Aboyne Academy Hits the ‘Big Apple’

On the 6th October 2016, 29 pupils, 3 teachers and Buttony Bear (metro.co.uk/2016/04/28/how-a-teddy-bear-is-helping-kids-with-an-ostomy-to-smile- 5824425/) from Aboyne Academy left Aboyne for an action packed trip to New York.

The trip was organised by Mrs Liversedge and Mrs Summers of the Modern Studies Department (Humanities) and was magnificently supported by the Faculty Head Ewan Sargent. The group stayed in Midtown Manhattan and explored New York largely by foot covering 38 miles in 4 days!

Visits took in many of the well-known New York sights including a trip to the top of the Empire State Building, a tour of The United Nations, Liberty and Ellis Island, taking Mr Sargent to Tiffany’s on Wall Street and of course, seeing School of Rock at the Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway which had us all on our feet and dancing. We even had time for shopping on 5th Avenue

There were many highlights and everyone had their favourite part, but we all agreed that our visit to the Ground Zero Memorial was very powerful and moving. We all needed our hot dogs, pretzels and a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge to put the bounce back in our step. From the New York diner breakfast to dinner in Times Square, each day was packed full of new, exciting and challenging experiences.

The pupils very gamely took turns in taking Buttony Bear around New York & getting him photographed in various places, including on the flight deck of a Delta Boeing 747! This helped to raise awareness of the local charity that provides bears to help children understand their abdominal surgery. Their tweets and Facebook posts were shared widely and the teachers took part in a stunt on top of the Empire State Building which resulted in Mr Summers sponsoring a bear on behalf of the school.

Scott Grant celebrated his 16th birthday in New York, with a cake from the diner staff in the morning and balloons on his rucksack all day; despite this trauma he described his trip as ‘Amazing’. Scott said that his favourite experience was the Empire State Building but he also said that he thought that the visit to the 9/11 memorial centre and ground zero was “very much worth it and would really stick with me”. Ailsa Gardyne said she “loved everything” but the Empire State Building really stood out and the shopping! She was really amazed by Time Square being so busy so late at night. When asked both, pupils said they would recommend the trip to “everyone”.

It was a fantastic trip and thoroughly enjoyed by all. The pupils behaved magnificently and were complemented where ever we went from the Delta Airline crew that we flew with to staff in the Hard Rock Café and lastly from us, your staff – thank you for an amazing trip!

14 Art, Design & Technology

The Higher Design and Manufacture Higher class have entered a competition to design a time capsule for the new Victoria and Albert Dundee museum. The finished time capsule will be installed in the grounds of the new V&A Dundee museum ahead of its opening in 2018. The time capsule will be filled with items suggested by local primary school pupils and opened in 50 years. This will be a unique feature, permanently on display in the grounds of the museum, close to the river and will celebrate the opening in 2018. The V&A is collaborating with the SQA and Jaguar, a world leader in the luxury car industry, to manufacture the winning design. The winning student will see their design realised on a week-long work placement at the Jaguar state of the art manufacturing facility in Coventry. The class have enthusiastically designed, modelled and created a wide range of innovative concepts that will be submitted for the competition.

15 Art Department Christmas Card Competition

Congratulations to all who entered cards for the competition. The standard was extremely high showing we have some very talented artists in the school.

First was Katie Entwistle 1C2, second was Kirsty Robertson 1C1 and third was Maisie Hewes 1M1. They got SLT merits and house points awarded. The three cards were used for the official Academy Christmas Card. Pictured right is the winning card by Katie.


Girls in Engineering Conference

I took part in the first “Girls in Engineering” conference on the 26th October at St. Margaret’s School for Girls. Ninety pupils attended from all over Scotland. The day started with a welcoming from the head teacher followed by talks from inspirational women who held important positions in the engineering sector. The talk by the editor of Energy Voice, Rita Brown was most capturing as she spoke about her journey to where she is now and how engineering has surrounded her life, but being a woman hadn’t held her back. The day continued with activities and workshops run by lecturers from the University of Aberdeen who gave a hands-on insight into the type of things each discipline of engineering could involve. When we took a break for lunch, students from the university showcased their TAU racing project which was very impressive, especially when they demonstrated the F1 car they had built and raced the previous year. This was made more exciting when camera crews from different news stations turned up to broadcast the event. After lunch women at different stages in their engineering careers spoke to us about what they had achieved and how becoming an engineer had benefitted them. We also had the opportunity to ask them many questions about their career pathways and the challenges they faced as female engineers. The last activity of the day was a Q&A session with the engineering admissions from Aberdeen University who gave us some top tips on how to make our personal statements shine. Overall I found the day very informative. It motivated me, even more, to pursue a career in engineering, especially since the day highlighted how important it is for women to be involved in this sector as presently only 13% of engineering graduates are female.

Ellie Bannister, 6L1

Chinese Club

Term 2 saw the start of Chinese Club at Aboyne Academy. The club takes place every Tuesday lunchtime and is run by Lance Zhou, an S6 pupil originally from China. Lance was keen to share the Chinese language and culture with his fellow pupils at the school, and the club has been well attended by both pupils and staff!

So far in Chinese club, we have been learning how to say many things, including the basic greetings, numbers, school subjects, and lots more. We have also been trying to master writing in Chinese! We really enjoy the club as the language is complicated but interesting and fun to learn. It is also taught very well by Lance and the atmosphere every lunch- time is always welcoming.

Katie Strachan (3L1), Laura Thomson (3M2) (and slightly amended by Mrs Miller!)

16 Life in Room 7

Enterprise: Gregor Smith S1

In room 7 we have an enterprise project which sells bird food. We have a banker and some helpers. We have a lot of customers who buy sunflower seeds, fat balls, mixed bird seed and peanuts. I enjoy being the banker.

Country Dancing: Iona Cruickshank S3 We are learning the country dancing for the school Christmas ceilidh. There is a band who plays at the Ceilidh. The dances are Gay Gordons, Dashing White Sergeant and the Canadian Barn Dance. The dances are easy because I know them all because my parents play in a ceilidh band.

Signing: Emily Plant S3

We do signing to communicate with Sarah who is deaf to make life easier. It is nice to talk with other people and in- clude them in conversation. It is quite good because you might meet other people who can’t hear. I like to be able to chat to Sarah because she is my best friend. Miss Cameron who is Sarah’s teaches our signing class with Mrs Forbes.

Boccia: Brodie Anderson S3 In Boccia we throw a Ball to get it near the White ball. It’s Kind of like a bowling green but inside. We go to the Games hall and the Squash Court. We go to the Squash Court on Tuesday. This is a good game to play because it is fun and it’s a good for our group and for Disabled people in wheelchairs.

Skiing: Sarah Tocher S3

We went skiing for our outdoor activities. The skiing is at Alford so we get there by minibus. First we have our packed lunch then we go and get our hel- mets, boot and gloves on. We carry our skis outside then put them on. The instructor showed us how to ski and snowplough downhill. We also learned how to walk sideways uphill with skis on. We had lots of practise on the dry ski slope and some of us went on the really big slope. After the skiing we all got to go tubing, even some of the staff joined in it was great fun with lots of laughs.

Swimming: Craig Hutchinson S3

We have two days of swimming. Tuesdays 10 pupils go swimming. Wednesdays 7 pupils go swimming. At the moment we are doing backcrawl and learning butterfly stroke. My favourite bit is the fun time at the end when we get to go on the floats.

Fitness room: Douglas Smith S3

In my P.E lesson. I go to the Fitness Room with Mrs Forbes and Brodie. We go on the treadmill and the bike and loads of other machines. We go every Tuesday because I Like the treadmill and the cross trainer. It’s good to keep healthy and fit. It’s hard work and I get tired but I am getting fit.

17 Room 7 I.T. Lessons: Zak Buchanan S3

In I.T, we make posters for our birdseed enterprise. We learn how to use Fonts, colours (to make the poster stand out), borders and also how to work with and import pictures. We learnt how to make tables, in which we made our own school timetables. Now we are learning about internet shopping. And then, we learn how to find cheap prices for DVDs, CDs etc on sites such as Amazon or Tesco Direct.

PE: Robert Smith & Mickey Paton S2

In PE this term we have played sort tennis and boccia. We have also done ball skills. In ball skills we played cat and mouse and bench ball. I like both these games. On a hot day we played rounders outside but we can’t do it now because it’s too cold. Robert’s favourite is cat and mouse because people have to catch your tail. Mickey’s favourite is also cat and mouse because you have to make a plan quickly and then people block you and you have to go somewhere else. Mickey and Robert also go to mainstream PE with 2L2. We played basketball, football and tennis. We both like tag rugby best – everybody in the class liked it.

Rockwall: Robert and Mickey S2 In our PE lessons we have also been climbing the Rock Wall in the PE hall with Mrs Kitching. We wear a helmet and harness and long trousers so we don’t scrape our knees. Robert climbed nearly to the top but Mickey, Sarah and Br- odie went right to the top. Sarah was like Spiderwoman! It’s difficult because the wall is quite cold and your hands get sore and red. It was scary but fun too. I was proud of myself!

Cooking: Kate Cowley S3 & Daniel Garden S1 On a Friday we cook. In the morning we go shopping. We walk along the old railway line. We buy things in the Co-op. I pay with money in my wallet. I am good at shopping. We walk back to school. In the afternoon we go to the HE room. We wear aprons to keep our clothes clean. We have made soup, buns, sandwiches and pancakes. I liked the buns best. The oven is hot. I have to put on oven gloves. We have to wash and dry the dirty dishes. I like drying best. We leave the HE room clean and tidy. We take or cooking home at the end of the day. Mum and Dad taste them. My cooking is delicious. Cooking is fun.

18 Room 7 Pupils go to the Pantomime

On Wednesday 7th December a group of pupils from R7 went to the pantomime, “Batman and Robin”, in the Aboyne theatre. One of our friends, Zak Buchanan 3L3, was taking part. This is what the pupils thought about the show:

Iona – “I thought Zak did great last night.”

Kate – “The pantomime was great last night. I liked the dancing.”

Daniel gave it the thumbs up.

Douglas – “The Penguin was my favourite.”

Brodie – “The funniest bit of all was with the bat mobile with Batman and Robin in it.”

Emily – “The jokes were the best.”

Accompanying the pupils were Mrs Forbes, Mrs Greenwood, Mrs Kitching and Mrs Ross.

Queen Portraits - Press & Journal competition

To celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday, the Press & Journal asked children to draw their own portrait of the Queen.

Douglas Smith and Sarah Tocher were in the top 90 and their portraits are shown below:


School Games at Loughborough University

Two pupils from Aboyne Academy attended the 2016 School Games at Loughborough University in September.

The event was run over 4 days and is designed as a mini Olympic games, allowing young athletes the opportunity to sample the atmosphere of a real Olympic event. The event started with an opening ceremony and ended with a closing ceremony and all the athletes stay in an athlete’s village on the campus.

There were 11 sports represented varying from Judo and wheelchair basketball to hockey, fencing and athletics. The opening ceremony was held on Thursday evening the 1st September with the team parade featuring athletes and para-athletes from England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

Abigail McBeath (former S6 pupil) took the School Games Oath on stage on behalf of coaches and was representing the Scottish Judo team.

Madeleine Silcock was competing in the U17 womens 4 x 100m Scottish relay team, who came a respectable 4th in the face of very tough competition.

World Schools orienteering success

Brilliant news from the World Schools selection race on 28th August 2016... Aboyne Academy won the junior boys section and have qualified to represent Scotland at the World Schools in Sicily in April! The team was Matthew Gooch, Grant McMurtrie, Ralph Silcock and Angus Fraser.


The U14 boys football team played in the Aberdeenshire Cup on Wednesday 14th Dec at Inverurie. Aboyne played very well with a faultless first half performance. They led 3-0 at half-time with Callum Duncan scoring a fantastic hat-trick. In the second half, Inverurie Academy were the more dominant side and battled back to score three goals resulting in the game going to penalty kicks. Aboyne missed their first two penalties but then with a bit of luck Inverurie failed to capitalise on their advantage and Aboyne finally won 4-3 with the winning goal being scored by Liam Harker. The game was very enjoyable and the pupils should be very proud of themselves.

Mr Birse


The Academy Tennis Team have been enjoying Scottish Cup action with the girls team smashing their way into the third round and the boys team going out after a really tough match against Albyn School in their second round.

Having knocked out Nairn Academy in the first round a few weeks ago, the girls team (Emily Marshall, Kayla Mitchell-Mehta, Caitlin Fraser and Catherine Cowie) had what looked like a tough second round match against Aberdeen Grammar. The girls stepped up and performed extremely well and won all 4 singles games and both doubles games to take the match victory at 12-0. A few of the games were tight and the girls really dug in with gritty attitudes and found the tactics and strategies needed to win. The doubles top pairings match was close, with Kayla and Emily coming from a set down to win in a championship tie break. Team captain Emily commented that team spirit, good training habits and sheer determination had pulled them through the match.

For the first round, the boys team (Fraser Anderson, Grant McMurtrie, Cameron Smith and Joel George) travelled to Montrose expecting a tough match. However, our boys managed to come away with a 10-2 match victory, winning both doubles games and 3 out of the 4 singles games. Our number one player Fraser has been in great form recently and won the Aboyne doubles club championships. In the build-up week to their second round game against Albyn, the boys had to deal with the news that their star player Fraser would be unable to play having sustained an ankle injury whilst slipping off a tractor. However, Rory Meldrum stepped in and they made the trip to Westburn indoor tennis centre knowing that the match was likely to be tough. The travelling time enabled the boys to get in the zone for the opening and extremely vital doubles games. Grant and Rory's doubles game was played at an extremely high standard against two good city players with very good tennis ratings. They competed extremely well but eventually lost 6-4, 6-4 in a match that lasted nearly two hours. Joel and Cameron won their doubles and singles games fairly easily and therefore brought the overall match score to 6-6. So the match went to a tie break shootout, which on paper looked like it could go either way. However, Albyn’s Finn Pearson dominated the tie break and took the win 10-5 for Albyn and put an end to the Journey for the boys this year.

Team coach Graham Kay said "I’m really proud of the kids. They set such a great example for Aboyne Academy showing impeccable behaviour, a high standard of tennis and demonstrating an unbelievably good attitude throughout their matches. They worked well as individuals and as part of a team. They are also a credit to Aboyne Tennis Club and the Deeside Tennis Squad where they train. It's impressive the way they performed with skill and class and fought for absolutely every single point in every match. The girls are looking forward to training hard and getting prepared for the next round match. The boys can hold their heads high as they performed so well against a really strong team and the match really could have gone either way. "

21 Shona Park, Active Schools Coordinator, [email protected] 07823536215

Active Schools Round Up December 2016 - Aboyne Academy

Running Club – Running Club has grown from strength to strength with the help of our dedicated team of volunteers from Deeside Runners: Ben Preece, Warren Burgess, Roger Coombs and Sam Rendall. They have been putting the pupils through their paces with hill sprints, distance runs, interval training and cross country running. Well done to all the boys and girls who attend regularly and work hard, you are a credit to the school.

Basketball Club – Active Schools currently have S1-3 basketball on a Tuesday in Aboyne led by dedicated volunteer Dave Rendall and S4-6 (U18s) basketball on a Sunday also led by Dave, which takes place in Banchory with pupils from to help bring the two schools together and provide a pathway to Banchory Stags Club. We have had many challenges this term with the hall and coach availability but look forward to moving the Tuesday S1-3 session to a Thursday next term 6-7pm starting on Thurs 12th Jan, which may help combat some of these problems. Active Schools would like to thank Dave for his continued support in developing basketball in this area with Primary and Academy pupils.

Social Sports Club – Active Schools provided a lunchtime social sports club for pupils who don’t already take part in an after school club. We played basketball and badminton and it provided a good change for many pupils who may have not tried these sports otherwise. The response was great and there is definitely scope to make this club more permanent next term. We will look to start on Wed 18th January 2017.

Boys Hockey – Boys hockey has developed well this term with the addition of Mr Lindsay (biology teacher) a Level 1 UKCC hockey coach whose dedication and enthusiasm has definitely influenced the attendance. We now have a regular group of 22 boys playing hockey which is great to see. Mr Lindsay is supported by Ellie Bannister (S6) whose experience and knowledge playing district level hockey along with her Level 1 UKCC award has greatly helped. The addition of a goalie kit this year has also enabled Mr Lindsay to train some of the boys in goal keeping skills which has been great fun.

Netball Juniors/Seniors – The junior team led by Mhairi Welsh (S5) and Jo Croll and supported by Lily Croll (S4) has seen some great uptake this year with 20 girls attending on a regular basis. The seniors are led by Joyce Welsh, Jo Croll and Mhairi Welsh(S5) and are now a team of 15 girls which is great. Joyce and Jo have been dedicated volunteers for approx. 10 years with netball in Primary and Secondary school and their experience is invaluable. Their commitment and enthusiasm is very encouraging for the girls and has helped the teams grow over the years. This year the teams have also participated in the Scottish Schools matches and are through to bronze level and the next round in January so good luck to all.

22 Girls Football – The girl’s football team has been popular this year with approx. 20 girls attending every week. This year the team has been led by senior pupils Kurt Grant and Danny Nicoll and recently the addition of Mrs Leslie (PE teacher) who has helped to get the girls involved in the Scottish Schools Cup. The boys have done a great job helping to structure the sessions with some more fitness and skill development for the girls which has really helped to develop the team. The support from Mrs Leslie has been very valuable and enabled the girls to participate in game opportunities.

Many thanks again to our Business partner ARCADION for supplying the girls football strips. Don’t they look smart as they prepare to play their first Scottish Schools Cup game against Cults Academy?

Badminton – Active Schools are delighted to be able to offer badminton again to pupils with thanks to Mr Woods (Art teacher) volunteering to help get this going. We have 12 pupils playing again after school on a Thursday which is great and it has been going well. To enable this club to progress we are looking for any parent volunteers who wish to help out. You don’t need any experience to start with and it would be a case of supervising pupils. If you are interested please contact me at [email protected]

23 Girls Hockey – We now have a strong girl’s hockey team with approx. 35 girls attending on a regular basis which is fantastic. This team is led by a dedicated team of volunteers including Mrs Crawford (Maths teacher), Mr Lindsay (Biology teacher) and Ellie Bannister (S6 pupil). With the help of the coaches the girl’s skills and fitness levels have greatly improved and we hope to test these out next term against some other teams.

Hockey Report

Every Friday after school the girls’ hockey club is on. This club is taken by Mr Lindsay and Mrs Crawford. At the start of each session we warm up by firstly running a lap of the astro pitch and then doing some suicide runs (this keeps us fit!) After that we go into some drill, for instance we pass between pairs and then you try and shoot against our tough goal keeper! After that we go into hockey matches. You learn quickly but everyone will help you learn. The teams are always fair and we now have brand new bibs (they don’t smell!). The hockey club has a range of ages from S1 to S6. Always bring a jacket with you because we play in rain and snow.

Amelie Flavill, Hannah Smart and Shauna Anderson all 2C3

Aboyne Academy hockey club wearing new bibs bought with money from Run Balmoral Sports Bursary. Many thanks to Run Balmoral for their kind donation.

Thanks again to all our volunteers, teachers and pupils who take part in Active Schools clubs and activities. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Start dates for next term Running Club – Monday 9th January 3.45pm-4.45pm - Meet in Canteen Social Sports Club – Wednesday 18th January 1.10-1.40pm – Games Hall Boys Hockey – Wednesday 11th January 3.45pm-5pm – All Weather Pitch Netball Juniors – Wednesday 11th January 3.45-4.45pm – Games Hall Netball Seniors – Wednesday 11th January 4.45pm-6pm – Games Hall Girls Football – Thursday 12th January 3.45pm-5pm – All Weather Pitch Badminton – Thursday 12th January 3.45pm-5pm – Games Hall S1-3 Basketball – Thursday 12th January 6-7pm – Games Hall Volleyball – Friday 13th January 1.10-1.40pm – Games Hall Girls Hockey – Friday 13th January 3.45pm-4.45pm – All Weather Pitch S4-6 (U18’s) Basketball – Sunday 15th January 1-3pm – Banchory Academy Games Hall


December May 21 End of Term (Wednesday) 1 May Day Holiday 2 Start of SQA Exams January 2017 17 S1 Reports issued 5 Start of Term (Thursday) 23 P7 Link Project Day 17 S2 Parents Evening 24-26 Activities S1-S3 18 S1 reports issued 25 Head Teacher Drop-in Session 24 Senior Phase Parents’ Curriculum Evening 29-30 Prefect Interviews 26 Head Teacher Drop-in Session 29-2 Mental Health Week 26-27 S3 DTP & Men ACWY immunisations 30 Senior Ball 30 Start of S4/5/6 Prelim Exams June February 1 Start of new Timetable S1/2/3 (new S2/3/4) 1 S3 Reports issued 2 Buddy Training S6 & Prefect Training S4/5/6 9 Local Holiday 2 End of SQA Exams 10 Local Holiday 5 Start of new Timetable S4/5 (new S5/6) 13 Mid-term Holiday 8 S1 & S2 Girls HPV Immunisations 14 In-service Day 14 Awards Ceremony 15 In-Service Day 15-16 P7 Induction Days 17 End of S4/5/6 Prelim Exams 19-23 House Week 4 19-23 Highland Games Week March 20 An Evening of Drama 1 S3 Parents’ Evening 21 Summer Concert 1 S3 MMR immunisations 30 End of Session 2 Head Teacher Drop-in Session 6-10 House Week 3 8 S4/5/6 Reports issued 9 S4/5/6 Parents’ evening 13-17 Social Health Week 14 S4/5/6 Parents’ evening 23 S1 & 2 Girls HPV Immunisations 29 Young Musician of the Year Aboyne Academy 30 Head Teacher Drop-in Session Contact Information 31 End of Term Aboyne Academy April Bridgeview Road 17 Holiday Aboyne 18 Start of Term (Tuesday) Aberdeenshire 19 P7 Parents’ Evening AB34 5JN 25 P7 Link project Half Day (am) 27 Head Teacher Drop-in Session E-mail: [email protected] 28 S4/5/6 Leavers’ Ceremony & Lunch Web: www.aboyneacademy.com Tel: 013398 87722 Fax: 013398 85020 Twitter: @aboyneacad

Pupil absence hotline: 013398 85030 (available 24 hours)