Fall 2000

A New Direction in Healthcare Upledger Introduces BioAquatic Explorations The Upledger Institute has A Publication of The Upledger Institute, Inc.® launched a new series of work- shops aboard the Dolphin Star research vessel. Each four-day program encourages practitioners Upledger Instructors Teach Multidisciplinary to develop a holistic, cooperative relationship with the ocean and its Techniques at July FSMTA Convention healing resources. The classes, which are based in the Bahamas, begin with a struc- tured dolphin swim. “Much of Osteopathic physician John E. Upledger set “That has always been a theme of ours,” says sharing a space with a dolphin is the stage for a multidisciplinary approach to Barbara Richmond, Director of Community beyond words,” says one partici- when he delivered a keynote address Relations for The Upledger Institute. “The hands pant. “It goes to a place of peace, before a record-breaking audience at the Florida are capable of remarkable healing abilities, and calm, presence, knowing, good State Massage Therapy Association annual con- that’s a tool that crosses all disciplines and humor and love. They radiate all vention in Orlando. He was the first in a long list boundaries.” those qualities and more. I feel of Upledger Institute presenters – including changed from spending this time Presenters Cover a Spectrum of with them.” psychologists, massage and physical therapists – Upledger Offerings Remaining class time is spent who shared tips and techniques that therapists practicing multi-therapist group could integrate into their practices to improve Speaking to a crowd of more than 900 practi- techniques in shallow water. patient outcomes. tioners, Dr. Upledger urged audience members “The releases came much more The July conference featured more than 60 to remember the power of personal interaction in effortlessly,” says another partici- vendors and speakers specializing in the manual this age of high tech. He also praised them for pant. The result? An enhanced therapy industry. It played off the FSMTA con- spreading the care and concern so often lacking awareness of the therapeutic vention theme – The Expanding Role of Massage in the traditional healthcare model. process in the bioaquatic context. Therapy in the New Millennium – by offering The Institute reported an overwhelming Prerequisites, which vary for numerous short courses that encouraged participants each workshop, range from Cranio- response to his message – and that of its other to heighten their perceptions of the capabilities Sacral Therapy I to Advanced CST. presenters. “Over and over we were met with Space is highly restricted so advanced of touch. standing-room-only audiences, and these people registration is encouraged. came to learn,” Richmond Call Educational Services toll-free says. “Some people went to at 1-800-233-5880, ext. 89005, for everything we did, then course dates and details. came back in the afternoon to listen to entire presenta- Inside This Issue tions a second time.” Visceral Manipulation Report UI therapist Roy Page 2 Desjarlais energized and The Upledger Foundation motivated over 230 students Update at sessions on CranioSacral Page 4 Therapy. He reviewed the The Expanding Role of history, concepts and theory Cerebospinal Fluid behind the gentle, hands-on Page 6 approach he’s practiced for Course Calendar: nearly 15 years. Nov. 15, 2000 - Aug. 15, 2001 Over 450 people came Page 8 to see French physician Study Groups Bruno Chikly demonstrate Page 10 his original, hands-on method of Lymph Drainage The Upledger Institute, Inc.® Therapy. He discussed ways 11211 Prosperity Farms Rd., D-325 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410-3487 trained therapists use LDT to 1-800-233-5880, ext. 89005 The UI booth was a busy intersection of educational information and detect the rhythm, direction, 561-622-4334 • Fax: 561-622-4771 Website: www.upledger.com hands-on demonstrations at the FSMTA annual convention in Orlando, E-mail: [email protected] Fla., July 6-9, 2000. Continued on page 7 2 Upledger UpDate The Visceral Manipulation Report

UI Names New VM Curriculum Director New Tutorial Caters to CranioSacral Speakers

The Upledger addition to teaching Visceral Manipulation IA, Institute has IB and II, she’s also certified to teach Mechanical UI is introducing a new tutorial class to named a new Link I, and she has developed a course called help CranioSacral Therapists hone their director for Integrative Therapies in Animal Health. She’s speaking skills. its Visceral a part-time faculty member at the University “It goes hand in hand with our new intro- Manipulation of Southern California School of Dentistry, ductory workshops on Cranio-Sacral Therapy,” curriculum in the and has also lectured on numerous health- says UI curriculum director Kathy Lewis- United States. related topics at classes around the world. Woll. “We’ve put together two new classes: a Gail Wetzler, RPT, Wetzler’s new responsibilities as VM six-hour Overview of Cranio-Sacral Therapy will take over for Gail Wetzler, RPT curriculum director include maintaining and a 12-hour Introduction to CranioSacral long-time director Frank Lowen, MT, who now teacher and material standards. She will con- Therapy. The new tutorial will help practi- plans to dedicate his time to other projects. tinue to work closely with Jean-Pierre Barral, tioners prepare to present those courses on a A 1973 physical therapy graduate of Long the modality developer, to ensure all UI class highly professional level.” Beach State University at Long Beach, Calif., material maintains his original vision. For more information, please call Educational Wetzler has maintained a private practice in Please join us in welcoming Gail Wetzler to Services toll-free: 1-800-233-5880, ext. 89005. Newport Beach, Calif., for the last 14 years. In her expanded VM role. Two New VMIA Instructors Internet Directory Lisa Polec, DC, and Mark Bloemberg, PT, have recently been named Upledger Institute- certified instructors for Visceral Manipulation The Upledger Institute, Inc. ® IA (VMIA). VMIA represents the first class in Website: www.upledger.com the nine-course curriculum. E-mail: [email protected] A graduate of Western States College in Portland, Ore., Polec has spent the last decade in private practice focusing on International Association of Visceral Manipulation and CranioSacral Healthcare Practitioners® (IAHP) Therapy. Bloemberg is a long-time resident of Website: www.iahp.com the Netherlands who studied under modality E-mail: [email protected] developer Jean-Pierre Barral in Europe, and Frank Lowen, MT, in the United States. International Alliance of Visceral Manipulation IA Schedule Visceral Manipulation instructors and Healthcare Educators® (IAHE) AZ: Tucson — Dec. 14-17, 2000 apprentices relax and unwind with CA: Big Sur — Apr. 1-6, 2001 Website: www.iahe.com Jean-Pierre Barral after a productive CT: Hartford — Mar. 22-25, 2001 E-mail: [email protected] teachers’ meeting July 30-31, 2000, FL: Palm Beach — Jan. 18-21, 2001 KS: Wichita — Jan. 6-9, 2001 at south Florida’s Jupiter Beach MA: Boston — Aug. 2-5, 2001 A Travel Concierge, Inc. Resort. Left to right: Lisa Grant, DC; ME: Portland — Aug. 9-12, 2001 Will Polec, ND; Lisa Polec, DC; Jean- NE: Omaha — Mar. 29-Apr. 1, 2001 Website: www.tc-travel.com Pierre Barral, RPT, DO; Dee Ahern, RPT; NY: New York — May 17-20, 2001 E-mail: [email protected] OR: Portland — June 28-July 1, 2001 Mark Bloemberg, PT; and A.J. de PA: Philadelphia — Jan. 25-28, 2001 Koning, DO. Not shown: Gail Wetzler, WA: Seattle — May 31-June 3, 2001 American CranioSacral RPT; Jeff Ryder, DC; Barbara Chang, Canada: Edmonton — Mar. 22-25, 2001 Therapy Association (ACSTA) CMT; Frank Lowen, MT; and Michael Toronto — Dec. 7-10, 2000 Vancouver — Nov. 25-28, 2000 Wagner, CMT. Website: acsta.com For a complete VM class listing, see the E-mail: [email protected] Course Calendar on page 8. Fall 2000 3 A CranioSacral Therapy Case Study

Provided by Ellen Adler, OTR/L, CST-D her face drooped along with the ptosis of the mal restriction of her cranial base. eyelid. With Mother’s great home-program carry- Personal: Lisa*, female, 5-12 months of age Mother had not realized the involvement over and CranioSacral Therapy updates, Lisa during treatment. of Lisa’s upper right extremity or noticed the was coming to the sitting position by 7 months, asymmetry of her cheek and mouth. She did crawling on hands and knees before 9 months, History: Lisa’s mother experienced a pleasant, report that Lisa would spit up much of her walking at 11 months, and stooping to pick uneventful full-term pregnancy, and a report- meal after being fed, which prompted the up toys by 12 months. There is also no asym- edly routine labor and delivery. On the second pediatrician to change her formula several metry of her face, her spitting up stopped by day of life, Lisa had a focal seizure that times with minimal positive results. the time she was 7 months, and she began involved her entire right side from head to A craniosacral evaluation revealed a mod- saying single words at 11 months. foot. An MRI revealed a minor bleed in the erately jammed occiput and restrictions in the Her hand use improved slightly slower. left cortical area of her brain. Lisa was not put left side of her cranial vault. Her suck was She went through about a month of athetotic- on any anticonvulsive medication and did not good and strong. Lisa cried and twisted like movement, and then a reluctance to use have any more seizures until several months through the release process, which took about her right hand for other than gross support later when she experienced one related to a 5 minutes to complete. There was about a and assistance spontaneously. This eventually high fever. 60% improvement in her cranial movement changed, and even through she is definitely During the first three months, Lisa’s mother following treatment. left dominant, she uses her right hand spon- noticed Lisa’s right leg turned out more than taneously for any necessary task, demonstrat- her left leg, and her right eyelid appeared to be Treatment: Following the initial craniosacral ing full and active range of motion. a little closed when she was awake. Because evaluation and treatment, Mother was given Lisa is followed now at six-month intervals of her birth history, the pediatrician referred a home program to be incorporated into and has not developed any signs of spasticity. Lisa for a motor evaluation as an “at risk” Lisa’s diaper-changing time, bath time, and She turned 2 years old in April and is doing baby. The evaluating therapist recommended general play and cuddling times. This includ- great. motor therapy since there were soft signs of ed: (1) one extra tactile stimulation of Lisa’s possible future developmental spasticity. right upper and lower extremities and her *Name has been changed to protect patient torso; (2) assisted rolling practice supine to confidentiality. Evaluation: I began treating Lisa when she prone, prone to supine, and both to the left was 5 months old. She had been evaluated and right; and (3) while in a supported sitting using the H.E.L.P. (Hawaii Early Learning position, Lisa was offered toys on the right Profile), and was functioning on a 3- to 4- side of her body and given assistance to begin month level. She was just beginning to roll reaching for them. Help Us Teach from supine to prone using her left leg to push Lisa was then seen once a week for an hour a little while her left arm and shoulder would for OT, which continued until her first birthday. Case by Case reach toward the light. She fussed at being Actual hands-on time during each treatment placed in prone, and had never been placed session varied from 30 to 45 minutes. Do you have a case history you’d in a sitting position without support since her It was obvious that Mother carried out the like to share with fellow therapists? parents were afraid she would fall over. home program, as Lisa made measurable Are there topics you want to hear Lisa was a very alert, happy baby who progress from week to week. By the second more about? would follow people and objects visually. She week, she was reaching for objects held to her We’d like to hear from you. reached for objects with her left hand, but right without looking at her hand first. She demonstrated a right-sided neglect and limited was also making more of an effort to roll in Please E-mail the editor – sharon@ active range of motion of her right arm and either direction. upledger.com – or fax your com- hand. However, when her right arm was The asymmetry of her face had decreased ments, questions and concerns to stroked and her hand brought into her visual by more than 50%, with some active smiling 561-622-4771. range, she would reach for and grasp objects, beginning on the right. Mother also reported Help us create an open forum of although her reach was wider and showed that the amount Lisa spit up after each meal news and information vital to practi- less control than the left, and her grasp was was greatly reduced. Cranial reevaluation weaker. The right side of her torso was also revealed about 80% symmetry between left tioners of complementary care. weaker than the left, and the right side of and right sides of the cranial vault, and mini- 4 Upledger UpDate The Upledger Foundation UpDate on Current Research Projects

Dear Friends, The Compassionate Touch Program • A report by an independent licensed The statistical results from a Compassionate psychologist noted more than a 95% What a year it’s been since our last update Touch Program conducted at the New Glarus correlation between the veterans’ to you. Through our various Foundation pro- Elementary School demonstrated the value of improvements and their treatments. grams, we’ve seen the efficacy of CranioSacral using a specific method of gentle touch to Dr. Upledger recently presented these Therapy confirmed in ways that have both reinforce positive behaviors and build self- findings at the 10th annual International excited the hearts of eyewitnesses and satis- esteem in children. Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and fied the minds of the scientific community. Now comes the question: How do we use Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) conference in the knowledge gained to reach the greatest Boulder, Colo. Four of the veterans who went number of children? Among the possibilities through the program joined him to share with we’re exploring is the production of an instruc- the audience the profound impact this program tional video for classroom teachers, and a had on their lives. course that teaches practitioners how to take “The conference was yet another giant step this program into schools to teach children. in my healing process,” says Veteran Roger Lansbury. “It’s a continuation of my growth Dolphin-Assisted Therapy and expansion that was jump-started by the In April 2000 we took a giant leap forward original intensive program.” This statement We’ve watched compassion and self- in our dolphin-assisted therapy program. alone shows you how the positive changes esteem blossom in children. We’ve seen a Thanks to the financial support of Foundation from the PTSD program involve an ongoing door to dolphin research open that we’d only patrons, a new Dolphin Star research vessel process. Our responsibility is to help perpetu- dreamed of a few years ago. And we’ve was christened on April 29th during cere- ate that progress for these 22 veterans, while observed hope, love and trust restored in monies commemorating CranioSacral also providing two-week PTSD intensives for Vietnam veterans. Therapy Awareness Month. new groups of veterans. When you contribute to The Upledger Now our next step is to prepare therapists Foundation, you share in these successes and to work with patients aboard the vessel and Your Support Matters play a major role in the outcomes. A reality of in close proximity to dolphins. For the rest of The programs reported here cost tens of this world is that progress usually comes with a this year and likely the next, small groups of thousands of dollars to run. Just one PTSD price tag. Without the financial support of those therapists will be taken to the Bahamas to program for six veterans alone costs $60,000. who believe in the work of the Foundation, work in this ocean environment. These initial Without the financial backing of patrons like we are unable to expand on these programs expeditions will be conducted as part of UI’s you, this work simply ceases. So please con- or research new avenues of healthcare. new four-day BioAquatic Exploration courses sider The Upledger Foundation this year in It is my sincere hope that you will partner for therapists. your charitable giving. To make a tax deductible with us in the coming year. We promise to contribution, please call the Foundation at Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder honor your giving and to keep you apprised 561-622-4706. In 1999, Dr. Upledger and a team of thera- of how your gift is making a difference in the pists led a total of 22 Vietnam veterans through lives of people in need. four two-week intensive programs. The pro- Find Out More ject was groundbreaking on many levels: Sincerely, A list of educational articles is available to • The protocol was co-designed with the help you learn more about our research pro- West Palm Beach Veterans Administration grams and community-outreach projects. Medical Center. For a copy please call Educational Services at • Results showed that the veterans who John E. Upledger, DO, OMM 1-800-233-5880, ext. 89005, or visit the UI completed the programs experienced President, The Upledger Foundation website at www.upledger.com. fewer symptoms, as well as a reduction in the severity of symptoms, in areas such as depression, hostility and anxiety.


New Communications Plan Benefits New Foundation The Charitable Upledger Foundation MasterCard Offers Plenty of Pluses Excel Communications, the fourth largest communications company in North America, is now offering an easy way to support The Upledger Foundation while saving on long-distance, The Upledger Foundation is teaming up Internet and pager services. For each service you use, Excel will donate up to 10% of your total with MBNA to offer a new MasterCard pro- monthly bill to The Upledger Foundation. gram that benefits the nonprofit Upledger Foundation with every purchase you make. Plan* Special Rates Monthly Fee Each personal and business card also fea- Three-Penny Plan 3¢ a minute 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., and $5.95 tures an array of rewards: free air miles, hotel 10¢ a minute 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and rental car points, travel services, lines of 7 days a week credit, special CD and money market programs, Simply 7 7¢ a minute 24 hours a day, 7 days a week $4.95 and much more. There’s no annual fee, and a Dime Deal 10¢ a minute 24 hours a day, 7 days a week $3.00 portion of your total monthly volume goes directly to the Foundation programs you care * Intrastate calls vary. Monthly service fees appear on your local phone bill. about most: Dolphin-Assisted Therapy, Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder, the Compassionate Sign up by Internet: www.thesteppingstones.com. Or call toll-free: 1-888-673-3795. Simply Touch Program and more. tell the operator you want to help The Upledger Foundation by selecting Excel as your long- Find out how easy it is to make a difference distance carrier. Then give the Foundation’s identification number: 656-333-465. in someone’s life. Call Educational Services For more information about this special savings offer, please call Excel representative Sue today for a free application: 1-800-233-5880, Eusepi at 1-888-523-1130 or 561-747-8793. ext. 89005.

New Basic Acupressure Course Blends Ancient Methods With Contemporary Applications

by Aminah Raheem, PhD The energy system of the body mapped in same fundamental knowledge developed ancient times was defined by explicit energy centuries ago. Yet it will be presented in terms December 2000 pathways (meridians) that flowed up and and applications instantly relevant to our marks the introduction down the body from head to toe. Twelve of bodies today. of a new class called these pathways were linked to internal organs Basic Acupressure participants will learn a Basic Acupressure. and were said to help regulate the health of simple protocol for balancing the body that Designed to provide an those organs. Those pathways are accessed by can be used alone or along with other forms overview of traditional the acupoints, or “windows” into the path- of bodywork to enhance effectiveness. acupressure, the new ways, which are stimulated to affect energy Specific acupoints will be presented for par- three-day course will flow. Originally, 361 acupoints were located ticular purposes, together with protocols for teach skills to integrate on the surface of the body. They remain the common conditions such as headache, back ancient techniques with contemporary body- key access points to this day. strain, stress, fatigue and insomnia. work modalities. Though traditional Chinese medicine was The first class [to be taught by course devel- Acupressure is the ancient practice of overshadowed during the first part of the oper Aminah Raheem] will be held December applying hand or finger pressure to specific 20th century by the introduction of Western 8-10, 2000, at the Palm Canyon Resort in Southern energetic or conductive points on the body to medicine, it has now come back into wide- California. With its spectacular beauty, clean air, alleviate tension, pain or other symptoms. spread use. Since the opening of China to the warm weather and exquisite sunsets, this According to recorded history, it originated in west in the 1960s, the principles and methods region of the great American West has been a China over 3,000 years ago. Over time, healers of traditional Chinese medicine are now being holy site to Native Americans for centuries. came to understand that certain points on the disseminated in schools throughout the West Tuition is $375. To register, please call body, when stimulated, produced maximum that present both aspects together for maxi- Educational Services at 1-800-233-5880, ext. effects in balancing the body and alleviating mum patient benefit. 89005. To reserve a room at the special rate symptoms. From these early discoveries a Western practitioners continue to create of $70 per night, please call Christine at complete holistic system of Chinese medicine innovative applications for this traditional 1-800-242-0044. Room reservations must be gradually evolved. knowledge. Basic Acupressure is based on the made by Nov. 17, 2000. 6 Upledger UpDate The Expanding Role of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Health and Disease

by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM Despite the theories, scientific knowledge My colleagues and I were fascinated by at that time stated quite firmly that CSF did the wide variety of patient improvements we It was 1971 not penetrate the brain’s surface, nor leave witnessed using these new techniques and when I first wit- the compartment formed by the dura mater. theories. Most positive responses came in nessed the rhyth- The fluid did appear to follow nerve roots cases of pain that were attributable to meningeal mical activity of peripherally from the brain and spinal cord, restrictions, in cases of painful sutural restric- cerebrospinal but only as far as the dura mater provided a tions, and with learning disabilities that could fluid as its sheath for the roots. This, it was thought, was be related to specific dysfunctions in this hydraulic forces to bathe the nerve roots as well as the surface craniosacral system. Yet what was truly diffi- affected the of the brain. cult to explain were the positive results seen patch of dura Yet controversy existed over whether the with diseases like Parkinson’s, multiple sclero- mater I was fluid in the subdural space should even be sis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and acute and watching. At that time I had no inkling of the considered CSF. There was evidence to sup- chronic infections, including resistant staphy- incredible journey that was in store for me. port the concept that the arachnoid mem- lococcus and cytomegalovirus. That small section of dura mater was only Indeed, there were many, many positive brane was impermeable to CSF. Therefore, the about 1-1/2 inches long and 2 inches wide. results from CranioSacral Therapy in areas fluid outside the arachnoid membrane but We had exposed it to remove a dime-sized that seemed untouchable based on concepts inside the dura mater was not CSF, even calcium plaque from the outer surface of the held about CSF at that time. Even now, as though they were biochemically identical. dura. The operative site was the posterior scientific research continues to uncover the This, of course, raised another question. aspect of the mid-cervical region of the patient. secrets of CSF, we see more and more how Should a fluid be named by its biochemical My assignment was to hold the dura very CranioSacral Therapy helps in so many characteristics or by the compartment in still with a pair of tissue forceps while the surprising ways. neurosurgeon delicately removed the calcium which it resides? plaque without incising the dural membrane. It was against this backdrop that I CSF and Its Activities Become Yet in spite of my attempts, the exposed dural observed the pumping activity of CSF in membrane repeatedly protruded and receded 1971. And it was in this environment that I More Clearly Defined at about 10 cycles per minute. went on to develop CranioSacral Therapy. Several research projects over the past few That particular rhythm was a surprise to years have demonstrated that, contrary to everyone in the operating room. It didn’t CranioSacral Therapy Mobilizes CSF previously held ideas, CSF is the interstitial synchronize with the anesthetist’s breathing fluid of the brain and spinal cord. That means My initial focus with CranioSacral Therapy apparatus nor the cardiac monitor – both it permeates the spaces between all the ner- was to mobilize the meningeal membranes were in my view. The only thing I could think vous and glial cells of the brain and spinal that related to the entire central nervous system of that could create this force was the pumping cord. In this way it carries nutrients; removes and the proximal aspects of its major nerve of cerebrospinal fluid inside the dura mater. metabolic byproducts, waste and toxic mole- roots. I used the bones that attach to these cules; strongly influences pH (acidity); and is membranes, either directly or indirectly, to now thought to influence the electromagnetic The Cerebrospinal Fluid Controversy manipulate the meningeal membranes and environment of the neurons and other cells of The very subject of cerebrospinal fluid release any mobility restrictions. the central nervous system. [For a complete (CSF) was quite contentious at the time. Yet I found CranioSacral Therapy also overview of these research projects, see When I was in osteopathic college back in the released restrictions in membrane mobility and Science News, January, 1999.] early ’60s, CSF was considered mainly a in the sutures between bones of the skull vault In The New York Academy of Science Annals, shock absorber for the jelly-like brain during by effectively using the hydraulic forces pro- Volume 854, an article entitled “Towards the swift starting and stopping movements. vided by the pumping of CSF. The therapist Prolongation of a Healthy Life Span” report- There was also some debate about CSF being simply drew those forces into restricted areas ed that CSF contains low-molecular-weight a transport system to deliver nutrients and by gently inhibiting the areas of maximum chelating agents that remove metal atoms from remove waste, yet no one was certain. Some (compensatory) compliance to the rhythmical the interstitial spaces of the brain and spinal cranial osteopaths even made vague refer- rises of hydraulic forces. By continuing this cord, as well as from the neuronal and glial ences to CSF following nerve fibers to every gentle manual pressure, the fluctuating cell membranes. According to the article, CSF cell of the body and delivering some kind of hydraulic forces helped naturally release also protects against oxidation and toxic accu- “mystical” energy. those restrictions. mulations of nonmetallic toxins. Fall 2000 7

This is especially enlightening in the cases believe CranioSacral Therapy does. It moves In fact, the Stanford folks became so con- of recent studies that have shown both CSF and every other body fluid, especially vinced that CSF turnover is important that Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases may be the interstitial fluids. By whatever name, the they’ve placed shunts in a sample of nine induced by toxic build-ups of heavy metals – fluids between cells must move in order to patients with reduced turnover to see whether within the basal ganglia in the case of deliver molecules that not only nurture cells the drainage of stagnant CSF enhances pro- Parkinson’s, and in the cortical and subcortical but also transport messages and patrol for duction and reduces certain substances in the regions in the case of Alzheimer’s disease. So antigens – all vital to strong immune function. CSF – and hence the central nervous system – enhancing CSF circulation may well help pre- that are believed to contribute to brain deteri- vent these two diseases, along with many other Researchers Link CSF to Old Age oration and Alzheimer’s disease. types of senility and deterioration problems. Physicians at Stanford University have In my own clinical practice I’ve been able also discovered that the exchange of CSF I firmly believe CranioSacral Therapy can to break fevers, alleviate chronic viral infec- slows with age. While there is a complete effectively help maintain or regain the normal tions, prevent flu…the list goes on and on. turnover of CSF about four or five times a production and reabsorption of CSF so that a All these results suggest an enhancement of day in healthy middle-aged people, in the normal daily turnover of fluids can be main- immune function, which is exactly what I elderly that rate may be cut in half. tained with all of its attendant health benefits.

UpDate From Dr. John

I can’t resist presenting this new infor- case, old age would not be old age – just found over 5 million single-domain mag-

mation that came forth in one of The dirty crystals. Through continuing dia- netite (Fe3O4) crystals per gram of human Upledger Institute’s recent “The Brain logue, the practitioner discovered these brain tissue. He also found over 100 million Speaks” seminars. A practitioner was dia- crystals could be kept clean by the same of the same type of crystals per gram of pia loguing with the “cerebellum” of a fellow treatment that helps CSF circulate. mater and dura mater. Even allowing for a classmate when the cerebellum reported it Now comes the fun part. In 1992, Joseph 25% error in counting such large numbers, had many crystals within it that had to be L. Kirshvink et al from Cal Tech in Pasadena that’s a lot of crystals to wash. kept clean by CSF washing. When these published an article entitled “Magnetite The message is clear: Pump those cranio- crystals get dirty, cerebellar function deteri- Biomineralization in Human Brain” in the sacral systems for maximum fluid flow. orates in terms of motor, balance, memory, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, hearing association, and many other areas USA, Volume 89, biophysics section, pg. Thanks for listening, that generally go with old age. Yet in this 7683-87. In it, Dr. Kirshvink stated that he Dr. John

UI Instructors Teach at of Visceral Manipulation to a packed class- highlighted programs on Dolphin-Assisted room. She guided participants to better Therapy, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in FSMTA Convention understand how the organs of the visceral Vietnam Veterans, and the Institute’s latest system affect the neuromuscular and skeletal undertaking – The Compassionate Touch Continued from front cover systems of the body. Taught throughout the Program – which seeks to reduce violence depth and quality of lymph flow over the entire U.S. since 1985, Visceral Manipulation contin- among schoolchildren. body. Then he went on to demonstrate Manual ues to expand the field of . “The conference was a huge success,” Lymphatic Mapping of the skin, muscles, fascia, Catherine Crews, PhD, and David Richmond comments. “The FSMTA delegates viscera and periosteum to determine the best Lauterstein reviewed the powerful applica- were responsive to every situation, every pathways for interstitial fluid and lymph. tions of Process Acupressure and Zero question, every concern. They did an excel- Alaya Chikly, certified massage therapist, Balancing. Process Acupressure combines lent job, and I have no doubt their members presented a lively discussion on Heart- ancient Chinese techniques with modern-day got a better understanding of the multidisci- Centered Therapy. This sensitive approach to process skills to facilitate healing through all plinary skills and techniques they came to emotional healing draws upon the client’s aspects of the person. is a fas- learn. It’s a competitive era in massage thera- inherent ability to access his or her own spiri- cinating form of bodywork that combines py, and we’re honored to play a part in that.” tual resources. Students went on to explore knowledge of anatomy from the West with an To learn more about the Florida State Massage specific techniques to help free themselves understanding of energy from the East. Therapy Association, call 407-628-2772. For and their clients from the limiting perceptions Finally, clinical psychologist Russell A. details on Upledger Institute classes that build on of the personality. Bourne, Jr., shared news on recent Cranio- techniques introduced at the convention, please Dee Ahern, a registered physical therapist, Sacral Therapy research programs supported call our Educational Services Department toll- gave a spirited discussion and demonstration by the charitable Upledger Foundation. He free: 1-800-233-5880, ext. 89005. 8 Upledger UpDate Course Calendar: Nov. 15, 2000 - Aug. 15, 2001

Many courses require prerequisites. Call today for information or to register: 1-800-233-5880, ext. 89005.

CranioSacral Therapy I OH: Akron — Apr. 5-8, 2001 ME: Portland — Aug. 9-12, 2001 CranioSacral Therapy for PediatricsSM AL: Birmingham — June 7-10, 2001 Cincinnati — Jan. 11-14, 2001 MI: Detroit — Nov. 9-12, 2000 CA: San Francisco — Feb. 22-25, 2001 AZ: Phoenix — June 7-10, 2001 Cleveland — Nov. 16-19, 2000 MN: Minneapolis — Nov. 16-19, 2000 CT: Hartford — Mar. 15-18, 2001 Tucson — Dec. 14-17, 2000 Dayton — July 26-29, 2001 MO: St. Louis — July 12-15, 2001 FL: Palm Beach — Jan. 18-21, 2001 CA: Big Sur — Feb. 4-9, 2001 Toledo — May 3-6, 2001 NC: Raleigh — July 12-15, 2001 Sarasota — Aug. 2-5, 2001 Los Angeles — Feb. 1-4, 2001 OR: Grants Pass — Apr. 19-22, 2001 NJ: New Jersey Shore — Mar. 29-Apr. 1, 2001 MI: Lansing — Mar. 1-4, 2001 Sacramento — June 14-17, 2001 Portland — Dec. 7-10, 2000 NY: Ithaca — Dec. 14-17, 2000 MN: Minneapolis — June 21-24, 2001 San Diego — July 19-22, 2001 Portland — June 28-July 1, 2001 New York — Jan. 11-14, 2001 NY: New York — Mar. 29-Apr. 1, 2001 San Francisco — Jan. 6-9, 2001 PA: Philadelphia — Jan. 25-28, 2001 New York — May 17-20, 2001 TX: Austin — Apr. 19-22, 2001 San Francisco — May 17-20, 2001 Philadelphia — June 7-10, 2001 OH: Cincinnati — Jan. 11-14, 2001 Dallas/Ft. Worth — Apr. 5-8, 2001 Santa Barbara — Mar. 29-Apr. 1, 2001 Pittsburgh — Aug. 2-5, 2001 OR: Portland — June 28-July 1, 2001 Houston — Mar. 8-11, 2001 CO: Denver — Feb. 15-18, 2001 State College — Apr. 7-10, 2001 PA: Philadelphia — June 7-10, 2001 UT: Salt Lake City — Mar. 8-11, 2001 CT: Hartford — Mar. 22-25, 2001 RI: Providence — Mar. 29-Apr. 1, 2001 State College — Apr. 7-10, 2001 WA: Seattle — May 31-June 3, 2001 DC: Washington — Feb. 1-4, 2001 SC: Columbia — May 31-June 3, 2001 RI: Providence — Mar. 29-Apr. 1, 2001 Canada: Toronto — Feb. 15-18, 2001 FL: Ft. Lauderdale — July 26-29, 2001 Myrtle Beach — May 3-6, 2001 WA: Seattle — Jan. 18-21, 2001 Vancouver — Nov. 25-28, 2000 Miami — Feb. 8-11, 2001 TN: Nashville — June 21-24, 2001 WI: Milwaukee — July 5-8, 2001 SomatoEmotional Release® II Orlando — Dec. 14-17, 2000 TX: Dallas/Ft. Worth — May 3-6, 2001 Canada: Calgary — Feb. 22-25, 2001 CA: San Francisco — May 17-20, 2001 Palm Beach — Nov. 16-19, 2000 Houston — Mar. 8-11, 2001 Toronto — Dec. 7-10, 2000 FL: Palm Beach — Apr. 21-24, 2001 Palm Beach — Apr. 21-24, 2001 San Antonio — Jan. 18-21, 2001 Toronto — May 24-27, 2001 IL: Chicago — Feb. 22-25, 2001 Sarasota — Jan. 11-14, 2001 UT: Salt Lake City — Mar. 8-11, 2001 Vancouver — May 24-27, 2001 NJ: Ft. Lee — Mar. 4-7, 2001 Tallahassee — Apr. 5-8, 2001 VA: Charlottesville — Dec. 7-10, 2000 Singapore: Singapore — July 5-8, 2001 Canada: Toronto — Feb. 15-18, 2001 Tampa — June 14-17, 2001 Virginia Beach — Apr. 19-22, 2001 CranioSacral Dissection Australia: Sydney — June 23-26, 2001 GA: Atlanta — May 3-6, 2001 VT: Burlington — July 5-8, 2001 TX: Galveston — Jan. 26-28, 2001 SM HI: Maui — May 10-13, 2001 WA: Seattle — Jan. 18-21, 2001 Galveston — Mar. 16-18, 2001 The Brain Speaks IA: Des Moines — Mar. 1-4, 2001 Spokane — June 14-17, 2001 FL: Palm Beach — Feb. 8-11, 2001 Overview of CranioSacral Therapy WI: Appleton — Dec. 7-10, 2000 IL: Chicago — May 10-13, 2001 Advanced I CranioSacral Therapy Madison — Feb. 22-25, 2001 Please call for dates and locations. IN: Indianapolis — Apr. 5-8, 2001 CA: Lucerne Valley — July 29-Aug. 3, 2001 Milwaukee — July 5-8, 2001 Introduction to CranioSacral Therapy KS: Kansas City — June 7-10, 2001 FL: Palm Beach — Dec. 3-7, 2000 Canada: Calgary — Feb. 22-25, 2001 NJ: South Rio Grande — Feb. 17-18, 2001 Wichita — Jan. 6-9, 2001 Palm Beach — Apr. 18-22, 2001 Halifax — Jan. 25-28, 2001 KY: Louisville — Apr. 5-8, 2001 Clinical Symposium With Canada: Salt Spring Island — July 9-13, 2001 LA: New Orleans — Aug. 9-12, 2001 Ottawa — Apr. 5-8, 2001 John E. Upledger, DO, OMM Clinical Application of MA: Boston — Dec. 7-10, 2000 Toronto — Dec. 7-10, 2000 Please call for dates and locations. Boston — Apr. 19-22, 2001 Toronto — May 24-27, 2001 Advanced CranioSacral Therapy Clinical Application of CranioSacral Therapy Boston — Aug. 2-5, 2001 Vancouver — Nov. 25-28, 2000 FL: Palm Beach Gardens — Jan. 22-26, 2001 FL: Palm Beach Gardens — Apr. 9-13, 2001 MD: Baltimore — Mar. 15-18, 2001 Vancouver — May 24-27, 2001 Palm Beach Gardens — Mar. 19-23, 2001 ME: Portland — Mar. 17-20, 2001 Australia: Adelaide — May 12-15, 2001 SomatoEmotional Release® I Palm Beach Gardens — May 14-18, 2001 MI: Detroit — May 3-6, 2001 Brisbane — Aug. 9-12, 2001 CA: San Francisco — Jan. 6-9, 2001 Palm Beach Gardens — June 18-22, 2001 Grand Rapids — Aug. 23-26, 2001 Melbourne — Apr. 7-10, 2001 CT: Hartford — Mar. 22-25, 2001 Palm Beach Gardens — Aug. 6-10, 2001 Lansing — Mar. 1-4, 2001 Sydney — June 23-26, 2001 FL: Orlando — Dec. 14-17, 2000 CranioSacral Therapy and Singapore: Singapore — Apr. 19-22, 2001 MN: Minneapolis — Nov. 16-19, 2000 Palm Beach — Nov. 16-19, 2000 the Immune Response MA: Boston — Apr. 19-22, 2001 Minneapolis — June 21-24, 2001 CranioSacral Therapy II FL: Palm Beach — Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 2000 MO: St. Louis — Jan. 25-28, 2001 AZ: Phoenix — June 7-10, 2001 MI: Detroit — May 3-6, 2001 Therapeutic Imagery and DialogueSM I MT: Bozeman — Feb. 8-11, 2001 CA: San Francisco — Jan. 6-9, 2001 OH: Dayton — July 26-29, 2001 Please call for dates and locations. NC: Raleigh — July 12-15, 2001 San Francisco — May 17-20, 2001 TX: Dallas/Ft. Worth — May 3-6, 2001 Wilmington — Feb. 1-4, 2001 Santa Barbara — Mar. 29-Apr. 1, 2001 WI: Milwaukee — July 5-8, 2001 Equine CranioSacral Techniques I NJ: Denville — July 19-22, 2001 CO: Denver — Feb. 15-18, 2001 Canada: Edmonton — Mar. 22-25, 2001 CA: Windsor — Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2000 Ft. Lee — Mar. 4-7, 2001 FL: Miami — Feb. 8-11, 2001 Vancouver — Nov. 25-28, 2000 New Zealand: Christchurch — Nov. 18-22, 2000 NM: Albuquerque — Feb. 1-4, 2001 Palm Beach — Nov. 16-19, 2000 Australia: Sydney — Jan. 10-13, 2001 BioAquatic Exploration (CSII) New! NY: Albany — Mar. 8-11, 2001 Tampa — June 14-17, 2001 Clinical Application of CST & Please call for dates and locations. Buffalo — Apr. 19-22, 2001 HI: Maui — May 10-13, 2001 SomatoEmotional Release® BioAquatic Exploration (ADV) Ithaca — Dec. 14-17, 2000 IA: Des Moines — Mar. 1-4, 2001 FL: Palm Beach Gardens — Dec. 4-8, 2000 New! Please call for dates and locations. New York — Jan. 11-14, 2001 IL: Chicago — May 10-13, 2001 Palm Beach Gardens — Feb. 19-23, 2001 New York — May 17-20, 2001 MA: Boston — Dec. 7-10, 2000 Palm Beach Gardens — June 4-8, 2001 BioAquatic Exploration (SER) New! Utica — June 21-24, 2001 Boston — Aug. 2-5, 2001 Palm Beach Gardens — Sept. 10-14, 2001 Please call for dates and locations. This schedule is current at the time of printing and is subject to change. Fall 2000 9

Ocean Therapy 1 New! DC: Washington — Feb. 1-4, 2001 FL: Ft. Myers — Dec. 1-3, 2000 Mexico: Chihuahua — Jan. 26-30, 2001 Please call for dates and locations. FL: Palm Beach — Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 2000 St. Petersburg — Apr. 27-29, 2001 Tepoztlan Morelos — May 11-13, 2001 ShareCare Sarasota — Aug. 2-5, 2001 NC: Jamestown — Feb. 16-18, 2001 Jamaica: Negril — Mar. 15-22, 2001 Tampa — June 14-17, 2001 FL: Palm Beach Gardens — Jan. 20, 2001 TN: Nashville — Dec. 1-3, 2000 Zero Balancing Form and Fulcrums HI: Maui — May 10-13, 2001 Palm Beach Gardens — July 28, 2001 NeuroMuscular Therapy Please call for dates and locations. IL: Chicago — Feb. 22-25, 2001 Palm Beach Gardens — Oct. 6, 2001 for the Lower Extremity IN: Indianapolis — Apr. 5-8, 2001 Art of Zero Balancing NM: Albuquerque — Apr. 7, 2001 CO: Colorado Springs — July 20-22, 2001 MA: Boston — Feb. 16-19, 2001 TX: Austin — Apr. 19-22, 2001 NY: Ossining — Nov. 11, 2000 FL: Orlando — Dec. 10-12, 2000 MD: Baltimore — Mar. 15-18, 2001 Ossining — Feb. 24, 2001 NC: Jamestown — May 4-6, 2001 Art of Zero Balancing, in Desert Color MN: Minneapolis — June 21-24, 2001 PA: Chambersburg — Mar. 3, 2001 PA: Erie — Dec. 1-3, 2000 CA: Borrego Springs — Feb. 15-21, 2001 MO: St. Louis — Jan. 25-28, 2001 WA: Seattle — Feb. 9-11, 2001 Freely Movable Joints Visceral Manipulation IA NE: Omaha — June 28-July 1, 2001 NeuroMuscular Therapy for the MA: Watertown — Feb. 8-11, 2001 AZ: Tucson — Dec. 14-17, 2000 NY: Buffalo — Apr. 19-22, 2001 Cranium & Anterior Spinal Muscles CA: Big Sur — Apr. 1-6, 2001 New York — July 19-22, 2001 Deepening Your Contact With Spirit FL: Orlando — Feb. 11-13, 2001 CT: Hartford — Mar. 22-25, 2001 OH: Akron — Apr. 26-29, 2001 MA: Dover — May 11, 2001 FL: Palm Beach — Jan. 18-21, 2001 MO: St. Louis — Nov. 17-19, 2000 Cincinnati — Jan. 11-14, 2001 Soul Lightening KS: Wichita — Jan. 6-9, 2001 NC: Jamestown — July 27-29, 2001 Dayton — July 26-29, 2001 Mexico: Guadalajara — Jan. 20-27, 2001 PA: Erie — Feb. 23-25, 2001 MA: Boston — Aug. 2-5, 2001 PA: Philadelphia — June 7-10, 2001 WA: Seattle — May 4-6, 2001 Spirit of the Organs: Zero Balancers the Viscera ME: Portland — Aug. 9-12, 2001 State College — Mar. 1-4, 2001 ® MA: Cambridge — June 7-10, 2001 NE: Omaha — Mar. 29-Apr. 1, 2001 TN: Nashville — June 21-24, 2001 Applications of the Feldenkrais NY: New York — May 17-20, 2001 TX: Houston — Mar. 8-11, 2001 Method for CST Therapists Geometry of Healing OR: Portland — June 28-July 1, 2001 UT: Salt Lake City — Mar. 8-11, 2001 FL: Orlando — Mar. 15-18, 2001 AZ: Tucson — Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 2000 PA: Philadelphia — Jan. 25-28, 2001 WA: Seattle — Jan. 18-21, 2001 Self-Corrective Mechanisms I: MA: Dover — May 12-15, 2001 WA: Seattle — May 31-June 3, 2001 ® WI: Appleton — Dec. 7-10, 2000 Introduction to Feldenkrais Advanced Zero Balancing Canada: Edmonton — Mar. 22-25, 2001 Canada: Ottawa — Apr. 5-8, 2001 CA: Laguna Beach — Apr. 12-15, 2001 Jamaica: Negril — Mar. 22-29, 2001 Toronto — Dec. 7-10, 2000 Toronto — Feb. 15-18, 2001 Self-Corrective Mechanisms III: Mexico: Chihuahua — Feb. 1-3, 2001 Vancouver — Nov. 25-28, 2000 Vancouver — May 24-27, 2001 Spinal Mobilization Zero Balancing – Visceral Listening Techniques SM Please call for dates and locations. Lymph Drainage Therapy II Intensive Certification Program CA: San Francisco — Feb. 23-25, 2001 CA: San Francisco — May 17-20, 2001 Self-Corrective Mechanisms IV: Please call for dates and locations. Visceral Manipulation IB CT: Hartford — Mar. 15-18, 2001 Feldenkrais® and CranioSacral Therapy Basic Acupressure CA: San Francisco — Jan. 6-9, 2001 DC: Washington — Aug. 11-14, 2001 CA: Laguna Beach — Jan. 18-21, 2001 New! CA: Borrego Springs — Dec. 8-10, 2000 DC: Washington — Aug. 11-14, 2001 TX: Austin — Apr. 19-22, 2001 Self-Corrective Mechanisms V:

SM ® Process Acupressure Practicum Visceral Manipulation II Lymph Drainage Therapy III Feldenkrais and Developmental Movement Please call for dates and locations. CA: San Francisco — May 17-20, 2001 CA: San Diego — July 19-22, 2001 CA: Laguna Beach — Mar. 1-4, 2001 NM: Albuquerque — Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 2000 FL: Palm Beach — Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 2000 Supporting the Compassionate Heart – PA 1: Essence TX: Dallas/Ft. Worth — Apr. 5-8, 2001 CA: Corralitos — Mar. 1-4, 2001 Practical Integration of Visceral Manipulation Core Building SM FL: Palm Beach — Apr. 22-24, 2001 MD: Baltimore — Mar. 29-Apr. 1, 2001 MA: Boston — Dec. 8-10, 2000 Advanced Lymph Drainage Therapy New! NY: Saugerties — Jan. 4-7, 2001 NM: Albuquerque — Feb. 2-4, 2001 Please call for dates and locations. PA: Allentown — Dec. 1-3, 2000 Core Zero Balancing®, Segs. I & II Advanced PA 1: Progressed Process Advanced Visceral Manipulation Heart-Centered Therapy AZ: Tucson — Mar. 8-11, 2001 CA: Corralitos — May 3-6, 2001 FL: Palm Beach — Feb. 17-20, 2001 OR: Bend — Nov. 16-19, 2000 CO: Boulder — May 4-7, 2001 CO: Boulder — Apr. 5-8, 2001 NM: Albuquerque — Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 2000 LDT’s Bandages, Garments & Tools CT: Newington — Nov. 16-19, 2000 FL: Coral Gables — Feb. 16-19, 2001 for Lymphedema Management Visceral Approach to Trauma and Whiplash DE: Rehoboth Beach — May 17-20, 2001 NY: Saugerties — May 31-June 3, 2001 CA: San Francisco — Feb. 23-25, 2001 MA: Boston — Dec. 7-10, 2000 FL: Hallendale — Feb. 24-27, 2001 PA 2: Parts of the Whole SM IA: Des Moines — Apr. 5-7, 2001 Mechanical Link I Lymphedema/CDP Certification CA: Corralitos — Jan. 25-28, 2001 Iowa City — Nov. 16-19, 2000 CA: San Francisco — Feb. 22-25, 2001 MA: Boston — Dec. 11-12, 2000 Corralitos — July 12-15, 2001 MA: Boston — Feb. 16-19, 2001 IL: Chicago — Nov. 9-12, 2000 LDT’s Bandages & Tools for FL: Coral Gables — Apr. 19-22, 2001 NY: New York — Mar. 29-Apr. 1, 2001 KY: Louisville — May 17-20, 2001 Lymphedema/CDP Certification PA: Philadelphia — May 5-8, 2001 MA: Cambridge — Jan. 19, 21, 27 & 28, 2001 Mechanical LinkSM II FL: Palm Beach — Apr. 19-24, 2001 Watertown — Mar. 15-18, 2001 PA 3: The Hologram Please call for dates and locations. NMT Introduction to MD: Baltimore — Dec. 8-11, 2000 CA: Borrego Springs — Mar. 30-Apr. 6, 2001 SM Advanced Mechanical Link Care of Cervical Spinal Muscles Columbia — May 5-8, 2001 Aston® Therapeutics I Please call for dates and locations. Please call for dates and locations. MS: Waveland — Mar. 17-18 & 24-25, 2001 CA: San Francisco — Nov. 17-19, 2000 SM NeuroMuscular Therapy Lymph Drainage Therapy I NJ: Cape May Point — Feb. 22-25, 2001 Aston® Therapeutics II for the Posterior Spinal Muscles AZ: Phoenix — June 7-10, 2001 NY: New York — Jan. 18-21, 2001 Please call for dates and locations. CA: Big Sur — May 27-June 1, 2001 CO: Colorado Springs — Mar. 9-11, 2001 Rochester — Oct. 26-29, 2000 Bodyworks I Los Angeles — Feb. 1-4, 2001 FL: St. Petersburg — Feb. 23-25, 2001 PA: Bloomsburg — Apr. 5-8, 2001 Please call for dates and locations. San Diego — July 19-22, 2001 NeuroMuscular Therapy Chambersburg — Nov. 16-19, 2000 San Francisco — Jan. 6-9, 2001 for the Upper Extremity TX: Austin — Jan. 11-14, 2001 Bodyworks II CO: Colorado Springs — Mar. 29-Apr. 1, 2001 CO: Colorado Springs — May 18-20, 2001 VA: Charlottesville — Apr. 13-14 & 20-21, 2001 NV: Incline Village — Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 2000 This schedule is current at the time of printing and is subject to change. 10 Upledger UpDate Join a Study Group

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The study groups listed here have satisfied the requirements to become officially sanctioned by The Upledger Institute. The leaders are either teaching assistants or certified in their therapies, and they’ve been personally recommended by a UI-certified instructor. To receive an application to form a UI-approved study group, please call 1-800-233-5880, ext. 89005. All study groups shown here were approved as of July 31, 2000. To have your group listed in our next newsletter, your application must be submitted to UI and approved no later than Nov. 1, 2000.

ARIZONA San Diego Orlando Indianapolis Cave Creek Ellen Gayle Sovinee, HHP, CST Jill Mabry, LMT Eve Earley, DC Nan Woodward, PT, CST-D Phone: 858-693-3677 Phone: 407-774-7744 Phone: 317-257-7282 Phone: 480-488-5934 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Focus: CSI-SERII Focus: CSI-CSII Focus: CST Focus: CSI IOWA Sedona San Luis Obispo Palm Beach Gardens Neil Pinholster, LMT Celeste M. Varas de Valdes, The Upledger Institute HealthPlex Fairfield Phone: 520-541-0736 CMT, CST Clinical Services Michael Morgan, LMT, CST-D, & E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 805-995-2443 Cloé Couturier, LMT/CO, CST Karen Schele, RN Focus: CSI E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 561-622-4706 Phone: 515-472-0939 Focus: CSI-ADVI E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Focus: CSI-ADV Tucson Ventura Focus: CST Candice Strack, OTR/L, CST Tricia Fortina, MT, BSW, CST KANSAS Phone: 520-546-9242 Sarasota Phone: 805-933-1023 Jacqueline Riker, LMT Focus: CSI-SERII Focus: CSI-ADVII Wichita Phone: 941-922-8874 Patrick Speer, CMT CALIFORNIA COLORADO E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 316-721-8061 Focus: ADVI-II E-mail: [email protected] Berkeley, San Francisco Bay Area Boulder Focus: CST & Santa Cruz Pat Dorsey, CMT Tampa Michael Wagner, CMT Phone: 303-665-1224 Dottie Marvel, MT, LMT, CST MARYLAND Phone: 415-457-6392 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 813-839-7864 Focus: VMIA-VMII Baltimore Focus: ZB E-mail: [email protected] Tom Nichols, PT Focus: CSI-CSII Berkeley, San Francisco Bay Area CONNECTICUT Phone: 410-521-2200, ext. 5482 & Santa Cruz E-mail: [email protected] Hartford Tampa Focus: CSI-SERI Karen Clarke, CMT Anna Wiedeler, PT, MS, CACST Betty Lamb, BS, LMT Phone: 831-427-2022 Phone: 860-688-2954 Phone: 813-876-5114 Frederick E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Focus: CSI Lori Lossman, CMT Focus: CSI-SERII Focus: CSI Phone: 301-631-2227 GEORGIA E-mail: [email protected] El Cerrito Torrington Atlanta Focus: CST Nancy Burke, CMT Verllee Herpich Phone: 510-526-0115 Maureen Grady, MA, LMT, ABMP MASSACHUSETTS Phone: 860-482-4036 Phone: 770-394-5692 Fax: 510-526-9553 E-mail: [email protected] Boston Focus: CSI-SERI E-mail: Focus: ZB [email protected] Linda Squires, DC Focus: CSI-ADV Phone: 617-734-4455 Hayward DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Focus: ZB David Harnage Washington ILLINOIS Phone: 510-582-2507 Ronald Murray, PT, ND, PMD Focus: CST Phone: 202-966-0933 Chicago Legend E-mail: [email protected] Rosan Hepko, MSN Los Angeles & Marina del Rey Focus: CSI-SERII Phone: 847-733-9900 ADV = Advanced I CranioSacral Teresa Gaffin, BBA, LMT, CST E-mail: [email protected] Therapy Phone: 310-915-3054 FLORIDA Focus: CSI-SERI ADVII = Advanced II CranioSacral Focus: CSI-ADV Aventura Chicago Therapy Mill Valley Harvey Grossbard, OMD, AP Michael Regan AVM = Advanced Visceral Aria Rose, MA, CMT, CST Phone: 305-937-2281 Phone: 847-808-8424 Manipulation Phone: 415-381-8314 E-mail: [email protected] Mary Murphy, CMT, CST AVMII = Advanced Visceral E-mail: [email protected] Focus: CSI-ADV Phone: 847-318-2860 Manipulation II Focus: CSI-ADV E-mail: [email protected] CSI = CranioSacral Therapy I Ft. Lauderdale Focus: ZB CSII = CranioSacral Therapy II Oakland & Sacramento Pamela Brudno, LMT CSP = CranioSacral Therapy for Dean Chang, BS, CMT Phone: 954-402-0048 Woodstock Pediatrics Phone: 916-486-1420 Focus: CSI Dodie Corcoran, CMT CST = CranioSacral Therapy E-mail: [email protected] Jacksonville Phone: 815-337-5704 LDT = Lymph Drainage Therapy Focus: LDT David Dolan, LMT Focus: CST SERI = SomatoEmotional Release I SERII = SomatoEmotional Release II Phone: 904-826-3927 INDIANA Oregon House E-mail: [email protected] TBS = The Brain Speaks Karin Day, PT Focus: CSI-ADV, CSP, TBS Indianapolis VM = Visceral Manipulation Phone: 530-692-0601 Carol Fienhage, OTR/L VMIA = Visceral Manipulation IA E-mail: [email protected] Jupiter Phone: 765-288-7678 Focus: CSI VMIB = Visceral Manipulation IB Nancy Westphal, LMT, CST E-mail: [email protected] VMII = Visceral Manipulation II Phone: 561-622-4706 Focus: CSI-SERII ZB = Zero Balancing Focus: SERII Fall 2000 11

Fall River MISSOURI NEW YORK Eugene Susan Cotta, PT Columbia Cindy Bloom, CMT Phone: 508-677-0626 Hicksville Phone: 541-484-5177 Sherry Borcherding, MA, Hollie Stott, BA, LMT, CAT E-mail: [email protected] OTR/L, CST E-mail: [email protected] Focus: CST Phone: 631-598-3865 Focus: CSI Phone: 573-449-1570 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Focus: CSI Great Barrington souri.edu Portland Randi Haskins, PT Focus: CST Carol A. Gray, LMT, Doula Phone: 413-644-9474 Hudson & New York City Phone: 503-236-2999 Phyllis Hjorth, LMT E-mail: [email protected] St. Louis E-mail: [email protected] Focus: CSI-SERII Phone: 518-822-0556 or Focus: CSI-ADV Susan Costa, CMT 212-265-1020 Phone: 314-832-0279 Focus: CSI-SERI Greenfield E-mail: [email protected] Portland Lisa Berger, LAc Focus: CSI Jeff Ryder, DC Phone: 413-774-5972, ext. 112 New York City Phone: 503-464-0226 Kenneth I. Frey, PT, CST-D E-mail: [email protected] St. Louis E-mail: [email protected] Focus: ZB Phone: 212-245-1700 Focus: VMIA Constance Perretta, LMT, RMT Fax: 212-246-4964 Phone: 314-984-8265 Focus: VMIA-VMII Hanover Focus: CSI-SERII PENNSYLVANIA Dorinda Galbraith, PT Phone: 781-982-2654 MONTANA New York City Bethlehem E-mail: [email protected] Anne Hammel, CAT Penny Reiss Rhodes, CMT, CST-D Focus: CSI-ADV, VMIA-AVMII Helena Phone: 212-254-3442 Phone: 610-398-0803 Phil Robison, Zen E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Northampton Practitioner Focus: CSI-SER Gene Miller, AHP Avadhan Larson, LAc, LMT, CST-D Phone: 406-449-5541 Phone: 610-614-0998 Phone: 413-582-0123 E-mail: [email protected] Ossining E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] (attn.: Phil Robison) Elizabeth Pasquale, LMT Focus: CSI-ADV Focus: CSI-ADV Focus: CSI Phone: 914-762-4693 E-mail: [email protected] Chambersburg MICHIGAN NEBRASKA Focus: CST Ethel Nelson, PT Ann Arbor Omaha Phone: 717-267-7715 Martha Smith, CHt, CMT Tricia Fortina, MT, BSW, CST Rochester E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 734-994-2950 Phone: 805-933-1023 Nancy Wierowski, PT Focus: CSI-II E-mail: [email protected] Focus: CSI-ADVII Phone: 716-787-9798 Focus: CSI-ADV Fax: 716-787-9799 Hanover Omaha Focus: CSI-SERII Susan Shell, OTR/LMT Ann Arbor Ardyne Solomon, LMT Phone: 717-697-9761 Cathe Griwatsch, NCTMB Phone: 402-333-6617 NORTH CAROLINA Fax: 717-632-3369 Phone: 734-699-7938 Fax: 402-333-6777 Focus: CSI-SERII Focus: CST Focus: ZB Charlotte & Wilmington Joan Farrenkopf, CST King of Prussia Coldwater NEW HAMPSHIRE Phone: 913-313-1800 Zora Natanblut, PhD, PT Lauri Rowe, MA, NCTMB Rochester E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 610-989-1777 Phone: 517-279-7385 Don Ash, PT, CST-D Focus: CST E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 603-332-1881 Focus: CSI-ADV Focus: CSI E-mail: [email protected] Matthews Focus: CST Jo Ann Nealis, LMT Pittsburgh Farmington Phone: 704-841-3885 Kimberly June, LSW, CMTPT Gerilyn Gruzwalski, NEW JERSEY E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 412-563-0680 Focus: CSI-II Phone: 248-624-2460 Cape May Court House E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Focus: CSI-SERII Linda Foster, NCTMB, CST-D Raleigh Focus: CST Phone: 609-465-4723 Clara Tavarez, LMT State College & Williamsport E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 919-981-0795 Grand Blanc Focus: CSI-ADV Beth Shafranko, CMT Paula Jones, CMT, LPN E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 570-321-8440 Phone: 810-695-1757 Edison Focus: CST E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Susan Ring, NCTMB Focus: CSI Focus: CST Phone: 732-777-7375 Salisbury E-mail: [email protected] John Green, LMT Waverly Shepherd Focus: CSI Phone: 704-647-0060 Norma Hayhurst, RN, CHT Charles Ulmer, CMT, CST-D Focus: CST Phone: 570-563-0245 Phone: 517-828-4776 Madison E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Linda Heisler-Clancy, LMT OHIO Focus: CSI-CSII Focus: CSI-SERI Phone: 973-822-2444 Cincinnati E-mail: [email protected] Elaine Stapleton, MT, CST RHODE ISLAND Warren Focus: CSI-CSII, MFR Connie Eiland, PT, Cert. ZB Phone: 513-271-3976 Providence Phone: 313-343-8808 E-mail: [email protected] Susan Steiner, OTR/L, CST-D Morris County Focus: CSI-SERII Rebecca Scott, CMT Peg Dougherty, MA, CMT Phone: 401-831-0985 Phone: 810-756-4670 Phone: 973-822-3110 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 313-343-8862 Toledo Focus: CSI-SERII E-mail: [email protected] Gregory Miller, DO Focus: ZB Focus: CSI-CSII Phone: 419-578-2133 SOUTH CAROLINA MINNESOTA Tenafly E-mail: [email protected] Laurie Miller, RN Charleston & Hilton Head Minneapolis Phyllis Gordon, OTR Susan Wing-Stier, ND, LMT Carolyn Liarakos, CMT Phone: 201-569-6288 419-578-2133 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 843-681-6527 Phone: 612-922-9582 E-mail: [email protected] Focus: CSI E-mail: [email protected] Focus: CSI-ADV Focus: CSI-ADV Focus: CST NEW MEXICO OREGON TENNESSEE Minneapolis Corrales Ashland Memphis Karla Mueller, MsT, CST Maggie Mathisen, LMT Judith Sanford, LMT, CST Juanell Lemon, LMT Phone: 612-825-9891 Phone: 505-898-7853 Phone: 541-858-4459, vm Phone: 901-624-5757 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Focus: CSI-ADV Focus: CST Focus: CSI-ADV Focus: CST Continued on page 12 12 Upledger UpDate

Earn Continuing Education Credits for Classes in Complementary Care

The Upledger Institute offers classes that New CEUs Michigan satisfy continuing education requirements for California Doctors of Chiropractic can now earn CEUs many different professions. Before attending a Provider approved by the California Board of for CranioSacral Therapy II, Introduction to workshop, simply verify CEU acceptance Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP CranioSacral Therapy, ShareCare, Somato- with your professional state board. 9432. Call for the number of contact hours. Emotional Release I & II, Lymph Drainage To see a complete listing of CEUs, visit Kansas Therapy I & II, Core Zero Balancing I & II, www.upledger.com or call Educational Occupational Therapists can now earn CEUs and Multidisciplinary Approaches to Neck, Services at 1-800-233-5880, ext. 89005. for CranioSacral Therapy I & II. Head and Fascial Pain.

Seattle North York, ON Vancouver, BC Study Groups Nicholas Night, PTA/LMP, CST Magdalena Jara, Dr Ac Brenda Pulvermacher, BSc, CSP Continued from page 11 Phone: 206-368-0424 Phone: 416-614-3797 Phone: 604-987-0751 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Focus: CSI-SERII Focus: CSI-SERII Focus: CSI Nashville Christine Ackerson, MT Phone: 615-591-9996 Spokane South Surrey, BC Winnipeg E-mail: [email protected] Shauna Burchett, OTR/L Joanne Johnson, HHP Tanis Moore Focus: CST Phone: 509-327-4668 Phone: 604-218-0466 Phone: 204-376-5314 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: E-mail: [email protected] TEXAS Focus: CSI [email protected] Genora Whitworth, LMT Focus: CST Phone: 204-832-2169 Dallas WISCONSIN Focus: CST Joanne Bond, RMT Phone: 972-278-3700 Milwaukee Toronto, ON Fax: 972-278-6414 Karla Mueller, MsT, CST Teresa Stebbing, RMT NEW ZEALAND Focus: CST Phone: 612-825-9891 Phone: 416-365-1016 Dunedin, Otago E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Nellie Ralston Plano Focus: CSI-ADV Focus: CST Phone: 64 03 473 0095 Pam Kapoor, RMT Fax: 64 03 473 0062 Phone: 972-964-5912 Milwaukee Vancouver, BC Focus: CST E-mail: [email protected] Carol Alvarez, CMT Annabel Mackenzie, CSP Focus: CSI Phone: 414-289-0765 Phone: 604-261-9588 E-mail: wholebodbalcent@big- Fax: 604-254-0107 VERMONT planet.com Focus: VM South Royalton Focus: CSI Priscilla Downey, PT Phone: 802-763-9900, vm104 Steven’s Point Note: Please contact the study group contact directly regarding Focus: CSI-ADV Fred Anderson, PsyD space availability, prerequisites, dates and times, as details some- Phone: 715-342-4180 VIRGINIA E-mail: [email protected] times change. A nominal fee may also be charged. Charlottesville Focus: CST Maureen O’Neil, CMT Phone: 804-242-2757 AUSTRALIA E-mail: [email protected] Melbourne Sue Bovenizer, MT, CST Rebecca Parker Advanced II CranioSacral Therapy Phone: 804-984-0764 Phone: 61 03 9332 7347 E-mail: [email protected] Focus: CST E-mail: [email protected] Reston Focus: CSI Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, CST-D Phone: 703-620-4509 CANADA E-mail: [email protected] Kamloops, BC Focus: CSI-ADV Cassie Caroline Williams, PhD, RPOB, CST Virginia Beach Phone: 250-372-1663 Linda Tingle, CNMT E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 757-431-0711 Focus: VM/CST E-mail: [email protected] Focus: CSI-ADV London, ON WASHINGTON Brenda Rosenberg, PT, CST Phone: 519-434-2228 Bellingham E-mail: [email protected] Tim Hutton, PhD, LMP, CST-D Focus: CSI Phone: 360-734-1560 Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. – March 27-31, 2000 E-mail: [email protected] Montreal, PQ Front row (l-r): John Rashkind, CTAT; Martha Smith, CHT, CMT; Focus: CSI-CSII John Glenn, CPWE, RPP Charles Ulmer, CST. Back row (l-r): John E. Upledger, DO, OMM Phone: 514-332-0183 Port Angeles (instructor); Michael Morgan, LMT, CST-D (preceptor); Graham Bass, E-mail: [email protected] Joan Gloor, LMP, PTA RN, MA, CS; Patricia Shea, DC; Gerda Swearengen, MhD, DD; Focus: CSI-SERI Phone: 360-452-3633 Diane Jordan, DC; Elaine Stapleton, MT; Swarn Khalsa, NCTMB, Focus: CSI CST; LuviaJane Swanson, DC; Susan Gibson, LMT (preceptor). Fall 2000 13 Upledger Institute Speaking Engagements

✔ November 4-5, 2000 ✔ November 4, 2000 ✔ December 15, 2000 AMTA North Carolina Chapter AMTA Pennsylvania Chapter Fall Meeting FCA Winter Meeting Fall Meeting King of Prussia, PA Ft. Lauderdale, FL Sunset Beach, NC Beverly Cook, LMT – “Lymph Drainage Gayle Mya Breman, MSW, LMT Molly Clark, PT, RMT, CST – “Lymph Therapy: A Breakthrough in Lymph “ShareCare: An Introduction to Drainage Therapy: A Breakthrough in Drainage Techniques” CranioSacral Therapy” Lymph Drainage Techniques”


Congratulations and Well Wishes New Certified CranioSacral Therapy Diplomate Level: • A.J. de Koning, DO, is now certified as an Teaching Assistants • Susanne Ahrens- Engemann, CST-D Advanced Visceral Manipulation instructor. • Catherine Adachi, PT • Rene Assink, CST-D • Monique Bureau, BSc, PT, is now certified • Ellen Adler, OTR/L • Nikki Campbell, as a Mechanical Link I instructor. • Suzanne Bovenizer, MT, CST CST-D • Lisa Polec, DC, and Mark Bloemberg, PT, • Richard Hofner, MS, PT, ATC Nikki Campbell are now certified as Visceral Manipulation • Carola Freier-Borchers, IA instructors. CST-D Now Certified in CranioSacral Therapy • Thomas Gross, CST-D New Births Techniques Level: • Astrid Kulas, PT, CST-D • Suzanne Bovenizer, MT, CST • Gert Groot Landeweer, DO, CST-D • Shane Thomas, son of UI curriculum • Joanna Crill-Dawson, MCSP, CST • Rebecca Ridge, MA, LMT, CST-D director Kathy Lewis-Woll and husband • Denise Gaulin, BA, CST • Ania Stang, MS, Craig Woll, LMT • Richard Hofner, MS, PT, ATC, CST LMT, CST-D • Callie Ann, daughter of UI meeting planner • Nuala O’Rourke, LMT, RX, CST • Candice Strack, JoAnn Hambuechen and husband Garrett • Constance Perretta, LMT, RMT, CST OTR/L, CST-D • Connie, daughter of UI educational services • Christopher Slate, MT, CST • Bernhard Voss, representative Jennifer Kavensky and her • Jackie Steuber, PT, CST PT, CST-D husband Ken. • David Tomlinson, RMT, CST • Stefan Höppner, CST-D Stefan Höppner, CST-D • Ryan, son of UI graphic designer Stephanie Haas and her husband Kyle.

2000 HealthPlex Clinical Services Intensive Therapy Programs Brain & Spinal Cord Dysfunction: Shared Healing: Autism: Improving Structure and Function Harmonizing the Emotional Link Initiating Developmental Gains Two-Week Programs: Oct. 2-13, 2000; Nov. 6- Please call for dates. Please call for dates. 17, 2000; Nov. 27-Dec. 8, 2000; Dec. 11-22, 2000 Therapist Rejuvenation: Addictive Behaviors: Learning-Disabled Children: Replenishment and Renewal Uncovering the Cause Facilitating Success One-Week Program: Oct. 16-20, 2000 Please call for dates. One-Week Program: Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 2000 Dissolving Grief: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: To register or for more information, please call Lifting the Veil of Depression Vietnam Veterans UI HealthPlex Clinical Services at 561-622-4706. One-Week Program: Oct. 23-27, 2000 Please call for dates. 14 Upledger UpDate Books and Products To Support Your Healthcare Practice

Adoption Wisdom: A Guide to the through gestation, with the primordial and epochal A Journey Through the Issues and Feelings of Adoption events of this planet. Richard Grossinger explores Lymphatic System and the by Marlou Russell, PhD the process of embryogenesis, and the meanings Body Fluids Audiotape This book is for anyone who wants to know and metaphors we attach to it. (hard cover) $75.00 by Bruno Chikly, MD more about the realities of adoption. Offers (France) insight and understanding of adoptees, birth Breathing: The Master An imaginative journey into parents and adoptive parents. (soft cover) $14.95 Key to Self-Healing the lymphatic system designed to Audiotape Set by Andrew increase your understanding of its physiology Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care, Weil, MD and how it connects to blood flow. Also explores 4th Edition, by Gerald B. Merenstein Best-selling author and physi- the fluid model vs. the solid model in a way and Sandra L. Gardner cian Andrew Weil guides you that may change the way you perceive your Offers insight from both major fields of health- through the benefits of breath- body. (one audiotape, 46 min.) $15.00 care: medicine and nursing. The authors present work. To learn the art of healthy physiological principles and practical applica- breathing, he turned to Eastern traditions that The Art of Effortless Living tions while pointing out areas still unresolved. view the breath as a vital link to universal energy. by Ingrid Bacci, PhD (soft cover) $46.95 In easy-to-follow language, he explains the Learn to dissolve conscious and unconscious secret of breathwork’s power over your health, stress through simple techniques that replace Infant Massage: Building Loving and its remarkable ability to influence and even effort with effortlessness. The result? A more Communication Audiotape by Olivia reprogram the nervous system. (two tapes, rewarding lifestyle that leads to physical vitality, di Khetaa, MA, MFA, LMT 120 min. total) $18.95 increased productivity, creative relationships, The companion cassette to Vimala McClure’s book Ten Step Protocol and the freedom to express your best self. Infant Massage: A Handbook for Loving Parents. (hard cover) $22.95 Side A: The Basics – Gas & Colic Relief Routine, Mini Poster Gentle Movements, Rhymes. Side B: The Massage by John E. Upledger, Music of Light/Auric – Bengali Lullaby. (one audiotape) $11.95 DO, OMM 1 Sounds CD Set by 8 ⁄2” x 11” laminated Valerie Hunt, PhD The Out-of-Sync Child: desktop version of the This new CD set offers Recognizing and classic 10-Step Protocol poster. A great tool for most of the same pure Coping with Sensory both therapist and patient, it graphically illus- auric-field frequencies Integration Dysfunction trates the steps of Dr. Upledger’s protocol for harmonically blended with favorite classic and by Carol Stock the evaluation and care of the craniosacral contemporary music found on Dr. Hunt’s five- Kranowitz, MA system. $5.00 tape series. Designed to replenish the human Sensory Integration Dys- energy field, improve vitality, and stimulate function has only recently Post-Traumatic Stress feelings of well-being. (two CDs) $65.00 been widely recognized among doctors and Disorder in Vietnam Veterans: An Intensive psychologists. This guide offers comprehensive, Your Body is Your easily understood information on SI Dysfunc- CST Treatment Program Video Subconscious Mind tion, and a drug-free treatment approach for Audiotape Program children who need help. (soft cover) $14.00 In 1993, The Upledger Foundation sponsored an by Candace Pert, PhD Your Guide to Complementary Medicine intensive therapy program for Dr. Pert describes her efforts by Larry P. Credit, OMD, Sharon G. Vietnam veterans suffering over the past two decades to Hartunian, LICSW, and Margaret J. from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). decode the “information mol- Nowak, CMT Fueled by the success of that pilot program, The ecules,” such as peptides and This comprehensive reference clearly explains Upledger Foundation conducted an official PTSD their receptors, that regulate every aspect of numerous approaches to complementary medi- study in 1999 using CranioSacral Therapy and human physiology. Her model has unlocked cine in an easy-to-read, quick-reference format. SomatoEmotional Release®. This video documents the secret of emotions and how they literally (soft cover) $10.95 the profound results of both programs. (40 min.) transform our bodies and create our health. $10.00 (two audiotapes, 150 min. total) $18.95 Embryogenesis: Species, Gender, and Identity by Richard Discover CranioSacral Teach Only Love: The Grossinger, PhD Therapy for Infants and Twelve Principles of Embryology lies at the heart Children Brochures Attitudinal Healing of modern humanity’s Presents a consumer-friendly intro- by Gerald Jampolsky, MD search for identity. The duction to CranioSacral Therapy: Explains twelve principles stages of the embryo bring how it works, where it comes from, based on the healing power our minds, bodies and spirit and why it’s so crucial to children. of love, forgiveness and into matter and fuse them, (packet of 100) $25.00 oneness. They provide a Fall 2000 15 UpDate Classifieds

Therapeutic-grade essential oils – they Increase your success and reduce your work! Produced in the US, meeting French stress! We offer innovative, practical, Study group facilitation and tutoring for standards. Call 831-426-3621 or e-mail proven support to increase success with CSI, CSII and SER. Reasonable rates. [email protected]. our books, workshops, home-study pro- San Francisco Bay area. Also available: grams and coaching services. Call SMA for Orthodontics & CST classes. Call Nancy at Spiritual Egypt Tours ideal for healing- free catalog: 800-786-4774, or visit 510-526-0115. practitioners. www.1worldtours.com. Call www.sohnen-moe.com. 860-742-5685. Dr. Valerie Hunt invites you to a deep per- Learn myomassology from its originator, Your body craves clean water. sonal expansion workshop. Dec. 26-27, Multi-Pure Irene Gauthier. Irene's new video has Water Filter Systems are legally tested and 2000 near Santa Barbara. Topics include something for everyone, from the casual energy communication, emotional blocks, certified to reduce the widest range of beginner to the seasoned therapist. This potential health-hazard contaminates for retrieving info. from the mind-field & expe- professionally produced 4-tape set demon- riencing the sacred. Call now about Dr. longest time. Healthier, more convenient strates all her massage techniques, from and less expensive than bottled water. Hunt’s only advanced consciousness-open- and craniology to modified mas- ing workshop: 310-457-4694. Stainless steel. Home or office. Great sage. Step-by-step narration makes the prices! 25-yr. warranty. Call 510-835-2846 video easy to follow. $79 + S&H. Call or 1-800-729-1107. Irene's Myomassology Institute at 248-569- Classified Ad Rates MZ Alchemist Oils from Quebec: 10 HAND(4263). meridians set + healing, relax, etc. Hand Reflexology Video. 75 min. of theory The UI UpDate reaches more than www.4dshift.com or call 703-847-6147. & practical applications for self and others. 40,000 therapists interested in the field of CranioSacral Billing/Training Seminar. See www.ktreflex.com. complementary healthcare. The cost to Join us in Jacksonville, FL, to learn how to Deep Tissue & Neuromuscular Therapy run a classified ad is $5.00 per 30 charac- document CST sessions & effectively bill Video Set. 100 techniques w/detailed ters, which includes punctuation marks insurance co.’s. Utilizes LMT/CST David evaluation, assessment, trigger points & Dolan’s book Insurance Reimbursement & and spaces. To submit a classified ad, fax referral patterns. See clips at www.deep- Specialty Physician Referrals sold by UI. your request to the Newsletter Editor at tissue.com. 2 videos for $90. Call (888) 904-826-1641 or www.dolanhealth.com. 300-8489 to order. 561-622-4771.

powerful guide that allows us to heal our rela- The Call of Solitude shows you how plenty of tionships and bring peace and harmony to alonetime awaits you if you know how to every aspect of our lives. (soft cover) $12.95 make the necessary adjustments. (soft cover) $22.00 Working With Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, PhD Touching: The Human Significance of Presents the single most important factor in job the Skin by Dr. Ashley Montagu UI UpDate is published by The Upledger Institute. We welcome your performance and advancement: emotional Offers a moving and absorbing examination of contributions. All submissions must be intelligence. Yet emotional intelligence is actu- the importance of tactile interaction – touching – ally a set of skills anyone can acquire. In this legible, including a signature and on all facets of human development. (soft cover) phone number. The Upledger Institute practical guide, Daniel Goleman identifies $16.00 reserves the right to accept or reject them, explains their importance, and shows materials; edit materials for space and how they can be fostered. (soft cover) $15.95 clarification; and assumes no responsi- To Order Books and Products bility for errors, omissions, corrections The Call of Solitude: Alonetime in a For Your Healthcare Practice or modifications in publications. Call 1-800-233-5880, ext. 89005 Manuscripts and photographs are World of Attachment by Ester Schaler non-returnable. Letters to UI UpDate or Buchholz, PhD its editor are assumed intended for pub- Alonetime is a great protector of the self and the lication in whole or in part and may human spirit – yet finding moments to catch therefore be used for such purposes. up with ourselves seems almost impossible. Letters become property of The Upledger Institute. Address all correspondence and submissions to: Newsletter Editor, 11211 Prosperity Farms Rd., D-325, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410-3487.

© 2000 The Upledger Institute. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form by any means without prior written consent from the publishers. Beyond the Dura ’01 Seventh International Research Conference April 25-29, 2001 • Jupiter Beach, Florida Keynote Speakers: Gerald Jampolsky, MD, and Diane Cirincione, PhD “Change Your Mind, Change Your Life: Concepts in Attitudinal Healing”

Internationally recognized authors, lecturers • Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery: The • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and consultants Dr. Gerald Jampolsky and Collateral Damage and the Role of • Dolphin-Therapy Research Dr. Diane Cirincione share their transformational CranioSacral Therapy • Unique Clinical Cases insights in psychological healing. They’ll • Co-Treating Children With Reactive • And Many More present the 12 principles of attitudinal healing. Attachment Disorder Utilizing CranioSacral They’ll also talk about their work with adults Techniques, SomatoEmotional Release® and Call Toll-Free About Discounts on and children suffering catastrophic illnesses, Holding Therapy Tuition and Airfare: and discuss the dynamics of forgiveness • Applications of CranioSacral Therapy in the 1-800-233-5880, ext. 89005 presented in Dr. Jampolsky’s new book Treatment of Addictive Behaviors See www.upledger.com for more details. Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All. • Ways of the Flesh: An Overview of CST Dissection Workshop Success Other Presentations and Panel Discussions: • Alternative Healthcare on the Global Front • Vision Training and CranioSacral Therapy • Awakening the Healing Power of Spirituality • TMJ Disorders: Ramifications and Integrative in Healthcare Treatment • Cell Talk

The Upledger Institute’s • Austria: Marianne Schauperl • Italy: Diego Maggio, DO • Scandinavia: Inya L’Orange, PT Phone/Fax: 43 316 760961 Phone: 39 0403 728917; Fax: 39 0403 724056 Phone/Fax: 47 22 14 06 01 International Satellites/Affiliates: E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] • Spain: Jose Luis Perez Batlle, DO Please see www.upledger.com for details. • Belgium: Luc van Eupen, DO • Japan: Hirosuke Ueki, DO Phone/Fax: 34 958 5204 22 Phone: 32 1430 2397; Fax: 32 1430 4598 Phone/Fax: 81 3 5940 6151 E-mail: [email protected] • Australia E-mail: [email protected] South Australia: Mark Elford, PT • Netherlands (UIE Main Office) • Switzerland: Matthias Moesle • Brazil: Jussara De Avellar Serpa Phone: 61 08 8339 4322 Sanno Visser, DO Phone: 41 91 780 59 50 Phone: 55 21 431 3211 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 31 343 514031; Fax: 31 343 512189 Fax: 41 91 780 59 51 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Victoria: Rebecca Parker • Germany: Gert Groot Landeweer, DO Phone/Fax: 61 03 9332 7347 Phone: 49 450 46336; Fax: 49 450 467398 • New Zealand: Sue Mirkin, PT • United Kingdom: John Page, DO, CST-D E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 64 3 477 9752; Fax: 64 3 477 9780 Phone: 44 1738 444404 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 44 1738 442275 Queensland: Susie Spratt • Israel: Gadi Nelinger, PT E-mail: [email protected] Phone/Fax: 61 07 4638 2404 Phone: 972 3 5449238; Fax: 972 9 7965251 • Portugal: Jose Campos E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Phone/Fax: 351 21 453 9130

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