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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

4-30-1909 Albuquerque Citizen, 04-30-1909 Hughes & McCreight

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Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Citizen, 04-30-1909." (1909).

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, r STORM t V Because Grocer Wouldn't Pay -- Appointments Sent to t rw-M n?, 1 the Sen Blackmail They Caused ate I . t V I Today to Fill I 'A - ,. .n-l.- . ' Tornadoes. Thunderstorms. J Death of Eight S New Mexico Snow and Freakish Winds People. Vacancies. Are Common In ..... BABIES THROWN BOTH ATTORNEYS East. r , . :V;:HJ?.i li,,) Vt.),1,fi. ; ..' FROM THE WiiMS OF GREAT PROMISE MANY KILLED

Oil n,,-- . - ,. -.: DOMIC THE NIGHT Hallways Were Soaked With w .v Cooley Was Member of Tennis and Fire Spread Rapidly. 1 h Cabinet and Assistant Attorney i ',--r.-- '. Cutting off Escape it General-Meccn- am Mem- Tornadoes Visit Several Sections of the Occu- ber of Upper of trie South. Laying Waste pants. House. Numerous Towns and Dozens of . icwr''-- .'.2 New York, April 30. Fight per- Washington. t. C, April 30. Tha People. sons, five of them children, wer burned to death and fourteen others resident today sent to tho Senate Injured In at; Incendiary fire In a fl ve- the names ot Alford W. Cooley. woo -- st ory tenement house, at 37 Spring was an assistant attorney general un ChiiMS'J. April 30. Six . persons ' Chi-cay- M street, occupied by twenty families Were killed and liliy injured in o i'.'., - ; der the Booscvclt administration, and , A early today. The blaze followed the cm Iron.-- during storm C. and lne demand of members Merrit Mechem, of Tucumoarl. J. i of the Black lust ii li t . according to ports receiv- M., a prominent attorney, to be Jus- Hand society for the payment of $1,-00- 0 ed l.j the coroni r ami tin- police. The tices of the supreme court of New li!t nt dead includes only those ofli-Cial- ly blackmail. Mexico. spread build- reported. It is believed The Are through the la that ic ing startling rapidity as hall- It understood both nominations more wi re care of pri-u- t. with the will be irauy taken ways were oil by promptly confirmed u it to iy. Sun Francisco. April 30. An attempt soaked with the to extort n large sum of money blackmailers. In the pnnic slated they meet with the general ap Tlif storm conditions were some-- - from Rudolph. Spreckels, son of the late Claus Spreckels, was frustrated by proval or tno people of New Mexico. I What improved today, although show- detectives last night. According to by the alarm, the tenants fought tholr F11AILKIX CAHOLIXA STOKTR. ' the story told Spreckels, ),e received wsy dow n escapes: The name of Eiarncst w. nu ers ami thunderstorms, turning 13 an unonymous letter a few days ugo. fire or Jumped from Berlin. April 80. Pretty Fruuleln also iwi telling him that he should pay $3,000 the windows, while babies were Carolina Stoete, who Kaiser WIthelm sent to the Senate. Mr. Lewis Is snow flurries, are predicted for the to the bearer of a note, who would rail, called "the cleverest young business woman In flermany,'' Is considering go- to be justice lietrrtives told Spreckels' butler to thrown from windows to th arms of a of the suureme court r.yi nty-fo- ur telegraph gjve u bundle newspapers messenger. ' ing over to laying a of luxt hourr. The of to the The man called us indicated policemen below. the I'nited States and little business proposition before Arixona. compunk s expected to have their by the letter and the detectives arrested him. Later they nrrested his K. It. Harrlman and Jim Hill. Mr. Cooley was originally a New repaired soon the. extent ot Among the Injured, three1 children As she Is now doing Belgian wires but are not expected to ' for the state railways, she wants to collect Yorker but left that statu some vnn i the damage is Mill In doubt. recover. the newspapers left In passenger ago to In proprietor gro- American railroad coaches and convert reside New Mexico. He u st Jacob Cruck. a Hi ports from the south and south-We- ,of them into pasteboard on which tickets can be printed. a personal cery store on the first f loori own- In exchange for the friend of President Roose indicate tliat there has been and privilege she's willing to furnish the It ana er of the building, received April 18. railroad with all the tickets needs. velt a member of the "tennis great loss of life. stock and property. FINISH TESTIMONY VALUABLE DIAMOND There's money In this unique business. The company cabinet." until by ill this !, she heads over forced health to The wires are down in Iowa, Missouri letter: here Is earning 15 per cent per on Its leave (Washington. "We demand $1,000 or; death. uimum contruct with tlic Belgian state end Kansas. Telegraph service be- railways. Mr. Mecncm was a member of AT P.ring it to Mott street. thisinl is tho tween the great news centers la great- . ST. LOUIS TODAY LOST ON FIRSI STREET Ji upper house of last loelxlaturj . dead but the Ulack Hand lives." Jt the ly hampered and early improvement was signed of New Mexico and has a,r ttf.'iul "n is entirely problematical. "Black Hand Society." scprii Monday, Hruck . the snow bus held up nrilu-- r receive., another In the south IXiileme Will Jle Offirttl nt It Wus tin. Object of Sciirolt Isr:. litter, similar In tone. lie turned Lit gale on have I Lnsa-- r trains and the lukea Chicago by toads Against Low Mglit and Tiniay and the both over to the police. two appointments will, it la hampered shipping. It Is reported (fettle 1 said, fill In talcs. Oilers lUg lUnvard. A the vacancies the Sixth that the town of Horn Miss., SUMMER CAPIIOl FOR NEW HOSPITAL district and the recently created Ker- - ' has been, wiped out by a storm but St. Louis, Mo., April 30. The tak- To lose a two carat dia- TENNIS enth Judicial district. The assignment ' the report is unconfirmed. It is hoped ing of testimony at St. Louis in the mond valued at $250. was the mis- , of district Judges is made by the to have the train service wire mend suit of railroads of the Southwest to fortune last night of Mrs. J. K. Hur- New .lersi y Wealthy t'itl.eiis I'lun It) Will t.ivc tu Start anil Add supreme court of New Mexico. ed by night. restrain the interstate commerce com- ley, wife of a well known writer of BEGINS TOMORROW Purclm- - line lU'Hhli-nc- e for Certain Per Cent From Oil mission from putting into effect a Insurance who resides at the Craige tlic President. l"rotit Yearly. Was 1 rouklsli Storm. reduction in cattle shipping rates has looming house. West Silver avenue. DECIDED THE COLO The storm seems to have been co- bun completed and James A. Kddon, Mr. and Mrs. Hurley and their llHiHlicaiM Have Ilct-i- i Arranged and New York. April 30. The plan of Oalveston, Texas, April 30. John extensive with Uie country and '.t commissioner to take testimony, has daughter were returning to the Craige KvcrylMHly Will Have au Cquul a number of New Jersey coast cities W. tjiitis has decided to endow the broke all records for the number and adjourned the hearing to Chicago, front dining at the Alvarado. They SlHnv In the duties. to present the nation with a summer Mary (Jutes hospital, which ho is to WASN'FJORTH $5,000 variety of freakish disturbances. Fol- where further evidence will be heard. 1 ft the hotel on the First street side capltol for the president has been erect at Port Arthur, Texas, us a lowing are some of them: ' All roads doing cattle business from r.nd walked south on First street to A meeting of the tennis tourna- given Impetus by the offer of J. H. monument to the memory of his composed A tornado blew away DUO feet of Texas und Southwestern points to St. Silver avenue and" to the Craige, half ment committee of Dr. Oreenhut. Long Branch and other mother, with an accumulative fund, Judge Abbott Orders Jury to Jrlud fur Louis, Chicago, Is'ew Orleans, Umuha, 'Mnart, chairman; T. S. Woolsey and the west wall of the Northern In a block away. When they reached cities had started a fund for the pur- lie starts this fund with half a mil- lUtllroml, us Wonuin IMd Not j Raymond was Michigan City Kansas City and St. Joseph, are plain their apartments Mrs. Hurley discov- It. Stamm, held in the $1,000,-00- 0 lion will to It every diana state prison at chase of "Shadow Lawn," the dollars and udd JProvei Iter Case. and troops were mobilized to prevent tiffs in the case. They failed to ob- ered that the large solitaire from her oflices f Dr. Smart last evening and mansion built by the late John A. year 2 per cent of his net profits from trouble. tain a temporary injunction against right ear was gone. The ear was final arrangements for the tourna- Mct'all, whin he was president of oil, which it is understood will amount now-bein- af- After hearing A tidal wave in Lake Michigan has the commission and testimony is bleeding and there was evidence that ment which commences tomorrow the New York Life Insurance com- anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 pet- the testimony of the taken in an to obtain a ternoon on the Central avenue courts, plaintiff. Judge Abbott this U'Jiie great damage at Waukcgan and effort the band had been torn through the ' pany at West Knd, for the purpose ti unit tn. after were completed. noon on a of attorneys permanent injunction. flesh. A search whs made last night Partners have been of deeding the property to the gov- The fund will be In Interest-b- motion the for Kenosha. chosen and opponents by Invested the Scores of dwellings in Chieapo wore immediately nfter the loss was dis- drawn the ernment to be used us a summer earing bond;) or other securities defendant. Instructed the Jury in contestants. The following handicaps the case of Florence KlUIson versus damaged by the wind. a pathway jx wide, I covered but the stone could not be White House for the president. Be- to bo designated by a board of trus- half a mile destroy have been given: the in In height of the storm, a child found. was completed Pres-der- .t tees. The hospital will be one of the Santa Fe, a suit for $5,009 the ing buildings and trees. In northern I Mrs. partner vs. fore the fund damages, was b rii in a in Chicagi This morning the search was con- Felix Lester und place Bev- best equipped In the Construc- to bring a verdict In favor baement Arkansas ninety persons ure known Miss McMillen and partner. Tnfl selected the at world. of carried seven miles to safety, t tinued. Men were engaged all fore- erly, Mass., a few days ago Mr. tion will begin iu n few the Santa Fe, the plaintiff not and have been hurt. I Mrs. Collier and Miss Ferguson, and weeks. huving proven though was knocked I noon sweeping up the dirt in the prop- It her case. the mother down lie passed oiny j ' Creenhut purchased the local was originally planned to make storm within handicap minus 15, vs. Mrs. Hubbs Miss Klllison caught cold repeatedly by the storm. She always Mis-'.- , Mreet in front of the Alvarado phar- erty, is $300,000 Mr. while two miles of Horn Like, and' Mrs. Lyons, handicap plus 30. it understood, for the Institution but managed to fall so as to protect the - macy. The wind was blowing hard and knowing coast (Jates says to coming from Chicago to Albuquer ripped buildings from their founili- Mrs. Peck and Miss Chllders, not the plans nf the he wants do what he que Child. - and Mrs. Hurley believes that the of these plans can for suffering humanity, only and brought suit against the rail Hons. The number of killed placed 'siratch, vs. Mrs. Merritt and Mlas cities. When he learned and company k persons were in vi- - was torn ear as road for $5,000 damages. Six killed the at twelve. Ho far as eould be n-e- by stone from her she Mr. tlreenhut offered to sell the prop- a nominal charge will he made for ' lledrick, minus one half of 30. t cinity of Memphis, Tenn. Four lost railway crossed Hold avenue. A hard gust erty to the association of titles for private rooms. She alleges that she was forced to trainmen, farm houses and j Misses Willey and Strickler, minus lives at Golden, Mo. w them Just as they crossed the leave a tourist ci.r at Trinidad and their i ottoii gin." are a mass of reckage. 30, vs. Misses Heed, t'.O.diio than he paid for it. thus A blixzard Is raging on the Great street and Mrs. Hurley believes that .Schuster and to project wait for the second section of the plus one half 30. making his donation the Lakes and snow plows are out in the the stone becmne entangled in her veil of $50,000. OF A Hume train, und while waiting she Several Killed. Messrs. It. It. in BODY WOMAN of states. Little im- : ml was pulled off by the wind. I Stain und Collier, caught cidd. Previous to entering the northern tier Liuisville, Ky., April 30. Several 30, This has given new life to the provement Is expected In the next The search to reveal, the minus one half of vs. Messrs. tourist car she hud been riding in persons are reported killed in lat failed Slurges and McKte, scratch. movement and it is cxiisctcd thet the twenty-fou- r hours. lost gem. The dust In the street was property NAILED TO CROSS the chair car. night's storm near Franklin. Tenn., Messrs. Newell Jacoh.-on- . fund for the purchase of the swept and sifted but the stone could and rep- When she left the chair car for and the town of Hillsboro. It is said 'scratch vs. Messrs. Itogers and Hing- - will be completed. New Jersey Thirty Were Killed. away. not be found. This afternoon Mrs. in have prom- the sleeper she left her wraps. Dur- Oa., April 30. Between that Hillsboro has been blown Jand. minus 13. resentatives Atlanta, Cen-tcrvil- Hurley said that she was willing to government ac- ing the time she was in the sleeper, thirty persons are dead Much damage was reported from Dr. Smart and Dr. Elder, minus one ised to see that the Nl reams In Turkey Carrhil lfic of twenty and nearby 1 ay a reward eyual to the value of cepts gift. the train was cut Into two sections, and other towns. i 15. vs. the Murdered tiirlstlaus to iu Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkan- to any who would re- half of Hrouks and Merrill, the chair cur on one and the sleep- the stone one 30. the Sea. sas and scores are injured as a result Twenty Miles Wide. turn it to It is a blue stone of minus er in which she rode on the other. her. Messrs. Moore Stroup, plus one t of the series of tornudoe last night. I'hiua, Ohio, April 30. A tornadj unusual brilliancy and an exact like- and MOB LYNCHED THREE In the mornlg she had to wait for the half 15. are to play Meraina, April 30. un-- di Although more fatal to life than the twenty miles wide struck this section ness 'if the stone she wore in the left of scheduled the Merslna is train bearing her wraps. , v northern storms, the southern ones this morning, causing $100,000 dam- ear, inneis of the last match. r martial law und the Turkish au- The law firm of Klock & Owen Covered smaller territory. They age. The path of destruction extends Messrs. Walia and .Smith. hair NEGROES FOR MURDER thorities ure maintaining order. The brought suit for her. Col. It. B. Struck at widely scattered points at over several counties and damage of 30. vs. McDonald and White plus sanitary conditions are bad, there Is a Twltchell. Col. K. W Dobson and s 15. int'-rval- throughout yesterday and was done to lite town of Piuua. Sid- BELIEVE lack of water und the bodies of dead Attorney Nellie Brewer appeared for early Mr. Woolsey and pal titer, vs. chad-bourn- e fill A last night. The death list at ail ney, Houston, Fletcher. St. Paris and Were animals the streets. river which the defendant company. was as follows: and M;ia(fey, plus 3u. laers of Sheriff empties into the sea stil'. carries the hour Klrkwood. Titer,, was no loss of!ife. Might Wit 111. I'n- - New Suit IHed. young Crossing, 5. WILL BE EXECUTED Van and Barth, plus one half ul At Tenn., Snt duo Publicity. bodies of dead Christians from the Daniel Sweeney, a contractor, has At Medina. Tenn., 3. Springfield, Mo., April 30. A spe- of 30. vs. Wheeler and Talbot, scenes of the massacres. Among the brought suit against the Dominion Lake, Miss. 12. cial Summerville says a scratch. ghastly burdens the river today was At Horn from that Fori Worth, Texas, April 30. A of Construction company, alleging dam- At Forest City Ark.. 2. tornado passed there last night, kill- He Is' to lie Tried by Court. Martbl Danahy and Lundolfi, plus 30, vs. the body of a woman, nailed to ia ages in sum $15,000. plain- 15. mob lynched three negroes lute last the of The At West Marion, Ark.. 1. ing two. injuring many and damag- for Instigating Mutiny and May i Hertzi'g and Field, plus cross. tiff alleges j night at Marshall. Texas. The three that he moved an outfit During the night the telegraph ing much property. Another gpeclu! Be Klsit. Lester and Staab, minus 30, vs. t horses machinery from plus one 15. men lynched had killed a deputy and here Wires went down all over the souta, trom Uolden says the tornado which .French and Flier half of Oklahoma to fill with London. April 30. A local news Feegans and partner vc. Hoy Stamm slierilf. They were: Creole Moore. a contract the except in the Atlantic states. struck there wiped the town off the They were GARRETT'S SLAYER defendant and the defendant violated map with the exception of one brick agency today publishes a dispatch and McCroden, plus one half of 15. Pie Hill and Mat Chase. from Salonika F.uropean Turkey, . charged with killing Deputy Sheriff the contract. Colder In Kansas. htore. Five are repotted killed. The membership of the Albutiutir-- saying it has been officially an- que Tennis club w hich is less than a Mark Hull, nan und wounding a con- .Wichita. April 30. A cold ohak ago raiding a . ON TRIAL MONDAY Nashville. Tenn., April 30.- Jit-- nounced that Abdul Hamld. the de- .year uld, numbers nearly one hundred stable a few das for MANY ATTEND wind from the north, heavy clouds say posed sultan, will be by crap gtt me. No arrests have been WILL rain, a twenty mile advices from Centn ville that i tried court and that the organization is a success And threatening score or more lives were lost in the martial and that it is generally be- has plainly been shown during the last made. Ikmii temperature of I - an wind and a b-- di travel Will Appear IVefoii- Jury at storm which struck that town ami lieved sentence of death will be puss- - few months, when an hour in ALUMNI BANQUET 40 degrees was the weather condi- on Ijis Cruees and Iegal IWiltle today. temperature has thi propertv damage is $lou,000. At d him. the day elapsed but w hat some of the tion here The Fayetville the storm razed manj members were playing tennis on the HOLLAND REJOICES tu lie Kxtitiug. falhn from 74 since 4 o"clock yester- evening. residences trd killed three people. row courts on Central avenue. day THE FROST KILLED The tournament, which commences Las Cruees. N. II.. April 30. -- The Conner I'nlvorwily Students i"utii Rig A FOR HEIR TO THRONE Carml. 111. April 30. tornado tomorrow, will probably take a wek trLi of Wa.wie Brazil, charged with 4'elelralloit Tills Kills CoLimdo Fruit. swept through this morning, Yeur. April 30. Temperature as heie or ten days and the handicaps are so the murder of Pat Garrett, noted Denver. killing four persons and injuring FRUIT AT SANTA FE begin In low as 28 is In the fruit re- arranged that even the poorest play- hunter of bud men. will the repord many. was prac-1'iall- y Urn-i- Junction this The whole town ers stand an equal show In the con- Daughter Karly TliU Morning to district court here Monday, accord- From the number of acceptances gion around tlrand v I'ni-erslt- y destroyed. -- Akmiivs ing present A delay may by secretary of morning and much damage has been Only High W ind revented Total test with the best. Plenty of benches IllicbiUntt to plans. received the the the on grounds of lie Diileh. be secured, however. Alumni society the banquet done to trees. The owners are using 30. of ion of Crop in I'pper have been provided the La Crosse, Wis. April one wel- Attorney It. Thomp- which will he given Alvarado murige pots to protect the fruit. The win- YtUlry. and all visitors will be cordially District Mark at the the heaviest snow storms of the Hague, April 30. At- evening May ( will s grounds will be reserved The W'ilhelmina, son will prosecute the und leiii the of be cold weather extends over th? moun- ter is raging here today. Four inch.-- comed. The s M , 30. week or days for Queen of tin Netherlenils. gave birth torney H. It. Holt will defend Brazel. better attended than similar functions tain region ami into the Tex-a- Pan- of snow fallen and storm Santa Fe. X. April For the for the next ten has the year tournament f to a daughter early this morning and w ho at present is out on $lfl.(l"0 iu years past It Is expected that handle. seems likely to continue all day. third consecutive the early fruit the entries in the if was killed by frost in the orchards of practicing und playing. the celebration is general over the practically the , ntire membership w ill he pn Xine4y Were Hurt. Superior. Wl.. April 30. A blizzard Santa Fe and tho upper Rio Grande kingdom. The political significance it ck n ii in ti:x s. sent. Memphis," Tenn., April 30. The is raging here today and the snow is valley, the temperature last night KTOI.i: SI.V Mill. SACKS. lies in the fact that Holland will con- Beaumont. Texas. April 30. Ad After the luimiuct a business i-fion Storm broke here shortly after night- driven before a fifty mile wind. having bi-e- down to twenty-nlx- . A Spokane. Wash., Apr. I 30. Two tinue Independent, now that there is vices from Waterman say that a race will li held and the banqueters fall, after a sultry afternoon. The high wind reaching forty miles an bold robbers held up Northern Pa- an heir to the throne. F.vety town war has brok n out between the em will then adjourn to the Woman's first repot is came from the tornado Pes Moines, Iowa. April 30. A hour, and low relative humidity pre- cific passenger train No. 3 last night in the kingdom is celebrating the long ployes of the two saw mills there i ltiii w here a program of musical and belt of Arkansas, the scene of Lie vere storm is over northern vented the destruction from being at the point of revolvers and got waited birth of a child to her Two tre reported killed and six In other numbers will be given. Danc- recent Brlnkley storm. The wind cut 1 low a. away with six sacks of mall. jured. ing i follow the program. Al rAGr. two ntiD.w, April ao. io. ' ' i The Albuquerque Citizen PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Mexico. By tbe Citizen Publishing Company ol Albuquerque, New MFTER SUPPER SRLE BROGAN W. S. STRICKLER WILLIAM. F. SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 1st, 1909, FROM TO O'CLOCK PRESIDENT MANAGING EDITOR 7 9 1KKSS ;in(.iims 10c mi:rckiuzi:i hatkkn 23c NIXK RVCIIINGS 5C SATEEN KIMONAS 1 .15 fSlnghams, h In 39 piece of New Press .double Sultana Sateen all the staple Neat, dainty Kuchcs of chiffon and net, quality cut fold, 32 Inches wide, splendid assortment and delicnte shades; the Ideal for only, Klmonas made of extra sateen Z material white neck lengths, opecial Saturday good In navy with THE omn.U. NKWSPAPEK. of patterns in blue and white, black and petticoats and llnlnus, soft finish and with and full, comes blue, niBnt polka clot pattern; you usually and white checks, blue and .1 lasting eveiywhere 5 the kind March 29, 1909. white, brown lustrou. finish; s.dd pav $3.00 Saturday l,rown stripes, solid 3.".c, Saturday night special $2.50 or for; nlht Mexico, of Secretary. whit", and white and for 23 PEARL llCTTO.NS 1M,EN Territory of New Office the colors of blue, pink, Kr,y. brown, etc.. 5p special SI 39 section 9 of r.OO Public notice Is hereby given that In compliance with in n regular way 13c, Saturday dozen Pearl Button, all olzes from Thirty-eight- h legis- worth imixs sti:i:x.s yard bill No. 21S of the 15c 14 to 24, the 8 and 10c Xftt'-K- Council substitute for House night special IOC I", pieces of Drejis Foulard pat- kind; Satur- EAR SPI XIAl, 19c assembly, approved March 17. 1909. requiring the Secretary of Sateens. day night, per dozen lative Mexico, terns. 30 Inches wide. In blues, browns, JJ. A Rre it variety of Linen and Lace Collars, official newspaper of New The V-- -- 1 tbe Territory to designate an 1 1 MA I W K It X 01 f i tans, etc., some border patterns, heavy a splendid assortment to choose from, col- designated as such official newspaper of N Albuaueroue Citisen Is hereby Veils in nil the new shades, plain hem- mercerized flnlnh, nil new styles, usually Id EN 1LMKERCHIEI'S 5e lars worth up to 50c, Saturday night spec- New Mexico. (Signed) NATHA,VAFm stitched, or embroidered edKe and dots. I pure ial Secretary sol. for 18c and 2ic; night spec- Women's linen Handkerchiefs, hem- 19c Seal) 1 '4 and 1 yards long, worth from 11.00 ial, per yard 15 stitched, special for Saturday night... 5 up to 12.00. divided Into three lots for NECKWEAR SPECIAL choosing: 11 2oC eay COHSin" t.lltlH.IK COc uwvx yiki:im'iiii;fn. q ivm embroid- Lot 1, Special 23c Initeli Collars, all white or white 50C 75c tape and satin Corset Girdles, an ex- 250 dozen women's cross Lawn Hand- In linen, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 2, Special , bar ered colors, plain stocks and tab 715? tra villi-- and all sizes, special for Sat- kerchiefs will again be placed on sale, Sat- up 75c, Saturday night It 3. Special stocks, values to Lot SI OO urday niRht 39 urday night at (J for special Om year by mall In advance, 'J 2 JC 25C .WU BMJUW VM ...... - . If mV llmlia. ilM-- VM hla ril ...... N. M., as eeond-clas- s matter at the Postofflce ol Albuquerque, Kntered I unr Ac of Ooouws) of March 3, 1879. ad-Uls- Tbe only Illustrated dally newspaper In New Mrxlew and tbe best lin medium of the Southwc. the ECONOMIST. ffRX AliBrQUEnQUE CITIZEN IS: The Wiling Republican dally and weekly newspaper of the Boc&weeC of Republican principle and the "Square Deal. The advocate investor they see no other way out time while they were there. Gov- of it. Curry CP AliBTJQTJKRQtJE CITIZEN HAS: ernor accompanied the train rHJC THE IIXTIVE ELY. Old Jlorttfnsjes Are (Jone. as a special guest and chaperone. He Auxiliary Newt Serviee Very few of the old mortgages re- proved to be a ready speaker a i 7 report by Associated Fress and SlnH) and Meat Ail ImUKluiiry Room main. The Investors have either sold first-cla- ss booster for Albuquerque Scene After Eilm-utio- Wins. their to WE GET THE NEWS FIRST." claims speculators who have and the territory. Western Liberal. Your Selection Scene Primer class of any made a fine profit out of the rise in STATEHOOD FOR TJEW MEXICO" school in 1913. land values or have allowed the land PIKERS CLIMB FENCES. OF A GOOD BANK Mexico and Teacher Now children, what to be sold for tax. and so Although the weuther was fine and Wa faTor the Immediate admission of the territories of New have lost Unlon.-Repub- is a fly? claims. The men now there two games To be given separate states In the llcan National Platform. their who are wire for Is important not for the arisen, as Little Willle-th- at It's something here are generally the owners of the the one price last Sunday, the only present, but walks all over w hat it land, and they are making money receipts amounted to only $24.50. also for the years to come. shouldn't on walk ami makes from stock raising and the produc- There was a $50.00 crowd within the The right bank will money for the doctor.'. tions of the crops thnt will grow. The gates but there are a great many connection be a material Teacher But what is the fly's towns share the prosperity, and the "pikers" in this town who wouldn't help to your every day business. connection? absence of overpow. ring give a five cent piece towards helping debt gives This bank has a of con- Cussing tfie YVeatfier Jimmy Bluff Aw, he chases confidence and encouragement for the a ball team. A great many people in successful record safe, around to all th" hospital and al- - town are crying base- servative banking Being unfamiliar with the history of the ancients, the Citizen future. this for a good from the day of its organi- However, it is suff- aleys, plckin" up germs. Then he ball team. If one half of these peo- ! I on habit of cussing the weather. zation. to quote therefrom the enough to be pikes into th' dinln' room an' ple would give 25c to see a i above mentioned Is ciulte ancient their j icient to say that the habit does a Marathon on travv- - good game we custom In every land and every clime under the sun th' of baseball perhaps recognised day before berries an' cream. could have a team would be a The wind blew In Albuquerque yesterday; it also blew the that days it did no damage beyond moving Teacher What should we do? I good one. Come on boye. Don't be THE BANK OF COMMERCE and It also blew today. On all three Algernon T pikers. new locations and then moving them back again. One Bostonese imball CLIPPINGS: The next time you come out. few sand hills to By all means, we should exter- - don't climb the fence. Be men ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO Jay blew from the south; another day It blew from the north and the From Ufa Press and It Interesting part of the per- minate the pestiferous insects, pay your paltry two bits. Gallup CAPITAL AMD SURPLUS I day it blew from every direction. Rut the 9200,000 next new-time- rs and should use rigid around and listen to and cuss- the most Enterprise. .... formance waa to stand were about the wind and sand win preventives to keep them out of ing the weather. The things that said the house. MEXICAN PliANT THAT printing. aot bear usually excellent clim.ite Teacher Is that right chil- - HEAVEN CIjOSER THAN MARS. GRABS AT YOU It must be admitted that once In a while the "There Is a plant down In Mexico black eye by the sand storms, but as dren? A Kirvard professor thinks that of Albuquerque Is given somewhat of a Ifl! that would make and Albuquerque climate are about as Children It certainly with te: million dollars he can get Luther Burbank sit an ordinary proposition, Albuquerque we down and more than take notice If he M, you get on sido of the great divide. Teacher Then will sing into communication with Mars. That's RIDLEY, President U. B. RAY, Secretory-Treasure- r .near perfection as can this No. 2323 from the Music got into it good and hard." declared an interesting sidelight on weather conditions, it Is good to consult reader: nothing. Miv rich men think they WILLIAM BRYCE, MANAGER As away See the fly on the window pane. can get a a man from Mexico at a 5,.tel in El tbe press dispatches from other sections. In order not to get too far throu!i ticket to Heaven Paso, and then copy reports from fron- Tell me, will he buzz again? by donating a few char- he referred to a from Jhome, we will take a look at El Paso. Reliable that tho.3and to of the Torreon paper which he had wind storm in this city was nothing but Not if I can soak him one ity. Bisbce Miner. tier jat areo the effect that the When I do, some good is done. with him. playful little aephyr as compared with the one which swept that seetl.Ti. paper says Albuquerque Foundry & a Tel- Ta da dl dum m mm m. . SOME. The the plant; while Houses' In El Paso were unroofed and the sand was carried in clouds. OOIMi recognized Is I: per- (Ensemble, strong on the altos One of Albuquerque as a cactus. referred to r ephone and electric light wlrea and poies wero blown down and several the boosters as "catcuss" because, as explains, and sopranos.) while stepping on the Dent- a it Machine Works sona had narrow escapes from dangerous Injury. This was in El Pasu. train at "the bulb, full of thorns, springs like w storm and Recess, ing Monday, had his lid off by In Chicago, several persona were" killed by a ind and electric blown a cat and it makes Its victims cuss," (INCORPORATED) of houses and business buildings were damaged or totally de- one of the sighing zephers that some- if hundreds New times pass through hence the name catcuss is considered stroyed. Three Inches of snow fell In Montana, an inch of snow fell in that place. Seeing more aproprlate than cactus. IRON AND and severe drops In the temperature killed the fruit in half a dozen hie hat whizzing northward along the BRASS CASTINGS York Santa track, ho stepped It declares that the plant sends out 53' J eastern states. Fc Into the long shoots Is In- ticket at the end of which a And so the story goes Arkansas, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Kansas, office and asked the operator small ball covered to notify Whitewater to with thorns like General Foundry and Machine N. M diana and other states had more different kinds of weather In one day than look out for the large barbs on a prickly pvar, and Shop Albuquerque, New Mexico has experienced in an entire year. Moved the Whole Town a white cap with a black shade. The agent at Whitewater that the warmth of a human or ani- Tet people cussed the weather here. Residents of New Mexico knew answered "Too mal body in passing, attracts the down in hearts they had nothing to complain of. yet they followed late; cap Just passed; try Silver City." bulb, that their Silver City Enterprise. makes It leap rrom the end of tbe time-honore- d custom and said things too numerous to mention. the stalk, and sink its (spines into the The world Is pretty mush the same all over when It comes to cussing KOMEISODY flesh of the victim, who howls with tbe weather. IS JEALOVS. pain, for the thorns are rough, except Mex- After three weeks or anxiety auJ A wedding, a little out of the usual Just The climate differs pretty much all over the world In New like the cactus thorns and are pain- Is now and then. trouble Ulyses, Kansas, Is "at home" took place at Socorro lust week. The ico where the worst that ever happens a little wind storm on Its new ranged ful. Clifton Copper Era. you can't please everybody even In New Mexico. If It happens that townsite. It has bride, a sweet young thing of 81 If! But Its stores along a gassy main street, summers, relinquished and there is a aand hill in your back yard that does r X belong to you, do not her heart The rapid Increase so business storm and its hotel Is in a central section and hand to the keeping of a young duck oat all waste time trying to find the owner. Just wait for the next wind is good treat- Nation due to work and fair First the school house has been placed In like your troubles It will melt and fade away. named John Flavell, aged 79. The of oar better location than before. bride was given away by her great ment pabror. Hubbs Laundry. If the eastern bondholders want the grand daughter, Mies Ixreno O'Oara. Blinks, after inviting to dinner his friend, Jinks, who had just returned old generations Printers and others interested 1 a fine memory son Bobby had. site, on which they held a claim, Four of the family were from abroad, was telling him what his little they can It. open present to cremony. the printing traaes will be Interests Bank have The is witness the The you suppose me?" said Jinks. "Remember you? prair.j to learn they can secure In- "And do he will remember somewhat streaked by the streets happy couple will "settle down" at that the Why, he remembers every face he ever saw." An hour later they had en- were Socorro, land Printer of O. J. Kraemer. at Thi ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. and, shaken with Mrs. Blinks, he that formerly traveled, but the and make a fresh start. It's office. if! tered the house, after Jinks had hands land Is there. property is never too late to mend, and some of Cltlseo I called Bobby over to him. "And do you remember, my little man?" The not pa brought summer, ma worth the $30,000 bonds, however, the members of the Bachelors' club "Course I do. You're the same feller that last and and It Is probable of Carrlzozo courage waa so speak to pa for a whole week'." that the threatened should take from A Widow and Her wild about it that she didn't court action will never be brought. It the above, and go and do likewise. Insurance II was to avoid it that the tow n moved. Carrlzozo News. A woman remembered after she got to church she southern Kansas that Issued In Room Days. Money Are Soon Parted Capitai ana had left a roast in the oven and had forgotten to turn out the gas. She bor- WANTS TRADE EXCVRMOX, TOO. United States rowed a pencil and wrote on a slip of paper, "Please go home and turn oft The bonds were issued In. the palmy boom days of western What's the matter with a Silver unless her husband's policy Is Surplus the gas." Her husband was usher and she had another woman hand it to Kansas. Thin City trade excursion to Leopold, Ty taken In the Depository it, the place dwindled until only a dozen blm as he went up the aisle. But that stupid individual didn't look at rone, Clla. Cliff, Mogollon, Alma and Equitable $250,000 In spite of her agonizing attempts to get his attention he marched up and or so persons were left. Then came life Assurance Ul the up. Cooney? There are enough automo Society of the 17. 6. gave It to the preacher, who had a very bewildered look on his face when reaction and the town filled biles In the city to carry thirty or proceeded to read the announcements. Kansas City Star. The bondholder thougnt they saw a and he chooses for her that op- ha to get forty passengers and the trip could chance a part of their money. be comfortubly quick tion of the NEW YORK 8TATB They began proceedings in made both and STANDARD up!" The passengers on the Pullman car took in the situation court. The ly. If other towns have found trade POLICY which "Hands dwellers in the town are not those of guarantees that an annual In- at a glance and did exactly what the train robber told them to. At the point old days, excursion profitable and pleasant, come REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF guns sight one the and thry determined t'j why City? an shall be paid to her. the of his he relieved them of their valuables. But at the of move. not Silver Such excur amount paid being reg- woman paused, a start. "Who are you. woman?" he "I," sion would the very least, show our Jo be he with demunded. They hitched horses to build- at ulated by amount In- ho Miss Kay do FlulTle, the well actress. Here are the neighboring camps our good will and tbe of quav.ied, "am known ings ono by one every surance carried by hus- any take hold-u- p up his head proudly. "No," and structure appreciation of patronage and th Jewels them all!" The held was hauled across the ravine to a new their band, age of the ben- THE BANK OF COMMERCE he replied, "I maybe a robber, but I'm no press agent. Keep your wealth." would cement the mutual pleastnt and the location, which Is outside the old existing eficiary. The Income the Plain Dealer. towruiltc on and friendly relations be Equitable MUST pay and land thut no bonds tween Silver City and the large to the cover. The town in rree from do! wife or her heirs for a period OF ALBUQUERQUE. N M An Albuqurque man who was detained at the house a part of the stretch of contributory territory fr and ready to do business. upon of twenty years at least, and day, banded his wife, who was going down town, a quarter of a dollar and is odd to which depends this town for its long It see well worn buildings supplies. City Enterprise. for as thereafter as the requested her to get him three cigars for it. When she hc handed standing in rows on the prairie tnat Silver wife may lire, whether forty, At the Close of Business January 4 1 909 hira the package, remarking, exultantly: "That shows that women can beat is so very new. Ono fifty, sixty years, or would expect to I.OUOKIU IS JEALOl'S. more. men all hollow when it comes to making purchases. I found a place where see new buildings In such a location. IKi get A party of Albuquerque business This feature of the NEW I could tight for a quarter instead of three. Isn't that going some?" The streets are grassgrowu yet and YORK STATE STANDARD And the poor man, as he took his medicine, merely remarked: "It certainly the men hired a truin last week and made sidewalks have not been built. a territory, stopping POLICY Is one well worth Is, dear!" will come time if trip throufch the RESOURCES That in the town at the towns they passed through to looking carefully Into by men continues to grow. who wish to make absolute Loans and Disoounti In tell the people what a fine town Al- tl,7LTI The aged Hultan of Turkey once employed 20 cooks. What the public His IxU a intMure Now. was, provision for their wives. Bonds nd Other Beeurltles to Is buquerque really and how It was lt.tM.M would like know whether or not those cooks are now locking for Jobs This is not the only Instance where For particulars write or call on . . , a with or without recommendations? to the Interest of everybody to trade nw xiais ...... the ca,stcrn investor has found a sur- In Albuquerque. They stepped over Furniture and Fixture ...... ,w , prise awaiting him. A new England Sunday in El Paso and the business GEO. S. RAMSAY, Gen. Agt Cask and Due from otkar Hanks Is be hoped ptofe.stior banker money pay on It to that the Harvard will succeed in establish- sent to taxes men of the town gave them a hot Suite 10 Harnett BnlVBng phone 181 ing communication with Mir!" in time to give the Martians the baseball scores some lots in southern Kansas the 11.111, Ml It at the end of the season. other day and the clerk and county treasurer could not find them. Final- LIABILITIES The man with the hoe Is not the real hero of the hour; the man with ly it was discovered that he owned Capital Paid Up...... three-bagge- r It, the title to lots had long ago te the but who can line out a and get away with Is the fellow that We have the only up-to-da- mill between Surplus and Profits tt.tltJi who really counts. been vacated and are now In the cen Deposit Subject to Check...... :, w . ,tll!tl ter of a thousand-acr- e pasture. The Pueblo and Los Angeles. If you need Tint Certificate of Deposit . , . tll'.tlt.lT townsite was deserted long ago It is pretty noticeable that w hile most of our Ricut nu n wen; born on though farms, mighty few of 'em ever stayed there very long. and the easterner has a title Il.tlMft to the realty and can tako It if he Territory of New Mexico, It wants it. but what's the use? Doors, Casings, Sash, Mouldings, or County of Bernalllle. as. . And now comes dear old Kansas to the i'.oiii with it., uauul Uoust that Western Is popu- Kansas gaining In I. W. a. etrtckler. Vie President aad tfct the wheat crop this year will break all records. lation and In business ability. Casalsr of tiers It does Special Work of Any Kind mamsd bank, do solemnly war that the aboYS statement is Iras not indulge In the wild dreams of the to best of my knowlsdg and It is reported that a number of 1100 counterfeit bills are beliiy circulate days, Us belief. early but Is trying to build on W. ti. Even the very rich have their tioubles. a solid 8. STTUCKLa R, foundation. While It does not Vice President and Cash! want to repudiate it.s debts, the men Write or call on us. has start, d In to make a living Carrie Nation raising chickens. Mhe who now live here are not the ones Subscribed aad swore to bsfore sn Uls Itk day of 4saaa, did pretty well for a time raising cam. who Incurred the early obligations. A. D. lltl. and In many Instances, a in the case . u. .season opened in I'lt'.i-lm- i sj ihi.s Mtnitrn. The baseball with snow storm, f Uljsses, It would be impossible for SUPERIOR LUMBER & MILL CO. Heist, rsklis. fa Albuquerque it opened with a frost. those now hero to pay the sums call Csmct Attest: ed for and the accrued They SOLOMON LUNA. up to to Interest. It Is plainly the tood housewife make two biscuits out of jalf must do the best they can and though Albuquerque, N. M. J. C. BALDRIDQl as much Hour. 1 1' is sometimes hard or the eastern W. J. JOHN01t. ITUDAV, Al'ltltj 80, 190. ALflUQtTKKQtJK CITIZEN. I A (MS TTTVUML

control and use of the forests. An example of this is the Boise-Atlan- ta wagon road. This road SPEND connects the city of Boise, Idaho, with the mining town of Atlanta, a 1 place of about 300 inhabitants. The road follows up the Boise river for n si n the entire distance with the exception ot about 7 miles, beginning at a point 5 miles out from Boise. The entire 1 length of. the road Is about 9t miles. Atlanta is situated In the Sawtooth mountains and la 90 miles from a FURESTS railroad. Tho former outlet was by wagon road to the town of Mountain Home. This rcvl follows over high Beautiful building lots in Perea Additiotxonly mountains, and . snowed in during the $10 TheGovcrnment Builds Roads six or seven months of the year. The Boise-Atlan- ta wagon road will down, balance $10 a Call and Makes Many Im- be snowed In for only two or three month. at office now for plat months of the year. The road s an provements on Re- old project, about 40 miles of it hav- and prices. Salesmen to ing been built out from Boise some show property. serves. ten years ago. This work was done by a fund raised from subscriptions taken In Boise and Atlanta. In 1905 Six hundred thousand dollars will tho road was extended 28 miles, from Office: 204 Gold Are. 'be .pcnt during the fiscal year 1908-lPO- n funds appropriated by the state of F. H. MITCHELL for the construction of roads, Idaho. This work brought the road Telephone 899 trails, telephone lines and other per- to the boundary of the Sawtooth na- FELIPE GURULE Automobile No. 9 manent improvements on the national tional forest, now the Boise national D. K. B. SELLERS forest.. Congress has appropriated forest. the same amount for this purpose During the summer of 1907, the during the fiscal year of 1909-191- 0. people of Atlanta subscribed $3,500, In order that the forest rangers the Commercial club of Boise $2,500, may ouvtr the large area contained In the state appropriated about $8,000, the district, it Is very necessary that and tho forest service contributed $4,-00- 0, Cleveland 4 8 .333 a fys-- ni Mf trails be constructed a total of $18,000, with which the Washington 3 7 .300 along routes which give the best con- old road was put In proper repair, JEFF ANXIOUS JEAIETTE LOOMS DANGEROUSLY trol (ilthe areas to be patrolled. In and a little less than 20 miles of very WE National Iongue. many districts telephone lines have difficult mountain road was con Won. Lost. Pet. been built between the supervisor's structed through a narrow canyon UA Chlcng g 5 .15 ON HEAVYWEIGHT FIGHT HORIZON office and ranger headquarters, and which, In many places, had precipit- scenery Ronton 6 4 .600 to prominent peaks which are used ous walls of rocks. The TO FIGHT Philadelphia 5 4 .558 lor lookout stations to observe fires. along this road rivals that of man Cincinnati 8 7 .533 highways. To tight forest fires effectively it Is of the scenic 1 Pittsburg 6 6 .500 up large of of the utmost importance that a force This road opens a area New York 4 5 .4 4 4 Of men be rushed to the fire as soon national forest heretofore inaccessible, Brooklyn 4 8 .400 quick communi- as possible, us these flies can be con- gives comparatively T NEGRO St. Louis 5 It .SM trolled and put out if taken when cation between Boise, the state capi- they arc small, where it would be al- tal, and Atlanta, and greatly lessens Western league. most impossible to check them after the length of time that Atlanta will be oft communication with Won. Lost. Pet. they had spread over a large area shut from 1 the outsido world. Plans ol Syndicate Are to big Boy Can Hardly Walt Un- Ienver 0 .1000 For this rcnsun the telephone lines Wichita 1 0 .1000 and trail systems are of vital Import- Topeka 1 providing against Have Second Monto Car-l- o til He Gets Chance at 0 .1000 ance and have played no small purt Puebli 1 0 .1000 patrol system which result- kmf:iu;i:xh:s. in the has "Is you do insurance gemman?" Across Mexican Johnson. He Des Moines 0 1 .000 ed In the remarkably small area Plnkley. Lincoln 0 1 .000 over since the forests have asked Mr. Kraslus burned "I am," answered the urbane Line. Says. Sioux City 0 1 .000 been under government supervision. Omaha 0 1 .000 Among necessary improve- agent. other I to business. I ments provided for, the service takes "Well. wants talk ct ain't got nutlln to say ngin my neigh- San Diego, April 30. I'rcsidctit New York. April 30. "I'm faking Till IISDAVS Ci.YMKK. up tile matter of the betterment a unexpected signed range First, by the con- bors, but I've had lot of Diaz Has the concession and and fourf lushing am I? That black conditions. I see If I complet fences, are occurrt nces. want to all arrangements have been fellow will eat words I American Ioagne. struction of drift which get some accident building talk- those whin purpose of keeping stock ean't arrange to ed for the of the much At Doston R. H. E. for the on my chicken coop." ed Tin Juana. across get him in tho ring." tin? area to them and insurance of race track at Boston 10 13 4 within allotted Washington Evening Star. border from this city, This was the declaration made by to save herders. Sec- the Mexican New York 4 7 4 the time of the where plunders and others, slipping "Jim" Jeffries when he was told thut ond, by the Improving of springs and Jack Johnson, the present holder of Ratterles: Cicotte and Carrigan: watering places. In many sections of IIOTI'Ji Allltl VA1.S. away from California, can "bet their Newton. RIair and Kleinow. heads off." his title, had said that Jeffries' decis- the went large areas have been of no ion was a "boomer" for his theatrical tVaigc. The Tla Juana resort will be mora At Detroit value on account of the lack of water San Francisco: Pr. dates. The big fellow continued: C. W. Phillips. than a race track. It will be a sort Dctroit-St- - Louis game postponed during a large portion of the year. Fitzgerald and wife, Omaha; "Now. thut fellow can 'holler' all iie piping the F. K. i.f , with unlimited faro, on account of rain. Hy the fencing and of F. Jomee and wife, Willard. N. M. games, likes. I'm not bluffing and neither springs and providing adequate stor- roulette and other and also anyone a place which there will be prize Mr. Morris nor else has forced At Chicago age, the service has been able to con- havoy. at this announcement me. I went from Chlcago-Clevelun- d game postponed serve a supply of water which en- Patterson, Massachusetts; tights, bull fights and all the other ulong earnestly and H. H. things A to Z which will bo to when the tlmo becuuse of wet grounds. ables these ranges to be used through- C. Abell wife, Kansas City, from came for me to say when, I said. M. and build up a new Mexican sporting In- Just out tho season. Third, by the fencing Mo.; J. Griffin. Monterey. Mexico; P. Thut black fi How question me? He's At Philadelphia A pos- Long-wort- h. dustry. ot bog or mire holes. fast as H. McAdams, Willard: F. 11. the most notorious faker and run out' The Washington-Philadelphi- a game ., Harry who Is lu City sible, places where the loss of stock Wlnslow; Wm. Farr. Ilrolnskl. the in the history of tho game. He says of Mexico, wired Solomons and was postponed on account of wet from miring In hog holes has been Cal.; A. V. Johnson and wife, Frank fur me to go and put up $5,000. What grounds. heavy are being fenced so the Washington, Alexander Reynolds that President that ('iarron; M. C. Keefe, con- for? Is there anyone who has cause cattle can not get into them. Fourth, Itipley, Winslow. Diaz had signed the exclusive to doubt my to regain I). ?.; Mrs. O. K. race privileges in determination National League. by the fencing of poisonous areas. In cession of track tho ring honors for the white man 7 - Lower California granted the syndi- At Cincinnati, 1st game R. H.E. certain sections of Colorado there St urges. ' Few true sporUj will ever John- W. C. Crevellng. take Cincinnati . ... 4 11 3 a poison larkspur which, during the M. wife, Washing- cate composed ot son at his M. J. Vean and word. Chicago D 8 1 season, will poison stock Hurry Ifrolaskl, Earl Low and Isador; go- , spring that ton. D. C.; T. P. Talle, Gallup, N. "Here's the situation. I am not Rowan, graze on It. These places are being F.l Colin, nil of Los Angeles. Messrs Batteries: Gasper and .M.; J. M. Kendrick. Paso; J. H. ing to pay the least attention to him. McLean; fenced and the stock kept away from Kan Salmons and Reynolds are agents of by Rrown and Moran. Loucks, Denver; H. L. Jameson. Diego. I'm bound contracts with Mr. the areas until the powonous season Davenport. Han Fran- the syndicate at San twenty to I Francisco; F. Morris for weeks come. .Second tlame R. II. 10. is over, when they are opened for Say-- e, Okla.; T. Plans for the new Tla Juana track am longing the performance cisco; F. Bell, J. for last Cincinnati 3 5 0 grazing. Kan-sa- g have been completed and work will Lindsley. St. I.ouls; K. K. Ford. in that contract. Then and not until 1 di- begin two weeks. The syndi- Chieagi 2 5 All of the national forests are City; A. J. Strong. Syracuse. X. within then will Johnson get a chance to ad- vided into districts which are under cate has secured 280 acreg of land, me Butteries: Kromme and Mclean; V.; Mrs. C T. .Steel. Wichita. Kun. dress and it will bo nhort and Kroh and Moran. the direct supervision of a forest just iiver tho line, north of the Tla sweet. I will do my talking to him river, and the agent announces ranger who looks after the timber Alvarado. Juana then with my rists. It will be thi At New York $250,000 will be Fprnt on the Ma-dur- cutting and grilling matters, and that greatest o York-Bosto- line of conversation the The New n game JOK JKAXHTTK. pre-v- nt Ayr s Bcul and wife. Chicago; Mrs. project. Of tract. 185 acres will patrols his district to detect and this champion ever listened to. Wait on of Here's the Ink spot on the first time he won on a foul. The next for- Smith and child. New York: A. G. be In building tho race track postpone,! account rain. latest forest fires. As the national used until I get him." heuvyweight's Held of white. He Is two were affairs, and In and Kolleston, Victor; H. Knowles. Kan- and the remainder will be laid out ests are located ouutalnous Jeff flopped down onto a couch to At Philadelphia conqueror Mc-Ve- y, in Bal- t City; B. Deluncy. Santa Fe; a Joe Jeanette, of Sain then he lost fifteen rounds at timbered country anU have but fev sas C. as town site. I'hlladelphia-Riookly- n Mac-pherso- n. sweat out after a hard hour's training The game Into In- to champion. boundaries, C. S. Nichols. Kansas City: F. The r.ew town, which will be sup- whom he hammered timore the future The settlements within their grind behind the scenes. His bout be- wa postponed because of wet sensibility In 50 rounds in Parts, after next was a bout and the s necessary to provide these rang- Los Angeles; Miss Ida ported by the race track and other it fore the footlightM with Berger hud grounds. a battle that proved his gameness last a draw In ten rounds. ers ith quarters convenient to the Berkeley, Cal.: W. H. sporting industries, will probably be been work enough for any ordinary A. Datin. beyond u shadow of douht. You see that Johnson hasn't much districts over which they hav Slieahan, Chicago; E. lulled Tijuana to prevent confuRlon man. Rut not for Jeff. He hud toiled Wt'sU-r- Fe; George Austin. Lawrence, unnecessary trips across the river Jeanette stands 5 feet 10, and on this Jeanette boxer, but Joe has it charge. These quarters consist of a Santa and away at the pulleys and weights in Ave In gameness, City; i The Western league season opened scales at 185 pounds, or above on him and there is a small house, a stable for his saddle Kan.: W. H. Green. Kansas to Ti.-- Juana. the semi-darkne- as though ' the yesterday w ith every one of the eight pounds more than Stanley Ketchell story to the effect that iie made the horses, a fence enclosing a pasture for .1. V. Pwanmin. C. K. Allen. Denver; A $50,000 club house is to be built fight was on morrow. Al- Johnson the tennis engaged. Some of them play- will weigh when he meets Jack streuk show in Johnson In two his stock, and occasionally, the fenc- S. I!. French. Wingate; W. S. where faro, roulette and other games "I never felt so full of fight in my Chi-iag- o; ed in snow and some in rain and oth- Since 1905 has rounds in one of their fights in Phil- - garden patch and a lison, Chicago; C. N . Swanson, will be played. A grand stand which Johnson. Jeanette ing of a small life before, and do you know, that it ers In dust, but they all played, and met Jack Johnson six times. The adelphla. small piece ol hay land to provide W. U. .Shea. Santa Fe: Thos. will accommodate 10.000 people will Is because I've had such a long rest. $75.-t'Ot- the scores show a class of ball su- fodder for the stock during winter. K. Hunter. Wichita; G. B. Parton. be erected. The track will cost i. Why my my Ixiiiift; should friends fear for perior to that of last year in the The forest service also Bed Kiver; A. C Stewart. .ct. Three hundred and fifty stalls condition? I wasn't like the rest of D. li agm . The new teams joining the. Conrey Hurley were prin- with the states, counties and, commu- J. S. Richardson, Washington, C.; will be built to accommodate horses I was and the the champions 4uit when league year, Wichita To- WIDOW FILES cipals In scrape, In of wagon N. Heden. New Yolk; L. D. Mills, and more will be added when needed. out, this and SUII a former shooting nities, the construction J. knocked either with rum or old peka, iclebiuted their introduction by both escaping slight roads, trails and bridges, which will San Francisco; Allen Moury, Trini- Racing is t commence in the fall age. I quit I was right. with wounds. when I'm winning victories, s. nf mature dad:. A. W. Cheesman. El Paso; W. rind will last five months. A prize and the Pueblo make accessible bodies coming back a layoff. Why tail-code- Hurley made a sale of some of his after who were rs last year, FOR HEAVY DAMAGES timber, and assist in th- Fleming Jones. Las Cruees. fight arena will be built in such a I get again? jiy mining otherwise shouldn't prime showed considerable strength by de- claims after his arrest for wny that It can be used for bull fight- George, if Young can do it shouting of Conrey. was re- Coibett feating Des Mollies G to 0. the He ing if at any time It is desired to after the life he has led I can't see leased under bonds pending tho ac- old-tim- e Following arc the scores: Us Tlmt She lie vary the program with an why a domestic ranch-lovin- g old bear Ai'i.ona Woman tion of grand Jury, which return- At I en ( r - II. K. the Spanish spectacle. like myself be an It. Rciiuhursail for the Death of ed a true against was Why Overheat couldn't as sound umalui 3 13 2 bill him. He ever. Didn't Jim Corbett come back convicted punishment fixed Denver 4 12 2 Her Husliaiul. and his at w hen he was 37 tight his b' t imprisonment for life. A Yourself ? GOIDFIEID WANTS and lliittero s: Johns and (loading; motion for against me? I never but once fi'it liilleii and Zulusk). Puscott, Aria.. April 2!f. Suit has i rehearing of the case was denied more like having a battle and thai been In the district court by ,'udge Sloan, which was followed Much of your summer pleas-ar- e Instituted FIGHT was before the Fltzsimmons light. At Wic hita R. If. K. hy Mrs. Fred Conrey of Jerome, with an appeal to the supreme court. depends upon having a cool BIGjRIZE "Uunking the public, huh.' Well, Sioux City 3 3 3 against F.d Hurley collection) you for the and comfortable kitchen. Why jj just wail. Mr. Johnson will ting Wichita 5 8 4 of 10,000 damages for the murder CURE YOUIt KIDNKYSi. a different song. What ha he ever cot be prepared for hot days Ne-t-.- Railertes: Freeman. Starr and of her husband. So as known tho Will Offer and More if i) weigh'. far ..,t00 dune? Whipped a little middle Shea; and Weaver. is of i'H kind ever filed before they come. dun-.-les- suit tho first No Neoil Take Any Further JefTrlcw-Jishii-tto- n Tommy ail. lo lu Secure Ruins. That's He's in a court of the territory. Ask your dealer to show the Mill. to deserve honors handed d w n At Topeka It. H. K Hurley shot mid killed Fred Con- to good old 2 ti 1 Why will people New Perfection Wick Blue us by John l. Sullivan Lincoln rey near the Huiley camp in the continue to suffer ! 1 Cook-Stov- than any big fellow who ever thought Topeka . . 5 the agonies of kidney complaint, Flame Oil e. It'$ a Black Hills range. Immediately south (loldliild. April 30. At a mm lo- could fight." Batteries: Johnson and Sullivan; tack ache, urinary disorders, lame- wonder. meting of a thousand citizens, it cf the Copper Chicr mine, the morn- ness, headaches, languor, why Bmnham and MrMunua. ing May 14, 190S. Conrey allow was Goldfleld of- of while in- Does the work of your big decided that should . themselves to become chronic was searching llot-k- goats be- flght At - H . K. for a of range in every particular; but fer $:0,000 for the between Jack BIG LEAGUE GAMES Puebo R. away valids when a certain cure is of- Johnson and Jeffries, It to take place .Moines 0 4 3 longing to him that h.d strayed has this great advantage over it, le was fered them? during the latter part of September, Pueblo t 6 1 tlie day before. Hurley arrested Kidney is remedy on con- Doan's Pills the that it never teats the kitchen. mining the charge nf murder and kid-re- which would be while the VMIKUK TI1KV ARK Batteries: Biersdorfer and Kertu r; to use, because t gives to the v congress Is PLAYING victed of murder In the first degree The CABINET TOP is In session. Before the THIS AITUKNOON. Swift ami M.t.. tho help they need to perform meeting adjourned $10,000 was pledg- at the November term of court, and their work. mnithtr feature of the Anu'iicuu Association. the punishment fined at imprison- ed, and a further decision wan reach- Amerimii lirague. If you have any. even one. of the ed that should $50,000 Drove too small At Toledo-- - ment for life by the jury. He is now sniprms of kidney diseane. cure St. Louis at Detroit, e lo attract them, any sum witiiin rea- T gaiui postponed in arcerated in the territorial peni- yourself now, before diabetes dropsy (ii vrlund at Chicago. 1 1 I son would be i a. 'count of wet grounds. tentiary, n. us a decision of the offered. Philadelphia at New York. or Brlght's disease sets In. Can supreme court of the territory. to residents more New . Washington at Boston. M demand Perfection St. Paul Swept Over Xtaetu-m- which the case lias been appealed. j convincing proof following: KmiirKK C:ty-St- . game post-'H- o than the Pun! Hurley U ullegfd i he possessed j Cook-Stov- This terrible calamity often bap-pe- National Ixogue. Mrs. Bernarda Rivera de Uscudero, Wick Blue Flame Oil e tl on iiccount ot rain and Miow. cash, 'Mining url-- , because m careleoa boatman Ig- Ronton at Brooklyn. of interests a"il s"i 106 ilrilllu street, Santa Fe, N. M., ties value ; fit ISO.f'OO. nores the rivers warnings growing New York at Philadelphia, At M in nea polls-- - says: "As a good remedy for all v Is Milwaukee-Minneapoli- Mis. Coiik the mother of eight kid- Has a spacious top shelf for holding dishes and for keeping food warm ripples and faster current Nature's Chicago at littshurg. s game post-o- o troubles arising from disordered children, the eliji st being nly 15 neys I after it is cooked. Also has drop shelves for holding warnings are kind. That dull pain or i 'incinnati at St. Ixuii.s. .1 on account of rain. know of nont more worthy ys years poHses-io- of ache in the back warns you the kl-ne- old. Her onlv than Doan's Kidney Pills. For about small utensils, and is fitted rlo. k with racks for towels. No need- attention If you would es- iVi't-ri- i Al Columbui-- - K. value is n small of goats. a year I was bothered by a weak- other stove approaches the "New Perfection" in conveni- cape dropsy, Topi ka at Lincoln. i.iinoUH 9 Previous to tile shootigg she lived ness and a dull ache across my fatal maladies dtebetaa many ence, comfort and simplicity. t or Bright' dlasease. Tak Electrlo Omaha at Denver. I;. ia na po! is 10 Willi her husband vears near loins and kidneys. I tired easily and MaJe in three sizes. Can be had with or without Bitters, at once and see backache fly D h Moines at Pueblo. the Copper chief ru ne. With the felt generally miserable. Doan's "Af- City assistance of in r ol Km children she Kidney greatly Cabinet Top. At your dealer's, r write our and all your best feelings return. Sioux at Wichita. CONCKILVING JllSl'S. Pills relieved the nearest cared for the goats, besides attend- pains strengthened my Im- agency. ter long suffering from weak kidney back and and lame back, one $1 bottle wholly HOW I IIKY STAND. The world's greatest thinkers near- ing liel' household duties, while lie proved my health in every way. I cured me," write J. K. BKnkenshlp, ly all disagree with the church. Tou worked in neighboring mhos or was sin. Indeed, gruteful to Doan's Kid- 'iigiiged in lb Is ney Tb centsr draft lamp of of Belk, Tenn. Only 0o at all dea- American league. should know their beliefs. Three veloping pros) of pill for the great benefit I have T Ct Ttl Tk Won. Lost. Pet. brief essays one on Jesus, oo his own. RSty jr great illuminating power. ler. one reci ived from their use." 4Mb '' Suiublt Kit living room, dining room or Detroit 3 .750 the Origin of the Gospels, and one on Ilurlev u,md mining piopcrty in For sale by all dealers. Price 50 New York 7 5 .583 Christianity will give you the net re- lh.- imnniliat. vicinity. !! objected tents. Foster-Milbur- n Co., parlor. Free from ail objectionable features a splendid family . ENGAGE. Buffalo. lamp. If oot with your dealer, write our nearest agency. Eimou Garcia' horse, rigs, sad- Chicago 6 5 .043 sults of modern scholarship and in- to the Conrey oats litowslng near his N". Y., sole agents for the United dle and spring wagon for country Boston 7 5 .583 spiration. Price 12c. Send dime and camp and on inlnip claims his States CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY , Call my store, 1202 Philadelphia 5 5 .500 stamp to TIhb School of Truth, Imtrnj-ette- housi . The shooting grew out of Remember the name Doan's i iBCorp-ora-lt trip. at North Arno strett. St. Louia 4 7 .3'ii Ind. lluiies s hatred ol the gouts. tin J take no other. 4i TAGK FOUR. ALBTTQTTKRQTTK . CITIZEN. mmiv, Am.ii so-- m, COMPANY OVER 1 1 .. .. j AMUSEMENTS PREPARES 10 MEET DISTINGUISHED fc.; J 11 MALAYS $3,000,00 IN PRIZES FREE In consideration of our placing a large order and the large contract, 3 we have given for the coming year has made It possible for us and the man- ufacturers of whom we purchase pianos to give away many valuable and rtcBlraola prizes. Secretary and Treasurer Here Smoker Was Held Last Night Home made FREE 2 Talking Machines, 2 Mandolins, 2 Violins, Crystal 2 Guitars, I I 10 Theatre on Inspection Trip. and Banquet Will bo pair Roller Skates, Beautiful Doll, Beauti- Discusses Given Tonight at ful Art Pictures To ten persons There will be three prizes to be drawn for Plans. Temple. Potato the sending In the neatest, correct, artistic answers will be given the above prizes. Every person sending a corrct answer will be en next week. Vouchers will be for titled to share In the distribution of cash-valu- e prizes good on our mer- issued chandise in the piano department, amounting to $100 each. All correel TIiHt tin- Continental oil company Jam's I). Richardson, of Washing- answers will receive one beautiful picture. any competition art will meet in the ton, I). C, piand commander of Chips One of the great reasons for this offer is that we have been allowed the Southwest indicated by the pluns Scottish Rite Masonry for the south- amount of money (this amount to be in contest) nnw being or used this that is usually, $5, $3 and 2 lor Improvements made ern Jurisdiction; A. C. Stewart, of St. spent by manufacturers in their general advertising campaign when they to be miule, according to (.'. V. Urown, Louis, Mo., inspector general In place their advertising In magazines and eastern periodicals. We also wIsM secretary i. treasurer, with head-iiuurte- rs charge jurisdiction of Missouri, nd uf the to determine the real value of our home newspapers and we will ask yoti whereby you may. obtain merchandise in Is Albu- t:ilrty-thir- d degree, George 11. 25c lb. at Denver, who In and to use the desk number given below as each newspaper has a different desk querque on of inspection. I'axton, or Uiver, N. M , or- a trip Itnl the number. The number you give will tell us in which paper you have seen any store represented on program or curtain . The establishment of the Texas Oil ganizer of the consistory at Joplin, this advertisement. company in the Southwest, with a Mo., about feven years ugo, were the large distributing station tit Albu- guests of honor at a smoker given in MR. VV. B. KERN, Tenor, Illustrated Songs querque, seems to have had the effect Masonic Temple last evening by Tem- MR. J. ROACH, Baritone of worrying the Continental a little, ple Lodge No. 6, A. F. and A. M. The to the extent that it is going after the event enabled the local Masons to meet business, which was practlcu lly in its the dixtiiiguii-- h d Masons who, for 000 Music by Crystal Orchestra Hd-ve- BALLOON nt CAN hands In the Southwest until the the pust few days have been attend- Tomatoes YOU of the Texas company. ing the lirst annual of the O! "I don't know whether to consider Scottish Kite Masons of this territory O SOLVE Matinee Every Day at 2:45; All Seats 10c it a compliment or a Blunder, but I in Santa Fe. PUZZLE IT? don't think the Texas people are en- Mr. ltichardson, the grand com- Evenings 7:15, 8:15, 9:15 titled to It," said Mr. Hrown today, mander of the southern jurisdiction Green Peas when usked if there was any connec- of the. United States, was for nearly OOO twenty yearn, a member of the United tion between the Continental and the Take any number from 3 to 14 inclusive place eight any States Sennte and hails from o, and in the circlea Texas companies. "If there is (or balloons) and one in the center square so that when it is figured hori- connection 1 um not aware of It," he Tennessee. Mr. Hlchardson Green Beans zontally or to politics says perpendicularly It will make 27. The same number cannot be continued. refuses talk and that used more All quit Congress quit poli- than twice. answers must be mailed or brought Into our store Mr. Iirown Is In the city Inspecting when he he by May 3, 19fr9. Send your tic!. This is his first trip west. A solution on this or a separate sheet but do no the local agency, which is the distrib- use more than one sheet of paper. Write your name and address plainly. uting point for the twenty-si- x agen- committee has him in charge and he Every person COLOMBO LE!KsPeraHoi was Cauliflower sending an answer will be notified by mall. The Judges will be cies the company hus In New Mex- shown the city and suburbs. representatives of papers, Friday Evening, April 30 Inspector S. Cun- the their decision will be final. Be sure you ad- : ico. The Continental is lit present en. General Harper dress Desk No. 2. gaged in building a splendid new sta- ningham was unable to accompany tion in the southern limits of the city, the others to this city from Santa Fe THEATRE to replace the one burned north of on account of Important Masonic w ork Artichokes W. B. Moore, Mgr. the city last summer. The new plant to be done In that city and his ab- Learnard & Lindemann sence is regretted by' licensed by the Motion. Pic will cost $15,000, and will be abso- deeply local tare Patent Oo. lutely fireproof, according to Mr. Masons. K. W. Cheesman, of El ESTABLISHED 1900 Hrown, the company having prolited Paso, Texas, also prominent among m mm a m. m HeadLettuce 206 W. COLD ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. by the best experience. the Scottish Kite Masons, remained Oil company is in the city for the smoker but was The Continental to night One nej reel of picture each also engaged in building a new tank forced leave last for his try.. station at Gallup. Two other stations home. The inability of Mr. Cunning- Strenuous have recently been established at ham and Mr. Cheesman to attend the Cucumbers x ... banquet, will Wlllard and Helen are to which be tendered the EXCLUSIVE and more distinguished evening In be established towns on the vleitors this at other the Masonic Temple is greatly de- MONTEZUMA TRUST CO. MOVING PICTURES cut-of- f. is evi- Santa Fe It plainly plored of expects to by.tnrmbers the Scottish Aspara gus vnM riiitsTflHliMITI"pg dent that the Continental Kite In city, TWO SHOWS, 0:18 AND t:lS. Life combat any competition the Tex& this Matinee Saturday and Sumdey company may Mr. Richardson is making a ninety ALBUQUERQUE make. day tour of inspection of the southern MEW MEXICO il I p. m. "We are not going In for a fight," we propose Jurisdiction, fifteen days of which nae said Mr. Urown, "but to alreudy elapsed. Mr. Rhubarb fV give our patrons possible Richardson College Drama the best haves for El! Paso tonight and aftor ILLUSTRATED SONGS. service. We expect the new company a stay In city, Capital and Surplus, to get short that proceeds to $100,000 some business, but our patrons City of Mexico, to Kl a. J. Oarmody, Baritone Singer. be given the returning by the will the same quality and Paso, and thence- to Arizona, Califor- New Beets same good service they have received nia, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, MISS JTVNTB GRAIO, in the past. We are among the big Musical Ptrestre. N. M. Nebraska and Iowa. U. Dramatic Club tax payers of the territory, and are The banquet this evening in the I making additional Investments daily. Maponic Temple promises to be a de- The new plant we are putting In here lightful New Turnips affair and an excellent menu ALLOWED ooocxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxic is a very fine one. has been especially prepared for the ;! .MEREST ON SAYINGS DEPOSITS I "We have purchased $6,000 worth will 25 i occasion. Covers be laid for of Bhooks (knocked down boxes) from 8 2 iv NEW ORDER OF THINGS and all nil, degree . .Masons- have Fresh Tickets at Matson's the American Lumber mills during teen requested to call at the store of Saturday morning to our regular t the past even months and you will Simon Stern nd register their names In addition i have to give, us meals, we serve Short Orders. credit for that. The that they may take part in the enter- WITH AMPLE MEANS AND UNSURPASSED FACILITIES Noodles, Chop finer in all shipment, if it were made at one tainment of the distinguished visitors time, would make a train of loaded this evening. aJBsaaaaWsaaaalSBlMBaMWsaMMMBal styles and other Mandarin cars Dishes. Give us a trial. fifteen cars long. Now Mexico The following letter has been Is- THE. is making great development and we sued by Secretary W. H. McCullogh, expect to keep-pac- with It." 33rd degree, announcing the SAN JOSE U. S. Holllster, vice president of which commences in El Paso next CO BANK COMMERCE! RESTAURANT the Continental Oil company, is Monday: OF iLBUQDERQTJE. N. M. greatly interested in historical New Dear Brother: Tou are cordially In- Open daj. and night, 211 West Mexico. He has one of the finest col- vited to be present during our next Extends to Depositors Every Proper Accommodation Central. lections of Navajo blankets in the stml-annu- al which will be and Solicits New Accounts world. A few years ago Mr. Hollls- held In El Paso, Texas, on May 3rd, a txxxxxxxxxaxxxxxxxxxxxxy ter attained considerable notoriety by 4th, Dth, 6th and 7th, 1909. publishing a book entitled, "The Nav- The change has been made In or- ajo and His Blanket." The book was der that we may have Grand Com- V CAPITAL, $150.000 one of the most complete' histories mander J. D. Richardson 33rd degree, u Pure Ice Cream I of the Navajo Indians ever written, with us upon that occasion. He will OrriGERS A NO DMEG TORS and found a ready sale. be accompanied by W. Frank Pierce, B. no in SOLOMON LUNA, For the season of 190 9 our G. Wilson, who was New Mex- 33rd, treasurer general, and Harper President delicious cream Is more pop ico manager for the Continental Oil S. Cunningham, 33rd, second grand c W. S. STRICKLER, Vice President and Cashier ular than ever. All orders, company, is living near his birth- equerry. large or small. In or out of the place in Maryland. He was retired It Is hardly necessary for us to say W. J. JOHNSON, Assistant Cashier by the Continental Oil company presence city, promptly cared for, and WIIEX YOU DKCIDK on a that because of the of these v u William Mcintosh, J. C Baldridge, delivery In good condition, TO LOOK AROUND pension. iltetlnguished visitors every effort will c guaranteed. be made to make this reunion an oc- O A. M. Blackwe L O. E. Cromwell. AN JIO.XKKT DOCTOR, high grade pastry, casion long to be remembered. for bread, cakes, All degrees rolls or doughnuts come straight to remarked to his patient who had been of tho from the fourth The Matthew Dairy & to tho thirty-secon- will be conferred our store and you will see a layout cured by Lydia K. PInkham's Vege- u CO you table Compound in full form and ceremony. We are that will give an appetite by Its after his efforts had prepared el appetizing qual- failed, Weber, do bitter for the work than at Snpply Company flavor and attractive "Mrs. I not believe. any in past, we enter- ity. Tou need look no In patent medicines, but" I will say time the and O GROSS KELLY & COMPANY farther than tain the hope that it will prove to be 1700 No. Fourth eU Phone 420. our bakery for bake stuffs of the beat that Lydia E. PInkham's Vegetable X t Compound our very best effort in this time. INCORfORA TED that is made. la tho best medicine ever Fraternally yours, discovered for women. Continue to o PIONEER I1AKERT, W. H. M CLTXiLOUGJI. use it." This is another link in tho H 20T South First St. j 33rd Degree, I. . H. QQ long chain of evidence to provo th WHOLESALE. reliability of this standard medicine secretary lor all the Homes. for women. : VJake o SATl'K DAY'S SPIX1AL SALE. CM Up! Tlio Gold Avenue Realty company, GROCERS J. 51. Solllo and Edward 3 cans 25c r Corn of Jewel-er- y proiM-h'to- of-iio- All kinds Filagree RICO HOTEL of the now real estate e Honey Dew Preserved Blackber- manufactured. at 117 Wort Gold avenue, are re- - ries 15c mred serve Wool, Hide AND BAR to the public along all Honey Dew Preserved! Cherries. . 15c and Pelt Dealers i real estate, lines. List your property Llbbys" Plum Pudding 10c Get my Price Before Willi us. 3 pkgs. Buying. Korn Kinks 10c We are just as anxious to sell you 3 lie cent cans of Milk ...10c Albuquerque and Las Vegas MOVED Shoe polishes bines rm n itt Gutlin's Roasted Coffee, 21b pkg 60c snil r. Hires' extract Apples supply you w ith modem, reliable foof of Root Beer 20c s.r a r.ARriA Three doors north, to wear, uur stock of good dressings Pint bottle of Bass Island Grape Juice 30c 210 WEST OOLD AVE. and luces In black, tan, brown, gray, B. H. J 6 pkgs Sensation Cut Plug to- Briggs & Co. 119 pink and nxblood Is well assorted and FIRST ST. we guarantee satisfaction. C. May's bacco 25c Oranges if I shoe store, 3H West Central avenue. Home Shoe tobacco 40c Dairy Farm A good, whole grain Rice, lb 6c DRUGGISTS A Ifit d Ili'iijuiiiin's eiotlic relirn su- Tapioca, per pkg 8c preme. Only (Ohio uiul select one. 'alb of Cocounut 16c Bananas ii MINNEAPOLIS Ili'iijandn llrow., "18 Went Central. 2 cans of Cal. Pears 25c Bargain! ALVARADO PHARMACY . Cul. Cherries, per can 20c Words to l"ree the Soul. 3 cans of Owl brand of string 12 Acres, C. ill Rooming S. title; 25 Cattle Corner Gold House "Tour son has coiwumntlon. His Beans 25c MMsaBagaWBaaWsaBssjassj Jerseys and Durham, i fresh' 2 Ave. and 1st St. M South Second St.. corner boa. case U hopeless." These appalling 3 cans of Chili Con Carne 25c and s more coming in soon; All new. iron beds. Reonss for words were spoken to Geo. E. Elev- Gallon cans of Pie Fruit 25c good residence; ens, a leading milk HIGHLAND PHARMACY oasekseplng. Single room. merchant of Spring- Quart cans of P. V. Maple Syrup 30c house; t pumps; all fenced; 10 week. Ne invalids field. N. C hv twn ,Tnrl Hnr.tnr, 31b can of Hominy 10e recelvse. acres in timber; close In , Occidental Building one a lung pecialiiT. Then was shown We have now on sale an elegant lot BAKERY me power y wonaerrul of Dr. Kings of Roelofs Men's Hats hats of qual-"t- Price 13,000, half cash. Bring Hair Dresser and ChlrosoeJem. New Discovery, three weeks and style. Our prices run fron Ut Your Prescriptions use, "fter Mrs. Bambini, at asr parlors op- writes Mr. Elevens, "he was as $2.50 to $5. If you don't object to well as I posite tae Alvarado an 4 next door to ever. would not take all saving 50 cents on a hut come and Bturges oafe, the money lu the world for what It see us. GOODS is prepared to glvs my Borradaile A SALB thereuga scalp treatment, did for bov." Infallible for TILE , J. 9 9 OF GROCERIES do hair coughs A Kae going on oftea dressing, treat corns, bunions and colds. Its the safest, sur Win. Klckc, ITojirietor. Third and Gold. Agrnt. ' M O ! that here is not and cure i Jtaouaced. It is easy enough to utter ingrown nails. She gives massage est or desperate lung diseases o don't bellsve erery tklsg oa on h-- imp groceries at cheap prices, but treatment and manieurtng. Mrs. earth. 50c and 1. Guarantee sat- Why tho IniM'rial $3 lint change isfaction. Deal- Bambini's own preparation oom-plexl- Trial oottle free. All your " Into mh. Ben- we effer first class groceries at LOW of ers. dollar ask QUAXrITT PRICES. So unusual are cream builds up the skin and jamin Bros., 218 Wert Central. improves the o THIRD Thornton, the Cleaner ke value that it will be wise tor you complexion, and is I.leo on fowls will soon begin to STREET' a lay In a stock while the opportun- guaranteed not to be injurious. She To KENT By day or boor. Max- thrive. I'lieiiodllora will knock Is not dead; BuaI-nee- e. ity As housekeeper also prepares hair tenlo euree them. well touring oar. 1'lione, office, 1020; is not out of lasts. careful and 2Sr package makes 13 gallons MALOYS OO and prevents dandruff and of the residence, Si Meat Market and CAN'T OCT. ru owe tt to yourself to Judge the hair fall. slroiiKCKt vermin made, K. Ing eut. restores life to re- killer W. Be conrlncsd taat ks'a ssera character of this offer for yourself. dead hair, UO2-0O- moves moles, warts and superfluous Fee, I So. IVxt M. 1'lioue 10. See I. II. Cox, tlie plumber, for gar-de- n ul KJads of lYeeli aad Salt ileal alive than ever. any o Iiomj. . ah gratlee ad prices, front team factory. CTIAMPION fJUOCKTtT CO. hair. For blemish of the face, Oar work Is every PHONE 72 6aiuc Steam Cleaning Plant TIT Coat call and lUGITT In S3 to ts. Garden hose repairing. TOO KMUj KLLEINW feoae SI. Srventh and Ttjerai sonsult aire. Baaablat psrinent. Dukbe laundry Go. ORT Walter street Telephone Wert Central. Phone 1020. ttsoaie BallJing, North Tblri Street. tf. page FRIDAY, APRIL 80. IW. ALBUQUEnQUK CITIZEN. nra i Montezuma Grocery and , 312 West 312 West Vudor Porch Liquor Company j Shades Copper end Third Central Make a cool, shady, seclud-i- d Imported and Domestic Goods porch. They keep out Specialty of Lucca Pure Olive Oil. I the sun, but let in th Liquor by the Gallon or Bottle. Family Trade Solicited. breeze. Vudor Porch Shades are I Agent (or San Antonio Lime. Always ; Fresh. Prices Hat. very durable, and will last i Call Phone or send for Solicitor. many seasons. i I PHONE 1029 a Vndor Porch Shades are I just the thing for "boxing in" porches or balconies that are to be used as out- door sleeping or living WELVART'Sr COLUMBUS apartments. Vudor All sizes carried In stock HOTEL PORCH SHADES only at 1-- 3 Corner Beoond mnd Oold Fine Millinery at a Reduction of 33 HOME COOKING Per Cent, Beginning Saturday, May First Mfaeri Falbeir Excellent Service 308-31- 0 West Central Avenue We must have room! Before Ion we will bo receding pome iron- - large shipments of millinery, to r we must run out a part of what we. now hnve on hand. And don't you think we Particular peop.e hare been accommodate which, near- Meals for leavings and cullirigs c ither. The truth of the matter Is. the season has been not i pleased with Columbus aie offering vou every MtOWTTV many years. Have you tried themf ly so brik as wo had anticipated, due to the general dullness of the times, and felt by business In town. We overbought, and now we must force the sale of latest style, first choice, highest quality hatf. Only trimmed goods to go at this discount. Come early Saturday morning.

' WHITE HOUSE I ;n Neopolitan Braid, trim- Fine Fiske Tailored Hate, ele- Fancy Net Hals, trimmed Fancy Braids, trimmed in flow- Hlaok flowers; worth ? $7, sale med in red velvet and cher- gantly done in folded braid finest linen I RESTAURANT ers and velvet, worth $20, sale price $13.35 price $ ries; worth $15. U0, sale and velvet) worth $18, salo a 909 8. Flret St. price ... $10.00 price $12.00 Black Fluted Horsehair, wllh Fancy Braids, trimmed in ornaments and feathers; wings and satin; worth $12, worth $15, eale price. $10.00 LUNCHES sale price $8.00 MEALS AND Black Fiske Tailored Hats, in Fancy Braids trimmed in feath- fofded braid and velvet; ers, ornaments and silk, worth $15, sale price. .$10.00 Dome eating's fine $15, price. .$10.00 inthe worth eale - Black Horsehair with Flower velvet; No rspcy Prices Mere Horsehair Hats trimmed in f"- Crown, airgrettes and feathers and braid; worth worth $18, sale price ..$12.00 $10, sale price $6.65 Ultra Fine Jet Hat trimmed In plumes, airgrettes and span- YOU CAN'T MAKE A MISTAKE Horsehair Hats, trimmed In gles; worth $35.00, sale We Have It J flowers and foliage, worcn price $23.00 BY BUYING YOUR $15, sale price $10.00 Dress Hats baffling description, all-lac- e, net, Tus- Spring Suit. Hat, Shoes, Horsehair Hats, trimmed in horsehafr, That nailheads; cans, fancy braids, etc., trim- hirts, Ties, and everything In the flowers, silk and every worth $15 ealo price. .$10.00 med In variety and wearable line. shade of flowers, foliage, GARDEN TOOLS Men's well made, stylish Suits Fiske celebrated strictly Tail- plumes, airgrettes, chiffon, 110, S12.S0 and $15. Hats, trimmed In quills mollne, silk and velvet. These Boys' $2.60 to $4. ored Suits and fluted velvet; worth $15, hats are beyond criticism and MEN'S DRESS SHOE3. price $10.00 the finest In the city; worth Well made, good wearing Shoes, sale Poultry to $60, price Wire $25 sale & from per pair, $2.60, $3, $3.60 and $4. Rich Burnt Straw, beautifully $16.65 to $10.00 Men's Work Shoes, $1.60, $2 and draped in messaline, an.1 A fine assortment of Children's OF US. 12.60. trimmed with finest quality variously trimmed; BOYS' SHOES. $18.00, sale hate. wings; worth worth $6, sale price. .. .$1.00 Sizes 2tt to 6 $1.36 to $2.60. price $18.00 OUR GOODS AND PRICES ARE RIGHT Sizes 12 to 2 $1.26 to $2.26. Sizes 8 to 11 90c to $1.86. PECIAL SALE OP MEN'S HOSE. 12 dozen Men's Hose, regular 12 He quality, 8 pairs for 2 Be. 10 dozen Men's black Hose, per M. M. Qreenbaum win bo paddock I innr 0C1T CMC air, ie. UNIVERSITY PIAY manager. LHHUL QLHI OHLL RAABE & MAUGER The meeting last night also discuss ed plans for the season's racing.. Mat AT SUNDAY FOR TWITCHELL LECTURE 115-11- 7 North First Street CASH BUYERS' UNWh AT THEATRE TONIGHT PARK inees will be held every two weeK HARDWARE and some times on holidays. A can- 122 Nerth ieetBd vass shows that there are more good DrtvliiK Asmmntlon Arrange Program Attorney WK DOLDK. Prep. targe and Big resident horses In Albuquorqno now Crowded llouw Will Greet Salo of Soals 11ns B'en of Music and Sporte If the interesting Wlio Will TeU of tho Military Autlleiioe VU1 Gitvt Student Weather Permits. than ever before, and Koine evente can be arranged. UeetiimUon of New Mexico. 4)44 CX3000CJCKXXXXXXXXX30CXXXXDOOp iVctors, The Albuquerque Driving associa- 5 YOU KNOW A large audience will greet the stu tion will hold its first racing matinee The advance ticket sale for the DID sea-su- TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS on the University Dra- of the n Sunday afternoon at lecture of Col. It. E. Twltchell WE SELL IT FOR LESS dent actors of the permitt- "Military Occupation of New Mexico," to- Traction park, the weather Liquor Go. We Invite comparison and matic club at the Elks' theatre ing. which will be given st the Elks' the- Consolidated are always pleased to show night when the annual play, "A Stren This was decided last night at a Wool Market. atre Monday night with steroptican ac- a crowded goods. Come in and get uous Life," will be presented by a well attended meeting of the associa- St. Louis, April 30. Wool firm; illustrations, Indicates that IN OUR LINE quainted, for If you are In need cast which has been selected with tion held in the St. Elmo. The card unchanged. house will greet tho speaker. The sale EVERYTHING. of anything in Furniture, great care and trained diligently by will contain one running race and opened yetiterday with a rush. The Stoves, Carpets or Housefur-nlshlng- s, Crum, of ora- three harness races and a ball game New York Metuls. boxes have all been sold, and deep in Prof. John H. teacher W List we can save you tory. with music by the Duke City band. New York, April 30. Lead $4.20 roads have been made In the parquet Write for Illustrated Catalog and Price copper silver 53c. already money. The dress rehearsal last night in- The ball game will be between the 4.25; 1213c; The excellence of the lecture Is Old Al well known. At Las Vegas and Santa dicates that the production will be Lumber mills team and the IiOuls Metals. Is buquerque Rede, In reality, will St. Ke It received great praise. The his OFFICE AND SALES ROOM CROWN FURNITURE worth the price of admission. It and .St. Louis, April 30. Lead $4.15; a number be the opening game of the basejall torical value of it Is not surpassed by AND AUCTION CO. a snappy college play and spelter $4.95. college songs crop out at Intervals season in Albuquerque. any history yet published. The lecture 121 123 North Phone 138 GoM of will re and First St. Phone . 114 W. In . A good orchestra will The races will be. conducted under Grain and l'ro IsIoih. and displaying of the views by association. The quire an hour and a half, or possibly ()XXX30nOOCXXXXXXXXX)QOOOOa furnish music. rules made the Chicago. April 30. Close: judges will be James Martin, Nye Wheat May July a little more. Much of tho time will a new, neat A fireat Martin and Simon Schloss. The time- $1.23; be devoted to the years 1846 to 1851. KKi't vet. $ was period for the array to from. Benjamin Bros., keepers will ba James McCorrieton Corn May 70 ; July 681,4. which a crucial Dr. J. F. Pearce and Dr. C. 1L Cams, May July southwest territory. The Information 218 West Central. Oats 55; 49)M!. upon s was Highland Livery Pork May $17.77 ',4; July $10.40. which the lecture based secured after a very careful research BAMBROOK BROS. Lard May $10.27V4; July $10.40. ALL THE WAY UP .. Hibs May $9.72 i; July $9.80. of the records of the period. Pbone . Ill 'otw Money. tjn to date turn-out- s. Bees driven New York, April 30. Prime papei ''BENEFIT SKATE FOR From the foundation to the ahlnglea oa the root, we are sell- "Sadie," la the city. Proprietor of 3V4''!D4 per cent; Mexican dollars 44c; ing Bnlldlnc Material Cheaper than you bave bought fa be lento wagon. Porch call mom-- y 1 U' 2 per cent. 15 per and E CITY BAND way year. Save at leas aeal Slocks. BUILD & CO. Amalgamated Copper 77 NOW W. L. TRIMBLE Will Open Public Sat Furniture Atchison ex-di- v 1074 Itiuk lie to the urday is BAXJB. I pfd 103 bid and llig Croud LIVERY, FKKD f Kxp-cted- . TRANSFER BTABL New York Central .i29 120 & Co. Southern Pacific A benefit skating party for the Rio Grande Material Lumber Cersea Male bomgal Wicker Union Pacific 188 City band has ul Steel 54 members of the Duke cbaagac. 1 United States been arranged by the skating rin PHONE S. CORNER THIRD AND KARQUZTTS. pfd management to be given In the IN wmm a BES TURNOUTS raw cm Chicago Strickler-Lun- building next Saturday Rockers IJveoek. prep eosd tHrt batwaea Oaetlai Chicago. April 30. Cattle 1.300. evening and judging from the Cooler Ave. Fine assorlmtnt just Strong. 10c higher. fJeevi $4.90 7; arations being made, the affair will be Texas steers $ t.fiO fi 5.60 ; western a success. The Duke City band has 'OL.D RELIABLE," ESTABLISHED 1873 received steers $4.60 'it 5.60; stot kers and feed- been furnishing excellent music for ers $3.50C(i 5.55; cows and heifers the tikaters during the past season CALL AND SEE $2.30U 6.15; calves jW7.2a. and the benefit Saturday evening L. Be PUTNEY Hogs 17,000. 5c to 10c lower. promises to bo well patronized. In ED. F0URNELLE skating, management Light 16. 751 7.20; mixed $6.90 & 7.3r; addition to the GROCER 153 -r THE WHOLESALE plgrt 1 5.70 7 20; of the rink wishes to announce that . heavy $6.90'i 7.3:.; it 1 i?t space In bulk of sales ; 7.1 5 'it 7.30. a large the center of the FLOUR, GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Carpenter U Sheep 7,000. Strong. Native $3.70 room will be set aside for dancing so 6.15; western $3.706.25; yearllngh that those preferring to dance may do so not be Interferred with In and Builder $ 6 7 ; lamos $6fi 8.55; western and Carries the Largest and Most Exclusive Sloe It of Staple Groceries id 1 lambs. $y S.75. tho least by the skaters who will oc the Southwest Jobbing Promptly Attended to "Keep Kool" cupy the usual space on the outer w Kansas City Livestock. edge of the room. Music will be fur April 30. nlshed occasion by the Duke Shop 1065; Residence 651 With one of our Kansas City, Cattle for the WAGONS Phones: including 400 southern), Steady, City band and a good time Is assured FARM 4ND FREIGHT J $51 6.75; southern Vatlve Fteirs St. M. 2 Sbip Gorier Fourth St. and Copper Art. steers $4 60W6.25; southern cows $3 KAILKOAD AVENUE ALBUQUEKQUE, Refrigerators cows $2.75 4 The Mbeourt Society of New ALBUQUERQUE, N. W. 'i 5.25: native and hellers line buying i6.20: stockers and feeders $3. 75ii Mexico meets tlie second Wed- - a See our before :..7.j; bul! $3.40 11 5.25; calves $3.75 a nesday of each month at Odd e.-- j ; and save money. 1i.50; w t. rn ht.'er $4.80(fi 6.5 Fellows' hall, S21 South Second weitern rows $ 3.r.ft 'r 5.50. a street. Next ntectlug Wed lies- - a Supplies Lone Boot & Shoe Shop )gpjYOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Ho.'y S.000. StMiy. Five lower. a day, May 12, 109. a Builders' and Finishers Star Pulk of sales $6. 801c 7.20; heavy $7.10 a Headquarters at room 4, Ilur. a 7.30; Ituteliera $6.90 a new building, Second Ceo- - a Oar specialty la making cowboy 'i packers and 't and NaUve Chicago Lumber, Kherwln-- W Ullaane Paint Noae Bataat. light $6.60 7.03; pigs $5.50'?i' a tral. Phone 1079. a and mou up-to-d- First ilaas 7.25; and alio. a All MdsHouriana are requested a Ballaing Paper, Plaster, Lime, Cement, Gbua, Baah, Poor, Bta. epairlng. rock-oa- k sole leather Co. 6.50. ased. TwentyJltyears' experience. I am The Futrelle Furniture .Sheep 3 000. Steady. Muttons $5.23 a to call and register. a H 8.30 ; a O. KJIAEMER, a aoastrr of the trade. Give as m trial. weer kmo viaduct 6.60; iambs $6.50 J. 7 50; ewes $3.50 Secretary, a BALDRIDGE 423 SOUTH FIRST i Work called (or and delivered, and yearlings $1.S61 C rneoe 8lt. I3'i W. Central Ave-- 6.00. . PAGE SEC BMJtJQUETtQTTE CITIZEN". FRIDAY. APKHi SO. It0. 13 iS23S2SSS3S5:2SSSSSSS S3 S3E&M

1 i m S3 y3 i

1 rj Saturday, fisy ?sf m m ThePARIS FASHION SPECIALTY COMPANY s 213 South Second Street Will Offer to the Ladies of Albuquerque Six Hours of Unparalleled Bargain Selling in S3 LADIES9SUITS, Sl&BRTS, PIETTBCOM TS, TIEM GOWNS. TWO HOURS IN THE MORNING FROM 10 TO 12. TWO HOURS IN THE AFTERNOON FROM 2 TO 4. TWO HOURS IN THE EVENING FROM 7 TO 9. ii Our previous sales have established our reputation for honesty and square dealing. In this sale we shall demonstrate still selling further the wonderful bargain powers of this little store. 11 SKIRTS SILK PETTICOATS SERGE SUITS 1 35 Chiffon Panama Skirts, in black, blue, brown and Silk Petticoats in all the finest taffetas and shades, In a wide range of colors, regularly sold for $45; on gray, regular value $5.25; on tale Saturday 249 regularly selling for $12.50, in black and colors; sale for Saturday at $25-O- 1 on sale Saturday at $4,98 Satin Prunelles, in a wide range of colors, regularly A small lot of black Silk Petticoats, value; on sold for $35; on sale Saturday - Some col- ....$6.50 at $20.00 Panamas, others Brilliantines, in styles and sale for Saturday at $2.98 $25 00 Suits at $12.50 $16.50 Suits at 1 ors, blue, brown and black, regular $8 values, on .... $7.48 sale for Saturday at $3,98 HEATHERBLOOM PETTICOATS CREPE TEA GOWNS .... black, blue, regular $2.98; A lot In brown and value on beautiful of Crepe Tea Gowns in a range of Voile Skirts in brown, blue and black, some mohair sale for Saturday at $1.75 colors, seme tight fitting, others Empire, 52 inches 1 skirts, all worth up to $12.50; on sale for Satur- $3.98 values Saturday for.... $2.25 long, kimona sleeve, a regular $12.50 value; go day at . . . $4.98 $5.00 values Saturday for ...- - $2,98 on sale Saturday at .... $4 98 i HI


funds. fifteen days. Thirty days' time In talnty that copper will be produced NOTICE OF S.VLK. In additon to the large force which to finish the work will be in amounts comparing favorably 'with TAKING CENSUS In the Washington office and supervisors and enumerators the other bonanza camps of the com- Notice is hereby given that the the army of enumerators In the field, operating In outlying territory. monwealth, liesides nearly half of undersigned trustee appointed by the there will be 330 supervisors, who S. N. D. North, director of the cen- the ara of the territory has scarcely north-tastei'- t, court for the purpose of this eale These will direct the work In as many cen- sus, estimates will been prospected, especially the arc it require the will public auction, to sus districts throughout the United services of 5.000 enumerators and part, and copper s known to sell at the WILL BE BIG States. Except in the large cities, the twenty supervisors to count noyes In be there in several places, and future highest and best bidder for cash, at census districts will be made to con- the Mate of New investigations will assuredly open up the front door of the poatofflce in form to congressional York. Carriage districts. Two bills authorizing several camps. However, It Is not tho city of Albuquerque, county of the thirtieth necessary to concern Bernalillo, New Mexico, Members of Congress are already census are pending in Congress. One ourselves with territory of being deluged with applications for of them provides machinery these possibilities to know that Ari- on the 1st day of June, 1909, at 10 census the and zona, is right in beginning of an o'clock In the forenoon, follow- Buying TASK Jobs. The supervisors will be the. other appropriates the sunt ,,f the the appointed by the president, subject to increased copper production. Several ing described real estate, to-wi- t: $10,000,000 to defray the cod of the one, of confirmation by the Senate. during year ramps have been visited by the big Lots two, throe and four, work the first two of twenty-fiv- e, is The enumerators will be by copper men of the country, much Block as the same named the census. It Is estimated the cen- ground been secured, companies known and designated on map of Days the supervisors In theory, but not in sus in its entirely will gov- has the Thousands of People Will be cost the started and financing begun, suff- the city of Albuquerque made by fact. For It should be known that ernment about $14. 000, 000. The ad- while the president will appoint iciently to assure an increased out- John A. Fulton, C. E., and filed of Employed and Much the ditional funds needed will be made office, Probate supervisors, he will do so on rec- put of the red metal. record in the of the We don't urge you to buy an expensive vehicle. We have the available in a measure to be passed Clerk and Recorder of Money Paid to ommendation of senators or repre- at the regular session of Congress, in county, on many good styles within range of modest incomes sentatives. Therefore, the supervis- XOTICK IXMt rCIUJCATIOX. Bernalillo aforesaid the the December. 5th day of May, 1880; ors will name the enumerators as di- Huggies, Runabouts, Stanhopes, Surreys, Spring Wagons, Them. The House and Senate are nt Odds (Not Coal Land.) said property being known as the rected to do so by senators and rep- over an amendment to one ot the resentatives. Department of the Interior, U. S. Commercial cluD building, and locat- etc. Just received a big carload and will make special low pri- bills reluting to appointment.. Land Office at Santa Fc, N. M. ed corner of Fourth street p.nd Gold Washington, D. C, April 30. The supervisor)) will receive $1,500 It provides applicants for ces for a few days as we need the room and can use the money for that April 10, 1909. avenue; said sale to be made under Thousand of (.'numerators will be their work. In addition, they will pluces In the census bTtrenu shall not Ber- he given an $1 Notice la hereby given that Juan a decree of the district court of allowance of for each be permitted to take examinations for In No. 7897, en- employed In the work of taking the 1,000 population Upon F. Romero, of Albuquerque, N. M., nalillo county cause Albuquerque Carriage Co. enumerated. appointments unless tney have main- Albu- The next census. The actual work of this basis it is estimated the super- who, on 190... made Home titled: "First National Bank of tained a bona fide resilience for at Kntry No. 5947, SVVVi. Sec- querque, et al., v. the Albuquerque Corner First Street and Tijeras Ave. enumeration will on April 15, visor in charge of the census work In stead for biffin least twelve months in the commu- tion 4, Township 8 N Range E., Commercial Club Building Associa- 3910, instead of June, as formerly. New York county will receive ap- nity in which they claim deed proximately 14.000. residence. X. M. P., Meridian, has filed notice tion, et al.," to foreclose a trust The director of the census has of Intention to make final five yer given by said association on the Compensation will be paid the May 12, mad all preparations for the Job of enumerators on per proofs, to establish claim to the land above described property on a capita basis. ARIZONA LEADS 6 M. counting heads in the United States, They will be paid two above described, before H. W. S. 1892, end recorded in volume cents for each D., 234, seq records and only await the word that Con- name enrolled. Otero, U. S. Court Commtasloner at folio et of the i SPECIAL PRICES ON gress has passed the bill providing Albuquerque, N. M., on the 7th day of said Bernalillo county, to secure In all cities over 5,000 in popula- IN COPPER AGAIN eale the machinery and the necessary tion the census must be completed of June, 1909. notes amounting on the date of In Claimant names as witnesses: to J33.129.31, said sale to be made LADIES' AND Filomeno Mora, of Chllili, N. M.; subject to a prior mortgage of $25,-00- 0 SKIRTS WAISTS Production for tlie Month of March Juan Antonio Alderete, of Albuquer- on lots one and two of the above Call and convince yourself. Linen Suits, Lingerie Dresses, Crepe ontinu?t an lender of que, N. M.; Perflrlo Sandoval, ot described property. and Lawn Waists of the latest New York patterns. Our ftoek Is be-i- g M ; M. W. FLOURNOY, All District. Chllili. N. Prudenclo renewed weekly from the New York house of which we are a of Chilill, N. M. Trustee. branch.1 Alterations free. MANUEL R. OTERO. For 62 Years the World's Best Ilisbee, Aris., April 30. From the Register. XOTICK OF SALK. Suits worth $22.50, $25 and $30 Voile and Panama Skirts, the best authority obtainable at the pres- e at 12, $14 and $15 finest made, worth $12, $14, ent writing, Arizona the for month NOTCCK iX)ll PrillilCATION. Notice is hereby given that the un- and $16. at $5, 96 and $T of March produced about 31,000,000 Department of the Interior, U. S. dersigned special master appointed by Lingerie pounds copper, Silk, Net and Laco Waists, Silk and Foulard Whiskey of exceeding Mon- Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M. the court for the purposes of this sail worth $6. $8 and $10. at Xfressea, worth $18 and $10, tana by nearly 2,000,000 pounds. This (Not coal land.) public auction, to the high- places wl'l sell at $S, $ and $5 t 95, 97 and 919 ol all whistles Cedar Brook Whiskey Arizona again in the lead, and (Serial No. 0509S.) est and best bidder for cash, at the This aristocrat hat it is not likely to be caught up 1909. the richest flavor of any whiskey known. Since 1847, knowledge again April i. front door of the postofflce in the making with for many years to come. Many Notice is hereby given that Rebert town of Bernalillo, county of Sando- end experience in end maturing have made it the quality new camps & Co. leader. There's a green Government stamp over the cork on will add to this produc- L Roberts, of guna, N. M.. who, val, territory of New Mexico, on the The New York Cloak Suit i I'll tion and it is probable on K., No, eath bot'.'.e of Arizona will Nov. 2, 1907. made H. 21at day of June. 1909, at 10 o'clock SI5 SOCT1I SECOXT STREET. Wm. H. McBrayer, forge way ahead of any other gtste, 05095 for NE'i, Section 10 Township in the forenoon the following describ- or 7 4 M. Meridian, to-w- nation country. N., Range W.. N. P. ed real estate, it: ft. Arizona led the world In the pro- has filed notice of Intention to make A tract of land fifty yards in duction of copper in thi .war 1907, final commutation proof, to establish length and forty-fiv- e yard in width, and stood second in the year follow- claim to the land above described, bounded on the north ny the lands of greater on his occasion. The Milwau- ing, passed only by the state of Mon- before Ueorge H. Pradt. U. 8. Guadalupe Gutierrez; on the south PROMINENT MEN kee debate in March resulted in sJni Bottled in Bond tana. It now leads the world aisnin, at Laguna, N. M., on the by the lands of Rafael Valdes; on the eharp attacks on Milwaukee by the and probably will maintain that po- 10th day of June, 1909. east by the public road; on the west prohibition wt speaker .and as Mayor - DISCUSS PROHIBITION Is Th'- ''ttle stamp means much. But the name Cedar Brook sition for a generation, perhaps for Claimant names as witnesses: Juan by the lands of Rafael Valdez; being Kose an ardent derender of the Mil- ; Miller, means t . .u more. The Government stamp means Govern nil time. Lucero. of Cubero, N. M J. same property conveyed to Mrs. waukee situation, it Is probable that Harring- the will fly in ment i:iervisiou from the raw ((rain to the finished product. The production of Montana prac- of Laguna, N. M.; Virgil P. L. Dannenbaum In seed dated June the fur earnest at the be A. Mil- coming Uncle Sum's requirement that the whiskey pure, straight, tically comes from the one cumn of ton, of Laguna, N. M.; James 14 1887, and recorded on the !rth Mayor llow and Ir. Dickie Will debate. The question will 100 proof, full measure and aged at least four years has Rutte and while there will he more ler, of Laguna, N. M. day May, 1896. in volume 18, page M I In Dotaie of be the same as debated at Milwaukee, OTERO, of if 'Ke.soived been complied with. ore found in virgin ground, still this MANUEL R. 283 of the records of Bernalillo coun- at llilutgo Toulght. that prohibition as applied But Cedar Brook is all this and more. Other whiskies, must be somewhat limited In extent Register. New Mexico; sale to be mad to the manufacture, eale and use of o ty said as well, puss this examination, yet there is no whiskey that or it must be renumbered of Iistrlct Court Milwaukee, Wis., April 30. Details intoxicating liquor U right," but ther that Any part or ail or the nrst Bsor et under a decree the will a slight an come up to the Cedar Brook test. Uncle Sam's require Hutle has had the advantage of of IV nalillo county in cause No. h.;f been arranged for the second in be change in the speak- ments are only part oi tne teaar nrook test. a greater Ue Luna and Strtckler building Is ing arrangement. Dr. Dickie will lead fr number of sow ready for occupancy and will bs 7910 utitled "Finst National Bank of the series of three great debates on name Cedar Brook guarantees I must be ai?ed six, urn ally eight years years, and the confines of the ore AlbU' v. Dannenbaum, et prohibition question May- for an hour, Mayor will follow The to responsible parties. Any Ma. the "oeteen for not only that every Government re- - ? or over, instead of the governmental bodies are fairly well known. teaael al." . foreclose a trust deed given on or Davis S. Hoxo of this city, oppos- an hour. Dr. Dickie will have half - alterations dsstred will he made to un hour for and Mayor , quirement nas Deen com- .tea wun, dui With Arizona the case Is entirely - the ve described property on Miy ing prohibition, and Dr. Samuel rebuttal Rose ult tenants. Total floor space, 11.- will close with the same guarantees quality supreme, a wonder- The chojeest grains and purest spring different. The output Is widely dis- di- 14. 7, and recorded in volume 1, Dickie of Albian college, the accred- time for a delicacy 00 square feet Basement asms ful flavor and smoothness, water are aged in charred oaken casks tributed, practically from one end of all other Tri Deeds, P. et seq. of the ited representative of the national and a richness both incomparable. It ' At all places where good is sold the territory to mensions. Steam heat and li county liquor the other, and as rail- stodern Improvements. Apply W. B. reo 's of Sandoval to secure Prohibition party. The debate will he roads are extended new camps 'k amounting on the date of sale to- Is JUUUS KESS1XR & CO., Distillers, Lawrcnccburg, Ky. are strtckler. j held at Orchestra Hall, Chicago, It not what yeu pay for advertls springing into prominence, many new t' j sum of 1905.03. night, and the Interest that the Mil- out wnat advertising PAYS camps have been sufficiently Inves- lM-- FRANK H. MOORE, every part TOU. ."- l'or tlie work on slilrt waists waukee debute aroused in that makes It valuhu. Our . - be. I tigated for it to known for a cer. patronise Hubbtt Laundry Co. Special Master. of the country promises to be even rates are lowest for iual serrlce. MJBXTQtJEItQtTE FRIDAY, APRIL SO, 1MI. CITIZO. HlHIMIIIHIIlMMiiini I DAILY SHORT STORIES iniiM m Mnnnr MALE nKIJP A Clearing House for the People's Wants HOUSES FOR RENT in. hi UUI1L FEMALE HELP ROOMS TO RENT THE REALTY CO. TOWER or SILENC E. E.Ublihd 1988 CLERKS HOUSES FOR SALK By Harold Carter. Real Estate, Loans. The deputy magistrate f.r the STENOGRAPHERS RANCHES SAI : seenth district of ltombay stretched FOR 1.1a llmbd and opened his ryes. FIRE INSURANCE BOOKKEEPERS He hw the blue sky above him, he business OPPOR- wus coiiFcieus of a burning, pricking FOB. SALE. eensation in his limbs, of a head that 11,940.0ft brick res- SALESMEN Mds TUNITIES throbbed, but he did not know where idence on South Broaaaray, Classified he was. or how hj or me be l to lying foot lot, trees and ouiaouscfi AGENTS MONET TO LOAN upon his back looking up at the Easy terms. iloudless heavens. $S,0O0.00 Great bargain Albuquerque's Popular Want Columns LOST AND FOUND He hci,rd the sweeping of wings, CANVASSERS and with a slow, brick residence In the sideward motion, a Highlands, clone In; lawn, fruit vulture, black and gigantic, passed and shade trees. almost within arm's reach, poised J Itself for un In.ttunt over him, and $1,900.00 A $ room frame soared "upward. house, modern, Fourth ward; by easy payments. A bar- WANTED-Posltlo- ns Little little tlio deputy magis- great PROFESSIONAL CARDS trate's mind worked backward. The gain. tartii.g int of his u : 'oMsncss Lota In new town of Belen, WANTED-Boardin- g house or hotel to be a if young wo- seemed farce, a swarthy face at original plat prices. Call at work by two experienced t'aat Blar.,1 Mie M. at him the first our office for full particulars. men, in or out of city. AJJress PHYSICIANS Fhoi.k menacingly In his direction. M., th's office. Omlce vacant lots In city of 11a! It was in the district court, Albuquerque. See us before light where had one Jamset-J.-- o WANTED Position driving SOLOMON L. BURTON, M. D. he sentenced buying elsewhere. team or some light outdoor work; Prrl.ngar to a stIT term of Smpris-onme- 12 years business and booK-keepl- Physician and Surgeon. for highway robbery. And IXH RENT. experience. X., Citizen office. lio hud cursed him as he was hurried to the swmorn revenge. IR.OO house, near By flrst- - Residence, 10 South Walter Street. cells and lint POSITION WANTED a thot was seven years ago anil the hops on Pacific avenue. class stenographer and typewriter. Phone 10S0. Office, t Barnett Building. Phone, 'inter. c. l:n been f ir iev-- i $10.00 Comfortable, new English and Spanish translations al7. membi'i-ed- . knowledge ri An dhe had heard that 1- - room house. North Eighth St. a specialty. Thoiough the I'a.-fe- wua Jargo methods, at asair and of up to date business A. G. SHORTLE, M. D. threaten' ig to murler nun 1 : en $20.00 Rooming house with book-keepi- and insurance. Best His mine, groped backward feebly. tore room, close to shops. furnished on applica- of references 4 Practice Limited to Tuberculoma. Then Address R., care Citizen of- $25.00 strictly mod- tion. Now nil was clear to him. His ern brick house at 309 E. Gold fice. noun 10 to 11 and 1 to a walk nniiie from the club blom; at Telephone 889. night, the dark street. a wuilden $2.50 per week, I rooms, fur- MALE HELP Room 8, t and 10, State National vision of the face of the nilllan, a nished for light housekeeping. Bank Block. etunring blow upon the back of the West Copper, near Third street. WANTED Four good house carpen- head,' and Anally oblivion. $55.00 Furnished, modern, ters. Ed. Fournelle. Fourth and Where was he, though If he was 2- -story, brick, facing Copper. DENTISTS rot dead already? Surely this was park; finest in ths city. .WANTED Patternmaker at Albu- not the hospital, this bare hard querque Foundry and Machine spaco on which he lay. Why. he was $68.00 Hotel Henrietta, ti DR. J. E. KRAFT. pltib'es brand new, never occupied, la work. almost nude, and the sun's 17 rooms; CHICKENS PAY LAUNDRY BILL rays scorched And modern, Una loca- WANTED Albuquerque representa- THE Dental Surgery. his flesh. the tion, a bargain. tive. Control staple line. Large con- ominous vultures that came nearer sumption. Position worth $2,500 Some women insist on doing their own washing each week to help Rooms 1 and Baraeta Building, and nearer, fanning him with the ac- t, sweep yearly to man with business family income. They know a dollar saved is a dollar so Over O'lUeily Drug Store. of their pinions ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. quaintance or to hustler. Consoli the made; they Appointments Made by And the palm trees, whose feathery Having only up Mall. tops were on a level with the to date dated Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. proceed to economize and begin on the laundry bill. Phone 744. the surface .Abstract Books for the city of HALS HELP WANTED t 0 a of the place on which he lay. Slowly Albuquerque and county of anontX $70 expense allowance at But this is solving the problem in the wrong way; don't try to save and painfully he raised himself. Bernalillo, competent v. upon and a tart, put out merchandise and DRS. COFP AND FETTTT. He as reclining tho flat top experienced tt try to make. is easier to work with your head your of tower, rplsed perhaj-- seventy and abstractor, grocery catalogues; mall order It than with a and conveyancer In our office, house. American Home Supply Co., DENTISTS. t feet above the waste land tbat sur hands besides its more profitable. tow we are prepared to furnish Deck 18, Chicago, HI. rounded it. In the center of the ABSTRACTS OF TI- Room 11. er top was a closed grille, beneath correct WRITE and we will explain now we Think of that big back yard where the week's washing is hung out. TLE on SHORTEST NOTICE, any per which a flight of stone steps descend LOWEST PRICES. say man $8t month and all Instead of putting out the washing there next week --put out some N. T. Armljo Building. ed And all around him were heaps and at traveling expense to take order LOAN S per y. of bleached snd whitened bones and MONEY TO at for portraits. Experience anneces-tar- chickens. mortgage. In any by great- EDMUND ALGER, D. D. 8. others on which gorged vultures were cent on first ThU otter made the J. amount above $600. est portrait house In the world. You can easily buy a good stock 01 hens to start with by inserting a performing their horrible task. It la too Office hours, 9 a. m. to p. Then he knew. He had been LOANS NEGOTIATED Write now before late. 1:S9 placed top JL Dept. 120, Chlcage. small want ad in the columns of tomorrow's paper. You can locate the l:S on the of one of those MONEY INVESTED nOUSES D.Martel. Ulan. Towers of Silence, as they were MSN orders for tne largest chickens in town by this method get them price, RENTED TAXES PAID take best and at alow too Appointments made by mall. known, on which the Parsee commu- portrait house. Some of our men nity exposed ani complete charge taken or mentk, can Then don't forget that if you buy your chickens through a want X0 W. Central Are. Pbone 4 the bodies of the dead are making $100 a ss ad, to be decomposed by the vultures and properties for residents and you. Address, National Art and others will buy from you in same way. the elements. And no man could leap Crayon Co--, Dept. 447, Chicago. theirs the Yes, you sell eggs LAWYERS from such a height and live. NOTARY FCBLIO IN OF- TOTrNioniN"FOR" RAILWAY MAIL and can the that way also. You can find custo- He stared around him hopelessly. FICE. Examination in Albuquer- - Service. With devilish Ingenuity the ruffian w que Intending applicants mers who will take your entire supply at higher prices than the whole- May II. R. W. D. BRYAN had spared his life and had conveyed Gold AV0HUO should begin preparation at once. sale house would pay. him hither that he might perish by 219 Witt Bample Questions and "How Gov- Attorney ai Law. this fearful death. ernment Position Ar Secured," Consider this it is certainly easier to attend to chickens than it is A great black bird perched upon Ir.ter-Stat- e Schools, sent free. 77 laundry. Office First National Bank BuUdlaa the tower's edge not three feet dis- Iowa Ave., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. the Write out that want ad. Albuquerque, New Mexico. tant and regarded him ominously. deputy The shook his fist and the RENT. FEMALE HELP E. W. DOBSON ceature soared away slowly, circling, FOR with two or three of Its kin, over Five' room brick house, electrlo WANTED An elderly lady, German Attorney at Law. him. light, bath, large closets, lswn, preferred to stay with family as Overcome by a realization of his cement sidewalks, excellent loca- companion while husband Is travel- Office, CronvweU Block. predicament the deputy fainted. tion and neighborhood, close In; ing. Apply 815 Mountain road. Albuquaque, New MexieO. When he recovered consciousness it $25; water paid. s ANTED Seamstress ana appren was dusk. They were all round and Three room flats, with bath, tlce fee dressmakiig da m oment. over him now, the giant birds wait- near shops, $10; water paid, IRA M. BOJTB ing Crane millinery and dressmaking for their horrible meal. The bald FOR SALE. parlors. Fifth street and Central Attorney at Law. heads leaned together as though the avenue I carrion creature held consultation Twenty acre farm, 11 acres In whether to rush in or to wait. Their alfalfa, 900 bearing grape vines, WANTED A lady collector, mar- FOR SALE Pensions, Land Patents, Copywrlgtits, a good many fruit trees, live room ried or single, to collect a few days SALESMEN FOR REN1 Caveats, Letter Trade curved beaks glinted fearfully in the Patents, light of the rising moon. And watch adobe house, corral, etc.; well monthly for a California Install- FOR SALE OR RENT Good re. Marks, Claims. fenced, near main ditch, about ment Easy good pay. 4 to 8 rooms, ing them, an inspiration came to the kouse. work, Salesman: Experienced In FOR 'RENT Houses taurant, good location. Call at 315 F Street N. W. Washington, D. C. one-ha- lf WANTED deputy. If he could catch one two and miles from town. References required. Address Bos any line to sell general trade in one furnished 8 room and furnit- South First street. Price $3,000, 144, spe- Bale, payments. W. Ho lay quite still, so still that one Oakland, CaL New Mexico. An unexcelled ure for eay H. FOR SALE Complete furnishings of TTIOa K. D. MABDKON IS acres good a McMillion, real estate broker, 211 woddled up to him and gravely re About land cialty proposition. Commissions a house. No Blckness. 625 garded short distance west of the Barelas WANTED $35 weekly advance for ex- W. Gold. Attorney Law him, raising one claw to its with North Fifth street. at breast, as though meditating a pounce. bridge. Price $75 an acre. penses. The Continental Jewelry Forty-fiv- e one-ha- FOR RENT Storeroom, fronting FOR SALE About 80 bales of good And suddenly the victim sprang and acres fine land, lf WANTED Fifty tons choice alfalfa Co., Cleveland, Ohio. new postoff ice, on May C. K. Office, 117 West GM Are. In alfalfa, planted kay. Dairy, 1700 N. loth. hay cheap; party needs the room grasped It by tho leg, while the balance The Matthew want Gleckler. last year In corn and. wheat; Fourth street Phone 420. SALESMEN WANTED We Phone 1158. flock rose In alarm and circled over men capable of earning $10, $7t or rooms, fur- him. about seven miles from town. XANTaVP Meooad saeaa Fine, large reasonable, FOR SALE Oliver Typewriter No INSURANCE kand $100 per week to sell rotary wind 5, The vulture Price $$,500. Coal yard. nished. new; never been used. Sacrifice. attacked him furiously, Hahn's signs. If you can get and mean Cottages with yards. lillrtt Studio. rending at his nude body with its Six room frame house, strictly WANTED To buy large tract of business, writs 'Albright Sign Co., Store room. B. A. 6LEY8TER curved beak until the blond streamed modern, four blocks from busi- timber. Give full report, cash FOR SALE $65 Singer sewing ma ness center, $3,t00. Muncle, Ind. Alfalfa ranch, all close In. chine, used months; $30. Others down him. But, though torn by tal- price, location, shipping facilities, Money to loan on first-cla- ss se- WANTkU) An energetic, educated Inquire 121 H North Third street. $6 and up. 114 West Gold. Insurance, Real Estate, Notary ons and beak and bruised by the terms. C. Cockey, 121 Kltt-red- ge curity. ' also I. man to sell the New International Public, Btrong wings, the man fought desper- Bldg., Denver, Colo. FOR RENT Typewriters, all kinds. FOR SALE Good big team horses, ately for lifi, gained his hold, and Encyclopaedia In New Mexico; Albuquerque Typewriter Hxehange, new harness, spring wagon. Inquire WANTED Information regarding splendid epenlng; state age, pres- Rooms It and 14, Cromwell BIk. struggling with his captive hurled ' Central. Highland livery. farm or business for sale; not par-- I ent employment and give referen- III West Albuquerque New Mexico himself over the parapet. A. Montoya tlcnlar a'oout location; wish to kear ces. Dodd, Mead and company. FOR SALE The house at 202 N, The wind rushed past them, the I from owner only, who will sell Bkukert Building, Kansas City. Mo. Furnished Rooms Edith at a bargain, inspect same, A, E. WALKER great wings flapped upon the breeze tli West Gold Arenas, rect to buyer; give price, descrip- Chas. Mann, Old Albuquerque. as the vulture sought Instinctively to Albuquerque, New Mexioa. can WANTHD capable salesman to oevet tion, and state when possession staple High TO RENT A nicely furnished front Fire Insurance rise. And stuggling thus, they were Address L. Darbyshlre. New Mexico with line. room; can have board In If FOR SALE A line Rardman piano, borne to the ground fell, be kad. commissions, with $100 monthly house goed as new, beautiful tens. A and bruised Box 1(10, Rochester. N. T. position to wanted. No other roomers. 209 S. possess Secretary Matual BaUding Assorts tioa but uninjured, on tho soft turf under- advance. Permanent Walter street. chance to an Instrument of S17 West Centra y Arcane neath. rlgkt man. Jess H. Smith Co., De- unexcelled make at Just half what Nicely rooms - Then the man relaxed his grasp AGENTS troit, Mich. FOR RENT furnished it la wortk. On exhibit at Whit- and gn for light housekeeping, $10, $lt son's Mualo store, 114 South Set the at bird soared angrily Into Send WANTED Salesman to carry te AUCTIONEER the air. Hut lav for Our Select List of PAID ONE PERSON and $18 per month. 114 Weet Gold. ond street, Albuquerque. he still for a while, CALIFORNIA II PER WEEK Souvenir Poet Cards as side tasting the sweets of life. He f. lt FIFTT PAPERS In each county to handle our big whereby you can Insert dls-- Una Money making proposition. FOR RENT Nice furnished room, FOR SALE Thoroughbred single J. M. Bellle of A the blood leup through his veins In Seta- - n, the arm of Sollls .dverturiner combination. J. 8. Some our men making $100 for housekeeping. Apply Mrs. Dor-a- Red and Buff ecstacy. He play ads In all papers for Chicago. of comb Rhode Island La Breten, 117 West Gold arcnuc, was alive alive! All O ler Company. Como Block. monthly. State referencea Oartner 524 W. Central, rear. Rent rea- Leghorn eggs, $1 per setting. 1411 else wus forgotten. FIVE DOLLARS PER INCH has obtained un auctioneer's license The AdvertiMing SSANTJLD Agents to sett our line of A Bender, Chicago. sonable. North Fifth street. tor the purpose of serving the public Dake Agency, cigars with sj new patent cigar expense How's This? Incorporated. WANTED $90 a month, $70 in that capacity as well as doing an 4 417 1$ Grcary lighter. Can also be carried as a grocery catalogues; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. auction business at own store We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- 8. Mala 8t. It. Co., chandlse and Business Opportunities their 4 Los Angeles, Cal. San Francisco. id Una Address Crown Cigar mall order house. American Home on Thursday of each week, at 3:30 ward for any case of catarrh that Milwaukee Wla Supply Co.. Desk $2, Chicago, 111. AUTHORS seeking a publisher (Not coal land.) and 7:l o'clock. Mr. Sollls has cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Gaso- S. Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., XESPONSIBLB men to sell WANTED Salesman Having ac- should communicate with the Department of the Interior. U. had broad experience in the auction lene Lighting Systems. Exclusive quaintance with leading manufact- Cochrane Publishing company, 177 Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M. business In his yeunger days. With Toledo, Ohio. territory, attractive proposition to Tribune building. New Tork city. (Serial No. 02E$3.) bis close attention to business and the We, the undersigned have known urers of Albuquerque and surround- F. Cheney right parties- - Catalog tree. Acorn ing territory. Must havs general April t, 109. po'.lte and easy way in which he can J. for the last fifteen years Brass Mfg. Co. Chicago, 111. FOR .SALE Well established, good Notice Is hereby given that Martin address ths people, will assure him and believe him perfectly honorable knowledge of machinery and belt- $$.-00- Iiaylng bust 0. WANTED Rollabte man to work ing on a reus. Invoices about Ryan, of Albuquerque, N. M., who, uccess as In other days. Ths peo- in all business transactions and and be prepared to work Address P. O. Box 220, Albu- financially carry We city of Albuquerque with Clear Ha- reg- on Nov. 6. 1906, made H. E.. No ple of Albuquerque can make no able to out any Ask You liberal commission basis as a querque, New Mex. vana Cla-a-r proposition. For partic- 10211, for Lots 1, 2, 3. and 4. Section mistake In giving Mr. Sollls tkelr obligations made by his firm. ular or side line. Post Office Box to ulars addreu Box 111 Tbor Sub- 141, Station C, Cleveland, Ohio. 3. Township 10 N., Range 3 E., N work. WALDINO, KINNAN & MARVIN. tiko Cardul, for jour ferrate Tampa, Fla. M. P. Meridian, has filed notice ol Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. troubles, sure station, eui-rseli- MONEY TO LOAN because ve aro it AM'ku llonell, five year Hall's is in WANTED Agents mat l a day; snen general high intention to make final Catarrh Cure taken will help you. Remember that to sell a line of proof, to establish claim to the land ternally. acting directly upon the seven fast sellers; big new Illustrat- grade food products to hotela res- MONET Do you need It? We can this great female remedy r ed catalogue and samples free. capital for any meritorious above described, before II. W. Otero, blood and mucous surfaces of the taurants, farmers, ranchers snd furnish court commissioner, at KILLthc system. Commercial Supply Co., Box $14$. iker large consumers. Experience enterprise. Stock and bond Issues United States and couch Testimonials sent free. Price Masa Metro- Albuquerque, N. M , on the 11th day CURE thc LUNC8 75 cents per bottle. Fold by all drug- Boston. anneeeasary; we teach you the sold on comml1on basis. gists. Positively make $10 to territory. politan Investment company. 111 of June. 1909. aOENTS easiness; exclusive Our names as witnesses: John Take Family Tills con- $20 daily selling greatest pho- goods guaranteed weight, La Salle St., Chicago. Claimant Hall's for the are full A. Johnson. Josle A. Johnson, John WITH stipation. to specialty ever produced; measure In every way Dr. King's TEMII.I art full and Malur, George Souther, all of Albu L. K. pure um something new and unusual. neet tke retirements of all Our Murk H near perfection u querque. N. M. I'd Rather 1H Doctor, has brought relief to thousands of Sutter, Mgr.. 464 Carroll ave., Chi- food laws. ExeeptUnal opportun- l .ille. o old, worn out, broken MANUEL R. OTERO. than have my feet cut ofT," said M. other sick vomen, so why not to cago. Ill ity; write t o Jay for particular clou ii or obsolete nuu-liint-r- In our Register. New Discovery L. IHngham, of Prlnceville. III., "but Whole-isl- e n you ? For heauache, backache, aOEN'TS, MALH OR FEMALE, can Jean Sexton compeny, plant. KviT)lhlng new and up to PRirn you'll die from gangrene (which had make all kinds of money selling drovere. Lake ft Franklin at., I lie minute. Always better work and Comfortable Flippers and Julletes I MR tfoycHS Vu A a i eaten awuy eight toes) if you don't," periodical pains, femab weak- ay Pongee Swiss Embroidered ntteer more prompt gen ice. We defy com-- m for women. They rest your feet and OLDS "Oal Botus frt "aid all doctors. Instead he used ness, many have said It Is "the H0 ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. Waist Patterns and Silk Shawl tilloii. A tiiul bundle will con-iln- make housework easy. At the same Bucklen's Arnica Salve till wholly best medicine to take." Try It I 31 g meney for y?u. Catalegue CITIZEN nu. iiiM-riu- l Co. time they look neat and dainty. Prices GUARANTEED SATISf ACIOxiV cured. It cures of eczema, fever mailed on request. Joseph Gluck, WANT AD3 Hark or xt office. Phone lltt. Red run from $1 10 to $2. C. May's snoe sores, boils, burns and plies astound Sold In This City FJ $21 Broadway. N. T. city. BRINO RESULT3. wagons. store, 311 West Central avenue. the world. 2Sc at all dealers. ran f PAGE rSGITT. TITUQUETIQTTE CITIZEN. FRIDAY, APRIIj SO.

ing, May 1, at 7: 30.- By order of II. H. Stewart, P. C. J. O. Caldwell, ad- CANDY jutant. THE MAN of quiet Mr. O. K. and J. T. Nelson of "17 MALOY'S FOR North Fourth street, are rnjuylntr ti in clothes, who visit from Mr. and Mr. J. J. l'ippey doesn't care for the frills of Bagdad, Flu. L. J. Kltsrhey, until recently man- of fashion, we have the ager for the ltn Vegas Hallway and bett models in the regular Tower company, wan an Albuquerque styles. visitor yiyterday. i Ttev. C. M. Capalupi. S. J., returned to Vc-pn- s, I city yesterday II the from Ins whero he attended a meeting of Spring Suits the Jesuit FatHer. Mrs. Bessie Jfiffn of 712 Wet Cop- Our Hemes are shipped Hart, Schaffner per avenue, left last night for Trini- to us direct from the dad, where she will remain a few a small prnciiASK weeks visiting friends. patch the same day they & Marx of our candy always results In a biK-g- er Don't forget the big shoe sale now are picked. They are ar- one next time. Nobody who going on at William Chaplln'i, 121 riving in fine condition. tastes our candy Is ever sntlofled with West Central avenue. Florbh'jlm have made them s Mtle box the second time. shoes for men at cost. Give them a trill :: :: for us, ':: Hut even a little of our candy is Maynard (Juiisul expects to leave and we have a great stock YOU hitter than none at all. Indeed it is thin evening on a business trip to San for you to select from. You fi& much bettor than a whole lot of the Francisco. He expects to bo absent : I look common kind. So come in for any from the city a wu k or ten (lays. can at some of the Uip ultra-fashionab- Want you buy le a quantity yoj like. If cannot or Den- mmf much, buy as nuch as you can. You'll Mr. fend. Mrs. C. F. Brown models, Pair of enjoy it anyw ly ver, are making a short visit In the also, if you choose; we'll city. Mr. Brown is district Inspector A. J. MALOY x '.ui in for the Continental Oil company. sell you whatever you want; SOIL "IT CANDY CO. Mrs. K. F. Rchpele. Wife of E. F. Phone 72 it's here. REGAL SHOESI Second Door North of P. O. Scheele, the Fourth street grocer, has left for Germany, where she will nd k does every other man here. They're the until fall visiting friends and relatives. Suits to smartest shoes that money can buy exact reproductions of $20 $35 PERSONAL A. W. Cheesniah, general agent expensive metropolitan custom models. They're made in quarter-aize- s, for the Oalvwton, Harrlsburg & ! giving you an exact fit Regal Shoes are the greatest shoe San Antonio railroad, spent yesterday I J.A.GARDNER This store is the horre of in the city looking for business for Hart Schaffner Marx Yalues in the world that's why sell them. PARAGRAPHS Clothes. we his road. Copyright 1939 by Hart Schaffner 1c Man Let us show you the new Spring styles. We have stirred the town with our Hand Tailored Clothes Central big hoe sale. Reductions in all for Gentlemen venue Insure In the Occidental Life. styles of hoes for men and women. SIMQM BTEBM Clothier $350 $400 and $500 Try Olorleta beer.--rr.o- ne 482. Chaplin, 121 West Central avenue. I K. Mellaffey in in !allup on The Jar of money donated by the Sample Room New Mex- 314 West 314 West business. banks for the Elks' Fiesta is on ex- ico Cleaning Work a Centra MAY Central hibition In the Second street window C. SO Box factory wood S3. full load company. AT W. II. Hahn Co. of the U. L. Watdiburn West Gold Avenue I C. W. Holman Is a business visitor F. T. French' and W. A. Fleming 13,0 here from Cabczon. J ones of Las Cruees, were Albuquer- THE H L Hotel Arthur K. Adams of Socorro, was que visitors yesterday. The former is a busine ss vls'tor the city yester- a prominent hardware merchant of la the City of the Crosses and Mr. Jones day. Colburn's Employment Oilice I'icld Day Will Toiiioii-ow- . Is a real estate dealer. lie llclil Cralge Police Officer Knapp Is back on Ileliinlnf; 1 PriiKCHni 7 if for 118 H West Silver Avenue. duty, after having been 111 a couple fjoorge Smith, years old, the di at Joe Richards' Cigar Store minutive son of Inspector Smith of Hie W eek. ! of weeks. West Central Ave. , tho Santa Fe, alighted from train No. Catr-- only, to a nice and Mrs. D. D. Coverdale, the milliner, Good, all-rou- program 1 last night, after a journey half way white cook; also The for commencement returned yesterday from a short visit woman for house work. Good baker, wiek at the Menaul school will begin respectable class of trade. In Needles, Cal. across the continent by himself. He came from Louisville, Ky. good pay. tomorrow with field day at the school. None other need apply. SHOE BARGAINS THAT WILL PLEASE YOU J. B. Herndon, formerly cashier The event starts nt 2 o'clock. The of K. the- of B. the Ktate National bank here, is n Mrs. Lucy Fwtiti. wife baccalaureate address will be given Consumptives not accom- city on N. Swan, residing t 601 South Broad- Lead Avenue M. K. Church nnd had Sunday at 3 o'clock the day the a short business visit. many is by and class way, died at St. Joseph's sanitarium friends. The body held exercises will be held Tuesday tit 7:30 modated OXFORDS OXFORDS There will be a regular meeting of this morning at 7:30. following an French and Uowber, undertakers, o'clock. The commencement exer- . pending a. K. Warren Post No. 5. A. It. rperation. She was 52 years of age. advices from San Francisco cises will be held Wednesday after- Odd even as to whether will bo made at Fellows' hall Saturday She was a prominent member of the interment noon at 2 o'clock. Following the (V, In re or at San Francisco, where Mrs. is program for the clnss day exercises: J J. A. Wood. Prop. I 98c VjTNA 98c Swan's relatives reside. Part I. A mass meeting of the local order ' Music University Medley Gram- WHEN YOU BUY CUT GLASS ASK FOR of Elks has beer, called for tomorrow mar room. Per Pair Per Pair evening In the Elks' club rooms and A Dessert From South America W. ail members are requested to be pres- S. Perea. HAWKES, ORLIBBEY ent as matters of Importance will be The Xeg'ected Continent A. B. We have both makes. Our stock is large. Every piece marked very Irought before the meeting. Suazo. BROKEN LINES of Women's Oxfords must go, Steward-Lam- b re- OUR low in plain figures. We will give a 10 per cent discount on these goods Madam has Just Music Better Be Good Duet. pairs to choose from. This assortment consists to reduce stock. ceived a complete line of the newest The Hermit Republic F. L. Luna. things, Including the swellest new The Incas L. T. Martinez. I of two and three pairs 0 a kind, and not all sizes of each; The Leading LTALTD Central Ave. pressed shapes in Milun, French Music Go to Sleep My Honey kiVids L- TT chip and the fancy burnt braids. Also High School Quartet. yet there are so many different you will find all sizes V 1 1 Alhuquerctue it Jeweler - a complete line fruits and flow-- i ir. 1111!1 X if in the lot, and you can easily make your selection; all are C000C0000C00CXK3 rs at prices that defy competition. Dialogue The Census Taker. X exceptionally good values which sold regularly up to $3.00 The tire department was called to Pantomime Lochinvar. 320 West Pacific avenue about 10 Music Doan Yo' Cry Ma Honey, Swift's Premium I a pair. They may be had in light and extension soles, o'clock this morning where a defect- tN'oll) Modoc Quartet. for or wear. ive flue was the cause of a small Farce A Close Shave High school. suitable street house Don't hesitate to supply blaze. The Are was extinguished be- Music The Bridge, (Llnsay) Mo- Hams, 16c your wants early, as they won't last long. fore much damage was done. The doc Quartet. : New house Is the property of Dun Padllln. The commencement program Is as Bacon, 24c Arrivals follows: 4 REMEMBER THE PRICE, 98c PAIR Every week since the season opened we have re- Local authorities have been asked Prayer He v. J. Y. Perea. PR by Kansas authorities to apprehend new Music Crossing the Bar High Virginia Hams, 16c ceived some things to replenish our stock and and uirest if possible two young men school quartet. supposed to be In this part of the obviate i that picked-ov- er appearance This week Oration Kubber C. C. Trujillo. country, who are wanted at Kinsley, Oration Transpurtation J. I. Virginia Bacon, 2k the new arrivals are those Kan., for arson. They broke jail at Kirkpatrick. In Case of Emergency Kinsley a couple of weeks ago and Chorus Beautiful Flag of Liberty. when lost seen were headed for the These two brands are the southwest. Oration Shadows In South Amer- DAINTY SAILORS ica C. A. Romero. best the packers can put out One of our Three Registered Men may be This evening the Ht. Uev. John Oration Preparedness J. R. Gree . The warm weather is due sailor weather only-belate- found at the following Telephone Numbers: it's Mills Kendrick, Itishop of New Mex- - Oration Preparedness J. B. for a few days by the unseasonable storm. fpri nil rfvniiii n'lll hDrfnrin thf) Green. C. O. r. HOFFMAN 1434; T. W. 8CHMALMACK 1442 beautiful Apostolic rite of Confirma- Solo Selected Mrs. 31. .1. Collins, GEO, B. WILLIAMS 1169 Better come in now while the lot is complete. tion on a large class of candidates for oration The Temple of Peace R. cnurch membership, at Jt. John s F. Maes. SKINNER'S Episcopal church. The service will Musk To the Fields a Maying 208 hea-i- nt ?!3fl nnri clnKt. nt- V.v- - High school quartet. X 205 South First Street Co. Miss LUTZ cry body is Invited to attend the a rv- - The WILLIAMS DRUG Pi!""' ice. rieicner cook, rector. XVm. Ah(m1 AipOiml UTiia TVnnt Plmnji 9AH Alliniinfwn COMMENCEMENT GIFT BOOKS tit The appearance of Montaville Flow- LXXXXXJCXJOCXXXXXXXXXJCXXXXXX ers at the Santa Fe reading rooms tomorrow evening, Is being looked PLACE YOUR ADS III THE ALBUQUERQUE CITIZEN 3 For First Class Work and Prompt Delivery ? forward to with pleasure by the San- Commencement season is here again; a seaNnn full of Joy heart- M ta Fe employe and their frieml). Mr. and Coal Coke Wood aches. Full of Joy for something ac- B Flowers, is one of the leading drama- tists and readers of the country, and complished fun of heartaches be- s his rendition of Itnrric's "Little Min- cause of close association severed. HUBBS LAUNDRY CO. ister" will, beyond a doubt, be the Here Is the milestone in so many llveH. BEST AMERICAN BLOCK WHITE VAGONS COAL E. L. WASHBURX, Pres. C. O. CUSHMAN, Sec 4 Treas, i - most fascinating stage attraction Now the real struggle begins. Hence- AttxxxjoocyTcxxxxxxxxxxxxxjpr "xxxxxxxxxxxxxjr-gcxxxxxo- a placed before the Santa Fe employes forth battles must be fought alone ALL LENGTHS CEDAR AND thi season. Mr. Flowers will be as- or you fall by the wayside. And now PINION WOOD. sisted by Miss Luella Keller, pianist, we bid you Godspeed and hope you MXLL AND FACTORY WOOD. E. L. Washburn Company and Miss Grace Keller, soloist. have the to succeed. LUMP, $5.5. NUT, S4.XS. (Incoki'oratbii) You will want to show your appre-eiatlo- n If you have a doubt, out utili it. of your friend's achievement We'll Please or Bust lniM'i-ia- l 93 luiLs arc lxUer. Ilcnja-nii- n in school work, and there Is nothing Complete Outfitters for Men and Boys 71MO Itros., 218 West Contra I. so appropriate as a handsome book We wtll meet eny competition in the gift line. If you are looking FOK SALE. for something desirable and well se- AZTEC FUEL CO. A No.-- l black gentle driving hsrse; lected, we have it. Here Is a list also harness and nearly new buggy that you can't beat this side of Chi Phone 25L cago: Try-o- n Inquire Room 21, Armljo block. Office, Comer Granite and Mret A Will Make Baca. Phone 417. My Commencement. Our Clearance My Graduation. Sale STAGE TO JEMEZ LEAVES 911 My High School Days. All Plain to You: the first three daya of this week was a grand success. Our old WEST JOLD KVEKY MORNING A1 In Old School Days, customers took advantage of the rare offerings and many new cus- a O'CLOCK. Happy School Days. tomers were made firm friends of thla store. The thres days' sale o A Rook of Sweethearts. make-u- p, STEIN-IJLOC- Strong Tit, style, and in the H is over, but the low prices still prevail. Come in and let your own l'Htotwear for Women. .Sweethearts Always. Brothers Judgment verify our Ilanan manner. You will find it different statement. All the good points that should An Old Sweetheart of Mine. be found in a good shoe are summed The Girl Graduate. MssW"jrfi from what you have experienced heretofore. up in the word "HANAN." It Is Home Again With Me. to Old Mary's. The fit will fit you, style will point easier to remember to ask us for Out Aunt the your Hanan'a than to describe a good The Harrison Fisher Rook figure properly, the rrake-u- p will reward your shoe. We are sole agents for this The Christy Girl. noted footwear, ltosenwald's shoe The Rivals. earch. No other clothes we know of and department. The Value of Friendship. Friendship. ac are fairly clothes-wis- e will touch you off HARDWARE CO. The Reauties of Fp Before the Bar. Good Friendship. STEIN-BLOC- .is H do. N. H. Brown, an attorney, of Pitts-fiel- d, All That's Lovely. The why? Well, we guess it's brains and a Vt., writes: "We hav used Dr. Resides this collection we have an King's New Ufa Pills for years and unequaled assortment of handsomely serious desire to play square with American Stoves, Ranges, House Furnishing Goods, find them such a good family medi- bound standard books, padded leath- cine we wouldn't be without them." er, limp leather, burnt leather, ooz men. Cutlery and Tools, Iron Pipe, Valves For chills, constipation, biliousness or calf and decorated cloth blndingH. ell Mrs. R. B. Patten sick headache they work wonders, tio boxed editions that make dainty and Fittings. at all dealers. inexpensive gift that will be fully ap- Lady Assistant preciated. An- - part or A full line also, of the popular Plumbing, Heating, Copper or all tha first fUor at You can Clothe Your Suits $18.00 to $30.00 Tin and Work as 1 :aa and Strlckler building Is latest fiction, such as The Alterna- Family here on ow ady for occupancy and will ba tive. The Music Master, Infatuation, a- - : to responsible parties. Any Special Messenger, Comrads, 64-4- 0 or $1.00 PER WEEK Paragon Trousers, the Best on the Fight. Hell, and .Itc tons desired will be made te The Bronze The Girl Men's & Ladies' a ul .oanta. Total floor space, 11.- - the Rill. Septimus, etc. It will make Suits specialty' market $5.00 to $18.00 318 W. Ave. 90 tuare feet. Baaement same you feel good just to look the line Central Phone 315 Steam heat and all other over. E. M ' -- rn lmprerementa Apply W. a STRONG'S BOOK STORE. AHARAN tier. Phone 1104. Next door to P. O. SIS West Cutrl.