Kerry County Council Waste Water Discharge Licence Application For
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Kerry County Council Waste Water Discharge Licence Application for Kilfenora Agglomeration Appendices For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. Kerry County Council – Kilfenora Agglomeration Page 124 of 124 EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:15:03 County Kerry Wastewater and Sludge Strategy Technical Assessment – Phase 1 15. KILFENORA 15.1 INTRODUCTION Kilfenora is a dispersed rural settlement located 2km west of Fenit and 6km west of Tralee on the R558. It is primarily a residential settlement. Figure 15.1: Location Map For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. 15.2 EXISTING SYSTEM The existing sewerage network consists of 970 metres of 150-225 mm diameter sewer that gravitates to a septic tank on the south west of the village. The system acts as a combined system with no separate provision for storm water runoff. The existing network layout is indicated on Figure 15.2. RPS/MCW0435RP0042A01 126 Rev. A01 EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:15:03 County Kerry Wastewater and Sludge Strategy Technical Assessment – Phase 1 Figure 15.2: Existing Network ~ J \ lc IIAlll"MAKEGOGE I r;: \ .-'\" < D\.. Foul Collection syste~ 15.2.1 Existing Wastewater Treatment Plant The network discharges to a primary settlement tank on the outskirts of the village, which discharges to Tralee Bay through an 92m long, 150mm diameter outfall. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. 15.3 FUTURE POPULATION & DRAINAGE AREAS 15.3.1 Population Projections Kilfenora is not a recognised settlement in the Hub Settlements Local Area Plan. Consequently it is assumed that planning applications in the area will be assessed in accordance with the rural development policies in the County Development Plan. From Geodirectory it is estimated that there are 26 properties currently served by the scheme, and it is assumed that these are permanent residences. At an assumed occupancy rate of 2.75, the population served is 72 people. Appendix 1 – Population Forecast allows for 0.38% p.a. growth rate in rural areas within the Metropolitan area, which applied to the current population results in a future (2028) population served by the scheme of 78 people. RPS/MCW0435RP0042A01 127 Rev. A01 EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:15:03 County Kerry Wastewater and Sludge Strategy Technical Assessment – Phase 1 Applying an allowance of 20% of the domestic population as the non-domestic load contribution results in a future (2028) design population equivalent for the scheme of (78 x 1.2=) 94pe, say 100pe. 15.4 PROPOSED NETWORK 15.4.1 Foul Sewer Network Much of the existing network is 150mm in diameter, which in general is deemed inadequate for a public system. However as Kilfenora is likely to maintain its rural nature, the existing system can be retained. A CCTV survey may be required to assess the condition of the existing network and identify any remedial works that may be required. 15.4.2 Storm Sewer Network Given the rural character of the area, there is no requirement for a storm water collection system. 15.5 PROPOSED TREATMENT WORKS 15.6 INTRODUCTION The proposed wastewater treatment plant is intended to cater for a design population equivalent of 100pe. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. 15.6.1 Wastewater Treatment Load The design criteria for the proposed treatment plant in Kilfenora are set out in Table 1 below. Table 15.1: Design Criteria for Proposed Treatment Plant Parameter Unit Design Criteria Population Equivalent nr 100 Per capita flow l/c/d 180 Dry Weather Flow m³/d 18 Flow to Full Treatment 3DWF m³/d 54 BOD Load per Capita kg/c/d 0.06 BOD Load per Day kg/d 6 RPS/MCW0435RP0042A01 128 Rev. A01 EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:15:03 County Kerry Wastewater and Sludge Strategy Technical Assessment – Phase 1 15.6.2 Details of Proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant The existing septic tank does not have capacity to cater for additional development. Consequently it is proposed to provide a new WwTP, discharging to Tralee Bay, incorporating a treatment process that will produce an effluent quality to comply with current statutory regulations. The following legislation was considered in establishing the proposed discharge standards from the WwTP:- • Tralee Bay is not a designated “sensitive area” under the Third Schedule to the Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations 2001. The Regulations specify that discharges from agglomerations with a population equivalent of less than 10,000 to coastal waters not designated as sensitive shall be subject to “appropriate treatment“. This is defined as “ treatment of urban waste by any process and or disposal system, which after discharge allows the receiving water to meet the relevant quality objectives and the relevant provisions of the directive and of other community directives” • The Quality of Bathing Waters Regulations 1992 (SI No. 155 of 1992) and subsequent amendments – (SI No. 145 of 1994, SI No. 230 of 1996, SI No. 177 of 1988 and SI No. 22 of 2001) do not apply to the proposed discharge. • The EC (Quality of Shellfish Waters) Regulations 2006 (S.I. No. 268 of 2006) do not apply to the proposed discharge Hence it is proposed to provide secondary treatment to cater for existing and future wastewater discharges from Kilfenora, with the required standards for treated effluent being the 25/35 standards as prescribed in Part 2 of the Second Schedule to the Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations. The European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 (S.I. No. 722 of 2003), giving effect to the EU Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, require public authorities to establish an integrated monitoring and management system for all waters, to develop a dynamic programme of management measures and to produce a River Basin Management Plan. This requirement is being implemented For inspection purposes through only. the establishment of river basin management projects for RiverConsent Basin of copyrightDistricts, owner of required which for thereany other are use. eight in Ireland. Tralee Bay is included within the Shannon International River Basin District (SHIRBD). It is intended that a Draft River Basin Management Plan be released for public consultation in 2008, but to date this has not been published. When agreed, the Plan and its associated Programme of Measures may have an impact on the eventual discharge standards specified for the proposed treatment plant in Kilfenora. There are a number of treatment processes capable of meeting the final effluent quality proposed for the new treatment plant in Kilfenora. These systems would include conventional activated sludge plants, Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR), Rotating Biological Contactors (RBC), trickling filters, or constructed wetlands. Each system has advantages and disadvantages in terms of capital and maintenance costs, and land take requirements. The treatment process that will ultimately be used in Kilfenora is dependent on the outcome of the strategy and the review of the available procurement options. However for the purpose of this assessment we will assume the use of a conventional activated sludge process designed to cater for a population equivalent of 100. RPS/MCW0435RP0042A01 129 Rev. A01 EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:15:03 County Kerry Wastewater and Sludge Strategy Technical Assessment – Phase 1 15.6.3 Sludge The sludge production from the proposed 100pe activated sludge plant is estimated as 1.1 m3/day based on a 95% BOD removal efficiency and assuming 1 Kg of dry solids /kg BOD removed and 0.5% dry solids in the wasted sludge. 15.6.4 Special Area Of Conservation & Proposed National Heritage Area As can be seen from Figure 15.3, the proposed discharge point is within a designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and proposed National Heritage Area (pNHA). The SAC/pNHA site is named as Tralee Bay and Magharees Peninsula, West to Cloghane (Site Code 002070). Figure 15.3: Special Areas for Conservation & proposed National Heritage Area near Kilfenora For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. 15.7 COSTS With reference to the preceding sections the costs of the recommended works is summarised in Table 15.2 as follows:- RPS/MCW0435RP0042A01 130 Rev. A01 EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:15:03 County Kerry Wastewater and Sludge Strategy Technical Assessment – Phase 1 Table 15.2: Summary of Estimated Costs Estimated Description Costs (€) Wastewater Treatment Plant (100 PE) 85,000.00 Sub-Total 85,000.00 Preliminaries (15%) 12,750.00 Sub-Total 97,750.00 VAT @ 13.5% 13,196.25 Estimated Total Contract Cost 110,946.25 Non Contract Costs 16,641.94 Estimated All In Capital Costs 127,588.19 The estimated all-in capital cost for the proposed scheme is € 127,588.This equates to a unit cost of € 127,588/26 =€4,907 per existing connection and € 127,588/33 =€3,866 per projected 2028 house connection. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. RPS/MCW0435RP0042A01 131 Rev. A01 EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:15:03 List of Drawing Numbers EPA No Description Ref B.1-D01 Kilfenora Agglomeration (Discovery) Section B1 B.1-D02 Kilfenora Agglomeration (Vector) Section B1 B.1-D03 Waste Water Works Section B1 B.2-D04 Location of Waste Water Treatment Plant Section B2 B.2-D05 Layout of Waste Water Treatment Plant Section B2 B.3-D06 Location of Primary Discharge Section B3 C.1-D07 Layout of Waste Water Treatment Plant Section C1 C.1-D08 Flow Diagram of Waste Water Treatment Plant Section C1 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use.