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The Duchess of Cambridge has been announced as a patron of the Natural History Museum (NHM) in London, with hopes she will inspire the next generation to conserve the planet’s diversity. The announcement follows £4.5m will be invested in new fitness technology the Duchess officially open- ing the museum’s Treasure =`ke\jj=`ijkgcXej Gallery in November. ™)'dZXg`kXc`em\jkd\ek She also met with NHM scientists studying biodiver- Fitness First is planning a capital invest- sity during her trip to Borneo ment of £20m in 2013 in an attempt to with the Duke of Cambridge return the brand to UK market leader. last year, which was part of The spend will cover essential main- their Diamond Jubilee Tour. tenance, major refurbishments and an The Natural History investment of £4.5m in fitness technology, Museum, located in South marking the largest phase of innovation in Kensington, has the world’s The Duchess at the opening of the museum’s Treasures Gallery the company’s history. largest natural history collec- Products and features at clubs will tion, with more than 70 million specimens, people who have passed through these doors include hot yoga studios, cool down air and attracts five million visitors a year. and marvelled at the spectacular wonders of showers, interactive screens with virtual At the Treasure Gallery launch, the Duchess the natural world, housed in this beautiful personal trainers and high definition screen said: “William and I are just two of millions of gallery.” Details: http://lei.sr?a=I4p3D treadmills. Details: http://lei.sr?a=g9v2l

JGd\i^\jn`k_ :fcc\^\cXleZ_\j 8=C8iZ_`k\Zkj e\nkiX`e`e^jgX S&P has merged with AFL Architects to form AFLS+P, now one of the larg- Scotland’s James Watt College has launched est architectural practices in the UK. The Eden Spa at its Finnart Campus in North Keith Ashton, former chief executive Ayrshire, where students can train in indus- of S&P and now one of six Principals try standard facilities. of AFLS+P, said: “This merger adds The spa includes 22 treatment beds, sepa- to our skill base and allows us to rate relaxation areas, a dispensary and a full offer more services to our existing reception and waiting area to give customers clients internationally. We share the a professional experience. same values, with a strong emphasis The spa is open to the public with a range of The spa lets students train in industry level facilities on developing creative and innova- dry spa treatments available, including mas- tive design that maximise sage and muscle therapies. were spread across the college and some areas commercial value and are fit-for-pur- Curriculum manager and make-up artistry were becoming a little tired.” pose as well as the future.” Details: lecturer at the college Morven Aikmen said: The Salon, also located on the Finnart http://lei.sr?a=j7C9X “We decided to go for a full refurbishment of Campus, provides hair styling, facials and nail the department because many of the facilities treatments. Details: http://lei.sr?a=k5E2f

DX^Xq`e\j`^elgXk G;=]fi`GX[#B`e[c\jdXikg_fe\ Fec`e\fe[`^`kXcklie`e^gX^\j Kn`kk\i]fccfnlj1 >

K_\C\`jli\D\[`X:fdgXep Gfikd`cc?flj\#Gfikd`ccCXe\# E\nLBJgfik#Jgfik,(;A#LB K\c1"++ ' (+-)+*(*/, The former chief execu- =Xo1"++ ' (+-)+**0'0 tive of the Royal Yachting \$dX`c1gc\Xj\lj\ZfekXZkj Association, Rod Carr, and ]lcceXd\7c\`jli\d\[`X%Zfd London Marathon CEO Nick Bitel have been appointed JlYjZi`gk`fej chairs of UK Sport and Sport jlYj7c\`jli\d\[`X%Zfd England respectively. <[`kfi Carr and Bitel will be tasked C`qK\iip'(+-)+*(*/, with helping deliver a lasting DXeX^`e^\[`kfi legacy from London 2012 and KfdNXcb\i'(+-)+.(0*+ using their commercial and sports administration expe- AflieXc`jkj rience to ensure maximum 8f`]\;fnc`e^'(+-)+.(0*/ return and results from the A\jj`ZXKXjdXe$Afe\j'(+-)+.(0)) public investment in sport. London Marathon CEO Nick Bitel is the new Sport England chair ;\j`^e Carr’s main focus will be to <[>XccX^_\i'(0',)'(0/ keep up the momentum from Team GB and plans and strengthen grassroots sport across @ek\ie\k Paralympics GB’s performances in London the country. ;\Xe=fo'(+-)+.(0'' last summer, in the lead up to Rio in 2016. Sports participation is at an all-time high K`dEXj_'(+-)+.(0(. UK Sport is investing £500m of funding in following London 2012 and Sport England the run-up to Rio to boost elite sports perfor- aims to build on this even further, increas- GlYc`j_\i mance and to secure major sports events. ing the number of people playing sport and Alc`\9X[i`Zb'(+-)+.(0(0 Bitel will be tasked with helping Sport continuing to improve facilities. Details: 8jjfZ`Xk\glYc`j_\ij England deliver its community sports legacy http://lei.sr?a=Q5X7P GXlcK_fidXe'(+-)+.(0'+ J`dfe?`ebjdXe'(+-)+.(0', 8ee`\Cfm\cc'(+-)+.(0'( @jc`e^kfe[\c`m\ij]i\\k\ee`j]fii\j`[\ekjfm\i-' JXiX_>`YYj'(+-)+.(0'/ 8ZZflekdXeX^\i#XkkiXZk`fej Islington Council is offering free tennis for Tennis Association. Councillor Janet Burgess over-60s in an effort to help more residents get said: “We want people of all ages and back- 9\e9XieXi['(+-)+.(0(+ active and encourage people to try the sport. grounds to try tennis and Islington’s new Gifg\ikp[\jb The council has appointed Karen Dawson its tennis development officer is helping to build J`dfe?`ebjdXe'(+-)+.(0', new tennis development officer, funded with on the 2012 legacy to get people into sport.” GlYc`j_\i#JgXFggfikle`k`\j help from sports trust Aquaterra and the Lawn Details: http://lei.sr?a=D5D9Y JXiX_>`YYj'(+-)+.(0'/ =`eXeZ`Xc8[d`e`jkiXkfi ;\e`j\>`c[\X'(+-)+.(0*' JgfikjZclYjjlim\p\[fe)'()c\^XZp :`iZlcXk`feDXeX^\i D`Z_X\c

sports clubs are faring in the IMAGE: CHRIS HELLYAR/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Email: [email protected] wake of the 2012 Games. Tel: +44 (0)1462 471913 Annual subscription rates are UK £31, The 2013 Sports Club Survey Europe £41, Rest of world £62, students UK £16. covers issues ranging from the Leisure Opportunities is published fortnightly by Olympic legacy and disabil- The Leisure Media Company Limited, Portmill ity sport, to local authorities House, Portmill Lane, Hitchin, Herts SG5 1DJ, UK and school links. and is distributed in the USA by SPP, 75 Aberdeen Road, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437. Periodicals At the end of 2012, the postage paid @ Manchester, PA POSTMASTER Alliance’s Olympic and Send US address changes to Leisure Opportunities, Paralympic legacy snapshot c/o PO Box 437,Emigsville, PA 17318-0437. The views expressed in print are those of the author survey revealed that more and do not necessarily represent those of the could be done to help clubs Forty-two per cent of clubs have seen an increase in membership publisher The Leisure Media Company Limited. drive up participation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication The survey showed that 42 per cent of clubs from growing their membership. Increased may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic, are experiencing an increase in membership operational costs are furthermore hold- mechanical, photocopying, recorded or otherwise since the London 2012 Games but a quarter of ing back the growth of 54 per cent of sports without the prior permission of the copyright these clubs are struggling to meet this demand. clubs and half are struggling with a lack of holder. Printed by Warners Midland plc. ©The Leisure Media Company Limited 2013 It also found that a lack of funding is prevent- affordable venues or facilities to use. Details: ISSN 0952/8210 ing three in five sports clubs (60 per cent) http://lei.sr?a=h8t5u

) I\X[C\`jli\Fggfikle`k`\jfec`e\1nnn%c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zf%lb&[`^`kXc Kn`kk\i17c\`jli\fggj Ÿ:P9c\e\X^c\j\og\i`\eZ\jÕXkgifÔk`ec\X[lgkfIp[\i:lg Limited will now be required to meet spec- ified milestones over the next three years Gleneagles has reported flat before-tax profit previous year but an increase in turnover was as part of the agreement, before the full for its financial year to the end of June 2012, mainly attributable to improved revenues for 25-year lease is granted. due to costs related to preparations for the leisure activities, restaurants and bars. Improvements for the facility include Ryder Cup in 2014. Gleneagles includes three championship golf floodlights for the tennis courts, refur- The golf and spa resort in Perthshire, courses, a 232-room hotel and luxury ESPA bishment of the running track and a tennis Scotland said room sales were level with the spa. Details: http://lei.sr?a=j8s7Y pavilion. Details: http://lei.sr?a=i5w9A


The planned leisure centre for Coleshill School Jlii\pc\`jli\Z\eki\Xggifm\[YpZfleZ`c :fddle`kpc\`jli\Z\eki\ Xggifm\[]fi:fc\j_`cc Reigate & Banstead Borough Council has approved plans Planning approval has been granted for for an £8.7m leisure, com- a community sports centre to be built at munity and youth centre for Coleshill School in North Warwickshire. a site at Preston, Surrey. The facility will replace the ageing The development would Coleshill Leisure Centre, which according include a 25m six-lane swim- to planning documents would be costly and ming pool, teaching pool, time-consuming to refurbish. The planning 50-station gym, dance and document also stated the facility’s popu- exercise studios, four-court larity had dropped 14.5 per cent between sports hall, football pitches, 2008/09 and 2010/11. The new facility will café, crèche and wet and dry have a four-court sports hall, two squash changing studios. courts, a 40-station gym and dance studio. Construction is expected to Details: http://lei.sr?a=8M4l6 start in autumn and be com- plete within a year. The £8.7m leisure centre is scheduled to be finished by autumn 2014 Approval was also granted :fejkilZk`fekfjkXikfe for 130 new homes on the site of the existing exciting new leisure facilities and much needed ?Xck\dgi`Z\C\`jli\:\eki\ Banstead Leisure Centre, which will remain new and affordable homes that local open until the replacement facilities open. people have been promised are moving A contractor has been appointed to begin Councillor Adam De Save said: “It is closer to becoming a reality.” Details: work on Haltemprice Leisure Centre, in fantastic news for local residents that the http://lei.sr?a=z0v7c Anlaby, Yorkshire. Local construction company Hobson & Porter will lead the build, which will begin C\`Z\jk\i>Gjkfgi\jZi`Y\gXk`\ekjg_pj`ZXcXZk`m`kp in late April and is set to be complete by autumn 2014. It will take place in a phased Leicester GPs can now prescribe free exercise conditions such as heart problems, diabetes, approach, beginning with the transforma- programmes to residents, under the city’s new high blood and obesity. tion of the rear of the building into the Active Lifestyle Scheme. Deputy city mayor Rory Palmer said: “This main entrance and refurbishment of out- The sessions, including walking and aqua scheme will help people get some exercise on door pitches and the addition of parking aerobics, will include a referral to a qualified a regular basis, with support from qualified spaces. Details: http://lei.sr?a=N6i3E fitness instructor for patients suffering medical instructors.” Details: http://lei.sr?a=V4i6x

+ I\X[C\`jli\Fggfikle`k`\jfec`e\1nnn%c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zf%lb&[`^`kXc Kn`kk\i17c\`jli\fggj Ÿ:P9

The Stroke Association says more research needs be to done to confirm whether high-intensity exercise can the IT Partner trigger an attack, after BBC presenter Andrew Marr of Choice claimed his stroke earlier this year was brought on following A leading provider of Leisure a vigorous exercise session. Management Solutions with over The 53-year-old presenter three decades of experience as the stated on his own pro- technology partner of choice across gramme, BBC Two’s Andrew Marr Show, that he had been the public, private, trust, facilities overworking in the year lead- management and education sectors. ing up to his stroke, but that it was sparked by an intense BBC presenter Andrew Marr says vigorous exercise triggered his stroke rowing machine workout. L A portfolio of solutions to include ‘Award Winning’ self service modules to leverage It is estimated that each year, 150,000 peo- factor in stroke prevention and recovery. of your existing resources, increasing ple in the UK will have a stroke, most aged Spokeswoman Nikki Hill said: “We have heard profi tability and effi ciency. over the age of 65. It is believed Marr experi- anecdotally that some activities like vigorous L A local or hosted enterprise . enced two transient ischaemic attacks, or mini exercise can sometimes cause blood vessels to Wizard based membership with market strokes, that went undiagnosed at the time. burst. We need more research on the under- leading reporting and control of estate The Stroke Association has released a state- lying factors that might make that happen.” wide data. ment stating regular exercise is an important Details: http://lei.sr?a=U4u8t L Bookings EPOS, course and session management, prospecting - a powerful yet intuitive solution.

L Online Bookings - Sessions, courses and >cXj^fn)'(+c\^XZp]le[`e^[`jki`Ylk\[ activities can be booked online.

L Mobile Bookings App - book and manage SportScotland has distributed account direct from a smart phone. the first grants from the £10m Includes Social media integration. Legacy 2014 Active Places L Online Memberships – extend your Fund to 24 community proj- membership sales team by allowing ects across the country. visitors to your website to join online. The grant enables groups L Additional functionality allows existing to develop and revamp fit- members to renew their memberships, aiding your cash fl ow. ness facilities in the lead up to the Glasgow Commonwealth L Self-Service – award winning solutions Games. A total of £1.2m has allowing customers to self serve, from checking in for a course through to been awarded to projects in rebooking a session kiosks. 15 local authorities. L On Course – State of the art course Projects that received management solution with iPOD based funding include £38,000 for registers, web e portal for progress Edinburgh’s Leith Links to tracking and payments. develop tennis and petanque A total of £1.2m was delivered to fitness projects in this funding round facilities and Children in Edinburgh, which will receive £87,900 for increased access to sport and physical activity, tennis and cycling in the city. while also developing the skills and experience Xn Leisure Systems Ltd Scottish minister for the Commonwealth of users, coaches and volunteers.” 115M Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RZ Games and sport Shona Robison said: “This The end date for the next round of applica- fund allows individuals, young and old, tions is 1 July. Details: http://lei.sr?a=Y9x1Q Tel: +44 (0) 870 80 30 700 Fax: +44 (0) 870 80 30 701 Email: [email protected] :fleZ`cYXZbj™(*%,dc\`jli\Z\eki\]fi9cXZbYlie LinkedIn: xn-leisure-systems-limited Twitter: @xnleisure A £13.5m leisure centre for Blackburn has 25m pool; a 15m by 7m training pool; an 80-sta- received backing from the local council to tion fitness suite; an aerobics studio; a health replace the aging Waves Water Fun Centre. suite with sauna and steamroom; two four- www.xnleisure.com The council approved £8.5m for the project, court sports halls and a sports science lab. with Blackburn College providing the remain- Work is set to begin on the site in September. ing £5m. Facilities will include an eight lane Details: http://lei.sr?a=f6B5G


The museum will double in size under the plans JXkifjg_\i\cXleZ_\j GcXej]fiN`e[\id\i\jk\XdYfXkXkkiXZk`fe ™.d]le[iX`j`e^ZXdgX`^e London architects Carmody Aberdeen’s Satrosphere Science Centre has Groarke have submitted a launched a £7m fundraising campaign as it planning application to the unveiled plans to refurbish and double the Lake District National Park size of its facility. to redevelop the Windermere As part of the scheme, the centre would Steamboat Museum into a also change its focus to the science of heritage attraction. energy, a theme Satrosphere says is rarely The £13.4m museum devel- emphasised in science centres throughout opment will include exhibition Europe. The development will include new space, a wet dock to display learning, teaching and corporate spaces, heritage boats and an opera- intended to increase Satrosphere’s visitor tional conservation workshop numbers from its current 55,000 to 70,000 open to the public. annually. Details: http://lei.sr?a=m8Y4P Highlights of the collection will include steam launches of the 1890s and 1900s; SL Dolly The £13.4m development will include wet docks and a lakeside cafe DX[Xd\KljjXl[jjkl[`f (1850), the oldest mechani- Zi\Xk\j?fljkfeki`Ylk\ cally powered boat in the world; and Beatrix The completed museum is expected to Potter’s tarn boat that she used to sketch in on attract 100,000 visitors a year and 200-300 A team of artists at Madame Tussauds’ stu- Moss Eccles Tarn. In addition to display space, school groups. dio in London are creating four wax figures the museum will feature a learning centre and It will create 94 direct and indirect jobs. of singer and actress Whitney Houston to café with views to the north of Windermere. Details: http://lei.sr?a=v6E0A celebrate distinct events in her life. It is the first time in more than 200 years of the history of Madame Tussauds that the Jljg\Zk\[i_`ef_fiek_`\m\jkXi^\k@i`j_dlj\ld attraction has created four distinct wax like- nesses of a single subject. Four rhinoceros heads have been stolen from museum. A total of eight horns have been The process takes four months to com- a storage facility at the National Museum of taken, which could have a street value in the plete with the four figures costing £777,000. Ireland, likely for the illegal trade of powdered region of €0.5m (£0.43m). The figures will be displayed at the four horn that is used in traditional Far East medi- In 2011 more than 50 rhino horn thefts Madame Tussauds attractions in the US. cine. A security guard was tied up by a number were reported from European museums and Details: http://lei.sr?a=e0y1B of raiders in the 17 April incident at the Dublin galleries. Details: http://lei.sr?a=A6P6q

- I\X[C\`jli\Fggfikle`k`\jfec`e\1nnn%c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zf%lb&[`^`kXc Kn`kk\i17c\`jli\fggj Ÿ:P9



ICON TRAINING is a leading naonal Due to expansion and growth across training provider in the UK with a England we have a number of Regional Grade 1 Outstanding rang from Management opportuniƟes. Ofsted. We offer a wide range of

government funded programmes and Applicants should be able to demonstrate bespoke provision to the leisure sector previous knowledge and experience in the and beyond, including: Traineeships, following areas: Apprenceships, Commercial and Client relaƟonships Work based learning being a lead provider in Leadership & Leading tutors KPI acƟvity Management. ApprenƟceship funding Unlock the potential of your next big career move

For more details please visit leisureopportuninnn%c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zfes.co.uk/icontraining%lb&`ZfekiX`e`e^ Closing date 17 May 2013 JG8 JfÔk\cCfe[feJkAXd\j JgX`ek_\g`g\c`e\]fi?\ZbÔ\c[ Xggf`ekje\njgXdXeX^\i Trafalgar Square’s Sofitel London St James The opening of Hampshire’s has appointed Robin Mauras Cartier as Heckfield Place has been spa manager for its So SPA. delayed following a decision Cartier has previously worked as spa to open the hotel at the same duty manager at Pennyhill Park in Surrey, time as a planned spa, which general manager of Glow Urban Spa and is yet to break ground. spa consultant with Tres in London. The 60-room hotel, set in Cartier said: “The So SPA is a superb an 18th-century manor on escape from the city, offering the finest in 400 acres of garden and coun- French cosmetology for exhilarating and tryside, was due to open this rejuvenating rituals, and I look forward to year. Planning permission for using my experience to develop this fur- the spa has been granted but ther.” Details: http://lei.sr?a=W4N2r the hotel is not releasing fur- ther details about its offer or opening date at this stage. However, it has revealed Heckfield Place is currently being transformed into a hotel and spa private health and beauty treatments will be available in the property’s on a working farm, Heckfield Place’s menus former estate cottages. will utilise estate-sourced ingredients, with Other facilities to be offered at the hotel Skye Gyngell acting as culinary director. With include The Beckwith dining room, a 60-seat the opening of the hotel now delayed, plans cinema and a library. Gardens advisor to the for Gyngell to launch a restaurant in London Royal Palaces Todd Longstaffe-Gowan is work- have been brought forward to the end of this ing on the design of the property’s garden. Set year. Details: http://lei.sr?a=x4A3V

The bridal suite at Fonab Castle Hotel, Scotland JZfkcXe[Ëj=feXY:Xjkc\ D\iZli\jgXjaldgfeÊYXYpdffeËki\e[ ?fk\cj\k]fiDXpfg\e`e^ Mercure has unveiled a series Scotland’s Fonab Castle Hotel, in Pitlochry, of spa treatments for expect- Perthshire – previously scheduled to open ant parents in an effort to reap in March – will now open in May, with the benefits of the ‘babymoon’ plans to add a spa and other leisure facili- trend, where couples treat ties at the property later this year. themselves before the arrival The 26-room hotel aims to become a five- of their newborn. star lodging and will offer private hot tubs, The babymoon menu is a panoramic, glass-fronted restaurant and specifically designed to be safe exclusive-use packages for events and wed- for expectant mothers and dings. In autumn, the hotel plans to open their unborn baby and treat- a destination spa, pool, leisure club and ments target concerns such as heated and air-conditioned dog kennels. stretch marks, skin tone and Details: http://lei.sr?a=Y8H8U tired and swollen legs. Fathers are not excluded from the spa menu with ‘Babymoons’ let couples unwind before the arrival of their newborn N\Yj`k\kfj\ccX[m\ekli\ the 85-minute Total Body Xe[jgXZfdYfgXZbX^\j Wellness treatment including a body polish, trend, taking relaxing getaways before the massage and sauna mask. arrival of their child in July. Treatments will Digital Sports Group (DSG) has announced Mercure says even the Duke and Duchess be available at Mercure spa hotels across the it is releasing a range of online packages, of Cambridge have jumped on the babymoon UK. Details: http://lei.sr?a=M6u6A which combine adventure activities with a spa break. The group launched spa booking website Spadays.co.uk in February and now E\nY\Xlkpjl`k\fg\ejXk?fc`[Xp@eeJkiXk]fi[ offers 500 packages to customers. DSG operations manager Dan Jones Holiday Inn has opened a beauty suite at its Holiday Inn’s 188-room hotel is located said: “The new packages are designed Stratford City hotel with treatments targeted within retail destination Westfield Stratford to cater for both tastes, giving the cus- towards busy male and female executives. and the suite will also cater to shoppers. tomers not only an adrenaline-packed Bodycraft Beauty Therapy offers facial treat- Dermalogica skincare products will be activity to enjoy, but also a relaxing ments and Swedish, hot stone and deep tissue used for facial treatments while natural and pamper break afterwards to unwind.” massages. Ten minute express massages will holistic oils will be used for massage. Details: Details: http://lei.sr?a=I4Q1c be available to guests in the hotel’s reception. http://lei.sr?a=L9B0P

/ I\X[C\`jli\Fggfikle`k`\jfec`e\1nnn%c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zf%lb&[`^`kXc Kn`kk\i17c\`jli\fggj Ÿ:P9

References: Le Meridien, BcdccVPac6Ta\P]h}Hotel Hyatt Regency, Düsseldorf & Mainz 6Ta\P]h}Ritz Carlton, F^[UbQdaV6Ta\P]h}Burj al Arab, Dubai, UAE}Crans Ambassador, 2aP]b<^]cP]PBfXciTa[P]S}The Dolder Grand, IdaXRWBfXciTa[P]S}Hotel Arlberg, Lech P\0a[QTaV0dbcaXP}Hotel Union, 6TXaP]VTa=^afPh}The Westin, Costa Navarino, Greece } Hotel Prezydent, :ah]XRPISa×Y ?^[P]S } Grand Hotel Kempinski, Strba-Strbské Pleso, B[^ePZPX } 2a^f]T ?[PiP Amman, Jordan } 2a^f]T ?[PiP :dfPXc 2Xch :dfPXc } Hiltonia Health Club & Spa at Hilton, 0Qd3WPQXD04}Jumeirah Zabeel Saray, Palm Island, 3dQPXD04} DoubleTree by Hilton, 8bcP]Qd[<^SPCdaZTh}JW Marriott Hotel, Ankara, Turkey } The Ritz Carlton, 8bcP]Qd[CdaZTh}Hotel Hout Bay Manor, 2P_TC^f]B^dcW0UaXRP}Hotel Chateau Spa & Organic Resort,

6WPaXT]X6a^d_}#(!'# ''" $ }Tg_^ac/VWPaXT]XST}fffVWPaXT]XST

© Melany Dieterle / Michael Shannon / archideaphoto - Fotolia.com / Gharieni 8IKJ

:lckli\j\ZkfiZXcc\[fe kfdXb\`kj\Zfefd`ZZXj\ 8ikjZ\eki\gcXej]fiI`e^nff[ Culture secretary Maria Miller has called Ringwood Musical & on the sector to make an economic Dramatic Society, in part- case for investing in the arts in her first nership with Greyfriars keynote address. Community Centre, is Speaking at the British Museum she planning to develop a new said the arts deliver direct and indirect multi-use arts centre on the economic benefits: “The arts are not an old Activities Centre site. add-on; they are fundamental to our suc- The new centre will include cess as a nation,” she said. a 280-seat theatre/cinema Miller added that philanthropy would with retractable seating; 160 play an important role in the government’s places at tables for functions; a long term funding strategy for the arts. large space for dances, proms, Details: http://lei.sr?a=a6r1V conferences and exhibitions, and bar facilities. Also included is a north- facing room to provide the A decision on whether the centre gets the go ahead is expected in June best light for art clubs, rooms where Judo clubs can train, a coffee shop, kitch- Ringwood architects Brennan Williams Lester, ens and bars to service the theatre and cinema, is estimated to take five years to develop. and a glass foyer area. The Ringwood & District Community Planning permission has been submitted to Association and the Ringwood Musical & New Forest District Council with a decision Dramatic Society have spent more than two expected by the end of June. The proposed years examining the feasibility of the centre. independently-funded building, designed by Details: http://lei.sr?a=k2K3g

Paul Hobson will join Modern Art Oxford 8ikj:fleZ`ci\jkilZkli\jefe$\o\Zlk`m\^fm\ieXeZ\ Df[\ie8ikFo]fi[ Xggf`ekje\n[`i\Zkfi Arts Council England (ACE) has announced Membership of the National Council will significant changes to its organisational struc- also drop from 17 to 14. Contemporary arts space Modern Art ture, following an independent review. ACE chair Sir Peter Bazalgette said the Oxford has appointed Paul Hobson its new Five new area councils – London, South restructuring gives the organisation a chance gallery director. West, South East, Midlands and North – will to reflect on its non-executive governance. Hobson will bring more than 20 years replace the nine regional councils. Details: http://lei.sr?a=J6n0v experience in the visual arts sector to the gallery including programme development, fundraising and income generation. He will take up the post in September, =le[]fifc[\ig\fgc\kfgXik`Z`gXk\`eXikj leaving his current role as director of the Contemporary Art Society. Hobson has A new £1m fund aims to get previously held senior positions at the older people living in resi- Serpentine Gallery and the Royal Academy dential homes involved in the of Arts. Details: http://lei.sr?a=S3x0F arts, both as audience mem- bers and participants. Partnerships between res- Jflk_;\mfe8ikj:\eki\ idential care providers and arts organisations are cur-

^\kjk_\^i\\ec`^_k IMAGE: FRANCES ANDERSON rently being sought to apply Work has begun on a South Devon Arts for the funding, which has Centre (SDAC) project to transform an been put forward by Arts empty industrial building in Totnes into a Council England and the new arts and entertainment venue. Baring Foundation. Located at Totnes Trading Estate, the Museums and libraries project includes a new 250-capacity live can also apply provided their performance venue, a 70-seat theatre and proposal for the scheme is art cinema, art exhibition space, recording stu- focused. It is envisaged the Older people are encouraged to engage as participants and audiences dios and a new home for community radio scheme will fund four propos- station Totnes FM. als over the next three years. According to the Arts Council chair Peter Bazalgette said: The official opening of the 5,000sq ft most recent Taking Part in the Arts survey, “The arts are a demonstrable source of health (465sq m) space is set for May. Details: people aged over 75 have a much lower engage- and happiness, no matter what age we are.” http://lei.sr?a=W6Y1W ment in the arts than other age groups. Details: http://lei.sr?a=O5J8q

(' I\X[C\`jli\Fggfikle`k`\jfec`e\1nnn%c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zf%lb&[`^`kXc Kn`kk\i17c\`jli\fggj Ÿ:P9

VisitBritain has revealed fig- ures that show the increasing popularity of Britain from tourism powerhouse China, a strong French inbound mar- ket and record spend from Australia, Canada and the c\`jli\d\[`X United Arab Emirates. The figures, from the Office for National Statistics’ JKL;@F 2012 International Passenger Survey, recorded total spend of £18.6bn – a 4 per cent rise from 2011 – and a 1 per cent @e[ljkip$c\X[`e^ rise in visits. Looking at the market spe- The figures break down Britain’s inbound tourist numbers by country dXib\k`e^Xe[ cific breakdown, there were no substantial changes to the top 10 countries Netherlands – along with Poland and Belgium [\j`^ej\im`Z\j from 2011, with close European neighbours – moved up the top 10 rankings in 2012. France continuing to dominate the visit tables. A record 179,000 visitors came to Britain More than 3.8 million people from France vis- from China in 2012 (up 20 per cent), spending N`k_dfi\k_Xe*'p\XijË ited the UK last year, spending £1.5bn. a total of £300m (a rise of 25 per cent), equat- \og\i`\eZ\#c\`jli\d\[`X Germany, the USA, the Republic of Ireland ing to an average of £1,676 per visit. Details: and the Netherlands complete the top five. The http://lei.sr?a=I0c3T jkl[`fn`ccnfibn`k_pfl kfZi\Xk\Y\jgfb\gi`ek Gfjk$Fcpdg`ZjjcldgXek`Z`gXk\[]fiCfe[fe_fk\cj Xe[n\Yjfclk`fejkf gfn\ipflidXib\k`e^ London hotel industry experts anticipate a Games, industry experts are starting to sense potential slump this summer, according to that this may be an overly optimistic view. discount travel website Hotwire.com. Hotwire said that even amidst the projected ◗ N\Y[\j`^e Although the British government predicted tourism boom of last year, the number of tour- that an additional 4.5m tourists would visit the ists to London actually dropped from 3.36m to ◗ iXg_`Z[\j`^e 9\c]XjkY\e\Ôkj]ifdK`kXe`ZXkkiXZk`fe ◗ ;`^`kXcklie`e^gX^\j Northern Ireland museum ◗ @dX^\i\kflZ_`e^ Titanic Belfast has contrib- uted an estimated £54.3m to ◗ @ccljkiXk`fe the city’s economy in the year since it opened. ◗ 8[m\ik`j`e^[\j`^e The six-floor building, which includes nine interpre- ◗ ;`i\ZkdX`c tive and interactive galleries, informs visitors about the ◗ Gi`ek construction of RMS Titanic and the wider story of the C


?fjg`kXc`kpe\\[j E\n<[`eYli^_Yflk`hl\_fk\c ]\n\ii\^lcXk`fej A new boutique hotel which can be booked in its entirety for up to 22 guests, has opened in a Victorian building oppo- site Murrayfield Stadium in L=@@9I8?@D Edinburgh. `jZ_`\]\o\Zlk`m\ Owned by the G1 Group – f]ÔZ\if]k_\9i`k`j_ which also operates Central ?fjg`kXc`kp8jjfZ`Xk`fe Hotel, Grassmarket Hotel and Bank Hotel – Murrayfield he news that Britain hasn’t slipped House has been designed by into triple dip recession will come Jim Hamilton to create a as a relief to the whole hospitality homely ambience. and tourism sector. Moreover, the Features include antique K2.5 per cent growth in our sector over the last furniture from India, light year is a real confidence boost. fittings from Holland, chairs The boutique Victorian hotel has been designed by Jim Hamilton Restaurants have bounced back well in from Paris and vintage photo the last year. Our appetite for eating out has frames, as well as bespoke handmade fixtures “Original features including high ceilings and not been dampened as badly as feared either and fittings. Each of the nine rooms feature ornate cornicing have been blended with mod- by the cold weather or by the economy. daily complimentary gifts – such as miniature ern designs to create the lavish yet welcoming Restaurant entrepreneurs are innovative whiskies and home-made macaroons – and setting here at Murrayfield House. and creative with new brands, new con- custom-made beds. Bathrooms include extra “We think we have captured a niche by being cepts and menus. large baths and Porcelanosa textured tiles. able to offer the entire house as a booking.” This is particularly so in London – emer- Hotel spokeswoman Nikki Greenhaulgh said: Details: http://lei.sr?a=7B8Y8 gent eating out brands expanded in London by 42 per cent in 2012. Operators have also been developing a host of other strategies DXeZ_\jk\iYfXjkj

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THE REVOLUTIONARY SELF SERVICE “A huge success. Our members love it and it provides a better return on SPORTS DRINK SYSTEM THAT DELIVERS investment than any other project in the last decade.” SIGNIFICANT SECONDARY INCOME. Steve Lewis, Managing Director of The Marlow Club

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A landmark £200m devel- opment is underway to transform Newcastle’s historic Stephenson Quarter into a vibrant cultural, living and working area. Located next to the city’s An aerial view of the planned Belle Vue village Central Station, the first phase of the Stephenson Quarter Jgfikjm`ccX^\gcXej project will feature a 251- lem\`c\[]fiDXeZ_\jk\i room Crowne Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre, which will Manchester City Council has revealed plans also house a luxury spa. for a national home for both speedway and Expected to be complete basketball, as part of the £10m Belle Vue within two years, the first Sports Village development. phase will also include a 357- It will offer new sports facilities for space multi-storey car park, The development will include a Crowne Plaza Hotel and luxury spa the community and elite athletes alike, 35,000sq ft (3,252sq m) of while also modernising the existing Belle offices and a large landscaped public space. The project is a catalyst for the regeneration Vue Leisure Centre. A purpose-built Later phases will see the addition of residen- to the west of the Quayside and the area desig- 6,500-capacity speedway will provide the tial, commercial, restaurant and retail facilities, nated by the council as the Discovery Centre. Belle Vue Aces with their own home allow- as well as an art gallery and exhibition space. Details: http://lei.sr?a=k4v3Y ing them to hold weekend meets, which will strengthen the earning potential of the club. Details: http://lei.sr?a=C1d6q 9fndXib`em\jkj`e;iXb\Dfi^Xe

N\jkD`[cXe[JX]Xi`GXib Mid-market private equity X`dj]fii\jfikjkXklj firm Bowmark Capital is investing £30m in the manage- West Midland Safari and Leisure Park has ment buyout and expansion unveiled redevelopment plans which it of London bar and restaurant hopes will propel it from a three-star day group Drake & Morgan. attraction to a four-star resort. Founded in 2008 by the The Worcestershire park has set out plans Imbiba Partnership, the to create a 250-bed hotel, a conference cen- group’s sites include The tre for 1,000 delegates, an indoor waterpark, Refinery in Southwark, The a rail halt, monorail link and multi-million Parlour in Canary Wharf and pound upgrade of the safari drive. three sites in the City – The The park currently welcomes 1.3 million Anthologist, The Folly and visitors a year, but it is hoped the redevel- The Drift. Its concept is an all- opment would attract thousands more. day food and drink offering in Details: http://lei.sr?a=h4e1l stylish, accessible and female- Drake & Morgan bar and restaurant The Anthologist in London friendly premises. Over the past three years the group has year, while a further eight sites have been iden- GcXejjlYd`kk\[kfi\mXdg experienced 75 per cent growth in sales, with tified for expansion over the next two years. JnXej\XËjC`Y\ikpJkX[`ld a current level of £18m. Over the long term the company plans to Drake & Morgan sites are typically based in roll out the concept nationwide and believes Swansea City FC has submitted a formal landmark locations, often on the ground floor there is the potential to develop up to 70 planning application for the expansion of of new office developments. Sites in St. Paul’s Drake & Morgan units across the UK. Details: Liberty Stadium to accommodate an addi- and Holborn are planned for openings this http://lei.sr?a=U6V7u tional 11,000 spectators. The phased approach would start with the expansion of the East stand to take an J_fikc`jkXeefleZ\[]fiJZfkk`j_jgfikjZ\eki\Y`[j additional 3,844 spectators, with phases two and three expanding the North and SportScotland has revealed the bidders who the facilities expected to be complete by early South stands. The work is expected to take have made it to the second stage of the process 2016. Those that have been invited to take their three to five years to complete, and would to develop a National Performance Centre. bid to the second stage include Dundee City increase the stadium’s current capacity of A preferred bidder for the multi-sport Council, Heriot-Watt University and a joint 20,750 by more than 50 per cent. Details: centre, to receive up to £25m of government bid from Stirling Council and the University http://lei.sr?a=c2q0A support, will be announced in summer with of Stirling. Details: http://lei.sr?a=p9C9Z

(+ I\X[C\`jli\Fggfikle`k`\jfec`e\1nnn%c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zf%lb&[`^`kXc Kn`kk\i17c\`jli\fggj Ÿ:P9

Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Warwickshire Cardiff International Pool


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=fid\dY\ij_`g`e]fidXk`fe C<@JLI<GIFG ATHLETICS 9i`kX`ecXleZ_\jk\Z_e`ZXcYXZZXcXli\Xk\ BADMINTON BASKETBALL A new technical baccalaure- ate (TechBacc) launched by BOOT WIPERS the government aims to give vocational education a status CRICKET on a par with A level study. Education minister Matthew Hancock revealed the new performance measure FOOTBALL will be available to those aged 16 to 19 and would launch in HANDBALL September 2014. The qualification would be HOCKEY targeted at students pursuing careers in the STEM (Science, LACROSSE Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), service and ROUNDERS creative industries, including The service sector is among several targeted by the new qualification retail and hospitality manage- NETBALL ment, engineering and construction and roles qualification and an extended project, which in the sports industry. would develop and test students’ communica- PITCH The three elements of the programme would tion and research skills and self-motivation. MAINTENANCE be a vocational qualification, core maths Details: http://lei.sr?a=K8e6z RUGBY

AMERICAN N`[e\jM`b`e^jf]]\i`e$_flj\[`gcfdX FOOTBALL

Cheshire rugby league SHELTERS club Widnes Vikings have announced the launch of an SOCCERENA in-house college course open to students aged 16 to 19 years TABLE TENNIS old interested in pursuing a career in the sport. MAINTENANCE Students will complete a SYNTHETIC BTEC National Diploma in IMAGE: KT8 PHOTOGRAPHY Performance and Excellence PITCH at Level 3 covering sports EQUIPMENT performance, nutrition, psy- chology and fitness. TENNIS Based at Storbart Stadium, MINI TENNIS they will also develop com- munication, planning and The Vikings want to recruit students interested in a career in rugby TRAINING AIDS delivery skills through work experience within the club’s Valhalla be delivered by members of Widnes Vikings’ VOLLEYBALL Foundation community department. staff. This means we will have complete con- Widnes Vikings head of performance Phil trol over the educational, physical, technical Finney said: “We believe it is ground-break- and tactical development of all participants.” ing because every aspect of this course will Details: http://lei.sr?a=G9H6O To request a catalogue please call C\`jli\:fee\Zk`fejXc\jZflij\\e[fij\[Yp@JDD our sales team on

The Institute of Sales and Marketing Training and development manager at Management (ISMM) has recognised Leisure Leisure Connection Claire Owen said: “Our 01502 710039 Connection for its Sales Foundation Course industry has for many years recognised and – the only leisure management company to demanded formal qualifications from fit- or visit our website at receive such an endorsement. Students that ness teams, lifeguards and catering teams, pass the course will now receive certification so it is only right that we extend that profes- markharrod.com directly from the ISMM, which can lead to sionalism to our sales colleagues.” Details: associate membership of the institute. http://lei.sr?a=F9Z4w

Ÿ:P9;@I<:KFIPZXcc"++ ' (+-)+*(*/, Training tthat works. t KI8@E@E><;L:8K@FE

CREW understand that staff development can be difficult and time consuming, but we know that your people can make the difference between a good business and a great business. CREW training will: t*OTQJSFHSFBUDVTUPNFSTFSWJDFBetter people performance means better t#PPTUSFUBJMBOE'0)DPOöEFODFresults for your business. t&OIBODFDPNNVOJDBUJPOBOEQSFTFOUBUJPOTLJMMT t%FWFMPQJOUFSBDUJWFUBMLTBOETIPXTCREW training programmes will: t*NQSPWFUFBNNPSBMF t*ODSFBTFSFWFOVF- Inspire great customer service - Develop interactive talks and shows training “As- aEnhance direct result presentation of CREW training skills our fund pot for “Gems of the Jungle” at £5000 in August went through the- roofBoost and retail we amassed and FOH a further confidence £18,000 in just six weeks.- Improve Brilliant!” team (summer morale season 2011) www.crew.uk.net [email protected] Dianne Eade, Newquay Zoo Head of Finance, Human Resources and Administration 0845 260 4414

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We also have vacancies for membership Operations Manager sales consultants at our London gyms, email [email protected] with your CV and Front of house staff covering letter. Personal trainers SO FIT Full time/part time Spin instructors

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FULL TIME DUTY OFFICER jobs & news NJC Grade G Point 19 – 22 inclusive, £17,802 - £19,621 per annum updated daily online One full time Duty Offi cer required to join the Sports Centre Management Team. This role requires shift work that includes evenings and weekends which attracts enhanced payments. This established facility provides leisure and sporting activities for the academy students and the local community. Facilities include Sportshall, Swimming Pool, Fitness Suite, Dance Studio, a full size 3rd Generation Rubber Crumb all weather surface, grass football pitches and Multi Use Games areas. The benefi ts include a competitive salary, Local Government Pension scheme and 25 days annual leave plus Bank Holidays. If you would like to discuss the position further, please contact Carl Chambers, Sports Centre Manager on 01536 713708. For an application pack please contact Montsaye Academy on 01536 713708 or by email at HRoffi [email protected] All applications are to be returned to Michelle Johnston at Montsaye Academy, Greening Road, Rothwell, Kettering, Northants NN14 6BB by Friday 10th May 2013 J8C&?<8CK?=@KE

our golf and health club memberships through local outreach activity and on- leisure www.leisuresubs.com site sales conversion. Interested in a new and different challenge this summer? Send a current CV to Matthew Orwin (Group Marketing Director) at [email protected]. www.leisureopportunities.com Please note that due to the volume of applications we can only respond to candidates who are shortlisted for interview. )' JGFIKC<@JLI< leisure opportunities

The English Golf Union Ltd invite application for the positions of joblink Regional Development Offi cers x2 Salary Range £25,000 - £27,500 per annum + company car and benefi ts Book a joblink with us and we'll put your logo and company (Post 1 covering Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire (BB&O), Hertfordshire and Northamptonshire) name on every page of the Leisure Opportunities website (Post 2 covering Cheshire, Derbyshire, Lancashire and Staff ordshire) www.leisureopportunities.co.uk The English Golf Union Ltd, trading as England Golf, the governing This advert will have a body for amateur golf in England, is seeking to appoint a Regional hyperlink to your website, Development Offi cer with the intention to develop the role within a transition phase to potentially Regional Manager encompassing a where you can list all wider remit to support Club Services and Compliance activity across the job vacancies in the organisation at County and Club level. your company. The role of the Regional Development Offi cer is to further the aims of England Golf as identifi ed within its strategic plan and the England Golf Partnership (EGP) Whole Sport Plan (WSP) for golf. Go to www.leisureopportunities.co.uk Applicants must have an understanding of the structure of national, and click on the link to see the latest jobs from... regional & county based sport, the structure of golf (general, club based and admin structure) along with the club management and operations side. It is essential that you have prior experience within management and administrative positions and within the leisure or 8GGF@EKD

Duty Manager £17 – £19k dependant on qualifi cations and experience

Harlow Leisurezone are looking to recruit a pro-active Duty Manager who will undertake a wide range of tasks delivering high quality sport and leisure services to our customers and visitors.

Duty Manager Role The position is full time and you will be required to undertake a varied shift pattern in a fl exible manner. We are looking for an experienced Duty Manager and duties will include assisting to provide an effi cient and effective operation, ensuring our facility is clean, safe and well maintained which will include the monitoring and supervision of employees, building security, health and safety requirements, involvement in the on-site training of employees and most importantly to assist our customers with their queries or complaints in a helpful and professional manner in a busy centre. Our ideal candidate will have a sports related qualifi cation and the possession of, or ability to gain a lifeguarding qualifi cation is essential, be pro-active, reliable and dependable, have the ability to work as part of the team, able to plan ahead, have a calm head under pressure and possess excellent customer service and public relations skills. Harlow Leisurezone is a registered Charitable Trust and our not for profi t status means that all the income we receive goes towards investing in services

If you are interested in this opportunity please call 01279 621512 or email [email protected] for an application pack and application form leaving your full name and address. The closing date for all applications 15th May 2013. If you do not hear from us within three weeks of the closing date please assume you have been unsuccessful on this occasion. Interviews will be taking place on week commencing 28th May 2013 Harlow and District Sports Trust - Harlow Leisurezone, Second Avenue, Harlow, Essex CM20 3DT

www.harlowleisurezone.co.uk )( =fidfi\[\kX`cjfek_\]fccfn`e^afYj m`j`knnn%c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zf%lb fikfX[m\ik`j\ZXcc"++ ' (+-)+*(*/,

General Manager, English Heritage, Stonehenge, UK Client Support Manager, Harlands Group, Nationwide, UK Trainee Personal Trainer / Fitness Instructor, The Training Room, Nationwide, UK Regional Account Manager, Harlands Group, North West, UK Personal Training Opportunities, Hull City Council, North Yorkshire, UK Fitness Instructor (3 Posts) Physical Education, University of Cambridge, UK Membership Sales Manager, Country Club Group, Sussex/Surrey, UK Duty Supervisor (3 Posts) Physical Education, University of Cambridge, UK Personal Trainers, At Home Fitness, Nationwide Leisure Services Manager, Center Parcs, Lake District, UK Sales Manager, Antenna International, London, UK Assistant Pool Manager, Center Parcs, Elveden, Suffolk, UK Swim Instructor (Part-Time ), Parkwood Leisure, Weston-super-Mare, UK Health and Fitness Supervisor, University of Essex, Evolve Gym, Southend, UK

AF9JFEC@E< Fitness Instructor, Parkwood Leisure, Bristol, UK Swim Education Trainer, Edinburgh Leisure, Edinburgh, UK Cleaner, Parkwood Leisure, Newbury, UK Finance Manager, activeNewham, East London, UK Managing Director, activeNewham, East London, , UK Group Operations Manager, activeNewham, East London, UK Group Marketing and Business Development Manager, Marketing Co-Ordinator, Pure Gym Limited, Leeds, UK activeNewham, East London, UK Duty Manager, DW Sports Fitness, Aberdeen, UK Fitness Instructor, Parkwood Leisure, Newbury, UK Football Coaches, The Sports Factory, New Jersey, United States Aquazone Coordinator, Parkwood Leisure, Penzance, UK Personal Trainer, Pure Gym Limited, Variuos locations, UK National Citizenship Service Mentor, Valley Leisure Ltd, Test Valley, UK Assistant Gym Manager, Pure Gym Limited, Wolverhampton South, UK Communications (Marketing) Development Manager, Duty Officer Post, Montsaye Academy, Northants, UK Valley Leisure Ltd, Andover / Romsey, UK Head of Leisure, Celtic Community Leisure, Neath Port Talbot, UK Experienced Personal Trainer/ Manager wanted, Ten Pilates, Central London, UK, UK Assistant Manager (Service Manager), GLL, Hackney, UK Full Time Personal Trainers wanted, Ten Pilates, Central London, UK Full time Membership Consultant, Everyone Active, Staines Upton Thames, UK Freelance Personal Trainers, Soho Gyms, London/Manchester, UK Physical Education Teachers and Sports Coaches, Let Me Teach, London and South East, UK Sales and Membership Officer, Brio Leisure, Northgate Arena, Cheshire, UK Sports Development Manager, London South Bank University, London, UK National Business Development Manager, ESPA International, Based in the North (Yorkshire region), UK General Manager, English Heritage, Stonehenge, UK Regional Managers Vacancies, ICON TRAINING, Across England, UK Operations Manager, Mark Anthony`s, London, UK Duty Manager, Harlow Leisurezone, Harlow, UK Full time/part time Spin instructors, Mark Anthony`s, London, UK Membership Sales Manager, Ashford Leisure Trust, Ashford, UK Personal trainers, Mark Anthony`s, London, UK Assistant Gym Manager, Pure Gym Limited, Warrington North, UK Front of house staff, Mark Anthony`s, London, UK General Managers, truGym, Various, UK Course Sales Advisor, YMCAfit, Central London, UK Duty Manager, DW Sports Fitness, Northampton, UK Personal Trainer, Pure Gym Limited, Various locations, UK Assistant General Manager, The Gym Group, Ipswich, UK Gym Manager, Pure Gym Limited, London, UK Sales and Retention Manager , DW Sports Fitness, Middlesbrough, UK Franchise Opportunity, Premier Sport, Nationwide, UK Personal Training Opportunities, Hull City Council, North Yorkshire, UK Personal Trainer, énergie group, Tower Hill, UK Theatre Manager, Parkwood Leisure, Weston-super-Mare, UK Sport Services Assistant x 2, sportscotland, Inverclyde, UK General Manager Hospitality and Events, Parkwood Personal Trainer, Matt Roberts Personal Training Company, London, UK Leisure, Weston-super-Mare, UK Head of Human Resources, Fusion, London, UK Marketing & Sales Manager, Parkwood Leisure, North Devon, UK General Manager, Fusion, Various locations, UK Swimming Instructor, énergie group, Wilmslow, UK General Manager, Finesse Leisure Partnership, Hatfield, UK Fitness Apprentice, énergie group, Wilmslow, UK IT Support Manager, Finesse Leisure Partnership, Welwyn Garden City, UK General Manager / Curator, Blue Aquarium, Newquay, UK Personnel, Training and H and S Administrator, Finesse Visitor Assistants, House of Commons, London, UK Leisure Partnership, Welwyn Garden City, UK Visitor and Commercial Operations Manager, National Trust, Alcester, UK Team Leaders x3, Finesse Leisure Partnership, Hatfield, UK Head Receptionist, Hertfordshire Sports Village, Hertfordshire, UK Assistant Managers x3, Finesse Leisure Partnership, Hatfield, UK Sports Development Officer (Maternity Cover), Duty Manager (full-time), Borders Sport and Leisure Trust, , UK Hertfordshire Sports Village, Hertfordshire, UK Leisure Assistants (casual), Borders Sport and Leisure Trust, Eyemouth, UK General Manager, Anchor, Bishopstoke Park, Eastleigh, UK General Manager, English Heritage, Stonehenge, UK Training Manager, YMCAfit, Central London, UK Trainee Fitness Professional, Pocketfit Training, , UK Personal Trainers, The Gym Group, Various locations, UK Performance and Elite Sport Manager, Nottingham Customer Service Advisor, GLL, Hackney, UK Trent University, Nottinghamshire, UK Spa Manager, QMS Medicosmetics, London, UK Participation Sport Manager, Nottingham Trent University, UK Head Therapist, The Bulgari Hotel and Residences London, London, UK Personal Training Opportunities, Hull City Council, North Yorkshire, UK Spa Therapist, GLL, Westminster, London, UK Managing Director, Training Solutions Consultant, Gladstone Health & Leisure, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK Massage Therapists, Lifehouse Spa & Hotel, Essex, UK Junior Development Officer, The Swimming Teachers’ Association, Walsall, UK Spa Reception and Reservations Agent, The Bulgari Hotel and Residences London, London, UK Sales and Retention Manager, DW Sports Fitness, Various locations, UK Leisure Attendant, Manchester City Football Club, Manchester, UK Assistant General Manager, DW Sports Fitness, Gloucester, UK Assistant Customer Service Advisor, GLL, Chesham, UK Regional Development Officer, England Golf, Covering Cheshire, Derbyshire, Lancashire and Staffordshire, UK Team Leader, Everyone Active, St Albans, UK Regional Development Officer, England Golf, Covering Beds, Lifeguards, Everyone Active, St Albans, UK Berks, Bucks and Oxon (BB&O), Herts and Northants, UK Duty Manager (Leisure Centre Supervisor), GLL, Horley, Surrey, UK Disability Officer, England Golf, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire, UK Personal Trainers, Everyone Active, Aylesbury, UK


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Director of Public Programmes Attractive package commensurate with skills and experience

The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is the world-leader in plant diversity science, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a major visitor attraction that shows the importance of plants in all our lives. Kew’s mission is to inspire and deliver science-based plant conservation worldwide, enhancing the quality of life. Following the appointment of a new Director last year and a subsequent restructuring that aims to strengthen Kew’s visitor offer, we are seeking to appoint a Director of Public Programmes to lead the visitor attraction strategy.

Reporting to the Director and a member of the Executive Board, You will understand the need to balance public purposes with the Director of Public Programmes will lead a reshaped and commercial growth. wide ranging brief including events and festivals, marketing Your leadership experience will most likely have been gained in and communications, commercial activity, digital media, visitor the visitor attraction, culture or heritage sectors; whatever your services, outreach, volunteers, and community engagement and background, you will share our passion and will be excited by learning. At the heart of the role will be the need to raise Kew’s the opportunity to apply your experience in a world-renowned performance and position us as a world-leading visitor attraction organisation that plays an important role in educating, informing that delivers an outstanding on-site experience. and inspiring the public about the importance of plants. You will bring ambition, commercial focus and the leadership and To fi nd out more, please visit www.gatenbysanderson.com management experience to re-invigorate Kew’s public offering. quoting reference GS14912 or contact our advising consultants With responsibility for a team of over 200, you will bring at GatenbySanderson: Elliott Rae on 020 7426 3964 or experience of leading major change to deliver improvements in Juliet Taylor on 020 7426 3990 for a confi dential discussion. organisational performance and income generation. This role will Closing date: Noon on 28 May 2013. require energy, creativity and the desire to challenge the status quo.

GatenbySanderson www.gatenbysanderson.com )* leisure opportunities 8;;IcfYXcQldYXZXdgX`^eX`djkfÔ^_knfic[_le^\i www.instituteofhospitality.org.uk ■ LPF +44 (0)1462 471932 Dance fitness company Zumba Fitness has Nations World Food Programme. Participants www.leisurepropertyforum.org launched a new initiative encouraging peo- are encouraged to shake off their calories in ■ Natural England +44 (0)845 600 3078 ple: “don’t just burn calories, donate them” in Zumba classes worldwide and Zumba will www.naturalengland.org.uk a bid to help fight one of the world’s greatest donate the equivalent of the average amount ■ People 1st +44 (0)870 060 2550 health risks – hunger. ‘The Great Calorie Drive’ of calories burned per class to the food www.people1st.co.uk initiative is a collaboration with the United charities. Details: http://lei.sr?a=y8v8N ■ REPs +44 (0)20 8686 6464 www.exerciseregister.org ■ SAPCA +44 (0)24 7641 6316 www.sapca.org.uk Jkfe\_\e^\k\jkjE\fc`k_`Z_flj\j ■ Sports Aid +44 (0)20 7273 1975 www.sportsaid.org.uk English Heritage has enlisted the help of volun- ■ Sport and Recreation Alliance teers to test build three Neolithic houses that +44 (0)20 7976 3900 will be the centrepiece of an outdoor gallery www.sportandrecreation.org.uk ■ planned for the new £27m Stonehenge visitor Sport England +44 (0)8458 508 508 www.sportengland.org centre, currently under construction. ■ Springboard +44 (0)20 7529 8610 Rare evidence of English Neolithic build- www.springboarduk.org.uk ings unearthed near Stonehenge is informing ■ SkillsActive +44 (0)20 7632 2000 the build and lessons learned from the exper- www.skillsactive.com iment will be used to create the exhibit at the ■ Tourism Management Institute visitor centre. Excavation by Professor Mike +44 (0)1926 641506 Parker Pearson has uncovered floors of the www.tmi.org.uk houses and stake holes where the walls once The houses will go on display at Stonehenge ■ Tourism Society +44 (0)20 8661 4636 stood but the above ground appearance of the www.tourismsociety.org houses is unknown. Greaney said: “The reconstructed houses ■ ukactive +44 (0)20 7420 8560 Materials used include 12 tonnes of chalk, will be an immediate and sensory link to the www.ukactive.org.uk 2,500 rods of wattling, 10 oak logs, 600 bun- distant past and will bring visitors as close ■ VisitBritain +44 (0)20 7578 1000 dles of sedge, 600 bundles of water reed and as they can to appreciate what life was like www.visitbritain.com hundreds of timber stakes and rafters. English for the extraordinary individuals who built ■ World Leisure +1 250 497 6578 Heritage senior properties historian Susan Stonehenge.” Details: http://lei.sr?a=c5x1C www.worldleisure.org

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