Oregon City Enterprise.


ANK ur OMRUUN ( ITT, Rumple, rep; David B. Henderaon, rep; rep; John J. Gardner, rep; Benjamen F. REPUBLICANS WIN N. Ilaugen, Oldest BaEktBC Done li Ike Cltf. Gilbert rep; Robert 0. Coo Howell, rep; Joshua S. Salmon, dem; ln, rep; John F. Lacey, rep; John A. James F, Stewart, Richard W. Par- rM up ciiii, I'po.uw. rp; Smplua, IjU.aiU, MrKlnlf j and ItooKprelt Swefp T. Hull, rep; William P. Hepburn, rep; ker, rep, Allen L. McI)eriiiott, dera; raaaiii, csiaiaa rteriau,. Waller 1. Hmith, rep; Jamas p. Conner, Charle N. Fowler, rep. ,, a raa.manT, . t. SCHOOL BOORS Hie United SlalcM, oaamaa. (iuriai.u,nm. rep; Tot Thomas, rep. New York Rowland B. Mile, dems A aeiinral Unking biialiiM Irauaaniad. Kanaaa Charles F. Kcott, rep; John J. Fitzgerald, dem; Edmund II. Malla hIjci In tih (ci THK COtXIKf t'OH KXI'A.VSIOX 4..niMri'lilillla an1 mini itltixiuniwl, Charles Curtis, rep; J. I). Boweraock, Drigg, dem ; Bertram T. Clayton, dem ; (luiiHlt tint rliy warrants bun lil. rep; George W, Wbeatley, rep; James Frank E. Wilson, dem; George aua aivli on available saoiir lit, If. Rai haaia iMmght anil aulil. 3fKJnl-- 22, Hrjan 155 Kliftoral W. Miller, rep; William A. Cahlerhead, Xindsey, dem: Nicholas Mullet, dem: l CoHm'U'iiii ma irniillf . Vole b auM f:l LrBnelien of Cong rep; William A. Iteeder, rep; Cheater I. Thomas Creamer, dem; Henry If itla svallaiila In atir pari of the world At rm J. M. . J ..laralilii ainlitniu i, rNirilanil, Portland Prices. HhMj KrpoMlraii. Long, rep. Ooldfogle, dera; Amos J. Cnmmlngs, fraunl.au 'Ihlnaa'.j anil Knar Tor. !'! pal I mi Ilia iainalla. Ifiriaiiaaaaaaai Kentucky Charles K. Wheeler, dem; dem; William Hulzwr, dem; George B. Henry I). Allen, dem ; John H. Rhea, McClellan, dem : O. H, P. dem Xkw Yohk, Nor, . The following Belmont, ; I). (). W. Kastliam (. It. )iml i. lolrKfmii aa attnt tonight: - dem; II. Hmith, dem; James P. William II. Douglas, rep; Jacob Rupper, Gregory, I). ; DIMICK t KAHTIIAM "W. J. Ilryan, Lincoln, Neb.: Aiyou dern . Linn Gorjch, dem; Jr., dem C. A. Pingaley, dem; Arthur t South dem; George (J. S. no douht Blr(!iy know, the state tiai Trimble, Gilbert, Tompkins, rep; John H. Ketcharn, Attorn oys-nt-La- w. dem; Samuel J, Puih, rep; B, White rep; William Draper, George g'-n- e hnavlly againat ui; bur whernaa, J. H. rep; N. dem ; Vincent Boreing, rep. South wick, rep; John K. Stewart, Commercial, Heal Kutntrt nml I'ro-lai- n tbla county In Wm gave McKinly 23,000 rep; Wo Give Louisiana Adoiph Meyer, I.nw, HM.ciftJticH. Poncils, Tablets. Rulers, majority it glvwi youUxlay 33,000. a gain dem; Lociea N. Lltttuer, rep; Louis W. Emer- Robert C. Davey, dern; Robert F. son, rep; Albert D. Shaw, rep; James 8. Alfreds of Till Made, Money leaned and Book Covers of M,000. We are defeated, but not K Bronsaard, dni; Phanor Breazeale, Sherman, rep; George W. Ray, rep; Oregon I. ICiciiahk VkuKtu." Oitkhi dem; Joseph K. Ransdcll, dem ; Samuel Michael E. Driscoll, rep; He re no E. Ilanua Nut Aarprland. M. Robertson, dem. Payne, rep; Charles W. Gillet, rep; PA l V. UTOt'HKTlB, Ci.kvi!Laiij, O., Nov. 6. Senator Maine (elected In September) Amos James W, Wadaworlh, rep; James B. Hanna L. ATTORNEY AM) received relurni at the Uiiion Allen, rep; Charles E. Littlefield, Perkins, rep; William II. Ryan, dem; club knight. In to a queation rep; Edwin C. Burleigh, Charles O. A. S. Alexander, COl'NSKUHlM AT LAW re'ixiiiae rep; rep; Edward B. t aa to the cauae of McKinley'a A. Boutell. rep. Vreeland, rep. MAIN STBIaT UlloN I'ITT, ONSOOif, be iaii : Maryland John P. Moore,, dem; A. North Carolina John II. Small, dera ; "I'eople him becanae A. Vurulah At..lrarta olTllla, n Miinaa. Forav. they Blakeny, rep; Frank C. Watcher, Claud Kitchen, dem ; Charles R. Thomaa oluea aturtf Ireuaafl FREE Lf a. o.u.tal waulwl mi. AmericanUrn did rep; James W. Denny, dem ; Sidney law ku.la.aa. it." E. dera; E. W. Poo, dem; William W. Henator aald be inr-priw- d Hanna waa not Mudd, rep; George A. Pearre, rep. Kitchin, dem ; John D. Bellamy, dem; at the remit. Mistachusett; George P. Lawrence, J" C. STRICKLAND, M. D. Theodore F. Kluttz, dem ; Spencer Black- rep; Frederick II Gillett, rep; John R. burn, rep; James M. Moody, (ll'Milial Private Ki,i,all Infurtnaii oflna Kaaalt. rep. and Kir!ii(w Thayer, dem ; Charles Q. Tirrell, rep; Vice-Chalrm- North Dakota At large, Thomas ()(1r his iriifraalinel Mifrlrr In tlia I Cmcioo, Nov 7. F. s; til CI ARM AN & CO. William 8. Knox, rep; William II. Marshall, rep. Orrit'in riiy anil viiinlly. Hwril I'ayne early thia morning aent the fol- allaiilum i. in Catarrh an.) Moody, rep; Ernest W. Robert, rep; ( tflavaara i.( lowing telegram to Governor Rooaevel : Ohio William B. Shattuc, rep; Jacob lifiiiilo ll.t rrfar. Samuel W. McCall, rep; Joseph A. Ilia Kln. Oltire In M'lllaiiivtta "Country ia aaved. We have beateo W. Bromwell, rep; U. F. Bicklev, dem; Huildliig IMllr luiiira; 10 In a. m., Cut Price Druggists, Conry, dem; Henry F. Naphen, dem; Oregon City, Ore. I'ettigrew, and captured Nebraska, Robert B.Gordon, dem; John S. Snook, 4 U) 0 i, In, Samuel L. Power, rep; William C. ( IiegiNlature and all." dem ; C. Q. Hildebrand, rep ; Tbouiai B. tHlK(iN ITV UllKuoN Lovering, rep; William S. Greene, rep. Kyle, rep; William R. Warnock, rep; Chicago, Nov. 6. Prohibition Na- Michigan John B. rep; h Corli, James II. Southard, rep; Stephen Mor- C. IIKMWNKI.L. tional n Chairman Oliver W. Ktewart aald Henry C. Smith, rep; Washington 1 fir.o.Va gan, rep; Charles H. Groevenor, rep; 1 tonigttt: Gardner, rep; Edward L. Hamilton, rep; ATTORNF.Y AT I. AW John J. Lents, dem ; James A. Norton, "The outcome of the election ia William Aldi--n ! no Smith, rep; Samuel W. Wood ' dem; W. Bailee, rep; Henry C. aurpriae, nor ia It a disappointment. rep; Edgar rep ; Oregon City, - - Oregon Smith, Week, Joseph VanVoorbis, rep; Joeepb J. Gill, rep; The election of McKinley will tend to W. Fordney, rep ; Koswell P. Bishop,! In of John Cassingham, dem ; Robert W. Tay-le- r, Will .fciif all UitcuurU Hit lUU, focalixe the aentiment ol the people on rep; Roeaeau O. Crump, rep; A. B. ORIr In Cailllalil tiullillrig. rep; Charle Dick, rep; Jacob A. theaaloon queition. He ia committed Darragh. rep; Charles D. Sheldon, rep. Beidler, rep ; Theodore E. Barton, rep. to the canteen policy and liquor Inter-rat- a lt. L. L. HCKKXH, James A. Tawney, rep; Oregon (elected in Jane Thomas II in our foreign poaaeiaiona, and hia e, James T. McCleary, rep; Joel P. Heat-wol- Tongue, rep; Malcolm A. Moody, rep. election will have the effect of bringing DENTIST. A rep ; Frederick C. Stevens, rep; Pennsylvania At large, Glaaaha A. Full Line of the liquor queation to an ianue. , rep ; , rep; Grow, rep; at large, Robert E. Fourderer, Price Molerats. All Operation Frank M. Eddy, rep. rep; Henry II. Bingham, rep; Robert Guaranteed, Rainy-Da- y Skirts, Capes WAaumaTox, Nov. 7 The next een Mississippi W. O. Chandler, Jr., Adams, Jr., rep; William McAleer, dem ; Barclay Building Oregon CHy, Or. and Jackets at ' ate, aamiming that the atate Irgialaturea dem; Thomas Spigbt. dem; Patrick James R. Young, rep; Edward DeV.Mo-vi- ll will fulfill their duty and choooe senator Henry, dem; Andrew F. Fox, dem; rep; Thomas 8. Butler, rep; Irving If 8. L"UKN, to repreaent their atatea, will atand on a John S. Williauj, dem; Frank A. Mc-Lai- n, P. Wanger, rep; Howard Mutchler.dem; 1 THE FAIR STORE basla of yaaterday'a election, aa follow : dem ; Charles E. Hooker, dem. Henry D. Green, dem; Marriott Brosisw, ATToltKKY AT LAW. Forty-nin- republicana, twenty-aeve- n Missouri James T. Llovd, dem ;. Wil- rep; William Connell, rep; 8. W. Daven- dera ; i i:m i.i:mm democrat, and independent, with liam W. Rucker, dem ; John Ikmghertv, port, James W. Ryan, dem ; Marlia Om.a oppoeUa Htinlliy'a IriiK Hlr. iii tih ioh ii.a.ii nine the legialaturea in doubt in three itates dem; Charles F. Cochran, dem ; Willi- E. Olmstead, rep, Charles F. Wright, Clljr, - Oregon. Oruii I wilb the privilege of electing five eena-t- or am S. Cowherd, dem ; D. A. DeArmond, rep; Elias Deemer, rep; Rufus K. Polk, ; dem ; Ttiaddeus M. Mahon, rep; H. N. BCl.UKBKI.. at thia time. The leitialatures in dem James Cooney, dem; Dursey W, Sitt, dem; Alvina Evans, rep; Summer c. Dculf.fjcr l?biofal. 'doubt are Deleware and Nebraska, in Shackleford, dem ; Champ Clark, dem; each of Ibeee atate two senators are to Richard Bartholut, rep; Charles F.Joy, M. Jack, rep; John Dalxell, rep; William KY-A- LAW. ATTOIIN be choern. and Idaho baa one senatorial rep; William H. Morton, rep; Edward II. Graham, rep; Ernest F. Acbeeon, Oflirw over MrK itirlre'a 8ln Hlnre, near cbair to fill. Robb, rep; W. D. Vandiver, dem; M. rep; Joseph B. Showslter, rep; Athelstoo Ih Hank of Oregon Clir. E. Benton, dem. Gaston, dem ; Joseph C. Sibley, dem ; UA1M IN THE 1IOU8K Osioo Citt O(uo. If You Want Montana At large, Caldwell Edwards, James K. P. Hall, dem. I'ireat-- c !- - At tUpabllran Majority lneraaavd by Five dera. Rhode Island Melville Bull, rep; Adin Q 8, IIAYKH Loweet Votea. Nebraska E.J. Burkett, rep; D. H. B. Capron, rep. Job printing Hutee. With poMibly aix or eiulit exceptions, Mercer, rep; John 8. Robinson, dem; Sooth Carolina William Elliot, dera; ATTollNKY AT LAW. the next House will be composed a fo- William L. Stark, pop; A. C. Shallen-berge- r, W. Jasper Talbert, dem ; Asbury C. Lati- CAUL, riolal atunllnn gtn lo County Court AT XI IK KNTKHPHIHIC. llow: pop; William Neville, dem. mer, dem ; Joseph T. Johnson, dem ; Da- and 1'rooat matter. Alabama George W. Taylor, dem; A. Nevada At large, Francia G. New-land- vid E. Fmley, dem ; R. B. Scarboorougb, Hook Oftlce 1'ilalra, oppo.lt liumlry l A. Wiley, dera ; Ileniy D. Clayton, dem; sil. dem; J. William Stokes, dem, dure, L. 11. Reynolds, rep; C. W. Thompson, New Hampshire Frank D. Carrier, South Dakjta Charles II. Burke, rep; ; Eben W. Martin, rep. Both at large. I U.CAjII'HKI.L, dem ; John II. Bankhead, dem John L. rep; Cyrus A. Sulloway, rep. J Burnett, dem; William Richardson, New Jersey Henry C. Loudenslager. (Continued on page 4 ) ATTORNEY AT LAW, dem ; Oscar W. Underwood, dem. Arkansas Philip D. McCullocn, dem; OaiuoN. Oaiaoii Citt, John 3. Little, dem ; Thomas C. McRae, - 1900 Modal Will prrllre In all Iheoourl af lha aula. Of- dem ; Charles C. Reid, dem ; Hugh A. Boa, In liuiiUiiia. luflj'l Dinsmore, dem; Stephen Brundidge, IMPERIAL WHEELS dem. COalUKKCl AL BANK T' F. L. Coombs, rep; Sam- Of ORgclOK CITY. uel D. Woods, dem; Victor II. Metcalf, . 1100,000 I apltal, $25 I $30 rep; Julius Kahn, rep; Eugene F. Loud, ...A tba NaaiTa iKlla i'aila. rep; James McLachlan, rep ; James C. Ixiaut mails. entHill dlieouuleil. Maaoa Huira anil aalla an'tiatif on all potnla Needham, rep. In ii l'niin.l Kiifinia ami llniK :in(. m.in Colorado ail ; John C. liiOMialia rti olril anblMil U chet'I Bank J. F. Shafrolh, a, M. M. dhiu (nun I r. e, pop. I4 Strictly lligh-Grail- Fittctl with Any KinJ of Tires. Bell, U C. LATOt'RtTTK, frealrtrnl. Connecticut Stevens Henry, rep; F. i. MEYEK Caakiar. Call and See Our Samples Before You Buy. j Neheiuiah D. Sperry, rep; Charles A. H. I KK.M.M K It, RiiHsell, rep; Ebeneier J. Hill, rep. A. Deleware L. il. Ball, rep. The absolutely pure ATTOHNKYATLAW. .TERMS EASY.V Florida Stephen M. Tarkman, dem; W. om i:a0V"r Mi'Klltrlrk't fliim riore, nrar Robert Davis, dem. the llauk of UrcKonrity. Georgia Rufus A. Lester, dem ; W. Elijah B. Lewis, Orkuoh City, Ohkuon, Pope & Co. James Griggs, dem; BAKING POWDER dem ; William C. Adauison, dem ; I.eoo-lda- s L. PORTER, F. Livingston, dem ; Charles L. Or. Bartlett, dem ; John W. Maddox, dem ; ATTORN LY AT LAW Oregon City, William M. Howard, dem; Farish Car- ROYAL the most celebrated AiirtcTtorrorRTY rkHniiD. ter Tate, dem; 'William II. Fleming, of all the baking powders in the , Cor. 4th and Main Sts. dem ; W. G. Brantley, dem. OfRoa Knt ri.rl-a- natt lo Oregnn Cllr Idaho At large, T. L. Glenn, pop. world Illinois James R, Mann, rep; Wil- celebrated I) K. FRANCIS FRKKMAN, liam Lorimer, rep; George P. Foster, for its leavening DENTIST dem ; James McAmlrews, dem ; William great P. Malioney, dem ; Henry S. Boutell, Oradnnle of the Northwiturn Unlvor-- strength and purity. . rep ; George Fobs, rep ; Albert Hop- itv Dontul School, Chli-ngu- E. J. AIho Amvrlcan CollK0of DunUl Kiirgory, kins, rep; Robert R. Hitt, rep; George It makes your cakes, WilluniKtte niock, re on City. W. Prince, rep; Walter Reeves, rep; Joseph G. Caution, rep; Vespasian War- biscuit, bread, etc., JOHN YOUNGER, ner, rep; Joeeph V. Graff, rep; Benja- min F. Marsh, rep; Thomas Jefferson healthful; it assures Selby, dem; Ben F, Caldwell, dem; Thomas M. Jett, dem ; Joseph B. Crow- Drug Store, For against alum and Opp. Huntley's ley, dem; James R. Williams, dem; you li vJitJ iff GROCERIES Cash William A, Kodenberg, rep; George W. all forms of adultera FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Smith, rep. Indiana James A. Hemenway, rep; and Amorica. tion that go with the Uroat Britain ' Robett W. Miers, dem; William T. J Wholesale Prices, Zenor, dem; Francis M. Griffith, dem; cneap brands. DESIIiNS F. S. Holliday, rep; James E. Watson, 111 rep; Jesse Overstreet, rep; George W. PATENTS AND COPVHKiHIf OBIAINtU First Corner Cromer, rep ; Charles B. LandiB, rep; Alum baking powders arc low priced, as alum costs but ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Kd D. Crumpacker, rep; George W. two cents a pound ; but alum ia a corrosive poison and Nntlia in " InTont va A no" HARRIS' GROCERY, From Court It renders the baking powder dangerous to use in food. Uook "How tnobUIn I'atauta" FREE House. Steele, rep; James M, Robinson, dem; Charon nuvUmt. tin fiMi till patent la cared L. Lettora atrlcllT onulliltiuUnl. AJclruaa, Abraham Brick, rep, E. 0. SI00ERS, Patent Lantr, Wiihlngtsn, bmtmsmmms Kiraffia9PiaHH Iowa Thomas Hedges, rep; J. N. W. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK,