Associated Legendre Functions and Spherical Harmonics of Fractional Degree and Order
Constructive Approximation manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Associated Legendre Functions and Spherical Harmonics of Fractional Degree and Order Robert S. Maier Received: date / Accepted: date Abstract Trigonometric formulas are derived for certain families of associated Legendre functions of fractional degree and order, for use in approximation the- ory. These functions are algebraic, and when viewed as Gauss hypergeometric functions, belong to types classified by Schwarz, with dihedral, tetrahedral, or oc- tahedral monodromy. The dihedral Legendre functions are expressed in terms of Jacobi polynomials. For the last two monodromy types, an underlying ‘octahedral’ polynomial, indexed by the degree and order and having a non-classical kind of orthogonality, is identified, and recurrences for it are worked out. It is a (gener- alized) Heun polynomial, not a hypergeometric one. For each of these families of algebraic associated Legendre functions, a representation of the rank-2 Lie algebra so(5, C) is generated by the ladder operators that shift the degree and order of the corresponding solid harmonics. All such representations of so(5, C) are shown to have a common value for each of its two Casimir invariants. The Dirac singleton representations of so(3, 2) are included. Keywords Associated Legendre function Algebraic function Spherical · · harmonic Solid harmonic Jacobi polynomial Heun polynomial Ladder · · · · operator Mathematics Subject Classification (2000) 33C45 33C47 33C55 22E70 · · · 1 Introduction µ µ The first-kind associated Legendre functions Pν (z), or the Ferrers versions Pν (z), µ µ are classical. (Pν (z) and Pν (z) are continuations of each other, with respective real domains z (1, ) and z ( 1, 1).) The roles they play when the degree ν ∈ ∞ ∈ − Robert S.
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