Presidential Documents
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Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Monday, December 13, 1999 Volume 35ÐNumber 49 Pages 2517±2577 VerDate 29-OCT-99 11:31 Dec 15, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1249 Sfmt 1249 W:\DISC\P49DE4.000 txed02 PsN: txed02 Contents Addresses and Remarks Communications to Federal Agencies Arkansas, Chamber of Commerce in Little Improving health care quality and ensuring RockÐ2565 patient safety, memorandumÐ2530 Democratic National Committee dinnerÐ Narrowing the digital divide, memorandumÐ 2559 2554 Digital divide, narrowingÐ2552 Interviews With the News Media Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Human Rights, presentationÐ2521 Exchanges with reporters in the Rose Fort Gibson, OK, school shootingÐ2521 GardenÐ2527, 2552 Health care quality and patient safetyÐ2527 News conference, December 8 (No. 185)Ð ``Keep Hope Alive'' receptionÐ2534 2537 Kennedy Center Honors receptionÐ2518 Letters and Messages Massachusetts Departure for WorcesterÐ2552 Ramadan, messageÐ2559 Memorial service for firefighters in Proclamations WorcesterÐ2555 Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and National Christmas tree lightingÐ2551 Human Rights WeekÐ2526 Radio addressÐ2517 National Pearl Harbor Remembrance DayÐ Senator Tim Johnson, receptionÐ2532 2531 Bill Signings Statements by the President Chattahoochee River, legislation to protect See also Bill Signings segment, statementÐ2557 Vietnam, floodingÐ2556 Commerce in depiction of animal cruelty, Worcester Cold Storage and Warehouse Co. legislation to establish Federal criminal fireÐ2518 penaltiesÐ2557 World Trade Organization Seattle RoundÐ Digital Theft Deterrence and Copyright 2518 Damages Improvement Act of 1999, statementÐ2559 Supplementary Materials Healthcare Research and Quality Act of 1999, Acts approved by the PresidentÐ2575 statementÐ2524 Checklist of White House press releasesÐ John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources 2574 System Act, statementÐ2558 Digest of other White House U.S. Holocaust Assets Commission Extension announcementsÐ2574 Act of 1999, statementÐ2558 Nominations submitted to the SenateÐ2574 Editor's Note: The President was in West Memphis, AR, on December 10, the closing date of this issue. Releases and announcements issued by the Office of the Press Secretary but not received in time for inclusion in this issue will be printed next week. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607; 1 CFR Part 10). PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg- The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing- furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $80.00 per year ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents, materials released by the White House during the preceding Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The week. charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing). The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub- There are no restrictions on the republication of material lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg- appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under ments. VerDate 29-OCT-99 11:31 Dec 15, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 1249 Sfmt 1249 W:\DISC\P49DE4.000 txed02 PsN: txed02 Week Ending Friday, December 10, 1999 The President's Radio Address States for their achievement. If every State December 4, 1999 had performed as well as Indiana in placing workers in jobs, we would have helped more Good morning. Yesterday we crossed a his- than twice as many people go to work last toric threshold with the creation of more year. I challenge every State to invest its wel- than 20 million new jobs since January 1993. fare reform resources in helping people to This is a great American achievement and succeed at work. further proof of the health of our economy, This is not just about numbers. It's about which now has given us the longest peace- real people. People like Wendy Waxler of time expansion in our Nation's history. Today Washington, DC. Wendy wanted a job, but I want to talk about a group of new workers needed time to care for her daughter, who who, just a few short years ago, were virtually has cerebral palsy. She couldn't afford to lose locked out of our growing economy and their the Medicaid that paid the doctor's bills. chance at the American dreamÐthe more Through welfare to work, Wendy found a than one million Americans who are now flexible job and kept Medicaid and food moving from welfare to work every year. stamps, at first. Now she and her daughter Seven years ago I asked the American peo- have health insurance, and Wendy has new ple to join me in ending welfare as we know confidence and new dreams. it. In 1996, with bipartisan support, we People like Wendy Waxler are an asset our passed a landmark welfare reform bill. Today economy simply cannot afford to waste. So I am pleased to announce that we've cut the we must do more to support working families rolls by more than half. Fewer Americans are and people who are trying to turn their lives on welfare today than at any time since 1969, around. That's why I've asked Congress to 30 years ago. We're moving more than a mil- raise the minimum wage, so that a full-time lion people a year from the welfare rolls to job is a real ticket out of poverty; it's why the payrolls, 1.3 million in 1998 alone. And we won new resources and will fight for most of the people who get jobs are keeping more, for our new markets initiative, to make them. They're getting raises and paying taxes it easier for businesses and banks to invest and teaching their children to honor the dig- in America's poorest communities; and why nity of work. I'm asking Congress to increase our commit- We've changed the culture of welfare from ment to quality child care. one that fostered dependence to one that All of us have a moral responsibility to do honors and rewards work. That's why I everything we can to ensure that every eligi- fought to create high performance bonuses ble family receives health care and nutri- for States that do the most for parents enter- tional assistance, so all our children can grow ing the work force. I am pleased to announce up healthy. I fought hard to ensure that the the first of those awards today. welfare reform law guaranteed these critical Twenty-seven States will share $200 mil- supports. Now our administration is taking lion in bonuses for four categories: how many steps to hold States accountable and make people they've placed in jobs; how well those sure families get the benefits they need. people did at keeping their jobs and improv- Today I am also announcing new perform- ing their wages; the biggest improvement in ance bonuses like the ones I just awarded job placement; and the biggest improvement for States that do the best at enrolling eligible in on-the-job success. The States ranked families in Medicaid and food stamps. highest were Indiana, Minnesota, Wash- Finally, the old welfare system actually ington, and Florida. I congratulate these weakened families, by discouraging couples 2517 VerDate 29-OCT-99 11:32 Dec 15, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P49DE4.006 txed02 PsN: txed02 2518 Dec. 4 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 from marrying or living with their children. Statement on the Fire at the We want to change that, so starting next year Worcester Cold Storage and there will also be bonuses for States that do Warehouse Company the most to get poor children into two-parent December 4, 1999 homes, where we know they have the best chance of breaking the cycle of poverty. Hillary and I were deeply saddened to Supporting hard-pressed working families learn of the tragedy that has struck the and helping people to make the transition Worcester community. The six firefighters from welfare to work isn't just the right thing who are now missing and presumed dead val- to do; it's also the smart thing. It encourages iantly put their lives on the line in the effort millions of people to take responsibility for to save others and protect their city. Their their families, their future. In so doing, it ex- courageous service reminds us all of the tre- pands opportunity and strengthens our econ- mendous commitment and sacrifice made by omy and builds a healthier future for all of the thousands of firefighters across America us. who risk their own lives every day to protect Thanks for listening. our communities. Our thoughts and prayers go out to these courageous firefighters, to their families, to the Worcester Fire Depart- NOTE: The address was recorded at 7:15 p.m. on ment, and the city of Worcester. December 3 in the Oval Office at the White House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on December 4. In his remarks, the President referred to the Remarks at the Kennedy Center Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Honors Reception Reconciliation Act of 1996, Public Law No. 104± 193. The transcript was made available by the Of- December 5, 1999 fice of the Press Secretary on December 3 but The President. Thank you very much. was embargoed for release until the broadcast. Thank you all, and welcome to the White House; to the wonderful array of artists who are in this room and members of the Cabinet Statement on the World Trade and others who have come to be part of this Organization Seattle Round happy evening.