WORLD General INTELLECTUAL In December 1996, two new treaties were PROPERTY concluded at the World Intellectual Property ORGANIZATION Organization (WIPO): the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT). Together, these WIPO is committed to working towards the treaties represent a milestone in modernizing the broadest possible adherence to the treaties international system of copyright and related around the world in order to safeguard global rights, ushering that system into the digital age. protection for creativity. This project is a key item on the WIPO Digital Agenda, approved by the Background Member States in September 1999. The WIPO Copyright law provides protection for literary and on the current situation regarding the Internet artistic works, giving their creators the ability WCT and the WPPT is available on our website at to control certain uses of their works. The law of <>. related rights (that is, rights related to copyright) Treaties provides similar protection for the creative For more information contact the contributions of parties involved in presenting World Intellectual Property Organization at: works to the public, such as performers, Address: Telephone: phonogram producers, and broadcasters. 34, chemin des Colombettes +41 22 338 91 11 Copyright and related rights are provided by P.O. Box 18 Fax: CH-1211 Geneva 20 +41 22 733 54 28 national laws in individual countries. International Switzerland E-mail: treaties link the various national laws by ensuring
[email protected] that at least a minimum level of rights will be or its New York Coordination Office at: granted to creators under each national law.