Year 1 Update – Wk 26

Tuesday 24th April – Year 4 Bake Sale – please send in some money to buy tasty treats. Tuesday 1st May – Public holiday Friday 11th May – Year 1 Sharing Morning to Parents (More details to follow) Monday 21st May – BHS CPD day Tuesday 22nd May – Public holiday

Immunisations On Tuesday many of our Year one children had their immunisation. We would like to thank the parents who told their child that they would be having an injection. Thanks to Nurse Rosalind who very meticulously collected all the immunisation records, checked that all information was correct and then carefully handed all documents back to educational assistants to put into home school diaries. Dance Ms Tinner continued to work with the Year one children on the dance that they will share with you on our sharing day. This week the children were required to work with a partner which required co-operation and teamwork. The children continued to work on their movements and reflected on the levels and speed in which they danced.

Fruity Friday Movie Well done to the children who remember to bring in fruit for their morning snack. The student council organised a movie in the hall as a reward to students who brought in fruit.

Central Idea: Exploring evidence helps our understanding of people’s histories Lines of Inquiry: Different types of evidence My own personal history How evidence helps us understand the past Thanks to the parents who helped their child to choose some photographs to bring to school. It is wonderful that so many of you talked with your child about what is happening in the photo. Next week the children will be using the photos to learn about and create their own timeline. These will be shared with you on the sharing day. Extra music sessions with Mr Gibson continue next week. During sharing day, Mr Gibson will show you what the children have be learning with him. Ms Tinner will also work with the children on their dance next week. Miss Kannis will also continue working with the the Year one children. She will be supporting the children with their learning about how technology works with a focus on questioning.

Going home arrangements We would like to remind you to please email the school office, the bus company as well as your child’s class teacher if the going home arrangements are different for that day. We would also like to remind you to tell your child if the going home arrangements are different. Sometimes children do get upset if they find out that they are going home in a way that they were not expecting.

50th Anniversary Reading Challenge Before the holidays, the children brought home the BHS 50th Anniversary Reading Challenge. Over the coming months we would like the children to participate in this exciting activity that celebrates the joy of reading. The children have 50 challenges to complete ranging from finding a book with a number in the title to reading a book on the beach. As the children complete each challenge please initial the challenge sheet provided and when all 50 challenges are completed please return to your child’s class teacher. The closing date for this challenge is Monday 18th June. Have fun and please send through any photographs of your children completing the challenges.

Scholastic International Book Club Don’t forget to visit our unique BHS Scholastic website to browse and order from a great selection of well-known and good quality children’s books! 20% of everything you spend is ‘rewarded’ to the school to be spent on new books to support students’ learning. Order deadline: Monday 23rd April BHS Clothes DriveThe student council are pleased to be supporting a local environmental charity, Redress, by taking part in their ‘Get Redressed Spring Clothing Drive 2018 ’from Monday 26th March to Friday 27th April where we will be asking you to bring in your own unwanted clothing to benefit numerous local HK charities. To make your contribution, please send your unwanted clothes into school with your child. There will be a collection box in the school foyerRedress is looking for good quality clothes, accessories and shoes – from high-end designer brands to high street fashion for women, men and children.* Donations will be collected and carefully sorted by Redress for distribution to local HK charities. Top quality clothing will be sold to raise funds for Redress in a pop-up shop following the drive, whilst the clothes that cannot be used for the charity beneficiaries will be kept for Redress’ new circular economy initiative and ultimately recycled into new yarns!Please support Redress’ work to cut waste out of fashion!For more information please visit the Redress website: wishes,The Student Council

Next week in maths our focus will be the concept and language of position. The children will engage in a variety of practical activities to support their understanding of position. Example of words that children will be encouraged to use are: inside, outside, above, below, next to, behind, in front of, up, down. Mathletics

Please spend some time each week exploring the different activities that we have set for the children. Under the ‘play’ section, children can practise their basic facts by playing games with partners from around the world. It is not intended that the children will do these tasks totally independently so please help your child to become familiar with the layout of Mathletics and how to go about completing the tasks.

Please support your child in learning how to log in using their user name and password rather than relying on an adult to do so for them. At school we are teaching the children to be independent with this skill.

Next week our focus will continue to be on personal narrative writing. The children will continue to explore by listening to and reading a variety of personal narrative texts. They will have a go at writing some ‘small moment’ personal narratives using the photos that they brought to school. Our grammar focus will continue to be past tense. Words such as went, saw, bought, slept and ate.

Our reading focus on inference continues. Next week we will spend time looking at wordless books. Children will think and reflect upon what what the author would like to share with them. Children will have a go at writing what they think the author might be saying.

Phonics Next week we will be continuing Unit 5 phonics. Phonemes: ch, sh, th, wh Camera Words: like, do, says, what, going, give Not all words can be decoded phonetically. We call these tricky words, ‘camera words’ because children must learn them as though they were taking a photo of the word with their ‘mind’s eye’. They are encouraged to memorise the part of the word which is tricky. 1L – Abigail Porteus

P.E – 1L Harry Hellen

1P – Emma Fong

1W – Xavier Chan

Here is an article from Little Steps Asia about Museums that you could visit in the weekends or after school. Museums

Hong Kong hosts a slew of fantastic museums including kid-favorites such as the Space Museum, History Museum, Heritage Museum and Science Museum. There are also unique museums such as The Police Museum and Railway Museum. Get up close and personal with the best public museums in Hong Kong for toddlers, kids, teens, and the family. From maritime adventures to space explorations, Little Steps delivers the best finds for kids of all ages. They’re inexpensive, educational, perfect in the rain and heat, and can often accommodate add-ons too like a great meal or some essential shopping. Plan your visit and go, go, go!


This 45,000 square foot museum next to the Star Ferry terminal teaches the whole family about Hong Kong’s maritime past, present and future with lots of room to roam and explore. Kids and adults will appreciate the ship models, interactive displays and stellar views of Victoria Harbour. Make sure to pick up a fun Museum Hide and Seek or Drawing Sheet from the Front Desk, and ask about Family Sundays and other special events.

Hong Kong Maritime Museum, Central Pier Ferry No. 8, Hong Kong, +852 3317 2500, For the Little Steps outing to this museum, click here!

Exhibitions To Visit: Click here for current and upcoming exhibitions!


After a run around Hong Kong Park, cool off at Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware. Located in HK’s oldest colonial building, this free museum has galleries to explore and a sweet playroom with books, toys, cool computer games like Design a Teapot…even architectural blocks that form the teahouse itself! Check the museum’s website for free tea demos, tastings, and historical story-telling.

Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware, 10 Cotton Tree Drive (Inside Hong Kong Park), Central, Hong Kong, Website. For the Little Steps outing to this museum, click here!


Located near Hong Kong Park on the Former Explosives Magazine Compound built by the British Army, this cultural and intellectual hub is the perfect place for the whole fam to learn, explore and relax! Walk the gorgeous grounds, including a rooftop garden with sculptures and water fountains, and then grab a bite at onsite AMMO with floor to ceiling windows facing the verdant hillside (booster seats available!). Excellent info. packets and regular events for kids, just ask!

Asia Society Center, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Former Explosives Magazine, 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, Hong Kong, +852 2103 9511, [email protected], For the Little Steps outing to this museum, click here!

HONG KONG SCIENCE MUSEUM The Hong Kong Science Museum offers hundreds of hands-on exhibits and a great gift shop! Kids of all ages will enjoy all the bits and bobs they can press, punch, and pull at this robotic wonderland. Littlest scientists must visit the Children’s Gallery, with bubble hoops, wheels to toss down a track, ball mazes, a tip-toe tracker, and padded play area. If you’ve got energy, hit the Hong Kong Museum of History across the way too!

Hong Kong Science Museum, 2 Science Museum Road, East, , Hong Kong, +852 2732 3232, [email protected], For the Little Steps outing to this museum, click here!

Exhibitions to visit: Click here for current exhibitions.


Housed in the former Lei Yue Mun Fort built in the 1880’s, theMuseum of Coastal Defence offers activities galore from hiking to history lessons for the whole family! Explore the galleries and Children’s Area inside, and then head outdoors for a picnic and more learning. There’s a replica torpedo kids love, and great trails to explore cool military sites and vehicles.

Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence, 175 Tung Hei Road, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong, +852 2569 1500, [email protected], Website. For the Little Steps outing to this museum, click here!


Situated alongside the river in Shatin, the Hong Kong Heritage Museum boasts 7,500 sq. meters of interactive exhibits dedicated to understanding the city from the inside out. At the Children’s Discovery Gallery, kids can explore a traditional farm house, design a ceramic plate, and play traditional games from the past. Ask about the many special exhibits and events throughout the year!

Hong Kong Heritage Museum, 1 Man Lam Road, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong, +852 2180 8188, For the Little Steps outing to this museum, click here! Exhibitions to visit: Bruce Lee, Pixar, and more! Click here for current exhibitions.


Located in TST, the Space Museum is the perfect post-Star Ferry treat. Learn about the history of space travel through interactive exhibits, including a virtual paraglider and anti-gravity harness…both kid favorites! The star of the show here is the Omnimax theatre with ongoing movies ideal for kids ages 3 and up. Ask about Astronomy events at the Planetarium, and other fun activities for kids.

Hong Kong Space Museum, Stanley Ho Space Theatre, 10 Salisbury Road, TST, Kowloon, Hong Kong, +852 2721 0226,

Exhibitions to visit: Current Omnimax Movies – click here!


Calling all future firefighters! Climb aboard the Fireboat Alexander Grantham for a fun and educational outing on HK Island. See the model boats, firefighter tools and uniforms throughout history, and pictures of fireboats in action. Then climb aboard the boat to explore the Engine Room, the Casualty Room, and many more. Make sure to visit Quarry Bay Park’s huge playground that you’ll pass as you walk from the MTR to the fireboat.

Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery, Quarry Bay Park, Phase 1, Hong Kong, +852 3580 6770,Website . For the Little Steps outing to this museum, click here!


The Hong Kong Museum of History has been around since 1975, building up an impressive collection of all things Hong Kong. Kids will love the realistic shops from the early 1900’s, the double-decker tram, and the fishing junk. The museum has a simple but good cafe with plenty of kid-friendly choices like hot dogs and noodles. It’s also directly across from the Hong Kong Science Museum…if you are up for a museum double header!

Hong Kong Museum of History, 100 South, TST, Kowloon, Hong Kong, +852 2724 9042, [email protected], Website. For the Little Steps outing to this museum, click here!

Exhibition to visit: The Story Of Hong Kong – hands-on cultural history of this great city.

Check out these other great museums too! * Woodside Biodiversity Education Centre – truly a hidden gem for naturalists

* HKU Museum – free!

* Hong Kong Police Museum – 2 amazing playgrounds in walking distance!

* Bethanie Pokfulam – learn about HK’s French Mission in a beautiful setting

* Hong Kong Museum of Medical Science – in the ultra-hip Po Hing Fong area!

* HK Museum of Art – Ju Ming outdoor sculptures on until 2015

* Sheung Yiu Folk Museum – explore a Hakka village!

* Oi! Art Space – art-filled urban oasis

* Hobby and Toy Museum – in

* Hong Kong Railway Museum – a must for Thomas fans!


* Check here to see which of these museums is free to the public on Wednesdays. Score!

* The Family Pass is the best deal in town. Unlimited admission to 7 museums for a family of 4 for HK$200! Click here for details.