©lif Chftu'nne Qailo lEcafocr.


meat. This is iudt-ud a miserable ricane visited Taylor Saturday evening M after km AAeatucky. ((area Victoria arada Taffy laatcad BALLOTING failure. The two from the .last. No lives lost. Mr. 11 N. Frain’s Louisville, May 31. —Heine y Hull of Hoary. ’S TREATER senate, who saw themselves in imagi- bouse was blown down and two fami- was shot and instantly killed atCyntbi- London, Out., May 31.—A monu- nation returning crowned with laurels lies sustained serious injuriPh. ana, Kentucky, by bis brother-in-law, ment has been abandoned and a perma- For U. S. Senator at Albany- The HALE’S Great ! victory, was HONEY Attraction of and “vindication”, find Christian church blown from its Alexander Odor. Hull married Odor's nent relief fund is to be raised instead. mayor themselves the only impotent chiefs of foundation, and the Catholic church sister, and though she died ten years The to-day received the follow- 2 Sights, * Conkliug's Strength Only 36. the petty faction. Will they now retire? and Odd Fellows hall were totally de- ago the two men have had ill feelings ing from Major Dewauton the gover- & - • HOREHOUND TAR! Nothing but a disaster to the republi- stroyed. Nearly all barns towards each other all that time, grow- nor general's secretary: Quebec, May Thursday 4 and out- 1 The Great National Specific for the Speedy Cure of Friday, June 2, 3. A Female Monster in New York. can party can result from their couiiu- houses were demolished. Scarcely a ing out of a quarrel. The murder has 30. The queen has expressed through BOBT. uiug in the field. We trust that among in town escaped damage. Fences the appearance of deliberation. Odor his excellency, the governor general, COUGHS, COLDS, INFLUENZA, SORE THROATS, MeWA.DE. great ou tlie I'.aowiw,! Tragedy in the 36 members who attended the rump blown down and trees uprooted for came to town armed with a double her sorrow hearing of the and HTAK ACTOR, In M. Ure.! Double Deuver. LUNG all BRONCHIAL COMPLAINTS. and l nequalied Imperao&ation of caucus, there are a number of sensible miles around. barrelled shot gun, loaded with buck deplorable accident, which has so re- The Honey oi tne Plant Horehound soothe* and patriotic men, having done cently occurred at Loudoii, and de- scatters Cauipau and Mrs Dcveraux who One of the shot. Finding Hull he called out to and all irritations and inflammations, and M. T. I'reneh t'ltiuik. the Tar RIP VAN their full duty iu the way of allegiance him “are you ready ?” and fired. The sires to express her deep sympathy with Balm AbL‘t Balsamea CLEANSES and H FAI.S WINKLE, Instantly Killed. Washington, May :ji.—An important the throat and air passages leading to the to their late chief, will now insist that first shot brought Hull to the ground, bereaved families. lungs. Vagnbead «f Ike Cankill k,uliiu. decision was rendered by the French- Five additional ingredients keep the organs cool, colleague Odor deliberately fired ano- CAUTION ! moist, and in healthml As played by bim he and bis take themselves and then The I’erolofoary of the Laud l.eugue. action. the pa»i 12 years in every A by a American claims commission to-day, in The Statu In to (Towded Post Mortem Hoax San out of the way and cease to disturb ther barrel into his head, tearing it into wonderful achievements and ACough may be fill,’terinrd ihe prd.iaiuary stage of Cuiuump- America and Joseph London, May 31.—At a meeting last success of Bale’s Hessj of Delighted the case of Nai»oleon l*erche, a malady of which HALE'SHONEYOF * A udience*. Franciscoan. the harmony of the party. fragments. ll»rrbMs4 as* Tar ha. caused liuo. HOREHOUND archbishop against night of the members of the parliament the issue of counterfeits and deoep- AND TAR is the surest known preventive 1 delay uot Supi-irted by Complete of New Orleans, IIve and donperous mixtures a Dramatic Co. bear a moment to take tin. CERTAIN SPECIFIC. CHILDREN A Double Murder. the United .States. The memorial of UKll**' TKLKtiH.tMM. aud others belonging to the land league, li>*r | ’arts of Its compound name or Oen-nO Admiminn »l. uicluUln, lUr»«rveJ Trade-Mark device. Be not de derive great benefit frooi itw soothing properties, when suffering sent., whirl, art; now on intte wt Poitofflct, A it was decided to fill the place ee-ived by these vile subterfuges. but auh -nd PRICES: sOr. arid Bookworn. tours open at Decision in One of the Ancient Denver, the claimant sets forth that in 1862, at of Kettle obtain "Usie-’e Croup Whopping Cough. SJ. 1 7:jrr. niaun Col., May 31.—L. Stickney, Hoary «*r 11.., .- Tunis: The murderers of Sfeguin, as liuunS Large 5 O CIOCK. B»’V-at French Claims. a mining man, entered the boarding which time he was a French subject the organizer forthwith, and also sad Twtr" Suits full no.nr Size Cheapest. correspondent of the Paris Telegram and also observe the above KXAIT itßlding in New Orleaus, military decided that in the eveut of the sup- t rade-Mark devioe on the wrapia-r C. N. CRITTENTON, Sole Proprietor, New York. house corner of Seven teen Hi and Stout the have en.’losing each bottle, vUAct*u-AvA ISallottlua ror ult. 4 NUlra been shot. none U peauiae. Two I streets while the boarders were forces of the United States, under the pression of the league.to transfer its dut- IF Nmlvn seated New York: The Post's Washington YOU HAVE A RACING TOOTH, CHASE’S at the fable, and pulled a revolver command of Gen. 11. F. Duller, occu- ies in Ireland in the ladies' land league, For Sale by all Druggists. BUY PIKE'S DROPS, Cents THEATER Albany, May 31. —lu the assembly. and special says: Dorsey is quite ill TOOTHACHE 25 opened fire on M. T. pied that city and demolished from and if that was interfered with to con- ONE Draper offered a resolution that at 12 Campau, real es- prop- NIGHT ONLY. erty belonging mental excitement. duct the organization through the com- o’clock the house proceed to name two tate agent. Two shots struck Campau, to him to the value of causing $3,000, and subjected him ar- Porland, Me.: Hugh G. Anderson, mittee setting at the holy head. candidates for vacancies in the United instant death, and another to pierced Mrs. rest and imprisonment. For these in- ex-governor and ex-congressman, died States senate. First naming a senator Devereaux through the STEPHEN BON. heart. It juries he claims he is entitled to dama- to-day aged 80 years. to fillthe vacancy caused by the resig- is said Campau has for some The Great English Remedy- MONDAY, 6th. time had improjier relations ges in $40,000, with the iuterest. Albany: The stalwart republican cau- ¦ls a never failing cure JUNE nation of lloscoe Conkling. In case no with Mrs. ¦for but was The United States maintains the arch- cus which was to have been held Nervous Debllitv, one is named by the majority, the fact Stickney, drawn on by her for to- ¦Exhausted Vitality, Weakness, The “BOSS” BOOT & blackmailing purposes, and that bishop is not entitled to recover at all, night, has been indefinitely postponed. ¦Seminal SHOE STORE First AppMranr. nr lit.Origin.! to be entered on the journal, and the two ¦.Spermatorrhoea, lost months ago he was as a French subject under the present St. a pMANHooD.lmpoteucy, house proceed in like manner to name a compelled at the Louis : There is strong protest a treaty, for the reason that he is now, ¦ Paralysis and all the of ¦yatyot'ahstgl candidate to fill the vacancy caused by point of dagger by Stickney, to sign out against the projected elevated road ¦terrible effects of Hell notes amounting to SIO,OOO, and has been, since 1870, a naturalized w hich will go through the ¦ Abuse, vouthful fol- the resignation of Thomas C. Platt. that lie finest park iu lUes, and excesses In BURT’S BOOTS paid several, then refused, and could American citizen. The following is the city. ¦mature years—such as AND SHOES FOR At I‘2 o'clock the S|>eaker announced ¦loss of memory, Las the decision of the commissioners: Arch- Itu HAYERLY’S not be compelled to pay de, Nocturnal now the remainder, I*’lll t.|s that the house would proceed to Montreal: The Duke of Athal left ftaulikiiH A VAreiun because no consideration was bishop Perche in his memorial states Fniluuloiiu. Averulon to Society, Dimness ol vote for United States senator in place stated in town to-day for Lake George. He Vision, Nolmi In the Heart; the vital flub* the notes. Since then Stickney that he was naturalized in the Unit ed psssing unobsei ved In the urine, and luun Ladies and Children a Specialty. resigned. several willreturn in a few days other to of Koscoe Ccnkling, and will then dlueasee that lead Inuaulty jlu i , times threatened Campau’s States in 1870. He doesn’t claim to be death. European Mastodon member as his name was called life. The proceed to California. Each shooting a The English Ucdioal Institute wi j LEATHER AND FINDINGS. of Mrs. Devereaux was French citizen. Without deciding on agree to forfeit dollars named his candidate. acci- Boston There is a five hundred Air a oa*e dental. The any other cases, which may be ana- : firm deinapd for of thl* kind the VITAL RESTORATIVE as : murderer is lu jail. their upei-lal and SO-The Oldest and Most Reliable S'aoe and Leathei The vote stood follows wool, and the demand is good from under advice treatment) Boot, The new Union costing two logous to this, we think the claim of will not cure, or for anything impure or In- Cockling 20, Jacobs 47, Wheeler 15, Depot, in iitore of Wyoming. hundred thousand Monseigneur Perche must be rejected, manufacturers. Full prices for desira- lurious found It. Thk Enoi.imii Mkhicu. Crowley 5, Cornell 0, Wadsworth 2, dollars is completed, ble lots; Institute treats all private disease* rue- 1 because it does not within fine Ohio comparatively scarce. cesufully without mercury. Consultation I MINSTRELS. and from and after come tie STREET, Rogers H, Miller 1, Ewarts 2, Edick 1, to-morrow all trains Free. Thorough examination and advice, SIXTEENTH Opposite New Masonic Hall. arrive and depart from it. terms of the treaty, which only pio- Sen Francisco: William Fisher, Includinganalysis of urine, 15. Price of VI- i Folger 2, White 2, Chapman 1, Tre- whose disappearance recently TAIi HKHTOIiATIVL, S 3 a bottle, or four vides for the claims of French citizens. created a times the quantity. $lO, sent to any address I maine 2, Fenton 1, Ward 1, Pomeroy A Monster. sensation, up to-day right. upon receipt orprh-e. or C. O. D.,[but noC.O I .While making this decision we deem it turned all I), sent without Sl.llO with order as a unman- The same Minstrelsy that achieved the 1, Dutcher 1, Alvord 2. New lurk, May from 1 31.—Marie Varian, proper for us to express our regret, aud He says he has been with friends in the tee] secure observation, and lu private j When noon arrived the senate aged name If desired, by HEMARKABLEDISTINCTION pro- thirty-five, who keeps a lager beer we cannot take the jurisdiction of the country. ceeded to vote for United States sena- saloon G54 Sixth avenue, was : & of 200 Consecutive arrested case, which seems upon its face to be Detroit Senator Ferry arrived in Baker Performances at in place of Thos. C. Johnson, tor Tlatt, resigned. this morning English Medical Institute charged with deliberately so equitable. charge of a physician. His health is The vote stood as follows : 718] jOlive street. BT. MO. Her setting fire for the sake of insurance, to (Signed) Barox DeAkinos, Pres. much affected by the importunity of LOUIS. Wholesale ami Retail Dealers in Majesty’s Theater, London Thomas C. Platt 8, a P. O. box 2460. Chauncey M. house In which a score of persous L. DbGofroy, office seekers and under the patronage of their Depew 1, Francis Kernan duties of the extra 7, Warner were sleeping, among them a woman A. O. Oldis, session. For sale by J. J. HKITHMANN A CO., Rogers Druggists, Wholesale Agents,and OEO. TIM- itoyal Highnesses, the Prince and Milier 2, Sherman S. 1, El- sick in child bed. of Commissioners. ER MAN. Drut gist, Retail Agent. DKNVFR, Circumstances Marshalltown, la.—Several hundred COLORADO. dredge Lapliam 2, Joseph 11. Choate 1, the discovery are The present case is said to be decisive Princes of Wales. such as to leave no delegates have & .1 iidge Noah Davis 2, Wm. A. Wheeler of the whole class of similar cases, in arrived for the green- I»R. PROVISIONS, MINTIE’S GROCERIES doubt of the woman’s guilt. The KIDNEY KRMKDY. back state convention, including De- Ciias. Froiiman, Manager, 1, George H. Sharp 1. amount of insurance for many which large amounts of money are in- W. (ien’l which so lamtyr, Jess Harper and Gillette. GRAIN, FLOUR A. Strickland, Agent. The senate then voted for a successor lives were volved. Gen. NEPHREOTICUM, AND FEED. endangered was $4,500. Weaver will be here to-morrow. Admission *l. No extra charge for to fillthe short time, in place thoroughly Ml. Cures allkinds of Kidney and Bladder com- of ltoscoe After soaking the lloor of Julian Injured. plaints, Reserved attorneys Oonnorrhoea, Uleet, bencorrhoera. Seats; now on sale at Post- ('onkling. the basement, and heaps Buffalo: The for Joseph KorsHlebyalldrugglhth.fi a botile six but- ALL of straw and Detroit, May 31.—Saturday St .Julian tles for S 3. GOODS WARRANTED OF office bookstore. m‘29 7t : Dork, the defaulting city The vote stood as follows rags collected there with petroleum, she was to have trotted for a special purse treasurer, DR. MINTIE-8 9, Sherman Rog- made an Ineffectual effort to-day Roscoe Conkllng 5, set fire to it. The police had warning to beat Maud S’s time of 2:10J, on to have J- H- Nichols. D. F. Carmichael. the iudictment quashed. ers 5, John C. Jacobs 0, Geo. Bradley 1, of the affair, and the match hud hardly Thursday and Saturday. On Monday Bork Is DANDELION PILLS, STANDARD AND Are the beatand cheapest QUALITY LOWEST DYSPEPSIA RATES. Chae. J. Folger 2, Gov. Cornell 3, charged with embezzling two hundred and & Wm. been applied before the woman was ar- he was given fae trial, lie went to BILLIUUH cine iu the market. For sale by NICHOLS CARMICHAEL, Pomeroy2. bonds valued at SI,OOO city ull druggists. Price 30 cents. 295 Street A. Wheeler 4, Theodore M. rested. the half-mile pole In 1:06 and was com- each, and Eddy and 17th Sreet, Cheyenne, Wyo. No one receiving a majority the county hall bonds. REAL ESTATE BROKERS. A Pont Mortem ing home at a 2:10 gate, when he •J. G. ELLIS, Manager Eddy Street Store. adjourned. Hoax. : senate in near Chattanooga The citizens are are Sail Francisco, May May stepped a hole and came falling. 279 Fifteenth Street, No candidate received a majority, and 31.—0 n ranging for a meeting of the army of Denver,Colo, 24th a suicide was“found on; a To-day lie was lame in one foreleg, the house then proceeded to vote to fill vacant the Cumberland, Sept. lot in the southern part of the city, and Ilickok decided that it would be 2. President the vacancy caused by Platt. Garfield, Secretary Lincoln shot through the head. At the inquest impolite to start him this week. and other Our Wyoming friends are cordially The rote stood as follows : cabinet officers will be here. Gen. I Thi*i*the onlylottery ever voted on unit en - 23. to-day it transpired that he had left darted by the people ary itate. invited to call on us—Special induce- Depew 14, Kernan 47, Platt 21, Fol- Mteaßfr Wrerkrd. Grant probably and other of letters signed W. H. Ward, saying he promi- UXPRBCKDENTEI) menta to offer in Denver Real Estate. ger G, Lapham G, Cornell 12, Crowley 3, New York, May 31.—The anchor nent army officers will attend. ATTRACTION! had recently killed F. B. Bates, of Salts Evarts Morton OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. _ Nichols Jfc 5, 2, Miller 3, Francis 1, Rake, steamer Macedonia has, it is learned, St. Catherines: John*Riley, jr., con- ninTuo Cahuichahl, and sent his trunk to Miss Liz- Pomeroy 1, Wadsworth 2, Tremaine 2, been almost completely destroyed. The fessed feb26m3 279 Fifteenth Street. to being one of the party who -W = zie Swyger, of Salt Lake, to whom Louisiana State SIXTEENTH STREET, fe liv: Rogers 1, Choate 1. loss falls heavily on the IlendersoQ’s, committed the outrage on the girl Pot- Lottery Comp’y le Bates was affianced. It was developed Ineoroporated In 1868 for The chair announced that the house as they insure her themselves. Eighty ter, which 25 yen is by the by letters, telegrams and photographs resulted in her death. The legislature for educational and <-harltab!e having failed to give a majoriry for head of cattle were tin board. A valuable jury to from Salt Lake that the suicide was coroner’s returned a verdict of purposes—with a capital off l.ouu.uoo which M. P. KEEFE, either candidate, that fact will be hoise and the ships plate andpapers were a reserve fund of over ft20,000 has since been MIL DLUI Bates himself. story as to his be- willful murder agaiust him and three And Dealer In entered on the journal of His sea added. IIILiH the house, saved. The sweeps the deck fore others w'lio absconded. overwhelming trothal is true, but no adequate reason By an popular vole Its and legislative business proceed. and aft. The rocks have pierced her franchise was uonde a part of the Btate Con • is assignable for his suicide and strange Washington:The court of claims to-day stitutlou adopted December 2nd, A.D. 187». Gents’ CONTRACTOR Grand Single Number Furnishing Goods. side and her cargo washing DrawingH Orlsrw, the Vaster. post mortem hoax. is out. The overruled the petition of the Union Its will lake place monthly. It never tcalrt or post A New and Complete Stock of Goods just received tlie surveyor thinks she willsoon break up. /•one*. Look at the following distribution. for AND Chicago, May 30.—John Griscom, Pacific railroad company for additional season, I’olltleml Gwe.se. anil Premelloo. GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, present Elegant patterns and designs in pieces for Gents' after 72 hours of fasting, shows a loss Payne's Prediction. compensation for carrying the mails in New Y’ork, May during which willtake place the suits mode to order in the latest style, kept constantly on hand. of eleven pounds. He appears be in 31.—Watt said this cars in excess of rates, to those l-'Clrd Grand Monthly to morning thought New York, May 31.—The Tribune's I>osLal AND THE a he their chances of heretofore healthy, normal condition; plays Albany says: The best political judges now and paid by the gov- £: tracrdicary Semi-Annual BUILDER. Te-election more than good. Ho be- Drawing. T4o. 368 Sixteenth Street. , visits the theatres, and when he here look for the election of two re- ernment for postal service on this and At Orleans, Tuesday, 14th, lieved they would go back to Washing- New June 1881 feels the need of stimulation, takes publican senators before the legislature other roads generally. The decision und?rthe personal supervision and manage- ton. The Post’s Albany Ofllce and Shop on leisurely walks. anti-Conk- leaves the past and present rates for ment. of lingltes adjourns. Marshal Payne said to a Ferguson won’t concentrate until Conk- compensation unchanged. GENERAL (J. T. REA (’REBARI) o Street, opposite the Baptist Kailare Tribune correspondent, who asked him Louisiana, and aiSIrslHS as the Moaetary llng’svotes melt away. Then proba- Church. t'earereaee. bly they if Conkling would withdraw: “Oh no, Boston: A check, dated May 31., for BENBRA L IVIIAL A. EARLY, of Vir- t. s. may have eighty-one votes and his friends could not allow him to with- $2,640 on the Merchant's ginia. New York, May 31.— 1 t is reported elect two candidates, It is national bank although yet draw if lie wanted to.” You don’t of this city, given by Retail Dealer In— from Washington that Evarts’ dis- too early to predict this. Carpenter Franklin K. Wholesale and Cheyenne, Wyoming. still think he can be elected? “Yes 1 Phillips to the order Capital Prize, SIOO,OOO. patches to the state department are in says Conkling’s iron clad votes will stay of E. Burt Phil- a do. Conkling will run, aud let me lips, and intended to be deposited in discouraging tone, and that he ap- by bim to the end. OS.Notlce—Tickets ure ten dollars only. pears hopes of tell you something, put down this pro- the bank to-day ,was discovered to-night Halves, S5-. Firths. #2; Tenths, SI. to have abandoned all Robertson wouldn’t he surprised if LIST OF PHIZES: & First Class Work Only, the main proposition submitted to the phecy and remember it, ifConkling is in the hands of a professional faro the actual election was held before a 1 « Provisions Capital Prize of Groceries beaten, the republican loo.ouo siuo.omi conference. It must be an evident week. party will have player and the officers have informed 1 Grand Prize of 50,000 50.UU) Am 2 Satisfaction Always Guaranteed. event himself pos- won its last victory in the state or na- the proper owners of the check, that 1 Grand Prize of 2J.000 20,000 to that there is no The Express says should the dead 2 Large Prizes of lO.trJO JU.OuO GROUND sibility of getting an understanding on tion. He has won every republican the parties wrongfully holding it, left to- 4 Large Prizes of 5,000 20,01)0 FLOUR, GRAIN and FEED. lock continue next week the legislature 20 Prizes of 1,000 20,000 the of the radical victory iu this state for fifteen years. night for New York with the inten- 50 " 500 General Cabinet and Office Work a absurdity proposi- " 25,000 will adjourn. 100 300 30,000 Agent for E. 1. DUPONT'S Powder and Pose. He made the last two presidents single- tion of negotiating it. “ tions put forward by himself and asso- The 20) 200 40,01*1 Specialty. governor says - ap29ti ciates. he won’t recon- handed and alone.” ou* 100 go,aw One after another the pleasant *• vene the legislature, but let the polls FORKIttX BRIEF<4. 10.000 10 100,000 indications indulged in of the co-opera- APPROXIM ATION IZEB. settle the dispute. Low Host at Fort Buford. Plt Fresh Ranch Butter, Eggs, Etc, Etc. tion of England and have 100 Approximation Prizes of S2OO ?Jo,oi>.) Germany, signed •• The Commercial says the half breeds Itappears from recent corresponeence Athens: A decree has been 100 •* 100 10,0.10 “ come to grief. The unpleasant proba- “ boastfully claim to be able to elect two at the department of interior, that last granting De Lesseps a concession to 104 75 7,500 (9* Special Attention to North Pc rk Outfits. bilityis that the enterprise in the J. W. HAMMOND, which senators this week, and that they will summer Low Dog, a Sioux Indian, cut a canal through the isthmus of 11,278 Prizes,amount inn to *522.500 American Gen. of government entered with arrange plans Corinth. Work probably G. T. Heauregard. la\. and Gen. Junal their before Thursday. meeting a mail carrier near Tongue will be com- A, Early, of Va., Commissioners. Wholesale and Ilctati such a light heart will prove not only for rat cm to clubs should AND They utterly reject the thought of re- river, Montana, murdered him and menced in ’B2, and be completed in fiye Application only TENTS WAGON COVERS. a fiasco but one not only free from the ho made to the office of the Company at New turning Conkllng, although some would robbed his person and mail. Low Dog years. Orleans. appearance of being ridiculous. sp«d A Full Assortment of have favored him if he would was subsequently found in possession of Paris: Write for circulars or orders to drop Slosson, the American billiard A. Dauphin,New Platt. Each hair M* Orleans, 1.0., I't.kllMS’.Weakness. breed bas liis indi- a package of letters and property of the player has challenged Yignaux to play or M. A. Dauphin at. CANNED GOODS WOODEN and WILLOW WANE. FLOWXt New York, May 31.— The vidual candidate, which is bad for carrier, and confessed the crime, but him again within 25 No. 211 Broadway, New York. POTS, HANGING BASKETS, WOOD, FENCE POSTS, HARDWARE, Iribune at the Grand days, HAY, ETC., ETC., ETC. luu the following editorial: Conkllng’s them. The desire to be on the winning eluded arrest and joined Sitting Bull hotel. The conditions are the same as strength, or rather bis feebleness, was side will make them many converts. across the liue. Last month be came before; except as to the referee. The E. E. BURLINGAME’S STOVES, unmasked yesterday. A dispatch from Conkling’s men say they will be able in with a small party of Sioux and sur- match is for 5,000 francs a side. A.say Ufflie and Chtmlral Laboratory. No, 2q6 Ferguson Street. Cheyenne. to hold together, military our special correspondent, sent early their forces and that rendered to the at Fort Buford. Tunis : M. Seguin, correspondent of Established in Colorado in 1866. in the evening predicted that the popular sentiment so skillfullyworked The civil authorities thereupon mani- Samples by mall or express willreceive nnm- the Paris Telegraphy was killed by Write TINWARE, ber of the up by Blaine will turn the day their fested a to bring him trial prompt and careful attention. for members of the two houses In purpose to Arabs on Saturday last at Beja, He terms. Address, mlOdtf favor. supporting him and Platt, would not ex- for murder, but the officer commanding was felled to the earth by stones and 4ix Larimer Stroet, Denver, Colo, IRON, ceed thirty-six. Eater a call for at Fort Buford protested, saying such eight places. & a A Uls.ntron. Hall Ntorm stabbed in The murder- Zehner, Bueehneu, caucus a proceeding would prevent the surren- Jackson ‘ was sprung byi Speaker Over Tex... ers have been arrested and will be tried Sharpe, to the general surprise of all der of Sitting Bull, which was certain TERRITORIAL GEOLOGIST Galveston, May 31.—A Nars Waco by court martial. and WHEELER MOWER,” not In the secret. The call was signed special says; A fearful hail storm otherwise to take place in a few days. by the assembly committee only, The departments of war, interior and MINING ENGINEER. MANUFACTURING and visited McLennan and the north JEWELERS. LION HAY KAKES had therefore no claim to oonsider. part of Bell counties Saturday night. A justice, accordingly united in ordering Cor. 16th and Ferguson Sts., CHEYENNE, WYO. atlon in the senate, but the whole body number of farm houses were torn down. the marshal not to make the arrest. School of The of Mines AND Conkllngites attended, irrespective One lady was killed and two men badly post office department, whose em- UNION PACIFIC of was seem CHEYENNE. A Large fend Varied the branch to which they belonged. hurt near Crawford. Several housos ploye murdered, don’t to have Assortment of A count revealed the fact that there were unroofed. been invited to participate. At all RAILROAD. Booms over Holt’s Bookstore. BAIN were eight present twenty- Low Dog is comfortably AMERICAN AND WAGON. senators and A News special reports severe wind, events con- Analysis, SWISS WATCHES, eight suming good and Sitting Bull Assaying, Chemical Roman Gold Necklaces and Crosses, assemblymen, making thirty-six rain and hall storms In rations, a in various portions Also Complete Stock of all, and exactly verifying our cor- of the state, and in many Instances is still at large in Canada. Direct Connections Made Surveying Si Engineering. Band and Chain Bracelets, respondent’s estimate. Thus itappears totally destroying the fruit and Ladies’ and Gents’ Native Gold Chains, that seri- London: The Times says: “It is be- AT FINE CAMEO SETS, SLEEVE BUTTONS RINGS, out of 106 republicans in the legis- ously injuring the corn, cotton CHEYENNE Mines Sximined ui Reports Made. AND Miners’ and Mechanics’ Tools, and lieved the Irish executive has strongly An Elegant Display of lature tbs week’s personal canvass of wheat crops. With Ollni.r, HallNbnry A Patrick’. Chry- rune and Black U, Students taught In Assaying, Chemistry, the represented to the cabinet the necessity II 111. StaaoMne for «d- Mining, and two ex-senators, aided by the vlce- A News Dallas special says: A storm --wood, -’a.ter City anil ill point, In llio Mlncrology Metallurgy. DIAMOND LACE PINS, of adopting measures for the suppres- Rlnck Hills. presldent, the speaker of the bouse, swept over the city last night. Rain To encourage every one to learn the lan- Solitaire Rings and Ear Rings, Sterling Sliver Spoons, Korku, Ladle n. and a large force of able politicians, fell in torrents, all sion of the land league.” If the league AT OMATIA guage of the rockH, arrangements can he Pie Knives, Preserve Bpoons, Child's Cups, Rutter Knives, Cord Cases, eh Hushing the streams- for ol SIOOOrew/wd only securing is permitted to continue its work it made by mechanics payment Tuition For any of Bleeding, Itching. Plcer*»ed<> resulted in a pitiful min- The Trinity river is rising With Chicago FRENCH AND AMERICAN CLOCKS, cane rapidly, and will ths Chicago A Northwestern, Fees by work. Ifdesired. or Protruding PILES that DsUINU rt PILE ority of 30 men, who are willingto be bring the masses of the Irish peo- Kook Island and Pacific and 8L Joseph A Gold Head Canos, Field and Opera Glasses, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Silver Plated HEMKDYIhllHto cure. Pr«par»*d only by J itis oxiiected it will overflow its banks. Council Bluflfc Railroads aud MlsHourl line FRED J, STaNTON, E. M., genu ple into physical conflict with the Tea ets, Ice Pilchers, Castors, Fruit Rings, P. MI Ll.Kit. M.D., Plilla..Pa and none identified with the Conkllng move- Neies of Packets to and from ail the principal mch’JOdtf Principal. Ishes, Narklu Ac,, Ac. without his signature. by Addoms A Tavlor special savs: A hur- British crown. Eastern ulne Sold and Southern cities. Wo have a rich aud attractive stock of FINE goods at I.OW prices. Jt Glover. Kddy Greet. uisrldemlly