The (bright) future of faith-friendly fi lms - and fi lmmaking

A Special Report Prepared by e Washington Times Special Sections Department with Mastermedia International and Bryan Hickox Pictures Inc. The (bright) future of faith-friendly films — and filmmaking

My journey of faith and the making of the “Mully” movie ...... 3 Behind the lines: The rise of Christians in Hollywood...... 12 Dr. Charles M. Mulli Dr. Phil Cooke

Media’s persistent Christophobia...... 4 The ‘Weinstein strategy’ vs. ‘flyover’ values...... 12 Dr. Larry W. Poland Dr. Larry W. Poland

‘In the room where it happens’...... 4 Will Hollywood come to terms with the Unidentified Dan Rupple Film Goer (UFG)?...... 13 Mark Joseph Not-so-strange bedfellows in media...... 5 Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein A surprising new trend in movies...... 14 NT

ME Simon Swart T AR P Introducing “Turbulent,” Parables’ latest DE original production...... 6 Faith-based films coming of age, despite artistic challenges...... 15

tionS Rafael Campillo Harold Fickett ec S l a i ec The success of faith-friendly media...... 8 Sp Since 1985, Mastermedia International, founded by Dr. S. Bryan Hickox Dr. Larry W. Poland and now headed by CEO Dan MES Rupple, has focused on building bridges of trust to executives in global medial in Hollywood, New The 15 highest-grossing Christian films...... 9 York, and other media capitals. Key services include INGTON TI INGTON Dr. S. Bryan Hickox consulting on the vast Christian audience, mobilizing SH prayer for media decision makers, promoting A

W faith-driven content, and supporting believing

HE professionals. T Hollywood’s untold stories of faith, hope and charity...... 10 BY

Matthew Faraci ARED P RE MES T P

R A new ‘home’ for faith-based content...... 10 Bryan Hickox Pictures Inc., founded by Dr. S. Bryan

PO Dallas Jenkins Hickox, is a production company currently located RE INGTON TI INGTON in Jacksonville, Florida. Dr. Hickox is an executive L A

I producer and producer of more than 80 network A EC

W television movies and feature films; his films have P S

HE Christians, Hollywood and my refrigerator magnet...... 11 won seven Emmy Awards and the George Foster A T sh

| Peabody Award. Karen Covell

Cheryl Wetzstein Larry T. Beasley David Dadisman Andrea Hutchins Special SectionS Manager preSident and ceo general Manager Senior Marketing Manager ecember 14 • 2017 14 ecember D Advertising Department: Thomas P. McDevitt Adam VerCammen Patrick Crofoot 202-636-3062 chairMan director of advertiSing & SaleS SuperviSor, graphicS

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Thursday • Thursday advertisers collaborate with The Times’ advertising and marketing departments to highlight a variety of issues and events, such as The Power of Prayer, North Korea’s Nuclear Threat, Gun Rights Policy Conference and Rolling Thunder Memorial Day Tribute to Veterans. Unless otherwise identified, Special Sections are prepared separately 2 SPECIAL SECTIONS and without involvement from the Times’ newsroom and editorial staff. My journey of faith and the making of the “Mully” movie

of faith to tell my story, which was treating others humanely and seeing and not coercing any recipient of aid initially documented in my autobiog- the potential in every human being to change their faith. It reflects on raphy book. in any part of the world, irrespective the virtues of good stewardship and I directly guided the moviemaking of background, origin, race, sex and servant leadership, based on honesty, and had to identify actors and support color. The movie also champions trustworthiness and determination. team that would represent sections of the observance and adherence to the My faith as a Christian has im- my real-life story in the movie. I pay moral imperative to provide assis- mensely grown in the ministry tribute to members of my biological tance to all people in need, regardless through making of the movie and family who played key roles in mak- of faith and upholding national and its 2015 launch. It has provided a ing the movie, as well as members of new platform in my life to extend the larger MCF fraternity whose roles and champion the Almighty God’s as actors and support team made it work and service to humanity. I have possible for the inspiring production. travelled to many places and re- What motivated me to make a ceived enormous and overwhelming movie was the impact and different feedback with viewers one-on-one, perspectives readers had on my first on television and radio shows, as autobiography book, “Father to the well as through amazing and inspir- By Dr. Charles M. Mulli Fatherless: The Charles Mulli Story,” ing emails. The sentiments on the written with Paul H. Boge in 2005. transformative impact of the movie was born in 1949 in Machakos, The book became the springboard to viewers through this feedback have Kenya, and grew up as an aban- through which the movie producer strengthened my faith in the work

doned child and with a devastat- from Hollywood whom I met in 2013 I do to serve others through Mully A S P EC I A L RE PO R ing life in my formative years. learned about my difficult childhood Children’s Family. With the help of well-wishers, I after being abandoned at age 6, work “Mully” received several awards, was able to complete elementary history and financial success, radical including the prestigious “Friend of education in 1966, but did not proceed forgiveness of parents, and later giv- Adoption” from the National Council Ito secondary owing to lack of school ing all the accumulated wealth to the of Adoption in November 2017. fees. As the firstborn in a poverty- poor children, women and men. The The viewer feedback I continue to T P RE stricken family of nine children, I producer asked for my indulgence to receive confirms that people with dif-

grew up experiencing the worst form make the “Mully” movie based on my ferent perspectives on the poor, those ARED BY T HE W of poverty and suffering. But one day real-life story and the ministry of the who see impossibilities in life, people I experienced an encounter with God largest family in the world, the Mully of different faiths, and those with no as my personal savior that changed Children’s Family. I surely did not international humanitarian standards faith have been inspired, and their the course of my life forever. know how this would come, but I am and principles. mindsets, attitudes and worldviews

I worked as a casual laborer in overwhelmed by the response, recog- This movie is about my life and transformed towards restoring hope INGTONASH TI MES Sp ec i a l S ec tion s DE P various firms while upgrading my nition awards and impact it has had in ministry anchored on Christian val- in the lives of the needy in society. education through correspondence the life of people who participated in ues, the power of prayer, and the ex- Continuous correspondence with the learning. I worked, exercising dili- making it, as well as the hundreds of ercise of faith towards others through thousands of people whose lives have gence and honesty, and used savings thousands of people who have viewed transformative and compassionate been inspired and encouraged is quite from the little income that came my it in theaters or other venues. action — preaching peace, uncon- overwhelming. Many Christians have way to set up my businesses. Through Ultimately, I wanted the viewers ditional love, forgiveness, humility, been inspired to believe they can be hard work and God’s immense favor, I to transform their thinking towards endurance, perseverance and unity, what they want to be through hard continued to accumulate wealth and, work, dedication, commitment and

as a multimillionaire with businesses hope. The producer, as well as the THE WASHINGTON TIMES in transportation and related com- marketer and distributor of the movie, modities, was in a position to acquire became believers in Jesus Christ everything money could buy. through salvation as they continued My encounter with unfortunate to make the movie.

street children in 1986 led to a radical Many people continue to request AR

decision, inspired by a divine calling to visit the Mully Children’s Family T ME NT as a Christian, to sell everything I had programs in Africa to witness the to salvage the lives of the suffering true manifestation of God’s wondrous | children and families — leading to the love as represented in the movie. To Thursday • D ecember 14 • 2017 foundation of Mully Children’s Family date, the programs have rescued more (MCF). The full support and commit- than 13,000 abandoned children and ment of my wife Esther and our biologi- HIV/AIDS orphans from the streets. cal family, amidst their initial concerns at inception, has impacted immensely Charles M. Mulli, Ph.D., HSC, is Founder on the success of the ministry. of Mully Children’s Family, real-life I never knew that my practical life subject of “Mully” (2015), and author of experiences were a movie waiting “My Journey of Faith: An Encounter with to be cast to speak to the world and Christ ... and how He used me to spread advance humanity. I had not done His love to the poor” (Castle Quay anything closer to making a movie be- Books, 2016). “Mully,” directed by Scott fore, and I had no idea what to expect Haze, is distributed by For Good LLC, out of it. But with courage and full of and has been promoted with the help of conviction, I resolved to take a step Focus on the Family and Fathom Events. 3 Media’s persistent Christophobia

shown having sex with Mary Magdalene. The network promoted the show using a In a most vicious assault on Christian Mobilized by Christian radio sta- sexy picture of woman’s cleavage with a beliefs, the leaders of the new regime tions and media watchdog groups, the huge cross hanging between her breasts. quote passages from the Bible to justify offended faithful from all denominations Under pressure — possibly with the their treachery. “Blessed are the meek” were at the studio gates on that Satur- argument that “Good Jewish/Lesbian/ declares one mother superior-type day, begging Universal not to release a Black or Muslim Bitches” would not have person as she zaps an uncooperative film defaming their Savior. It was not passed muster with ABC execs — the handmaid in the face with what looks an angry protest; there was not a single short-lived show’s name was changed to like a cattle prod. In another scene, the arrest. It was an assembly of singing, “GCB,” but its Christian-mocking story beloved Christian hymn “Onward, Chris- passionate followers of Jesus asking line of B-word characters in a Dallas-area tian Soldiers” plays in the background for respect for their Lord ... and for church remained unchanged. as the “commanders” impregnate a bevy themselves. Then in 2014, Time magazine editors of the handmaids — an evangelical gang Along with a film producer friend, I ran a cover story on an evangelical min- rape — in a monthly ceremony. consulted with the bosses at Universal ister who no longer believes in hell. The Then in August, the AMC network and — based on a reading of an early editors highlighted a letter to the editor execs approved a scene in their original version of the script of “The Last Temp- in the “Inbox” section from reader Don “Preacher” series in which Jesus has sex tation of Christ” — gave notes to execs Koons that stated, “Hell is easy to define. with a married woman, complete with an By Dr. Larry W. Poland Sid Sheinberg and Tom Pollock identify- It would be spending eternity with Evan- explicit portrayal of the act and silhou- ing 80 items in the 120-page script we gelicals.” For comparison, ask yourself if etted scenes of other sexual positions. n July 16, 1988, predicted would be offensive to Chris- Time’s editors would have highlighted a AMC issued an apology to their viewers Hollywood and American tian believers. comment saying, “Hell would be spend- over “spoiler” information released on media changed forever. Universal ignored our counsel, ing eternity with Jews, Gays, Blacks or an episode of another series, but made On this day, Lankershim stonewalled the Christian community Muslims.” no apology to 160,000,000 U.S. Chris- Boulevard, which con- and released the film anyway. This was The above references cover a number tians who had their Redeemer viciously nects Universal Studios to probably the shot across the bow that of years, but this does not mean that maligned by “Preacher.” The Seth Rogen the freeways, was not just busy, it was put the conflict between Hollywood and Christophobia has died in recent times. series was renewed for 2018. How do Ogridlocked. Some 25,000 people had the faith community into warp speed. Earlier this year, Hulu launched AMC execs explain this? It is unlikely

T ME NT gathered outside the gates of the studio The question remains, “Is there an an original series based on Margaret AMC and Mr. Rogen will do a similar

AR in the largest protest in the history of undercurrent of Christophobia in Ameri- Atwood’s dystopian novel, “The Hand- scene involving Mohammed. Tinseltown. can media today?” Is this what stirred maid’s Tale,” which has an oligarchy of Is there any doubt why — in a survey But the significance of the event a major studio to release what was Christian televangelists and other evan- reported by the Baptist Board website — was not just its magnitude, it was its considered “blasphemous” to followers gelical leaders taking over the United 93 percent of evangelicals mistrust the cause. Universal Pictures and Cineplex of Christ? Would the same treatment States after a nuclear holocaust. media? You decide. Odeon were planning to release “The be given to the pleas of Jews, Mus- Since most women were left infertile Last Temptation of Christ,” a film famed lims, African-Americans or the LGBT by the nuclear fallout, the “Commander” Mastermedia International Founder and director Martin Scorsese had tried to get community? The evidence is clear that and his comrades implement a reign Chairman Emeritus Larry W. Poland, made for years. During filming and pre- animus against the Christian faith is in a of terror in which all fertile women are Ph.D., spent more than three decades con- production, word had leaked out of Uni- category of one. brought at gunpoint into monastery-like sulting with executives in Hollywood and versal about the film’s content. In it, Jesus For example, ABC television wanted enclaves. Once there, the “handmaids” New York media on the Christian com- was portrayed as a wimpy, bedeviled to launch a new series in the 2011-2012 serve as concubines to the oligarchs to munity as a market for media products. character who, in a dream sequence, is season called “Good Christian Bitches.” repopulate the nation. tionS DE P i a l S ec TI MES Sp ec ASH INGTON ‘In the room where it happens’ T HE W ARED BY still have major ramifications today... and American fabric. These voices speak their chairs, walked out of the room and all behind closed doors. for fragments of our culture divided by cocooned themselves in the sanctuary T P RE On the outside stands the excluded gender, race, political leanings, lifestyle, of our churches. The generations that Aaron Burr, bemoaning that he’s not in ethnic background or other special inter- followed were discouraged from going to on the conversation. ests. Some are large and some small, but the theater, let alone entering the media When George Washington asks, their objective is the same: to effectively business. As the church relinquished the INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON “What to you want, Burr?” Burr re- urge, and often vehemently demand, that responsibility of providing or supporting plies, “I wanna be in the room where it their factions be favorably reflected in positive, life-affirming films, the secular I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| happens.” TV and film characters and story lines. film culture filled the void. To have our voices heard, to have the However, America’s largest people So for many years, the term “Chris- ability to speak into conversations that group — followers of Jesus Christ — are tian media professional” was an oxymo- affect our lives, to be represented, all go all too often “not in the room where ron. The Christian light in Hollywood to the heart of our democracy. However, it happens.” (Seventy-five percent of became dimmed, in danger of being ex- in the media world — which consists of Americans identify with a Christian reli- tinguished. But it didn’t go out. As a mat- private, for-profit corporations — many gion says Gallup Poll, December 2015) ter of fact, it grew and continues to grow decisions of cultural impact are being What is our voice? into a massive flame. Countless Chris- made, and often only the loudest voices 1) An absent voice. tian believers have entered the media By Dan Rupple get heard. Why isn’t the Christian voice being professional ranks. The vast Christian Second only to profits, perhaps the heard? During the infancy of Hollywood, community came back to the theater in In the Broadway megahit “Hamilton,” leading influencer that dictates what America’s Christian community was the record numbers. Over the past decade,

• 2017 14 • D ecember Thursday Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson the world sees on its screens are the deciding voice. But a few decades later, the Christian audience has proven to be and James Madison meet together to de- numerous, diverse voices representing offended by what Hollywood was offer- 4 cide on foundational policies that would many of the demographic threads of the ing, many people of faith pushed back » see RUPPLE | C5 Not-so-strange bedfellows in media

that their arguing against a creative re- Studies in Los Angeles. Essentially, entertainment is so different. In parts telling of a New Testament story would Sister Rose’s reviews guide Catholic of the Orthodox community, children be viewed by Christians as the height faithful about all things concerning grow up without any television at all, of arrogance or chutzpah. film. She is as aware as anyone about and many have never entered a movie My organization faced a particularly filmmakers who often show hostility to theater nor streamed a film from the difficult predicament. A concerned citi- faith; nonetheless, she refuses to reject internet. Parents understand that their zen who had seen a pre-release version the entire enterprise. I salute her opti- most sacred role is helping young souls of the film said Mr. Gibson’s “artistic” mistic perspective, by which she finds become the best servants of G-d that choices included ones that consistently tidbits of moral value and instruction they can, and they embrace the policy portrayed Jews negatively, despite Mr. where others would come up empty. of setting limits. Gibson’s assurances to the contrary. What are the takeaways from this Traditional Christians understand Jews needed some credible non- rapprochement between two religious? the sometimes-corrosive power of Jewish voices to come to the rescue, I would point to two. popular media. In addition to establish- to cry foul. The very first Lone Ranger The first, more obvious, benefit of ing personal and parental boundar- was Dr. Larry Poland, who had spent traditional Jews and Christians getting ies, they have done an excellent job decades reaching out with a message to know each other is the realization creating healthy alternatives to popular of faith in G-d to the major studios that we should never make statements music that are every bit as attractive. By Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein of Hollywood. He responded to the about the other community without In this, traditional Christians and Jews are on the same page. he Lone Ranger would have Rod Dreher’s much-discussed “The been proud. Appearing out The first, more obvious, benefit of traditional Jews Benedict Option: A Strategy for Chris- of nowhere but just in the and Christians getting to know each other is the tians in a Post-Christian Nation,” pro- nick of time 12 years ago, a realization that we should never make statements poses that negative cultural elements modern-day crusader helped are so overwhelming that they cannot others breathe a sigh of re- about the other community without soliciting the be ignored and pushback is a religious lief. His assistance has since morphed perspective of an insider... My organization has made priority. The opening of a dialogue A S P EC I A L RE PO R Tinto an important friendship, and a it a hard-and-fast rule not to comment about Christian between traditional Jews and Chris- working relationship between conser- tians makes available a Jewish model vative Christians and Orthodox Jews. ideas — related to film or not — without first asking to the Christian devout. This model The crisis was the impending 2004 a committed Christian for an insider’s perspective. is one that accepts a certain degree of release of Mel Gibson’s “The Passion cultural isolation, one that is not afraid of the Christ,” which alarmed some film with a pointed essay that spelled soliciting the perspective of an insider. to say “no,” and insists on creating T P RE Jewish organizations — including the out what Christians and Jews should Thus, on a number of occasions when temples of holiness in the home and in

Simon Wiesenthal Center, which I and should not take away from the a film either impacted upon Jewish the soul. ARED BY T HE W serve as the director of interfaith af- film. Beyond its effectiveness, it was life or required a Jewish perspective, It will be interesting to see if this fairs. Many centuries of tragic history an unexpected gift of friendship and Sister Rose invited me to view the film evolving partnership between the two ingrained in Jews a deserved fear of concern to the Jewish community. with her, formulate a response and camps — forged in the world of media depictions of the crucifixion of Jesus. In short order, Dr. Poland and I explain my thinking. My organization — will be mutually beneficial as Chris-

Under Hitler, for instance, the Oberam- made personal contact. In the years has made it a hard-and-fast rule not tians seek the counsel of their “older INGTONASH TI MES Sp ec i a l S ec tion s DE P mergau, Germany, passion plays riled that followed, a partnership developed, to comment about Christian ideas — brothers,” as Pope John Paul II called the masses into a violent frenzy against in which we became a resource for related to film or not — without first Jews, in formulating new attitudes Jews who were depicted as the schem- him and his Mastermedia International asking a committed Christian for an towards entertainment. ing “Christ-killer” figures. organization in understanding and con- insider’s perspective. Jews were in a quandary about what necting with the Jewish community. Here is the more subtle takeaway. Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein is Direc- to do about the Gibson film. It would He did the same for us in evangelical The differences between committed, tor of Interfaith Affairs at the Simon be shown worldwide, including many circles. We became extremely good observant Jews and Christians are just Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles and countries where a primitive, religion- friends sharing our hearts and our as stark in lifestyle as they are in theol- is co-founder and a featured writer

based antipathy to Jews was alive and views. ogy. It is ironic that the world of enter- on Cross-Currents, an online jour- THE WASHINGTON TIMES well, and its unusually vivid depic- Another important relationship was tainment was the venue for developing nal of Orthodox Jewish thought. tion of the passion could easily fire up with Sister Rose Pacatte, founding di- some of these relationships because people. Jewish leaders knew, however, rector of the Pauline Center for Media the approach of observant Jews to AR T ME NT scenes of redemption (“Les Misera- treasured films are those that inspire us the commitment to expand the Chris- RUPPLE bles”), self- sacrifice (“It’s a Wonderful to be our better selves. Now, more than tian voice within the cinematic ranks. I | From page C4 Life”), good triumphant over evil (“Star ever, these films are needed as a positive applaud the Christian audience that is Thursday • D ecember 14 • 2017 Wars”), standing courageously by your influence on our culture. “The destiny flocking to films that are worthy of their loyal, robust viewers of films that en- convictions (“Chariots of Fire”), “right” of the world is determined less by the support. Media world, it is to your and courage and respect their values. Sadly, winning the day (“High Noon”), or battles that are lost and won than by the our culture’s benefit that you open up a these kinds of “faith-friendly” films, finding that which was lost (“Finding stories it loves and believes in,” wrote seat “in the room where it happens.” while increasing, still remain dispropor- Nemo”) have inspired audiences and late author and academic Harold Clarke tionately few, leaving the huge Christian filmmakers alike. Goddard. Dan Rupple is CEO of Mastermedia audience foolishly underserved. Isn’t it interesting that all of these Entry into “the room where it hap- International, an organization that 2) A needed voice themes, which so resonate with the pens” is earned through compelling for more than 32 years has served the Life-affirming films, sometimes human spirit, are values of the Kingdom creativity, excellence of craft, and being leaders and influencers of the enter- promoted as “the feel-good movie of of God? They give us a glimpse of a a constant, genial, reasonable, beneficial tainment and media industries as a the year,” usually are ones that touch world set right. We are reminded of how voice into the hearts of the media’s deci- trusted life-changing Christian voice. our hearts, bring levity and purpose out the world was supposed to be. sion makers. of chaos, or make justice prevail. Films In looking at the top 100 highest- I celebrate the young, passionate, whose moving endings conclude with grossing films, a majority of the timeless, talented generation that is rising up with 5 Introducing “Turbulent,” Parables’ latest original production

By Rafael Campillo strain of Rachel’s depression was par- to help his wife, soon drove a wedge he started a double life, triggered by a ticularly tough on her husband. At first, between them. Angered by the fact that profound jealousy of her relationship ollywood and the main- Richard tried his best to be supportive, she couldn’t find comfort in his efforts, with God. stream media have put but his frustration of being unable but was able to find support in her faith, Grasping to the idea that their trip aside faith-based and would be a calm and effortless way to wholesome entertainment settle their differences, their plans go way too often, making it In order to achieve their goal, Parables is doing awry when the small plane they are difficult for viewers to have much more than focusing on the message. The traveling on has a malfunction and access to quality films and TV content company is investing considerable resources in crashes deep in the wooded wilderness, Hthat encourages faith and elevates fam- killing the pilot on impact. Lost, injured ily values. Surely, we could argue that making sure that all their stories are well-written and and alone, Richard and Rachel will try over the years we have seen remarkable produced by a team of experienced professionals. to survive their plight while dealing Christian movies that have taken the All this hard work and dedication has resulted in with their personal issues. Will it be box office by storm, but they are simply possible for both of them to find comfort not enough. As Christians, we have the creation of relatable characters going through in God and save their marriage, while access to the greatest story ever told, in real-life situations applicable to all audiences also saving their lives? addition to a great number of invaluable inside and outside the Christian community. Directed by Chip Rossetti and Ex- teachings, and it is our responsibility to ecutive Produced by Isaac Hernandez, share these stories with the rest of the “Turbulent” is a relatable narrative that world, to evangelize through thought- resonates with all audiences regard- provoking entertainment and utilize less of their religious background. The technology to do so. film is a heartfelt drama brimming with So far, collectively, we have done adrenaline and excitement that promises

T ME NT a good job creating and distributing to captivate the viewer from beginning

AR films and TV content for the Christian to end. Exactly the type of emotions that community, but we need to do a better Parables wishes to accomplish with all job spreading our message outside of of their upcoming productions. the Christian circle. We need to find Adriana Herran, General Manager other ways to portray our stories in a of Parables, stated: “My hope is that way that’s appealing to a wider audience everyone who without compromising our faith in the watches a process, which is exactly what Parables Parables origi- has committed to accomplish. nal production Parables, the digital video streaming walks out feel- service that is edifying, empowering ing full of hope and entertaining, is rapidly evolving, and love. Our establishing itself not only as a faith- main focus based OTT platform, but as content is to create

tionS DE P i a l S ec TI MES Sp ec ASH INGTON creator focused on producing films and new connec- TV content that’s uplifting, creative, tions between innovative, and most importantly, safe all our viewers and God, as well as for the entire family to enjoy and learn strengthen the faith of all believers from. Parables aims to impact the way around the globe. Parables wants to em- we enjoy entertainment at home or on power all communities to take a stand T HE W ARED BY the go, offering viewers worldwide more and change the way we look at enter- meaningful and life-changing content, tainment, and we believe that the best T P RE which is precisely the type of viewing way to do so, is by offering a high-qual- experience that Parables has carried out ity and entertaining alternative to all the with its latest original production. negativity that’s plaguing our society.” “Turbulent,” Parables’ latest original In order to achieve their goal, INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON production, depicts a powerful story of Parables is doing much more than faith, love and redemption. In a last- focusing on the message. The company I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| ditch effort to save their marriage, Rich- is investing considerable resources in ard and Rachel Kline (actors Jeff Rose making sure that all their stories are and Faith Murphy, respectively), booked well-written and produced by a team of a trip to a marriage retreat in a remote experienced professionals. All this hard location deep into the mountains. work and dedication has resulted in the After suffering a terrible tragedy, creation of relatable characters going Rachel had been suffering from a state through real-life situations applicable of depression that put a heavy strain on to all audiences inside and outside the their marriage for the last two years. As Christian community. she battled her demons, she was finally For more information about Parables able to find comfort in Jesus Christ and digital video streaming services and the church. Her newfound commitment original productions, including the

• 2017 14 • D ecember Thursday to the Lord served as the ideal support upcoming film “Turbulent,” please visit she needed to move on and work her 6 way back to happiness. However, the A S P EC I A L RE PO R T P RE ARED BY T HE W INGTONASH TI MES Sp ec i a l S ec tion s DE P THE WASHINGTON TIMES AR T ME NT | Thursday • D ecember 14 • 2017

7 By Dr. S. Bryan Hickox

he relationship between the “church” and the “media” has been a strange and storied one from the beginning — going from patronage to protest and back again. At the birth of the cinema in the early T1900s and for several decades, faith- friendly and explicitly Christian stories from the Bible were the most popular. In addition to numerous biblical epics, The success of faith-friendly media over 100 films were made solely about the life of Jesus Christ. The most famous churches. This strategy had no influence TV networks sprang up to an enthusias- the Witch and the Wardrobe,” which

T ME NT director of that era was Cecil B. DeMille, on the secular media; it just provided tic and growing worldwide audience. grossed $745,013,158. In 2008, the next

AR who happened to be an Episcopal lay mostly amateur-quality movies for hard- Meanwhile, in the music business, in the Narnia series, “Prince Caspian,” minister. With the advent of the “talkie” core believers. only two genres were experiencing con- grossed $419,665,568, and in 2010, the in 1927 and well into the 1930s, the From the mid-1970s to 2000, faith- sistent growth: Christian and country third installment, “Voyage of the Dawn demand for Christian films flourished. filled believers got angry about what and western. Album sales fell almost 29 Treader,” grossed $415,686,950. Biblical epics like “King of Kings,” “The they considered the morally despicable percent in two years, but Christian and Since 2010, there have been hundreds Robe,” “The Greatest Story Ever Told,” messaging of films and television — gospel music rose 19 percent, marking of faith-friendly films produced, includ- and “The Ten Commandments” were especially the way people of faith were 19 straight quarters of growth, Daily ing high-grossing titles such as “Noah,” the “tent-pole” pictures of their day. depicted. It was not uncommon to have Variety said in April 2008. “Christian “Hacksaw Ridge,” “Heaven is for Real,” Then in the 1940s and 1950s, provoca- people of faith denounce television pro- music,” noted CBS News, “was outselling “The Shack,” “Miracles from Heaven,” tive subject matter was introduced. As gramming as “a Hollywood-built sewer classical, country and western, and new “Son of God,” and “War Room.” soldiers returned from World War II, line” directly into their living rooms. age combined.” In preparation for this article, I spent foreign films became available, and sto- Christian organizations mobilized By 2007, “the market for religious the better part of last month analyzing ries containing the seeds of secularism, angry boycotts, protest marches, letter products topped $8.6 billion in annual the most current statistical data I could explicit sex and scandals found their campaigns, and sometimes “hate mail” revenue,” D. Michael Lindsay wrote find, starting with the budgets of films

tionS DE P i a l S ec TI MES Sp ec ASH INGTON way into the local movie theaters. against offending producers, studios, and in “Faith in the Halls of Power: How containing positive, faith-friendly values From the early 1900s up through the networks. Evangelicals Joined the American Elite.” and their return-on-investment figures, 1950s — with the erosion of cinematic Around the turn of the new century, The Association of American Publish- and comparing them with the budgets morality — the church responded something very interesting started ers called religious books “the fastest- and ROI figures of films that contained by doing everything it could to stop happening. growing segment in publishing,” while negative or non-faith-friendly values. production of unsavory films. The Hays In May of 2000, CBS aired a two- in the nonfiction category, four of the The results are that faith-friendly films T HE W ARED BY Commission and later the Catholic part miniseries titled “Jesus,” and the top 20 best-sellers came from Christian yield a 7.8 times better return on invest- Legion of Decency were established first installment garnered 24.1 million publishers, Christian E-Tailing Newslet- ment than non-faith-friendly films. T P RE to enforce their severe criticism and viewers, making it the season’s highest- ter said in April 2008. The future seems extremely bright, to exercise censorship. The prevail- rated miniseries. In Europe, it was one of Today, according to 2017 Pew Re- with many faith-friendly films in the ing thought of the day was that films the highest-rated miniseries of all time. search Center statistics, 70.6 percent of pipeline for release in early 2018: “Sam- were the tools of the devil, and in many “The Miracle Maker,” “Noah’s Ark,” “The America’s 327.4 million population are son” (Feb. 16), “I Can Only Imagine” INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON church denominations, even going to Face: Jesus in Art,” and “Mary, Mother of Christian by some definition. In other (March 16), “Paul, Apostle of Christ” a film was considered a sin. A tragic Jesus” soon joined the “Jesus” minise- words, there is a cumulative audience (March 28), “God’s Not Dead 3” (March I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| byproduct of this thought process was ries as being some of the most popular for faith-friendly media of at least 231.8 30), and “Mary Magdalene” (also March that Christian young people were under programing on television. It seemed like million people, who have a combined, 30), just to mention a few. extreme pressure not to enter media faith-friendly fare was selling. disposable annual income somewhere The Christian community has re- professions. As a result, a whole genera- When surveyed in those years by close to $2.1 trillion. sponded by increased moviegoing, and tion of young people had no opportunity Barna Research, 75 percent of Americans Tapping into that huge audience of the movie industry has increased its to contribute creatively nor to reserve “a agreed there was “too much violence Christian believers who were hungry offerings to satisfy this huge market — place at the table” in Hollywood. in film and on television.” Sixty-five for films that reinforced their beliefs, clearly, a win-win. From the 1950s to the 1970s, the percent said there was “too much sexual Mel Gibson directed “The Passion of the church decided to imitate secular Hol- activity,” 57 percent said there was “too Christ,” which grossed $83,848,082 on its S. Bryan Hickox, D.H.L., is President lywood. Beginning with Billy Graham’s much adult language or profanity in film opening weekend in 2004 and went on and CEO of Bryan Hickox Pictures, Inc. World Wide Pictures, scores of pro- and on television,” and 43 percent said to become the highest-grossing R-rated He is an executive producer and pro- ducers and ministudios tried making there were “too many nontraditional or movie up until that time. It eventually ducer of more than 80 television movies

• 2017 14 • D ecember Thursday “church movies.” Distribution companies secular values in films.” grossed more than $611 million. and feature films; seven of his televi- like Gospel Films sprang up to distribute Within a few short years, more than In 2005, Walden Media produced sion films have won Emmy Awards. 8 16mm prints of these films directly into 15 Christian broadcast, satellite and cable “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The 15 highest- grossing Christian films By Dr. S. Bryan Hickox 3. “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian,” $419,665,568, Walden 1. “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Media. Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” This Oscar-winning C.S. Lewis adap- $745,013,158, Walden Media. tation stars Ben Barnes, Georgie Henley, Prince Caspian aboard the royal ship, the (2014) This Oscar-winning C.S. Lewis William Moseley and Peter Dinklage. It Dawn Treader, they face adventures with adaptation stars Tilda Swinton, James tells the story of the Pevensie siblings dragons, dwarves, merfolk and a band of 10. “War Room,” $67,790,117, TriStar McAvoy and Liam Neeson. Four young who return to Narnia and are enlisted lost warriors before reaching the edge of Pictures. siblings travel through a wardrobe to again to defeat an evil king and restore the world. (2010) Released to 1,945 theaters, the film fol- a land called Narnia and discover they the rightful heir, Prince Caspian, to the lows a married couple who seem to have have a destiny to free it with the guid- throne.(2008) 5. “Noah,” $362,637,429, Paramount it all — great jobs, a beautiful daughter, ance of a mystical lion. (2005) Pictures. a dream home. In reality, their marriage 4. “The Chronicles of the Nar- Starring Russell Crowe, Jennifer Con- has become a war zone and their daugh- 2. “The Passion of the Christ,” nia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader,” nelly, Anthony Hopkins and Emma Wat- ter is collateral damage. With guidance $611,899,420, Icon Productions. $415,686,950, Walden Media. son, the film follows Noah and his family from Miss Clara, an older, wiser woman, Directed by Mel Gibson and starring This Oscar-winning C.S. Lewis adap- as they build a mighty ark and prepare to wife Elizabeth discovers she can start Jim Caviezel, this biblical epic depicts tation stars Ben Barnes, Skandar Keynes survive an apocalyptic flood sent by God fighting for her family instead of against

Jesus of Nazareth’s final 12 hours of life, and Georgie Henley. This time, Lucy to cleanse the evil world. (2014) them. The power of prayer and Eliza- A S P EC I A L RE PO R including his crucifixion in Jerusalem. and Edmund Pevensie return to Narnia beth’s newly energized faith transform (2004) with their cousin Eustace. After joining 5. “Hacksaw Ridge,” $175,302,354, her life. (2015). Summit Entertainment. Based on a true story from World 11. “God’s Not Dead,” $62,630,732, War II, the Mel Gibson-directed film Pure Flix Entertainment. College student is about an American pacifist combat Josh, who believes God exists, challenges T P RE medic, Desmond Doss, who refused to his philosophy professor. Based on its

carry or use any weapons and became success, Pure Flix released a sequel and ARED BY T HE W the first conscientious objector to be has a third coming soon. (2014) awarded the Medal of Honor. (2016) 12. “Soul Surfer,” $47,088,990, TriStar 6. “Heaven is for Real,” $101,332,962, Pictures/Film District.

TriStar Pictures. AnnaSophia Robb stars as Bethany INGTONASH TI MES Sp ec i a l S ec tion s DE P This film, starring Greg Kinnear and Hamilton, the professional surfer who Connor Corum, earned an impressive lost her arm in a shark attack. The film amount at the box office considering the also features Dennis Quaid and country movie’s budget was $12 million. It tells singer Carrie Underwood. (2011) the story of a small-town father who searches for the courage and conviction 13. “The Nativity Story,” to share his son’s life-changing testimony $46,432,264, New Line Cinema. with the world. (2014) The biblical epic stars Keisha Castle-

Hughes and Shohreh Aghdashloo in a THE WASHINGTON TIMES 7. “The Shack,” $96,935,466, Summit drama about Mary and Joseph’s journey Entertainment. to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus. Based on the book with the same (2006) title, “The Shack” stars Sam Worthing-

ton and Octavia Spencer and tells the 14. “Risen,” $46,069,568, Sony. AR

story of a heartbroken man who receives Joseph Fiennes stars as the Roman T ME NT a mysterious invitation to go to a deso- tribune Clavius who experiences a life late cabin to meet God. (2017) change after being ordered to find the | missing body of Jesus Christ, who was Thursday • D ecember 14 • 2017 8. “Miracles from Heaven,” said to have risen from the dead. (2016) $73,883,359, Columbia Pictures. This film, starring Jennifer Garner, is 15. “Courageous,” $34,522,221, TriStar based on the true story of a young girl Pictures. who had a near-death experience and The independent film, which re- was later cured of an incurable disease. ceived mixed reviews but an A+ from (2016) filmgoers on CinemaScore, stars Alex Kendrick, Ken Bevel and Kevin Downes. 9. “Son of God,” $67,800,064, 20th Four police officers struggle with their Century Fox. faith and their families after tragedy Producer Mark Burnett helped shep- strikes; together, they make a decision herd this story of Jesus that covers his that can change all their lives. (2011) life from birth in a manger, his ministry, Source for data: Photo Credit: The Washington Times and his crucifixion and resurrection. 9 Hollywood’s untold stories of faith, hope and charity

people’s lives. On the set of his daytime talk show Bure, who often finds herself in the At a charity golf tournament, I in New York City, renowned entertainer unenviable role of explaining Chris- met Cedric the Entertainer, who was Harry Connick, Jr., revealed why he’s tians to Hollywood and Hollywood to joined by dozens of friends, including always so joyful, and why he contin- Christians. Like the peacemaker at a Steve Harvey, Sugar Ray Leonard and ues to keep things family-friendly. Mr. contentious family Thanksgiving, Ms. Smokey Robinson. Cedric hosts the Connick’s role as a husband and father, Bure encourages folks to get along, and annual event to raise money to give and his strong identity as a man of deep ends up with everyone yelling at her. underprivileged kids a shot at life. The and abiding faith, is what matters to him Her response to the haters? “Kindness comedy icon doesn’t talk about this — By Matthew Faraci in fact, this was the first time he allowed a media crew to document the day in Hollywood suffers blows to its already-sullied hen watching mov- such detail — but it’s an area of deep reputation almost every day. And this puts me in the ies set in medieval passion for him. His focus was not good odd position of doing something I never thought I’d times, have you ever PR for Cedric, it’s spreading the word — noticed that crowds and in turn helping more kids. do in my life… coming to Hollywood’s defense. always gather to view A few weeks later, I found myself beheadings and other walking around Busch Stadium with St. most. “If I had three wishes,” he said, always wins.” gruesome punishments? I’ve always Louis Cardinals pitcher Adam Wain- “I’d want to do God’s will, I’d want to do Then there’s veteran actor Corbin Wwondered why, and hoped I’d have the wright and was amazed to discover that God’s will, and I’d want to do God’s will. Bernsen, who’s made a name for himself decency to look away in such a situa- he sees his Hall-of-Fame-worthy base- That’s all I want… that is the premise on 1,000 times over and can have any act- tion. Yet today, we’ve watched powerful ball career as a means to do good. Mr. which everything else is built.” ing role he wants. Yet, Mr. Bernsen is fo- people in Hollywood getting caught for Wainwright supports so many charities At a rifle range outside of Los Ange- cused on making engaging films to gen- doing bad things, and we keep clicking it will make your head spin, all driven les, I watched Atticus Shaffer, who has erate thought-provoking conversations

T ME NT on these stories for the same inexplica- by his focus on meeting the basic, daily played the hilariously quirky character about faith, eternity and relationships.

AR ble reason as those onlookers so many needs of as many people around the Brick Heck on ABC’s “The Middle” For every awful story you read, there centuries ago. world as possible. for nine seasons, hit target after target are 10 stories of hope, faith and char- It’s been a rough year. Each of these people are motivated like an expert marksman. You might ity waiting to be told. I’ll keep digging Hollywood suffers blows to its by the same foundation. Faith. not expect that from a young man who for them, and if you’re willing to share already-sullied reputation almost every In Silicon Valley, Enjoy’s CEO, Ron is just 4 feet 8 inches tall with a slight these episodes, together we can all give day. And this puts me in the odd posi- Johnson — who worked directly with build, the result of a condition called our kids something wonderful on which tion of doing something I never thought Steve Jobs in creating the Apple Store osteogenesis imperfecta, leaving him to focus — real role models. I’d do in my life… coming to Holly- and the Genius Bar — explained that with fragile bones. Mr. Shaffer has been wood’s defense. the Apple Store is built on the idea of through unimaginable physical hor- Matthew Faraci is an Los Angeles-based In filming the second season of relationship, what he calls “the art of rors. Yet, you’d never know it from his producer, marketer and publicist spe- “Frankly Faraci,” the Dove Chan- the human connection.” The whole demeanor. Intelligent, engaging, and hi- cializing in family-friendly entertain- nel series I host, I spent time with a Apple experience is so magical, he said, larious, Mr. Shaffer’s secret is Jeremiah ment. He is the host of the hit series number of celebrities, and what I found because it’s rooted in a simple principle 29:11 —“For I know the plans I have for “Frankly Faraci” on Dove Channel and is surprising. Rather than fitting the he learned in Sunday school: Love you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper Executive Producer of “The Chosen”

tionS DE P i a l S ec TI MES Sp ec ASH INGTON stereotype, I visited with seven people your neighbor as yourself. Who is your you and not to harm you, plans to give on VidAngel, the first-ever TV show who love their families, go to church on neighbor? It’s your customer, it’s your you hope and a future.” exclusively about the life of Jesus. Sunday, care about their communities colleagues, it’s the people you come I saw the same incredible spirit in and are dedicated to causes that better into contact with. actress-producer Candace Cameron T HE W ARED BY

T P RE A new ‘home’ for faith-based content

I’ve never understood the divide be- because faithful audiences are skeptical rapidly, and because I need to feed my INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON tween the Hollywood studio system and of nonbelieving filmmakers or actors, family, I have to adjust. the faith-based film world more than in they’re staying away. Additionally, when It started with my own habits. I I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| the past year or so. you give them an explicitly Christian realized that some of the best cinema Obviously, there are exceptions — film with a believing filmmaker — but in the world in the last decade has been particularly Sony Affirm, which seems on a low budget — they say, “We go in television and streaming. And I also to be the one company that has bridged to the theater for big movies just like realized that I wasn’t going to the the- the gap for the most part. But other than everyone else, why do we have to settle ater to see movies like mine either. My that, we’re seeing more than ever that for the little ones?” stories, and most faith stories, are less the faith-based filmmakers and compa- The marketing for my film, “The epic and more personal and emotional, nies can’t seem to get the budgets and Resurrection of Gavin Stone,” hit all the which tend to work best in living rooms, quality levels necessary to reach a wide right notes, but was met with a collec- as opposed to IMAX. audience, and the studios can’t seem tive “meh.” I just didn’t make a movie We’re living in the golden age of to engage the Christian audience when even Christians felt they had to rush to quality television, and I’m loving it. The they spend the money. the theaters to see. problem is that once again, we Chris-

• 2017 14 • D ecember Thursday On the surface, films like “Exodus: I considered wallowing in self-pity tians are a little behind the curve. We Gods and Kings,” “Noah,” and “Ben- and blame-shifting, but it only lasted a 10 By Dallas Jenkins Hur” should be massive successes. But few minutes. The business is changing » see Jenkins | C11 Christians, Hollywood and my refrigerator magnet

speaking out for more diversity and teaching Sunday school classes, Mark prayer groups and even bars all over equality, people of faith are becoming Wahlberg attending mass every morn- the city. They encouraged their tal- more comfortable expressing their ing, and Denzel Washington’s com- ented, creative friends to join them, beliefs, thus growing in number and mitment to his family and God. And and from seemingly just a handful in visibility. Even faith-based films are those don’t even include the thou- the early 1980s, there is now a grow- crossing over from low-budget niche sands of directors, producers, writ- ing community of over 10,000 profes- films to viable commercial successes, ers, editors, cinematographers, show sionals — mostly millennial believers and more filmmakers are publicly runners, make-up artists, set design- — many of whom attend more than expressing their personal religious be- ers, costumers, gaffers, key grips and 100 active Protestant and Catholic By Karen Covell liefs. I’ve found that there’s no longer production assistants who have a deep churches. that deep divide between the Chris- spiritual belief in God. Despite our nation’s many political, ’ve discovered that since the tian church and the entertainment Seventh-Day Adventist producer sexual, and religious tensions and di- beginning of the motion pic- vides, Hollywood is now surprisingly ture industry, the relationship on the forefront of employing people between the Christian church Hollywood is now surprisingly on the forefront of of all faiths within its ranks. But for and Hollywood has been marked employing people of all faiths within its ranks. But those who are still struggling with this by distrust and suspicion. In the paradox, consider this thought: To the early years, many Christians regarded for those who are still struggling with this paradox, Church, don’t be afraid of Hollywood. IHollywood as a godless, sybaritic consider this thought: To the Church, don’t be afraid To Hollywood, don’t be afraid of group of pretentious artists engaged of Hollywood. To Hollywood, don’t be afraid of entertainment professionals who have in the manufacture of questionable entertainment professionals who have a faith in Jesus. a faith in Jesus. To both, know that content dangerous to people of faith. people of all faiths can work together A S P EC I A L RE PO R Likewise, many in Hollywood dis- as creative professionals, offering their missed religious people as old-fash- industry, which kept people of faith DeVon Franklin (“Miracles From art and their hearts to the world. As a ioned, judgmental, ignorant prudes away from Hollywood and Hollywood Heaven” and “The Star”), and his producer and a person of faith myself, who simply did not understand “The professionals away from church. wife, actress Meagan Good, (“White I dare to challenge both the church Industry.” So it’s not surprising to me In 2015, IMDb (Internet Movie Famous” and “Code Black”) have even and the industry to embrace the para- that creative Christians felt Holly- Data Base) even published a list of 48 written a best-selling book, “The Wait: dox on my refrigerator magnet that T P RE wood was a place to be avoided, not Christian Actors/Actresses. (http:// A Powerful Practice for Finding the says, “Jesus was a Jewish liberal.”

embraced. Love of Your Life and the Life You ARED BY T HE W Therefore, there were very few No. 1 was Evangeline Lilly (“Lost”), Love,” discussing the deep, loving re- Karen Covell is an author, national Christian professionals in Hollywood followed by Jim Caviezel (“Person lationship they built while waiting to speaker and independent producer cur- and most of them chose to keep their of Interest”), then Patricia Heaton, have sex until after they got married. rently packaging the feature bio-pic, faith under the radar with their indus- Tyler Perry, Elijah Wood and even It was about 1980 when the tide “Charley Parkhurst.” She is also an

try friends and keep their Hollywood Ryan Gosling. I found at least 20 more started turning for Christians in the active member on the National Board INGTONASH TI MES Sp ec i a l S ec tion s DE P ties under the radar with their church websites, all of which have various film industry. Though Hollywood’s of the Producers Guild of America friends. Jesus and liberal Hollywood lists and even videos of entertain- power brokers have historically been and Executive Director of The Hol- were a paradox. ment celebrities who publicly discuss Jewish, more Christians began to join lywood Prayer Network (http:// But the tide of tolerance shifted their Christian beliefs — from Chris the ranks, despite their parents’ or into the 21st century. Today, in a Pratt to Kristin Chenoweth to Chris pastors’ warnings and pleading. Once time when the decision makers and Tucker. I’ve also read interviews about they arrived, they started finding cultural influencers in Hollywood are Stephen Colbert and John Grisham each other in churches, Bible studies, THE WASHINGTON TIMES

So we’re trying something new. I’ve Will it work? We’ll see. Either way, I Jenkins seen every Jesus movie and miniseries can’t expect Hollywood to spend tens From page C10 out there, but there’s never been an of millions of dollars on and perfectly

actual episodic TV show about Christ, execute our stories, and I can’t expect AR

were late to the game with theatrical with recurring characters and new Christian audiences to spend $12 a T ME NT releases, then we had our moment in seasons. VidAngel loves the idea, but as ticket to see my movie in theaters when the sun, and now we’re playing catch per usual, we don’t have the big bucks a Marvel movie is playing in the screen | up again as the business is shifting. Hollywood does, so we’re doing a glori- one door over. It’s time to take it right Thursday • D ecember 14 • 2017 Where’s our “Breaking Bad,” our “Game fied Kickstarter where eager audiences to them, in their living rooms, and they of Thrones”? can invest (not donate) in the show if can decide in advance if they want it. Lucky for me, VidAngel was thinking they’re interested. the same thing. I’m not a spokesman for How do we get audiences interested? Dallas Jenkins is a Chicago-based film- them, so I’ll keep this short, but their We’re giving away the pilot episode for maker currently developing a TV series streaming service offers customers the Christmas. It’s already on Facebook and for VidAngel entitled, “The Chosen.” It ability to filter out any content they is up to almost 2 million views. Which, is about the life of Christ, but the char- find objectionable. So audiences have a seeing as how it’s a short film about the acters don’t speak in King James Bible chance now to watch sanitized ver- birth of Christ, feels well-timed. So if verses. You can watch the pilot free sions of hit shows if they want. But that people love that, maybe they’ll want to at and still doesn’t get us there. As VidAngel see the TV show, which we intend to on Facebook at /thechosentvseries. agreed, when I so eloquently put it to make next year. And if they don’t, then… The nativity scene is filmed in “The them, we still need to create stuff that well, I don’t really know; I’m a Christian Chosen.” Image courtesy of Dallas Jenkins. belongs to us. filmmaker, I’m a little slow to the jump. 11 Behind the lines: The rise of Christians in Hollywood take their faith seriously, but today, International, The Hollywood Prayer supernatural. His response: “Can you major film studios and television Network, The Greenhouse, the Act One imagine where that series would have networks are actively pursuing “faith- Program, The Influence Lab and others. gone had I not been in the writer’s room based” content. Having a strong personal faith has to influence it?” There’s no question that the success moved from a reason to be fired to a Will this interest in faith-friendly of Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the reason to be promoted. media content last? Christ” was a key to that resurgence. Obviously, there are plenty of nonbe- The answer depends largely on the Once the studios starting seeing record- lieving leaders in Hollywood who aren’t financial and ratings success of these setting box office numbers (they called interested in any religious experience or projects and the talent of the people it “passion dollars” back then), they took in those who profess it — just as there behind them. I have observed that those notice and wanted in. I remember one influential produc- tion company calling me about the issue, While many producers and studio executives don’t saying (and I’m not making this up): know the differences between faith traditions, they “Phil, we’re interested in producing at least understand — and in many cases respect ‘faith-based’ movies because we hear By Dr. Phil Cooke there’s a lot of money to be made in that — the values this audience represents. Some even new genre. But the problem is, we have no hire consultants who know the landscape. hen I first arrived idea what ‘faith-based’ means. We’ve been in Hollywood after told that you understand that subject, are in any industry. But right now, there’s who lead with their talent — and not college in 1976, it was and we’d like you to read a couple of our no question that we’re seeing a resur- with their faith — see much more suc- tough finding anyone scripts and tell us if they’re faith-based.” gence of men and women who take their cess. As King Solomon said, “Those who would admit to Needless to say, I read the scripts. faith seriously in all areas of media. who are excellent will serve the king.” being a Christian. Not surprisingly, they in no way fit the For experienced, successful produc- Christian believers who come to the

T ME NT Christians were here, but they were definition. ers like Mark Burnett and Roma Downey industry with real talent and the spiri-

AR Whidden away and rarely heard. With few Fortunately, today that’s much less (producers of “The Bible” TV minise- tual integrity to pursue a career against exceptions, the pattern was predictable: a problem. While many producers and ries, “A.D. The Bible Continues,” “Ben- all odds will get respect. If they were concerned about their job, studio executives don’t know the differ- Hur” and the new, Virtues such as honesty, truthfulness, they kept quiet about their faith. If they ences between faith traditions, they at which “celebrate[s] life while looking for hard work, moral character and loyalty were at the top of the industry, they felt least understand — and in many cases the good in everyone and everything”), — which are central to the core beliefs a bit more free to express their convic- respect — the values this audience rep- this gives faith-friendly projects a new of followers of Jesus Christ — are ap- tions. But only those retired or near the resents. Some even hire consultants who legitimacy, and major players want to be preciated everywhere. It is thousands of end of their careers felt the confidence know the landscape. involved. For others, it opens the door men and women with these values who actually “to come out” as believers. For the most part, that change hap- to pitch spiritually themed movies, TV are impacting the industry in a positive The reason for these responses is pened because of the vast number of programs and other projects. way .... and will continue to do so. pretty obvious. The “media culture” Christians pursuing careers in the For still others, it gets someone of was devoutly secular or, in some cases, media and entertainment industries. I faith in the room when major decisions Phil Cooke, Ph.D., is a filmmaker, writer, overtly hostile to the worldview of the can name major producers, actors, direc- involving this content are being made. and media consultant based in Los An- devout. tors and even studio presidents who One network TV writer who’s a Chris- geles. His new book is “The Way Back:

tionS DE P i a l S ec TI MES Sp ec ASH INGTON Today, that world has changed. Not were (and still are) professing Christians tian was criticized by other Christians How Christians Blew Our Credibility and only are there thousands of people in — mentored and encouraged by insider because he worked on a series focused How We Get it Back.” Find out more at Hollywood and New York media who ministry outreaches like Mastermedia on violent demonic activity and the T HE W ARED BY

T P RE The ‘Weinstein strategy’ v. ‘flyover’ values By Dr. Larry W. Poland your power and prestige as a wealthy and New York media, but also the Wash- faith-and-Bible-based convictions about Hollywood film producer to intimidate, ington beltway. sexual morality. Hollywood has discovered a new and harass, assault, grope, flash, abuse, rape I need not add to the growing list It is here that we find the razor-edge INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON highly effective way for a high-profile and otherwise sexually exploit the of men with targets on their backs and of conflict in this discussion. For 36 player to become a household name beautiful — and often very vulnerable resignation letters or pink slips in their years, I worked the freeways of Los I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| around the world. This is significant — young women who come into your pockets. Ironically, it was Miramax, the Angeles and the taxis of New York build- because in Tinseltown building name world. The strategy can work very well, company which produced “Sex, Lies, ing and tending relationships with the recognition, being in the press, and as long as the exploited ones keep their and Videotape,” that dismissed Harvey. power brokers of global media. Most are having constant public visibility are key mouths shut. Substantial cash payments Meanwhile, millions of people — decent people, using the most expansive components of the game. may work to facilitate the silence ... for condescendingly referred to in the LA/ definition of the word. But in the earliest The bad news is that this “surefire” a while. NYC axis as “those from the ‘I’ states” years of my research into the values of strategy for recognition will not only Actually, I mistakenly said Harvey — follow the now-daily revelations of Sunset Boulevard and Sixth Avenue, I put your name in lights, it will get you launched the strategy. Truthfully, the sex abuse with their own forms of shock learned that their moral consensus was “surely fired.” more than 50 women who surfaced with and awe. Even in a nation now clearly light years away from what I was taught I’ll call it “the Weinstein Strategy.” allegations of sexual abuse against him “post-Christian,” there is a common in church in the Midwest and in the It was launched in October by Har- launched the strategy. The seemingly sense of national decency about the way community outside the church. vey Weinstein, co-founder of the highly endless parade of women to the micro- men should treat women, about so- My Judeo-Christian culture even

• 2017 14 • D ecember Thursday successful entertainment company phones and TV cameras of America cially acceptable behavior of those with used different words — words that are Miramax, aka The Weinstein Company. started a tsunami of accusations, which power toward the vulnerable — includ- 12 The strategy is disarmingly simple: Use now has touched not only Hollywood ing children — and even deeply held, » see Weinstein | C13 Will Hollywood come to terms with the Unidentified Film Goer (UFG)? the audience responded as it did seems you and you hungrily ate it after being among the most misunderstood spe- to still be a mystery to some — and the denied food for three days. The point cies in the world today. The love/hate misunderstanding of these consum- is, rather, they are so desperate for relationship between this audience and ers continues to this day. Or it may be content that doesn’t insult their values, Hollywood has been well documented willful ignorance on the part of people that they will watch content below by many, but the many misunderstand- who are concerned that if it means typical standards of Hollywood quality ings about them, including what they what it appears to mean, they may have if they must. do and don’t want to see, as well as to radically change the way they do I had to explain this once to one of how they are reached continues to business. the most powerful moguls in Holly- baffle many in Hollywood. For decades, By Mark Joseph When producers and marketers wood, who, shortly after “God’s Not this demographic simply didn’t par- hat happens when subsequently attempted to make a film Dead” made $62 million at the box ticipate in filmgoing in any meaning- you’ve been selling for this audience and failed to con- office, called me into his office and ful way. For reasons that ranged from a certain product nect with the UFGs, like clockwork said he too wanted to get in on such being told that all movies were evil to for 70-plus years, they often tried to get reporters to a fantastic business model. “I want to believing that filmic depictions of Jesus have an established write follow-up stories that often went spend $2 million and make $60 million Christ constituted blasphemy, they business model, a something like this: “We made a film like that film,” I remember him bellow- often didn’t participate as consumers. customer base and suddenly millions for you people and you didn’t show up, ing. When I suggested he spend $10 Now that has all changed, and Wof new customers show up and expect so we’re done trying to please you!” million or $15 million and up the qual- they are ready to go to the movies if you to make, market and sell that prod- Variations of the above were lobbed ity level instead, he seemed deflated we’ll have them. But if they’re to stick uct differently? at various flops with this audience, and quickly lost interest. Somehow he around beyond one movie, we will That’s exactly the scenario that including “Noah,” “Last Days in the had learned the wrong lesson: that this need to better understand their likes, unfolded in February 2004 when 10 Desert,” “Exodus: Gods and Kings,” and audience craved low-quality movies. dislikes, interests, hopes and dreams, million or so Americans that I like to others. In the same way that a Portland I’ll go out on a limb here and say what they do and don’t want to see on A S P EC I A L RE PO R call UFGs (Unidentified Film Goers) foodie might down-talk a guy from Ar- that the soon-to-be-released film, the big screen, who they want to see showed up opening week to watch kansas who prefers Chick-fil-A to a filet “Mary Magdalene,” is going to com- crafting these films and how they want “The Passion of the Christ” in theaters. mignon, these responses by Christian pletely miss this target audience next to hear about them. What resulted was a seminal mo- hipsters attacking Christian hicksters year. I haven’t seen the film, and can’t A key question remains: Do we re- ment in Hollywood history because are both condescending and entirely judge its artistic merits, but I can ally want to understand them? Or are the film overperformed in ways that predictable. already spot the chatter among this we afraid that if we do, then we’ll be T P RE were nothing short of stunning. The But people like what they like. crowd, notably a Facebook friend who forced to make movies differently?

Los Angeles Times and Variety are And no amount of shaming can force is in this demographic who posted this ARED BY T HE W two publications that typically forecast conservative Christians into watch- last week: “I expect this to be rife with Mark Joseph is an award-winning music box office performance with generally ing things they don’t. After all, it’s blasphemy and heretical viewpoints. and film producer, marketing expert, accurate outcomes, but on that par- their money, and money is tight these I have zero trust in these filmmakers author and founder of MJM Entertain- ticular week, they were beyond way off days. They have definite tastes, and and from the IMDB page and surf- ment Group. He has worked on the de-

— what they had predicted to be a $15 they really do deserve to be at least ing around this looks like an agenda velopment and marketing of 53 films and INGTONASH TI MES Sp ec i a l S ec tion s DE P million to $30 million haul turned into understood before they’re mocked or film and not for Christians. I hope I’m served as a producer on “The Vessel,” a five-day box office bonanza of $125 ignored. wrong.” “Max Rose,” “America,” “Japan: Search- million. And it is those tastes that are often This is the level of sophistication ing For The Dream,” “Frank vs. God,” As the producer of the film’s in- misunderstood. For one thing, just among many in this audience, and they “Doonby” and “The Unknowns.” His next spired-by soundtrack who also worked because this audience is willing to watch and listen carefully, noting the projects are “Silence Patton” and “No Safe on marketing, I saw what did — and patronize low-quality films starring personal views of those involved in Spaces,” starring Adam Carolla (which didn’t happen — behind the scenes actors who were big in 1979 doesn’t crafting a movie and deducing (often will release in 2018), and book, “Rock Gets that produced such massive numbers. mean that’s what they truly want, any correctly) that the film will follow Religion: The Battle for the Soul of The

The film would go on to gross $370 more than it would be fair to say that those views. Devil’s Music,” releasing Jan. 23, 2018. THE WASHINGTON TIMES million in the United States, but why you liked moldy bread if I offered it to The traditionalist moviegoer is AR

and “sexual identities,” but the ideal not Amish or Old Order Brethren and believers in the nation and thousands of T ME NT Weinstein for us was marriage to a person of the were not from the Bible Belt. We were believers in media who still espouse and From page C12 other gender after walking the aisle of garden-variety Catholics, Protestants personify these virtues and this faith. | a church to solemnize a contract, “a and “Metho-Bapterians. But it would And the believers in media are creating Thursday • D ecember 14 • 2017 out of vogue and even offensive in politi- sacred vow” of loyalty and faithfulness have been absolutely unthinkable for one films, TV shows, novels, video games, cally correct worlds. For instance, we until separated by death. of our women to show up at the annual websites, blogs and other content extol- did not celebrate being “sexually active.” We didn’t have guidelines about not Kiwanis Club dinner dressed with less ling these virtues and the spiritual re- We used now-obsolete words for this be- sexually exploiting another person. We fabric than a Victoria’s Secret model. demption at their heart. Watch and see. havior like whore, whoremonger, scarlet didn’t need them. The central ethos of For us, some award-show female fashion woman, libertine man and being promis- our lives was not to exploit anyone ... in approaches soft porn. Larry W. Poland, Ph.D., is the Founder cuous. I once heard a prominent Hol- any way, at any time, anywhere! To do So suffice it to say, there is a chasm and Chairman Emeritus of Master- lywood actress on a talk show declare, “I so would be an affront to the life and between the Hollywood culture and the media International, and spent more don’t consider myself promiscuous. I’ve teachings of our Savior. We didn’t need world of what was once called (unfor- than three decades consulting with only had 12 men.” Hardly a definition of 50 whistleblowers to punctuate the fact tunately) the moral majority in flyover executives in Hollywood and New “chaste” where I come from. that such behavior was, well, evil. country. We are light years apart. York media on the Christian commu- Call us stupid, but we believed God Even in something so basic as dress, Final note: I used the past tense in nity as a market for media product. created two sexes. We knew people un- we were not from the same galaxy as describing the norms of the “flyovers.” like us had different bedroom behaviors the Filmland folks. Our people were I shouldn’t have. There are millions of 13 A surprising new trend in movies

extremely underserved market ... and an “faith-friendly audience” is very loyal, from Heaven,” “Wonder,” “The Lego opportunity. We started to offer distribu- affluent and sophisticated — when Movie,” many superhero movies and tion to these “stranded assets,” which targeted properly. This makes them many Disney movies. allowed us to gain valuable insights into unique and highly sought after in today’s This is an important distinction to this newfound audience. attention-deficit, instant-media world of make: Both types are economically Until then, studios had very little personalized mass distraction. More im- viable, but their DNA is fundamentally interest in so-called faith-based movies. portant, they spend more — a lot more. different — from script, financing, As large public companies — like any Not just on media, but on everything — production, casting through to releas- other public company — they had to be movies, popcorn, sodas, water, diapers, ing, marketing, and distribution. Failing selective about overtly agenda-driven dog food, technology and everything in to understand the full impact of this content, and this was a constituency between. Evangelicals alone have $2.1 distinction can have disastrous conse- that was risky and hard to understand. trillion of discretionary income! quences in the acceptance of the movie Essentially, these were difficult, “niche” Despite some spectacular misses like and its success. movies. It used to be that the shortest “Noah,” “Exodus: Gods and Kings,” and The challenge for all marketers is the pitch meeting in Hollywood started with “Ben-Hur,” the market for faith-friendly increasing difficulty to break through the competing marketing messages and daily “noise” with any brand campaign. This is true of the faith audience too: Even pastors and megachurches, who By Simon Swart have been the “seedling advocates” of the traditional “grassroots” marketing ou may not have noticed, campaigns, are being overwhelmed with but there is a lot of change requests to endorse movies. going on in the media With an increasing number of faith- business. targeted movies of both varieties, the The most visible competition and risk also increases.

T ME NT evidence is the availability However, a true understanding of this

AR of more movies, more TV shows, more audience will pay off handsomely to the channels,Y more of everything! You may studios, networks and platforms with not have noticed because you were too leadership that takes the time to engage busy watching something on YouTube, and understand it. While their principles Netflix or Amazon Prime ... and if you and values remain constant, their media aren’t, your kids are. You, the audience, demands are changing. Misunderstand- have an explosion of options. Not com- ing or ignoring this audience can be plete control yet, but options. costly. With this more of everything, there Ultimately, in the faith-based media is a new trend buried within the overall space, quality, authenticity and relat- trends — more faith-based program- ability will win. And the prize belongs ming. It may even be one of the fastest- to those who understand this audience growing segments in media. and lead with powerful stories that are Why? Read on. well-told.

tionS DE P i a l S ec TI MES Sp ec ASH INGTON About 20 years ago, while a senior From the very beginning of the movie executive at 20th Century Fox, I real- business, movies have been used to pro- ized there were some movies generating mote a variety of causes — whether to significant business and flying beneath promote tolerance and justice or to pres- the “industry radar,” with titles like “Left It used to be that the shortest pitch meeting ent alternative views of how the world Behind” and “The Omega Code.” These could be or how we wish it to be. To be T HE W ARED BY in Hollywood started with “I am here to pitch small movies were selling like much a faith-based movie.” Not anymore. effective, it still has to be entertaining bigger box office movies. They were and connect with the audience. T P RE punching above their weight class! It’s a brave new world, and audiences I was responsible for selling and mar- “I am here to pitch a faith-based movie.” and faith-based content is undeniable. will find what they love, especially faith- keting major blockbusters and studio Not anymore. Because of the financial The opportunities for affirming, positive, focused ones! They have choices, and movies. On the date of a big blockbuster success of these niche movies, many inspiring content is substantial. The they will vote with dollars and time. INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON release, we would tour the market to studios and networks have seen the light global demand for media that inspires As a film executive, I am committed review the execution and impact of our ... or the dollars. and entertains is at an all-time high. to helping studios, networks, creators, I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| marketing efforts. We created impressive Today, there are so many different These movies and TV shows are a lot distributors, and marketers develop displays of product and merchandise de- ways to release a movie, other than more profitable as a result. Just ask the programming that unites and inspires signed to stop customers in their tracks. traditional wide releases in theaters. Hallmark Channel. audiences. It’s not just the right thing Invariably, there would be a significant Options include the various forms of But it’s not that easy. to do, it’s also a great business when display for these faith-based movies that digital distribution on all of our new There are two very different types of executed properly! I didn’t know existed. Nonetheless, the devices — Netflix, Amazon, Apple, etc. “faith-based” or “faith-friendly” movies. buyers informed me that they were sell- The competition for the audience share The first type is the “message” movie Simon Swart is 30-year veteran of the en- ing very well. of time and wallet is intensifying. All with an overt Christian agenda, directly tertainment industry working at Warner With further research, I discovered consumers are more tech-savvy and se- and obviously biblical — movies such Brothers, Disney and 21st Century Fox. that there were many movies that had lective about how their time and money as “God’s Not Dead,” “War Room,” “The As a senior executive at Fox, he man- been produced and then could not is spent. They are also becoming more Case for Christ” and “The Star.” aged the development and release of get proper “traditional” distribution. difficult to reach. There must be effec- The second type is the “broad” hundreds of programs from Fox, MGM,

• 2017 14 • D ecember Thursday These were lower-budget movies that tive marketing. commercial movies that reflect Judeo- Dreamworks and Relativity, including had a very strong evangelical Christian With this audience fragmenta- Christian values — movies such as “Soul “Avatar,” “Star Wars,” “Ice Age,” “The 14 message, but their sales signaled an tion, the industry is realizing that the Surfer,” “Hacksaw Ridge,” “Miracles Passion of the Christ” and “The Bible.” Faith-based films coming of age, despite artistic challenges

By Harold Fickett

n the climatic scene of the R- rated “Gran Torino” (2008), Walt Kowalski (played by Clint East- wood) puts his hand in his inside

coat pocket only to be riddled A S P EC I A L RE PO R with bullets from the gang members occupying every window in Ithe house before him. The gang fires because they believe that Walt’s pulling a gun — as he knows they will — when he’s only reaching for his cigarette T P RE lighter.

Walt Kowalski gives up his life to ARED BY T HE W protect his next-door Vietnamese neighbors who are targeted by the vio- lent gang. His death solves the prob- lem, as the gang members are led away

to jail, presumably for life. INGTONASH TI MES Sp ec i a l S ec tion s DE P I doubt many people think of “Gran Torino” as a “faith-based film,” despite What stories can do is inspire longing and imitation. How many children its being about the redemption of a have zoomed around their living rooms after watching “Superman”? hellish situation through one man’s “Hacksaw Ridge” makes me want to be a person who can draw a deep sacrificial atonement — the last shot of Walt has him lying in a cruciform courage from my faith; it also wants me to possess a faith so palpable that posture, a worthy imitator of Christ. others, who don’t believe in anything at all, can at least respect it. Similarly, in “Hacksaw Ridge” when

the army company of Medic Desmond THE WASHINGTON TIMES T. Doss (Andrew Garfield) waits to go faith addresses are simply part of life. are not what people generally mean by faith so palpable that others, who don’t back into battle on Okinawa because Much of the credit for this recognition “faith-based films.” What I’d like to sug- believe in anything at all, can at least Doss hasn’t “finished his prayers,” goes to Christians who have moved gest is that “faith-based films” follow respect it. we realize that we have encountered into positions of power within the the lead of a “Gran Torino” and eschew So even as faith-based films are

another follower of Jesus, whose au- entertainment industry. the self-imposed predictability that coming of age, I think some audiences AR

thenticity matches his Medal of Honor For example, the faith of screen- seems to stifle success. will still say they are “not for me.” I’d T ME NT gallantry. writer/director Scott Teems broadly in- By predictability, I am referring to therefore like Christians in entertain- Film depictions of faith have now fluences the AMC miniseries “Rectify,” two conventions: 1) someone, some- ment to consider the idea that this may | gone beyond mocking stereotypes like and the commitments of Mel Gibson where in the film always presents the not be a prejudiced judgment but sim- Thursday • D ecember 14 • 2017 Robert DeNiro’s sociopathic Max Cady and Jim Gaffigan are well known. Other “plan of salvation,” as evangelicals ply an accurate one. That might lead in “Cape Fear,” or Will Ferrell’s treacly Christian business beachheads include understand it, and 2) they stay in a PG us to concentrate our energies in the and not-funny prayers to the “little, Mark Burnett, Jr., and Roma Downey’s box. broader and more helpful directions of baby Jesus” in “Talladega Nights: The Light Workers Media as part of MJM, I share the weariness of F-bombs “Gran Torino” and “Hacksaw Ridge.” Ballad of Ricky Bobby.” Sony Faith, Walden Media and Giving and gratuitous nudity, but what you Instead, there are utterly compelling Films. Pure Flix, a production company can’t do is present gangbangers talking Harold Fickett is CEO and Publisher films like “Of Gods and Men,” “Silence,” and streaming service, is moving into like missionaries. of SCENES (https://scenesmedia. “Risen” and “Ben-Hur.” Or TV shows distribution. The Dove Channel is de- What stories can do is inspire long- com) . The parent company, Scenes like “Greenleaf” (starring the wonder- veloping original programming. These ing and imitation. How many children Media, produces content for multiple ful Keith David) and one of the smart- productions and the growing business have zoomed around their living rooms platforms, as well as for its own digital est, most telling sitcoms in years, “The infrastructure supporting them consti- after watching “Superman”? “Hacksaw magazine. Scenes Media provides a Jim Gaffigan Show.” tute the good news. Ridge” makes me want to be a person Main Street perspective on entertain- Industry executives seem to be rec- Still, with the possible exception of who can draw a deep courage from ment and culture for the mainstream. ognizing that “faith” and the questions “Risen,” the titles I’ve so far mentioned my faith; it also wants me to possess a 15 T ME NT AR tionS DE P i a l S ec TI MES Sp ec ASH INGTON Don’t miss your chance to get $20 o a year of CRTV, with shows you won’t see anywhere else from conservative luminaries like

T HE W ARED BY Mark Levin, Phil Robertson, Steven Crowder, Michelle Malkin, Steve Deace, Gavin McInnes, Matt Kibbe, and more! T P RE INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W


O valid through Friday, November 24, 2017 • 2017 14 • D ecember Thursday 16