The Early Works of Benjamin Woolfield Mountfort, 1850-1865
THE EARLY WORKS OF BENJAMIN WOOLFIELD MOUNTFORT 1850 - 1865 Ian James Lochhead A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Art History, University of Auckland, 1975. THESIS CONTENTS Acknowledgements i Abstract iii List of Illustrations iv I Biographical Introduction 1 II Mountfort's Architectural PrinGiples 19 III Ecclesiology and the Early Church Designs; 1852 - 1863 36 IV Provincial Architect, 1855 - 1865 61 V Early Domestic Architecture, 1856 - 1865 88 Postscript 109 Appendix A Mountfort and the Development of Architectural Professional ism in New Zealand 111 Appendix B A Note on Mountfort's Drawings 115 Bibliography 118 Illustrations 128 ACKNOWLEDGEI\1El\1TS First, I must thank my supervisors, Mr l\1ichael Dunn, who advised me during the initial stages of research, and Professor Anthony Green, whose crHicisms of the text led to innumerable improvements. Mr John Stacpoole discussed Mountfort with me on several occasions, and helped in many other ways, while Peter Beaven's enthusiasm for Mountfort 1s buildings was a source of encouragement during the early stages of my research. The members of the Mountfort family gave enthusiastic assistance, and I would lH;:e to thank in · particular, Miss Edna Morris of Eastbourne, Miss Janie Mountfort .of Fe~lding, Mr H.V.Mountfort of Auckland and Mr A.Mountfort of Pukekohe. I am also grateful to Miss K.Hutton of Christchurch for allowing me to study her father's papers relating to Mountfort 1s plans and drawings. Dr J.Mordaunt Crook, Sir Nikolaus Pevsner and Canon Basil Clarke all responded to my requests for information, and Mr R.H.
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