Your Want Ad Is Easy To Place- Just Phone 686-7700 An Official Newspaper For The Borough Of Mountainside

MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J. THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1967 Published Each Thundoy by T tumor Pubii thing Carp. Subscription Rot* 15 Cents Per Copy VOL. 9-No. 34 Paid at Mounlolntlde, N,J. 7 N.w Pjevld«ne» Road, Mountalnild«, N.J 07092 , $S Yearly Parent joins GOP slate in's replacement Runs as team with mayor, Robertson Dems fail to enter ticket for September primary Louis Parent of 1467 Woodacres dr., Moun- tainside, is the third man on the Republican ticket for the three seats on Mountalnside'B governing body. Parent filed as a candidate last Thursday together with Mayor Frederick WUhelms Jr. and Councilman Donald Robert- son who had-.previously announced they woulU seek re-election. , —Parent-was, named-by-the-looal GOP jcreea-. irig committee as a replacement for outgoing Councilman Charles Irwin who withdrew his bid for r«-election in mld-july when he was named as the Republican candidate for the Union County's newly created Assemblynian- at-large seat. The ticket has the endorsement of the Mountainside Republican Club. "r- No candidates were filed by die Mountainside Democrats who, up until the deadline last Board may act Thursday, had indicated they would enter a slate in time for the September primary. The Democrats' failure to file could mean that the on bus contract Republicans will run unopposed In the general election In November, However, Karl Heinze, ta pop'wt Creations are BUlyCuUen. Christina. Carolyn CRAZY HATS DESIGNED from arts and crafts materials and fertile d president of the local Domoerade Coub, did _ima£ULations were modeledldd lasl t Friday by youngsters attendind g thhe **& Wand a BarredoBd ; Terry, Cheryhl l andd ArthuAh r BurlewBl , John an<£| ^tate last week that his party would .enter .a. Tuesday night Kai!CT pla>|roun^pr^grmn-tn-E€hobceok-Sci^ol, MouMglnside. Pictured Antonj-Sira^Averlckv-DehhleJVagneiv nnnnffandQary Wilson^ ticket in the November election. Conn-acts for bus transportation for Moun- F ' (Echo photo by Bob Baxter) , ; • • * tataiide'i grammir school children will im THIS WILL BE Parent's first attempt to awnrded by tiie local Board of Education it seek an «leettve post In the borough, A Moun- a special iession Tuesday night if bids sub- tainside resident for the past eight years, mitted "come wlthlB &e board'i budget," To announce balloon launch winners Parent .served In the "early 1960's on former according to Abe Suckno, fte board's Crans- Mayor Eugene Rau's advisory board to the portation chairman, Planning Board, He has been active In the Bidi fo^lupplylng fte transportation will be. Community Fund Drive and la die local Red received next Tuesday at 2 p.m. in fte Board CDi -Idue«aon Qf|Lrai^n Rt»=J2^^ next week; returns coming in now , A graduate of Pennsylvania StateUniverslty, This is the sewnftime" ground for bus"Bids, where ha majored to"-chemical engtaeftring, ihaal hoird rejected a.129.500 bid suBfe' Winners in the "Great Balloon Launch" last-T-hur-sday, was rescheduled this pastTuea- ground program this year. The summer recreation program, normally held at Deer- Varent did graduate work at Newark College mlttsd Tsy the Biirnl Bus Co, on July 11. conducted at Echobrook playground will be day. The children decorated their bikes during of Engineering and Rutgers, He is presently The Belrne bid, the only one submitted last , announced next Thursday, the playground di- arts and crafts periods In the morning. The field School and Its grounds, was located at Echobrook this year because construction purchasing agent for Johnson and Johnson, jxgaeded by aboutjS percent the amount rectors. Miss Kathy Barry and Paul Ney, rodeo, which Included safety inspections, races l New Brunswick, a firm-which he Joined In allotted for bus transportation in fte J.967-6S announced this week. The announcement will and skill contests, was held In the afternoon. of the addition to Deerfield School was sche- duled to begin in July. 1949. school budget. It was over $11,000 hiper than come -one day before the close of the annual About 200 children were enrolled in the play~ Parent and Ms wife, Florence, arememberi the contract awarded to the Lion Bus Co. last summer program which opened July 10. of Temple Imanu-Ei, WeiBEleld, They have year for 'similar bus transportation, , The" announcement of the winners has been three children, Joseph, 17, who wiU be a DONALD ROBERTSON Suctao cited'die urgent ne«d of getting action postponed to allow time for the return of the senior next semester at Governor Livingston on flit bus oontract§, Normjillyj tjie conttaoti postcards which were attached to the hellum- Seaman Andrews safe Regional High School, Nancy, 14, who will are awarded in June to allow board personnel fllled_balloons. Return postcards, verifying the enter her freshman year, and Jack, 3, Armed bandits get tim« to set up flie bus ichedules and routes place 'Of recovery, -were coming in steadily by Previously national director of quality eon- for the opening of fte schools ,ln September. the beginning of this week. The most distant ttol for Johnson and Johnson's domestic op- *«L%*%i it Since almn^f hfllj nf fha nhlMwn In fha ^mrniigh postmark so far is Glanders in Riverhead, Unhurt in Forrestal disaster erating company, Parent-Is a member -ofthe—Q-0©Ui 600-from— arti •"transported to the ftree public grammir N.Y., which is located more than 100 miles American Chemical Society, schools and Our Lady ofLourdes, further^ delay away. Other postcards have been returned from Five days of waiting and praying ended for in settling the contracts could create a serious many points in Long Island and New Jersey. Mrs. Charles Tolllnche of Mountainside on WILHELMS, A BOROUGH resident for about center drug store problem, Suckno indicated. Three prizes will be awarded, a $10 gift Wednesday of last week when a telephone 17 year«, is seeking his third elective term call came through from her son, Stanley About $800 In cash and negotiable chicks Suctao attributed the difficulties encountered certificate for .first prize, $5 "gift certificate 1 to the borough^histifst post._Hewas appointed Ail year by. die local and other school boards for second prize and $2 consolation prize for Andrews, a seaman aboard the carrier For- mayor In the summer of 1964~a1s a replacement wTs"itol¥ri"ffoTn'BiiMwnliinflde Drug Store In in getting bids for bus transportation to the new the person whose balloon, as testified by post- restal which was wracked by explosions and for Mayor Orlin Johnson who resipied. He an armed robbery that took place shortiyb«foM state law which requires communities to pro- .card.Jiad the nearest recovery .points _ _„_,.. fire on July 29. _ r damired term closing time Saturday night. The proprietor, ^^p tifiito About 200 children participated in the balloon The telephone; which liadbeenringing'aliirtOSt"^" constantly with calls from concerned relatives one of his employees, David McKinney of Or- school children. launch which was held July 27 at the play- full twtHyear term in November, 1968, He was He predicted that flie problems would be ground. and friends, rang at 3:30 a.m. that day. a member of the local Board of Education for chard rd,,Mountainside,were alone in the Store • * • An operator asked If she would accept the six years, five of them as president. A grad- at 9HS when two men enteredthe store by the ironed out within the next year or two as bm THE ANNUAL OLYMPIC Day is scheduled charges for a collect call from the U.S.S. uate of Lafayette College, he Is president M front door.Themen, both of whomwereinlheir companies' adjust to die expanded demands on today. There will be athletic events, races, Forrestal in the Philippines and an over- Wilhelms Construction Co, of Elizabeth. He 50's jabbed guns into Tenkin and McKinney, their services, „„,.,, softball games and skill contests for various Joyed Mrs. Tolllnche heard for the first llvei with hli wife and three children at 1501 saying "don't move, this is a holdup." The board specifications call for th> bidders age groups. All children.attending will be able time that her 21-year-old son was alive and Fox trail. Tenkin said the bandits emptied the cash to supply a minimum of five buses on each to take the physical fitness test, based on well. Robertson, who lives at 1151 Corrine ter., register .but took no merchandise except a school day. They also set limits on the time ""specifications—of— the_P_re sident-' s-Gounci "HIH flraf wnrrla pack ot cigarettes. Me estimated the loss at -^rchttd-nwbe uu a HUB mid •qn - — yy was appointed to the Borough Council in i to supply liability insurance. Physical Fitness. right,' " his mother reported, "Then he wanted when William McCurley resigned from the the $800 figure. Tenkin and McKinney' were forced into a If the contract is awarded Tuesday night, Olympic Day is under the supervision of to know 'is grandma all rlght7'" His maternal governing body. He was elected to the one-year the Board of Education is expected to adopt Miss Barry, Ney and their teenage assistants. grandmother, who lives in Bayonne, had been unexpired term last November. A graduate of washroom in the rear of the store. One of the a school, allocation and transportation policy t Miss, Marge Lamberta - and-Jerry Kortina. released from the hospital on the day of the Montclalr State College, he did graduate work men dien held a gun on them while his com- A bicycle rodeo, called off because of rain Forrestal disaster. The-family kept the bad at Seton Hall University and is now principal panion escaped through the rear door. The ' (Continued on page 3) news from her by removing the tubes from_ of Grove Street School, Irvington. The Robert- second man then closed the washroom door and, the television and the radio. sons have four children. when he was unable to lock It, warned Tenken Swim teams lose The young seaman was so insistent on get- and McKinney not to come out for five minutes." Serves on — ting news about the family that he had time (Continued on page 3) Tenfcin raced to the rear door as soon as the only to assure his mother that he was safe second man left but saw no car leaving the during training cruises by narrow margin; and well. He • indicated that he would ex- scene. -plain-iri a letter how he escapedinjuryinthe Tenkin"haS"operated the store at the corner Machinists"Mate 2/ to eight African countries south of the Sqhora.) die estate of aald dessaaed wltiiln sis mofi$a i from SUa date, or *iey *IIi be forever tarred from prOBeeytUlg or peegysrinj Hi* apm* iiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiKiii u By TBUDINA HQWABO IIIIIIHIIIIIIIHIIIIIIMIIIIIWIIIMIIIII«IIIIH" against the ay£geriher, Shell scientists have created over 10 different liwl Jiiiv 5, (W — — One half cup palm oil (Or peanut oil, or FLOBENCF PBUMNrmrl blondi of Shell Heating Oil for different cli- An 'Extra" In A Series chener u Robaii, Manm FOOD SPECIAL corn oil.) iS» • leth Ave, mate conditions. One is blended apeoiaUy for - Meat is expensive in Africa and Is not often Half cup crushed groundnuts (peanuts). (Pea- ir.inltoii, N, J. 07111 this area. We're happy to take your order. eaten by the natives. In fact, a young African nut butter can be substituted,) lr» ^i-Jii 13, 20, J?, Au», 3, III, i couple in Dakor, Senegal, told us that the price One and one-half cup coconut milk. (One cup PBOPOSAL FOR INSTALLATION OF A of meat wai about twice as much than at boiling water poured over four tablespoons TRAFFIC CONTBOI, iVSTBM AT JAEGER I GERMAIME OIL CO, MOUNTAIN AVENUE AND 1HUNP1KB ROAD home. Everything was. they said.exeept bread. of canned shredded coconut, and then half Notice Is hereby Jlvn mat sealed Uda will • Complete Oil Burner & For nn cents they could buy a huge and cup milk added, can be substituted here.) be received by die TOWnahlp CanynlReB o! die Townphlp o! Sprlnlfield lor dw iniuilaUoll Air Conditioner Installation • delicious French bread, but not much else. Salt to season. of a Traffic Coninil sy.tem conlllBng ol 2322 Morrl. Ave., Union N.J. For us as tourists we found the prices gen- Two teaspoons sugar. poles, Blgnala, controilfif, conduUa, wiring ind other necessary work at the Interseefloo of Phono: MU 6-3935 erally high in hotels throughout Africa and Pepper, both black and red: at least half Muuntiln >»• «nil Bhunpike and on a par with U.S. prices, but meat was - -a-MMpoon sash, and more, If a hotter dish opmed and read In public on Aug. », IV67, at S:45 P,M, prevailing Qme, always Ryallabte—at a priea, I speak now of is desired. Bids must sg sccympstiled t± a aralied meats such as lamb, beef, veal, chicken, One chicken cut ma pans. check in an unount «qual to ttn(10 ) per etnl of y» .mount bid, Bida muat alia tw u- not hippopotamus which reportedly, is i fa- Sautee the onions and tomatoes In the oil. companltd hy s ^irety Company CeraficsEe vorite witti Africans in the inttrior. Someone When the mixture is golden, add the ground- steting dial said iyregy Company will provide the bidder with Ae required bond and ihall be said rhinoceros is also eaeen, but 1 tend nuts and thenthe coconut milk, Seaflon the sauce encioaed in a sealed envelope bearing the to doubt It. Nothing could get through that hide name of the Udder on the outside and lliaU be the WHOLE with salt, sugar and pepper, and then add delivered at the place and on the hour ehgve to get to mew. the chicken. Partially cover and stew slowly RamM, One thing I would have doubted if 1 could, for at least tfiree hours. If Ae sauce gets Plans and •peciflcailons may be seen and procured at Bie office ol Walter Konb, Town, .HOUSES but the evidence was right before me, and I too thin, cook without the cover. If more liquid ship Engineer, Municipal Bvildlng, Msuntaln have no choice but to believe it, is the thing is needed, add minuBi quantities of water. When Avenue, aprlngtleid, N«w jerkey. The Township Committee reserves merlfht about caterpillars; A choice Hd-blt, at least ready to serve, the sauce should be almost EO reject any or all bids, U, In fiie isterelt of in Ivory Coaet where 1 saw them in the making absorbed in the chicken. tho Township It is deemed idVlaaUa la do so, By order of Hie Township CommiBee of 3w at a market is — roasted caterpillars. No Serve it with just about anything. Green Township of Springfield, NOT Just ONE ROOM roasted peanuts for the Ivorlansi Only roasted Blepnore H, worsMngton peppers or ihreddad coconut make excellent Township Clert caterpillars. Ugh, They look no better than garnishei. Rice is more frequently served with Augun ),B, 1W.1_ they sound, it, and pineapples, bananas, onions or tom- • * * atoes either fresh, (pied or broiled, make NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF MARY1LLING1LROY also known ON THE (vffiNU AT THE WONDERFUL wonderful additions to It. as MAI L, O1LROY DeeeaWd puriuani to the M|r of MARYC. KANANE, new Casino Hotel at Victoria Falls in Rho- Surrogaia o| ^e Csymy ol Uttioo, made ott tf desia, this teim caught evaryone'i aye! "mon- tw.nry-clghtti day of July A,D_ 1M7, H S, AFRICAN B0BOTRE the appUcatlon of &G undersigned, aj AdBys key gland sttak," We were all agog, and that traEru of tr.e inale of saMdtaaiM, noUco HAVE FAVORITE dishes too. Here Charlei Fourie, owner-minaier of a was Just what the mischievous young, hotel 1 medium onion, chopped is hereby gives to the creditoraof aalddeGeaBed 2 tablespoons butter to eidiibit m the subscriber tsder oatt or •ar lohannesbure. feeds a favorite to—a favorite? He is giving a gowue, manager wanted. None of us doubted that affirmaosn their clalmi and demagdj again it could be so for we had just come from an 1 slice white bread •he estae ol said de«aued within an months 1 cup milk from ae date of said order, or ttwy will island in the Zambesi River swarming with be forever barred from prnsectsng or is, monkeys, but we didn't necessarily cherish 2 eggs, well beaten covering the same agamat die subscrfaer, Luxurious Mi E. Lynca hai kept^'Pretty Girl" and two otheri to train as pets the thought of eating one of them. Then the 1 pound ground meat manager confessed with a twinkle that It was 1 table spoon curry powder gl. BoUn & Herrlgel - ABurneys juice of one lemon 241 MUlbum Ave. CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING really regular beef steak cut In long strips. Millbum, N. j, Public Notict We tried it then, It tasted Uke very good 1/4 cup chopped almonds SprtngJieid Leader^ug, J, 10, 17, !4, 1«7, regular beef steak. 1/4 cup chutney ( oa w * w Feu: 115.20) once for only a few.,, „' SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JlRfflY CHANCERY DIVISION! 1SEX COUNT. But on second thought, who knew what mon- 8 dried apricots, soaked and chopped DOCKET NO, MMM-Wi key gland s«ak was like? That pixie hotel salt and pepper to taste NcE TO Ciorres VICTOR U. DUPRAS, JR, i CM! AcUM E5TATB OF SOLUE EJSF-NBEKC Daauid NOW FOR EVERYONE!! PUlaSB, ! NQTICi OF manager did laugh with extra relish, and we 2 bay leaves, broken In pieces Purauant eo the order of MARYC, KANANE, FURNITURE! iORMRFOR _..MA.J^JD^im Jat^H, one, .to grov^things Sautee onions In buner or margarine until aimgate of [lie Coumy of Union, mads OB dm (Formerly of isrgsn >>,. Newa,iO= * one way or the oflier, ldlfc applieegos of the tajderslgaed, aa Adsjais= STATE OF NENEWW IBMBYt... _ _ squeeze dry. Add beaan eggs to milk, Mix o-itrtx ol As oiuie of uld deceased, Bsetcei NNE • * • Is hereby given to the credltDra of laid de. IS PLEASED TO! YVONNE AOmOE PUFKAS. LMeodill ON THE fcENU FOR SQfcTE AFRICANS the meat wim the bread, onions, curry, lemon ceased to exhibit «, be oubucrlher uader We CAN ADD AIR By vlme of so Order ol at superior (jjun Juice, almonds, apricots, chutney, salt and oaA or afUmiaSoB Oeir daims and demand) of New jeriey, chancery Bivl Asa. mads MBi on the western side of the continent Is a special •gainst the Maa ol said dKeaatd witt^a CONDITIONING ON TO ANNOUNCE THEY lift day of July, 1967, iHaSviliCSea wfeerela occasion chicken dish called "Ground Nut pepper. Add half of egg mixture id blend ajx months from me date of said order, or vlrar L, Dypru, Jr. U ttspUBB B and you well, Place in a greased, shallow baking dish, mey will be forever barred from prosecutiag are the attendant, you m hereby nquin4 Stew," and In a favorite is or resverlng ee sameagaliifit£hssyb>criber, YOUR PRESENT FORCED io answer ^ eoftgjiaiHt of &e ptalam! es or and hollow center slightly to allow for rising. lylvla Enenberg before tie IStt i»y of September. 1967, fey "Bobotee," Because of the interest following AIR FURNACE ARE DOING BUSINESS geFVing as enif en Rlcbard A. Walsh, Esq., the article on food in Africa (May 11 Fem- Sack pieces of bay leaves on top. Bake in tAtti PlsiBriirsl agersey, wtose sitfresi Is No, moderate oven (350) for 20 minutai. Remove JtmhQnm • Attorney 17 AeiaeiBJ It. Nliirt, New Jersey, ami In inine Look) a recipe for the two follows s 11 Conuiares Street asfaull thereof such Judgrant shall M resdered GROUND NUT STEW leaves and pour rest of ejp} mixture on top. Newark, N, J, against you as BIB court shall msk eaulahle Return to oven and continue baking until Springfield Leader-July 17, Aug. J, lq, 17,1947 PRIM INCLUDES: Ceoling Coil. 2 5 If. Pre-Chorfed TubSng, Cindtnil AS USUAL AT mi HB. You shall Bte your armi and proof Four or five tomatoes quartered and pre- (inii Fees JHa)) 01 senrfee is duf Uean will tf» Clerk of $e fenjably skinned. custard lets, about 25 minutes. Serve with Unit and Cooling Thermostat, installed in Your Present Heating M Superior Court, lota Home Ami. Trmmn. yellow rice. Serves approximately six. PROPOSAL FOR OONSTRUCTION OF A Wh#f. Blow«r Ducti and Electrical Service! J Adequate. _ New jersey. Is accordance wl& Oe rules of Three large onions finely chopped. RUBBLE RETAINING WALL AT THEIR NEW LOCATION ctvU practice and procedure. BALTUSROL TOP PLAYCROUM) The obits at »«& ian is B obtain a 5 YEAR WARRANTY ON INTIRE RIFRIGIRANT SYSttM Judgment of divorce beHMn &e aaM pUln .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiVni [iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Hff anrtj INCLUDING PARTS AND LABOR, Dated; July IS, 1567 ||lw a rubble nMH mil apprBdmaaly Bve For Homes Requiring Up to 2B,uuu u • u s. 627 IAGLI Richard A, waith (5) feel Mjb sad t-o tundnd (UO1) feet lonz, ,U. 17 Academy SGreet By and opeoej sod raid In public on August 22. Newart, N.J. 1967 at »t0O P.M. prevailing time. WEST ORANGE, NJ. Attoney for PUlntlH AMY Bid! BUM be aesngnatded by a corUflod tvinpon Herilfl-July X. 17. Aul. 1, 10. 19*7 check la m Bnouiii equtl to too (10) pw BEDFORD AIR CONDITIONING to Tl'eeiiSl.Ml ADAMS can of the amoujB Md «nd aWI be esctSKSd In a seated eoveigjM betrtni At Doge ol dm (just Below Pleasant Valley Way) ESTATE OF CHARLOTTE V, MOORE, as. Udder on m ouuld, and ikaU bo dallveraj 675 SpikiltoM An. ceased. at the plan «nd on ibe boux itoummri, Furinani to lie orasr sf JAMES 1, ABRAM, SpeclSEsBdus may £e sees sod {Augured Newark IS M2fi Surrogate of s» Cwmy af Essex, &li day luiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiniiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir/iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiii nun at Hie otflee of Waller Koiub, Townihlp fii Herbert Reich man . Arnold Mirsky made oo &B appUcatiM of ^ under signed, Engineer. Munldpil Bullolnj, MOUBBIB Ave. Eleanor of slid deaucd, notice u Hnt! 1 Dear Amy; n«,Sp^fajd,N.j, given to Bie ereUlBrs C* , IUt_ deeealej to you take her out. Probably some of the Tbe Towmblp Commlttiio reservn rhorltht •- I've got .a., problem .conewntag .a girl.l.m IB rejeet sn ar sJl bUs, If, In Ho Unrm flrnisHsn, their dslms aod demands against chicks (you've been seen witii couldn't hold of Hie Tcnmihlp it u dened idvlsslde tn do FREE HOME SURVEY me tiUB of said deceased within six moiatu folng with. Sht ii 17 and a junior In a different a candle to your wife. frem rMS daiBi or Key will to forever barred aohool, . ,-______— from prosecuting or rMsverttf the sama •/fj iifci a w ^J^& ^^s^s tj*^»™"^^ »»s.*^» • ^f «9 •. ~ee -"-•?—J ^ ^™—™^ —™ — against Be st&scriter. 1 love this girl and I've found out ttiat there have to table-hop and leave your wife. It's llensorm ^ BENJAMIN ROMANO have been some people Wiling h«r piM-ents that poor manners. Besides, you're not so popu- TavosyB c^sri PLEASi DRIVE SAP E t ALL FIVE CONSTRUCTION CORP. Bunt July 26, 1967 . , . 3, 10. IMf (FHitlMO) BENJAMIN ROMANO, ABgney she, and I have been (ettlng Into trouble (If lar 6r they would b« over atyourtable,,,in- 1196 Buroet Avenue you know what I m«an)'whlch we haven't. But oludini your wife *ta tfltttr conversatton, 1743 SRriigfitld Avt. . Maple wood Union, N J, - Irvlngtnn Heraia Aygust 3. 10, 17, 24,(31, 1»7 her parent! don't brtleve her, 1 would like to ,, Last of aU, the "Booby Prize" ioes to tiie 3JBf tf no sns* ef ni§hfi know what I could do to give them confidence ' Don Juan who looks around to see if he can 761-4730 or 7614731 and weekond. call 997-1697 NEED A JOB? Read the Help Wanted section. Better •till... "in me and permit their daughter to go out with pick mythlni up at a latir date...and makes let prsrpeeHve employers, read me, I Just don't know what to do to "get in it so obvious, "about you.iCoM 6i4-7700 TOP a good" witii her parents and I don't want to A Lucky Wife & HUsband Win EXPERTS I. \4t per ward Emplaymenf Wanted • • * ONE WEEK break up with her. Maittiry • Carptitry • Rooflig ad, $2,80 (minimum) Dear L.D.L.j.i UD...._. Address all letters to: -•• You obvlouily have "rubbed" her parents AMY ADAMS WALL-TO*WALL TT Ripnlfs rAliBiMB SidlBfl • Ws are sffertng the wrong way, U you're a gentleman in every c/o THIS NEWSPAPER ^ subject te sense of the word, pay them ftvisit . Be truth- For a personal reply enclose a stamp«Q cenfirmattsn CLEANED IN YOURHOMEorOFFIGlJS • Palifiig • er prisr lole ful, put your cards on the table and hope for the beat, UltimaMly, though, it is their decision, is oj • SNOW PLOWING* and you must abide by it,,,whethtryou like it or 24 heur serviee 40,000 Shares miiii Spraying and brilh wflfk Summer Seeeial an oil poin*f Dear Aniy: Z^ OFF work-onf) or two coots Brunswick Data Recently /while dining In a restaurant, my ind ana I_cpuldn|t help over hearing a man s i FUEL OIL •.i:ji^s=^-ssi>^-;i^i™£a | ratS~flT w^r*Sly fiuib"an*d~jSidTome*'men' feel big when they "mouth off" to flieir wives Shingles Waterproofing $24.50 per shore' TOP GRADE but- in the eyes of most. They are really I1IIH1? Brunswick Data very ignorant. Hii philosophy gave me an idea. PER 200 Gal.. Driveways One always reads articles on "How to keep Min. Dal. AH werk fully Service, Inc. 13.9 C.O.D. guarsntsec! In writing your husband happy," but howabout "How to GAL. 2? Bread Street keep your wife happy," After aU, where can Call u« botw.on B A.M. and S PM'. Fully In.ur.d Elliobeth, 07201 a man find a baby sitter, a maid, a cook.

I Phone 289-4559 further, someone to make excuses for them ;9J( when they want "out." All this adds Uto to a WIFE....and she should.,be kept happy, Here are my rules, and surprisingly, my 10 PARK AVE EAST ORANGE husband agrees: Fuel Co. 1. Talk to your wife. You'd be sutrprisad dial that she CAN hold a conversation. * WAverly 3-4646 617-2323 2. Act like a man, not a braggart.. ^&^o^&* GQOD 3. Don't act like you are doing her a favor when

DEAL. Public Notice

ESTATE OP LOUIS WEULER, deceased. Piirnmnt [0 Ihe ordorOI JAMES E.ADRAMS, SuTTogiw t* the Cwnty of Essex, this dsy made oa the application of the undersigned^ Executors of said deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors at said deceased to Trend 2- . Trend exhibit to the subscribers, under oath or 3 OI 33-oiv affirmation, their claims and demands sgalnst conf 69 box the estate of said deceased within six months I Liquid Detergent Dry Detergent from this date, or they will be forever tarred "from pwtMUtlngr^TllrJTemvering-the'saine- agalnst the subscribers. Alpo B*ef Livor Dag Food Dated: JULY IS. 1«>7 Why_more I Sweetheart Lemon Lilac Soap Lysol Disinfectant 14^-or, con 31 $ * RABBI SEYMOUR WELLER Regular If-Sale-, BLANCHE COHEN 7 b!. 79« Alpo Chunk Beef Dog Food ZELDA WELLER There are several reasons. IJ 4 pk. 320 2 I4^:oi. cans 55^ BENJAMIN NESSANBAUM. Attorney |"Alpo Chunk Horsftmeiit Dog Food ^t73"Brosd«ay- - Por^onrthiiigFbur-ied^abledoesnVclutteip Sweetheart' Soap LysoUDisirtfectant Bavonne, N. J. Regular If Sole 2 14K-DX. cdn*'55f' irv. Heralo-july 27, i^. 3, 10, 17, 24. 1967 Alpa Chunit_LjgniiiJlo_q Food and more the landscape; neighborhoods will look neater. 4 pk 320 FRIDAY_DEADUNE Also^of course, buried cable Isn't affected by storriis, falling limbs, or wayward autos. • i.U Chase 1 Saibori All. items other than spot : Ckiasal-SaHbori Chase t Saibori neyvs should be in our off- And finally, the development of new materials listdit Coffee, BOMS All Method Coffee All Method Coffee ice by noon on Friday. new phone and cable-laying techniques has made buried 10f off Lib. cable easier to install> and more econonlieal I'/ -' V2-OI. 23 2-ib. can can $129 •I 66" can than in the-past,- As telephone service expands, .3 Chicken of the Sea Solid Pqk more and more lines will go underground. Dal Moitt White Meat Tuna lines are But it still costs moneyrScrvve're making haste 2i7-ol, cons 79* HUNTS TOMATO PASTE |; PlieappU /Graptf nit' Chicken of the Sea Lite 2 6-ox. cons 29* slowly on this -project, to keep the cost of your - -— Chunk Tuna HUNTS TnMATfVSAIICE -DrtA 9M-oi. can 49* *iuM> „.,- telephone service as. low as possible. 46-o*. JHUNTS TOMATu'sAUCE' WITHMUSHROOMS TiUtini >l$o \i niiliWi. - cans , J ~ BUFFERING 2 b* shiiw more d'tcrmirution Assarted-—1—ct. 24* SCORE HAIR CREAM - PRIDE OF FARM CATSUP ' (I WILL): drilled in the subjecH re- Sorfweve Toilet Tissue- 3-oz.-. 79* 3 20-OL botls. B9* quired Uu Cnl'eKe Entrance. Glades _.Pink_ ^2Z5<_24« Scars Liquid Hair Dreiilno sue> 6-oi. .91* strewed Individual needs •er\ed. Whllo 7 ct. 24* Sm>rf4: Football, Soccer. Bjbketkill, Burry Assortment Cookies Sunshine Oatmeal Bag Cookie* KOTEX.PLUS Has.ball Jnd many others Choice of 13-ox. box43< 3 liH-o'x. boxes 43* returning home aftirnoon'S or-Five 24 ct.-box 83* Day Boardins returning home Fri- ChoTBOY Ar Dee Btefaroni ACCENT uoi Mont A Tomato Sauce day .iftirniwm. Requnt catalog and 40-OT. 69* 10 8-oi. cans $1 book 'Royal Roadv' (frte) on KOIKI ChefBoyAr Dee RavlolUQ-oz.71 4 1 ox. 2?4 Del Monte Tomoto Saucv study habits _Enr«i!l now for Fall Chef Boy Ar Dee "2 15-ox. cans 37^ Spaghettis. MeatbolU io °z. $1.89 Del Monto Catsup 40-O1. 69< > 3 26.QI. bbtta, 89(1 CARTERET SCHOOL • WEST ORANGE, H.I »M*wiwmiiinmiiymiMumiMiuu..fflitnr^ Two ordered held MOUNTAINSIDE (N.J,) ECHO-Thursday, August 10, 1867-3 it PROFILE—Sister Jane Frances | for Grand Jurors Borough Council defers decision Slater juie Frueu, recently appointed {principal of Our Lady of Leurdes Iphool. on appmal of planning board ruling •Mountainside, may bo new to that admlnistra- on firearms counts and would have fte two proposed building lots 'Uve post but the le not new to tba local The Mountainside Borough Council has de- in fte rear of the Plnegan property fronting i parochial school. She hai taught seventh grade Two men, jos« R, Cortes of New York ferred rendering adeclsion on an appeal by Saul '^ for the pail three years. Since ihe City and David P, Darge of Whitehouse Sta- Brazer of Samuel Enterprises against a Plan- on toe cul de sac at the end of Camelot rd. tion, were ordered held for the Union County The road required by fte Planning Board !(te her predeeesior did) will double as the ning Board ruling tiiat would require him to would divide the two rear lots. Borough En- • eighth grade teacher ihe will have the same Grand Jury after they appeared last week In extend Camelot rd, in his development of the Mountainside Municipal Court on charges of former Ftnnegan property on Rt, 22. gineer Robert Koser said at fte hearing ftat '.students she tnrerueted last year, nexta«mes- currying firearms without permits. such division would reduce the two rear lots fter, Police said Cortes was arrested Aug. 1 Final action by the governing body was to about 10 percent under the required 15,000 ; That last situation Is a prospect ih« is not after Fanrolrnan Joseph 0, Lobl found a load- delayed after Milton Wasch, developer of the ft, minimum. • entirely happy atout. She thinks perhaps her ed 22-caliber pistol In the truck he was driv- homes in the Camelot read area, asked at • shift In roles may change her pupils' attitudes ing. Cortea was apprehended on a tip re- A special hearing held July 27 for a postpone- • toward hen she, herself, will be assuming new layed to the borough police from the Spring- ment of toe hearing because his lawyar, Irving 'duties, oneg flat may require different ap- field Police Department after a service sta- Silverilght of Plainfleld, was out of town.Th e ! proaches trom ner, "" Hon attendant spotted a gun In a motorist's Council declined to delay the hearing, but, in GARY'S "It will take some adjusting on both sides, pocket wh«n he stopped for gai. The handle deference to Waach's request, posponed hand- nf tfaf» gin was arif'lelng qij^fifjgortes* pocket ing down a decision until tesamony at the hear- CORNER we'll wsrkit out" when he WAS stopped by Officer Lobl, police ——inf-eould-be-rn»de-Bvallabl»-»-his-arMrney. • • * said. Wasch's attorney has until today to file a legal ,^AT THIS POINT, Sister jane Frances has memorandum on the case. Braier'i attorney WEEKLY Sjjcfjjverall plans for changing school policies, The charge wu made against Darge alter he was involved in a three-car accident July will men be given five more days to file m SPORTS tw5h* will continue the departmentnlized In- 25 on Rt. 22, Patrolman William Adler said answer to that memorandum. '•*Sstfuctlon, set up by Sister Oerttude Agnes, FEATURE he found two revolvers and a rifle in Darge's Wasch described himself at tihe hearing as ffaW will, she says, "feel my way slowly, 1. car after his vehicle was Involved in an S b*ve a lot of things to learn," accident with cars driven by Wall Kurbanside a supporter of die Planning Board, which ff ^SniMiBnUo^~ia nott a nenw field tor the of Newark and Richard D, Lalng of Watchung, stipulated June 26 that Brazer must extend principal. She served for six years as WALTER R. HNOT Camelot road to the eastern boundary of fte hy GARY LfSSiNQ, Monoge, :ipal and supervisor of St. Elizabeth's According to the police report, Lalng lost former Flnnegan property. Such extension SOMfRSIT TIRE SERVICE ol, Linden, la addition to teaching for conb-ol of his car while driving on fteeast - could permit eventual expansion of the road years each at St. John's School, Jersey bound lan« of the highway and crossed fte 30th anniversary (if and when other tracts in that area are Last week when talking about the famous , and St. Bridget's School, North Bergen. center island onto the westbound lane, hitting developed) to connect with Long Meadow ro»d. Indianapolis M0 races, we quizzed our •*"•*«« has found, she confided, many Joys In the ofter two cars. Darge was taken to In accordance with the master plan, the readers on naming some of ftedifferen t SISTER JANE FRANCES Overlook Hospital wift concussion and chest noted by engineer cars ftat won this sports event. We were teaching, not the least of which are the many injuries. Planning Board Indicated, students who over the years nave kept in Walter R, Hoot of 1524 Deer path, Moun- pleasantly surprised that so many visitors we found—they were there one day and gone Cortes told police he carried the gun for Brazer's attorney, Frank T, Swpln of Dughl, to our shop named several ears and fte touch with her. Last week she was the delighted the next—" talnslde, recently celebrated Us 30ft anni- Johnston and OTJwyer, charged that the in- reeepient of an Invitation to the wedding of one protection when making deliveries. Darge versary of service wift Esso Research and drivers. Although she worries, as all thinking peopla stated that he was taking hlg firearms to sistence on Ae road is "In effect and in As mentioned last week, naming the tire of her former pupils, a girl the taught in fte do, about' fte gigantic problems m today's his place of business to repair them, police Engineering Co., Florham Park. substance a taking of property, a taking of sixth grade back in 1949. She's going too, she Hnot joined the company in 1937 after grad- worn by fte majority of winning cars world, she feeli such problems "»re not said, it for public use without My compensation was easy ——jnRESTONE is the name, reported delightedly; her order recently re- new. They were always around—there just uating from New York University wift a to fte owner-—" laxed Its rules to allow the nuns to attend bachelor of science degree in 1935, Since and FIRESTONE was named by everyone. was not so much communication;—.mostpeepl» Brazer also claimed that the construction But getting back to the oars that copped such functions. lived in their own environments, little safe thin he has had 10 assignments in nine divi- of the road would not allow him to make two Many other students have maintained similar sions of ftecompany . first place, there was the Marmon 6-eyl, cocoons. Because of the tremendous inereas* Tuesday hearing standard-sized lots of fterea r section of fte which won the first "SOP" race in 1911, contact—"it's so rewarding to see them in communication, we know everything that's Currently he is a senior engineer in (he grow up Into such fine men aid women," property, as shown in his plans, to addition, followed by aT«HonaT~Qie nexTyear arM~ wrong In the world—consequently, all of us (Ceniinued from page 1) technology department and is Involved In a he said fte delay on die decision is endan- a Peaugeot the third year. —6leter jane Prances has little patience with are more Involved." She applauds that In- inspector, fee basis not to wceed $1,800; sand stabilization project in Antwerp, Bel- gering the closing of the sale of fte front <5J;§e who bewail the antics of the younger glum, which he frequently visits, • • • volvement, director of welfare, $1,400; special police and portion of fte property, on which a home Other winners Included fte Dues enberg, generation, * • • school crossing guards, $2,28 per hour. already stands. That sale is contingent on "It's only the few trouble makers who mak« Mercedes, DeUge and fte Lotus-Ford ENTRANCE TO THE convert wii a goal The pool ordinance would require a feme, toe development of fte property as presented driven by our famous Scotsman, jimmy the headlines; mow of our young people ar« for Sister Jane Frances ever since she was a at least four feet high enclosing the pool Andrews safe In his plans, he stated, honest, law-abiding, hardworking people," she Clark. little girl. One of a family Of seven children, with a "substantial" gate which must be lock- (Continued from page 1) Brazer s* plans as submitted would continue Clark, Incidentally, won the 1965 Indian- she-lived BHU a uenvent-Bg-a chttd- and visited -Bd-whetrthe Hdd ter fte disasw To see if wrJ"buday*t=w«s "Camilot rd, in Its prsienr-dead-end state apolis IlgQQ" without onc_echangtag ti^ee. As proof of her point, she cites fte many the nuns frequently. She made her decision ~~ igert she knows who are working at all safe. The Barry family tapt la constant He averaged more than ISO miles'an hour early and entered Mt, St, Dominic Academy for In that race, of summer Jobs to help pay for their her high school years with the avowed Intention touch wift Mrs. ToUlnche und relayed the good news to Dennis as soon as It came, ;e education, of entering the sisterhood. She earned her Bus contract FOR A constant winner when it comes to • • • degree at Caldwell College where she majored Ofter calls poured in from relatives and cooling the Inside of our family car is R JANE FRANCES Is very Involved In English, Surprisingly enough, she now (Continued from page 1) friends in California, Puerto Rico and ofter PROFiSSIONAL inihe rimes. She thinks long and deeply about CLIMATIC-AIR. These luperb car air- teaches math In the departmentalized program, almost identical to fte one In effect In fte distant ipots, condUtloneri are low priced for quick the recent race riots; she Is troubled by fte "1 developed a love for It after 1 started 1966-67 school year. Mrs. TolUnehe and her husband spent hours INSURANCE many results of these disoirbanees.—the dead, clearance at SOMERSET TIRE SERVICE, teaching," she confides. That policy provided bus transportation glued to fte television s«, watching fte ADVICE ... Rt, 22 at Springfield rd., UNION, > the Injured, the small shopkeepers forced out Three years ago, accompanied by another for all kindergarten pupils who live mere news programs, trying to Identify their son j of business, fte increased bitterness among For fte finest at the lowest possible- nun, Sister Jane Frances travelled to Europe, than one-half a mile away from their assigned In some of fte shots. They were unable to price, come in this weekend and pickup • the races. Like most other people, she Is con. They crossed fte ocean by steamship, taking schools. First and second graders who live Bleep and spent endless night hours listening Call Bob Tansey at: 1 eft^ed about finding answers to the problems. your CLIMATIC-AIR Auto. Alr-Condl- five relaxing days each way. It's a method .75 of a mile «nd farther, and ftlrd, fourft to the radio, hoping for some news that would tloner. ! She feels very strongly that a good part of she recommends-—"you have time to make and fifth graders who live one mile and farther 1 the answer may be found in what she terms help them keep on hoping. BENNINGHt,TANSEY&CO, Open Dally 9-9, Saturdays to 4, our . friends. When we ran Into some of steamship are, under that policy, entitled to ride ttie school Confirmation of the seaman s aafety was 233-5400 • tilaLMthtd 1939 phone number is MU §-5620 and we have" while travelling In Europe, it way m«^ fy far bus ggats* students In ' received last Thursday In a telegram from fte a p-ained sttff ready to service your car. "Only those people who respect themselves running into long lost cousins," she said. sixth, seventh and eighth grades must live at government ___ .", _ ^54—Mountain^ Ave. ! will have respect for law and order," she They spent eight weeks In Europe, visiting least one-and-a-quarter miles from their • said, "There's a good part of the problem Andrews is scheduled to be released from Ireland, England, Scotland the British Isles, assigned schools. fte Navy In October, ' —-Ipw do you teach that to people? How do Switzerland, France and Italy, where they lad • you-rescue people from that horrible cycle an audience with Pope Paul, They travelled by • of poverty and welfare? How do you make air In Europe, » method she recommends as Belfast minister (them realize they can stand on their own a "time saver," Carrier pilot ; feet, they can earn their own way?" Jpe Is not talking from an ivory tower. Back She hopes some day to do some more gu0St of Ba ists i l travelling but doubts that it will be in the near back on iob P* tin thg eiMy*i9i0 j«iweil'befQre poverty pro- "future", """•'•-••" '•••• <•••*"•- •• ••" •••• --••..-*••-- • •• ••-.•..-.! -. • -.i - •••,-.< ,... Thei,. Rev. Robert E, Alex-; ^s were such a vital part ol the national However, she Implies that sailing Into a new Lieut, Homer W, Bodley, ander, M.A., senior"liainlsteV Hfen, jliliteg lane Frances, working with a job can be just as exciting, just as rewarding USNR, 27, o| 255 New Provi- of the Fitzroy Avenue Pres- *gp' of nuns, labored for manyy summers In as sailing off to sea. Maybe even more. dence rd,. Mountainside, N.J. byterian Church, Belfast, Ire- a store-front missioi n llocatedd i n hthe worn has resumed his civilian po- land, will be fte pest minis- How areas of Asbury Park. Their equipment sition as pilot and flight engin- ter at the 9:30 ttjm, Sunday was meager, their furnishings scant but they eer with Trans World Alrlinas service at fte First Baptist attempted to introduce the children, most, of Swim teams lose at Newark Airport after tm- Church" of Westfield. His service topic will be, "A Gra- whom were Negro, to the joys of creative I (Continued from page 1) quallfylng as a carrier pilot worK. Using paints, clay and all kinds of craft on fte decks of the Aircraft cious Invitation," materials, the nuns strove to make the young- style event for girls aged 11 and 12 and Chip carrier Lexington, Mr, Alexander is also Con- •itjlr! awire of the talents In their ownftagers, Bilder came In first In fte backstroke event vener of the Presbyterian th» untouched riches stored within their own for boys In that age group. Sue Schmidt won A member of selected re- Residential Trust, helping to W« fte SO yard butterfly stroke event for girls serve Attack Squadron 832 at provide suitable residences y Sister Jane Frances found ftechUdren"very aged 11 and 12 while Laurie Weeks captured a the U, S, Naval Air Station, for elderly members of the Responsive," receptive to new knowledge, ex- first in. a similar competition for girls aged New York, Lt, Bodley was one | church. felted about, new projects. But •lum communl- nine and 10, Richard Coe and Bilder took firsts of 15 reservists who eom- Lois Alpaugh, alto, will sing ,ttes do net treed conBlstency, The make-up in' the nine-10 age group arid Cory Levitt came pletid their carrier quaUiica- fie anthem, "Eye Haft Not of ^the classes shifted from week to week, in first in fte 25 yard avent for boys «lght and dons late last mSnth, Seen", Linda Lyman Sehrad- 'admetlme from day to day—"It WSB difficult under. W establish a continuing program, almost It marked the second time er will be guest organist. Second place winners from Mountainside since the Korean- War ftat Visitors and newcomers In posslbl* ^oraeyelop^anytspwpkff 'of talent weres"Ke"vin Leisf, Debbie ehaddonr Robert 'ready-reserve pilots haye ft* area are Invited to attend nuiuiiinunnnttHninniiriNiuifiitanuiiiiiiitiiiiuiuiiiiiniiiiii ' Taylor, Jeff Miller, Janice Sterzlnger, Kafty qualified in landing and ft* service. Gelger, Dana Levin.'Leslie'Keating, Wendy launching oparaUons aboard lJlli ended two weeks of special IN LAST WEEK'S diving match against Manor active duty training for Lt, Public'iTy chairmen are Some poo pie Park, Robbi Ruberti,competiniinth«13-17di- Bodley, a veteran naval avia- urged too bserv* fhe|Fridoy vislon, came In firit, racking up a total of 83 tor who has been decorated d«adline for other than ECHO with the Air Medal and Navy itiurnuHimniiUHiRuiitniiiiuiuiniiiiniitiimiiiiiiiiiiiiitimiiiiii points, the highest score for any borough Ipef news. Include your youngster since the oompetiohs began, Judi Commendation with combat name, address'and phone Published each Thuriday by Korttoa, diving for the first ttme in Competton, "V", A former fUghtinstruc- tor and. member of Attack number, , .-._ _TrVmsr Publishing Carp, came in second in that division. just WON'T Squadrons 152 and 145 from NEWS DEPARTMENT ' John Flood placed first for the boys in the November 1962 to November I Rita i#i*i, fdifer 13-17 age group while 11 -year-old Lenny Siajk, 1965, Lt. Bodley Is a veteran Ord.r Now La* Molamul, Director Sam Howard, publisher Compsttng in ttiat same division, came in of fte Viet Nun conflict. Boforo Prlco InenaiB BUSINESS DEPARTMENT fourttu Flying A4B "Skyhawks", First place for boys aged 11 and 12 was WORLD BOOK Rob«rt H. Brumal), Ad»«rlUlng Director fte pilots made several ar- captured by Tom Smith wMle Barbara Ludd Milton Mlnlx, BuilnHt Manager rested landings and touch- ENCYCLOPEDIA listen ... took a first for tee gins in mat age group. and-go landings aboard fte Call MARGARET AHLFELD John'.Hsxtnett and LeiUeKeattagplacedsecond '« Second Class PeiVogi paid carrier Lexington' to climax 231-6841 \ , _ at Meunfainsfda, N,j, to tiie diving «vents for children agW 10 and two weeks training., J r under. •• " ^' IS cents par eepy Adults assiiting at last Saturday's awlm meet """J/'lJ Mol(«j •ubsetlptjlen rnNjil Mr yaar , were Tom Phillips, Isabella HeUer, Betty Lou They still carry their money around or hide it in their 1 2 N«w* Rood, Mountalndd*, N,j. Irwin, Berbira Oelger, Gwrge Coe, Harry irwinV Rich Brown, Bob LeiM, Dotae Wishbow and Lee Levitt, mattres$es ... pay fheir b/Ws with cash ... and keep Parent joins GOP FIBT AUTO INSURANCE The",Republicans also filed a full 8lite~of YOUNG DRIVERS committeemen and women. The Democrats were one short, fte committeeman post in the SPORT CARS •SIDANS ;• • Standard Rdtos third district, • ' " mg^ WeJiojoe^yOU dpi ir --• Filing as Republicandlstticrleaders-were!- flrst district, Frank Tormj and Lucille Scott Sit TH1M TODAY AT YOUR lilASIUTV PROPIRTY Reel; second, William Van Blarcom and Mar- T« $1004300,00 T« $25,000 guerite Llncki third, John H, Keenan,and Mary AUTHORIZiP DEALER.,, ^Jubanowsky; fourth, Walter Duda and Edltij, MM 8-8100 Speth? fifth, John Heehtle and Mary Ann. NIMfTH IROS,,lnc. Amalgamated General Agencies Chliddon. . " SALES* SEKVICE •PARTS* BODY SHOP U.S.Rt,M • Unl8n Democrats flliri| we're-, first distfiet, John STUDIBAKIR PARTS & SIRVICB . MedeyiUe and Gertrude Palmerr.SMond, peter 921 CLINTON AVI;, IRVINGTON Taussig and Pattlcia Kaplan: third, Rose 372.333 Open f.B,Sato9,.4 372«3342 HoUeran; fourth, William Seeds. andViPginia fUHERAl DIRECTORS Heinze; fifth, Joseph Stypa and Dorothy Lom- bard, ,i Pr*d H, Cray, Jr. . Pra», 8. Can. Mgr. C. F™d«flck Poppy . Vlco Pre.ldent (Raijaawt at MByrHa|n»lj») J&M Supermarket 856 Mountain AV«. MOUNTAINSIDE , N.J. - IHOP AT HOMI FRit NATIONAL BANK DILlVJRY MODERN WESTFIELD MOUNTAINSIDE WESTFIELD William A. Doyle, Manager l> Moiltolisidt TREE SERVICE A Comntumiy Bank dedicated 313 E. Brood Str**t l HO«-Ordtrs «f $10 or MortV PHONE 233-0143 to Community Service" CALL CRANFORO «mbrr of F*dcr*l R««v* System " M^mb.r F*de«l Deposit Insurance Corporation 'tad-HrGrey^Jr., Manager 232-0402 12 Springfield Avenue PHONE-276-0092 " -Thursday, August 10, 1867- Counfry committee Kids' carnivals on transportation raise funds for urged by Epstein Cancer Society The Union County Cancer Society has the kids The establishment of a county commuter on its side as proven by thi number of baek- transportation commission to solve the trans- yard Cancer Carnival being held throughout portation problems facing Union County was the county. called for lilt week by Jerome Epstein of The county organisaflonB is helping the Scotch Plains. Republican candidate for Free- youngsters along by providing free carnival holder, kits which includes balloons, tnstruotioni on Epstein said It has been the habit of county how to prepare various gamts, banners and government ''to pit idly by nd wait for the signs, and assorted literature including comic State md Federal Government agencies to books. dictate to them what the solutions to local One recent carnival was held in the back transportation needs are to be," He said the yard at the William Averjeks" of 1182 Wyom- results of this have been plans for Rt. 278, ing dr., Mountainside, where seven youngsters the proposal of tolls on the new free section got together to do their part of the county of the Garden Stale Parkway, the Aldehe chapter of the American Cancer Society, Plan and fee "conflnued deterioration of rail The youngsteri were: Sarah Averick, 111 and highway services," Elizabeth Geiger, 13; Cornelia Galger, 12; Ellen Averick, 10' Jane Gross, 13; jo-Ann "The Rt, 278 pirn," Epstein noted, "wai Cross, 12, and Thomas Magee, U_ designed and proposed In • backward manner. Helmut Geiger, co-chairman of the Moun- Rattier than the people of Union County having tainside Cancer Crusadi. laid "the Uda to wait for the State of New jersey to an- planned me carnival themselves and didn't nounce its routes to us, a plan should have ask any adults or their parents to help except Initiated from the county and preiented to the for transportations to and from the itores fop itate for action." prizes, decorations and odds and ends, Th» The GOP contender went on to s«y Biat kids even bought the prizes and materials out '"as long ai there exists no authoritative of their own allowances — and decided to agency within the county to design for the deduct tiiese expenses from the profits,** present and future transportation needs of its The youths manned and operated ail the citizenry, we will remain at fce mwey of booths and concessions for most of tht after- what appears to be a hostile and unfeeling noon. The profits amounted to $32.12. administration In the state and its Transporta- Among die attractions at the carnival were; tion Department when it comes to tiie require- Hammer nail in the board, puning golf ball ments of Union County," into hole, knock over the cans with a ball, car rides, white elephant sale, cake and drink COUNT DONATIONS -- Sponsors of recent Cancer Carnival in Mountainside, count ths IN THE CARDS — H«lene Bunin watches the cards as the fortune teller, Mrs. William tables, squirt out candles with water pistol profits to be donated to Cancer Society, In front row ar«: Cornelia Geiger, Ellen Averick Avurick, tells her future. This is one of actlviaei at recent Cancer Carnival in Mountain- and a for nine teller. and jo-Ann Cross. In back row are: jane Gross, Sarah Avertck and Elizabeth Geiger, side, Union County Cancer Society provides free carnival kiti. Bank appo'mtB auditor Anyone wishing information or a free carni- val kit may contact the county chapter at 512 Anthony A, Leonett, 38, of 102 N, Hillside Westminster ave., Elizabeth, EL 4-7373. Ave., Chatham, formerly of Summit, has been Lake is built named auditor of ttie National State Bank, 68 Irwin has clear sailing Broad St., Elizabeth, The new auditor ii a native of Summit, N^J, He was graduated from Red Cross offers on campus Summit High School and Seton Hall University, Union junior College, Cran- South Orange, where h« received a bachelor ford, and ti»etownshi p of Cran- of science degree in business administration course in Braille in September primary ford have joined forces to provide a beautiful lake on the - and-management, - - A coOTse in Brattle-open-to are* residentB Charles j, Irwin, currently completing a P'lainfield and Hugo M. Pfalz of Summit, and tirnr oa-Miojntatnside's Borough Council, -will Kenneth White ot Plalnfield.who fUad a» a UjC campus and to help solve will b« offered by Eastern Union County one of Cranford's flooding Chapter, American Red Cross, Starting on have clear sailing in Ws bid for the Republican "Regular Republican Party" candidate. nomination for the new Union County Assembly- problems, Sept, 20 at iti headquarters, 203 W. Jersey Irwin will be opposed in the November A 3,17 acre area on UJC *s St., Elizabeth, it was announced ftls week. man-at-iarge seat, Mrs, Irene Griffin of Waatfleld, GOP county commltteewoman, who election by Democrat Everett C, Lattimore, 30-acre campus has been re- THE FLOOR SHOP, The class wUl meet Wednesday mornings a Plainfleld Councilman and s Negro. served as a detention basin A Subscriber* tells what it ,fST. untU the members qualify for certificates as had threatened to give Irwin a race In the September primary, switched at the last minute A graduate of Syracuse University and for two-and-a-half million brailliats, to ttanscribe textbooks, novela, gallons of water. The town- • Linoleum • Tile periodicals and other reading materials, for and filed last Thursday as a candidate for one Harvard Law School, Irwin ip a partter in means to have help when QUALITY of the two Assembly seats in Disorict 9C, ttie law firm of Abrams and Irwin in Newark, ship has installed a gate to die Library of Coairejs and New jersty conffol this area fed by two 'AT A COMPITiVI PRiCl,.,TRY US" Commission for the Blind, She will be running against the party" Three Union County freeholders, Harry V, brooks coming into Cranford 540 NORTH AVi., UNION Mrs. Seth lakes of Westfield, vice-chair- approved eandldatei, Peter j. McDonough of Osborne Jr. of Cranford, Edward H. Tiller from Westfleld and Mountain- you need it, man of the Eastern Union County Braille Unit, of Garwood and Walter E, Ullrich of Rahway, side, (Near Marrll Av..) will tasffuct the elan. Daily home work is a new world to the blind through books makes OPtN MON., WBD., TMURS. to 9 have been named as Irwin's eampai^ coor- "Please allow ms to sincerely required, tad those who enroll should make all the effort and sacrifice worth while," she dinators. sure they have enough tilme to devote to the said. thank you for every ttilng. I am ^MM-MTB. Bakes says la "Uke Further information may be obtained by The Mountainside councilman has announced proud to be part of your Plan." earning a hew language." calling Eastern Unl6tt Ciiumy Chanter, 353-^ ula Disposition to the propc "But the iaHsfaction of helping to open 2500, . Route 27S through the county, •Name and address on request Design your future Warinanco at Glbbs NEW JERSEY With Glbbs modern secretariat training you will bo prepared far a rewording and BLUE SHIELD Now, while your buds bloom challenging position - a position and heating contractor that will enable you to use your Initiative and Intelligence— • position where you will hay* a ihahse ts grsw: Begin to design into flowers your future; write for a catalog. Ire A digplay of mula-colored blossoms now greet visitors Katharine Glbbs , at the Henry S. Chatf ield Mem- secretarial orial Garden in Warinanco 201 • 744-2010 U Plymouth St.. MDNTB U1R na42 Park, Elizabeth and Rosalie, Also . Provldencs where nearly 14,000 annual •rid 200 Park Ave,, New York 10017 NEWARK • TRENTON • CAMDEN •MORRISTOV flowers an planted. fully Acc.dlltd , The free-flowering annual plants each year continue as a popular point of interest for home gardeners throughout •*••-«• * ^ Union County, The garden will offer color unal ttie first heavy SWITCH TO GAS HEAT NOW! froit in the fall, The.plaattng was completed late in June to replace 14,000 tulips which provided a color- ful May diiplay in ttie Chat- New Horn* of Suburban Gas Heating & Cooling CoV field Garden, All of ti\eannua l plants were grown from seed in cold frames at the Union Established 1938 County Park Commission's BeservsMpn. __ • The focal point of the dis- Owned and Operated by We Falcone Bros. - Sal arid Jerry" play will , be in the center bed With Early Bird Mixed Dahlias ottering a variety of color and Petit* Yellow Mar- igolds serving as a border planting. The beds in the inner per- imeter of me gardan include many inBaresting varieties of annuals such as salvla, petun- ias, carnations, asters, mari- golds, and portulaca. 1T» outtr beds include cle- ome, gloripsa, daisies, celo- sia, cosmos, and vinca. The arrangements were all setocted on the basis of meir "adaptabiliftf, beauty, alze, color, and length of blooming period which will oiler a wide range of tints and hues • throughout flie summer and early fall months, Th« Henry S, Chatfield Memorial-Garten is a formal" Our company has installed over 8,000 gas Garden designed: as a living riltHS y eh field, one of the original park heating units [rTElizdb'e'trVtoWh area. commissioners and the fir at Switch to Gas Heat! president of.the commission firomlMrtQT927——^—- We-are licensed master plumbers and , The mBmorlaLgacdejLjSas_ dedicaMd on May 1, 1938. The £ardjn providesfor diagonally take pride In our work. massMU planflnfTTr. twanty geomettlcally arranged beds radiating from mo center. The 1 design forms an overall octa-- What better time to switch than npw-,whlla your you dependably through underground pipes . And gonal shape and is bounded Rtati.nlTyitlm~is s "you pay for it only after you use It,, .In 10 equal-.' by & denBe daep green taxus hedge" providing'"In••appro- Authorised - Automatic Gas plumber or hasting contractor can probably monthly payments jf ypu;d like, brifa'nt priate background for the dis- Water Heaters ^ make the switch Immediately—while he, too, is For FREE HOME HEAT SURVEY call Elizabethtown play of annuals, taking it easy for the summer. That moans a fast, Qas or, iliyou prefsr, call your local plumber or Pubfic Notice neat changeover with .absolutely, no disruption of . heating contractor. You'll gat a written estlmati the fartiiiy routinfl. Ann vyhan thy juUib done, so— oltne yearly cost 'of I itfdljug your home-wtth BITATt OF TBIQBQRI BRAEUNtNGLIRAEUN R --_are.yourhfiating worries, „_ , gas and also learn how reasonable it Is to install; Pursmnl to U» or*r of MARY C, KANANE, Co// 245-2100 for FRii Horn© Heating Survey Surroeate of Bis County of_Uriion, mfaLin&* " Sas is eleanf ^il^ fsuntentJi fey of Jy|y A.D,,: IWn^on'Bie r tpplie4tiQn of Ow underiigm^ BI gxiouieri r -01-the - qsiaK of , said deo-«aed. notice la liereby given to the creditors of All Matted to exliibil to * the gubigritars under Mth or affirmation their .eUims and ^mindg againi^ tile ems of ssW^geaBed widilfi sumonthfj front the date ol.sald order, or they will be SUBURBAN forever barred fromproaecutingor recovering tiie same against the subscribers. Et-ic Felner and Hcdwlg Pclner Executors F3en]amm Kamano - Auamcy 1196 Durnet Ave. 227 W. Clay Ave., Roselle Park Onion. N. J. Union Leader-July 20. 27. Aug. 3, 10, IMi. Elizabethtown Gas (o » W-4-Heca: J21 JJ) ELIZABETH METUCHEN PERTH AMBOY RAHWAY WESTFIELD One Elizabethtown Plaza 452 Main Street 220 Market Street 219 Central Avenue 184 Elm Street EXECUTIVES rood, our Wont Easy Termi Arranged 289-50OO 289-5000 289-5000 - 289-5000 289-5000 Ads when hiring employees. t4rag about yourself for only $2.60! Coll 686-7700, dolly 9 to ^:00. M



Print shins with solid boxer back slack! 100% cotton, as- sorted colors, siiM 2 to 6X.

Short tlnva, Hi (raw, ¥ neekl Piqu., ribbed lolidt, GIRLS'SIZES 4 T014 ttripeil Machine wash *n Spread, convertible bcrmyda, dry, ea«y-


\^ Ivy belt loop modal, finely tai- M Nylon stockings in a won- Solids, prints, asserted lored, new fall shades! 50% \| \ Stitched iraeia, alotticizad derful color assortment! necklines and colors! FortraW polyester, 50% combed \! fweitlbandl Black, brown, Sizes 6 to 11. cotton, assorted colortl 29-42 \. M blue, Isngarine and sraen, C^" Siiaille IS, BOYS' SIZES 6 T016 BOYS'SIZES 6 TO 16 KNIT SHIRTS NEW! FROM WHAM-O RIDE EM BRONCO, r«,«! HULA HOOP RIDE EM TRIKE SPORT SHIRTS with SOUND Your Choke! PERMANENT PRESS A-ACRIIAN* ACRYLIC MIR KNITS: Long sleeve*, mock, full turtle, islf sailor placket front*! A«- . sorted colors. . ' B-100% COTTON KNITSi Long sleeves, fashion collars, TRIKE BRONCO assorted colors!, J AS SEEN ON TV! Choose from wide selection of ride 'em toys! / Removable dickey, versatile, BOYS' COUGARCOR? OUR EVERY DAY PRICE ..:_..1.47 long tleeves, >tand-up collar! Makes, sound as it goes around) 100% cotton, DStorted colors. BOXER SLACKS SAVi on SCHOOL SUPPLIIS! HOME NilDS dt SAVIN€S! BOYS' SIZES 6 TO 16 1-INCH BLUE FRUIT OF THE LOOM CANVAS BINDER 3-PC. TANK-SETS- 47 PERMANENT PRESS Sturdy constructionl For home, school and 100% "cottorr~plush—"eot—pilel-Yollow, office usel pink, aqua, green, red, mint, white, black 'n white) Elastic waistbanU, finished GUMBY PENCIL BOX BEACON3 COTTON PLAID SPORT 'N DRESS bottoms! 100% cotton, as- sorted colors, sizes 3 to 8. $1 value - - , - - SHEET BLANKETS Choose from Gumby or Pokey! Contains 2 -pencils,-2 pencil top erasers, 1 six inch OUR EVERY DAY PRICE 97e W^iUHl jl00%_cotton"iri rose, blue and green! BOYS' 3-PC —49. =^ — Lr—" In sizes~"60x76~. 88 SUCRS CLIP'H CARRY CASE 6'x 6'MAGNETIC SHIRT SET 1.98 value PLASTIC SHOWER CURTAIN |, Use as portable desk) Holds all your supplies! OUR EVERY DAY PRICE .__. 89c 88 3 magnots heat sealed at curtain bot- tom clings curtain to tubl Solid colors. 77 SWINGLINE TOT Ay 'n continental^ 3-PC. FULLY LINED PLASTIC /finished bottoms, now 50 STAPLER (fall shades! 65% cot- Permanent press polyester 'n TIER CURTAIN SET Mon, 20% Cafrel® cotton blend dress shirtl Banded, 1—iprftfld collar,—luny slgeve»l Comploto with l,00(Xstaples! Durable and Matching valance, tool Florals provin- rayon, S%"By|on, as cials, easy-care wipe clean plastic! 36" sorted colors! -"'Ready tie, 100% nylon stretch long lasting! hose! Assorted .colors,, sizes 3-8, , long tier, .18"xS4" valanco. - STATIONERY DtPT. DOMESTICS

ROUTE 22 SPRINGFIELD RD., UNION STORE HOURS: MONDAY THRU SAT 9:30 to 10 ATLANTIC USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN ACRES OF FREE PARKING -Thursday, August 10, 1987- Dr. Smith named to head County Anti-Poverty unit you are cordially invited to attend Dr. Myra Smlth-Kearse of Union Township man of both UCAPC'sBoard of Directors anditi has, assumed the post of executive director of Executive Committee, In addition to this, Dr. the Union County Ana-Poverty Council, Smith has bean honored by church, civic and succeeding James Wllgon, who will go to the professional organliattons for years of ser- Wlftiton-Silem North Carolln^Community Ac- vice both in and out of Union Township. Dr. flan Program, The UCAPC Board of Dlrectorg Smith has bean active in the fields of health, 1 made the appointment on July 26 at • general" human relations and Negro culture. She w»s Children's membership meeting. alae a member of a citizen's eommttMe which At die same meeting Karl Selb was chosen secured the commitment of the Union Town- to assume the newly created post of assistant ship officials for the establishment of a Fashion Show director In the areas of program develop- "Multi-Service Center" In Vauxhall. ment and fiscal affairs. Selb currently holds At the meeting Dr. Smlm stated that she the title of UCAPC's assistant director. His would give top priority to increasing the at Westfield an Friday, August 11 new title Is the result of administrative re- participation of the "hard core poverty pop- organization which will allow for a slightly ulation" in the agency's policy determination at 11-00 A.M. on the street floor larger staff under Increased federal funds. and activities. Health centers and tteatmant Dr. Smith has beta affiliated with UCAPC for drug addicts and alcoholics ware also 1 ldbDSihfthenoy^ tem)—sbree-lts)pr iineeptl0B-lB-Masr496&i!- y At mat time shh e served as ItI s chairmanhi . More recently Dr. Smlft served as vlce-chalr- Immediate concern. A very special fashion show , , . with charming Rinaldo wants state young models showing Ha'hne & Company's new fall fashions for pre-school and grade-school to give aid to cities boys and girls. Also, there will be special BiSi for police salaries displays of complete BACK-TQ-SCHOOL wardrobe El%0 FeetwsBr for ihs infirs Family end p«i«(jniilU«

A nom4 you can tru*t . ACCOUNTING CAPER Showroom; 1048 Clinton Avo LEICESTER, ENGLAND (UP1) -- Fraud Irving ton detectives weren't really too surprised when Opvn Mon., W»d., FrL 'til 9 p.m. they were asked to investigate the "doctoring" of some pay booka here. It was at Leicester With Thjs Coupon 4 PurchaM el SWIFT'S PREMlUM-BONrsLESS EARLY MORN Prison, where Inmates handle the accounang of One d,ol pkfl. of 100 Saleda a system under which money earned at prison BOTTOM chores may be spent in the prison store. Corned Beef ROUND I-UAM mma CHUCK CHUCK FILLET ib. ACCOUNTING IS MADE FLA¥KENRIBS nhri With Thb Coupon 4 PurchaM el B-B-Q CHICKENS EASIER WITH A Four pkst. el 100 Whit. HOT OR SWEET ©RAND UNION 3C0TTIES "Gardening — a down-to- CHECKING Good thru Sat., Aog. 12th Italian Sausage C 1 -Jw ->4*0,*MB!Lp ACCOUNT PARTI-STYLE HAMS m I1 QUARTERS I b 39 * .b.45 IN FREE50. STAMPS With Thii Coupon & PurchaM ef UNION On* 14-oi nn FURNITURE FRESH—LOCAL GROWN PLED6E,—-. POLISH- Good thru S»t., Aug. 12th for that " |gst picked flavor" KRAVET DRUGS With Thii Coupon 4 PurchaM el PRESCRIPTIONS SWEET-VINE RIPENED JBk. .• " BBjM, / M Ttikira CHECKBOOK to OUR SPECIALTY C COLLEGE this Fall CANTALOUPES 3 79 3 "Have Your Doctor Call Us" SNOW CROPTROZEN C GRAND UNION-PAST. PROCESS 2tb 7Q Control your expenses the businesslike Free Fast Radio Dispatched 85 ORANGE JUICE CHEESE SPREAD loaf 1 ^ ii Xoupon_4_Purthat«_ol VAHLSING TROZEN C NANCY LYNN-PEACH OR way with the safety .and convenience One 12-OI btl. K U 59 CHERRY PIES^ POTATOETWIN PACK DEODORANS TTU T .4* A «* HMD IPnAV Rrr 4Qt V TWIN PACK DEODORANT : VAL. LYSOL DISINFECTANT C • mCULAK 684-1212 • HARD TO HOLD of First State Bank Checking,: Conven- • UNSCUNTVO 59' Grjod Ihru Sat., Aug. 12th 8 *', RIGHT GUARD 1 2 -. 99 AQUA NET ! 342 Chestnut St. Union _ lenee Checking costs only 15| per .otAJLej ri tt.Shop.i S^^Bl

^^Y^BWBSV^^^a^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^BfW^B^^^B^^^^VWV^H^WW^BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSW^Bl cheek, charged to your account as used With Thii Coupon & Purchaie of With ThirCoupon~fc Purchosii~{if With Tfiii toupon t* Purchase of — Wuh-ThtJ-Coupon £• Purthaje ol— MN SUMMIT -' Two 7-oxfcant^Sold Pack Deep Blue two 10-oz. phg> —let Mint. One 4*OK can-^Grand Union On* 4*/i-ox, can Mint Motaiscs or Sour Bcrrici MEAT SAVE AT SMYTHI" -no service charge, no minimum bal- ACCENT TENDERIZER WHITE TUNA HELLERS CANDIES BLACK PEPPER12 13 If you're sold Good thru Sat., Aug. 12th Good thro Sat., Aug. 12th Good thru Sat., Aug. 12th Good thru Sat.. Aug. 12th k ance and no charge for deposits. on a Volvo, we'll sell Stop by soon for full detaiJs._ you one With Thu Coupon fc Furchai* of With This Coupon'

STATE BANK, OF UNION For August-Air Conditionin n PRICES EFFICTIVE THRU SAT., AUG. 12. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. UNION NKW JRKSKY standard oqulpnisnt 4 tho P 1800S No incr.o.e in prical UNION - 5 Points Shopping Center ot Chestnut St. - Open late Thurs. - Fri". & Sat. 'til 9 p.m. OPEN SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. SPRINGFIELD - General Groan Shoppipg Center, Morris & Mountain Ava.,-0pen Monday thru Thursday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. SMYTHS V01Y0-MG ' Saturday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. MEMBER FEDERAL On'OOIT INSURANCE COIIl>OnAHON Solas - Sarvlce * Parts 326 Morris Ave. Summit Visit your Triple-S Redemption Center, Madison Shopping Center, Main & Dwyer, Madison. 273-4200 Open Thurst, 'til 9 p.m. All Redemption Centers closed Monday*. MOUNTAINSIDE (N.J.) EGHQ-Thursday. August 10, 1987-7 n September dance Patricia J. Adams set by CYO group'; married Saturday The Mountainside CYO will sponsor Its first Miss Patricia J. Adams, daughter of Mr, dance of the 1967-68 school year on Friday and Mri. Fred J. Adami of 47 New Brook evening, Sept. 8, in the auditorium of Our lane, Spri%field, became the bride Saturday Lady of Lourdes Church on Central avenue. of Gabriel N. Ruggieri, ion of Mrs, Nicholas Music will be provided by the Five Steps Ruggieri of Lyndhurst, The Rev. Edward Down of Somervllie. Boys will be required to Oehling officiated at the nuptial mass at St. wear ties and Jackets. Girls were advised that James Church, Springfield. A reception no slacks will be permitted at the dance, followed at the Hotel Suburban, Summit, The Chairman of the dane« Is Robert Spagna, Jean L. Fritz was the maid of honor, and Co-chairman Is Nadean DobWe, Member s of the bridesmaids were Mary Carroll and Mari- the decorations committee are Pat Romito, anne Zuehowski, Victor Ruggieri was best Ceri Suthers, Lynette Wlshhow flnd Alyee man for his brother. The uihers were James Plante, brother of the bride, and Felix Rugg- lerl, another brother of the groom, f fte brtde rt an alumna of Presbyttci Hospital School of Nursing In Newark. Mr. Ruggleri is a graduate of Fairleigh Dickinson University. After a trip to and Nassau, the couple will reiide in Kearny, to marry Paul Ahr , Mrs, Thomas F, O'Meara of Mountain ave,, Sprtngfield, has announced me engagement of Pool party for policemen her daughter. Miss Delrdre Mary O'Meara, to Paul Robert Ahr, son of Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur Members of tilt Mountainside Police Depart- F, Ahr of Nye ave,, Irvington, Miss O'Meara ment and their wives attended a pool party Sun- • also is the daughter of tile late Thomas F, SHARPSHOOTINC (WITH WATER GUNS), darts find various Other games were equally day afternoon at the home of Councilman O'Meara. popular with fte fair-goers. Funds received from the games and me refreshment stand Charles Irwin and Mrs, Irwin, 600 Sherwood The bride-elect is a graduate of Mount St. ($22.50) will be contributed to the blind. pkwy. Councilman Irwin, who la me Republican Mary's Academy, Watchung, and Is » member party-approved candidate for the new Union Of the senior class at Trinity College, Wash- County Assemblyman-at-large seat, is serving ington, D.C. Backyard carnival will benefit blind as Police Commissioner in fte borough mis Her fiance, an alumnus of St. Benedict's year, Preparatory School, Newark, is a cum laude A total of $22.50 was netted in ti>e annual refreshment stand offering cold drinks, pop- graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Children's Charity Carnival held recently at corn .., and. candy. Becky. BUley and Dor«ne FRIDAY DEADLINE South Bend, Ind, He Is studying for his doc- 236 Evergreen ct., Mountainside. Michael Alessl staffed that stand. torate In clinical psychology at ttie CaftoUc Dixon and Roy Bllley, both 12 years old, All items other than Spot news ihould University of America, WaBhinfton, D.C, The Dteon boy held his first backyard were the entrepreneurs, directors, barkers carnival in 1964 when he was living in At- be in our office by noon on Friday. where he is an elected member of Psi Chi, and gamemen for fte two-day fair which lanta, Ga, He has held one every year since MRS. GABRIEL N, RUQGIERI MRS, PHILIP SMITH honorary national fraternity of psycholo^sts. drew about 35 neighborhood children, men. A variety of games of skill ware set up In fte Dixons* backyard. Prizes w«re awarded This year's receipts will be eonttibuted to Assembly candidate appoints aides; Miss Bamberger to fte winners, A big attraction was the a fund for tile blind. another warns against gun controls wed in Florida to Three businessmen and party leaders have eri Benjamin E. Tepper, Plalnfield, executive been designated as his committee on vaearf. with Tepper Bros., Plainfiold and Summit- Miami resident Jiy Peter 1, MqDonoua;h, Plainfieldr candi- Millburn department stores and a civic lead- date for the Republican nomination, sept. Li, for member of the Assembly from District field industrialist and active in the fields Catholic Church, Fort Lauderdale, Fla,, Mlii 9-C. His nominating petitions have been filed of lax reform and education. Patricia Bamberger, daughter of Mr, andMra, with the secretary of state. The same three also comprise the committee William Bamberger of 1572 Rising way, Moun- The committee .members are Charles P, for Hugo M, Pfaltj jr.. Summit^ also seeking tainside, became the bride of Philip Smith of Bailey, Wesrfield, president of Spray Drying an Assembly nomination. District 9-C under Miami, Fla. A reception followed in the Hotel Service Inc., former county weasurer and the reappordonment of tht county embraces Sheraton, former Republican county committee treasur- Fanwood, Berkeley Height!, Mountainside, New Miss Linda Owen of Manasquan served as Providence, Plainfield, Scotch Plaini, Spring- maid of honorL Brldeimaids were Mrs, Les- field, Summit and Westfield, lie Osteen of Fort Lauderdale and Mri. Judy • • * Me Avoy of Miami,' Miis Karen Green of Mi- St. Stephen's ANOTHER GOP ASSEMBLY hopeful fordis- ami was flower girl and Jimmy Green, also FRISH LIAN distriel 9-C, Kenneth White, also of Plain- of Miami, was ring bearer. field, said this week that new gun control Raymond Paniali of Hollywood, Fla,, served Spars Ribs School legislation Gov, Richard Hughei has been as belt man. Ushers were Joseph Oltmana, t-aoUng Jn WaeHngrnn "wniilri have absolutely Land David Hall, aU of Miami, 11? Main St., Miliburn no eifect In stopping criminals from getting, The bride is a grauate of Ooverriormvinj- Stole Approved and using, guns in riots such as we have had ston Regional High School, Berkeley Heights, Morning Session recently in New jersey and elsewhere," and the Laboratory Institute of Merchandising, White stated that "criminals will always Classes far 3 & 4 Year Olds [ New York City, DELICIOUS manage to obtain firearms despite laws, where- Mr. Smith, the son of Mr, and Mrs, Edward as ever-restrtedve legislation could lead to Shields of Miami, attended the University of Veal Steaks a black market in guns wifli all die same evils Dayton, Dayton, 0,, and Is currently enrolled this eounny experienced during Prohibition," in the Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, MISS DEIRDRE O'MEARA Openings The candidate said "We want to rebuild the Fla, He is employed by the Dade County Ree- HOMEMADE SKINLESS ^yiior^ojj our .cities the best way we can through rjeation, Cgjnmiiiiqn, dren will slni and explain for dielr parents "thefulielt encouragement of job-creattnf "prii After a hoSiyjnoon"in", tiiecouple 1|ntf friends various projects they 'have madeH ROSA.I YKDA J. STERN vate enterprise, but that will be Impoisible will live in Fort Lauderdale, sparing fte past two weeks. Afterwards, re- unless Wp can first put an end to the obvious *ffeshiueiiLb will b

Public Notice


PRE1COTT LANCASTER CORP., a corporation of me jua of N.J. DAVttl MAROOLB Bd[MILDRED ' Defendants i a» above-suna haU eatjOse- Vendue in room B.«. In die Court He™, la the City of EUiabeth, N, J,, on WednM- day, the 16tti day of August AX>., 1967. « two o'clock In Hie afKrnoon of Hid day, tU Ae right, ntle and Interest of dH above- named defendants In and to 81B following property, to MB All the following lot. Met or parcel of land and premises, hereinafter mere parttcu- tarty described, sieiate, lying and being In Hie Township of Union. County ol Union, and Stats of New Jersey. \ Known and itasipMod ai Lot No, 7 . _^ on, "Map 01 Prencoo Emu, Town- -^* - i «*'1*iap' oFUnioi; UnloB-au^Ni Jff • dated January 13, 1SS9, madebyUa- • /J_,U«.B.:West.Jinglneerand' — — , • veyor, wrseo law Map w the Oma of the Register of Union ' County on May 11, IMS, in CaHfHo C Also known as II LtneatBr Roid, Ualon.NewJer.eyf Sdag a portloB of the tame prem- IHl mmtm B on of the Mtpri. herein Ijy dead from Starwood Con- jtmolnn'OJ.. a corp, of Nj, dnd ijaaj rewrded 12.10J7 in ft* Off. or (he RReg , off UB.C0UC . in DB 2319-154 for said County, k by corrective deed between tfm Mine parties , 'dated 8-19-58, recorded S.SWI In the OS, of da aforesaid ' County In DB MSS^I, It Is OU Intention of gruntor to creiteVtenincy iy tue auajtyw™- ' David Marplls J, MlMrtd MirgoUi,. hw, because, by the sale of a former . prop, 414 Sherwood M,, Union, NJ owned by David MarfOUs & Mildred , MirgoUs, h>, Jointly. the (undo bom that sale were invested Into the above •\ dencribed prop, entitled Mildred M.r- 1 lolls, hit wife, to own ball of tHs prop. Also due to an error by Atty, Daniel Uff, die first deed made to David Mariolli was in error. This Is a corrected deed. There is due approximately $22,307.00 and

___ . . reserves the rlsjit to adjourn .. das sale, ....•" ^?^fc**r iK^ri^4=i*^^pjQ]pHv:oBJSCELLO' KAPLOWfrf z A»6 WBI, ATTW, tfjtUL CL-550-03 Union •Uader-july M, 17,

ADVEKTUEMENT JUiLIC NOTICB is Bwaay (Wen BUI sealed proposals for furnishing labor tad material to erect an addition' to Falln Meauqunrters Caraga Building at 911 Ctldwell Avenue, Union, N..J.,W1U1H MMived BS ttu TovmBBtp CommlBee of flu Towartlp of Union, N, J. l Ui N I, t B Miial iUitdlni, Frioerier Parli, union, n, J. «i . meegng to be held Tutlday, August 12, 1567 « liM p. M, Prevallini Brae, Bids wlU is rewiyed for, Ae work under tliree separan contmcta as follows: 1, For General Constfuotion. which Includes all Extavstini, Masonry, Carpentry, Roof- Ins and Sheet Metal Wort, Hardware, Palntinf, Dialing, md aU work kindred . thereto, J, HeiUni h Ventilatini work and all work _ .', khdred,thereto,_j --- 3, Itaeolcal Work and aU" Work kUldred r thereto No bid will bo considered unless accom- panied by • certified check drawn to the order of the Township of Union, for an amount equal to ten percent (log of the full old price, or. In the alternative a hid bond In die amount of W% of the total hid price, from the bidder by a surety company licensed to do business In the State of New Jersey. The terms ol Bie proposal with surety re- quired are Hied by the specifications. Tha successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract agreeing to conform to die regulattons and conditions of Chapter liO, Laws of 1563, known as the New Jersey Prevailing Wage An, and theregulailonsotthe _Be» Jarsey Stka-euuuiilkaiuuei. uf-LabiuJf Industry, The successful bidder will be re- quired tB pay not less than The prevailuii wage rates-which will he lisud-snd Become a part of contract. cobles of the plans and specifications may be examined at the office ol sjephen J, Pot- ter & Richard T. Potter, Architects, 410/ Colonial Avenue, Union. N, J. The Architect will provide a limited number of copies of die plans and specifications which may be secured by me deposit of a certi- fied cheek drawn to his order in me amount —of twenty-five-dollars-(*25,00j for each-set of plans and speculations. This deposit Is subject to refund If said plans and speci- fications are returned to the Architect In -good HShdluon-withlrrflve-daymltrnrthB-daie^ that the Bids were received. The Township Committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to award the conB-act to any. bidder whose proposal in ^ melr Judjpnent best serves meir Interests *Sy order of die Township Committee of the Township of Union in me County-of UnionF New Jersey. MARV g. M1LL lownsmp GISF^ Union Leader-Aug, 10", 1967, (ree 114,74)

TO-WNSHIP Df ordinance, the title of which is herelnbelow sel Jorth, was finally passed and approved by the Township Committee of die Township of Union In the County of Union at a public meet- Ing laid at the Municipal Building, Prlberger Park. Union, N, J, on August 1,1S67._ MARY E.JjjLLER lownihlp l*iefE~ AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AN ORDI- NANCE ENTITLED "AN- ORDINANCE _ AffTHORIlINS THE PURCHASE AT PRIVATE I/J.E FOR RESIDENTIAL PURPOSESOP 2411 POPLAR STREET, A PARCEL OF REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE TOWNSHIP OF UNION IN THE COUNTY OF UNION AND NOT NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE" adopted May 33. 1S67, Union 'Leader-Aug. 10, 1967, (Fee: |H,40)

NIID A JOB? Read the He1P| Wonted section. Belter still., let prospective employers read about you Cpll 686-7700 for a 14? per word Employment Wonted ad. 52 80 (minimum)

i . 1-Thursday, August 10, 1987-


J Buiiness Opportunities ilMercriandiie For Solo II Help Wantcd-Women Help Wonted-Women Liquor store locjaced in fait grqwUig SNOW TIRES 2 WITH WMS, Sl^ 600 • PACKERS • area. Oreaa SM.OOO, S2S,0U cash .15 INCH BASE. EXCELLENTCONDl. e LIOHT BULB WRAPPERS • WATCHMIN . PART.TIMl GIRLS . WOMEH For (III In on w.olt-.nd. and needed. T1ON, ISO OR BEST OFFER. CALL TYPISTS Small company located suburban Kcnil- EL 2-4467 ,81/17 345-045*. F 1/10 worth. Steady wort, net iesgonal, wlih MAN holiday. One I hour ihlff par OLSTEN paid tanefiu, C«ll 688.6060. week. Seme experience par. BLOOMINGDALE'S CLERK TYPISTS A i/10 OPPORTUNITY FOR MATURE l.rr.d with Datai watch clock TAVERN e, RECTAURAIfr - 12 acreg WORTH1N0TON tlr eondltioniiii unit. WANTSYOUh PERSON TO WORK IN NURSING •y.tem. Modern reaeorch lob* of ground In beautiful Flanders, N.J. Model RCY 102, IS ton capacity eom- PART TIME - "5 hour! per day". DEPARTMENT OF MODERN orotory. Mutt have awn Irani, 400 ft, frontage on Route 206. bined with 2 janitrol 73 series, gai Register Now For CLERKS Telephone salei and inventory control. MEDICAL CENTIR. ASSIST IN 22 stool half moon bar with all modem fired duet furnacei, thermostat h elec- SHORT HILLS portatlon. tric conn-oli. Plant presently in operi- Wholesale lumber office, Irvliigton TRAMSPORTiNeOF PATIiNTI. Phon« For Appolntmwit — equipment. 2_dlning roomacompletcly • PERMANENT POSITIONS* area, S Day week, lumber «tp»ri«nc» LIBIRAL BENEFITS, CON- air conditioned, fully equipped kitchen tlon. Available Sept. 15. It looking lor that special woman who FaTTCTpenThgs AH AIR REDUCTION Public Conarruetora Inci 273-1012 • FULL AND PART TIME* preferred. C«ll Mr. Boyd, vENJiNTLY LOCATED, plug 5 room aparanent, Beiudful brook knowi what ih« wan!* and plant In od*one« J73-1MI RESEARCH LABORATORIES on property. $160,000. Call 584-8347. 5 8/17 __^ Clerical Skills • DAYS AND EVENINGS* B i/10 Call or apply Penonnal Dept. Murray HIM 464.2400 8 8/24 for it An Equal Opportunity Employer YARD GOODS Imm.dlgUi openings^ n|w^uIiro Man. rhfU Frl,, ? AM-12 Noon IF IT'S WOVEN TRY ALPERN'i LONG AND SHORT 1 ^ICRBTAM—MJWWlfr— - 992.550, . 1X1. 310 _ AJ/10 Instructions, Schools Wa art nsw hiring far our September opanina modern eTfles in ipringfleTo * For dJveriUlei work taeludlng book- FBrCOSTOM^HOHOO B TERM PLACEMENTS Goad starting salary and «xcol orator Service for DRAPES, SLIP- keeping, light iteno, typing, etc In FULL TIME Reliable counterman to FULL TIMi PIRMANENT lint company benefits. Cafeteria imaU air eondiiioned office. Cur de- ST. BARNABAS COVERS, UPHOLSTERY, BED - NO FEE TEMP on premises. sirable. GOMAR MFQ. CO. LINDEN, operate sandwich, shop. Must be able IBM TRAINING SPREADS, CURTAINS. A phone caO MEDICAL CENTER to deal wlA publlc.Sliclng machine brings our Decorator, with Samples. Selling Positions HIGH PAY CASH BONUSES Coll 379.MO0 P»,»8Bn.l Old Short Hill. Rd. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING An Eayol Opportunity Employer WA s-asia, AI/I» experience desired but BM necessary. Advice and Ruler. CUSTOM SAVINGS LI vin0. ton, N.J, WU1 eraiii. Apply with references after RIADY TO WEAR A i/10 IBM KEYPUNCH EXAMPLE! Lined Drapes, Measured, SECRET ARY, legal experience helpful, O 1/10 6 P.M. IDS N. Union Ave., Cranford. Hung on new rods, installed, 130 by FASHION ACCiiSORIES OLSTEN but not necessary. AlT-cqndllioned of- A 1/10 IBM DATA PROCESSING DOMESTICS 96 inches, 79.50 complete. Similar TEMPORARY SERVICE fice. Salary commensurate win ability. Siort Courses, Tuition Plan*. Savings on ail fabrics and sins, from DRAPER! IS CALL 6B6-43M, B 8/24 APPLIANCE KITCHEN MAN - General kitchen SCHOOL OF Ae largest selection and color range. 1969 Morrl. AY.., Union. N.J. SiCRiTARY work. Live in or Uve out. Meal! and DATA PROGRAMMING Bark Cloth, 11.49 yd, ALPBRN'S, Routa APPLY Suite 15 686-3262 STENO TYPIST SERVICE unilonfis supplisd, 1018 Stuyvaiant Avenue, 10 and 202 in Morris plmmi. JE 9- 125 Bread It, Rm 212, Ellz. Mod.rn, air conditioned medical Some knowledge of stmo desired, will CaU 762-1241 Union . 964-1144 171S. Hoursi 10:00 A.M, a 10 P^. Employment Office Her.h Tow.,. 354-3939 center loco tod In suburban North train, experience noine«Siiry,beSn. B B/10 • B/I4 Men. to FrL lOiOO AJ*1. to fliOO Sat. Short Hills Room 24 Cora«tc» St. Newark, N.J. Jartay needs a competent •«<:• on acceptuble, modern naUonul or- MEN T/F at The Mall Room 812 642.0213 retflry, Typing skills & •tana iknlzaUon, eseellent working condi- MANA08R TRAOJ1B tions and benefits. alr-condlUoned of- For required. Good starting salary, Inv^fftif af^r for large ftnangiai phain Garage Soles 379-MS3 or 379.4140 Fr» parking scroll ths street oil fringe boned I.. fice, located In MaplewBod-lJBlOB vieU • TV Hign School gr.duate, must have car, Weakdayi 10:00 A.M. te 4:00 P.M. Morris Av. offlea CALL OR APPLY, nity. Apply la person, Mult knew color. Exrslle^ oppor^niry for advascement. GARAGE SALE •PEOOY'S POODLE SHOP" avaning appointments can be arrange d I 8/10 PERSONNEL DEPT. BOKAR MFO. CO., Bench and Read men. Call persooaUy « BENEFICIAL PIN. Starts Friday 1 to 4 P.M. Bathe'em, groom'em h love'em, 992.SS00 EXT. 320 200 Burnet Ave. Msplgwood ANCE CO. 1000 Sprlng|leld Ave,, Irv- 269>271 Newark Ave,, Union WA S.S129 MON-FRL, 9 AM-12 NOON A 8/31 • WASHERS Ington. (Over Canadian Fur Co,) PS/10 Dining room table, upholstered chair, LINDEN • REFRIGERATORS youth mattress, brown marble coffee J 10/i ST. BARNABAS OUNO WOMAN - part ami ««les and MAN TO WORK IN AWNWO SHOP, table, girls bike,records, lampshades, ST1NO- light office wort. $200.00 par week INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. AU - year posit maternity clothes, portable typewriter, POODLES • MINIATURES TV, sewing machine, Polanldcamera, MEDICAL CENTER KRUM WIIDE to •tort-plu* bonus P.C. CURRE .CO. Morris Turnpike, SILVER - AKC REOiSTERED ASST. SECTY Old Short Hlllt Rd, Si Sanferd A™, Newark Short HlUs. starrer set-golf clubs, and bargains ga. FINE STOCK - REASONABLE Living.ton, N.J, TOBIA'S APPUANCE S76.271J A 8/10 lore for every room I A 1/10 925-8766 j 1/Jl O i/10 374-2828 E.D.P. SALES TRAINEE Will tenslder maturi women or A I/1Q ILosr & Found rsterit graduate, Genarsl liene 12»f Liberty A*e,, Hlll.lde MKN.PART TIMI POODLE PUPPY, MINIATURE, RICH YOUNG LADY To work in our tewing WA J.77oB DARK BROWN, MALE', BJTBRNA. and secretarial work. jnteresf- WOMEN $3,S0 per hour to Mart, J nighB per LOST. Prescription sunglasses, Urge, Irig and diver.llfledastlgiiinenti center ai a iales girl and help keep M/tl week. Alee lubtldiary; car neeesaary. •TIQNAL CHAMPION BACKQROUND, BECAUSE OF OUR RAPID EXPANSiON PRODUCTiON-WRAPPiNO our records In order. S day week, square, grey frames, vicinity Union, AKC REO, BEST OF UTTER, CALL Pleasent working conditions Call for AppoinBnent, July IS, Reward, CaU 686-5838 FB/10 WE NgiD A MAN FOR THE ESSEX, company Benefit! and paid vacation. MU 8-3902 722-54M. i In smoll air sond! office, 1«. AND PACKAGiNG Apply In person. MORRIS COUNTY AREA IMMEDIATELY, cellent Honing •alary and ACCOUNTING B 1/10 THE 8INOER CO., UDST-Mlnlature Plncner, tawny brown, Wonled To Buy liberal benefits. Age no (10) 1044 SPWNaFIBLD AVE., while spot on ctoest, dark streak on back. barrier. MEN. DIE CASTERS Reward, CH 1.2OS8 • MOUNTAINSIDE ARIA IRVDJOTON CLERKS ALUMINUM OR ZINC ACT • 8 A.M.. 4:30 P.M. B 8/10 BEST SALARY & COMMISSION COMMENSURATE Cal Mr. DePlatro Bl 2-2344, Several intereitlng po»- Must have good gteady past work Int. 31 • IXCILLINT STARTING RATE history; union shop, paid holidays and Merchontiisc For Sole 15 PRICE WITH EXPf RIENCE AND/OR ABILITY • REGULAR INCREASES Help WantedWomen 2 Itlanc, Prefer aern* experience, vacations phis other benefiu. Will eon- ALL MODERN BEDROOM! UVING • xcellent working tondltiona. stder n-alneei If work expert encequnll- AIR CONDITIONER SALE ROOM, REFRIOERATOR : DINING • FULLY PAID liNEFITS COMPANION to stare furniahrttpart- ROOM, KITCHENETTES! STOVES We ar« lookingfor o soles type, who li over 25 yrs. old • SUPERIOR WORKING All benefit.. Apply waakdoya turkeys ment wltliOerinanlady,lrvlngtqn,Llpt and Sat. 8 to 4 P.M. M^ELVAOE ST. iRVTNCTON fcii FANS, ETC. II 1-4010 WA S-0184, w«Jti9IsLkj?J9.£jL-.... —-e«NflirT4OH«'"-—— ••*—*» houtework i light cooking. j T/F ffSTrtVTf-g*p NEAR FABYAN PL. AND LYONS AVE, SELL APPLIANCE Fa b r! c at errs CoTp Call P.t.onnel Dept, 213.7100 Small wages . S71.S0o3 INTERVIEWS 9 to S P.M, AND bondable and have a car. B 1/10 ^___ ELASTIC STOP NUT HWY 22, UNION, N,j. 688^100 A.J. P1KOR RJYS & SELLS Newark, New Jersey, Ext. 744 6 TO S PM, C 8/31" , Ai/io Better Orade Used Furninire The man who quallfl«s will be sent to our 4 week E.D.P. A i/10 BI/10 1/2 DAY, TWICE WEEKLY, CORP.OF AMERICA ANTIQUES, CHINA, BRIC-A-BRAC, Sales Training School in Rochester, New York. HOURS CAN BE ADJUSTED, BABY ORAfffi PIANO EL 2-6531 - MU 6.6051 376-S68I 2330 VAUXH ALL RD.,UNION, N.J PORTER FOR BAR AND RESTAURANT LESTER, MAHOOANY, • 471 ChesBBit St.., Union. CLEANING WOMAN A I/W An Equal Opportunity imployer 40 hour week. CaU 611-1421 or apply PERFBCT COimiTION. $1300. ,0 8/31 ' If your present job stifles you, call: To claan ofllees 5 day* per CALL 354-6378 j 8/10 6 8/10 is person, HELP WANTID week. Hours 11 a.m. thru 5p.m. WOMAN CLEANINO AND FARCHER'S DROVE BOOKS PURCHASED Experience preferred but not I DAYS PER WB1K.9J0 S. Springfield Rd. Union BALDWIN CONSOLE MAHOOANY 1545 LAROE OR SM.\LL LOTS fRIDEN INC -* Manage —c teen 1 RAND WALNUT 1498 WOMEN tranteartstien, TWBEN 7 AND 9 PM. m A B/17 MANY MORE BAROAINS 153-1334 379-7300 THMT 744.8821 »t/f J9/14 Springfield, N.J. GOURMET BAKERS Scvaral op«nlng> ixltl In ROAD DEPARTMENT MATURE WOMAN - preferably Union S 8/1 1601 W. Edgar Read Linden •ale* dapsrlmanti paid opportu- TOWNSHP OF SPRMOPBLD BICYCLES METAL DET1CTOR VALUABLE (Behind Rheem Mfg. Co,) resldenl,-»rlft own tMnspertaaon, To nity for night ichool ituderitsi AppUciUons mts now being accepted for SERVICE WITH EVERY SALE 376.1421 A 8/10 Baby tit Monday thru Thuriday SilS to Help Wanted.Men S, Women 5 ••cellant working condition!; oil openings In the rold departmeot of the New and used: big discounts; 128 HT/F Territories Available 6M*6PM ltt »m* M-enM pW*""JA ; banefit*. Apply w««k day* and Township of Springfield. Starting rue models: repair specialists; parts; ac- ACraUNW RECIIVABLB CLERK B/J J2.25 with opportunities for advance, Imm&UMe opaUng In new ulB-a modern Can 688.2403. Saturday, B to 4 P.M. cessaries; 24 year! In business. Vic- IN ROSILLI, ROSELLE PARK meat. Apply at Municipal BuUdlng, tory Bicycle, 2589 Morris Ave., Union, CAB) FOR SCRAP offlee. In Sprtntfeld area. Prevlou MATURE WOMAN wtneed tor child ^l N j B 1/10 Load your car. Cast Jron, Newspapers ARIAS. HELP 1R1N6 AVON rte'eTiefsiSiiry Excellent wart MU 6-23M. T/F TO WAITINO CUSTOMERS IN care 7 year old girl, ind light houje. SOf Per 100 11M NO, 1 Copper 30* work? hours 8AM . 4(M, 3 d»ys, fLAfTIC STOP NUT pw ft., heavy brass Mf per l|, rap; THlSi NiiGHiORHOODS.- - " : •" - - "PR 929*11 """' •"' "l""" "' TV TBCHNICUN - Stately, y^ COLONIAL FURNlTORErUVWGt Job opponuBlty, Chance to learn more. l«d 9f and-ismrtes,;-*A U 9 Piper And Have The Followlni Openings- B8/17 _ ;,f CORP.'bF AMlRICl Salary open. Tools and vehicle supplied. MNUJC ROOM Stock Co., 61 So. 20tti St. Irvlw ANYONE WILLING TO BARN CALL 616^924 »/li CALL TODAY Write Box #469, c/o Union Leader, SB/10 H0Q0 A MONTH PART » T1MB. WOMAN WHO LOVES. CHILDREN, 2M0 VAUXHALL RB. UNION.N.J. Union, N.j, PLEASE CALL wanted to baby tit for M/2 yewt old WE **.*.-. MALE ehlli 4 Bfternoona per-jiBefc ^rvlBg An aqual opportunity •mployer A B/10 CROSLEY RBFRiaBRATOR, Formica 353-4880 - ..,..-. 372-4107 BETWEEN 5 AND B P,M. . ... ' .. SI/10 hreaWasi get_^lardwlck g«s stove. BUY BOOKS TTTIT"'""-'"^ ~- ^ ' Call 372-B424 Good condition. Reasonable.' ENGINEERING MAINTINANCE «, , e i/io_ We have openings for two material PL 4-3900 A 8/10 O V7 LABORATORY MECHANICS BQOKKEEPINa ASST; we n^ • per- handlers, flood pay and benefits, paid CBJI MU i-M24 iftar J PM, son who likes to work with tlffais LAB TECH holidays and vacations, pleasant work AI/10 __^__^___ and be «nle to hiadle other varied Help Wonted.Men TECHNiCIAN SECRETARIES ing conditions, COOKINB dUTDOORS THESE DAYS? : rMUea artdo iome Ugfct typlnl. MECHANICAL TESTING NIGHT • -= ' chaol graduate with Several Interfiling & challeng. 26 iELVAOE ST. IRvmOTON SCHOOL STUDENT PREFER- I600W, BUnekeSt., Unden r experience; ihould Include with the "FLUS-DINI" FIRE STAR- COLOR TV SALES k SERVICE tatkgreund In mortiematlci, Ing pasltlens available to key NEAR FABYAN PL, a.LTOJB AVE. RID; EXCELLENT WORKING machining sf parti, general INTERVIEWS 9toiP.M,li6TOBP,M, BLOOMINGDALE'S TIR. COOK IN S MINUTBii SAFE.. ctorreN MUSIC h APPLIANCE phydct and EhemUlry. Same personnel, Mlnlmjm 3 years CONDITIONS. APPLY WEEK- PERMNNEL DIPARTMENT S1MPLE,,SURE. Buydlreetfrom rnmu- SOSiSOl Cllnton Ave., Newark. laboratory esp«ri«nca deilrsbla npalr and abli to ttai blue, experience required, DAYS AND SAT. MRS. S A.M. • print!. TRAINEE facoiror it cost..janly J2. while supply 248-4538 ' G 8/31 but net required, ' SHORT HILLS as asslsiint to personnel manager lists, Call 4S6-B698 for inJorniaaon. RESEARCH 8. ENGINEERING LAHES AND COLLEOl ntJDENTS general office duties; some tyring re- lAsphqil Drive Knowledge of technical terms Sevet-gl needed, no tr»vellBi, tlm, ELASTIC STOP NUT quired, have minimum 4 years wort FRESH VEGETABLES AT FEMALE desirable. Coed siene & typing lUe houri-flnanciaUy rewardinl, DELICATESSEN experience; degree Bat required. HBRl DITZEL'S FARM A CUSTOM BUILT DRIVE-WAY BY skills. Some dictaphone. DIAL SBB-OBU MAN CORP,OF AMERICA 26 SELVAGE ST, • IRV1NOTON 299 Denman Rd., Crauford MASTER PAVMO SERVICB LASTS Ability to hondle some admin- A T/F NEAR FABYAN PL, AND LYONSAVI Open Sundays XTb-Mlt loniar, but eoits no more. Call MlltB, istrative work. MO VAU)0HALL RD, a FILE CLERK far our fine INTERVlEW5 TQ5P,M, a6TO8PJ( Ml 2-1861 or RE 1-5782 . CLiRK TYPIST CLERK TYPIST UNION, N.J. A 8/10 B8/SI Progressive company offering Deiicaclsf Doportment TICHMiCAL BtPt, SALES SERVICE DEPT. Pleasint worMng eondldoin. all baje- (An Equal Opportunity Employer) l-URMTURE FOR SALE Metvf* womon, oood typist, liberal employee benefits and flli, 37 1/2 hour week, Ciill Miii Holu Woried-Mcn S, S pleee walnut Queen Anna bedroom APIOBLLO BROS,, BiplttK paving, ganeisl eUrleal dutl*s. ' 8:00 A.M.-4-30 P.M. unuiually fine working con* Sapett 233^980. 6 t/JO lit, hand deeorsted._ Box spring t ditlons. ADDRESSOORAPH - MULT1ORAPH parking lots &eurbttiI,Fr«eMtiHiatea, miittress Included. $150. wart immmtsea, MU B-M76, EL 2- CORP MOUNTA1NSID8 Pull and call 379-7732 Phafle far appointment Stock Clerk • Chemicals IMMEDIATE 8745. . j 8/24 To daipaniB a wide variety of ~-OPtNING5~ ASPHALT driviwayi, "parktag"'lots For Interview Appointment Central Raieoreh Labaratarlea CLERKS -TYPISTS . chemical, at wall a» gen. GIBSON ES MS TJJ. 12, eleenlc U built, AU work done with pow*r rollec New Plant, Air Conditioned Office, Cafeteria Murray HIM 444.2400 SECRET ARIES S-day weBlcno Sunday i oral methonlcal •upsMsi, tool* ACCOUNTS PAYABtt - string, guitar with hard shell earn, All kinds of maion work. James La TEMPORARY POSITIONS 'end lab Bqulpmenl. Experience AND $250 or best otter. Olds Ambassador Morgese, 18 Faine ave,, Irv, ES 2- Employee Parking, Liberal Fringe Benefiti. Liberal benofit* trumpet wlft 2 mouthpieces $100 or An equal opportunity employer HIGHEST PAY-NO FEE in a chemical itaek ream and ACCOUNTS FAYAiLi including stars discount bait otter. Call 888-863^ J S/24 mm T/F A 8/10 ACTION PERSONNEL •Mil knowledge, of chemical 1 ' BOOKEEPING C.R. BARD,INC. 930 Stuyvesant Ave., Union 617-6860 ••••nllal. Modern lab. Liberal P. Paseale k AM, Oails B 8/tO ' Apply' employee benefit* Including MACHINE OPERATOR HEALTH FOODS - Nuts, Herbs, Honey, Water Praofln! k Maian Work SiIt.FrsB Foods, Flour, IRVUJGTON HOSPITAL ANp SURGICAL SUPPLIES 75% tuition relmbornment. BURROUGHS ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS CLERK TYPIST IMPLOYMiNT OFPICi HEALTH FOOD CENTER, 8» Orange • MU 6-1427 or MU 6-4S1S 731 CiMTrlAL AVI MURRAY HILL COMPTOMETER Phone For Appointment MODEL #1500 Ave., Irvlnltoo, ES 2.6893, ,T/P Art Equal Opportunity Employer "M/F" Must be atort, accurate «j be fully SHORT HILLS ROOM AIR REDUCTION 952 Ray Ave., Union, N,j. oriented to off lea proeedureil ialary AT THE MALL "G9/7 6 1/10 RESEARCH LABORATORIES HOMART 20" WINDOW FAN OPERATOR open, fuU paid Insurance, benefits and Murray Hill 464-2400 FOREMAN (2)- (MUST BE EXPERIENCED) holidays. Springfield area. Call 379- 37?-2483 or 379.4140 INJECTION MOLDING USID1 SUMMER ONLY SUBURBAN PAVING COMPANY 6100. ext, 9. B8/tO An Equal Opportunity Ernployor EXCELLENT CONDITION wsakdoys 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A B/10 MU 7-3133 FLOOPMEN - BEST OFFER PARKING AREAS, DRIVEWAYS. REPORTER Excellent Working Conditions; CLERK - BOOKKEEPER CALL 373-7080 for group of lively community new.popert. Some experience police, All Benefits. Apply Weekdays Evening appointments INJECTION MOLDING 'CURBING FREE ESTIMATES- WORK With or without experience. Pleasant OUTSTANDING F B/10 GUARANTEED. municipal reporting and d«ik preferred. Goad future (or young man and Saturdays 8 - 4 P.M. surroundlngD. AU Benefits. con be arron^ed or woman. Writ*! C 8/10 MOLDING OPERATORS G8/24 A.R. MEEKER CO. OPPORTUNITY EXTRUSION OPERATORS HOME OWNERS .- save on your In- Editorial Director, Suburban Publishing Corp. surance! For surprisingly low neT,cosr-. SPHINGFIELD MATERIAL HANDLERS Corpenlry 129.1_5luyveiont Ave., Union, N.J. 07083 ELASTIC STOP NUT Phone 376-R100 SALES AND MANAGEMENT MATRON (afternoon shift) CALL • . ' H T/F B 8/10 DOROTHY JORDAN, 757-6793 'til 9. A. BARTL & SON CORP.OF AMERICA POSITION KITCHEN CABINETS, ALUMNIUM CLERK TYPlST-ulversifled duties in Switchboard Interviews Monday thru Friday. S B/24 nriletlWoinpn 11 Help Wanted-Womon 2330 VAUXHALL RD.,UN1ON,N.J. With the 11th largest business Excellent Working Conditions IS YOUR CAR driven to work less than WINDOWS TILE BATHROOMS, modern air-conditioned office, 35 hour In America. Salary up to $900. WEATHER STRIPPING. week. Apply In person. Fringe Benefits 15 miles ono way? For a real buy In An Equal Opportunity Employer BUNDY ELECTRONICS CORP, Operators plus commission* and a 2 year auto Insurance, call: ES 3-5389 G 8/10 44 Fadem Rond Springfield training program. New office THE EMELOID CO. INC. DOROTHY JORDAN, 757-6793 "til 9. G 8/31 | 3_ TEMPORARIES Personnel Clerk A 8/10 opening in Union Countv. Call 1239 Central Ave. Hillside S 8/24 (Experience not necettary- Immediately . Mr. Jenssen wlll train) EL 2-1944 CALL MORIELLO BROTHERS TO HANDLE BENEFIT DESK "interviewera for part-time work to MA 3-2610 A 8/10 ,A 8/10 KITCHEN SET - FORMICA TOP. For all types of carpentry conduct public opinion surveys. Work- New, modern medical center, FOUR CHAIRS. EXCELLENT CONDI- home Improvements ARE YOU If ydu have ~dt leaff two TYPISTS Ing hours to fit your schedule. Ex- located In suburban area, needs COLLEGE STUDENTS TION, EL 2-13SS years buiinaas * exp'eriencn perience or college background helpful. switchborad operators to Work Telephone Sales CALL MU 7-2720 J8/31- and posaekB good typing Write to Bo\ #468." S8/10 ONE OF THE EXPERIENCED STATISTICAL Saturdaysr Sundays and holi- (15) $1,000 Cash Scholarships •kill, thU could bo the per- "Union Leader-1291-Siuyvesnnt Ave., day*. Excellent opportunity fect job for you. TYPISTS; EXCELLENT WORK- TRAM. C. ERR1CKSOS~1NC. HAPPY PEOPLE? ING CONDITIONS; ALL BENE- Union, N.J. for housewives & collega itu~ LEADS FURNJSHED UVING ROOM. DINING ROOM, KIT- B8/24 (3) VACATIONS TO. HAWAII CHEN SET. REFRIGERATOR, DRAP- CARPENTER FITS. dents. Good starting salary, PERMANENT PART TIME ALTERATIONS & REPAIRS IF NOT LET US GET YOU Come .in to our lovely subur- permanent pailtlbn*. ERIES, MISCELLANEOUS. REASON- ban office todqy and_flnd out MEDICAL SECRETARY - Tramcriber PICK YOUR HOURS $100 WEEK ABLE, MOVING, MUST SELL. DR9 - 374-2-B4 $$$ oboql our /merit .promotions APPLY WEEKDAYS 8am - 4pm using dictaphone. Benefits, 5 day week. \ AFTERNOONS OR EVENINGS 2322. • AB-/1Q B 8/24 . ono salary increases, excel- SUMMIT MEDICAL GROUP, SUMMIT. GALL OR APPLYs Do you have 6 or 7'weeks to AND INTERESTING-WORK lent starting- salary1 and CALL 273-4300. PERSONNEL DEPT. work? II your answer Is yes, benefit plan (Including ' profit B8/10 992-5500 EXT. 320 SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. we have an Interesting and MATTRESSES, factory rejects; from ••FRED STENGEL •• MON.-FRI., 9 AM-12 NOON DAYS-HOURS-WEEKS DESIRED sharing). Elastic Stop Nut LOUSONS ROAD, UNION stimulating position for you. $8 95. Bedding Manufacturers. 153 N, •ALTERATIONS MATURE WOMEN — Permanent, full _The_work is_l_n__*« field of Park St., £>st Orange; open 9-9; also •REPAIRS LOCAL AREAS ~~Coll Mrs. Stiles, 464-2366 or Corp. Of America or part time Jobs. Waitress, pantry ST. BARNABAS CALL 687-1iB09 brand identification for one 605 West Front St77 PlainfleWiBT/F' •FORMICA TOPS Apply in person any v/eekday, woman or chambermaid. Meals and MEDICAL CENTER G 8/10 of America's* largest corpora- •CABINET WORK OF ALL KINDS NO FEE - BONUS 9 to_3 - - 2330 Vouxball Rd; Unlon,..N.J._ uniform supplied. — tion*. -An opportunity—to get _ MOVING MUST SELL. Baby crib, •• 688-6632 ** Old Short Hllls-Rd. valuable business experience. "dressing table, hamperfoctagoirelinped B B/24 (An Equal Opportunity Employer) Cell 762-4248 B8/10 Livingston, N.J. clock with 2 10-3 PM, New Brunswick . 246- Call 379-9320 NURSES Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, NJ Telephone Sales chine, electrical and building 1151, Newark -622-0152.. r a/io Quality cleaning & repairs. ReasooaWe A - 1 R.N.'s - J » 11 4 II to 7nhlfl3 BLOOMINGDALE'S repairs. Working knowledge of . B 8/10 rates, we pick up, clean & reinstall. An equal opportunity employer 111 newest moil modern hospital In ORIGINAL WOOL 9' X 12" KARASTAN LEADS FURNISHED other trade*. Union shop with 'THE TREE Ol- LIFE" PATTERN. ELECTRO CARPET & UPHOLSTERY G8/10" the area. Apply In person Pensonnel SHORT HILLS average fringe benefits. r.i FAUF.RS. 79 Cllnton PL Newark. PERMANENT PART TIME large Real EstatB office affiliated 923-3183. TT8710- CLERK TYPIST TAL, Union, N.J. a fine opportunity tor EC with American Institute of Marketing CALL 232-S227 PICK YOUR HOURS BT/F 141 Market St., 6 P.M, TO 9 P.M, QNLY (IN BILLING 8, ORDER DEPT. AFTERNOONS OR EVENINGS man with croa'tivo talont Kenllworth Systems. Only experienced,need apply. F 8/10 to join our new atom 241-1000 Interviews confidential. Call 379-5200 -OTIiNlNGS-ON-SECONP SHtFT-FQft or write 413 Pk. Ave. Sc. Pis, 322-8300 Excellent Working Conditions. GENERAL FACTORY WORK. B/in REFRIGERATOR, WHIRLPOOL, 14 SHEETROCK SSABImf. Ave. Coldwell 228-1300 Many Fringe'Benefits. SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. DISPLAY - HENRY J. LANSU, REALTOR CUBIC FT. LOOKS LIKE NEW, NEEDS , ADAMAS CARBIDECORP. INSURANCE CASUALTY. 311 JM.ILLBURN AVENUE MILLBURN OVER YOUR OLD PLASTER. > G 8/10 LOUSONS ROAD, UNION 141 Market St., Kenllworth THERMOSTAT, EXPERTJTAPING^ FINISHING. • ForAppt; Call Mr. Leavy MEN UNDERWRITER " A8/10 -$65.00 289-8200 Ext. 850 CALL 687-180? A 8/10 CACL 232-1810 REGISTERED 8i 1NSURED-MU 6-1681 Full time Permanent Excellent opportunity for ex- Situations Wanted BT/F G 8/10 •OPERATORS perienced underwriter with, an F 8/10 BUCHANAN outstanding multiple line com- CHILDREN'S DAY CARE-fuIl, part CLERK TYPISTS Experienced on sewing machines, Good Liberal Benefits STORKLINE baby qarrlager, walker- ICometofy Plois SEVERAL OPENINGS EXIST; pay, plus bonus Si union paid holidays. include ^ pany. Liberal benefit** Apply time or days. Licensed, lunches, en-, J closed play area. Open Mon. thru stroller combination. Jumper chair,, hi- FOR QUALIFIED CLERK TYP- ELECTRICAL Applyin person- Store Discount -AETNA INSURANCE CO. chalr etc. Whirlpool washing machine. GRACELAND CEMETERY - KenU- ADVERTISING . Figure Builder Foundation 161 Mlllburn Ave. Mlllburn Frl. Call MU 6-7733 all week. worth 4 plots, 8 burlalp. Choice sec- ISTS; EXCELLENT WORK; PRODUCTS CORP. A 8/10 686-7961 Retail layout artist experience 1060 Commerce Ave., Union APPLY 379-2500 ' tlon In front of Chapel. (Linden Section) ING CONDITIONS; 1065 Floral Ave; Union, N.J. A T/F S8/10 •ALL BENEFITS. (An Equal Opportunity Employer) preferred, or opportunity for In- A B/10 Call 688-1243 terested, qualified person to WANTED PART - TIME CLERICAL SB/31 G fl/lfl EMPLpYMENT OFFICE WORK. EXPERT TYPIST. SUNBEAM DeLuxe electric snow APPLY WEEKDAYS Sam to 4pm train. Typing on'd JOmo filing PART TIME OR TEMPORARY INSURANCE Involved. Salary based on exper- SHORT HILLS ROOM STOCK CLERK EVENINGS PREFERRED. thrower, used only twice. Sacrifice. ALL OFFICE SKILLS - HIGH AT--THE MALL Must, keep records of stock In- - CALL 964-1176 .$95. 372-649*. ,, S8/1Q ELASTIC STOP NU Fits clerk* and casualty raters. ience. Foil company benefit*. PAY - N(3 FEE. UNION IlOLLYWOODMEMORlAL PARK; Inc. Apply In pe son 9 A,M.-3:30 P.M. ventory, and assist In shipping B 8/10 Permanent petitions.. Excellent COUNTY LOCATIONS. 379-2483 or 379-4140 room. Some.experience required. "The Cemetery Beautlful"-S»lyveaant- CORP. OFAMERICA working condition*, liberal ben- J.C PENNEY CO., INC. DOT SERVICES, DIV. of WOMAN - Part time,babysltforwork- SURFBOARDS Ave., Union - MU 8-1302. Exec. Office. efits. Apply— 210 St. George Ave. W. Linden DICTAPHONE CORPORATION Wookdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ADAMAS CARBIDE CORP. Con customs: .used .boards and wet 60 ParkT PL, Newark - MA 3-2880/ 2330 VAUXH ALL hD.,UMION,N.J. Evening Appointmonts . 141 Market St. Kenllworth lng mothers,.In my home. Experienced AETNA INSURANCE CO. 925-8270 605 Broad St.; Newark mother. suits. Look for us In the yellow pages. G B/10" ' An Equal Opportunity Employer An Equal Opportunity Employer PHONE 623-4383 cah be arranged 241-1000 WALTERS 276-3744. ' , B t/F 161 Mlllburn Ave. Mlllburn AT/F A B/10 925484S ' G 8/10 379-2500 A 8/10, C 8/10 G8/10 -Thursday, August 10, 1987- Apartment} Wonted Stores For Rent Public Notice Public Nofiee Public Notice 1RVINGTON . 4 or S rooms for UNION IRVWOTON CENTER - NC3T1CE - Cool & Fuel Plynibinq & Hooting adults. Rent reasonable h near trans- 100% locaiion; available September I. Nyuie ts hereby given tFai sealed bids will Tike notice I)..i on July 1J. I«67 I thmije ECTATi OF LUCILLI I, WILSON, L portation. Please rgpVBoi 471, Irving, i»67i basemeni included: landlord fur- bo received in the BaaFd at EdV€B[ion LHllee iceurnd in IM BoeklBlUnii ol MicwUI Int Pur.ll.ra tg ill. gnfarsf JAMESE.ABRAMS. il Ihe Jonathan Dayton Regional High sgheol; tx^llng •• Elmwood Lounjn hoIJtr of PIBI. of On Coupry gt bK Ut dn MASONS PONT UVE WITH THAT DRIP! ton Herald, 21 Smith St., Irvlngton. For Union Homes nlslies heat; presem ienani VBOMUUJ *IS Inada SB tb. appllcaltoo af tta tauWnhjud, LOW SUMMER PRICES CALL HERBERT TR1EFLBR Mountain Avenue, Springfield, New Jersey, on •rv Raiui caniumpuonLic,C-f2forpnrniHi ARMOR BWLDLNQ I 1/10 Buy or Sell - Call ro illness. Monday, August 21, 1967, at 2iO3 P,M,, and iociBd u 1180 Sprin^liU Ave,, Irvlniun, Adminlatr.tor a) aald dfEMHd, tStte* II RBSTORATION, INC. PlumMni 4 healing, Jobbing, alter. U.S. REALTY ti INVESTMENT CO, will be dpened and read immediately there- N, J. renjlting in ilia fsllswing paFIQIifi banh; (Ivan to On a<m <* Hki <•• . FRESH MINED COAL tiawl H BhlH a tt nbHrte, ukteMtt ' • STEM Mloni S eontrieuni 24 hr, phone 972 Broad St. Newark 622-5989 afteF, for the tdllowlngi re.Lima u Ihilr followinj nspaeova id. ! NONE BITTER AT ANY PRICE IRVINGTON - 1 furnished rooms, air- or ifflrtnaass, tadr eiatina sad «**«^-^ ' • PATIOS (ervice, 354 Union Ave., ES 1-0660. WHITE REALTY 8 10/5 BUS TRANSPORTATION . MQ1JN. drallu, icqulrlng In iha the ig|retaU conditioning. Light housekeeping. Wr. TAlNSlPi H SPIllNOPIILnTONtW- mart Ihui 10i( ol iii*F.n«i«i llem«.'i •putt te •Ota gluild OKmkKi M|k • WAUtS - WATERPROOFINQ man preferred, $23 weekly, all moodu from Oil TtoBa, m Mf '" * Hut or iMvi . 122,00 MU 8-4300 1423 iTUYviSANl UNION, 1571 MORRIS AVE. STORE ARK ACADEMY, LIVINGSTON, N,J. • ROOFINQ -OUTTBR5 J71-070S Bids ffiiill fee (1) made on she standard wiuiun Andflira, Pes . 21.00 11 T/F 18x681 IDEAL LOCATION FOR th. lama af abut th. utaerij, • FREE ESTIMATES LEO KANTROWITZ S 8/10 proposal term, (1) enclosed In 1 SEALED !1 Cirilde SI,, Duet/W oi Rlc. _ 19.00 PLUMBING - HEATING BEAl/rY SALON, ELECTRICAL FIX. _-._. giving the name at the Bidder Nt.u-li, N. J, ROBERT A. MARMOM H WORK OUAHANTBID *» UNION DUarll AUOJtr I, 1967 674-6113 or bU-TStO Alterations - Repairs - jobbing TURBS, RELIGIOUS ARTICLES. BAK- ^^ MARKED - - "BID FOB (Title wiiuim Cuady. dl Bld),*"~~and dale and lime af opening, (3) 711 Proipsei St. Z1JCKUB. COLGBERQ \ ymm, GUARANTEE COAL Prompt ••rviee. CaU MU 8-133O. 1RV1NCTON - Middle aged business ERY CHAIN OUTLET; OPP. NEW A couple desires 3 or 4 room apartment agrdmpanled by a €ert!Jied check drawn td Miplawaed, N, j. MA 2.7953 MA 2.740T asm T MnUnion'C'Bsrry" CATHOLIC CHURCH, 370-5247, the order dl The Union Cdunty Regional High Any UifermiUqn gdiigamuig Eht ^uallflei- 120 SeuUi Oranta Itni Sidewalks, curbs, block foundationi. with or without garage. Box 470, e/o School District No, 1, of a bid bdnd^ any of NMrart, N. j, C i/10 TQ Sell or Buy S isns al my of ttie «bov« curron nacuuld- in, Herald-^uj. 10, |7. M, SI, Sapl, 7. IH7 pities, all type! of eoncrme 1 masonry PLUMBING ^ HEATtNO Union Leader, 12*1 5n.v«g»at Ave,, which shall be In the amount ol 5% at Ae ri »hould be egmmunlcited in wrliinl to; GENERAL ALTERATIONS Union. Summer Rental 1 total bid, provided thai in no cage shall the lUnane Muiijner, munleUHl ftart, ollrv LEHICH . Hard Cool work. •urn be leas than 1100,00, and (4) deUvind i, Nsy jerley, AND REPAIRS SB/SI Fr« Estimates - Re«ion»ble of mailed tg the above pUee SR or beioFe Mlfwili Ing,, LiSfnp» ,Guaton»»«d quality cannot b. 9JO-Q43B 'C'BERRYJeflltor BELMAR - New home, 6 rooms Hid ELMORA CONCRETE CO., INC. the hour narned as no hid will be agcepCed ««•« ""8. 10, l»67, (f™. Mn» ) • (quailed lor It.. 647 Wetfield Ave., Ellabah 5-64SI B9/21 Business Property 1BA5 Mo.rl. »,. tath. Fully furnished. Large patio, after the hour specified. Bids not so iubffllt- Council lists LOW SUMMER PRICES 0 T/F cloBed ahtswer. Plenty of privacy. Near [ed will be considGYed Infornta] and will be WALTER REZ1NSK! beach or river. Monthly or num. rejected. The Board reserves the right to reject NOTICE COUNTRY HOTEL - situated in pic- any and ill blda and to sward contract in part STOVE & NUT I23.9S PLUMBING - HEATING 681-1332 or 611-669B or whdle if deemed lojhe teit intereits of The decisions made ar i meeting of Ae TTAM OF ITALIAN MASONS and turesque small Industrial town of High ROSELLI oning Board of AdhigiiTi«nt of Roaeiie fin PEA COAL I22.9S Cnrpsiteri can beautify your tome NEW installation, repairs, Wgrlnanea Pork auction. 4 bed- il/10 the District td do so. The gucceistul bidder trailer tips AltwaUoiU u E, Bridge in beautiful HunMrdan County shall be required ts furnish surety bdlid in luly it, 1967 ««re- BUCK/RICE §19,95 stqra. patio, sidewalks, «c CaU •ten' room copel 50 « 100 lei. Alum. The appeal df SHERIDAN EONSTRUC. s B 1/4 ES 2-4°S8 near Spruce Run Reservoir, Tbe Aulomobilcs For Sale 123 Ihe full amount of Ihe Cdntract of a €ompany a p.m. 67i-63is, American Hotel - has 30 ropnu for Inym Siding, Many tnony MIBI. authdrtxed to dd buglrteas in die State df TILIN COMPANY to erect i dne-famlly dwell- "The New jeriey State Safety New jersey. S3i brake Avenue was granted, SIM COAL CO. s »/« guests. Large bar, dining room ball- CORCZYCA AGENCY ... appeal of th» ROSELLI QLOBl FtJlL Council reminds motorists Blo.low (M309 room and game room. Complete with Ml Cl...tnut Sirs**, Ro«»M« Plans, Spgefiteajinnt and Farm sf FrepgHl COMPANY df 131 Gait Utb A«nu. » build IMovinn 8. Siornge may be obtalhed ypen appllcaUdn Id Ihe ieere- who will be pulling boat trall- . q 8/17 O4ERRY HILL Rest Home for the Aged all equipment. Good parting area. 241 3441 THUNDERBIRD building ilene [T«»nf Uj» withmit aef-baek lary df die Board Bf Edycatisn df The Unldft ranted. ere this summar never to for- «nd Retired - home-like aBnotpherei Gross income approximately $50,000 County Regidna! Hi|h S£hed! Wstrirt No, I, BENTON k HOLDEN, INC, per year, A real opportunity for 1*0, - t i/io Is fro Cl*ofi The appeal of THOM.L5 L, AND DOROTHY State approved. 500 Cherry St., BUt, Mountain Avenue. Springfield, New l*rwv 'ETROSKl te erect • side porch to d«.e(l. get -- even for a moment LOCAL k LONO DISTANCE MOVING 000. $995, By order of the Bdgrd of Education STORAGE EL 3-7657 CULVER LAKE - 6 rosra *U ye** col- df The Union County Regional High "\% it 74" gittifndre Avenue dented, -- that they have something ^STAMPED himHS-^--y SHIVE, WRIGHT b EXTON, INC. tsge. AU Improvements, J«to grM- JfimLBilHfl Nn. I The ai of CORCSYCA, OORCZYCA hitched to tiwlr automobiles. (*7 YeirrDeBeBd«Ms J : REAiaoHfi ^ M0.^mNEn__B Bwnnja.muiti.fl&i^ KNITTED SKIRTS SHORTENED FL 1-2727 teie., Wrttu Bolt MHJU.,lrMielivttle, , 1** J«Ti»» Call Lloyd Graff, NJ, Q7K6. Si/17 Iwelllng at l?7.1!i SJSI ith Avenue denied. CLINTON YARN j, GIFTS ALLIED VAN LINEI I Roofing S, Siding MERCURY Lewis F. F The appeal nr M, N1KOLICH of 1SI E.K "TJIB combinaaon of auto- 1108 CLINTON AVEs IRV. CENTER. CUnion, N.J. Gi/31 FRANK STRAUB, EST. 1931, AU kinds 1830 Springfield Avo. Ird Avenus 10 convert ane-funliv home to mobile, boat trailer and boat ESS.SSM 735-7141 Bve. 735-7451 ELIZABETH of roofs, leaders md gutters. quaUiy, H 8/10 Uw^sJ 763-3575 gdwafd Onr, is perhaps twice as heavy, e W* DON'S Chalrrnan reasonable prices, 688-8482.177CIobe TWO FAMILY A 8/3 twice aa lonf and certainly at ECONOMY MOVERS, INC, PUBLIC NOTICE Zoning Bgard of Adjiisenent DfiyewoyI ave,. Union, ished Rooms, Far Rent 105 EXCELLENT CONDITIDN iealcd prQpq«Bl§ will be Fe€e!v?d by ihe MQVDTO - STORAGE «(— "-1 Aug. 10, 1067. (r»»r j, ,,y least twice as difficult to man- T/F _ QUALIFIED 01 OR '6S CHiVROLiT taerBUrj of Iha Board of Educatlen, Town of PACKING IRVINGTON • 2 rooms with private Irvlngfon. Couiity of Eiacs, itaie af New jer- euver as an automobile PHA BUYERS WELOOfcOP SIDEWALKS, MASON WORK CALL MU 7-0MS bath on third floor. References re- COMVIRTISLE icy. In trie afflefl Ql Ehe Bsird a! Educa- Roofing . Gutters - Leader* - Repairs PoX«r Glide, Pow«r St# alone," says Ceorge T. AND STEPS Free Estimates - Injured yaW, 54 Mt, Vefnan Avenue. Irvrnpan, New NQTIC! OF APPLICATION JOHNSTON REALTY Jersey, an Auiuaf 21, l§67 at IQrfX) A4M, si Traver, Executive Vice Pres- CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES 32 OberUn St., M«plowood, N,> BS 4-6309 S 8/10 Take noon thai applicallgn tu been made 901 Ban Linden Ave.. ' Linden whieh ame nr as aoqii titeremtmF as passible. to MS Alcoholic Beverage Conorgl Board of the T, DOYLB 443-1777 HENRY P. TOWNSENO, AGENT AL- 10 2.1644 N. BADGER 964-0179 »flled prapaials will be dpened and rsad fort ident, 8 8/17 M5.69M S S/10 Town 01 Irvlngton to D-anafer to Joseph Trim, LIED VAN LINES. INC., MOVING AND 0 8/11 K1NILWORTH . furnished room for NEW TOILET RQOSitt AND PIRi caie h Helen Oolores Truncale Grading aa STORAOEi FIRE PROOF VAULTS, AD Q,C FRANCIS ALARM AND BiTEcnoN svs- KNOTTY PINK for premises located" it 1S7D The Council makes At fol- Drugs 1 Cosryejici gentleman near B-angportaaon. Call 2.4464 5-4, AD 2-446S. WILLIAM H. VEIT .V1NOTON- 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Tlli6 .— THREE SHCOOLS Sprinpleld Ave,, Irvlngton the Plenary Retail lowing suggestions to help •Jeer 7130 p.m. CHEVROLET All wdrk ta be in iegordanee wilii the spe«l- *"TO™ PHARMACY O i/il Roofing - Leader! - Gutter* AND GARAGE. contumpuon Liceme C-55 htfetofofs nmed 241J149 SI/10 EXCELLENT CONDITION Lyom Av>. I fieaHBris prepared by Lydls* & jeffersem to Joseph Truneale B-adlng as Knotty Pine mak« things easier - 204 CHESTNUT ST,,ROSELLE PARK Free estimates - do own work Aretiilecis. 332 Sprln^l^ld Avenue, Summit. CALL S73-MJ0 fsr premises located at 127P §prlngfie!d Ave, lafer — for drivers pulling ChMtmtt 5-1692 All N.J. insured . BS 3-11SS J71-4444 New jerts?, and Marrlsan. EUnmer and Bsr- irvliigton. N, j, KELLY MOVERS INC. Houses Fsr Sale 8 1/24 A B/10 Closed Dmday July % August G 10/12 Bn, IlnS Msrm Avenue. Unltl, New jersey. O^engns, If any, should he made Immedi. boats trailers. Agents for North American Van Lines: Plans and Ipeglfieanons are available ai die F™ Delivery "GENTLEMEN" of the moving Indus, ateiy in wrltini to Valentine Msuener, Town MADISON - 2 1/2 hum weU office of Ehe Arehltecis. and Efiere will be a Citrli, Irvmpgn, New Jersey. try. We'll move, pack and store any- required deposit for eaeh seE of plans and Always start slowly, apply I9/2S SUP COVERS custom made, fabric DISCRIMINATION - bated en ColooliL Rec Room. Adjoins Drew Sol. JOSEPH THUNCALI thing, anytime, anywhere, at reason- •peeUlciB«iii 110,00 aeE»9ll an the Fire power gradually. >-^ 1 plastic: sofa & chair f69.50: Many rsca, creed, color or national Poreit. Ne«f R^. lUtton, schools. HELEN BOLORIS TRUBCALE Dry Cleaning 8, Tailoring 43 aM« rains - 312.1380. 1 T/F and PiEeeUon iygtems plansand !2B*D0 on 533 AahwDSd Rd, months to pay. Call Mr. Davis at origin In rh« tale or rental of Churches. ii—«ii« paueialan. Mid Ehe Piumbing spetifiEaEions, This deposit is If you must pass, remember '<" 926.1SS3 FIAT to be by certified eheek or eash, Nd relund Springfield, N, j, • DRESSES houiea or apsrtfnents IS !L« 4O'l. FR 7-19425^/10 Id-Aug. 10, 17. 1»67, (Fe«!IS.J6 that your passing zip is near- ' MILLER'S MOVING . Real!, rates stor- 08/17 of deposit will be made unless a bid li sub- (§1.10) LEGA.L. Thll nawipoplr oi- mined. General Csnireeisrs Flans and gpeeiii- ly all gone and, being twice • (MARTTNIZED) age - free estimates - Insured - local, lumii that iti advertiieri Continental Motors gatlans - 110,00. long distance - shore specials. NORTH ELlZABETH-ecrner y ai long, you'll need twice the 1 HOUR MARTWIZING Rug Shompseiny Intend to obey *« LAW, For The work calls for the aitEratiafi af npesent NOT1C1 OF IBTTLmilNT S^p rooms, sernl-modeni HMliens k 11 4 E. WoodSl. P!oln(ield5-5260 looker rsoES and ather space tsbays'and girls' ipace to get back in line, Your "** 500 CHESTNUT ST.. UNION, NJ, Information contact the New battle. 2 separate steam units (oil) NoUce II bveby lives that M account, of J 1/24 _ HAPPINESS IS ele«n upholstery. Oet A B/10 Eoiiet roams on Ene first and second flaari Ike auMerlber, Autgoee for Ox biBettt sf car should be equipped with , bapUf with the new Glamorene Electric Jeriay Dlvlilen an Civil Right*, copper plumbing, new 220 electric. of Illrte schaols; Florence Avenue School. Ertditnfl of LIOHAJID W. GARNER, WC, 1100 Ray mend BouUvard, New- Chafeeellor Avenue School, and Mt, Veroon Ave- two outside mirrors to help Electrical Ropoi ROBBmS ANB ALLISON UK. Upholstery Shampooer and Shampoo, 2 gamges. $21,900 CAMERO-1%7 3,000 MUBS .HI H audlM aprl naiad By ll» atDfnfaM Koenlg Hardware, 126 No, Wood ave,, ark. New jariey 07102 •• Teh MUffr SELL. $3,100, nue Sehdol. and the uistailaEidli of fire aiarfn ud npsnar] tor eatlcment ts tlw lim you check your position at aU , TEL, 276-0898 and deEeaion systems throughouE these byild- JOHN EVERETT Linden, is rentini the Shampooer for FOUR FAMILY -4=4 room (iparnnents, 754-6641 alter 6 P.M, County Court, PnbiD MvlilMi, Tfc MQV1NO-8TORAGE.PACKINO 201 • 648-24*7. iflgs — aiso showers in Chancellor Avenue th. 17th day si OCTOBER Bin, times, particularly when i UlCENSID ELECTRICAL CONTRAC- only Jl.SO a day. semi-modem Hteheaa i bums, S sep- AB/24 S^faoaL All instmUatiani to meet sade re- 213 SOUTH AVE: CRAWFORD, N.J. 1SADORE B. MILLER passing, n * TOR B S/10 arate iteim unit! (oil), 2 garages. qulreETEMs, S Cl.rt ScrM PHONE 245-4361 (ALLIED VAN LINES) dosi eondtaon. IJS.MO PLYMOUTH 1962 — 4 door. Mask, NO PRdPOSAL WU.L BE ACCEPTED Patensn, N, J, 07305 THROUGH THE MAIL, Allow plenty of extra space £j 120 volt services a specallty 0 9/14 CRAMFORD automaBe, BEST OFFER - call 375- SurveyOf Proposal must he accornpanled by a eerti- in, HeSLtAuj, 10, 17, H II, Sm. 1, 1967. for stopping, '* J 9/7 SPACE LINDEN 9313 after S PJvl, ' H/TF fled €l)eek In the amounE of 10% of the total WE MOVE YOU ANT1ME, KITCHEN ORASSMAN, KREH !• MIXER, INC. If tpaee li what you need *i CORNER 2 family, Urfe 4^ rooms, bid. Eo be made aut ta the IrvlngEan Board When making right-angle A Surveyors of Educauon, or a bid haad in th§ tatal JOHN POL1TO CHAIRS RECOVERED, hove |uit the houi«. Situated science kitchens, tUs baths. B»un RAMBLER 1963, 4 door sedan, stand, iOAHO OF ABjUflMiNT turns, travel several feet be- *> 431 North Broad Street unit (oil), 2 itragea. Tiuoji only $300 amount of the hid. Bids Enyst bt submitted Llsajsed Eleeo-lcal Contactor. Re- 672-8494 or in a lavsly area of the Bfeskilde ard shift. Excellent condition. 4 new in sealed envelapes and to be disEincUy marked TOWNalip OF IPRtNOFIELD, N J. yond the curb to allow ttie^| pairs it mulntenace, no Job too small, Elisabeth, NJ. BL 2-3770 per year. Una. 4 lately belts. Radio k heater. with Ebe name of the bidder and the jab bid on. TAKE NOTICE that toe oan naMnf sf toe 67o-21Si Si/24 School Section |i thll cuitom loud of Adjustmen tfihoTo-n.hlpolEjjrlMS- trailer to clear, I call us tor prompt servlee - EL 2J44S, G 9/14 6lW7U after S PJ^, A 8/10 The Board of EducaEldn reserves the fight ipllt.level which hat~g (lag •tene FOUR FAMILY - one J room apart, Ueld, NJ, will be Bold oo Tuesday, August B T/F _ la accept ar re)ect any or aU bids, or any Ttov#i Bureaus entry, llvln g roam with fireplace, ment and diree 4 room apartments, part of a hid, due to any defects or infdr- II, 15*7 at iiOO ?M, Enm DayUpt SOTUS Practice Is the key to sue- ' dining roam and modern kitihen Automotive Service Time In Du MuBUipal Building, MsuBtali ODD jOM - Rubbish, dm removed. semi-modem kitchens 81 tmths. cop- mailtles and ndE adhering Eo the speQlficB- A«e»u., iprU^ieM, NJ. oesiful backing. Go siowly and , QUALITY ELECTRIC - domestic, com- TRAVBLQNGuJNC, with knotty ping eabinatl, 3 bad' tidns, or foe any other reason ss may be Cellars U yards cleaned, per plumbing, 2 separate hot water units deemed best far ttie inEerest of the Iqard af Otto 1, Fstiar, SMrMaxy don't overeteer. You can't re- ' t merclal 8. Industrial wiring & service. "Architects of Pleasure" 291 N. rooms and 2 bafhl along with a (lag), driveway, 135,000 'COLLISION & MECHANICAL RIPAIRS •sard of Adjuttnien Lipensed, bonded k insured, Frreestl- DUMP TRUCK SERVICE „ 622-2521 Broad St., Elizabeth. N.J, (Opposite meet desirable dormitory room LAYNE MOTORS , SpSd Leader August 10. 1967 (Fee (2.20) cover if you go too far. Ji ri • 5.10/11 Post Office) BL 4-2525 Offices in E1U,- with adjacent bath and walk-up GREEN'S AQBNCY 465 LBHIOH AVE., UNION, N.J. Bids opened BE this meetilui. ifter sudV by S7S.3297 Summlt-Chattam - li Westiield.B 8/14 attic. To moke this a perfect REALTORS-INSURORS MU 7-3S42 Ehe Architect and tne §e£rets#y will he award- 1 9/14 ed the evening of Septeinber 20. 1967, offering there Is a 2 ear garage 151 Jeiferion Ave. EUabeih I 9/38 TIMOTHY M. MALONEY Tuloring and the erica is in the MIDDLE BL 2^400 ieeretary-Business Manager "~" PEP'S EASY WANT AD FORM 30'i, Si/10 WARD OF IDUCATON COLLEGE STIH3BNTS /ajTOMATlC TRANShflSSlONS IRVTNtJTON, N, J, TUTORIN0 ANY SUBJECTS CAL1, FOR APPOINTMINT T"l I WnM RFPfMP8 IWHrBAMf-F ^ irytngBfl HeraldrAoi, 10, 198?, ^Feel $13.41) is - Call Anytime SHAKE EM. AOiNCY, COMPANY RiALToXlNiURON «pejHO0!l 959 MONROE ST., UNION ESTATE OF LILLIAN CLAWAKB, toifi. Send for free lnformittoa booklet CALL RE 6-1//8 orWIi i-llW Sat. and Sun,, August 12 and 13 noon NOTKI OF eiTTLlMEKr Yeur Ad will appear in t nt»wtpap«rs • i/10 15 North AY*,, E,, Cranferd MU 7-8344 NotiH u bertby ffim thai tte IKSUHI of 520 Westfleld Avt.. Bill. 289-6S+0. • PAINTING BR 61900 to 6 PM.: 3-bedroomColoiuiI: modern A T/F eat-ls "«*•»- large living room, full On •uhKHten, kmiHI at the Lan Will s • . et/* Water Saftoner? 0 8/10 ud TstHB < LDJJAN CLAWAJB Bs- AND dining room, finished rec. room, 1 1/2 eaaied, wUl be udWd and nM by ho Sur- •Union Leader Vailsburg L»ad»r tile buha. tBuhed garage, wall-to- IMPORTED CAR SERVICE rojatt an] repaxud fgraetdeBeanaaEaa • CARPENTER LIBERAL ALLOWANCE - OLD SOFT- GARWOOD wall carpeting, triple track Btortn win- All Makes - AU Models COM Conn. ProhMB Dlvuloo, oo Tuesday, FBRNITURE ted Pianos polished, Re- BNER Rent . Buy - Service Lifetime rt. 19th day af SEPTEMBER neit. •iFVington Herald pilrlnj oi broken furniture a specialty The "Gallery of Hamas" Presenti dows ud screens, plenty of closets, CHECKER jERSIY SALES CORP. Guarantee HULTS SOFT WATER OO, HELEN CLAWANB Antiques restored and reflnlshed. CONTRACTORS many extna; test west end location, Your Cheeker-Datsun Dealer Rt, 22 (By Somerset Bus Term.) Mc NORTH GARWOOD RANCH F. S Henry Ruff. Mi; 8-M65, convenlen to aU schools, churches, 1849 Morris Aye,, Union 'Mountainside Echo 'The Spectator TeL AD 3-120O . Free Salt Delivery Charming and unique 4 bedroom Datuli AUEUat 3, 1967 buses tad shopping center. Mg' F, D, MASJCCI. Anomej fy ranch type hame with a colonial M3 West.Sttwe, J4J.14S4. HOME OFFICE flavor. Feature* o modern teienee 28BnnfgriFl.ce *Springfie.d Ued» I Gnrnge Doors Autos Wanted Newt, N. J, 07101 r 3 ELLIS AVE. kitchen, two largi rac. reams UNION In, Hermld-Aug. 10. 17. 24. 31, Seft, 7, 1M7 Ml types of gange doors Installed, plus space far additional bod ONE FLOOR LIVING IRVINGTON , ALUMNIUM'WINDOWS, ALL JUNK CARS - CASH.NOW TOP 'Suburban Leader "Linden Leader gaiagsi extensions, repairs b service, reams or afflce, Estra large . IMMEDIATE POSSESSION \m METAL WEATHER BTRlPPDra, PRICES - WB TOW CALL DAY OR elitrlc operators i radio-eonn-ils, fenced backyard. Only 3 yaart Brick tms 12 year bungalow on largo • CALL 371-6520 Maurice Lindsay, 4 ElmwoodTer.. Irv. NIGHT STOVBNS OVERHEAD DOOR CO. old and elase ta 'transportation, lot. Living room, dining room % kit- 24i_436S C B/17 Classified O9 ES 3-1M7 V*» good puBli^ana* pere^hial JchaajB. chen knotty pine. 2 bedrooms 8. Ote J 9/21., EASY TERMS baa on main floor, full basement with Auto Driving Schools I 25A ARRANGED StE THt BEST HOMI 1UYS. 2 semi . (lnlsbed rooms upstairs. Advertising SEPORE YOUR tYES at Near Five Polno, shopping tad buese. DRIVE WELL approx. 14 per word BB/24 THE ROYLE CO. WANTS YOU ... _-4H0Ml iMPROVlMENTS MAX ffiROTA, REAL ESTATE TO LEARN HOW TO DRIVE I Rates ExteuloBS, ' dormeri, recreation PROFBSaoNAL PA1NTEHS You get MORE RIAL 1STATE SIMCl 190S 402 GbloBia ~X«i.:"lHMf-6S6-i2fi7 277-3648 A i/IO roonti, garages: many years of ex- Dutch Boy Sherwln WUUUBS 8> Dupont The Colonial Bulldlng-Op.n 9-8 S S/10 tingle insertion 7De pet line perience, Howard O. Krueger, Only well-known brands used. 1-funlly for your money 355 Jeney Ave. Car, W. End Motofeyeles For Sole 127 Minimum lilt; 4 llnei -$2,S0 per in sort ton. 272-M71: eve's. 7SS.2133. $150, 2-Iamlly. $250, 3-funlly $350, IL 3.4200 . UNION ive tnssrfionl 64« per line Figure five ov*rogo werdi pop line. Print od in Ueenssd contractors - nretusMoal j02 B8/10 LAROHMONT SECTION - For 0 er msre tonl the coupon below exactly a* yoy wont It to sp- Pointers. No Dawn Payment Necesstry. mi tlves or professional: builder's oown BLACK SUPER HAWKS teautlful Ranch Split, 7 yrs. old. ppear. . Den't forfetf t» include-phonp e number or J L B HO.V1E LMPROSEMENTS 991-5538 4iS^»7 CRANFORD C*NDY APPLI COLORRD : bedrooms, central Hr-cmfJlttoolBi, 47f pet tine dd h INC, -. j 8/10 BROOKSIDE -JUST QUAINT- SCRAMBLERS inieftisni «n gddLeiiJn jhe ad. If odditiennl worai MU S-4398. Si/10 4S0 Seremblari In Stack Far I AL ARMONB The (lows. box«« make the dif. Minimum sd 4 line. S2.80 quired, attach separate iheot or paper. i Immediate delivery at,,, .ALL TYPES OF Exterior mid Interior Pulnilng. GARDINS ferencsl Thll •mall heme ll par- UNION .IMPHOVEMEiSTS also shutterg nd roofing fact far your flril, Living room, SIX YBAHOLPi-tMnllyColonliil hniUB. V.I.P. HONDA TABLE OF CH&ROII 47S-1233 Days 991.5410 Herslff Realty dining room, provincial oloctrlc 6 ml 5 extra largo ream apta.; "THi pYCLI SUPiR MART" , DA 3.2021 Eves. kitchen, 3 bedroom., tils bath Nun A 8/24 j i/io , . .... Immediate occupancy. Upper Ws. 587- Hondo, Srldgsitene, Mantesca, r of insertions and now got hot water haat. Pot- mt, S8/10 Kawaiakl, Mln.Blkei & Vsipa, One Feu Ten DAN'S PA1NTINQ k DECORAT1NO SOMERVIUE faetly tat on a lot ef lift, by 417 Arlington 4ve, Plainflald Line; Time T imes SUBURBAN PUBLISHING CORP. LET OEOROB DO IT Times Interior & Exterior 122ft., Brealiilda School Ana UNION PL 7.11J8 4 Mnei . II.80 S!,56 SI !4 1291 StuyvBiani Av.. Ctrpentry, plumbing, masonry, tiling, Reasonable ratea, free eqdmatea A S/10- J.SO Union, N.J. roofing, gutter* li leadwl, air son. $85 - $130 and BBST OF ALL, ONLY FOUR-BEDROOM house with paneled 5 iinei... 3.30 2.80 a 3,84 dlHenlBffrshe**mtI'rki-7SS897» ..,,,^,,,:, ,, $20,000.-^ua«.-^u^«a«a,,-a&stall»»iI! den,. our, ochools,. tnBSp., shoroing. 6.1ijie?i.. . J.J4 ^ JA??L^ ^.JiPt. Water, 7"ITn»»T. 3T9! •-H--' BI£10 Gas Range""' "ReTfrfgeraf6T 57 SPORT1TER, excellent condition; CALL FOR APPOINTMINT- lots si chrome, metal (lake paint. S lines , ,'. i'«0 5,12 4 48 Office - 129 Mercer Strtel SHAHIIH AGENCY WESTFltLD CALL 416-2437 AS/10 9 Itnei . . , 6.BO 5,76 5,04 EXPERT PAINTINO S.iO Kitchen Cabinets AT LOWEST PRICES REALTOR -INSUROR THREE - BBimoOM SPLIT; 1 1/2 0 lines .. , 7.00 4,40 Kitehen Des^n itrvlee U modernizing OENE SOMIRVILLE, N, j, 15 North Ave, E., Cranhrd batha; gu heat; lot 100x104 ft.; lew 1946 Yamaha Motorcycle 100 ec, 700 Yeofly e, 674.3298 30's, conventional mortgage, princi- allies. by one of New Jersey's largest manu- RA 5-2958 RA 5-2909 m 6m pals only, faetucarf of Kitchen cabinets. See B B/10 " ° 8 CALL 871-iMi A S/10 All < sl/io aaz-TSM s i/10 ,hl Builders Fair's faetory show room on Beat i eigl Ri. 22, Sprln^ieli Call S79-M70. FRANK DELLER WiSTFIiLD ARIA Public Notice ST/F PAINTINO INSIDE^ND OUT HILLSIDE - » rooms, aU utUiaei sup- IMoving S. Storage 30,000 'Ifvinfion Herdid, FOR sgrg Leader, 'Unien Leader, FREE ESTIMATEi, B.B.B. plied, extra storage room, Businesi FOR A MOVINO'sutpsflBiee by ITATS OF NEW jERSiY Landscape Gofdenim UNION. N,J. couple, Private mttanee, WESTFifLD experienced movers.... DEPARTMiNT OF STATt. lehe^ 'Linden Lesder, 'Suburban MU 6-77)4 S8S-2S67 MOUNTAINSIDE MARK E. DALY I, SONS,..iienti CBHTIFICATI OF DIMOLirnON g 9/14 ; Ts ail ID whom these preients may e TOPORADE S i/10 FANWOOD For Crsyhound Van Lines, Inc. Rose I In 4 Rsillle Park), SCREBNED TOPSOIL Name SCOTCH PLAINS BS 3-1951 HEREii IE gppears te my HUMUS - TOP DRESSING IRVINGTON - 5 1/2 rooms k BUJ^W- biasing Deadline—neart Tygsday af PAUrnNO k DECORATINO, Excellent S»e O 9/M by duly authehtlqamd record pi p •I DR^OOSJ • work; Free Estimate!; Insured lor, available Sept, 1, Modern kitchen Irigs fsr the ysluiibiry digsriiuctQn ti^feof by veek sf publication, isme time fot Address b baft. Second floor, newly decorated. the ynanimeuf cansent pf ail the stodkhoideFi. ^snQellstienS' Adi may nst be 0 8/24 ' . ; JOS. PISCIOTTA Offices For Rent depoalBd in my office, thai Urn h A VON CORP, MU 8-2750 Adults preferred. Heat & hot water sup- CROSS COUNTY REALTY a corporation of this Slate, wtioie principal istur^ay, Sunday or helidsyt ei City Phone. J 8/24 plied. 224 Munn Ave-,' 5 8/10 REALTORS offtot li iltuatfid at No, oJ5 Nye Avenue, SOMERVILLE which fime effljges are slssed. 854 Mountain Avs,, Meuntainiids in the Town of Irviiigioa Cquiity of Essex stare of New Jorsay (Louli II. Hollander The Suburban Publishing Carp, gi^ LAWR^iOWBRS PAINTINO WITH DUTCH BOY IRVINGTON • 3 ROOMS NEAR BUSES iymci he fespensi bl lity tof efFSFS AND SHOPPINO. "WILL DEGORATB, AD 3-5400 . B»/10 DENTALOFFiCEferRENT being the agent therein and In charge ilicf oof, Sharpened and repaired. Free pic* up One-family house, outside — $125: upon whom process may be served), has com- offef the first insertiefi or effefl p«r insertion and delivery two-ftm., 1225; 6 famlly-J375; also CALL Fully Equipped •-very deilrahle piled with- the requirementi af _TIEle 14, i do not subitantlolty sffecf the Insert C»U379-!222 , cirpentry, roofing, leaders i gutters; 374-6650 S 8/10 SPRINGFIELD efflce •pacB| beautiful precflge f^drppf atlofis, General, nf Revised Statutes at meaning ef the ad, Errsrs In sue* starting very reas. Free estimates, free minor NEW LISTING New jersey, preliminary ts the issylng sf this eeedlng issues musf be caUed in SB/24: '. • • '•- • • • building In heart of builnen dl*- Certificate of nissolytisn, fer eerrectien b)f the sdvertUer bf- repairs. Fully lniured. Wa 6-2973! mVlNOTON - S large roomi, flril In the vary daalrable Floldjtone trict (Central Office luMthng, 2 BS 4-S4M. '~ J8/24 floor, $115, Oarage available at $10, NOW TIlERBroRE, I, ilia Secretary ofStjte fsr» Tuesday, noon sf week of Amount •Helens' )CaihV)Ch«eii( LAWN MOWER - hand It power, shar- Ana, Thll lovoly brisk & framo Dlvl.lon Street, Samervllle.) of the State ef New jersey, Do I lereby Certliy pyb!l. licensee! Require! very amoll stockhslderi tlieresf, whlcli said enniignt aiid Specified, In no CBSS will beshsld^ ' J;9/7 3 FAMILY HOUSB—IBM art !as.iUppiled,-$fO month. Available Coll PAULINE RILLEY, eve,, Inviitment a» office li equipped tlie recgrd of dieprocuyiUnnsafortisaldyreiiow ers name be divulged. September 1, 379.5912. with 3 Rttter motor., K-Ray, 1 on file in my said office a§ iiruvidyd by law, Liquors, Wines, Beers 65A ALL WORK GUARANTEED 3 YEARS . FRHH MINOR REPAIRS - FULLY W. ••• •. CaU874.9»iO iterillrir, bu»lne»» office. IN IBSilMUNY WIJUKliUI' I SURlD^ •''" '"'""• ' " ''"' '•"•"•"'"- " s-B/io . -.'--.•,..,-.:' , FREE BSTIMATBS fnd alfixgd y . .- : POINT (SEAL) • at iTentgn, [ills lNtdayof CLASSIFIED CALL S2S.317i OR 674-S13O UNION - 7 raonii with gara|e. Excel, 379-5200 Inquire (201) 725-0734 • • LIQUOR MART August A.I), une iliousund Call B 8/10 lent condition. Close to transportnUon. 311 MILLBURN AVI. ' " , RA S.2909 1 T/f nine htmilred, and sixEy- 340 CHESTNUT ST., UNION, N.J. Interested parties eaU seven, (AT FIVE POINT SHOPPINO CENTER) MU 7-9549 MiLLiURN ' TSrBtlKlil1AI- AU types. home repairs, CaU evenings, . • • Realtor , 2fANDPWRWAYT3R7 bedtooms. .-, studio-r-ir. 1W baths ., , plenty.™ R,Palumbo 379-15il . 1585 Morris ave, MU 8-3434 600 sq, jt. ms4ern Urll,, landscaped PIANO TONINO irounfli; Ur-cond,;, parking. of storage space. , . . • *&'a/24;. •••••• . •••••• . Open dally 9.9,' weekends till 5 ,;, p AND 3-4 ROOM apartmgnt er fist fpf spry 637-^203630333 REPAIRINO (71) Amsricu-Itslian widsw,= nsar bus Bi/10 S s/ip at §40,000 MASCM CONTRACTOR <=• steps, slde- - J, ZIDONK lines, shopping areas, Roman Catholic , walks;^ patching, brick work, stone Dtt 4-3075 Church, Desirable tenant, laves ehil- WISTFIiLD ,,- LSQIOS, Rentals, Approisals 121 . _ ^alls. Prices .reasonable, DR 6^532, dren. Reply to Mrs, Cee Steele, Re- si/io- • B B/JI porter, Toledo Blade, Toledo, Ohio, $41,900 LINDBN - 100 percihtloeaaonikoih. SHIVE, WRJtGHf T& INC. 43604, ' , • MODERN COLONIAL, center er deU' andd lunfftionetier «?? s WWUor , MASONRY." PLASTIRINO, WATBR- PIANO TUNING IT REPAIRING S 8/17 •hdlLfomlly room, large living boy'' i elathlni.orthqpsdicahoesrspsrtlhthdicahoe . PROOFINO - AlL ALTERATIONS - EXPERT PIANO SERVICE roam, ful l dlnlnf room, table • ing goods. Open; Suiidayi. CaU^Mri, We Satisfy Your Complete Heating Requlro- _ 1 '1^ HOMI REMODELING SB/10 „ _„..:: L. HORVATH.j ^..•....J,. space fcltiheni- 4Ltwlri,,.bBdj ( Dannlnger-4S6-3I28, menls and Savo Your Moncyl RALPtf^AKTINO ^ HU jXJS9 L-_:" eft 7jS5» B,By.o SBTON HALL PROF, needs efficiency rooms, iH balhi, H acre prop, Call Lloyd at/i%' -•••' •;" •. smdlo, 1-1/2 or 2-1/2 In princes, erty. Move rlahi In, .,_''• HARRV' A, SCHUMAN [INGSTON ' PIANOS TUNED Maplewood, Irvlngton or Vsllshurg CHAS. 0. MtltRDIERCKJR. FAIK PLASTERWG, PATCHING, pApirn, Realtor ALSO ..•.'•• • pref. (urnlihidi 9/1 through school REALTOR FUIL CO, Cliitoi, M,j. SHEET ROCK CEILINGS AND WALLS, Salei - IniUrmtiea - Appraisals PUI PIANOI REPAIRED year (to 6/1/68), -•> • " 211 I. Brood St. Westllsld 12W SprlngfiBld Ave,, Irv. IS B-4300 MU 6-5528 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS. MU i-SSSi 6, Ooicinikl * BS 5-4B14 George Devine, 762*9000, eiu 269, AD 3.6439. Z104 VnuK Hall Rd,, Union, N.J. l¥t, 484-2369 g p/ai ,;r ^ v. ; • ^ • S 8/24 ;aa/io :;ic

i • t . I Elizabeth, on Banjrday, Sglemn High Mass Cherry It,, Eliibeih, N.J., beloved wUe -Thursday, August 10, 1967-*: of Requiem in St. Anthony's Chureh , of the late Thomas B, Sulliva n Sr., Public Notice Imertnent Mt. OUvet Cernetoi^, devoted mother gf Thomas K. Sullivan Jr., also survived by three grandchUdren and •ay that you have our deep ppiV aiCRiFPs SALE SHERIFF'S SALB • UIPPE — On Siturday, Aujust 5. 1,67, three greii.grandchildren. The funtral Vice President Accompanying the letter was a cerdficite' SUPERIOR (CHAN) D.20J SUPIWOR (CHAN) p. 109 DEATH NOTICES was conducted from the McCracken Fun- SUPERIOR eUJKT Ot NIWJIRSBY. CHAN. SUPERIOR COURT OP NEW JERSEY Harry G. Uppe Sr,. of 16 Carol Lane, from the President's Council on Youth oppor- CHANCIRY DIVISION, 1SSEK COUNTY, Howell, N.j., formerly of Union, N.J,, eral Home, ISOO Morris Ave,, Union, tunity "awarded In grattful recognition to Sub- NO, MJW&, CWTIRBT SAViNOS AND OOCltJjt NO, F.5M-66, WYCKOFP SAVINM Mail of Requiem, Interment In Holy cross beloved hulbond of Helen Dettmore Uppe; Thursday, Hilh Mass of Requiem at St. BIONDI — Jsmes V,, of Sprlngtown Rd,, and devoted father sf Joieph, Harry O, Mary of the Assumption Chureh, EUa- LOAN AiitXJlATION, • torpor.uon ol Nw AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, • cerpsritlsn of IM Itinton, N.J. (formerly sf Msunuinslde), Cemetery. North Arlington. cites newspaper urban Publishing Corp, whose participation In SUM of Nw jsrssy, PlslnUff, «s, HUBERT Jr. and Miss Carol Ann Upse. Also sur. beth. Interment in St. Gertrude'f Ceme- (I •!•' MMiinu. EXECUTION. For §>M BROOK! and MARY BROOKS, hi. will, it on Wednesdiy, Au|UiI 2. 1067, hn»h»nd ol vlvedby 4 gfandchlldren. The funeral tery, the 1967 Youth Opportunity Campaign advanced Psuline Toto Biondii ftther ol Phyllis FISHER •• Eusebc L.. on Wednesday, Au- M of Msttf Ipa PumlMt tii., DefMduM, RXRCimoN. Psr s.u ol wasTFom The Jseob A. Holle Funeral the welfare of the Nation by helping young By '»«• ol dl* Ittn wit «f BKKUOon, i, Benedit, Grace B, Stinibury, Nleho- gust 2, 1967, age 7S years, of l97Sehley Home," 2122 MilUMrn Ave., Mapltwood, TOMLINSON — On Sunday, Aug. 6, H67, Mortgaged PramiMl. St., Newark, beloved husband of Bertha for aiding youth Americans helpthemselves," The certificate B ma duwod, I "lull «»•• lor iili &JJ, By vlrttn of tha atev. mted writ of I». Isi j, and James P, Biondl, Patrict? B, N, J., on Wednesday, Aug, 9, thence to Donald E,, of 190 Summit Road, Eliiabem, Public Vtata la Ream 116, It tin COURT eutisn, to ™ direas, I iluiU upsH for Galenas and Paula Biondl: also survived (nee Olaaer, formerly Cooperj, devoted St. joseph'i Church Maplawood where N.J,, devoted son of Rum (Edwards) and carries the signatures of President Johnson HOUSE. IB Nntrk, on Tuudt;, au lib •ale by Public Vindu*, In Room 116, ai tn« by 11 grandchildren: Brother of Mrs, Miry father of Ormand and Albert Fisher, a High Mass at Requiem was offered. This newspaper has received a certlcate of George Cooper and ilaterMaryDomlnick, the late Idward H, Tomlinson andbrsther and Vice President Humphrey, d» ol Augun nut, it 1:30 p.m. (PnviUliiI COURT HOWS, IB Ndwart, on TuaaaayL the ipera, Mri, Roie P'Allegro, Miss Helen Interment Cat* of H«av»n Cemetery, Han- Tim.l. ALL Hut Viet or ptreal of land, O.P.: brother of Amous Polssant andMrs. of Richard F. Tomlinson and Mrs, Jean recognition and a letter of thanks from Vice 22nd day of AUIUII nan, it liio p m. (pro Bisndi, Mrs, Margaret Angftsani, Peter over, N. J. MprrisseL The funeral service was held ittuiH, Mm "rf belli In *• CITY OF vailing Time), All UiU tr.Ci sr paMjl ol Adelold Boucharrl; alio lUrvived by I President Hubert H, Humphrey for Its parac- NBWAM, ta B» COUNTY JF MB. la 810 U. and John Blondl. Funeral was from at the McCracken Funeral Home, 1500 land, ilmate, lying md balng m the City ol Smith and Smith (Suburban), 41S Morris grandchilClren and 8 great-grandchildren. STATIC* NEW jIRiBY! . , ] Newark, In iha County of Ewi, In the Ian The funeral was from "Haeberle It Barth M1HALY -- On Frldsy, Aug. 4, 1967, jMorris Ave,, Union, on Wednesday, In- ipation In the 1967 Youth Opportuiilty Campal|n. HQDMNB M • MIDI w DM northerly of New J»f«»,! Ave,, Springfield, Home for Funerals." 971 Clbiten Ave., Andrew, of 1419 Brookslde DHve, Union, Iterment iiomerton. Pa, As Its eonoributien to the campaign, this Presidenf of Bell Lab $ UM of Awe Avma AeMUi OI«IDI wmri, 1 BEGINNING It 1 point in the Sounwrly Irvliigton, on Saurday, August S, thence N.j,, beloved husband of Julia (Palfl), paper and the seven others published by Subur- ooa biD)r«l US from Oa Interaction ol line ol Hiwitiomc Avinui u laid out on laid BUTH -- (nee Szekely), Marlon, on Men= to Blessed Sacrament Church, Newark, devoted father of Roger A. Mllnly and VOM EIQEN •• Josephine (nee Hsnaon), uU Mas o( Avon Avenue arlB the wenarljr | map. distant 50,44 Ml Easterly from ttn day, July 31, 1967, aged 67 years, of w. for a High Mass of Requiern, Interment on Saturday, Aug. S, 1967, age 80 years, ban Publishing Co, printed free classified ads Uo« ol Awn nuttfsnmrly ten u Broome iernr formed by the in&srieerien of said line brother of Mrs, Mary Mee, Funeral was to hmad QN celebration Pale Rd,, Tuekerton, N.j,. formerly of Gate of Heaven Cemetery, East Hanover, condueied from the McCruken Funeral of 111 40th St., Irvington: wife of the late for high school and college students seeking jgMfl: BHBOS ruBfliflE agrti fsuneae gafreis of Hawnomg Annue with eta Euierty line Mountalnilde, beloved wife of diaries of sehlay Sim (formerly PranBon Plica) Home, 18(10 Morris Ave., Union, on Mon. Edgar E, Vom Sigsi, devoted motber of Hummer jobs. James 8, Flik, prealctant of Bell Telephoni and painl being aise the Norsteist corneirr A^ Buth, devoted mother of Arthur C, day, with ir service in Grace Lutneran Mrs, Dorothy Kramer, sister of Mrs. r» ^MHi, sister of Dr. Richard Szekely and OOCKELER - Arthur H., suddenly, on In his letter to Robert H, BrumeU, advertis- Laboratorte*, has been appointed state chair- SM asK Hjry=GV( fist ifis •tvsMy-Sss buad^ ol Lot #161 on laid mis; thana (1) Easte' Friday, Aug. 4. 1967, age 60 years, of Church, Vauxhall Road, Union, Interment Julia Davidson, grandmother of Mrs. Loll ndnii of 1 loot; Man running nont. savanty ly llong said line ol HawUunM Avanua »*Mrl, . Walaltel r Seib, also iurvive' d by [hre« Hollywood Memorial Park. Bates snd Mrs. jane Roegner, also sur- ing director, Vice President Humphrey said- man of the Governor's Committee for United' flvi aspMi attain Bimasi nil Hnsty-nva IHI to uw wtinrfy llm ol Lot #266: dwtw grindehildren and one great-grandsan. 12 Woodrldge Avg., Toms River, formerly 3) Soutrwly .ion, thmt Mm being it niht of Newarki beloved husband of Florence vived by six great-grandchildren, Thefun- Nations Day and Week of 196? by Richard a» nl,,, —,th r»—rvlo,ir,l The funeral •oviee was held at Haerjerle "I am grateful for your support of the Pres- tt aAte'—a wlttkni .li. d 1InM a! R««hotVworM& AMI™rt . C, (nee Miller), devoted father of Arthur MONETTI — Raymond C, on Monday, eral service was held at Haeberle ii Hughes, governor. •aVtl cnlouMI nil flfty-Uve taal and HflUi- 1 iarth Colonial Home, 1100 Pine Ave,, iarth Home for Funerals, 971 Clinton ident's 1967 Youth Opportunity Campaign and DM I---I—*»« 01 • fflMS md thence runnln IOR faet to the Northerly Una ol Lot *265 C, Gockeler, Mrs, John F. Delaney and July 11 1967, aged SS ye«rs, of 27 44lri B on aald map; lhenc« IS) Waatarly alou thu corner Vim HaU Rd,, Union, on Friday, St., Mapleiiroijd, N J4., beloved husband of Ave,, Irvlnpon, on Tuesday, Aug. 8, nt fours*! dagnaa Iorty-nv,mlaut..w.n Aug. 4, Interment in Glutton Cemetery, John A, Oockeler, brother of Mrs, Lillian the support received from thousands of others. United Nations Week, commemorating fte aavaoty M to £• MRMriy Us* if Awn A¥a. Una, belts paralM wlii laid Una of Hawtiion* ITolanda (nee Yanltto), devoted father of Funeral on Wednesday. Intermeniln Holly- Avanua 2S feat to the Eaatarly Una ol Lgt Irvingtsn. Duym and Clarence Gockeler, •iso sur- "You have opened new opportunities to these signing of the UN charter ln 1945, will be Wai USES naalfig sJeBg ssifl Una el AVSH vived by seven grandchildren, Thefuneral itaff Sp. Parael c. UIAP, Michael R.. wood Memorial Park, B mBvadaffMaaaaamnta #169 on iald mip; thence (4) NqFtharty along young Americans which, I am sure, Will help that Una, balng ppr.Uol wiih die neond CHINEVgRT — Arthur B,. on Sunday, was held at Hieberle k Barth Home for U.S. Navy and Patricia Anne Monetti, observed throughout die state from Octob^c, •oil last nrsMr-flvt tea « Ike poui ana eourae 100 laet to aald Une ol Hawthorne Aug. 6, 1967, ol 1731 Morrli Ave., Funerals, 971 Clinton Ave,, lrvln|ton, brother of Mrs, Irene Seals, the late to prepare them for a brighter future. The 22 to 28. Various community programs ftnd,,, pl.c ol BBOINMmrj, Ayteue and plage of Ba^nnlng. Louis H. Monetti, the late Mri, Ann! Public Notice TM atevs duoipUoo is 4f«m la it- Union, beloved husband of Edtth (nee on Wednesday, Aug. °, Interment in Bm- Nation is stronger for your contribution. activities will be held to honor the aims and BEim Lot #367 on map anUtted "Map of __ „ devoted islher of Fred A. and M land Memorial Psrk, Fant Hanover. Williams. Mrs. Rose DonsteUl, Mri. Mar- ssrdaHt witn i auroy mide by iorrij » garet MirtarelU, Frank J, Monetti. Mrs, "I know I speak for the President whan I 1 Jt Eroptro ol J, Milter Roe k piariMilaj. Clisj P.O. John A, CheMvsrt, Ufi, Navy, ESTATE OF MAHOARETHl fTRUCKMlYER, achievements of the United Nations. MeLigssig, «g*i«»rT ' J*J ***• i, - Clara Olovlne. Phlllp-J.Moneal, tho Ule PrtaUlM «™m la #51 Avon AWOM, New- .'remiaeB a™ Bown ai MO Hawthortie brother of Charles. Evero and Albert OOCKEUIR — Florence C. (nee Miller,), afit, Hs» jirssy. Chenavert, Mri. C»eelt» Wlgour, Mrs. Mri, Edith Leiro and Henry J, Monetti, PunniM to Bw orfiro J Avenue, Newark, New Jersey, on Sunday, Aug. 6, 1967, age 60 years, The funeral was from ^aeberie Ii Barth SurniaB ol trie Couniy of Eiau, Ilia day Subject B MiWeBOBi tod e.semenu of The approsunate amount of aa judgment Anne KeUy and Eva Auelalr, The funeral of 11 Woodrldge Ave,. Toms River, form- mads on the applisallQn af the undanigned, Public Notie* r«eor3, if ay, losing sod rnuoldri&l ordu service was held at Huberk Si Btnh Colonial Home, 1100 Pine Ave., earner dansil, ml putt, facts as an seap>a«s survey to be aatlsflad by laid sale it the sum of erly of Newark, wile of toe lite Arthur Vau« HaU Rd,, Union, on Friday, Aug. 4, Euavu ol iild aebund, nosei la liertby 1 HunuuBgB of B» premises wouW dis- Ten Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty- Colonial Home, 1100 Pino Ave,, earner H. Oockeler, devoted mother of Artiur C, given to nie creditorfi af said deesisad b (Smut of GEORGE j, HORN. dgeuHd. Four pgllaFs and T*neiy=£L* Cents Viuji HaU Rd., Union, on Thursday, Aug. thence to It. Paul the Apojrje Church, eJEhlsii m tfm nihBErtiief, yn^Bf aim or &f^ jgps, Gockeief. Mrs. John P. Deianey and Irvington, for a High Mas! of Requiem «i Purlulnl B Bis order of JAMES B, ASRAMS, (110,124,26). |D|ethar with ttm cosa of this 10 , Interment |n HoUymod Mermnal firfnatioii. Bslr elalms &nd oetnands agalnBt fBfaaar wMi aU Him™, now iSMheiJ a John A, Oockeler, slater of Charles, Vin- Surrdgaie of As bounty af Eass, ttua day S.l«. Psrk. 9 AJvl, Intermeni in One of m«v«n ihe stum d a.1.1 de««ad "Ittiln iu monuu ar uHd la egaHaum Mt dia aMranieBa«M Newark, N. J, July 17, I967. cent and James Miller, also survived by Cemetery, Rast Hanover, from &!a date, or iliay wui bs fDnsver barred mode on 8m application of ate ynneril^ed. pnmUM aid asy BfluMogU appUanaa, IXecufDF of iiid deoc&aed. noQge ig neretjy Li ROY j, B'ALOIA, SHERIFF COON — On gunday, July 30, 1967, Helen seven grandchildren, Tne funeral service from proaeeuani or PBseverins Ai lijai Tin' appmlpHa imouni ol th« Judpnent was held at Haeberle h BarA Home for PICKETT — On Saturday. August S, 1967, igaisBi tfie mfeaeribef. ^Vsn to the er^difBrs of tald deaued to to ha lUIattai by laid i"l" II *" •URi of t, Makl, ARorneya^ (Welsh) of 2065 Morrts Ave,, UnlBl, NJ., eiiubll to die •ubicrtber, under out or if4 Fin laeuaul Sli Himdred aM Elghty-Sl, VaUsburl Leader-July 37, Au|, 3, 10, 17, IWl beloved wife of Theodore A. Coon, de- Funerals. 971 CUnton Ave,, Irvington, Mary (Sabados). of 36 Madison Ave., LOUISA BAUCM flrmation. n^elr elaimB and demands agatna BsUif • and Eljhi Cent. (J5.636.O8), together (Fee: M1.SJ)| voted moiher of Mrs, WlUUffi Buehtnan, on Wednesday, Aug. 9, Interment Restlnml Fanwosd, NJ,, beloved wife of Aivlnj DaoM July 27, 1967 the estate of iai^ deceaaed wittiin gix mon&a •Itt ate coau ol gai aala. Memorial Park, East Hanover. devoted mother of >Mr». Paul W, Hocking WERTHMANN & WEBTHMANN, Aaorr-sy Ironi this date, or they will be farever barred sliter of Thomas Welieh, also survived 14 Union Avenue SHERIFF'S iALI by two grandchildren. Funeral service was and Mrs, John Hrlc; lister of John Sa- from prosecuting or Feooverins mm ivne SUhERIOR (CHAN) U-Jii HBNDiRSON ~ Howard O, Sf., tuddenly, bados Mrs, Lloyd Webster and Mis. bvuston il. NJ, sg&inst file BuhscrineF, SUPERIOR COURT OF N. J., CHANCtRV held at the McCracken Funeral Home, 1SO0 lrvlnpon H.rmLl Augun 3,1O.17,J1.31. I«67 Cued; JuM JO, 1967 Lavy, MaSIoakey !. ienlaalniar, Morris Ave,, Union, Thursday. Iniermem on Monday, July II. 1967, age ii years, William MoOrailii also BurvivBd by ] • ••-.•. .--,"-.., , . , AnonuiyD BI¥H10N,u.IiIlJL1C0UNTT, UOCKET NQ. of 14 MidUOB Ave,, Irvington, beloved grandchUdnn. The funeral service was ADAM F, HORN F-3OJ3^6, KNICKERBOCKER FEPIRAt in New ¥flrk\ B»y CeiBBBy, Jeney Oily. ViUaburl Laa4ar.July JO.JT, Aug. 8, IB, 1»7 husband of Helene (nee Carlson), devoted held at the MeCracken Funeral Home, NliOHBORS WANT YOUR u.*d Jons w. McCedun, Jr.. Attorney SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSCKIATION, » cor- «Q Broid it * ~ (F»i IShlO) poratlon of the United States of America, CUPARI — Domenica, of 141 Cross St. father of Howard o, Henderson Jr.! son of 1500 Morris Ave., Union, N.J., on Mon- itefn*, Tel! 'cm who! you hove, N«w«i, N. j. 07I01 Plalntin, »«. CURTli CRIMSLEY, et ila. KenUwonh, devoted husband of Domenica Martha V, Henderson; brother of Lt, James day, August 7, Interment Tuesday at Hun o low-eo.I Clo.sified, Coll !rv, HeriOd-july IS, », 17, AU(. 3, 10, H67 To publicity chairmen: Defendants, EXECUTION, For Sale ol Messina Cupati and beloved brother of I, Henderson, Mrs, Walter Reasor Sr, Craceland Memorial Park, Kenllworth. 686.7700, Mortgaged Premises, Miebael, Anthony slid Gulseppe, Funeral and Charles w, Henderson! also survived By virtue of fiie above stated wrl! sf Eae= was from the Mastapeier Suburban. 400 by 3 grandchildren. The funeral service RADZEWICK .. Helen (nee BeralBtus), Would you lik« some help cutlon, EO me dlfeeied, I shall expose for Fnitouce Ave,, Rosalie Park, on SsBmlsy was held at "HaeBerle h Barth Home for on Sunday, August 6, 1967, of 2346 Benin UST WIIKS in preparing n#wspap»r re- sale by Public vemiyg, in Rsom 22o. at the Funerals," 971 CUnton Ave,, irvington, St., Union, beloved wife of Stanley T.i COURT HOUSE, in Newark, en Tuesday, the High M>il of Requiem In St, Therosa's ANSWER ,,_ leases? Wrltt to this news- Sth day of September. ne«[, at 1(30 p.m. Chureli, KenUworth. ;nt«rmenl St. cer- on Thursday, August 1, Cremation at devoid moriier of Stanley T. Jr.: sisfer Rasedale Crematory, Orange, of Mrs, NeUie Fedishun, Mrs, Antoinette CROSSWORD PUZZLE paper and ask for our "Tips (Prewalling Time), ALL thai anam lot, BTide Cemetery, Woodbrtdge, or parcel of land and premises, situate, ly.. Stalls, Mrs, Martha Deldar, Peter and on Submitting News Re- ing and beln| m the City of Newark. In the WILLS — Emeu, on Aug. 6, 1967. of 1119 Joseph Prtteh; also survived by 2 grand- leases." . county or Etta, In the SUB ol New jertey D1BELLA — Lens (nee Basel*), OB Sun - Victor Ave,, Union; beloved oussand of children. The funeral wufrom 'Haeberle bounded and described as follows: day, Aupist 6, 1967, of 119 Tremont Eileen (nee Kennedy), devoted father of 1 iartt Colonial Home," 1100 Pine Ave,, ACROSS a.Odd; Bsot, 20, Prayer BEOIBEOINNINN Q att a poinp t in tht e southeHyy Ave., East Oruge, wUe of Angelo; mother Edward, Richard and Eileen Hills; brother corner Vauxhall Rd., Union, on Wednesday, S, Clue, u a 21. Rodent ,l,Je ol d <7)1S f ol Mrs. Tilda Alfonso, Angelo, Louis, l.rng- Terrace dliunt <7),1S f«t of Thomas, John and Helen Hills Mrs, August 9, thence to St. Michael's Church, •nested hawk', eyoa 23, Blendsr WWesterll y along the aattie, frsm the intsr* Thomas: stepdaughter of Mrs. Flllplna RuA Russo and Mrs. Dorothy Blake. Union, for a Solemn High Mass of Req. 4S. seeiion Hiereof, with the westerly aide of Boscia; sister of Mrs, PhyUs Nsrdone, reals 4, PBJU flnlal 10 REASONS WHY YOUR ASBURY PARK Clinton Puce ud rjtence II) along the isutt The funeral wu from "Haeberle & Barth quiem. Interment Gate of Heaven Ceme- Mrs, FrancM Foil, Sylvester Boscia, Colonial Home," iiOO Pine Ave,, corner tery. 6. Great of the 23, Mone- ly side of WhiB Terries north 61 degi tary AND tl minute* west 40 feei: uience (2) lourfl 2S Joseph Boscia, Salvmon! Bosds, Anthony of Vaiixhall Rd., Union, on Thursday quanUUMi feet _HIIHR_0M degrees II minutes west ?4,il feet; thenee Boscia; also survived by 4 ttrandchlldrcn. Thence to St. Michael's Chnrt-h, Union for SALZLE1N .. Eugene H., OB Monday l g 5. Seine unit: Bul(. SEASIDE HEIGHTS (3) souih B2 degrees m minutes east 40 Funeral gas from "GslsniB Funeral a Higti Mass of Requiem, Interment In Aug. 7, 1967. aged 63, of 63 Salniol ll.Oreek a, pilm«n or ^ BEnnaHQ BETTER CLOTHES & SCHOOL CLOTHES feet: tbenee (4) nsrm IS degrees i§ minubea Home," 406 Samllord Ave., (Vallstjurg), Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Hanover, Rd., Landlni, N.J,, formerly of Newark, goddeu of Orere, for 24, Anger Daily Exproft Service Vie eut 93-95 fui to ike southerly side of White on WedMSday, August f. Requiem Mass beloved husband of Ileano (nee Thl»r), 27. Moved Terriee, the point and pisee of beginning. ln St. joserih'i Church, Bast Orange, pesea NEED BETTER CLEANING Garden Start Parkway HOIRST — Mary Theresa (nee Aekerman) devoted farher of Mrs, Louis La Porta li, Cuitom t, •leevBlega fur. Tbe luregsiBg deseriptloti is drawn in i lniqrment Cite of Heaven Cemetery. Uvely EOrdange with i gyrvey made by Sailer on Saturday. August S, 1967, age 60 years, and Mrs, Uoyd Kolbash, lirorner of Mrs. 13. Top of a wrap* M. Alone, on (Alr-Condltloncsi Buses) of 2430 Norttwest 64th Terrace, Fort Ma Orr, Mrs. Mabel Munich. Mrs. Ruth 30 Cereal Sailer, C, t, t, 5,. lliaheth, N. j,, dated DUE •» Pasouale, on Monday, July 31, wave 8. Incite Itaye BY October 16, loss, Knoisn is S6-1I WIUH 1967, aged 64 y«r«, of 49_lUc h It,, LaudQ-dale, Fla,, formerly of Irvington, Stubaus, Nelson, David and Harvey Sal- grain For Firii and iehaduiati 14. Rif oletto, 1, Barth M.Way Temoe, Newirfe. New jer|ey. Irvington, beloved husband of Gladys (nee N,j,, beloved wife of Joseph Hoerm. Fun- aein and edward Vernooy, also survived 10. Remain SI, Over or The lBpr€xirnite amount of the judgmen; eral service was held "Haeoerle k Osrth by sli grandchildren. The funeral service for one IT. iptoe Buehann), devoted father of Rotot P. 15. Stop U. Abya above: to be_ sitislied hy siid sale u the sum oi Due. The funeral w»s from Hcebsrle 6 Colonial Home," 1100 Pine Ave, cor, was held at Haeberle t Barth Home for SS. Vehicle [CONSOLIDATED Ten Thousand Seven Hundred and Five DoU Vaux Hall Rd.. Union on Wednesday, Funerals, 971 Clinton Ave., Irvington, IS, AttlMUVt JB. UnequsJed prefix with Le BOEUF CLEANERS lars and Seventy-Four centj (|lQ,7ui.74), to. Birth Home for Fuaerals, 971 CUnton Ave,, Irvington. on Friday, Aug. 4, [hence AuguA 9, inBirment In Hollywood Mem- on Thursday. Aug. 10, Interment in Holly- 17 Sends forth ig, Oppwlte of 82, Curb Shore Lines, Inc. ge*er with the essts si sis sale, orial Park. wood Memorial Park, NewarilrN,],, July M, 196; to It, Leo'g Cnureh, Irvington, for a «, On the —, 4j Mreu jj, otherwlH 40. Resort Solemn Hlg! Mass of Requiem. Interment as a hostile Li ROY j. D'ALOIA, SHERIFF SAROKIN — Samuel u«, at bis home, SB • NIESEL'S Finn and Rimffi, Attsmeys in Holy Cross Cemetery, North Arlington. HUZAR — Michael, on Monday, July 31, Indian 1. French Cleaning Vallsburi Ulder^Uj., 10, 17, 24, 31. l#67 1967, of II Stockton Plaee, iHington, Collettl Terrace, Jamesburl, NJ,, fenn. Union Center, Union 688-984B eriy of Springfield, en Frtday. August 4, 22. High priest .." • (Fee; M7,76) INOLERT — Helen (nee Heuamiin), on beloved husband of Mary Hunr. Funeral was conducted: from "Haeberle s Barth 1967, husband of Reebe WelnbiattSarokln; 88, Stop',; naut, 2. Hand Finishing Friday, Aug. 4, I9«7, of 12-C Walnut Home for Fuaerals." 971 Clinton Ave,, father of Julian and H. Lee Sarokin! tfl. Former St., Toms RlTer, NJ,, formerly tt Jean Irvington. brother of Mrs, Sidney Mesendorf and •liver coin 3. Guaranteed Satisfaction Ter',, Union, beloved wile of LeRoy Eng Mrs. HeleB Haymanf also survived oy 7 of Turkey' len. gatg of Bmard, JopaSjJi 4. Free Pick-up and Delivery l.r EVANGEL BAPTIST BrmM flut. I, 1567 . of SS Oxford St., Newark, be- "SmlUi abd Smith (Suburban): 41} MorrU SB. Conspire » Minor Rep^i-- Vwmm CHURCH . ton and Mrs, Rose Purdy. The funeral Ave., Sprtngfleld, on Sunday, AuguB 6. was from Haeberle f. BarthColmlal Home, loved burtaoa of AUee (nee Keaedy), (often foL 6, Nation-Wide Bridal Service Serving Campers 342 Shunplke Road, iprtngflisld devoted lathn- ol Walter j. Kane jr. Interment Beth Israel Qemetery, Wood, by "with") (opposite Baltusrel dolf Club) 1100 Fine Ave,, corner Vairx Hill R father of Robert j,, John J,, Raymond 40. A tout 11 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP tertnsu is Gate of Heaves Cemetery, Bait j. and Richard j., Shcvlin: brother of 41. Capri, Mm, • Gerry Mountaineering Equip. 1682 STUYViSANT AVI. PASTOR, WARREN WM. WEST, Hanover. Frank P. Shcvlin; also survived by 4 Pines, etc, • Eureka Drawtite Tents UNION - IRVINGTON grandchildren. Funeral was conducted 4i.The|MI preaching. from "Haeberle and Barth Colonial Le Boeuf Cleaners • Colimin Salts & Service W*>p*clalli*Jn Funeral . LAVrrOLAT. Michael, af 574 Second Ave,, OL Van tllr. SUNDAY SCHOOL" lliaheth, on Aug. 2, 196?; teloveB hus- Home," 1100 Pine 'Avenue,' 'edhaf Vila L ANY.HOUR*w ., |AIT ORANOt ^ • Klepper Folding Boats De.lgn and Sympathy aaa AMHiRST hand of Domenfai Chaffltslll LavttoU HaU rd.. Union, * DAY OR NISHT, «B • Alcort Sailfish Sunlish WID. I P.M. ArrangamaiM for lh« Bariavad prtmchw! and father of Bull Lavltola and Mrs. 44.AMXM , OR 3-3600 t BAY! A WilK OR • Dehydrated Foot—looks PRAYBR MUTING. family. Ju»t phonat SULUVAN - Qs Monday, July SI, 1967, Maria Gulemi, Funeral w»i from the DOWN • Canoe I Camping Rentals MU 6-1838 Masuseter Funerai Homs. 317 Amity K,, Agnes M, (Ledger), of Farley Towers, LWeaJtay

MjmiiiHiiiiiHiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii YOUR "SECOND HOME • VACATION INVESTMINT llllllMllllIllllllllllllllll|l!!|llllllllllIIIIllIIII!IMI!I|l|IHll!llllllIIIllll!ll>ltlllllltllltlllllllllllll!ll!Mllll|lllllll!li*l>illlllillllllllHlltllU|l|llllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllll|lt11IU Emerald Lakes Estates Now Offering Homesites Lake-front and lake-view liomesites are * WATERFRONT or WOODED now available at these private, natural lakes Per month acation homesites closest from NO DOWN PAYMINT „, ™^ ^ .ags.-, j^g^^ f^flfg^'poTeji^r- Mourftd 1 n s"o f LOTS I adelphia ,. . while you're looking for the I!l>n_irh^you"ean^^ThBOU»Ttur«eiIr«rr j*^^***,-^ hamstila in tfili ESTABLISHED vgeation community grid • in the Poconos be sure to see Pennsylvania. A limited number of lots of '/j enjoy all of MYSTIC ISLANDS' exciting facilities...not' I acre minimum size will be offered on a first- crliei sway from ths water but at MYSTIC ISLANDS'; the • Rait Coast'« most famous watorfreni community. 1 come, first-served basis on convenient terms. All lot owners will become members of the Emerald Lakes Estates Lake and Beach Association anJenjoy its privileges, Both East and West Lakes are spring-fed lakes with crystal-clear water, a weli-defineid shore|ine> gradual bottom and protected, WATERFRONT HOMES sandy beaches. in fho heorf of fh1* PoeSno ON YOUR MYSTIC ISLANDS PLEASANT VALLEY ESTATES from $5/250. WATERFRONT LOT i Emerard Lakes Estates is situated 2050 • Prlvats white sand beo- • Lots Just 10% Down -• Lake for Property Owners EMERALD LAKES ESTATES WRITE FOR FREE COLOR cfies ^ Milos of Lagoons BROCHURE m • Filtered Swimming Pool • Trout Stream feet above sea level in the clear air for which • Private flfhlng 8, Crab- JiiiuintiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiintiiiiiitiiHiini%iiHuiiiiiiiiiiumiuiiiiiii MiiiiiiituiKiiiiiniMM inii^riiitiiniiijiiniiiiiiiifiii inn u iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiii mi;

Ludwig says . . , Have you seen? TIMBER HILL •* ••a SKI AREA * ji -HOMESITES


1 , • •in- No Down Payment 1 HAMMER & SHINGLE SALE

1 • •

= - • • JULTf & iua. ONLY• OWN $2000 buy! Vi acre lot pluf .Baton pail ;^affly!ji8BI, KStrjyouSSRihB:S far ikllng for the, whole family. Th« only ivepylhlrii i•ywiMdn- " > AND 1 ACRE VACATION HOMESITES FROM $1,500 InterseetiBri just .2 miles Phones: Lake (717) 629-0850 Direeflons frem NiJi-and-NtYT^—^ *" i ;*i. I. Vtolt or mits for »l« trwlign: IKUII Ukii, Rt, 140, Pewrw Uki," P«. passing Oeuldsbore Phllo. (215) 342.2916 ovfl Interstate SO at Marshall Creek, Interchange, •yimbsrsi OhiiiiMr of «minirei • PSBM Mt; Vititlan lutuu •' ft, Viuligrrtiiid Dm, *««, Park. Follow signs norrh on Rt. 447 (Holiday Inn) for 10 miles. ' .-.. to office ** Follow signs, ( -

:; 7;;:;;; ' := T: '7;'OV'^V-#^^^^-:> ' : wv <': -;- -"^ ' ^:; ^'-

ARNOLD PALMER I A DCTITT Restaurant RiSTAURANT TAVERN PUTTING COURSE LA Ft I II t and Caterer UNION HOFBRAU & COCKTAIL BAR 2547 Morris Ave. Union 1252 Stu^vesant Ave.,- Union ' Union Plaza Dorothy .Messbauer & Anthony Gargulla Excellent Italian - American Cooking Luncheon & Dinners Served Dally BANCJNQi, ENTIRTAlNMINT- Shopping Center Buslnsisnien'i Lunch Dally 11A.M. to 2 P.M. 95* FRI".,-"SAT. & SUN. Rt. 22 & Springfield Rd. Best Pino In town-$1.0Q Mon.-W«d.-Thurs. Your Ho*t»: TH E, WIMME R F AMI LY faatyrlng JOACHIM SCHROEDER ; PUBLIC=BERVIGE ELECTRIC AND BAS-DDMPJXNY= --^_ Union- Delivery of all food Items Frl.-Sat.-Sun. 5 PM to 10 PM MU 7-8170 687-7020