Diary of a Saint Exclusive TIME to SPREAD
MAY 6, 2021 DUBLIN’S NO 1 QUALITY PRINT AND DIGITAL NEWSPAPER, FREE TO OVER 300,000 READERS WEEKLY Diary of a Saint Exclusive TIME TO SPREAD Chipper tops during lockdownHOUSEHOLDERS endur - YOUR WINGS ing winter and spring lock- down turned to their local • ITAA calls on Government to restore foreign travel • Back to normal by month of August claims Tánaiste takeaways during the cri- STAFF REPORTER with by the people. If this contin- This comes a week before non- sis, a new study has shown. ues, travel, while not returning essential retail reopens while on And it was the local chip- AS the Irish Travel Agents Associa- to normal, will open up with per- June 2, hotels will throw open per which was top of the tion (ITAA) yesterday (Wed) called haps digital passports or vaccina- their doors for guests, who will be menu when it came to buy- on the government to initiate plans tion evidence being required to jet allowed to eat meals inside. ing in meals, according to to reopen international travel with- away,” a department source told The following week, all pubs and digital ordering platform, in the EU, there was increasingly the Dublin Gazette this week. restaurants will also be allowed to Flipdish which carried optimistic official noises that travel The ITAA presented to the serve but only outdoors initially out the survey between abroad could resume earlier than Joint Oireachtas Committee on while cinemas and theatres will December 20, ’20 o April 28 previously expected. Transport on Wednesday, citing also reopen. last. Their call came at a time yester- arguments for the reopening of The Taoiseach Micheál Martin The comfort cuisine of day when the Tánaiste, Leo Varad- international travel in the coming was also upbeat this week when choice saw 26 per cent of kar, said the vast majority of restric- weeks.
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