Great drinks deserve great looking packaging. Thomas Henry products deliver exactly that: excellent taste and distinguished design. What else would you expect from the perfect gentleman? Our elegant 200 ml glass bottles empha- sise our impeccable standards. BETTER BETTER DRINKS.DRINKS BETTER DRINKING. In 5 Schritten zumB perfekteneTTER Thomas-Henry-Genuss 1. Gute Drinks brauchen gutes Glas. Jede Art von Drink brauchtDRINKING ihr eigenes Glas. Bei Thomas Henry steht das High- ballglas an erster Stelle. Es ist nicht nur hoch und schmal, weil‘s toll aussieht. Sondern auch, damit die5 Kohlensäure Steps to thebis zum perfect Schluss drink schön prickelt. Polieren sorgt für den perfekten Look, und Gläser aus dem Eisfach halten Drinks noch länger kalt. 1. Good drinks need good glasses Every drink should have the right2. glass.Eis, HereEis, at Baby! Thomas Henry, we prefer the highball Eisglass. ist das Its Gold tall, dernarrow . proportionsUnd auch zu not Hause only besonders look stylish, wichtig. they alsoEis aus help der make Standard sure - form,that versteckt the carbon zwischen dioxide Tiefkühl-Schnittlauch keeps fizzing perfectly und – rightFischstäbchen, up to the veryschmeckt last drop. schnell Proseltsam. tip: polish Bitte the separat glass forlagern that und perfect eine Formfinish mitand großem store it Durchmesserin the freezer verwenden. to keep your drinks colder for longer. Solltest du viele Gäste begrüßen: Kaufe einfach Eiswürfel. 2. Ice, Ice, Baby! Ice is considered the gold of3. the Qualität, bar and it’s just bitte. as important at home. If you use standardDie Premium-Filler trays, hidden invon the Thomas freezer Henry between haben fish sich fingers in den and besten chives, Bars pretty der soonWelt tho- se ice cubes will begin to taste a bit funny. For best results, store the ice away from strongbewährt flavours und werden and use immer a tray im that Zusammenspiel makes big cubes. mit hochwertigen If you’re going Spirituosen to be entertaining gemixt. Das solltesta lot du ofzu guests, Hause genausobuy enough machen. ready-made Denn ein ice Drink cubes ist for immer everyone. nur so gut wie seine schlechteste Zutat. Bedeutet auch: Bitte frische Zitrusfrüchte, frische Kräuter 3. Quality matters. The Thomas Henry premiumund, wie mixers,schon gesagt, when combined gutes Eis withverwenden. the highest quality spirits, have proven themselves in the best bars around the world. At home it should be no different. Remember, 4.a drink Deko: is only Weniger as good as itsist worst mehr. ingredient. You should use Einonly Longdrink fresh braucht fruits, kein freshSchirmchen herbs and, und asauch already kein Ananasstück.mentioned above, Gerne good aber ice. einen „Stirrer“ aus Holz und je nach4. DrinkGarnish: eine less Zeste, is more.das ist ein Stück der Haut von der Zitrone,A good longLimette drink oder doesn’t Grapefruit. need a Dortcocktail sitzen umbrella die Aromen, or a slice die demof pineapple. Drink seine A woodenFinesse stirrerverleihen. is a great Und ideawer Strohhalmethough – and mag: depending je größer on sein the Durchmesser,drink you are destopreparing leckerer. – so is the peel from a lemon, lime or grapefruit. The zest of the peel will provide the distinct flavours you5. Balanceneed to elevate ist your eine drink Kunst. to the next level. Ein Drink schmeckt gut, wenn5. erGet balanciert the balance ist. Undright. umgekehrt. Mit dem „Jigger“, A drinkeinem tastes kleinen best Metallbecher, when properly kannst balanced du die and Spirituosenmenge the best way to genauachieve abmessen. this is with a jigger: a little metal cup to precisely measure the spirits. It’s especially important Bei Cocktailswhen mit mehrerenusing several hochprozentigen spirits with a Zutaten high alcohol ist das content. besonders wichtig. BITTER BY NATURE TONIC WATER FROM MEDICAL DRINK TO THE KING OF NATURE

Its particularly high quinine content combined with delicate floral and subtle citrus aromas are key to the unique taste experience of Thomas Henry Tonic Water. No matter which your favourite gin is: mixed with Thomas Henry, it tastes amazing each and every time.

Due to heat and humidity, mosquitoes were constant yet unwelcome companions in the tropical colonies. Quinine, extracted from the bark of the cinchona tree, mixed with water proved to be an effective – if bitter – form of antimalarial protection. That lead to an even greater discovery: combining this miraculous “tonic” with the botanical sweetness of gin. Thus the Gin & Tonic was born.

A perfectly mixed classic GIN & TONIC 40 ml gin Thomas Henry Tonic Water

★ GLASS: copa glass / GARNISH: lemon zest Sprinkle a shot of gin over four large ice cubes. Add lemon peel and as much Thomas Henry Tonic Water as you like. Close your eyes and enjoy! AROMATIC. DRY. SLIM TONIC PURE MIXOLOGY

Thomas Henry Slim Tonic offers everything a gin connoisseur expects of a slim and dry tonic. Yet, it is surprisingly aromatic. Joining our range of classic, fruity and floral tonics, it adds a full- flavoured yet low-calorie variety to the family. Mix it with a great gin to create a modern long drink.

We love Tonic Water. Arnd Henning Heißen and Phum Sila-Trakoon do, too, so we have teamed up with these two influential mixologists to create this fresh new tonic. Its genuine taste almost makes it a on its own. Thomas Henry Slim Tonic: full enjoyment, incredibly light.

A new long drink perfectly mixed BIANCO SLIM von Phum Sila-Trakoon, Panama Restaurant & Bar und Arnd Henning Heißen, The Curtain Club 40 ml white vermouth dash Angostura Bitters Thomas Henry Slim Tonic

★ GLASS: longdrink glass / GARNISH: orange zest Fill the glass with ice cubes, add vermouth and Angostura Bitters. Top up with Thomas Henry Slim Tonic and garnish with orange zest. Refine it with a dash of a great gin for even more indulgence. A FLOWERY ELDERFLOWER TONIC WORKING ELDERFLOWER WONDERS

Thomas Henry Elderflower Tonic perfectly combines the floral notes of elderflower and the gentle bitterness of tonic water. It adds a whole new level of suave sophistication to classic drinks mixed with gin or vodka and will invigorate your taste buds like never before.

As mixologists like to do from time to time, we wanted to give the traditional tonic water a new twist. For centuries, the eldeflower has been known for its medicinal properties and sweet aromatic flavour. We are very proud to have created Thomas Henry Elderflower Tonic.

A new long drink perfectly mixed THE HENRY by Jochen Hirschfeld winner of the Elderflower Tonic Competition 2012 50 ml Lillet Blanc 10 ml fresh lime juice Thomas Henry Elderflower Tonic ★ GLASS: glass / GARNISH: mint twig Pour all ingredients in a wine glass filled with large ice cubes and top up with Thomas Henry Elderflower Tonic. SPRINGTIME FOREVER CHERRY BLOSSOM TONIC OUR CHERRIES BLOSSOM THE WHOLE YEAR

A “hanami” in a glass. Hanami is the Japanese tradition of appreciating flowers and our Cherry Blossom Tonic is a one-of-a-kind testament to it. The first tonic water in the world combining the light astringency of tonic with the aromatic bouquet of cherry blossom. In Japan, cherry blossom season symbolises the unique spectacle of springtime: a moment when nature requickens with a display of pure unbridled beauty, however ephemeral it may be.

Cherry Blossom Tonic combines ancient traditions with the ’ love of experimenting. We created a direct response to the call for more variety, offering a tasteful alternative to those either side of the bar. We hope you find it as as mesmerising as the blaze of colour on display during cherry blossom season in Japan.

A new long drink perfectly mixed BLOOMY CUP 40 ml vermouth Thomas Henry Cherry Blossom Tonic ★ GLASS: wine glass / GARNISH: orange Fill the wine glass with ice. Pour in the vermouth and stir once with a . Top up with Thomas Henry Cherry Blossom Tonic. BURSTING WITH GINGER GINGER BEER STILL SPICY JUST NOT REALLY BEER

Strong and surprisingly spicy – this is Thomas Henry Ginger Beer. It’s the first ginger based drink modelled on the English “Ginger Beer” to be made and bottled in Germany. More ginger, tastier : classics like the Moscow Mule with vodka, or the Dark’n’Stormy with rum, taste even spicier with our ginger beer. A very special refreshment for all the senses.

All over the world people appreciate the unique taste of ginger beer. Originally, it was brewed like real beer, hence its name. To avoid misunderstandings in our home country, the land of the „Reinheitsgebot“, we’ve labelled our product “Spicy Ginger” in Germany.

A perfectly mixed classic MOSCOW MULE 40 ml vodka 20 ml fresh lime juice Thomas Henry Ginger Beer ★ GLASS: copper mug / GARNISH: slices of cucumber Fill a copper mug with ice cubes, add vodka, press half a lime over the cup and top up with Thomas Henry Ginger Beer. AS BITTER AS LEMON CAN BE BITTER LEMON BALANCE IS EVERYTHING

You’ll find our Bitter Lemon less sweet than others. With just the right amount of quinine, it perfectly balances bitterness, acidity and sweetness. Mildly spicy and all-natural citrus flavours burst out onto your taste buds. It’s a stylish choice and one for the purists. The perfect fit for vodka, gin and other clear spirits.

Just like tonic water, bitter lemon originated as a mix of water, lemon and quinine in colonial Africa during the 19th century as a protection against malaria. Not only did it prevent fever, it was surprisingly refreshing as well. Bitter, citrus and sweet: this is Thomas Henry Bitter Lemon.

A perfectly mixed classic VODKA LEMON 4 cl Vodka Thomas Henry Bitter Lemon ★ GLASS: highball glass / GARNISH: lime wedges Put four large ice cubes into a highball glass, add a shot of vodka, a lime wedge and top up with Thomas Henry Bitter Lemon. MORE GINGER, MORE ALE. GINGER ALE THE IRISH WHO ELSE?

Whether connoisseurs of classic long drinks, purists or experimenters, everyone will enjoy the all-natural ginger flavours and intense spice taste of Thomas Henry Ginger Ale. Whether it’s to provide sheer pleasure or a spicier drink, we make sure the flavour always comes first.

The Irish were first to flavour carbonated water with natural ginger. Later on, two distinct flavours emerged in North America: the spicy “golden style”, similar to ginger beer, was preferred in the United States; meanwhile, the Canadians enjoyed a much milder “pale style“. It is the “pale style” which has become known and loved worldwide as ginger ale today.

A perfectly mixed classic HORSE’S NECK 40 ml Bourbon Whiskey 2 dashes Angostura Bitters Thomas Henry Ginger Ale ★ GLASS: tumbler / GARNISH: lemon zest Fill the tumbler with ice, add the bourbon and Angostura Bitters then top up with Thomas Henry Ginger Ale. PURE TINGLE SODA WATER IN THE BEGINNING THERE WAS SODA WATER

This traditional product in the Thomas Henry family bears the hallmark of the inventor of soda water. On the inside: natural mineral water and finely dispersed carbon dioxide. On the outside: pure style. Our classic looks damn good. Fresh, clear and sexy. Soda water is a must for every home bar.

Thomas Henry Soda Water unpacks the full flavour of spirits in cocktails. It’s been like that since the very beginning: In 1773, Thomas Henry successfully enriched water with carbon dioxide for the first time in history. In doing so, he laid the foundation for the tingling taste experience carbonated beverages offer to this very day.

The perfect serve for a classic cocktail SKINNY BITCH 40 ml vodka Thomas Henry Soda Water ★ GLAS: highball glas GARNISH: lemon zest Pour the vodka and Thomas Henry Soda Water into the highball glass, stir gently and add ice cubes. MAGICALLY FRUITY MYSTIC MANGO ADDING MYSTIC TO THE MANGO

Stunning to look at and even better to taste. In Asia, the mango is considered the food of the gods. Thomas Henry Mystic Mango spices up the mango’s sweetness with the piquant taste of the mystic pitanga fruit. On its own, on the rocks with a slice of lime or in a long drink – it’s your summer break in a bottle.

Originally hailing from Myanmar, today the mango is cultivated anywhere in the world where there is enough year-round sunshine. Whether enjoyed as fruit or to produce special oils and remedies: the mango is a real super fruit. Adding the mystic pitanga fruit to the mix, creates a drink of pure indulgence and a perfect foundation for delicious cocktails.

A new long drink perfectly served MYSTIC & SPICE 40 ml Spiced Rum 20 ml fresh lime juice Thomas Henry Mystic Mango ★ GLASS: tumbler / GARNISH: mango or lime wedges Fill a tumbler with ice then add the freshly squeezed lime juice and spiced rum. Top up with Thomas Henry Mystic Mango. Give it a quick, careful stir then garnish. SWEET. SOUR. SUPERB. ULTIMATE GRAPEFRUIT THE CARIBBEAN IN A BOTTLE

Bartenders wanted it, we made it happen. Thomas Henry Ultimate Grapefruit is destined for great things. Sweet and sour are perfectly balanced to create a drink that is intense and unique. Pure, on ice or in a long drink – your Caribbean in a bottle .

Back in the late 18th century, the sweetness of the orange was crossbred with the tangy bitterness of the shaddock. A fantastic new fruit was born: the grapefruit. In the Caribbean, particularly on the island of Jamaica, grapefruit drinks are very popular. Their nuanced combination of bitter, sweet and sour delivers a refreshingly great taste.

A new long drink perfectly mixed HENRY‘S PALOMA 40 ml 100% Agave Tequila Blanco 20 ml fresh lime juice sea salt Thomas Henry Ultimate Grapefruit ★ GLASS: clay mug / GARNISH: slice of lime Fill the mug with ice, then add the tequila and lime juice. Top up with Thomas Henry Ultimate Grapefruit and garnish with a slice of lime. Add a little sea salt to bring out the flavours. NEVER FORGET TO ENJOY


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Bessemerstraße 22, 12103 Berlin +49 (0)30 757 657 950 [email protected] thomas-henry.com /thomashenry #thomashenry