Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1968-1969

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Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1968-1969 Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1968-1969 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1968 Eastern Progress - 10 Oct 1968 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1968-69/4 • **-£.UJ. i ■ 0 . - • *u Crafts 'Helping Process' P«ge 8 Uie Bistem Br oatcss Pigt 10 / Sitting The Pace In A Progressive Era / Ji' * ^r Twelve Pages Thursday, October 10, 1968 46th Year, Number 4 Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky University Elections October 21 WEKU-FM Theme Selected On The Air Since Monday r/ For Homecoming By JOHN PERKINS Staff Writer By JOE EDWARDS selection down to 15 official queen Parade vehlcle8 mMst ^ pr0. candidates from among all of the by the sponsoring organlza- News Editor vlded Kentucky's most powerful educational radio station pre-candidates. The fifteen girls tlon> Drlver8 of parade vehicles inaugurated its broadcast activities Monday afternoon with "Say It With Music" has selected will wear a ribbon from must ^ ellglble to have t Ve- been selected as the theme October 23 to November 2, de- hide on campus, a short address by President Robert R. Martin. noting them as official Home- Organizations whose pre - . In the brief remarks, Dr. Martin cited the far reaching for the 1968 Homecoming, coming Queen candidates. candidate becomes a fin- queenaumm ....... educational effect WEKU-FM would have on the entire scheduled for the weekend Organizations not paying their allst should be prepared to pro- of November 1-2. fees by October 17 will have vide flowers for her. state. After his opening statement, Martin pressed a button Rules regarding Homecoming their candidates disqualified from wilborn told the council that which began regular program broadcasting for the new the election. Pre-candldates also he would have a schedule of were distributed Tuesday at the 50,000 watt station. Student Council meeting In the must submit a photograph of Homecoming events next Mon- day or Tuesd Co-ordlnator-announcer at the our state when we are first In so Room, combs Building. X2?tohes t0 JeanneJZJSflGiJSS*CM *£ »y- Also at the meeting, StevePVP Wllwil- 4^ - **<*> "by! wilborn said that October 21. station, John Sullivan, said that many things?. .John Gunther, born, council president, announc- October 17 has been selected for elections WEKU-FM, which will be broad- In his book, Inside U. S. A., ed that class elections will be A list of the pre-candldates' "to get the best coverage" casting at a frequency of 88.9 pointed out that Kentucky is the Monday, October 21. Balloting Eastern activities, major, sod from the press. Deadline for megacycles, would not be com- 'number one state people want to to select 15 finalists for Home- hometown must'accompany the Petitions from prospective class peting with commercial radio, see.' " coming Queen also will be Oc- photo. Miss Chlseck lives in oncers was 4:30 p.m. yester- Sullivan also stated that the Host then enumerated several purpose of the station will be to "firsts" for Kentucky. "Ken- tober 21. room 735, Walters Hall. day. Plans for what Is expected to Two written reports will be give students a chance to learn tucky has the most advanced vo- be the biggest Homecoming In The Queen's coronation will presented ^ me council next more about the radio arts. cational training program in the Eastern's history have been for- take place prior to the MurrayTuesday wilborn said. They He further explained that the United States; we have the big- mulated by a special Homecom- vs. Eastern football game. Final wm concern food prices, ser- programming for the Eastern gest Educational Television sys- ing activities committee, com- selectlon will be made by a vice and facilities, and parking station would be quite a bit dlf- tern ln America; we are number posed of both students and fac- panel of five Judges, all of on campus, ferent from commercial radio one ln the production of bourbon, ulty. whom are from off campus. Wilborn also said that East- stations. From WEKU-FM will obviously; we are number one ln Tentative plans have been set Voting will be held October 21 ern President Robert Martin has be broadcast lecturers, con- burley tobacco, obviously; we for the Homecoming Dance which In the Student Union Building. toW him heat will be turned ferences, recitals, symposia, and are number one in the thorough- will be held November 1. Plans -r^ candidates are not allowed on ln me residence halls as soon "all the activities resulting from bred horseracing Industry. the resevoirs of Intelligence on a Why shouldn't we be proud of now call for B. J. Thomas and t0 advertise or campaign. " Possible, the Barkeys to be the featured Finalists this year will ride NeJtt Tuesday's meeting is set campus." Kentucky?" for 5:15 m ta Grlse The official dedication cere- The speaker then called for band, although plans are not yet ln me parade ln convertibles P- «» *• Room- definite, rather than on floats. This is to Any student may attend. monies for the new radio com- an end to apathy among Ken- Application forms for float eliminate some of the confusion plex were held at 6 p.m. Mon- tuckians concerning their state. "We, as Kentucklans, have two entries and queen candidates are which has been characteristic l»\ Wp A RnrtYIQ day night at a banquet in the available ln the Student Council the past. kJ.l^t.A-*./**. 1 V^l 1113 Student Union Building campus. immediate tasks before, us: first, Office, Student Union Building, President Martin introduced- we must sell ourselves on Ken- from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Floats are not to exceed 14 guest speaker Commissioner of tucky; then, we must sell every- Fees are $6 for float entries feet high or 11 feet wide. The Committees Public Information James Host one else on our state. .This and $3 for pre-candldates. council's Homecoming com- as one of the young men ln Frank- can only be accomplished by ex- Appllcatlons must be sub- mittee has recommended that At Meeting fort who can put an end to people ercising the ' philosophy that "poormouthlng" Kentucky. 'every Kentucklan counts'. " mitted to the Council office not floats and decorations not cost Presiding at the first meeting later than Thursday, October 17. more than $250, although there _ Host, a former University of fj * si n f> f^£\W»r\€f Pre-queen candldatesmusthave has been no limit set on the?* the year KJMMK ^Jjo?" Kentucky baseball star and one- | C t/C (Z K^y (Ji UO 2.0 overall grade average, and amount of money which can be Education ™*J™ 'Jg: time professional baaeballer, ' not be on social or academic pro- spent. The position of floats jrfft*Jft *JS225 w£Fc2n? commended Martin and his staff Stlon. Candidates must be nom- the Homecoming parade will be*> **• ^J^Tl iSSST for the progress they have made ited by organisations having a determined by order of appuca-P*fJf 2fi£* fir««2Lr. to ln the past years at Eastern. Test Set float in the parade or a Judgeable tlon submission. «J» **?*J* ^SffSJSi Host agreed with Martin that A Peace Corps non-competit- decoration or a display on their STtJi^mSSLTSZ 2T the "poormouthlng" of Ken- hiitlrtliwr Two awards will h* irlv«n for naove ln *** direction tb°y wlsn- ive Modern Language Aptitute bulldlng- JT.S2LT £**!!£ f°Ied to go. "The Idea of what tuckians should end. "I, for %Z*Zm£ ^TE££OZ Groups exempt from this rule . float construction. One will be limitless," she one, am proud of Kentucky. What Jg *JJ ^.fT^SSnftS are "E" Club, The Milestone, given in the area of originality "i^T" ,%} is„ Three of four cranes working on the new physical education other state ln the* nation can **•* »• J" ■"■SLP-M" l common bond k from 2:00 to The Eastern Progress, and the and another one will be given forf~*T » " ,, and stadium complex on campus, face each other in a triangle boast the birthplace of Abraham R<*f Building ■i..j--i n-uMi t»«-»■».. _■-■—J«I —in _i_„ _._ is education. Structural of construction against the cloud-filled sky. The stadium is Lincoln? What state but Kentucky Z:«M» ..... Student Council. beauty. Awards will also be Following her opening speech, train- On October 21, a campus-wide given for dormitory decoration in expected to be completed in time for the flrat home football gave Cassius Clay his heritage? , ■» *222*TN&. Miss Hammond introduced the game next fall. (Staff photo by Tom Carter) election will be held to narrow the the area of beauty. club officers for the year. First Triumvirate "Why should we be ashamed of J*Carey, 1» associateJSSS%StJSS^ dean of College and second vice-presidents are of Arts and sciences and Peace Kay Paff and Jeff Bonnell sec- Corps Liaison Officer, said, and retary is Sandy Henger, treas- Scholarship, Leadership, Service.. volunteers with low language a- urers are Karen Brackeny and bility may be assigned to En- Sandy Weber, and faculty advis- glish speaking countries. ors are Mr. T. J. Arterberry Volunteers of both liberal arts and Miss La Verne Halcomb. 'Who's Who' Names 38 From Eastern and specialized and technical Committees were chosen by 1934. Students are nominated ucation; Danny Robert Bartley, Thirty-eight Eastern seniors Physical Education; Martha Gar the club members to execute have been named to "Who's Who from some 770 universities and Louisa, Business Administration; &JX22&ZZSLSZ: <«*«•«•of Job skills -»-fron^, «. Morocco *-*-• to club projects. Plans include con- Among Students ln American Uni- colleges ln the United States.
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