C 268/160 EN Official Journal of the European Union 22.7.2016

List of N.SIS II Offices and the national Sirene Bureaux (2016/C 268/02)

In accordance with common Articles 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1987/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on the establishment, operation and use of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (1) (SIS II Regulation) and of Council Decision 2007/533/JHA of 12 June 2007 on the establishment, operation and use of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (2) (SIS II Decision) each Member State shall designate an authority which shall have the central responsibility for its N.SIS II (the N.SIS II Office) and another authority which shall ensure the exchange of supplementary information. The Member States shall inform the Management Authority of their N. SIS II office and their Sirene Bureau which will publish the list in the Official Journal of the European Union.

The present consolidated list is based on information communicated by Member States by 27 April 2016.


SIS II Bureau NS-SIS II fédérale — Direction de l’information et des moyens ICT (DRI) NS-SIS Bureau Federale Politie — Directie van de informatie en de ICT middelen (DRI) NS-SIS II Office — Information and ICT directorate (DRI) Rue Royale, 202A — Koningstraat, 202A 1000 Bruxelles/Brussels Email: cgot/[email protected]

SIRENE Commission Sirene Police fédérale — Direction de la coopération policière internationale (CGI) Sirene Commissie Federale Politie — Directie van de internationale politiesamenwerking Sirene Bureau Federal Police — International police cooperation directorate (CGI) Avenue de la Couronne, 145A — Kroonlaan, 145A 1050 Bruxelles/Brussel


SIS II Министерство на вътрешните работи Ministry of Interior 29 Shesti Septemvri Str. 1000 Sofia

SIRENE Министерство на вътрешните работи International Operational Cooperation Directorate — Ministry of Interior 114b Maria Luiza Blvd. 1233 Sofia


SIS II Policejní prezidium, Odbor informatiky a provozu informačních technologií Police Presidium, Department of Informatics and IT operation Strojnická 27 170 89 Prague 7 P.O. Box 62/OIPIT

(1) OJ L 381, 28.12.2006, p. 4. (2) OJ L 205, 7.8.2007, p. 63. 22.7.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 268/161

SIRENE Policejní prezidium, Odbor mezinárodní policejní spolupráce Police Presidium, Department of International Police Cooperation Strojnická 27 170 89 Prague 7 P.O. Box 62/MPS


SIS II Koncern IT The Danish , IT Department Landlystvej 34, 2650 Hvidovre Tel. + 45 33148888 Email: [email protected] Web: www.politi.dk

SIRENE Rigspolitiet, Politiområdet NEC, Vagt- og Kommunikationscenteret ATT: Sirene-kontoret The Danish National Police, National Centre of Investigation, the Communication Centre, att. Sirene Bureau Ejby Industrivej 125-135 DK — 2600 Glostrup Postal address: Polititorvet 14, DK — 1780 Copenhagen V Tel. + 45 45154201 Email: [email protected] Web: www.politi.dk


SIS II Bundeskriminalamt Federal Criminal Police Office 65173 Wiesbaden

SIRENE Bundeskriminalamt Federal Criminal Police Office Sirene Deutschland 65173 Wiesbaden


SIS II Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet Teabehaldus- ja Menetlusosakond Police and Board Intelligence Management and Investigation Department Tööstuse 52 10416 Tallinn

SIRENE Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet Teabehaldus- ja Menetlusosakond Police and Border Guard Board Intelligence Management and Investigation Department Tööstuse 52 10416 Tallinn C 268/162 EN Official Journal of the European Union 22.7.2016


SIS II Υπουργείο Εσωτερικών και Διοικητικής Ανασυγκρότησης/Αρχηγείο Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας/Κλάδος Οικονομικοτεχνικής Υποστήριξης και Πληροφορικής/Διεύθυνση Πληροφορικής/Τμήμα Επιχειρησιακής Λειτουργίας/Γραφείο Τεχνικής Υποστήρ- ιξης N.SIS Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction/ Headquarters/Financial-Technical Support and IT Branch/ Information Technology Division/IT Operations Department/N. SIS office P. Kanellopoulou 4 10177 Athens

SIRENE Υπουργείο Εσωτερικών και Διοικητικής Ανασυγκρότησης/Αρχηγείο Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας/Κλάδος Ασφάλειας/Διεύθυνση Διεθνούς Αστυνομικής Συνεργασίας/Τμήμα Sirene Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, Hellenic Police Headquarters, Security Branch, International Police Cooperation Division/Sirene Bureau P. Kanellopoulou 4 10177 Athens


SIS II Subdireccion General de Sistemas de Informacion y Communications para la Seguridad General Subaddress Information Systems and Communications Security Calle Lopez Santos, 4, 28230 — Las Rozas de Madrid Madrid Tel. + 34 915372309 Fax + 34 915372355 Email: [email protected]

SIRENE Oficina Sirene España Sirene Spain Calle Julian Gonzalez Segador 28043 Madrid Tel. + 34 915823013 Fax + 34 915372324 Email: [email protected]


SIS II Ministère de l’Intérieur, Direction générale de la police nationale/Direction centrale de la police judiciaire/Division des relations internationales Ministry of the Interior, 101 rue des Trois Fontanot 92000 Nanterre [email protected] +33 140978158 22.7.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 268/163

SIRENE Ministère de l'Intérieur, Direction générale de la police nationale, Direction centrale de la police judiciaire, Division des relations internationales Ministry of the Interior 101 rue des Trois Fontanot 92000 Nanterre [email protected] +33 140978800


SIS II Ministero dell’Interno — Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza — Direzione Centrale della Polizia Criminale — Servizio per il Sistema Informativo Interforze — Divisione N.SIS Ministry of Interior — Department of Public Security — Central Directorate of Criminal Police — Multiforces Information System Service — N.SIS Division Via Torre di Mezzavia 9/121 00173 Roma RM Email: [email protected] Tel. + 39 0646540801/3/5 Fax + 39 0646540950

SIRENE Ministero dell’Interno — Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza — Direzione Centrale della Polizia Criminale — Servizio per la Cooperazione Internazionale di Polizia — Divisione Sirene Ministry of Interior — Public Security Department — Central Directorate of Criminal Police — International Police Cooperation Service — Sirene Division Via Torre di Mezzavia 9/121 00173 Roma RM Email: [email protected] Tel. + 39 064652616/2851 Fax + 39 0646542844


SIS II Latvijas Republikas Iekšlietu ministrijas Informācijas centra Integrētās sistēmas nodaļa Integrated System Division of Information Centre of Ministry of Interior of Republic of Latvia. Bruninieku iela 72b Riga, LV-1009 +371 67219111

SIRENE Valsts policijas Galvenās kriminālpolicijas pārvaldes Starptautiskās sadarbības biroja SIRENE Latvijas nacionālā nodaļa. SIRENE Latvia National Unit of International Cooperation Bureau of the Central Criminal Police Department of the of Latvia. Ciekurkalna 1.linija 1 K-4 Riga, LV-1026 Tel. + 371 67219053 C 268/164 EN Official Journal of the European Union 22.7.2016


SIS II Informatikos ir ryšių departamentas prie Lietuvos Respublikos vidaus reikalų ministerijos Information Technology and Communications Department under the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Lithuania Šventaragio g. 2 LT-01510 Vilnius Email: [email protected] Tel. + 370 52717177 Fax + 370 52718921

SIRENE Lietuvos kriminalinės policijos biuro Tarptautinių ryšių valdybos Sirene nacionalinis skyrius Sirene National Unit of International Liaison Office of Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau Liepyno 7 LT-08105 Vilnius Email: [email protected] Tel. + 370 52719900 Fax + 370 52719924


SIS II SIS II Cité policière Grand-Duc Henri Police Grand-Ducale Services relations internationales Complexe A Route de Trèves 2957 Luxembourg

SIRENE Sirene Cité policière Grand-Duc Henri Police Grand-Ducale Services relations internationales Complexe A Route de Trèves 2957 Luxembourg


SIS II Közigazgatási és Elektronikus Közszolgáltatások Központi Hivatala Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services 1094 Budapest Balázs Béla Str. 35 Tel. + 36 8861903 Fax + 36 8861905 Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.kekkh.gov.hu 22.7.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 268/165

SIRENE Nemzetközi Bűnügyi Együttműködési Központ, SIRENE Iroda International Cooperation Centre, SIRENE Bureau 1139 Budapest Teve Str. 4-6 Tel. + 36 14435088; + 36 14435087 Fax + 36 14435818 Email: [email protected]


SIS II Sezzjoni Nazzjonali Sistema ta’ Informazzjoni ta’ Schengen Kwartieri Ġenerali tal-Pulizija Schengen Unit — ICT Department — Police General Headquarters Pjazza San Kalcidonju Floriana FRN 1530

SIRENE Skwadra għar-Relazzjonijiet Internazzjonali Kwartieri Ġenerali tal-Pulizija International Relations Unit — Malta Police Force Police General Headquarters Pjazza San Kalcidonju Floriana FRN 1530


SIS II Politie, PDC, Dienst ICT PO Box 238 3970 AE Driebergen

SIRENE Politie Landelijke Eenheid, Dienst Landelijke Informatie Organisatie,Landelijk Internationaal Rechtshulp Centrum, Team Sirene NL Europaweg 45 2711 EM Zoetermeer PO-box 100 3970 AC Driebergen


SIS II Bundesministerium für Inneres KIT Applikationen und Services N.SIS II — Österreich Federal Ministry of Interior CIT Applications and Services N.SIS II-Austria Berggasse 43 1090 Vienna Tel. + 43 190600-0 Email: [email protected] C 268/166 EN Official Journal of the European Union 22.7.2016

SIRENE Bundesministerium für Inneres Bundeskriminalamt Internationale Polizeikooperation Sirene Österreich Federal Ministry of Interior Service Department for International Police Cooperation Sirene Austria Josef Holaubek Platz 1 1090 Vienna Tel. + 43 124836-985280 or 985281 Email: [email protected]


SIS II Biuro Łączności i Informatyki Komenda Główna Policji Bureau of Communication and Information Technology General Police Headquarters ul. Wiśniowa 58 02-520 Warszawa 24/7 Service Tel. + 48 226015251 Email: spoc.ksi@.gov.pl

SIRENE Biuro Międzynarodowej Współpracy Policji Komenda Główna Policji International Police Cooperation Bureau General Police Headquarters ul. Puławska 148/150 02-624 Warszawa International Search Department: Tel. + 48 226015460 Fax + 48 226012877 Email: [email protected] 24/7 service Tel. + 48 226015445, + 48 226015446, + 48 226015447 Fax + 48 226015455, + 48 22 6015340


SIS II Sede N.SIS — Headquarters SEF Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras Avenida do Casal de Cabanas, Urbanização Cabanas Golf, no 1 2734-506 Barcarena Tel. + 351 214236200 Fax + 351 214236640 Email: [email protected]

SIRENE Gabinet Nacional Sirene Sirene National Bureau Sistema de Segurança Interna — Gabinete Coordenador de Segurança, Avenida Defensores de Chaves, no 6 — piso 0 1049-063 Lisboa Tel: + 351 219898800 Fax: + 351 214236628; + 351 219891191 Email: [email protected]/[email protected] 22.7.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 268/167


SIS II Centrul Naţional SIS — Ministerul Afacerilor Interne SIS National Centre — Ministry of Home Affairs Olteniţei nr. 217B, Sector 4, Bucharest 041309 Tel: (+40) 21.332.25.01 Fax: (+40) 21.332.25.07 E-mail: [email protected]

SIRENE Centrul de Cooperare Poliţienească Internaţională — Biroul Sirene — Ministerul Afacerilor Interne Center for International Police Cooperation — Sirene Office — Ministry of Home Affairs Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 1-5, sector 5, Bucharest 050711 Tel: (+40) 21.335.16.83 Fax: (+40) 21.335.16.92 E-mail: [email protected]


SIS II Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Generalna policijska uprava, Urad za informatiko in telekomunikacije Ministry of the Interior, General Police Directorate, Information and Telecommunication Office Štefanova ulica 2 SI-1501 Ljubljana

SIRENE Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Generalna policijska uprava, Uprava kriminalistične policije Ministry of the Interior, General Police Directorate, Criminal Police Directorate Štefanova ulica 2 SI-1501 Ljubljana


SIS II Oddelenie NSIS, OA SITB, Ministerstvo vnútra NSIS department Information management, telecommunication and security Application Support Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic Partizánska cesta 129 97486 Banska Bystrica

SIRENE Národná ústredňa Sirene, Úrad medzinárodnej policajnej spolupráce, Prezídium Policajného zboru National Bureau Sirene, International Police Cooperation Office, Presidium of the Police Force Pribinova 2 812 72 Bratislava C 268/168 EN Official Journal of the European Union 22.7.2016


SIS II Poliisihallitus National Police Board PO Box 302 FI-00101 Helsinki

SIRENE Keskusrikospoliisi National Bureau of Investigation PO Box 285 FI-01301 Vantaa Tel. + 358 295480141


SIS II Polismyndigheten (Sirene Sverige) (Sirene ) P.O. Box 12256 SE-

SIRENE Polismyndigheten (Sirene Sverige) Swedish Police Authority (Sirene Sweden) P.O. Box 12256 SE-Stockholm


N.SIS II office Home Office, Police Live Services, PNC Service Desk, Hendon Data Centre, Peel Centre, Aerodrome Road, London, NW9 5JE Telephone: +44 208 358 5000 Fax: +44 208 358 5050 Email: [email protected]

SIRENE SIRENE Bureau, PO Box 58345, London, NW1W 9JJ Telephone: +44 207 238 8115 Fax: +44 207 238 8112 Email: [email protected]


SIS II Ríkislögreglustjórinn The National Commissioner of the Skúlagata 21 IS-101 Reykjavík 22.7.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 268/169

SIRENE Ríkislögreglustjórinn The National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police Skúlagata 21 IS-101 Reykjavík


SIS II Politiets IKT-tjenester (N.SIS) — Norwegian Police ICT Services PO BOX 8031 Dep. 0030 Oslo

SIRENE NCIS Norway (Kripos) Kripos/NCIS (Sirene) — National Criminal Investigation Service PO BOX 8163 Dep. 0034 Oslo


SIS II Office fédéral de la police (fedpol) Section N-SIS et applications internationales (fedpol) N-SIS and International Applications Nussbaumstrasse 29 CH-3003 Berne Tel. + 41 584631123 Fax + 41 584625304 Email: [email protected]

SIRENE Office féderal de la police (fedpol) Sirene Suisse Federal Office of Police (fedpol) Sirene Switzerland Nussbaumstrasse 29 CH-3003 Berne Tel. + 41 584631123 Fax + 41 584625304 Email: [email protected]


SIS II Informatik/N.SIS II National Police IT unit/N.SIS II P.O. Box 684 Gewerbeweg 4 9490 Vaduz C 268/170 EN Official Journal of the European Union 22.7.2016

SIRENE Landespolizei Internationale Polizeikooperation/Sirene National Police International Police Cooperation/Sirene P.O. Box 684 Gewerbeweg 4 9490 Vaduz