Japan's Nuclear Human Resource Development(HRD) Program For
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FNCA WS of Project on HRD Hanoi, 15-18 Nov., 2011 Japan’s Nuclear Human Resource Development(HRD) Program For Supporting Asian Countries Nov. 15, 2011 YAMASHITA, Kiyonobu Project Leader of HRD/ FNCA Director of Nuclear Human Resource Dev elopment Center (NuHRDeC) Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) 1 World primary energy consumpt ion increase cont inuously wit hout2 end 1 3 The energy consumption increases in future due to 1, Increase in populat ion and 2, the level-up of the standard of living. However, energy resources are limited 1, Oil 2, Nat ural gas. Coal is to be avoided due to Greenhouse effect. Natural energy resources such as sun, wind etc. are unstable. Nuclear Energy is still indispensable energy resource that satisfies the energy consumption increase. Nuclear HRD is necessary to utilize the nuclear energy safely and effectively. 4 2 Japan’ Nuclear Human Resource Development network supporting Asian countries Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Ministry of Economy, Trade Ministry of Foreign Science and Technology(MEXT) Nuclear Safety, Researc h Reactor, Basic Research etc. and Industry(METI) Affairs (MOFA) Agency for Natural Resources and Energy Japan Atomic Energy Agency (NPP‐promoting ‐body) (JAEA) Japan Atomic Industrial Japan International Nuclear HRD network Secretariat Forum(JAIF) Cooperation Agency (JICA) Nuclear HRD Center (NuHRDeC) Japan International ‐Acceptance of Trainee ‐Instructor Training Program(Eligible Cooperation Center(JICC) country: 7 countries) ‐Acceptance of Trainee ‐Nuclear Safety Seminar ‐Dispatch of experts ‐Administration course (10 countries) Cabinet Office (CAO) Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) ‐Site loc ation of nuclear fac ilities course ‐Japan Atomic Energy (NPP‐Regulating‐body) (8 countries) Commission ‐Reac tor Plant Safety course (10 countries) Japan Nuclear Energy Safety ‐Nuclear Safety (implemented by The Wakasa wan Organization (JNES) Commission of Japan Energy Researc h Center) ‐Training for safety –related issues ‐Dispatch of Experts (Follow‐up training) Academia Industry Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Non‐ Proliferation and Nuclear Security University Network The Japan Atomic Power ‐Training in Japan (Safeguards, Nuclear Lectures for NPP‐introducing Company (JAPCO) Proliferation, Security) countries ‐Training in Electric Power company ‐Dispatch of Experts ( Secretariat) Tok y o Institute of International Nuclear Energy Nuclear Safety Research Technology ( Participating Unive rsity) Association (NSRA) Development of Japan(JINED) Ib ar aki Unive rsity, Osaka Unive rsity, Okayama Electric Power Companies ‐MEXT Nuclear Researc hers Exchange Unive rsity, Kanazawa Unive rsity, Kinki (Hokkaido, Tohok u, Tok y o, Chubu, ( : ) Unive rsity, Kyushu Unive rsity, Kyoto Unive rsity, Program Eligible country FNCA Hokuriku, Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku, ‐FNCA ‐ANTEP To kai Unive rsity, Nagoya Unive rsity, Hachinohe In stitu te of Fukui, Ho kkaid o Unive rsity, Kyushu) Fukui International Center of Human Resource Unive rsity of Yamanashi TOSHIBA, HITACHI, The University of Tok y o Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Development Center Global Professional Course ‐Acceptance of Trainee The Wakasa wan Energy Researc h Center(WERC) Nucle ar Saf e ty Se cu rity Exe r cise Ne twork Instructor Training Program(ITC) Purpose: ITP is a training course to level up teaching ability of instructors from Asian countries , who will be instructors of Follow-up Training Course (FTC) in own countries. Asian countries (NuHRDeC, JAEA) Vietnam ITC t raining course Bangladesh ① Go to Japan Kazakhstan Malaysia Philippines (Trainees) Indonesia Thailand ② Training for 6~9 weeks (Mongolia) ・Reactor Engineering ⅠⅡⅢ Set-up FTC ③ Go home ・Environmental monitoring ・Emergency preparedness (Main instructors) (inst ruct ors) Dispatch Japanese experts ⑤ Dispatch (For 2 weeks) ④ FTC training 3 Instructor Training Program Japan Atomic Energy Agency(JAEA) Instructor Training Program (ITP) (since 1998) - Training courses: Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring, Reactor Engineering, Emergency Preparedness, etc - Totally about 100 lecturer-candidates trained - Totally about 1700 participants in each country’s training course (FTC) Reactor Engineering Course in Vietnam Emergency Reactor Engineering Preparedness Course in JRR-1 Course in Thailand 7 International Training for Asian countries Nuclear Plant Safety Course - Training for nuclear power plant safety using PWR and BWR - Totally about 40 participants since 2007 Administration Course - Training for administrative officers such as energy planning, regulator - New course from 2010 Site location Course - Training for site planning-related personnel - Planning new course from 2011 Administration Course at JAEA 7 4 Accumulated Number of Trainees of NuHRDeC’s International Training Courses UNESCO Course at NuHRDeC in 1958 JAPAN h a s contributed to human resource development in Asian countries since 1958, using Japan’s knowledge and experiences in peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 9 Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security (JAEA) December 27, 2010 at Tokai-mura the Center contribute to strengthening nuclear non- proliferation and security in Asian nuclear emerging countries, using Japan’s knowledge and experiences in peaceful uses of ISCN is in Techno Community nuclear energy, Square Riccotti, JAEA, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan One of main activities is Capacity building assistance through human resources development including training and education 10 5 Nuclear Security Course Seminar on Nuclear Security in Vietnam on October 13, 2011 C o- organized by V ietnam A gency for Radiation and Nuclear S afety (V ARANS), To discuss the overview of the international nuclear security frameworks and domestic applications in Japan, (35 participants from Ministry of Science and Technology, Foreign Affairs, Industry and Trade, Public Security, Defense, Public Security, Justice, VAEI, JAEA) SG and SSAC Course Workshop on Additional Protocol Declaration at Vietnam To be held in 11-12 O ctober 2011, at V ietnam (VARANS) assisting promotion of A P ratification in V ietnam in collaboration with N uc lear Material Control Center(NMCC), Japan and IAEA, 20 participants joined the Workshop. International Nuclear Nonproliferation Framework Course Seminar in Kazakhstan International Nuclear Nonproliferation Framework Course Seminar in Mongol 6 Nuclear Security Course Regional Training Course on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Facilities 17-28 October 2011 from Bangladesh, Cambodia, C hina, I ndonesia, J ordan, RO K, L ao, M alaysia, M ongolia, M yanmar, P hilippine, T hai, U AE, V ietnam Japan contributes to strengthening nuclear non-proliferation and security in Asian countries, using Japan’s knowledge and experiences in peaceful uses of nuclear energy, MEXT Nuclear Researchers Exchange Program (Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA)) NSR A Purpose: The program enables Asian researchers to obtain the state-of-the-art technical knowledge and to perform high grade research activities in Japan, for contributing to build up and to strengthen nuclear base and nuclear safety in each Asian country. Inv itation program To invite Asian researchers to Japan for 3-12 months Research subject: 1) Radiation Saf ety and Radioactive Waste Nat ion al I n st it u t e of R ad iolog ical S cien ce 2) Radiation and Radioisotope Application 3) Research Reactor 4) Nuclear Administration 5) Others (Nuclear Power Reactor, Saf eguards, etc.) Research Organizations in Japan: 7 Research Institutes and 10 Universities Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan Atomic Energy Agency National Institute of Radiological Science (NIRS), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Toky o Uni., Toky o Institute of Technology, Kyoto Uni., etc Dispatch program To dispatch Japanese experts to Asian Countries on Request 14 7 MEXT Nuclear Researchers Exchange Program Total number of participants From FY1985 to FY2009 Invited Asian researchers : 1517 Dispatched Japanese experts : 628 Ot he rs (Re act or Rad iat ion Ma nage me nt Physics, Reactor 22 % Ma te ria ls, et c ) 18% Radioactive Was te Disp osal and Ma nag eme nt 9% Application of Radioisotopes Reactor Engineering 29 % 22% Research Field of the Invited Researchers High-level leading persons Results The invited researchers have contributed to build up and to strengthen nuclear base and nuclear safety in A sian countries. Many of them became high-level leading persons for nuclear energy development in their own countries.NSR A 15 Japanese University Network’s Programs for Global Nuclear Education Japanese University Network is established for Global and Comprehensive Development of Nuclear Human Resource in Cooperation with 14 Universities 14 Universities; Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ibaraki University, Osaka University, Okayama University, Kanazawa University, Kinki University, Kyushu University, Kyoto University, Tokai University, Nagoya University, Hachinohe Institute of Technology, University of Fukui, Hokkaido University, University of Yamanashi Supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology, Japan(MEXT) Lectures by Japanese Professors in Asian countries Japanese University Network supports Global Nuclear Education in Asian countries introducing Nuclear Technologies for PeacefulUse. 16 8 Japanese University Network’s Programs for Global Nuclear Education Japanese Professors give lectures in f ollowing countries ・ Vietnam (Secretary: Osaka University) ・ Malaysia