Alice Arm Notes Kitsault Glacier and Also Enroute Girls 2 to 6 Years, 1 J

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Alice Arm Notes Kitsault Glacier and Also Enroute Girls 2 to 6 Years, 1 J w A little paper $2.00 a Year j with all the Alice Arm and | news and a big { Anyox. S2.25 to J circulation THE HERALD all other points, j Published in the interests of Alice Arm and Anyox, B. C. VOL. 14, NO. 8 ALICE ARM, B. O, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31. 1934 5 cents each. Oddfellows Hold Very Work on Stewart Rail- Bean Supper Draws Large Anyox Young Couple Fine Weather Beckons Successful Picnic Way Has Commenced Crowd Alice Arm Wed August 22nd. Parties Into The A large number of Alice Arm Under contract to do much need­ A quiet wedding took place in At Larcom people and Anyox visitors attend­ Hills ed repair work on the Portland Anyox on Wednesday, August 22nd. With a lovely day before them, ed a picnic and bean suppor, held The ideal sunny weather that pre­ Canal Short Line Railway extend­ the contracting parties being Miss the local Lodge of Oddfellows,— at Clearwater Creek on Friday vailed throughout the past week ing up the Bear River Valley from Gertrude Bauer, only daughter of assisted by their sister Lodge, the evening. The participants com­ tempted several parties away into Stewart, Andrew McCullough, con­ Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Brauer, of Rebekahs—held their annual Picnic menced to arrive at the rendezvous the hills to explore nature's beauties struction engineer, and Angus Anyox, and Charles Stuart Dobbie, at Larcom Island on Sunday, Aug­ at 3.30 p.m. and continued until in ths high altitudes. On Friday Nicholson, well known railway con­ eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. ust 26th. The boats started from 6. Pots of beans were soon swing last, the editor of the Herald, E. struction man, were passengers Dobbie, of Copper River B. C. Anyox at 9 a.m. and continued until ing over the fires, these with sand­ Moss, accompanied by his sister board the steamer Prince Rupert The ceremony took place in the noon. A large number of members wiches, cookies, hot tea and coffee Mrs. G. Jordan of New York and last week bound north. The work United Church Manse at seven and friends of both Lodges took made a real old fashioned open air his three daughters made a trip on which they will inaugurate is under o'clock in the evening, Rev. E. advantage of the outing and added meal which everyone thoroughly foot to the Kitsault Glacier and re­ the agreement with the provincial Baker officiating. to the succees of the picnic. enjoyed. turn, a distance of 52 miles in all. government whereby a certain am­ Mrs. S. Kominsky was the matron Following the disposal of the They left Alice Arm at noon on Fri­ After lunch, everyone gathered ount was to be expended on the line of honor and Mr. S. Kominsky act­ beans, etc, community singing day and returned at 4- p.m. the in front of the main building where each year in return for the charter ed as best man. The bride was was indulged in and under the ra­ following Monday. The first day's Noble Grand W. Windrem intro­ of the extension of the Canadian charming in a dress of powder blue diant light of a full moon the cele­ hike brought them to the Toric duced the Grand Secretary for Brit­ Northern Railway to build a line to crepe with yoke of gold braid, blue brants wended tlieir way home­ Mine. The second night was spent ish Columbia, E. L. Webber. Mr. Fort Grahame in the Ingenika kid shoes and white hat trimmed ward, with pleasant memories of at the cabin across the little glacier Webber, on behalf of the Oddfellows River country being extended. with blue, She wore a royal blue an enjoyable evening. and the third night was spent at welcomed the Rebekahs and others This is the line which Stewart coat to match. The matron-of- the Toric. From the Toric to tbe to the wonderful outing. He stated people hope will some time make honor chose a gown of green chiffon glacier and return to town the party- the ideals of the Lodge stressing their port the Pacific Coast outlet Beach Softball Allstars with accessories to match. A re­ was accompanied by Mr. Gunn Fiva the fact that they stand for •good for the Peace River Valley. Clashed on Monday ception for immediate friends and citizenship, not only to our country caretaker at the Toric, and his Mr. Nicholson was identified with relatives was afterwards held at the but also to our neighbour. He In order to seleqt an all-star soft- assistance iu helping to make the Foley, Welch & Stewart during home of Mrs. Kominsky, when a closed his remarks with the wish ball team from among the Beach trip more pleasant was very much Grand Trunk Pacific Railway con buffet supper was served. that both Lodges will have success players to meet aj similar aggreg­ appreciated. struction days from Prince Rupert The young couple have resided at all time. ation from the Mvtfi, a game was The scenery, as is usual in the east. here for some time and were the played on Monday evening between An excellent supper was served recipients of many congratulations. vicinity of the Glacier at this time two hand-picked teams. This in the dining room after which a Mrs. S. W. Dobbie, mother of the of the year during sunny weather New Local Justices of Peace proved to be a good tussle, and '•Treasure Hunt was held the win­ groom, journeyed from her home at was magnificent. At our feet the from the material available there is ners being Mrs. J. Plumb and], Appointed Terrace B. C. to be present at the ground was carpeted with wild Dodsworth. Community singing no doubt that a formidable squad flowers of every description in a Fifty-six persons who have been ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Dobbie led by a guitar player, was-then in­ will be forthcoming'. It is gener­ wild riot of color; below lay a great acting as Justices of the Peace in will make their home at Anyox. dulged in until 8 p.m. when depart­ ally understood that the Mine will field of cold blue ice, hundreds of British Columbia have been can ures for home commenced. have just as good a team ready to feet thick, and beyond rose a moun­ celled and twenty-one new appoint­ Spar Buoy Found On Alice field. The best team will probably tain whose slopes were clothed in The Committee in charge desire ments have been made. Arm Flats to extend their thanks to all those be decided by a short series of every shade of green dotted with Among the new appointments who so kindly donated their boats games, and will represent Anyox A spar buoy, that had evidently patches of mountain scrub timber, are A. D. Yorke of Alice Arm, and for transportation. against Prince Rupert in the inter- broken loose from its moorings the whole creating a scene of inde­ Frederick Watson and W. O'Neill town series now being arranged. was found on the shore of the Alice scribable beauty and grandeur. During the afternoon several of Anyox. races were run for boys and girls Arm Flats on August 27th. It is Cancellations include T. W. Fal­ The scenery in the vicinity of the of all ages, the winners being: about 30 feet in length and has a ooner of Alice Arm, and Dr. D. R. Alice Arm Notes Kitsault Glacier and also enroute Girls 2 to 6 years, 1 J. Sheen, 2 clevis attached to it. Some rock Learoyd and T. Kirkwood of Anyox. is among the most magnificent on E. Laurie. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Wenerstrom or shoal in the vioinity is minus the American Continent, and is Boys 2 to 6 years, 1 D. Boyd, 2 and family arrived from Anyox last its buoy. well worth a visit by anyone who T. Ion. Price of Copper In Europe week on their launch, and have been Girls 6 to 10 years, 1 D. Adams Well Below 9 Cents spending holidays here. has a few days to spare and a little 2 I. Lavery. Herald WiU Again Be energy to expend. Mrs. W. O'Neill recently arrived Boys 6 to 10 years, 1 G. Thomas The August monthly letter of the at Silver City from Anyox to join Published On Saturday 2 S. Thomas. Scales Mount Theopholis Canadian Bank of Commerce states Mr. O'Neill and family, who are Girls 10 to 12 years, 1 P. Rogers that "there is little change to record spending holidays there. Owing to a change in tbe sohed­ Mount Theopholis, that cold bare 2 I. McDonald. ule of the local mail servioe between peak that stands sentinel over the Boys 10to 12years, 1J. Ferguson in the metal markets. The price of Mrs. J. W. Lang arrived from Alice Arm and Anyox, The Herald town of Alice Arm and raises it­ 2 W. Lavery. copper in continental Europe was Anyox on Saturday and left again self to the skies to a height of Girls 12 to 14 years, 1 P. Rogers weak, and considerably below the 9 on Tuesday. She was accompan­ will again be published on Satur­ 6025 feet has not often been scaled 2 R. Henderson. cent level established under the ied home by her daughter Pat who days, commencing next week, Sat­ had arrived previously. by local climbers. It was, how- Boys 12 to 14 years, 1 A. Dods­ NR A as the domestic price in the urday September 8th.
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