100621 LA County Initial Study Checklist (00092018-2)
Environmental Checklist Form (DRAFT Initial Study) County of Los Angeles, Department of Regional Planning Project title: “Sloan Canyon Residential Project” – The Reserve / Project No.R2014-00285-(5) / Case No(s) TR072680, Zone Change RPPL2016003663, RCUP201400014, ROAK201400008, RENV201400027. Lead agency name and address: Los Angeles County, 320 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Contact Person and phone number: Steven Jones, (213)974-6433 Project sponsor’s name and address: Claremont Homes Inc., 380 Civic Drive, Pleasant Hill, CA 94513 Project location: Sloan Canyon Road APNs: 2865-018-033, 2865-018-034, 2865-023-006, 2865-023-007, 2865-023-019, 2865-023-021, 3247-026- 055, 3247-026-056, and 3247-068-002 USGS Quad: Val Verde Gross Acreage: 186.45 General plan designation: N/A Community/Area wide Plan designation: RL2 (Rural Land 2 [NU4 – Non-Urban 4], 1 dwelling unit per 2 acres)/ RL1 (Rural Land 1 [NU5 – Non-Urban5], 1 dwelling unit per 1 acre). Zoning: A-2-2 (Heavy Agricultural, 2-Acre Minimum Required Lot Area), A-2-1(Heavy Agricultural, 1-Acre Minimum Required Lot Area), Castaic Area Community Standards District (CSD). Description of project: The proposed project is a vesting tentative tract map to create 137 single-family residence lots, four (4) open space lots, two (2) private recreation lots and 14 public facility lots, a zone change request to authorize zones A-2-2 to zone RPD-8,000-0.74U, a conditional use permit request to authorize a development program associated with a zone change request, development within a hillside management area, a density-controlled development and grading exceeding 100,000 cubic yards and an oak tree permit request to authorize the removal of 18 protected oak trees and the encroachment within the protected zones of four (4) protected oaks on 186.45 acres.
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