藝術 /文/史 ArtsInfo 7/ 14 /2017 1. 感謝何峰Susan Huang鄧慶燊石釗釗倉聖哲林娜劉芳如陳階晉供的資訊 2. 目前原則固定每五寄包括展覽演講會議議程徵文網路資源研習營等訊息迎 大家多多貢獻資訊 3. 若中台藝術史或文史相關的研究演講展覽或會議之訊息不論來自何地都迎供 會將之轉給大家然必能會分散天涯海角的們卻可對各地情況瞭解 4. 最新訊息色標示容包括中 (Big5)英日文(IME)碼 5. 期更新展覽演講研討會作坊call for paper網路資源 6. 如他同好對電子報趣請告知電子郵件位址將入寄送名單中若不願收到也請告 知方便作業

展覽 ■台灣 1. 國故宮博物院 2. 中央研究院歷史語言研究歷史文物陳列館

■ 亞洲 1. 龍美術館

2. 首都博物館

3. 天津博物館 4. 杭州西湖博物館 5. 杭州綢博物館 6. 寧波博物館 7. 南博物院 8. 浙省博物館 9. 香港海博物館

10. 香港中文大學文物館

11. 香港藝術館

12. 東都美術館

13. 日民藝館

14. 林原美術館

15. 都博物館

■ 歐美


1. The Metropolitan Museum of Art 2. Bard Graduate Center Gallery 3. China Institute 4. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 5. Nationaal Archief, The Netherlands 6. Kulturforum,


1. 國故宮博物院

1) 貴貴琳遊牧人院藏清蒙回藏文物特展 Splendid Accessories of Nomadic Peoples: Mongolian, Muslim, and Tibetan Artifacts of the Qing Dynasty from the Museum Collection 展期: 2017 3 31 2018 8 20 日 地點: 國故宮博物院 303 陳列室



展覽 105,107

3) 若水澄華-院藏玻璃文物特展


部院 展覽一 304



部院展覽一 203

潔瑩然甚適心是永樂帝對自心愛瓷器的讚譽祖朱棣號永樂 (1403-1422)是第位帝在他當的期間文治武兼備如營建紫 禁城派遣艦交南洋﹑編輯永樂大﹑製作大官方用器等建樹極多中 些合永樂帝心意的瓷器經過了的歲留存不僅展現永樂時期 瓷器的藝就同時是多方文來往的體例證

永樂帝的瓷器中最表性的是甜青花及釉瓷器甜釉色創燒永樂 靜優開創瓷新面貌青花瓷器的造型豐富多變許多文交流產生的新 器形釉瓷器瑩鮮豔也為世追仿的對象在朝廷的要求和監督瓷器 府定奪樣制才給窯照樣製作官用作品器形規整釉色純紋飾合


規範的現象在時開始建不合標準的作品往往被刻意擊碎藏起來燒的 瓷器則作為國家禮儀或宮廷日常之用或為賞賚外交邦國的禮物 國故宮博物院藏的傳世永樂瓷器質俱精次展覽特精選一件右的作 品分為個單元第一單元府燒造呈現永樂時期瓷器的性質面貌及特色 第單元對外交流展現瓷器見西藏及中西亞文交流的軌跡第單元 襲模仿呈現永樂宣德時期的瓷器在清康熙雍乾隆時期的仿 作希望透過次展覽參觀者能從中到傳世永樂官方用瓷的時面貌及文意涵

5) 國寶的形—畫菁華特展


國故宮博物院藏的畫屬文部定義的古物意指各時各族群經人為 文意義之藝術作品並各依藝術性的高分為國寶要古物和一般古物 種等級項古物分級作起初是委各藏單位執行民國九四底故宮即完院暫 行分級爾從民國九七起續文部古物審議委員合故宮歷次的畫展覽行實物 驗及面審議援訂定國寶和要古物並告周知

截一○四為經定告的國寶○件要古物件達率近四擘畫 國寶的形特展即是希望透過畫菁華的展覽和詮向國人古物分級制的宗 果展共計選展 45 件中國寶級畫 33 件要古物 12 件包括東晉王羲之303-361宋 燕文貴967-1044 徽宗趙佶1082-1135高宗趙構1107-1187朱熹1130-1200文同1018-1079 陸遊1125-1210漢臣12 世紀牟益1178-?元高克1248-1310趙孟頫1254-1322 陳琳13-14 世紀衛九鼎14 世紀吳鎮1280-1354張雨1283-1350趙雍1289-1369 瓚1301-1374邊文15 世紀戴1388-1462商喜15 世紀唐寅1470-1524 仇英 1494-1552清王翬1632-1717壽1633-1690等人的表作品件件俱為美術 史中聲名赫赫的一時之選

展期自 10 4 日 12 25 日中 20 件屬限展作品將分前期展出10 4 日 11 14 日為前期 11 15 日 12 25 日為期類大規模的精品展出為難得竭誠迎大家把握 良機細細品賞國寶名作之美


6) 萬世師表—畫中的孔子


部院 202/208/212 展覽室

康熙(1684)清聖祖南巡幸駕曲阜親闕孔子故居賜御筆萬世師表榜懸 大殿中翌摹搨匾給天文萬世師表四字亦因為孔子的最佳稱 而萬世師表也是臺首學臺南孔大殿時最面積最大的一塊匾


孔子(西元前 551-西元前 449)祖為受封宋國的殷商裔生魯國子姓孔氏名丘字 仲尼世敬稱孔子或孔夫子他是東周時期的思家教育家詩贊周易訂禮樂修春 秋為世科取士必讀教材影響華夏文為深遠鄰近的日韓國越南及東南亞等地 亦受學說霑溉形了儒家文圈

孔子被孟子尊為聖之時者意思是思能適用各個時孔子的言行蹟周遊列 國的見聞保存論語孔子家語或散見史諸子家經史故院畫藏 品中頗多孔子相關的作品除了繪畫畫中的各類孔子肖像法中諸多漢隸名作歷碑刻 經箴言及御筆匾等也都是漢來尊崇儒術留的歷史軌跡次共選展五件分 聖賢小像刻碑崇聖歷尊儒及經圖繪等四個單元援向位數千來 聖德雨露滋養華夏文的萬世師表敬


7) 畫讀畫–歷名蹟選萃


部院 210 展覽室

8) 筆墨見真章: 歷法選萃


部院 204/206 展覽室

2. 中央研究院歷史語言研究歷史文物陳列館

1縈青繚──安陽唐墓瓷器特展 展期2016 10 29 日起 展樓特展207 室 http://museum.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/exhibition_detail.php?id=45


1. 海龍美術館

1) 永樂大帝的世界—御制唐卡暨永宣文物特展 2017.4.29 — 2017.8.27 龍美術館西岸館

2) 絕只西子 眾芳牡丹蔣廷錫種牡丹譜特展 時間4 29 日-8 27 日 容將展出中國清朝畫家蔣廷錫的種牡丹譜



2 首都博物館 美·好·中華—近考古果展 2017/5/18-8/27

次“美·好·中華—近考古果展”彙 21 個省市的 49 家考古博 物館及中國社會科學院考古研究的近 400 件藏品主要從近 20 來歷國大考古 現中遴選而出輔少數獲得“大”的要現中絕大多數展品是 1996 來的考古新現更許多藏品從在收藏地外的地點展覽展示甚從出過庫

次展覽涉及的考古現點文物數多等級高頗為難得不能不中 楊官寨仰紹文遺址精絕尼古城海侯墓操墓煬帝墓秦始隨葬坑 南海一號沉船雷峰塔地宮等眾多星現都將文物參次展覽

3 天津博物館


4 1 日開展展覽將分期展示一期共展出繪畫作品 131 件套展期底七一日 到日間更換部分展品期將持續展出中旬展品清單請見附檔


4 杭州西湖博物館

一日盡長安花唐都長安彩展 時間4 25 日-7 26 日 容展品均為唐都長安地的出土文物包括動物俑人物俑日常器皿建築模型等


府宋韻黃岩南宋趙伯澐墓出土綢展 時間5 15 日-9 15 日 容中展現品經過保護和修復的狀態回顧趙伯澐墓的考古掘和保護過程


諸侯的禮樂來自周王朝國的青銅寶展 時間4 28 日-7 16 日 容將展出周王朝時期鄂國和國的青銅器 157 件呈現周王朝的禮樂文



山安定永樂青花壽山福海紋香爐展 時間4 28 日-12 31 日 容鎮院之寶永樂間景德鎮官窯燒制的青花壽山福海紋香爐為同類器形中唯一的傳世完 整器

8. 浙省博物館

梵天東土 並蒂蓮華西元 400—700 印中國塑藝術大展







在中國古形形色色的傳藝中黃藝是人較感到陌生的一門一方面史甚少載另 一方面又容易因匠們的口耳相傳而訛誤失去歷史的原貌中國古黃藝研究專案是香港 中文大學文物館陝西省文物保護研究院康文署文物修復辦處及周大福大師作室 2014 開 始合作研究的一個項目首次跨學科的方法復原古藝並清藝展的歷史脈絡

陝西出土大的要銀器聞名為合研究專案陝西省文物局陝西歷史博物館陝西省 文物交流中心香港中文大學文物館合辦錯彩鏤陝西珍藏中國古銀器展展出來自陝 西省 17 間文博機構共 60 件套從晚商清的中國古銀器珍藏展覽期間文物館將 辦眾導賞團親子作坊及開講亦會免派導覽手冊讓觀眾更容易理解點展品及中國 古黃藝的展歷程


南海海張保仔海和港口城市展 時間4 28 日-10 8 日 容展品包括一幅 19 世紀的繪廣東水師圍剿海的外銷油畫及部分輔助展品—數碼動畫 靖海圖用樂高積木堆砌的海大戰景圖等

11. 香港藝術館 香港馬會呈獻系列帝居 — 故宮養心殿文物展 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series:


Hall of Mental Cultivation of The Palace Museum – Imperial Residence of Eight Emperors 29.6.2017 – 15.10.2017 地點香港文博物館 Venue: Hong Kong Heritage Museum 康樂及文署故宮博物院聯合主辦 香港藝術館故宮博物院聯合劃 香港馬會慈善信基獨家贊助 Jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and The Palace Museum Jointly organised by the Hong Kong Museum of Art and The Palace Museum Solely sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

養心殿是紫禁城内廷的一殿宇它不僅是清帝的宮邸寢也是見證歷史和文的舞台 — 康熙 求學理雍勤勉親乾隆涵養藝每位帝王都在裡實踐了個性相關的不同 面向孟子言養心莫善寡欲養心殿之命名亦載着傳對治國者的價值要求 養心殿現關閉行修而殿内文物陳設等室用器也將首次出宫面世是次展覽選取中 多件最表性的展品借助場景原狀展陳和多媒體等形式的演繹將養心殿在清朝歷史的地位和意義 一一現眼前 Hall of Mental Cultivation (Yangxin Dian) was the living place of the Qing emperors and the political centre of the Qing dynasty. It is one of the mostly visited places in The Palace Museum, and it houses the most well-known and invaluable artefacts relating to the emperors Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong, etc. As the Hall is closed for large-scale renovation, artefacts previously housed in the Hall will be selected for touring exhibition. The exhibition will feature over 200 representative exhibits of the Hall to show its political, historical and cultural importance in the history of the Qing dynasty.

12.東都美術館 波士美術館的寶展 2017/7/20-10/9 包括宋徽宗五色鸚鵡陳容九龍圖 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/6vDYjXcSb_gfIgHL7yebnQ

13. 日民藝館 色絵器天啓赤絵呉州赤絵古伊萬赤絵 2017 6 27 日火~8 27 日日 色絵高焼た磁器絵絵し絵用窯焼飾法す







7 15 日~9 3 日 林原美術館蔵中國絵畫夏一挙開さます家伝來唐畫他回改


岳邱壑林泉図清康煕 21663陳汝★夏冬景山水図幅趙浙清

河図巻萬暦 51577巻開合わ同時州作た南宋趙 伯駒款武桃源図巻南宋劉款群拱壽図巻仇英款樓美人図

6 幅陳列ひひ


開館 120 周念 特展覧会 国宝 2017 10 3 日 ~ 2017 11 26 日

2017 29 10 3 日火~ 11 26 日日

4 期分一挙開!

期 10 3 日火~10 15 日日

期 10 17 日火~10 29 日日

期 10 31 日火~11 12 日日

期 11 14 日火~11 26 日日




歐美 1. The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1) Show and Tell: Stories in Chinese Painting October 29, 2016–August 6, 2017 Storytelling in Chinese pictorial art is the focus of the exhibition Show and Tell: Stories in Chinese Painting. With some 100 works dating from the 12th century to the present, drawn mostly from The Met collection, it is presented in three sections. Each section demonstrates a different narrative mode: illustrations in multiple scenes, iconic single scenes, and stories revealed in inscriptions rather than images. The selected works tend to tell more than the storylines. The gallery featuring Emperor Qianlong's East Turkestan campaign displays European-style copperplate engravings alongside portrait painting and 18th-century weaponry. Contemporary works are included to demonstrate the genre's continuing vitality and relevance. Exhibition webpage:



2) Age of Empires: Chinese Art of the Qin & Han Dynasties April 3 - July 16, 2017

3) Cinnabar: The Chinese Art of Carved Lacquer, 14th to 19th Century


This exhibition, featuring 45 magnificent examples of Chinese carved lacquer drawn entirely from The Met collection, will explore the development of this significant artistic tradition. Among the objects on view will be works created as birthday gifts bearing symbols of long life, such as peaches, cranes, the character for longevity (shou), and representations of children. One of the highlights is a unique, large, lobed tray of the 14th century, carved with a delightful scene showing two women and 33 children. Other early pieces on view include a dish with a scene of long-tailed birds and hollyhocks. A rare screen that was produced by Lu Guisheng—a famous 19th-century artist and one of the few individuals working in lacquer whose name is recorded in Chinese history—provides a spectacular finale to this tradition.

Lacquer, the resin of a family of trees found in southern China, hardens when exposed to oxygen and humidity and can become a natural plastic. Tinted with cinnabar (red), carbon (black), and other minerals, it has been used as an artistic medium in China since at least the sixth century B.C. Carved lacquer, which involves applying multiple layers of lacquer onto a substructure (usually wood) and then entails carving through the layers, is the most laborious and time-consuming of all lacquering techniques.

4) Colors of the Universe: Chinese Hardstone Carvings


Hardstone carving is one of the oldest arts in China, dating back to the fifth millennium B.C. It was not until the Qing dynasty, however, that an abundant supply of raw material, extraordinary craftsmanship, and keen imperial patronage allowed the art to flourish. During the 18th century, widespread prosperity and successful military campaigns brought political stability, while also securing the trade routes that permitted the importation of gemstones over the Silk Roads and through sea trade routes from as far away as Europe.

Showcasing a selection of 75 exquisite carvings drawn from The Met collection, this exhibition presents the lapidary art of China's Qing dynasty (1644–1911). Featuring not only jade, the most esteemed of East Asian gems, but also agate, malachite, turquoise, quartz, amber, coral, and lapis lazuli, the exhibition reveals the extensive variety of hardstones and full palette of vibrant colors that were favored at the imperial court. Exploring the diverse subjects and styles of Qing lapidary art, Colors of the Universe illustrates the extraordinary imagination and technical virtuosity behind these miniature sculptures.

2. Bard Graduate Center Gallery Design by the Book: Chinese Ritual Objects and the Sanli tu


March 24 - July 30, 2017 Bard Graduate Center Gallery, 18 West 86th St. New York, NY 10024 https://www.bgc.bard.edu/gallery/exhibitions/4/design-by-the-book Design by the Book will explore the medieval Chinese book Sanli tu (Illustrations to the Ritual Classics) and its impact on Chinese material culture. Completed in 961 by Nie Chongyi (fl. 948–964), it is the oldest extant illustrated study of classical Chinese artifacts from musical instruments, maps, and court insignia to sacrificial jades, ceremonial dress, and mourning and funerary paraphernalia. It brings to light the significance of this long overlooked book, which served as a guide both to the material culture of the Classics and to the design of Confucian ritual paraphernalia in postclassical, imperial China. The exhibition will also address themes that go beyond the book itself, including Confucian ritual as a means to legitimate the monarchy, the birth of antiquarian scholarship in the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries, Emperor Huizong’s ritual reforms, and the role of the art market in driving the reproduction of artefacts illustrated in the book.

3.China Institute

Dreams Of The Kings: A Jade Suit For Eternity: Treasures of the Han Dynasty from Xuzhou May 25 – November 12, 2017 In 201 BCE, the first emperor of the Han Dynasty knighted his younger brother as the first king of the Chu Kingdom, which was centered in Peng Cheng, today’s Xuzhou, in northern Jiangsu Province. Ruling under the emperor’s protection, and given special exemption from imperial taxes, elites in this Kingdom enjoyed a lavish lifestyle. Twelve generations of kings lived, died, and were buried in sumptuous tombs carved into the nearby rocky hills. Since the mid 20th Century, nearly hundred tombs were excavated, revealing contents that testify to the Chu kings’ affluence, as well as their beliefs in immortality and the afterlife. One of the most stunning finds was an elaborate jade sarcophagi burial suit, assembled from thousands of pieces of jade, the precious stone adored by Chinese people since the Neolithic period as an auspicious material that could ensure immortality. This exhibition will feature the jade suit, and other tomb contents that highlight how these powerful and wealthy kings prepared for death and envisioned their afterlife to come.

4.Museum of Fine Arts, Boston China’s 8 Brokens : Puzzles of the Treasured Past 2017/6/17-10/29 Lee Gallery The first-ever exhibition dedicated to bapo (or “eight brokens”) painting, a revolutionary artistic genre that emerged in China during the mid-19th century

Eight is a lucky number in Chinese culture, and bapo refers to the damaged cultural ephemera hyper-realistically depicted in the paintings—worm-eaten calligraphies, partial book pages, burned paintings, remnants of rubbings and torn-open letters. They are usually arranged in a haphazard, collage-like composition, created with Chinese ink and colors on paper or silk. When bapo emerged, this unexpected imagery was radically distinct from classical Chinese landscape and figure painting, and became popular among an aspiring urban middle class delighted by its


visual trickery and sophistication. After 1949, the art form was largely forgotten, but has recently been rediscovered by contemporary artists and collectors. The rediscovery of bapo has prompted curators to now decipher the puzzle of the meaning of the images. This exhibition presents some of the finest examples of bapo paintings dating back to the 19th century, as well as a contemporary work by artist Geng Xuezhi, and includes new acquisitions and loans from museums and private collections located in the United States and Asia. They are interspersed with three-dimensional decorative and functional objects that display bapo imagery. http://www.mfa.org/exhibitions/chinas-8-brokens

5.Nationaal Archief, The Netherlands The world of the Dutch East India Company Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 20, 2595 BE The Hague 24.02.2017 till 07.01.2018 This exhibition marks the digitisation of the archives of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). The archives are spread across various countries around the world and a large portion is preserved in the National Archives. They contain a wealth of information and have served as a unique source for research for many years. The National Archives brings this remarkable material together for the first time in a single exhibition. Visitors are taken on a voyage past two hundred years of history of unique maps, ships' logs, letters and drawings. World Heritage The National Archives preserves 1.2 km of VOC archives. But VOC archives can also be found in Jakarta, Cape Town, Colombo and Chennai. The more than 25 million pages of information form a major source of 17th and 18th century history for dozens of countries in Asia and southern Africa. It is for this reason that the complete VOC archives were added to UNESCO's Memory of the World Register in 2003. The first ever multinational company The VOC is a household name in The Netherlands and beyond, but besides arousing a sense of pride it also evokes negative emotions when it comes to acknowledging slavery and oppression. In contrast to the success story of what has been called the world's first ever multinational company, there are also stories of looting, violence, heinous acts and oppression. Personal stories The exhibition uses personal stories to bring the VOC era to life. Dutch writers Nelleke Noordervliet and Ramsey Nasr put themselves in the shoes of such figures as a governor-general, a major shareholder, a church minister and a merchant. They show that history is interwoven with the present and may sometimes even be surprisingly current. During the VOC era the new market in shares was manipulated, and to this day there are still debates on the power of the financial sector. Joris Luyendijk will discuss these historical parallels during the exhibition. Nationaal Archief The National Archives of the Netherlands houses and presents Dutch History. Its rich collection comprises 137 kilometers of records, 15 million photographs, about 300.000 maps and drawings and 440 terabytes of digital footage. www.gahetna.nl/en http://www.gahetna.nl/en/actueel/nieuws/2017/the-world-of-the-dutch-east-india-company


6.Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford

Collecting the Past: Scholars’ Taste in Chinese Art

21 Mar 2017 to 22 Oct 2017

This display features a range of Chinese paintings created by scholar-artists since the 18th century.

These art works represent the tradition of collecting the past, aesthetic taste and the values of the Chinese literati who governed China for more than ten centuries. Explore the objects with which the scholars surrounded themselves in their studies, such as brush pots, ink stones, water droppers and scholar’s rocks.


7.Kulturforum, Berlin Faces of China. Chinese Portrait Painting of the Ming and Qing Dynasty (1368–1912) 12.10.2017 to 07.01.2018 Faces of China: Chinese Portrait Painting of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368–1912) will be the first exhibition in Europe to explicitly focus on Chinese portrait painting. Portrait painting has a history of over 2000 years in China. In the period from 1600 to 1900 it experienced a heyday, stimulated by the arrival of Italian Jesuit painters around 1600, bringing with them European portrait-painting techniques. Presenting an unparalleled selection of over 100 portraits from the collections of the Palace Museum in Beijing and the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, the exhibition covers a span of 500 years, focusing particularly on the Qing dynasty. During this period portraiture reached a previously unknown level of variety, encompassing formal court and ancestor portraits, military portraits, and informal portraits of artists, officials and talented women. 次展覽將展出超過 100 幅借展自故宮博物院和多多家安大略博物館的藏品呈現清時期 的中國人物畫是歐洲第一次中國人物畫為主辦展覽 人物畫的創作在中國超過 2000 歷史1600 右義大傳教士郎世抵達中國藝術家 的身份被召入宮中為宮廷畫家他將西方的肖像畫傳入中國動了中國人物畫的展並 1900 達到鼎時期 次參展的作品創作和清1368-1912畫像中的人物包括室員文人武將朝廷官員 藝術家等 http://www.smb.museum/en/museums-institutions/kulturforum/exhibitions/detail/gesichter-chinas-chinesische -portraetmalerei-der-ming-und-qing-dynastie-1368-1912.html


1. 2nd Conference of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology

August 24–26, 2017 University of Zurich Rämistrasse 71 CH-8006 Zurich Switzerland



2.亞洲鑄造術史研究會 2017 臺大會 2017 8 25 日五 8 27 日日辦 會議報名細則及相關說如請參考 會議時間 2017 8 25~27 日共 3 日 8/25 五故宮博物院參觀 8/26 總會歷史語言研究陳列館參觀海報主要時間講演晚宴 8/27 日終日講演海報 會議地點 中央研究院歷史語言研究 地一樓會議室 主辦單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究亞洲鑄造術史學會 參者 預計日中國韓國台灣 60 人 報告形式 口頭報告每人表論問一共 20 分鐘報告時間規劃會報名截再行斟 表語言不限但 PPT 及摘要需英語呈現 海報報告8 2627 日天將安排 1 個小時右的表問時間 海報請自影印帶來會場( 們大會沒供海報影印的服) 大會的報告將會結出會議論文 參用 中央研究院學術活動中心客8/24in~8/28out4 天 5,000 元1,250 元-含餐 x4 大會 日的午餐及晚宴用 1,000 元 自參故宮博物院參觀用午餐交入館用 1,500 元 午餐故宮博物院餐廳 用餐800 元 大會參者請自理往返交及會議相關用 臺大會要日程如 2/15表者報名截 3/30四包含住宿者報名截 5/8一繳交摘要表者 8/3不包含住宿者報名截 附言 如會議表者經主辦單位查證現問則終身禁參大會 用剽他人的研究果來行表經定便直接撤銷表請 海報報告者沒帶來自的海報行張表 預定報告但無故到 如蒙允請 2017 2 15 日前賜回條(研究表請) 聯人丹羽崇史 e-mail:[email protected] 臺大會執行委員長 純子中央研究院歴史語言研究 中央研究院歴史語言研究 HP http://www2.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/

網路資源 1. 守屋壽コレクション http://www.japaaan.com/card/763


守屋壽コレクション広島福山市出身守屋壽氏 30 収した國外古 地図をす近世歴史資料コレクションす 26 2 840 點広島歴史博物館 寄さ 28 2 新た 314 點追寄さ合計 1,154 點個人コレクタ す古地図コレクションし國最大級

幻戸幕府日地図言わ現存しい考えいた保日図コレク ション含まいしました

コレクション西洋製日製古地図ほ近世日対外交渉史資料守屋氏郷 裡あ広島福山市ゆ資料含まいます

2. 宮庁部収蔵漢覧―― 影文影像デタベス ――


3. 高居翰數字圖館 高居翰生(James Cahill)是西方中國藝術史學界最影響力的權威學者之一擔任弗爾美術館中 國部主任州大學伯克分校藝術史系教授(1994 榮休)他對中國繪畫圖像和視覺藝術的開創性研 究力地動了中國繪畫史學科的展使得中國文在現學術界贏得了廣泛的尊

高居翰生晚力在球範圍廣中國的視覺藝術的研究和教學為高生于 2013 將 2000 多冊個人藏3600 餘張教學幻燈12000 餘幅中國美術史數位圖像和他史料價值的圖像 資料及山清遠(A Pure and Remote View)和凝視過往(Gazing into the Past)個系列的視頻講 資料悉數贈中國美術學院意在構建一個中國藝術的視覺研究中心及學使偉大志業薪火 相傳

高居翰生逝世周之際“高居翰數字圖館”式線並對海外從中國視覺藝術研究 和教學的學者開圖館高居翰生捐贈的中國美術史數位圖像幻燈系列視頻講捐贈 目資料及他高居翰相關的歷史文獻和圖像資料等為基礎分為大師生高氏藏著述研究 視頻講圖像藏博客藏岸送及專案系列說等方面讀者可在數字圖館檢 到高生畢生收藏的各類資料

高居翰數字圖館是中國美術學院圖館的特色資源希望來自中國或世界各地的學者可在杭州 的西湖邊用個資源和設來他們的研究擴展中國的視覺藝術藝術史教學和學術研究在世界 範圍的影響讓個數字圖館為世界性的學術影響力的中國視覺藝術研究中心及接中 國視覺藝術世界學問的橋樑

高居翰數字圖館網址為網站入口位中國美術美術學院圖 館官方網站目前經面向眾開


4. National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project Digital Archive of Toyo Bunko Rare Books

http://dsr.nii.ac.jp/toyobunko/sitemap/index.html.en#class1 http://web.ntnu.edu.tw/~hlshao/research/2015NCHU.pdf

5. 小學堂文字學資料庫


小學堂文字學資料庫是一個形音義綜合的文字學資料庫可供使用者據文字的形音 等屬性檢出字頭再透過字頭接到個的形音義資料庫或字引

資料庫行院國家科學委員會經助臺灣大學中國文學系中央研究院歷史語言研究 資訊科學研究共同開臺灣大學整合聲韻資料中央研究院整合字形資料及開檢系

資料庫收錄的字形涵蓋骨文文戰國文字小篆及楷總數超過 20 萬字收錄的聲韻 資料涵蓋古中古近及現總數超過 128 萬筆收錄的字引資料則超過 35 萬筆

資料庫主要漢字古字資料庫及漢字古音資料庫組漢字古字資料庫骨文文 戰國文字小篆異體字表資料庫組而漢字古音資料庫則古音中古音近音官晉 語吳語徽語贛語湘語閩語粵語客語他土資料庫組各資料庫除可互相 結外也可獨使用

資料庫也包含了形音外的資料庫例如骨文合材料來源表資料庫也供了一些語文 軟體的載例如吳守禮台語注音字型及輸入法小學堂增益

資料庫是一個整合型的資料庫期望能單一查詢面透過檢出的字頭銜接網際網路不 同的形音義資料庫初期銜接的資料庫包括教育部的異體字字及編國語辭原行院主計處 電子處理資料中心的CNS11643 中文標準交換碼字庫中華開古會的開康熙字數 位元藏數位學習國家型科計畫的國際電腦漢字異體字知識庫

資料庫程式碼及使用字型整體受到著作權法保護目前仍在研議來合宜的授權方式但 使用者操作網站查詢面得之各解析字形圖及字形屬性資訊權人特示主張 CC0 1.0 用方式在法許可的範圍拋棄字形圖及字形屬性資訊依著作權法可得之權使用 者當可安心再行用查詢字形圖及字形屬性資訊

6. 中國歷墓資料庫



中國歷墓資料庫是浙大學圖館古碑帖研究保護中心製作的資料庫資料庫主要收入歷 墓為主的拓資源“中國歷墓資料庫”現各種墓拓資料 6800 餘條收資源包括 大部分容 一浙大學圖館館藏拓浙大學圖館現收藏民國拓 300 餘種 1500 張右近新 墓拓 3800 餘種近 5000 張拓錄入資料庫 300 餘種餘拓在陸續入資料庫 中 開表的歷墓資料對經開表的墓資料過掃識等方法將經開 表的墓資料的文和圖像錄入資料庫中供文檢現經錄入資料庫的墓 銘匯考唐墓彙編續等資料資料 6300 餘條對部分只文字資料的開表 資料如唐墓彙編碑帖中心過人比對用唐五墓彙編千唐志齋藏 志圖館藏中國歷石刻拓彙編等墓圖像足圖像共圖像 3000 餘 張完善了墓資料的容



展期:2017 10 月 4 日 12 月 25 日 陳列室:210、212 承辦人:劉芳如、陳階晉、方光 品 文物統一編號 分級 備註 故書 A 1004-1114 1 晉王羲之快雪時晴帖 冊 000141N000000000 國寶 重點選件 故畫 2 唐人宮樂圖 軸 000357N000000000 國寶 A 中書 A 3 宋徽宗詩帖 卷 000001N000000000 國寶 重點選件 故畫 4 宋文墨竹 軸 000835N000000000 國寶 A 故畫 5 宋人畫秋塘雙雁 軸 003748N000000000 國寶 A 宋人畫千手千眼觀世音菩薩 故畫 A 6 軸 000157N000000000 國寶 重點選件 宋時大理國描工張勝畫梵像 故畫 A 7 卷 001003N000000000 國寶 重點選件 故畫 8 元吳鎮雙松圖 軸 000869N000000000 國寶 A 故畫 9 元趙雍駿馬圖 軸 000225N000000000 國寶 A 故畫 AB1004-1225 10 唐韓幹牧馬圖 001289N000000003 國寶 重點選件 故畫 11 宋徽宗山秋色圖 軸 000066N000000000 重要古物 AB 故畫 12 宋燕文貴奇峰萬木 001245N000000002 國寶 AB 故畫 13 宋趙伯驌風檐展卷 001240N000000008 重要古物 AB 故畫 14 宋李迪秋卉草蟲 001246N000000014 重要古物 AB 故書 15 宋四家法書 卷 000132N000000000 國寶 AB 故書 16 宋朱熹尺牘 000151N0000000001 重要古物 AB 故書 17 宋陸游書尺牘 000239N000000019 重要古物 AB 故書 18 元趙孟頫中峰和尚尺牘 000253N000000005 重要古物 AB 故畫 19 元衛九鼎洛神圖 軸 000263N000000000 國寶 AB 故畫 20 元陳琳鳧圖 軸 000237N000000000 重要古物 AB 故畫 21 元張雨題倪瓚像 卷 001103N000000000 重要古物 AB 故畫 22 元倪瓚江亭山色 軸 000293N000000000 重要古物 AB 故畫 23 元王蒙具林屋 軸 000285N000000000 國寶 AB 故畫 24 元人應真像 軸 000352N000000000 國寶 AB 故畫 25 元人應真像 軸 000353N000000000 國寶 AB 故書 26 明沈度隸書歸去來辭 軸 000011N000000000 重要古物 AB 故畫 27 明邊文進友百禽圖 軸 000397N000000000 國寶 AB 故畫 28 明戴進橋策蹇圖 軸 000403N000000001 國寶 AB 故畫 29 明商喜四仙拱壽圖 軸 003689N000000000 重要古物 AB 故畫 AB 30 明唐寅山漁隱 卷 000973N000000000 國寶 重點選件 故畫 31 明仇英秋江待渡 軸 000907N000000000 國寶 AB 故畫 32 清王翬夏山烟雨圖 卷 001092N000000000 國寶 AB 故畫 33 清惲壽五清圖 000731N000000000 重要古物 AB 清畫院畫二月月圖二月 故畫 34 軸 003117N000000000 國寶 AB 故書 B 1115-1225 35 晉王羲之遠宦帖 卷 000053N000000000 國寶 重點選件 故畫 36 五人秋林群鹿 軸 000031N000000000 國寶 B 故畫 37 宋徽宗文會圖 軸 000836N000000000 國寶 B 故畫 B 38 宋蘇漢臣秋庭戲嬰圖 軸 000838N000000000 國寶 重點選件 宋高宗書女孝經馬和之補圖 故畫 B 39 卷 卷 001100N000000000 國寶 重點選件 故畫 B 40 宋牟益擣衣圖 卷 000999N000000000 國寶 重點選件 故畫 41 宋人畫如來說法圖 軸 000854N000000000 國寶 B 故畫 42 宋人江帆山市 卷 001004N000000000 國寶 B 故畫 43 元高克恭雲橫秀嶺 軸 000229N000000000 國寶 B 故畫 44 元王淵松亭會友圖 軸 000251N000000000 國寶 B 故書 45 元張雨書七言律詩 軸 000005N000000000 國寶 B

萬世師表—書畫中的孔子 展出地點:202、208、212 展出日期:2017/07/01-2017/09/28 單元 品名 形式 展間 至聖先賢半身像 冊 孔子;顏回 冊 212 至聖先賢半身像 冊 曾參;孔伋 冊 212 至聖先賢半身像 冊 孟軻;閔子騫 冊 212 至聖先賢半身像 冊 冉伯牛;冉雍 冊 212 至聖先賢半身像 冊 宰予;端木賜 冊 212 至聖先賢半身像 冊 冉求;仲由 冊 212 至聖先賢半身像 冊 言偃;卜商 冊 212 宋高宗書孝經馬和之繪圖 冊 聖賢小像 冊 212 開宗明義章(畫)開宗明義章(書) 明文徵明楷書孝經仇英畫 卷 卷 212 宋人畫歷代琴式圖 冊 老聃之制;孔子之制 冊 212 聖君賢臣全身像 冊 老子;孔子 冊 212 聖廟祀典圖攷 至聖先師孔子像 清道光六年顧沅刊本 文獻處藏品(212) 聖廟祀典圖攷 學琴師襄 清道光六年顧沅刊本 文獻處藏品(212) 孔聖家語圖 明萬曆十七年吳嘉謨刊本 文獻處藏品(212) 聖賢像贊 明崇禎間刊本 文獻處藏品(212) 漢乙瑛碑 軸 軸 208 漢禮器碑(一) 軸 軸 208 漢史晨前碑 軸 軸 208 漢史晨後碑 軸 軸 208 刻碑崇聖 魏黃初元年魯孔子廟之碑 軸 軸 208 魏李仲璇修孔子廟碑 軸 軸 208 唐裴孝智撰文宣王廟門記 軸 軸 208 宋建隆三年重修文宣王廟記碑墨拓本 軸 軸 208 清聖祖書萬世師表 橫披 202 清張照書御製讀大學衍義詩 軸 軸 202 清沈荃書伊川四箴 軸 軸 202 清楊峴隸書焦氏易林 軸 軸 202 歷代尊儒 清康有為書孟子 軸 軸 202 帝鑑圖說 清內府圖繪寫本 文獻處藏品(212) 重修台郡建築圖說 清彩繪本 文獻處藏品(212) 民國沈曾植草書孔子家語 軸 軸 212 民國溥儒滿文書大學 單片 212 宋人卞莊子刺虎圖 卷 卷 202 經典圖繪 元王振鵬畫柯九思寫豳風圖 卷 卷 202 元趙孟頫甕牖圖 卷 卷 202

Program of the

2nd Conference of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology

August 24–26, 2017


University of Zurich Rämistrasse 71 CH-8006 Zurich Switzerland


Thursday, August 24, 2017

KOL-F-101 (213 seats) KOL-F-104 (142 seats) KO2-F-152 (90 seats) KOL-E-18 (90 seats) KO2-F-174 (70 seats) KO2-F-175 (70 seats)

09:30–10:00 OPENING/Welcome EAAA and UZH

10:00–12:00 Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3 Panel 4 Panel 5 Tracing Networks, the Materiality Reproduction as Artistic Contemporary Chinese Art I India Towards New Horizons: of Exotica and Associated Transmitter: Visual Knowledge Discovering “Korean History/Art Identities in Ancient Eurasia (5th and Evidential Documents in Edo History” through Archaeology" C. BC–5th C. CE) and Meiji Japan

12:00–13:30 LUNCH BREAK


13:30–15:30 Panel 6 Panel 7 Panel 8 Panel 9 Panel 10 Territorial Borders, Cultural Exploring the Aesthetic and Contemporary Chinese Art II Archaeology and Iconography in Early Chinese Tombs Margins and the Identity of Tomb Spiritual: Transnational Networks Indian Temples Occupants in Early Dynastic, in Modern Japan Imperial and Medieval China I

15:30–16:00 COFFEE & TEA BREAK; Lichthof Nord

16:00–18:00 Panel 11 Panel 12 Panel 13 Panel 14 Panel 15 Territorial Borders, Cultural Art and Politics: Twentieth and China: Words and Images The Portrait in Asian Buddhism: Mural Painting in Han China: Re- Margins and the Identity of Tomb Twenty-First Century East Asia Representation, Function and Examining the Origins and Occupants in Early Dynastic, Reception Development of the Genre Imperial and Medieval China II

18:30–19:30 KEYNOTE LECTURE Locating “Asia” in Asian Art History and Archeology; Christine GUTH, Victoria and Albert Museum, United Kingdom

19:30–21:00 WELCOME RECEPTION; Lichthof Nord Friday, August 25, 2017

KOL-F-101 (213 seats) KOL-F-104 (142 seats) KO2-F-152 (90 seats) KOL-E-18 (90 seats) KO2-F-174 (70 seats) KO2-F-175 (70 seats)

09:00–11:00 Panel 16 Panel 17 Panel 18 Panel 19 Panel 20 Aspects of Korean Buddhist China: Paintings and Prints Viewing Japan Transcultural Trajectories in Japan and Korea through Visual Material Culture and Architecture South Asian Visual Arts Culture

11:00–11:30 COFFEE & TEA BREAK; in front of KOL-F-101/KOL-F-104

11:30–13:30 Panel 21 Panel 22 Panel 23 Panel 24 Panel 25 Reception, Misunderstanding, and China: Imagining Nature Inluence of East Asian Art on China: Appropriation of History Colonial Collecting Practices of Manipulation: Workings in European Artistic Development Tibetan Art and Material Culture [Korean] Art History

13:30–14:30 LUNCH BREAK



17:00–19:00 Panel 26 Panel 27 Panel 28 Panel 29 Panel 30 Between Imagination and Architecture and Material Symbols in the Early Questioning Identity: Different Collecting China Representation: Neo-Confucian State Formation of Japan (3rd to Perspectives on Identities in Asia Literati Gardens of the Early 7th Centuries A.D.) Dynasty

19:30–20:30 KEYNOTE LECTURE Korea through the Foreign Lens: Photographs by Burton Holmes and Jack London; Burglind JUNGMANN, University of California Los Angeles, USA Saturday, August 26, 2017

KOL-F-101 (213 seats) KOL-F-104 (142 seats) KO2-F-152 (90 seats) KOL-E-18 (90 seats) KO2-F-174 (70 seats) KO2-F-175 (70 seats)

09:00–11:00 Panel 31 Panel 32 Panel 33 Panel 34 Panel 35 Panel 36 Arts for the Empire: Political East Asian Archaeology New Insights into Authenticity and the Art Market in Prehistoric Interactions and Early Reinventing Traditional Images: Expansions, Cultural Encounters, Anthropomorphic Masks of China 1600-2000 Material Culture Visual Ideologies in Contemporary and Imperial Representations in Central Asia East Asia China

11:00–11:30 COFFEE & TEA BREAK; Lichthof Nord


12:30–14:00 LUNCH BREAK

14:00–16:00 Panel 37 Panel 38 Panel 39 Panel 40 Panel 41 Panel 42 Buddhist Life and Space Chinese and Central Asian Textiles Terms and Conditions: Words that Asian Artefacts in European India: Words and Images Agency and Materiality in Cultural from Han to Yuan Dynasty Shape Art and Its Histories I Collections before 1940: Dynamics Background Stories

16:00–16:30 COFFEE & TEA BREAK; Lichthof Nord

16:30–18:30 Panel 43 Panel 44 Panel 45 Round Table 46 Panel 47 Panel 48 Chinese Burial Custom Art and Reproduction in Terms and Conditions: Words Identiication, Categorization and Re-Examining South Asia "Scrolling" Republican China That Shape Art and Its Histories II Digitization of East Asian Art Objects in Local Collections of Different European Countries

19:00–21:00 EAAA BOARD MEETING II; KO2-F-156

Sunday, August 27, 2017


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Keynote Lecture

Thu 18:30–19:30; KOL-F-101

Locating “Asia” in Asian Art History and Archeology

Christine GUTH, Victoria and Albert Museum, United Kingdom

Panel 1

Thu 10:00–12:00; KOL-F-104

Tracing Networks, the Materiality of Exotica and Associated Identities in Ancient Eurasia (5th Century BC–5th Century CE)

Chaired by Annette KIESER, University of Münster, Germany

Gatekeepers to the Other World: Human-faced Guardian Beasts and Demon Warriors in the Northern Wei Pingcheng Period Chin-Yin TSENG, Dunhuang Academy, China

Baiji Tomb and Its Eurasian Context Chen LI, Tongji University, China

Technology Transfer in Early Iron Age Altai and China: A Case Study on Prestige Gold Yan LIU, Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, United Kingdom

Analytical Study of the Manufacturing Techniques of Granulated Gold Ornaments from Tomb 1 of Xigou Cemetery at Barköl Kazakh, Xinjiang Panpan TAN, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China Junchang YANG, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Discussant: Xuan CHEN, Beijing National Palace Museum, China

Panel 2

Thu 10:00–12:00; KO2-F-152

Reproduction as Artistic Transmitter: Visual Knowledge and Evidential Documents in Edo and Meiji Japan

Chaired by Frank FELTENS, Freer | Sackler Galleries, USA, and Katharina RODE, Heidelberg University, Germany

Our Foreign Selves: Layers of China in the Identity of Yosa Buson (1716–1784) Frank FELTENS, Freer | Sackler Galleries, USA


Adaptation, Emulation, and Amelioration in the Pre-Nishiki-e Prints of Suzuki Harunobu Sabine BRADEL, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Literati Painting for Children: The Painting Manual Kanga Dokugaku Fu Katharina RODE, Heidelberg University, Germany

Early Japanese Spirit Photography and the Question of Photographic Reproduction Mio WAKITA, Heidelberg University, Germany

Discussant: Frank FELTENS, Freer | Sackler Galleries, USA

Panel 3

Thu 10:00–12:00; KOL-E-18

Contemporary Chinese Art I

In-Between: The Liminality of Contemporary Chinese Art Bérangère AMBLARD, Institute of Transtextual and Transcultural Studies, France

Avoiding the Brushwork: Radical Declination from Tradition in the Movement of Experimental Ink and Wash Painting in Mainland China Daniela ZHANG CZIRÁKOVÁ, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia

From Form to Content: Independent Curators and Chinese Experimental Art in the Nineties Yanna TONG, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain

“Westernization” Against “Sinization” in Chinese Contemporary Graffiti: A Comparison Between the ABS Crew and the Kwan-yin Clan Adriana LEZZI, University of Bologna, Italy

Panel 4

Thu 10:00–12:00; KO2-F-174


Renaissance of Art and Philosophy: The Vidyashankara Temple at Sringeri Niharika K. SANKRITYAYAN, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, India

Indus Civilisation and Post-Indus Villages in NW India: Transformations and Innovations of Ceramic Industries in the Bronze Age of South Asia Alessandro CECCARELLI, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Art at Sannati: An Early Historic Buddhist Settlement in North Karnataka, India Hema THAKUR, National Institute of Advanced Studies, India


Sgraffito Pottery Art, from the First Muslim Conquered Port City, Debal (Banbhore), in South- Asia Pakistan Nargis RASHID, University of Karachi, Pakistan

Panel 5

Thu 10:00–12:00; KO2-F-175

Towards New Horizons: Discovering "Korean History/Art History through Archaeology"

Chaired by James B. LEWIS, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Addressing Koguryo ̆ History through Royal Tombs in Ji’an Mark E. BYINGTON, Harvard University, USA

Unlocking the Textually Invisible: An Archaeological Study of the Yongsan River Basin between the 4th–6th Century CE Dennis LEE, Yonsei University,

The Invention of “Mt. Gyeryong Style Buncheong” in 1927 Seung Yeon SANG, Harvard Art Museum, USA

The Autonomy of Archaeology as an Academic Field and National University (1961– 1981) Luis BOTELLA, University of Malaga, Spain

Discussant: James B. LEWIS, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Panel 6

Thu 13:30–15:30; KOL-F-104

Territorial Borders, Cultural Margins and the Identity of Tomb Occupants in Early Dynastic, Imperial and Medieval China I

Chaired by LIU Yan, Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, United Kingdom

Presentation Cemeteries of the ca. 11–8th cc. BCE in the Wei River Valley and the Search for the Metropolitan Zhou Identity China Maria KHAYUTINA, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, Germany

Identity of Tomb Occupants at Baifu in the Northeastern Frontier of the Western Zhou during Mid-10th Century BCE SUN Yan, Gettysburg College, USA

The Ordos Abroad: Transmission out of the Region Katheryn M. LINDUFF, University of Pittsburgh, USA


Investigating the Identity of Early Niche Grave Occupants in the Turfan Basin Ilse TIMPERMAN, SOAS University of London, United Kingdom

Panel 7

Thu 13:30–15:30; KO2-F-152

Exploring the Aesthetic and Spiritual: Transnational Networks in Modern Japan

Chaired by Brij TANKHA, University of Delhi, India

The Garakuta Network: Re-Thinking Nihon Bijutsu in a Global Context Helena ČAPKOVÁ, Waseda University, Japan

Networks of Play, Networks of Subversion: Miyatake Gaikotsu and the Recovery of Ukiyo-e Brij TANKHA, University of Delhi, India

Theosophical Network between Modern China and Japan: Variations of “Universal Brotherhood” Chienhui CHUANG, Osaka University, Japan

Discussant: Toshio AKAI, Kobe Gakuin University, Japan

Panel 8

Thu 13:30–15:30; KOL-E-18

Contemporary Chinese Art II

Achieves of the Everyday in the Practices of Contemporary Chinese Art WANG Ruobing, Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore

The Self in Contemporary Chinese Artists Kwankiu LEUNG, Royal College of Art, United Kingdom

From Aesthetics to Ethics: Landscape Representation in Chinese Contemporary Art Elena MACRI, University of Naples “L’Orientale,” Italy

Art as Counter-Memory: Contemporary Lens-Based Art in East Asia Nayun JANG, The Courtauld Institute of Art, United Kingdom

Panel 9

Thu 13:30–15:30; KO2-F-174

Archaeology and Iconography in Indian Temples


The Gauri Shankar Temple of Dashal: An Introduction of its Architecture and Iconographic System Gerald KOZICZ, Technical University of Graz, Austria

Valley of the Gods: The Small Stone Shrine of Gauri Sankar Marina DUROVKA, Technical University of Graz, Austria

From Kuraiya Bir to Kadwaha: The Iconography and Symbolism of Temple Lalatābimbas (c. 8–11th Centuries CE) Seema BAWA, University of Delhi, India

Stelle Kramrisch and the Hindu Temple Verena WIDORN, University of Vienna, Austria

Panel 10

Thu 13:30–15:30; KO2-F-175

Early Chinese Tombs

The Chime of Five (4+1) Bells Excavated in 2013 in the Tomb M111 of Yejiashan Graveyard is a Key-Jalon in the History of Chinese Music Veronique Alexandre JOURNEAU, -Sorbonne University, France

The Drapery of the Marquis Yi of Zeng and its Design ZHANG Changping, Wuhan University, China

The Decorative Pattern of Chu Tomb-Protecting Beasts, and Their Use of Guiding the Soul to the Heaven Ding LAN, South-Central University for Nationalities, China

Panel 11

Thu 16:00–18:00; KOL-F-104

Territorial Borders, Cultural Margins and the Identity of Tomb Occupants in Early Dynastic, Imperial and Medieval China II

Chaired by LIU Yan, Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, United Kingdom

Migrant and Immigrant Identities in the Hexi Corridor During the Han Empire Alice YAO, University of Chicago, USA

Funerary Behavior and the Determination of Identity at the Southern Imperial Margin: A View from Yulin Commandery's Graves during the Han Dynasty Francis ALLARD, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA


Was It a Xianbei or Was It a Chinese? Interpretation of Some Burial Customs under the Northern Wei Dynasty (386–534) Shing MUELLER, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, Germany

Locals, Long-Term Settlers, Newcomers? Identity of Tomb Occupants in a Time of Migration (220–589) Annette KIESER, University of Münster, Germany

Panel 12

Thu 16:00–18:00; KO2-F-152

Art and Politics: Twentieth and Twenty-First Century East Asia

Chaired by Sarah TEASLEY, Royal College of Art, United Kingdom

Fashioning Fascism: Yokoyama Taikan’s Paintings of Mount Fuji Asato IKEDA, Fordham University, USA

China’s Hui Muslims and Constructing ‘Islam with Chinese Characteristics’ Zara ARSHAD, Victoria and Albert Museum, United Kingdom

Dancing at the End of Pax Americana: Cultural Contortions at the Dawn of The Donald Tyler RUSSELL, Centre A: Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art, Canada

Crisis, Community & Design: Post-3/11 Design in Japan & the Modern Experience Sarah TEASLEY, Royal College of Art, United Kingdom

Discussant: Tyler RUSSELL, Centre A: Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art, Canada

Panel 13

Thu 16:00–18:00; KOL-E-18

China: Words and Images

Violence as the Symbol of Morality: Erotic Images Circulated in the News Pictorials in Late Qing (ca. 1880s–1911) Zhen JIA, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Words and Images between Observed Reality and Written Texts: Walter Bosshard (1892– 1975) and his Photographic Work in Manchukuo Anna Elisabeth HERREN, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Qi Baishi in Prague and the Canon Formation of Chinese Daxieyi Painting Style Chinchi YANG, SOAS University of London, United Kingdom


Panel 14

Thu 16:00–18:00; KO2-F-174

The Portrait in Asian Buddhism: Representation, Function and Reception

Chaired by Fabian A. KOMMOSS, University of Potsdam, Germany; University of Zurich, Switzerland

Becoming Buddha in This Very Body: On the Relation of Body, Medium and Image of Mummified Icons in Chan/Zen Buddhism Fabian A. KOMMOSS, University of Potsdam, Germany; University of Zurich, Switzerland

Tibetan Lineage Portraits: An Example for Individual and Group Representations in Hans-Werner KLOHE, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

"Kinsman of the Sun": An Early Buddha Image in the Berlin Museum and Solar Symbolism Nicolas REVIRE, Thammasat University, Thailand

Panel 15

Thu 16:00–18:00; KO2-F-175

Mural Painting in Han China: Re-Examining the Origins and Development of the Genre

Chaired by Allison R. MILLER, Southwestern University, USA

The Status of the Mural in Early Han Art: Reflections from the Shi Yuan Tomb Allison R. MILLER, Southwestern University, USA

New Approaches to Tomb Murals along the Han Northern Frontier Leslie V. WALLACE, Coastal Carolina University, USA

Rethinking Chariot Processions in Han Tomb Murals Carrie (Huichih) CHUANG, Tainan National University of the Arts, Republic of China

Dress and Status in Han Dynasty Wall Paintings Sheri A. LULLO, Union College, USA

Discussant: Ariane PERRIN, The Centre for Studies on China, Korea and Japan, France


Friday, August 25, 2017

Keynote Lecture

Fri 19:30–20:30; KOL-F-101

Korea through the Foreign Lens: Photographs by Burton Holmes and Jack London

Burglind JUNGMANN, University of California Los Angeles, USA

Panel 16

Fri 09:00–11:00; KOL-F-104

Aspects of Korean Buddhist Material Culture and Architecture

Buddhist Lacquer Objects of Anapji: Some Thoughts on a Genuine Lacquer Tradition in Korea Margarete PRÜCH, Heidelberg University, Germany

The Buried Dome of Sŏkkuram: The Silla-Korean Buddhist Sanctuary and Its Iranian Cognates Minku KIM, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

The Tripitaka Koreana, the Korean Canon of Buddhist Scripture, and the Jikji Soon-Chim JUNG, Independent Scholar, Münster, Germany

A Group of Nine Lacquered Sutra Chests Inlaid with Mother-of-Pearl Patricia FRICK, Museum of Lacquer Art Münster, Germany

Visual Representations of Arhats in Korea in Context: The Concept, the Forms and the Influence Beatrix MECSI, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Panel 17

Fri 09:00–11:00; KO2-F-152

China: Paintings and Prints

Authentication of “Clothes of The Water Mill” with Archaeological Objects Baihua REN, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

Turning Point: Wang Hui (1632–1717) and Xu Qianxue (1631–1694) Chin-Sung CHANG, Seoul National University, Korea

Andrew Chinn and Fay Chong: Asian Masters of American Art James Ellis WALTER, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong


“When red is placed near yellow, the light is dazzling...”: “Song of the Color Matching” and Other Precepts of Folk Art in the Chinese Printmaking Tradition Alina MARTIMYANOVA, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Panel 18

Fri 09:00–11:00; KOL-E-18

Viewing Japan

Specialist’s Discourses and a Skip in East Asian Art History: The Bumpy History of Research on Japanese Architecture Beate LÖFFLER, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Behind the Collections' Growth: The Aura of Ukiyo-e Prints at the Heart of Europe Markéta HÁNOVÁ, National Gallery in Prague, Czech Republic

Japanese Arts and Crafts for Soviet Public (1957 The State Hermitage Museum Acquisition and Exhibitions Across the Country) Anna EGOROVA, Hermitage Museum, Russia

Presentation and Rationale of an eLearning Platform on Kofun-Period Archaeology Stephanie SANTSCHI, British Museum, United Kingdom

Panel 19

Fri 09:00–11:00; KO2-F-174

Transcultural Trajectories in South Asian Visual Arts

Chaired by Isabella NARDI, Cleveland State University, USA

Remotely Connected: The Nilgiri Mountains Culture of South India Daniela De SIMONE, British Museum, United Kingdom

Muslim Icons: Sufi Saints as Agents of Transculturation in Early-Modern India Murad MUMTAZ, University of Virginia, USA

Between Indian Miniature Painting and Photography: Popular Manorath Illustrations from Nathdwara Isabella NARDI, Cleveland State University, USA

Splitting the Goddess, Splitting the Yoni: Origins of the Yoginīs at Kāmākhyā Paolo Eugenio ROSATI, University of Rome, Italy


Panel 20

Fri 09:00–11:00; KO2-F-175

Japan and Korea through Visual Culture

Picture Postcards in Slovenia: 1890s–1910s Chikako SHIGEMORI BUCAR, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Japanese War Kimonos: History, Connectivities and Meanings Klaus FRIESE, University of Zurich, Switzerland; Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, Germany

Capturing Occupied Korea: The Photograph Collection of Dr. Alice Keller (1896–1992) Rebeca GOMEZ MORILLA, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Intercultural Exchange: Children’s Drawings from Japan in Switzerland from 1930 to 1970 Anna LEHNINGER, Pestalozzianum Foundation, Switzerland

Panel 21

Fri 11:30–13:30; KOL-F-104

Reception, Misunderstanding, and Manipulation: Workings in [Korean] Art History

Chaired by Burglind JUNGMANN, University of California Los Angeles, USA

Tired of Embroidery: Remembering Sin Saimdang (1504–1551) and Maria Sybilla Merian (1647–1717) Burglind JUNGMANN, University of California Los Angeles, USA

Fish Out of Water: The Transmission and Manipulation of Nature Studies in the Late Chosŏn Dynasty Nathaniel KINGDON, University of California Los Angeles, USA

The Dark Side of Genre Paintings in Late Chosŏn Korea (1700–1850) JP PARK, University of California Riverside, USA

Suzhou Pian as Inspiration for Chosŏn Court Painting Yoonjung SEO, Free University of Berlin, Germany

Discussant: Youn-mi KIM, Yale University, USA

Panel 22

Fri 11:30–13:30; KO2-F-152

China: Imagining Nature


Evolution, Adaptation, or Innovation: The Emergence of Shuang-long-bing-hu in Tang China Chun-I LIN, SOAS University of London, United Kingdom

Artistic Characteristics of Yixing Red Stoneware: From an Example of Brush Pot in Groningen Museum Ruoming WU, Nankai University, China

Stone Sculptures of Dogs in South China: Origins and Semantics Maria A. KUDINOVA, Novosibirsk State University, Russia Sergey A. KOMISSAROV, Novosibirsk State University, Russia

Presenting the Mastiff: Animal Encounters and Qing Authority in Frontier Areas Lianming WANG, Heidelberg University, Germany

Panel 23

Fri 11:30–13:30; KOL-E-18

Influence of East Asian Art on European Artistic Development

Christian Art under the Shogun's Rage: A Reconsideration of the Role of Christian Brotherhoods in the Production of Art after 1614 in Japan Jose BLANCO-PERALES, University of Oviedo, Spain

A Curious Comedy at the Court of Louis XIV in 1700: The "Masquerade of the King of China" Bruno BENTZ, University of Paris IV-Sorbonne, France

The Construction of Chinoiserie Gardens in 18th Century Sanssouci in Potsdam, Prussia Sheng-Ching CHANG, Fu Jen University, Republic of China

Some Examples of Interior Chinese-Style Decorations in Czechia Lucie OLIVOVÁ, Masaryk University, Czech Republic

Panel 24

Fri 13:30–15:30; KO2-F-174

China: Appropriation of History

The “Neolithisation” of Southern China? Lena WESEMANN, Free University of Berlin, Germany

The Making of Ru Ware through Archaeological Evidence Sabrina RASTELLI, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy

Negotiating Statecraft and Handicraft: Qianlong (r. 1736–1795)’s Appropriation of Ming Official Carved Lacquer Zhenpeng ZHAN, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Collection, Application, Processing: Yixing Wares in the Qing Court (1644–1911) SUN Yue, Heidelberg University, Germany

Panel 25

Fri 11:30–13:30; KO2-F-175

Colonial Collecting Practices of Tibetan Art and Material Culture

Chaired by Regina HÖFER, University of Bonn, Germany

Constructing the Land of Mystery in London and Berlin: The Tibetan Collection of L. A. Waddell Regina HÖFER, University of Bonn, Germany

Touristing in Ladakh: The Relative Value of an ‘Inauthentic’ Tibetan Collection Inbal LIVNE, Powell-Cotton Museum, United Kingdom

A Political Officer’s Tibet Collection, John Claude White and Complicated Notions of Collecting in Sikkim, Bhutan, and Tibet Emma MARTIN, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Discussant: Regina HÖFER, University of Bonn, Germany

Panel 26

Fri 17:00–19:00; KOL-F-104

Between Imagination and Representation: Neo-Confucian Literati Gardens of the Joseon Dynasty

Chaired by Jeong-hee LEE-KALISCH, Free University of Berlin, Germany

Giving a Name and Making a Poem: The Aesthetics of Invisibility in Joseon Literati Gardens SUNG Jongsang, Seoul National University, Korea

Between the Imagination of Ideals and the Representation of Gardens: Soswaewon ( of Vivifying Purification) as an Example Jeong-hee LEE-KALISCH, Free University of Berlin, Germany

Composition of Figures and Activities in Garden Use in Joseon Dynasty LEE Jaei, Seoul National University, South Korea

“Re”-presentation of a Korean Literati Garden in the West: The Korean Garden in Berlin Maria SOBOTKA, Free University of Berlin, Germany

Discussant: Round table


Panel 27

Fri 17:00–19:00; KO2-F-152

Architecture and Gardens

Organization and Technological Choice of Cast Iron Production in Ancient China: A Case Study on Taicheng Iron Foundry of the Western Han Dynasty Weng Cheong LAM, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Ornamentation of the Qutb Minar between Hindu East and Islamic East Hee Sook LEE-NIINIOJA, Independent Scholar, Helsinki, Finland

Beyond Mughal Garden Waterworks: Some Aspects of Water Usage in Lahore Amna SAEED GILLANI, University of Bonn, Germany

19th Century Guangzhou Gardens as Seen through the Lens of Sino-Western Relations Richard JOSEPHA, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom

Panel 28

Fri 17:00–19:00; KOL-E-18

Material Symbols in the Early State Formation of Japan (3rd to Early 7th Centuries A.D.)

Chaired by Ken’ichi SASAKI, Meiji University, Japan

Bronze Mirrors as Status Symbols in the Process of Early State Formation Shin’ya FUKUNAGA, Osaka University, Japan

Analyses of Internal Burial Facilities as an Approach to Social Stratification Akira SEIKE, Okayama University, Japan

The Design of Iron Weapons and the Emergence of Political Identities in the State Formation of Japan Takehiko MATSUGI, National Museum of Japanese History, Japan

Distributing the “Standard” of Mound Construction to Local Elites as an Example of Inalienable Wealth Ken’ichi SASAKI, Meiji University, Japan

Panel 29

Fri 17:00–19:00; KO2-F-174

Questioning Identity: Different Perspectives on Identities in Asia

Chaired by Julia HOLZ, University of Bonn, Germany, Sandra SCHLAGE, University of Bonn, Germany, and Rebekka WELKER, University of Bonn, Germany


Queer Identity: The Case of Contemporary Pakistani Art Waheeda BANO BALOCH, University of Sindh, Pakistan; University of Bonn, Germany

Identity Challenged: The Body in Contemporary Vietnamese Art Julia HOLZ, University of Bonn, Germany

Identities of Bharata Nāṭyam Dancers in Tamil Nadu at the Beginning of the 21st Century Sandra SCHLAGE, University of Bonn, Germany

Identity and Alterity in the Pictures of the Basel Mission, Shown in the Evangelische Heidenbote from 1859 till 1863 Rebekka WELKER, University of Bonn, Germany

Panel 30

Fri 17:00–19:00; KO2-F-175

Collecting China

A Handscroll in the Former Collection of Pan Shicheng (c. 1804–1873), Legendary Merchant and Connoisseur from Canton Xiaoxin LI, SOAS University of London, United Kingdom

From Gathering to Research: Chinese Objects of the First Third of the Nineteenth Century in the Collections of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography Polina RUD, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, Russia

Collecting Early China: The British Museum and The Karlbeck Syndicate (1930–1934) Valérie JURGENS, Independent Scholar, Zurich, Switzerland

Study on Robert van Gulik’s Appreciation and Collection of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting SHI Ye, Shanghai Normal University, China


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Panel 31

Sat 09:00–11:00; KOL-F-101

Arts for the Empire: Political Expansions, Cultural Encounters, and Imperial Representations in China

Chaired by Yu-chih LAI, Princeton University, USA

Regulating the Empire: A Study on Illustrated Regulations for Ceremonial Paraphernalia of the Qing Dynasty Yu-chih LAI, Princeton University, USA

More than Writing: Efficacious Words, Decorative Scripts, and Cross-Cultural Encounters in Tang China Hui-Wen LU, National Taiwan University, Republic of China

The Making and Reinvention of the Dijian tushuo 帝鑑圖說 for the Empires Li-chiang LIN, National Taiwan Normal University, Republic of China

Cultural Contending: Kangxi Painted Enamelware as Global Competitor Ching-fei SHIH, National Taiwan University, Republic of China

Imaginary Chinese Dress in Qing Court Painting: Temporal Multiplicity and the Emperorship Mei Mei RADO, Bard Graduate Center, USA

Panel 32

Sat 09:00–11:00; KOL-F-104

East Asian Archaeology

Across the Sea: The Newly Discovered Wa (Ancient Japan) Armours and Helmets in the Southwestern Part of the Korean Peninsula Ariane PERRIN, The Centre for Studies on China, Korea and Japan, France

An Outstanding Painting on Hemp in the Guimet Museum Collection: The « Archeological Conservation » Contribution Valerie ZALESKI, Guimet Museum, France Violaine GARCIA, Independent Conservator, Montreuil-sous-Bois, France

Decorated Tombs in Southwest Japan: Behind the Identity and the Socio-Political Developments of the Late Kofun Society in Kyūshū Claudia ZANCAN, Leiden University, the Netherlands

From "Picture Coins" to "Real Money": Art and Archaeology in Early Japanese Currency Ethan I. SEGAL, Michigan State University, USA


Panel 33

Sat 09:00–11:00, KO2-F-152

New Insights into Anthropomorphic Masks of Central Asia

Anthropomorphic Mask-Faces of the Sayan-Altai Region in Bronze Age: New Imaging and Tracing of Karakol Burial Mounds Alexander PAKHUNOV, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Masks in the Crafts and Rock Carvings (South Siberia, Central Asia and Far East) Ekaterina DEVLAT, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Anthropomorphic Masks in Medieval Art of Central Asia Galina KOROL, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Panel 34

Sat 09:00–11:00; KOL-E-18

Authenticity and the Art Market in China 1600–2000

Chaired by CHIEN Li-kuei, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Traces of Authenticity: Seventeenth-Century Forgeries of Wen Zhengming’s Calligraphy in Clerical Script CHIEN Li-kuei, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Marketing the Masters: Revision and Consumption of Calligraphy in the Late Ming XUE Lei, University of Oregon, USA

Xue Susu’s Two Identical Paintings: A Case Study of the Forgery Business in the Workshop of Tan Jing 譚敬 Sylvia LEE, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Distinction: The Practice and Legacy of the “Album to See the Large within the Small” WANG Ching-ling, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Discussant: Nicole CHIANG, The Museum of East Asian Art, United Kingdom

Panel 35

Sat 09:00–11:00; KO2-F-174

Prehistoric Interactions and Early Material Culture

New Discoveries of Prehistoric Barkcloth Beaters from Southeast Asia Tang CHUNG, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


A Study on the Guqin Image on the Bronze Mirrors’ Ornamentation during the Han Dynasty Mei-Yen LEE, National Pingtung University, Republic of China

Prehistoric Interactions in Xinjiang: A Re-Evaluation of the Bronze Age Remains in the Pamir Region Marcella FESTA, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy

Multi-Perspective Narratives on Chinese Neolithic Pottery in Museums in China Sofia BOLLO, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Panel 36

Sat 09:00–11:00; KO2-F-175

Reinventing Traditional Images: Visual Ideologies in Contemporary East Asia

Chaired by Simon KANER, University of East Anglia and Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, United Kingdom

“Booming Jomon”? Prehistoric Material Culture and Its Perception in Contemporary Japan Ilona BAUSCH, University of Tokyo, Japan

Fluffy Trees and Dragons: Forests in Children’s Internet in China Annika PISSIN, Lund University, Sweden

A Patchwork of Gold Leaf and Manga Outlines: The Invention of Cool Japan’s Historic Roots Daan KOK, National Museum of Ethnology, the Netherlands

How Buddha Works: Zen in Contemporary East Asian Art Paramita PAUL, Amsterdam University College, the Netherlands

Discussant: Simon KANER, University of East Anglia and Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, United Kingdom

Panel 37

Sat 14:00–16:00; KOL-F-101

Buddhist Life and Space

Where Did the Buddhist Monks Live and Translate in Yungang? Joy Lidu YI, Florida International University, USA

The Experience of Seeing: The Lingyan Temple Luohan Sculptures and Song Dynasty Visual Practices Rebecca BIEBERLY, Oakland University, USA


The Geographic Opening to the Secular Space: The Rise of Buddhist Shuilu Halls and Murals in the Ming Dynasty Yi LIU, Nanjing University, China

The Way of Agarwood: From China to the Korean Peninsula Anna S. SHMAKOVA, Novosibirsk State National Research University, Russia Elena E. VOYTISHEK, Novosibirsk State National Research University, Russia

Panel 38

Sat 14:00–16:00; KOL-F-104

Chinese and Central Asian Textiles from Han to Yuan Dynasty

Chaired by Shing MÜLLER, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Germany, and Helen PERSSON, Swedish History Museum, Sweden

Chinese Jin-Silks with Inscriptions: Witnesses of Social Culture and Beliefs in Han-Period Michèle GRIEDER, Abegg Foundation, Switzerland

The Embroidered Chinese Garment at the Abegg-Stiftung: A New Insight into the Material and Visual Culture of Early Medieval China Julia ESCHER, University of Zurich, Switzerland Caroline VOGT, Abegg Foundation, Switzerland

Seventh to Ninth Century Woven Silks with Bold Patterns of Animals and Birds Regula SCHORTA, Abegg Foundation, Switzerland

The Tiny Motifs Tartar Cloths of the Vestments of Benedict XI in Perugia Maria Ludovica ROSATI, Independent Scholar, Turin, Italy

Discussants: Shing MÜLLER, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Germany, and Helen PERSSON, Swedish History Museum, Sweden

Panel 39

Sat 14:00–16:00; KO2-F-152

Terms and Conditions: Words That Shape Art and Its Histories I

Chaired by Maki FUKUOKA, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, and Mingyuan HU, University of Leeds, United Kingdom

The Japanese Reception of Gonse’s and Anderson’s Histories of Japanese Art: Translating the Concept of Self-Reference Sonia COMAN, Columbia University, USA


Staggered Hangings: The Reception of the Term “kakemono” in the West Radu LECA, Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, United Kingdom

Forms of Idol Maki FUKUOKA, University of Leeds, United Kingdom

Discussant: Sho KONISHI, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Panel 40

Sat 14:00–16:00; KOL-E-18

Asian Artefacts in European Collections before 1940: Background Stories

Chaired by Michaela PEJČOCHOVÁ, National Gallery in Prague, Czech Republic

The Yuanmingyuan in Britain and France: Collecting and Displaying Objects from the ‘’ in the West Louise TYTHACOTT, SOAS University of London, United Kingdom

From Tomb to Museum: The Journey of a Chinese Bronze Vessel Over Three Thousand Years Lyce JANKOWSKI, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

The Acquisition of Ukiyo-e Prints from Private Collections in the State Museum of Oriental Art (Moscow, Russia) Anna PUSHAKOVA, State Museum of Oriental Art, Russia

Re-Discovering the Arts of China through Native Sources: Laurence Binyon, George Eumorfopoulos and Their Taste in Chinese Painting Ying-Ling Michelle HUANG, Lingnan University, Hong Kong

Discussant: Christine HOWALD, Technical University of Berlin, Germany

Panel 41

Sat 14:00–16:00; KO2-F-174

India: Words and Images

The Epic and the Kings Cristina BIGNAMI, University of Tübingen, Germany

Śiva as Jvara and Jvarahareśvara Gudrun BÜHNEMANN, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA


From Kīrtimukha to Mouse Face, Gana Who Consumed Himself: Kīrtimukha in North Indian Literature and Art Anisha SAXENA, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

Social Status of an Art-Person in Classical India Barbara BANASIK, University of Warsaw, Poland

Panel 42

Sat 14:00–16:00; KO2-F-175

Agency and Materiality in Cultural Dynamics

Chaired by Kitty ZIJLMANS, Leiden University, the Netherlands

The Art Object in the Nexus of Social Relationships: Contemporary Art from East Asia Kitty ZIJLMANS, Leiden University, the Netherlands

Trans-Media Display and Everyday Encounter: The Transcultural Agency of a Chinese Painting Motif Feng HE, Heidelberg University, Germany

The Pictorial Icon of Evidential Scholarship in Qing China Lilian Lan-ying TSENG, New York University, USA

Performative Power of Chinese Export Paintings: Outlook on a New ‘Horizon’ Rosalien VAN DER POEL, National Museum of Ethnology, the Netherlands

Discussant: Marc BOUMEESTER, ArtEZ University of the Arts, the Netherlands

Panel 43

Sat 16:30–18:30; KOL-F-101

Chinese Burial Custom

The Proposal of Ancient Chinese Stone Casket Study Tian NA, Jilin University, China

Mucky Pups or Neat Freaks? The Archaeology of Personal Hygiene in Royal Tombs of the Western Han Dynasty (207 BCE–6 AD) Catrin KOST, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, Germany

Emotional Death: Rethinking the Meanings of Tombs in the Ming Dynasty Hui-Han JIN, University of Minnesota, USA


Panel 44

Sat 16:30–18:30; KOL-F-104

Art and Reproduction in Republican China

Chaired by Sarah E. FRASER, Heidelberg University, Germany

The Printed Landscape: Photo-Books and Famous Places in Early Twentieth Century China Marine CABOS, Independent Scholar, Paris, France

Crossing Boundaries: The Interplay of Painting and Printing in the Works of Jin Cheng (1878– 1926) Tian S. LIANG, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Publishing Modern Ink Painting around 1930: Venues and Strategies Juliane NOTH, Free University of Berlin, Germany

The Issue of Reproduction: Ink Painters and Photography in China (1920–1950) Mia Yinxing LIU, Bates College, USA

Discussant: Sarah E. FRASER, Heidelberg University, Germany

Panel 45

Sat 16:30–18:30; KO2-F-152

Terms and Conditions: Words That Shape Art and Its Histories II

Chaired by Maki FUKUOKA, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, and Mingyuan HU, University of Leeds, United Kingdom

The Space That Never Was Mingyuan HU, University of Leeds, United Kingdom

Philology of the “Image” in Japanese Art History Kristopher W. KERSEY, University of Richmond, USA

Awakenings and Entrances: Staging Civility in Twentieth Century China Ros HOLMES, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Discussant: Catherine STUER, Denison University, USA

Round Table 46

Sat 16:30–18:30; KOL-E-18

Identification, Categorization and Digitization of East Asian Art Objects in Local Collections of Different European Countries


Chaired by Nataša VAMPELJ SUHADOLNIK, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Hidden in Plain Sight: Chinese Objects in Welsh Collections Thomas JANSEN, University of Wales Trinity St. David, United Kingdom

East Asian Collections in Hungary Beatrix MECSI, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Surveying East Asian Art in Austrian Collections Lukas NICKEL, University of Vienna, Austria

Examining East Asian Art Objects in Switzerland Hans Bjarne THOMSEN, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Identification, Categorization and Digitization of East Asian Art Objects in Slovenia Nataša VAMPELJ SUHADOLNIK, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

China Art Research Network (CARN): Mapping Chinese Objects/Collections in the UK Minna TÖRMÄ, University of Glasgow, Scotland

Panel 47

Sat 16:30–18:30; KO2-F-174

Re-Examining South Asia

A Look through the Archives: Suratkhana at Amber-Jaipur in the 18th Century Shailka MISHRA, Mehrangarh Museum, Jodhpur, India

Unity in Diversity: The Birla Temple in Delhi as an Example of National Art Dorota KAMIŃSKA-JONES, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland Agnieszka STASZCZYK, Jagiellonian University, Poland

Artistic Autonomy in Indian Art after Independence: Indianness in Art and the Female Voices Mia Dora PRVAN, University of Bonn, Germany

Art of Loss: Wooden Ancestral Effigies in Kalash Valley Ali Kalhoro ZULFIQAR, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), Pakistan

Panel 48

Sat 16:30–18:30; KO2-F-175


Chaired by Pika GHOSH, University of North Carolina, USA

Moving through Story Anna Lise SEASTRAND, University of Chicago, USA


Transforming Geography into Religious Topography: The Philadelphia Museum of Art’s Gosainkund Scroll Neeraja PODDAR, Philadelphia Museum of Art, USA

The Bundle and the Text: The Materiality of Rolled Mughal Farmans Slyvia HOUGHTELING, Bryn Mawr College, USA

The Whole as a Scroll: Cyclical Manuscripts from an Aerial Perspective Yael RICE, Amherst College, USA

Discussant: Mary Beth HESTON, College of Charleston, USA


The conference is made possible by the generous support of:

Georg und Bertha Schwyzer-Winiker Foundation

Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange

Hochschulstiftung, University of Zurich

Korea Foundation

Swiss National Science Foundation

City of Zurich

Canton of Zurich

articulations association suisse pour la relève en histoire de l’art Schweizer Verein für den kunsthistorischen Nachwuchs
