Vol. 125, Issue 10 Serving the Allegheny College Thursday community Dec. 6, 2001 THE CAMPUS since 1876 I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire Theft Dumbs Down Smart Lab DONATION TO LIBERTY By ERICA ERWIN open or whether it is locked doesn't moved completely from the lab, Editor-in-Chief give anyone the license to take prop- without any apparent trouble. The erty. Everyone suffers because of only telltale sign of the theft is the he largest theft in recent this. Tuition goes up, fees go up, wires, once connected to the projec- Allegheny College history when you have to compensate for tor, that now dangle from the ceiling. T occurred sometime over the something of this magnitude." Signs are now posted on the weekend when an unknown person doors of the lab inform students that stole equipment valued at over "Everyone suffers be the equipment has been stolen. $11,000 from the Smart Classroom The theft will undoubtedly on the second floor of Quigley Hall. cause of this. Tuition goes prompt a review of security proce- An overhead projector, two flat- up, fees go up, when you dures in the computer labs. "We screen computers, a desktop com- shouldn't beat ourselves up about puter and a flat-bed scanner were have to compensate for it," the Quigley employee said, "but taken from the room. something of this magni- there should have been tighter secu- The Office of Security, working rity. With equipment that expensive, in conjunction with the Meadville tude." as soon as something is disconnect- City Police Department, has no sus- ed, an alarm should go off at pects, and no witnesses have come Quigley Hall, home to the politi- Security." forth, said Director of Security Hal cal science and economics depart- "That's certainly something Tubbs, former chief of police of ments, and all other academic build- we're going to be discussing in the Meadville.
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