Melville's Quarrel with the Transcendentalists
-. MELVILLE'S QUARREL WITH THE TRANSCENDENTALISTS A Monograph Pl:>esented to the Faculty of the Department of English Morehead State University ' . In Partial Fulfillmen~ of the Requirements for the Degree ''I Master-of Al>ts by Ina Marie Lowe August 1970 ' Accepted by the faculty of the School. of ft,,._11114.4 ; f:i~ 5 • Morehead State University, in partial. fulfil.l.ment of the require- ments for the Master of _ _,_A,.l'.._t".._.:i._ ____ degree, TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. Introduction . ••...••..••.•.••..••.•.•........•..•.• , .•.•.•• l II. Melville and Transcendental Idealism ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 III. Melville and Transcendental Intellectualism •••••••••••••••••• 18 IV. Melville and 'l'X'anscendental Optimism and Innocence ••••••••• 36 v. Summary and Conclusion ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 56 BIBLIOGRAPHY • •••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , , •••••• , • , • 59 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Melvill.e has usually been considered either as one of the Trans cendental writers or as having been influenced by Transcendental thought. There has been a critical acceptance of the thesis that Melville began as a Transcendentalist; then, as he grew older and presumably less wise in the romantic sense, he eschewed his early idealism and opted for an acceptance of moral expediency and com plicity. The beginning hypothesis of this study will be that Melville, although he could be said to share some of Transcendentalism's secondary ideas and attitudes, objected to many of the Transcend alists' most cherished beliefs. In fact, one can say that, rather than being a Transcendentalist writer, Melville was an anti Transcendentalist writer, constitutionally and intellectuall.y unable to accept the Transcendental view of life. In advancing the argument of this study, the critical works of Melvillean scholars will be considered for the light they may throw upon Transcendental influence on Melville's work.
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