Reports of the AAAI 2008 Spring Symposia

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Reports of the AAAI 2008 Spring Symposia Reports Reports of the AAAI 2008 Spring Symposia Marcello Balduccini, Chitta Baral, Boyan Brodaric, Simon Colton, Peter Fox, David Gutelius, Knut Hinkelmann, Ian Horswill, Bernardo Huberman, Eva Hudlicka, Kristina Lerman, Christine Lisetti, Deborah McGuinness, Mary Lou Maher, Mark A. Musen, Mehran Sahami, Derek Sleeman, Barbara Thönssen, Juan Velasquez, and Dan Ventura I The Association for the Advancement of Ar- tems. The goal of the Emotion, Personality, and he Association for the Advance- tificial Intelligence (AAAI) was pleased to pres- Social Behavior symposium was to examine ment of Artificial Intelligence ent the AAAI 2008 Spring Symposium Series, fundamental issues in affect and personality in (AAAI) was pleased to present held Wednesday through Friday, March 26–28, both biological and artificial agents, focusing T the AAAI 2008 Spring Symposium Se- 2008, at Stanford University, California. The on the roles of these factors in mediating social ries, held Wednesday through Friday, eight symposia were titled (1) AI Meets Business behavior. The Semantic Scientific Knowledge Rules and Process Management, (2) Architec- Integration symposium brought together the se- March 26–28, 2008, at Stanford Uni- tures for Intelligent Theory-Based Agents, (3) mantic technologies community with the scien- versity, California. The titles of the Creative Intelligent Systems, (4) Emotion, Per- tific information technology community in an eight symposia were as follows: sonality, and Social Behavior, (5) Semantic Sci- effort to build the general semantic science in- I AI Meets Business Rules and Process entific Knowledge Integration, (6) Social Infor- formation community. The Social Information Management mation Processing, (7) Symbiotic Relationships Processing symposium’s goal was to investigate between Semantic Web and Knowledge Engi- computational and analytic approaches that I Architectures for Intelligent Theory- neering, (8) Using AI to Motivate Greater Par- will enable users to harness the efforts of large Based Agents ticipation in Computer Science. numbers of other users to solve a variety of in- I Creative Intelligent Systems formation processing problems, from discover- The goal of the AI Meets Business Rules and I Emotion, Personality, and Social Be- Process Management AAAI symposium was to ing high-quality content to managing common havior investigate the various approaches and stan- resources. The goal of the Symbiotic Relation- dards to represent business rules, business ships between the Semantic Web and Software I Semantic Scientific Knowledge Inte- process management, and the semantic web Engineering symposium was to explore how the gration lessons learned by the knowledge-engineering with respect to expressiveness and reasoning ca- I Social Information Processing pabilities. The focus of the Architectures for In- community over the past three decades could be I telligent Theory-Based Agents AAAI sympo- applied to the bold research agenda of current Symbiotic Relationships between sium was the definition of architectures for workers in semantic web technologies. The pur- Semantic Web and Knowledge Engi- intelligent theory-based agents, comprising lan- pose of the Using AI to Motivate Greater Partic- neering guages, knowledge representation methodolo- ipation in Computer Science symposium was to I Using AI to Motivate Greater Partic- identify ways that topics in AI may be used to gies, reasoning algorithms, and control loops. ipation in Computer Science The Creative Intelligent Systems symposium in- motivate greater student participation in com- cluded five major discussion sessions and a gen- puter science by highlighting fun, engaging, and eral poster session (in which all contributing pa- intellectually challenging developments in the AI Meets Business Rules pers were presented). The purpose of this AI-related curriculum at a number of educa- symposium was to explore the synergies be- tional levels. Technical reports of the symposia and Process Management tween creative cognition and intelligent sys- were published by AAAI Press. Knowledge representation in general and rule-based representations in par- ticular are core areas of AI. Research re- sults in these areas strongly influenced standards for the web, for example, the Rule Markup Language (RuleML) Copyright © 2008, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. ISSN 0738-4602 FALL 2008 107 Reports or the World Wide Web Consortium nities. A major theme of papers was metamodels on the conceptual level (W3C) semantic web standards Web the combination of business process and keep the instance level to the exe- Ontology Language (OWL) and the Se- with semantics. Most of the approach- cuted workflow instances. Another mantic Web Rule Language (SWRL). es for semantic business process man- topic discussed in depth was the miss- Business rules and business process agement relied on the W3C standards ing multilevel view of domain-specific management have been very active re- OWL and SWRL. Only a few papers ontologies. As a major drawback the search and applications areas for some dealt with the more application-ori- single use of ontologies has been iden- years now. Reference models and stan- ented SBVR standard. tified. Although intended for reuse, dards for business process definition The AI Meets Business Rules and ontologies as they are modeled to and execution have been put forward Process Management symposium was meet a certain business requirement by organizations like Workflow Man- structured into presentation sessions are hard to reuse. Today no methods agement Coalition (WfMC) and Ob- and breakout sessions. At the presen- to solve the problem are at hand. ject Management Group (OMG) mak- tation sessions a commentator was as- When comparing the standards of ing use of model-driven knowledge signed to comment on the presenta- W3C and OMG, it became obvious representations. In the last few years, tions and thus force controversial that SBVR defines a standard on the the potential of knowledge represen- discussions. business level while RDF, OWL, and tations with precise semantics has In the two breakout sessions, two SWRL are more technical. While SBVR been recognized. There is increasing main topics were discussed: applica- combines structural and relational research interest in combining busi- tion requirements and the semantics rules and allows specification of a ness processes and business rules with of business rule and process models. broad spectrum of semantics (for ex- semantic technologies. For example, One point of discussion was how the ample, open and closed world, modal- OMG is bringing semantics into busi- three levels of business processes ities, and so on), the restricted expres- ness rules with semantics of business (workflow instances, process models, siveness of the W3C standards to vocabulary and business rules (SBVR) metamodels) can be mapped to two standard logic was criticized repeated- and also developed the production- levels by distinguishing concepts and ly. In addition, many findings of AI rule representation standard PRR. instances. Here no final solution was knowledge representation, such as This symposium brought together found, although it seemed appropriate nonmonotonic reasoning, modal log- researchers from the different commu- to represent the process models and ic, or fuzziness, are not considered in 108 AI MAGAZINE Reports these standards but could improve stances that develop during the that are autonomously creative, sys- their use in business applications. agent’s interaction with the environ- tems that augment or enhance human Another topic intensely discussed ment. creativity, and computational models was the complexity of all of these stan- Another major theme at the sympo- for understanding creativity. dards: how can business people be en- sium was that of agent architectures The focus of the submissions to the abled to model their business using oriented toward real-time perform- symposium varied widely, and the se- these standards? Easy-to-use editors ance. Here, rigorous development and lection criteria were based on the sub- for business rules and business theoretical work allow researchers to missions’ relevance to the goals of the processes modeling based on and en- take high-level specifications of the symposium. The contributions of the forcing the standards are needed. environment and of the desired agent selected papers and the discussion top- Knut Hinkelmann and Barbara behavior and synthesize lower-level ics led to the emergence of four major Thönssen served as cochairs of this agent controls implementing the de- themes: computational creativity, sim- symposium. The papers of the sympo- sired behavior. Thanks to the rigorous ulating creativity as a social process, sium were published as AAAI Press foundations of these approaches, the creativity and computational linguis- Technical Report SS-08-01. resulting agents are guaranteed to re- tics, and computational environments spond to changes in the environment for creativity. Architectures for in real time, and can be proven to The first theme centered on defin- avoid undesired states no matter how ing various axes for describing or as- Intelligent the environment evolves. sessing computational creativity. As- Theory-Based Agents Remarkably, many of the architec- sessing the value of a creative work tures presented at the symposium may be as objective as validating the In the past years, a number of reason- have been tested successfully on actu-
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