Spain begins the progressive reopening of the external borders to the fifteen non-EU countries recommended by the Council of the EU

° In the case of , Algeria and China, the reopening is contingent on these countries reopening their borders to residents of

° For the other 12 countries, the effective reopening will take effect at 00:00 this Saturday (midnight between today, Friday and tomorrow, Saturday)

Press Press release July 03, 2020 .- The Government has decided to, progressively, lift restrictions on passenger access across the external borders of Spain to residents of the fifteen non-EU countries recommended by the Council of the European Union (EU) last June 30. In the case of China, Morocco and Algeria , the reopening of borders is contingent on these countries acting reciprocally and in turn reopening their borders to residents of Spain.

This is reflected in the order signed by the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, published today in the Official State Gazette and which will come into force at 00:00 hours on Saturday, July 4 (midnight between today, Friday and tomorrow, Saturday). Thereafter, the reopening of the external borders will be effective for residents of Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay.

The application of the criterion of reciprocity with Algeria and Morocco is part of the necessary coordination on the borders with two neighboring countries and with which we usually share a high flow of entry and exit. Therefore, the reopening for residents of Algeria and Morocco will take place within the framework of a coordinated process when their borders reopen.

CORREO ELECTRÓNICO PASEO DE LA CASTELLANA, 5 [email protected] 28071 - MADRID TEL: 91 537 12 51

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The Council of the EU recommended on June 30 to lift the temporary restriction of non-essential travel to residents in a list of fifteen non-EU countries considered safe : Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay and China.

In compliance with this recommendation, the Government has analyzed for each of these countries what are the necessary conditions to consider the normal traffic of people between them viable and, once they are met, allow the entry and exit of travellers.


In the case of China , the Council of the EU recommended making the opening of the borders of the member states subject to confirmation of the existence of a reciprocity regime by the Asian country, and this is reflected in the Order of the Ministry of Interior.

Regarding Algeria and Morocco , any future decision on a possible lifting of border restrictions must take into account that both countries keep their borders closed, as well as the considerable volume of regular travel between Spain and each of those African countries.

Meanwhile, the temporary closure of the land posts enabled for the entry and exit of Spain through the cities of and is also maintained.


The Order published today in the Official Gazette maintains the restrictions on the external borders of the EU in Spain for residents in the rest of the countries not included in the list drawn up by the Council of the EU.

Regarding the categories of people exempt from restrictions regardless of their place of origin, some additional ones are included, or the scope of those contemplated so far in the successive Orders on external borders is expanded.

CORREO ELECTRÓNICO PASEO DE LA CASTELLANA, 5 [email protected] 28071 - MADRID TEL: 91 537 12 51

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Therefore, third-country nationals other than those included in the European list are still unable to enter Spain, with the following exceptions :

a) Residents of the European Union, Schengen Associated States, Andorra, Monaco, the Vatican (Holy See) or San Marino. b) Holders of a long-term visa issued by a Member State or Schengen Associated State. c) Cross-border workers. d) Health professionals, including health researchers, and elderly care professionals who go to or return from exercising their work activity. e) Transport personnel, sailors and aeronautical personnel necessary to carry out air transport activities. f) Diplomatic, consular, international organizations, military, civil protection staff and members of humanitarian organizations, in the exercise of their functions. g) Students who carry out their studies in the Member States or Schengen associated states and that have the corresponding permit or visa. h) Highly qualified workers whose work is necessary and cannot be postponed or performed remotely, including participants in high-level sports events that take place in Spain. These circumstances must be justified with corresponding documents. i) People traveling for imperative family reasons duly accredited. j) People who can prove with documents reasons of force majeure or situation of need, or whose entry is allowed for humanitarian reasons. k) Seasonal workers in the agricultural sector.

Both the restrictions and the exempt categories refer to nationals and residents of third countries other than those included in the European list, given that, with the entry into force on July 1 of Order INT / 578/2020, of June 29, Union citizens and their families, and the other beneficiaries of the right to free movement, have already been left out of the scope of the temporary restrictions at the Spanish external borders

This new border control regulation will remain in force until 24:00 on July 31, 2020, without prejudice to its eventual modification to respond to a change in circumstances, or to new recommendations in the European Union, or to future extensions. And it will not be applicable at the land border with Andorra or at the people control post with the territory of . ***

CORREO ELECTRÓNICO PASEO DE LA CASTELLANA, 5 [email protected] 28071 - MADRID TEL: 91 537 12 51

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