The meeting of the Board of Trustees of Mohawk Valley Community College will be held on Monday, December 14, 2020 at 4 p.m. via Zoom.

1. Call to Order

2. Chair’s Report

3. Treasurer’s Report

4. Committees and Affiliations Reports

Committees Affiliations • Academic and Student Success • Auxiliary Services Corporation • Audit and Finance • Dormitory Corporation • Facilities and Campus Safety • Foundation • Governance/Personnel • Association of Community College Trustees • Nominating Committee • New York Community Colleges Trustees • SUNY/NYCCAP

5. Student Trustee’s Report

6. President’s Report

7. Consent Agenda a. Minutes of November 16, 2020 Board of Trustees Meeting b. Treasurer’s Report c. Board Policy Review of Section IV. Financial Resources d. Amend Staffing Plan: Peter Steiner, Network Technician e. Caitlyn Graham, Financial Aid Advisor f. Jessica Norris, Financial Aid Advisor g. Dustin Swiss, Technical Assistant – Hospitality h. Amend Staffing Plan: Todd Marshall, Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer/CDO

8. Discussion Items • Board Committee Charter Revisions: Nominating Committee, Audit & Finance, Governance & Personnel • Electronic Signature Policy • Anti-Racism Statement

9. Adjournment ATTACHMENT 7a


1. Call to Order The meeting of the Mohawk Valley Community College Board of Trustees held via Zoom was called to order at 4:01 p.m. by Chair Colón on Monday, November 16, 2020.

Members Present Members Excused Camille Kahler Tony Colón William S. Calli, Jr. Frank Dubeck, Jr. Elaine Falvo David Mathis Wendy Waters Fabiha Khan

2. Chair’s Report Chair Colón announced that the Zoom meeting will be audio and video recorded to comply with the New York State Executive Order and Open Meetings Law. Chair Colón thanked the Board for their attention to the annual mandatory Title IX training and reported that the all Board members have completed the training. He further went on to recognize faculty and staff who recently received awards and accolades as follows: MVCC received a $1.1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor to offer free tech and trades through the Job Corps Scholars program; MVCC Program Board received the 2020 Spring Northeast Community Service Event of the Year award; the Nursing program had a 100% pass rate for the Spring 2020 cohort. He then recognized the list of faculty/staff who serve in community leadership roles and remarked on the impressive number of College individuals who donate their time to their community. Chair Colón concluded his remarks by reviewing the Trustee Scholarship fund and encouraging Board members to contribute.

3. Treasurer’s Report Vice President Squires reported that monthly financial statements are not available as all accounts must remain open for review and verification by the College’s independent auditors. January meeting will review the reports from Auditors and monthly financials will resume. Vice President Squires went on to report that the second and final distribution of financial aid refund checks to students for the fall semester was held on November 6. Checks were distributed to 1,670 students in the amount of $2,323,359. The amount is considerably lower than last year’s total due to a variety of factors that include lower enrollment as well as students who still have not filed their TAP applications in time to meet the refund date. Students will still be able to receive a refund this semester if they file the TAP application in the coming weeks. Vice President Squires gave a special thanks to the Financial Aid Office, Registrar’s Office and all Business Office personnel who worked on preparing and executing the financial aid refunds which were all done without issue by direct mail for health and safety concerns. Further, the fieldwork at the College has been completed for the annual audit by D’Arcangelo & Company. Preparation of financial statements and the audit report will continue between the Business Office and the auditors for the next several weeks with an anticipated completion date of the final report in January 2021. The Business Office will also begin to prepare the SUNY Annual Financial Report that is due in December. Vice President Squires concluded his report by providing an update on the College’s health insurance premium. Last month the Board discussed the contingent premium option which allows the College to pay 90% of the given renewal premium as long as actual health insurance claims paid out stays under the 90% threshold. For the past two years, the College has exceeded the 90% threshold and had to pay back Excellus under the terms of the contingent premium which equated to roughly $470,000 paid back. This year, the College is on track through nine months of the year to not make a payback and to realize a savings that is almost $340,000 in comparison to what health insurance costs would have been if we had not chosen the contingent premium option for 2020. Since 2016, even with the two payback years, the College has saved $466,000 through 2019 and is on track for cumulative savings over five year to reach over $800,000.

Chair Colón went on to recognize and welcome John Herbowy as the College’s new County Attorney.

4. Committee Reports

Nominating Committee Trustee Calli reported that the Nominating Committee met on November 11 to discuss a charter which will be brought to the full Board at the December meeting as well as discuss a slate of officers for the Dormitory Corporation. The Nominating Committee formally presented the following slate of officers before the Dormitory Corporation Board of Directors at their November 12 meeting and serves as an informational notice to the Board of Trustees:

Dormitory Corporation Board of Directors President, Randall J. VanWagoner Chair, David Mathis Vice Chair, Wendy Waters Secretary, Dennis Gibbons Treasurer, Jennifer Gonzales Assistant Secretary, Stephanie Reynolds Assistant Treasurer, Tom Squires

Governance/Personnel Trustee Calli reported that the Governance and Personnel committee met prior to the Board meeting. The committee reviewed and revised the charter, which will also be presented to the full Board at the December meeting. Personnel Board policies are under legal review with proposed revisions coming back before the committee at a future meeting. The committee further received a benefits update as well as an update on the College’s supervisory training program. Trustee Calli concluded that the committee held a discussion around the Chief Equity and Inclusion position currently in an internal search at the College with the hopes of bringing a successful candidate to the December Board meeting.

Audit and Finance Committee President VanWagoner reported that the Audit and Finance committee met on November 5. The committee reviewed and expanded the charter to clarify timelines and meetings which will be presented to the full Board at the December meeting. The committee also discussed developing a self-paced training program for all current and future board members that sit on the audit and finance committee. Vice President Squires will be developing this training program.

Auxiliary Services Corporation (ASC) Vice President Squires reported that the next meeting of the ASC Board will be held this Thursday, November 19.

MVCC Foundation Vice President DuRoss reported that the Foundation has approximately $6.28 million in portfolios. Alumni Fall Mailing and Faculty/Staff campaigns are underway. So far, the fundraising campaigns have raised over $10,000 from 123 donors. The Alumni Association will be having a Zoom event on November 19 with MVCC engineering students featuring Dennis Weller, Alumnus from the class of 1969, who is the founder and chairman of Structural Associates, Inc. which is a general construction management firm. The fall scholarship deadline is today, November 16. The Foundation has primarily worked with students virtually to collect scholarship materials and the committee will begin to review applications in the beginning of December. Vice President DuRoss concluded that the next meeting of the Foundation Board will be held on December 17 and the auditors from D’Arcangelo will be attending to report on the results of the annual audit.

NYCCT/ACCT Trustee Mathis reported that as Chair of ACCT, he has appointed two members to the ACCT Board: one member from the DEI Committee and one ACCT At-Large member. As the new Chair with five new Board members, Trustee Mathis led a fireside chat with the full Board to get to know each other and share his history with community colleges. The fireside chat was an experience he would like the Board of Trustees to consider holding in the future. He further reported that the search for a new ACCT President is underway. Trustee Mathis concluded his report by reviewing upcoming conferences and webinars: the National Legislative Summit coming up in February 2021 will be held virtually with registration details to be shared in December. ACCT will also be holding additional webinars throughout the month of December around legislative advocacy.

SUNY President VanWagoner reported that he and other members of the Board attended the virtual NYCCT Annual Conference held this past Friday and Saturday. The advocacy session held on Saturday was very informative laying out the framework for advocacy efforts around equity, diversity, and inclusion. Advocacy will look different this year as community colleges work to align their goals with the goals of the Chancellor and the New York State budget. Gubernatorial appointments were also discussed at the conference and the sense is that all current vacancies will remain for the foreseeable future.

5. Student Trustee Report Student Trustee Fabiha Khan reviewed the current projects she introduced during her report at last month’s meeting. She is proud to update the Board that all of these projects have been launched and are receiving positive feedback from students.

6. President’s Report President VanWagoner began by thanking faculty, staff, and students for their vigilance in keeping the College safe and following COVID protocols as other colleges are seeing a spike in cases while MVCC continues to report relatively low cases. He further went on to thank all of the door monitors and COVID testing volunteers, especially Vice President Reynolds, Dennis Gibbons, and Karen Sabonis who have worked to put these safety measures in place. Thank you to all who were involved in the development and facilitation of the SHN Virtual Colloquium. President VanWagoner thanked all of the union leaders who worked on the MOAs for each of the three bargaining units. The MOAs for AMVA, APA, and PA were all unanimously approved at the Board of Legislature meeting held earlier this month.

President VanWagoner continued his report by asking each Vice President to report out to the Board:

Student Affairs Vice President Reynolds provided a testing update which began this morning at 6:30 a.m. on the Rome campus with the testing of commuter students and then moved to the Utica campus with testing all of the residence hall students. This resulted in a total of 248 tests administered on both campuses with 200-plus additional commuter students scheduled for testing Tuesday and Wednesday. There are also a number of students who are having tests completed in the community and providing the results to the College before Friday. All students who have been tested or sent in test results will be uploaded to the SUNY dashboard by Friday to be in full compliance with the Chancellor’s directive as we head into the Thanksgiving holiday break. There are 26 volunteers who comprise the College’s testing team that continue to manage the administration of these tests.

Administrative Services Vice President Squires provided an update on the College’s capital project status as it relates to the Science and Technology (S&T) building. In the fall of 2018, the College asked for money from the County to expand and renovate the S&T building. The County agreed to provide $225,000 toward this project which the State matched for a total of $450,000 to be used for design work. In 2019, the College worked with architects to begin the design work which is ready for bid specs. As we communicated back with the County to request monies for construction work in the 2020 year, the College was denied. In 2020, the pandemic hit and the County indicated that it was not in a position to allocate monies for this construction project in the 2021 year. After further discussions with the County and President VanWagoner, it was concluded that the County will not be in a position for the next two- three years to fund this project for construction. However, Vice President DuRoss was able to secure a $1.8 million grant through Empire State Development toward this project that can be extended for a period of time until the County has the capacity to fund this project.

Academic Affairs Vice President Kahler discussed the Chancellor’s directive as it relates to academic programming. One of the SUNY directives centered on the mode of instruction during intersession and that all programming should be fully remote. MVCC is in compliance with this directive as all intersession classes have been offered fully online for the last several years. The second SUNY directive concerned the Spring 2021 academic calendar and aligning all SUNY campuses to have a February 1 start date with no spring break. This mandate was understood to bring everyone back after the peak of flu season. The elimination of spring break was understood to prevent students from traveling to other areas that could possible spread the virus or bring it back to campuses. Academic Affairs worked with Registrars, Financial Aid, and the Business Office to adjust the Spring calendar begin on February 1 straight through to May 10. Around 1,300 course sections needed to be rebuilt to accommodate the change in the academic calendar and MVCC is in full compliance with the Chancellor’s directive.

College Senate President VanWagoner reported on behalf of College Senate Chair Christine Miller who was unable to attend. Senate Chair Miller and President VanWagoner convened the chairpersons of all Senate committees and College councils to review the governance structure at the College, open up lines of communication, and set a baseline of what is expected to be a good year of shared governance at the College. The November Senate meeting reviewed the Remote Work Policy and received input to consider as the policy and related procedure are finalized in the months to come. Once finalized, the Remote Work Policy will still need to be reviewed by each bargaining unit for impact to the collective bargaining agreements. The Senate is also continuing to review the Anti-Racist statement with the hopes of approving a final version at the December meeting. The Senate will also be receiving an Electronic Signature Policy to review that will then be forwarded to the Board in the next month or two.

President VanWagoner concluded his report by thanking the Board for the consideration and support of the resolution to close the College on Wednesday, November 25, 2020.

Consent Agenda Attachment a Minutes of October 19, 2020 Board of Trustees Meeting Attachment b Treasurer’s Report Attachment c Trustee Emeritus, John B. Stetson Attachment d Spring 2021 Academic Calendar Attachment e Zachary Steffen, Business Consultant Attachment f Close of Regular College Operations for Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Chair Colón asked for a motion on items 7a-f of the consent agenda. Trustee Mathis asked to pull Attachment 7c for further discussion.

Motion was made by Wendy Waters and seconded by Frank Dubeck to approve items 7a, 7b and 7d-7f.

Unanimously approved.

Attachment 7c was further discussed and it was determined that more needs to be explored to recognize John Stetson beyond Trustee Emeritus status. President VanWagoner and his Cabinet will explore naming opportunities for former Trustee Stetson and report back to the Board.

Chair Colón asked for a motion to approve Consent Agenda 7c.

Motion was made by Elaine Falvo and seconded by David Mathis.

Unanimously approved.

8. Discussion Items Board Policy Review of Section IV. Financial Resources Vice President Squires reviewed Board Policy Section IV and noted a change to the procedures under this section as it relates to Uniform Guidance procedures and federal grants. Board Policy Section IV. Financial Resources and Board By-Laws Policy headings will come back before the Board as discussion items at the December meeting. Trustee Kahler will review by-laws and determine next steps for changing Board policy headings.

7. Adjournment Motion was made by Camille Kahler and seconded by Wendy Waters to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Unanimously approved. ATTACHMENT 7b

Warrants – November 2020

Warrant # Date Amount

2021-14 11/02/2020 $ 767,667.26 General Expense 2021-15 11/06/2020 $ 2,821,101.07 General Expense 2021-16 11/13/2020 $ 772,440.81 Payroll 2021-17 11/16/2020 $ 1,069,730.21 General Expense 2021-18 11/20/2020 $ 464,407.98 General Expense 2021-19 11/27/2020 $ 769,088.75 Payroll 2021-20 11/30/2020 $ 590,098.48 General Expense

Note – Details may not equal Warrant due to either cancelled check adjustments or rounding.

Total $ 7,254,534.56


MEMORANDUM December 14, 2020

TO: MVCC Board of Trustees

FROM: Randall VanWagoner President

SUBJECT: Budget Amendment 2020-21 Operating Budget

I recommend that the Board of Trustees adopt the following resolution:

RESOLVED that the following Budget Amendment #2 to the 2020-21 Operating Budget be and hereby is approved:


From: $62,568,125 To: $62,965,154 Increase: $397,029


Grants (100% Offset) From To Difference Personal Services 60000 $2,935,210 $3,586,144 + $650,934 Equipment 72000 $111,324 $189,538 + $78,214 Contractual 74000 $8,809,467 $8,269,917 - $539,550 Fringe Benefits 78000 $872,329 $1,079,760 + $207,431



Grant Revenues (100% Offset) $12,728,330 $13,125,359 + $397,029 ======


To include the following new and continuing State grants approved: FY’21 Library Collection Aid NYS $8,095 FY’21 STEP Award SUNY $259,242 FY’21 Adult Literacy Education (ALE) SUNY $150,295 To reallocate and decrease funding in the following grant previously approved: Utica GEAR-UP, USDOE (Year 2 and 3) Federal ($20,603)


2020-21 2020-21 ------MONTHLY BUDGET COMPARISONS Budgeted Recognized Amount YTD YTD Amount Revenue Revenue Of % Cumulative Received at Of % Source November Nov. 30 ,2020 Variance Variance Budget Nov. 30 ,2020 Variance Variance ------Tuition - Fall 2020 310,547 102,123 -208,424 -67.1% 8,330,419 7,656,758 -673,661 -8.1% 1 Tuition - Spring 2021 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0 0.0% Tuition - Summer 2021 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0 0.0% Sponsor Contribution 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0 0.0% Chargeback Revenue 1,467,369 0 -1,467,369 -100.0% 1,567,422 1,082,493 -484,929 -30.9% 2 Out-of-State Tuition -5,446 -39,063 -33,617 617.3% 232,200 221,622 -10,578 -4.6% State Aid 0 2,590,534 2,590,534 100.0% 3,309,928 2,590,534 -719,394 -21.7% 3 Federal Aid 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0 0.0% Non Credit Programs 77,389 34,047 -43,342 -56.0% 445,500 235,150 -210,350 -47.2% 4 Other - Offsets to Expense 70,100 74,910 4,810 6.9% 1,301,738 1,318,030 16,292 1.3% ------Total Revenue from Operations 1,919,959 2,762,551 842,592 43.9% 15,187,206 13,104,587 -2,082,619 -13.7% ======Grants 44,796 1,248,067 Federal Workstudy 9,824 13,496 Total 2,817,171 14,366,150 ======

Variance Explanations (for categories greater than 5% & $10,000 over or under budget)

(1) Fall Tuition is lower than budget due to lower than estimated student enrollment for the semester (1) Chargeback revenue is lowe than budgeted due mainly to a timing issue in posting the most recent CB billing for late-starting courses. This will correct itself in December and should be on target. (3) State Aid is lower than budgeted due to a 20% cut in the first quarter payment made by NYS in November. NYS is not calling this a permanent cut yet, but collection of the difference is uncertain at this point. (4) CCED program volume is lower than budget estimates due to reduced programming & enrollment related to the pandemic.. MOHAWK VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE November 2020 Expenditure Report

Month of November 2020 YTD Cumulative at November 30, 2020 ------Area of Expense 2019-20 Last Year Expense Amount YTD YTD Amount Actual Expense as of of % 2019-20 Last Year Expensed at of % November Nov. 30, 2020 Variance Variance Actual Nov. 30, 2020 Variance Variance

Instruction $2,209,075 1,346,471 -862,604 -39.0% $4,647,871 4,346,713 -301,158 -6.5% 1

Learning Resources $163,915 102,999 -60,916 -37.2% $381,416 344,916 -36,500 -9.6% 1

Student Affairs $386,731 223,614 -163,117 -42.2% $809,911 776,951 -32,960 -4.1%

Administration $607,102 444,758 -162,344 -26.7% $1,342,383 1,543,994 201,611 15.0% 2

Facilities and Operations $303,521 198,096 -105,425 -34.7% $733,565 619,416 -114,149 -15.6% 3

Public Safety $125,042 67,658 -57,384 -45.9% $254,370 207,736 -46,634 -18.3% 1

Rome Campus Admin $50,120 19,562 -30,558 -61.0% $99,124 57,595 -41,529 -41.9% 1

Non Credit Programs $160,088 74,740 -85,348 -53.3% $318,575 163,806 -154,769 -48.6% 4

Institutional $147,972 40,363 -107,609 -72.7% $362,810 195,475 -167,335 -46.1% 5

Fringe Benefits $293,320 1,321,447 1,028,127 350.5% $2,237,563 2,676,449 438,886 19.6% 6 ------Total Operating Expenditures 4,446,886 3,839,708 -607,178 -13.7% 11,187,588 10,933,051 -254,537 -2.3% ======Grants 281,620 916,551 Federal Workstudy 7,405 13,983 Total 4,128,733 11,863,585 ======


Personal Services $3,391,316 2,066,771 -1,324,545 -39.1% $6,510,093 5,939,842 -570,251 -8.8% Equipment $0 - 0 0.0% $7,359 2,558 -4,801 -65.2% Contractual $762,250 451,490 -310,760 -40.8% $2,432,573 2,314,202 -118,371 -4.9% Fringe Benefits $293,320 1,321,447 1,028,127 350.5% $2,237,563 2,676,449 438,886 19.6% ------Total Operating Expenditures 4,446,886 3,839,708 -607,178 -13.7% 11,187,588 10,933,051 -254,537 -2.3% ======Grants 281,620 916,551 Federal Workstudy 7,405 13,983 Total 0 4,128,733 11,863,585 ======0 ======

Variance Explanations (for categories greater than 5% & $10,000 over or under last year's actual)

(1) Several expenditure categories are showing as significantly lower than last year at this point in the year which is not unsusual, but expenditures have also been affected this year by lower enrollment and generally less activity on each campus due to the pandemic. (2) Administrative expenses are higher than last year at this time due mainly to unbudgeted pandemic expenses being charged to this category, including $237K in Contractual & Supplies for Environmental Health and Safety, plus $38K in unbudgeted equipment. (3) Facilities Contractual Expenses lower YTD compared to last year due mainly to lower Utilities prior to winter months which have been delayed, and other expenditures which have been delayed, plus less activity in buildings due to pandemic. (4) Reduced CCED program volume for current year mainly due to the pandemic is causing reduction in expenditures compared to last year at this time. (5) Institutional Expenditures are showing lower than last year's actual expense at this time mainly due to higher expenses last year due to the Ransomware incident at the beginning of 2019-20. (6) Employee Benefit Expenses are running over last year's actual expense at this time mainly due to the 20% health insurance rate increase implemented in January 2020.

Note: Generally, the majority of expenditure categories are running under-budget at this point in the year mainly based on seasonal fluctuations in expenditure payments.



MEMORANDUM December 14, 2020

TO: MVCC Board of Trustees

FROM: Randall J. VanWagoner, Ph.D. President

SUBJECT: Board policy revision: Section IV. Financial Resources

I recommend that the Board of Trustees adopt the following resolution:

RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Mohawk Valley Community College approve the revisions to Section IV. Financial Resources of Board Policy with no revisions as recommended by the Governance/Personnel Committee.


Board Policy Section IV. Financial Resources is being forwarded by the Governance/Personnel Committee for approval. The section was first presented to the Board at the November 16, 2020 meeting as a first reading and was thoroughly reviewed with no changes being identified.



MEMORANDUM December 14, 2020

TO: MVCC Board of Trustees

FROM: Randall J. VanWagoner, Ph.D. President

SUBJECT: Amend Staffing Plan and Appointment of Peter Steiner Network Technician Position Number 0671

I recommend that the Board of Trustees adopt the following resolution:

RESOLVED that the College Staffing Plan be amended as follows:

• Delete the title, Programmer Analyst, Position Number 0671

• Create the title, Network Technician, Position Number 0671


Peter Steiner to be appointed to the position of Network Technician in the Information Technology department. This is a probationary appointment beginning on January 4, 2021, at a prorated salary based upon an annual salary of $49,898 for a twelve-month professional obligation.


The Programmer Analyst position was formerly held by Ms. Mary Jane Parry. Mr. Steiner will be responsible for network transmission infrastructure, in which will insure continuity across copper, fiber optic, and wireless transmission technologies, to support data, video, and Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP). He will provide services for the installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of digital switches/routers, wireless transmitters/receivers, telephones, video cameras, and UPS Systems.


MEMORANDUM December 14, 2020

TO: MVCC Board of Trustees

FROM: Randall J. VanWagoner, Ph.D. President

SUBJECT: Background Information on Peter Steiner RESIDENCE: New York Mills, New York


2011 Bachelor of Science, Computer Science SUNY Polytechnic Institute Utica, New York

2007 Associate of Applied Science, Micro Computer/Technical Support Utica School of Commerce Utica, New York


2013 – Present Registrar Leatherstocking Council, BSA Utica, New York

2006 – 2013 Network Technician and Helpdesk Media Center (Part-Time) Mohawk Valley Community College Utica and Rome, New York

Mohawk Valley Community College Utica and Rome, New York


Network Technician Executive Director of Information Technology Information Technology


Responsible for network transmission infrastructure to insure continuity across copper, fiber optic, and wireless transmission technologies to support data, video, and Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP). Provides services for the installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of digital switches/routers, wireless transmitters/receivers, telephones, video cameras, and UPS Systems.


1. Plans, organizes, and coordinates network infrastructure installations, troubleshooting, and repairs;

2. Installs network communications hardware, such as ethernet switches, UTP and fiber optic cable, patch panels, remote auxiliary power supplies, and network authentication services and other wireless devices;

3. Responsible for the diagnosis, repair, and reporting of network communication problems;

4. Monitors and maintains network documentation, diagrams, and systems;

5. Installs, maintains, and troubleshoots any network IP devices and associate systems VOIP telephone, tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices;

6. Assists with network and server administration tasks;

7. Installs, maintains, and troubleshoots video surveillance equipment and systems;

8. Maintains appropriate fixed asset data during receiving, relocations, and disposition processes;

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Network Technician Executive Director of Information Technology Information Technology

9. Performs other duties related to the job description and as assigned by the Executive Director of Information Technology.

QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s degree in Computer or related field preferred and a minimum of 2 years’ experience; or Associate’s Degree in a related field and a minimum of 4 years relevant experience working with network communication systems , such as network switches/routers, VOIP Phones, cable installation/management, UPS Systems, and audio video/multimedia. Possession of a valid driver’s license at the time of hire and throughout employment and the ability to work occasional evenings and weekends required.


Grade 3 Professional 12 month

FLSA: ☐ Exempt ☒ Non-Exempt

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MEMORANDUM December 14, 2020

TO: MVCC Board of Trustees

FROM: Randall J. VanWagoner, Ph.D. President

SUBJECT: Appointment of Caitlyn Graham Financial Aid Advisor Position Number 0309

I recommend that the Board of Trustees adopt the following resolution:

RESOLVED that Caitlyn Graham be appointed to the position of Financial Aid Advisor in the Financial Aid department. This is a probationary appointment beginning January 1, 2021, at a prorated salary based upon an annual salary of $44,000 for a twelve-month professional obligation.


The Financial Aid Advisor position was formerly held by Ms. Jaqueline Womack, who will be retiring. Ms. Graham will advise students, review applications for financial assistance, and assist in the general administration of the College Student Financial Aid Program.


MEMORANDUM December 14, 2020

TO: MVCC Board of Trustees

FROM: Randall J. VanWagoner, Ph.D. President

SUBJECT: Background Information on Caitlyn Graham RESIDENCE: Utica, New York


2018 Bachelor of Science, Applied Psychology (Concentration, Human Services) Morrisville State College Morrisville, New York

2016 Associate Degree, Psychology Mohawk Valley Community College Utica and Rome, New York


2020 – Present Financial Aid Assistant 2019 – 2020 Enrollment Associate 2018 – 2019 Enrollment Assistant (Part-Time) Mohawk Valley Community College Utica and Rome, New York

2018 – 2019 Autism Mentor Kelberman Center Utica, New York

2011 – 2018 Sales Associate and Bridal Consultant Bed Bath and Beyond Utica, New York



MEMORANDUM December 14, 2020

TO: MVCC Board of Trustees

FROM: Randall J. VanWagoner, Ph.D. President

SUBJECT: Appointment of Jessica Norris Financial Aid Advisor Position Number 0307

I recommend that the Board of Trustees adopt the following resolution:

RESOLVED that Jessica Norris be appointed to the position of Financial Aid Advisor in the Financial Aid department. This is a probationary appointment beginning January 1, 2021, at a prorated salary based upon an annual salary of $42,486 for a twelve-month professional obligation.


The Financial Aid Advisor position was formerly held by Ms. Theresa Paladino, who will be retiring. Ms. Norris will advise students, review applications for financial assistance, and assist in the general administration of the College Student Financial Aid Program.


MEMORANDUM December 14, 2020

TO: MVCC Board of Trustees

FROM: Randall J. VanWagoner, Ph.D. President

SUBJECT: Background Information on Jessica Norris RESIDENCE: Sauquoit, New York


2012 Bachelor of Science, Childhood Education SUNY Geneseo Geneseo, New York


2019 – Present Financial Aid Assistant Mohawk Valley Community College Utica and Rome, New York

2017 – Present Wreath Decorator Massoud’s Tree Farm Sauquoit, New York

2018 – 2019 Senior Companion Church Volunteer Work Sauquoit and Clinton, New York

2018 – 2018 Lead Teacher Sitrin Child Care New Hartford, New York

2017 – 2018 Substitute Teacher Sauquoit Valley School District and Clinton Central Schools Clinton, New York

2015 – 2017 Cutting Counter Associate JOANN Fabric Store Buffalo, New York ATTACHMENT 7g


MEMORANDUM December 14, 2020

TO: MVCC Board of Trustees

FROM: Randall J. VanWagoner, Ph.D. President

SUBJECT: Appointment of Dustin Swiss Technical Assistant – Hospitality Position Number: 0474

I recommend that the Board of Trustees adopt the following resolution:

RESOLVED that Dustin Swiss be appointed to the position of Technical Assistant - Hospitality in the School of Business and Hospitality (HOBS). This is a probationary appointment beginning January 4, 2021 at a prorated salary based upon an annual salary on $42,485 for a twelve-month professional obligation.


This position is vacant due to the resignation of Jon-David Velletto. Mr. Swiss will provide specialized technical assistance to professional or administrative staff in hospitality or in the general supervision of student activities and events.


MEMORANDUM December 14, 2020

TO: MVCC Board of Trustees

FROM: Randall J. VanWagoner, Ph.D. President

SUBJECT: Background Information on Dustin Swiss RESIDENCE: Rome, NY


2012 Associate of Occupational Studies, Culinary Arts Culinary Institute of America Poughkeepsie, New York


2019 – 2020 Executive Chef Adirondack League Club Old Forge, New York

2018 Owner/Operator The Little Red Food Truck Rome, New York

2016 – 2017 Food and Beverage Manager Crestwood Golf Course Marcy, New York

2015 – 2016 Food Salesman Smith Packing Company Utica, New York

2012 – 2015 Executive Chef/Banquet Manager Teugega Country Club/Delta Lake Inn Rome, New York ATTACHMENT 7h


MEMORANDUM December 14, 2020

TO: MVCC Board of Trustees

FROM: Randall J. VanWagoner, Ph.D. President

SUBJECT: Amend Staffing Plan and Appointment of Todd Marshall Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer/CDO Position Number 0791

I recommend that the Board of Trustees adopt the following resolution:

RESOLVED that the College Staffing Plan be amended as follows:

• Create the position, Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer/CDO, position number 0791


Todd Marshall be appointed to the position of Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer/CDO in the President’s Office. This is an administrative appointment beginning January 4, 2021 at a prorated salary based upon an annual salary of $85,000 for a twelve-month professional obligation.


This is a new position with the College. As diversity and inclusiveness are integral components of the highest quality academic programs and the strongest campus climate, this position is essential to enhancing excellence at Mohawk Valley Community College. Dr. Marshall will be responsible for developing and executing college-wide strategy and practices that add value in support of the overall vision and strategic direction of the college related to diversity, equity, and systemic inclusion. Dr. Marshall will be a member of the President’s Cabinet senior leadership team and will work collaboratively with offices across campus to elevate inclusiveness and review and implement policies and best practices related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Dr. Marshall will be the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion/CDO practitioner, internal consultant, administrative leader, external community representative on DEI issues, and an advocate to students, faculty, and staff at the College. MOHAWK VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Utica and Rome, New York

MEMORANDUM December 14, 2020

TO: MVCC Board of Trustees

FROM: Randall J. VanWagoner, Ph.D. President

SUBJECT: Background Information on Todd Marshall RESIDENCE: Rome, New York


2002 Doctor of Philosophy, Slavic Studies and Slavic Linguistics 1992 Master of Arts, Slavic Studies and General Linguistics Cornell University Ithaca, New York

1984 Bachelor of Arts, French and General Linguistics Central College Pella, Iowa


2016 – Present Assistant Professor Spring 2014 Instructor in ESL (Term Appointment) Fall 2013 Instructor in ESL (Term Appointment) 2012 – 2013 Adjunct – ESL /French 2011 – 2012 Adjunct – ESL /French Mohawk Valley Community College Utica and Rome, New York

2010 – 2011 Adjunct – Spanish York College Jamaica, New York

2009 – 2010 SAT/College Prep Teacher/Tutor ScoreRite Academy Little Neck, New York

2006 – 2008 Visiting Lecturer in Intensive English Program and Spanish 2005 – 2006 Interim Director of the Humanities and World Cultures Institute and Russian Professor 2004 – 2005 Russian Professor 2002 – 2004 Tenure Track in Russian, French and Spanish 2001 – 2002 Instructor in the Intensive English Program 2000 – 2001 Instructor in Intensive English Program and Spanish for Faculty University of Central Arkansas Conway, Arkansas

1998 – 2000 Spanish and English Language and literature Teacher De Young [Private] School San Jose, California

1997 – 1998 ESL Instructor Cornell University Ithaca, New York

1997 – 1998 Spanish Instructor BOCES Adult Education Ithaca, New York

1996 – 1997 ESL Instructor Center for English Studies Manhattan, New York

1996 – 1997 Visiting ESL/Academic English Lecturer (Part Time) Mercy College Extension Queens, New York

1995 – 1996 Visiting Lecturer of Russian and General Linguistics St. Lawrence University Canton, New York

1989 – 1994 ESL/EFL Instructor and Russian Language Assistant Cornell University Ithaca, New York

1982 – 1984 Student French Instructor and Tutor Central College Pella, Iowa

POSITION REPORTS TO DEPARTMENT Chief Equity & President’s Office Inclusion Officer/CDO President


BROAD FUNCTION: The Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer of the College/CDO is responsible for developing and executing college-wide strategy and practices that add value in support of the overall vision and strategic direction of the college related to diversity, equity, and systemic inclusion. As diversity and inclusiveness are integral components of the highest quality academic programs and the strongest campus climate, this position is essential to enhancing excellence at Mohawk Valley Community College.

The Chief Equity & Inclusion Officer/CDO is a member of the President’s Cabinet senior leadership team and works collaboratively with offices across campus to elevate inclusiveness and review and implement policies and best practices related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. This position functions as a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion/CDO practitioner, internal consultant, administrative leader, external community representative on DEI issues, and functions as an advocate to students, faculty, and staff at the College.

MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Engage with all members of the college and the community we serve in a manner that that is welcoming, friendly, respectful, cooperative, and collaborative.

2. Serve as a role model for the institution with regard to infusing strengths-based positive leadership that helps nurture and shape a high-performing, vibrant and inclusive organizational culture that sustains organizational health and wellness.

3. Serves as the College’s Chief Diversity Officer and represent the College on all DEI matters and initiatives related to the State University of New York (SUNY).

4. Collaborate with Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and various departments in the development and execution of student recruitment, retention, and completion strategies of a diverse student body.

5. Collaborates with Human Resources staff to identify and execute best practices in policies, procedures and activities that affect diversity such as recruitment, hiring, and retention of employees that support a more diverse workforce.

6. Serve as the Affirmative Action Officer and work with the Office of Human Resources to promote and support increasing diversity in the recruitment and hiring of faculty and staff.

POSITION REPORTS TO DEPARTMENT Chief Equity & President’s Office Inclusion Officer/CDO President

7. Collaborate with various departments to coordinate DEI training for faculty, staff, and students.

8. Provide leadership as necessary to support shared governance practices and collaborative decision-making concerning College issues and processes and make recommendations to the President as necessary.

9. Represents the College as a liaison in the external community on issues related to DEI.

10. Further develops and maintains a data dashboard for the MVCC Equity Scorecard presented annually to College community and Board of Trustees.

11. Coordinates and serves as the primary author of the annual updates to the campus-wide Diversity Plan.

12. Directs an ongoing internal marketing campaign on equity in education and advances the integration and maintenance of College-wide statements related to DEI.

13. Collaborates with the Institutional Advancement staff to administer existing scholarships for Students of Color and assist in fundraising and grant development as necessary to establish additional support for DEI scholarships and initiatives.

14. Other duties as may be assigned by the President of the College.

QUALIFICATIONS: Master's degree in a field related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, or other appropriate field, and a minimum of ten (10) years of increasingly responsible professional experience required. Must possess a strong commitment to excellence in service, effective communication and confidentiality. Higher education experience preferred.


• Ability to be recognized as a trusted colleague by leadership, faculty and staff and to model strengths-based leadership, values-based engagement; high levels of collaboration; administrative acumen; demonstrated integrity and ethical practice. • Strong interpersonal skills, including relationship development and management. • Strong written, oral, and interpersonal communications skills. • A demonstrated commitment and record of promoting diversity and inclusion among faculty and staff. • Shall maintain confidentiality, and work collaboratively across diverse constituencies, and to provide leadership at all levels.

POSITION REPORTS TO DEPARTMENT Chief Equity & President’s Office Inclusion Officer/CDO President

• Knowledge of laws, regulations, policies, and guidance relevant to diversity, equity and inclusion in higher education, including Title IX and Affirmative Action/EEO • Experience working with others in addressing DEI issues; helping others talk about DEI issues; and demonstrated skills such as problem solving, data analysis, facilitation, and conflict resolution. • Relationship building and communication skills with all levels of employees and leadership are critical. Must possess strong influencing skills. • Ability to multi-task and prioritize is essential. • Proven skills in situational leadership, developing direct reports, project development and execution and budget management. • Must demonstrate ability to lead strategically with vision, motivation, passion, integrity and be accountable for actions taken.


Level G 12 months Excluded Administrative Staff

FLSA: ☒ Exempt ☐ Non-Exempt