Wikstroemia fuminensis (Thymelaeaceae), a New Species from Yunnan, China Yao-Dong Qi and Yin-Zheng Wang* Laboratory of Systematic & Evolutionary Botany and Herbarium, Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, 20 Nanxincun, Xiangshan, Beijing 100093, People's Republic of China. *Corresponding author.
[email protected] ABSTRACT. A new species, Wikstroemia fuminen- illa differt ¯oribus 6±10 fasciculatis pedunculo non man- sis Y. D. Qi & Y. Z. Wang, is described and illus- ifesto, tubo ¯oris 11±13 mm longo, pistillo 2.5±3 mm lon- go, ab hac differt ¯oribus fasciculatis pedunculo non man- trated. The type specimen was collected from Mt. ifesto, foliis densis, ovario glabro. Maying of Fumin County, Yunnan Province. The new species is distinct in section Wikstroemia. Shrub up to 0.8±1.2 m tall; young branches light Based on the glabrous pentamerous ¯ower and green, old ones dark purple-brown, glabrous. head-like in¯orescence, it is somewhat similar to Leaves opposite or subopposite, densely arranged W. fargesii (Lecomte) Domke and W. huidongensis on the branchlets, papyraceous, ovate or broad- C. Y. Chang, but differs in its in¯orescence without ovate, 1.7±3 3 0.7±1.4 cm, apex acute, rarely ob- peduncle, ¯oral size (compared with W. huidongen- tuse, base rounded or slightly attenuate, entire, sis), glabrous ovary, and plant habit (compared with margins of dry leaves slightly revolute, adaxial sur- W. fargesii). face green or brown, abaxial surface light green or Key words: China, Thymelaeaceae, Wikstroe- brown, glabrous, midrib concave adaxially and el- mia. evated abaxially, lateral nerves in 5 to 7 pairs, in- conspicuous adaxially and conspicuous abaxially, The genus Wikstroemia Endlicher, with about 70 petioles very short, ca.