Aterage Daily Net Preaa Rim The Weather For the Woek Ended Foreoaet of U. 8. Weather Beiew ' Deo. SI. I960 Snow ffnrriee, deariag IMe te« 13,314 night or early mornlilt. 1 ^ atea to 10 below. Sunday fair, eoli. > Member of the Audit High 10 to 15. Barean of OrbalatloB Manchetterr—A City of Village Charm


State News

Roundup Nikita,U.S.AideHold A Bailey to Have New Job Today Washington, Jan. 21 ( ^ — Parley on Democrats select a new na- tional chairman today who will have the primary job of selling President Kennedy’s program to the people.

Ehcpected to be elected at the na- U.S. PoUcy Two Hours tlona!.committee meeting was John M. Bailey, 5S-year-old lawyer and

Connecticut Democratic leader. Review Set Conference He will succeed Sen. Henr^ M. Jackson of Washington, who is re- signing after six months in the chairmanship to devote full time ByKeimedy In Moscow to his duties as senator. Election of the neW chairman Moscow, Jan 21 (JP)— Fresh was the chief business for the com- By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER mittee. Washington, Jan. 21 (A*)— in the heels of the inaugfura- President Kennedy was expetced President Kennedy is expect- ion o f President Kennedy, to drop in at a committee. lunch ed to begin almost . immedi- Premier Khrushchev called in eon to make a few remarks. } U.S. Ambassador Llewellyn Bailey has beeh working^in the ately a sweeping review of Thompson for a 2-hour talk to- chairman’s office for several weeks United States foreign and de- getting the feel of things. Bailey fense policies to determine day. An embassy spokesman hM been Democratic state chair- said they discussed “ Soviet-.. man of Connecticut for 16 years. how he can work toward the broad objectives of worldwide American problems." Bailey, former Conecticut Gov. No further details were given Abraham Ribicoff and former Rep. peace and cooperation set about the subjects of the talks. It Cheater Bowles of Connecticut forth in his inaugural address. was presumed that Khrushchev were major figures in Kennedy’s Diplomats predict the survey pressed for an early meeting with 1960 election campaign.- of international relations and the the new President in an effort to Before that Bailey was the chief development of new or revised establish a warmer relationsMp negotiator with the old-line or- programs will lead to early, high- such as he felt he had worked out ganization leaders in lining up level consultation with allied gov- with President Eisenhower^st the delegate 'support for Tits Mas- ernments as a prelude to negotia- time of the Camp David meeting. sachusetts neighbor for the presi- tions with Russia. Khrushchev had with him Vassili dential nomination. Kennedy told the world after Kuznetsov, deputy foreign minister, In the election campaign he was being awom In yesterday that and A. S. Dobrynan, cMef of the

a trouble-shooter I on difficult local both sides in the cold war should American section of the foreign situations as well as adviser to "Begin anew the quest for peace,"’ office. Kennedy during the campaign. including a fresh start on disarm- Each had interpreters, although Bailey’s reputation rests mainly ament and other critical problems. much of the conversation was'in on the successful organization he HLs words stood as a challenge to Russian directly betwen Khrush- has built in Connecticut since 1946. Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush- chev and Thompson, who speaks This was highlighted by the re- chev, who has called for an early relatively good Russian. election of Ribicoff as governor in return to summit conference dip- Khrushchev did not waste any 1958, along with . victory of ' a- lomacy. time getting in touch with the new Democratic senator and ail six The new President did not men- President John F. Kennedy today sat for the first time in the seat President. He and President Leo- representatives. Two House seats tion a aummit conference nor any of the (Residency. He posed for this first picture less than five nio Brezhnev sent Kennedy a tele- Thia morning’s sub-zero temperaturez produced many contrazta: The eerje stillness of a snow-muffled were lost to the Republicans last other form of negotiation in spe- hours eJter he had retired from the final social events of inaugu- gram yesterday expressing hope morning and tha protesting squeak of footsteps; the astringent coldness of each drawn breath and Mw. 8. cific terms. ’The burden of his ration last night. (AP Photofax). we can remove existing suiqidelon the pale warmth of a rising sun; and the ddicate tracery ef frozen mist on britUe branches created as. Iteiley’s election is expected to statement seemed to be that it is and distrust and grow the iteed of paralyzlngly cold water slipped from under Union Pond's thick coat of ice over the dam. (Herald signal more emphasis on old-fash- not the form but the purpose of friendsMp and businesslike cooper- ioned organization work. ation between our two peoples." photo by Pinto). ’ i ... negotiations which is im^rtant. . ( ^ ...... ' The Camp David apint strangled He had said during the political Bowles Speaks Today campaign last fall that a meeting with the U2 incident of May 1 Ann Arbor, Mich., Jan. 21 at the summit must give advance President at Desk, last year. The long-projected Paris (t(/r>— aummit conference d i^ before it Plows Search Chester Bowles chose ‘The Chal- promise of agreement. lenffe o f The New Era” as his sub- In his first official declaration began in mid-May,when Khrush- State Still Digging ject today for a commencement ad- President, Kennedy said that chev walked out, refusing to meet For M i s s 1 n g drees at the Unlverelty of Michi- the united States would never Resumes Fast Pace Ehsenhower unless the U. S. Presi- gan (2 P.M. EST). dent apologised and made snaends. 'Negotiate out of fear." This ap- Eisenhower refused to bend. Eowlea, vriid is Uiidersecretary peared to be a caution to Khrush- Bus/Children Washington, Jan. .21 - Theii, most incredible of all, he Since then Khruehchev has re- Out from Blizzard of IWate. fpF PoUUcal Affstra In chev .against trying t«- forqo a peated. that he would not meet RbMMHR’tiM F l^ K A nn edy’s ad- summit meeting by stirring lip a dent Kennedy, hie inaugurat fun has Receipted an invitation to be -nAdatration, was among three over, got down to work today With the honor guest tonight at a dinner Eisenhower again, but would be Halifax, Jan. 21 (^ — Two huge new crisis at ^ rlin or elsewhere. glad to have talks with ths next men singled out by the university What the great powers should a staff conference and a private of thgwHlfalfa Club, a fun-loving (By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ^paraij^lng _bU*Mid. the^worst snowplows battled towering drifts President. on storm-lashed Prince Ed*ard Is- for honorary degrees. During the do, Kennedy said, is "Explore talk with an unexpected visitor social organization. ConneeUcUt, sUU digging out January...... storm.. in ““ the Century. You’d think, after the pace Ken ’The press haa been full Of ex- Tepiperatures plunged as the land today searching for a missing 1950 campaign, Bowles served as those problem^ which unite us 4n- —former President Harry S. Tru- from a blizzard which dumped up Kennedy’s foreign policy adviser. etead of belaboring those prob- man. nedy has been keeping these past snow let up, dropping to zero Along school bus. Canadian Police held few days, that he’d be ready for a (Oontinued on Page Three) to 24 inches of new snow In some the coast and below that in' inland out hope the children aboard may Awarded a doctor of laws de- lems which divide us.” Although another round of gree, Bowles was cited for "lifting He called for “Serious and pre- merry-making occupied Kennedy quiet evening in his new home. But places, faced new difficulties to- areas. have reached a remote farm house. that doesn’t take In to account the The bus heft a school in Souris his voice above partisan acerbities cise projxuals for the inspection into today’s early^ niotning hours, day. A strong northwest wind made and national vainglory, extending he was only a little bit late for his amazing Kennedy energy. The weather was clear, the sun the cold Ute as it swept the arctic yesterday with 24 children rang- and control of arms," arguing that to all men ‘a friendship beyond both the allied -and Soviet blocs first scheduled activity. And be- Yesterday, his inauguration day, shone, hut it was bitter cold. air acroes the region. ing in age from 6 to 16. Police said offered a perfect example. governments and idealogies to are overburdened by the cost of fore that he took time out to in- Bulletins Temperatures plunged downward - The Weather Bureau in Boston some children probably were drop- common human interest in a bet- ' After his inaugural address, he ped off at their rural homes before modem weapons. Several months spect the executive mansion into during the night, hitting an offi- said temperatures would remain ter world.’ " which he moved yesterday. watched the big parade in his hdn- from the AP Wires between zero and 15 all day. the storm — worst this season probably will be required to de- or that went on and on until 6:14 cial low of minus 10 degrees in the Bowles is a former ambassador velop such proposals., He showed up for his first staff Litchfield ares. - The snow piled up to 14 inches reached its height. to India and a former Connecticut p.m., a full hour after darkness through most New Ihigland, but The snowplows were progress- Both sides could work together meeting as President about 15 had fallen. Sub-zero readings were recorded ot govemoV and congressman. In the development of science, in- minutes later than the scheduled FIRE FOLLOWS GAS BLAST in many other sections of the state. Connecticut reported depths up to ing less than three miles an hour Another doctor of laws degree Since it was bitter cold, and 'Ventura, Calif., Jan. 21 (dn — 20 inches. through 10-foot drifts piled up by cluding the conquest of apace, Ken- 9 a.m. Norfolk recorded minus 23 degrees went to Nobumoto Ohama, a nedy declared, and both could As that routine session ended, the wind made it seem even cold- An explosion rocked a nataial at 7 a.m.-while; unofficially it was Howling winds piled up big 90-mlle-an-hour winds. Tempera- prominent Japanese educator and eventually undertake to create a er, most of the spectators, includ- gOA compression plant east ot drifts, hampering efforts of high- tures plummeted yesterday during Truman strolled up the White minus 20 in the Stepney section of jurist, who is president of Waseda new "world of law" In which peace House driveway in the course of ing those who paid $25 apiece for here early today, starting a huge Trumbull and'minus 16 in West- way crews to clean main highways. the storm. University .’Tokyo. their seats, fled to warmer havens. fire that raced along me main <^ews labored through the night and Justice would be secure. a morning walk and a bareheaded on. At Danbury, the State College By 5:30 a.m., after 12 hours of Minoru Yamasaki of Birming- Kennedy not only stayed supply line and threatened for to clear drifts from Logaii. Inter- searching, the plows had failed to ham, Mich., a widely known archi- Kennedy hurried out to greet the through every minute of it, he weather station recorded a read- (Continued on Page Three) former President. It was Truman’s a time to spread to nearby oil ing of minus 17. tect, received a doctor of architec- seemed to enjoy it hugely. fields. But firemen were able to (Oontinued on Page Three) (Oontinned on Page Three) ture degree, second White House visit in a.s He got a bang out of a Buffalo Hartford recorded 5 degrees and many days, after eight years of shut off the flow of gas before It was 1 above in Bridgeport. New Bill t.vpe character who rode a the fast-moving flames—bamlng staying away from the big home Haven showed 1 degree but It was Killed in Crash buffalo In the parade. both atop the ground and In the he once occupied. He admired the PT-boat similar line—reached the fields. Approx- . much colder In the rural areas WiUington, Jan. 21 (At—Isadore The two posed for pictures and surrounding the city. Strictly on His T^ritis , ” News Tidbits to the one he once commanded. imately two hours later the Are G. Spokas, 23, of Waterbury, was then went into the presidential of- He clapped and "grinned and was still burning in Hall Canyon, State Police' reported all main killed Friday night on the Wilbur Culled from AP Wires fices for a private chat. roads open but said several sec- Cross Highway when. State Po- doffed his high silk hat and, when scene of the btest, but firemen The staff meeting started a busy it was over, said: said it was under control and ondary roads were still packed with lice said, his car skidded on an round of activities for the new enow and dangerous to travel. icy patch and smashed Into a car "It was wonderful." would soon bum Itself out. Castro Offers to Join For the first time in nearly three President. Then last night Kennedy really The U.S. Weather Bureau at being driven- by William S. Jo- Also on tap was a luncheon date Bradley Field In Windsor Locks seph, 26. of Philadelphia. years actress Lana Turner has cus- had himself a ball. INDIA WELCOMES QUEEN tody of her teenage daughter, with the National Democratic Add Resident New Delhi, India, Jan. 21 . predicted continued cold for the Spokas was returning to his committee. ' U.S. Army station in Natick Cheryl. Crane . . . Although the The crowds were so huge that —England’s Queen Elizabeth rest of the weekend. It piredicted Kennedy Peace Quest And if the Senate gives quick the btUl was scattered over five Rev. Leonard Ross Rhoads admit- received a thunderous welcome -k temperature rise today to be- Mass., when the accident oc- approval to his cabinet selections, curred. ted he burned down their church sites. today from an estimated one . tween 10 and 18 degrees and a low they will be sworn In at a White Kennedy went to them all. / ' o f from zero to minus 10 at night. Havana, Jan. 21 (IF)—Fidel Cas-<9the government of that country State Police said the snow In Palo Alto, Calif., his congrega- million cheering Indians as she tion has rallied to Ms support. House ceremony late this after- arrived to visit the nation her Temperatures on Sunday are ex- tro offered lost night to "begin will rectify, if not all at least part noon. (Continued on Page Three) of the gi^at blunders and errors (Continued on Page Three) Maj. Gen. Abdul Kadlr, newly ancestors ruled as a colony for pected to' range from 10 to 15 anew” a quest for peace with Presi- named member of U.N. Truce Com- degrees. dent Kennedy’s administration. But of the previous administration." two centuries. Some 15,(KM| po- mission of The Congo, dies at 55 in licemen held back cheering The Cuban people, he said, Bitter ^old moved iq on New the Cuban prime. minieter made Jakarta, Indonesia . . . Sevehleep- Ehigland today in the wake of the looked upon the change in Wash- throngs along a 10-mlle. route clear it would he strictly on his year-bld girl helps two young men as the Queen and her husband, ' own terms. ington with, "calm, without hys- Rocky Blocked teria, without hate and impa- rob her mother of $8,000, one Qf Prince ^U ip, drove In open The. main condition for recon- the men tells police in Kansas Ike Sftarts New Life cars from Palam Airport to tiie ciliation laid down by (laatro was tience." "The President who had Just tak- aty ... Presidential Palace. President Blizzard Death a total change in what he labeled By Tug Union With Japan suffering unusual- en possession has i^ k en to the Rajendra Priutad welcomed the a ’’mistaken and absurd” policy of world about starting anew,” he ly severe winter, Japanese Natlpnal Queen, first British monarch to the United States toward his Oom- New York. Jan. 21 (d>)—Striking Railways says bulky overcoats visit India since 1911, as "not Goimt Hits 52 munist-oriented revolutionary re- said. "We for our part also say As Private Citizen let Us begin anew. railroad tu ^ e n early today-reject- worn by passengers have reduced only the head of the oldest de- gime. - . ed Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller’s carrying' capacity of trains by . ______- , . -ir mocracy In the world bat also While Castro was laying down Castro declared that the Cuban (By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) people were aware of the problems truce plea in the 12-day harbor about 20 per cent . . . Former Pres- as the head ot" a great common- A bowling hUzzard that staggered peace terms in S,3-hour speech to walkout which has stalled commu- ident Harry S. Truman visits old Gettysburg, Pa., Jan. 22 (B —»be no inspection of- the house now wealth." followers dt the presidential palace, confrontiitg Kennedy, or over." much cl the Baatem Seaboard "If he Btarts on an honest path ters and imperiled city food ahd home, the White House, for first Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower, out moved out of the Northeast early his fiery younger brother sounded a fuel supplies. time In eight years. of the White House, less than a day, Most of the information the BATTLE OF BUTTER RAGES belligerent note in w address at public has gotten about the Eiseh today leaving a tragic death toll in (Continued on . Page Three) Negotiations recessed shortly be- Eight persons, including four settled down today in the first Milan, Italy, Jim. 21 (JV-One Its wake. Santiago. fore midnight last night, with a firemen, hospitalized overnight rlvate home they have ever hower home has come from per thousand North Italian dairy Raul Castro, minister of Cuba's nown. sons who have been guests Winter held Its icy grip, however, new meeting set for today. after flames razed 56-year-old farmers and 2(M police elaslied as a severe cold wavg plunged armed forces, told.auppbrters that Rockefeller had urged members Frederic Hotel yesterday in St. Throughout their married life, there. today In a new “battle of batter" the Eisenhowers have always lived thermometers well below sero and imperialist dangers still existed Londoti Bars Bonn of the three striking marine unions Paul, Minn., loop . . . Check pilot, A glassed-in sun porch over at nearby Pavla. The fanners . spread freezing temperatures deep and vowed "30 Yankees" would fall sole survivor In cockpit aboard Ill- at temporary addresses. Some of looks the (Jlvil War battlefield. poured into town by train and to join, in a 10-day armistice "In them have been excellent ones, Into the South. ' ... for every militiaman killed In de- Request to Train the interest of the people of the fated Mexican Jetliner, m ay be in- Some of the world’s leading fig- automobile and tried to march on Smudge pots burned during the fense of Cuba. terviewed today in effort to get at such as 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., ures have chatted with Eisen- the dty hall to protoat against City and the State of New York." Washington, D. C., supreme head- night around vegetable fields in . Both Castros addressed .civilian Troops in Britain The unions wired the governor cause ot crash. hower there. Italy’s import of h>w-prteed South Florida as truck farmers soldiers who are being partly de- Milan, Italy State Attorney or- quarters, allied powers in Europe, foreign butter, largely from Den- that the tz^ce was "unacceptable” and the president’s residence, Co- Another item is a white marble braced for a predicted S2-degree mobUlsed after Cuba's 3-week because "it only serves the. inter- ders seizure ot all copies ot boDk mark. Police drove them back in low In that usually mild area, militaiy alert against a “Yankee London, Jan. 21 (A) — Gen. lumbia "University. mantle in the living room. It was ests of the railroads and is against about life of Benito Mussolini's installed in the White House in their third clash with the farm- Nortb^Kat areas struggled to Invasion" that never came. Adolph Heusin^er, chief of West mistress, Claretta Petaccl, pend- . But wherever they have lived in the interest of all railroad em- 1854 ahd removed during the ad- ers in three days. hake oft the grip of a snow cover But despite the presence of Germany’s armed forces, wound up ing legal action on protest by her the past, the Eisenhowers always ployes and Uietr families." knew a moving day would come. ministration ,pf Chester Arthur; of up to 39 Inehes that disrupted some 50,000 militiamen at Uw a 3-day mission to Britain today family . . . ^-marine who report- • RUSK OKAY UNANIMOUS p reeldeaUal-palabe-Tto-hear-Ftdei,- In another telegram to the New Now, regardless of how. far they Located in a aecond-hand. J store -by-aBBOuncteg-he Iiad-reached no YoSi’ City'Central LAbor Council, ed MS' wife missing in San Diego “ VensBlngKib'JSBrtl hundreds qf others remained on may travel, an attractive white several years ago, the White nesses and postponed many events agreement on training German the' unions said Rockefeller’s plea Dec. 20 is under police guard in a Senate took up President Krii- \ The death toll stood at 63 with duty at key posts. forces in this country. Jackson, Minn., hospital after al brick and fieldstone, house with 14 House Staff bought it and present- was "A danger to accepted collec- bedrooms and eight baths will al- ed it to the Eisenhowers on their nedy’s Cabinet nominations oM Pennsylvania rep<^rting 30 • dead .Tlie bearded prime minister Western diplomats have predict- leged suicide attempt. . . Frank A. by one today, starting off wltk^ made -plain in bis speech that no tive bargaining procedures affect- ways" be home. 38th wedding smniversary. and New England U. Also count- ed arrangementa for such training ing the entire- trade union move- Mason, of (Jlyde, Ohio, who voted unanlomns approval of ing deaths in traffic accidents or changes could ba e x i t e d in Ms 'The Eisenhowers bought their An indication of the feeling the are likely to be agreed between the ment." in 80 consecutive annual elections farm on the edge jof the Gettys- Rusk to be Secretory of State, over-erertion Were New York; In- regime that might hdp open the two wartime enemies within the for Ohio record, dies at. 102. Eisenhowers have about their Tho voice vroto ea oMfifinallaa ^ diana, New Jersey, Maryland, west dcwr to the type of relations he Rockefeller^ request came as burg BatUefield in 1950 and ^im- next few months. the Metropolitan New York area While children Inside moaned and home is the fact that he will not followed warm prolrn of R « A V lr g l^ , Kentucky and,niinois. desires with the U.S. administra- mediately began renovating the have an offTce there. Instead, he . ‘T have discussed the possibili- was shoveling out from under a Kreamed, frantic rescuers of Ta- lOQ-year-old house. The renova- by both Democrotlo and R S fi^ Haitiabarg, P*-, looked out from tion. Is setting up an office in a house ties hut there is fitlU hot an agree- 10-lnch snowfall that had worsened coma, Wash., work to free Jammed tion was completed in 1955 at an Ucon Senators meeting In nn under 20 -biches of snow, ' the He suggested that AU the diffi- doors of small school bus wrecked on the campus of Gettysburg Col- heaviest in If years., MQddletown, culties emstlng between, the two ment," Heuslnger .said before tak- the alreadv weakened food-and-fuel estimated cost of $150,(WO. unusual Saturday eeeeleni S^.^ ing off for hon\e from Nortfiold supply lines. "<11 in collision with pahel truck lege. MUw Mansfield, D-Nent.. the N, Y.. rmorted-39 Inches. Southern natioiw were due, eattre(y to the Presidential press secretary Pierre They spent their first night The Eisenhowers reached home New B olan d a foot and as much >licias of the Eisenhower admln- Airport. "We will discuss’ this ues- "I urgently request you to with- there in March 1955. at 5:52 p.m. yesterday ^ ter an m njeri^ leader, seM titat .each E&Unger holds first WMte House as SIX'inches covered areas as far Stratioh. He asMrted that tlop later on.” rf— draw youe-^icketii -from the rsdl- James C. Hagerty, who served automobile trip of two hpurs and of thei 15 Coblaet------— Heusiiiger, soon to hecome.-chsir- road terminals and yards for at news briefing today . . . Anheuser- wiraH'lbe taken 0| South as Viiginia. changeover in Washington did not as Eisenhower’s press secretary 22 nhinutes from Washington, for Stinging winds whipped the mean that the danger to Cuba or man of the Military Coqimittee of least the next 10 days in the in- Busch Inc., widens its lead as Nae along with tho$ yf' tioA!s No. 1 beer seller ahead of dqring his eight years in the White the first , time without a secret snow into deep drifts over wide the worid at large had dieappear- NATO cMefs of staff, congratu- terest of the peoplq of the City and House, told-newsmen then: service and police escort. Stovenaen, R snnidiFe _ areas and thousands of woricecs lated British forces on their "state the a u te o j New York," Rocke- Joseph ScMitz Brewing Co., Fai- as U.S. lepraaantntbm te M 5

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1961 PAGE TBXik MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, JA N U ^ Y 21, 1961 PAGE U fO T" . Plows Search RockvUie-Vem on Sykes E n w Sekedale Bolton Nikita, U.S* Aide Hold U.S. Policy President at Desk, Sjkas Jnnlor’* HtSh BchoM Sheinwold on For Missing Common Pleas BtudenU 'wiU begin taU ag mid- Building Unit Business Bodies year examinatione on Monday, Parley on Problems Re™w Set th ey will be reviewing akilla Dotrr BNorr < Bus, Children Resumes Fast Pace __ ^_____ toft, at »81 Main St, learned in all subjecta from the AT BEUTB VOROB Session Slatf^ first had second quartere and Names Jensen I d S ^ l i E r t l i , (Oeetteaed tro n Pago One) a atom wtth Um aanic ownarahip. By Alfrad ShstawoM (Oeathmed from Page One) ByKennedy (Oontinned tron Page Oea) mum gaBcnUion and sow In its win be given examinatloiia in NOMm TiM ToUaad Oooaty Oooit of aarii etibject. MUton Jensen baa been dlaetsd WMdi riiouM you prefw, ft- preeriohs of hope that better poUt- MQi year Ht conttmiatta cq)eratioii. ■ea or brute force? DonT sniff Mra! Kennedy gava up a t a of the.Building Conuntt- t i t i Ical and . commercial relations find the bus on roads It normally (OonUnued from Page One) last w a * recalTed a certiftcat* r f Oonimaa Ptaas will be ia eession Monday wiU Includa a morn- St force, it baa its uses. fairly decent hour and went hone, ing seoeian of examinationi, fol- travels. 'A highway department iiMBnbeniiip in Um "SO Tear for two weeke beginning Jan. 91 tea of Bolton pongraghtloaal EM t Itoyod could be worked out between .the The difficult task now before Kennedy scurried right ahead, Chib. lowed by regular rlsmri in the eamrah. He aucoeeds Arthur two countries, although Khrush- official said this might be further as if racing around town ftem ta an effort to dear ftp a backlog afternoon. the new administration ia to de-1 Tbe cerUOeate. In conunanora- a low oontinuation. but It did hUn lndl»tion the bus waa bogged one ballroom to another waa the Uon of the 50th annhreraaiy ci of 69 jury and court trials, most On Toeeday and Wednesday, who has rerigned the poattian as of chev in his formal declarattona on 'Vise programs by which these gen- finest sport in the world. liutesd, no good. South raffed the second K8I down oh a farm road and that'the the Xatknial Retafl Merehanta of which had to be passed over i\ examinatione wUI be given in Jan. SO. because of health and busi- 1 party poUcles hag never minced eral statements of purpose can be he said so. AaaodaUoB. waa presented to 450 the f*n eseelon. the morning, followed by dia- ness reasons. Millar wiU lemaln a hoairt, drew trumpe with the see y.’ l * * ’ Wwds in indicating that he hopes children had reached shelter. The T think this la a wonderful way and queen, sad then led a low dia- ft 7 4 translated into specific proposals | retail stores througfaont the coun- Judge WinUua P. Barber wUl mimal at midday. member of the committee howeekr. V plows continued their search. to spend an evening," Kenne


MANCItEdTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATUSd A^, JANUARY 21,. 1961 PAGE FIVE f agb FXTOB sraniat C2dna svar balag n manher Josh* m jn a s t s o f IBs I h w KIUa Baptist Ctanch, BUtfWd. ^ of the Ualtad Matieas wars a ate. (ttU TtttUi GBotr ,n | j^ The Ubsial saswerors always re- Connecticut spond in kted. by adndttteg that 7 P A , Joktor TottOi SatelHte W riting A such a thteg wM U tedaad he a ate, Yankee lewahte aiiito iri»atopBea JflBM rc;:j u bimu agtt and by tl^a dsdarteg thsasaalvss and NooBart Isadiiig. HaBctoeeter^Ooim. wr A. B. a forthrightly against ate. 'B .C U New Idea in Ads FvbUihtn Adlai Stevsnaen hedged, mm- XMmdcd October I, 1 1 Bstors this session at the Gtn- 1^ /^)USINESS r^R VIC ES /.[/DIRECTORY pleloaaiy. by wazteng that tbs day eiai Assembly opened, ws noted Area €biirclie« The fiAt would eAOte a dot—the might eenss wbaa it weald bar *Tm- »w nft L ft uwm JM lBOfOB that in tbs matter of eelecting Wm.imm D. la g a n latter a dash. Than whan sky- pagBIS fbr as to pcevear a am- tarty leadership tor tbs session, writ^ sateUltss bqoems faaslblA UpubUean State Cbsirmen Bd t SA. Dtvtaa Wcrsblp Hla VMBldfci nMitoM jortty at tea ererld's naUeas flrom Church Bcho^ .Narssry elasa for Buaday Maasss at 8. t. X would try to put doU or dashes aaatteg Communist Gbtea ta the Mey and tba thus Naficnal Cten- thrss yaar-oMs. Muale by tba Cba^ 10:18 and ll'AO o A into the w y. To be sua the Bumciuynow lu n s mittoeman Meadt Atosni moved used tor sh3r*writlng are • of a dot or dash woald not Issttoo Pajvbl* tai Adram United Nsfiona That. bSfwever, Ickly and effictenUy so Utot tbo ri Choir. St 7. 1:80. 18 possibUl^ if tbs Mssa and eon- Curler lb:M S A , Divtna Wotsbip and M. BildBirii ft OL CBomB long^-only 80 mlnutss—but thero MANUHESTER Ooe Tear ...... Stitt brid to tbs pmnlas that it ng was done, to thslr own spfis- SjiyyHdsnU^. would be a brief but' supAms te Maothc ...... J-n faetioa. before any potential; dis- Church SohooL Nursary tor inf ter. t. OateMp. Paster MANCHESTER CoUioiM* F%RM«aMeail£ ni«« Xontba ...... S'W. would be a rin. aad amoaated to fanu. Music ^ tha Broaanal OMlr. has bsan so n ssM ^ moment of glory. content or discord bad a disaet to Bar. Bteidsy ft Baalllto late at ttwMckbssd Xisatls ahd What wouldI MiohSuol a project costT Ope KflOlb a pttaniae that surti a thing would organise Itself. Sermon at both aarviqsb ^ F a a te r Flattery goes to your head when we custom WtttOy...... -3° Andersen, "Whin Faith Is Tsstsd." Dtvtshm tbat sodium vapor Actually, it would not be toe pro- 8EAFO0E AUTO PARTS eoBM to pate oely over his own New the setuM opening of the F. Paster iJS S idtetos sky esnte msto to hlbiUve, if you compute costs ss do style your permanent with artistry and skill. proatrato, dasperste body. session itself has confirmed for us 7:S0 p A , lUcspUoa for Ch oUm V a ri e ty . BI'flAI; ' THE ASSOCIA'------. rnombom roceivod in INO to be glow Iflis a fluorssesnt lamp. our national advertising agencies. The AeeoclelMl Preei ti uchulrtto Chester Bowles Jotead tbs men a judgment we made then — that Sunday Masses at 7, t. 0.10,11. Sadlttm lamps am today part M Upon Inquiry X found that a held in Luther Hall. In tba (haptl at • and 10 aa At Your Santee For aamied to the u»e oC «MibU. Bev. Wlnthrop W. Farnsworth, Ball Ml 4-1111 advertising purposes, make sure ABB APPLIANBE Convention, bae now had ite con- pastor lished. done, then It would cost lA 2th of ferent appearance? Actually you papers from which to choose. willing to help their customers In to beloos to the acsa, ^ whoa American public forum to allow Bietent foUow through.wltb the In- 7 p.m.. Mu Sigma Cbl parents' can plan the color scheme and do that your message gets across. DRY CLEANING night achedulcd for this Sunday The Alesae of sodium vapor has a cent per person to See the dls- FOB REPAIRS, This would be a good time to FnsldeDt Kenaody at lo ^ tod Itsrif even to discuss Chins policy troduction of spsrifle measures 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. been proposed by these scientists Dlay. This Is cheau adArtising. the work yourself with absolute paint outdoor furniture so It wttl every way- that it la Is nice to How do you do this? If you are and LAUNDERING REPAIRS baa been canceled. A new date will . 9:30 am.. Church school with REPLACEMENT not an expert in making a proper dewtany addrosBod hhnsiilf Friday sltemsfivea. It la sfiU that way as designed to carry out tha principles 9 and 10:30 a.m.. The Service, to tAck the MtelUte without the •Dot-DoF ON ALL TYPES OF Dubaido assurance that when you are fin- be ready to use when spring ar- do butineas with them. They have and pledges thus formulated for Church Sriioitt, and nursery. be set In the near future. clmasea fo r all a g ee ished your home wttl. present a rives. When painting furniture that lay-out, we suggest that you aak Bmnchee At: 19 Moplt St.p4yll 9-8879 noon, dsponds upon mors tliaa Its he leaves Office, and a new regime 7 pm.. Junior High Fellowship 11 A A , M o m ^ worship. Ser- aid of electronic equipment And The reason why t would choose MUSIC CENTER a genuine interest In serving the tbe party. 6:30 p.m.. Intermediate and Sen- In Uu event that it is cloudy and name like "dot-dot” or "dhsh- decorator approved look. Just stop is to be left out doors, marine the Community Press to help you. SOI H A R T FO R D RU. (Bomee in. mp meets with Mr. and Ma mon topic, “Threefold Salvation." 188 MIDDLE TPKE. WEST public. REPAIRS ON— own tolUsl possMdnn of fMcs and These measures have come in ior Luther League raeeUnifA the sodinm glow cannot bs seen dash" Is that this is a very easy In at Paul's Paint Supply Co., 645 paint Is your best choice for It is They have a great deal of pride The firm is trained in this field ttoqnoneo. . We happtot to believe Communist promptly; they have been seriously Krb Brown at the church. 7:30 pm ., Kvenlng Gospel hour. „ (OMMERCIAl, TEL. MI 8-6205 Main St., and use toe Adelphl and more than qualified to advise 200 N. MAIN ST. ^BHXS, ELBOnUO IRONS. Message, 'The King Comes Into through the clouds, then cesium name to progriuo- <* especially manufactured to with- In the high quality of the work But to tbass dapartmoBts, tbs Oitwm Should have bswi sdihlttad dralrii; they take poalfions for North Methodist CBurch vapor can be emitted as 'a shower ed is the release Af sqnie Apor st Color Guide with Its over 300 color stand' toe elements. Use it on and you. It knows how to TOASTERS. PERCOLATORS, Hla Own.’ done here and they also have the set the menage so that it will at' ^isedi as It was dsihrered was not- in I9W' before the Korean whldi there L-s already been pro- teOPHrker SC First Cbnrofe at Christ Sataitt of p ^ tlA and negative particles. sequence of sigpaJs fromv the ACCORDIONS Uliutratlons and 700 different color porches, furniture or anything else know-how 'when It comes to make- NEW SYSTEM VACUUM CLEANERS. vided an intrillgent exposifion; Bov. H. Osgood BennetC Mlatsterl Maaonle Twnpls combinations. Through its use you that is exposed to all weather con- tract reader attention. It knows able. even occurred. Wo haven’t These particles eould permit the earth. Thus skywriting with some up. type, the right paper to use LAUNDRY HEATERS. FANS, they represent proposed leglslsfion SC George’s Episcopal Ohnreh tAcking of the ‘satellite by Adar mMning is fe e b le today. Tbere KINSMAN ORGANS are sure of perfect color harmonies ditions. for each job. If you have not tried the proper type to use so that the It was notable because It said any i^vortuns or fitting moment for which the Republican party is and 10:30 Am., Family Wor- 11 s.m., Sunday Service, Sunday Beltoa for they are all decorator approved. message stands out. So it you do DRY CLEANERS SEWING MACHINES stations on earth. may come a ' time in the future WOODCOCK Private Instruotions Paul Misserl, owner of Paul's them for printing, do so and see the tough, w^rsttve tbtogs that any fte- it to h^ipen since than. But prepared to take rcspcnalbUity. ship. Sermon: "A Ghooen People.*' School and Nursery. Bsv. DenaM W. Orcaas, Vlear 100-BlUe Track when we piOy be able to progAm By following this guide you wttl Paint Supply Co., Is always willing not have a particular lay-out in Main Plant: 44 Harrison S t 'Hie RepubUeah situation has, of 9 s.m., Sunday School: Nursery, 8 p.m., Wednesday meeting. REFRIGERATION CO. Instruments and Supplies achieve a profesalonal appearing why their business has steadily ex- ptind and feel the need of assist- Phone RH 9-7758 AN work guorontMd PreeldeBt of the United States has the pretense that there is any q>c- About ten pounds ci sodium words (Mitllned In sodium vapor. to advise you or make suggestions panded. course, changed sinea ths last i Grades 4-13. Rssdljig room hours at 749 Main 10 am ., Mdr prayer and room without the cost of engaging when it comes to painting, paper- ance, Community Press will be to say to this day and to this ago rial moral reason why Oommunlit Apor could produce a track inThe Wbei. thls comesHo pass, then our The new location of Community Sion, when the party did not con- 10:30 Am., Sunday School: N urs-18t:. Tlieaday, Friday, Saturday, 11 sermon. Church/, sky about 100 miles in length. advening ogenclte will have to Ordrastro for Hiro an expert in this field. ^ ing or even doing over an entire pleased to help you. with brrrlty and unmistakable China Should he leas eUgible-fiian trol Its House ss usual, and when, ary, Undergsrten, Grsdse 1-S. to 4 pm; Thursday 11 am. Paul's Paint Supply CD. has an- room. You can rent a aahder for a Press la a most convenient one. For the occasional gift, for a therefore, it perhaps could be con- The po^biUty that this Is work- ufablish new sections in their or- right In tha center of town and clarity. ^ some other present nMmbers of the 0:15 P A , School of MlsalonA to 9 p.m. First Latheraa Ghureh able has led some to suggest that ganisations entirely devoted to other help In toe form of the Nancy moderate sum, also an edger that thank-you" one of the nicest CUNLIFFE It was also notable because It united Nations, or tba assumption ceded more license and lass obU- Hymn amg, age-group sessions, and "Truth” wlU be the subject of tU i£ U d R € iit~ C U lA Warren Decorating Bar which In- gets up to the floorboards and they you can drive right up to the door would be personalized stationary DON WILLIS gsfion to make up Ite own mind tbe lessen-eermon. Bockvl|ie advsrUaing of the futuro may wett space -actlvltlM so that their fiaJAMwbAbBMsr A and park there, no parking prob- said the broad, saving, hopeful, that our own policy on the matter social time with refraShmsnte. This take place of our present sky clients may take advantage of this CRANE dicates the best patterns to choose can be used by anyone. Floor scrub- or informals. Community Press and accept responsibility for what- la a family program with care of The Golden Text is from Isaiah Rev. DavM O. Jaxbdatsr, D.D. for each zoom. Combination papers bers and polishers make waxing lems at all. The expansion of their will do those in regular printing or MOTOR SALES pooitiTe riitoga that any poteiUlally must be permanent and fixed ever was done. But, in addition to Pastor. writing which is visible over only newest and most spectacular form prs-school chUdren provided. 48:10. restricted areas and whose use is 250 TOLLAND ST. Poroondind ars also shown so you are assured the floor an easy teak and these business made it lihperativs to railed printing and you could not EXPERT AUTO BODY and GARAGE great President of the United should net be quite as universal as tbe change In atrstegle situation, Selections from the Btbla Include of advertising. of perfect color blend and harmony move to larger quarters and being PENDER REPAIRS only fesiaible on calm days whero (Copyright 1881, General Fea- . W o d d i n q along with papering boards, etc, give a more welcome gift. 18 Main St„ TeL Ml 9-4531 States should alao say in this day they seem to be. There ought to there has also been, ws think, an Jehovah’s Wltasas: Psalms 67:2, 8. 9 Am., Sunday School classes for EAST HARTFORD when making your choice. are also rented at a nominal fee. on the first floor makes it easier Community Press does both Joto Increased daterminstion to have Klagdom Han Corretetivs Psasages from "Sci- sU agee. Adult Bible class. Teacher theA Is little wind aloft tures Corp.) Aimouncoinoiits ENAMEL and LACQUER and in this ag» with aomawbat be freedom of speech on the issue, In fact, this feature has so ap lU 9-5333 You are always welcome to stop By choosing pre-pasted and prC' for customers. and commercial printing and it la REFINISHINOS ths party work its way back In TSi Mate SC ence and Health with Key to the training class. cut papers, papering a room is not Spteidiiliiq in Biore ospenahreneea and, soma day, soma character Connecticut by dem natrsfing that 10:15 a.m., Church Service. Ser- pealed to this writer that wero : Stotioiiory In at Paul’s Paint Supply Co. at Have you considered the ad- capable of handling any size job SeripturcA” by Mary Bakar Sddy, Power and Hoad Tools at all hard. These are carried at vantages Of raised printing? For REASONABLE PRICES n told Russia. Bucciaetly and bold enough to use it Judging by It does formulate policy, in a con- 3 pm ., PubUe Bible lecture, include H : 27-81. mon, "A Song at MidnighC” Nurs- a soft drink oir major clgaAtte Polntlag and Decorstlag Tools COMPLETE LINE OF FINE any time EUtd look at these guides Small jobs are just as welcome aa manufacturer t would promptly In- 888 YBABB WRITINO PAPERS to perfect decorating schemes. Un- Paul’s Paint Supply Co. aa well aa many purposes It is a very happy toe larger ones and the same care- FREE ESTDRATES BRAKE SERVICE toughly, the things we cannot al- tba way the so-called liberals structive and responsible nuumer. ‘What Can PAver Do For Tou? ' ery during church sendA Service Garden and Land Tools Trims and Dip and Hang papers. There is a lot or work involved 4:15 p.m., Watchtower study broadcast to Sunday School rooms. troduce a hew drink or cigarette Baby; Household, Party til you have looked at the charts choice and the cost is not much ful attention is given every bit of low Russia to do. evade the oppmtuiiity, tbs first SC Mary's Bpiseepal Church with toe! home of dot-dot or dash- PRESCRIPTION MANCHESTER you have no id ea of how easy It is These are ao simple to use for you more than the regular printing. work that comes Into the shop. RT. so—WAPPINO, CONN. Front End /Utgnmnnt in the process of trying to present articlsa, "An KxhiblUen of Umty Church and Park Sts. and Banquet Needs It went to even greater pains to gsaturs toward policy amsneipa- a- Consistent, ordarty, defensible dash. It would be quite easy to EXPERIENCE to be your own decorator. just soak them in water, place For those who would enjoy having Size la no factor here. The Larsons AT THE DUOO SION in a SpUt-up World,’’ and "Unity Uoitod eMtImdist Church Invalid Needs them on the wall and brush smooth present, to Russia, a vision of the tipn wni have to come fran some Itgislafive program, but if, out of of AU Men of Good WiU Promised.” Bov. Alfred L. wnttems. Bsctor program m utellite to rolease BOOKSHOP When choosing wallpaper why engraved wedding Invitations but have alwaya taken pride In the TEL. Ml 4-1X28 Gtntrol Ropdir Work Bov. Preoeett Beaek Jr., Assiataat of BoltoB either on Instantaneous volume of ANDREWS BLDG. not consider Birge Medallion pa- them out and In no' time at all you do not feel they want to pay such things we might do together. conservative Republican, someone It^ tbere comes some public aware- (Micah 2:12). Bt. 44A atel South Bd. ARTHUR DRUe work they do and It is shown in ness that the party involved is Bov. Oanon Tbomoo D. Byrne, sodium Apor or emit toe sodium 67 E. Center St— Ml S-10S6 pers for these have a clear plastic have your room all papered. a high price, raised printing is a the results. Every job must meet like Btoentaower, pethape, whom Wednesday, 8 pm.. Group Bible Director of EdneaUeh Bev. Osriton T. Daley, BIteister It predicated the poeslbillty of indeed making itself a serious stu- studies in the Bible aid, “Your Apor over a half second interval. PARKING IN BEAR coating that protect them from Stop In at Paul’s Paint and Sup- very happy solution for It takes an their high standards of quality our begtnning to do anything to- tha Democratic Uberala often call- dent of the state's situation, is in- smudges, • finger marks, oil spots ply Co. and aak any questions expert to tell the difference. Com- work. While they make every ef- WiU Be Done on EMrth,’’ at 287 7:80 a.m., Holy Communion. 9:30 am.. Church School for all gether—or, to put first things first, ed soft on Communism. deed trying to merge its own his- Oakland S t, 30 Marble SC, 18 TOYLAND and other household dirt. You can- about home decorating problems. munity Press will be very happy to fort to help you if you require a MANCHESTER 9 am.. Family Serviee. Office of departments. ICE SKATES, SLEDS, ^ not detect the plastic coating but The firm will be delighted to be of TOURAINE the poasBilIlty o f our hatting our toric prinoples into tha psttsms ChambeASC, and 12 Trotter SC quote prices without obligation. rush job, the mechanics of print; of modem need, is Indeed offering inatrucfion. Junior Choir. Speaker, 9:30 and 11 Am., Morning wor- SPRING HORSES, DOLLS, Its wonderful protection Is there assistance .to you. present mutual approach to mu- Best To Be Broke PViday at K in ^om HaU, 7:35 Ctenon Byrne. Other services are ship. Sermon: "I Will.” Nursery RADIOS, ^STOMM IMADE Many businessmen feel that Ing are such that it is difficult to MEMORIAL CO. at least its own solid verston of the p.m., ThsocAfic wunlatiy SchooL raised printing for stationery and hurry them, so allow time if poa- Opposite East Cemeteiy PAINTS tual deetmetioo-rtqxm a roesami- answers to tha state’s needs, then held at this hour In ths chUdrsn’a ,7 p.m., Methodist Youth Fellow- SMALL APPLIANCES CANVAS AWNINGS The question of^whst people ships. GIFTS FOR-AUL charge. Additional chaperones will cards is well worth the extra coat aible. For the finest in printing, natioa at position and alms and ef- .even thoae would-be substitutes T,a %i. Be in attendance. For B«$f Rosults with money shall do with It when I cry chapel, 41 Park St. Coventry for it really, does odd considerable depend upon the Community forts by both sldea who are sitting on ths bench com- Recommendation Upon Human Matting of coin cards to box prestige. Announcements receive Press. Quedity Mnmorials they enter tha government aervlce plaining that May may be getting 11 a.m.. Morning Proyw with St. Jeiia’s Church tirellof MANCHESTER And this repeated reference to BoekviUe holders is being completed this Over 80 Yeoi* Experience ' has run into now end more refined too much for hla miarterbacking vm^vow m t t o u I *>y the assistenC Theologi- SURPLUS SALES CO. week. Assisting Mrs. Love with the *hotb sideg* was perhaps the key may be-forced to clap hands be- I cai educafion Sunday. Senior Choir. Bev. JsSMS L. Oraat, Bector Rep. Loyzim arrow under wolf badge, William entanglements. Defsnas Sseretary that you vow and do not pay.’ Babysitting ^nursery In nursery 189 N. MAIN ST. mailing are Mrs. Eteri Dow, Mrs. Hebron to the basic apbit and ultimate dl- cause people up in the stands are (Eecl. 6:6). Hodia; gold arrow under bear PAUL'S McNamara thought hs had met tbe building. ^ H||M-DRuMvacatos? AT depot squar e Robert Frankland and Mrs. Al- Cdl Ml 9-5807 reetion of the speech, and perhaps cheering what is, after all, their 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. bert McLain. Persons mailing con- badge, Alan Aho and Thomas PAINT SUPPLY teet, for instance, when hs liquidat- team. " p.m.. Evening Prayer with 9:15 Am., Morning PAy»r. III- OPEN DAH.Y TO 9 P ft Named Aide St. Peter’s Elects to the question with which we be- Ziea KvsagellesI Luthorao Chnrdi L ^ Choir, followed by Inatruc- Fwist wistsr dnsriiWBln UitwiKlrtnchsd wrf at tributions by check should make Hlcklng: and silver arrow bear 645 Mmn Street ed hlmsM, took a mammoth fl- It's a long game, when it lasts ony, onu clossee. ths CdssiMfsi Tm sparMiiii pools. . . in invitinf ocwi J. FARR—MI 8-7111 badge, Dennis Sherman (2)'. A.' AIMETn, Prop. gan, that of whether this was to be fill June. But m ths first quarter, on The faith and pAcfice of ll Am., Morning PAyer and them payable to ‘"nie New March nanclsl lees in tha process, and and 82$ fast of sMs, privals bsach (or tannini. of Dimes.” Meeting Reset Parish Officials Harrison S t, Manchester Tei. Ml 9-0.300 a document notable in history, as St least, there is May, out on the .oM ffis'V . rthe jchurch. sermon. In Assembly The meeting of the executive then asaignsd the paltry $1,100,000 Bev, Foul O. PrcBepy, Paster Dotty, 7 pjn., Evening PAyer In Thort's doip ssa and like fithinf at jnor dosri Ni|hts an The majority of merchants have w«^ as In language and dellv^. field, playing possession funds Monday, 8 p.m.. Annual pariah board of the Porter Library, post- be had left to a trust fuh^ to be mentals, while the Democrats are the* Memorial Chapel of the Na- meeting. starlit and fiHad with music Enfoy InfonMlHy and coin boxes on display. Assisting poned from Monday because of the Officers elected at the annual There could have been those who 9 sjn.. Sunday BeheoL Frss bus tivity. Mcitini social activities. Superb aceommoditions and fairwaf is SUte Rep. Stephen Ixiyzim haa Mrs. Love with this, were Miss managed in secrecy from him so wondering how and when they get Wednesday, 10 Am., Holy Com- SEE US FOR: been appointed first asaiatant mi- storm, will be held this coming meeting of St. Peter’s Episcopal applauded this reference to “both transportation. , ,1 Wednesday, 10 Am., Holy Com- munion. aavics with "axira" hixun'as. Coma stay with ua. . e Aluminum Boll Up Awnings Gwendolyn Brand, Robert Merrl- Wa buy, aell or trade anttqne long as he held hla federal post. the hall 9:30 ojn.. Adult Blbls study.' nority leader for toe House of Rep- Monday at 8 p.m. at the library Parish are: Treasurer, Lewis W. WATKINS-WEST sides" because they thought it was ImunioA Servtcs for conArsion of Friday, 9 ajn., Holy Communion. your valoRtine o Venetian Blinds'^ field and Herbert W. Love Jr. room at the Church Community and used furniture, china, gloss, The good senators who are the 10 Am., Divine worahlp. Taxt: St Paul. resentatives. He has been assigned Phelps; assistant treasurer, Peter a chiding of Rueeia to move toward Writ. DepL HR tor Irt. color lolder e Storm D oors^''^ to the finance and constitutional 4-H Committee' Elects House on Rt. 44A. silver, old coins, -gold coina, watchdogs of exacufivs purity Matt, f : 1-18. Theme: "My Savior or MO your tAv.1 ssent o Oomblnatioirwhidowa Mortlock; senior warden, Lewis W. FUNERAL American poeitions which were al- and My Friend." NurMry in the Unloa OengAgsWensI Ohureh 'm hoa4i|naiiars! amendments committees. Jay Gorden Sr. has been re- 4-H Election doUa, guns, hobby coUeeUona, ruled this wasn't enough. McNs- A Thought for Today OomsuBlty Bopllst Ghnrah Btieicvllle 1 Rep. Mrs. Mildred C. Hiltgen elected chairman of the 4-H Town Officers of the Pina, Needles and Phelps; junior warden, D. Benton ready eatiafactory. That could poa- Spensorsd ^ the Msmibeeter pariah house during church wor- 888 Itest Center S t at ttw Green -rrV MatidiMtfttr AwBlng Co. SERVICE atUo contents, or whole estate msra must elso promise that none Rev. Pool J. Bowman, Pbstor e World Green Stomps e 195 WEST CENTER ST. has been assigned to the federal Committee. Other officers are: Stitches 4-H_ Club recently elected Crittenden; clerk, Mrs. Aceynath albly prove to be the only atgnlfl- Conndl of Chnrehae ship: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Barth, vice Appraiaola. " of his trust fund would, even with- 2:30 p.m. Annual voteA meet- John ft Neobart Minister if. Telephone Ml 9-3091 and inter-governmental, relations are: Ellen Kelcher, president; Alice Porter; sexton, Warren Holbrook; cance of the phraae in the actual committee. chairmen; Mrs. Jay (jorden Sr, Ann Jacquemln, vice president; vestry, Harold Strong, Bradley ORMAND J. WEST out his knowledge, be Invceted in ing. 9:80 ojn.. Church School for BstebUiRbed 1049 . practice and policy of the new ad- 9:80 ajn., Sunday Church Grades 5 through high school, The two representatives, recently recording secretary; Mrs. Owen S. Linda Donahue, secretary; Linda Batson, and John Phelps; care of FURNITURE any Industry that had anything to Tomorrow la Sunday. Again we Trask, treasurer; Mrs. Henry envelopes, Miss D or^ea Ray- • D i r e c t o r minlatratlon at Waahington. have the opportunity to give m lae Senth BIstbedlet Ohnrdi School for all ages. 10:40 ojn., Cfinirch School for HOTEL sponsored an act providing for Foggi, reporter: Patricia Diehl, REPAIR SERVICE do with the national defense. Rev. I swwrw F. Almond 10:18 Am.. Second session. infants through Gmds 4 lolonnades FAIRWAY staggered terms of office on cer- Sherman, corresponding secretary; treasurer. Meetings are held each mond. But all the advance reading of to God on the Lord’s Day. Man; Mrs. Barth, publicity and Mrs. Announced by the Gilead Ctengre- 142 E CENTER ST. and SALES He himsrif then asked the sens- will take advantage at it; but some Bev. Percy M. Spurrier Church School for children, cradle 10:48 aiA, Morning WoMUp: , P ALM BEACH SHORES Main Street, Manchester tain town boards. Including educa- Monday from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. genned^-admlnlatratlwi purpoaea, roll through Undetgarten. For tion, finance, planning and zoning Gilbert H. Storrs, historian. ;atlonar Church was the fact that TALCOTTVnXE CONN. tors if they knew where they will say, *T can’t worthlp for I MtelsteA Sermon, "Be Not Anxious.'' Riwsra BffKh„ Florida • Phone Palm Beaon- and Gift Shop on Main Street dur- are still available at the town . e Modern Furniture service ahead of him. ing National 4-H Weeks, Feb. 26 day services. PIZZA " pose In Waahington aa well aa a permitting, or meeting at Susan- slbility requirements for all motor There wttl be a cabinet meeting clerk’s office. They are full of Inter- and Antiques But, as financial page analysts Try Our Delieions Boost Beef through March 12. One week est to the townspeople, telling of demand upon Moscow. nah Wesley Hall. vehicles registered" In the state to of the junior Pilgrim Fellowship e Store Stools and Booths SPAGHEni 4 p.m., School of Misaiona In tot and Stoifed Shrimp Dinners insure payment of damages for ajgricultural projects will be on the functions of town agencies and In that .case, this Inaugural Ad- have pointed out, such govern- Radio Today display, and the other week, at 3 p.m. Sunday at Quandt Hall. • Custom Furniture RAVIOLI ment securities ars. usually tax Chs^L Primairy and Junior I>ersonal Injuries of property dam- The businesa meeting wttl be held schools, where the money comes Slip Covers and Draperies dress may have Its chance of mak- daasss meet at Jesse Lee Halt ImUTHERANS BELIEVE... e Dancing Saturday Nlghte age as the result of motor vehicle homemaktng jirojects. , from and where It Is spent. The free, so that President Kennedy Pack 67 Seta Meetings at 4 Jm. Made to Order OPEN DAILY ing the blatory books—world his- WDBCoiaN 6 p.m., Eighth Grade Member- e Weddings e Banquets accidents. The Senior Pilgrim Fellowship end of the year saw the end of the Complete,Selection of Materials, wttl be getting a more handsome 1:U0 A a . at Midday ship Class in Wesisy HaU. \ In ififant baptism. The two representatives, as >vell Cub Scout Pack 57 meetings town court, which Is replaced by 7:30 A .M /to 11:00 P.M. 2 tory booka. wttl meet at 7 p.m. Sunday at 3:U6 Jerry Bishop Show ' 7 p.m.. Junior and BsnIorxHigb o Parties—Photoe MI 8-2842 aa Democratic Town Committee have been scheduled for (he fourth the State Circuit Court. During the FREE ESTIMATES ' SUNDAYS return from his financial Invest- t:te Today on Won Strstl And LfilbbAns b d im it shoutd be brauac H Quandt Hall. • :1U Art Jobason Show Fellowships. ChELlrman Raymond H.: Bnujlcy Friday 61 the month at 7:30 p.m. last six months of Its existence, 203 N. Main SL, Manchester ments in government securities reveals and emphaiizA the grace o( C at the Church Community House. 4 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. S:0t.Baynor Shlms' 7:30 p.m.. New Member Sem- Sr. and Vice chaUrman Mrs. Bessie Manchester Evening Hetold Cov- the local 'toiirt had 39 criminal 60 9-6824 CLOSED MONDAYS Not Even Diaciumble than hs was getting from M* 11:06 BpotUjUit on Sports inar In the chapel. YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS Strack received invitations to The next session will be Jan. 27. and 15 small claims cases. The ershlp of ordinary stocks. 13:06 Raynor Shines The annual Blue and Gold Banquet entry correspondent,' P. Pauline 1:0U News, Slsnoft 8 p.m.. Young Coudea Group . When a child is baptized in iafamqr, it comes at a tiaw the inauguration of President Uttle, telephone PI 2-0231. criminal cases were; Motor vehicle, In no area of our public ^ licy i$TIC—ISM meeting in Susannah Wesley par- John F. Kennedy. wttl be held at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 21 And ss both the flnsneisl pages .-when the child isn't even aware of the ^ at a time wlwn OOUr BEEF with Mrs. Charles Ralach as chair- 21; breach of peace, 7; dogs, 9; in- Is moronity so well sealed In and and McNamara have polqted out, 1;0U Monitor lor. “ Mother* March Stoted -s toxication, 1; There were 36 con- FOR EXTRA MONEY guarded aa in the question of our 1:U Tour Homs Oscorator / the child can’t appreciate the act, st a time when tiw child The Auxiliary to Green-Chobot man. there are certain to be many tlm: Plans are being made for a dis- victions and three innocent find- relationship with Communist Chi- Covenaat Ooagregmtioaal Ch can’t even say tniuik yoyou. UQUORS, WINtS Post, American Legion, will con- Ike Starts New Life ings. Money from fines totaled Berube's when the'selection of this or'thbt (Bvnngdical Covsnsat) DUCOondDULUXRERNISHING play In the window of the Thrift TYPEWRITER SERVICE na. We were on exhibition with it dtict a; Motheni’ March for the $776.60, of which $206.01 was re WE PAY governmmt policy will have ite di- tt Spracs 81. btoeflt of the 1961 March of and Gift Shop during Boy Scout 479 Middle Tpke. E. twice in aa many days aa the Sen- So, God comes to the child, at that , and mfikes thfit FREE M U VERY Week, Feh. 7 to 13, As Private Citizen mltted to the state as per law. .|. Ma n c h e s t e r rect influence on the value of gov- 7:06 Monitor Bev. K. Ejnor Bask, Paster child His child, giving to that child the promise of otemal 166 MIDDLE TURNPIKE, WEST Dimes. The houKe-to-hoiuw can- After all expenses were' paid the HI6HEST PRIBES ate Foreign Relations Committee, 11:16 Sports Ftaal Ml S.5H7 Mrs. Jacobson Elected ernment securities. ll:t0 MMitor- life through Jesus Christ MANCHESTER vass will be held the afternoon of Mrs. Goodwin W. Jacobson has (Oonfinned from Page One) town netted $334.99 from the last hEB»TLT TYPEWRITERS For Rags, Metals at Washington, did its quiaUng of 13:06 Stsrllsht Ssressde 9:30 a.m., Sunday School classes Jan. 20. half year’s town court operation. Vfft leave this tangle with an ob- 1:00 Slsn-df_. HMIVMUU been elected president of the I ROYALS, UNDERWOODS, and Scrap Iron Adlai Stevenson and Cheater for all age is^ela, kindergarten Anyone wishing to assist In the off Clifford R. Wright was trial jus- L. C. S6nTHS, Etc. servation we liave made before— UrHAT-M6 through adult. Later in life the diild beeomea asrare of ftStii in Jasos Phons Manchester Ladles Association of First! Con- heavy anow, a stop to 1 take CALL OR DELIVER TO Bowlea Kennedy's ^ o liberal, add 1:00 aub 91 VICHI'S canvass Is ask^ to he at the gregatlonM Church. Other officers chains, and several slow-idowns to tice. that it might be' better to bet on 10:30 Am., Church-time nursery. Christ. As he looks boti(> he realises that something or Legion home on Wall Street be- Church Services We Handle StoUonery Along therefore suqiect, appointments to 4:00 Sound Stsse PACKAGE SraEE are: Mrs. James R. MacArthur, acknowledge greetings from road' human honesty, now and then, 7:10 SsturdsyNliilht Dues Party 10:48 Am., Morning Worship. someone led him to this set of faith. , tween 1 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. that Sunday services of the Heb- With O ffice filachine SnppUes foreign policy posts under Secre- 1:00 mtiu iniBlit 20 BIBSELL ST. vice . president; Mrs. Dayton H. side wellwlshers accounted for the OSTRINSKY rather than stake everything on Sermon, "HMven.” day. longer than usual travel time ron and Gilead Ctongregational Yonr Mail Ust Aa Desired tary of State Dean Rusk. 6 p.m.. Special msetlng. Pa - Whipple HI, secretary, apd Mrs. Churches wttl be: Hebron, 10 a.m., Dealers In Waste MatertaJi regulation, restriction and rsqulre- WPO^ltlt Finally, he eomes to the eonchision that it all bsfin htdi Another fund-raising project Alfred G. Crlckmor*. treasurer. Gettysburgers, who In the past A. J. BERUBE, Prop. 781 PARKER ST. These two gentlemen are pre- l:ou Newt sentefion of Aport by finsnite being planned by local drive chair- have respected the Eisenhowers' Sunday school, 11:15; Gilead Sun- ment 3:00 Conn Ballroom committee on plan for financing there in baptism when God came to him, jutting for ttotiiing. Committee heads follow: Mrs, day school, 10 a.m. Morning wor- TM. MI 8-8728 er 8 0 S-K/It v sumed to be liberal, and perhaps man Mre. HerlMrt Wi Love le 1 Frank Sams and Mrs. MacArthur, wishes for privacy, will give them Meanwhile, however, one thing building program. dance for teen-ogere. at 8 pjn a big “Welcome Home” tonight ship and sermon, 11:15. The Rev. intelUgant H iat supposiUon al 7:00 S a icott 7 p.m., InqulAris class. Thus, comes btfore it’s eonvenient for tiie faceiver to missions; Mrs. Ola Honejwell and John N. Ooss, pastor, will occupy has begun to emerge .from all this 7;jb Ntwa Weatiier Jon. 27 at Nathan Hole Communi- Mrs. Edward . Erlckaon, se^ng; They will be guests at a dinner ways dlssiyeara when they are discussion. It is the picture of the S:00 Itoy Somert Wednssdsy, 7:30 p.m., Mldws«k do snythii^in return—sad tiwt’s indieitive of the person ty Center. Mre. Howard A. Craft at the Hotel Ctettysburg. Since both pulpits. His sermon theme will wHnfi H*n Ma brought to the subject of China. Servlca. Mrs. M acA^ur and Mra: Whipple, be: "ThatThey May Be One.” He ideal prospective federal appointee. of God, wM is slwajff doing that sort of thiag. and Jomee'J. Oovleilo wdU'be in parish and paator's council; Mrs. only abouf 200 tickets are avail- They themselves, in fact, disown able, there wttl be a pubUc cere; explains that this is a conslderatjon. He is, quite obviously, somebody Tbe Ssivsittea Army , Herman F. loDoyt and Mrs. of the division and unity of world- any policy or Inl^elllgqnM different Lutherans believe that God approoches man b#orc man Jacobson, dinner; and Mra. Eva mqny on the town square before wbo Is flat broke. l:w UpowsMa fieve SSI MMn St. the dinner. wide Christianity as It applies to fir^ that of their right wing ques- 4:L. NaJ. E. Walter Xduals can ever approach God. InhMt baptiMB is bm one r ToedL dining room. US. 6;(» and Newe tloiiem. Ohuroh of the Naxarene OAoar la Chars* c3tprcasion of. this woorng of God- Yob iwm tha Ite. . . ws biva lutt f t r p l!b Rat The association haa given $100 St. Peter's/Episcopal: Holy PiM for it... is cam Is saM t e w l • MODERN to the heat and light bill of the Musicals Survived Communion 8 a<>®' Morning Bnpnrt As tor the right wing question- 236 Blalh SC ;| is qucfilM w wbr?. , - wM ta M l!. . . how ta tfa K? O A L t . C. E..Winslow, Minister 9:30 Sunday School for oU church; $100 to missions, and $140 Prayet and sermon at 10 a.m. era they are uneasy because they News sgfeSe CAU 01M ««irt htiOM Iter Mxt lehilbi ite. TV SERVICE to the Tolland Cqunty church os New York — During the 1030'e, Church school 10 a.m. The Young Ml S-85G8 ^SB seosf in the very being ot-peo- Jy the "lesn decade” on Broadway, '9:30 a.A, X^urcb School. Class- Derotione 10:45 s.m., HoUncao - ssrvlce. CONCORDIA 495 CENTER ST. Sessment. - People's Fellowship wttl m?et Sun- pls Bks iStevensQn and Bowles tlist es for all agA and Newe Muato by mala quartet and Ctta- Slayton Heads Cubs more than one third of the 68 day evening at 7. Kiiski Beybod the Stare and Newt Ootater of Griswold St. , legitimate theaters on ths Great they soigBt he the ones to enter- 10:45 Am.. Worship Service 9dUP del Bond. Sermon by MbJ. Lsmie, LUTHERAN CHURCH Richard Slayton has bean named White Way were destroyed or Btanolieetor Evening Herald Guest speaker will be Dr. H. V. "Abraham’s S s^ .‘ Winter and Gordm Stab Msncbsstsr TEL. MI 8-2208 cubmakter for Club Scout Pack tain ideas about Commu- 3 p.m., Hoapttel vtattsifion by 72sllAIN 'sf, MANL'HBaTBR PHONE N1.M501 converted to movie-houses or other Hebron eorf« ipondent, Susan B. Lewis, general superintendent 65. ACodesny ChUdrsn's Church and Nursery. Pasteb for. Police Mik BHasbsth WUsoa and Ma . S:00 AJA—Holy Communice The following nworda were re- purposes. Nsvertheless, some, mu Pendleton, b ieitbone i THfi MOTdiROLA 8-8464. Tbe jierlli—fjnnM alwaya pro- 6 - p A Touth Service, Thomas Mc Csba r 9:00 Am.—Tba Sorvloo, Church BUY THE PAINT TH A fS VtoBTH WORK contly presented: Bpbent pin. Rich aicol ahows hod long runs at that saade with sqind pbnntaaUon end 7 P A Evsngelisfic ServiCA Chicago—Cbleago’a droh green 8:80 pmX Prsyar ssrvlOA seiwol and Nursary. ord Cunningham, Richard Cramer, time — "Pins apd Neadlea’'^. for " S A L E S m i SERVICE 1,108 parformancea and "HeUa-a UntU the law waa reformed in ibolB ’tedaa Maaasgo the pastor. and broini poUca stofiona oa to be T pjn., Evsning ssnrioA Musle Michael Mosatef and Michael Bay; Wsmssday. 7:30 pm. Midweek pointed paitd colors, thres to a byCttsM Band. Satmeiii by MsJ. 20:80 Am— Ths SorvlOA Chnitb poppljr” 'for 1,404. AM X087 1834, there were more than 200 ed ae if Bebool and Nnraisry. We aartrlee *U fiMka* at TV* bear bodgo, P*tor Crowley and pcajnsr mniat, foUoered by bo station, enossn by tho dlstricl eom- Lsmio: **nw Posvsr at ttw Goo- PAINTS Marvin Wayton; Uoa 1*4^. crimes ipuniahable by death in' d*i|sBilrtBtelw-tB»lfiia s COms-; msnilsr and bis Bitn. Ptt,” Ptetoii and Richard ISbln: gold PuUfiter Prize "Of Ttit* I •*>«»• Great BnUln. c /. . i- ‘J., 1

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, l^ C H E S T E R , CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1961 PAGSSHlte* PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANIJABY 21, 1961 daily crossword pu zzl e BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING ROUSB wttk MAJOR HOOPLE 'll Anwnr t» M!NP IF Y N O r^ A L L l SURB'TMINO! SLAP / . I\MMX IWILL^HELP -y rH«-p.poe>. CoRodion Province ] OREEDN'S, ELMER!] HOME i MEONMWy IXWAtBTO* LHePteiri! OR&^TM^.AIN'Tj wrmyA,/oNEOFivesi ACROSS DOWN d X»^?>CwacAfiES? , Xjrtwj luicT SttJ'Vwlf IT WAmI ? 6R8AR UP MACI^' WBMT . — , t ^ 1\'*»**» sommvt v\ im CLvqs^ INawBruMwidt 3 Nautical tarn WmOl PDCKST/Hlit boaaeftba — pmlneit aiiOcaUon Colt Linemaii Morhardt Signs PistohB Climb ItooSll //S i s S S 11A PSRSWlAU A MUST 8 * -r ofCaaada 4Syniliolfor \\<*we.BurT3iD7 / Haw-hav/.' tdtarhim IMTmnuK.iuw «NpR.W M REr/|G«^ , , , , H AUTOF'lbO/ I — TRyiMtt ttt.-----• Ml- SCoodufloa Chicago Contract AONCkFOR/^ 9NOKD ^btc,I„..jc,N«n 6 Sbmpfoldi_ Cause of Suit In W est Diii0 SB«3MaS oM /r SIAIALLOWI AotAoaks > 6 4 " r o hclp'OU ScoUi»Ui andan / V aorr . Miliit m.MaaoheetePe only baseball TH» I ieMaW»TH*nK ISTranaferea aviaigothl lyer oader esatraet to a ma- JiOA&TfJ \ HICCUPS ANP < ,SMOWN«^ 9 Wager By President To Gincitiiiati MDormmiaa ' 10 SovMt river leagsa baseball team, Moe iTOOKAN , ISRellqraapann* 11 Huge volume iorhardt haa agreed to tonne BNcaaBi/, IS llon ln i 13M1X 34T»ilt«d 86FlMtn Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Jan. 21 for tte IN I aeasoB. Beoelpt Detroit, JanT t i W) The Xm molftnra 10 Extinct bird 37 Babylonian god Umtmakor of Mofhardt’s signed oontraet trolt PtotoDS, suddenly In eeeeefi ITJaptiwaa . 31 Irench region 40 Lubricant g? Qlp* (/P)—Are the players in the WM reported today by the Chi- wuarlBgplaca 34 Heiom room 43 Cutting tool U §tom at Eastern Professional Basket- place in the Weetom Dtvtaien of ______^ ISAppaar 45 Doctors' S S g g t g * cago heat oMoe. 36 Golfer’s tom ball League unfit company for Tha former Maaehester High the National Baskatbnll AsHpetai* BY \^ T. H ^ U N aOAMariak 37 Eager uaManU OlFoarOynt'a ALLY OOP In SXBpUwak aaa 28 Play part 47 Mint than hut . . gothor a National Football League and University ef Oonneetlent tion, faead their eotulns ftom C3n- AOIV SOMutUm 40MakalntoUw OSBimO^ standout wUl report to spring cinnati today. __ JUST 0 0 hunS^ at iSnraUan bird SO'Tower 51 Unclothed , , player? That’s a statement tralaliig la Mesa, Aria., next IHA'S WWT ItX. PO! ^ HIMSELF 52 OperaUc solo 67 HypothetM that makes the EBL's president The Pistons aquaahed M ot the aSSUde 32 Speed contest UlOOtte New York Knieks, lS 2 -m hero A HOLE, I tTAnnad Sect 33 A o m 53 Longinga (slang) atructural unit nad enough to sue for a milUon. 31 Dung baatla And furthermore, says Harry Althongh ha tralaed with the last night It WM the only MBA SSPortuguatif r“r 1r 1r r 1r r r IT Rudolph, the angry president: NaHeaal Leaguers tost spring, game played, since the foul weath- India ^ "People who live in glass houses Morhardt uraa aesigaed to Laa- er in the Bast forced pestpooe- 98Bawlldar«d IT eaetor. Pa., la the Otoss A Etot- ment of Syrseuae at Boston. 38 Proportion IT shouldn’t throw stones. Roaelle eta Leagne. He batted ,205 should put his OWI1 house In order Lob Angeles plays at Phtlafisl- SSHodgapodge it IT aad piMM both la the outfield p)da today in the aflemooR tSto- 41 South Aintiiean IT before tie goes around telling oth- aad at first basa. f^ * 5 rodent ers what to do." vision heaiUiner and New York 16OIN6 dSPaniae 1*1 Rudolph referrad to Pete Roialla, plays the Hawks at S t LoQle to 44Sinof tha EVERYBODY’S OUT—^Four newly^ppi^iilM American League umpires demonstrate eommlasloner of tha National BVwt- the other half of a doublehaafiar. aodlac ball League. Rosalia refused to let Boston tries to play at SyrSBhea HekeI 46 But to their supervisor. Cal Hubbard, that tWy are ready to perform their duties come feSBW^Tnr«/"i' 48 Entice BT fSt r IT Gene tBig Daddy) Lipscomb, huge tonight SODajrbreak spring. T h ^ are, left to right, Joe LiBuilata, Sam Carrigan, Bill Kinnamon and Harry tackle for the Baltimore Colts, Tho Pistons, who already teito (comb, form) ikhwartz. / . play with the Baltimore Bullets of whipped Cincinnati eight' time* SlTldeaof the the EBL. BOWLING this season, are 9% games bohtod I — o f F u n d y RozeUe eald it would not he In CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER canae UonelM’a ..... ' Rough ?iight for McCluskey ...... the division-leading Hawks, 1 u d a l the beet Intereete of the NFL to Fell Apartl / pbanomanoo let one of Its star playere compete GETTING THEIR KICKS—These soccer players appear Detroit was leading 121-110 srtth BY AL VERMEER SdNerada dtjr in the baakatball league. His rea- BEAUTY PRISCILLA’S POP son T The EBL has players who to be kicking each other during a game in San j^ancisco. five minutes played in the final MBMmtlalbeliig period tost night when Walter WIIJLM3U MIM BEST aORangea Snow StQrm May Cost AAU Title were invoIvSd with gamblers while Actually, they are struggling for the baU, hidiien among 63 Wine cup playing for college teama. them. Tliey are, left to right, Herm Horn, Teutonia right Dukes committed hla flfifi fond. FOR A QUAftT .NVESTMENT 64 Mimic Detroit then fell apart aad a Kitfok HElJOOMSUKEi ^ ^ 0 X E V B 9 , 65 Wath lightly Plan to File Salt NO. IS—nrEAlOIfT BALL fullback;'Manuel Caipo, Peru center; Tommy Erasmy, MADE Rudolph countered that he had surge led by Phil Jordon. Riehto MIE.dRUMBLX 66 Redericton it In Met Meet for New York A.C. By Dee Pnroello the Teuta’ right halfback. Soccer is tough and swift. GiMrin and Dave Budd pulled New S>OURBOSS: Ow provincial authorised hla league’s attorney to AMF Stall ef Champloiu file a $1 million suit against Ro- York even 128-126 with two min- This is the type of deUvery that utes left But Bailey Howell drop- aaPMOKatet New York, Jan. 2i (/P)—If ’ feey TutnpUce (He wm coming from zeUe on Monday in U. S. District I BUggest aU beginners use. Since 66Baitaiert Penn State), that he had to hitch- Court in New York. ped in a pair of free throws u d was a sad story Coach Joe Mc- it Ik my belief that better than 80 Gene Shue a field goal to put De- hike and air sorts of other things. The suit will accuse RoseUe of ^r cent of the bowling game lies' SHORT RIBS BY PRANK O’NEAL Claskey of the New York Ath- “WeU, I figure, we’re not out of defaming the morals and stand- Two Close Races troit ahead to stay. ards of Oie EBL, Rudolph asserted. n back of the foul line, strive to Guerin wm high point man with letic Club told today. Sad and it yet. That New York University get the approach down pat before team la doing pretty good, but Lipscomb was to have made his 35 points. Howell led the Pistons true and it’s probably going prttfessional baaketbaU debut in cenceming yourself with the me- with 29 points and Shue made 38., to cost the winged footers the Moran at leaat arrived in time for chanics ef hooking the bell. f/^ c HKS the two-mUe relay, so we can wrap Baltimore tonight against W il In Bowling Play The game was delayed 33 min- MntropiHltan AAU TTack and that one up. > Uamsport The game wae cenoeled utes beoause Referea Gene West- D06MS. rM d Chnmplnnuldp. — f "Meanwhile McArdle arrives and because pf a snowstorm. He has on WM late arriving from the Eaat CMM, McChiakny in a natlvn •( Man* been wrestUng professionally dur- He was held up by the storm. diMter and a two-timu mamber of Trine thte three-mUe in a meet rec- San Bernardino, Calif., Jan. 21 (/P)—^Two of the closest Ml ord 13:57.8. Now If Humke would ing the off-season. Knlck Coach Carl Braun pre- m 8 tho United States Olympic team. The EBL, an eight-team "minor races in tournament history shaped up today as the $68,150 tested a free throw point gfim He now resides In New York. only get here. But oft goes.the walk and no Humke. league”, has sent 11 playere up to National All-Star bowling event headed into the final four Detroit’s Don Ohl, but later with- BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL 'H ere’s how it goes: the National BaaketbaU Associa- “I Uame It moeUy on the inew “Then comes the two-mile relay rounds. drew the protest sines hla team and then and there 1 realise that tion in the last few years, said Observers conceded that any onc^ was beaten by four points. storm,” eeid McCXuskey. “ I fiC> Rudolph. He said, this to show that ured we’d^wln th« champlonshhip this just Isn’t my day. Toby Max- of four contestants stood a good Verne Carter, SL Louis, 104-47. Another argument baited things weU, my leadoff man, drops the the NBA. the “major league" of chance to succeed Harry Smith of for 10 minutes In the third period with 33 points to spam, sort ef baaketbaU, had not felt it would Only Mrs. Ladewlg among the baton as he's passing It to KopU. St. Louis as the men’s champion, seven has won this meet previous- when the ofllclala first alkri^ shoo-in. So we disqualified for lUegal baton be contaminated. end the Women’s Division was t-v “But when I got to the meet, I A spokesman for the BalUmoie ly and she has done, it seven times. then changed their minds about a passing even though we finish seC' even more tightly bunched. Orily Mrs. Garms has been in seven Shue basket. The Knieks won their found that Ed Moran, Pete C3oee, ond.” Bullets said: 2-42 Petersen points separated the and John K e ^ my milers hadn't "We know the faiui are for ue finals and Miss Notaro five. poinL claiming Guerin, in return- showed yet. I couldn’t find my “What else can happen?” top seven lady bowlers. A crowd of 2,688 watched the 82 ing to the lineup, was not In dafea- ICOOtDME SWORH^ With all his troubles. Mcduskey and we hope he (RozeU4) is some- The Petersen system awards one slvo positloA. V\E\HASfWNPE walker, John Humke, anywhere. how aware of their feelings. Per- bowlers—16 In each division "Pete McArdle, my threSrmUer, vraund up trailing NYU and the haps he will recon^er and cor- point for each 50 pins felled and bowl their four rounds yesterday, OF D065 wasn’t around, either. Now I knew New York Pioneer Club. NYU had each game in the head-to-head bringing the total attendance to 86 points after 11 of the 15 events, rect what we beUeve to be a moat matches. Moran, Close, KopU and Humke JOE McCLUSKET regretable injustice." 23,159 for nine days. The record of Hockey at a Glance might get snowed In. But McArdle, the Pioneer 24 and the NYAC 18. - Bill Tucker of RocMtlll, Mo., a 27,162 for a 10-day tournament was What else can happen? Nothing The Colts had agreed, to let darkhorse Who roUed a record 995 he lives 10 minutea from the meet. “As If I haven't got enough Lipecomb play for tlM Bullets. set last year at Omaha, Neb. Friday's Reanlto So I called him and he said he’s trcublea, someone protests bccauae until Feb. 4 when the final four series for four grames yesterday, Tonight’s final round will be tele- American Lsasne event*—the shot put. weight throw, ‘TheBe* boye,” said Rudolph, had 4 slim 26-pin lead going into getting ready. h« wee supposed to go In the first "have paid tM r penalties and the cast over ABC from 10 to 11 p.m. Clevetond 5, Springfield g . A-*t “Well, the first section of the mile section and runs In the second. But pole vault and broad Jump—will be the fourth and final play of match (EST). Rocheeter 8, Buffalo 1 the otficiels let It stand. I get a held. Originally, they were sched- public has accepted them. They play competition. la shout to b i^ and KopU comes have proven to be true gentlemen _ t-tt ^SlSts. “About that obodioneo sdiool you Mnd him to don’t, In. The otfldals run It off and break there. uled for today, but the snow still He had 234-20 points. Earl John- KopU, vUio is supposed to be In it "An hour or ao later, who comes covered the field. and outataniding basketball play- son of (Chicago was second with JUDD S^XON BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD thoy ovor givo him any homowork?" reate. Then he runs the second, or rushing in but Moran. He tells me Besides, McCluskey needed time ers. Larger crimes have been oqm- 233-44. Third and fourth were the slow, section and wins In 4:16.4. hie car broke down on the New Jer. to recuperate. mitted and the criminals wel two St. Louis stars who won the Ingo Brain Exai^ination ' AN A/Msacm 6IRL HAS- corned back to ooelety, SECN HURT. THESe National Doubles crown last Sep- OUR. “We have long felt that our al- tember, Ray Bluth and Dick Webr lowing thooe boys to play in our RNcmes/ LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON er. RadiOf TV Sports league served as a gw^ aouree in Fingers Dliectty Underaenth Bluth had 232-25 points and Disclosed No Damage Victory Must for Rivals rekabiUtatlein. They were yeung Weber 231-37. Though both have Hatoiday— and immature when they made The atrsi^ t ball la rolled with the thumb pointed directly at your won numerous titles as members 5" % pjn.—FM Bnilriifhall. Inlt- their miatakea, misled by selfish, of the famed Budwelser beer team, St()ckholm,\Jan. 21 (/P)—Ingemar Johansson'Vdantarily ers vs. Wanlers, Cliewieli 33, oorrupt people.out for their own target during your et— foul line. It is also released this neither has captured the coveted went through a thorough check-up, including a brain eaauni-’ SPe In Hoop Game Tonight gains." All-Star championship. ,j> 3 p jB .-. College ltoelretliaH, Feint Shavers vmy with the fingers directly un- Tucker, whose only prior nation- nation, directly on returning home aftpr his knockout defeat Dayton vs. Imrisvllle, Channel Four EBL players were oonvict derneath the ball. al claim to fame was r, share ofU7e by Floyd Patterson in their heavyweight title bout last Juno 8. If Msnchester High’s basketball team is to earn the right ed of ’^Int shaving"—or fixing You deliver it from the light in New York, his new physician# ...... —...... • . v 4 pjn.—Big Tlaw Wrestling. 1658 ABC Doubles title, shot to trek to New Haven next month and take part in the Con- the pehit spread of a game to the side of the approach, touching it games of 247, 224, 267 and 257 disclosed last night. Ohnanel 8. down perhaps 7 to 8 boards from On his homecoming to Goteborg knockout, ao w* arranged on alec- eon, HM rGMUMuMi necticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference’s Class A Tour- advantage of gamblers — while against Billy Welu yesterday to trie brain examination, and X de /> g / CQ6MWWWKB i i i i w mmm 4:38 pjn, — Berrilng Stats, playing for New York colleges in the right-hand gutter. Of course, in July the Swedish ex-champ went gtasL OhnnM SS. nament, the IndianB must quickly regain some of the defen- break Welu's two-day-old mark of cided this WM 80 Important I eon- the early 1960e. it travels in a straight line direct- to see Dr. Francis Benson of Gote- 4:SS pjn. — Bnee of Week sive akiUs which enabled them tof ly toward the "pocket" formed by 988. borg and requested an extensive suited speciallats in the IWId." B. C. BY JOHNNY HART from Florida, Channel 18. weep through four consecutive They were Sherman White, now Tucker and Johnson are both in Ihe young Gotaborg aasathatl- M > When the Indiana were rolling with Baltimore; Ed Werner and the 1 and 8 pins. tha first All-Star finale. examination. He did not want any 8 pna— AO-Star Golf. Ck«n- triumphs in leat December and off four straight wins over the Although not the best pin-getter, publicity about it then. clst hM now been retatood by Je- IT* oceuiT MAFB CENse. He r THB MOST EFFBCTMC OF nd A early January. Floyd Layne, both with Wilkes- Lined up In close order In the hansaon to replace the fighter's BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE WHAT THE HBOC KINO OF GriETEM | Alumni, Central, Maloney and Barre, and Ed Roman, player the straight ball is the simplest women’s race to succeed Sylvia Now, however, he Mksd Dr. BUilDS A JAIL, THEM APPWHW CibMB PRBAENT10N EVER DEVISED. S p.m. — WrestUng, <3manel ' Coach Elgin KaturBky*s chargee and easiest to control. Benson in a phone call from Mi- former medical man. Dr. OoMta rtlM M if MKODU«Mim«»WPOSIPlD>S^Mr. flIEPUfMESOFEN LS that T HaU, their defense led by Mike coach at WUUamsport. White Wene of Philadelphia as champion Kartoson, whom ha broko with af- W -niEOOOR. eVERTtnlM AN OFFICIAL. OF LA\V. IS. get their first opportunity to Geciauekas, Buddy Minor and Jim are Shirley Garms, (Chicago, 107-39 ami, Fla., to put forth the facts ' m X M «m X in R D Il*tM N 6FOOnTET|SnSAITCAR IS pjm. — Nntlanal AO-Star sharpen up their defetuive play to- served a prison term. on the controversial issue which ter a publldzcd quarrel about the *TWUTl#*r--- Miatretta, was just as important In addition, Bill Spivey of Balti- Next: Heek Bell. points; Phyllis Notaro. BranL N.- necessity of a brain checkup. Berrilng Tooniaaient, CSunnel night when they play host to Bris- Y.. 107-38: Marion Ladewlg, Grand led to a feud and a break wlth.hls A as'the offense, but in recent g;ames more was tried on a perjury tol Eastern at . the Arena at 8:15. they have been caught asleep sev- OOUJBGE BASKETBALL Rapids, Mich., 107-20: Jean Eder, former medical aide and much “Already by the and of summer T Sunday— A jayvee prelim at 6:45. It was charge. He had denied accuaatlona speculation. He wanta the low- we were Mtlsfled that Ingama’- <. SiSO p j n . . — Sunday Sports eral times «n defense and also have that he attempted to fix college East Weatfield, N. J., 106-45; Hope Rlc- postponed from last night been out-positioned under the Syracuse 79, Alfred 67. clUl, Downey, Calif., 106-31; Helen down on hla health lit the clear be- had normal reactiona and n ow ci Spaotacnlar, Channel S. games whUe playing for Ken- fore his. third title bout against no signs of damage. Ha hM beer, The Indiana (7-4) won the first boards. Hot-hqnded shooters on tucky. Norwich 81, Nertheaatem 74. Shablls, Detroit, 105-03; and L* 3:30 pjn. — Pro BnakethnO. meeting In Bristol, 69-51. But Patterson in Miami on March 13. . under my continued eboervation fltawks vs. Reyals, Channels 33, offense are fine to have on a baU Hie 1958 trial ended in a hung "We were old friends and I will- Since, and the fihU statomont is Eastern (5-5) had a five-game club but they aren’t worth much" jury and the charge against him IS. winning atreak going until being ingly complied with Ingemar’s re- Ingeraar la completely hoaUliy hi 8:30 pjn.—Bing Oreoby OoU if someone doesn’t get the ball for was dropped. Two Clubs Snared in Road Trap queatK” the examinations were ex- all respects and fit for fight/* sai Tenmement, Chaimel A tripped by undefeated Wethers- them o ff the boerds. TWa month he made an out-of- field Tuesday night tensive and conducte.'. In several Dr. Benson. Re will soon Join h(3 The Indians seemed to have lost court aettlement of a suit against stages followed by long observa- client in Mimal and take over Dr. y^Ut some of their ball-stealing finesse, the NBA. It accused Maurice Pod- Kansas State Winning Streak tions. He wanted first 'of aU to Karlsson’s plaeq' in Johansson'.: r also. Tony Morianos clever theft oloff of trying to keep Spivey out know about the effects of the comer at the fight ® ltZI«KfUPA MO TV MEEKLE In tiw last seconds which forced of .the NBA since SiUve/s senior MWVyiMSE.HE ‘ BY DICK CAVALLI the overtime against Windham at year at Kentucky. Porioloff is the CoU ini and Krol^ Deadlocked NBA’s ptesldenL Ended at Arch-Rival Kansas 1 OARN RICeHT I FINE/ WE'LL der X WAG HORNGITWAG WlUimantic rCcaUed the type of Wappi ng Do g Cl i i l > MICKEY FINN CXiOLey, DO'A3U DO-IT© TIME HE THOEENEWGrREEr A DEAAAND FOR NEW play which ha(l the Indiana roU' BY LANK LEONARD WANTTOGIGNTH© DID GOMETHING, LIGHTS THI6T1M6 6TORM GEWERG. In tjowest Scoring Fie ld Ever tng In high gear two weeks ago. New York. Jon. 21 (F) — Col-fthe slow-starting Jayhawks (10' Local Sport ETIMF PeUTlON TO THE PcaeoRB. ______IProbable starters for the In' Storm Cuts Slate lege bMketbairs road trap has 5) methodically cut down an early To Meet Monday' veA h / we WAIT'LL you HEAR WHAT MAVOR? dians are Dave White, (3eclauakas, anared KansM State - and Utah. eight-point lead built by Kansas JUST got HE'S GONNA TELL YOU, FebUe Beach, Calif., Jan. ai^flred four birdies 6]|id'an eagle. The The lOth-ranked Wildcats, latest State (11-3) and took over first Chatter Xhe IVapping Obaihenca Do^ HERE IN SERGEANT/ AND HE DIDN'T latter came at the 476-yard par Minor, Mike Reardon and Steve All Along Atlantic ifP)—^The lowaat scoring fleld in McAdam. Marianos and Miatretta member of the elite to try and place In the Big Bight with a 4-1 Training Class will hold Ita TeS' TIME,JOE/ m five 10th hole when he sank a 15- record. The Wildcats are 2-1. Night Monday. 'Tha event wa.« ,,„the 30-year htatory of the Bing foot putt after hitting his second will bo^ see plenty of action. New Yoirk, Jan. 21 l#»—SporU buck the home court advantage, ANNUAL BANQUET of the Coach Burr Carlson, former carried a 10-game winning atreak Ckriric Price paced the early K- originally scheduled Jan. 18 .hu-. CkoSby Golf Tournament today shot onto the green.' competition, especially events stata surge but Kansas, with Manchester (Coon A Fox (Club will postponed l^pMOse ef the anow- UC^im star, is expected to counter along the ^Atlantic Seabord, still and an eariier victory over Kan- challenged oo-leadeni BUI Collins Pro-Am l. BOOKVXI ...... niniiiuiiliiiiiiiiniiriiiioiiii are expected today and tomorrdw ucatlon. tag each exerclsa to tha asYlcc LET ME iiiiiiiminimmiiiiniimniiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii low par. Navy and VlUanova at Duquesne. streaking BearcaU won their eight tha Utah lead to 84-83 with 3Vi Jlllliniuiliuililiiiiiiiiliimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiniiil Stroke (Mt Pace if the vnrm, sunny Tveather con- The Army-OomeU track meet at minutes to go. Eastis then toesed routine BORROV^ rinmiwmiiiiniiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiiiif tinues. In suceeasion by rapping host JliniiiinimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiutmiHi , Former PQA Ckampkm Boh Ithaca, N. Y., and the Manhattan' Drakie, 86-84, in a Missouri Valley one up and McGill}, outstanding SCHOOLBOY BASKETBALL MR. SoSburg entered the thtrri round By tonight aU golfers In the 800- Navy track meet at Annapolis also throughout the game 'with, a 32- FRIDAYS FIGHT ABePMaHV. Confermce game and Memphis games postponed iMt night due to Berlin — Karl MHd*nbaigar. MM ap Just a stroke off the pace iritii a man field wUl have ^ y e d each of were postponed. State rolled to lU 80th etiaight point performance, wm charged the storm were the following 80-87—186. Deadlocked at IS? tho three ooursea—Pebble Beach, There was too much enow for with goaltending and Utah 19814t Genndny, otoniad Harold home triumph with a 70-60 victory Bristol EMtem at Manchester, (Carter, 18714, Ltad^ N< J., 8. were Jack. Burke with 88-60, Dave Cypress Point and Monterey Pen the Penpsylvanla State CroH over Murray State. dropped behind Colorado Stata U. Ineula. The low 80 proa and 40 pro- RHAM High at "EMt Hampton, nn 87-70 and the first roufid lead- Country Ski (JhamplonabqM at In another Skyline game, Utah in the Skyline race. * Newington High at Rockville and er Bob Goalby Tritii 08-71. amatcur teama shoot the final LigoiUer, Pa., and the Ski FMtlval State edged Montana, 58-57, on '--H old Drake Arnold Palmer, golfer-of4he- round over Pebble Beach tomor- Cheney Tech at CroinweU. The at Warwick, Mass., was put until two foul shots by Cornell Green (Cincinnati (13-8), runner-up to Brlatol-Manchester game will be year in 1980, Ut hla tea shot on row in nationally televised (ABC) a later date because a rope tow finals. v/lth eight eeconda left Jdaho Bradley in th ^ Missouri Valley played tonight at 8:15 at the the first Hole out of bounrii but could, not be deUvered in time. State, leading the Rocky Mountain title chase, UmlMd«I>rake (10-5) i oame back foe a four-iindM-par In today's play, ColUna shot over The German-Amerlcan Soccer Arena.. Jmi Monterey Peninsula, generally con- Conference but barred from win- to' two field goals . In the flrSt 14 88 yeaterday and a 188 total. Ken League called off all Its Sunday ning the title-because of its ab- minutes, pulled away to a 30-19 JEFF COBB i BY PETE Venturi, the defeikUng Crosby sidered the least difficult of the. games. THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE % : ! ' pY. WILSON SCRUGGS three at 6,246 yarda and par 35-87. breviated league schedule, whip- halftime bulgs'ahd home UNDEFEATED GREEN Man- an__n iiaaarr champion, alao wee there with (^ ef fataUtito Friday wert the ped Western ((3olo.) State, SS-N. for a >4-2 conference record. Bob or’! basketball entry in the Farm- IlDtD'lltMj I.,.PONT 87.^1 along with Mocioo City’s KroU tackled Pebble BMch, the WUTS WSjfNG\LCGacST1UTXTA mmmie, a f o v sto c k sAm y.. — — GARB WHAT, toughest, a t '8,701 and 36-86. HiU Charles Town Race Track, which qtanlord bent WMhington, 81-58, Welaehhahn led the Bearcats 'with ington Valley L ea^ e will meat Reherto De Vloanso 73-88 and saw the last three days of its 18 points and Carl Bouldln con- Wethersfield tomorrow night In a rawSIUKUT^ MM.'/eSUFEiSMCS i Dick Straaahiui 8948. and Gbail^,' among the leadqra. in overtime In a Big Five Con- SOMSIDKUlTMa DR>EW>OU both fired their third rounds at winter sesaion snowed out, the ference ctosh as Phil KeUy sank a tributed ;J7 while Gus Guydon loop affair in Wethersfield. The Goalby took double bogeys trvo National Basketball Aaaociation paced the Bulldogs with 15. MUCHOMAME ever par on both the .ejmith and Cypress Prilnt, a 6,817 layout with 50-foet Jump shot to put the Idcw have won five stralghL HASBGEH, par 87-85. game at Boston between Syra- Inthans ahead with 1:35 remain- Kaneais State was the only mem- ISth holea iat PebUs Batch, yea? cuse and tha (Celtics, tha Easteni tarday when be hit sand traps. tog. *= ber of the top 10 to play last night Hockey League game between Elsewhere, Oregon defeated but four top-rated poiyers are in TOP'i/WO BOYS* teams at tha , KroU, who heau’t wetii a touma- HoUd&y Lanes will roU the leading mant since 1958 hut who haeu’t Clinton and FhllaMphia at Phila- Waabington Stajs, -80-53, Oregon action today on' *a program ab- delphia*'and a number of hasket- State, bMt IdaAo. 87-52, Xavier breviated^,by ntid-tenn exams at clubs from the BdwUng Gresa to- made ieai than 11,000 In any avoit Sport Schedule day In a special match at tha ha’a played atnee 198A fin d Dve baU games. of Ohio edgeo Weatero Kentucky, many schools. Effects of the storm on sports go-77, Syracuse whipped Alfred, C:^ State’s No. 1 ranked Green' for tb9> benefit of tha Ba- hUriiss m the final six holes at tar^ed cauidfen’s Fund to Man- Montaiey Feejnaula. In erdw hla , M A N — F r a n k events were felt 8s far West 79-87 and Saattto nipped Gonsega, Buckeyes meet Minneeota, second- Eestaih «t Manchester, Arena; Detroit where emergency otfietola 86-84, despite a 37-polnt scoring ranked St.' Bonaventure tackles cheiter. Second half of tha home Mrdla putts dropped from dlstancee RatiiMy. of the Boston and home match will be held Jaa. of six, 80, seven, eight and tight 8:18. Celtics has been consid- •were rushed in .to handle the New performan|)e bjr by Frank Burgess,B Cantolus, fourth-ranked Iowa goes feet. Re play^ tha 17th In avail AAU Switn Meet. Arana Fool, 11 York Detroit NBA | ^ ea tost the major qpUega scoring leader. agatost Purdua and fifth-rated 29 at tha Holiday Lanae. Tha boys Am. ered thfi bMt isixth mah Inlg^t when the assigned offictols At Lawrence, Kan., BIU EBridges, LoutovUla claahM wlth^Daytofr in t«n^ to age from 18 to 18. Muy Mwlag. 38 . , in pfofessiiBial baaketbaU found themselves snowed In at Kaneas* rebounding ace, turned a nationally tolevleedi game attached garage Happy Times alfar. Call batwaan » a.m. and > B ut K trim lilt orncfwmuf Adults only. Can MI 943n, rage. BuUdar AO 94990. - on well ierraead watarfrent lot on CLASSIHED MI S-7410. •OMCIMNatinMMM private antraaoas^ TH 64903, TR small lake. 9 bedromaa, full bath By MARIE DABRR TWO ROOM SMIttMllt. haat^ hot 04993. MANCBIBSTER - 7 room Capa, up. % bath, utility room, laundry, U87 FORD Country Sedan Wagon, ••T Mata famUy room, modern kitchen, 9 kitchan. dining area, la ^ a Uving water. Applyr M s r t o W s . bedrooms, reo room, garags. Good Painting Pays Golden Ager 4door, • cylinder, aUndard, excel- St. room, fireplace down. Boat and adve r t ising leat. Moviw Waat—reaacaable. Ml BusineBS Locations lot with trses. Ons block to dock Included. $17,IM. James O. Double Dividends at 88 ItOCKVIUE~4 room apartment schools, shopping and hua, 919,900. Dowling. MI 04819, MI 9-7677. ^L ______ForReni 64 Phtlbrlok Agency, Ml 0-9494. William B, 88, who neyer touched CREVROLDT IWl TUdor sedan, complaudy furnished, autom a^ a paint brush until he was 78, now r i ARSiFran ADVERTlSPiG DEPTt HOURS waaher. paraga, .■qgwgj? LAROB ONIhMom al^oonditiooed good condlttoa, tfarea. Ideal second prtvat»-6nfr*nesSi-TB S.W03.-3B- ilX ROOM Cape, full ahed dormer, SOUTH WINDSOR has a hobby that pajrs double divb 8:15 AAL to 4;S0 P JL car or boy’s first car. m 9-7143. nMoer^M0%-4iite St. lecatton. heated rec room, 20 toot enclosed 54903. Mottow’s SM M i^ SC porch, oversized garage, shade Doctors —.Dentists dends. ROCKVnliB — Baa na for your trees. MI 9-6877. People pay $25 for his oil paint- COPY CLOSING TIME FOR 1949 JEEP STATION Wagon, over- STORB FOR ram on-Sprues Urgmt ings. You can imagine what a thrill MONDAY Tlw» FRIDAY 1#^* AJL—SATURDAY • AJW. apaitmaatl 3% rooms, hwt. ^ Reasonable auA- drive, <7S. MI S-1390. pUucos, p ark lu , $90 mooOily; S% MANCHESTER - Oolomal, 0 spa- this gives a man in his 80s. mar. CaU MI eious rooms, large ilvbig room 1,000 hew families need yo But he doesn’t keep the money. romns tumlAM, $1004U* m o n ^ 8C With fireplace, famUy aue Ula PLEASE .READ TOUR AD PICK-UP TRUCK, 1962 Studebaker, ly. Rlalsy Rsalty Onapany, MI servtces. Wilt bUUd ranch, ap The second beneficiaro of hip hob- 9-4834, TR 8-111$. ___ _ STORB FOR rent, Depot Square; kltchtfl, porch, one-car garaga, by is his church's building fund. CimMifled *r •'WMt A*»" mf CDna * w tto f $180. CUl MI 8-7698. Urge M 103(960, 919,900. Pbllbrick level or colonial homta with office. \-HilMce. The advertiaer ■RoaM read Us sd the *TR8T DAT IT Ideal for women’s or men's 4 toth-‘ A g e ^ , Ml 9-9494. Paintings aren't the only .output )i?PEAJBS Md REPORT ERRORS ta tUai far tte aert 1 ^ Ing, diy cleaning, fqiriOanees, 0 of this remarkable octogenarian. 1983 OLDSMOBIU: hardtop, good THREE ROOM heatsd ap$itmsnt, and 10, beauty salon, floriat. auto- SUBURBAN ASSOCIATES He’s on the Job five days a week, tton. The HenUd U reUW—lble *•» 945 N. MlUn. Ml $4329. 94. NEW 0 room ranch, 1130 square insertion for say adveHteemeat s ^ aaly ta t>s a r t ^ t a condition. MI 3-8194 after 0 p.m matic laundry, etc. MI 9-8339. 94. feet, full basement 3 fireplacee, REAL ESTATE INSURANCE sometimes six, as a machinist. PLTMOXmlS (2> 1988-1986, 6 cylin- MAIN 8T.—3 room haatsd ivsrt- OFFICE FOR RBNT, ideal tqcstlon plastered walla, full insulation, "I worked 60 years for the rail- meat, stovs and refrlgarator »»• ceramic tile bath large kitchen JA 8-7878 MI 4-1128 - road,” William B; a widower, told der, standard transmission, used for any busineaa^ Reasooabte rent with lota of cabinets, hot water oil me, "After I retired, I had a lucky taUcsbs. Good mechanical condi- nUhed. MI 8-7894. CsU M 9 ^ after 3 p.m. MI 4-0469 MI 9-8U1 tion. Beat offer, MI $-809S. 395 Tol- heat, all city uUlities, one block break.' from Main St. Charles Lesper- "Mr bf-otoer-ln.law_ who owns Douglas Dillon, new secretary of toe treasury, and wife, will re- Dial Ml 3-2711 land Turnpike. TWO ROOMS, heat and hot water, euice. MI 9-7620. Former tennis tehampion Francis T. Hunger found torUls In hunting after he reUred from sports. main in same Washington house since he switched cabineU. Houses For Rent'*' 65 7 ROOM He fondles the arm of a Kodiak bear that stood 13 feet snd took six shots to drop. It's in toe an Incubator manufacturing firm, parkhig. Tal. MI 3-2068. offered me a Job. Now I'm getting IN MANCHB8TER-4 room duplex CAMPFIELD ROAD—Largp 4 tin- American room at hia 52nd Street Jungle amid New York akyacrapers. Auto Driving School 7-A THREE room apartment with heat, ished, 6 room cape, one-car ga- Custom built split level. Separate social security and a salary, aa t.oirt otA Found. AutomobUes for Sale 4 available now, 9100 monthly. Ref- dining room, 3-csr attached garage, well. Wife of Treasury Chief hot water and appllaacea, first xrencf, required, AMgfl Clampet, rage, amesite drive, fireplace, LARSON'S Connecticut's first li- floor. J. D. Realty, 470 Main SL, open atalrway,' plastered Walls, finished rec room. "I started taking painting lessons UOST — Brown and blacli femUe SAVE SAVE SAVE censed driving school trained — Realtor, MI 9-4843; MI 8-7^. when I was 76. I had a good teach Beagle «bo«t two years UA MI 34139. .oil hot water neat, recessed radia- Hunter^s Jungle on 52nd St. Balances Family Budget Certified and approved is now of- tors, dormers, enclosed porch, 6 ROOM CAPE er.” answers to At Ttasse Very Low Prices fering classroom and behind MANCHESTER—4 room furnished William B's home is a hotel for Benedict Drive, Wapping. 4;all Ml wheel Instruction for teenagers. Wanted To Rent 68 fenced yard, trees, excellent Largs attractive kitchen, one-car 1957 FORD apartment, heat; hot water, ga- neighborhood. Exceptional value, attached garage, $15,990. KCK emight call this the bl^ prize ofbKodiak bear, taken during a 1953 retired people. Here he lives inex- AP Newsfeattires ^ment when some friends hrou0ht. 4-1414. \ Ml 9-6079. Building Materials 47 rage, Working couple. MI 8-0038 or THREE OR four unfurnished 914,500. Call GoOdchild-BarUett pensively, takes care of his own Station Wagon, radio, heater, Roofing and Chimneys 16-A Business Opportunities S2 MI 8-6666. AP Newefeaturee Sporte Editor my three months African safari Alaskan trip. The wife of a Republican who hlm to tea. They were married In j/jST — Woman's deluxe Elgbt •tandard transmission. PREPARE FOR driver’s teat. rooms on the West Side. Garage, Agency. BU 0-0989, MI 8-7988. 61/2 ROOM in 1958. This elephant tusk weighs "This fellow,” Says Hunter, room. The hotel Is in toe downtown Boston March 10, 1931, in a big ROOFING—Specializing repairing CLEAN, USED lumber for sale, sa- Adults. Call MI 94943 after 4 Although he made fame play- area of a big city, handy to buses, will be in toe new Democratic cab- wristwatch. vicinity Spruce, $795 Ages 16 to 60. Driving and class RESTAURANT SIX room apartment, second floor, Split level, 1% baths, 1103(195 foot 112 pounds, this one 117. They "stood 13 feet hiXh and it took inet, Phyllis Ditlon, is delighted wedding. Birch and Main Sts. MI 9-2321. room. ’Three Instructors. No wait roofs of all kinds, new r ^ s gut- sorted i$sea, hardwood flooring, p.m. Not over $76. 9% ROOM s p u r level, two years ing tennis with the late BUI Ill- make a fine archway to the tennis stores and movies. Grosaing $100,000 yeariy. Can be window sash and doors complete good condition, oil steam heat, $80 old. 1% baths, nice location. CaU lot. Six Shota to drop him.” I brought my swivel rocker that she and her husbaind will be About his new Job, she says, "My Ing Msneheater Drlvteg Acade- ter vsprk, chimneys cleaned, re- a month, adults preferred. Avail- den, Francis T. Hunter has had penthouse. husband has agreed to serve as 1957 PONTIAC SAFARI paired. Aluminum siding. 30 bought at right ^ c e . Exclusive windows, plumbing and heating Discoe Agency, Ml 9-0636. The room contains a moose with with me, BO I’d feel at home,” he remaining in Washington. Announcements StatiCq Wagon. 4-door, power my. PI 2-7249,. supplies, assorted pipes and soil able February 1. MI ‘9-0991. Farm and Land For Sale 71 even more success as a hunter of "This rhino head has a 45-inch a 58-inch horn spread. It was bag- Secretary of.toe Treasury in the years’ experience. Free estimates. with this office. For appointment horn.' That's a black mane Hon. says. /'■ Since Undersecretary of State next administration because he steering, ppwer brakes, radio and MORTLOCK-S Manchester’! lead Call Howley, MI 8-8361, Ml 3-0763. call ]>ipes. Open daily 8:30 till dark, BEDROOM AND kitchen futniahed SIX ROOM cape, fireplace, hot JOHN H. LAPPEN, INC.. wild animals. Record books show ged 200 miles north' of Ottawa in Evenings and sfeekends, William Douglas Ditlon is the new Secre- INCOME TAXES prepared in ytair heater, sutdmaUc. Extra clean. : Saturday 8-4. Cboman House POUL’TRY FARM, 472 Keeney St., water oil heat, full insulation, hts teimis feats but it takes prod- That’s a water buck, and that 1949. ’The American room natu- B dons a blue smock and sits down feels, as Senator Kennedy stated, Ing driving school. Three skilled J. D. REALTY for two adults, including gas, elec- for sale or rent 20 acres, aU MI 9-8261 roane antelope has a 28-inch horn. tary of the treasury, they .Yrill that the ability of the United home or by appointment. Eatper- ^995 courteous instructors. Class room Wrecking, yard at Stock Place off tricity, private bath, heat, and hot combination windows and doors, I ding to get Frank Hunter to talk rally has little Jungle but also at his easel. He already has two keep the big white "house they fenced tax work, 24 hour aarvlca. instructions for 16. 17 year olda. North Main St. CaU Ml 9-3393. equipped. Easy terms. Call owner. breeseway and garage, amesite about hunter Hunter. They all came from around Kenya holds game fish and birds. painting pyplls, residents of the States is essential to our national leatinx and Plumbing 17 470 Main St. MI 3-5129 water. CaU MI 3-7636 or MI 9-4587. CH 2-7330 evenings. drive. House in excellent condi- MI 84219 MI 9-7445 in British East Africa" bought in Washington in 1957. security. I am so piqued to con- Call MI 3-4733. 1955 OLDSilOBILE 98 Telephone Mr. Mortlock. Director His New York town house, There’s a 358.pound broadbill hotel. Ho doesn’t charge for les- They also have a Florida home at Hardtop, radio, heater, automa- of Driver Education. Ml 9-7398. TWO ROOM furnished m^wriment, tion, on hue line, 80 days occupan- where 22 servants once catered Any close calls? sons. tinue living in this ^ y which I feder al in c o m e taxes pre- PLUMBING AND heating - re- cy. Priced at only $15,800. Charles EIGHT ROOM modified ranch, swordfish (Montsuk Point, 1959), Hobe Sound with pool, tennis obviously love and enjoy.” tic, power steering, p i ^ r brakea. FOR SALE—DoNut and Coffee Diamonds—Watches— heat, hot water, private bath. Ap- to society's whims, la a veritable "One,” Hunter replied solemnly. an 11-foot sailfish (off Metcico, On the walls of his room hang pared with your aavlnga in mind. Beantifu] green and whitS-llnish. modeling Installationa. repairs. Houses For Sale 72 Lssperance, Ml 9-7630. baths, 4 bedrooms, famUy roomi court and beach house on the The Dillons collect rare and new RcasonaMe r a t ^ Call H i 9-6246. All work guaranteed 38 years ex- Shop. Tel. Rockville TR 6-8707, Jewelry 48 ply Marlow’s, 867 Main St. Jungle. No matter where you look "A Wg hippopotomua almost upset 1955) and a 670-pound blue marlin many of his oils, some of them ocean side. $595 Garagfc—Service—Storage 10 PRINCETON ST-—7 room colonial wall-wall caipet, $21,900. Many a head of . some wUd beast stares our naUve canoe In toe crocodile copies of Audubon prints. china, visit art galleries and play perience. 24-hour service. Call COLONIALS, CAPES, extras. Carlton W. Hutchins; MS (off Cuba, 1957). The room’s one Since her marriage Mrs. Dillon golf together. INCOME TAX retoma preparad by Earl VanCamp, Ml 9-4749. LEONARD W, YOST, Jeweler-^re- with 4 bedrooms, 1% baths, largs down with Ufe lUce ayes. infested Tana River at the end of attractive stranger is a beautiful ‘^Often I walk into an ait gallery, Help Wanted—Female 35 palrs, adjusts watches expertly. SEVEN ROOMS in duplex, S“ living room with fireplace, hot 94182. the 1958 African trip. 1 killed him look at the 03cpensive painting, has been toe bill payer and check former internal revemia agant in 1956 FORD TWO GARAGES FOR rent for car heat, parking. MI 9-1018. RANCHES Psople from aU parts of the peacock. It was sent to Hunter book balancer for toe family fi- your home or by appointment. Station Wagon. 6 pasaanger, Reasonable prlcea Oi^n Tuesday water heat, one-car garage 3y $18,900—LARGE 6 room ranch, globe come to see this private at six feet only after our native from India. memorize it and reproduce it,” he \ radio, haater, automatic. Nice e^ storage. MI 34441. CONIfECnCUT registered R.N. or thru Saturday, Thursday eve- appointment only. Philbrlck Agen- says. "One of my niost popular nances. \ Also small bosinesa services. MI L.P.N. for 11-7 shift four nights per TWO ROOM furnished apartmenC Ws have a fine aelectlon of fireplace, aluminum storms, at- museum of natural history one canoe boy had jumped Into toe A graduate of Cornell and the 9-8938^______clean one-owner car. Radio-TV Repair nings. 129 Spruce St. Ml 9^387. second floor, 108 Birch Sc May be cy, MI 9-8464. homes, all priced below market. tached garage. $2,900 asaumaa block from Radio City. The Jungle river and drowned.’’ paintings is a head of (Ihrist. I have "I do worry If I am a few pen- Gets Research Grant Services 18 week in convalescent home. Tel. U. S. Naval Acaderhy, Hunter fig- sold eight of these paintings.” nies off in my monthly accounts,” Storrs, Jqn. lAPi — Dr. Paul $695 Bnsinb^ Services Offered 13 RockvUIe TR 8-4291 seen 6:30 p.m. untU 9 p.m.. MANCHESTBIR - New T room Please feel free to call. We wlU 4%% mortgage, $95.$6 monthly. on 02nd Street Ic divided into two That trip also produced a 55- ures he has more than 100 tennis 21 make aU arrangements. There Is a Ciulton W, Hutchina. Ml 94112. parts. There’s the American The hotel manager. Impressed she says. "It's a matter of pride Jannke, a pharmaceutical chemist INCOME TAX ptefaletna? D m best RAOIO-TV REPAIRS, any make — Fuel and Feed 49-A ranch, 3 fireplaces, 3 fuU baths, minute sound color motion pic- trophies. Bjit for each piece of 'With William B’s hobby, gave the 1955 CHEVROLET CHAIN SAW work — Trees cut. REWARD—For answering this ad GENERAL RENTAL agency, J. D. home to fit any pocketbook and room and the African room. Both ture which Frank Hunter shows to find that last penny and make at toe University of CkmnectlcuL answer is to PI .24607. cars, amplifiers, phonographs and Realty. 470 Main Street, MI 2-csr garage, large kitchen with MANCHESTER — BuUder'i oam silverwso'e gathered In world wide octogenarian space for a one-man station Wagon, radio, heater, Ressonable rates. Call PI 3-7958 is an exclusive territory where FIREPLACE wood two year sea- built-in oven and range, formal needs. are a tascidermlat’a delight since to businessmen In connection with competition, Hunter has bagged my accounts balance." h u been awarded a 3-year $23,500 standard transmission, 6 cylinder. between 1:30-440 or any Ome changers. Over 47 years total ex- you can earn $2-$8 an hour in your soned hardwood, $10 a load deliv- 84129. ranch, 6 rooms, wall-waU caimat the coUection represents mor show In the Hotel corridor outside Mrs. Dillon is petlto, slim, young grant from the National Instituts perience. 90 days guarantee on all dining room. Lot 100x300. $30,900. J. D. REALTY fireplace, garage, trees. heauUfu the Wine and liquor importing and animals or game fish. the dining room. Pemonali $595 Saturday or Sunday. spare time selling Avon Cosme ered. Orantland Nursery and Philbrlck Agency, Ml 9-8464. than a score of years. pf^uclng firm he heads. looking, and has an air of chic and of Health for research on “purifi- work. Pottertoo’a. Ml 9-4887. condition. Only $16,900. Carlton W. •Tve been hunting 25 years, Hunter's best tennis year was "I’m one of the lucky ones,” said careful grooming. - tics. Toiletries and Fragrances. Landscape. MI 3-0669. 470 Main St. MI 3-5129 One of his,proudest American William B. "I’m very grateful cation of organic medlclnals by OOSMA APPLIANC^^rvlce—Be Earn while you learn. Call now to THREE furnished rooms and S* MANCHESTER — 6 room rani^m Hutchins, MI 9-5132. says Hunter .casually, stepping 1927. He and Tilden won the She was a popular hostess in zone refining.” Jannke said yuter- pain all makes refiteeraton. DRY OAK WOOD cut fireplace rage. MI 9-8018. . ■ BEAUTIFUL 6 room ranch, fuU from leopard skin to lion. "You room possesions is toe head of a IVlmbledon and National doubles. can pass on a litjle of what I know my own hams shop, MORTENSEN TV Specialised RCA arrange Interview In your home at modem kitchen, 8 bedrooms, largs FOUR BEDROOMS — to others. Maybe they can have aa Paris when her husband was am- day his principal atm is to devel- factory aqwrlanea. An SPECIAL ^ m esen , wsshlng m achu^, dry televlsiiHi, service. Ml 9-4641. your convenience. Call BU 9-4922. and stove lengths, $10 per load de- ROCKVILLE—24 Grove St. Well Uving room with fireplace, dining basement, knotty pine recreaUon With Elizabeth Ryan he also won bassador to France . and has op organic compounds which ex- en rangea, oU and gas bbrners. livered. PI 2-7886. room, fireplace, 2 baths, one with 8V^ Acres Wimbledon’s mixed doubles, a much fun with painting as I have traveled much with him . on his low rates, ftaa eatimatee. heated two room furnished apart room, rear porch, garage, 814,900. had." hibit ultra-pure qualities utab- pickup and deUveiy. Mr. 1953 PONTIAC MI 9-0883. AU work guarant CONNIE’S TV and Radio Merries, GOOD PAY and short hours in re- ment. TR 5-9695. Philbrlck Agency, Ml 9-8464. stall shower In master bedroom title he repeated in 1929 with state department duties. llsh yardsticks to meuurato the Radio, heater, automatic. Real avaUable all hours. SatlafscUon turn for a friendly nature to pre- buUt-in oven snd range, wall to Older 8 room home canvaniently Helen Wills. In '24 he and toe late JA 34609 COMPLETE REPAIRS - By 8tu» BALED HAY. MI 9-785S. •Hal Boyle- Q—I am a woman of 62 and want Former oosler impurities of m^lcines. good tran^iortation. Four to chooae guaranteed. Call MI 9-1818. sent our nationally advertised ROCKVILLE—12 Ellington Avenue. 312,600—SIX room cape, full base- wall carpeting, hot water oil heat, located In town. Excellent spot to Vinnie Richards won Wimbledon’s They have two daughters and ELECntOLUX Salas sad Sarrlea. from. art R. Wolcott on automatic product to groups of eager wom- menc combination windows and combinaUon windows and doors, raise a family—near schools, shop- doubles. He won the National In- to retire. How many years’ work washen dryers and electric RECOMMENDED service Larga newly redecorated two under social seedritv will I need to four grandchildren — Mrs. Joan banded rspreseiitsttie. AMnm $49 en. High s^es mean high earn- room furnished apartment. Adults doors, amesite drive, shade trees, .garage, city uUlities. Very desir- ping and bus line. Acreage includes doors twice with Richards and once Moseley, 26, Paris, who has a Amell, 306 Henry It. TU. MI ranges, 9-6678. on Hkl^’a, radios, televisians, also ings. Car necessary but exjier- 30 days occupancy. Marior B. able neighborhood. Priced at only two buUding lota. There is a ga- with Tilden. In ’22 and ’30 he took be eligible?—Mrs. W. R. Household Goods 51 only. TR 6-8689. rage, shed, and ether buUdings. Here’s How to Tell K A—Under the new amendments, daughter, Joan, 6; and Phyllis 34480. SNOW PLOWING — Sidewalks guaranteed’ service on all Other ience isn’t. Try us for fun and Robertson, Broker. Ml 34953. $23,800. Charles Lesperance, MI the National indoors singles. (Mrs. Mark <3oUins), 27. of Far makes, ^-^op our special do-it profit. Call MI 9-8680. 154 COOPER HILL SC — 6 room 9-7620.______^ Reasonably priced. . three years’ work. 4, WANTED — Bide to Tmvsists, Driveways and parking areas. RUGS NEVER used, 9x13, beige, 86 ELWOOD ROAD—Colonial, largs A former publisher of 14 West- Q—I had to give up working at Hills, N. J., whose children are 1956 CHEVROLET Reasonable—by the Job or season yourself department featuring dis- $30; 9x15, $35; antique gold rugs, duplex apartment, nice residential chester County (New York) news- Frances 5, Mark 4, and Clarence MANCHESTER 8-4:30, from LydaU Street >n count prices/'Open evenings and EXPERIENCED waitresses want- area, children, $105. Glastonbury, Uving room, fireplace, formal din- SOUTH WINDSOR ELVA TYLER, MLS Realtor 58. I’Ve paid the maximum into 94630 after 6. 310, 4-door aedan, radio, heater, Fiuget your snow problems. MI vacuum $20. BU 9-69W. Your Past Shows papers, o'wner of fleet of cargo social security for the past 16 Douglas Dillon, who was bom last Saturdays. S^U ite Electronics ed. Ehccellent working conditions. ME 8-9057. ing room, cabinet kitchen with IMMEDIATE DELIVERY MI 9-4469 MI 9-9901 Ml 9-5081 steamships and three coal mines automatic, beautiful one owner 4-0775. Service, 185 SchoMl St.. Manches Hob Nob Restaurant, Shopping ter handle dishwasher, 3 bedrooms, 1% baths, yean. How much will I receive at September. OLDSM O BIU BIDE WANTED to Hamilton Stand- car, 41,000 miles, guaranteed TORO SNOW Hound CUSTOM BUILT 1958 6 room - <¥> and now Yankee Stadium Club Mrs. Dillon was bom Phyllis SLIP COVERS expertly made, sofa ter. MI 9-1786 or JA-^16e9, Parkade, Manchester. at new low prica ilf-propeUed MANCHESTER —Main St. — Two landscaped lot 80x200. Marlon E. NEW 6 ROOM RANCHES. CO- ing of television or sl>ace misalles age 65 if I pay nothing more? — MOTO a SALES , ard In Wbidaor Locln, 8-440 shift 100%. room apartment, heat, hot water, Robertson, Broker. MI 8-8958. LONIALS OR SPLIT LEVEL home, 2 baths, fireplace, breeze- New York—(A^- 'Your past is president. Hunter retired from a .m .n ; Chess Ellsworth in South Bend, Call MI 3-1797. and two chairs, $37. plus material. RN OR LPN for Friday and Sat model. Marlow’s, Inc., $67 Main, way, double garage, 8% acres . . . Parents had no problems tehnls in 1936, but didn't quit the Ind., Aug. 3, 1910. She attended $695 MI 9-1184 after B. Ml 94221. furnish^ or unfurnished. MI ROMES CAN BE YOURS. showing if you like, to remember with Bubble gum or fretted about A—Benefits are based on average urday nights, 11-7, Vernon Haven 3-2228. - ' EXCEU-LENT 8 room colonial, 1% unable, outskirts. Cariton W. aloud about when— game. Last summer he helped monthly we^gep. It’s not possible for various private schools including Millinery Dressmakitig 19 THESE INTELLIGENTLY DE- whether it was right or wrong to promote the Meadow Club’s 72nd Rogers Hall, in Lowell, Maas., and AutomobflcB fmr Snl« 4 1958 FORD TR 5-2077. ceramic tUe baths, garage, knotty Hutchins MI 9-5182. A father welcomed his son to me to tell what your benefits will Sflecials Custom 3-door ndio. heater I t ’; MAHOGANY console television, THREE ROOM apartment unfur- pine den, wall to wall carpeting, SIGNED 8 OR 4 BEDROOM CUS- manhood by giving him a gold spank a child . . . Nobody knew anhual Invitation toumameht at be. Miss Porter's in Farmington, Conn., HEMMING and alteration i^ork. EXPERIENCED fountain and drug TOMIZED HOMES, ARE LOCAT- how to spell cholesterol or went on Southampton, N. Y., where he has and lived for several years "with OLDER yCARS medianics ape- standard tranamlaaion. V-8 engine Call Mrs. WlUlam Ahraltia, 10 reasonable. MI 3-5221. nished, private entrance, garage, all city uUllUes, attached' garage, pocket watch on nls 21st blrth- 'M pLDs. clala, fixit youraell cara, always Beautiful one-owner, low mileage clerk. Must have driver’s license oil heat. $75. Available Feb. 1. excellent condition. Near bus line, ED WITHIN EASY REACH OF Lots For Sale 73 a diet unless he was in a hosplUl a 7% acre estate. Dear reader: Marie Daerr Is un- her family on toe north Shore, Man- Robin Road, any time. \CalI MI 4-0620 and ask for Frank, HIGHWAYS, SHOPPING .CEN- d&y* . . . You couW etui be fat adtoout chester, Mass., then in Boston. 88 Holiday sedan a g o ^ aelectian. Look bwtnd onr car. 100% guarantee. DELUXE MODEL gas heating B $1^7.1 TV SERVICE — Potterton’s all Reasonable rates. Fully insured. FURNISHED ROOM for rm t near Julius Strong, real astiiteT Call me at Ml 9-0830 88 4-door Fast and courteous service, Leo Chairman Edward J. Duprs, measles and mumps, hut prayed makes. Highest quality guaranteed TOOL AND equipment rentals. Main St. Ml 9-2170. 9 Hazel St Secretary MANCHESTER—HUliard St. One- for prompt and courteous servlca. they would be spared scarlet fever work and parts, over 47 yesrr ex- J, PetleUer. Ml 94336. Sales snd service AP Equipment, Byron H. Shinn, ° story 4 room house completely Joseph Barth, Brbber. 53 DODGE $1^ perience. Famous for service Center St., MI 9-2083. ROOM FOR rent for gentleman or ■ Secretary Floyd E. Fords overhauled. Including new cabinet and diphtheria. 2-door since 1981. Phone Ml 9-4S37 for EXTERIOR and Interior painting, lady. Quiet, near Cheney’s. 224 Utehen. Good ss new. $10,900. IF YOU ARB considering SeUing , Businessmen worried more about 55 CrtRYS.- $3< best service. Ceilings refinished. Paperhangingirhanglng SNOW THROWER. 2% h.p. Briggs Charter Oak. MI 8‘8368, CH 6-4788. James o. Dowling, MI 9-8816, MI your home, please call us. We buy getting appendicitis than heart 4-door■ Wallpaper books. Estimates given and Stratton engine, floor sample. attacks. Wfh Fully covered by insurance. Cal f-7$77. , > and seU. J. D. Rsslty, 470 Main DICK’S WEATHERSTRIP Com- Best offer takes It, MI 9-M70. PARTIALLY furnished heated St., MI 8-5139, Call any Ume. A woman who smoked a cigar- 55 FORD ] $3< Edward R. Price, Ml 9-1008. TILL 4-door pany doors' and windows, custom room tor rent, near churches and SEPTIC TANKS LOOKma FOR county Uving wlto ette in a restaurant was regarded work guaranteed. Call collect Wll- OVERHEAD lubrication equipment bus Une. Woman preferred. Call F or Re nt ARE YOU having trouble seUing and accessories, 1% ton hydraulic AND all city conveniences? Here is s aa a shady lady. Fathers gravely ‘56 FORD $5< Ilmantic. HA 8-1196. Mrs. Harris, Burton’s, - Inc., MI Two 4*Roeni DttphxM 'beautiful 7 large room bolonial (4 your property? SeU it direct. Have assured their sons that if they StotiOn'Wagon Electrical Services 22 Jack.: an axle Jack, 2 battery 84177. PLUaOEO SEWERS bedrooma), 1% baths ceramic tUe, ready cash waiting. CaU MI smoked cigarettes they certain- chargers, 6,and 12 volt; cash regis- at 262 and 264 West Center 8 fireplaces, large kitchen, built- 3-5195. ly would idle young of tuberculosis. *56 OLDS. $^< Bullding-Contractiug 14 fr ee ESTIMATES—Prompt serv- ter, check master, spark plug ATTRACTIVE QUIET room next to 88 HoUday Oonpe ice on all types of electrical tm- cleaner, electric tire chatter, shower on second floor, very pri- Street. Heat and hot water Machlse Glsassi in ovan, range, dishwasher, gar- You could tell s good saloon by ing Licensed and insured. Wilson vate for gentleman, free parking. bage disposal hot Water oil heat, th's ornateness of Its brass ouspi- 57 CHRYS. $745 A. A. DION, INC. Roofing, elding, other small equipment also. furnished. Near Church of. Septte Tanka, Dry WelK Sewer Iv^e breezeway. 2-car. garage, Windsor 4-door hardtop painting. Carpentry. Alterations Electrical Co., Manchester, Ml Ozzle'a Shell SUtion. 375 Main St., MI 9-8884; Lines Installed—^^Uar Wnter- Colcheater Man Suicide dorS—and how well they were kept and addlUons. Ceilings. Workman- 9-4817. Glastonbury, ME 8-7376. Manchester. MI 8-1373. Assumption, buses, school, amesit«: , drive. L uge lot with polished LARGE ATTRACTIVE room near proofing Doae. ^ ; . trees, excellent neighborhood. Im- San Antonio, Tett., Jan. 21 (F) ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. shopping c e n t e r. $125 — The death of an* army privalte Ons out of five American men Four Courteons 1 Ml 8-4860. AIR CONDITIONER, 7% ton Brun- bath, private entrance, gentleman mediate occupancy. Charles I-ea- still ate peas by balancing them To Serve You! Private Instructions 28 ner, completely overhauled, A-1 or lady with good reference. 21 qionthly. perancs, MI 6-7$20i from Colcheater, Conn., has hssn MtKINNEl^BROS. ruled a suicide by toe cqwty on toe table knife, and thought i, PAUL DOUOAN NOW. IS YHE tlme tp have youf condition. Must sell cheap to set- Qturch SL anyone who ate toeni off a fork W F R A N D I C K I N S O N ' 8158 kitchen remodeled, bathroom snd EXPERIENCED elementary school tle business accounts. Call AD CaU A fter 1 P.M. Sew erage Disposal Co. lOUTH WINDSOR —802 Graham medical examiner. I3I4-3M teachef will tutor cblldreh in read- ROOM FOR gentleman, kitchen ' Recruit Joe E. Scott, 22, was was a sissy. " W BOB JONES recreation room. For free estimate 6-0784. MI 3-5500 190-192 Pearl SL—M1.S-6S0S Road. One Year old, 6% room A young man could go to a pool it AL CATALANO WITH nn Ncw call Jutras A Son. Ml 9-0279. ing, .arithmetic English, and privileges private entrance, park ranch, attached garage, large lot. found dead of a gunahdt wound hall and keep his social atanding, Social Studies. MI 9-8908. ing. CaU at 169 Maple Street. Immediate occupancy. Ideal home yeaterday in a hotel room here. MH-O-IAMA BIDWBLL HOME Improvement VIEWLEX SLIDE projector with hut If he were seen hanging 2698 JBmtmSt* for couple or email fsmUy. FHA A pistol lay nearby. around , a bowling alley—well, it 38 Other Makefi and' , The type of frock you reach for Co. AlteraUona, sdditlonB, ga- slideomatic and case. MI 3-2886. - mortgaga p<>^bie wi{h a $1,960 Dr. Robert M. Houaman re«. Models To Choose From most often. The softly styled class- The most flattering apron is one rages. Hoofing and siding experts. Bonds—Stocks Morttisgcs 31 down paymeHtHFlorence Realty, turned ah inquest verdict of sui- started 'talk. ic dress, front buttoning, with thaCs embroidered vrith flowers' Aluminum clapboards a specialty. 1958 FORD one ton pickup. 40 feet • SCPnC TANKS MI 8-4889. With only a dollar MU in your p- GMAC and Bank Finaneinf SECOND mortgages arranged with of steel scaffolding and planking cide. short or three quarter sleeves. It makes a thoughtful birthday UnexceUed - workmanship. Easy CLEANED and INSTALLED Scott wse assigned to the med- waUet. you could Impress your No. 8158 with Patt-O-Rama is In gift! I budget terms. Ml 9-jS49S or TR friendly and confidential service. for sale. Call JA 4-0701 after 5. . MANGHESHR, ROOKLENE APPBAUNO 9 room Cape, full best girl by taking her to a movie, a4l66. Write Friendly Mortgage Service, ical training center at Brooke stop off later at the lee cream par- 12%, 14%. 16%. 18%, 20%, Pattern No. 2698 has apron tis- P.O. Box 43, Manchester. SNOW BIDWERS—heavy duty — • SEWERS. - dormer, dining room, nice yard. Army Medical Center. He was the MANCHESTER ^ % , 34%. 36%. Bust 33 to 47. sue; hot-tron transfer for 13 free demonstration—easy terms— MACHINE cleaned « Bcauiiful 8-room executive rihch in exceptional I Csu Discos Agency, MI 94629. son of Mrs. Rebecca Scott of lor }for a couple of big double dip Bias 14%, 35 l ^ t , short sleeve, monthly flowers; sewing embroi- MORTGAGE MONEY from $1,000 only three left at special price. (14 Hammon Court) Colohestef. sodM spend an hour together 0% yards of 35-inch. dery dlrecLons. Roofing—SidiuY « 16 neighborhood. 4 bedroom^ 2 Vi hatha, large pmseled - FORTBR 81REBT area, 9 room sparking on her front porch swing OLOSmilLE'SS3 $60,000, New' low rates on second Phone Gerich's, Ml 9-S02S. • INSTALLATION Ki : BAV DWYWIi tSsef Chr Mgr. To


About Town Heard Along Main Street .-J-,

r. of Xancheiter. AndonSomm of Mmehe$ter*» Sidm StreeUf Too tUid **»—L U8N, Is MlMd- u M to return to DovUfvUle. R.I., XhsOUstooMr i s ... <»days that February doesn’t have, ..y,' tlUa n ooU i ertUi Um Noval Mobile Tou*ve beard that Joka about all the dates In March fall on the Conatractioa Battalion T>Dur after the man srtio walks into a bar same days they did in Februsry. a yaar of duty *t the Kaval Base with a sleeve empty because he And a g i^ In November. In GtaUtiaamo Bay, Citoa. He la waa caught in a milling machine, tlM son o f Mr. and M n. Arthur and the second man with the oth- OiehldB For Youth Hoaaa. » Xnglearood Dr. A Manchester woman wrote to er sleeve empty because of a fast elevator door, and the third man us the other day that "there la ao Manetesttr WA1B8 wiU meet irith no hands sticking out of his much talk of teen-agers gsttlng there's nothing like an Ttteaday at tho Italian American sleeves and his shoulders are dif- Into trouhls I would like to say C3nb on Eldridca St. WelgblnK in ferent heights and he’s asked this." will ba from 7 to 8 p.m. Mrs. if it was an In^trial or auto She went on to say that during

Georga Whidtfeidt, chairman of accident and he says "No, rookie a recent snow storm two teen- the waya and means committee, taUor.” agers helped her acroaa allppery wiU be in charge of games. (That isn’t the way it goes at wralks and later two others rang her doorbell and offered to shovel an, but we don’t bite the hand that HOat and Hoataas at Luts Junior butters us). her wralka doing “sn ogeellent job.*’ Museum tomorrow from 2 to 5 p.m. Anyway, a Manchester man is ’’So Manchester has some won- WiU be Mr. and Mrs. John Hyde, U derful young people,’’ she said. wondering whether a Hartford Meadow La. store expects him to undergo' an She concluded that ahe had just

amputation. received a letter from her son In The annual meeting of Osnter His wife gave him an expensive the South who said he waa en- Congragational Church wiU be held raincoat in Jime. He took it in joying mild weather, but the kind- Mo wdrte g for 0 "good w e did e y'' tomorrow at 3 p.m. in the sane* to have it fitted. Three weeks later nesses of the younger people make tuaiy. Members wUl vote on a pro- it waa returned with one sleeve her reply that she is glad "Man- iiYy dOfnM ony ooy cwiyninDi poaed merger of the Congregation- shortened. chester Is home for me.” al and IhmngeUcal and Reformed He returned It, took a little A Kon. churches ss the United Church of No BtrofcMog or stooping for cloriMflinos abuse from the clerk, and waited Christ. four weeks before it waa returned Tots wash in and st0rt cKol without the buttons. 6 Cars Damager A directory of Itallsn-Amerlcan He returned it in person again, assodmtlons containing the name, told the entire department what it IWO TraOTlB^ vY CIOTIIM O f iH i^ vn location, oSlcers, and total mem- In Skid Crashes could do with the raincoat, and bership will be published soon by was calmed by the head buyer SfOy w orn right In your hoH9o Six cars were damaged as the the Directory of Italian-Amerlcan and assured everything would be Associations, PO Box 5093, New result of four storm-caused acci- taken care of. 'Mokos Ironiog oosior and lost of it, Haven 19, Conn. Local organiu- The coat was delivered an hour dents in Manchester yesterday. tlons are asked to write the asso- and a half later ready for wear. WIQfn9B WDQi IQ S^vif lOOII DfmWv datian for a questionnaire. ’There were no injuries or arrests. After several months, the man decided it needed cleaning. He Cars being driven by Harold IB.

The Ladies of St. James wiU sent it to the cleaner, but after Smith, 42, of 12 Goslee Dr., and hold a pubUc miUtary whist and the flret time he wore it even his Lawrence O’Brien, 52, of 106 R.uS' astback Wednesday at 8 p.m. at underwear was soaked. He called sell St., wore heavily damaged in St. James’ auditorium. Refresh- the etore, and they told him to a collision at W. Cmter and Me. ments WiU be served. Tickets are send the epat to them, that they Kee Sts., yesterday morning. Both available by calling Mrs. Alvin W'ould do the rainproofing. cars had to be towed away. / Baldt, 25 Grairdview Sh, or Mrs. They did. He again was drenched Moderate damage was done to Anthony Gryk. 37 Acculemy St. in the next rainstorm. The store cars being driven by Mario An- o o re-rainproofed it and he was again saldi, 38, of Williams*'Rd., Bolton, Jerry M. Alfonso, fireman, USN, soaked. and John EL Oole, 22, o f RFD 1, son of Hr. and Mrs. Mario P. Al- •rhe head buyer waa no longer Vernon, at 6 p.m. yesterday as the fonso. 16 Drescher Rd., is serving cordial this time. He told the cus- result of a collision on Finley St., aboard the destroyer USS Bristol, tomer the store would give him south of E . Middle Tpke. operating s-ith the Sixth Fleet in another raincoat But there were A oar belonging to Frances F. litfer'-nf'li the Mediterranean. no raincoats of that brand in the Poe of 37 Tanner St., that had customer's size. So another brand, been parked on McKee St., north Paul S. Robarge. machinist’a 810 more, was chosen, and the StUl No Parking of Hartford Rd., was reportedly mate third class, V S S , son o f Mr. customer paid the difference. struck by an unidentified car early You wouldn’t be after kidding us now, would you? Ehren If we and Mrs. Paul R. Robarge, 547 The coat arrived Thuraday. last evening, police said. Damage wanted tb break the law deliberately (just for a second officer, Center St., is serving aboard the With one sleeve shortened. was minor. SUght damage was while I dash in for a pair of water skis), we couldn’t buck the radar picket ship USS Inveatl- done tb a parked car belonging to snowdrift to park here. A parking ban is on In Manchester for ator, operating out o f DavisviUe, More on Calendar Jay R. Stager, 26, of 31 Riverside all'streets, until further noUce froin the police department. Only one reader informed up Dr., at 3:25 yesterday afternoon (Herald photo by Oflara). that we inadvertently omitted the when it was struck b y , a town- year 11 A D . in last week’s column owned plow truck being operated ^ as one of the 22 reversible years. by Hebert Hampton, 62, of An-

AILAItnO Thank you. dover; ’Ibe accident occurred on And while we’re at it, a study of Riverside Dr., west of Welcome FURWACEf f L the 1961 calmdar has yielded some PI.

other interesting data. And

LT.WOOD^. Firat of all, did you know that \

rtaw ns-iut there are two Friday the 13th in 1961? Yea air. In January and Tall Cedars to Hear

October. There’s nothing

Also, except for the two final Fingerprint Expert

Dean W. Cronkite of Ekuit Hart-

Notice/ TBiO fiOLUON ford and formerly of Manchester, like an

^ ^ a fingerprint technician for the WE HAVE DAILY niEMRIPTIONS Hartford Institute of Criminology, SAFELY COMPOUNDED will be guest speaker at a meeting

D E U V a V IO IH E of Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars, of ARTHUR DRUB Lebanon. Monday at 9 p.m. at the

Masonic Temple.

Cronkite has been on the faculty Dries B OLTO N of the Institute for four yedrs, and U)hlii£poo€j

la aUo a lecturer and consultant. Wnsh n' Weiir Fabrics

He recently had an article on AREA Identification published in National Wrinkle-Free!

Law and Order Magazine. A UTO M A TIC DRYER He is a graduate of the Institute LE N O X of Applied Science of Chicago and the Farout School of Fingerprint- per week ing. He is a member of the Interj P H A R M A CY national Association of Identifica- Only *1 tion, the Connecticut division of

that organization, and the Ameri- after low do’lm payment 2 f f E. CENTER ST. evt S o ^ ty of Criminology. Dries All TEL Ml 6 He is fellow member of Tall

C4dars, a member of Hillstown '-{1-^. ij-.", - -.p Washable Fabrics Grange and, an assistant district Scout commissioner. He is a mem- Safely! ber Of the plant protection division

of United Aircraft Corp. Aaagh

I can eat, just so m uch'of this stuff and then Pve had i t Not

another bite. Clear away this course and bring me something tastier. (Hbrald photo by Pinto). . A^TNIVERSARY SALE


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Mobilh e a t T.98 Tested, Delivered, Installed, Guaranteed Grow Them Canopies! ’ • -1 By Our Own M elanies At present on hand; Macs, Baldwins, Stsyman Wine* t ^ j i- Famous For Service "Since 1931 sap, Red and Clolden DeUcions. They are . crisp and CALL NOW BEFORE joi^, right from onr big coolers and pric^ very

WE GIVE OUR SFRINO RUSH BMtdierBte. Certainly the best bay in the fruit lino

GREEN STAMPS today. We package 4 and 8 qt. bags and 16 q t baskets.


J Coll BILL TU N S K Y ORCHARDS AT STORE AT 1 ' MaaehMtcr% Largest I . Oltet TV-Badiq, fAppIhuice mad Beeord Store M l 3-5135 AVERY ST. tIS OAKLAND< ST. Ml 9-9 0 9 5 WAFPINO MANCHESTER, CONN. m C f N I l R L S L \ ~T CORUMRofCHURCHSTa ...... '‘'ft.' ____' ' V - ?" l" '___ : __ ^ ______k ii^ m J JAN. 2t t o IIAli 27

Momo m m p. Rwroym. wi t. tHoumoN.* do.

lag there. They all cbi^ppEd ki >that M ' to rtnt a reheaiw hall ami hOd IJiiiiamed Benefactor aa audition whlHi was attsmMd by Uhllka many theater aaUblea. The dls- Attiea ~ y- of talent was so' imarsestve ki 'Ow it the stars whs siHendsd the re • gswUs,' piaosAii Aided Carol Burnett Ution flnaaoed the gM a for to only battle B fior rto nights tai one o f N ew TorkTi _B*»•* CBS-TV, nid ment on his back-breaking aaper- ning for Carol lOie wank into aacpeditkto led by OQl Lsuireaa vea «iU i MAnrmoe to his early career ienc^ as a comedto. ha did not summer atodc, m ov^ to television dST' P o o l as a ooaMdlan, 'T ve had my know Carol Burnett Certainly, if in IW t, landed the atoning (daOMS itvpad from me; r v e had toed, he drould readily agree such rote in the Broadway ainaieal, fwiUai; yom d oa my best suits; nnationa end impoeitloae would “Oneo Upon a Miattrsao.". This A SBminsto spaMal caOsd *A {Two . dimbed chandeliers arid never be required of a comedienne. BoasoH Carol baa bocome h regular hHght A t Tha Palladium” w ill bo Mtaad ■MBkays; rv e been the butt However, eince becoming a reg- member oC “TIm Oany Itaore t'sisosst next'aprlng oa NBC. Tito Show." Oww will feature performaacen of a admen jokes and taken pun- ular on “The Garry Moore Sbew,’* Getting back to the generous JUkOMBt tlutt would hdve ex* Carol Burnett has mhiwted an by top British and AoMrican stooi banefactor who atokad ker to at VamOmtm BMladtaai dnring n g - Jauistad sturdier |;uys, aU in an ability to take puniMuneat la the ffeme, Carol won’t divulge his sM at ta saehe that one sound taterest o f comedy that we’ra sure ukurstoge pertaMaacea. Lawrsawa name. Harvey win hoet... Anted ArtBto that ia the moat soothing; music in has amazed even parry. Rarely “Id really like to.“ Mm sayn “be- tha amrid—a roar o f spontaneous does a show go b^ in adUdi Carol eauae he ceitoinly dssenrek credit is idatong a doasn filmed spsrials laughter. m6&fis more to us. basn t fallen backwards over a and praise, but he prelera the far OSS la theatraa and for TV. «w h , sliiq>ed on her derriere or anonymity. I paid off the loan, The first two specialB win be the taken a running broad Jump, and by the way, and we always keep Ufe o f ABiart waasteia and 11m ^bled head over he^ from one in touch. - I keep him iqMo-klate early daya of HoUyweod . . . Polly of the atage to the ether. on the prog;ress o f seiveral young Bergen will star ia a aew eesoedy-> Carol Burnett has proved herself performers I’ve been beli ‘ drama aeriea caUad “Occapatkm: a master of gyrmtiona In pressing tot cttly the toitials Female." - ^ One would expect that such ac- of the kind gentleman. Miss Bur- tions would require the Amaeoa nett stopped being an michant- type unattractively bulging with Ing. seductive young lady and re- muscles. However, Carol is a most verted to her more normal de- attractive woman. True, while she meanor. t / / I s/1 \ i n I I n i l i‘r\ ELECTRONICS is evoking that treasured lau^ter, “n teO you this much," she her acUons are far from glamorous, bMlowed. “ his name IsaT John LABORATORIES at times. Beresford Tlptanr* FLO WER “Who ever heard of a sexy come- 277 BROAD dlmne?” Carol said, crossing two FASHIO NS of the shapeliest legs in show busi- Storv of BivsKnifai ness. “ You have to make a choice. If you’re going to get laughs, you -w ILIk O'A SKi cant get wolf whistlm. Does a On ^Expedition!’^ sweater go with a pratt Although the names o f African ' Pretty Redhead leaders Kasavrihu, Lamumba and Actually, Miss Burnett Is a Uobutq have international poUtt- strikingly pretty redhead who oot sii^iflcanee. there are people minus her comedy cuea emergfes as in Africa who have never beard a vivacious and stimulating young of them. lady with an exceptional figure. CAROL. BURNETT Among these are ttM Bushmen, Royal "A- figure’s only part o f It.” com- a small people with golden skin ments Carol. “You have to be seri- and' slanted, almost Asiatic eyes, producUon in Las' Angeles and, a f Ice Creom Co. ous to be sexy. Who wafits to lauM who will be the subjects o f two INOORPfM IATED at Kim Novak? If I tried to be seri- ter the show, a gentleman ap- successive ABC-TY “Bsp^Ntibn!” ous, Td break up." proached Carol and the young man programs — ^’Tbe Lost W oiM of IT Wnrrrb St.—M l t-dt6d appearing with her. He asked about The curvaceous clown was bom the Kalahari," on TVesday, Jan. their ambitiona They told him they 24, and “The Last of the Bush- in San Antonio, Tex., but considers wanted to go to New York and get MRYIS REALTY GO. Lns Angeto her home town be- men," Sie following T uesday, Jan. Over ■KAuroBH—nrsimoBS into show business as soon as they 31 (7-730 p.m., E S T ). cause she lived there since Mie was saved enough money for the trip. eight years old. She entered TTCUt “It was hard to believe what These people are utterly un- 30 Flovors. with every intention of majoring in hiq>pened,’‘ says parol, “But it was aware of the turmoil and strife Journalism. for real. Re gavb us each a that today besets nmoh ot their astoas Servlee For “But the minute I heard about 21,000 check with the stipulation conilitent. In i Gollons! OvarM rears the acting classes in the theater that It be returned in five years, Tbe Bushmen are the last and arts department I was like a hound without interest, that it be dsed fast disappearing remnants of t o . C o a te e S h — M I S -4 1 U dog after the scent of ham—the to. travel to New York, pnd that, nomadic himters who once inhab- performing kind of ham. So, I if we were successful we would ited much of Africa. Over tlw switched to the playwrithig cours- help other aspiring young per- centuries, they have been forced es. That didn’t last long either. My formers in the same kvay.“ from their ancient hunting groonds G. LERO Y NORRIS nex* switch got me right where I Staged Own AadiMsu into the barren Kalahari Desert ASSOCIATB ONE HOim wanted to be—up on that stage in Carol arrived in New York In by other natives and colonists the acting classea” 1964, moved, Into the . RMiearsal with' superior strength ad aggres- ' There’s an intriguing story of Club and took a job a4 a hat check siveness. Only by sheer coorage liumrmmcr o f 4U Kind* .-A an un-named donor behind OaroPs gtri. ' She became president of and uncanny skill hava these re- a w m r H fy success. Five years ago she was ap- the club and devised a plan to markable people managed to sur- Bond* pearing la a light opera wbrkahop “showcase” the talented girls liv- vive in the vast desert wasteland At W B. center St.. Maa^ester Chnreh Oemeis, East BartfocO SM NO. M AIN im iB E T rODNK Ml I t s IH o B rS h lrtS en ficB SATURDAY Television PROGRAM 7BI M A IN STR E E T At OM MMdIe T u ^ ke West Id s P erry Maeea ( t:M Have Oas. WIU Travel am fikr KiMr ' Raym oad B u rr la “The Case ot Starring Richard Boan T n « Stmr r the F ic k le Fortune." C iv il serran t Serafina—visiting San FOR 15 YEARS iMMck w m tUmnr Balm goee tO’P erry Maaon tor l»eh> after on royal buslws la flhrcd hy AB Work Deae Oa rreudees Ose41eo«B BewOss aomeone phiadera Ms . c a r o( members of her court to to a kid- U:M TkU b DOmm 3153,000 In old greenbacks from nap victim so Paladin la Mrsd to DMeeMve"! Disty aa estate Inventory, find her. NASSIFF ARMS GO. Bmumw p n, M- The MaUea'a Fatdro . tA M I- (Ooler) Lom e Greene. P ern m “A Presentation of News”— do- Wstch Mr. Whsid . Roberts. D as Btoeker and M lrhael totes on vital issues. John K M. HAS BEEN THE BIGBT Complete Auto kssisr mt toe fSNSto Landon a lar In “ The Span Should lb s Maval aesevve ish O ram . Womaa becomes part Sovist FIAGE TO OO FOB kepahing (Cialor) I of an evil plan to drivo many ---- _ J ,»y BrtUah labor Batsrday PeeSerwaee# V irg in ia C llv homeeteadera from Party Osskell^nd former New EVERT I HINO TOP WANT "Radio DisiMlclMd” t:« Mevh: t U i^ land. (Repea t! York GOvei^r Thomas B. Dewey “One Minioa Ylelor Vahire. TIM D a aib w 3S*a A to 53 »n ieiiD ^ Mevb li IN Wraehar sd Road Ourole lawMs Donald M ay stars In “ B ig Town BollygOod Canteen” I Married dsaa • I B hw a A column Item espoaes Itrit Onaejnske ' $ STORTING GOODS gleni^dletleii Tbealse I m n ilrlss to gangland baltets. JapaM Amess and Deanla Weaver. Sofvica ear A trapper offers a Bight’s he^f. •its ChackaMSa 3 Wity to-a naan and Ha srth and Col Ml 3-1901 Los fiitolei^Sakars V. ' ^ B tarrlag A nlliony George. Doug la Jailed on suspicion at nmider lOlS MAIN ST.—Ml firl647 . phla W arriors M cClure and Sebastian C a b ^ when the woman is later found “HOUSE OF ErOBTSr* c t o s e Wsobiitosn A 4 Jam es Gregory and N orm a Cran e Dayton a t Looisrtne ^ are the guest stars when a In lg d 'alleaal Atl-Star BewUng TOnraa COOK'S 1 MOIUob D ollar M avla U threatened with death a t the hour set tor execniten of a man noant A 4A t t SlRVICE STATION “ HoDywoed Canteea " Ja c k B i t o baa sentenced in “ Hionr at The- At San Bemardln% CaU. SAVB ON ' Betty Davta B xecuU oii." toumament finato bat todkgo wito MANCBBaneBcmaaeir I M avie The ThB Man t t . 30 the’ championship gnaem carrbd COATS “ It ’s A Sm a U W orld” . P a al ] B a rn r fiunivaa and d a O ulager p» the telecast. Don Dnmphy. Anne Snolter b “frie Grudge F ig h t." B illy and commentator. SNOWSItITS 1 B is Tim a WreetHas , a srouns gunslinger set oat to k ill > Temhetooe Terittery t A A nsM iaa it Ghaha D.8., Marshal n JACKETS The Challenge of A m erican each other. Mike Hawssor tS . eaUon. Lew Q jl ^ Aaaver A S3 Satvdw NlghtBenest - n DRESSES D ees—* Theater . . COMlaih Barbara BltUngsley and Newe. toutb_____ . weatoeo . I 1 Bew U as B la n to Hugh Beaumont with J e l^ . Math- Dlroreo Coni* ers and Tony Dow, “ Beaver's Sstarday NIgM Ni I and Wonlker g ir D aea a(-toe .Week tta m .tla n Secret LUt-” ^ The (ismUy reada hla diary and ate frightened when- ■oltrweod’e Fbeet 30% O FF I S n d a l S ' & a w u they learn: that to has been doing Cntsta TImr . O asL O a lb a t some dangereot things. "The Spanish Oardenei". d t f lla r tbM •iW The Dowdy ' ft . St : P b y etTks Wesfe u Henry Fonda and AUed Case In IThe Dybbuk” . Carol Lao “Paii Md Present.’’ Bask Clerk tab 8L__ „ hAan-Mad's I B e a d e a v e n e WMh permlb a notoiions ootlaw. to es- Sondsy Dinner For A SsMbr.” 691 Main 9-il23S cape during a holdu^^ JUidt NR* lieek t WeSeH Tto.Eeiu > A t o . I t Rhrid’e Bee* Merlec fCen*.! ■ FREE PABKINa IN BEAR 5 Musical hour featuring Lawrence “Ftlmt Command". Robert Tay- . Welk.aod Ms ChamAme Music lor,.^Uth Hnss». BARRE GUILD Mtaken. .t:M .8an Faaacleaa toa* t A dveatnre Mat ih r Hire u 34t Neva dad Wentocr Ji MONUMENTS M ark Sah«4 PETS! B rlto tas ^ B a d dr T a lw O f t b V t U t o d PUPPIES tlm tii • to ll UN Naaiaat tttl la torn a tb a aTib eed w ay Exclusive TRIFLE REFINED Aaoericaae A tw elirk ' ' ^ E iB ]MroMHbaiiMtliei#a ‘ I K aeere I Pete « O ladra • TROPIOALI ^ ^‘OritpaM land nmL OausR M... MV. E d AILANTIC heating OILS MUlioB DeO ar H evto “Botorvood Canteen”, LITTLE'A Mc Kinney *^*1SSp6Rm nr, BsU e D arla L. T. W OOD CO. Iff WOODBRIDOE ST. T b a W a r t om s r MBMOBIAI. OOMTAMr MM^tW Mba . Tdc'phone Mlfchell 3-1129 MANdHESTaOK 4Tt Center 8t.--TeL Ml 8-T7M HIskwar Petrel Ml S-Sdtt Mow Hetireae . , > . - 5 ' ■ ;-v ^.- . ^ ■ •; "WAWCaEgTBH EVENmg HERALD, MANCHEarEE, CPKNC ' SAtUftPAY,' JAKUAfey Si; im PACtE THREE FAOBTWO ICAMCHESnSR BVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATCl^AT^ n,rtm --‘-----^------— '' ' *" ' ' *' " -'■ ■■ [,. ty',l ^.. g.-i, yA^**********^ PROGRAM PROGRAM UNItlF TUESDAY 4.18 Edge ^9 iR^nv 8A8 fu a m or rAJHuim ___In ‘'M r.______•iM diia 'satb^ OroeS" / i n Part L - .a - to ha a riuvwd htM*: h •( fh« aiv AVTO -- ^sstesig M. iS amsmsn toe rosnlt to toot M Bsorly evsry tradesman ELtCTRONlCS IS Vat A iWCI4)i»roD8...^MHg rCHNirtTKE TS brS&tm yM eFM m ri^ TbrnU" Om 88 liW 1 ELECTRONICS I s A end Ksan rHortoff to host .’’.l^iooBe' LABORATORIES ______Yard Dragnet” D oneiy n e l,------"soctoUte •tU >.1. ...■ I „ burglar to mumuider her LuliORATOHiLS f M |gi*iMlaaih|K Omt W «^ Antalaa I laAeor «tW M S W r M ■ 2 u n & esrabhy ghyw ' 277 BROAD Qussts: nie starring M A NCHESTER ’‘••sSSriie 88. ______rd Jtoer. Stog^ 277 BROAD ~ * L oSI^%S*£ na Cteetanff !aS? oooeh POtoenfer to wanted hy tl# fwlNM W m 5 members of toe Irlto BepubUrtta EASYTO OLIXiMOBILE WUM 8.88 amah hrasTiieQraw Brotherho^, on a ^ t g e of -vo im oummobD,b Diuuuiar. Oorts ss der and betog a traitor to their SEKT - PARK HERE S.U On ^ilanhel U 5T2-WEST CENTER STREET 8:88 liasng F S B e a Tlwaley 18 TherO’s Dover • potldag ••Tbe V l«m ' 3 Ml t-lStl AnuyuMO 808 SitoEtoT*Msws and "The B 8.18 Lt—Mr Tvmu problem at BTANEK'S. _jrl5f*.S3S W ayne.------JaSdeoIrtMon TOtydf?” *’ *!2t a.u No metera either. OpcD la the aita. n « Rev. [TduSay/’Jld g ja g ;. 8.88 ly L a ^ W -ithM W dto — Olnhhsnsr Thoradlay eveodaga' aatn . Jriar. Saietv^Tested peoMUher BtH Mg Fletara ttm ( _____ BamMtlomSSeh^ Beetbov^ -TriUt. iitt News A 88. 88 ______4JMTOI Rj Mwrwnvw* *»■ Andtn. „ to Mahler. Ouesta: Bomwao ttrclt Corac^ ond Dick l^ymeo* wiatf'e Tear TwriHef M Nelsaoa, lAeatyne-JPrlce. Meno les VRlags Smnranp, FVaads Bihle, Soprano. I/secf Cors" liaa d S^ Vidsr o s “' 3 to*toe 80s." Documrataivj “=««cisrtu • WwTniJt a^Ofieira Oompw •Tlia O . ra tt^ r, l^Sbody”.^Bddl' with American world el-1 I \ i:\mi) s \ I, I ' I I: \ I ( I U iM XMh to lha U fa Daaoer Odward vinella. New J Albert.t, j S a a L e S U a > \ . Tork City Buiet Vsg‘’&M 8 Fsg n .Ineai News x^ritiSL **** 18*D. SSfiSSTaSS** H Tea PlaJ M h r_____ ,s ^ h o S a c ra d Ifushroom’TL. 'He- sults ot srimUflc trto to Mexleo ”BoUywoad Canteen". Joan Craw- 1:U Wraem^lfaaa. mghBghb hr aeries producer'ColUer Toung U :U IMhat . M ford. Jack Beany . „ _ JUd rbrntamOt^ Ibraisg Oeait ipsrts Camara I and John KewlmiA McBRIDE'S fOM U i » U :W Caaiara tttfea . A * W . P. QUISH Tsdsy> WesuH News __ _ .. ■aparimaetal aariaa; Jfmaa X a» W'lPa-^’o^rg. ArilJl!! ______woo aao me worn m UtaanwOeas He> 1.88 Whnt Is The Watid OF MMraw, boat. " ‘ ------Fad WInckeB r Oseeeetesllss „ 8I. SPORT SPOT hZSd-oa-SK-a^^^^’im S ^ Gnenta: n>e t — Ouanea the poHdes and.direcGom Levs That Beh Aii. ■ jShn Ctaith and R ^ert I>dler _ I\. ^ ‘TSro.ri-e.uhrttoS Ariel CANADA g g ^ n y act: also qt ^ new ‘tMAfrica: aaa----- nationa.— John FUNERAL HOME 18:88 Leva Of Ufa "Killer Without Cause". SUm 10 I IM UENTEE ST. oar ruth Onather,______^^r, narrator. _ Trath sr Oseeeeni 88 I I BbennftB end ores public rew®t» •8808 • tEL. Mt S-M49 Mmw wHh Jase AByssa tal (;W m I^ s F m s ^ Fasa lu . nfMA»FIBEEF Cwmseflsge A 48. 88 meat end • ura n^iTapattiicM Oslekrity OsH *• U;88 n psuMWa Tan 88. 88 Indian cowtiond’BldUer to lua- Compfeto Q MHiftw s IN8UNAN0E U:M Dennis Morcan __ ^■on IS forced, to jb^houaelMld * » Bpsfto A 48 Egtagp ■ SSSfaaaMf ABtUaa chores whila his man Friday takes Far Timstrsw „ - Msfa Baaay A 88. 88 IPQe Vnv nvifmiiQii XtmrntH aniDB the day off. Beat The Olaek A « . • m S s Prissy, toe young hen, t r ^ S J S ^ ^ n e T ’r'M o rk Bt.vrt,4| ■aar at flt. Vram *■** SfonnaSon'game; wWr *Sen aigPletnc H 11:48 The Ouidlag UgM emcee role, .but tbera ■'J; OONSITLIT IRnrs aad Waatoss Woolrich and 10-X Ciothing M iU Aiaaai Tawa Lodden, moderator. Team of ua- mOOEPOKATED 18:H Nawe Su rJspeH some ^estlon as, to her aMtty ISiM W r IMIara *5 dermMuatea fh»n Loulslane ^ate “=~£saiS5sr-tow -.2 RORERT J. Iria My UtlU Margla when auD b'tait^uced' » ------by Foif- lliU JMk I ^ Bhew Sta Dri Waterproof Boots s VnftersT...uverstty------wtll--- challelifn------a wto-*“ 4Wg» Ftogg.^ A 88. I horn Leghorn, tlie too ror—rooster, IjColor) ' OHAMJCW J. V A N DEtJSKN III which Wluvu. peoijaffvwtnv ntaif team from. Hobart and Wil- tm Fatoac Rnswa Gniia and Ammanition disappear, a coil ot rope standa liam Smith College. Genera. New tfeSTesSwi Bobert Toung Jgfj: J ^ J e n e . W ^ hi "lESSecfwfat Point". Louis Hay- Olatrtet np aad other wonders oedur. YDrir ssMvuis sMs-Mien. Bennett Cerf, "Harbor of .Mlsetag Mea, "Swlsa F s ^ y Andsrson’’. FWrad word, Jbon fVmtotoe. adeaea FteMaa Thiatrr Chet HaaSey Bw HIm Arlena Francis and guests. SMITHn . ard Donning, FhaMrad# MI 9-8747 - "IMSOBA SMRHS SOfOB MM" '• iHSUBANC* MIh Aaaaal Btag CieeW G ^ This Is Tear life _ ^ si Mi MAD* STBEMT. OKOimD rUMHMn S-SMI im As A o K^UTOraa UiM Jnak Pear Eikw Tearaaasaal • . A *• Wlasisa Gharehn J5 SM to looit H (Color) ^ IM. Ml » m i «r FI S-FMl lt:M Aatadeaas At Wath 150 top amateurs from the apora, The Valiant Tears. SS3YeS5llh Bmy M h o pmoauui U:4C Night Dekk.. liM Tsar Oeauwaalb' ' huslneas and entertainment fMda Remain." Britain e n ^ e a ^ » - Meter PMyhraee Cbadc Oooaor ItriS w S d ’s''B«il Movies (Coat.) INieelleBa ■M . . . ^ hare been tnrited to htay. Hng month Lotwaffe hUts. Bpectolly son 18:84 News sod Weather ReUglour aeries produced la . . Croebr. assisted by Dick Denehey, filmed. ae 8A8 The MUBanalra I ' A ' C o m p l E t E I r d k o Bht T I e t m ______^ • • •:W The Twentieth Ceatary _ - News _ ^ « ! ®*“ ^® *® *----- T ta "The. W g ern which atara John and • W A L L P A P E R S 1:U Testatday*s Wawsreel > News •W eather • Te------—■ and U s buddy "City Under The ICe." iVoat- Qnaan Far A Dny are forced' to consider Peter Brown over ABC-TV Sunday S«nrle* mentary about the cpnstructiqp Baaday^ m rhtJM l The VMUet bblrenn T« • SANDERS^ POLISHERS of Camp Century, flie D.fl. Army s Hew, A tfealhera S A V I N G S 8 .8 8 tnew lumre m order to writo an nights. Now he’g hem hired for a Third In a aeHes of four dlscua- News Is Berlew — Frans. Thao: eaaay on toe subiect for toeir last extraordinaryClAUW hUtlAUlW ^ nuclear-powered ajl«wav«a-f»arwaes j,w de-—- jjandslena role which la a complete gi^ritch' STEAMERS FOR RENT stona on "Catbolie Beflectiona m. ^ ^ .sn s A lM s* rnmmmmwsala OranefiNeni Assignment. - ^ -^ S E E — Anterlea.’’ Partkdputa are the fense and aclentltlc research out- Met Ferre? N(/ Iv O A IV Be Our Oo*st_ li ftom the prairie porta he’g h ^ Her. Ms«r. Fraads J.^^LaHy. WIV 800 miles from lbs North Wbe Ds Ten Traslt 81. SSff ^Stfen to "Terror to the getting. Ydu’U next l>e seeing Ham Clancy. James O’Oara snd ^TSaStSty'lUrtlne.’’ Claude Dau- 8:88 Bancer 8ady _ . . D^wrt". Marshal Bui> sets out to CLARKE MOTOR SALES Faeple Are Pnaay •• Qnulyxegnoy inala "King •skAAsi^ Mlda*"« su \mms toiw be— w —spot-■ — ■ Pali’s Paiit aii moderator TPhlllp Bdiarper. i,_pi^y_ R«*to ^ 5S£J.5r?JEBn5:^8.S-- SSto TO evil raUuefon b e ^ ^ lifted m8em Amtta Tntrt *PhE Ow SPEEDY SpMidty interrtew with PanI Harrey. Mr. Bd. Don W ILLIS Gamse £?^&;?.?SSe?tiSk?&r S*tS CMvaleteeat Horm^ aWCEALMTE PI ' * $48 Osattoeoial CIsmriim . 88. 88 8*itt I f f « i K j K r » TRULY DELICIOUS (Color) ‘ ^ , WHEEL AUONMBMT «M 8:88 IWs Is Oim Fjrito 8 lat MONDAY Television PROGRAM EEAEE 8EEVI0B Osnttoeatat Clasgri ins 81. M sfsr&'isssr- § "Old ItoUlsh.’) George Arltos. | m color - Mary H. Gtblln. Prealdut OENBEAL ADTO KEF ADI___ Newe . . 'V- S ^*'‘fiBUht CHICKEN star In “Queen of the KIonM 8:88 Tswa Orlsr 18:88 Jetamy ------Katherine M. GlUIn, Manager Ckaaaal Flyst Shaw _ „ |flMiF«» MAnv 9Tw M A N C V m m 7:88 DaVo Oonoway Ssday erow "Drageroua Bxlle . Louis Jour- Panic and violence feign In 8L. **** Tv"Shm Order. Earhet . M ler • Sperts 39 Oottage SL. Manobeater ) CanUaealal Olaasreaas It. W way when freak weather closes I 1%a workTa aMla’ efelefc- dan, Belinda Lee. (d>lor). leak ani Loan - 8 ****•»’.%______»'Mevie in i-68» (Color) _ , Bsny Shew _ IP passes to the fold country. \ 'My Dream Is Tours”. tm ” wHh teeamparable taste. ( This Is Oar.JFaith • 8:18 Ki3y OtHlIlh Shaw ^ Coiverstty at lbs Ab I ****S5a ■ OsaUasstal dassrsoas tt. It ’The Woman They Almost Tl88 Nsurs J Doyjiim Bowman. Lynched’’. Joan L e ^ . In order to celebrate FVx^ers’ 8.18 News •W ca tk o r Big News Antomatio Sprinkler end TAJKE HOM E 8EKV10E (Color) . , • Admiral • Swabky Shew to Day in th« town of Mayberry, Aettoa Theater I Lightning Froteotton I Tmni 'Crier _ - thp city council nayosa SHERWIN-mUMIK 144 News AWSS^^Sf liI » Daye Oarreeray Teday * ^ w S:tt Be Oar Gaeet „ !• Nsws, Siwtta. Woofter 44 Menriier of Aaaobintlon ef OoD- tt. It Bia TIa Tla . « . ) » beauty contest - 8.44 _ q . . 8:41 News II *1R MraraBsawTO VQhB ftI 5:t5 Big Mac Shew M Daato 4:18 Oowbi Kaasara# 8dH r ■IThls Hitog Ctolled ^ v e ”. Rosa-1 necilwit Chronie aad Ooavalen- Leak sad t-aani > Howard Duff in . _ I HeUa CaKrerstty el tba Air • 5:88 FeUx The Cat ^ > AiiFM I unnmioli PAINTS RA’IVEIQS •:44 Feotara^Fta 7:88! Itad RuBselT Melvyn Douglas. eent Hoepitale. DERI’S DRIVE-IN t:M Weedy Wwdweker » Ray". Dante get# birolyed^lh a "Tile Undercover Mai Joeh Paar Sbsw 841 I News ' ' sS Carteea Playhease » broken down Tighter add his dls- SW P IrioTtEii rEAMss—Asmnr matebiaie MIlfloB DoItor.Mejrle (Color) M» CKNTia 8T.—Ml ••t«W Wasthcr tt ^ W A I X P A F B B , Btl. ___ Ford. Ntoa Fodi *T1h( Great Mr. ..Nobody", Jaaicle Jim • Feroer _ . . Faatare 44 _ I PereeptlsB, ! Httws K MtS^yTTparadls. 8. 8 .^ Albert. Joan L e^ e U:84 Jock Faar Shew BieaMul time f Gardner H c A y In ’Jf^ *?ot- Ml HAl I ^ m. 1*L. Ml s-esM Hamper Bssm Bchsri Wentter. Leeal .Mown I Bap RIrhards * t;15 Madera Digeet . H Adventnre eeital 88. 48 Mun. Chimp WlltUlfP namedUMHlWhg . sPtoaa*Jerl. who waww «E ^ Newe and Waattra U 44 { ^ “Sesk , ^ . a FLC3IBINO aad * Cenrelr •Csarares * Beaeae ' _ •• ' T escaped from a Mtelllte capsule AtaBMUUke 7:U Weeten Mass. HtgUlghto ) Peatare Film __ „ a,IS nrenifier News • Sports I 8:48 Lsonay Tnaaa 18:5 World’s tawt Maries (eeni.) • HEATINO FOR ECONOMICAL, "Las Vegas Shakedown”. Dennis The CanfPralaas ' <* parachuted hack to earth. hnVIs ilB Onnlain R an n n a “—ita Camera 18:84 Newa • Weather • CONTRAOTOB t:M News A Weather lost on a South ,8eas Island. " ' U :H Mtroeat ef Medltottoa 8 1 O’Keefe. Colqen Gray Slreetoteto Of Danger IS S.84 I HanladJaaa 1 PROMPT. EXPERT Tapper ■ .* -JAoUea Theater 1* COlURN ft MlPDLElROOK. hie. Commercial Ctahkeasa J* 18: HenacsM »:4 4 K ^ ”SS8. *’** ifly"and*Jeremy Stole star* ilSaSfrtri. ri Osmfert * *5 Oemaaae . . „ kto^Mper ta ’The SpedaUst.’* INVESTMENTS flay When Diver Leny Lahr and Us .new ss«sAr.“ S t:tS News I. •. t*. *• ck iW na thatiSat thereUiem' ereare cer- . partner, Mike Madison: ineet three Ahnaaae S tain important qtialltles that arcB OBOBOB r. FOHI^M JE.. 1 peoede oil the beach—« nd a n aooo Service t:tt tesney Tpass S t:S5 Sports *1 18:84 VMm vttlsgs 1:N After Ofeaer Marla „ • ' • a handsome, pots^ specialist sndi LMSAorroere handled . Beat Seller _ uSked > t o tPirln« to po c o t o p a tilt Oaalalp Ksarstsa to fvieEdlt AMDjanxFFm teamba' waterakil&K trophy from a aunk- Beridentlnl On A l Mokns nf tiW I Mprried Jsan > "Supan Slept Here •DIcA PtoweU, OH A U . BXOHANOES U8TED AMD ijNL|Bna>--atcTDAL funds Fbw Tsar Rnneb New Version Msrpipc BbfW 2 Debbie Reynolds ^18 «a boat. „ _ Itltt Dsrnnker Brids ^ ,,to Phil S n r e n _____ .* • "Dear Cliarile,’’ with MOtou CEL. MI S-llM ^Ued8brE WacMi Trala 99. UU Beto-Botor TV, Rodip and Phono* MUHen Dsllar We*!?. Berle, Con man plots to. take a •M MAIN 8TKEBT Thetote Ward Bond tod toiert Say Whea fortune from two old rnalda. , . I Basle J "The Great Mr. Hbbody". Bddle “•“wrAaveatok. Horton co-star to- .W elri>l.. .«* Of ^Lincoln^ Bervloe Milt Video V ^ o «• Albert. Joan Leslie . MIIHsa Dollar Maivta . M Command." Major Adams* Judg- Phono Ml 9^537 ^ Best Seller * WeaAer. laeal Naurs M "(>ld Kngllsh’’. George ArUas, iSrSig Ogert ment meets a severe teat when he Newa sf the Hsfr aad Weather M Doris Lloyd, - Dtaner Is Served risks two men's lives to save 888 Ph|y Tear Haack tt M H:S8 Ssa Praacises Beat BNAR L LOREN1ZEN (Color) _ ^ a News sad Weetber to 11:84 OeaeaTOrattsa aboard INh'trato. . „ On ^Omnibus^ Tea Asked Far n J The P M i^ ’e C h ^ „ _ » Jaekaet Bewllag _ , tt.lf Clear H « * w ' H gar HgMM . UolV PheiM Ml 9-7412 Pofterfon's I:U Westera Msaa. HIghHgbto n Starring Milton Berle,.— Bob W . H. England Lumber Co^ iMva nml.Bab Rod Taylor to "N ifU Cry". ISO Oeater St.—0«r. CSnuwli St. “’^W^vujr/.Biriri tt 4 ttoarta Camera >* Btrarap Ts George Howard, tecOve Is brutsito . oUesUTOod "Abraham Ltaoofai; The Eariy .. s Peter Onaa 8. M. U -AT IHC «*8 B | - - V ***** Tratoler Oeneeeneeeee , 2 S about a murder, wUch he tries ffiSalsK CeaH •• « 7:lt The Amerteaas . tt. IP Craig Stevens In "Blind Item,’’ to pUtoe toe blame on someone T«a»” wUi bo soon hi a newly Academy Wsyheaee - JJ Darryl Bldonan and Dtck_ Da- Wealthy man Is U IM abortly U:84i»W&2,*_____ CljMe edited venian es the next pre- ll;tt OeBceatmtlea tt. M yaloa co-etar In "Harperia Fmry. after en Item appears in a gossip 1:88 Wasted—Dead Or ABv# . „ . - aentatton on ’ ’Omiribue” Sunday, ThEABitiH A. Clear Barisaa. . ^ « ^ 1881’’. Re-createa the destroctitm column. Open All Day Saturdff9^ ». M Steve McQueen ators. BondoU ar- Vnt That Bsb t. W. H of the tlidon arsenal at Barpei^s 11:88 News, Weather end SpMte , 8. 48 rives to a strange town, sune- Fri). 5 (NBO-TV Notwock, 6-6 Il:tt Inve el LKe Femr. VAv which split asunder World’s Best Msviea _ _ 8 moned by on offer of 1800. then Is p.m, B S T ). chambers m Trath Or Oaasaaaeaecs the CAnfteU farntty and erupted ed Dost”. Clark OaMe, Jean The TV prognuiunera are tak- Petsr Brown, young deputy on wounded by«an unknown gu ra n ^ TWa program originally waa Moving.... Camealtags _ 8 Into the bloady conflict ot the S riow ^ i4e. The Prioe la Bight 8S7m ll:W Heareb A r Temetrsw Chrll WarJ (Premiere). _ ing deep howa.hir thenuMlvBa . . . "Lawman” Is an expert en the A 44. pgeaented on the^“Onmihus” aeries FnoUng.... It OeaM Be Tea mereaae ' __ . .A.48.8t Wtorihar - A 8 fagt-draw and U now entering top iSiene Frimcls will emefc# — In 1962 as a five-part filmed eeries. Ty Hardin In ’The Inraders". An 11:18 Film > 8 Soma ahowa eat' more than three Uora of vacatloolim Plh r3g»->— 9S W dlB S t ^ M l 3-7254 ‘Toughest Man Aliya". MTODUB A T BKOAD . “ pMomtad with on Treper oreden- -T-* ^ produpUciL ' •i88 R ! S *t £ $ * ^ r a .tari %S M^ U la Milan. tlola and unifhniL. • ;V; '’I


-jjJiraU rom l Mi I t « nh. “ S15W .raaaiS .» W m ea Jtev* mored Into the otd fbikB hoine and A Nalinii R f*rnw )i DM gy/W "^ baSj*ed frorai 7 bamhail£!no.' % Ibry. £ae-^ »««-- ‘ii ofthart^gaiad ^H O ilkilliEit« John Ihriytha la "When to Borne” ^ t le y flMda it dUBcoIt to woik to the ratnantto almo- nqurranoN *di < Jtorto apbere at Rome, uadi he meeta « tour gulda ■ AMOS *•** Rf*k*»- K»w« Mr Three ~

vfvoNdO K Arai *mVS!rS&m^ IW M aotokaommi ■fckUiW BaMoy Sji.ri^.-sfe'ss l:M M m «ith other people. |I»;M Oeanrj^irlaeal T arefttoatar ?asrsu •»M Bhumosm BmlaJPeid fbato M. «. w? (Colw) Queat; jrdm R ittt Kb M>r I j t o e » f a r Hadaily Sar?**"- li Tha Cntaoehablaa A a* M^iwNjisr. Bd^ R^rt Stadc In .“The 'TnMinlaa Albert, Joo^Leolio ta ”. Near dlacorers a pGaS- fopioj) M. M- « BteMred by two mobotera to ob^ : O i r i B N AM. U S P JL . m_i*T> (MU' nnlae crlrte throuobout the noun- Tstt Wmtora IfaMael—eiia Wrbllrliia nr to taSe orer and expand the fBiDAT in ain rs n u . stSA D Came tatereata. Haaa ftope SATimikAT CiNm i NOON assr ^ »»*'_ ■' s U:W TV ReReeaHa ' * ■. « . n >:M Preaenta Raoe' The Matton. Bom- Olt^ leaaooa fcom w Bmlth. D_i>k moderator.______. ____ •-The • TCown^ yVeDCtanoa to anUd- M*_- RicChrthy Debate". .or a honeymoun In Fbrla. "Doea a Bto Fhderal tU d*: ment Threi^ . Our v re e d e m ra Barton Ifacliane. Doa C onie?a^ Senator Barry M. (Johhaater ot KIXINOTON M ANCH co-atar; •The Da)- Arlaona wtH fatake the atflnnatlre and' Senator - aae J. tteCarVkr W eed Ro ilS ^ s s r" * diiu MtoWaat son heavywriKht title flaht -ha ^ Soon Th Die". Seays SR.'(^iew)r".'*"'“ ‘"ItelevlaedT-^ ^ n*nt.-ho Baeehart. Anae Baaeroft. d:» Wefiber. Mews A a m g ftLW ekl Bap u | A: The fight Win he carried on Rampei Beam Adrsatare Settad dAiSS!;?* Oom^)^ pa!Sei*wrtM. atorrtair| circuit tdevlahm io theaten Jsckl« Oleasott. _ uiroqghaat the coimtqr. 1 ^ e a a y T u CiBl um Nisiissi I C a j f a l a R i d:M Mews a i fUchard Slw> D G n S e d CM Marto •• •SS^jL. poiEtman* to l^ ^ fr *t true that FMaceaa Mhiw 1>M Ba y Bideva Hsaderaftad Quality | mai SmmSeT'Eida Say Whea JSanSS2th2‘SS&ciiS7ffiCl:^f^^ *•****« Boigat Tena»^-Sf« WHUair D a la r Mgrto u |MA» VUea TOtoBt H '- Itobody" Bddie BARLOW'S Best BeHw Albwt. Jo a n .l> aU e^ ^ h2d Hoore- . A. Tea Thomaa Oonin la uo FOR THB H U T OT TV ge^SneT'SIfe?’^; Slit“ 2 d ^ IS IMS TOUAND tT S B . lea , |U ;W I_I MBMdMstor Tsii MqwDUs s rhaae MI S-MSS **Qul«t NlKht'*a SX’«MBvl& I la t lio lUUn# of Um AM to l^ C T it at tha Top al the l«.eaU tli ClMR JSi*2-pnilHe etorm AK?(S«'ir.ilSfliSSKT'^Ki.¥ -Datt^ulv iSSLf O rw » with emo- Oeaeealiatlea ttonal , proMema kaihper the Ballard. Cdl Ml 3-27S 1 Asya That Bab! araifoB Oeltar ■t iMiM U ta Sedelie-bound cetUe •brh^ i ar Caa »:M la Poncio Pence of "HhwelloB mm A sranTDAL u r r f j r ; ; —ft,Dtoto*e Baras and y 8 iim ®3M ’jaarrled ?—tTndy* K. menS? week, aa .*" ■!“* revealed * * 5 ! . of , news cem eias yaaled * thwenbt: i.A..Ponce*• la *"***^marrlM and hiaa haa two LSmS. o S " A dA jM ^ aed^eround‘—*** uuaaa r^todw Debra Lynn, ,g, and Paute

1 \<1iiTMiiBt Ooag. Ckaweli 7 ___ ~ » P“.i“w^ed•^tae^^ SMnS S'AeUrdr^, **“ a;! ’St**‘^ ^18 «ie.Ralumnkev‘‘. B ariw AM Jhinea Whitmore lit " B r it," ' A AtHaaM WUh KUtr phskMipeareaii M ttor aimimi* St n; la golna to •M ■ KhKTi'&m M * 2 g * to“ t«r. echeduled for 2*“=^w-wafvii ?«tton inIn KA f(Mr1 deye. do\ layMt fiel B^c's coioUeo- k>M .. ^ Kssfcmrt * • tloa ot 200 Mitlowe time piectA Mid ia tha volea eC Bamay IhilMa Judae Brydan and hereby on "The nintatonaai"'aM T ABC- a~m, eresaes patha wSk nHSir' >** ?- TV Iriday ala^tA Mews a Weadtor Mimiii -J

_,A»dy WUUau and tha KcCulre N U m iR D R IiU .ASlatara ariU.JM tha apeclal Bueat |*«W Awarf^sIM.*® ' M atari on "RememW How Oraat," SITERPilnES. NHL ajgeriM ^m uai^ jpriety pnefam ' ] to an- _ »Mm De e ——I atari Jack Benny aa hoet on WeeJ^Tp-it Mevtos (Cast.)' a 3 NBC-TV Thureday, Feb. • (8;S0 •da HeA.Barviee and rarM . to t:S0 pjn . B8T). OMMeUMi BuNaiMd nSSiSl ll» Wemeela Of Cmforl g m HMWiart Bead WaaeiiadtMe C o m . . wK^ito^jnm^VmA? ft: SWic Powril will act aa boat and I atar Bathara Biatley kehet MDi^hea kMER T iB one out of every three "The **® tltl* role_ln **iiM k Powell Showa"' during the l fTi** ffiaSiSurus Blorj^' Sut- 1-62 aeaaon . . . N at "K lnr’ LtdP* Jto n t on acuto case ot IS?'*, “*• Thunriay,' e x p e r t Oo^ been aigned to do a TV I £!?• ’ Special for W oi£ RIM n r , the 1061 Elaatef Seal drive, r rh..“ sT;.” ®^‘^ NetwodT(#-5 M E C H ^ C S TH E C O LO N IA L O A K Burtrn D. PE.ARL O O M PLm n iS K PACKAGE STORE \ 1 1 1 I \ '. I 1 \ \ 1. I I iv N n i 1.1 < ‘ N I j. J aaf CJUrREW|l(«i= , . DOKMe 4. m o m . FMatk. ‘ ■>! V 1 N ^ I t. I I I II !' »N I Ml 7 ttt TOLLAND TP i^ MANOHKSnEB FRIGIDAIRE HEADQUARTERS OPBiNiGHISmLf DKLIVBBV SiaRl^CK—mO^WTT SALES aneJ SERVICE SINCE 1926 •••“ Je*** iRdepeodeot O ango M' ****»“ ^ A a e e e M tlo a , Dm .
