1 Training Signal Design for Correlated Massive MIMO Channel Estimation Mojtaba Soltanalian*, Mohammad Mahdi Naghsh, Nafiseh Shariati, Petre Stoica, and Babak Hassibi

Abstract—In this paper, we propose a new approach to the design of training sequences that can be used for an accurate estimation of multi-input multi-output (MIMO) channels. The proposed method is particularly instrumental in training se- quence designs that deal with three key challenges: (i) arbitrary channel and noise statistics that do not follow specific models, (ii) limitations on the properties of the transmit signals, and (iii) signal design for large-scale or massive antenna arrays. Several numerical examples are provided to examine the proposed method. Index Terms—Channel estimation, massive MIMO, peak-to- average-power ratio (PAR), signal design, training sequence.

I.INTRODUCTION Fig. 1. MIMO training for channel estimation: The optimized training signals Accurate knowledge of multi-input multi-output (MIMO) are transmitted during the training phase in order to estimate the instantaneous channel state information (CSI) plays an important role in channel information based on the received signal and the known input. exploiting the full potential of MIMO communication systems. A practical way to acquire instantaneous CSI of the MIMO TABLE I channel is training-based channel estimation which relies on NOTATIONS transmitting an a priori known sequence, namely a training x(k) the kth entry of the vector x or pilot sequence, to the receiver, and estimating the instan- 1 kxk l x P |x(k)|n n taneous channel coefficients based on the received signal [1]– n the n-norm of , defined as k XH the complex conjugate of a matrix X [11]. This channel estimation scheme is illustrated in Fig. 1. XT the transpose of a matrix X Massive MIMO is an emerging technological concept in tr(X) the trace of a matrix X communications where a large number of antennas is em- kXkF the Frobenius norm of a matrix X vec(X) the vector obtained by column-wise stacking of X ployed at the base stations. Massive MIMO systems have arg(X) the phase angle (in radians) of X exhibited superior performance with respect to different qual- exp(X) the matrix exponential function defined element- [X] ity metrics, including capacity, transmit energy efficiency, wisely as [exp(X)]k,l = e k,l latency, and robustness to jamming [12]–[16]. Signal design <{X} the real part of X X Y X − Y is positive definite for massive MIMO deals with many streams of signals or, ⊗ the Kronecker product equivalently, many design variables. Such a large number of In the identity matrix of dimension n degrees of freedom paves the way for a better quality of signal C the set of complex numbers f(n) = O(nx) f(n) is upper bounded by c nx for some design, but at the same time, makes the design computationally 0 < c < ∞ expensive. Hence, it is no surprise that a considerable attention x ∼ CN (0, X): the zero-mean random vector x is distributed has been paid to efficient methods that can handle the signal according to the circularly symmetric complex Gaussian distribution with covariance X. design complexity arising from such large-scale arrays of antennas. This work is concerned with an efficient design of training signals for channel estimation in massive MIMO systems. We discuss the problem formulation and the contributions of the paper in the following. This work was supported in part by the European Research Council (ERC) and the Swedish Research Council (VR). M. Soltanalian is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607. M. M. Naghsh is with the Dept. of Elec- trical and Computer Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, . P. Stoica is with the Dept. of Information Technology, A. Problem Formulation Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. N. Shariati is with Ericsson Research, Stockholm, Sweden. She contributed to this work while she was with the We consider a narrowband block fading point-to-point Department of , KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stock- holm, Sweden. B. Hassibi is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, MIMO communication link equipped with nT transmit and B×nT California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125. nR receive antennas. Let P ∈ C be a matrix whose ∗Corresponding author— Email: [email protected] rows comprise the training symbols at each transmitter where 2

1 B ≥ nT [2]. The training phase can be described by the According to the goals set above, we consider the following equation, general form of the design problem

T n −1 H −1 −1o Y = HP + N, (1) min tr R + (P ⊗ In ) M (P ⊗ In ) (3) P R R s.t. P ∈ Ω in which H ∈ CnR×nT denotes the MIMO channel with H(k, l) being the gain of the MIMO path between receiver where Ω denotes the constraints imposed on the training k and transmitter l. We assume vec(H) ∼ CN (0, R) sequences. where R ∈ CnT nR×nT nR is the channel covariance matrix. nR×B The rest of this work is organized as follows. The proposed Moreover, N ∈ C represents the noise matrix whose columns consist of (possibly colored) Gaussian noise, i.e., approach is presented in Section II. Several numerical exam- BnR×BnR ples are provided in Section III. Finally, Section IV concludes vec(N) ∼ CN (0, M) with M ∈ C denoting the noise covariance matrix. The received data is denoted by the paper. Y ∈ CnR×B. The key goal is to design the matrix P in order to produce II.TRAINING SEQUENCE OPTIMIZATION an accurate estimate of the channel H. To accomplish this goal, we consider the minimization of the mean-squared error In what follows, we propose an iterative cyclic approach to (MSE) of the channel estimate when the minimum mean- tackle (3). Let Pe = P ⊗ InR , and note that using the matrix square error (MMSE) estimator is used to estimate the in- inversion lemma we have stantaneous channel coefficients ( [18], [6], [8]), viz. −1  −1 H −1  θ , R + Pe M Pe (4) n −1o −1 H −1  −1 MSE = tr R + (P ⊗ In ) M (P ⊗ In ) . (2) H  H  R R = R − RPe M + PRe Pe PRe .

Define B. Contributions of this work H ! RRPe X , H , (5) In the literature, the optimized training sequence is usually PRMe + PRe Pe found by minimizing the MSE criterion under a total power2 constraint. Moreover, in order to make the problem tractable T (or to obtain a closed-form solution), the covariance matrices U , (InT nR 0nT nR×BnR ) , (6) associated with the channel and noise are usually assumed to possess special structures, e.g. to satisfy the Kronecker and observe that model or a diagonal matrix structure [1], [3], [5], [6], [8]. The U H X−1U = θ−1. (7) contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows:

• The problem formulation is cast in a rather general form; The goal is to minimize tr{θ} with respect to the training H i.e. no special structure is assumed for the covariance matrix P . To this end, let f(V , P ) , tr{V XV } (with matrices of the channel and noise. V ∈ C(nT nR+BnR)×nT nR being an auxiliary variable), and • The proposed optimization approach can handle not only consider the following minimization problem: the total training power but also more complicated signal min f(V , P ) (8) constraints that are typically of interest at the transmit- V ,P side of the communication system [15], [19]–[21]. Such s.t. V H U = I constraints include constant-modulus, desired peak-to- nT nR average-power ratio (PAR), and quantized-phase alphabet P ∈ Ω. restrictions. To the best of our knowledge, such a con- For fixed P , the minimizer V of (8) can be obtained using strained training sequence design was not addressed in Result 35 in [23, p. 354] as the literature prior to this work. • We devise an efficient cyclic method to tackle the result- −1 H −1 −1 V ? = X U(U X U) (9) ing non-convex design problem. The low computational θ−1 ! complexity of the devised optimization approach makes −1 =  H  −1 θ it a good candidate for usage in massive MIMO scenarios − M + PRe Pe Pe Rθ [12]–[14], [22]. ! InT nR =  H −1 . 1 Note that B ≥ nT is a condition for obtaining a meaningful channel − M + PRe Pe PRe estimate [2]. However, although a larger B would be beneficial for obtaining a more accurate estimate of the channel, it was shown in [17] that using a In order to see why the over-parametrization in (8) is useful, smaller B leads to a larger capacity of the MIMO channel by leaving more time for data transmission. Therefore, it would be typically advisable to use note that at the minimizer V = V ? of (8), the minimal amount of training symbols, i.e., B = nT . 2 Please see (20) and the related discussions for details. f(V ?, P ) = tr{θ}. (10) 3

2 BnT nR×BnT n Hence, each step of a cyclic optimization of (8) with respect To exploit the sparsity of es, let J ∈ C R to V and P will lead to a decrease of tr{θ}. More precisely, comprise the rows of I 2 that are indexed by (17). Then BnT nR by letting g(P ) = tr{θ} one can observe that (16) can be reformulated as

H  (k+1)  (k+2) (k+1)    T    g P = f V , P (11) s J(Q2 ⊗ Q1)J J(vec(Q3)) s min H T   s 1 vec (Q3)J 0 1 ≤ f V (k+1), P (k+1)

 ( +1) ( )  ( ) P ∈ ≤ f V k , P k = g P k s.t. Ω, s J s J P ⊗ I (19) = e = (vec( nR )). where P (k+1) and V (k+2) are obtained by fixing V = V (k+1) In the following, we constrain all the columns of P to and P = P (k+1) in the criterion, respectively, and k denotes √ have a fixed l −norm equal to B, which characterizes a the iteration number. 2 fixed-energy scenario at each transmit antenna. Note that, in Next, note that the minimization of V P with respect to f( , ) the previous literature, usually the collective energy of the P boils down to the following quadratic optimization problem: antennas is assumed to be upper bounded, viz. n H o n n H oo H min tr Q1PQe 2Pe + 2 < tr Q3Pe (12) {PP } ≤ P tr BnT . (20) s.t. P ∈ Ω However, the bounded-energy constraints such as (20) usually where are satisfied at equality (turning the bounded-energy constraint  to the fixed-energy alternative) due to the fact that the com- H munication system employs all the energy resource to achieve  Q1 = Ve Ve Q2 = R (13) a better signal transmission quality. Moreover, per-antenna  energy constraints are practically more useful compared to  Q3 = VRe the collective energy constraints, as the latter might cause an and uneven (and sometimes harmfull) distribution of power over  H −1 the antennas [19]. In fact, the per-antenna energy constraint is Ve = − M + Pe ?RPe ? Pe ?R (14) typically relaxed to a form similar to (20) solely to make the problems convex, or more tractable. A direct consequence of is the lower block of V (see (9)), in which Pe ? denotes the the fixed-energy assumption on the columns of P is that the previous known value of Pe . The latter optimization problem vector s (as well as es) contains a given energy, as (similar to can be recast as es) the vector s includes exactly nR copies of each and every H n H o entry of P . This fact is elaborated on further in Lemma 2 min es (Q2 ⊗ Q1) es + 2 < es vec(Q3) (15) which identifies the locations in s associated with the entries es e s.t. P ∈ Ω, of P . Lemma 2 will also be essential to tackle the quadratic program arising from the over-parametrization in (8) and its s = vec(Pe ) = vec(P ⊗ In ), e R equivalent forms discussed herein. or equivalently, Lemma 2. In the vector s P ⊗I , the entry P e = vec( nR ) (k, l)  H     appears exactly nR times at locations es Q2 ⊗ Q1 vec(Q3) es min H (16) s 1 vec (Q ) 0 1 2 e 3 (l − 1)BnR + tBnR + (k − 1)nR + t + 1, (21) s.t. P ∈ Ω, for t ∈ {0, 1, ··· , n − 1}. s P ⊗ I R e = vec( nR ). Next we show that one can significantly reduce the dimension Let of the above optimization problem thanks to the structured  T  J(Q2 ⊗ Q1)J J(vec(Q3)) sparsity of s (proving Lemma 1, as well as Lemma 2 below, Q , H T (22) e vec (Q3)J 0 is straightforward): and also let Qb = λI − Q 0, where λ is a real number Lemma 1. The vector s = vec(P ⊗ I ) is a sparse vector e nR larger than the maximum eigenvalue of Q. Due to the fixed whose non-zero values occur at locations energy of s, (19) can be tackled via considering the following 2 equivalent optimization problem: k2BnR + k1BnR + k0nR + k1 + 1, (17) H max s Qb s (23) for which s b b s.t. P ∈ Ω, k0 ∈ {0, 1, ··· ,B − 1}, (18) s = J (vec(P ⊗ In )), k ∈ {0, 1, ··· , n − 1}, R 1 R  s  s = . k2 ∈ {0, 1, ··· , nT − 1}. b 1 4

TABLE II CYCLIC ALGORITHMFOR CONSTRAINED TRAINING SIGNAL DESIGN • For Ω = set of matrices satisfying the fixed-energy constraint: Step 0: Initialize P using a random matrix in Ω. (h+1)  (h) Step 1: Compute the minimizer V of (8) using (9). P = Γ P Σ (28) Step 2: Update the current design of P using the power method-like iterations defined in (27), and the appropriate matrix solutions below (27), where the operator Γ(.) scales the columns of the matrix µ times (or until convergence). √ Step 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 until a stop criterion is satisfied, e.g. argument to achieve an l2-norm of B for each column.

(k+1) (k) MSE − MSE <  for some given  > 0, where k denotes • For Ω = set of unimodular matrices: the outer loop iteration number. (h+1)   (h) P = exp j arg P Σ . (29)

• For Ω = set of matrices with discrete-phase entries (from Now let denote the constraints on s imposed in (23). Using Ωb b {2kπ/q : k = 0, 1, ··· , q − 1}): this notation, we can rewrite (23) as (h+1)    (h) H P = exp jΦ arg P Σ (30) max bs Qb bs (24) bs∈Ωb where the operator Φ(.) yields the closest q-ary phase The above optimization problem is NP-hard in general, partic- matrix with entries from the set {2kπ/q : k = ularly so when P belongs to the unimodular, or q-ary matrix 0, 1, ··· , q − 1}. sets [24], [25]. However, an increasing sequence of values • For Ω = set of matrices satisfying a PAR constraint: Such of the objective function in (24), and at the same time, a a nearest-matrix problem can be solved efficiently via a monotonically decreasing sequence of values for (8), can be recursive algorithm introduced in [27]. obtained by an extension of the power method-like iterations originally developed in [25] and [26]. Namely, starting from a The proposed method is summarized in Table II. current design of s, say s(0) (or equivalently a current design The algorithm has a per-iteration complexity of b b (0) 2.38 2 2 of the training matrix i.e. P ), an increasing objective of O(max{(BnR) , BnR(nT nR) , µ(BnT nR) }), where the first two terms account for the computation of V , and (24) can be obtained by updating bs using the nearest-vector e problem: the last term accounts for the complexity associated with µ power method-like iterations that are performed within each (h+1) (h) min s − Qb s (25) outer-loop iteration of the method. Note that the suggested (h+1) b b 2 bs ∈Ωb algorithm yields a monotonically decreasing MSE criterion, where h denotes the inner-loop iteration number. We note that, and is guaranteed to converge due to the non-negativity to obtain an increasing objective of (24), and a decreasing (and thus lower boundedness) of the MSE. The next section (8), one does not necessarily need to employ (25) until provides numerical examples that investigate further the convergence; indeed, (25) can be used for an arbitrary number computational efficiency of the method. of times, say µ, or until convergence. We refer the interested Remark (Real-Time Applications): The ideas discussed reader to find proofs and further details on the properties of herein can be employed in cognitive real-time scenarios, power method-like iterations in [25] and [26]. e.g. for wireless channels in which the channel characteris- 0 nR Inspired by Lemma 2, we let {pk,l(t)}t=1 denote the tics are time-varying particularly due to relative motions of (h) entries of Qb bs occuring exactly in the same locations as users/scatterers. The time intervals for which the channels can (h+1) (h+1) of P (k, l) in bs . Then (25) can be tackled by be assumed to be time-invariant depend on the Doppler spreads minimizing the criterion of the channels (see e.g. [28], [29] for details). Note that if the changes in R and M are small, then the proposed optimization B n n X XT XR 2 method can be used (by starting from the previous estimate of P (h+1) − 0 (26) (k, l) pk,l(t) P ) to search for the optimal P under the new channel/noise k=1 l=1 t=1 condition. Such an approach would typically lead to a quick ( B nT nR !) X X ∗ (h+1) X 0 convergence of the method to quality solutions.  = const1 − 2< P (k, l) pk,l(t) k=1 l=1 t=1 2 III.NUMERICAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS B nT nR X X (h+1) X 0 = const2 + P (k, l) − pk,l(t) . In this section, we evaluate the performance of the proposed k=1 l=1 t=1 method with respect to the MSE metric, as well as computation Consequently, (25) is equivalent to the nearest-matrix problem: time, using different scenarios.

(h+1) (h) min P − P Σ (27) A. Simulation Settings P (h+1)∈Ω F To generate covariance matrices related to a spatially cor- (h) PnR 0 where P Σ (k, l) = t=1 pk,l(t) for all k, l, as given in (26). related scenario, we exploit the exponential model which is For obtaining specific solutions to the nearest training matrix an appropriate model whenever a control over correlation is problem above, we consider various signal constraints Ω. required [31]. For the sake of comparison with the existing 5






MSE (dB) cyclic-total-power −12 cyclic-total-power-ini cyclic-q-ary −14 cyclic-q-ary-ini cyclic-PAR-2

−16 cyclic-PAR-2-ini cyclic-unimodular cyclic-unimodular-ini −18 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 SNR (dB)

Fig. 2. MSE comparison of different schemes for a 4 × 4 MIMO channel where B = 4 and γ = 16. All the curves labeled as cyclic-(.) represent the MSE values obtained using the proposed algorithm whereas the optimal-total-power curve shows the optimal performance corresponding to the design in [6]. In order to demonstrate the improvement of MSE values through the iterations, the initial MSE values are also shown using the labels cyclic-(.)-ini.

methods in the literature, we assume that both the channel B. MSE Metric matrix R and the noise matrix M follow the Kronecker We begin by using the proposed cyclic method to design model which is a broadly used simplifying assumption in the training sequences with various signal constraints, namely, MIMO literature [32]. Interestingly, closed-form solutions for total-power (per antenna), unimodularity, quantized-phase the optimal training design problem with a finite collective (with q = 64), and low-PAR (viz. PAR ≤ 2). We consider a energy (also known as total-power constraint) have been 4×4 MIMO channel with B = 4, and show the performance of derived in the literature under certain statistical assumptions; the suggested algorithm using the MSE as the figure of merit. see e.g. [6]. Among these assumptions, the Kronecker structure As discussed earlier, the quality assessment of the training for the channel and noise covariance matrices is one of the signals with respect to the MSE metric is accomplished by essential conditions to be met in order to make the analysis considering a statistical scenario for which a closed-form tractable. The exploited model can be described as follows. optimal solution exists. In this case, we use the closed-form For a generic covariance matrix C, we let [C] = ρl−k k,l solution of [6] for total-power constraint as a lower bound for for k ≤ l, and [C] = [C]∗ for l < k, with |ρ| < 1 k,l l,k comparison. The results are shown in Fig. 2. For each specific denoting the correlation coefficient. Note that a larger ρ signal constraint, we have used the proposed method 30 times represents a stronger correlation among the antennas in the (using different random initializations) and have reported the array [31]. Specifically, we assume R = (RT ⊗ R ), where T R average of the obtained MSE values along with the average ρ = 0.9e−jθrt and ρ = 0.65e−jθrr are used to generate rt rr of the associated MSE values at initialization. It can be covariance matrices R and R at the transmit side and the T R observed from Fig. 2 that the proposed method performs nearly receive side, respectively. Moreover, we let M = (MT ⊗M ) T R optimally in all cases. It is also interesting to note that the where M = R , and ρ = 0.8e−jθmt is the correlation R R mt ultimate MSE values for different signal constraints appear to coefficient used to generate the temporal covariance matrix be very similar although some constraints are more strict than M . The phase arguments (θ , θ , θ ) appearing above T rt rr mt the others. This phenomenon has also been observed in some were chosen randomly as (0.8349π, 0.4289π, 0.5361π). recent publications such as [25], [33] and [34]. The minor We also normalize R and M such that tr{R} = 1 and differences between the MSE values achieved by the cyclic tr{M} = κ, and define the training signal-to-noise ratio method and that of [6] can be explained by the fact that the 2 (SNR) as SNR , γ/κ, where γ = kP kF denotes the total solution from [6] yields the MSE at the global optimum for training energy. Then for a given γ, different values of κ total-power energy constraint which is more relaxed than per- realize different SNR values. We consider γ = BnT , and set antenna energy constraints taken into account by the cyclic the stop threshold of the outer-loop iterations in Table II as method.  = 10−5. 6

102 104


101 102



100 average run-time (sec) average run-time (sec)

10−1 −1 10 Cyclic (proposed) Cyclic (proposed) MATLAB fmincon MATLAB fmincon −2 SDP 10 SDP

10−2 10−3 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 nR nT

(a) (b)

Fig. 4. Comparison of computation times required by the proposed cyclic method, the general purpose MATLAB optimization function fmincon, and the SDP-based approach of [8] for training signal design. The run-time values are averaged over 10 trials with different random initializations.

2.7 time of the proposed method is compared with that of the general purpose MATLAB function fmincon as well as 2.6 the semidefinite programming (SDP)-based approach of [8] 2.5 in the total-power constraint case. Note that the compu-

2.4 tational method of [8] can be used only for identity M; hence, we set M to identity in this example to perform the 2.3 cyclic-PAR-2 comparison. In the first experiment, we set the number of 2.2 optimal-total-power transmitters n to a fix number 2, and let n belong to the

PAR T R 2.1 set {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128}. In the second, we fix nR = 2 and choose nT from {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64}. We set B = nT and 2 compute the average of the required computation time for 10 1.9 different trials (with random initializations). The results are 1.8 shown in Fig. 4(a) and Fig. 4(b), respectively. Note that the curves associated with the SDP-based approach of [8] and 1.7 0 5 10 15 20 MATLAB fmincon are truncated at certain values of nR or SNR (dB) nT due to prohibitive computational burden associated with these methods. The results leading to Fig. 4 were obtained Fig. 3. Comparison of the PAR values obtained from the proposed cyclic method in Fig. 2 and those of [6]. using a standard PC with Intel Core i5 CPU 760 @2.80GHz, and 8GB memory.

It is evident from Fig. 4 that, in both cases, the proposed method yields significant improvements in the computation Next, we focus on the PAR constrained example above to speed compared to its counterparts. However, the case with illustrate how one of our main goals, i.e. satisfying the signal nT = 2 and variable nR represents a more practical scenario constraints, is achieved by comparing the resulting PAR values for massive MIMO configurations [35]. This is due to the fact obtained by the proposed algorithm with that of the sequences that, in order to keep track of the CSI, the training signals suggested in [6]. Fig. 3 shows that the proposed cyclic method (designed at the base station) will usually be transmitted by the not only provides MSE values close to the optimal, but it also user—which typically has a small number of antennas (leading keeps the PAR values below the specified threshold level, i.e. to a reduced training overhead). Upon receiving the training ≤ PAR 2. 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