Introduction I have endeavored to keep typos, errors etc in this list to a minimum, however when you find more I would be grateful if you could mail the details during 2011 to:
[email protected]. Grateful thanks to Dick Coombes for the cover images. Joe Hobbs Index The general order of species follows the International Ornithological Congress’ World Bird List. Version Version 1.9 (1 August 2011). Cover Main image: Arctic Warbler. Cotter’s Garden, Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork, Ireland. 9 October 2009. Richard H. Coombes. Vignette: Arctic Warbler. The Waist, Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork, Ireland. 10 October 2009. Richard H. Coombes. Species Page No. Alpine Leaf Warbler [Phylloscopus occisinensis] 17 Arctic Warbler [Phylloscopus borealis] 24 Ashy-throated Warbler [Phylloscopus maculipennis] 20 Black-capped Woodland Warbler [Phylloscopus herberti] 5 Blyth’s Leaf Warbler [Phylloscopus reguloides] 31 Brooks’ Leaf Warbler [Phylloscopus subviridis] 22 Brown Woodland Warbler [Phylloscopus umbrovirens] 5 Buff-barred Warbler [Phylloscopus pulcher] 19 Buff-throated Warbler [Phylloscopus subaffinis] 17 Canary Islands Chiffchaff [Phylloscopus canariensis] 12 Chiffchaff [Phylloscopus collybita] 8 Chinese Leaf Warbler [Phylloscopus yunnanensis] 20 Claudia’s Leaf Warbler [Phylloscopus claudiae] 31 Davison’s Leaf Warbler [Phylloscopus davisoni] 32 Dusky Warbler [Phylloscopus fuscatus] 15 Eastern Bonelli's Warbler [Phylloscopus orientalis] 14 Eastern Crowned Warbler [Phylloscopus coronatus] 30 Emei Leaf Warbler [Phylloscopus emeiensis] 32 Gansu Leaf Warbler