This Job Aid covers the differences in the start menu between and Windows 10, including a different look of the start menu, how to pin items to the start menu and how to use the start menu to log off.

1. There is a difference between the look of the start in Windows 10 and Windows 7. Windows 7 start button Windows 10 start button

2. The start menu looks slightly different as well. In the screenshots below, you can see the addition of tiles to the Windows 10 start menu.

Windows 7 start menu Windows 10 start menu

Windows 10 Start Menu 1 JOB AID INDOWS TART ENU W 10 S M

3. Tiles are links to applications that have been pinned to the start menu for quick access. Some default applications are pinned to the start menu for you, but you can easily pin additional applications by right clicking on the application and choosing “Pin to Start Menu”. This will create a new tile for that application. On Windows 10, items pinned to the task bar will not stay while using FollowMe Desktop (FMD) and will not follow you to new devices when using physical machines. We suggest you do not pin any items to the , but create tiles for your frequently used applications, and access them via the start menu.

Windows 10 Start Menu 2 JOB AID INDOWS TART ENU W 10 S M

4. Logging off of a device is different in Windows 10 than it was in Windows 7. In Windows 10, click on the start button, look for the person on the left of the start menu, click the person icon then click “Sign out”. See screenshots below.

Windows 7

Windows 10

Windows 10 Start Menu 3 JOB AID INDOWS TART ENU W 10 S M

5. The location of the disconnect button in FMD has changed with Windows 10. It is now the first tile on the start menu instead of being located on the right side of the taskbar. See screenshots below.

Windows 7

Windows 10

Windows 10 Start Menu 4