MaReMaP-AIR Piano di gestione delle risorse marine per la regione adriatico-ionica Marine Resources Management Plan for the Adriatic and Ionian Region

Partners Adriatic and Ionian Initiative Association Internationale du Droit de la Mer Augeo S.r.l. - progetti per crescere International Conference Econ S.r.l. - sistemi avanzati per l'ambiente

12 November Adriatic and Ionian Region as Geopoli- Conduct and Promotion of Marine AULA MAGNA 14h30 tical Strategic Area for the European Scientific Research in the Adriatic and Union Ionian Seas Welcome Addresses ROBERTO BELLONI EMMANUELLA DOUSSIS LUIGI LACCHÈ / / National and Kapodistrian University of / Rector of the University of Macerata Athens ERMANNO CALZOLAIO Role of European Macro-Regions in The 2001 UNESCO Convention and the / Director of the Department of the Governance of the Seas. Baltic and Protection of the Underwater Cultural FRANCESCO ADORNATO Adriatic: Comparing Two Models Heritage in the Adriatic and Ionian / Director of the Department of Political PIETRO GARGIULO Seas Sciences, Communication and Internatio- / TRPIMIR M. ŠOŠIĆ nal Relations / University of Zagreb CARLO PONGETTI Discussion / Director of the Department of Humanities ANTICA BIBLIOTECA 14h30 GIORGIO BERLINGIERI Conclusions / President of the Italian Association FABIO PIGLIAPOCO / Secretary General of Maritime Law of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative SESSION III Relationship between Policy and ANDREA CALIGIURI Science in Defining a Model for Seas / Principal Investigator of the 13 November Governance MaReMaP-AIR Research Project AULA MAGNA 9h30 Design a Marine Protected Area 15h00 Chairman SIMONETTA FRASCHETTI Chairman TULLIO TREVES / ŽELJKO RADIĆ / , Former Judge of the ITLOS / Dean of Faculty Law, Possible Threats from the Oil Pollution SESSION II in the Adriatic SESSION I The Legal Regime of the Adriatic and MIRA MOROVIĆ Adriatic Ionian Space: From the Ionian Seas / Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Domain of Venice to European Croatia Integration Model The Legal Regime of the Semi-enclo- sed Seas in the Light of the UNCLOS Discussion Adriatic Ionian Space from the and the EU Role in the Governance of Domain of Venice to the Proliferation Adriatic and Ionian Marine Space 16h00 of National States IOANNIS STRIBIS General Conclusions GIOVANNI BRANCACCIO / University of the Aegean GIUSEPPE CATALDI / University of Naples / “G. D’Annunzio” University “L’Orientale”, President of the AssIDMer The Adriatic-Ionian Marine Region as a The Ordinamenta et Consuetudo Maris Space of Connectivity: Transport and of Trani and the Common Law of the Protection of the Marine Environment Scientific Committee Mediterranean MITJA GRBEC Andrea CALIGIURI / President FRANCESCO MASTROBERTI / Maritime Law Association of Slovenia Maria CIOTTI, Ninfa CONTIGIANI / “A. Moro” Andrea PRONTERA Governance of the Adriatic and Ionian Marine Space Macerata, 12-13 November 2015 PIAGGIA DELL’UNIVERSITÀ, 2 / MACERATA