MD 120 c.1 30001005123007

BS 25, BS 25/1, BS _.." _, ~..., _vi .L ~1: Ciegr. 1876 Zerlegbares Gehimmodell (15-teilig) Model ofthe brain in 15 narts Modele de cerveau demo R Property of:

en 15 parties Learning Resources Center Bio-Information Center Modelo de cerebro, desmi CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY 28th & Burt Street (de 15 piezas) Omaha, NE 68178 6. On the right: Model of the Brain in a Removing the island cortex. 15 Parts b Taking out the lentiform nucleus $I (red). L/cgr. lH76 as per Prof. Dr. Dr. J. W Rohen c Removing the and the inner capsule. Dissection of the Model On the left: 1. Removing of the two cerebral cortex a Removing the island cortex. parts. b Lateral detaching of the striate cor­ 2. Taking out the part of the corpus cal­ pus and of the lentiform nucleus losum to the front. (red). 3. Taking out the frontal part of the 7. Separating of the two remainders of brain to the front. the brain stem and detaching of the 4. Taking out the cerebellum to the back ventricles of brain. downwards. 5. Moving to the front the brain stem Assembling of the Model with ventricles as a whole whereby the 1. Fitting in the ventricles of brain into two temporal lobes have to be spread the left half of the brain stem. out a little (the plastic material allows 2. Taking the right half of the brain-stem 12 this bending apart). from below to the lateral ventricle and pressing until engaging in the height lobes have to be spread out a little of the two press-buttons. (the plastic material is sufficiently 3. On the left: plastic). The posterior horns of the $I a Pressing the striate corpus (red) lateral ventricles are lying now in the Cicgr. 1H76 between the lateral ventricle and corresponding cavities of the occipital the interior capsule. lobe. b Pressing laterally the island cortex 5. Pushing in the cerebellum from below with the two pins into the corre­ at the back until engaging of the but­ sponding cavities. tons. On the right: 6. Attaching the part of the frontal brain a Pushing on the pin the caudate from the front to the back with the nucleus (red) with . pin, visible down on the left in the b Pushing the lentiform nucleus (red) corresponding cavity. on the pin (straight edge points 7. Attaching the corpus callosum (please downwards). note the direction of the pins). c Attaching and engaging the island 8. Putting the model into the base of cortex with the two pins. skull. 4. Pushing the brain stem into the part 9. Putting on the two cerebral cortex of the temporal lobe from the front to parts. the back whereby the two temporal 13 This model is made according to original ible are the lateral ventricles (5), with the dissections and offers a three-dimensional anterior horn (6 a) and posterior horn (7). view of the architecture of the brain and Above the 3rd ventricle (8) lies the body $I the position ofthe main nuclei and cavities ofthe fornix (11) with the choroid plexus l{cgr.IH76 ofthe brain (cerebral ventricles). If the deta­ (12), marked here by a single red line. The chable layers of this model are examined remaining parts ofthe brain ventricles - the individually the position of the cerebral cerebral aqueduct of the midbrain (9) ventricle in relation to the nuclei of the and the 4th ventricle (10),in the area ofthe brain stem and the different sections ofthe rhombencephalon under the cerebellum ­ do not become visible until the model has brain can also be studied. been completely detached. After removal ofthe two upper parts ofthe 2 hemispheres (1+2) the corpus callosum After the frontal portion of the hemis­ (3) is seen from above. The two thin stripes pheres (20) and the cerebellum (23) have of upon either side of the cor­ been removed, the brain stem and the ven­ pus callosum are the medial and lateral tricles of the brain may be detached from longitudinal stria (4), part of the limbic the fork -shaped cerebrum, consisting large­ system. Ifthe middle portion ofthe corpus ly of the two temporal (13) and occipital callosum is now removed the only parts of lobes (14) by carefully bending apart the two temporal lobes. Both fimbria of 14 the ventricles ofthe brain immediately vis­ (light-green) (18) and The cerebellum iscut at the cerebellarpe­ choroid plexus (red) (16)join up with the duncles (24), showing the top of the 4th gyrus parahippocampalis (light-green) ventricle (10)- this consists ofthe vermis (19), situated in the floor of the lateral ven­ (vermis cerebelli) (27) and the two hemis­ $I ('cgr. 1876 tricle. Under the fimbria ofhippocampus is pheres (23). Two structures are particularly the (gyrus dentatus) (dark­ prominent on the underside - the floccu­ green) (17), seen as a continuation of the lus (25) and the tonsils (tonsilla cerebellz) two dark-green lines (4) crossing the cor­ (26). pus callosum (3). The fornix continues into the fornix columns which lie in the The brain stem, which is now isolated, in­ wall of the third ventricle (green) and end cludes the island of Reil with the under­ in the mamillary bodies (corpora mamilla­ lying ganglia of the telencephalon and ria) (44). All parts of the brain marked diencephalon, the midbrain, rhombence­ green form the so-called lim bic system. phalon and medulla oblongata. Ifthe left insula (28) is removed the striate body On the underside ofthe frontal gyrus (20) (corpus )(red) (37),composed ofthe are the two olfactory bulbs (bulbio!lactorii) caudate nucleus (nucleus caudatus) (29) (21) which continue posteriorly into the and (30), may be seen. The cavi­ olfactory tracts (tractus o!factorii) (22). ties between the nuclei hold the projection fibres running to and from the cerebral cor­ 15 tex. Together they form the internal cap­ be separated to isolate the ventricles ofthe sule (32, 36). On the inner surface of the brain. If these two halves are reconnected, ~ detachable striate body is the pallidum (a this model of the brain stem can be com­ Llcgr. 1H76 somewhat darker red) (33), which merges pleted with the remaining parts ofthe brain with the putamen to form the so-called in order to study anatomical details of the nucleus lentiformis (35). entire structure, minus the ventricles ofthe brain. The important structures are listed in The right island of Reil (insula) (34) can the table. The area marked in the roof of also be removed. This isolates the nucleus the third ventricle corresponds to the cho­ lentiformis (35) which, if removed, reveals roid plexus of the 3rd ventricle. On the the of the internal capsule. base ofthe brain the mamillary body (44) If this is finally detached the caudate nuc­ is coloured green and the olives (49) pink leus (nucleus caudatus) (29) may be seen in for extra emphasis. The cranial nerves (43, its entirety. A side view of the brain stem 45,46,47,48,52,55) are marked in white. now shows the thalamus (38) and the optic tract (tractus opticus) (41),which runs from the optic chiasm (chiasma opticum) (39) back to the pulvinar thalami (42).

16 The two halves of the brain stem can now Model of the brain 12. Choroid plexus (plexus choroideus) (red) I. Left cerebral hemisphere (cortex) 13. Temporal lobe (lobus temporalis) ~ 2. Right cerebral hemisphere 14. Occipital lobe (lobus occipitalis) (cortex) C/l'~;r. lH76 3. Callous corpus (corpus callosum) 15. Pes hippocampi (light-green) 4. Medial and lateral longitudinal 16. Choroid plexus (red) stria of corpus callosum 17. Dentate gyrus (gyrus dentatus) (striae longitudinales med. and lat.) (dark-green) 5. Lateral ventricle (ventriculus lat.) 18. Fimbria of hippocampus 6 a. Anterior horn of lateral ventricle 19. Gyrus parahippocampalis (cornu ant.) 20. Frontal gyrus (gyrusfrontalis) 6 b. Inferior horn of lateral ventricle 2I. (bulbus olfactorius) (Cornu inferius) 22. (tractus olfactorius) 7. Posterior horn of lateral ventricle 23. Cerebellar hemisphere, (cornu post.) (hemispherium cerebelli) 8. Third ventricle (ventriculus 111.) 24. Cerebellar peduncles 9. Cerebral aqueduct (pedunculi cerebelli) (aquaeductus cerebri) 25. Flocculus (flocculus cerebelli) 10. Fourth ventricle (uentriculus IV) 26. Cerebellar tonsil (tonsilla ccrebelli) II. Body of the fornix (corpusfornicis) 17 27. Vermis of the cerebellum 43. Oculomotor nerve (3rd cranial (vermis cerebelli) nerve), (n. oculomotorius) 28. Left island of Reil (insula) 44. Mamillary body (corpus mamillare) $I 29. Caudate nucleus (nucleus caudatus) (green) liq;L IH76 30. Putamen 45. Trigeminal nerve (5th cranial 31. Openings for projection tracts nerve), (n. trigeminus) 32. Projection fibre bundle of inter­ 46. Abducens nerve (6th cranial nal capsule (capsula interna) nerve), (n. abducens) 33. Pallidum ()(dark-red) 47. Vestibulocochlear nerve (8th era­ 34. Right island of Rei! (insula) nial nerve), (n. uestibulocochlcaris) 35. Lentiform nucleus, Facial nerve (7th cranial nerve), (nucleus lentiformis) (n.facialis) 36. Internal capsule (capsula interna) 48. Glossopharyngeal nerve (9th era­ 37. Striate body (corpus striatum) nial nerve), (n. gfossopbaryngeus), 38. Thalamus Vagus nerve (10th cranial nerve), 39. Optic chiasm (chiasma opticum) (n. 'vagus), 40. Crus cerebri Accessory nerve (11th cranial 41. Optic tract (tractus opticus) nerve), (n. accessorius) 42. Pulvinar of thalamus (Pulvinar tba­49. Olives (oliva inf) 18 lami) 50. Pons (pons) 51. Pyramids (pyramis) 52. Hypoglossal nerve (12th cranial nerve), (n. bypoglossus) $I 53. Pineal gland (epipbyse) l/cgr. lH76 54. Q!1adrigeminallamina (lamina tecti) 55. Trochlear nerve (4th cranial nerve), (n. trochlearis) 56. Rhomboid fossa (foHa rhomboidea) 57. Tubercle of nucleus gracilis (tuberculum nuclei gracilis) 58. Tubercle of nucleus cuneatus (tuberculum nucleicuneati)

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