SWC Medical Group Dr Alex Trompetas & Partners

SELSDON PARK GREEN CHALDON ROAD 97 Addington Road 1 Church Road Chaldon Road 19 Station Road Selsdon Warlingham Whyteleafe CR2 8LG CR6 9NW CR3 5PG CR3 0EP


Title Practice Nurse

Location Warlingham Green

Accountable to The Partners (For medical matters)

Hours of Duty Variable according to Contract of Employment

Overview The SWC Medical Group is one of the largest groups of medical practices in South and the South East with approximately 23,000 registered patients and comprises Selsdon Park Medical Practice, Warlingham Green Medical Practice, Chaldon Road Surgery and Whyteleafe Surgery.

The post holder will be based at Warlingham Green Medical Practice for their general day-to- day responsibilities but from time to time and when nursing cover demands the post holder will be required to work at any of the group’s practices.

Relationship with Other Members of Staff – This practice believes in team effort and has worked very hard to build a team feeling within the staff. The holder of this position takes part in this team and interacts with all members of staff. Attendance at a monthly evening Practice meeting is mandatory.

Job Summary – The Practice Nurse is part of the Primary Health Care Team and as such takes responsibility for the Treatment Room and the performance of routine nursing duties. The role involves health promotion and disease management and includes health education, counselling and support of behavioural change.

Principal Responsibilities –

• To manage and deliver the nursing responsibilities of chronic disease management in areas relating to: - Health promotion / smoking / obesity; - Hypertension; - Coronary Heart Disease; - Peripheral arterial disease (cholesterol); - Diabetes; - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD); WARLINGHAM GREEN CHALDON ROAD MEDICAL PRACTICE SURGERY

- Asthma; - Sexual Health, Contraception and family planning, in general; and, amongst others - Other areas as needed due to national and local demands including QOF • Treatment of cuts and bruises and complex wounds, including the removal of sutures, routine injections, immunisations and ear syringing.

• To take and, where appropriate, despatch laboratory specimens including blood, urine, swabs and other diagnostic tests as required by GPs.

• To maintain high standards of tidiness, hygiene and safety in the use of all equipment and areas of work in line with CQC requirements.

• To prepare the examination areas and instruments and to assist the GPs in minor operations and other clinics.

• To undertake cervical cytology.

• To advise patients on the use of equipment such as inhalers / blood sugar monitoring.

• To advise patients on health care, minor ailments, health promotion and illness prevention. Also to act as counsellor/adviser on special problems or newly diagnosed illness.

• To share supervisory responsibilities with other Practice Nurses if appropriate for the management of the treatment room, stock control and ordering of drugs and medical supplies. To ensure that all medical equipment is regularly and adequately maintained. To ensure that fridge temperatures and functioning of the steriliser are regularly monitored (if used).

• To be responsible for monitoring the clerical aspects of cytology, immunisations and all health promotion.

• To undertake any additional duties as may from time to time be deemed necessary.

• To observe the Practice Health and Safety Policy and to consider safety at all times.

Professional Responsibilities -

To be responsible for his/her practice and professional accountability according to UKCC guidelines and to maintain UKCC registration and an up-to-date knowledge of drug administration.

• To conform to the RCN code of practice for the handling of patients by

- assessing every task requiring lifting or manual handling WARLINGHAM GREEN CHALDON ROAD MEDICAL PRACTICE SURGERY

- applying ergonomic principles to the planning and organisation of patient handling

• To direct and offer guidance to the Healthcare Assistants in all their day to day activities

• To maintain and keep accurate records of treatment and screening procedures carried out and to take responsibility for the entry of patient data onto the computer.

• To be aware of and update current nursing practice and procedures and ensure a high standard of patient care and service at all times.

• To liaise with and communicate effectively with other members of the Primary Health Care Team.

• To attend course and study days as required or thought necessary to maintain high standards and to record these as part of continuing professional development. (These may be in the evenings and weekends).

• To evaluate work by means of audit.

Any Other Duties –

As specified by the Partners in accordance with training and experience.

The job description may be reviewed and altered at periodic intervals following consultation with the post holder.

Confidentiality –

It is essential that information to which the Practice Nurse has access with regards to patients and staff should be treated in the strictest confidence. Any breach of such confidence would be regarded as grounds for disciplinary action.