Programme New perspectives for European solidarity or downfall? Left Social Democratic perspectives

Friday 04th May 2018 18:00 Welcome by Hilde Mattheis, head of DL21 and member of German Bundestag 18:30 Keynote by Prof. Dr. Gesine Schwan afterwards Time for networking and discussion whilst having a drink Saturday 05th May 2018 09:00 – 12:30 Workshops debating the future of Europe

Workshop 1: Economic- and Social Policy in Europe

 Giorgos Chondros, Syriza, Greece  Prof. Dr. Martin Höpner, Max-Planck-Institute  Susanne Wixforth, German Trade Union Confederation,

Moderated by Ülker Radziwill, Member of federal Parliament Berlin and Lino Leudersdorff, DL21. Workshop 2: Democratisation of Europe

 Marie Noelle Lienemann, Parti Socialiste, , Senator  Dr. Ulf Kemper, University Münster  Sarah Händel, Mehr Demokratie e.V.

Moderated by Jan Pollex, M.A. University of Osnabrück Workshop 3: as a Project of Peace

 Dr. Ute Finckh-Krämer, former Member of German Bundestag  Prof. Dr. André Gerrits, Universiteit Leiden (NL), Scientific Council FEPS  Joana Bronowicka, Razem Party, Poland, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)  Dr. Angelika Claussen, regional vice president Europe, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War

Moderated by Simon Witsch, Head of Jusos Frankfurt

Workshop 4: Flight and Migration in Europe

 Josef Weidenholzer, MEP, S&D-Group, SPÖ,  Prof. Dr. Marei Pelzer, Hochschule Fulda  Newroz Duman, Jugendliche ohne Grenzen

Moderated by Dr. Sonja Grabowsky, political advisory of Prof. Dr. Dietmar Köster

Ca. 12:30 Uhr End of Workshops

14:00 Panel of conclusion: Perspectives of European social democracy

Maria Arena Member of , S&D-Group, PS

Guillaume Balas Member of European Parliament, S&D-Group, Génération.s. le mouvement, France

Julie Ward Member of European Parliament, S&D-Group, Labour, UK

Pier Antonio Panzeri Member of European Parliament, S&D-Group, Italy

Julia Zimmermann Member of National Executive Board Razem Party, Poland

Moderated by: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Köster Member of European Parliament, S&D-Group, SPD

16:00 End of conference – Words of conclusion by Hilde Mattheis, head of DL21 and Member of German Bundestag.