Southbourne Parish Council Agenda Item 11

10 November 2020

Chichester District Council

Infrastructure Business Plan

20 2 1 /202 6

September 20 20


Contents Page No.

Foreword 3 Purpose of the Infrastructure Business Plan 4 Infrastructure Projects 5 - 1 9 CIL Implementation Plan 20 - 2 5 CIL Cash flow and Spending Plan 2 6 - 3 2 Conclusions 3 3


A Full Infrastructure Project list City, Town & Parish Projects 3 5 - 6 8 Council Projects 6 8 - 83 West County Council Projects 83 - 9 8 Infrastructure Commissioners Projects 9 9 - 10 7 B CIL Applicable Housing Trajectories 10 8 - 1 12 C Infrastructure Prioritisation Process, Monitoring & Governance 1 1 3 - 1 1 9 D Funding Source Review 1 20 - 1 3 5 E Project Pro - forma 1 3 6 F IBP Glossary 1 3 7


Foreword This Infrastructure Business Plan (IBP) covers the Chichester Local Plan area, it excludes parts of the district that fall wi thin the South Downs National Park because the South Downs National Park Authority is responsible for this area.

Local communities are frequently concerned that the provision of infrastructure (by which we mean roads, flood defences, schools, doctors’ surgeries, children’s playgrounds etc.) does not keep pace with the rate of new house building. One purpose of the I BP is t o ensure that infrastructure is provided at the right time and in the right place so that this problem does not get worse in the future.

Infrastructure can be paid for in several different ways, for example:  Customer bills – to telephone and broadband com panies and water companies to supply fresh water and to take away and treat wastewater.  Government grants, to help provide school places (or other grant sources for example the Local Economic P artnership).  Planning obligations – S106 (infrastructure that p rovides site specific mitigation).  Community Infrastructure Levy (a levy on certain types of new development which creates net additional floorspace)  S ection 278 Agreement s completed between the developer and relevant highways authority ( as set out in the Chichester Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing SPD ), w here development requires work to be carried out on the existing adopted highway .

Sometimes different funding sources have to be combined to pay for new infrastructure. The IBP shows which fund ing sources will contribute to each infrastructure project. It also identifies funding shortfalls, and the appendix contains the method for pr ioritising the infrastructure which could be funded from CIL.

CIL eligible projects relate to the cumulative gro wth of the area. In the early years from the introduction of CIL there will be little money collected, so fewer, or less expensive projects will be funded from the CIL (this does not negate the importance of prioritising these). As the years progress, and development gets underway, the amount of money collected from CIL will steadily increase, which will enable more substantial infrastructure projects to be delivered.

The IBP can never be precise about the amount of money that will be available; it is just the best estimate at any given point in time. Because of this it is a ‘living’ document which will be kept under review, and updated and rolled forward each year to reflect how much money has been collected, and for future years how much CIL is predicted to be collected from future development.

Some of the CIL will be passed to the parish councils to be spent on infrastructure of their choice. Parishes which don’t hav e a Neighbourhood Plan will get 15% of the CIL collected from new development in the pari sh (capped at £100 per existing Council tax dwelling each year). This increases to 25% (uncapped) for those that have made Neighbourhood Plans.

I would like to thank the organisations who contributed to this document , and I hope that you will find it useful.

Councillor Susan Taylor, Cabinet Member for Planning 3

1 Purpose of the Infrastructure Business Plan


1.1 This Infrastructure Business Plan (IBP) sets out the current understanding of infrastructure required to support the deli very of the Chichester Local Plan to 2029, and sets out a method for prioritising the projects to be funded from Chichester’s Commu nity Infrastructure Levy (CIL), which was implemented on 1 February 2016.

1.2 The IBP has been prepared by officers from Chichester District Council and County Council with input from the Parish and Town Councils and Ward Members within the Local Plan area; nominated County Councillors; and relevant Infrastructure Delivery Commissioners.

1.3 The IBP prioritises infrastructure to be wholly or partly funded from CIL via a five year rolling programme for its delivery, and identifies other p ossible sources of funding. Funding from S106 sources and provided entirely from infrastructure delivery partners is considered within this I B P to be committed.

1.4 The IBP identifies the extent of the funding gap. CIL will help to bridge the gap, but won ’t completely fill it. There will therefore be a need for prioritisation along with exploration of external funding opportunities and innovative approaches to financing which will require strong partnership working arrangements with infrastructure provider s.

1.5 Prioritisation will be informed by the Local Plan housing trajectory (the phasing of development and its supporting infrastructure). This will ensure infrastructure delivery is aligned with growth. The governance arrangements which have been put in place to prioritise and ensure the timely delivery of projects are set out in Appendix C.

1.6 The IBP five year rolling programme is updated each year to reflect the most up to date housing trajectory and infrastruc ture requirements across the plan area. It is thus a ‘living’ document.


2 Infrastructure Projects

Introduction 2.1 Before prioritising infrastructure it is necessary to consider infrastructure needs across the plan area in their totalit y. Consequently, the IBP identifies all strategic infrastructure requirements necessary to support the anticipated growth in the Local Plan to 2029. The project list will evolve as further details are known, but will reflect the best information available at t he time.

2.2 An Infrastructure Deli very Plan (IDP), October 2014 identified the original infrastructure requirements associated with the planned growth across the Chichester Plan area to 2029. This IDP was submitted as supporting evidence to both the Local Plan and CIL Charging Schedule exa minations.

2.3 The IDP has subsequently been kept up to date through the IBP. The projects presented in this chapter were reviewed by th e IBP Officers Group between April and June 201 9 . The projects were reviewed in light of the following key factors and, therefore, the project list included within this IBP reflects current understanding and must not be taken to represent an exhaustive lis t of requirements through to 2029:  Infrastructure demand levels and adequacy of the infrastructure project list based on the latest understanding of housing and other development proposals ;  The timing of project delivery based on the latest housing trajectory ( December 201 9 ) ;  Best information currently available for existing or planned infrastructure capacity across the plan area .

2.4 It should be noted that costs identified for a project are indicative as, in many cases, full design and implementation c osts have not yet been determined. The indicative project cost is based on 201 9 figu res and will be reviewed where necessary as part of the annual update of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

2.5 A summary of all strategic infrastructure projects (excluding Parish Projects) from all funding sources, categorised by L ocal Plan spatial area, is provided in table 2. The S106 projects are linked to specific planning applications, whereas the CIL and other funding source projects relate to cumulative growth of the Local Plan area. The total list of projects including those put fo rward by the Cit y, Town and Parish Councils is provided in appendix A.


Potential Projects and Spending Profile for IBP from all funding sources

Key to colour coding Funding Sources Mainly CIL Other Mainly S106 CIL & S106 combined Mainly government grant with S278 and other Unknown at present

Table 2: List of strategic infrastructure projects from all funding sources (this excludes City Town and Parish projects, which are shown in Appendix A)

Short term projects ( to 202 6)

IBP Id Location Category CIL Planning app. Scheme Funding Sources Delivery Lead Cost Range Total Max Cost S106 £ Other IBP/856 District Wide Transport CIL Increase the number of electric vehicle Possible government CDC £60,000 £60,000.00 charging points in the District's car grants available parks. IBP/857 District Wide Transport CIL Introduction of vehicle Possible government CDC £60,000 £60,000.00 sensors/counters to assist with traffic grants. management in the car parks. IBP/842 District Wide Green CIL CDC strategic wildlife corridors CDC £575,000 £575,000.00 Infrastructure connecting Chichester and to the SDNPA IBP/288 District Wide Green Other Local Drainage - Local watercourse WSCC PC, CDC & WSCC £250k £250,000.00 Infrastructure network improvements identified on the West Sussex Local Flood Risk Managements Priority List. IBP/707 District Wide Public services CIL Mobile ANPR camera to be fitted into £14,000 £14,000.00 fleet vehicle

IBP/706 District Wide Public services CIL Fixed site ANPR (with no infrastructure Sussex Police £24,000 £24,000.00 in place)

IBP/705 District Wide Public services CIL 2 additional vehicles to increase Sussex Police £63,360 £63,360.00 Chichester fleet capacity

IBP/854 East West Transport Core area cycle improvement listed in WSCC £630,000 £630,000.00 Corridor LCWIP

IBP/853 East West Transport Core area cycle improvement listed in CDC £6,300,000 £6,300,000.00 Corridor LCWIP

IBP/855 East West Transport Core area walking improvement listed CDC £450,000 £450,000.00 Corridor in LCWIP


IBP Id Location Category CIL Planning app. Scheme Funding Sources Delivery Lead Cost Range Total Max Cost S106 £ Other IBP/360 East West Transport CIL Summersdale cycle route CIL WSCC £230,000 £230,000.00 Corridor

IBP/668 East West Transport CIL Green Links across the Manhood. WSCC £250,000 £250,000.00 Corridor (GLaM project). Public bridleway connection between bridleways 192_1 and 2792 across Vinnetrow Road. A user controlled crossing of Vinnetrow Road is possible but likely will be determined by Highways review of A27 a IBP/665 East West Transport CIL Phase1 of Chichester Road Space WSCC £500,000.00 £500,000.00 Corridor Audit

IBP/660 East West Transport CIL School access improvements - WSCC £50,000 £50,000.00 Corridor Bourne. Drop off/pick up arrangements at expanded schools . IBP/657 East West Transport CIL School access improvements - WSCC £50,000 £50,000.00 Corridor Chichester. Drop off/pick up arrangements at expanded schools . IBP/656 East West Transport CIL Sustainable Transport Corridor - City WSCC £500,000 £500,000.00 Corridor Centre to Portfield and improvements to sustainable transport facilities on Oving Road corridor. IBP/655 East West Transport CIL Phase 2 of Chichester Road Space WSCC £250,000 £250,000.00 Corridor Audit

IBP/792 East West Transport CIL Provision of bridleway linking WSCC £250,000 £250,000.00 Corridor Fordwater Road, Summersdale with Fordwater Road, Lavant. IBP/791 East West Transport CIL Provision of bridleway linking WSCC with support from £200,000 £200,000.00 Corridor Hambrook with Woodmancote using Highways England where existing overbridge of A27 project impacts A27 IBP/358 East West Transport CIL Gap - filling to complete the Chichester CIL WSCC £500,000 £500,000.00 Corridor Cycle Network: Whyke, Stockbridge, Summersdale, City Centre, south - west of the City Centre, east of the City Centre. IBP/355 East West Transport CIL RTPI screens at key locations WSCC £120,000 (12 £120,000.00 Corridor screens)

IBP/352 East West Transport CIL Northgate Gyratory CIL WSCC / CDC £986,000 - £1,600,000.00 Corridor improvement £1.6m

IBP/847 East West Transport CIL LCWIP route E Grant from DFT CDC, WSCC £960,000 £960,000.00 Corridor (Dept for Transport)

IBP/206 East West Transport CIL Provision of a bus/rail interchange and LEP, WSCC & CDC/WSCC £5,300,000 £5,300,000.00 Corridor proposed improvements to traffic and selected Developer pedestrian circulation (Cross reference IBP/351)


IBP Id Location Category CIL Planning app. Scheme Funding Sources Delivery Lead Cost Range Total Max Cost S106 £ Other IBP/671 East West Transport CIL Provision of cycle route between WSCC £150,000 £150,000.00 Corridor Summersdale and

IBP/845 East West Transport CIL LCWIP route A Grant DFT (Dept for CDC, WSCC £2,330,000 £2,330,000.00 Corridor Transport)

IBP/353 East West Transport CIL Road/ St Pancras/ CIL WSCC / CDC £3,500,000 £3,500,000.00 Corridor Spitalfield Lane/ St James Road double mini junction improvement. To include improvements to sustainable transport facilities along Westhampnett Road. IBP/846 East West Transport CIL LCWIP route B Grant funding from CDC, WSCC and University £1,400,000 £1,400,000.00 Corridor DFT (Dept for Transport) IBP/852 East West Transport CIL LCWIP route Q Grant funding from CDC, WSCC £290,000 £290,000.00 Corridor DFT

IBP/851 East West Transport CIL LCWIP route N Grant funding from CDC, WSCC £690,000 £690,000.00 Corridor the DFT

IBP/850 East West Transport CIL LCWIP route H Grant funding from CDC, WSCC £2,340,000 £2,340,000.00 Corridor DFT

IBP/849 East West Transport CIL LCWIP route G North Grant funding from CDC, WSCC £400,000 £400,000.00 Corridor DFT

IBP/848 East West Transport CIL LCWIP route F Grant funding DFT CDC, WSCC £520,000 £520,000.00 Corridor (Dept for Transport)

IBP/354 East West Transport CIL Bus lane along A259 approaching CIL WSCC / CDC/ bus operators £1.2m £1,200,000.00 Corridor Bognor Road

IBP/678 East West Transport CIL Improve the surface of the Chichester WSCC £170,000 £170,000.00 Corridor Canal towpath for walkers and cyclists

IBP/351 East West Transport CIL Chichester bus / rail interchange CIL WSCC / CDC/ Stagecoach / TBC £0.00 Corridor improvements (Cross reference Network Rail IBP/206) IBP/789 East West Transport CIL Provision of bridleway linking WSCC/ £500,000 £500,000.00 Corridor Thornham Lane with Cot Lane Conservancy

IBP/676 East West Transport CIL Improve links between the £120,000 £120,000.00 Corridor communities of Hambrook and Woodmancote by upgrading FP251 to bridleway IBP/790 East West Transport CIL Provision of bridleway linking WSCC with support from £200,000 £200,000.00 Corridor Hermitage, Lumley and Old Farm Lane Highways England where (Westbourne), using existing project impacts A27 overbridge of A27


IBP Id Location Category CIL Planning app. Scheme Funding Sources Delivery Lead Cost Range Total Max Cost S106 £ Other IBP/808 East West Transport CIL Provision of bridleway connecting WSCC Corridor settlements along the former canal for cycle commuting and leisure. East from B2166 to connect with existing Bognor to Chichester cycle route. IBP/788 East West Transport CIL Provision of bridleway linking WSSC £300,000 £300,000.00 Corridor Woodhorn with FP200

IBP/840 East West Transport CIL Junction improvements to College WSCC £60,000 £60,000.00 Corridor Lane/Spitalfield Rd. Widen footways each side of junction and improve traffic island IBP/841 East West Transport CIL/S10 Chidham Sustainable Transport S106 WSCC £2,000,000 £2,000,000.00 Corridor 6 Improvements. A259 to provide shared pedestrian/cycle path. IBP/797 East West Transport Other Reconfiguration of the car park and University of University of Chichester £575,000 £575,000.00 Corridor road through the campus to Chichester & third accommodate the changes relating to party. the new eastern access road entrance. IBP/884 East West Transport Other Cycle, pedestrian route along A259 Highways England Highways England £5,000,000 £5,000,000 Corridor corridor linking Chichester and and other Emsworth IBP/367 East West Transport S106 St Paul’s cycle route S106 Developer £140,000 £140,000.00 Corridor

IBP/348 East West Transport S106 O/11/05283/O Shopwyke Road diversion S106 Developer Directly £0.00 Corridor UT providing

IBP/368 East West Transport S106 Parklands cycle route S106 Developer £440,000 £440,000.00 Corridor

IBP/342 East West Transport S106 CC/08/03533/ Toucan crossing on Oaklands Way S106 Developer Directly £0.00 Corridor OUT providing

IBP/365 East West Transport S106 Road link between A27 / A285 junction S106 Developer £0.00 Corridor and Road

IBP/341 East West Transport S106 CC/08/03533/ Graylingwell cycle route 2 along north S106 Developer Directly £0.00 Corridor OUT side of Westhampnett Road (opp St providing James’ Road to connect with existing footpath rear of Story Road) IBP/366 East West Transport S106 North / south link road and S106 Developer TBC £0.00 Corridor improvements to nearby roads connecting with southern access to West of Chichester SDL IBP/364 East West Transport S106 TG/07/04577/ Chichester to Barnham via Tangmere S106 Developer £900,000 £900,000.00 Corridor FUL; cycle route TG/11/04058/ FUL, TG/12/011739/ OUT, TG/14/00797/ FUL 9

IBP Id Location Category CIL Planning app. Scheme Funding Sources Delivery Lead Cost Range Total Max Cost S106 £ Other IBP/343 East West Transport S106 CC/08/03533/ Westhampnett Road / Portfield Way S106 Developer Directly £0.00 Corridor OUT (nr Sainsbury's) junction improvement providing

IBP/370 East West Transport S106 Sherborne Road / St Paul’s Road S106 Developer £540,000 £540,000.00 Corridor junction improvement

IBP/371 East West Transport S106 Cathedral Way / Via Ravenna junction S106 Developer 372,500 £372,500.00 Corridor improvement

IBP/539 East West Transport S106 O/11/05283/O Extension/diversion of number 55 bus S106 Developer £0.00 Corridor UT route

IBP/369 East West Transport S106 Sherborne Road traffic calming S106 Developer TBC £0.00 Corridor

IBP/347 East West Transport S278 O/11/05283/O Shared footway / cycleway along south S278 Developer Directly £0.00 Corridor UT side of A27 to new access to providing Shopwyke site IBP/339 East West Transport S278 14/04284/OUT A27 improvements to junctions. S278 and other Highways England. WSCC £59,940,000 £59,940,000.00 Corridor ; leading on Stockbridge link HN/15/03489/ road with Highways England FUL support IBP/345 East West Transport S278 O/11/05283/O Foot /cycle bridge across the A27 S278 Developer £0.00 Corridor UT south of Portfield Roundabout

IBP/330 East West Education CIL Expansion of existing primary Basic Needs Grant WSCC / academy provider £3 million for £3,000,000.00 Corridor school(s) across the Chichester will need to be half form entry locality by up to 1/2 Form Entry secured to reduce Subject to the funding required feasibility & from CIL. site assessment IBP/593 East West Education CIL For the west of Chichester SDL 40 WSCC £2,100,000 £2,100,000.00 Corridor new nursery places to be provided as part of new primary school. IBP/331 East West Education CIL SB/14/02800/ Expansion of existing primary schools Basic Needs Grant WSCC / academy provider £3 million for £3,000,000.00 Corridor OUT across the Bourne locality in excess of will need to be half form entry 1/2 Form Entry secured to reduce Subject to the funding required feasibility & from CIL. site assessment IBP/801 East West Education Other Develop the car park potentially to University of University of Chichester £0.00 Corridor provide a multi deck car park and a Chichester & third new academic building to party accommodate increased student numbers. IBP/378 East West Education Other Music Teaching Building University funded University ca £3.5m £3,500,000.00 Corridor

IBP/377 East West Education Other Academic Teaching Building University funded University ca £5.9m £5,900,000.00 Corridor


IBP Id Location Category CIL Planning app. Scheme Funding Sources Delivery Lead Cost Range Total Max Cost S106 £ Other IBP/328 East West Education S106 Considering the Neighbourhood Plan S106 &WSCC WSCC / academy provider £10,600,000 £10,600,000.00 Corridor vision for one school, Master Planning (including Basic of the site is including land for Need Grant) provision of a 3 form entry primary school. IBP/327 East West Education S106 School site and provision of a new S106 &WSCC WSCC / academy provider £10,60 0,000 £10,600,000.00 Corridor primary school for the West of (including Basic Chichester SDL; 1 Form Entry initially Need Grant) but the site should be expandable to 2Form Entry to accommodate the latter phases of development IBP/773 East West Health CIL Clinic and office facilities offering CIL and other Sussex Community £20,700,000 £20,700,000.00 Corridor range of health services for diverse Foundation Trust/CDC range of client groups. IBP/877 East West Health CIL Extension s to Chichester City GP GP Practices with support of £ 7 05,000 £ 7 05,000.00 Corridor Surgeries: Langley House & Parklands NHS Commissioner

IBP/726 East West Health CIL Improvements at Southbourne Surgery Southbourne GP surgery with £450,000 £450,000.00 Corridor (increase clinic rooms by extending) support of NHS commissioner.

IBP/775 East West Social CIL Southern Gateway public realm. LEP and selected CDC/WSCC £2,000,000 £2,000,000.00 Corridor Infrastructure developer

IBP/192 East West Social CIL SB/14/02800/ Southbourne – replacement of Age Contributions to be Age Concern Southbourne, £500k broad £500,000.00 Corridor Infrastructure OUT Concern Building (multi - use sought form a hopefully with the support of estimate community building) number of the PC and NP group. (assuming Southbourne tenure of land permissions secured without purchase) IBP/189 East West Social S106 O/11/05283/O Shopwhyke – Temporary community Provide by Developer, will require a Unknown £0.00 Corridor Infrastructure UT Facilities Developer under community lead either Oving S106 PC, or other nominated or new group IBP/190 East West Social S106 West of Chichester – Temporary Provided by Developer, will require a Unknown £0.00 Corridor Infrastructure community facilities Developer under community lead either S106 Chichester City Council, or other nominated or new group IBP/711 East West Green Parklands Chichester daylighting of WSCC £500,000 £500,000.00 Corridor Infrastructure culvert with landscaping.

IBP/396 East West Green CIL Harbour new inland defences. FCRM Environment Agency 460,000 £460,000.00 Corridor Infrastructure GiA/Contributions

IBP/307 East West Green CIL Establishment and maintenance of an Cost unknown, Sport Southbourne Parish Council £? From £0.00 Corridor Infrastructure accessible Green Ring around the England, Sustrans, Developer village of Southbourne, providing a WSCC, Parish contributions, variety of green infrastructure assets, Council Sport England, including informal open space, Sustrans, allotments, a playing field, a WSCC footpath/cycleway network, children’s play areas


IBP Id Location Category CIL Planning app. Scheme Funding Sources Delivery Lead Cost Range Total Max Cost S106 £ Other IBP/304 East West Green CIL Provision of Youth facilities WSCC and £? From £0.00 Corridor Infrastructure (Southbourne) (links with 305 & 306) developer WSCC, contributions Developer contributions IBP/303 East West Green CIL New Sports pitch (Bosham) Parish/WSCC £100k From £100,000.00 Corridor Infrastructure WSCC

IBP/302 East West Green CIL Resite football club (Bosham) Parish Council £500k £500,000.00 Corridor Infrastructure

IBP/291 East West Green CIL Local Drainage - The Avenue, None CDC, WSCC £10k £10,000.00 Corridor Infrastructure Hambrook Watercourse re - construction IBP/306 East West Green CIL Youth skate park (Southbourne) (links WSCC, Developer £80k - £120k £120,000.00 Corridor Infrastructure with 304 & 305) contributions and From WSCC, Parish Council Developer contributions, Parish Council IBP/844 East West Green CIL/S10 3G pitch Developer CDC, WSCC, TKAT £1,400,000 £1,400,000.00 Corridor Infrastructure 6 contributions £100,000. Football Foundation Grant £500,000 IBP/308 East West Green S106 Amenity tree planting Harbour SPA Parish Council £? From £0.00 Corridor Infrastructure Solent Disturbance & mitigation Developer Project contributions, WSCC, CDC IBP/391 East West Utility Services Other Water, drainage and power to support University, utility University Not known as £0.00 Corridor University developments companies and yet The cost private funding and allocation of costs to the University, private partners and utility companies is still to be determined IBP/794 East West Utility Services Other Low voltage cable installation from SSE SSE £41,000 £41,000.00 Corridor Main Road, Chidham to The Malthouse (Ref LVLR 619001) IBP/728 East West Utility Services Other West of Chichester to Tangmere waste Southern Water £0.00 Corridor water treatment works transfer pipeline. IBP/798 East West Utility Services Other Provide drainage to Waste University of University of Chichester £8,000,000 £8,000,000.00 Corridor Water Treatment works in association Chichester with upgrading of student accommodation at Hammonds. IBP/793 East West Utility Services Other Low voltage cable installation in SSE SSE £400,000 £400,000.00 Corridor Chichester City Centre (Ref LVLR 617001)


IBP Id Location Category CIL Planning app. Scheme Funding Sources Delivery Lead Cost Range Total Max Cost S106 £ Other IBP/379 East West Housing Other Student Residential - Redevelopment University/private University ca £15m £15,000,000.00 Corridor of Havenstoke (252 new units) and funded redevelopment of Hammond (77 new units) IBP/710 East West Public and CIL Reconfiguration/improvement of WSCC 5,000,000 £5,000,000.00 Corridor Community Westhampnett transfer Services station/household waste recycling site IBP/674 Manhood Transport CIL Provision of cycle and equestrian link WSCC £50,000 £50,000.00 Peninsula between Keynor Lane and Highleigh along public footpath 64 IBP/361 Manhood Transport CIL Chichester – cycle route CIL WSCC TBC £0.00 Peninsula

IBP/667 Manhood Transport CIL Green Links across the Manhood. WSCC £160,000 £160,000.00 Peninsula (GLaM project). North Selsey to Medmerry Trail - provision of public bridleway route from Paddock Lane, along Golf Links Lane to access that circles the new Environment Agency tidal bund and improve current footpath IBP/363 Manhood Transport CIL B2145 / B2166 junction improvement CIL WSCC / Developer £223,500 £223,500.00 Peninsula

IBP/673 Manhood Transport CIL Provision of public bridleway along WSCC £60,000 £60,000.00 Peninsula public footpaths 75 and 3662

IBP/787 Manhood Transport CIL Provision of bridleway linking Pagham, £100,000 secured WSCC £120,000 £120,000.00 Peninsula Nyetimber with from Arun DC

IBP/672 Manhood Transport CIL Provision of footpath linking East WSCC £10,000 £10,000.00 Peninsula Bracklesham Drive to beach (opposite FP4) IBP/659 Manhood Transport CIL School access improvements - WSCC £50,000 £50,000.00 Peninsula Manhood. Drop off/pick up arrangements at expanded schools. IBP/675 Manhood Transport CIL Provision of bridleway link between WSCC £400,000 £400,000.00 Peninsula South Mundham and , possibly along existing public footpaths IBP/349 Manhood Transport CIL/S10 A286 Birdham Road / B2201 (Selsey S106 WSCC / Developer £600,000 £600,000.00 Peninsula 6 Roundabout) junction improvement IBP/544 Manhood Transport S106 HN/15/03489/ Hunston Road cycle scheme - shared WSCC £0.00 Peninsula FUL use pedestrian/cycle path to link the proposed Highways England footbridge at Whyke roundabout with the south of the A27 IBP/666 Manhood Transport S106 Green links across the Manhood Capital Funding WSCC £300,000 £300,000.00 Peninsula (GLaM project) Bracklesham to Medmerry trail - provision of public bridleway route between B2198 and


IBP Id Location Category CIL Planning app. Scheme Funding Sources Delivery Lead Cost Range Total Max Cost S106 £ Other access track that circles the new Environment Agency tidal bund.

IBP/332 Manhood Education CIL Expansion of existing primary schools Basic Needs Grant WSCC / academy provider £3 million for £3,000,000.00 Peninsula across the Manhood locality in excess will need to be half form entry of 1/2 Form Entry secured to reduce Subject to the funding required feasibility & from CIL. site assessment IBP/193 Manhood Social S106 D/07/04732/F Donnington Church Hall – extension Local fundraising Donnington PCC through £250 - 300k £300,000.00 Peninsula Infrastructure UL, and private Management Committee D/11/01198/F donations, S106, (although are identifying some UL; NHB or grants? capacity issues or lack of D/12/04410/F relevant experience to project UL manage) IBP/570 Manhood Green CIL Coast Protection - Selsey – Wittering FDGIA est. £750k CDC £1,000,000 £1,000,000.00 Peninsula Infrastructure Beach Management 2021 - 2026 CDC est. £250k

IBP/287 Manhood Green CIL Coast Protection - Selsey East Beach FDGIA, a CDC £5m £5,000,000.00 Peninsula Infrastructure – Raising of the Sea Wall contribution likely to be required (shortfall) IBP/197 Manhood Green Other FLOW Project (Fixing and Linking Our Heritage Lottery MWHG and FLOW Project 545,300 £545,300.00 Peninsula Infrastructure Wetlands) – improving and enhancing Funding secured. Board (including CDC) the wetlands habitat on the Manhood Peninsula IBP/290 Manhood Green Other Coast Protection - Selsey – Wittering FDGIA est. CDC £1,250,000 £1,250,000.00 Peninsula Infrastructure Beach Management 2016 - 2021 £1,250,000

IBP/586 Manhood Green Other New visitor centre at Pagham Harbour to be confirmed RSPB £0.00 Peninsula Infrastructure Local Nature Reserve

IBP/795 Manhood Utility Services Other Underground overhead line PS002594 SSE SSE £2,500,000 £2,500,000.00 Peninsula - Hunston to Birdham

IBP/796 Manhood Utility Services Other Underground overhead line PS001334 SSE SSE £1,500,000 £1,500,000.00 Peninsula - Hunston to Rose Green.

IBP/319 North of the Transport CIL Improve local footpaths, cycle tracks & £0.00 District equestrian ways ()

IBP/321 North of the Social CIL Village Social & Recreational Hub £0.00 District Infrastructure (Kirdford)

IBP/322 North of the Green CIL Improvements or rebuild of Sports CIL and other Sports Association/Parish £500,000 £500,000.00 District Infrastructure Association Pavilion to create Council community sports facility IBP/318 North of the Green CIL New footpaths & Community Amenity £0.00 District Infrastructure Space (Kirdford)


Medium to long term projects (202 7 - 2029) IBP Id Location Category CIL Planning app. Scheme Funding Sources Delivery Lead Cost Range Total Max Cost £ S106 Other IBP/629 East West Transport Construction of chord to enable Network Rail Corridor trains to run directly between Bognor Regis and Chichester, rather than via an interchange at Barnham. IBP/359 East West Transport CIL Portfield cycle route CIL WSCC £120,000 £120,000.00 Corridor

IBP/356 East West Transport CIL Variable Message Signing (VMS) CIL WSCC £8,000 £8,000.00 Corridor

IBP/670 East West Transport CIL Provision of cycle route between WSCC £65,000 £65,000.00 Corridor Whitehouse Farm development (west of Chichester) and Salthill Road IBP/669 East West Transport CIL Provision of public bridleway from WSCC £100,000 £100,000.00 Corridor B2145 along public footpath 190 to new A27 foot and cycle bridge IBP/658 East West Transport CIL City Centre cycle parking. WSCC £250,000 £250,000.00 Corridor

IBP/357 East West Transport CIL Southgate Gyratory junction CIL WSCC £200,000 £200,000.00 Corridor improvement

IBP/541 East West Transport S106 Direct and frequent bus services S106 Developer £0.00 Corridor between Tangmere and Chichester City. IBP/542 East West Transport S106 Regular bus services between west S106 Developer £0.00 Corridor of Chichester SDL and the City centre. IBP/543 East West Transport S106 Regular bus services between S106 Developer £0.00 Corridor Westhampnett SDL and the City centre. IBP/540 East West Transport S106 O/11/05283/O Oving cycle route S106 Developer £0.00 Corridor UT

IBP/346 East West Transport S278 O/11/05283/O Foot / cycle bridge across the A27 to S278 Developer Directly £0.00 Corridor UT Coach Road providing

IBP/725 East West Health CIL Improvements at Tangmere Surgery Coastal West Sussex £1,428,677 £1,428,677.00 Corridor Clinical Commissioning Group IBP/336 East West Social CIL Library provision as part of a CIL WSCC & developer £100,000 £100,000.00 Corridor Infrastruct community centre for the Tangmere ure SDL; to include shelving and a self - service terminal


IBP Id Location Category CIL Planning app. Scheme Funding Sources Delivery Lead Cost Range Total Max Cost £ S106 Other IBP/335 East West Social CIL Library provision as part of a CIL WSCC & developer £100,000 £100,000.00 Corridor Infrastruct community centre for the West of ure Chichester SDL; to include shelving and a self - service terminal IBP/362 Manhood Transport CIL Selsey – Witterings cycle route CIL WSCC £200,000 £200,000.00 Peninsula

IBP/333 North of Education CIL Further expansion of existing CIL & WSCC WSCC / academy £3 million for £3,000,000.00 the District primary schools within the (including Basic provider half form entry Billingshurst planning area that sit Need Grant) Subject to within Chichester district by up to feasibility & half form entry site assessment

P rojects where phasing is not yet known

IBP Id Location Category CIL Plan ning a pp Scheme Funding Sources Delivery Lead Cost Range Total Max Cost £ S106 Other IBP/372 District Transport Air Quality Action Plan measures – £0.00 Wide still investigating

IBP/211 East West Transport CIL Fishbourne - Traffic Calming Fishbourne Parish £0.00 Corridor Measures Council, CDC, WSCC

IBP/213 East West Transport CIL - Improvements to Parish £0.00 Corridor pedestrian safety and reducing Council, CDC, WSCC traffic speeds in Halnaker, particularly along the A286, whilst protecting the special character of the conservation area IBP/883 East West Transport Oving closure and Networ k Rail with £0.00 Corridor replace with footbridge. WSCC

IBP/210 East West Transport CIL Fishbourne - Improve pavements WSCC, Fisbourne £0.00 Corridor Parish Council

IBP/199 East West Transport CIL Boxgrove - Improvements to Boxgrove Parish £0.00 Corridor pedestrian safety and reducing Council, CDC & traffic speeds in Boxgrove, whilst WSCC protecting the special character of the conservation area IBP/538 East West Transport S278 O/11/05283/O Oving Road crossroads closure S278 Highways Highways England £0.00 Corridor UT England

IBP/383 East West Transport CIL Cycle route/Footway with lighting to University to fund University ca £0.1m £500,000.00 Corridor the centre of the Campus part with Local Authority CIL


IBP Id Location Category CIL Plan ning a pp Scheme Funding Sources Delivery Lead Cost Range Total Max Cost £ S106 Other IBP/384 East West Transport Other New Internal Campus Road and Link University to fund University ca £0.5m £500,000.00 Corridor to Eastern Access Road but there is a significant funding gap IBP/385 East West Transport S106 Eastern Access Road Assumed to be HCA and Linden LLP provided by £0.00 Corridor funded by HCA HCA/Linden and Linden LLP as LLP a part of planning consent and S106 IBP/880 East West Transport Copse level crossing closure and Networ k Rail with £0.00 Corridor replace with footbridge. WSCC

IBP/881 East West Transport Church level crossing closure and Networ k Rail with £0.00 Corridor replace with footbridge. WSCC

IBP/386 East West Transport CIL Cycle route/Footway with lighting University to fund University ca £0.1m £500,000.00 Corridor extension from the University central part with Local area to Graylingwell North Authority CIL IBP/879 East West Transport Pottery level crossing closure and Network Rail with £0.00 Corridor replace with footbridge. WSCC

IBP/882 East West Transport Penny Lane level crossing closure Networ k Rail with £0.00 Corridor and replace with footbridge. WSCC

IBP/387 East West Transport S106 Installation of speed humps and a No funding by WSCC ca £300k £300,000.00 Corridor pedestrian/zebra crossing College University defined Lane. Change - One Way access and Public Realm works to College Lane and Spitalfield Lane. IBP/388 East West Transport Other Multi level Car Park University to fund University tbc £0.00 Corridor

IBP/724 East West Transport Other A27/B2233 Nyton Road junction WSCC Corridor improvement (Costs £202,000 - £300,000) IBP/730 East West Education CIL For the Tangmere SDL 32 new WSCC £1,500,000 £1,500,000.00 Corridor nursery places to be provided as part of new primary school. IBP/382 East West Education Other Other Academic and Support No detail as yet University Not known at £0.00 Corridor facilities - Learning Resource present Extension, Sports Building, Gymnasium, Students Union building extension IBP/208 East West Social CIL Chichester - Re - introduction of £0.00 Corridor Infrastruct natural stone paving within the City ure centre, particularly for The Pallants, Westgate, Northgate, Southgate and Eastgate Square, as funds permit and also improvements to the public realm including street furniture, signage e


IBP Id Location Category CIL Plan ning a pp Scheme Funding Sources Delivery Lead Cost Range Total Max Cost £ S106 Other IBP/204 East West Social CIL St Martin's Street/ Crooked S CDC, WSCC £0.00 Corridor Infrastruct Twitten, Chichester This is a ure popular pedestrian route currently poorly maintained and detailed. Area should be redesigned to include the provision of new paving and new street furniture, as well as a new retail unit. IBP/295 East West Green CIL Development of Artificial Grass Pitch CPPHC Club CPPHC £1.3m £1,300,000.00 Corridor Infrastruct for hockey and associated Fundraising, ure pavilion/clubhouse England Hockey, Sport England, CIL IBP/297 East West Green CIL 3G football pitches at Chichester University of University of £500,000 - £1,000,000.00 Corridor Infrastruct City United FC (Chichester) Chichester, Sports Chichester and CDC £1,000,000 ure Club, National Governing Bodies, Sport England, National Lottery IBP/298 East West Green CIL Completion of 400m running track at University of University of £1.365m £1,365,000.00 Corridor Infrastruct University of Chichester. Chichester, Chichester/CR&AC ure CR&AC, CIL, NHB, Sport England IBP/299 East West Green CIL Permanent indoor tennis courts Lawn Tennis Chichester Racquet £0.00 Corridor Infrastruct (Chichester) Association, Club and Fitness Club ure funds, CDC grant IBP/300 East West Green CIL Improved sports pitches and pavilion S106, Football £200k? £200,000.00 Corridor Infrastruct at the Southern end of Oaklands Foundation, ECB ure Park. IBP/301 East West Green CIL Store and toilet facility at New Park S106, CDC £100k? £100,000.00 Corridor Infrastruct Road (Chichester) Capital ure IBP/294 East West Green CIL Development of a new cricket Sport England CDC £450,000 £450,000.00 Corridor Infrastruct pavilion for Chichester Priory Park Grants, Club ure Cricket Club fundraising and others IBP/212 East West Utility CIL Fishbourne - Relocating overhead Utility Companies £0.00 Corridor Services services underground

IBP/799 East West Housing Other Increase student accommodation in University of University of £0.00 Corridor Springfield area. Chichester & third Chichester party IBP/313 Manhood Social S106 SY/14/02186/ Extension to Selsey Centre £0.00 Peninsula Infrastruct OUTEIA; ure SY/15/00490/ FUL IBP/314 Manhood Social CIL Soft play area/indoor play area for £0.00 Peninsula Infrastruct children (Selsey) ure IBP/309 Manhood Social CIL Public space enhancements by East £0.00 Peninsula Infrastruct Beach green (in addition to skate ure 18

IBP Id Location Category CIL Plan ning a pp Scheme Funding Sources Delivery Lead Cost Range Total Max Cost £ S106 Other park, better play facilities, all weather sports courts) (Selsey)

IBP/114 Manhood Green CIL Football and Cricket clubhouse Sports Dream £400,000 £400,000.00 Peninsula Infrastruct match funding ure available IBP/113 Manhood Green CIL Development of better facilities at Selsey Town Council, £0.00 Peninsula Infrastruct East Beach (showers, changing, CDC ure restaurant/café, water sports) IBP/315 Manhood Green CIL Access improvements to and £0.00 Peninsula Infrastruct establishment of coastal path with ure way finding (Manhood Peninsular) IBP/325 Manhood Green CIL Watersports Centre at Bracklesham £0.00 Peninsula Infrastruct Bay ( and ure Bracklesham) IBP/326 Manhood Green CIL Outdoor Gym (East Wittering and £0.00 Peninsula Infrastruct Bracklesham) ure IBP/323 North of Green CIL Reserve football and cricket pitches CIL and other Sports £150,000 £150,000.00 the District Infrastruct Association/Parish ure Council


3 CIL Implementation Plan 3.1. Table 3 below sets out all of the strategic projects put forward, which could be funded in whole or in part by the CIL f or the short term. These have been prioritised using the methodology set out in Appendix C.

Table 3: List of the strategic infrastructure projects put forward for CIL funding in the short term (to 202 6 )

Prioritisation Location Project Type Project Name Project Status Est Cost Funding Requested Amount to be Sources CIL granted from CIL by year 2 Essential East West Local road network Westhampnett Road/ St Pancras/ Spitalfield Lane/ St James Committed £3,500,000 CIL £500,000.00 £500,000 in year IBP/353 Corridor Road double mini roundabouts junction improvement. To 2020 - 2021 include improvements to sustainable transport facilities along Westhampnett Road. CCTS – to reduc e traffic congestion & improve safety. 2 Essential East West Public transport Provision of a bus/rail interchange and proposed improvements Selected £5,300,000 LEP, WSCC & £3,000,000.00 £3,000,000 in IBP/206 Corridor to traffic and pedestrian circulation (Cross reference IBP/351) selected Developer 2021 - 2022 Improve the environment and enhance conservation area character – including settings of listed buildings. Improve access to City 2 Essential Manhood Local road network A286 Birdham Road / B2201 (Selsey Tram Roundabout) Selected £600,000 S106 £440,000.00 £440,000 in year IBP/349 Peninsula junction improvement Chichester City Transport Strategy – to 2020/2021 reduce traffic congestion and improve safety at key junctions 2 Essential East West Public transport Chichester bus / rail interchange improvements (Cross Project not yet TBC CIL £0.00 IBP/351 Corridor reference IBP/206) Chichester City Transport Strategy – to ready to be improve sustainable transport mode share . selected 2 Essential East West Local road network Northgate Gyratory junction improvement Chichester City Project not yet £986,000 - £1.6m CIL £1,600,000.00 IBP/352 Corridor Transport Strategy – to reduce traffic congestion and improve ready to be safety at key junctions . selected 2 Essential Manhood Cycle infrastructure Chichester – Selsey cycle route Chichester City Transport Project not yet TBC CIL £0.00 IBP/361 Peninsula Strategy – to reduce short car trips to and from the city centre . ready to be selected 2 Essential Manhood Local road network B2145 / B2166 junction improvement Chichester City Transport Project not yet £223,500 CIL £223,500.00 IBP/363 Peninsula Strategy – to reduce traffic congestion and improve safety at ready to be key junctions . selected 2 Essential East West Transport Phase 2 of Chichester Road Space Audit To better manage Selected £250,000 £250,000.00 £250,000 in year IBP/655 Corridor demand for parking and network management aspirations (ie 2021 - 2022 sustainable mode priority) for key routes in the area). 2 Essential East West Transport Sustainable Transport Corridor - City Centre to Portfield and Selected £500,000 £500,000.00 £25,000 in year IBP/656 Corridor improvements to sustainable transport facilities on Oving Road 2021 - 2022 and corridor. To increase sustainable transport mode share. £50,000 in year Considering improvements to road space allocation. 2022 - 2023 and £425,000 in year 2023 - 2024


Prioritisation Location Project Type Project Name Project Status Est Cost Funding Requested Amount to be Sources CIL granted from CIL by year 2 Essential East West Transport School access improvements - Chichester. Drop off/pick up Selected £50,000 £50,000.00 £50,000 in year IBP/657 Corridor arrangements at expanded schools . To increase sustainable 2021 - 2022 travel choice and modal shift for the journey to and from school. 2 Essential Manhood Transport School access improvements - Manhood. Drop off/pick up Committed £50,000 £50,000.00 £50,000 in year IBP/659 Peninsula arrangements at expanded schools. To increase sustainable 2021 - 2022 travel choice and modal shift for the journey to and from school. 2 Essential East West Transport School access improvements - Bourne. Drop off/pick up Selected £50,000 £50,000.00 £50,000 in year IBP/660 Corridor arrangements at expanded schools . To increase sustainable 2021 - 2022 travel choice and modal shift for the journey to and from school. 2 Essential East West Transport Phase1 of Chichester Road Space Audit To better manage Selected £500,000.00 £500,000.00 £500,000 in year IBP/665 Corridor demand for parking and network management aspirations (ie 2020 - 2021 sustainable mode priority) for key routes in the area). 2 Essential Manhood Primary, Secondary, Expansion of existing primary schools across the Manhood Committed £3 million for half form £3,000,000.00 £1,200,000 in IBP/332 Peninsula sixth form and special locality in excess of 1/2 Form Entry To meet statutory duty to entry Subject to feasibility year 2021 - 2022 educational needs ensure sufficient supply of school places for pupils arising from & site assessment Basic new development (mitigation) . Needs Grant will need to be secured to reduce the funding required from CIL. 2 Essential East West Primary, Secondary, Expansion of existing primary schools across the Bourne Selected £3 million for half form £3,000,000.00 £1,200,000 in IBP/331 Corridor sixth form and special locality in excess of 1/2 Form Entry To meet statutory duty to entry Subject to feasibility year 2021 - 2022 educational needs ensure sufficient supply of school places for pupils arising from & site assessment Basic new development (mitigation) . Needs Grant will need to be secured to reduce the funding required from CIL. 2 Essential East West Preschool and Primary For the west of Chichester SDL 40 new nursery places to be Selected £2,100,000 £2,100,000 in IBP/593 Corridor school provided as part of new primary school. Require new nursery 2025 - 2026 classroom as the number of nursery places is dependent upon national requirements introduced through the Child Care Bill. 2 Essential East West Primary, Secondary, Expansion of existing primary school(s) across the Chichester Selected £3 million for half form £3,000,000.00 £1,200,000 in IBP/330 Corridor sixth form and special locality by up to 1/2 Form Entry To meet statutory duty to entry Subject to feasibility year 2021 - 2022 educational needs ensure sufficient supply of school places for pupils arising from & site assessment Basic new development ( mitigation) . Needs Grant will need to be secured to reduce the funding required from CIL. 2 Essential East West Community healthcare, Clinic and office facilities offering range of health services for Project not yet £20,700,000 CIL and other IBP/773 Corridor primary care facilities diverse range of client groups. Opportunity to address ready to be & improvements operational and service issues to allow relocation of SCFT Adult selected Children and Wellbeing Services currently from 4 Chichester City site s. Plus 1,500 sqm of GP space . 2 Essential East West Community healthcare, Improvements at Southbourne Surgery (increase clinic rooms S elected £450,000 £450,000 £450,000 in IBP/726 Corridor primary care facilities by extending) To support where patients will/are likely to 2020 - 2021 & improvements register for GP services from new housing. 2 Essential East West Community healthcare, Extension s to Chichester City GP surgeries: Langley House & Selected £ 7 05,000 £ 7 05,000 in IBP/877 Corridor primary care facilities Parklands, which will enable local residents to register at current 2025 - 2026 & improvements GP premises which are currently at capacity. Part of reorganisation of estate in Chichester. 2 Essential East West Streetscene and built Southern Gateway public realm. Major regeneration project to Selected £2,000,000 LEP and £1,000,000.00 £1,000,000 in IBP/775 Corridor environment improve the look and feel of the area. Creation of a new City selected developer 2021 - 2022 square to help bolster the economy in that area and to improve accessibility with less traffic, less pollution and more p riority for walking and cycling. 2 Essential East West Playing fields, sports 3G pitch Grass pitch required as part of the developer's Selected £1,400,000 Developer £880,000.00 £880,000 in IBP/844 Corridor pitches, related build contributions for the Southern Gateway project. This would contributions £100,000. 2022 - 2023


Prioritisation Location Project Type Project Name Project Status Est Cost Funding Requested Amount to be Sources CIL granted from CIL by year and children's play enhance the pitch from a grass pitch to a 3G pitch to address Football Foundation Grant areas commu nity needs. £500,000 2 Essential East West Waste Reconfiguration/improvement of Westhampnett transfer Selected 5,000,000 £2,500,000.00 £250,000 in IBP/710 Corridor station/household waste recycling site Increase capacity to 2020 - 2021 and meet current and future demand for kerbside collections as a £2,250,000 result of planned housing delivery across the area. 2021 - 2022 3 Policy High East West Cycle infrastructure LCWIP route G North Cycle route improvement to Canal £400,000 Grant funding IBP/849 Corridor towpath between south east part of Donnington and Chichester from D FT Canal Basin including link to route H (IBP/850) . 3 Policy High Manhood Cycle and pedestrian Provision of bridleway linking Pagham, Nyetimber with South Project not yet £120,000 £100,000 £20,000.00 IBP/787 Peninsula infrastructure Mundham Links from S Mundham down to Pagham to provide a ready to be secured from Arun DC safe cycle link to and from Chichester. selected 3 Policy High East West Public transport Bus lane along A259 approaching Bognor Road Roundabout Project not yet £1.2m CIL £1,200,000.00 IBP/354 Corridor Chichester City Transport Strategy – to reduce short car trips to ready to be and from the city centre selected 3 Policy High District Wide Car parking Increase the number of electric vehicle charging points in the £60,000 Possible IBP/856 District's car parks. To support the increase in demand from government grants electric vehicles. available 3 Policy High East West Cycle infrastructure LCWIP route Q Cycle route improvements to route between the £290,000 Grant funding IBP/852 Corridor station and Westgate via Chichester College fields. from DFT 3 Policy High East West Cycle infrastructure LCWIP route H Cycle route linking canal towpath to central £2,340,000 Grant funding IBP/850 Corridor Donnington and further links northwards to access Chichester from DFT City via A27 bridge. 3 Policy High East West Cycle infrastructure LCWIP route F Cycle route from via bridle way £520,000 Grant funding IBP/848 Corridor to Chichester Free School and onwards to Whyke Estate in DFT (Dept for Transport) South Chichester and links to route E (IBP/847). 3 Policy High East West Cycle infrastructure LCWIP route E Cycle route providing link from south east (North £960,000 Grant from DFT IBP/847 Corridor Mundham) to employment area in south east (Quarry Lane) and (Dept for Transport) onwards to City Centre. 3 Policy High East West Cycle infrastructure LCWIP route B Cycle route via The Broadway, Summersdale £1,400,000 Grant funding IBP/846 Corridor Road and College Lane linking to Spitalfield Way - links to from DFT (Dept for residential areas in north east city centre via university to city. Transport) 3 Policy High East West Cycle infrastructure LCWIP route A Cycle route linking north Chichester via Lavant £2,330,000 Grant DFT IBP/845 Corridor Road to Northgate gyratory - links new and existing residential (Dept for Transport) areas to City Centre and Centurion Way providing route to Lavant/SDNPA 3 Policy High East West Cycle infrastructure LCWIP route N Cycle route linking Barnfield Drive retail park £690,000 Grant funding IBP/851 Corridor (and new residential areas north east of City) to New Park from the DFT Road, St Pancras in City Centre. 3 Policy High East West Pedestrian Chidham Sustainable Transport Improvements. A259 to provide Selected £2,000,000 S106 £500, 000.00 £500,000 in IBP/841 Corridor infrastructure shared pedestrian/cycle path. To alleviate congestion outside 2022 - 2023 Primary School due to recent housing developments. 3 Policy High East West Smarter Choices and RTPI screens at key locations Chichester City Transport Committed £120,000 (12 screens) £120,000.00 £60,000 2020/21 IBP/355 Corridor promote sustainable Strategy – to reduce short car trips to and from the city centre . and £60,000 modes of transport 2021/22 3 Policy High East West Cycle infrastructure Gap - filling to complete the Chichester Cycle Network: Whyke, Project not yet £500,000 CIL £500,000.00 IBP/358 Corridor Stockbridge, Summersdale, City Centre, south - west of the City ready to be Centre, east of the City Centre. Chichester City Transport selected Strategy – to reduce short car trips to and from the city centre . 3 Policy High East West Cycle infrastructure Summersdale cycle route Chichester City Transport Strategy – Consider £230,000 CIL £230,000.00 IBP/360 Corridor to reduce short car trips to and from the city centre . selecting if match funding is identified as this project supports 22

Prioritisation Location Project Type Project Name Project Status Est Cost Funding Requested Amount to be Sources CIL granted from CIL by year the growth of the area provided it is for genuine community use. 3 Policy High East West Cycle and pedestrian Provision of bridleway connecting settlements along the former £500,000.00 IBP/808 Corridor infrastructure canal for cycle commuting and leisure. East from B2166 to connect with existing Bognor to Chichester cycle route. Widen sustainable transport network for cyclists encouraging mod al shift to reduce congestion, air pollution and improve health/well being . 3 Policy High East West Pedestrian Junction improvements to College Lane/Spitalfield Rd. Widen Selected £60,000 £60,000.00 £60,000 in 2021 - IBP/840 Corridor infrastructure footways each side of junction and improve traffic island To 2022 make suitable for shared use. This would link to schemes to improve the northern side of Oaklands Way and Oaklands Way roundabout. 3 Policy High District Wide Car parking Introduction of vehicle sensors/counters to assist with traffic £60,000 Possible IBP/857 management in the car parks. To assist with enabling free flow government grants. of traffic in the District as vehicle use increases reducing congestion, providing real - time data of sp aces. 3 Policy High District Wide Biodiversity measures CDC strategic wildlife corridors connecting Chichester and Selected £575,000 £575,000.00 £ 43 ,500 2021/22; IBP/842 Pagham Harbour to the SDNPA NPPF Paragraph 174A Local £ 98 ,500 2022/23; Plan Policy 52 . £1 43,700 2023/24; £1 44,500 2024/25, and £1 45.300 2025/26 3 Policy High Manhood Flood and coastal Coast Protection - Selsey – Wittering Beach Management 2021 - Reserved for £1,000,000 FDGIA est. £1,000,000.00 IBP/570 Peninsula erosion risk 2026 Policy 10 of Draft Local Plan “Mitigating and adapting to next phasing £750k CDC est. £250k management climate change” . period 3 Policy High East West Flood and coastal Local Drainage - The Avenue, Hambrook Watercourse re - Project not yet £10k None £10,000.00 IBP/291 Corridor erosion risk construction West Sussex Local Flood Risk Management ready to be management Strategy 2015 . selected 3 Policy High East West Flood and coastal Bosham Harbour new inland defences. 73 households moved Proj ect not yet 460,000 FCRM £460,000.00 IBP/396 Corridor erosion risk out of any one of the four flood probability categories to a lower ready to be GiA/Contributions management one and moved out of the very significant or significant flood selected probability categories . 3 Policy High Manhood Flood and coastal Coast Protection - Selsey East Beach – Raising of the Sea Wall Consider £5m FDGIA, a contribution £5,000 ,000.00 IBP/287 Peninsula erosion risk Policy 10 of Draft Local Plan “Mitigating and adapting to climate selecting if likely to be required management change” . match funding is (shortfall) identified as this project supports the growth of the area provided it is for genuine community use. 3 Policy High East West Public open space Establishment and maintenance of an accessible Green Ring Project not yet £? From Developer £0.00 IBP/307 Corridor around the village of Southbourne, providing a variety of green ready to be contributions, Sport infrastructure assets, including informal open space, allotments, selected England, Sustrans, WSCC a playing field, a footpath/cycleway network, children’s play Cost unknown, Sport areas . England, Sustrans, WSCC, Parish Council


Prioritisation Location Project Type Project Name Project Status Est Cost Funding Requested Amount to be Sources CIL granted from CIL by year 3 Policy High District Wide Police and emergency 2 additional vehicles to increase Chichester fleet capacity New Project not yet £63,360 £63,360.00 IBP/705 services housing will place an increased demand upon the existing level ready to be of policing. In the absence of developer contributions towards selected additional infrastructure, Sussex Police would be unable to retain the high level of policing that is currently delivered . 3 Policy High District Wide Police and emergency Fixed site ANPR (with no infrastructure in place) New housing Project not yet £24,000 £24,000.00 IBP/706 services will place an increased demand upon the existing level of read y to be policing. In the absence of developer contributions towards selected additional infrastructure, Sussex Police would be unable to retain the high level of policing that is currently delivered . 3 Policy High District Wide Police and emergency Mobile ANPR camera to be fitted into fleet vehicle New housing Project not yet £14,000 £14,000.00 IBP/707 services will place an increased demand upon the existing level of ready to be policing. In the absence of developer contributions towards selected additional infrastructure, Sussex Police would be unable to retain the leve l of policing that is currently delivered . 4 Desirable East West Cycle infrastructure Provision of cycle route between Summersdale and East Lavant £150,000 £150,000.00 IBP/671 Corridor Provide a largely off - road cycle link between Chichester and entry to the South Downs National Park east of A286. 4 Desirable North of the Cycle and pedestrian Improve local footpaths, cycle tracks & equestrian ways Project not yet £0.00 IBP/319 District infrastructure (Kirdford) Parish - wide . ready to be selected 4 Desirable Manhood Cycle and pedestrian Provision of bridleway link between South Mundham and £400,000 £400,000.00 IBP/675 Peninsula infrastructure Birdham, possibly along existing public footpaths Whilst a number of routes for cyclists have been created/being created, these are north - south. There needs to be an east - west link. This could possibl y be achieved along FPs 44, 86, 85, 82 4 Desirable Manhood Cycle and pedestrian Provision of cycle and equestrian link between Keynor Lane and £50,000 £50,000.00 IBP/674 Peninsula infrastructure Highleigh along public footpath 64 An ambition of WSLAF. Will enhance the local off - road network for cyclists and equestrian to and from Medmerry, so adding value to those works, supporting th e local tourist economy and encouraging sustainable access . 4 Desirable East West Cycle and pedestrian Improve the surface of the Chichester Canal towpath for Project not yet £170,000 £170,000.00 IBP/678 Corridor infrastructure walkers and cyclists The canal towpath is a popular route for ready to be access to/from Chichester for walkers and cyclists. It is also selected designated part of NCN2. The pressure on the surface has increased greatly from extra use and needs improvement. 4 Desirable East West Cycle and pedestrian Green Links across the Manhood. (GLaM project). Public £250,000 £250,000.00 IBP/668 Corridor infrastructure bridleway connection between bridleways 1921 and 2792 across Vinnetrow Road. A user controlled crossing of Vinnetrow Road is possible but likely will be determined by Highways England review of A27. 4 Desirable Manhood Cycle and pedestrian Green Links across the Manhood. (GLaM project). North Selsey Project not yet £160,000 £160,000.00 IBP/667 Peninsula infrastructure to Medmerry Trail - provision of public bridleway route from ready to be Paddock Lane, along Golf Links Lane to access track that selected circles the new Environment Agency tidal bund and improve current footpath . 4 Desirable East West Cycle and pedestrian Provision of bridleway linking Woodhorn with FP200 Creation of Project not yet £300,000 £300,000.00 IBP/788 Corridor infrastructure off - road network for cyclists and horse riders connecting local ready to be settlements. selected 4 Desirable East West Cycle and pedestrian Provision of bridleway linking Thornham Lane with Cot Lane Project not yet £500,000 £500,000.00 * WSCC want IBP/789 Corridor infrastructure Creation of off road network for cyclists and horse riders ready to be this to be connecting local settlements, formalising a link people already selected selected use.


Prioritisation Location Project Type Project Name Project Status Est Cost Funding Requested Amount to be Sources CIL granted from CIL by year 4 Desirable East West Cycle and pedestrian Provision of bridleway linking Hermitage, Lumley and Old Farm £200,000 IBP/790 Corridor infrastructure Lane (Westbourne), using existing overbridge of A27 Creation of off - road route for cyclists and horse riders providing sustainable transport and connecting local settle ments. 4 Desirable Manhood Pedestrian Provision of footpath linking East Bracklesham Drive to beach Project not yet £10,000 £10,000.00 IBP/672 Peninsula infrastructure (opposite FP4) Secure a new public access to beach, which ready to be otherwise is only lawfully accessible from the car park at selected southern point of B2198. An ambition West Sussex Local Access Forum (WSLAF) . 4 Desirable Manhood Pedestrian Provision of public bridleway along public footpaths 75 and £60,000 £60,000.00 IBP/673 Peninsula infrastructure 3662 An ambition of GLAM and WSLAF. Will support cycle connectivity of seasonal visitors particularly to and from Medmerry, so supporting local economy . 4 Desirable East West Cycle and pedestrian Provision of bridleway linking Fordwater Road, Summersdale Project not yet £250,000 £250,000.00 IBP/792 Corridor infrastructure with Fordwater Road, Lavant. Creation of off - road route for ready to be cyclists providing sustainable transport and connecting local selected settlements. 4 Desirable East West Cycle and pedestrian Provision of bridleway linking Hambrook with Woodmancote Project not yet £200,000 IBP/791 Corridor infrastructure using existing overbridge of A27 Creation of off road route for ready to be cyclists and horse riders providing sustainable transport and selected connecting local settlements. 4 Desirable East West Cycle and pedestrian Improve links between the communities of Hambrook and Project not yet £120,000 £120,000.00 IBP/676 Corridor infrastructure Woodmancote by upgrading FP251 to bridleway Upgrading ready to be FP251 to bridleway would provide cyclists and equestrians a selected safer alternative to the local road network and safer access to and from the South Down s National Park. WSLAF ambition. . 4 Desirable North of the Community facilities Village Social & Recreational Hub (Kirdford) On land south east Project not yet £0.00 IBP/321 District of Townfield . ready to be selected 4 Desirable East West Community facilities Southbourne – replacement of Age Concern Building (multi - use Consider £500k broad estimate £237,645.15 IBP/192 Corridor community building) Existing building is beyond its useful life selecting if (assuming tenure of land and needs redevelopment to meet the needs of the growing match funding is secured without purchase) community (identified within NP) identified as this Contributions to be sought project supports form a number of the growth of the Southbourne permissions area provided it is for genuine community use. 4 Desirable North of the Playing fields, sports Improvements or rebuild of Sports Association Pavilion to create Project not yet £500,000 CIL and other £500,000.00 IBP/322 District pitches, related build community sports facility Community social and health ready to be and children's play improvements Current sports pavilion inadequate – needs selected areas updating . 4 Desirable East West Playing fields, sports Resite football club (Bosham) Shared use of recreation ground Project not yet £500k Parish Council £500,000.00 £0 IBP/302 Corridor pitches, related build public/school/FC unsatisfactory & prohibitive to ready to be and children's play promotion/advancement . selected areas 4 Desirable East West Playing fields, sports New Sports pitch (Bosham) Improve public spaces and allow Project not yet £100k From WSCC £100,000.00 IBP/303 Corridor pitches, related build football to meet safety standards . ready to be Parish/WSCC and children's play selected areas 4 Desirable East West Playing fields, sports Youth skate park (Southbourne) (links with 304 & 305) SPNP Project not yet £80k - £120k From WSCC, £120,000.00 IBP/306 Corridor pitches, related build Pre - Sub Plan Proposal 2 . ready to be Developer contributions, and children's play selected Parish Council WSCC, areas 25

Prioritisation Location Project Type Project Name Project Status Est Cost Funding Requested Amount to be Sources CIL granted from CIL by year Developer contributions and Parish Council 4 Desirable North of the Landscaping, planting New footpaths & Community Amenity Space (Kirdford) Project not yet £0.00 £0 IBP/318 District and woodland creation Development Site North of Village . ready to be and public rights of selected way 4 Desirable East West Playing fields, sports Provision of Youth facilities (Southbourne) (links with 305 & Project not yet £? From WSCC, £0.00 IBP/304 Corridor pitches, related build 306) CDC Open Space, Sport & Recreation Facilities Study ready to be Developer contributions and children's play 2013 - 2029. SPNP Pre - Sub Plan Proposal 2 . selected WSCC and developer areas contributions

4 CIL Cash flow and Spending Plan

Introduction 4.1 The IBP identifies the prioritised strategic infrastructure project requirements within the Chichester Local Plan area and the potential cost of delivering it, including exploration of potential funding streams that could fill the funding gaps. An esti mation of CIL receipts has been included based on the current housing site trajectory and the cu rrent CIL charging rates.

4.2 The identification of likely cash flow provides an opportunity to review the projects which require priority funding thro ugh the CIL income stream.

Estimated CIL Receipt Income 4.3 For the purposes of this IBP an estimation of CIL receipts between 20 19 and 2029 has been calculated. This information will be updated as further information becomes available. Until the CIL is actually demanded, it can only ever be a best estimate, an d it has been based on the following assumptions:  The trajectory of Decem ber 201 9 has been used.  An average residential unit has been applied at 10 0sqm internal floorspace  An affordable housing rate of 30% has been applied to all developments.  Calculations are based on a CIL rate of £120sqm for development in the south of the plan area and £200sqm in the north of the plan area. I ndex linking has been applied to account for inflation over time. It does not take into account the payment by instalment policy, so in practice there will be a time delay in the CIL money be ing collect ed, particularly for larger schemes. No account has been taken for CIL receipts that might be collected from windfall housing sites, student housing or retail developments, this is because these projects are speculative in nature and as such do not have a timeframe attached to them. Once such projects and their phasing are known they will be included in the CIL spending plan. It also does not take account of the 5% allowed to be used for administration of the CIL.


4.4 Table 7 in Appendix B shows the housing trajectory for planned housing sites for 6 or more houses on a geographical and parish basis, and identifies how much CIL is likely to be collected in each parish area. The table shows that the CIL is expected to raise appr oximately £26m over the lifetime of the plan.

4.5 Table 5 in Appendix B shows the estimated amount of CIL to be passed to the City, Town and Parish Councils. The City, Town and Parish Council should use this information to inform their CIL spending priori ties. It shows that the Parishes are projected to receive £4,905,620 of the £26,327,140 over the lifetime of the plan.

4.6 Table 7 in Appendix B shows the total potential CIL receipts by geographical sub area by phase, before administrative costs of up to 5% are deducted. This identifies that: £12,494,790 is available to contribute to the priorities identified during th e short term period (20 20 - 202 5 ) inclusive of parish proportion or £10,294,862 without parish proportion .

4.7 Table 10 below shows the total cost of short term projects by priority category, which were put forward for CIL funding. This identifies a funding gap which means that the projects need to be prioritised for CIL funding.

Table 10: Total cost of projects by prior ity category put forward for CIL funding (excluding un - phased projects) Short Term Medium Term Total of Short & Medium Term (20 20 - 202 6 ) (202 7 - 2029) projects (Local Plan period) Critical Project Costs £0 £0 £0 Essential Project Costs £23,348,500.00 £3,570,000.00 £26,918,500.00 Policy High Project Costs £10,276,360.00 £408,000.00 £10,684,360.00 Desirable Project Costs £3,877,645.15 £165,000.00 £4,042,645.15 Total Project Costs £37,502,505.15 £4,143,000.00 £41,645,505.15

Assuming CIL Income* £1 2,494,790 less £ 624,740 = £1 3,832,350 less £ 691,617.50 = £ 26,327,140 less £ 1,316,357 = This includes the Parish proportion, and includes £1 1,870,050 £1 3 , 140 , 733 £ 25,010,783 a 5% deduction for the administration of the CIL. Additional Funding Required to meet shortfall £25,632,455 £ - 8, 99 7 ,733 £ 1 6 , 634 , 752

4.8 The ability to identify appropriate funding sources is therefore essential given the anticipated funding gap. CIL receipt s should only be considered as one source that is available to fund infrastructure and not the only tool. Appendix D provides a review of funding sources but the onus must be on individual stakeholders to explore opportunities for cost efficiencies under delivery and/or funding sources that will r educe the call upon CIL Monies.

CIL received since the CIL was implemented on 1 February 2016 to 1 April 20 20 .

4.9 Since the implementation of the CIL on 1 February 2016 to the financial year ending 31 March 20 20 the gross amount of CIL collected was £10,844,924, out of this £124,390 was refunded, £129,143 was earned in interest, giving a final grand total of £10,849,677. Out of this £238,204 (2%), was spent on monitoring; £1,815, 228 had been or was in the course of being handed to

27 the Parish and Town Councils, £71,348 was spent on CIL projects, £60,000 is committed for CIL spend drawdown in respect of IBP/355 RTPI screens, leaving £8,644,897 available to spend on projects.

P rojects delivered either from CIL or other sources during the past three years.

Projects delivered dur in g 2017/18

IBP/292 Hunston Local Drainage, Pelleys Farm. IBP/376 Green Links across the M anhood, Pagham to Medmerry. IBP/534 Part refurbishment of Chichester Police Station IBP/92 Footpath from affordable housing (Canal Mead) to junction of Church Road and B2166, North Mundham; IBP/536 Expansion of existing primary school provision by 5 places per year of age in the Billingshurst locality falling with in Chichester District; IBP/635 Upgrade fencing along southern edge of Churchwood Drive open space to metal, Tangmere; IBP/661 School access improvements – North of the District. Drop off/pick up arrangements at expanded schools; IBP/664 Provision of integrated PA and AV system, ;

Projects delivered dur in g 2018/19

IBP/5 Refurbishment of Children’s play area, Birdham; IBP/7 Landscaping and tree and hedge planting along western edge of playing field, Birdham; IBP/56 Road colouring and 30mph roundels at village entrances, Fishbourne ; IBP/58 Vehicle activated speed sign Salthill Road northern part of parish boundary (SIDs in 5 sites), Fishbourne; IBP/66 Seating around village, Fishbourne IBP/47 Youth club facilities, East Wittering and Bracklesham; IBP/155 Bus shelter to serve City Fields Business P ark and Blenheim Park housing development, Tangmere ; IBP/735 Hearing Loop, Chidham and Hambrook Village Hall; IBP/614 Maintenance of the Dell Public Open Space, Chidham and Hambrook : IBP/645 Provision of storage for equipment to undertake community projects e.g. path maintenance and construction, Lavant. IBP/697 Vehicle Activated Sign poles, Loxwood .

Projects delivered during 2019/20

IBP/293 Local Land Drainage – East Beach Sea Outfall, Selsey; IBP/571 Improveme nts to vehicular access to North Hall, Loxwood; IBP/573 Extension to storage facility, Loxwood; IBP/397 Upgrade to Tangmere Wastewater Treatment Works, Tangmere; IBP/802 New aluminium parish Notice Board , ;


IBP/624 Install WiFi to the village hal l , Chidham & Hambrook; IBP/713 Improvements to St. Wifrid’s Church Hall, Chidham & Hambrook; IBP/737 Maybush Copse – wheelchair access, Chidham & Hambrook ; IBP/521 Provision of d ouble yellow lines at the junctions of Lumley Road/Main Road, Lumley Road/Pagham Close and Pagham Close/Sadlers Walk , Southbourne; IBP/196 , Chichester; IBP/194 Enhancements to the Lavant Biodiversity Opportunity Area, Lavant & Westhampnett; IBP/747 Historical/wildlife information bo ard to be sited along C atch Pond, Chidham & Hambrook; . IBP/811 Signage and SIDs , Chidham & Hambrook; . IBP/35 Improvements and additional equipment for village hall , Donnington; IBP/43 Village Hall extension , Donnington; IBP/708 Bus shelters , Chichester City; IBP/721 Drainage improvements, Cheshire Crescent , Tangmere; IBP/738 Replacement of cycle racks , Chichester City IBP/739 Lighting in Littern Gardens and 8 Herit age Columns at the war memorial, Chichester City; IBP/344 Kingsmead Avenue / Palmers Field Avenue traffic management , Chichester City; IBP/580 Ensure superfast broadband coverage of 95% of the area and basic broadband coverage of 100% of the area in line with government targets, District - wide; IBP/776 Loxwood School outdoor area , Loxwood. IBP/324 Improvements to Boxgrove sports pavilion to meet needs of cricket club, Boxgrove. IBP/33 additional equipment for playing fields and children’s play areas, Donnington. IBP/226 Provision of laybys Durbans Road,

Projects delivered during 20 20 /2 1

IBP/2 96 New Clubhouse incorporating indoor shooting range for Chichester Bowmen, Chichester IBP/305 Provision of artificial grass pitch, Southbourne IBP/340 Graylingwell Cycle route 1, Wellington Road/Oaklands Way, Chichester IBP/689 Highway alterations, Wisbor ough Green IBP/289 Local Drainage – Crooked Lane Surface Water Drainage Improvements, Birdham

Table 11 below shows the projects selected to be funded from Chichester’s proportion of the CIL in this f ifth year IBP period by year.

T able 11: Projects selected for CIL funding from the long list in table 3 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 - - 1st April b/fwd 6,004,678.05 8,849,287.21 8,335,554.43 168,209.57 135,149.57 961,814.43 4,488,289.43 INCOME


2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26

Gross Income 3,200,224.39 903,910.00 1,684,830.00 1,951,950.00 2,082,080.00 4,871,020.00 4,389,840.00

Parish Share 391,652.91 222,126.50 266,052.50 292,792.50 312,312.00 956,494.00 880,600.00

Admin 92,605.52 45,195.50 84,241.50 97,597.50 104,104.00 243,551.00 219,492.00

CDC Net Income 2,715,965.96 636,588.00 1,334,536.00 1,561,560.00 1,665,664.00 3,670,975.00 3,289,748.00

Interest to 31st March 129,143.20

Net Income Due From Prior Year 1,049,679.22 600,000.00

Funds Available 8,849,787.21 10,535,554.43 10,270,090.43 1,393,350.43 1,530,514.43 4,632,789.43 7,778,037.43 EXPENDITURE £ £ £ £ £ £ £ IBP/194 - Enhancements to the Lavant Biodiversity Opportunity Area - the stretch of the Lavant north of the Westhampnett SDL. 500.00 (£500 retention until later in 2019) IBP/330 - Primary School places E - W

Chichester (subject to further detail and 1,200,000.00 evaluation) IBP/657 - School access improvements at expanded primary school(s) Chichester. 50,000.00 IBP/656 - Sustainable transport corridor – City

Centre to Portfield part of project 656 (subject 25,000.00 50,000.00 425,000.00 to further detail and evaluation)

IBP/355 - RTPI screens at Chichester City 60,000.00 60,000.00 IBP/353 - Sustainable transport corridor – City

Centre to Westhampnett (subject to further 500,000.00 detail and evaluation). IBP/331 - Primary School places Bournes.

(subject to further detail & evaluation) 1,200,000.00 IBP/660 - School access improvements at expanded primary school(s) Bournes. 50,000.00 IBP/332 - Primary School places Manhood

Peninsula. (subject to further detail & 1,200,000.00 evaluation

IBP/659 - School access improvements at expanded primary school(s) Manhood. 50,000.00 IBP/349 - A286 Birdham Rd/B2201 (Selsey Rd

Roundabout) Junction Improvement. (subject 440,000.00 to further detail and evaluation).


2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 IBP/655 - Phase 2 of Chichester Road Space Audit. To better manage demand for parking & network management aspirations. (subject to 250,000.00 further detail and evaluation).

IBP/775 - Southern Gateway public realm with new city square. (subject to further detail and evaluation). 1,000,000.00

IBP/710 - Reconfiguration/improvement of Westhampnett Waste Transfer

Station/Household Waste Recycling Site. 250,000.00 2,250,000.00 (subject to further detail and evaluation).

IBP/593 - Early Years Places, Whitehouse Farm Development. (subject to further detail and evaluation). 2,100,000.00 IBP/206 - Southern Gateway provision of bus/rail interchange & improvements to traffic & pedestrian circulation. 3,000,000.00

IBP/665 - Phase 1 of Chichester Road Space Audit. To better manage demand for parking & network management aspirations. (subject to 500,000.00 further detail and evaluation).

IBP/840 College Lane/Spitalfield Road Junction inprovement to make it suitable for shared use and link to improve northern side of Oaklands Way & Oaklands Way roundabout (subject to £60,000.00 further detail and evaluation).

IBP/841 Chidham Sustainable Transport Improvements to widen existing footways to accommodate shared use & re - align the junctions of Broad Road and the A259 and Chidham Lane and the A259 to accommodate the shared path and make crossing of the A259 safer for walkers and cyclists. Also to 500,000.00 alleviate heavy congestion outside the Primary School (subject to further detail and evaluation).

IBP/842 CDC strategic wildlife corridors connecting Chichester and Pagham Harbours to the SDNP (subject to further detail and 43,300.00 98,500.00 143,700.00 144,500.00 evaluation). 145,300.00 IBP/877 Extensions to Chichester City GP surgeries: Langley House and Parklands (subject to further detail and evaluation). 705,000


2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 IBP/726 Extension to Southbourne GP Surgery

(Subject to further detail and evaluation) 450,000.00

IBP/844 3G Sports Pitch, Southern Gateway

(subject to further detail and evaluation) 880,000.00

Total expenditure 500.00 2,200,000.00 10,438,300.00 1,528,500.00 568,700.00 144,500.00 2,950,300.00

- - 31st March c/fwd 8,849,287.21 8,335,554.43 168,209.57 135,149.57 961,814.43 4,488,289.43 4,827,737.43

* Note regarding CIL spend on education

Nationally as well as in West Sussex there has been a drop in the birth rate in recent years and this has an effect on the number of children seeking school places. Build and occupancy rates from housing developments also has an effect on pupil numbers and makes timing for new schools or expansions hard to predict. If additional accommodation is provided too early this could caus e an oversupply of places and schools financially unviable due to having to maint ain a building that is not being fully utilised.

The reason that the expansion of schools in the Manhood Peninsula were moved back is that the pupil numbers were originally predicted to increase above the current Published Admission Number (PAN) for the area and numbers of children applying for a school place throughout the year was increasing and thus putting pressure on the schools in the area and as a result some children were placed in schools in the Witterings rather than locally in Selsey. It was anticipated that expansion at one of the schoo ls woul d be needed to ensure demand was met by Sept 2019.

The pressure for places has since reduced in line with the national trend and the numbers for starting school in September 2019 (67) were well within the PAN of 90 places across the two schools. West Susse x County Council as education authority is updating its pupil projections and if th is indicates a rise in pupil numbers based on birth and housing data then expansion will be required for Sept ember 2021 or 2022 .



Introduction 8.1 This IBP has set out the current understanding of infrastructure required to support the anticipated levels of growth during the IBP period relating to the Local Plan 20 2 1 - 202 6 . Projects have been summarised by spatial area and project type with a clearly defined approach to project classification and prioritisation.

8.2 This IBP is critical in establishing the agreed focus for spend during the five year rolling period , and provides vital information for all infrastructure providers, to assist their spen ding plans, as well as providing assurance to the public about what infrastructure will be provided within this period.

The Current Situation 8.3 It has been the purpose of this IBP to capture the current understanding of all strategic infrastructure projects considered necessary to support the delivery of the Chichester Local Plan, and set out an approach to prioritising projects from the ful l list as candidates for funding support through the Chichester Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), which came into force on 1February 2016.

Despite a clear approach to infrastructure prioritisation being set out and an initial attempt to model infrastructure both by level of priority and timeframe for delivery there remains a significant funding gap . This is detailed across chapter 4 which presents the current cash flow and spending plan. Whilst the deficit is not unexpected, future iterations of the IBP will need to scrutinise the cost breakdown of infrastructure projects and their ability to meet the legal tests set out for CIL funding. This will be facilita ted by a more refined development trajectory as time progresses as further details of project delivery is known. This greater level of detail will benefit future decision - making as it will show more detail on the candidate projects for funding support, the ways in which the project will be delivered and managed, and any link between CIL funding support and levering in other private/public funding sources.

8.4 This document therefore provides the means to further define and inform the next steps, guiding the approach towards management of CIL receipts across the future five year rolling IBP programme.

8.5 I n exceptional circumstances, some projects might be funded from other sources in advance of sufficient CIL reserves, whilst other projects may have to wait until sufficient CIL reserves have been collected. All CIL receipts will be put into an inter est bea ring account until they are spent. However, the costs associated with the administration of the CIL (up to 5%) will be drawn upon as needed, and the City, town and parish councils’ portion will be handed over bi - annually in accordance with the CIL regulati ons.



A Full Project list B CIL Applicable Housing trajectories C Project categorisation process including Implementation, Monitoring & Governance arrangements D Funding Source review E Project proforma F Regulation 123 list G IBP Glossary


Appendix A Full Project list by source City, Town & Parish Projects Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Birdham IBP/ Trans Cycle Wheel Major developments in Unknow Unknow S106 & CIL WSCC CIL BI/12/04147/OUT; Parish 2 port infrastructur Chair/Cycle the Bell Lane area n n BI/13/00284/FUL Council e route to requiring more social Chichester. facilities for a growing Possible village population. upgrade to Salterns Way and Canal. Birdham IBP/ Trans Local road Traffic calming Major developments in Unknow Unknow S106 & CIL WSCC CIL BI/12/04147/OUT; Parish 1 port network of the A286 the Bell Lane area n n BI/13/00284/FUL Council together with requiring safe methods of pedestrian movements improving in crossing Bell Lane pedestrian for schools and safety either shopping via pedestrian crossing or bridging the A286 and Bell Lane Birdham IBP/ Green Allotments Turn land Parish Duty to provide Unknow Unknow S106 & CIL Birdham CIL Parish 3 Infrast bequest into if requested n n Parish Council ructur allotments Council e Birdham IBP/ Green Landscaping Repairs to Other Parish 188 Infrast , planting Canal Locks Council ructur and e woodland creation and public rights of way Birdham IBP/ Green Landscaping Extending & Major developments Unknow Approx. S106 & CIL Birdham CIL BI/12/04147/OUT; Parish 6 Infrast , planting Improving the throughout the village n £40k Parish BI/13/00284/FUL Council ructur and Village Pond requiring that surface Council e woodland water is drained as creation and quickly as possible to public rights prevent flooding of way Birdham IBP/ Green Playing Draining the Major developments in Unknow Unknow S106 & CIL Birdham CIL BI/07/05640/FUL; Parish 4 Infrast fields, sports Playing field the Bell Lane area n n Parish BI/12/04147/OUT Council ructur pitches, and providing requiring more social Council e related build Changing facilities for a growing and Facilities village population. children's play areas Bosham IBP/ Trans Car parking Broadbridge Provide adequate £40,000 WSCC/CDC Bosham CIL Parish 20 port parking bays parking facilities off , CIL/PC, Parish Council verges CIL Council, WSCC


Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Bosham IBP/ Trans Car parking Taylors These laybys are 2019 Short CIL Parish 820 port Lane/Walton becoming dangerous term Council Lane lay - bys. and unsightly. (2020 - 2026) Bosham IBP/ Trans Car parking Harbour Car Tourism friendly £100,00 CDC Bosham Other Parish 11 port Park 0 (revenue Parish Council from Car Council, Park) CDC Bosham IBP/ Trans Cycle and Investigating Sustainable modes of Short SusTrans/W WSCC, CIL Parish 18 port pedestrian dropped kerbs transport term SCC/Big Adjacent Council infrastructur at Swan (2020 - Society Parishes e roundabout 2026) funds Bosham IBP/ Trans Local road 20mph Village Safety as expressed in £10,000 WSCC/CiL WSCC, CIL Parish 16 port network T&P Strategy adopted Bosham Council in January 2015 Parish Council Bosham IBP/ Trans Pedestrian A259 Pelican Safety/ Safe routes to £50,000 CDC/WSCC WSCC CIL Parish 10 port infrastructur Crossing school /SusTrans/C Council e iL Bosham IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Walton Lane Safety/ Safe routes to £700,00 WSCC/CDC WSCC CIL Parish 9 port infrastructur Footpath school 0 , CIL Council e Bosham IBP/ Social Community Village Hall Ongoing maintenance/ £100,00 CDC/PC, Bosham CIL Parish 21 Infrast facilities provision improvements/refurbis 0 CIL/New Parish Council ructur hment Homes Council e Bosham IBP/ Social Streetscene High Street Safety & Tourism – £100,00 WSCC/CDC Bosham Other Parish 12 Infrast and built Improvement Shared surfaces 0 /Cil/HLF & Parish Council ructur environment Townscape Council, e Heritage WSCC Imitative Bosham IBP/ Green Flood and Wastewater & Current system Flood risk Flood risk Other Parish 14 Infrast coastal Harbour drains compromised in wet managemen managem Council ructur erosion risk weather t authorities. ent e managemen authorities t . Bosham IBP/ Green Playing Relocate Football safety £100,00 CiL/Sport Bosham CIL BI/13/00284/FUL Parish 13 Infrast fields, sports Football Pitch standards avoiding England/Nati Parish Council ructur pitches, shared use with onal playing Council, e related build school and public fields WSCC and Association children's play areas Bosham IBP/ Green Public open Recreation Extend & improve Developers/ Bosham CIL Parish 17 Infrast space space green recreational CDC CiL/PC Parish Council ructur spaces for sustainable CiL Council, e living CDC Boxgrove IBP/ Trans Local road Traffic calming Identified in the WSCC CIL Parish 649 port network at Halnaker Neighbourhood Plan. Council crossroads. Boxgrove IBP/ Trans Pedestrian The Street Improve crossing point Parish 420 port infrastructur near the on – high level of use Council e community by school children and centre - SRTS concerns with visibility 36

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other improvements ? Boxgrove IBP/ Educa Preschool School Hall for They do not have £170,00 Boxgrove CIL Parish 858 tion and Primary Boxgrove space for assemblies 0 Primary Council school Primary or activities which hold School School more than a few children. Boxgrove IBP/ Green Playing New play area Existing play area CIL Parish 736 Infrast fields, sports dilapidated/out of date. Council ructur pitches, Needs to be e related build completely and refurbished. children's play areas Chichester IBP/ Trans Cycle Improved To improve safe 2019 Short CIL/S106 WSCC & CIL City 25 port infrastructur Cycle Ways access for cyclists. term CDC Council e around City (2020 - 2026) Chichester IBP/ Trans Local road Purchase of To improve speed 2020 Short £15,000 Chichester CIL City 833 port network Speed awareness in the City. term City Council Indicator (2020 - Council Devices 2026) Chichester IBP/ Trans Pedestrian A complete Over 40 years old and 2019 Short CI L & S106 CDC, CIL City 22 port infrastructur resurfacing of very uneven, better term WSCC & Council e the existing HGV/pavement (2020 - City pedestrian definition. Increased 2026) Centre precinct. pedestrian flows BID. Widening of anticipated from the increased population. footpaths in Refer to Public Realm key streets and Accessibility approaching Enhancement the pedestrian Strategy September area (e.g. 2005 North Street and South Street) to achieve improved public. A general improvement in the signage, stree tscape, street Chichester IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Provision for Improve access for 2020 Short CIL Chichester CIL City 24 port infrastructur slow moving people in City Centre. term City Council e vehicles. (2020 - Council 2026) Chichester IBP/ Social Community Glaze the To conserve the 2020 Short £70,000 Chichester CIL City 832 Infrast facilities Council House building and to assist term City Council ructur portico with energy efficiency (2020 - Council e at the Council House 2026)


Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Chichester IBP/ Social Community Production of To facilitate greater Sept Short £70,000 Chichester CIL City 812 Infrast facilities a local input into 2019 term City Council ructur Neighbourhoo planning decisions in aiming (2020 - Council e d Plan the City. for 2026) adoption by Sept 2021 Chichester IBP/ Social Streetscene Improve City 2017 - Short £20,000 Chichester CIL City 712 Infrast and built signage. 2018 term City Council ructur environment (2020 - Council e 2026) Chichester IBP/ Green Landscaping Tree planting To assist in becoming 2020 Short £3,000 Chichester CIL City 831 Infrast , planting within the City carbon netural by term City Council ructur and 2030 (2020 - Council e woodland 2026) creation and public rights of way Chidham IBP/ Trans Car parking Improve Improve parking WSCC CIL and 603 port residents’ Hambrook parking in the Parish following Council areas: East side of Chidham Lane to the Meadow, both sides of Broad Road by Broad Meadow, outside Mansfield Cottages, top of Cot Lane. Chidham IBP/ Trans Cycle Provision of Support the WSCC CIL and 600 port infrastructur dedicated Chemroute campaign Hambrook e cycle route the Parish whole length Council of the Parish. Link with Chemroute/cy cle routes IBP/676 Chidham IBP/ Trans Local road Reduce speed Speed reduction WSCC CIL and 598 port network on parish Hambrook roads and Parish along the Council peninsula including the A259 through the Parish. Linked with CHEMROUTE and cycle 38

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other routes IBP 676. Chidham IBP/ Trans Local road Traffic calming Traffic calming 2019 Short £10,000 CIL and 814 port network measures in measures to term Hambrook Broad Road accompany the SIDs (2020 - Parish (IBP/811) being 2026) Council installed. Chidham IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Provision of Safety WSCC CIL and 602 port infrastructur pavement on Hambrook e West side of Parish Broad Road Council from Post Office to Children’s Play Area Chidham IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Improve public improve walking and WSCC CIL and 601 port infrastructur footpaths to pavement route Hambrook e give residents Parish better access Council to the countryside, particularly in Hambrook. Chidham IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Improved Young people feel 2019 Short £10,000 CHPC/WS CIL and 813 port infrastructur street lighting vulnerable term CC Hambrook e on Broad walkinghome at night. (2020 - Parish Road 2026) Council Chidham IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Provision of Pedestrian safety Local S106 and 742 port infrastructur pedestrian Transport Hambrook e refuges/crossi Improvemen Parish ngs on t programme Council A259/Broad - £160,000 Road. towards sustainable transport. Chidham IBP/ Trans Pedestrian School Safety Pedestrian Safety Other and 508 port infrastructur Zone and Hambrook e Safer Routes Parish to School Council Scheme - Chidham Parochial Primary School, Chidham Lane Chidham IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Resurface/imp Pedestrian safety Local S106 and 741 port infrastructur rove walking Transport Hambrook e and pavement Improvemen Parish routes and t programme Council verges in the - £160,000 Parish. towards sustainable transport. 39

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Chidham IBP/ Trans Public Replacement/r Adequate shelter 2020 - Short £5,000 Chidham CIL and 821 port transport epair of bus provided for bus 2021 term and Hambrook shelters in the passengers. (2020 - Hambrook Parish Parish 2026) Parish Council Council Chidham IBP/ Trans Transport A community and 734 port bus or other Hambrook form of Parish transportation Council Chidham IBP/ Health Community Provision of CIL and 749 healthcare, medical/dentis Hambrook primary care t surgery. Parish facilities & Council improvemen ts Chidham IBP/ Social Community Developing To improve 2020 - Short £5,000 CHPC CIL and 816 Infrast facilities the Parish communications to a 2021 term Hambrook ructur Council's broader audience; (2020 - Parish e existing especially new 2026) Council website by residents. 2020 to meet required legistation. Chidham IBP/ Social Community Create a Parish CIL and 612 Infrast facilities Community Council Hambrook ructur Centre with Parish e outdoor Council facilities for all ages of a modular design that can be expanded in size as developing needs arise. Chidham IBP/ Social Community Implementatio Possible CIL and 733 Infrast facilities n of a match Hambrook ructur convenience funding to Parish e store or a be sourced. Council community shop Chidham IBP/ Social Community Maximum Short Parish CIL and 611 Infrast facilities refurbishment term Council Hambrook ructur of the (2020 - Parish e Chidham and 2026) Council Hambrook Village Hall Chidham IBP/ Social Streetscene Reduce light For the amenity of Chidham CIL and 699 Infrast and built pollution residents and visitors. and Hambrook ructur environment where Hambrook Parish e possible PC Council 40

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other (Maybush Copse) Chidham IBP/ Social Streetscene Placement of Short CIL and 746 Infrast and built additional term Hambrook ructur environment litter/dog (2020 - Parish e waste bins in 2026) Council appropriate areas of the parish. Chidham IBP/ Social Streetscene Improve Short Parish CIL and 616 Infrast and built signage to term Council Hambrook ructur environment Parish (2020 - Parish e amenities 2026) Council Chidham IBP/ Green Allotments Preparation of Short CIL and 744 Infrast allotments term Hambrook ructur (2020 - Parish e 2026) Council Chidham IBP/ Green Biodiversity Creation of 2 To encourage wildlife 2019 - Short £2,400 CHPC CIL and 815 Infrast measures ponds at 2020 term Hambrook ructur Maybush (2020 - Parish e Copse 2026) Council Chidham IBP/ Green Playing New play Play ground is tired Spring - Short £11,576. £5,621.64 - Chidham CIL and 860 Infrast fields, sports ground and play ground Summer term 15 S106 and Hambrook ructur pitches, equipment in equipment needs to 2020 (2020 - Hambrook Parish e related build play ground in be replaced. Last 2026) PC Council and Broad Road R OSPA risk children's assessment identified play areas risk issues. Chidham IBP/ Green Public open Development Improvements for 2019 Short £20,000 Chidham CIL and 809 Infrast space of open residents' enjoyment. term and Hambrook ructur spaces on Secruity installation, (2020 - Hambrook Parish e Broad Road fencing and gates in 2026) Parish Council both areas. Council Chidham IBP/ Utility Utility Improved 2018 Short WSCC CIL and 748 Servic services broadband for term Hambrook es the parish (2020 - Parish 2026) Council Chidham IBP/ Public Cemetery St Mary's Existing extension Short £ 20 , 028. Chidham CIL and 709 and Church graveyard will be full in term 80 and Hambrook Comm Graveyard, 18 - 24 months time. (2020 - Hambrook Parish unity Cot Lane, 2026) PC Council Servic Chidham. es Looking to extend graveyard. Local farmer willing to donate land adjacent to


Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other main churchyard. Donningto IBP/ Trans Cycle and Canal towpath Necessary to ensure CIL n Parish 650 port pedestrian surface an adequate walking Council infrastructur improvements surface for the e between increasing numbers of Canal Walk pedestrians living and and Waterside commenti ng through Drive and the Donnington. underpass. Donningto IBP/ Trans Cycle Cycle network Extend through Parish On - Short CIL n Parish 42 port infrastructur going term Council e (2020 - 2026) Donningto IBP/ Trans Local road Air quality To record levels of air CIL n Parish 36 port network monitor in pollution in the Parish Council Donnington to better understand the potential impact of additional vehicles on the health of residents. Donningto IBP/ Trans Public Replacement Buses cannot be seen £5,000 Donningto CIL n Parish 818 port transport bus shelter from the current bus n Parish Council shelter. It isnot Council possible to move the curent shelter. Donningto IBP/ Green Playing Additional Encourage more Other n Parish 34 Infrast fields, sports signage for visitors to existing Council ructur pitches, playing field facilities e related build and children's play areas IBP/ Trans Local road Village To reduce speeding 2016 - Short £5,000 CIL Earnley CIL Parish 685 port network Gateways through parish and in 2021 term Parish Council particular in the 2 (2020 - Council conservation areas as 2026) per recommended in Conservation Area Appraisal. Earnley IBP/ Social Community Village Following the loss of 2016 - Short £100,00 CIL/New Earnley CI L Parish 684 Infrast facilities meeting room Earnley Concourse 2021 term 0 Homes Parish Council ructur and office there is no community (2020 - Bonus and Council e space. meeting facilities. 2026) precept Earnley IBP/ Green Public open Village Green To provide central 2016 - Short £10,000 CIL, New Earnley CIL Parish 686 Infrast space focal point for the 2021 term Homes Parish Council ructur Parish to enable (2020 - Bonus & Council e community events. 2026) precept East IBP/ Trans Car parking Increase Insufficient provision Wittering 44 port parking in East means parking is a & Wittering & major issue for the Bracklesh Bracklesham smaller shopping am Parish centre in Bracklehsam Council and the larger centre in East Wittering. Plus 42

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other the area is a significant tourist destination making parking more difficult during April - September. East IBP/ Trans Cycle Development To encourage Short WSCC CIL Wittering 750 port infrastructur of new cycle sustainable transport term & e routes to link and improve safety. (2020 - Bracklesh key sites in the 2026) am Parish community Council and improve links across the peninsula and into Chichester. East IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Improvements To improve public Short WSCC, CIL Wittering 752 port infrastructur to bus safety and the built term EWBPC & e stops/creation environment. (2020 - Bracklesh of laybys, 2026) am Parish additional Council street lighting and pavement improvements. East IBP/ Trans Public Extend bus Residents without cars Wittering 45 port transport service to (including young & include later people) cannot access Bracklesh evenings. the services or am Parish employment - in Council particular shift workers, entertainment and leisure facilities - which are in Chichester during the evening as the bus stops its service fairly early. East IBP/ Health Community Satellite More housing is being Wittering 46 healthcare, doctors built in Bracklesham & primary care surgery in than East Wittering Bracklesh facilities & Bracklesham. and the elderly and am Parish improvemen infirm would have Council ts easier access to medical facilities if there was provision in Bracklesham. East Wittering is a bus or car ride away for this sector of the community East IBP/ Social Community Development To allow residents Short £150,00 WSCC, CIL Wittering 751 Infrast facilities of community access to essential term 0 CDC, & ructur services services without the (2020 - EWBPC Bracklesh e support hub. 2026) 43

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other am Parish need to travel to Council Chichester. East IBP/ Social Streetscene The street Wittering 52 Infrast and built scene and & ructur environment layout of both Bracklesh e East Wittering am Parish and Council Bracklesham needs improvement East IBP/ Social Streetscene In E. Wittering These are old, rusty Wittering 53 Infrast and built the steps and and poorly maintained. & ructur environment handrails, The retraining wall is Bracklesh e retaining wall cracked and leaning am Parish and pathways over towar ds the road. Council need The street scene is in refurbishing. need of work. This appearance is detrimental to our visitor experience. East IBP/ Social Streetscene The seafront To improve visitor Wittering 54 Infrast and built at both E. experience. & ructur environment Wittering and Bracklesh e Bracklesham am Parish need Council enhancing East IBP/ Utility Utility Sewage To support new Wittering 50 Servic services system development and & es improvements. ensure that the risk of Bracklesh flooding to existing am Parish properties is not Council unacceptably increased. East IBP/ Utility Utility Mobile phone The villages are poorly Wittering 51 Servic services coverage served by most & es improvement service providers. Bracklesh am Parish Council Fishbourn IBP/ Trans Cycle and Safety issue: Used a lot in the dark Septem Short Depend CIL & NHB Parish CIL e Parish 70 port pedestrian Lighting along so low level lighting ber 2019 term s on 2018 Council Council infrastructur Emperor Way would decrease risk of (2020 - extent e attack 2026) left unlit Fishbourn IBP/ Trans Local road Roundabout To improve safety WSCC e Parish 865 port network from A259 and Highways Council Salt Hill Road Fishbourn IBP/ Trans Local road Improve Improve safety WSCC e Parish 866 port network junction at Highways Council Blackboy Lane and A259 Fishbourn IBP/ Trans Local road Mini Clarify priorites, 2020 - Short WSCC CIL e Parish 868 port network roundabout improve traffic flow 2022 term Highways Council Salt Hill Road, and reduce risk from (2020 - increased traffic. 2026) 44

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Clay Lane cross road Fishbourn IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Improved Increase pedestrian 2025 Short £10,000 CIL e Parish 863 port infrastructur footpaths on use along this lane for term Council e Clay Lane residents accessing (2020 - other areas of the 2026) Village. Fishbourn IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Safety issue: Importance of Septem Short CIL, WSCC FPFA via CIL e Parish 69 port infrastructur Lighting of protecting the young ber 2019 term new grant FPC Council e footpath (2020 - system and southwards 2026) Garfield from Western Fishbourne Anniversary Centre parallel Grant with Blackboy Lane Fishbourn IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Footpath To provide safer 2019 Short £10,000 CIL, WSCC FPFA via CIL e Parish 68 port infrastructur southwards access to Pre - school, te rm (approx) new grant FPC Council e from Children’s Play Area (2020 - system and Fishbourne and Fishbourne 2026) Garfield Centre parallel Centre Western with Blackboy Anniversary Lane. There Grant is a need for a bridge over the ditch. Fishbourn IBP/ Trans Public Bus shelters Fishbourne 2019 Short £5,000 CIL Fishbourn CIL FB/09/02431/OUT e Parish 57 port transport throughout the Neighbourhood Plan term e Parish Council village Priority (2020 - Council 2026) Fishbourn IBP/ Trans Public Replace and Improve facilities to 2028 Mediu £40,000 Parish CIL e Parish 867 port transport provide new promote greener m to Council Council bus shelters. travel. long term (2027 - 2029) Fishbourn IBP/ Health Community Provision of Priority in previous Unlikely ? CIL e Parish 60 healthcare, medical village plans and in Council primary care facilities even FNP but no interest facilities & if just nurse - from local doctors’ improvemen led clinic surgeries ts Fishbourn IBP/ Social Community Resilience, Development of 2021 - Short £25,000 e Parish 864 Infrast facilities emergency Centre for local 2025 term Council ructur planning, emergencies; (2020 - e climate community 2026) change and involvement in climate post COVID - change and 19 equipment for post COVID - 19 Fishbourn IBP/ Green Playing Path around Will increase use for 2020 - Short £5 0,000 and Parish Fisbourne CIL e Parish 861 Infrast fields, sports Fishbourne runners, dog walkers 2025 term precept Parish Council ructur pitches, playing field and provide more (2020 - Council e related build connectivity between 2026) 45

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other and residents and pre - children's school, community play areas centre and clubs. Fishbourn IBP/ Green Playing Improved play Increase use and 2026 Short £80,000 and Parish Fishbourn CIL e Parish 862 Infrast fields, sports ground to enhance safety of term precept e Parish Council ructur pitches, meet existing play ground. (2020 - Council e related build increased 2026) and demand. children's play areas Hunston IBP/ Trans Pedestrian New light To facilitate safer CIL Parish 753 port infrastructur controlled access at these Council e crossing locations. outside Village Hall and provision of short footpath from the bus stop opposite 10 Oakview. Kirdford IBP/ Trans Car parking Provide Parking along the £30,000 CIL Parish 827 port parking for the main road Council recration ground Kirdford IBP/ Trans Cycle and Improve local Parish - wide 2015 - Short CIL Parish 80 port pedestrian footpaths, 2029 term Council infrastructur cycle tracks (2020 - e and equestrian 2026) ways Kirdford IBP/ Trans Local road Highway Cornwood to enable 2015 - Short CIL Parish 76 port network alterations development for 2021, term Council young/elderly housing sequenti (2020 - al with 2026) GI projects Kirdford IBP/ Trans Local road Highway Townfield/Cornwood 2015 - Short CIL Parish 77 port network alterations, 2020 term Council parking (2020 - provision and 2026) landscaping Kirdford IBP/ Trans Local road New road and To improve the 2015 - Short CIL Parish 81 port network parking area, existing road. 2020 term Council Butts Common (2020 - 2026) Kirdford IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Provide Safety £10,000 CIL Parish 828 port infrastructur footpath Council e outside village hall and from bus stop opposite Kirdford IBP/ Trans Pedestrian New footpaths Development Site 2015 - Short CIL Parish 79 port infrastructur & Community North of Village 2029 term Council e Amenity (2020 - Space 2026) 46

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Kirdford IBP/ Trans Public Bus on 2015 Short CIL Parish 75 port transport demand term Council (2020 - 2026) Kirdford IBP/ Educa Primary, Provision of Cross Plan area (north 2015 Short CIL Parish 78 tion Secondary, additional parishes) term Council sixth form Primary (2020 - and special School Places 2026) educational needs Kirdford IBP/ Social Community Community To increase cafe area 2015 - Short CIL Parish 83 Infrast facilities Stores - and storage provision 2018 term Council ructur Extension to and enhancing the (2020 - e Building and external picnic area 2026) Parking and parking Kirdford IBP/ Social Community Improvement Hall amenties aged 2020 Short £150,00 and Parish Kirdford CIL Parish 822 Infrast facilities to existing and need replacing term 0 Grants Parish Council ructur Kirdford (2020 - Council e Village Hall. 2026) Kirdford IBP/ Social Streetscene Modification of Community 2020 Short £10,000 and Parish Kirdford CIL Parish 825 Infrast and built existing recognition of history term Council Parish Council ructur environment Kirdford village (2020 - funding Council e sign to 2026) become a cermonial wall memorial Kirdford IBP/ Social Streetscene To provide £2,500 and Parish CIL Parish 829 Infrast and built village sign Council Council ructur environment board outside funding. e village hall Kirdford IBP/ Green Allotments Community On site east of 2017 - Short CIL Parish 85 Infrast allotments Bramley Close. 2018 3 - 5 term Council ructur and/or farm years (2020 - e with orchard 2026) and appropriate storage facilities and parking Kirdford IBP/ Green Biodiversity To provide a £20,000 CIL Parish 830 Infrast measures wildlife area Council ructur e Kirdford IBP/ Green Playing Resurface and Improve facility to £20,000 and Parish Kirdford CIL Parish 826 Infrast fields, sports repair tennis encourage use Council Parish Council ructur pitches, courts on funding Council e related build recreation and ground children's play areas Kirdford IBP/ Green Playing Provide play For children to play on 2020 Short £25,000 Kirdford CIL Parish 824 Infrast fields, sports equipment for whilst siblings/parents term Parish Council ructur pitches, Kirdford play sport. (2020 - Council e related build 2026) 47

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other and Recreation children's Ground play areas Kirdford IBP/ Green Playing Play area off 2016 - Short Parish/HA CIL Parish 86 Infrast fields, sports School Court 2017 2 - 4 term S Council ructur pitches, years (2020 - e related build 2026) and children's play areas Kirdford IBP/ Green Playing New sports Existing building 2020 - Short £200,00 Grants and Kirdford CIL Parish 823 Infrast fields, sports pavilion on dilapidated, new 2024 ter m 0 Parish Parish Council ructur pitches, Great facilities required (2020 - Council Council e related build Common in particularly for junior 2026) and Kirdford. football teams. children's play areas Kirdford IBP/ Green Public open Village Green 2016 - Short Parish CIL Parish 87 Infrast space - Butts 2017 2 - 5 term Council ructur Common years (2020 - e 2026) Lavant IBP/ Trans Local road Important Continuing problems As soon Short As yet As yet Lavant CIL Parish 89 port network traffic calming with fast traffic and as term unknow unknown Par ish Council measures complaints from possible (2020 - n Council within the residents 2026) village Lavant IBP/ Trans Pedestrian New footpath To provide safer By 2024 Short £20,000 SDNPA - Lavant CIL Parish 585 port infrastructur between connectivity between term £10,000 plus Parish Council e Marsh Lane to parts of the village (2020 - local funding Council (East Lavant) concurrently only 2026) raising, and assessable via a busy £1,5000. Churchmead road (A286 Chichester Close (Mid - ) Lavant) Lavant IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Either Improved safety at as soon Short WSCC CIL Parish 643 port infrastructur extension to Lavant Primary as term Council e pavement so School. ( Parents have possible (2020 - children can to park on road and 2026) get to and walk children to from school or school, there is no provision of pavement beyond the layby and allotments) pavement to enable children to get to and from school or a car park for parents to drop off and pick up children from school.


Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Lavant IBP/ Trans Public To replace bus Both bus shelters are 2021 - Short £20,000 WSCC S106 Parish 870 port transport shelter outside beyond economic 2023 term Council Eastmead repair and one needs (2020 - Industrial Park to be resited to allow 2026) safer sightlines. Lavant IBP/ Social Community Information To inform and educate 2020 - Short £11,500 £5,000 - Lavant's CIL Parish 869 Infrast facilities boards to residents about the 2022 term SDNPA, History Council ructur placed at historical importance (2020 - £5,000 - Project e historically of specific locations 2026) Goodwood Group and locations throughout the parish Estate and Lavant thoughtout the as part of a Lavant £1,500 - CIL Parish village. wide history project. Council. Lavant IBP/ Green Landscaping Creation of an Creation of well £20,000 Community Lavant CIL Parish 819 Infrast , planting orchard managed and better and charity Parish Council ructur and village. connected network of fund raising. Council e woodland habitats for creation and biodiversity, mental public rights and physical health of way and wellbeing. Inline with SDNPA's LP outcome 2, 3, and 11 Lavant IBP/ Green Playing Replace the Existing area the By 2025 Short £120,00 S106, CIL, Lavant CIL Parish 647 Infrast fields, sports existing play equipment is term 0 other Parish Council ructur pitches, equipment and dilapidated. (2020 - funding and Council e related build provision of 2026) public and new sports donations. children's pitch. play areas Loxwood IBP/ Trans Car parking To increase Increased numbers 2020 - Short £12,000 North Hall CIL LX/13/02025/FUL Parish 317 port car park using North Hall put 2021 term Trustees Council capacity pressure on parking. (2020 - (Loxwood) This could be 2026) alleviated by introducing car park to south of entrance drive. Loxwood IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Pedestrian Increase footfall 2021 - Short £200,00 Community Loxwood CIL Parish 696 port infrastructur crossing across the road in 2022 term 0 Highways Parish Council e B2133 particular children (2020 - Funding Council Loxwood crossing from new 2026) Nursery site development to get to school and in the other direction and in the other direction, residents crossing to the new village stores. Loxwood IBP/ Health Community Doctors Improving the internal 2020 - Short £60,000 CIL and Loxwood CIL Parish 772 healthcare, surgery environment of the 2021 term other Parish Council primary care internal surgery for health and (2020 - Council facilities & building comfort. 2026) improvemen improvements ts


Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Loxwood IBP/ Social Community Improvements £6,000 CIL Parish 754 Infrast facilities to entance to Council ructur North Hall e Loxwood IBP/ Green Playing Resurfacing of The playground 2018 - Short £20,000 Loxwood CIL Parish 698 Infrast fields, sports North Hall surface is messed 2019 term Parish Council ructur pitches, playground grass and has (2020 - Council e related build suffered from 2026) and subsidence and areas children's of erosion. play areas Lynchmer IBP/ Social Community Renovations Increase in community When Short £60,000 Com munity Parish Other e Parish 569 Infrast facilities to St. activity groups more funds term fundraising Council Council ructur Michael’s Hall community space for available (2020 - & grants. e & Hardman local use required. (within 2026) Hoyle next 12 - Memorial Hall 18 months) Road Lynchmer IBP/ Social Community Purchase of Hall being sold and is Within Short £50,000 £50,000 Parish Other e Parish 568 Infrast facilities St. Michael’s needed to supplement the next term from Parish Council Council ructur Hall, lack of community 6 (2020 - Council, or e Linchmere facilities for numerous months 2026) from Road local groups/activities community fundraising. Lynchmer IBP/ Green Playing Rebuilding of Existing pavilion is Over the Short £180,00 £30,000 Parish Other e Parish 567 Infrast fields, sports Camelsdale outdated, newer larger next 24 term 0 (ex from New Council Council ructur pitches, pavilion. facilities are needed to months (2020 - vat) Homes e related build meet modern 2026) Bonus and requirements and ((CDC). children's accommodate the £35,000 play areas hugely increased from Parish community, & sport Council based u se. reserves. Remaining £115,00 hoped to come from sport & lottery grants North IBP/ Trans Cycle and Footpath/cycle Would enable local Needed Short £110,00 S106, CIL WSCC CIL Mundham 91 port pedestrian way along residents to avoid now, but term 0 for and other Highways Parish infrastructur B2166 from usin g a car for short should (2020 - portion sources Council e to journeys, and would integrate 2026) between supporting farm shop – facilitate sustainable with Runcton sustainable and perhaps transport links deve lop and farm transport onwards to (cycleways) between ment of shop parish Bognor, Pagham and other boundary to Chichester. PC could transport link with carry out work under links footpaths/cycl licence. PC to eways from manage scheme Bognor and within Parish Pagham boundary. 50

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other North IBP/ Green Biodiversity Develop route Improves landscape Site Short V ariable CIL, New North CIL Mundham 95 Infrast measures of disused and provides available term – can be Homes Mundham Parish ructur canal as green environmental benefits now (2020 - funded Bonus, local Parish Council e infrastructure for local population 2026) on self - help Council and wildlife progress haven to ive basis encourage as work biodiversity proceed s North IBP/ Green Playing Safe surface Provides health and Site Short £10,000 CI L or New Playing CIL Mundham 94 Infrast fields, sports for Children’s leisure benefits for available term Homes Fields Parish ructur pitches, Play Area local community. now (2020 - Bonus Trust Council e related build Mitigates safety and 2026) and upkeep problems of children's present mix of grass play areas and resilient surfacing North IBP/ Green Playing Outdoor Provides health and Site Short £20,000 New Homes North CIL Mundham 93 Infrast fields, sports gym/exercise leisure benefits for could be term - Bonus Mundham Parish ructur pitches, equipment – to local community. No made (2020 - £30,000 Parish Council e related build be sited on comparable facility available 2026) (estimat Council or and playing fields exists in the parish in short e) Playing children's term Fi elds play areas Trust Oving IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Footpaths, CIL Parish 634 port infrastructur bridle paths Council e and local roads Oving IBP/ Trans Public Public bus S106 O/11/05283/OUT Parish 633 port transport improvements Council and provision of minibus to access city. Oving IBP/ Educa Early years Pre - school Short S106 O/11/05283/OUT Parish 631 tion and facilities term Council childcare (2020 - 2026) Oving IBP/ Educa Primary, Schools/colleg Essential ASAP Short Unknow County & Governme CIL Parish 99 tion Secondary, es term n Government nt Council sixth form (2020 - and special 2026) educational needs Oving IBP/ Health Community Hospital & Essential Now Short Unknow County NHS CIL Parish 98 healthcare, doctors term n funds Council primary care surgeries (2020 - facilities & 2026) improvemen ts Oving IBP/ Social Community Community Essential Ongoing Short Unknow Parish & Many CIL Parish 101 Infrast facilities Facilities term n City Council ructur (2020 - Councils e 2026) (CIL)


Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Oving IBP/ Social Community Indoor and Essential to meet S106 O/11/05283/OUT Parish 632 Infrast facilities outdoor demand from planned Council ructur sports/recreati developments. e on facilities. Oving IBP/ Green Flood and Flood control Essential ASAP Short Unknow County, Environme CIL Parish 100 Infrast coastal term n Govt, Utility nt Agency Council ructur erosion risk (2020 - Companies e managemen 2026) t Oving IBP/ Utility Utility Sewerage Essential to need 2018 Short Unknow Southern Southern Other Parish 97 Servic services (pipes) waste demand from planned term n Water Water Council es water developments (2020 - treatment 2026) (Tangmere WWTW) Plaistow & IBP/ Trans Local road To improve There is a shortage of 2020 - Short NH B and Parish CIL 871 port network and extend the village centre parking 2022 term Parish Council Parish layby on which is worse during (2020 - Council Council Common school drop off and 2026) House Lane, pick up times plus no Plaistow parking for village centre play area. Plaistow & IBP/ Trans Public Install a bus By request of the 2020 - Short NHB and Parish CIL Ifold 872 port transport shelter with elderly community at 2022 term Parish Council Parish seating the well used bus stop (2020 - Council Council outside the in the centre of the 2026) Sun Pub, village. Plaistow Plaistow & IBP/ Green Playing To rejuvenate The only play facility in 2020 - Short £70,000 Public works Parish CIL Ifold 873 Infrast fields, sports the Lady Hope the parish. Equipment 2021 term loan, Parish Council Parish ructur pitches, play park on is old and tired and the (2020 - Council, Council e related build the Plaistow whole area needs 2026) Grants and and Village Green. rejuvenating. CIL children's play areas Selsey IBP/ Trans Cycle B2145 Only transport link to 2015 Short 300,000 (Grants as STC/WSC CIL Town 104 port infrastructur Improvements Town (to introduce a term (£200,00 and when C (WSCC Council e – Commuting safer environment for (2020 - 0 per available) & cycle path to cyclists) 2026) kilometr Sustrans) Chichester/Pa e) gham (Selsey to Chichester following route off B2145 but off road) Selsey IBP/ Trans Local road B2145 Only transport link to 2015 Short Selsey CIL Town 102 port network Improvements Town (to improve term Town Council – Bus and traffic flow) (2020 - Council, Tractor Pull off 2026) WSCC points Selsey IBP/ Trans Local road B2145 Only transport link to 2015 Short STC/WSC CIL Town 103 port network Improvements Town (to improve term C (WSCC Council – Ferry Bend traffic flow) (2020 - & improvements 2026) 52

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Developer ) Selsey IBP/ Trans Public Selsey to High speed, traffic Town 756 port transport Chichester free, sustainable link Council tramway offering alternative route to Town. Selsey IBP/ Trans Smarter Electric Lack of current facility Short STC CIL Town 755 port Choices and vehicle and distance to term Council promote charging nearest option. (2020 - sustainable points at 2026) modes of Warners Yard, transport East Beach and East Street car parks. Selsey IBP/ Educa Primary, Provision of Lack of current facility STC, Town 121 tion Secondary, post - 16 and distance to WSCC, Council sixth form education nearest option. Chichester and special College, educational Academy needs Selsey IBP/ Social Community Cinema/Theatr Lack of current facility £300,00 Private STC CIL Town 107 Infrast facilities e and distance to 0 match Operator Council ructur refurbishment nearest option funding (Grants as e available and when available) Selsey IBP/ Social Community Development Helps define Selsey Arts CIL Town 109 Infrast facilities of Community as an art/craft location. Dream Council ructur Arts Centre To be linked to the e potential development of an out of town supermarket or with the museum. Selsey IBP/ Social Community Extension to Space required to Cost Selsey CIL Town 115 Infrast facilities Selsey Centre support additional user unknown, Town Council ructur groups. grant Council e funding, local fundraising. Selsey IBP/ Social Community Soft play Local demand and Selsey CIL Town 116 Infrast facilities area/indoor nearest facility is 20 Town Council ructur play area for miles away and is not Council e children accessible by public transport Selsey IBP/ Social Streetscene Pedestrianisati Enhance public realm Selsey CIL Town 105 Infrast and built on of section to support High Street Town Council ructur environment of High Street shops and encourage Council, e to provide use of local amenities. WSCC central community/pe destrian space Selsey IBP/ Social Streetscene Wayfinding To enhance visitor STC CIL Town 757 Infrast and built scheme attraction and tourism Council environment product, linking up 53

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other ructur different areas of the e town. Selsey IBP/ Social Streetscene Public space Identified in CDC's £100,00 Selsey CIL Town 111 Infrast and built enhancements study of 2007 as a 0 Town Council ructur environment at East Beach need of regeneration Council e shops Selsey IBP/ Social Streetscene Development Creation of a central Selsey CIL Town 108 Infrast and built of a Town community space as Town Council ructur environment Square nothing currently in Council, e place. Enhance public WSCC realm to support High Street shops and to encourage use of local amenities. Selsey IBP/ Green Landscaping Access National policy to Selsey CIL Town 132 Infrast , planting improvements create a coastal path. Town Council ructur and to and To enhance visitor Council, e woodland establishment attraction and tourism CDC, creation and of coastal path product and foster WSCC public rights with way better links with the of way finding sea. Selsey IBP/ Green Playing Public space To enhance residents STC CIL Town 759 Infrast fields, sports enhancements wellbeing and visitor Council ructur pitches, at Manor attraction. e related build Green Park - and play and children's wellbeing play areas equipment. Selsey IBP/ Green Playing Public space To enhance residents STC CIL Town 758 Infrast fields, sports enhancements wellbeing and visitor Council ructur pitches, at the attraction. e related build Recreation and Ground - children's playing and play areas wellbeing equipment. Selsey IBP/ Green Playing Public space To enhance visitor Selsey CIL Town 110 Infrast fields, sports enhancements attraction and tourism Town Council ructur pitches, at East Beach product and foster C ouncil, e related build green (in better links with the CDC and addition to sea. children's skate park, play areas better play facilities, all weather sports courts) Selsey IBP/ Econo Employment Selsey Haven Coastal defence; 2017 Short DEFRA, CDC CIL Town 587 mic /Economic security, safety and term European Council sustainability of the (2020 - and Marine fishing industry; 2026) Fisheries tourism; economy. Fund, LEADER, Coast to Capital, LEP 54

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other IBP/ Trans Cycle and Provision of Need to spread visitor Initial Short Linked Through Possibly CIL Parish 134 port pedestrian green corridor pressure away from impleme term to MPP and MWHG Council infrastructur habitat and over concentration on ntation (2020 - d rainage possible and MPP e walking Pagham Harbour and mid 2026) and MWHG. and PC /cycling routes provide non car 2015 other Natural extending from bourne access routes and infrastru England Pagham into area. Provision of ongoing cture Harbour as wildlife corridors to link work part of GLAM habitat areas Est. £30k Sidlesham IBP/ Trans Cycle Commuter Need for safe / Feasibilit Short £500k Possible Joint Other Parish 139 port infrastructur cycle path segregated route for y Mid term Sport project Council e Selsey to commuters and other 2015 (2020 - England /Big group Chichester users and 2026) Lottery and as tourist / ongoing WSCC recreational /CDC and asset oth ers Sidlesham IBP/ Trans Local road B2145 within Deterioration of Possible Short Est. WSCC other Sidlesham Other Parish 136 port network Sidlesham - roadside environment start late term £20k grants and Parish Council environmental and general 2015 (2020 - possible use Council improvement disfigurement of ongoing 2026) of S106 and programme landscape. Lack of business ownership contribution responsibility for public realm Sidlesham IBP/ Social Built sport Refurbishment Current building Late Short Phase 1 Football Sidlesham CIL Parish 133 Infrast and leisure and possible dilapidated state and 2015 – term £1 00k Foundation, FC Council ructur facilities future risk of loss to through (2020 - Phase 2 Football e extension of community 2016/17 2026) £ 50 k Association, community Sport sports building England, CDC& WSCC Sidlesham IBP/ Social Community Contingency Possible loss of Conting Short Study In Big Lottery Sidlesham Other Parish 137 Infrast facilities plan for public existing church hall at ency term house Community Pa rish Council ructur building (hall) end of lease. Possible scoping (2020 - minimal Buildings Council e failure of proposals to and 2026) cost. CDC and others refurbish fully initial Adapted /WSCC community sports ana lysis structure Numerous building .Need for study cost other contingency approach mid range funding in order that parish is 2016 £200 - sources not left without a 300k usable building New building assumin g no land cost in range £500k - £800k Sidlesham IBP/ Green Flood and Phase 3 of Continued risk of Start Short Initial SFLDG CIL Parish 135 Infrast coastal Sidlesham flooding from ground late term phase and Council erosion risk Flood and £20 - 30k WSCC as 55

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other ructur managemen Land Drainage water and sea and 2015 (2020 - Lead e t Group Rife ongoing 2026) Flood and (SFLDG) Land emergent Dr ainage forward plan Auth.Natio nal Flood forum Sidlesham IBP/ Green Landscaping Structural Tree Need to control Depend Short £20 - LEADER Possible Other Parish 138 Infrast , planting Planting to ground water levels / s on term 30K for and others lead Council ructur and reduce water need to provide possible (2020 - tree MWHG e woodland table and renewable energy support - 2026) planting creation and provide sources to combat if and public rights biomass from Global Warming supporte fencing of way coppice d within assumin next five g no year land period cost and then ongoing Southbour IBP/ Trans Car parking Improvements Road safety and to £30 CIL ne Parish 694 port to the car park increase the usage of Council at Prinsted. the carpark whilst reducing maintenance costs. Southbour IBP/ Trans Cycle and Provision of Safety WSCC CIL ne Parish 834 port pedestrian Southbourne Council infrastructur section of e cycle route from Chichester to Emsworth (CHEM route) Southbour IBP/ Trans Cycle and Access to the From a safety aspect, CIL ne Parish 691 port pedestrian southside of to help keep children Council infrastructur the Railway off the main roads and e station encourage people to cycle and creates to future footbridge. Southbour IBP/ Trans Local road New link road Need identified in S106 SB/15/02505/OUT ne Parish 662 port network to the West of Neighbourhood Plan Council Stein Road to relieve pressure on Stein Road from increasing traffic and new developments Southbour IBP/ Trans Pedestrian New Identified in CIL ne Parish 663 port infrastructur footbridge Neighbourhood Plan Council e over railway for Green Ring line to the east of Stein Road. Southbour IBP/ Trans Public Installation of 1 new bus shelter to 2019 Short £12,000 Southbour CIL ne Parish 768 port transport 2 bus shelters be installed by the term ne Parish Council new Meadow View (2020 - Council Development and 1 2026) bus shelter at Bramley 56

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Gardens needs replacing. Southbour IBP/ Social Community Update/refurbi It is well used (they ne Parish 700 Infrast facilities sh the Sea have a long waiting list Council ructur Scout Hut, to join) e Prinsted Lane Southbour IBP/ Social Community Community Proposed Developers Southbour CIL/S10 ne Parish 885 Infrast facilities Centre development included and CIL ne Parish 6 Council ructur in the draft SPNP Council e 2019 - 2037

Southbour IBP/ Social Community Improvements Existing facilities CIL ne Parish 693 Infrast facilities to the within the Village Hall Council ructur Southbourne are very basic, eg. e Village Hall Sound proofing and more storage is required. Southbour IBP/ Social Streetscene Phase 2 of the To replace lights to £30,000 CIL and Southbour CIL ne Parish 769 Infrast and built replacement of LEDs to reduce other ne Parish Council ructur environment the Parish maintenance costs Council e lights. and improve energy efficiency Southbour IBP/ Green Playing Improvements The Recreation Adult Short £32,485 NHB & CIL Southbour CIL ne Parish 886 Infrast fields, sports to Ground needs Fitness term ne Parish Council ructur pitches, Southbourne modernising to meet equipme (2020 - Council e related build Recreation the expectations of the nt & wet 2026) and Ground community pour children's surface play areas 2020/21. Other improve ments TBC

Southbour IBP/ Social Streetscene Parish owned £30,000 - + Parish CIL ne Parish 714 Infrast and built street light £40,000 precept Council ructur environment replacement e Southbour IBP/ Green Playing Improvements The current facility is ne Parish 692 Infrast fields, sports to the barely fit for purpose. Council ructur pitches, recreation e related build ground and and pavilion children's play areas Southbour IBP/ Public Cemetery Development The existing cemetery Septem Short £138,00 Westbourne Southbou CIL ne Parish 554 and of the will be full in 2 - 5 ber 2020 term 0 & rne parish Council Comm cemetery’s years. A new field has (2020 - Southbourne Council on unity new 2 acre been purchased and 2026) Joint Burial behalf of field to make it Westbourn suitable for e & 57

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Servic burials. needs to be made Cttee Southbour es Includes plot ready (£106000); ne Joint structure and Burial layout of Southbourne Committee pathways. PC £22,827 (CIL)

Westbourne PC £8877

Tangmere IBP/ Trans Car parking Village Centre Requires drainage and 2020 Short £200,00 S106 Tangmere S106 TG/14/00797/FUL; Parish 150 port Car Park - a permeable (full term 0 Community Parish TG/17/00540/FUL: Council resurfacing infiltration) flexible (2020 - Facilities Council TG/18/03289/FUL surface with marked 2026) out parking spaces. Tangmere IBP/ Trans Car parking New Car Current parking St Andrews St CIL/S10 Parish 141 port parking for St. congestion on Church Church Andrews 6 Council Andrew’s Lane during Church Church services/events will be exacerbated as village expands. TNP Section 5.9 Tangmere IBP/ Trans Cycle and Tangmere Improve sustainable WSCC - TAD WSCC CIL/S10 TG/14/00797/FUL: Parish 716 port pedestrian airfield orbital and green transport Walking & 6 TG/11/04058/FUL: Council infrastructur cycle/bridlewa network, utilising Cycling for TG/12/01739/OUT: e y/pedestrian/p existing public rights of Ro ute 192 TG/17/01699/FUL ublic rights of way desire lines, way with links Church Lane (south of to Chichester airfield) and perimeter and Barnham track. LPP 18, TNPP 8 and 9, WSCC walking and cycling strategy App1, scheme id 192, 145, 291, 194 and 292. Tangmere IBP/ Trans Cycle Cycle routes Cycle routes and Existing Developer, CIL/S10 TG/14/ 00797/FUL; Parish 148 port infrastructur pathways - improve S106 - WSCC 6 TG/11/04058/FUL: Council e cycle routes through WSCC TAD and TG/12/01739/OUT village to encourage Walking & Tangmere use of sustainable Cycling for Parish transport and physical Route 192 Council activity. TNPP 8 & 9, WSCC Walking and Cycling Strategy App 1, scheme ids: 192, 145, 291, 194, 292 Tangmere IBP/ Trans Local road Walking, TNP Section 5.9 and NHB WSCC S106 Parish 140 port network cycling sustainable transport and Council improvements links with SDL along Tangmere and traffic 'village main street' Parish Calming on Council Malcolm Road


Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Tangmere IBP/ Trans Local road Traffic calming These roads subject to Developer, S106 Parish 160 port network on Meadow "rat running" and high WSCC & Council Way and vehicle speeds which Tangmere Tangmere require inhibiting Parish Road measures. Would also Council make road more attractive for walking and cycling. TNP Section 5.9 Tangmere IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Link(s) To improve Possible WSCC Other TG/19/01525/FUL Parish 638 port infrastructur between connectivity between application and Council e Marsh Lane existing recreational for Definitive Tangmere PROW 292 paths along existing Map Parish and WSCC desire lines. TNP Modification Council. solar farm Policy 9 Order perimeter (DMMO) permissive path. Tangmere IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Marsh Lane To enable year round WSCC TAD WSCC S106 TG/14/00797/FUL; Parish 637 port infrastructur PROW 292 - foot/cycle access Walking & and TG/11/04058/FUL; Council e upgrade between Cycling for Tangmere TG/12/01739/OUT surface to Tangmere/Barnham Route 192 Parish replace areas and recreational Council. current water use for expanding logged/mud populations. TNP sections Policy 9 Tangmere IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Improvements To enable limited Developer, S106 Parish 636 port infrastructur to Chestnut mobility users access WSCC, Council e Walk - St along route. Tangmere Andrews Parish Church Council footway and St E73/FP282 Andrews Church Tangmere IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Extend Required as part of Developer/ S106 Parish 717 port infrastructur footway on (refused) 50 dwelling WSCC Council e north side of proposal on Church Church Lane Lane (12/02378/OUT o/s Tangmere and 13/03804/OUT) House. therefore carry over to SD L. Tangmere IBP/ Social Built sport Sports Hall(s) Indoor Sports Facility - £500,00 SDL S106 CDC, CIL/S10 TG/14/00797/FUL Parish 161 Infrast and leisure To provide a multiple 0.00 Tangmere 6 Council ructur facilities sports facility for the Parish e enlarged village. Council Requirement identified and in CDC Open Space Developer Study. s Tangmere IBP/ Social Community Commission Study required to 2020 Short Tangmere CIL/S10 TG/14/00797/FUL Parish 835 Infrast facilities study into assist determination of term Parish 6 Council ructur community/ind siting, form, funding of (2020 - Council e oor sport new facility to serve 2026) provision. enlarged village.


Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Tangmere IBP/ Social Community Extension to Required to cater for SDL S106 St S106 Parish 144 Infrast facilities St Andrew’s long term need arising Andrews Council ructur Churchyard for from expanded Church e burial space population. TNP Section 5.9 Tangmere IBP/ Social Community Community Additional community £1,000,0 NHB & Tangmere CIL/S10 Parish 153 Infrast facilities Centre facility space to serve 00,000 TSDL S106 Parish 6 Council ructur enlarged population. Council e TNP Policy 2 and 9. and LPP 18 Developer Tangmere IBP/ Social Community Church Hall TNP Section 5.9 SDL S106, St S106 Parish 162 Infrast facilities (St Andrews) Scouts and Andrews Council ructur St Andrews Church e Church and Scouts Tangmere IBP/ Social Community Allotment To facilitate the SDL S106 S106 Parish 149 Infrast facilities relocation expansion of Council ructur Tangmere Aviation e Museum, existing allotments will relocate to a new site within SDL. Tangmere IBP/ Social Community Improvements Small scale NHB Tangmere CIL/S1 0 TG/17/00540/FUL; Parish 143 Infrast facilities to existing improvements to Parish 6 TG/11/04058/FUL: Council ructur Community facilities within Village Council TG/12/01739/OUT e Facilities Centre to improve and utility of building for Developer users. TNP Section s 5.9 Tangmere IBP/ Green Allotments Improvements Additional equipment £5,000.0 New Homes Tangmere S106 TG/14/00797/FUL Parish 147 Infrast to existing required to upgrade 0 Bonus Parish Council ructur allotments facilities - water Council e troughs, composting bins. Tangmere IBP/ Green Flood and Nettleton New soakaway in Operation CIL Parish 723 Infrast coastal Avenue recreation field to Watershed, Council ructur erosion risk serve existing and NHB, CIL e managemen new road gullies, t utilising redundant foul sewer lines and access pits for conveyance and storage. To provide a diversion of flows from existing system arrangements which discharge on to Tangmere Rd. Tangmere IBP/ Green Flood and Malcolm Road Loss of drainage line 2020 Short £3,900 Operation Tangmere CIL Parish 718 Infrast coastal diversion of to Chestnut Walk & term Watershed, Parish Council ructur erosion risk surplus flows surcharging of gullies (2020 - NHB, CIL Council e managemen from and domestic 2026) and SDL t recreation field inundation on Malcolm drainage ditch to Rd, surface flows on 60

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other existing to Tangmere Rd (NB, infr astructur soakaways OPUS e. within recommendation for recreation new channel to field. discharge West of Cheshire Crescent Estate). Tangmere IBP/ Green Flood and Diversion of Current discharge is Operation Developer CIL/S10 Parish 719 Infrast coastal Church via a level gradient to Watershed, and 6 Council ructur erosion risk Lane/Bayley Tangmere Rd/Church NHB, CIL Tangmere e managemen Rd flows. Lane junction resulting and SDL Parish t in inundation of drainage Council Church Lane. New infrastructur drainage proposed via e. fields south of Church Lane to link with existing ditch crossing the Tangmere Straight west of Museum bend. Tangmere IBP/ Green Flood and Garland Root clearance and 2020 Short Operation Hyde Other Parish 720 Infrast coastal Square relining surface water term Watershed Group & Council ructur erosion risk drainage drains. (2020 - Tangmere e managemen system 2026) Parish t Council Tangmere IBP/ Green Flood and Tangmere Numerous defects and Operation CIL Parish 722 Infrast coastal Road (Jerrard blockages within Watershed, Council ructur erosion risk Rd to pipework on both NHB, CIL e managemen Chestnut sides of Tangmere Rd t Walk) resulting in surface flows along/across carriageways and junctions. Requires relaying of defective pipework. Tangmere IBP/ Green Landscaping New and Amenity, biodiversity NHB CIL/S10 Parish 715 Infrast , planting replacement and drainage 6 Council ructur and trees and management e woodland hedgerows improvements. Note creation and throughout the requirement to include public rights Parish. this in IBP to support of way future NHB applications. Tangmere IBP/ Green Playing Malcolm Rd Current poor land £60,000 Meadow Tangmere CIL/S10 TG /17/00540/FUL; Parish 157 Infrast fields, sports Recreation drainage leading to Way & NHB Parish 6 TG/12/01739/OUT Council ructur pitches, Field sports poor quality playing Council e related build pitch area - surface, match and land drainage cancellations, children's maintenance play areas difficulties and surface water run off. Tangmere IBP/ Green Playing Outdoor Overall provision of Tangmere CIL Parish 159 Infrast fields, sports recreation outdoor recreation Parish Council ructur pitches, areas areas below that Council e related build required for existing 61

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other and and permitted Village children's size - see TPC play areas response to latest CDC LPR related Open Space Study Consultation. Tangmere IBP/ Green Playing Current Changing rooms are £20,000. Hanger/S10 Tangmere CIL/S10 TG/14/00797/FUL Parish 152 Infrast fields, sports changing/Spor currently very tired 00 6 and NHB Parish 6 Council ructur pitches, ts Pavilion and need Council e related build modernisation. This is and to meet current day children's requirements and play areas standards and multi use availability. New showers and tiled areas required plus replacement of wash basins and installation of hot water supply. Tangmere IBP/ Green Public open Land to be To expand community Developer S106 Parish 142 Infrast space made orchard and/or and Council ructur available for community garden Tangmere e community provision. TNP Parish groups to Section 5.9 Council develop for suitable purposes Tangmere IBP/ Green Public open Tangmere Local Plan policy 18, SDL S106 Developer S106 Parish 592 Infrast space SDL specific Tangmere s Council ructur green Neighbourhood Plan, e infrastructure policies 2 ,8 and 9. (all types) Separates out projects specific to this SDL. Tangmere IBP/ Green Public open Bund and To improve 2022 Short £2500 NHB Tangmere CIL/S10 TG/07/04577/FUL ; Parish 639 Infrast space hedge around biodiversity term Parish 6 TG/11/04058/FUL; Council ructur Malcolm Road connectivity and (2020 - Council TG/12/02262/FUL e recreation bolster unauthorised 2026) ground. vehicular access preventative measures. Tangmere IBP/ Utility Utility Broadband Requires provision of Developer Parish 158 Servic services coverage infrastructure to s/Telecom Council es support superfast providers standards. West IBP/ Social Community Preparation of 2016 - Short £20,000 Parish Parish CIL Wittering 729 Infrast facilities a 2018 term precept and Council Parish ructur neighbourhoo (2020 - Locality Council e d plan. 2026) grant. Westbourn IBP/ Trans Car parking A car park that To ease congestion on 2019 - Short Westbourne e Parish 640 port can be used the roads, help 2022 term Parish Council by shoppers use the local (2020 - Council & residents/visito facilities. 2026) Westbourne rs Community Trust 62

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Westbourn IBP/ Trans Local road Street lighting, The existing heritage 2019 - Short e Parish 558 port network replace lamps in the 2020 term Council standard convservation area (2020 - frames with were replaced with 2026) heritage standard frames and lamps. the Parish Council would like the original heritage lamps put back in place. Westbourn IBP/ Trans Local road Improvements Improve local road e Parish 804 port network to road layouts network and Council and parking prevention of HGVs restrictions. using narrow roads. Westbourn IBP/ Trans Local road Reconfiguratio To reduce congestion. 2019 - Short Westbourne e Parish 803 port network n of The 2022 term Parish Council Square to (2020 - Council & include 2026) Westbourne pedestrian Community crossing and Trust improved car parking Westbourn IBP/ Social Community Storage space The Parish Council 2019 - Short Westbourne e Parish 805 Infrast facilities for items and does not have an 2020 term Parish Council ructur facilities which office or Hall and (2020 - Council e are used for requires storage 2026) working with the benefit of space. Westbourne the local Community community. Trust. Westbourn IBP/ Social Community Development Westbourne doesn’t CIL e Parish 563 Infrast facilities of a parish have a parish hall and Council ructur hall. is very reliant on the e facilities provided by the Baptist Church and St Johns Church. Westbourn IBP/ Social Community Public seats e Parish 557 Infrast facilities around the Council ructur parish could e do with replacing. On the corner of East Street, the Parish Council is having to get rid of two. Westbourn IBP/ Social Community Two more £700 Westbourn Other e Parish 556 Infrast facilities picnic benches e Parish Council ructur required at Council e Monks Hill due to success of those already installed.


Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Westbourn IBP/ Social Community The Cub It is a WW2 army e Parish 555 Infrast facilities Scout Hall building with Council ructur needs a good agricultural asbestos e face - lift. in the roof. The hut is used by the scouts and by other community groups/events. Westbourn IBP/ Social Community The Meeting 2018/20 Short S106 WE/14/00911/FUL e Parish 559 Infrast facilities Place - The 19 term Council ructur hall would (2020 - e benefit from 2026) refurbishment to make it a better more sophisticated community facility. Westbourn IBP/ Social Streetscene CCTV at To prevent anti - soci al 2020 - Short PC is setting e Parish 806 Infrast and built Monk's Hill behaviour and fly 2021 term aside Council ructur environment recreation tipping which has (2020 - funding for e ground car increased in recent 2026) the project. park and years. possibly at other locations in the Parish, eg. Long Copse Lane, Mill Road recreation ground car park and the allotments. Westbourn IBP/ Green Playing The play The play equipment is CIL e Parish 565 Infrast fields, sports equipment at approaching the end Council ructur pitches, Monks Hill and of its sell - by - date e related build Mill Road and Recreation children's grounds needs play areas replacing. Westbourn IBP/ Green Playing To create an Westbourne e Parish 807 Infrast fields, sports exercise circuit PC have set Council ructur pitches, around the aside funds e related build perimeter for for the and the recreation project. children's ground at play areas Monks Hill, install goal posts and provide additional picnic tables and benches.


Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Westhamp IBP/ Trans Car parking Stane Street Parking restricts traffic As soon Short Highways CIL nett Parish 176 port parking flow and ped’ road as term Council crossing possible (2020 - 2026) Westhamp IBP/ Trans Cycle Cycle Paths Lack of provision As soon Short Highways CIL nett Parish 174 port infrastructur into as term Council e Chichester possible (2020 - 2026) Westhamp IBP/ Trans Local road Speed Excessive speed As soon Short Highways CIL nett Parish 168 port network cameras to between RaB and as term Council Madgwick Barns possible (2020 - Lane 2026) Westhamp IBP/ Trans Local road Madgwick Excessive speeding As soon Short Highways CIL nett Parish 175 port network Lane Traffic between RaB and as term Council calming Barns possible (2020 - 2026) Westhamp IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Street lighting Lack of provision As soon Short Highways CIL nett Parish 167 port infrastructur to Madgwick as term Council e Lane possible (2020 - 2026) Westhamp IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Pavements to Pedestrian hazards As soon Short Highways CIL nett Parish 169 port infrastructur Madgwick road crossing as term Council e Lane possible (2020 - 2026) Westhamp IBP/ Trans Transport - Acoustic Sound pollution from As soon Short Highways CIL nett Parish 177 port A27 fencing to the traffic as term Council A27 possible (2020 - 2026) Westhamp IBP/ Educa Preschool New Primary Double existing In Short Education CIL nett Parish 163 tion and Primary School and population readines term Council school Preschool s for (2020 - propose 2026) d housing develop ments Westhamp IBP/ Health Community New GP Doubling population As soon Short National CIL nett Parish 166 healthcare, surgery and as term Health Council primary care dispensary possible (2020 - facilities & 2026) improvemen ts Westhamp IBP/ Social Community Parish Hall Westhampnett Timeline Short £1,500,0 S106 To be S106 WH/04/03947/OUT; nett Parish 171 Infrast facilities currently has no is term 00 (historic delivered WH/15/03524/OUTEIA Council ructur community buildings dependa (2020 - (Scale of receipt). by e and has long aspired nt on the 2026) building S106 to be developer to develop one at a phasing stil l to be secured. in number of locations. of two determin New Homes partnershi different ed Bonus p with develop based Westhamp ment on nett PC sites – complexi Madgew ty of ick Lane bringing) 65

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other strategic site, and Maudlin Nurserie s Westhamp IBP/ Green Allotments Allotment site Would like one. Mediu Westhamp CIL nett Parish 687 Infrast m to nett Parish Council ructur long Council e term (2027 - 2029) Westhamp IBP/ Green Flood and Ditch No current provision As soon Short CDC CIL nett Parish 164 Infrast coastal clearance other than volunteers as term Council ructur erosion risk possible (2020 - e managemen 2026) t Westhamp IBP/ Green Flood and Sewage To support new As soon Short Developer Other nett Parish 178 Infrast coastal system development and as term Council ructur erosion risk improvements ensure that the risk of possible (2020 - e managemen flooding to existing 2026) t properties is not unacceptably increased. Westhamp IBP/ Green Flood and New Surface To support new As soon Short Developer CIL nett Parish 179 Infrast coastal water development and as term Council ructur erosion risk measures ensure that the risk of possible (2020 - e managemen flooding to existing 2026) t properties is not acceptably increased. Westhamp IBP/ Green Playing MUGA outside Mitigation for ASAP Short Sport S106 nett Parish 172 Infrast fields, sports play area Westhampnett SDL term England Council ructur pitches, (2020 - e related build 2026) and children's play areas Westhamp IBP/ Green Playing Outside sports Mitigation for As soon Short Sport S106 nett Parish 170 Infrast fields, sports facilities Westhampnett SDL as term England Council ructur pitches, Football, possible (202 0 - CDC e related build Cricket, 2026) and changing children's rooms play areas Wisboroug IBP/ Trans Car parking Local road Harden some grass £15,000 CIL h Green 760 port network - verges to provide Parish improve parking areas and Council parking remove on pavement provision on parking. estates. Wisboroug IBP/ Trans Car parking Local road Realigning parking £1,200 Wisboroug CIL h Green 764 port network bays in village hall car h Green Parish park and no parking Parish Council hatching in West Council Road. 66

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other Wisboroug IBP/ Trans Local road Traffic calming Wisborough Green are 2016 - Short £6,000 CIL h Green 224 port network throughout the currently developing a 2024 term Parish village Traffic Management (2020 - Council Plan - new issues may 2026) come through as a result and older issues may be removed in pla ce Wisboroug IBP/ Trans Local road School Safety Create drop off area in 2016 - Short £25,000 CIL and Wisboroug CIL h Green 227 port network Zone - School Road to 2021 term other h Green Parish Wisborough improve safety. Widen (2020 - Parish Council Green Primary and improve footpaths 2026) Council School for walking to school route. Wisboroug IBP/ Trans Local road Creating a Reduce speed on 2016 - Short £8,000 CIL and Wisboroug CIL h Green 228 port network buffer zone A272 - road and 2021 term other h Green Parish before the pedestrian safety. (2020 - Parish Council 30mph zone 2026) Council on A272 west side of village Wisboroug IBP/ Trans Local road Lengthening Village Centre - to 2016 - Short CIL and Wisboroug CIL h Green 229 port network double yellow improve safety at the 2017 term other h Green Parish lines outside junction. (2020 - Parish Council the Cricketers 2026) Council Arms Wisboroug IBP/ Trans Local road Built out in Reduce speed through 2016 - Short CIL and Wisboroug CIL h Green 690 port network Durbans Road centre of village 2021 term other h Green Parish (linked with new (2020 - Parish Council Winterfold 2026) Council development) Wisboroug IBP/ Trans Local road Local road Re - align hedge at 2016 - Short £3,000 Wisboroug CIL h Green 761 port network network. New Pound Lane exit 2024 term h Green Parish Traffic calming on to B2133 to (2020 - PC Council throughout the improve visibility and 2026) village. safety. Wisboroug IBP/ Trans Local road Local road To reduce parking £3,000 Wisboroug CIL h Green 762 port network network, concerns and h Green Parish provision of speeding. Parish Council gateway on Council the west road. Wisboroug IBP/ Trans Public Provision of To provide shelter in £7,500 Wisboroug CIL h Green 763 port transport bus shelter an exposed site and to h Green Parish and dropped make waiting area Parish Council kerb. accessible to Council wheelchair users. Wisboroug IBP/ Social Community Improvements Modernisation and Grant Wisboroug CIL h Green 589 Infrast facilities to public toilets DDA compliance. funding h Green Parish ructur Installation of hot Parish Council e water for cleaners. Council Wisboroug IBP/ Social Community Improvements Current building needs within Short £700,00 CIL/S106 Village CIL WR/14/00748/OUT h Green 588 Infrast facilities to the Village modernisation. next 5 term 0 Hall Parish ructur Hall. Improved accessibility years (2020 - Managem Council e for all and storage. 2026) ent Committee 67

Org IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasing Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Ref Name Id ory Type Time Range Sources Lead S106 Other and Parish Council Wisboroug IBP/ Social Community Garage To provide essential 2020 - Short £30,000 Wisboroug CIL h Green 817 Infrast facilities purchase storage facility for 2022 term h Green Parish ructur village fete which is (2020 - Parish Council e close to the Village 2026) Council Green. Wisboroug IBP/ Green Playing Village Green To reduce water £65,000 Wisboroug CIL h Green 590 Infrast fields, sports drainage logging to improve h Green Parish ructur pitches, surface for sports and Parish Council e related build community use. Council and children's play areas Wisboroug IBP/ Green Playing Leveling of Unevenness of the £20,000 CIL/other Wisboroug CIL h Green 765 Infrast fields, sports cricket outfield ground creates h Green Parish ructur pitches, on Village unpredictability of Parish Council e related build Green balls. Council and children's play areas Wisboroug IBP/ Green Playing Playground To provide soft 2016 - Short £15,000 Wisboroug CIL h Green 766 Infrast fields, sports surfacing surfacing under 2024 term h Green Parish ructur pitches, improvements seesaw and swing unit (2020 - Parish Council e related build to remove problem of 2026) Council and current mattin g children's becoming compacted play areas and undertake minor improvements. Wisboroug IBP/ Green Playing Improvements Maintenance items to £3,000 Wisboroug CIL h Green 767 Infrast fields, sports within improve appearance h Green Parish ructur pitches, conservation of area in School Parish Council e related build area Road and around the Council and pond. children's play areas Wisboroug IBP/ Green Playing All weather To promote winter £250,00 CIL and Wisboroug CIL h Green 874 Infrast fields, sports sports surface football in the village, 0 Grants h Green Parish ructur pitches, (30 x 50 m) to encourage younger PC Council e related build players to aspire to and join the senior teams children's and to promote the play areas retu rn of ladies netball. Wisboroug IBP/ Green Playing Trim trail Reduce pressure on CIL and Wisboroug CIL h Green 688 Infrast fields, sports exercise path the Village Green and other h Green Parish ructur pitches, and creation of new public Parish Council e related build associated open space. Council and wild flower children's meadow and play areas tree planting. Wisboroug IBP/ Green Public open Drainage of To reduce water 2020 - Short £30,000 CIL and Wisb oroug CIL h Green 875 Infrast space Songhurst logging to improve 2022 term Grants h Green Parish ructur Meadow open surface for cricket and (2020 - PC Council e space community use. 2026) 68

Chichester District Council projects

Org Name IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasi Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Plannin g Priorit Project Parish Id ory Type ng Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Other Categ ory Chichester IBP/ Trans Car parking Increase the To support the 2021+ Short £60,000 Possible CDC CIL 3 District District 856 port number of increase in term government Policy wide Council electric demand from (2020 - grants High vehicle electric 2026) available charging vehicles. points in the District's car parks. Chichester IBP/ Trans Car parking Introduction To assist with 2021+ Short £60,000 Possible CDC CIL 3 District District 857 port of vehicle enabling free term government Policy wide Council sensors/cou fl ow of traffic (2020 - grants. High nters to in the District 2026) assist with as vehicle use traffic increases managemen reducing t in the car congestion, parks. providing real - time data of spaces. Chichester IBP/ Trans Cycle and Improve Parish - wide 2015 - Short CIL 4 Project not yet Kirdford District 319 port pedestrian local 2029 term Desira ready to be Council infrastructur footpaths, (2020 - ble selected e cycle tracks 2026) & equestrian ways (Kirdford) Chichester IBP/ Trans Cycle Core area Compli m ents 2021 - Short £630,00 WSCC 3 Chichest District 854 port infrastructur cycle IBP/358 2024 term 0 Policy er Council e improvemen (2020 - High t listed in 2026) LCWIP Chichester IBP/ Trans Cycle LCWIP route Cycle route 2024 - Short £2,330,0 Grant DFT CDC, CIL 3 Chichest District 845 port infrastructur A linking north 2029 term 00 (Dept for WSCC Policy er and Council e Chichester via (2020 - Transport) High Lavant Lavant Road 2026) to Northgate gyratory - links new and existing residential areas to City Centre and Centurion Way providing route to Lavant/SDNP A


Org Name IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasi Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Plannin g Priorit Project Parish Id ory Type ng Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Other Categ ory Chichester IBP/ Trans Cycle Core area Inner ring road 2021 - Short £6,300,0 CDC 2 Chichest District 853 port infrastructur cycle cycle 2024 term 00 Essent er City Council e improvemen improvements (2020 - ial t listed in listed in 2026) LCWIP LCWIP Chichester IBP/ Trans Cycle LCWIP route Cycle route 2021 - Short £290,00 Grant CDC, CIL 3 Chichest District 852 port infrastructur Q improvements 2024 term 0 funding from WSCC Policy er City Council e to route (2020 - DFT High between the 2026) station and Westgate via Chichester College fields. Chichester IBP/ Trans Cycle LCWIP route Cycle route 2021 - Short £690,00 Grant CDC, CIL 3 Chichest District 851 port infrastructur N linking 2024 term 0 funding from WSCC Policy er City Council e Barnfield Drive (2020 - the DFT High retail park 20 26) (and new residential areas north east of City) to New Park Road, St Pancras in City Centre. Chichester IBP/ Trans Cycle LCWIP route Cycle route via 2024 - Short £1,400,0 Grant CDC, CIL 3 Chichest District 846 port infrastructur B The 2029 term 00 funding from WSCC Policy er City Council e Broadway, (2020 - DFT (Dept and High Summersdale 2026) for University Road and Transport) College Lane linking to Spitalfield Way - links to residential areas in north east city centre via university to city. Chichester IBP/ Trans Cycle LCWIP route Cycle route 2021 - Short £2,340,0 Grant CDC, CIL 3 Donning District 850 port infrastructur H linking canal 2024 term 00 funding from WSCC Policy ton and Council e towpath to (2020 - DFT High Chichest central 2026) er City Donnington and further links northwards to access Chichester City via A27 bridge.


Org Name IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasi Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Plannin g Priorit Project Parish Id ory Type ng Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Other Categ ory Chich ester IBP/ Trans Cycle LCWIP route Cycle route 2021 - Short £400,00 Grant CDC, CIL 3 Donning District 849 port infrastructur G North improvement 2024 term 0 funding from WSCC Policy ton and Council e to Canal (2020 - DFT High Chichest towpath 2026) er City between south east part of Donnington and Chichester Canal Basin including link to route H (IBP/850) Chichester IBP/ Trans Cycle LCWIP route Cycle route 2024 - Short £520,00 Grant CDC, CIL 3 North District 848 port infrastructur F from North 2029 term 0 funding DFT WSCC Policy Mundha Council e Mundham via (2020 - (Dept for High m and bridle way to 2026) Transport) Chichest Chichester er City Free School and onwards to Whyke Estate in South Chichester and links to route E (IBP/847). Chichester IBP/ Trans Cycle LCWIP route Cycle route 2024 - Short £960,00 Grant from CDC, CIL 3 North District 847 port infrastructur E providing link 2029 term 0 DFT (Dept WSCC Policy Mundha Council e from south (2020 - for High m and east (North 2026) Transport) Chichest Mundham) to er City employment area in south east (Quarry Lane) and onwards to City Centre. Chichester IBP/ Trans Local road Boxgrove - Boxgrove CIL 4 Not selected Boxgrov District 199 port network Improvemen Parish Desira for IBP years e Council ts to Council, ble 2016 - 2021 as pedestrian CDC & little planned safety and WSCC development reducing in this cycle. traffic speeds in Boxgrove, whilst protecting the special character of the conservation area 71

Org Name IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasi Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Plannin g Priorit Project Parish Id ory Type ng Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Other Categ ory Chichester IBP/ Trans Local road Fishbourne - Reduce traffic Fishbourn CIL 4 Parish may Fishbour District 211 port network Traffic speeds and e Parish Desira wish to ne Council Calming improve the Council, ble consider Measures environment CDC, funding from and enhance WSCC their CIL conservation area character – including settings of listed buildings Chichester IBP/ Trans Local road Halnaker - Conservation Boxgrove CIL 4 Not selected Halnake District 213 port network Improvemen and Parish Desira for IBP years r Council ts to enhancement Council, ble 2016 - 2021 as pedestrian of historic CDC, little planned safety and environment WSCC development reducing in this cycle. traffic speeds in H alnaker, particularly along the A286, whilst protecting the special character of the conservation area Chichester IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Core area Range of 2024 - Short £450,00 CDC 3 Chichest District 855 port infrastructur walking measures 2029 term 0 Policy er Council e improvemen which (2020 - High t listed in compliment 2026) LCWIP some of the proposed cycle route improvements. Chichester IBP/ Trans Pedestrian Fishbourne - Improve WSCC, CIL 4 Parish may Fishbour District 210 port infrastructur Improve pedestrian Fisbourne Desira wish to ne Council e pavements safety and Parish ble consider also enhance Council funding from the historic their CIL environment. Boost local economy. Will also improve capacity to accommodate growth Chichester IBP/ Trans Public Provision of Improve the 2021 - Short £5,300,0 LEP, WSCC CDC/WSC CIL 2 Selected Chichest District 206 port transport a bus/rail environment 2022 term 00 & selected C Essent er Council interchange and enhance (2020 - Developer ial and conservation 2026) proposed area character improvemen – including 72

Org Name IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasi Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Plannin g Priorit Project Parish Id ory Type ng Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Other Categ ory ts to traffic settings of and listed pedestrian buildings. circulation Improve (Cross access to City reference Centre. Would IBP/351) help the city accommodate impact of growth around the periphery . Chichester IBP/ Health Community Clinic and Opportunity to 2025 - Short £20,700, CIL and Sussex CIL 2 Project not yet Chichest District 773 healthcare, office address 2025 term 000 other Communit Essent ready to be er City Council primary care facilities operational (2020 - y ial selected facilities & offering and service 2026) Foundatio improvemen range of issues to allow n ts health relocation of Trust/CDC services for SCFT Adult diverse Children and range of Wellbeing client Services groups. currently from 4 Chichester City sites. Plus 1,500 sqm of GP space. Chichester IBP/ Social Community West of Experience of Before Short Unknow Provided by Developer, S106 2 Committed Chichest District 190 Infrast facilities Chichester – large first term n Developer will require Essent er Council ructur Temporary developments 100 (2020 - under S106 a ial e community with protracted units 2026) community facilities build out lead either demonstrates Chichester the need for City early delivery Council, or of community other space, nominated temporary or new provision of group same, or “meanwhile” use of other designated space, to facilitate early development of community Chichester IBP/ Social Community Donnington Existing Subjec Short £250 - Local Donningto S106 D/07/0473 4 Committed Donning District 193 Infrast facilities Church Hall building can t to term 300k fundraising n PCC 2/FUL, Desira ton Council ructur – extension no longer cope planni (2020 - and private through D/11/0119 ble e with the level ng 2026) donations, Managem 8/FUL; of demand permis S106, NHB ent D/12/0441 given local sion or grants? Committee 0/FUL population project (although 73

Org Name IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasi Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Plannin g Priorit Project Parish Id ory Type ng Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Other Categ ory growth. likely are Devised a side to identifying extension that comm some would provid e ence capacity additional 2016 issues or meeting lack of space, relevant dedicated experienc youth area e to project manage) Chichester IBP/ Social Community Village On land south 2015 - Short CIL 4 Project not yet Kirdford District 321 Infrast facilities Social & east of 2025 term Desira ready to be Council ructur Recreational Townfield (2020 - ble selected e Hub 2026) (Kirdford) Chichester IBP/ Social Community Shopwhyke Experience of Before Short Unknow Provide by Developer, S106 O/11/0528 2 Committed Oving District 189 Infrast facilities – Temporary large first term n Developer will require 3/O UT Essent Council ructur community developments 100 (2020 - under S106 a ial e Facilities with protracted units 2026) community build out lead either demonstrates Oving PC, the need for or other early delivery nominated of community or new space, group temporary provision of same, or “meanwhile” use of other designated space, to facilitate early development of community Chichester IBP/ Social Community Soft play Nearest facility CIL 4 Not selected Selsey District 314 Infrast facilities area/indoor is 20 miles Desira for IBP years Council ructur play area for away and is ble 2016 - 2021 as e children not accessible little planned (Selsey) by public development transport in this cycle. Chichester IBP/ Social Community Extension to Required for S106 SY/14/021 4 Committed Selsey District 313 Infrast facilities Selsey storage and 86/OUTEI Desira Council ructur Centre additional, A; ble e regularly SY/15/004 requested 90/FUL facilities Chichester IBP/ Social Community Southbourne Existing Linked Short £500k Contribution Age CIL SB/14/028 4 Consider Southbo District 192 Infrast facilities – building is to the term broad s to be Concern 00/OUT Desira sele cting if urne Council ructur replacement beyond its phasin (2020 - estimate sought form Southbour ble match funding e of Age useful life and g of 2026) (assumi a number of ne, is identified as Concern needs permitt ng Southbourne hopefully this project Building redevelopment ed tenure of permissions with the supports the 74

Org Name IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasi Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Plannin g Priorit Project Parish Id ory Type ng Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Other Categ ory (multi - use to meet the sites land support of growth of the community needs of the aroun secured the PC area provided building) growing d without and NP it is for community South purchas group. genuine (identified bourn e) community within NP) e, but use. the next five years will requir e the resolut ion of land tenure , develo pment of a formal schem e for redeve lopme nt etc. Chichester IBP/ Social Streetscene Southern Major 2021 - Short £2,000,0 LEP and CDC/WSC CIL 2 Selected District 775 Infrast and built Gateway regeneration 2022 term 00 selected C Essent Council ructur environment pu blic realm. project to (2020 - developer ial e improve the 2026) look and feel of the area. Creation of a new City square to help bolster the economy in that area and to improve accessibility with less traffic, less pollution and more priority for walking and cycling . Chichester IBP/ Social Streetscene Chichester - Conservation CIL 4 City Council Chichest District 208 Infrast and built Re - and Desira may wish to er Council ructur environment introduction enhancement ble consider e of natural of historic funding from stone paving environment - their CIL within the Public Realm City centre, and 75

Org Name IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasi Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Plannin g Priorit Project Parish Id ory Type ng Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Other Categ ory particularly Accessibility for The Enhancement Pallants, Strategy Westgate, September Northgate, 2005. Key Southgate project to and improve public Eastgate realm under Square , as the Chichester funds permit Vision to and also ensure street improvemen scene ts to the supports public realm changing including nature of the street high street. furniture, signage e Chichester IBP/ Social Streetscene St Martin's Improve the CDC, CIL 4 City Council Chichest District 204 Infrast and built Street/ environment WSCC Desira may wish to er Council ructur environment Crooked S and enhance ble consider e Twitten, conservation funding from Chichester area character their CIL This is a – including popular settings of pedestrian listed route buildings. May currently also improve poorly capacity to maintained meet growth. and detailed. Improved Area should visitor be experience redesigned and economic to include benefits for the provision City Centre. of new paving and new street furniture, as well as a new retail unit. Chichester IBP/ Social Streetscene Public space In alignment CIL 4 Not selected Selsey District 309 Infrast and built enhanceme with the East Desira for IBP years Council ructur environment nts by East Beach ble 2016 - 2021 as e Beach green Masterplan by little planned (in addition CDC development to skate in this cycle. park, better play facilities, all weather sports 76

Org Name IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasi Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Plannin g Priorit Project Parish Id ory Type ng Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Other Categ ory courts) (Selsey) Chichester IBP/ Green Biodiversity CDC NPPF April Short £575,00 CDC CIL 3 District District 842 Infrast measures strategic Paragraph 2021 term 0 Policy wide Council ructur wildlife 174A Local March (20 20 - High e corridors Plan Policy 52 2026 2026) connecting Chichester and Pagham Harbour to the SDNPA Chichester IBP/ Green Biodiversity FLOW Lawton Report 2016 – Short 545,300 Heritage MWHG Other 3 Consider Manhoo District 197 Infrast measures Project and Natural 2021 term Lottery and FLOW Policy selecting if d Council ructur (Fixing and Environment (2020 - Funding Project High match funding Peninsul e Linking Our White Paper 2026) secured. Board is identified as a Wetlands) – (2011) (including this project improving We must: CDC) supports the and • improve the growth of the enhancing quality of area provided the wetlands current wildlife it is for habitat on sites by better genuine the habitat community Manhood management; use. Peninsula • increase the size of existing wildlife sites; • enhance connections between sites, either t hrough physical c Chichester IBP/ Green Flood and Local Local Flood 2015 - Short £250 k WSCC PC, CDC Other 3 Selected District District 288 Infrast coastal Drainage - Risk 2025 term & WSCC Policy wide Council ructur erosion risk Local Management (2020 - High e mana gemen watercourse West Sussex 2026) t network Local Flood improvemen Risk ts identified Management on the West Strategy 2015 Sussex Local Flood Risk Managemen ts Priority List. Chichester IBP/ Green Flood and Local West Sussex 2015 - Short £10k None CDC, CIL 3 Project not yet Hambro District 291 Infrast coastal Drainage - Local Flood 2020 term WSCC Policy ready to be ok Council ructur erosion risk The Avenue, Risk (2020 - High selected e managemen Hambrook Management 2026 ) t Watercourse Strategy 2015 re - construction


Org Name IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasi Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Plannin g Priorit Project Parish Id ory Type ng Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Other Categ ory Chichester IBP/ Green Flood and Coast Policy 10 of 2020 – Short £5m FDGIA, a CDC CIL 3 Consider Sels ey District 287 Infrast coastal Protection - Draft Local 2025 term contribution Policy selecting if Council ructur erosion risk Selsey East Plan (2020 - likely to be High match funding e managemen Beach – “Mitigating and 2026) required is identified as t Raising of adapting to (shortfall) this project the Sea Wall climate supports the change” growth of the area provided it is for genuine community use. Chichester IBP/ Green Flood and Coast Policy 10 of 2020 - Short £1,000,0 FDGIA est. CDC CIL 3 Reserved for Selsey District 570 Infrast coastal Protection - Draft Local 2025 term 00 £750k CDC Policy next phasing Council ructur erosion risk Selsey – Plan (2020 - est. £250k High period e managemen Wittering “Mitigating and 2026) t Beach adapting to Managemen climate t 2021 - 2026 change” Chichester IBP/ Green Flood and Coast Policy 10 of 2015 - Short £1,250,0 FDGIA est. CDC Other 3 Project not yet Selsey District 290 Infrast coastal Protection - Draft Local 2020 term 00 £1,250,000 Policy ready to be Council ructur erosion risk Selsey – Plan (2020 - High selected e managemen Wittering “Mitigating and 2026) t Beach adapting to Managemen climate t 2016 - 2021 change” Chichester IBP/ Green Flood and Access Development CIL 3 Consider Selsey District 315 Infrast coastal improvem en of a good path Policy selecting if Council ructur erosion risk ts to and round the High match funding e managemen establishme whole is identified as t nt of coastal peninsula with this project path with facilities at supports the way finding various growth of the (Manhood locations area provided Peninsular) around it. it is for genuine community use. Chichester IBP/ Green Landscaping New Development 2015 - Short CIL 4 Project not yet Kirdford District 318 Infrast , planting footpaths & Site North of 2029 term Desira ready to be Council ructur and Community Village (2020 - ble selected e woodland Amenity 2026) creation and Space public rights (Kirdford) of way Chichester IBP/ Green Landscaping Amenity tree Improvement 2014 - Short £? From Parish S106 2 Committed Southbo District 308 Infrast , planting planting of street 2029 term Develop Council Essent urne Council ructur and Harbour scene, (2020 - er ial e woodland SPA Solent increased 2026) contribut creation and Disturbance biodiversit y, ions, public rights & mitigation contribution to WSCC, of way Project improved air CDC quality. SPNP


Org Name IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasi Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Plannin g Priorit Project Parish Id ory Type ng Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Other Categ ory Pre - Sub Plan Proposal 2 Chichester IBP/ Green Playing Resite Shared use of 2020 Short £500k Parish CIL 4 Project not yet Bosham District 302 In frast fields, sports football club recreation term Council Desira ready to be Council ructur pitches, (Bosham) ground (2020 - ble selected e related build public/school/ 2026) and FC children's unsatisfactory play areas & prohibitive to promotion/adv ancement Chichester IBP/ Green Playing New Sports Improve public 2020 Short £ 100k Parish/WSC CIL 4 Project not yet Bosham District 303 Infrast fields, sports pitch spaces and term From C Desira ready to be Council ructur pitches, (Bosham) allow football (2020 - WSCC ble selected e related build to meet safety 2026) and standards children's play areas Chichester IBP/ Green Playing Outdoor Provision of CIL 4 Not selected Brackles District 326 Infrast fields, sports Gym (East outdoor gym Desira for IBP years ham Bay Council ructur pitches, Wittering equipment and ble 2016 - 2021 as e related build and exercise circuit little planned and Bracklesha at Beech development children's m) Avenue, in this cycle. play areas Bra cklesham Bay Chichester IBP/ Green Playing Watersports Provision of CIL 4 Not selected Brackles District 325 Infrast fields, sports Centre at storage, Desira for IBP years ham Bay Council ructur pitches, Bracklesha showers and ble 2016 - 2021 as e related build m Bay (East teaching little planned and Wittering space for development children's and watersports at in this cycle. play areas Bracklesha Bracklesham m) Bay Chichester IBP/ Green Playing Permanent Currently the Lawn Tennis Chichester CIL 3 Consider Chichest District 299 Infrast fields, sports indoor tennis club have a Association, Racquet Policy selecting if er Council ructur pitches, courts temporary Club funds, and High match funding e related build (Chichester) dome CDC grant Fitness is identified as and structure Club this project children's covering some supports the play areas of their growth of the outdoor courts area provided during the it is for winter months. genuine This structure community is coming to use. the end of its life and a permanent solution is sought. Chichester IBP/ Green Playing Completion Currently a £1.365m University of University CIL 3 Consider Chichest District 298 Infrast fields, sports of 400m sprint strip Chichester, of Policy selecting if er Council pitches, running exists at the CR&AC, High match funding 79

Org Name IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasi Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Plannin g Priorit Project Parish Id ory Type ng Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Other Categ ory ructur related build track at University of CIL, NHB, Chichester is identified as e and University of Chichester but Sport /CR&AC this project children's Chichester. the aspirations England supports the play areas of the growth of the University and area provided t he Chichester it is for Runners and genuine Athletics Club community is to complete use. the track to provide a 400m running track with associated jump and throw facilities. Chichester IBP/ Green Playing Developmen Chichester £1.3m CPPHC CPPHC CIL 3 Consider Chichest District 295 Infrast fields, sports t of Artificial Priory Park Club Policy selecting if er Council ructur pitches , Grass Pitch Hockey Club Fundraising, High match funding e related build for hockey have England is identified as and and progressed Hockey, this project children's associated well in league Sport supports the play areas pavilion/club competition England, growth of the house but they CIL area provided require it is for improved genuine facilities to community meet league use. r equirements. Current clubhouse facilities are shared with the Cricket Club in Priory Park. Chichester IBP/ Green Playing 3G football Clubs single £500,00 University of University CIL 3 Consider Chichest District 297 Infrast fields, sports pitches at pitch currently 0 - Chichester, of Policy selecting if er Council ructur pitches, Chich ester cannot £1,000,0 Sports Club, Chichester High match funding e related build City United accommodate 00 National and CDC is identified as and FC all of the Governing this project children's (Chichester) training and Bodies, supports the play areas match Sport growth of the requirements England, area provided for the club. National it is for Club are Lottery genuine looking to community develop 3G use. full size and/or small sided pitches to enable club to cater for all teams 80

Org Name IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasi Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Plannin g Priorit Project Parish Id ory Type ng Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Other Categ ory including senior, youth and ladies. Chichester IBP/ Green Playing Improved Currently the £200k? S106, CIL 3 Consider Chichest District 300 Infrast fields, sports sports pitches at the Football Policy selecting if er Council ructur pitches, pitches and southern end Foundation, High match funding e related build pavilion at of Oaklands ECB is identified as and the Southern Park suffer this project children's end of during wet supports the play areas Oaklands periods as the growth of the Park. pitches area provided become it is for unusable. The genuine gradient of the community pitches also use. makes them undesirable. A cut and fill and drainage scheme could assist to provide additional pitches f Chichester IBP/ Green Playing Store and Provision of a £100k? S106, CDC CIL 4 City Council Chichest District 301 Infrast fields, sports toilet facility small built Capital Desira may wish to er Council ructur pitches, at New Park faci lity to serve ble consider e related build Road the mini and funding from and (Chichester) junior pitch their CIL children's provision at play areas New Park Road Chichester IBP/ Green Playing Developmen Existing facility £450,00 Sport CDC CIL 3 Consider Chichest District 294 Infrast fields, sports t of a new does not meet 0 England Policy selecting if e r Council ructur pitches, cricket requirements Grants, Club High match funding e related build pavilion for of ECB fundraising is identified as and Chichester and others this project children's Priory Park supports the play areas Cricket Club growth of the area provided it is for genuine community use. Chichester IBP/ Green Playing 3G pitch Grass pitch 2022 Short £1,400,0 Developer CDC, CIL/S1 2 Chichest District 844 Infrast fields, sports required as term 00 contributions WSCC, 06 Essent er City Council ructur pitches, part of the (2020 - £100,000. TKAT ial e related build developer's 2026) Football and contributions Foundation children's for the Grant play areas Southern £500,000 Gateway project. This would 81

Org Name IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasi Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Plannin g Priorit Project Parish Id ory Type ng Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Other Categ ory enhance the pitch from a grass pitch to a 3G pitch to address community needs. Chichester IBP/ Green Playing Developmen Dependent Selsey CIL 4 Not selected Selsey District 113 Infrast fields, sports t of better upon securing Town Desira for IBP years Council ructur pitches, facilities at tenur e of land Council, ble 2016 - 2021 as e related build East Beach from CDC, CDC little planned and (showers, economic development children's changing, priority as in this cycle. play areas restaurant/c would create a afé, water number of sports) local jobs. Enhancement s in alignment with the East Beach Masterplan by CDC. To enhance visitor attraction and tourism product and foster better links. Chichester IBP/ Green Playing Football and Local £400,00 Sports CIL 4 Not selected Selsey District 114 Infrast fields, sports C ricket community 0 match Dream Desira for IBP years Council ructur pitches, clubhouse requirements funding ble 2016 - 2021 as e related build for better available little planned and facilities development children's in this cycle. play areas Chichester IBP/ Green Playing Youth skate SPNP Pre - 2014 - Short £80k - WSCC, CIL 4 Project not yet Southbo District 306 Infrast fields, sports park Sub Plan 2029 term £120k Developer Desira ready to be urne Cou ncil ructur pitches, (Southbourn Proposal 2 (2020 - From contributions ble selected e related build e) (links with 2026) WSCC, and Parish and 304 & 305) Develop Council children's er play areas contribut ions, Parish Council Chichester IBP/ Green Playing Provision of CDC Open 2014 - Short £? From WSCC and CIL 4 Project not yet Southbo District 304 Infrast fields, sports Youth Space, Sport 2029 term WSCC, developer Desira ready to be urne Council ructur pitches, facilities & Recreation (2020 - Develop contributions ble selected e related build (Southbourn Facilities 2026) er and e) (links with Study 20 13 - contribut children's 305 & 306) 2029. SPNP ions play areas Pre - Sub Plan Proposal 2 82

Org Name IBP Categ Project Scheme Justification Phasi Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Plannin g Priorit Project Parish Id ory Type ng Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Other Categ ory Chichester IBP/ Green Playing Improvemen Community 2016 - Short £500,00 CIL and Sports CIL 4 Project not yet Wisboro District 322 Infrast fields, sports ts or rebuild social and 2021 term 0 other Associatio Desira ready to be ugh Council ructur pitches, of Sports health (2020 - n/Parish ble selected Green e related build Association im provements 2026) Council and Pavilion to Current sports children's create pavilion play areas community inadequate – sports needs facility updating Chichester IBP/ Green Playing Reserve Reduce £150,00 CIL and Sports CIL 4 Parish may Wisboro District 323 Infrast fields, sports football and pressure on 0 other Associatio Desira wish to ugh Coun cil ructur pitches, cricket the village n/Parish ble consider Green e related build pitches green. Council funding from and their CIL children's play areas Chichester IBP/ Green Public open Establishme NPPF Section 2014 - Short £? From Cost Southbour CIL 3 Project not yet Southbo District 307 Infrast space nt and 8 Promoting 2029 term Develop unknown, ne Parish Policy ready to be urne Council ructur maintenance Healthy (2020 - er Sport Council High selected e of an Communities, 2026) contribut Engla nd, accessible CDC Open ions, Sustrans, Green Ring Space, Sport Sport WSCC, around the & Recreation England, Parish village of Facilities Sustrans Council Southbourne Study 2013 - , WSCC , prov iding a 2029. SPNP variety of Pre - Sub Plan green Policies infrastructur 2,3,7,8 and 9 e assets, and proposal including 2. Provision of informal alternative open space, informal allotments, a recreation/leis playing field, ure facilities a footpath/cycl eway network, children’s play areas Chichester IBP/ Utility Utility Fishbourne - Improve the Utility CIL 4 Parish may Fishbour District 212 Servic services Relocating environment Companie Desira wish to ne Council es overhead and enhance s ble consider services conservation funding from underground area character their CIL – including settings of listed buildings. May also improve cap acity to meet growth


West Sussex County Council Projects

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Pha Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Prio Project Parish Id y Type sing Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref rity Status Area Other Cate gory West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Provision of Widen Short WSCC CIL 3 Sussex 808 rt pedestrian bridleway sustainable term Polic County infrastruct connecting transport (2020 - y Council ure settlements network for 2026) High along the cyclists former canal encouraging for cycle modal shift to commuting reduce and leisure. congestion, air East from pollution and B2166 to improve connect with health/well existing being. Bognor to Chichester cycle route . West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Green Links Existing local 202 Short £250,00 WSCC CIL 4 Sussex 668 rt pedestrian across the horse riders are 2 term 0 Desi County infrastruct Manhood. deterred from onw (2020 - rabl Council ure (GLaM using bridleways ards 2026) e project). due to high Public volume of traffic bridleway on Vinnetrow connection Road. Links can between be created to bridleways benefit cyclists 1921 and travelling to/fro m 2792 across Chichester, also Vinnetrow employees of Road. A local businesses user who are known controlled to walk to work crossing of Vinnetr ow Road is possible but likely will be determined by Highways England review of A27 West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Provision of An ambition of 202 Short £50,000 WSCC CIL 4 Sussex 674 rt pedestrian cycle and WSLAF. Will 2 term Desi County infrastruct equestrian enhance the onw (2020 - rabl Council ure link between local off - road ards 2026) e Keynor Lane network for and cycl ists and 84

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Pha Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Prio Project Parish Id y Type sing Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref rity Status Area Other Cate gory Highleigh equestrian to along public and from footpath 64 Medmerry, so adding value to those works, supporting the local tourist economy and encouraging sustainable access West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Provision of Will provide 202 Mediu £100,00 WSCC CIL 4 Project not yet Sussex 669 rt pedestrian public NMUs with 7 m to 0 Desi ready to be County infrastruct bridleway greater long rabl selected Council ure from B2145 connectivity. term e along public Route will also (2027 - footpath 190 allow horse 2029) to new A27 riders access to foot and bridleways east cycle bridge of B2145 which are currently inaccessible. West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Improve the The canal 201 Short £170,00 WSCC CIL 4 Project not yet Sussex 678 rt pedestrian surface of towpath is a 7 - term 0 Desi ready to be County infrastruct the popular route for 202 (2020 - rabl selected Council ure Chichester access to/from 2 2026) e Canal Chichester for towpath for walkers and walkers and cyclis ts. It is also cyclists designated part of NCN2. The pressure on the surface has increased greatly from extra use and needs improvement. West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Improve Upgrading 201 Short £120,00 CIL 4 Project not yet Sussex 676 rt pedestrian links FP251 to 7 - term 0 Desi ready to be County infrastruct between the bridleway would 202 (2020 - rabl selected Council ure communities provide cyclists 2 2026) e of Hambrook and equestrians and a safer Woodmanco alternative to the te by local road upgrading network and FP251 to safer access to bridleway and from the South Downs National Park. WSLAF ambition.


Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Pha Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Prio Project Parish Id y Type sing Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref rity Status Area Other Cate gory West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Provision of Whilst a number 202 Short £400,00 WSCC CIL 4 Birdham Sussex 675 rt pedestrian bridleway of routes for 2 term 0 Desi and County infrastruct link between cyclists have onw (2020 - rabl Mundha Council ure South been ards 2026) e m Mundham created/being and created, these Birdham, are north - south. possibly There needs to along be an east - existing west link. This public could possibly footpaths be achieved along FPs 44, 86, 85, 82 West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Foot /cycle Part of the A27 201 Short S278 Developer S278 O/11/0528 1 Committed Chichest Sussex 345 rt pedestrian bridge Portfied 5 - term 3/OUT Criti er County infrastruct across the improvements 202 (2020 - cal Council ure A27 south of that are being 0 2026) Portfield constructed - Roundabout part of the Shopwhyke mitigation. West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Provision of Creation of off - 201 Short £250,00 WSCC CIL 4 Project not yet Chichest Sussex 792 rt pedestrian bridleway road route for 9 term 0 Desi ready to be er and County infrastruct linking cyclists (2020 - rabl selected Lavant Council ure Fordwater providing 2026) e Road, sustainable Summersdal transport and e with conne cting local Fordwater settlements. Road, Lavant. West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Provision of Creation of off 202 Short £500,00 WSCC/Chic CIL 4 Project not yet Chidha Sussex 789 rt pedestrian bridleway road network for 0 - term 0 hester Desi ready to be m and County infrastruct linking cyclists and 202 (2020 - Harbour rabl selected Hambro Council ure Thornham horse riders 2 2026) Conservanc e ok, Lane with connecting local y Southbo Cot Lane settlements, urne formalising a link people already use. West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Hunston New Free 201 Short WSCC S106 HN/15/034 3 Not selected Hunston Sussex 544 rt pedestrian Road cycle Scho ol being 8 - term 89/FUL P olic for IBP years and County infrastruct scheme - developed 202 (2020 - y 2016 - 2021 as North Council ure shared use HN/15/03498/FU 3 2026) High little planned Mundha pedestrian/c L on Hunston development m ycle path to Road. This in this cycle. link the project will proposed provide an Highways important England sustainable link footbridge at across the A27 Whyke to the School roundabout and for 86

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Pha Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Prio Project Parish Id y Type sing Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref rity Status Area Other Cate gory with the development south of the south of the A27 A27 into the City. West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Provision of Links from S 202 Sh ort £120,00 £100,000 WSCC CIL 3 Project not yet North Sussex 787 rt pedestrian bridleway Mundham down 2 - term 0 secured Polic ready to be Mundha County infrastruct linking to Pagham to 202 (2020 - from Arun y selected m Council ure Pagham, provide a safe 4 2026) DC High Nyetimber cycle link to and with South from Chichester. Mundham West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Shared Shopwyke 201 Short Directly S278 Developer S278 O/11/0528 2 Committed Oving Sussex 347 rt pedestrian footway / mitigation 5 - term providin 3/OUT Ess County infrastruct cycleway 202 (2020 - g entia Council ure along south 0 2026) l side of A27 to new access to Shopwyke site West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Provision of Creation of off - 201 Short £ 300,00 WSSC CIL 4 Project not yet Oving Sussex 788 rt pedestrian bridleway road network for 9 term 0 Desi ready to be County infrastruct linking cyclists and (2020 - rabl selected Council ure Woodhorn horse riders 2026) e with FP200 connecting local settlements. West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Foot / cycle Shopwyke Mediu Directly S278 Developer S278 O/11/0528 1 Committed Oving, Sussex 346 rt pedestrian bridge mitigation m to providin 3/OUT Criti Westha County infrastruct across the long g cal mpnett Council ure A27 to term Coach Road (2027 - 2029) West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Green Links Part of route 201 Short £160,00 WSCC CIL 4 Project not yet Selsey Sussex 667 rt pedestrian across the already agreed 9 term 0 Desi ready to be County infrastruct Manhood. via planning (2020 - rabl selected Council ure (GLaM consent to be 2026) e project). dedicated North Selsey bridleway. to Medmerry Remainder of Trail - route is already provision of public footpath public and needs bridleway uplifting to route from bridleway status. Paddock Lane, along Golf Links Lane to access track that circles the new Environment Agency tidal bund and improve 87

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Pha Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Prio Project Parish Id y Type sing Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref rity Status Area Other Cate gory current footpath West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Green links Development 201 Short £300,00 Capital WSCC S106 4 Selsey, Sussex 666 rt pedestrian across the already 7 - term 0 Funding Desi Brackles County infrastruct Manhood consented on 202 ( 2020 - rabl ham and Council ure (GLaM land north - east 2 2026) e East project) of Beech Wittering Bracklesha Avenue. Use of m to Clappers Lane Medmerry for access trail - to/from provision of Medmerry is not public attractive due to bridleway lane being route narrow and between carrying B2198 and increasing access track vehicle traffic that circles volume. the new Env ironment Agency tidal bund. West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Provision of Creation of off 201 Short £200,00 WSCC with CIL 4 Project not yet Southbo Sussex 791 rt pedestrian bridleway road route for 9 term 0 support from Desi ready to be urne, County infrastruct linking cyclists and (2020 - Highways rabl selected Westbou Council ure Hambrook horse riders 2026) England e rne with providing where Woodmanco sustainable project te using transport and impacts A27 existing connecting local overbridge settlements. of A27 West IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Provision of Creation of off - 201 Short £200,00 WSCC with CIL 4 Southbo Susse x 790 rt pedestrian bridleway road route for 9 term 0 support from Desi urne, County infrastruct linking cyclists and (2020 - Highways rabl Westbou Council ure Hermitage, horse riders 2026) England e rne Lumley and providing where Old Farm sust ainable project Lane transport and impacts A27 (Westbourne connecting local ), using settlements. existing overbridge of A27 West IBP/ Transpo Cycle Provision of Provide a largely Mediu £65,000 WSCC CIL 4 Project not yet Sussex 670 rt infrastruct cycle route off - road cycle m to Desi ready to be County ure between link between long rabl selected Council Whitehouse Chichester and term e Farm entry to the (2027 - development South Downs 2029) (west of National Park Chichester) east of A286.


Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Pha Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Prio Project Parish Id y Type sing Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref rity Status Area Other Cate gory and Salthill Road West IBP/ Transpo Cycle City Centre To increase Mediu £250,00 WSCC CIL 2 Project not yet Chichest Sussex 658 rt infrastruct cycle cycling for the m to 0 Ess ready to be er County ure parking. short trips to the long entia selected Council City Centre. term l (2027 - 2029) West IBP/ Transpo Cycle Graylingwel l Graylingwell 201 Short Directly S106 Developer S106 CC/08/035 2 Committed Chichest Sussex 341 rt infrastruct cycle route 2 mitigation 5 - term providin 33/OUT Ess er County ure along north 202 (2020 - g entia Council side of 0 2026) l Westhampn ett Road (opp St James’ Road to connect with existing footpath rear of Story Road) West IBP/ Transpo Cycle Summersdal Chichester City 202 Short £230,00 CIL WSCC CIL 3 Consider Chichest Sussex 360 rt infrastruct e cycle route Transport 0+ term 0 Polic selecting if er County ure Strategy – to (2020 - y match funding Council reduce short car 2026) High is identified as trips to and from this project the city centre supports the growth of the area provided it is for genuine community use. West IBP/ Transpo Cycle Gap - filling to Chichester City 202 Short £500,00 CIL WSCC CIL 3 Project not yet Chichest Sussex 358 rt infrastruct complete the Transport 0+ term 0 Polic ready to be er County ure Chichester Strategy – to (2020 - y selected Council Cycle reduce short car 2026) High Network: trips to and from Whyke, the city c entre Stockbridge, Summersdal e, City Centre, south - west of the City Centre, east of the City Centre. West IBP/ Transpo Cycle Portfield Chichester City Mediu £120,00 CIL WSCC CIL 2 Project not yet Chichest Sussex 359 rt infrastruct cycle route Transport m to 0 Ess ready to be er County ure Strategy – to long entia selected Council reduce short car term l


Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Pha Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Prio Project Parish Id y Type sing Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref rity Status Area Other Cate gory trips to and from (2027 - the city centre 2029) West IBP/ Transpo Cycle Parklands Mitigation - to 202 Short £440,00 S106 Dev eloper S106 2 Committed Chichest Sussex 368 rt infrastruct cycle route reduce car trips 0+ term 0 Ess er County ure from SDLs to (2020 - entia Council city centre 2026) l West IBP/ Transpo Cycle St Paul’s Mitigation - to 202 Short £140,00 S106 Developer S106 2 Committed Chichest Sussex 367 rt infrastruct cycle route reduce car trips 0+ term 0 Ess er County ure from SDLs to (2020 - entia Council city centre 2026) l West IBP/ Transpo Cycle Chichester Mitigation - to 202 Short £900,00 S106 Developer S106 TG/07/045 2 Committed Chichest Sussex 364 rt infrastruct to Barnham reduce car trips 0+ term 0 77/FUL; Ess er - County ure via from SDLs to (2020 - TG/11/040 entia Tangme Council Tangmere city centre 2026) 58/FUL, l re cycle route TG/12/011 739/OUT, TG/14/007 97/FUL West IBP/ Transpo Cycle Provision of Provide a largely 202 Short £150,00 WSCC CIL 4 Chichest Sussex 671 rt infrastruct cycle route off - road cycle 2 term 0 Desi er and County ure between link between onw (2020 - rabl Lavant Council Summersdal Chichester and a rds 2026) e e and East entry to the Lavant South Downs National Park east of A286. West IBP/ Transpo Cycle Oving cycle Shopwhyke Mediu S106 Developer S106 O/11/0528 2 Committed Chichest Sussex 540 rt infrastruct route mitigation m to 3/OUT Ess er and County ure long entia Oving Council term l (2027 - 2029) West IBP/ Transpo Cycle Chichester – Chichester City 202 Short TBC CIL WSCC CIL 2 Project not yet Manhoo Sussex 361 rt infrastruct Selsey cycle Transport 0+ term Ess ready to be d County ure route Strategy – to (2020 - entia selected Peninsul Council reduce short car 2026) l a trips to and from the city centre West IBP/ Transpo Cycle Selsey – To reduce short 202 Mediu £200,00 CIL WSCC CIL 3 Not selected Manhoo Sussex 362 rt infrastruct Witterings car trips on 0+ m to 0 Polic for IBP years d County ure cycle route Manhood long y 2016 - 2021 as Peninsul Council term High little planned a (2027 - development 2029) in this cycle. West IBP/ Transpo Local road Sherborne Mitigation for 202 Short TBC S106 Developer S106 2 Committed Chichest Sussex 369 rt network Road traffic West of 0+ term Ess er County calming Chichester SDL (2020 - entia Council 2026) l West IBP/ Transpo Local road Sherborne Mitigation for 202 Short £540,00 S106 Developer S106 2 Committed Chichest Sussex 370 rt network Road / St West of 0+ term 0 Ess er County Paul’s Road Chichester SDL (2020 - entia Council junction 2026) l


Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Pha Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Prio Project Parish Id y Type sing Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref rity Status Area Other Cate gory improvemen t West IBP/ Transpo Local road Variable Chichester City Mediu £8,000 CIL WSCC CIL 3 Project not yet Chichest Sussex 356 rt network Message Transport m to Polic rea dy to be er County Signing Strategy – to long y selected Council (VMS) reduce traffic term High congestion (2027 - 2029) West IBP/ Transpo Local road Westhampn Graylingwell 201 Short Directly S106 Developer S106 CC/08/035 2 Committed Chichest Sussex 343 rt network ett Road / mitigation 5 - term providin 33/OUT Ess er County Portfield 202 (2020 - g entia Council Way (nr 0 2026) l Sainsbury's) junction improvemen t West IBP/ Transpo Local road Westhampn CCTS – to 202 Short £3,500,0 CIL WSCC / CIL 2 Committed Chichest Sussex 353 rt network ett Road/ St reduce traffic 0 - term 00 CDC Ess er County Pancras/ congestion & 202 (2020 - entia Council Spitalfield improve safety. 1 2026) l Lane/ St James Road double mini roundabouts junction improvemen t. To include improvemen ts to sustainable transport facilities along Westhampn e tt Road. West IBP/ Transpo Local road Northgate Chichester City 202 Short £986,00 CIL WSCC / CIL 2 Project not yet Chichest Sussex 352 rt network Gyratory Transport 0+ term 0 - CDC Ess ready to be er County junction Strategy – to (2020 - £1.6 m entia selected Council improvemen reduce traffic 2026) l t congestion and improve safety at key junctions West IBP/ Transpo Local road Cathedral Mitigation for 202 Short 372,500 S106 Developer S106 2 Committed Chichest Sussex 371 rt network Way / Via West of 0+ term Ess er County Ravenna Chichester SDL (2020 - entia Council junction 2026) l improvemen t West IBP/ Transpo Local road North / south Mitigation for 202 Short TBC S106 Developer S106 2 Committed Chichest Sussex 366 rt network link road and West of 0+ term Ess er County improvemen Chichester SDL (2020 - entia Council ts to nearby 2026) l roads connecting 91

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Pha Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Prio Project Parish Id y Type sing Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref rity Status Area Other Cate gory with southern access to West of Chichester SDL West IBP/ Transpo Local road Oving Road Shopwyke S278 Highways S278 O/11/0528 2 Committed Chichest Sussex 538 rt network crossroads mitigation Highways England 3/OUT Ess er County closure England entia Council l West IBP/ Transpo Local road Southgate Chichester City Mediu £200,00 CIL WSCC CIL 2 Project not yet Chichest Sussex 357 rt network Gyratory Transport m to 0 Ess ready to be er County junction Strategy – to long entia selected Council improvemen reduce traffic term l t congestion and (2027 - improve safety 2029) at key juncti ons West IBP/ Transpo Local road Air Quality Details of District Sussex 372 rt network Action Plan project wide County measures – insufficient Council still investigating West IBP/ Transpo Local road A286 Chichester City 201 Short £600,00 S106 WSCC / CIL/S1 2 Selected Donning Sussex 349 rt network Birdham Transport 5 - term 0 Developer 06 Ess ton County Road / Strategy – to 202 (2020 - entia Council B2201 reduce traffic 0 2026) l (Selsey congestion and Tram improve safety Roundabout at key junctions ) junction improvemen t West IBP/ Transpo Local road B2145 / Chichester City 202 Short £223,50 CIL WSCC / CIL 2 Not selected Hunston Sussex 363 rt network B2166 Transport 0+ term 0 Developer Ess for IBP years County junction Strategy – to (2020 - entia 2016 - 2021 as Council improvemen reduce tr affic 2026) l little planned t congestion and development improve safety in this cycle. at key junctions West IBP/ Transpo Local road Shopwyke Shopwyke 201 Short Directly S106 Developer S106 O/11/0528 2 Committed Oving Sussex 348 rt network Road mitigation 5 - term providin 3/OUT Ess County diversion 202 (2020 - g entia Council 0 2026) l West IBP/ Transpo Local road A27/B2233 Project required WSCC Other 2 Tangme Sussex 724 rt network Nyton Road as a result of Ess re County junction development in entia Council improvemen . l t (Costs £202,000 - £300,000) West IBP/ Transpo Local road Road link Mitigation for 202 Short S106 Developer S106 2 Committed Tangme Sussex 365 rt network between Tangmere SDL 0+ term Ess re A27 / A285 92

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Pha Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Prio Project Parish Id y Type sing Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref rity Status Area Other Cate gory County junction and (2020 - entia Council Tangmere 2026) l Road West IBP/ Transpo Pedestrian Provision of Secure a new 201 Short £10,000 WSCC CIL 4 Project not yet Sussex 672 rt infrastruct footpath public access to 7 - term Desi ready to be County ure linking East beach, which 202 (2020 - rabl selected Council Bracklesha otherwise is only 2 2026) e m Drive to lawfully beach accessible from (opposite the car park at FP4) southern point of B2198. An ambition West Sussex Local Access Forum (WSLAF) West IBP/ Transpo Pedestrian Provision of An ambition of 202 Short £60,000 WSCC CIL 4 Sussex 673 rt infrastruct public GLAM and 2 term Desi County ure bridleway WSLAF. Will onw (202 0 - rabl Council along public support cycle ards 2026) e footpaths 75 connectivity of and 3662 seasonal visitors particularly to and from Medmerry, so supporting local economy West IBP/ Transpo Pedestrian Toucan Graylingwell 201 Short Directly S106 Developer S106 CC/08/035 2 Committed Chichest Sussex 342 rt infrastruct crossing on mitigation 5 - term providin 33/OUT Ess er County ure Oaklands 202 (2020 - g entia Council Way 0 2026) l West IBP/ Transpo Pedestrian Junction To make 202 Short £60,000 WSCC CIL 3 Chichest Sussex 840 rt infrastruct improvemen suitable for 1 - term Polic er City County ure ts to College shared use. This 202 (2020 - y Council Lane/Spitalfi would link t o 2 2026) High eld Rd. schemes to Widen improve the footways northern side of each side of Oaklands Way junction and and Oaklands improve Way traffic island roundabout. West IBP/ Transpo Pedestrian Chidham To allievate 202 Short £2,000,0 S106 WSCC CIL/S1 3 Chidha Sussex 841 rt infrastruct Sustainable congestion 2 - term 00 06 Polic m and County ure Transport outside Primary 202 (2020 - y Hambro Council Improvemen School due to 3 2026) High ok ts. A259 to recent housing provide developments. shared pedestrian/c ycle path. West IBP/ Transpo Public Regular bus Mitigation for Mediu S106 Developer S106 2 Committed Chichest Sussex 542 rt transport services West of m to Ess er between Chichester SDL long 93

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Pha Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Prio Project Parish Id y Type sing Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref rity Status Area Other Cate gory County west of term entia Council Chichester (2027 - l SDL and the 2029) City centre. West IBP/ Transpo Public Extension/di Shopwhyke 201 Short S106 Developer S106 O/11/0528 2 Committed Chichest Sussex 539 rt transport version of mitigation 5 - term 3/OUT Ess er County number 55 202 (2020 - entia Council bus route 0 2026) l West IBP/ Transpo Public Chichester Chichester City 202 Short TBC CIL WSCC / CIL 2 Project not yet Chichest Sussex 351 rt transport bus / 0+ term CDC/ Ess ready to be er County interchange Strategy – to Dep (2020 - Stagecoach entia selected Council improvemen improve end 2026) / Network l ts (Cross sustainable ent Rail reference transport mode on IBP/206) share near by rede velo pme nt opp ortu nitie s West IBP/ Transpo Public Bus lane Chichester City 202 Short £1.2m CIL WSCC / CIL 3 Project not yet Chichest Sussex 354 rt transport along A259 Transport 5+ term CDC/ bus Polic ready to be er County appro aching Strategy – to (2020 - operators y selected Council Bognor reduce short car 2026) High Road trips to and from Roundabout the city centre West IBP/ Transpo Public Direct and Mitigation for Mediu S106 Developer S106 2 Committe d Tangme Sussex 541 rt transport frequent bus Tangmere SDL m to Ess re County services long entia Council between term l Tangmere (2027 - and 2029) Chichester City. West IBP/ Transpo Public Regular bus Mitigation for Mediu S106 Developer S106 2 Committed Westha Sussex 543 rt transport services Westhampnett m to Ess mpnett County between SDL long entia Council Westhampn term l ett SDL and (2027 - the City 2029) centre. West IBP/ Transpo Smarter RTPI Chichester City 202 Short £120,00 WSCC CIL 3 Committed Chichest Sussex 355 rt Choices screens at Transport 0+ term 0 (12 Polic er County and key Strategy – to (2020 - screens) y Council promote locations reduce short car 20 26) High sustainabl trips to and from e modes the city centre of transport 94

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Pha Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Prio Project Parish Id y Type sing Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref rity Status Area Other Cate gory West IBP/ Transpo Transport School To increase 202 Short £50,000 WSCC CIL 2 Committed Birdham Sussex 659 rt access sustainable 1 - term Ess , County improvemen travel choice 202 (2020 - entia Earnley, Council ts - and modal shift 2 2026) l East Manhood. for the journey to Wittering Drop off/pick and from school. and up Brackles arrangement ham, s at Selsey expanded and schools. West IBP/ Transpo Transport School To increase 202 Short £50,000 WSCC CIL 2 Selected Bosham, Sussex 660 rt access sustainable 1 - term Ess Chidha County improvemen travel choice 202 (2020 - entia m and Council ts - Bourne. and modal shift 2 2026) l Hambro Drop off/pick for the journey to ok, up and from school. Southbo arrangement urne and s at Westbou expanded rne schools . West IBP/ Transpo Transport Phase 2 of To better 202 Short £250,00 WSCC CIL 2 Selected Chichest Sussex 655 rt Chichester manage demand 1 - term 0 Ess er County Road Space for parking and 202 (2020 - entia Council Audit network 2 2026) l management aspirations (ie sustainable mod e priority) for key routes in the area). West IBP/ Transpo Transport Sustainable To increase 201 Short £500,00 WSCC CIL 2 Selected Chichest Sussex 656 rt Transport sustainable 9 term 0 Ess er County Corridor - transport mode (2020 - entia Council City Centre share. 2026) l to Portfield Considering and im provements to improvemen road space ts to allocation. sustainable transport facilities on Oving Road corridor. West IBP/ Transpo Transport School To increase 201 Short £50,000 WSCC CIL 2 Selected Chichest Sussex 657 rt access sustainable 9 - term Ess er County improvemen travel choice 202 (2020 - entia Council ts - and modal shift 0 2026) l Chichester. for the journey to Drop off/pick and from school. up arrangement s at 95

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Pha Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Prio Project Parish Id y Type sing Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref rity Status Area Other Cate gory expanded schools . West IBP/ Transpo Transport Phase1 of To better 202 Short £500,00 WSCC CIL 2 Selected Chichest Sussex 665 rt Chichester manage demand 0/20 term 0.00 Ess er City County Road Space for parking and 21 (2020 - entia Council Audit network 2026) l management aspirations (ie sustai nable mode priority) for key routes in the area). West IBP/ Transpo Transport A27 To mitigate the 202 Short £59,940, S278 and Highways S278 14/04284/ 1 Committed East Sussex 339 rt - A27 improvemen area - wide 0 - term 000 other England. OUT; Criti West County ts to impacts of Local 202 (2020 - WSCC HN/15/034 cal Corridor Council junctions. Plan housing 3 2026) leading on 89/FUL and employment Stockbridge growth. Final link road schemes yet to with be confirmed High ways including costs England support West IBP/ Educatio Preschool For the west Require new Short £2,100,0 WSCC CIL 2 Chichest Sussex 593 n and of nursery term 00 Ess er County Primary Chichester classroom as (2020 - entia Council school SDL 40 new the number of 2026) l nursery nursery places is places to be dependent upon provided as national part of n ew requirements primary introduced school. through the Child Care Bill. West IBP/ Educatio Preschool For the Require new £1,500,0 WSCC CIL 2 Tangme Sussex 730 n and Tangmere nursery 00 Ess re County Primary SDL 32 new classroom as entia Council school nursery the number of l places to be nursery places is provided as dependent upon part of new national primary requirements school. introduced through the Child Care Bill. West IBP/ Educatio Primary, Expansion To meet 202 Short £3 Basic Needs WSCC / CIL 2 Committed Birdham Sussex 332 n Secondary of existing statutory duty to 1 - term million Grant will academy Ess , County , sixth primary ensure sufficient 202 (2020 - for half need to be provider entia Earnley, Council form and schools supply of school 2 2026) form secured to l East special across the places for pupils entry reduce the Wittering education Manhood arising from new Subject funding and al needs locality in development to required Brackles excess of (mitigation) feasibilit from CIL. ham, 1/2 Form y & site Selsey Entry and 96

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Pha Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Prio Project Parish Id y Type sing Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref rity Status Area Other Cate gory assessm West ent Wittering West IBP/ Educatio Primary, Expansion To meet 202 Short £3 Basic Needs WSCC / CIL SB/14/028 2 Selected Bosham, Sussex 331 n Secondary of existing statutory duty to 1 - term million Grant will academy 00/OUT Ess Chidha County , sixth primary ensure sufficient 202 (2020 - for half need to be provider entia m and Council form and schools supply of school 2 2026) form secured to l Hambro special across the places for pupils entry reduce the ok, education Bourne arising from new Subject funding Southbo al needs locality in development to required urne and excess of (mitigation) feasibilit from CIL. Westbou 1/2 Form y & site rne Entry assessm ent West IBP/ Educatio Primary, Expansion To meet 202 Short £3 Basic Needs WSCC / CIL 2 Selected Boxgrov Sussex 330 n Secondary of exis ting statutory duty to 1 - term million Grant will academy Ess e, County , sixth primary ensure sufficient 202 (2020 - for half need to be provider entia Chichest Council form and school(s) supply of school 2 2026) form secured to l er, special across the places for pupils entry reduce the Donning education Chichester arising from new Subject funding ton, al needs locality by development to required Fishbour up to 1/2 (mitigation) feasibilit from CIL. ne, Form Entry y & site Hunston assessm and ent North Mundha m West IBP/ Educatio Primary, School site To meet Tem Short £10,600, S106 WSCC / S106 2 Committed Chichest Sussex 327 n Secondary and statutory duty to pora term 000 &WSCC academy Ess er County , sixth provision of ensure sufficient ry (2020 - (including provider entia Council form and a new supply of school acco 2026) Basic Need l special primary places for pupils mm Grant) education school for arising from new odati al needs the West of development on Chichester (mitigation) to SDL; 1 Form be Entry initially provi but the site ded should be for expandable 202 to 2Form 1. Entry to Acc accommodat ess e the latter to phases of cl ear development & une ncu mbe red site for 202 4/25


Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Pha Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Prio Project Parish Id y Type sing Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref rity Status Area Other Cate gory ope ning. West IBP/ Educatio Primary, Further To meet Rem Mediu £3 CIL & WSCC / CIL 2 Reserved for Kirdford, Sussex 333 n Secondary expansion of statutory duty to aind m to million WSCC academy Ess next phasing Lynchm County , sixth existing ensure sufficient er of long for half (including provider entia period ere, Council form and primary supply of school half term form Basic Need l Loxwoo special schools places for pupils form (2027 - entry Grant) d, education within the arising from new entr 2029) Subject Plaistow al needs Billingshurst development y to , Ifold planning (mitigation) expa feasibilit and area that sit nsio y & site Wisboro within n. assessm ugh Chichester ent Green district by up to half form entr y West IBP/ Educatio Primary, Considering To meet Tem Short £10,600, S106 WSCC / S106 2 Committed Tangme Sussex 328 n Secondary the statutory duty to pora term 000 &WSCC academy Ess re County , sixth Neighbourho ensure sufficient ry (2020 - (including provider entia Council form and od Plan supply of school acco 2026 ) Basic Need l special vision for places for pupils mm Grant) education one school, arising from new odati al needs Master development on Planning of (mitigation) to the site is be including provi land for ded provision of for a 3 form 202 entry 3. primary Acc school. ess to clear & une ncu mbe red site for 202 6/27 ope ning. West IBP/ Social Libraries Library Development is Dep Mediu £100,00 CIL WSCC & CIL 3 Reserved for East Sussex 335 Infrastru provision as likely to create end m to 0 developer Polic next phasing West County cture part of a additional ent long y period Corridor Council community demand on the on term High (west) centre for service (50% of phas (2027 - the West of population of ing 2029) Chichester West Sussex of SDL; to are members of com include library service) muni 98

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Pha Term Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Prio Project Parish Id y Type sing Time Range Sources Lead S106 Ref rity Status Area Other Cate gory shelving and ty a self - cent service re or terminal scho ol West IBP/ Social Libraries Library Development is Dep Mediu £100,00 CIL WSCC & CIL 3 Reserved for Tangme Sussex 336 Infrastru provision as likely to create end m to 0 developer Polic next phasing re County cture part of a additional ent long y period Council community demand on the on t erm High centre for service (50% of phas (2027 - the population of ing 2029) Tangmere West Sussex of SDL; to are members of com include library service) muni shelving and ty a self - cent service re terminal West IBP/ Green Flood and Parklands Primary benefit 201 Short £500,00 WSCC 2 Chichest Sussex 711 Infrastru coastal Chichester of natural flood 8 - term 0 Ess er City County cture erosion daylighting attenuation/redu 202 (2020 - entia Council risk of culvert ce downstream 3 2026) l managem with flood risk. ent landscaping. Additional bene fits include improved amenity and biodiversity in the area. West IBP/ Public Waste Reconfigurat Increase 202 Short 5,000,00 WSCC CIL 2 Selected Westha Sussex 710 and ion/improve capacity to meet 0 - term 0 Ess mpnett County Commu ment of current and 202 (2020 - entia Council nity Westhampn future demand 1 2026) l Services ett transfer for kerbside and station/hous collections as a Pha ehold waste result of planned se 2 recycling housing delivery 202 site across the area. 1 - 202 2

Infrastructure Commissioners Projects

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Phasi Ter Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Priorit Project Parish Id y Type ng m Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Tim Other Categ e ory Coastal IBP/ Health Community Extension s Surgery 2025 Shor £ 7 05,000 GP CIL 2 Chich West 877 healthcare, to extension s will t Practices Essent ester Sussex primary care Chichester enable local term with support ial City Clinical facilities & City GP residents to (202 of NHS 99

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Phasi Ter Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Priorit Project Parish Id y Type ng m Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Tim Other Categ e ory Commissi improvemen surgeries: register at 0 - Commission oning ts Langley current GP 202 er Group House & premises which 6) Parklands are currently at capacity. Part of reorganisation of estate in Chichester. Coastal IBP/ Health Community Improvemen To support Summ Shor £450,000 Southbourne CIL 2 Project not South West 726 healthcare, ts at where patient s er t GP surgery Essent yet ready to bourn Sussex primary care Southbourne will/are likely to 2020 term with support ial be selected e Clinical facilities & Surgery register for GP (202 of NHS Commissi improvemen (increase services from 0 - commission oning ts clinic rooms new housing. 202 er. Group by 6) extending) Coastal IBP/ Health Community Improvemen To Post Medi £1,428,67 Coastal CIL 2 Select for Tang West 725 healthcare, ts at accommodate 2025 um 7 West Essent CIL funding mere Sussex primary care Tangmere influx of to Sussex ial if the Clinical facilities & Surgery additional long Clinical majority of Commissi improvemen residents who term Commissioni money is oning ts will reside in the (202 ng Group match Group catchment 7 - funded. This boundary of 202 project can Tangmere 9) demonstrate Surgery it can assist the growth of the area. Environme IBP/ Green Flood and Bosham 73 househ olds Indicat Shor 460,000 FCRM Environment CIL 3 Project not Bosha nt Agency 396 Infrastru coastal Harbour new moved out of ive t GiA/Contributi Agency Policy yet ready to m cture erosion risk inland any one of the fundin term ons High be selected managemen defences. four flood g - (202 t probability 2023 - 0 - categories to a 2024 202 lower one and £50,00 6) moved out of the 0 and very significant 2024 - or significant 2025 flood probability £150,0 categories 00 2025 - 2026 £260,0 00 Highways IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Cycle, Safety,modal Desig Shor £5,000,00 Highways Highways Other 2 Chich England 884 rt Pedestrian pedestrian shift, n t 0 England and England Essent ester infrastructur route along environment 2020 - term other ial to e A259 2022, (202 Emsw corridor deliver 0 - orth linking 2022 - 202 Chichester 2025 6) and Emsworth


Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Phasi Ter Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Priorit Project Parish Id y Type ng m Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Tim Other Categ e ory Network IBP/ Transpo Pedestrian Pottery level Improve Network Rail 4 Chidh Rail 879 rt infrastructur crossing pedestrian with WSCC Desira am e closure and safety giving the ble and replace with large amount Hambr footbridge. recent ook development. Network IBP/ Transpo Pedestrian Oving level Improve Networth 4 Oving Rail 883 rt infrastructur crossing pedestrian Rail with Desira e closure and safety giving the WSCC ble replace with large amount footbridge. recent development. Network IBP/ Transpo Pedestrian Penny Lane Improve Networth 4 South Rail 882 rt infrastructur level pedestrian Rail with Desira bourn e crossing safety giving the WSCC ble e closure and large amount replace with recent footbridge. development. Network IBP/ Transpo Pedestrian Church level Improve Networth 4 South Rail 881 rt infrastructur crossing pedestrian Rail with Desira bourn e closure and safety giving the WSCC ble e replace with large amount footbridge. recent development. Network IBP/ Transpo Pedestrian Copse level Improve Networth 4 South Rail 880 rt infrastructur crossing pedestrian Rail with Desira bourn e closure and safety giving the WSCC ble e replace with large amount footbridge. recent development. Network IBP/ Transpo Public Construction To reduce 2029 Medi Network Rail Chich Rail 629 rt transport of chord to congestion on um ester enable trains the roads to to run between Bognor long directly and Ch ichester, term between although an (202 Bognor additional train 7 - Regis and would lead to 202 Chichester, the barriers 9) rather than being down for via an longer. interchange at Barnham. RSPB IBP/ Green Biodiversity New visitor This project will 2021 - Shor to be RSPB Other 3 Sidles 586 Infrastru measures centre at contribute to 2029 t confirmed Policy ham cture Pagham achieving the term High Harbour first objective of (202 Local Nature Policy 22 and 0 - Reserve objective 3.27 of 202 the Local Plan. 6) Scottish IBP/ Utility Utility Low voltage To increase 2020 - Shor £400,000 SSE SSE Other 2 Chich and 793 Services services cable capa city. 2021 t Essent ester Southern installation term ial 101

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Phasi Ter Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Priorit Project Parish Id y Type ng m Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Tim Other Categ e ory Electricity in (202 Networks Chichester 0 - City Centre 202 (Ref LVLR 6) 617001) Scottish IBP/ Utility Utility Low voltage To resolve low 2019 - Shor £41,000 SSE SSE Other 2 Chidh and 794 Services services cable voltage issues. 2020 t Essent am Southern installation term ial and Electricity from Main (202 Hambr Networks Road, 0 - ook Chidham to 202 The 6) Malthouse (Ref LVLR 619001) Scottish IBP/ Utility Utility Undergroun To increase 2022 - Shor £2,500,00 SSE SSE Other 2 Hunst and 795 Services services d overhead network 2023 t 0 Essent on and Southern line resilience/capaci term ial Birdha Electricity PS002594 - ty. (202 m Networks Hunston to 0 - Birdham 202 6) Scottish IBP/ Utility Utility Undergroun To increase 2022 - Shor £1,500,00 SSE SSE Other 2 Hunst and 796 Services services d overhead network 2023 t 0 Essent on and Southern line resilience/capaci term ial Rose Electricity PS001334 - ty. (202 Green Networks Hunston to 0 - (Arun Rose Green. 202 DC) 6) Southern IBP/ Utility Utility West of To enable 2020 Shor Southern Other 1 Chich Water 728 Services services Chichester growth in the t Water Critical ester - to Tangmere local plan whilst term Tang waste water avoiding (202 mere treatment additional 0 - works environmental 202 transfer impact on 6) pipeline. Chichester Harbour SSSI Sussex IBP/ Public Police and Fixed site New housing will 2017 - Shor £24,000 Sussex CIL 3 Project not District Police 706 se rvices emergency ANPR (with place an 2019 t Police Policy yet ready to wide services no increased term High be selected infrastructur demand upon (202 e in place) the existing level 0 - of policing. In 202 the absence of 6) developer contributions towards additional infrastructure, Sussex Polic e would be unable to retain the high level of policing 102

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Phasi Ter Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Priorit Project Parish Id y Type ng m Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Tim Other Categ e ory that is currently delivered. Sussex IBP/ Public Police and Mobile New housing will 2017 - Shor £14,000 Sussex CIL 3 Project not District Police 707 services emergency ANPR place an 2019 t Police Policy yet ready to wide services camera to increased term High be selected be fitted into demand upon (202 fleet vehicle the existing level 0 - of policing. In 202 the absence of 6) developer contributions towards a dditional infrastructure, Sussex Police would be unable to retain the high level of policing that is currently delivered. Sussex IBP/ Public Police and 2 additional New housing will 2017 - Shor £63,360 Sussex CIL 3 Project not District Police 705 services emergency vehicles to place an 2019 t Police Policy yet ready to wide services increase increased term High be selected Chichester demand upon (202 fleet the existing level 0 - capacity of policing. In 202 the absence of 6) developer contributions toward s additional infrastructure, Sussex Police would be unable to retain the high level of policing that is currently delivered. University IBP/ Transpo Car parking Multi level Replacement of tbc University to University Other University to Chich of 388 rt Car Park surface level car fund fund ester Chichester parking in the north of the campus with a multi - level car park – the number of car spaces not increasing University IBP/ Transpo Car parking Reconfigurat New e astern 2020 - Shor £575,000 University of University of Other 4 Chich of 797 rt ion of the access road will 2021 t Chichester & Chichester Desira ester Chichester car park and reduce traffic term third party. ble City road through volume to the (202 the campus current main 0 - to 103

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Phasi Ter Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Priorit Project Parish Id y Type ng m Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Tim Other Categ e ory accommodat entrance in 202 e the College Lane. 6) changes relating to the new eastern access road entrance. University IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Cycle ca £0.1m University to University CIL 3 University to Chich of 383 rt pedestrian route/Footw fund part with Policy fund ester Chichester infrastructur ay with Local Authority High e lighting to CIL the centre of the Campus University IBP/ Transpo Cycle and Cycle ca £0.1m University to University CIL 3 Consider Chich of 386 rt pedestrian route/Footw fund part with Policy selecting if ester Chichester infrastructur ay with Local Authority High match e lighting CIL funding is extension identified as from the this project University supports the central area growth of to the area Graylingwell provided it is North for genuine community use. University IBP/ Transpo Local road New Internal ca £0.5m University to University Other University to Chich of 384 rt network Campus fund but there fund ester Chichester Road and is a significant Link to funding gap Eastern Access Road University IBP/ Transpo Local road Eastern provided Assumed to HCA and S106 2 Committed Chich of 385 rt network Access by be funded by Linden LLP Essent ester Chichester Road HCA/Linde HCA and ial n LLP Linden LLP as a part of planning consent and S106 University IBP/ Transpo Local road Installation Pedestrian ca £300k No funding by WSCC S106 2 Committed Chich of 387 rt network of speed safety University Essent ester Chichester humps and defined ial a pedestrian/z ebra crossing College Lane. Change - One Way access and 104

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Phasi Ter Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Priorit Project Parish Id y Type ng m Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Tim Other Categ e ory Public Realm works to College Lane and Spitalfield La ne. University IBP/ Educatio Further Music To support 2016 - Shor ca £3.5m University Univer sity Other University to Chich of 378 n education Teaching enhancement of 2017 t funded fund ester Chichester and higher Building the academic term education accommodation (202 and student 0 - expansion 202 6) University IBP/ Educatio Further On campus Student Depen Not known No detail as University Other University to Chich of 381 n education expansion of growth/studio dent as yet yet and possible fund ester Chichester and higher Fine Art space. Could on University local education building link with, fundin land and authority, including substitute other g maintenan private possible existing or ce contribution artists’ planned arts contributio studios provision n at nil cost University IBP/ Educatio Further Academic To support 2017 - Shor ca £5.9m University University Other University to Chich of 377 n education Teaching academic 2018 t funded fund ester Chichester and higher Building accommodation term education and student (202 expansion 0 - 202 6) University IBP/ Educatio Further Other To support Not known No detail as University Other University to Chich of 382 n education Academic enhancement of at present yet fund ester Chichester and higher and Support the acad emic education facilities - accommodation Learning and student Resource expansion Extension, Sports Building, Gymnasium, Students Union building extension University IBP/ Educatio Further Develop the To align with the 2021 Shor University of University of Other 4 Chich of 801 n education car park use of the t Chichester & Chichester Desira ester Chichester and higher potentially to eastern access term third party ble City education provide a road. This is a (202 multi deck planning 0 - car park and condition for use 202 a new of the eastern 6) academic access road. building to accommodat 105

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Phasi Ter Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Priorit Project Parish Id y Type ng m Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Tim Other Categ e ory e increased student numbers. University IBP/ Social Community Concert Hall This is a project Depen ca £5m. No University CIL 4 Consider Chich of 380 Infrastru facilities - On of local and dent plus commitments with local Desira selecting if ester Chichester cture Campus regional on University as yet but very authority, ble match high quality significance fundin land and clear there will lottery, Arts funding is Concert Hall strengthening g maintenan be a major Council for identified as for a Music the University’s ce funding gap. England and this project Conservatoir Conservatoire c ontributio private supports the e and for Music offer and n at nil donor growth of Community enabling the cost partners the area Use community to provided it is have a bespoke for genuine concert hall to community host an use. orchestra and have an audience capacity of ca 800 It also offers opportunity University IBP/ Green Playing Completion To provide subjec ca £1m University and University CIL 4 Consider Chich of 389 Infrastru fields, sports of running enhanced sports t to University gap funding Desi ra selecting if ester Chichester cture pitches, track/with facilities to fundin land and with local ble match related build internal all maintain the g maintenan authority/Lotte funding is and weather competitiveness packa ce ry/other identified as children's football pitch of sport/PE as ge contributio this project play areas one of the being n at nil supports the University’s core secure cost growth of academic d the area subject areas provided it is and to provide a for genuine unique community community use. facility for the City and p ossibly for schools. The all weather pitch could be used University IBP/ Green Playing Training/Cha To provide subjec ca £1.5m University and University CIL 4 Consider Chich of 390 Infrastru fields, sports nging enhanced sports t to University gap f unding Desira selecting if ester Chichester cture pitches, Facilities facilities to fundin land and with local ble match related build maintain the g maintenan authority/Lotte funding is and competitiveness packa ce ry/other identified as children's of sport/PE as ge contributio this project play areas one of the being n at nil supports the University’s core secure cost growth of academic d the area subject areas provided it is and to provide a for genuine unique community community use. 106

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Phasi Ter Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Priorit Project Parish Id y Type ng m Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Tim Other Categ e ory facility for the City and possibly for schools University IBP/ Utility Utility Water, A range of utility 2017 - Sho r Not known University, University Other University to Chich of 391 Services services drainage service 2018 t as yet The utility fund ester Chichester and power improvements and term cost and companies to support are likely to be beyon (202 allocation and private University required as a d 0 - of costs to funding development part of the above 202 the s covering water, 6) University, drainage and private power. partners and utility companies is still to be determine d University IBP/ Utility Utility Carbon/Ren A scoping pre - tbc Not yet University, Partnership Other University to Chich of 392 Services services ewables feasibility study establishe local and fund ester Chichester Combined is currently d a uthorities, University Heat and being completed NHS St Power with a view to Richard’s, project developing a utility CHP project on companies campus. It may and private be developed sector and benefit other major users such as the NHS St Richard’s and the Councils University IBP/ Utility Utility Provide Upgrading of 2021 - Shor £8,000,00 University of University of Other 2 Chich of 798 Services services drainage to student 2022 t 0 Chichester Chichester Essent ester Chichester Apuldram accommodation. term ial City Waste (202 Water 0 - Trea tment 202 works in 6) association with upgrading of student accommodat ion at Hammonds. University IBP/ Housing Student Student Meeting current 2017/2 Shor ca £15m University/priv University Other University to Chich of 379 accommodat Residential - and forecast 018 t ate funded fund ester Chichester ion Redevelopm need for on - term ent of campus (202 Havenstoke accommodation 0 - (252 new 202 units) and 6) 107

Org Name IBP Categor Project Scheme Justification Phasi Ter Cost Funding Delivery CIL Planning Priorit Project Parish Id y Type ng m Range Sources Lead S106 Ref y Status Area Tim Other Categ e ory redevelopm ent of Hammond (77 new units) University IBP/ Housing Student Increase Expansion to University of University of Other 2 Chich of 799 accommodat student improve student Chichester & Chichester Essent ester Chichester ion accommodat experience. third party ial City ion in This Springfield development will area. be offset by disposal to Pinewood, depending on its ongoing use.

Appendix B CIL Applicable Housing trajectory

Projected phasing of additional proposed housing sites of 6 or more dwellings

Projected housing development (dwellings per year)

Total Total Total 2020 - 21 2021 - 22 2022 - 23 2023 - 24 2024 - 25 2025 - 26 2026 - 27 2027 - 28 2028 - 29 2020 - 2025 2025 - 2029 2018 - 2029

East - West Corridor

Bosham 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 50 0 50

Boxgrove 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Chichester city

- West of Chichester 15 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 135 515 735 1,250

- Westhampnett/NEC (part) 0 50 50 50 50 0 0 0 0 200 0 200

- Other identified sites 41 5 0 10 11 0 0 0 0 67 0 67

Chichester city total 56 155 150 160 261 200 200 200 135 782 735 1,517

Chidham & Hambrook 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Fishbourne 6 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 6 15 21 108

Funtington (part) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Lavant (part) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Oving (inc Shopwyke SDL) 0 20 40 40 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 100


- Southbourne village 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

- Elsewhere in parish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Southbourne total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Tangmere (including SDL) 0 0 0

- Tangmere SDL 0 0 0 0 120 120 120 120 120 120 480 600

- Non - strategic NP sites 0 0 0 0 19 32 15 0 0 19 47 66

Tangmere total 0 0 0 0 139 152 135 120 120 139 527 666

West Thorney 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Westbourne 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Westhampnett (part of SDL) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sub - total 62 175 190 200 450 352 350 320 255 1,077 1,277 2,354 Manhood Peninsula 0 0 0

Appledram 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Birdham 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Donnington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Earnley 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

East Wittering & Bracklesham 0 0 45 48 0 0 0 0 0 93 0 93

Hunston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

North Mundham 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Selsey 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5

Sidlesham 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

West Itchenor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

West Wittering 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sub - total 5 0 45 48 0 0 0 0 0 98 0 98 Plan Area (North) 0 0 0

Lynchmere 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Kirdford 14 8 0 0 22 25 0 0 0 44 25 69

Loxwood 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 17 17

Plaistow & Ifold 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 10

Wisborough Green 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 11 11

Sub - total 14 8 0 0 22 52 0 11 0 44 63 107

TOTAL 81 183 235 248 472 404 350 331 255 1,219 1,340 2,559


Table 5: Potential parish level CIL receipts showing projected phasing of delivery

Total Total Total Parish CIL 2020 - 21 2021 - 22 2022 - 23 2023 - 24 2024 - 25 2025 - 26 2026 - 27 2027 - 28 2028 - 29 Neighbourhoo contributio 2020 - 2025 2025 - 2029 2020 - 2029 d plan 1 n East - West Corridor

£125,12 Bosham Yes 0.25 £0 £0 £0 £0 5 £0 £0 £0 £0 £125,125 £0 £125,125

Boxgrove No 0.15 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Chichester city £150,15 £150,15 £150,15 £300,30 £300,30 £300,30 £300,30 £202,70 £1,103,60 £1,876,87 - West of Chichester No 0.15 £22,523 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 £773,273 3 5

- Westhampnett/NEC (part) No 0.15 £0 £75,075 £75,075 £75,075 £75,075 £0 £0 £0 £0 £300,300 £0 £300,300

- Other identified sites No 0.15 £61,562 £7,508 £0 £15,015 £16,517 £0 £0 £0 £0 £100,601 £0 £100,601 £232,73 £225,22 £240,24 £391,89 £300,30 £300,30 £300,30 £202,70 £1,174,17 £1,103,60 £2,277,77 Chichester city total £84,084 3 5 0 2 0 0 0 3 3 3 6

Chidham & Hambrook Yes 0.25 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Fishbourne Yes 0.25 £15,015 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £37,538 £0 £0 £15,015 £37,538 £52,553

Funtington (part) No 0.15 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Lavant (part) Yes 0.25 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Oving (inc Shopwyke SDL) No 0.15 £0 £30,030 £60,060 £60,060 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £150,150 £0 £150,150


- Southbourne village Yes 0.25 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

- Elsewhere in parish Yes 0.25 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Southbourne total £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Tangmere (including SDL) £300,30 £300,30 £300,30 £300,30 £300,30 £1,201,20 £1,501,50 - Tangmere SDL Yes 0.25 £0 £0 £0 £0 0 0 0 0 0 £300,300 0 0

- Non - strategic NP sites Yes 0.25 £0 £0 £0 £0 £47,548 £80,080 £37,538 £0 £0 £47,548 £117,618 £165,165 £347,84 £380,38 £337,83 £300,30 £300,30 £1,318,81 £1,666,66 Tangmere total £0 £0 £0 £0 8 0 8 0 0 £347,848 8 5

West Thorney No 0.15 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Westbourne Yes 0.25 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 Westhampnett (part of SDL) 2 No 0.15 £52,205 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £52,205 £0 £52,205 £151,30 £262,76 £285,28 £300,30 £864,86 £680,68 £675,67 £600,60 £503,00 £1,864,51 £2,459,95 £4,324,47 E - W Corridor sub - total 4 3 5 0 4 0 5 0 3 6 8 3 Manhood Peninsula

Appledram No 0.15 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Birdham Yes 0.25 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Donnington No 0.15 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Earnley No 0.15 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0


East Wittering & No 0.15 Bracklesham £0 £0 £67,568 £72,072 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £139,640 £0 £139,640

Hunston No 0.15 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

North Mundham No 0.15 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Selsey Yes 0.25 £12,513 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £12,513 £0 £12,513

Sidlesham No 0.15 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

West Itchenor No 0.15 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

West Wittering No 0.15 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 Manhood Pen sub - total £12,513 £0 £67,568 £72,072 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £152,152 £0 £152,152 Plan Area (North)

Lynchmere No 0.15 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £104,12 Kirdford Yes 0.25 £58,310 £33,320 £0 £0 £91,630 5 £0 £0 £0 £183,260 £195,755 £287,385

Loxwood Yes 0.25 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £70,805 £0 £0 £0 £0 £70,805 £70,805

Plaistow & Ifold No 0.15 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £24,990 £0 £0 £0 £0 £24,990 £24,990

Wisborough Green Yes 0.25 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £45,815 £0 £0 £45,815 £45,815 £199,92 Plan Area (N) sub - total £58,310 £33,320 £0 £0 £91,630 0 £0 £45,815 £0 £183,260 £245,735 £428,995 £222,12 £296,08 £352,85 £372,37 £956,49 £880,60 £675,67 £646,41 £503,00 £2,199,92 £2,705,69 £4,905,62 PLAN AREA TOTAL 7 3 3 2 4 0 5 5 3 8 3 0

N otes: 1 Identifies parishes where there is a made Neighbourhood Plan already in place, or a draft Neighbourhood Plan at an advanced stage of preparation that is expected to be made before the projected date for CIL receipts. Parishes that have made a Neighbourhood Plan receive 25% of total CIL receipts from new deve lopment in their area, whereas parishes with no Neighbourhood Plan receive 15% of CIL receipts (capped at £100 per existing Council tax dwelling each year).

2 Annual CIL receipts for Westhampnett Parish will potentially be capped at £100 per existing Council tax dwelling (currently £43,300 per year) unless a Neighbourhood Plan is made before the projected date for CIL receipts.

Table 7. Potential total CIL receipts from additional proposed housing sites of 6 or more dwellings

Assumed average dwelling size (internal floor area) = 100 sq.m 30% affordable housing (CIL exempt) is assumed for developments of 6+ dwellings in designated rural parishes and for 11+ dwellings elsewhere

CIL contribution per dwelling (indexed as at 01/04/2019) - South of Plan area £14,300 - North of Plan area £23,800

Total Total Total 2020 - 2021 - 22 2022 - 23 2023 - 24 2024 - 25 2025 - 26 2026 - 27 2027 - 28 2028 - 29 2020 - 2025 - 2019 - CIL % 21 rate AH 2025 2029 2029

East - West Corridor £14,3 £500,50 Bosham 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £500,500 £0 £500,500 £14,3 Boxgr ove 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 Chich ester city £14,3 £150,1 £1,001,0 £1,001,0 £1,001,0 £2,002,0 £2,002,0 £2,002,0 £2,002,0 £1,351,3 £5,155,15 £7,357,35 £12,512,5 - West of Chichester 30% 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 0 0 00


- Wes thampnett/NEC £14,3 £500,50 £500,50 £500,50 £500,50 £2,002,00 £2,002,00 30% (part) 00 £0 0 0 0 0 £0 £0 £0 £0 0 £0 0 £14,3 £410,4 £100,10 £110,11 - Oth er identified sites 30% 00 10 £50,050 £0 0 0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £670,670 £0 £670,670 £560,5 £1,551,5 £1,501,5 £1,601,6 £2,612,6 £2,002,0 £2,002,0 £2,002,0 £1,351,3 £7,827,82 £7,357,35 £15,185,1 Chich ester city total 60 50 00 00 10 00 00 00 50 0 0 70 £14,3 Chidham & Hambrook 0% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £14,3 £60,06 £150,15 Fishbourne 30% 00 0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 0 £0 £0 £60,060 £150,150 £210,210 £14,3 Funti ngton (part) 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £14,3 Lavan t (part) 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 Oving (inc Shopwyke £14,3 £200,20 £400,40 £400,40 £1,001,00 £1,001,00 30% SDL) 00 £0 0 0 0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 0 £0 0 South bourne £14,3 - Southbourne village 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £14,3 - Els ewhere in parish 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 South bourne total £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 Tangmere (including

SDL) £14,3 £1,201,2 £1,201,2 £1,201,2 £1,201,2 £1,201,2 £1,201,20 £4,804,80 £6,006,00 - Tangmere SDL 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 £14,3 £190,19 £320,32 £150,15 - Non - strategic NP sites 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 0 0 0 £0 £0 £190,190 £470,470 £660,660 £1,391,3 £1,521,5 £1,351,3 £1,201,2 £1,201,2 £1,391,39 £5,275,27 £6,666,66 Tangmere total £0 £0 £0 £0 90 20 50 00 00 0 0 0 £14,3 West Thorney 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £14,3 Westbourne 0% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 Westhampnett (part of £14,3 30% SDL) 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £620,6 £1,751,7 £1,901,9 £2,002,0 £4,504,5 £3,523,5 £3,503,5 £3,203,2 £2,552,5 £10,780,7 £12,782,7 £23,563,5 E - W C orridor sub - total 20 50 00 00 00 20 00 00 50 70 70 40

Manho od Peninsula £14,3 Appledram 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £14,3 Birdham 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £14,3 Donni ngton 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £14,3 Earnl ey 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 East Wittering & £14,3 £450,45 £480,48 30% Bracklesham 00 £0 £0 0 0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £930,930 £0 £930,930 £14,3 Hunston 0% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £14,3 North Mundham 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £14,3 £50,05 Selse y 30% 00 0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £50,050 £0 £50,050


£14,3 Sidle sham 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £14,3 West Itchenor 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £14,3 West Wittering 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 Manho od Pen sub - £50,05 £450,45 £480,48

total 0 £0 0 0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £980,980 £0 £980,980 Plan Area (North)

£23,8 Lynchmere 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £23,8 £233,2 £133,28 £366,52 £416,50 £1,149,54 Kirdf ord 30% 00 40 0 £0 £0 0 0 £0 £0 £0 £733,040 £416,500 0 £23,8 £283,22 Loxwo od 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £283,220 £283,220 £23,8 £166,60 Plaistow & Ifold 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £166,600 £166,600 £23,8 £183,26 Wisbo rough Green 30% 00 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 0 £0 £0 £183,260 £183,260 £233,2 £133,28 £366,52 £866,32 £183,26 £1,049,58 £1,782,62 Plan Area (N) sub - total 40 0 £0 £0 0 0 £0 0 £0 £733,040 0 0 £903,9 £1,885,0 £2,352,3 £2,482,4 £4,871,0 £4,389,8 £3,503,5 £3,386,4 £2,552,5 £12,494,7 £13,832,3 £26,327,1 PLAN AREA TOTAL 10 30 50 80 20 40 00 60 50 90 50 40


CIL Infrastructure Prioritisation This section sets out the approach to prioritise projects to be funded via CIL. It draws upon the evidence base and Regulatio n 123 list that supported adoption of the CIL Charging Schedule. The approach taken within the IBP is reviewed and updated on an annual basis, to ensure appropriate categorisation of projects against the development trajectory.

The Need to Prioritise Infrastructure Chich ester District Council recognises that the ability to fund required infrastructure is based upon the anticipated CIL cash flo w. It is unlikely that CIL receipts will be sufficient to fund all infrastructure required within the plan area. It is therefore ne cessary to prioritise the infrastructure projects in most need of CIL funding, and to begin to identify and understand the requirements for additional funding towards particular projects.


This IBP represents the outcome of a considered approach to deliver y that will effectively manage the demand and call on resources. In addition to agreement between stakeholders that have informed this IBP, it is critical that delivery partners r ecognise the importance of this plan and play their part in ensuring that the infrastructure for which they are responsible is delivered on time.

The document aligns infrastructure requirements with the most up to date housing trajectory and anticipated CIL receipts. At all stages the relationship between plan - wide, area based, an d City, Town, and Parish Council projects will be critical and may need coordination.

The role of CIL in providing mitigating infrastructure as well as supporting viability of key development sites is recognised and therefore the strategic direction of pr ioritised spend is central to the IBP process.

The Approach towards Infrastructure Prioritisation Establishing a detailed understanding of infrastructure delivery is multi - faceted and requires consideration of a number of inter - dependent factors:

 The Development Trajectory  Prioritisation of Infrastructure Projects  Phasing of infrastructure

The Development Trajectory Infrastructure delivery is aligned to growth and necessary to mitigate the impacts arising from development. It is imperative that the ph asing of infrastructure represents current development agreements and anticipated trajectories moving forward.

The Local Plan sets the strategic spatial planning framework for the Chichester plan area, detailing a development strategy u p to 2029 and the local context for considering the long - term social, economic, environmental and resource impacts of development.

Policy 4 of the Local Plan sets out a target of 7,388 homes to be built from 2012 to 2029. This IBP is informed by the detail ed developmen t trajectories that are anticipated to deliver this growth and will need to remain reviewed in accordance with future agreements and trajectories. The Monitoring Framework implemented by CDC will be central to this process and ensure achieved and anticipat ed growth directly informs the IBP.

Prioritisation of Infrastructure Projects Following the identification of all currently identified Infrastructure Projects (for the whole plan period set out in Append ix A and for the first five years in Section 3) the IBP seeks to align each project a level of priority. This will distinguish those projects critical to enabling development and mitigating infrastructure compared to those that are important to deliver good place making principl es, but would be appropriate to deliver at a later date.

Table 1: Infrastructure Prioritisation Categories Category Definition 114

Critical Infrastructure Infrastructure that must happen to enable growth, i.e. it is a prerequisite to unlock any future works without which development cannot proceed. These infrastructure items are ‘blockers’ or ‘showstoppers’, they are most common in relation to transport and utilities infrastructure and are usually linked to triggers controlling the commencement of development activity. It also includes Services that are required to facilitate growth or be delivered in advance of residential/commercial development, i.e. connection to the potable and wastewater network. Essential Infrastructure Infrastructure that is considered necessary in order to mitigate impacts arising from the operation of the development. These are projects which are usually identified as required mitigation in EIA/SEA/HRA/TIA testing to make the proposed development acceptable in planning terms and are di rectly related to the proposed development. These items are most common in relation to trips and population generated by the development (including school places, health requirements and public transport (service Projects), and are usually linked to trigge rs controlling the occupation of development sites. Policy High Priority Infrastructure that is required to support wider strategic or site specific objectives which are set out in Infrastructure planning policy or subject to a statutory duty, but would n ot necessarily prevent development from occurring. This type of infrastructure has a less direct relationship with additional population creating additional need, and is more influenced by whether a person chooses to use this facility or service (including use of community facilities and libraries and use of sports facilities). Desirable Infrastructure Infrastructure that is required for sustainable growth but is unlikely to prevent development in the short to medium term. This is often aligned to placemaking objectives without being essential for development to come forward.

Within the categories outlined above, further refinement could be used in order to evaluate and compare projects within each category which would influence the priorities. Th ese could include factors such as:

 Whether neighbouring parishes are prepared to act as a cluster and pool their CIL monies to fund infrastructure projects of mutual benefit to them  Value for money (or return on investment)  Number of jobs created  Number of homes provided  Deliverability and sustainability (whether the project is “ready to go”)  Risk  Other Identified funding sources to contribute towards CIL projects  Existing infrastructure capacity.  Direct links to the Local Plan Vision /policies (ke y outcomes for growth)  Alignment with delivery partners plans/programmes  Whether the project could be delivered another way/or through another source of funding  Whether the project will lead to efficiencies. 115

 Evidence of need

The final element that support s the prioritisation of infrastructure is to ensure an appreciation of the necessary phasing of infrastructure requirements. It is this stage that is central to the Infrastructure Business Plan as it represents the primar y evidence base for anticipating ca sh - flow from infrastructure spending against the receipt of CIL Payments.

The infrastructure prioritisation process is illustrated in the diagram below:

Infrastructure Prioritisation Process Note: At all stages consideration must be given towards funding sources/options

1. Is the infrastructure 2. Record infrastructure as committed already committed Yes in the Business Plan & recognise it with full funding will not impact cash flow modelling secured?


7. Reconsider the request for infrastructure

3. Is the infrastructure necessary No to support the development trajectories? 116


6. Will the infrastructure support Yes 5. Is the infrastructure economic prosperity &/or No required on the basis of No provide wider placemaking Statutory planning/duties? benefits? 4. If the infrastructure is necessary to unlock & enable development classify as

critical. If it mitigates development

impact then classify as Essential Yes Yes mitigation

Essential Critical Policy High Priority Desirable Mitigation

Implementation, Monitoring & Governance

Introduction A clear framework and shared understanding of infrastructure priorities between delivery partners will be required to effectively implement and monitor spend and receipt of CIL monies. The IBP sets out the relationship between the development trajectory a nd infrastructure provision to provide a pro - ac tive approach in mitigating the pressures arising from growth. The IBP seeks to identify the funding gap that exists and the requirement to identify additional funding sources as well as consideration of a lternative options for delivery and implementation.

The IBP is a ‘living’ document and will be consistently reviewed in order to respond to emerging development proposals and gr owth requirements. As noted previously the IBP does not therefore represent an exhaustive list of defined projects but is a refle ction of the current understanding that is expected to be refined with additional projects or amendments that reflect alternative appr oaches to project delivery under future IBPs.

The community at large, the development industry and infrastructure deliver y commissioners will benefit from greater certainty about what infrastructure will be provided and its timing. 117

CIL Governance Implementation of the IBP and effective allocation of CIL receipts requires a clear governance structure to facilitate effect ive delivery and monitoring. The IBP Infrastructure Joint Member Liaison group was established on 2 June 2015 by CDC Cabinet. Its p urpose is to consider and endorse the draft Chichester Infrastructure Business Plan (IBP) on an annual basis. The role of the IJMLG has now been taken over by a new Growth Board.

The IBP identifies funding sources and responsible delivery agencies in orde r to support the development growth identified in the Local Plan to 2029. The IBP is drafted by a joint CDC/WSCC officer working group. The Chichester Growth Board considers the draft for stakeholder consultation and then considers the final version in the light of that consultation.

Membership is open to elected members of WSCC and CDC. It was agreed that the Chichester Growth Board would not be a formal decision - m aking joint committee and so it would not be necessary that the two councils should have equality of representation. It would be for each Council to determine its mix of executive and non - executive members without being so large as to be unwieldy. Chichest er has appointed the Leader of the Council the Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning and a member from the Development Plan and Infrastructure Panel. WSCC has appointed two of its members from Chichester District, one of whom is the leader of the Counci l.

The Chichester Growth Board will meet bi - annually to consider projects and endorse the draft IBP for consultation with stakeholders, including infrastructure providers and parish councils and t o make any amendments resulting from the consultation. CIL Regulation 59C states that a local council (Town, City, Parish Council) must use CIL receipts passed onto it in accordanc e with regulation 59A or 59B to support the development of the local counci l’s area, or any part of that are, by funding – (a) the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure; or (b) anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on an area.

The City, Town and Parish Councils should note that if they have not spent the CIL allocations made to them within five years of receipt, the District Council in its capacity as Charging Authority will send out a notification to ask for the monies to be returned (see CIL Regulation 59E(10) for details). In such cases the District Council will spend the money in accordance with Regulation 59E(10) on the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure; or anything else that is concerned wi th addressing the demand that development places on the area.

If the City, Town or Parish Council does not feel that it has the necessary experience to manage their proportion of the CIL spend, it is imperative that they indicate this to the District Council at the earliest opportunity. If this is the case, the District Council would reserve the option to make a charge for managing the CIL on their behalf.

Final decisions on the allocation of CIL would then be made by CDC Full Council on the recommendation o f Cabinet, in accordance with the endorsed IBP and as part of the process of preparing and approving the Council’s own revenue budget and capital programme.


The Council’s capital programme would include the District Council’s own infrastructure provision and planned payments of CIL towards the infrastructure of other Infrastructure Delivery Commissioners. It would not include infrastructure of other prov iders fully funded from other sources such as S106. It would be for Infrastru cture Delivery Commissioners to manage cash flow for their infrastructure provision, including before CIL is paid over.

If the need arises for major changes to the IBP to be made outside the decision - making cycle, the Chichester Growth Board will be consu lted and CDC’s normal decision making procedure can be followed

Monitoring The IBP will be monitored through the Annual Infrastructure Funding Statements (previously Annual Monitoring Report ) , published each December. This will include a record of payments and spending through S106 and CIL . The IBP will also be subject to scrutiny from the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee.

The Governance structure, process and timeline for the production of the IBP is set out in the diagram below.



LOCATIONAL GROUPS – Identify, plan, prioritise & sequence infrastructure within locational groupings



e RE GROWTH CABINET i e t t i (Masterplans) l a i BUSINESS BOARD Approves t d Developers U p

, u PLAN Considers/ Infrastructur CHICHESTER DISTRICT

s Infrastructure Delivery e &


) endorses e Business i Commissioners (IDCs) Identifies COUNCIL s

v r y e e g Parish Councils infrastructure Draft Plan & Approve s budget & m

S o

l m y o District & County Councillors requirements Infrastructure recommends c

a allocation of CIL d r n o g e

h for L ocal Plan, & Business Plan Council to o

g t r r e p e for l all funding approve m m

a t


, sources. Profiles stakeholder funding o EAST/WEST CORRIDOR p i e t a r OFFICER a C

u consultation & (outside SDLs) & prioritises u t l & c



s (1 group or 2?)

v delivery & after r

n SLT e t

s a

l Developers e Prepares a spending in line consultation p r

h r f t

S IDCs e n r P

I with housing recommends t Infrastructure

o s

U AUTHORITY’S f n Local Ward Members a

O e any changes e Business Plan trajectory m R e c


r Par ish Councils . n G

g G for Cabinet e .

C based on, but , I d REPORT e (Neighbourhood Plans) i e ( T

r v approval s

A e u challenging,

e t c e M c r E d u i u r work of H v t o T s

o s


r locational & p f o

n Developers & e I

l g thematic SCRUTINY &

P a

n IDCs i D a I c


groups, & Duty o

e Local Ward Members STAKEHOLDER e S

h , d t i CDC Corporate Paris h Councils h to Cooperate n t CONSULTATION w i l

a a (Neighbourhood Plans) Governance & n

e on cross - o i m H

t Audit Committee , o a

r boundary n f

m o

i monitors & r e t c o infrastructure a f NORTH OF PLAN AREA n c scrutinises delivery n e i u d d

i Developers E v

, e

t IDCs r w o

e Local Ward Members i p s v n e Parish Cou ncils a R r

T (Neighbourhood Plans) Programme Management & alignment including SLA’s with delivery partners as contracts are let


Appendix D Funding Source Review

This appendix examines the types of additional funding which could be accessed alongside the CIL confirmed income projections in order to help meet the outstanding costs identified in paragraph 6.4. This section examines:

 The main organisations with access to funding;  Funding access through the LEP (The Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership);  Other sources of funding relevant to key themes of project identified in paragraph 3.6 (Transport, Utilities and Education); and  Potential future funding sources.

Main organisations with access to funding Chichester District Council The main services provided by the District Council include: • Environmental health • Housing • Leisure and recreation • Planning applications • Waste collection

The Council’s Corporate Plan is a strategic document that sets out the Council’s Themes and Aims and provides a basis for us to plan our work. It does not cover everything that we do or all the service s that we provide, but seeks to focus on those issues that matter most to people, national priorities set by the Government and local challenges arising from the social, economic and environm ental context of the district.

The themes are as follows:  Improv e the provision of and access to suitable housing  Support our communities  Manage our built and natural environments  Improve and support the local economy


West Sussex County Council

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) is responsible for providing many key local services. Each year the council manages public money in the provision of these services including schools, social services, Fire & rescue, the local highway network, librar ies and the public records office, trading standards, trans port planning and waste management.

WSCC is the local highway authority responsible for delivering the majority of the transport - related infrastructure to support the Local Plan proposals.

The County Council is seeking revenue funding from its capital pr ogramme to undertake feasibility work to progress the development of a Chichester Area Transport Package (subject to cabinet member approval).

The Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership

The Coast to Capital LEP’s vision for its region is a high performing economy with a global outlook, where knowledge and crea tivity drives growth and prosperity for all. Its strategic approach is to:  Create and maintain the right conditions for enterprise and high growth entrepreneurship to flourish;  Ensure all young people emerging from each phase of education are ambitious and equipped with or seeking entrepreneurial skills;  Make Coast to Capital an attractive location to start and grow a business;  Promo te social enterprises as effective forms of business for a wider group of potential entrepreneurs than has previously been considered; Ensure there is a healthy enterprise and dynamic entrepreneurial activity across our region;  Add extra momentum to our ec onomy by supporting those sectors and businesses which are capable of growing most quickly.

Funding accessed through the LEP

Growth Deal

Coast to Capital LEP has signed a Growth Deal with central government that will see the start of a six year investment programme in jobs, infrastructure and transport. The deal is worth £202 million over six years, starting with investment of £38m of new fu nding in 2015/16 and it will deliver by 2021 14,000 jobs, 5,000 new homes and 190,000 sqm of employment spa ce.

As a whole, during the period starting in 2015, the Coast to Capital region will benefit from:

 Wood Fuel initiative with the Forestry Commission – Sustainable use of primary natural resource to produce wood fuel as a renewable energy source and local building materials. Up to £0.8m. 122

 Digital Growth – to provide key business locations with the digital connections needed to compete internationally and to pioneer new mobile 5G technology research with neighbouring LEPs. Support to small firms to get e - com merce skills and complete the superfast broadband roll - out. Up to £3.4m.  Advanced Engineering Centre – a collaboration between the University of Brighton and Ricardo in a new Centre of excellence to deliver leading automotive and environmental engineering training and research. Ricardo is a global strategic, technical and environmental engineering firm based in Shoreham. Up to £7m.  Flood Defences Newhaven and Shoreham - In Newhaven, this will open up major brownfield sites for housing and employment land pl us new harbour facilities. In Shoreham, the flood defences and transport access improvements will allow land to be used for housing and businesses. £1.5m in Newhaven and £9.5m in Shoreham.  Bognor Regis A29 re - alignment between the new Bognor Regis Relief Road and the A27 which will bridge the West Coastway railway line, avoiding congestion points and current delay points at a level crossing. It will include 4 to 5 new junctions, plus cycle and pedestrian facilities. The realignment will allow new developme nt of business and employment opportunities in Bognor Regis. Up to £13m.  Circus Street, central Brighton - a city centre mixed use regeneration project of a site to deliver new homes, office building, student accommodation, a library and academic building s. Up to £2.7m.  Preston Barracks Central Research Laboratory - a joint venture between University of Brighton, Cathedral and Brighton Council to create a new innovation hub to commercialise academic research and incubate high growth businesses, with new housing. £7.7m  City College Brighton and Hove and Chichester College - Refurbishment of dilapidated buildings and facilities to allow an increase in trainees, apprentices, disabled learners and new links to local businesses. £11m in 2015/16 with a furt her round for new projects of £10m in 2016/17.  Sustainable Transport Packages – a range of projects will tackle congestion and improve sustainable transport in local areas across the Coast to Capital region. This will enable improvements to walking and cy cling links; improvements to junctions and traffic management systems to ease traffic flow and reduce congestion and improvements to public transport, such as bus and taxi priority measures and better Interchanges. £31.7m.  Area Transport Package - Includes junction improvements, bus priority schemes, modal interchange and improvements to walking and cycling. £18m.  Resilience Schemes - Intelligent Transport System traffic management, strategic road maintenance and flood and critical incident alleviat ion, mainly in East Surrey. £30.9m.

Growing Places Fund

Coast to Capital has a portfolio of projects funded by the Growing Places Fund that will create or unlock job creation. The Growing Places Fund is designed to be a revolving fund, so the process of r eceiving and evaluating projects will be an ongoing one.



The Coast to Capital Board has considered the Government's requirements and has developed a process and criteria that will al low for transparent and objective decision making.

Firstly, all potential investments in sites and infrastructure must meet essential criteria.

The project must be:

 Able to contribute to Coast to Capital's strategic goals for employment growth in the Coast to Capital area and move particul arly in the creation of jobs  Unable to go ahead without the investment from other funding sources.  Ready to commence quickly  Able to repay with a clear mechanism  In need of £250,000 or more (special consideration may be given to smaller broadband projects)  Covers mul ti industry sectors

Other sources of funding Transport There are currently five roundabouts and one traffic controlled junction along the A27 near Chichester. Congestion regularly occurs at these locations and will worsen unless traffic is managed more effectively. On this part of the A27 local commuter traffic competes with the through traffic and because of these conflicts, congestion occurs regularly. The congestion is particularly disruptive as it affects the flow of public transport into and ou t of the city.

In July 1998, the Transport White Paper 'A New Deal for Trunk Roads in England' initiated several comprehensive studies to im prove transportation in various . The study carried out for the South East region of England was called the South Coast Multi Modal Study (SoCoMMS). In September 2002, the Study recommended a range of transport improvements. For the Chichester Bypass section, the Study recommended the provision of two - level junctions and/or junction closures, in ass ociation with a range of complementary measures including improvements to public transport. In 2003, the Secretary of State for Transport rejected all the proposed improvements identified for the bypass at that time by the study. As a result, he asked High ways England to work with the Local Authorities and Statutory Environmental Bodies to develop less environmentally damaging options that addressed local is sues and included public transport solutions where considered appropriate.

The Government Spending Review announcement in October 2013 listed the A27 Chichester Improvement Scheme for potential construction. In 2015 a scheme to upgrade to four junctions on the Chichester bypass was included in the Road Investment Stra tegy for

124 the 2015/16 – 2019/20 Road Period but in 2017 the scheme was cancelled due to there being no clear consensus on a preferred option solution.

Please note that RIS2 has been announced and a scheme to improve the Chichester Bypass is not included. However, it does incl ude a further st udy of possible options for consideration of the Chichester Bypass. Should a scheme come forward that is acceptable to all stakeholders, funding for such a scheme could be considered as part of scheme in RIS3.

Highways England also has plans to make the section of the A27 through Chichester into an Expressway by 2040. Expressways are A - roads that can be relied upon to be as well - designed as motorways and which are able to offer the same standard of journey to users. At a minimum, this means:  Largely or e ntirely dual carriageway roads that are safe, well - built and resilient to delay;  Junctions which are largely or entirely grade separated, so traffic on the main road can pass over or under roundabouts witho ut stopping;  Modern safety measures and construc tion standards;  Technology to manage traffic and provide better information to drivers.

This means an Expressway will be able to provide a high - quality journey to its users. Most Expressways should be able to offer a mile a minute journeys throughout the day, particularly outside of urban areas. Safety levels should match the highest standard s of the network and, for many parts of the country, an Expressway will be able to provide a motorway - quality journey for drivers.

While this standard is already met at many points on the network, certain routes that may justify Expressway status are inc onsistent, repeatedly switching from dual to single carriageway and back again, or suffering serious congestion at a particular roundabo ut. Highways England will prioritise fixing these problems to provide better journeys.

Highways England recognises tha t serving the needs of the motorist does not come at the expense of others. Instead, the network should account for the needs of walkers and cyclists, and not act as a deterrent to active travel options. The network must b e easier to get over, under or aro und to ensure that roads do not divide communities, and that the associated health and wellbeing benefits of walking and cycling are felt as widely as possible.

Highways England will also embrace new technology and aim to communicate through smart phones and in - car technology. This will increase the quality, and speed up the flow of information. Control will be returned to drivers, with personalised, predictiv e travel information helping plan alternative routes to avoid roadworks or unexpected disruption, leading to improved journeys at a more reliable speed.

Highways England has created a series of ring - fenced funds, worth £900 m up to 2020/21 to address a range of specific issues over and above the traditional focus of road investment. These five funds allow for actions beyond business as usual and will help the 125

Company invest in retrofitting measures to improve the existing road network as well as maximising the opportunities offered by new road schemes to deliver additional improvements at the same ti me. The funds are:  Environment (£300m to mitigate noise, low carbon road transport, improve water quality &resilience to flooding, landscaping & work to halt the loss of biodiversity)  Cycling, safety and Integration (£250m segregated cycleways alongside trunk roads & safer junctions & crossings).  Innovation (£150m for the development of new technologies)  Air Quality (£100m to target improvements in air quality)

Utilities The funding for utilities at a strategic level is usually paid for by the respect ive utilities company through their asset management plans (AMPs). All incumbent utility undertakers are obliged to submit draft AMPs to their Regulator, identifying the capital invest ment that the undertaker wants to commit to over the next 5 or 10 years. The investment for these works is sourced from the company’s revenue (customer charges) and covers expansion or enhancement of the strategic utility network against projected growth in demand. T he draft AMPs are reviewed and approved by the regulating aut horities that protect the interests of the customers. The review of these business plans is called the Periodic Review.

The growth projections used and demand for the utility service must be ‘non - speculative’, so the companies make their own assessments for justification of proposal purposes. Essential works have priority over works that it is possible to defer and frequently not all proposed works are agreed by the respective regulator. Upon agreement with the respective regulator the utility companies produce final AMPs, which typically include the following strategic elements:  Electricity: Grid sub - stations  Gas: Reinforcement to the high/intermediate mains  Water Resource: New abstraction points and water treatment works  Waste Water: New or upgrade works to waste water treatment works

Connection of developments to the non - strategic mains is not included in AMP’s and these are funded in full or in part by the Developer, depending upon the business case of the utility provider. In some cases u tilities may also refuse to cover all the costs associated with some strategic infrastructure if they are deemed to be excessive. Strategic utility upgrade projects can take several years, or even more than a decade, to plan, design and implement, whereas the planning process for development can be much quicker.

In planning their AMPs the utility companies will want assurance that the predicted additional demand will become a reality. Otherwise, they may find they are committed to infrastructure costs for potential demand that may not materialise, or alternatively situations where they provide significant up - front infrastructure that could then be used by another supplier. Companies are also not able to provide

126 significant infrastructure in advance of any d evelopment, as they have a duty to maintain and improve services for their existing customers.

Reinforcement works associated with standard, developer - led developments would be programmed in following receipt of planning permission. However, for larger sc ale developments this programme may not be not possible. For example, a new grid connection could take 5 - 10 years to implement, while a new primary sub - station could take 3 - 5 years. As planning permission is only valid for a period of 3 years, it would not be possible to carry out these significant infrastructure improvements within the timescales provided. Additionally, as the onus would be on the developer to fund the necessary infrastructure, many developers may not be willing to be the first to apply fo r planning permission.

There are mechanisms that can be used to fund new infrastructure in the absence of a lead developer willing to make the first planning application. One option is through a site - specific infrastructure capacity charge. In this case a utility provider would fund the upfront infrastructure and each subsequent planning application in the area would be subject to a capacity charge, allowing the provi der to claw back some of the initial outlay.

Where there is a capacity constraint and no improvements are programmed by the utility company, the Local Planning Authority should require the developer to provide for appropriate improvements which must be completed prior to occupation of the development. Such improvements should be secured throu gh phasing or by the use of Grampian style conditions attached to planning permission.

Education Local Authorities are under a statutory duty to secure sufficient education provision within their areas and to promote highe r standards of attainment. In its strategic role as commissioner of school places, the County Council must respond to changes in demand over time by increasing or removing capacity.

Funding for new school places comes through Basic Need grant to LAs to use at any maintained school, inclu ding academies and free schools. There is a separate funding stream from EFA for newly approved free schools.

Bids for new DfE funded free schools, where a basic need is identified, can be made via the new schools network. Ideally, LAs should secure both land and a sponsor first.

In 2011, the DfE introduced legislation, where a LA thinks there is a need for a new school in its area it must seek proposal s to establish an academy/free school.

This section focuses on the Academy and Free school routes to capital finance to support expansion of facilities or new build facilities to support the population growth implications of the Local Plan.


Academies are publicly - funded independent schools. Academies benefit from greater freedoms to innovate an d raise standards. These include:  Freedom from local authority control;  The ability to set their own pay and conditions for staff;  Freedoms around the delivery of the curriculum; and  The ability to change the lengths of terms and school days.

Academies ar e funded by the Education Funding Agency (EFA) on an academic year basis. The EFA is the funding body for capital as well as revenue funding for Academies. Academies receive the same level of per - pupil funding as they would receive from the local authority as a maintained school, plus additions to cover the services that are no longer provided for them by the local authority.

In December 2011 the Secretary of State announced four capital funds for which academies will be eligible: devolved formula c apital, the academies Capital Maintenance Fund, the 16 - 19 Demographic Growth Capital Fund and basic need funding. Two of these are highlighted below.

The Academies Capital Maintenance Fund (ACMF) is currently being used to cover two types of projects – either ta ckling building condition issues or expanding provision. As well as having a case for expansion, academies applying to the ACMF need to have up to two appropriate, cost effective and deliverable capital projects scoped to address the identified issues. Evi dence submitted should be proportionate to the scale of the project. Given the likely demand for such funds, academies will need to demonstrate that no t only do they have robust forecasts for demand for places, but that the proposed project provides additi onal facilities in a cost effective manner. Typically funds are available for two years reflecting building projects which can be delivered for an increased intake in th ese years. Given the tight timescales for spending the available funding, the EFA will prioritise projects that are ready to proceed immediately i.e. projects which have designs complete, ready to submit planning application or planning approved.

Key data required in an ACMF submission includes:  A track record of success  Historical demand for places at the academy (or its predecessor school pre - conversion) – judged by the number of first and second preference applications and/or staying on rates post - 16  Local demographic data to indicate how recent population shifts / grow th have influenced demand for places at the academy  Evidence of the current capacity of the academy (net capacity or current capacity based on planned admission number).  Utilisation rates and relevant details of adjustments made to the curriculum and innov ative timetabling approaches to maximise the usage of the current accommodation


 An options appraisal to justify the case for the scale and the type of additional facilities required at the academy as it gr ows to demonstrate the project proposed delivers the most cost effective approach to the expansion required.

There will be a need to make the case for expansion for both meeting current demand for places and demographic growth in pupi l numbers from planned housing developments in coming years a nd levering in other sources of funding. For example, ACMF can be used to “top up” Basic Need funding provided by local authorities to ensure the prompt provision of places at popular and suc cessful academies. Projects addressing demographic growth that ar e unable to lever in other sources of funding will not score as well as those that do.

The 16 - 19 Demographic Growth Capital Fund addresses the need for new learner places arising from increases in the local population of young people aged 16 to 19, includ ing new places needed for local provision for learners with learning disabilities and/or difficulties. Academies, sixth - form colleges and local authority maintained schools are eligible to benefit from the funding.

Free Schools are all - ability state - funde d schools set up in response to what local people say they want and need in order to improve education for children in their community. Funding agreements will be set up directly with the Secretary of State. Free schoo l proposals will have to go through st ages to ensure suitability, including a full business plan with the setting out of the school’s financial viability. Organisations seeking to set up a free school are required to submit business plans to the ‘New Schools Network’ who work wit h the DfE to s creen new proposals. There is a current lack of information on the process for capital funding to support the expansion of Fr ee School premises as a result of increased popularity or demographic requirements. FAQs published on the ACMF indicate that Fre e S chools, Studio Schools and UTCs have received capital allocations from DfE/EFA based on an understanding of their building requirements and are therefore unlikely to be awarded additional funds through the ACMF. A review of Free School model fundin g agreem ents seems to suggest that Earmarked Annual Grant (“EAG”) could be paid by the Secretary of State to the Academy Trust in respect of either Recurrent or Capital Expenditure for such specific purposes as may from time to time be agreed with the Sec retary of State.

Targeted Basic Need Programme On 18 July 2013, the Minister of State for Schools announced details of capital funding of around £820m that will provide new , high quality school places in locations that need more school places. The programme will offer additional support to those local authorities experiencing the greatest pressure on places and will help them to prepare for further rises in pupil numbers. The programme will deliver new academies and Free Schools, as well as enabling investment to expand existing good and outstanding schools to fund the provision of new, high quality school places in the areas that need it most.

As part of this programme, LAs in England can bid for funding to: 1. Build high quality new schools on the ir own sites. These must be established as an Academy or Free School via the Academy Presumption arrangements; and 2. Permanently expand existing good and outstanding Academies and maintained schools. 129

The local authority needs to ensure that it can deliv er the additional pupil places within the timescale and budget available. To support this, the Department of Education will be seeking information that the proposed land/site is suitable. This will include info rmation regarding the land/site condition, siz e, ownership and planning considerations which will help establish its suitability. As the funding is fixed, the site would also ideally be cleared of any existing structures that are not needed as part of the new build school.

Local authorities have to d emonstrate evidence of basic need and set out the wider strategic context in terms of why the proposed provision cannot be funded from within existing allocations. Local authorities also have to demonstrate that they can deliver the new schools and classro oms to time. As such, the land or site should already be in Local authority ownership (or that of a close partner organisation). If the Local authority has to go through a process to identify and purchase/lease a suitable site then this ma kes the delivery of additional school places unlikely within the available timetable. If a site is identified and purchase can be achieved qui ckly, then this will be considered. The provision of a suitable site or land will be a contribution to the project by the Local aut hority and DfE will not provide funding for this.

The funding will cover building and site costs. The funding will also cover abnormals, professional fees, fixtures, fittings and equipment (FF&E), ICT infrastructure, ICT hardware and technical adviser fee s (including project management costs). Further funding will not be provided to cover additional S106 or S278 requirements.

The new programme involves two separate stages of competition. In the first, councils will compete to win funding, by demonst rating the scale of their places crisis. They will then be required to run a competitive process to choose the provider of the new s chools.

As at July 2015, WSCC has allocated its current 16 - 19 Demographic Growth Fund and Targeted Basic Need allocations. Unless the DfE allocates further funds under these headings it will not be possible to link them to Chichester. There are no other sour ces of funding available.

Potential future funding sources The development of off - site infrastructure, wh ich was always the most challenging to argue an economic case for even in a strong property market, needs to be positioned in terms of wider (and more innovative) funding mechanisms that are being developed b y the public and private sectors. The market is in an economy where development investment finance is less freely available and risk is under greater scrutiny. This is coupled with an austerity budget position in the public sector resulting in lower availability of f unding to support similar projects.

Local authorities need to look across their full range of funding streams when considering delivery and prioritisation of inf rastructure requirements. The flexibility to mix funding sources at a local level enables local authorities to be more efficient in delivering outcomes. Funding sources change over time with emerging priorities and changes in regime either at local, regional or national level. In addition, other partners and stakeholders may be able to play a part. 130

The following options reflect curre nt possibilities for funding. They reflect a wide range of options based on the proposed uses coming forward through the Local Plan, intelligence and experience of the developer/ financier community and existing and emerging s ources of public sector fundin g.

Our analysis has focused on three categories:  Cash and Funds – funding from sources of ‘investment capital’, including grant funding and commercial finance, potentially delivered through a joint venture mechanism;  Assets – funding sources that arise from capturing an increase in land value; and  Fiscal – funding that comes from the application of main stream fiscal tools (e.g. business rates).

Cash and Funds Prudential Borrowing (Public Works Loan Board or ‘PWLB’) This is the main direct funding source for local authorities and is still perceived as a cheap form of financing. It is also arguably an efficient option to implement as the obligations fall predominantly on the local authority to ensure it has properly assessed affordability. Un der the PWLB option, CDC or WSCC would have to assess its own level of borrowing commitment at the time the capital is needed .

Effectively, the District/County would have to assess the level of income it would generate against repayments it has to make , or whether wider County resources will be required. It has the benefit of being a relatively reliable source of finance, not bei ng subject to commercial market appraisals in the way that a bank financed project would be. However, it does place CDC or WSCC in a position of risk in terms of repaying the whole value of infrastructure from resources, if revenue or value through the schemes to come f orward cannot be captured. CDC or WSCC would need to determine whether PWLB is appropriate in terms of any existin g or intended facilities if this was to be used for infrastructure.

Regional Growth Fund (RGF) This is a £1.4bn discretionary fund set up by the Government to stimulate projects that create long term employment opportuni ties and growth in the economy. To secure monies from the RGF there has to be evidence of a strong link to job creation and inward investment, on the basis it is the catalytic investment that allows new businesses to develop or existing businesses to expan d. In any event RGF is not expected to extend beyond 2014 and is likely to be replaced by the LEP single pot funding announced in the Autumn statement.

Assets The increase in land value has been a mainstay of economic development financing over the last ten years. Utilising a range o f too ls, such as development agreements, local asset backed vehicles or other joint ventures, local authorities have been able to secu re large amounts of infrastructure from improvements to land values. This has needed to be combined with careful use of plannin g consents 131 and S106 agreements, but with the restrictions on pooling of S106 contributions moving forward then the ability to use this o ption may narrow.

The rewards or benefits of a Local Asset Backed Vehicle in certain circumstances outweigh the costs. It should not be forgotten that the financial implications of setting up a Local Asset Backed Vehicle (LABV) are significant. Procurement, preparing and agreeing legal documentation, to include specialist property and financial advice require significant O fficer and external advisor time. Experiences elsewhere show these costs could easily be around £250,000 - £300,000, possibly more. Once in place, on - going management and due diligence needs to be considered, along with post procurement advice and support to the authority. If such costs were sought to be recovered through the vehicle it would in effect become a reduction of the land costs. Benefits are based very much on the attractiveness of the portfolio, end value or lot size and ability and quantum of tot al profit likely to be generated.

Fiscal Business rate retention and Tax Increment Financing The Local Government Finance Bill Business rate retention and Tax Increment Financing represent a real opportunity to bridge the infrastructure funding gap. It requires the enactment of legislation currently before parliament, but which should be on the statute books before March 2013. The Loc al Government Finance Bill was introduced on 19 December 2011. The Bill would introduce local retention of business rates, as well as powers for the Secretary of State to introduce Tax Increment Financing to allow councils to borrow against future increases i n income. The Bill proposes that local authorities will be able to retain a proportion of future nondomestic rates (bus iness rates) growth, subject to various checks and balances. This is called the Business Rates Retention Scheme (BRRS). A proportion of the business rates collected by billing authorities will be paid into a central pool (the central share) with the remain ing proportion retained by the authority (the local share). Proportions dictating the local and national share will be set by the Secretary of State. The BRRS will be funded from the local share.

A baseline level with top ups and tariffs to create a fair starting point for all Government will establish a baseline, which could be based on next year's Formula Grant allocations, for each council in the first year of the scheme (2013 - 14) so no council is worse off at the outset. Councils that collect more than that baseline would pay an individually set tariff to Government, while those below it would get an individually set top up grant from Government.

An authority whose local business rates baseline exceeds its baseline funding level will pay a tariff to government. An authority whose local business rates baseline is smaller than their local funding baseline will receive a top - up from government.

Key elements of the scheme include:

 An incentive so all councils can grow: Tariffs and top up grants woul d remain fixed during future years meaning councils would retain any business rate growth it generates. 132

 The levy to recoup disproportionate gain : Government will create a levy to recoup a share of any disproportionate financial gain. This will vary accordi ng to each individual council's own circumstances and would be used to manage significant unforeseen falls in a council's business rates income.  The reset button to ensure stability: This will allow the Government to adjust top ups and tariffs to balance o ut changes in local circumstance. For there to be a genuine incentive effect, the reset period has to be long one. As the levels of baselin e, tariff and top - ups are not yet known it cannot be established whether this will produce significant funding for th e infrastructure required, but HDC should monitor the proposals in readiness for implementation.

Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Tax Increment Financing allows local authorities to capture the value of uplifts in local taxes (business rates) that occur a s a result of infrastructure investment. Tax Increment Financing allows that uplift to take place by borrowing against the value of the fut ure uplift to deliver the necessary infrastructure.

Local retention of business rates will remove the most important ba rrier to Tax Increment Financing schemes, namely that local authorities are currently not permitted to retain any of their business rates and therefore could not borrow against any pred icted increase in their business rates. Borrowing for Tax Increment Fin ancing schemes would therefore fall under the prudential system, allowing local authorities to borrow for capital projects against future predicted increases in business rates growth, provid ed that they can afford to service the borrowing costs out of reve nue resources. However, such borrowing can only take place if local authorities and developers have a degree of certainty about the future tax revenue streams and whether there are sufficient g uarantees that they will be retained within the authority.

The Local Government Finance Bill includes two options for TIF. Option one would see local authorities within the existing pruden tial borrowing rules, able to borrow against their income within the business rate retention scheme. Option two would allow a limi ted number of Tax Increment Financing schemes to be permitted in which the business rates growth would not be subject to the levy or reset for a defined period of time.

Option 1 In the rates retention system as described above, after the setting of either the tariffs and top up in year one, any additional business rates growth would sit in the defined area in which it is generated, but be subject to a levy to recoup a share of disproport ionate benefit. Under this option, Government would not design i n any special treatment of the revenues in the Tax Increment Financing area. This would mean that any growth in business rates within the area would be subject to the levy and would be taken into account in any reset of top ups and tariffs. Local authoriti es would be free to borrow against all their retained business rate revenues including anticipated growth, subject to the normal operation of the prudential borrowing system. Local authorities would have certainty about how the levy is applied to recoup a share of disproportionate benefit and would be able to plan borrowing and Tax Increment Financing projects on this basis.


Option 2 Under this option, which would be implemented in addition to option 1, additional business rates growth (resulting from the Tax Increment Financing project) within a defined area would be retained for a defined period of time. During this period, it wou ld not be subject to the levy and would be disregarded in any reassessment of top ups and tariffs. This approach offers the benefit of a guarantee that business rates growth in a defined area could be used to service debt and would not be at risk of reduction from the lev y and resets. However, since the business rate growth in the area would be protected from the levy and from resets, there would be less money in the levy pot to manage significant volatilities and potentially a smaller proportion of resources would be available for re - balancing at any reset. With no controls over numbers of Tax Increment Financing schemes, this effect could be substantial. As a result, this approach would require government control or approval in order to limit the number of schemes coming forward and maintain resources available for re - balancing at any reset. This could be done through a centra l government competition or bidding process.

PF2 On the 5th December 2013, the Government concluded its review of PFI and published full details of a new approach to public p rivate partnerships, PF2. They key reforms are as follows:  Public sector equity - The public sector will take an equity stake in projects and have a seat on the boards of project companies, ensuring taxpayers receive a share of the profits generated by the deal.  Encouraging more investors with long - term investment horizons - The use of funding competitions will be introduced to encourage institutional investors such as, Pension Funds to compete to take equity in a PF2 project after the design stage. T his is significant in terms of risk as Pension Funds are unlikely to invest in projects that are insufficiently developed.  Greater transparency - Companies will have to disclose actual and forecast annual profits from deals. The new PF2 structure will curb gains to be made from refinancing and unutilised funds in lifecycle reserves.  More eff icient delivery - An 18 - month limit on procurement will be introduced. Failure to meet this limit will see the respective public sector body lose funding.  Future debt finance - the tender process will require bidders to develop a long - term financing soluti on where bank debt does not provide the majority of the financing requirement. Institutional investment will, therefore, become an important source o f finance for PF2.

Summary The results of this analysis have highlighted three types of additional funding source:  Existing funding sources which are currently open for bidding or could be influenced through actions of the joint IBP liaison group;  Identified future funding sources which have a clear timeframe within which bidding rounds will be open or a clear timeframe to deliver finances which could be used to support infrastructure provision; and  Potential future funding sources which do not have a clear timeframe within which bidding rounds will operate, are subject to broader conside rations (e.g. Government decisions), or require further investigation. 134

Future reviews of the IBP will need to update this analysis and the members of the joint IBP liaison group could identify and bid into other funding streams (as appropriate).

Potenti al funding sources along with potential sources of revenue for the repayment of capital loans

Potential sources of capital funds for infrastructure to deliver the Chichester Local Plan : Key Policies Type Source Comments Repayment Required Local Authority Grant WSCC Annual Government Capital Yes, although local government Chichester DC Allocations to Local Authorities, financial settlement makes not usually repaid e.g. LTP provision for this debt Integrated block. repayment Council’s Capital WSCC Own capital on account or from Council’s decision Chichester DC future asset sales Prudential borrowing Public Works Loan Board Yes Private Capital Banks Indirect lending (Debt finance) Yes Private Capital Private Capital Funds Channelled through a third Yes party Private Capital Institutional Investors Pension Funds Yes Private Capital Developer Capital receipts to the Council No, unless required by Council from the sale of Council owned Policy development land Dft Grant Funding Central Government Yes, as for Local Authority Grant above. LEP Coast to Capital LEP Capital funding to be repaid in Yes future Other competitive central Central Government Generally there is a n ew Possibly (depends on the government funding pots such targeted fund specific terms & conditions) as the Local Investment Fund

Potential Sources of revenue for repayment of capital Type Mechanism Debtor Planning Obligations S106 Private Sector Developers Tax Incremental % of Future Business Rates in Private Sector Businesses Funding (TIF) designated areas 135

Enterprise Zones retained business rates to Private Sector Businesses encourage more business to locate/relocate New Homes Bonus Direct grant paid to Local Central Government (CLG) Authorities for delivery of new homes Council Tax Agreed additional annual charge Council tax payers added to Council Tax LTP Capital Funding Annual proportion set aside to WSCC fund capital repayment Local Business Rates Increase in tax base stimulated by Private Sector Businesses Retained (LBRR) new infrastructure


Appendix E Project Pro - forma

Infrastructure categories Below are the categories to be used in the IDP:

 Transport  Education  Health  Social infrastructure (e.g. community facilities, sports & leisure)  Green infrastructure  Public and community services  Utility services

Table to be produced for each infrastructure delivery commissioner: The information provided will inform future versions of the IDP, and will feed into the production of a five year rolling Infrastructure Business Plan.

Infrastructure Scheme Justification/ Phasing Total estimated Sources of Delivery lead Category (from (description) rationale (when) infrastructure cost funding, (who/how) above list) showing amounts from each source & any shortfalls


Appendix F - IBP Glossary

Basic Needs Grant - This is a Department for Education grant given as a financial contribution to local authorities’ to assist with the costs of delivering school places.

EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment. It is a statutory procedure to be followed for certain types of project to ensure that decis ions are made in full knowledge of any likely signif icant effects on the environment.

FDGiA - Flood Defence Grant in Aid. It is an Environment Agency grant which risk management authorities can apply for in order to carry out flood and coastal erosion risk management. This does not have to be applied for in order to carry out emergency coastal protection works.

LIFT - Local Improvement Finance Trust. A local LIFT company builds and refurbishes primary care premises, which it owns. It rents accommodation to Primary Care Trusts and GPs (as well as other par ties such as chemists, optician and dentists) on a lease basis. At local level, a LIFT company is a public private partnership (PPP). It is set up as a limited company with the local NHS (pote ntially including individual practitioners), Community Health Pa rtnerships (CHP) and the private sector as shareholders. CHP is a limited company wholly owned by the Department of Health. CHP invests money in LIFT and also helps attract additional private funding . As a shareholder, the local NHS is best placed to direc t investment to the areas of greatest need.

SEA - Strategic Environmental Assessment. It is a statutory procedure (set out in the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004) which requires the formal environmental assessment of certain plans and programmes which are likely to have significant effects on the environment.

TIA - Traffic Impact Assessments. These are undertaken by transport engineers and planners to assess the possible effects of a proj ect on the traffi c system to ensure that congestion would not arise in the immediate area as a result of a given proposal.