british bake off cheat Bake Off fans accuse Rahul Mandal of CHEATING as they spot him decorating his cake after time was up. GREAT British Bake Off fans have accused Rahul Mandal of CHEATING after spotting he decorated his cake after time was up. viewers spied the determined baker add the finishing touches to his Showstopper after hosts Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig had announced time was up. One said: "#BakeOff Rahul cheating, decorating his cake after time’s up as he walks up with it! #cheater." Another added: "#bakeoff Rahul keeps working after the time's up every time #cheat." Someone else added: "The time had finished yet Rahul was still putting decorations on top of his cake! Seriously!! "I used to like him and root for him to win but not anymore! So tilted and stacked for him to win. #GBBO.'" Despite some controversy on Twitter, Rahul made it through to the final alongside Kim-Joy and Ruby. It was the end of the road for Briony Williams, who struggled to hold back her tears after being booted out of a mishap-filled Patisserie week. The Bristol native, 33, said: "I'm sad to not be going through but so happy with how far I've come in so many ways. What an experience. "I still love baking. I love it more than ever! I don't often say I'm proud of myself, but I am." The final of the Channel 4 series, which airs next Tuesday, will see Ruby, Rahul and Kim-Joy take on a task outside of the iconic marquee, in a big twist for the 2018 series. Got a story? email [email protected] or call us direct on 02077824220. We pay for videos too . Click here to upload yours. More from The Sun. Latest news as Matt Hancock's affair with close aide is exposed. OFF TO VISIT HAZ? Queen spotted off to Frogmore as Harry arrives back to reunite with Wills. SORRY, NOT SORRY. Hancock says 'I breached social distancing' but DOESN'T apologise to wife. 'WHY HIM?' Neighbours of 'gorgeous' Gina Coladangelo tell of shock over Matt Hancock affair. Follow The Sun. Services. ©News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. 679215 Registered office: 1 Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. View our online Press Pack. For other inquiries, Contact Us. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) The Great British Bake Off: every contestant ranked in order of greatness. On Wednesday night, the nation will crown its fifth Bake Off winner. But out of the 60 contestants we have seen in the kitchen, who is the ultimate Star Baker? The final four, from way back in series two: Janet, Holly, Mary-Anne and Joanne, with hosts Mel and Sue. Photograph: Amanda Searle/BBC/Love Productions/Amanda Sear. The final four, from way back in series two: Janet, Holly, Mary-Anne and Joanne, with hosts Mel and Sue. Photograph: Amanda Searle/BBC/Love Productions/Amanda Sear. First published on Tue 7 Oct 2014 15.58 BST. The fifth series of The Great British Bake Off comes to its thrilling conclusion on Wednesday, with Richard, Luis and Nancy scrapping it out for the title. But now that the Bake Off has reached berserk new heights of popularity, it’s time for a moment of reflection. Over the years, 60 amateur bakers have exposed themselves to the show’s trademark whirlwind of challenges and bunting and smut, but which of them have stood the test of time? Here is my definitive list of all of them, ranked from worst to best. You may disagree with this list, but you’d be wrong. The cast of series two. Photograph: Cristian Barnett/BBC/Love Productions/cristian barnett. 60. Ian Vallance (S2) 59. Lucy Bellamy (S4) 58. Keith Batsford (S2) 57. David Chambers (S1) 56. Lea Harris (S1) 55. Mark Onley (S4) 54. Claire Goodwin (S5) Claire Goodwin from Season 5 Photograph: Mark Bourdillon/PA. 53. Victoria Chester (S3) 52. Stuart Marston-Smith (S3) 51. Mark Withers (S1) 50. Enwezor Nzegwu (S5) 49. Simon Blackwell (S2) 48. Louise Brimelow (S1) 47. Urvashi Roe (S2) 46. Annetha Mills (S1) 45. (S4) 44. Danny Bryden (S3) 43. Yasmin Limbert (S2) 42. Jason White (S2) 41. Christine Wallace (S4) 40. Manisha Parmar (S3) 39. Miranda Gore Browne (S1) 38. Natasha Stringer (S3) 37. Ben Frazer (S2) The series five contestants in happier, pre-Bincident times. Photograph: Mark Bourdillon/BBC/Love Productions/Mark Bourdillon. 36. Rob Smart (S4) 35. Peter Maloney (S3) 34. Kate Henry (S5) 33. Ryan Chong (S3) 32. Jasminder Randhawa (S1) 31. Toby Waterworth (S4) 30. (S5) 29. Jason White (S2) 28. Luis Troyano (S5) 27. Deborah Manger (S4) 26. Janet Basu (S2) 25. Beca Lyne-Pirkis (S4) 24. Nancy Birtwhistle (S5) 23. Ruth Clemens (S1) 22. Iain Watters (S5) 21. (S4) 20. Holly Bell (S2) Almost won the competition in 2011. Thank goodness she didn’t – her loss is the world of mealworm-based baking’s gain. 19. Howard Middleton (S4) Before there was the Bincident, there was Custardgate – the shocking moment when another contestant accidentally used Howard’s custard in a trifle. Did Howard throw his trifle in the bin and storm off? No, he kept calm and carried on. Churchill would have been proud. 18. Kimberley Wilson (S4) Some would say that Kimberley was the rightful winner of the 2013 category. I will not comment on the matter, except to say that she definitely was. 17. Jonathan Shepherd (S1) A man so utterly in tune with Bake Off that people in St Albans now simply refer to him as Mr Pudding. Cut him and he bleeds custard. Probably. Don’t cut him. 16. Norman Calder (S5) Norman Calder … he is us. Photograph: Mark Bourdillon/BBC/Love Productions/Mark Bourdi. Poor Norman made an enemy of Paul Hollywood – largely because of his bland, barely-cooked dishes – but his attitude almost single-handedly represented why the Bake Off is so popular. He was terrible, but he was enthusiastic. He was us. 15. Sarah-Jane Willis (S3) Not just a vicar’s wife, but the loveliest vicar’s wife who ever lived. Basically the living embodiment of the Great British Bake Off. 14. Diana Beard (S5) Not here because she knackered a fellow competitor’s baked alaska. Here because she knackered a fellow competitor’s baked alaska, then dropped the mic on the whole series and walked away forever (she says otherwise, but that’s how I like to see it). She’s the lone gunman. The woman’s got balls. 13. James Morton (S3) James Morton – a damp-mouthed man-boy comprised of approximately 95% Fair Isle – certainly looked like a cartoon that a dating site for very sensitive women would use on its homepage, but it’s his obsessive attention to detail that sticks in the mind. 12. Jordan Cox (S5) Jordan only lasted for three weeks in this year’s Bake Off, but his Monster Attack biscuit structure will live forever. This is largely because it looked like the sort of nightmare a three-year-old would have if you deliberately overfed it sugar, but with even more blood. Astonishing. 11. Cathryn Dresser (S3) Subject of one of the all-time great Bake Off switcheroos. Right from the start, everyone expected Cathryn to win. Then, with a flick of the wrist, she almost took out another competitor with a ball of clumsily handled dough, and her time was up. 10. Rob Billington (S2) Rob was one of the most seminal contestants in Bake Off history. The first series, to some extent, came and went unnoticed. But when Rob – floppy-haired and dreamy-eyed enough to make 9/10ths of the audience involuntarily lactate – came on the scene, the show was on the map. No, he wasn’t a particularly skilled baker. Yes, he was almost supernaturally clumsy. But Rob’s presence alone automatically opened the floodgates and caused the deluge of twee-looking boys in lovely jumpers that was series three. Arguably the Bake Off’s patient zero. 9. Chetna Makan (S5) In most normal circumstances, Chetna would be granted this high ranking for her brilliant hair alone. However, she also happened to be my pick to win this year’s series. Unfortunately, Chetna was eliminated in last week’s semi-final. Who can say why she left? Officially the reason is that she only baked 17 layers of that ridiculous 20-layer German grill-cake task, although there’s a good chance that she simply threw herself on her sword after hearing everyone around her continue to mispronounce the word “baklava” so egregiously. Either way, who could blame her? 8. Brendan Lynch (S3) He may not have won his series, but Brendan was undoubtedly the beating heart of 2012. Although a finalist, his defining moment didn’t really have anything to do with food. It came during an exterior interview in the final. Brendan looked around, saw the impossible calibre of his competitors and his own extraordinary accomplishments over the previous few weeks, and stared off into the distance, eyes quivering. The camera couldn’t move away from him. That one shot was the most beautiful 20 minutes in all of Bake Off history. 7. Ruby Tandoh (S4) The series three finalists (from left): Ruby Tandoh, Kimberley Wilson and Frances Quinn Photograph: Des Willie/BBC/PA. You know Ruby, of course. If you’re anything like me, you fastidiously save all her Guardian recipes every weekend, stare at them for about half an hour and then go and wolf down a box of Mr Kipling Trifle Bakewell pies that you bought from a 24-hour garage while screaming “Don’t look at me!” at your own reflection. Ruby has come so far – and did so well in the Bake Off – because she’s the whole package. She’s young and good-looking and eloquent, and I’m looking forward to almost but ultimately not cooking any of her recipes for years to come. 6. Frances Quinn (S4) That said, Ruby didn’t win her series. Frances did instead, and that’s because she wasn’t afraid to think big. Accused of style over substance for weeks on end – and with reason, because only a screaming narcissist would display breadsticks in a matchbox the size of a pet coffin – she eventually won the day with a final showstopper wedding cake that was only slightly over-ambitious. 5. Edward Kimber (S1) As the very first winner of the Great British Bake Off, Edd deserves this spot. The judges have insinuated that the standard of baking on the show is now much higher than it was at the beginning – nobody in series one had to shove the same bloody cake under the grill 20 times in a row, for example – and yet Edd nevertheless laid the blueprint for all that was to come. Softly spoken and unassuming, he would have been trampled to death on MasterChef. The Great British Bake Off, though, was his for the taking, 4. Jo Wheatley (S2) The winner of the second series, Joanne won over the judges thanks to her spectacular attention to detail. Her offerings were almost too pretty to eat, and Mary Berry hailed her miniature Victoria sponges as some of the best things she’d ever tasted. Is that what we remember most about her final? No, what we remember most is that horrific cutaway shot of the squirrel’s genitals. Still, well done nevertheless. 3. Richard Burr (S5) Richard Burr. Missing: one pencil Photograph: Mark Bourdillon/BBC/Love Productions. Admittedly, there’s some speculation at work here. Richard might not win the final of this year’s Bake Off, in which case I’m going to look a right berk for putting him so high on the list. But, on paper at least, Richard’s got it all sewn up. He’s odds-on favourite to win tonight, mostly down to the fact that he’s been named Star Baker for a record five times this series. However, there’s always a chance that he’ll screw up and implode at the last hurdle, in which case please pretend that I put one of the other finalists here. 2. John Whaite (S3) John won the third series, but it was never a sure thing. During a strudel round earlier in the competition, John sliced his finger open and had to sit out the rest of the round. The sight of him being treated by a medic, his hand bright red and practically coating the entire marquee with blood, was one of the most memorable of the entire programme. And yet he overcame this adversity to win. John Whaite is our Seabiscuit. 1. Mary-Anne Boermans (S2) Mary-Anne Boermans. She’s got swagger Photograph: Wordpress. And now, the queen. Mary-Anne didn’t win her series of the Bake Off, but she managed to smash an indelible hole through it nonetheless. She had swagger. She roared with laughter at the slightest provocation. She looked, in the best possible way, like a Game of Thrones character, like she was genetically unable to finish a drink without hurling the glass against the floor immediately afterwards. But there was more to her than that – she broke the nation’s heart when she absent-mindedly iced her daughter’s name (Sacha) onto her Sachertorte. Most importantly, though, Mary-Anne apparently sent the former Guardian TV editor a basket of cakes once, and frankly that’s the sort of racket that I want to get in on. What do you think of Stuart’s list? Who would you put up top and who deserves to be on the (soggy) bottom? Let us know in the comments below. Explaining the #Bingate Controversy to America. In the 4th episode of The Great British Baking Show, Iain had a meltdown over melted ice cream that was perhaps the most controversial moment in the history of the show. While here in America, we are used to highly scandalous and “shocking” reality shows at every turn (not on PBS, of course), in Britain, and especially with this program, the incident exploded into a national news story. So let’s break down what happened: For the final Showstopper Challenge, Iain and the other remaining contestants were making Baked Alaska. Unfortunately, it was a scorching day in Britain, with the temperature reaching 25C°! (Or, 77°F. That’s really hot there.) Everyone (and everything) was melting! Even in the freezer. Iain put his ice cream in the freezer. When Diana put her ice cream in the freezer, she accidentally left Iain’s sitting on the counter. But many in Britain saw something more devious. SABOTAGE #gbbo. Though his dish only sat on the counter for less than a minute, Iain did not handle it well. Nor did his ice cream. (Clearly there were problems with the dish already.) Into the trash bin went his baked Alaska. And off went Iain to compose himself. As his fellow competitors watched in shock. Meanwhile, Twitter exploded in the U.K. Who wants #JusticeForIain? #Bingate #GBBO For any Americans wondering why #justiceforiain is trending, a man on the telly made a cake and threw it in the bin. Best TV in the world. When it came time for judging, all Iain had to present was his trash bin. The judges were sympathetic, yet firm. And Iain knew he had only himself to blame. U.K. Twitter continued to unfairly blame poor Diana, however. It's the hottest day of the year and you take the guy's ice cream out of the freezer? #justiceforiain #gbbo. Disgusted that @David_Cameron hasn't broken off his holiday to deal with #BakedAlaskaGate. Out of touch. #JusticeforIain. In the end, everyone on the show agreed, Iain could have handled it better. THANK YOU @BritishBakeOff it's been truly EPIC. What can I say guys – I had a #MELTDOWN. Thanks for the support. #BINCIDENT #GBBO — iain watters (@iain_watters) August 27, 2014. Iain's Alaska was out of the freezer for 40 secs. That's it. No sabotage. 40 secs of normal temp would NOT be enough to reduce it to liquid — (@sueperkins) August 27, 2014. At the end of the day Mary & I need something to judge, it's not about melted ice cream but about what's presented to US… #bingate — Paul Hollywood (@PaulHollywood) August 27, 2014. Guys no hard feelings now. Diana is a top lady and all us tent bakers are greats pals. Can't wait to tune into the rest of the series. — iain watters (@iain_watters) August 28, 2014. But the worst part of the controversy is that Luis’ awesomeness was completely forgotten. Watch the clips for yourself and tell us what you think of the controversy? Paul Hollywood of 'Great British Bake Off' divorces following adultery. Paul Hollywood was recently granted a quickie divorce from his estranged wife Alexandra on grounds of adultery today - as his new girlfriend rubbed salt in the wound. “The Great British Bake Off” star, 53, split from Alex, 55, in 2017 after calling it quits with their 20-year marriage. Neither Paul nor Alex attended the 10-second divorce hearing, but his new partner Summer Monteys-Fullam sent a message of her own as she wore a top emblazoned with the word “Hollywood.” The judge held that the television star committed adultery, in divorce papers released today. Paul Hollywood (L) and Alexandra Hollywood attend the National Television Awards at 02 Arena on January 21, 2015 in London, England. (Photo by Dave J Hogan/Getty Images) The couple first separated in 2013 after Paul admitted to having an affair with his co-star Marcela Valladolid on the American series of “Bake Off.” The husband and wife reconciled a few months later and at the time he described the affair as "the biggest mistake of my life" in an interview with BBC Radio 5 live. Hollywood, 53, who is dating 24-year-old barmaid Summer Monteys-Fullam, faces a $6.2 million payout to his former spouse after their acrimonious split in 2017. Last August, we revealed Alex had filed for divorce on the grounds of adultery. But Hollywood and Monteys-Fullam insist their relationship began after the marriage ended. Alex broke her silence for the first time in January, admitting her hubby’s cheating left her devastated. "No one should underestimate how separation and divorce can hit you,” she told Prima magazine. "I compare it to a moment where you're driving along the motorway and then the next moment, something beyond your control happens and you're driving in a completely different direction.” "You have to give yourself time to get your head round it,” she described. District Judge Robert Duddridge confirmed the hearing lasted 10 seconds at the Central Family Court in London. He granted the speedy divorce - a decree nisi - and now a divorce petitioner has to wait six weeks and a day to apply for a decree absolute, the final dissolution of the marriage. Earlier this month, Judge Martin O'Dwyer was told a week-long trial will begin on July 22 to resolve financial remedy proceedings, which means to settle their dispute in court. However, Hollywood’ legal team confirmed yesterday the trial will no longer go ahead after the couple came to an agreement with the court's approval. This divorce comes after the celebrity chef spent thousands on his girlfriend for her 24th birthday, showering her in gifts at the Chester horse races by paying for a $375-a-head private box. Monteys-Fullam enjoyed $100-a-pop Laurent-Perrier champagne. She also drank Pimms and downed some shots given to her by pals at the event. Hollywood also bought his new flame an $11,250 hot tub for her birthday, plus an $11,250 ring and a $1,250 Rottweiler pup earlier this year. Judge O'Dwyer previously imposed reporting restrictions preventing the publishing of information related to the former couple's finances, but not on any information which was "legitimately in the public domain". Adam Wolanski QC, Paul's lawyer, expressed concerned over newspaper reports containing financial information. What happened between Paul Hollywood and Candice Brown? Paul Hollywood and his wife Alex’s split comes just three weeks after he was forced to downplay rumours he got amorous with Bake Off winner Candice Brown at a showbiz party. The pair announced they were divorcing after 20 years of marriage in a joint statement released on Monday. It read: ‘It is with sadness that we have decided to separate. ‘Our focus continues to be the happiness of our son, and we would ask the press and public to allow us privacy as a family during this very difficult time.’ But fresh rumours have claimed that Alex couldn’t take Paul’s alleged ‘wandering eye’ and the couple have apparently struggled to get things back on track since Paul’s 2013 affair with his US TV co-star Marcella Valladolid. An insider told The Sun: ‘The truth is they’ve worked really hard to salvage their relationship but just couldn’t recover from the damage that had been done. ‘The more famous Paul has become, the more attention he has been getting, and that has put huge strain on the marriage.’ It was the Pride Of Britain Awards on Monday November 30 and rumours surrounding the pair’s relationship spread like wildfire when some questionable pictures emerged from the after party. The snaps appeared to show Paul grabbing the back of Candice’s head to pull her in for what looked like a kiss on the lips, with other pictures showing Candice fondling Paul’s ear. There were also plenty of lingering looks between them. What’s more, the pap shots, taken outside the Grosvenor House hotel in London, came just one day after Candice announced her engagement to her boyfriend Liam Macaulay.

Soooooooooo he really truly asked and I said yes ❤ — Candice Brown (@CandiceBrown) October 29, 2017. However, both parties vehemently denied anything untoward had been going on – TV star Stacey Solomon even jumped to their defence on social media too. Paul dismissed the claims as ‘incredible’, while Candice tweeted: ‘No kisses or hugs hello or goodbye from now on- handshakes or waves only!’ (2/2) No kisses or hugs hello or goodbye from now on- handshakes or waves only! — Candice Brown (@CandiceBrown) November 5, 2017. ?? whatttt you got a goodbye peck too? Remember handshakes and waves from now! Lovely to see you beautiful lady x — Candice Brown (@CandiceBrown) November 5, 2017. And Stacey took to Twitter insisting he had been with them the whole time, too. Candice won the 2016 series of The Great British Bake Off, which was the final series to air on BBC One. Paul and Alex married in 1998. They have a son, Josh, together. They previously separated in 2013 after Hollywood admitted to having an affair with Marcella Valladolid, who was his co-host on the short-lived US version of Bake Off. The couple eventually reconciled, with the baker later describing the incident as ‘the biggest mistake of my life’. Speaking in 2015, he said: We went through a very difficult time but we’re on top right now … There was no let-up but now I feel we’re in a very good place. I think this is the happiest we’ve ever been. Our love of food is the key to it all. ‘We love going out and have done that a lot this year. We’re away for Valentine’s Day. That was my idea. I can be a romantic. The way to every woman’s heart is through her stomach. Food is at the core of everything.’ Alex, meanwhile added: ‘You’ve just got to get on with life, haven’t you? I’m an eternal optimist, he’s an optimist. We’re having a good time. ‘The most romantic thing he did was bake chocolate croissants on a Sunday morning. That was a lovely thing to do.’