Croda Health Care Friend of the Sea © Certification &&& IFOS™ 5Star Certification Friend of the Sea © Program

 Non-profit, non-governative organisation − Mission is to conserve the marine habitat

 Certifies sustainable from and − Friend of the Sea© is a mainstream industry-recognised certification

 Products and their origins are audited onsite by independent international certification bodies against strict criteria

 Certified products are listed on Friend of the Sea© website Incromega™ & Friend of the Sea ©

Sustainability is a top priority in the production of Incromega™ fish oil concentrates.

 Friend of the Sea certification demonstrates commitment to responsible sourcing and traceability throughout the supply chain − Assurance that the fisheries in the Incromega™ supply chain are operating responsibly − No , no of endangered species and no illegal, unreported or unregulated (IUU) fish IFOS™ 5Star Certification

Croda have become the first supplier of omega-3 fish oil concentrates to attain the prestigious IFOS™ (International Fish Oil Standard™) 5-Star Supplier Certification.

 The IFOS™ Program is a voluntary third party testing and certification program for omega-3 fish oil products that sets the industry “gold standard” for fish oil safety, purity and quality.  Our achievement of this quality standard assures our customers that Incromega™ fish oil concentrates are consistently of the highest quality and provide confidence that their end products are able to achieve the desirable IFOS™ Consumer 5-Star status.  Incromega™ fish oils are manufactured to high quality GMP standards using industry-leading PureMax™ technology ensuring excellent levels of purity and 100% quality guarantee.