Sprouted Ancient and Seeds

Today, consumers are looking for wholesome options along with new flavors and textures. Sprouted ancient grains and seeds meet their demands with high nutritional availability along with great taste. BeneGrain® delivers proven performance in a variety of traditional and gluten-free applications, including specialty breads, tortillas, crackers, snacks and .

Why Sprouted Ancient Grains & Seeds? Collectively, ancient grains and seeds contain more protein, fiber and Omega-3 fatty acids than or rye. They provide a unique sensory experience through distinctive flavors, colors, origins and textures which appeals to consumers who enjoy trying new foods. Sprouting also increases water absorption which can improve functionality due to moisture holding properties.

Milder flavor with less bitterness Sprouting improves the flavor profile of ancient grains and seeds resulting in enhanced sweetness and less earthy, grassy notes. The gentle drying process gives the grains and seeds a mild toasted note, perfect for -based applications. Simply stated, sprouting improves the palatability of whole grains and seeds.

Easy-to-digest health benefits Sprouted whole grains and seeds offer exceptional health and wellness benefits. Because germina- tion unlocks nutrients to fuel the emerging plant growth, they are more readily available and easily absorbed than conventional grains and seeds.

For more information about our products and formulations, visit www.baystatemilling.com. The Sprouting Process

Steeping in a Germination begins The quality of Gentle drying halts Sprouted grain or controlled environ- and the sprout starts nutrients and the sprouting seed clusters are ment cleans and to emerge. bioactive compounds process and removes separated and the hydrates the grains are enhanced moisture from the milling process (Sprouting time varies or seeds. through the grains or seeds. begins to bring you depending upon the activation of BeneGrain®. grain or seed.) enzymes.

BeneGrain® Sprouted Ancient Grains and Seeds Brown Flax

Chia , Whole Milled, Conventional & Organic varieties available

For more information about our products and formulations, visit www.baystatemilling.com.