Music Factory a Withfest)Vals
Page 2-MEL(tDY MAKER, July 27,IFIfig Advertist me MUSICIANS' INAPARTHIEDROW n,1 UNION MAY MOVE FIFTHCOLUMN PLUS TWO You <antellIt'sToll,and rem. .187.7 Festival GRAM betterway MU APPLAUD ing-andwhat In startthe season,JOHN DANK. WORTHand CLEO TAINS gulp, vlSitorsto Ir.cllyals 'They areappearing to i this month and this a, bound to heplaying Role, PARSONS'REFUSAL fromtheir manyI. Ps-taking first, CLEOhas Suite a 1 (5) MONY MONYTommy Jamesand the Shondells, Major Minor ladies Musicians' Union mayconsidertherefusalselectionofmaterial on FOR, 2 (31I PRETEND Des O'Connor, Columbia TANA, like"SHAKESPEARE- THEof future applicationsfromforeignmusicians THAT JAZZ" (STL 3 I) AND ALL I BABY COME BACK intend Equals, President to play in Britain if theyhaveworked, or 5209stereo,TL 52119 mime). 4 (4) YUMMYYUMMY YUMMY Ohio Express, Pye to work, in South Africa. Likethetitlesays,this e. week's with a musical 5 (2) THE SON OFHICKORY HOLLER'S In a statement to MelodyMaker,followinglast Shakespeare TRAMP...O. C. Smith, CBS of hisre-hacking, somewhat lay ,n 6 article in which ex -Byrd GramParsonsspoke (7) MACARTHURPARK Richard Harris, RCA with theSyrtis,MU assistant -clinedIt'sa small group wits fusal to play in South Africa of thewell-arrangements byJOHN DANK. 7113) FIRE Crazy World ofArthur Brown, Track secretary Harry Francis said"Inthe light Union,which isstronglyWORTH-in thelast title. THE 8 (6) YESTERDAYHAS GONE known policy of the Musicians' dIS WORKS, Cupid's Inspiration,Nems opposed to apartheid and anyother formof racial COMPLEAT CLEO Parson through every one of thr 9 118) THISGUY'S IN LOVE CRAM PARSONS crimination,we mustapplaud the actionOf Grant sings Herb Alpert, A C.7 M to gotoSouthbard's known works and it 10 (20) MRSROBINSON in refusing Simon and Garfunkel,CBS Africawith theByrds.
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