Information on exhibitions by VDW

June 2005 Pinpointing New stimuli expected for Your right to the right data There are plenty of trade industrial production fairs around. For exhibitors and visitors alike, choosing between them is no easy EMO Hannover 2005 scores on internationality and innovation task. If the organisers’ reports are to be believed, No other trade fair for manu- es on a net exhibition area of per cent from America. then they are all successful. facturing technologies can over 160,000 square metres. Accordingly the exhibitors too bring to bear so effectively The exhibition will be concen- get their money’s worth. Orientation is available in the two merits of EMO trating on milling machines, the form of FKM analyses. Hannover: its internationality machining centres, precision The internationality of the These contain basic informa- and its reputation as an inno- tools, chucks and clamps, and event is regarded equally tion on the size of an event, vation forum. lathes. high by both exhibitors and detailing the scope and structure of the anticipated target groups, and providing visitor analysis data for Names and Products of the Exhibitors at comparison. Exhibitors are 2005 thus given valuable indica- EMO Hannover inside tors for the preparation and (Edition: 4 May 2005) organisation of their own trade fair activities.

The project HiDynMolder that will be pre- The Society for Voluntary “At EMO Hannover 2005, At EMO visitors will encounter visitors. As part of a survey, sented before the innovation forum at EMO Hannover 2005 will open up new dimensions Control of Trade Fair and which will be taking place the complete international four out of five exhibitors and for HSC technologies, for example with a 14 21 high-frequency rotary spindle achieving a Exhibition Statistics (FKM) from to September, we range of manufacturing tech- seven out of ten visitors gave max. speed of 250,000 rpm. examines the organisers’ can again look forward to over nology offers. This high con- this special merit. This means Picture: Rolf Wissner Gesellschaft für exhibitor, exhibition space 2,000 exhibitors from 38 coun- centration of products and that the trade fair is acknowl- Präzisionstechnik mbH, Göttingen and visitor figures on the tries. All nations without services attracts hordes of edged to a great degree as a basis of uniform standards. exception are represented that international trade visitors unique forum for meeting play a role in the international from all over the world to exhibitors and visitors from market. EMO Hannover will “FKM audited” is thus a seal production of machine tools,” Hanover, the last time all over the world and to link be presenting to countless of quality, as it certifies the announced Dr. Detlev Elsing- 200,000 visitors from 64 up to and maintain networks. visitors from all over the reliability of the published horst, General Commissioner countries. 13 per cent of cus- world many new ideas for figures. It is therefore all the of EMO Hannover 2005. The tomers from abroad arrived EMO Hannover positions modernising and optimising more surprising that, in companies will be presenting from Asia, eight per cent itself as an innovation forum their production. Germany at least, by no their new products and servic- from Eastern Europe, and six means all events bear the Not only internationality, also Every EMO over the past FKM seal. This is a customer the innovation character of 30 years has triggered these service for exhibitors, with- EMO is by far the most sig- stimuli. Most new technolo- out which professional plan- nificant motive for visitors. gies for industrial manufac- ning is difficult to attain. If 90 per cent of trade visitors ture began their triumphant there is a lack of transparen- come primarily to learn about progress at EMO. NC tech- cy in how trade fair organis- new products and develop- nologies, laser applications, ers present the appropriate ments. This figure is even flexible automation and man- data, or in whether they slightly higher for visitors ufacturing concepts, process adhere to quality standards from abroad. integration, new machine in their visitor opinion polls, concepts, and flexible inter- then a healthy degree of Before the background of changeable components, to scepticism is in place. intensive debates on the opti- name just a few examples, all mal industrial sites, particular these were premiered at EMO. For all exhibitors, the quality importance is attached to Not only product innovations, of visitors is the most impor- innovative, efficient produc- also process innovations like tant factor in assessing a tion technologies. In the high- e.g. the more efficient organi- trade fair and in reaching a wage countries investments sation of manufacture or dig- decision on whether or not in equipment concentrate ital planning processes have to participate. As customers, above all on efficiency and been promoting advances in they have a right to reliable flexibility. In the emerging production at machine tool information, and they should industrial nations of Eastern builders and their customers insist on being given it, not Europe, Asia, and Latin for over ten years. only nationally but also, America, quality is the deci- more and more, at the inter- At the focus of talks at EMO are advice and discussion on innovations and solutions to sive factor, and therefore the problems with international buyers. national level. Picture: Jakobsen Grinding Handels GmbH, Uhingen entrance ticket to the world Page 2 June 2005

Supporting programme Research results lay basis for future high tech rounds off EMO as innovation forum “Cutting-edge machine tools for tomorrow’s production” at EMO Hannover 2005 on 15 - 16 September

Also the supporting pro- research is promoted by the New machine tool concepts tion to current developments. gramme at EMO Hannover BMBF, the German Federal will not only accelerate, By integrating this in EMO we 2005 is completely aligned Ministry for Education and enhance, and cut the costs for expect an advertising effect for towards innovation. Of course Research, as part of its project machining increasingly com- high tech “Made in Germany”. the various events (cf. also the “Research for tomorrow’s pro- plex components. The use of When great interest in this following reports) deal first duction” supervised by the new technologies, process market becomes evident here, and foremost with new tech- PFT, the sponsor’s Production integration, and machine this will encourage the pro- nologies for tomorrow’s pro- and Manufacturing reconfigurability will engen- ject’s partners to redouble duction. Yet the discussion Technologies Division. der a production “different” their efforts towards develop- will also be turning to the from today’s – and therefore ing marketable products. future conditions of manufac- What priorities are set by the address new customer ture, including the opportuni- promotion of “Cutting-edge requirements, for example What target groups are you ties and risks of various sce- machine tools for tomorrow’s consideration to machine addressing? narios and promising corpo- production”? costs over the whole lifecycle “Without research for production there will rate strategies. And the focus be no high-tech products. That is why the or new business models up to These are first and foremost BMBF is promoting production research.” will be placed on new fields Dr.-Ing. Ingward Bey, head of the PTKA Machine tools are of crucial machine leasing. the groups responsible for (Karlsruhe Project Research Centre), coordina- of application for established tor of production research for the BMBF, the importance for competitive production on the metalwork- technologies. Hence every- German Federal Ministry for Education and production. The priorities of How can the results of the ing sectors, e.g. the automo- body will find what they are Research the twelve projects now run- project be reliably transferred tive industries and their parts looking for, both the decision ning in the said programme’s to marketable products? suppliers, tool and mould con- makers at companies repre- Dr. Bey, what part does competition “New machine struction, etc., as users of senting anyway the majority research play in German pro- tools for tomorrow’s produc- The promotional model for machine tools. However, the of EMO visitors and the devel- duction? tion” include innovative tech- these multidisciplinary proj- event is also of interest to the opers and designers on the nologies, process integration, ects ensures a high level of developers and manufactur- user and provider sides. Next to education, research is new concepts for sustainable practical orientation alone ers of machines, tools, and the most important long-term production, and virtual through the cooperation with accessories. You can receive A sector like the manufactur- investment for Germany’s machine tools as key develop- companies and research an insight into the goals pur- ing technologies that achieves future. Without research, and ment tools. Other important establishments. User demand sued by competitors, compo- maximum technical perform- this applies to all companies themes concern the quality, is a key criterion in the selec- nent suppliers, and research ance every day can position operating worldwide, there dynamics, and availability of tion of projects for promotion. institutes. itself today and permanently will be no success on the mar- machines and plants, the inte- In most cases, also potential at the top of the tough inter- kets of the future. Also affect- gration of machine peripher- users are integrated in the What can visitors to the national competitive arena ed are national economies, als, and information, commu- projects as a safeguard for symposium take home for only with superior qualified particularly in Germany. nication, and controller tech- the findings’ marketability. themselves? personnel. For this reason, Without research for produc- nologies. And finally companies are also the next generation will tion there will be no high- greatly interested in market- Participants are given valu- again be enjoying a special tech products “Made in What innovations can be ing new products to replenish able information on the inno- status at EMO Hannover Germany” for the world mar- derived from this main theme over the medium term the vations that machine tools 2005. ket. That is why production for Germany’s industrial pro- resources they have invested. will be offering in future. This duction? gives rise to ideas for imple- What goal are you pursuing menting these new possibili- with the symposium “Cutting- ties in their own product edge machine tools for tomor- development. Moreover, the row’s production” at EMO forum provides a good oppor- EMO Hannover 2005 – international inno- Hannover 2005 on 15 - 16 tunity for establishing new September? contacts with researchers and vation forum for manufacturing technology developers working at In the first instance we want machine tool and component For 30 years now, EMO has international manufacturing It has therefore set itself the to use the symposium to manufacturers and the insti- been the place for companies technology experts from task of specially highlighting direct potential users’ atten- tutes. from across the globe to pres- both science and industry. new product and process ent their innovations. That is The EMO has thus become developments. A major focus why, from one exhibition to firmly established as an at EMO Hannover 2005 will the next, they attract an innovation forum for manu- thus be on three special inno- At a glance increasingly large body of facturing technology. vation events. Symposium: 15 – 16 September 2005 · NC machining · First punch-laser · Automation / · Laser caving · PC-CNC Cutting-edge machine tools for tomorrow’s production centre combination flexible processing · Laser integration in · Dry machining / · Controlling with in Europe · Robots in manufacturing metal cutting Minimum lubrication and coolant cassette memory · Track control with processes · NC systems in grinding · CNC lathes 15 September 2005, start: 9:00 am with registration program memory · Flexible manufacturing cells machines gain acceptance · PKM and screen for complete machining · Complete machining of · HSC breakthrough Topics: - The future of the machine tool turned parts in the one chuck · Direct linear drives - Micro and precision machining · HSC · First sheet metal · Flexible handling systems machining centre · Flexible automation 16 September 2005, start: 9:30 am with double tool · Plasma/laser technology · Modularisation holder in sheet metal machining · Complete machining Topics: - Simulation and optimisation · First machining · Single drives in all NC axes · Laser-assisted hot cutting centre with · Increasing use of NC in · Tele-service · Open-loop control · Process integration - Modularisation encapsulated forming technology · Interactive systems / digital interfaces · Dry machining - Automation working space programming · HPC Costs - 95 euros for one day’s attendance, NC technologies - 150 euros for both days Centre technologies Laser applications Flexible automation / flexible machining concepts Venue Hanover Exhibition Grounds Complete machining Extensive process integration Convention Center, room 3A + 3B HSC Vertical turning Online registration at: Parallel kinematics Further information: Linear motors · dry machining Dr. Timo Würz VDW, Research and Technology Phone +49 69 756081-17 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 E-mail [email protected] June 2005 Page 3

MANTYS Conference offers useful tools for product development strategies “Machine tools: impact of the latest technologies and innovative business practices”, 19 September at EMO Hannover 2005

is coordinated by CECIMO, the What is the programme of the detail the technological to the future, by providing European Association of MANTYS Conference “Machine roadmaps for the three “core views of what the next five to Machine Tool Makers, and is tools: impact of the latest characteristics” of future ten years should be made of, financed by the European technologies and innovative machine tools: the productivi- in terms of machine tool Commission Fifth Framework business practices” on ty, the capacity to operate in a products and machine tool Programme. Researchers and 19 September 2005? distributed manner over dif- usage. Together with the industrialists regularly ex- ferent plants, and the combi- innovation conference organ- change their views and results The conference will present nation of reliability, intelligence ised by the Federal Ministry in technological and socio-eco- four topics from the point of and precision. These roadmaps of Education and Research nomic fields related to manu- view of machine tool cus- will describe the various tech- and the VDW, the MANTYS facturing. These meetings are tomers and builders: nologies related to each “core Conference will give a clearer hosted by manufacturing com- characteristic”, as well as the view of what collaborative panies, such as Caterpillar, 1. Observable trends in metal- corresponding strategies and research projects can do for Airbus, DaimlerChrysler, Rolls- working in three key manu- necessary developments for them. Royce or Fiat Avio. facturing sectors: automotive, the next ten years. aerospace and mould & die Now that you convinced all Olivier Chas is Head of Technical Department of CECIMO, the European Committee for the The topics can be very techni- making. After that, representatives of the exhibitors and visitors of Cooperation of the Machine Tool Industries. 10 2005 He organises the MANTYS Conference. cal ones, e.g. the “ -year the aerospace, the automo- EMO Hannover to par- CECIMO represents the interests of the 2. machine tool industries of 15 European coun- roadmap for technologies New and emerging metal- tive and the machinery indus- ticipate in the MANTYS tries, accounting for half of the worldwide enabling distributed manu- working processes, and their tries will look at those topics Conference, can you tell us production of machine tools. EMO Hannover is organised by the VDW under the patron- facturing”, which is part of foreseeable capabilities. from their points of view. how to register? age of CECIMO. the “Machine Tool 2011” study. They can be very socio- For both reviews, existing What can participants expect Mr. Chas, can you tell us more economic as well: in the “New research and laboratory from the MANTYS Conference? about MANTYS, and what a Business Models” group we “network” can do for machine listed the organisational tools? and financial developments that can make models like MANTYS is a pan-European “Pay-per-Part” or “Pay-on- platform that promotes Production” profitable and research and innovation in fair for both the user and the manufacturing technologies, provider of manufacturing focussing on machine tools. It equipment.

At a glance

MANTYS Conference: 19 September 2005 Machine tools: impact of the latest technologies and innovative business practices

Language English

Start 9:00 am with registration

Topics: - Trends and future developments in metalworking in various key industries (automotive, aerospace, mould and die making) Mike Page, Editor-in-chief of Manufacturing Talk (GB) - New metalworking processes and their capabilities Picture: Grob-Werke, Mindelheim Michel Defaux, Editor-in-chief of Journal de la Production (France) - New business models for machine tool results were confronted with Firstly they will get some use- You log on construction the industrial reality, by inter- ful tools for their product! Volker Binger, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, viewing managers of manu- development strategy: the The registration is online, and University of Paderborn (Germany) facturing companies. technology roadmaps. They you will get all the necessary - Machine tools 2011: core characteristics can help them assessing their information, such as the Iñaki San Sebastian, Deputy Managing Director, 3. Then there is the topic strengths and measuring agenda, the description of the Fatronik (Spain) “New Business Models”. For what they should improve to presented topics, etc. If you - Closing discussion with representatives of the this key study a group of gain competitiveness. have any questions, you can aerospace, the automotive and the machinery selected researchers, machine contact us directly at CECIMO. industries tool builders and large cus- Secondly they will meet a tomers defined practical sce- broad community of technol- 1:00 pm: close of the conference and lunch narios to make New Business ogy and socio-economic Models a reality, with a strong experts from all over Europe. Costs 150 euros (for members of CECIMO member emphasis on the necessary Their views will help a associations free of charge) technological innovations and machine tool builder to think financial modelling for suc- “out of the box” when looking Online registration at: cessful risk-sharing with sup- at technology or business Further information: pliers. developments. Olivier Chas CECIMO Phone +32 25027090 And finally topic 4,“Machine The MANTYS Conference will E-mail [email protected] Tools 2011”. This study will help them opening their eyes Page 4 June 2005

1st EMO User Forum Laser Technology* EMO – attractive for business cus- The laser plays an ever- information on current The agenda comprises tomers and their decision-makers increasing role in manufac- applications. This year’s con- twelve technical presenta- turing. The EMO User Forum ference at EMO focuses on tions and a tour and presen- One of the special merits of often noticed that things Laser Technology provides a laser welding and cutting, tations at the Laser the EMO Hannover is its repu- which had perhaps long been technological overview as well as laser processes in Zentrum Hannover. tation as a comprehensive economically prohibitive can combined with detailed the tool and die industry. trend and innovation forum. then quite suddenly become For 90 per cent of its visitors, financially viable propositions. this is the prime motivation for attending the exhibition. Here At a glance are just three representative statements made by active Location Convention Center at the Hanover trade fair premises, room Bonn decision-makers from various industrial branches: Date 15 September 2005, 9:00 am to 5:30 pm (conference), followed by a visit to the Laser Zentrum Hannover Good overview. We will be attending the EMO Hannover Language German 2005 in order to clarify which suppliers might come into Program question before we set about making our investment deci- Lasers in Manufacturing sions, and in order to find out - Lasers in Materials Processing – Which Laser for which Application? what’s new in the various Dr. Peter Wirth, Rofin-Sinar Technologies, Hamburg technology sectors. In my opin- Dr. Joachim Schulz, Production Sector ion, the EMO is the best trade Manager, Aesculap AG & Co. KG, Tuttlingen - System Solutions for Lasers in Manufacturing fair of all if you are on the Dr. Gerhard Hammann, Trumpf Werkzeugmaschinen, Ditzingen lookout for innovations. We The EMO Hannover is a highly will be paying visits both to suitable place to pursue the Laser Applications: Welding, Cutting, Ablation our new and to our existing quest for such innovations. - Innovative System Concepts for Laser Welding in the Power Train suppliers. I look forward to Dr. Andreas Mootz, EMAG Laser Tec, Salach enjoying a good overview of A milestone for our develop- machine builders in the vari- ment targets. The EMO - Cost Reduction by Quality-Controlled Laser Welding ous manufacturing technology Hannover is interesting for us Peter Gördes, Precitec, Gaggenau segments. from two different perspec- tives. The first is that we, as an - The Combi-Head: Laser Welding and Cutting without Tool Change exhibitor, are able to meet our Dr. Dirk Petring, Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen most important customers there and engage in detailed - Advances in Laser Precision Processing: Cutting Off the Coil, 3D Ablation talks with them. The EMO real- Friedemann Lell, Sauer Lasertech, Kempten ly and truly is an important date for us for presenting our Laser Processes in the Tool and Die Industry new developments, often liter- - Rapid Prototyping for Metal Parts: Direct and Indirect Techniques ally acting as a milestone for Dr. Andreas Gebhardt, CP – Centrum for Prototypenbau, Erkelenz our development targets. It is frequently the case that many - Application Report Laser Forming – New Options for Product Design sales are transacted immedi- Dr. Christoph Over, Inno-Shape, Aachen ately after the EMO.

- Laser Cladding for Repair and Modification of Tools and Dies The second interesting perspec- Dr. Andres Gasser, Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen tive for us is the use our buyers Martin Rick, Manager Manufacturing Tech- nology and Calculation, Liebherr Aerospace make of the EMO to gain an - 200 W Lasers – An alternative to TIG and Plasma Welding Lindenberg GmbH, Friedrichshafen Plant overview of further compo- Christian Frank, DSI Laser-Service, Maulbronn Ideal trend forum. We are regu- nents available for purchase. lar visitors to the EMO Hannover, There really is nowhere else - Laser Hardening of Tool Edges and Tool Radii often we attend with a whole where they can see to that as Reinhard Pötzl, Eifeler Lasertechnik, Ingersheim group of people from the vari- intensively and in such a short ous levels of management. We space of time as at the EMO. - Laser Cleaning of Vulcanising and Plastic Injection Moulds pay regular visits at the EMO to Taken as a whole, the EMO Jörg Jetter, Jet Lasersysteme, Hückelhoven our major suppliers, since the Hannover is the most impor- trade fair offers the ideal set- tant machine tool trade fair in Program and Presentations at the Laser Zentrum Hannover ting for gaining an overview of the world with a more-than- - Laser Welding of High Strength Steel, Tailored Blank and Tailored Tube Welding, Remote Welding both products and services. In average share of trade visitors. - Laser Surface Treatment and Cladding addition, we take a selective - Process Control look around at the “fringes”, so to speak, of our own activities, Participation and Registration examining the wide range of - The registration fee is € 475, for applications before 15th July: € 425. manufacturing technologies - Application Deadline: 7th September 2005. which are on offer there. - The registration fee includes attendance at the conference, conference handout, an entry ticket to EMO, lunch, refreshments during breaks, attendance at the tour and presentations at Laser We are a manufacturer with Zentrum Hannover, snack at the Laser Zentrum, bus transportation to the Laser Zentrum and back. highly intricate machining - Registration: (download of registration form and program). requirements, we utilise an extremely wide range of man- - Further information: LZH Laser Akademie Phone +49 511 277 1729,D-30419 Hannover, ufacturing technologies, and we place high demands on the or: quality of our products. All of Optech Consulting Phone +41 71 667 0990,CH-8274 Tägerwilen, which, of course, makes the EMO the ideal place for us to Helmut Bode, Manager of the joint scout around for trends and Production Machinery Branch Management, *The User Forum Laser Technology is organized by Optech Consulting, in cooperation with LZH Laser Akademie and Laser Zentrum Hannover, Schaeffler Gruppe Industrie, with friendly assistance of NC-Fertigung, Special Tooling, Blech, and EuroLaser. find out what the market cur- Schweinfurt/Herzogenaurach rently has to offer.We have June 2005 Page 5 EMO Hannover 14 - 21.9.2005 Products and Exhibitors

GOZIO TRANSFER, I-Ospitaletto (Bs) OKUMA & HOWA, J-Konan, Aichi JINN FA, RC-Fushing Hsiang, Changhua GRAZIANO TORTONA, I-Tortona (AL) OPS-INGERSOLL, D-Burbach JUNKER, D-Nordrach MACHINING CENTERS, GROB-WERKE, D-Mindelheim PAMA, I-Rovereto (TN) TURNING MACHINES (LATHES) JYOTI, IND-Dist. Rajkot Guajarat FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING GÜDEL, D-Altenstadt PARPAS, I-Cadoneghe (PD) KNUTH, D-Wasbek GÜDEL, CH-Langenthal PCI, F-Saint-Etienne Cedex ACE DESIGNERS, IND-Bangalore KOPP ALZENAU, D-Alzenau A & B MAP, D-Berlin HAAS AUTOMATION, USA-Oxnard CA PEE-WEE, D-Diez ADDISON, GB-Preston, Lancashire KOVOSVIT, CZ-Sezimovo Ústi ALFING, D-Aalen-Wasseralfingen HAMUEL, D-Meeder PEGARD, B-Andenne AFFOLTER, CH-Malleray KRETSCHMER, D-Sulzheim ALMAC, CH-La Chaux-de-Fonds HANCHUAN, VRC-Shaanxi Province PEISELER, D-Remscheid ALEX-TECH, RC-Taichung Hsien KUMMER, CH-Tramelan ALZMETALL, D-Altenmarkt/Alz HANDTMANN, D-Baienfurt PFIFFNER, CH-Thalwil ARLA, D-Wipperfürth LANXI LIANQIANG, VRC-Lanxi, Zhejiang ANAYAK, E-Deba (Guipuzcoa) HARDINGE USA, USA-Elmira, NY PICCHI, I-Lumezzane S.S. BS ASKAR, IND-Mysore, Karnataka LEADWELL, RC-Taichung City ANGER, A-Traun HEDELIUS, D-Meppen PINNACLE, RC-Taichung Hsien A.V.M. ANGELINI, I-Induno Olona (VA) LEALDE, E-Ispaster (Bizkaia) ARES, RC-Dali City, Taichung HELLER, D-Nürtingen PITTLER T&S, D-Langen AXA, D-Schöppingen LEISTRITZ, D-Nürnberg ARIX, RC-Yung Kang City HEMTECH, NL-Valkenswaard PORTA, I-Cogozzo Villa Carcina/BS BAOJI, VRC-Xian City, Shaanxi LNS, CH-Orvin AUERBACH, D-Ellefeld/Sachsen HERMLE, D-Gosheim PRIMACON, D-Peissenberg BAROSZ GWIMET, PL-Wodzislaw Slaski LOKESH, IND-Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh AVIA, D-Witten HESSAPP, D-Taunusstein PRO RICHYOUNG, RC-Taichung BATLIBOI, IND-Mumbai LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) AWEA, RC-Hsinpu Town HEYLIGENSTAEDT, D-Gießen QUASER, RC-Taichung Hsien BENIGN, RC-Taichung MAGDEBURG WERKZEUGMASCHINEN, AXA, D-Schöppingen HOFMANN MESS- UND AUSWUCHT- REICHENBACHER HAMUEL, BENZINGER, D- D-Magdeburg BATLIBOI, IND-Mumbai TECHNIK, D-Pfungstadt D-Dörfles-Esbach BIGLIA, I-Incisa Scapaccino (AT) MAIER, D-Wehingen BAZUS, E-Fonz (Huesca) HONSBERG, D-Remscheid REIDEN TECHNIK, CH-Reiden BOEHRINGER, D-Göppingen MANURHIN K’MX, F-Mulhouse Cedex BELOTTI ITALIEN, I-Suisio (BG) HORKOS, J-Hiroshima RIELLO MACCHINE, I-Minerbe (VR) BOEHRINGER MASCHINEN, D-Stuttgart MATEC, D-Köngen BENIGN, RC-Taichung HTT, CH-Biel Bienne RILE, D-Deggendorf BOST, E-Asteasu (Gipuzkoa) MATECH, RC-Taichung City BENZINGER, D-Unterreichenbach HÜLLER HILLE, D-Mosbach ROKU-ROKU,J-Tokyo BRETON, I-Castello di Godego (TV) MAUS, I-Campodarsego (PD) BHARAT, IND-Bangalore HURCO, USA-Indianapolis, IND ROMI, BR-Santa Barbara d’Oeste BREUNING, D-Steinenbronn M.C.M. MADAR, I-Levane/Bucine (AR) BOEHRINGER, D-Göppingen HURON GRAFFENSTADEN, ROTTLER, D-Mudersbach BRINKMANN, D-Detmold METOSA, E-Castejon d.Puente/Huesca BOEHRINGER MASCHINEN, D-Stuttgart F-Illkirch Grafenstaden RSA BÜRSTEN-TECHNIK, D-Lüdenscheid BUFFALO, RC-Ta-Ya, Taichung County MILLTRONICS, USA-Waconia, MN BRETON, I-Castello di Godego (TV) HWACHEON, ROK-Seoul RSA CUTTING & DEBURRING SYSTEMS, BUFFOLI TRANSFER, I-Brescia (BS) MIYANO, J-Nagano-Ken BRIDGEPORT, GB-Exeter HYUNDAI-KIA MACHINE, ROK-Seoul GB-Telford, Shropshire BUMOTEC, CH-Sales MONFORTS, D-Mönchengladbach BROTHER, J-Nagoya IBARMIA, E-Azkoitia (Gipuzkoa) RSA ENTGRAT- U. TRENNSYSTEME, CAMPRO, RC-Taichung MONNIER + ZAHNER, CH-Safnern BUFFALO, RC-Ta-Ya, Taichung County IMAS TRANSFER, I-Mariano Comense (CO) D-Lüdenscheid CAORLE, I-Marano-Vicentino (VI) MORI SEIKI, J-Nara BUFFOLI TRANSFER, I-Brescia (BS) I-MES, D-Eiterfeld RSA SYSTÈMES EBAVURAGE, CARNAGHI, MARIO, I-Olgiate Olona (VA) MURATA, J-Kyoto BUMOTEC, CH-Sales IMT INTERMATO, I-Crosio Della Valle (VA) F-Sarreguemines Cedex CARNAGHI PIETRO, I-Villa Cortese (Mi) NAGEL, D-Bestwig BURKHARDT + WEBER, D-Reutlingen INNSE BERARDI, I-Brescia (BS) SAFOP, I-Porcia (PN) CETOS, CZ-Plzen NAKAMURA, J-Ishikawa CABE, I-Borgo San Siro (PV) IXION, D-Hamburg SAMAG, D-Saalfeld CHINA NATIONAL MACHINE TOOL, NANTONG SWALL, VRC-Nantong CAMPRO, RC-Taichung JOBS, I-Piacenza (PC) SAUER ULTRASONIC, D-Stipshausen VRC-Beijing NEXTURN, ROK-Kyungki-do CAORLE, I-Marano-Vicentino (VI) JUARISTI, E-Azkoitia (Gipuzkoa) SCHAUBLIN MACHINES, CH-Bévilard CINCINNATI MACHINE, GB-Birmingham NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT, CARNAGHI, MARIO, I-Olgiate Olona (VA) JYOTI, IND-Dist. Rajkot Guajarat SCHIESS, D-Aschersleben CITIZEN & BOLEY, D-Esslingen D-Chemnitz CARNAGHI PIETRO, I-Villa Cortese (Mi) KAO FONG, RC-Ta-Ya, Taichung SCHUSTER, D-Denklingen CKD, CZ-Blansko NOMURA,J-Tokyo C.B. FERRARI, I-Mornago (VA) KAO MING, RC-Feng Yuan City, Taichung SCHWÄBISCHE WERKZEUGMASCHINEN, CNC-TECHNIK RÜTHEN, D-Rüthen OKUMA, J-Aichi C.D.M. ROVELLA, I-San Mauro Torinese (TO) KEKEISEN, D-Laupheim D-Schramberg Waldmössingen COLCHESTER, GB-West Yorkshire OKUMA & HOWA, J-Konan, Aichi CHIRON, D-Tuttlingen KENT, RC-Taipei SEMA, A-Traunkirchen CUCCHI, PIETRO, I-Bussero (MI) PEE-WEE, D-Diez CHUNG HSIWH, RC-Fengyuan KERN, D-Murnau SHANDONG LUNAN, DABROWSKA, PL-Dabrowa Gornicza PEGARD, B-Andenne CINCINNATI MACHINE, GB-Birmingham KETTERER, D-Bad Dürrheim VRC-Tengzhou Shandong DANOBAT, E-Elgoibar (Gipuzkoa) PERICO BARONI RAIMONDI, I-Legnano (MI) CME, E-Itziar (Guipúzcoa) KITAMURA, J-Toyama Pref SHE HONG, RC-Taichung DECKEL MAHO GILDEMEISTER-SHANGHAI, PFIFFNER, CH-Thalwil C.M.S., I-Zogno (BG) KLOPP, D-Solingen SHENQ FANG YUAN, RC-Taichung VRC-Song Jian Di.Shanghai PINNACLE, RC-Taichung Hsien CNC-TECHNIK RÜTHEN, D-Rüthen KMM, D-Berlin SHW WERKZEUGMASCHINEN, DEGEN, D-Schömberg PITTLER T&S, D-Langen COMAU, I-Grugliasco (TO) KNUTH, D-Wasbek D-Aalen-Wasseralfingen DIRINLER, TR-B. Cigli-Izmir PRO RICHYOUNG, RC-Taichung CORREA, E-Burgos KONDIA, E-Elgoibar (Guipúzcoa) SIGMA, I-Vigevano (PV) DMT-DREHTECHNIK, D-Lörrach PROTEO, I-Villanova (Fo) CROSS HÜLLER, D-Ludwigsburg KOPP ALZENAU, D-Alzenau SODICK, J-Yokohama/Kanagawa DOOSAN, ROK-Chung-Ku, Seoul QUADRA, I-Gambolo’ (PV) CYTEC, D-Jülich KOVOSVIT, CZ-Sezimovo Ústi SPINNER, D-Sauerlach DOOSAN INFRACORE, ROK-Seoul ROMI, BR-Santa Barbara d’Oeste C.2, I-Piacenza (Pc) KUNZMANN, D-Remchingen-Nöttingen STAMA, D-Schlierbach DÖRRIES SCHARMANN TECHNOLOGIE, ROTTLER, D-Mudersbach DABROWSKA, PL-Dabrowa Gornicza KUPA, A-Grambach/Graz STARRAGHECKERT, CH-Rorschacherberg D-Mönchengladbach RSA BÜRSTEN-TECHNIK, D-Lüdenscheid DAH LIH, RC-Taichung Hsien LANG HÜTTENBERG, D-Hüttenberg STARRAGHECKERT, D-Chemnitz DUFIEUX INDUSTRIE, F-Echirolles RSA CUTTING & DEBURRING SYSTEMS, DECKEL MAHO GERETSRIED, D-Geretsried LANXI LIANQIANG, VRC-Lanxi, Zhejiang STERLITAMAK, RUS-Sterlitamak DUGARD, GB-Hove, W-Sussex GB-Telford, Shropshire DECKEL MAHO GILDEMEISTER-SHANGHAI, LAPMASTER, GB-Devon STROJTOS, CZ-Lipnik nad Becvou ECOCA INDUSTRIAL, RC-Taichung RSA ENTGRAT- U. TRENNSYSTEME, VRC-Song Jian Di.Shanghai LAZZATI, I-Rescaldina (MI) STYLE, NL-Bunschoten EMAG, D-Salach D-Lüdenscheid DECKEL MAHO PFRONTEN, D-Pfronten LEADERWAY MACHINERY, RC-Taichung TACCHI, I-Castano Primo (MI) EMCO MAIER, A-Hallein RSA SYSTÈMES EBAVURAGE, DECKEL MAHO SEEBACH, D-Seebach LEADWELL, RC-Taichung City TAJMAC-ZPS, CZ-Zlín-Malenovice ERGOMAT BRASILIEN, BR-São Paulo/SP F-Sarreguemines Cedex DIXIMACHINES, CH-Le Locle LEISTRITZ THOMMEN, CH-Tenniken TAKISAWA, J-Okayama ESCO, CH-Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane RYAZAN MACHINE TOOL, RUS-Ryazan DONAU, D-Ehingen LGB BRICAUD, F-Villeurbanne Cedex Lyon TAKUMI, RC-Taichung EX-CELL-O, D-Eislingen/Fils SAFOP, I-Porcia (PN) DOOSAN, ROK-Chung-Ku, Seoul LICON MT, D-Laupheim TAL, IND-Maharashtra FAIR FRIEND, RC-Taichung City SAPORITI, I-Solbiate Olona VA DOOSAN INFRACORE, ROK-Seoul LIH CHANG, RC-Fong Yuan TAURUS, BR-Gravatai RS FALCON, RC-Chang Hua SCHAUBLIN MACHINES, CH-Bévilard DÖRRIES SCHARMANN TECHNOLOGIE, LINEA, I-Rottofreno PC TECHNICA, CH-Grenchen FAMAR, I-Avigliana (TO) SCHERER FEINBAU, D-Mömbris D-Mönchengladbach LOKESH, IND-Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh THYSSENKRUPP METAL CUTTING, FAMOT, PL-Pleszew SCHIESS, D-Aschersleben DUGARD, GB-Hove, W-Sussex LONG CHANG, RC-Taiping, Taichung D-Mosbach FASTEMS, FIN-Tampere SCHUSTER, D-Denklingen EDEL, D-Pliezhausen MAGDEBURG WERKZEUGMASCHINEN, TONG-TAI, RC-Kaohsiung Hsien FEMCO, RC-Chiayi SCHÜTTE, D-Köln EGW, D-Ehingen-Donau D-Magdeburg TOS KURIM, CZ-Kurim FMS DREHTECHNIK, CH-Schaffhausen SEIGER, D-Lippstadt EIMA, D-Frickenhausen MAKINO, D-Hamburg TOS VARNSDORF, CZ-Varnsdorf GDW, D-Herzogenaurach SEMA, A-Traunkirchen ELHA, D-Hövelhof MANDELLI SISTEMI, I-Piacenza (PC) TOYODA, J-Kariya, Aichi GIANA, I-Magnago (MI) SHANDONG LUNAN, EMAG, D-Salach MATEC, D-Köngen TREVISAN MACCHINE UTENSILI, I-Sovizzo VI GIDDINGS & LEWIS, USA-Fond du Lac, WI VRC-Tengzhou Shandong EMCO FAMUP, I-San Ouirino (PN) MATSUURA, J-Fukui-City TSUGAMI,J-Tokyo GILDEMEISTER, D-Bielefeld SHAOXING, VRC-Shaoxing Zhejiang EMCO MAIER, A-Hallein MAUSER MASCHINENBAU, UNION CHEMNITZ, D-Chemnitz GILDEMEISTER ITALIANA, SINICO, I-Montebello Vicentino(VI) EMISSA, CH-Le Locle D-Oberndorf a. N. UNIOR, SLO-Zrece I-Brembate di Sopra (BG) SIRMU, I-Rivanazzano (PV) EQUIPTOP, RC-Taichung MAXIMART, RC-Taipei UNISIGN, NL-Panningen GIUSEPPE GIANA, I-Magnago (MI) SKODA MACHINE TOOL, CZ-Plzen ETXE-TAR, E-Elgoibar (Guipuzcoa) MCM, I-Vigolzone (PC) UNITECH, D-Chemnitz GOLMATIC, D-Birkenau SMS, D-Albstadt EUMACH, RC-Taichung MECOF, I-Belforte M. To (AL) VHF CAMFACTURE, D-Ammerbuch GOODWAY, RC-Taichung SMT, S-Västeras EVERTZ, D-Solingen MICROTAP, D-Taufkirchen/München VICTOR, RC-Taichung GORATU, E-Elgoibar SOGOTEC, RC-Taichung EX-CELL-O, D-Eislingen/Fils MIDACO, USA-Elk Grove Village, IL VIGEL, I-Borgaro (TO) GRAZIANO TORTONA, I-Tortona (AL) SPINNER, D-Sauerlach FADAL, USA-Chatsworth, CA MIKROMAT, D-Dresden VOGTLAND, D-Plauen GURUTZPE, E-Itziar-Deba STAMA, D-Schlierbach FAIR FRIEND, RC-Taichung City MIKRON AGNO, CH-Lugano WALDRICH COBURG, D-Coburg HAAS AUTOMATION, USA-Oxnard CA STAR MICRONICS, J-Ogasa Shizuoka FALCON, RC-Chang Hua MIKRON NIDAU, CH-Nidau WEINGÄRTNER, A-Kirchham HAGEN & GOEBEL, D-Soest STERLITAMAK, RUS-Sterlitamak FAMAR, I-Avigliana (TO) MILLTRONICS, USA-Waconia, MN WERA WERK, D-Wuppertal HANCHUAN, VRC-Shaanxi Province STOPP, D-Weinheim FAMOT, PL-Pleszew MITSUI SEIKI KOGYO, WFL, A-Linz HANKOOK, ROK-Kyungnam STYLE, NL-Bunschoten FAMU, I-Campodarsego (PD) J-Tokyo, Shinagawa-ku WILLEMIN - MACODEL, CH-Bassecourt HANWHA, ROK-Changwon-City TACCHI, I-Castano Primo (MI) FASTEMS, FIN-Tampere MODLER, D-Aschaffenburg WIRTH ET GRUFFAT, F-Pringy HARDINGE USA, USA-Elmira, NY TAIWAN TAKISAWA, RC-Pingchen City FEHLMANN, CH-Seon MONFORTS, D-Mönchengladbach WISSNER, D-Göttingen HARRISON, GB-West Yorkshire TAJMAC-ZPS, CZ-Zlín-Malenovice FELSOMAT, D-Königsbach-Stein MONNIER + ZAHNER, CH-Safnern WITZIG & FRANK, D-Offenburg HELLER, D-Nürtingen TAKAMATSU, J-Matto Ishikawa FELSS, D-Königsbach-Stein MOORE, USA-Bridgeport, CT WOHLENBERG, D-Hannover HEMBRUG, NL-Haarlem TAKISAWA, J-Okayama FERTIGUNGSTECHNIK WEISSENFELS, MORI SEIKI, J-Nara WYSSBROD, CH-Biel HESSAPP, D-Taunusstein TBT, D-Dettingen D-Weissenfels MÖSSNER, D-Eschach YAMAZAKI MAZAK, J-Aichi Pref HEYLIGENSTAEDT, D-Gießen THYSSENKRUPP METAL CUTTING, FICEP, I-Gazzada Schianno (VA) MTE, E-Zestoa (Guipúzcoa) YANCHENG MACHINE TOOL, HURCO, USA-Indianapolis, IND D-Mosbach FIDIA, I-San Mauro Torinese (TO) MÜGA, D-Villingen-Schwenningen VRC-Yancheng, Jiangsu HWACHEON, ROK-Seoul TITAN, RO-Bukarest FMS DREHTECHNIK, CH-Schaffhausen NANTONG SWALL, VRC-Nantong YASDA, J-Okayama HYUNDAI-KIA MACHINE, ROK-Seoul TONG-TAI, RC-Kaohsiung Hsien FOREST-LINÉ, F-Paris NC-GESELLSCHAFT, D-Ulm YEONG CHIN, RC-Taichung IMOBERDORF, CH-Oensingen TORNOS, CH-Moutier FPT INDUSTRIE, I-S. Maria di Sala (VE) NEU, D-Grünstadt YIDA PRECISION MACHINERY, IMT INTERMATO, I-Crosio Della Valle (VA) TOSHULIN, CZ-Hulin FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IPK, D-Berlin NEWEN, F-La Roche sur Foron RC-Nan-Tou County INDEX, D-Esslingen TRANSCO, D-Füssen GENTIGER, RC-Taichung Hsien NIIGATA, J-Niigata City YIH CHUAN MACHINERY, RC-Taichung INNSE BERARDI, I-Brescia (BS) TRAUB, D-Reichenbach GHIDINI, I-Lumezzane (Bs) NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT, ZHEJIANG KAIDA, VRC-Zhuji Zhejiang IRCO, D-Steinenbronn TSUGAMI,J-Tokyo GLEASON WORKS, USA-Rochester, N.Y. D-Chemnitz I.T.E.C., D-Eschweiler UNAMUNO, E-Placencia GNUTTI TRANSFER, I-Ospitaletto (BS) NISSIN, J-Himeji City, Hyogo Prf. JASHICO, RC-Taichung Hsien UNIOR, SLO-Zrece GOLDEN SUN, RC-Feng-Yuan, Taichung OKK, J-Hyogo JESCO, RC-Taiping/Taichung UNISIGN, NL-Panningen GORATU, E-Elgoibar OKUMA, J-Aichi JIANGSU QIHANG, VRC-Jiang Su UNITECH, D-Chemnitz Page 6 June 2005

VICTOR, RC-Taichung MOLLART, GB-Chessington, Surrey EMISSA, CH-Le Locle TOS VARNSDORF, CZ-Varnsdorf RIELLO MACCHINE, I-Minerbe (VR) WALDRICH COBURG, D-Coburg MOLLART MICRODRILL, D-Hamburg ETXE-TAR, E-Elgoibar (Guipuzcoa) TVB, D-Murnau am Staffelsee ROLLWALZTECHNIK, D-Engen WALDRICH SIEGEN, D-Burbach MÜGA, D-Villingen-Schwenningen EUMACH, RC-Taichung UNION CHEMNITZ, D-Chemnitz RÖLTGEN, D-Solingen WEINGÄRTNER, A-Kirchham NANTONG SWALL, VRC-Nantong EVERTZ, D-Solingen UNISIGN, NL-Panningen SAMAG, D-Saalfeld WEISSER, D-St. Georgen NAXOS-UNION, D-Frankfurt EXERON, D-Fluorn-Winzeln UNITECH, D-Chemnitz SCHUSTER, D-Denklingen WEY YII, RC-Taichung NEU, D-Grünstadt FAMU, I-Campodarsego (PD) VHF CAMFACTURE, D-Ammerbuch SEMA, A-Traunkirchen WFL, A-Linz OCEAN TECHNOLOGIES, FEHLMANN, CH-Seon WALDRICH COBURG, D-Coburg SEMPUCO, D-Greiz WILLEMIN - MACODEL, CH-Bassecourt RC-Wu-Feng Hsiang, Taichung FIDIA, I-San Mauro Torinese (TO) WASSER, D-Troisdorf-Spich SINICO, I-Montebello Vicentino(VI) WIRTH ET GRUFFAT, F-Pringy PAMA, I-Rovereto (TN) FLAIG, D-Königsfeld WEINGÄRTNER, A-Kirchham SOMEX, F-Ensisheim WMH TOOL GROUP, CH-Schwerzenbach PARPAS, I-Cadoneghe (PD) FLEXICAM, D-Eibelstadt WERA WERK, D-Wuppertal STOPP, D-Weinheim WMS SINSHEIM, D-Sinsheim PEDDINGHAUS, D-Gevelsberg FOREST-LINÉ, F-Paris WFL, A-Linz SUHNER, D-Bad Säckingen WOHLENBERG, D-Hannover PEGARD, B-Andenne FPT INDUSTRIE, I-S. Maria di Sala (VE) WILLEMIN - MACODEL, CH-Bassecourt TAL, IND-Maharashtra WOLF, D-Brackenheim PERICO BARONI RAIMONDI, I-Legnano (MI) FRAMAG, A-Frankenburg WISSNER, D-Göttingen TBT, D-Dettingen YAMAZAKI MAZAK, J-Aichi Pref PFIFFNER, CH-Thalwil FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IPK, D-Berlin WMH TOOL GROUP, CH-Schwerzenbach TECHNICA, CH-Grenchen YANCHENG MACHINE TOOL, PIBOMULTI, CH-Le Locle GARBOLI, I-Fondotoce (VB) WOHLENBERG, D-Hannover TONG-TAI, RC-Kaohsiung Hsien VRC-Yancheng, Jiangsu PLEIGER, D-Sprockhövel GIDDINGS & LEWIS, USA-Fond du Lac, WI WYSSBROD, CH-Biel TOP-EASTERN, VRC-Dalian YEONG CHIN, RC-Taichung PRIMACON, D-Peissenberg GLOBE TRADE, I-Turbigo (Mi) YANCHENG MACHINE TOOL, TOS KURIM, CZ-Kurim YIDA PRECISION MACHINERY, PRO RICHYOUNG, RC-Taichung GOLMATIC, D-Birkenau VRC-Yancheng, Jiangsu TREVISAN MACCHINE UTENSILI, I-Sovizzo VI RC-Nan-Tou County ROTTLER, D-Mudersbach GORATU, E-Elgoibar YEA-CHING, RC-Hsin Chuang Taipei UMBRA CUSCINETTI, I-Foligno PG YUHUAN KANMEN, VRC-Yuhuan RUKO, D-Holzgerlingen GRAVOSTAR, CH-Zuzwil YIH CHUAN MACHINERY, RC-Taichung UNIMEX-FORMDRILL, B-Beringen ZHEJIANG KAIDA, VRC-Zhuji Zhejiang SAFOP, I-Porcia (PN) HAMUEL, D-Meeder ZAYER, E-Vitoria (Alava) UNIOR, SLO-Zrece ZMM-BULGARIA, BG-Sofia SAHINLER, TR-Bursa HANDTMANN, D-Baienfurt ZHEJIANG KAIDA, VRC-Zhuji Zhejiang VIGEL, I-Borgaro (TO) SAPORITI, I-Solbiate Olona VA HELLER, D-Nürtingen ZIMMERMANN, F., D-Denkendorf VOGTLAND, D-Plauen SARIX, CH-Losone HEMTECH, NL-Valkenswaard WAFIOS, D-Reutlingen SAUER ULTRASONIC, D-Stipshausen HERMLE, D-Gosheim WASSER, D-Troisdorf-Spich DRILLING MACHINES, SCHIESS, D-Aschersleben HEYLIGENSTAEDT, D-Gießen WINEMA, D-Bisingen BORING MACHINES SEMA, A-Traunkirchen HÖFLER, D-Ettlingen TRANSFER MACHINES AND WIRTH ET GRUFFAT, F-Pringy SERRMAC, I-Budoia (PN) HURON GRAFFENSTADEN, UNIT HEADS WITZIG & FRANK, D-Offenburg AFFOLTER, CH-Malleray SHANDONG LUNAN, F-Illkirch Grafenstaden WOLF, D-Brackenheim AIR TURBINE, USA-Boca Raton, FL VRC-Tengzhou Shandong HYUNDAI-KIA MACHINE, ROK-Seoul ADIGE SALA, I-Levico Terme (Tn) ALESAMONTI, I-Barasso (VA) SHANGHAI HAIXIN MACHINE, IMATEC, CH-Lyss ADIGESYSTEMS, I-Novaledo (TN) ALMAC, CH-La Chaux-de-Fonds VRC-Shanghai I-MES, D-Eiterfeld AGME, E-Eibar (Guipuzcoa) ALZMETALL, D-Altenmarkt/Alz SIRMU, I-Rivanazzano (PV) IMOBERDORF, CH-Oensingen AKT, TR-Tuzla/Istanbul GRINDING MACHINES APOLLO, I-Roteglia/Castellarano RE SKODA MACHINE TOOL, CZ-Plzen INNSE BERARDI, I-Brescia (BS) ALFING, D-Aalen-Wasseralfingen AWEA, RC-Hsinpu Town SOMEX, F-Ensisheim JOBS, I-Piacenza (PC) ALMAC, CH-La Chaux-de-Fonds ABA Z&B, D-Aschaffenburg AXA, D-Schöppingen SORALUCE, E-Bergara (Gipuzkoa) JUARISTI, E-Azkoitia (Gipuzkoa) ALZMETALL, D-Altenmarkt/Alz ABA Z&B, D-Reutlingen BAOJI, VRC-Xian City, Shaanxi STAMA, D-Schlierbach KEKEISEN, D-Laupheim ANGER, A-Traun ACUMAC, IND-Bangalore BATLIBOI, IND-Mumbai STERLITAMAK, RUS-Sterlitamak KERN, D-Murnau ARLA, D-Wipperfürth AGATHON, CH-Solothurn BAZUS, E-Fonz (Huesca) TACCHI, I-Castano Primo (MI) KESEL, D-Kempten AXA, D-Schöppingen AIR TURBINE, USA-Boca Raton, FL BEHRINGER, D-Kirchardt TAI - I, RC-Tainan Hsien KIHEUNG, ROK-Taejeon BEMA, I-Luisago (CO) ALME-GERIMA, D-St. Wendel BENIGN, RC-Taichung TAKISAWA, J-Okayama KLOPP, D-Solingen BHARAT, IND-Bangalore AM TECHNOLOGY, BOST, E-Asteasu (Gipuzkoa) TAL, IND-Maharashtra KONDIA, E-Elgoibar (Guipúzcoa) BLM, I-Cantù (CO) ROK-Ansan City, Kyunggi-Do BUFFALO, RC-Ta-Ya, Taichung County TAURUS, BR-Gravatai RS KUNZMANN, D-Remchingen-Nöttingen BOEHRINGER MASCHINEN, D-Stuttgart ANCA, AUS-Bayswater North CHINA NATIONAL MACHINE TOOL, TBT, D-Dettingen LANG HÜTTENBERG, D-Hüttenberg BOTTELLI, I-Menzago di Sumirago (VA) BAOJI, VRC-Xian City, Shaanxi VRC-Beijing TEZMAKSAN, TR-Bayrampasa - Istanbul LANXI LIANQIANG, VRC-Lanxi, Zhejiang BUFFOLI TRANSFER, I-Brescia (BS) BEMA, D-Keltern - Ellmendingen CHIRON, D-Tuttlingen TITAN, RO-Bukarest LAZZATI, I-Rescaldina (MI) BUMOTEC, CH-Sales BENIGN, RC-Taichung CINCINNATI MACHINE, GB-Birmingham TONG-TAI, RC-Kaohsiung Hsien LINSINGER, A-Steyrermühl BURKHARDT + WEBER, D-Reutlingen BERGAMINI, I-Mirandola (MO) C.M.A., E-Alzira-Valencia TOS KURIM, CZ-Kurim LOXIN, E-Pamplona (Navarra) CARNAGHI PIETRO, I-Villa Cortese (Mi) BLOHM, D-Hamburg CME, E-Itziar (Guipúzcoa) TOS VARNSDORF, CZ-Varnsdorf LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) CINCINNATI MACHINE, GB-Birmingham BOEHRINGER MASCHINEN, D-Stuttgart CNC-TECHNIK RÜTHEN, D-Rüthen UNIMEX-FORMDRILL, B-Beringen MACHINERY SCANDINAVIA, S-Rosenfors CNC-TECHNIK RÜTHEN, D-Rüthen BOST, E-Asteasu (Gipuzkoa) COLGAR, I-S. Pietro all’ Olmo (MI) UNION CHEMNITZ, D-Chemnitz MACRO MICRO TECH, RC-Tainan Hsian CRIPPA, I-Arosio (Co) BRIDGEPORT, GB-Exeter DABROWSKA, PL-Dabrowa Gornicza UNIOR, SLO-Zrece MATEC, D-Köngen CROSS HÜLLER, D-Ludwigsburg BSH HOLICE, CZ-Praha - Karlin DAMA, CH-Lömmenschwil UNISIGN, NL-Panningen MAXIMART, RC-Taipei DELAPENA HONING, BUDERUS SCHLEIFTECHNIK, D-Aßlar DEGEN, D-Schömberg VIGEL, I-Borgaro (TO) MECCANODORA, I-Bosconero (TO) GB-Cheltenham, Glouc. BULA, CH-Henniez DIETHEI, D-Bopfingen WASSER, D-Troisdorf-Spich MECOF, I-Belforte M. To (AL) DIATO, D-Ostfildern CARNAGHI PIETRO, I-Villa Cortese (Mi) DIRINLER, TR-B. Cigli-Izmir WFL, A-Linz MFL, A-Steyrermühl ELHA, D-Hövelhof CETOS, CZ-Plzen DIXIMACHINES, CH-Le Locle WMH TOOL GROUP, CH-Schwerzenbach MIDACO, USA-Elk Grove Village, IL EMCO MAIER, A-Hallein CHINA NATIONAL MACHINE TOOL, DONAU, D-Ehingen WOHLENBERG, D-Hannover MIKROMAT, D-Dresden EMISSA, CH-Le Locle VRC-Beijing DOOSAN, ROK-Chung-Ku, Seoul YANCHENG MACHINE TOOL, MIKRON NIDAU, CH-Nidau ERLO, E-Azkoitia CINCINNATI MACHINE, GB-Birmingham DÖRRIES SCHARMANN TECHNOLOGIE, VRC-Yancheng, Jiangsu MILLTRONICS, USA-Waconia, MN ETXE-TAR, E-Elgoibar (Guipuzcoa) CLEVELAND, D-Löffingen D-Mönchengladbach ZHEJIANG KAIDA, VRC-Zhuji Zhejiang MONNIER + ZAHNER, CH-Safnern EUBAMA, D-Rottweil COMBITEC, CH-Biel/Bienne DUFIEUX INDUSTRIE, F-Echirolles ZMM-BULGARIA, BG-Sofia MOORE, USA-Bridgeport, CT EX-CELL-O, D-Eislingen/Fils DAMA, CH-Lömmenschwil EGW, D-Ehingen-Donau MTE, E-Zestoa (Guipúzcoa) FELSS, D-Königsbach-Stein DANOBAT, E-Elgoibar (Gipuzkoa) EMAG, D-Salach NANTONG SWALL, VRC-Nantong FISCHER, CH-Herzogenbuchsee DECKEL, M., D-Weilheim EMISSA, CH-Le Locle NC-GESELLSCHAFT, D-Ulm FLOWDRILL, NL-Utrecht DEGEN, D-Schömberg EQUIPTOP, RC-Taichung MILLING MACHINES NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT, FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IPT, D-Aachen DELAPENA HONING, ERLO, E-Azkoitia D-Chemnitz GEHRING, D-Ostfildern GB-Cheltenham, Glouc. ETXE-TAR, E-Elgoibar (Guipuzcoa) ABENE, S-Valdemarsvik OKUMA & HOWA, J-Konan, Aichi GHIDINI, I-Lumezzane (Bs) DIATO, D-Ostfildern EVERTZ, D-Solingen AFFOLTER, CH-Malleray O.M.V., I-Caltana d.S.M.di Sala VE GIULIANI, I-Quarto Inferiore (BO) DISKUS, D-Dietzenbach-Steinberg FANUC, J-Yamanashi Prefecture AIR TURBINE, USA-Boca Raton, FL OPS-INGERSOLL, D-Burbach GNUTTI TRANSFER, I-Ospitaletto (BS) DOIMAK, E-Elgoibar (Guipuzcoa) FEHLMANN, CH-Seon ALESAMONTI, I-Barasso (VA) PAMA, I-Rovereto (TN) GOZIO TRANSFER, I-Ospitaletto (Bs) DÖRRIES SCHARMANN TECHNOLOGIE, FEMCO, RC-Chiayi ALMAC, CH-La Chaux-de-Fonds PARPAS, I-Cadoneghe (PD) GROB-WERKE, D-Mindelheim D-Mönchengladbach FICEP, I-Gazzada Schianno (VA) ALME-GERIMA, D-St. Wendel PEDERSEN, DK-Slagelse HAGEN & GOEBEL, D-Soest DREI-S-WERK, D-Schwabach FLOWDRILL, NL-Utrecht ANAYAK, E-Deba (Guipuzcoa) PEISELER, D-Remscheid HAMUEL, D-Meeder EGW, D-Ehingen-Donau FOREST-LINÉ, F-Paris ANGER,A-Traun PFIFFNER, CH-Thalwil HELLER, D-Nürtingen ELB-SCHLIFF, D-Babenhausen FPT INDUSTRIE, I-S. Maria di Sala (VE) ARIX, RC-Yung Kang City PINNACLE, RC-Taichung Hsien HONSBERG, D-Remscheid EQUIPTOP, RC-Taichung GAMOR, E-Asteasu (Guipuzcoa) ASSFALG, D-Schwäbisch Gmünd PRÄWEMA, D-Eschwege HORKOS, J-Hiroshima ESTARTA, E-Elgoibar (Gipuzkoa) GIANA, I-Magnago (MI) AUERBACH, D-Ellefeld/Sachsen PRIMACON, D-Peissenberg IMAS TRANSFER, I-Mariano Comense (CO) EVANS & PRICE, GB-Tamworth, Staffordsh. GIDDINGS & LEWIS, USA-Fond du Lac, WI AXA, D-Schöppingen PRO RICHYOUNG, RC-Taichung IMOBERDORF, CH-Oensingen EVEC, E-Berriz (Bizkaia) GIUSEPPE GIANA, I-Magnago (MI) BAOJI, VRC-Xian City, Shaanxi RAMBAUDI, I-Rivoli (TO) INNSE BERARDI, I-Brescia (BS) EVERTZ, D-Solingen GÜDEL, D-Altenstadt BATLIBOI, IND-Mumbai REICHENBACHER HAMUEL, INTERNATIONAL TOOL MACHINES, EX-CELL-O, D-Eislingen/Fils GÜDEL, CH-Langenthal BELOTTI ITALIEN, I-Suisio (BG) D-Dörfles-Esbach USA-Palm Coast, FL FALCON, RC-Chang Hua HANCHUAN, VRC-Shaanxi Province BEMA, D-Keltern - Ellmendingen REIDEN TECHNIK, CH-Reiden IXION, D-Hamburg FAMAR, I-Avigliana (TO) HARDINGE USA, USA-Elmira, NY BENIGN, RC-Taichung RÖDERS, D-Soltau KAYS, USA-Marshall, MO FAVRETTO, I-Pino Torinese (TO) HEUN, D-Kahl/Main BHARAT, IND-Bangalore ROMI, BR-Santa Barbara d’Oeste KEKEISEN, D-Laupheim FLADDER, DK-Ansager HEYLIGENSTAEDT, D-Gießen BOEHRINGER MASCHINEN, D-Stuttgart ROTTLER, D-Mudersbach KETTERER, D-Bad Dürrheim GARBOLI, I-Fondotoce (VB) HONSBERG, D-Remscheid BRETON, I-Castello di Godego (TV) SACHMAN, I-Reggio Emilia (RE) LEISTRITZ THOMMEN, CH-Tenniken GEHRING, D-Ostfildern HORKOS, J-Hiroshima BRIDGEPORT, GB-Exeter SAFOP, I-Porcia (PN) LICON MT, D-Laupheim GEIBEL & HOTZ, D-Homberg/Ohm HYUNDAI-KIA MACHINE, ROK-Seoul CARNAGHI, MARIO, I-Olgiate Olona (VA) SAPORITI, I-Solbiate Olona VA LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) GERARDI, I-Lonate Pozzolo (VA) IBARMIA, E-Azkoitia (Gipuzkoa) CARNAGHI PIETRO, I-Villa Cortese (Mi) SARIX, CH-Losone MATEC, D-Braunschweig GHIRINGHELLI, I-Luino (VA) IMOBERDORF, CH-Oensingen C.B. FERRARI, I-Mornago (VA) SAUER ULTRASONIC, D-Stipshausen MAUSER MASCHINENBAU, GLEASON-PFAUTER, D-Ludwigsburg INNSE BERARDI, I-Brescia (BS) C.D.M. ROVELLA, I-San Mauro Torinese (TO) SCHIESS, D-Aschersleben D-Oberndorf a. N. G&N, D-Erlangen IXION, D-Hamburg CHINA NATIONAL MACHINE TOOL, SCHLEGEL & VOLK, D-Frankfurt MICROTAP, D-Taufkirchen/München GÖCKEL, D-Darmstadt JUARISTI, E-Azkoitia (Gipuzkoa) VRC-Beijing SCHUSTER, D-Denklingen MIKRON AGNO, CH-Lugano GRINDING TECHNOLOGY, KALTENBACH, D-Lörrach CHIRON, D-Tuttlingen SEMA, A-Traunkirchen MIKRON NIDAU, CH-Nidau CZ-Praha - Karlin KAYS, USA-Marshall, MO CINCINNATI MACHINE, GB-Birmingham SEMPUCO, D-Greiz MONNIER + ZAHNER, CH-Safnern GRINDMASTER, IND-Aurangabad KEKEISEN, D-Laupheim CME, E-Itziar (Guipúzcoa) SHANDONG LUNAN, MÜLLER, HEINRICH, D- HAAS, D-Trossingen KERN, D-Murnau C.M.S., I-Zogno (BG) VRC-Tengzhou Shandong NAGEL, D-Nürtingen HAWEMA, D-Trossingen KIHEUNG, ROK-Taejeon CNC-TECHNIK RÜTHEN, D-Rüthen SHIN NIPPON KOKI,J-Tokyo NEU, D-Grünstadt HENNINGER MASCHINEN, D-Straubenhardt KLOPP, D-Solingen COLGAR, I-S. Pietro all’ Olmo (MI) SHW WERKZEUGMASCHINEN, NEWEN, F-La Roche sur Foron HÖFLER, D-Ettlingen KOVOSVIT, CZ-Sezimovo Ústi COMAU, I-Grugliasco (TO) D-Aalen-Wasseralfingen NSK NAKANISHI, J-Tochigi-ken HOLROYD MACHINE TOOLS, GB-Rochdale LANXI LIANQIANG, VRC-Lanxi, Zhejiang CORREA, E-Burgos SKODA MACHINE TOOL, CZ-Plzen O.M.G. DI MENON GUGLIELMO, HONITECH, I-Cormano (Milano) LAZZATI, I-Rescaldina (MI) DABROWSKA, PL-Dabrowa Gornicza SODICK, J-Yokohama/Kanagawa I-San Zeno die Cassola/VI HTT, CH-Biel Bienne LOCH, D-Ergolding DATRON, D-Mühltal SORALUCE, E-Bergara (Gipuzkoa) PAATZ, D-Viernau ILMETECH, I-Carpi (Mo) LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) DECKEL MAHO GERETSRIED, D-Geretsried STARRAGHECKERT, CH-Rorschacherberg PCI, F-Saint-Etienne Cedex IMATEC, CH-Lyss MACHINERY SCANDINAVIA, S-Rosenfors DECKEL MAHO PFRONTEN, D-Pfronten STARRAGHECKERT, D-Chemnitz PEE-WEE, D-Diez INTERNATIONAL TOOL MACHINES, MATEC, D-Köngen DECKEL MAHO SEEBACH, D-Seebach STERLITAMAK, RUS-Sterlitamak PEISELER, D-Remscheid USA-Palm Coast, FL MAUS, I-Campodarsego (PD) DIXIMACHINES, CH-Le Locle STROJTOS, CZ-Lipnik nad Becvou PFIFFNER, CH-Thalwil JACK MILL, RC-Taipei Hsien MAXION, D-Pößneck DMTG, VRC-Dalian STYLE, NL-Bunschoten PIBOMULTI, CH-Le Locle JAGURA INDUSTRY,RC- MB MASCHINEN, D-Biebergemünd DONAU, D-Ehingen TAL, IND-Maharashtra PICCHI, I-Lumezzane S.S. BS JAINNHER, RC-Taichung MECOF, I-Belforte M. To (AL) DÖRRIES SCHARMANN TECHNOLOGIE, TAURUS, BR-Gravatai RS P.M., I-Salzano (VE) JOEN LIH, RC-Taichung Hsien MICRO ENGINEERING, IND-Chandigarh D-Mönchengladbach TBT, D-Dettingen PORTA, I-Cogozzo Villa Carcina/BS JONES & SHIPMAN, GB-Leicester MICROTAP, D-Taufkirchen/München DUFIEUX INDUSTRIE, F-Echirolles TECHNICA, CH-Grenchen PRECITRAME, CH-Tramelan JUNG, D-Göppingen MIDACO, USA-Elk Grove Village, IL EDEL, D-Pliezhausen THYSSENKRUPP METAL CUTTING, PULIMETAL CITTADINI, I-Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) JUNKER, D-Nordrach MIKROMAT, D-Dresden EMAG, D-Salach D-Mosbach REICHENBACHER HAMUEL, KAPP, D-Coburg MIYANO, J-Nagano-Ken EMCO MAIER, A-Hallein TOS KURIM, CZ-Kurim D-Dörfles-Esbach KARSTENS, D-Salach June 2005 Page 7

KEHREN, D-Hennef/Sieg DAMA, CH-Lömmenschwil EX-CELL-O, D-Eislingen/Fils G&N, D-Erlangen KELLENBERGER, CH-St. Gallen DEHAN, VRC-Qingdao FÄSSLER, CH-Dübendorf GÜVEN, TR-Melikgazi Kayseri KENT, RC-Taipei TOOL GRINDING MACHINES DELAPENA HONING, FELSOMAT, D-Königsbach-Stein HEZEL, D-Epfendorf KIRNER, D-Titisee-Neustadt GB-Cheltenham, Glouc. FELSS, D-Königsbach-Stein HIPP, CZ-Brno KLINGELNBERG, D-Hückeswagen AFFOLTER, CH-Malleray DIACUT, USA-Palmer Lake, CO FRENCO, D-Altdorf IHLE, D-Königsbach-Stein KLINGELNBERG, CH-Zürich AGATHON, CH-Solothurn DIAMETAL, CH-Biel GLEASON WORKS, USA-Rochester, N.Y. ILERI, TR-Nilüfer/Bursa KLOPP, D-Solingen AIR TURBINE, USA-Boca Raton, FL DIATO, D-Ostfildern GLEASON-HURTH, D-München IMAK, TR-Balikesir KNOPP, D-Rohrdorf b. AM TECHNOLOGY, DIBO-TECH, D-Metzingen GLEASON-PFAUTER, D-Ludwigsburg IMAS,TR-Konya KNUTH, D-Wasbek ROK-Ansan City, Kyunggi-Do DRAGAO, P-Pacos de Brandao GRINDMASTER, IND-Aurangabad IMET, I-Cisano Bergamasco (BG) KOPP, D-Neu-Ulm ANCA, AUS-Bayswater North EFFGEN, D-Herrstein GROB, CH-Männedorf I.T.E.C., D-Eschweiler KUMMER, CH-Tramelan ASSFALG, D-Schwäbisch Gmünd EGW, D-Ehingen-Donau HASCON, I-Legnano (Mi) ITL, IND-Indore (M.P.) KW-ABRICHTTECHNIK, D-Mainaschaff AVYAC, F-Veauche EHWA, ROK-Osan-City/Kyungki-Do HOFFMANN APPARATE, D-Lengede JAESPA, D-Spangenberg LACH-DIAMANT, D-Hanau BAOJI, VRC-Xian City, Shaanxi ELBE, D-Bietigheim-Bissingen HÖFLER, D-Ettlingen JIH-I, RC-Taichung LANXI LIANQIANG, VRC-Lanxi, Zhejiang BENIGN, RC-Taichung ELKA, D-Wiedergeltingen HOLROYD MACHINE TOOLS, GB-Rochdale KALTENBACH, D-Lörrach LAPMASTER, GB-Devon BRECHT, D-Eningen u/A EVANS & PRICE, GB-Tamworth, Staffordsh. KAPP, D-Coburg KARMETAL, TR-Adapazari Sakarya LGB BRICAUD, F-Villeurbanne Cedex Lyon BUSINARO, I-S.Giovanni Persiceto(BO) FÄSSLER, CH-Dübendorf KESEL, D-Kempten KENTAI, RC-Wurih, Taichung LIDKÖPING, S-Lidköping CLEVELAND, D-Löffingen FISCHER, CH-Herzogenbuchsee KIRNER, D-Titisee-Neustadt KLAEGER, D-Kernen LIZZINI, I-Brescia (BS) COMBITEC, CH-Biel/Bienne FLADDER, DK-Ansager KLINGELNBERG, D-Hückeswagen KMT, D-Bad Nauheim LODI, I-Castano Primo (MI) CUOGHI AFFILATRICI, I-Modena (MO) FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IST, KLINGELNBERG, CH-Zürich KW-ABRICHTTECHNIK, D-Mainaschaff LÖSER, D-Speyer DAMA, CH-Lömmenschwil D-Braunschweig KMM, D-Berlin LINSINGER, A-Steyrermühl LÖWER, D-Homberg DAREX, USA-Ashland, OR FUCHS EUROPE, D-Mannheim KOEPFER, D-Furtwangen MACO, I-S.Vito di Leguzzano (VI) LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) DECKEL, M., D-Weilheim GARBOLI, I-Fondotoce (VB) LAMBERT, CH-Safnern MEBA, D-Westerheim MÄGERLE, CH-Fehraltorf EGW, D-Ehingen-Donau GEHRING, D-Ostfildern LEISTRITZ, D-Nürnberg MFL, A-Steyrermühl MATRIX, GB-Coventry EKIN, E-Amorebieta (Vizcaya) GERBER, CH-Lyss LEISTRITZ THOMMEN, CH-Tenniken MISSLER, F-Bondoufle Cedex MECCANICA NOVA, I-Zola Predosa (BO) EWAG, CH-Etziken GHIDINI, I-Lumezzane (Bs) LIEBHERR VERZAHNTECHNIK, D-Kempten MÖCK, D-Sonnenbühl MECCANODORA, I-Bosconero (TO) FARMAN MACHINERY, RC-Ta-Ya, Taichung GLEASON-HURTH, D-München MONNIER + ZAHNER, CH-Safnern MONNIER + ZAHNER, CH-Safnern MELCHIORRE, I-Cinisello Balsamo (MI) GERBER, CH-Lyss GMT TOOLS, VRC-Qingdao MÜLLER, HEINRICH, D-Pforzheim MÖSSNER, D-Eschach MEPSA, E-Artes GLEASON WORKS, USA-Rochester, N.Y. GRANIT, H-Budapest NILES, D-Berlin NEU, D-Grünstadt MICRO ENGINEERING, IND-Chandigarh GLEASON-HURTH, D-München GRINDMASTER, IND-Aurangabad ORT ITALIA, I-Trigolo (CR) O.M.P., I-Santorso (VI) MICROCUT, CH-Lengnau BE GÖCKEL, D-Darmstadt HAMEX, S-Linköping OSBORN INTERNATIONAL, S-Huskvarna OPUS BONETTI, I-Castelleone (Cr) MICROMATIC GRINDING TECHNOLOGIES, GÜHRING, D-Albstadt HEMO, CH-Kriens OVERBECK, D-Herborn PEDDINGHAUS, D-Gevelsberg IND-Ghaziabad HAAS, D-Trossingen HENAN, VRC-Henan PEE-WEE, D-Diez PEDRAZZOLI IBP, I-Bassano del Grappa (VI) MICRON, J-Yamagata HAWEMA, D-Trossingen HERMES SCHLEIFMITTEL, D-Hamburg PRÄWEMA, D-Eschwege PETRA, SLO-Ljubljana MIKROSA, D-Leipzig HOLROYD MACHINE TOOLS, GB-Rochdale HOFFMANN QUALITÄTSWERKZEUGE, PROFIROLL, D-Bad Düben PILOUS, CZ-Brno MODLER, D-Aschaffenburg ILMETECH, I-Carpi (Mo) D-München REFORM, D-Fulda PRO RICHYOUNG, RC-Taichung MOORE, USA-Bridgeport, CT IMATEC, CH-Lyss HONGIA, RC-Taipei REISHAUER, CH-Wallisellen PROFIROLL, D-Bad Düben MORI SEIKI, J-Nara INTERNATIONAL TOOL MACHINES, HONITECH, I-Cormano (Milano) ROLLWALZTECHNIK, D-Engen PRVNÍ ZELEZÁRSKÁ, CZ-Kladno MVM, I-Correggio RE USA-Palm Coast, FL ITEXA, I-Guastalla (RE) RÖSLER, D-Bad Staffelstein REICHMANN - REMA, D-Weißenhorn NANTONG SWALL, VRC-Nantong JAGURA INDUSTRY,RC- KADIA, D-Nürtingen SAMPUTENSILI, D-Chemnitz ROHBI, CH-Oftringen NAXOS-UNION, D-Frankfurt JUNKER, D-Nordrach KAPP, D-Coburg SAMPUTENSILI, I-Bologna (BO) ROSENBERGER, D-Apolda NILES, D-Berlin KAINDL REILING, D-Königsbach-Stein KIRNER, D-Titisee-Neustadt SCHÜTTE, D-Köln RSA BÜRSTEN-TECHNIK, D-Lüdenscheid NOMOCO, D-Sundern-Hövel KAYS, USA-Marshall, MO KMM, D-Berlin SEIWA, J-Osaka RSA CUTTING & DEBURRING SYSTEMS, NORMAC, USA-Arden, NC KENTAI, RC-Wurih, Taichung KREBS & RIEDEL, D-Bad Karlshafen SICMAT, I-Pianezza (To) GB-Telford, Shropshire OKAMOTO, J-Yokohama-shi KIRNER, D-Titisee-Neustadt KULLEN, D-Reutlingen SMS, D-Albstadt RSA ENTGRAT- U. TRENNSYSTEME, OKUMA, J-Aichi KLINGELNBERG, D-Hückeswagen KW-ABRICHTTECHNIK, D-Mainaschaff STROJIRNY CELAKOVICE, CZ-Celákovice D-Lüdenscheid OSBORN INTERNATIONAL, S-Huskvarna KLINGELNBERG, CH-Zürich LACH-DIAMANT, D-Hanau TAL, IND-Maharashtra RSA SYSTÈMES EBAVURAGE, OVERBECK, D-Herborn KMM, D-Berlin LAM PLAN, F-Gaillard TECNOCUT, I-Calusco d’Adda (BG) F-Sarreguemines Cedex PALMARY, RC-Taichung KOEPFER, D-Furtwangen LAPMASTER, GB-Devon VMB, D-Babenhausen SABI SIERRAS, E-Azkoitia PARPAS, I-Cadoneghe (PD) LACH-DIAMANT, D-Hanau MELCHIORRE, I-Cinisello Balsamo (MI) WERA WERK, D-Wuppertal SCHUSTER, D-Denklingen PERFECT MACHINE, RC-Taiping LANG HÜTTENBERG, D-Hüttenberg MICRO ABRASIVES, WYSSBROD, CH-Biel SCORTEGAGNA, I-Cogollo del Cengio (VI) PRO RICHYOUNG, RC-Taichung LOROCH, D-Mörlenbach D-Leinfelden-Echterdingen SHANDONG LUNAN, PROFILTEC, D-Wertheim LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) MICRO ENGINEERING, IND-Chandigarh VRC-Tengzhou Shandong PROTH, RC-Taichung MATCHLING TOOLING, RC-Ta-Ya, Taichung MICRO TECHNICA TECHNOLOGIES, SHUZ TUNG, RC-Taichung RABBIT, VRC-Shanghai MICROCUT, CH-Lengnau BE D-Kornwestheim PLANING, SHAPING, SLOTTING AND SIMEC, I-Schio (VI) REFORM, D-Fulda MONNIER + ZAHNER, CH-Safnern MOORE, USA-Bridgeport, CT BROACHING MACHINES SINICO, I-Montebello Vicentino(VI) REICHMANN - REMA, D-Weißenhorn MVM, I-Correggio RE NAGEL, D-Nürtingen STARRETT, GB-Borders, Scotland REINECKER, D-Salach NORMAC, USA-Arden, NC NAXOS-UNION SCHLEIFMITTEL, ARTHUR KLINK BRASIL, STROJÍRNA TYC, CZ-M´yto ROBBI, I-Veronella (VR) OSBORN INTERNATIONAL, S-Huskvarna D-Butzbach BR-Sorocaba-São Paulo TEMELSAN, TR-Bayrampasa Istanbul RÖDERS, D-Soltau PEDDINGHAUS, D-Gevelsberg NIKKEN KOSAKUSHO, J-Osaka-fu BAOJI, VRC-Xian City, Shaanxi TEZMAKSAN, TR-Bayrampasa - Istanbul ROLLOMATIC, CH-Le Landeron PRO RICHYOUNG, RC-Taichung OSBORN INTERNATIONAL, S-Huskvarna BENIGN, RC-Taichung TM JESENICE, CZ-Jesenice u Rakovníka ROSA ERMANDO, I-Rescaldina (MI) PROFILTEC, D-Wertheim PEMAMO HONING, CH-Le Landeron BRIGHETTI, I-Calderara di Reno BO TRENNJAEGER, D-Renchen RÖSLER, D-Bad Staffelstein REFORM, D-Fulda PEMTEC, F-Forbach Cedex CABE, I-Borgo San Siro (PV) ULTRADIAM, F-Roanne ROTTLER, D-Mudersbach REISHAUER, CH-Wallisellen PFS, CH-Stans CARNAGHI, MARIO, I-Olgiate Olona (VA) UZAY, TR-Istanbul ROYAL MASTER GRINDERS, ROLLOMATIC, CH-Le Landeron PLEIGER, D-Sprockhövel EKIN, E-Amorebieta (Vizcaya) WMH TOOL GROUP, CH-Schwerzenbach USA-Oakland, N.J. RÖSLER, D-Bad Staffelstein RAPPOLD WINTERTHUR, D-Reutlingen EVERTZ, D-Solingen YING LIN, RC-Tainan Hsien SAFOP, I-Porcia (PN) RUKO, D-Holzgerlingen REISHAUER, CH-Wallisellen FÄSSLER, CH-Dübendorf ZMM-BULGARIA, BG-Sofia SAID, I-Isola Vicentina (VI) SAACKE, D-Pforzheim RÖSLER, D-Bad Staffelstein FRÖMAG, D-Fröndenberg SAIM, E-Zaragoza SAFEWAY, RC-Wu Chi, Taichung SAID, I-Isola Vicentina (VI) GIERTH, D-Neuenrade SAMPUTENSILI, D-Chemnitz SAIM, E-Zaragoza SAIM, E-Zaragoza HELLER, D-Nürtingen SAMPUTENSILI, I-Bologna (BO) SAMPUTENSILI, D-Chemnitz SAMPUTENSILI, D-Chemnitz HIPAK, TR-Istanbul SAWING BLADES SAPORITI, I-Solbiate Olona VA SAMPUTENSILI, I-Bologna (BO) SAMPUTENSILI, I-Bologna (BO) KLOPP, D-Solingen SAUER ULTRASONIC, D-Stipshausen SCHLEIFRING / KÖRBER, D-Hamburg SASSATELLI, I-Pianoro (Bo) LEISTRITZ, D-Nürnberg AKE KNEBEL, D-Balingen SCHAUDT, D-Stuttgart SCHMIDT, AUGUST HEINR., SAUER ULTRASONIC, D-Stipshausen PERINI, I-Pistoia (Pt) ALESA, CH-Seengen SCHLEIFRING / KÖRBER, D-Hamburg D-Stuttgart-Feuerbach SAV, D-Nürnberg POLIANGOLAR, I-Vernate (Mi) AMADA SÄGETECHNIK, J-Kanagawa SCHMITT, GB-Coventry SCHMITT, GB-Coventry SCHMITT, GB-Coventry SCHUSTER, D-Denklingen AMVDIAM, F-Yssingeaux SEEDTEC, RC-Taichung Hsien SCHNEEBERGER J., CH-Roggwil SHINHAN, ROK-Namdong-Gu, Incheon STENHOJ, DK-Barrit ARNTZ, D-Remscheid SENY, E-Cornella Llobregat (BC) SCHREYER, D-Winkelhaid SIAPI, I-Milano TAL, IND-Maharashtra BAHCO, GB-Bramley, Rotherham SERVAX - LANDERT, CH-Bülach SCHÜTTE, D-Köln SICHUAN MACHINERY, VRC-Sichuan WASSER, D-Troisdorf-Spich BECKETT PLASTICS, GB-Sheffield SHIGIYA, J-Hiroshima SEIWA, J-Osaka SLIP NAXOS, S-Västervik BILTZ, IND-Pune SHINHAN, ROK-Namdong-Gu, Incheon SERVAX - LANDERT, CH-Bülach SPALECK, D-Bocholt BLECHER, D-Remscheid SMP, F-Bron SHIGIYA, J-Hiroshima STÄHLI, D-Schönaich BP-KOREA, ROK-Bucheon, Kyungki-do SMS, D-Albstadt SHINHAN, ROK-Namdong-Gu, Incheon STRAUSS, IL-Raanana SAWING AND CUTTING-OFF MACHINES BROOKE, GB-Rotherham, S. Yorks STÄHLI, D-Schönaich SMP, F-Bron STUBER, D-Murr CERATIZIT, A-Reutte/Tirol STÖCKEL, D-Herborn SMS, D-Albstadt SWATY, SLO-Maribor ADDISON, GB-Preston, Lancashire CHIN MING, RC-Tainan STRESSTECH, D-Höhn SPINNER, D-Sauerlach TAIWAN DIAMOND, ADIGE SALA, I-Levico Terme (Tn) COMAND, I-Credera (CR) STUDER, CH-Thun TALMEC, I-Vignola (MO) RC-Pa-Deh City, Taoyuan Hsien ADIGESYSTEMS, I-Novaledo (TN) DEFEL ITALIA, I-Biassono (MI) SUNNEN, USA-St. Louis, MO TBT, D-Dettingen TCM, A-Stainz AMADA SÄGETECHNIK, J-Kanagawa DOALL EUROPA, NL-Dordrecht SUNNEN, CH-Ennetaach-Erlen TECNO WASINO, J-Komaki City, Aichi TECNO WASINO, J-Komaki City, Aichi ANBAS, I-Castano Primo (MI) DORMER ITALIA, I-Milano SUPERTEC, RC-Taichung TOP WORK, RC-Taichung TESCH, DIAMANT-GESELLSCHAFT, APOLLO, I-Roteglia/Castellarano RE DRESS, D-Ötisheim SUPFINA GRIESHABER, D-Remscheid TSUGAMI,J-Tokyo D-Ludwigsburg BAOJI, VRC-Xian City, Shaanxi EBERLE, D-Augsburg TACCHELLA, I-Cassine (AL) TTB, CH-Riva S. Vitale THELEICO LEISSE, D-Meschede BAUER SÄGEMASCHINEN, D-Arnstorf ERASTEEL, F-Paris Cedex TECHNICA, CH-Grenchen ULMER WERKZEUGSCHLEIFTECHNIK, TRIEFUS, F-Chartres BEHRINGER, D-Kirchardt FETTE, D-Schwarzenbek TECNO WASINO, J-Komaki City, Aichi D-Ulm-Einsingen TYROLIT, D-Maisach BEKA-MAK, TR-Baskoy Bursa FRANKEN, D-Rückersdorf THIELENHAUS, D-Wuppertal VOLLMER WERKE, D-Biberach/Riss URDIAMANT, CZ-Sumperk BEMA, I-Luisago (CO) GLOOR, CH-Lengnau bei Biel TIMESAVERS INT, NL-Goes WALTER MASCHINENBAU, D-Tübingen VSM, D-Hannover BENIGN, RC-Taichung GÜRKAN, TR-Istanbul TOYO, J-Hiroshima WENDT, D-Meerbusch WALTHER TROWAL, D-Haan BIANCO, I-Carobbio d. Angeli (BG) HARTMETALL, CH-Hitzkirch TSCHUDIN, CH-Grenchen WILSON TOOL, D-Rodenberg WENDT, D-Meerbusch BIMAX, CH-Dachsen HONSBERG METALLSÄGEN, D-Remscheid TSUGAMI,J-Tokyo WINTERTHUR SCHLEIFTECHNIK, BIRLIK MAKINA, TR-Bursa ILIX, D-Kriftel ULMER WERKZEUGSCHLEIFTECHNIK, CH-Winterthur BLM, I-Cantù (CO) INGERSOLL WERKZEUGE, D-Haiger D-Ulm-Einsingen WOLTERS, D-Rendsburg CHINA NATIONAL MACHINE TOOL, ISAP, I-Volpiano (TO) UVA, S-Bromma ABRASIVE TOOLS AND PRODUCTS ZHENGZHOU RESEARCH, VRC-Zhenzhou VRC-Beijing I.T.E.C., D-Eschweiler VERECO, I-Malo (VI) CNC-TECHNIK RÜTHEN, D-Rüthen JEM, E-Martorelles (Barcelona) VOUMARD, CH-Hauterive/Ne ADI, I-Thiene (Vi) COSEN, RC-Hsinchu JULIA UTENSILI, I-Tarcento (UD) WAFIOS, D-Reutlingen AM TECHNOLOGY, C.T.S., I-Podenzano (PC) KANEFUSA, J-Aichi-Ken WALDRICH COBURG, D-Coburg ROK-Ansan City, Kyunggi-Do GEAR CUTTING AND FINISHING DANOBAT, E-Elgoibar (Gipuzkoa) KARNASCH, DIETRICH, D-Heddesheim WALDRICH SIEGEN, D-Burbach ATLANTIC GUILLEAUME, D-Bonn DEGEN, D-Schömberg KENTAI, RC-Wurih, Taichung WEINGÄRTNER, A-Kirchham BEST DIAMOND, RC-Taipei Hsien AFFOLTER, CH-Malleray DIETHEI, D-Bopfingen KINKELDER, NL-Zevenaar WENDT, D-Meerbusch BURRI, D-Bösingen BAOJI, VRC-Xian City, Shaanxi DISPA, TR-Bursa KOMET GROUP, D-Besigheim WERKZEUGMASCHINENFABRIK C + M ROGERS / INFILTRA, BULA, CH-Henniez DOALL EUROPA, NL-Dordrecht KORLOY, ROK-Seoul GLAUCHAU, D-Glauchau GB-Flore Northampton BURRI, D-Bösingen DREI-S-WERK, D-Schwabach LENOX, NL-Helmond WOLTERS, D-Rendsburg C & M TOPLINE, USA-Goleta, CA CABE, I-Borgo San Siro (PV) EVERISING, RC-Taichung MAIER, ANDREAS (SCHWENDI), YEA-CHING, RC-Hsin Chuang Taipei CAFRO, I-Fino Mornasco (Co) CETOS, CZ-Plzen FEMI, I-Castel Guelfo (BO) D-Schwendi-Hörenhausen ZHEJIANG KAIDA, VRC-Zhuji Zhejiang CARBORUNDUM, D-Düsseldorf DOIMAK, E-Elgoibar (Guipuzcoa) FICEP, I-Gazzada Schianno (VA) MORSE, USA-Canton, OH CGW, IL-Kibbutz Sarid EGW, D-Ehingen-Donau FMB, I-Dalmine (BG) NACHREINER, D-Balingen COBRA, A-St. Michael EKIN, E-Amorebieta (Vizcaya) FORTE, D-Winterbach NEUHÄUSER, D-Prüm COMET-SCHLEIFSCHEIBEN, D-St. Ingbert EMAG, D-Salach FRIGGI NF, I-Motta Visconti (MI) O.M.P., I-Santorso (VI) Page 8 June 2005

OTT + HEUGEL, D-Ötisheim MICRO ABRASIVES, TIMESAVERS INT, NL-Goes TRUMPF, D-Ditzingen CHIAO SHENG, RC-Tainan Hsien PILOUS, CZ-Brno D-Leinfelden-Echterdingen VANGROENWEGHE, B-Izegem TUBE TECH MACHINERY, CNC-TECHNIK RÜTHEN, D-Rüthen RE-BO REBER, D-Bopfingen-Oberdorf MICRO ENGINEERING, IND-Chandigarh VMB, D-Babenhausen I-Cazzago S. Martino (Bs) CRIPPA, I-Arosio (Co) RITZ, D-Ennepetal MICRO TECHNICA TECHNOLOGIES, WERA WERK, D-Wuppertal VIMERCATI, I-Sovico (MI) C.T.S., I-Podenzano (PC) RÖNTGEN, D-Remscheid D-Kornwestheim WOLTERS, D-Rendsburg WATERJET, I-Monza (Mi) DALLAN, I-Castelfranco Veneto Tv RSA BÜRSTEN-TECHNIK, D-Lüdenscheid MICROCUT, CH-Lengnau BE WILSON TOOL, D-Rodenberg DAVI-PROMAU, I-Cesena (FC) RSA CUTTING & DEBURRING SYSTEMS, MONNIER + ZAHNER, CH-Safnern WMH TOOL GROUP, CH-Schwerzenbach DENN - IND. PUIGJANER, GB-Telford, Shropshire NAGEL, D-Nürtingen Z & Y TOOL SUPPLY, VRC-Qingdao E-Polinya-Barcelona RSA ENTGRAT- U. TRENNSYSTEME, NISSIN, J-Kyoto Pref. SHEET METAL CUTTING MACHINES ZDAS, CZ-Zdár nad Sázavou DIETHEI, D-Bopfingen D-Lüdenscheid OTEC, D-Straubenhardt AND CENTERS DREISTERN, D-Schopfheim RSA SYSTÈMES EBAVURAGE, PARMIGIANI MACCHINE, I-Cremona (CR) EMAG, D-Salach F-Sarreguemines Cedex PCI, F-Saint-Etienne Cedex ADDISON, GB-Preston, Lancashire EMISSA, CH-Le Locle RÜBIG, D-Nabburg PEMAMO HONING, CH-Le Landeron AIDA, I-Calolziocorte (LC) PRESSES E.M.S., F-Saverne RUKO, D-Holzgerlingen PFS, CH-Stans AIR TURBINE, USA-Boca Raton, FL ERCOLINA - CML, I-Piedimonte S.G. (Fr) SÄGEN-MEHRING, D-Hockenheim PLEIGER, D-Sprockhövel AJAN ELEKTRONIK SERVS, ABBOTT, USA-Manhattan, KS FACCIN, I-Visano (BS) SEG. METAL, I-Rivoli (To) POLA & MASSA, I-Ovada (AL) TR-Sasali/Cigli/ Izmir AGME, E-Eibar (Guipuzcoa) FELSS, D-Königsbach-Stein SHAANXI, VRC-Shaanxi Province POLIGRAT, D-München AKYAPAK, TR-Bursa AIDA, I-Calolziocorte (LC) FICEP, I-Gazzada Schianno (VA) STARRETT, GB-Borders, Scotland PRÄWEMA, D-Eschwege ALLMAC INDUSTRIES, VRC-Nanjing AMOB, P-Louro - Vila Nova de Fam. FLOWDRILL, NL-Utrecht TAIWAN DIAMOND, PULIMETAL CITTADINI, I-Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) AMC, IND-New Delhi BAOJI, VRC-Xian City, Shaanxi GALDABINI, I-Cardano al Campo (VA) RC-Pa-Deh City, Taoyuan Hsien REICHMANN - REMA, D-Weißenhorn APOLLO, I-Roteglia/Castellarano RE BEMA, I-Luisago (CO) GAMEI, E-Mondragon/Guipuzcoa TCM, A-Stainz REISHAUER, CH-Wallisellen BAOJI, VRC-Xian City, Shaanxi BORRIES, D-Pliezhausen GARBOLI, I-Fondotoce (VB) TENRYU, J-Shizuoka-Ken ROBBI, I-Veronella (VR) BAYKAL, TR-Bursa BOSCHERT, D-Lörrach GASPARINI, I-Mirano (VE) TM JESENICE, CZ-Jesenice u Rakovníka RÖSLER, D-Bad Staffelstein BEHRINGER, D-Kirchardt CATTANEO PRESSE, GHIDINI, I-Lumezzane (Bs) ULTRADIAM, F-Roanne ROTAR, RC-Taichung BEMA, D-Keltern - Ellmendingen I-Albano S. Alessandro (BG) GRAZIANO TORTONA, I-Tortona (AL) US SPECIAL TOOLS, D-Wipperfürth SAPORITI, I-Solbiate Olona VA BIMAX, CH-Dachsen CHIAO SHENG, RC-Tainan Hsien GRAZIOLI, I-Carpenedolo (BS) WESPA, D-Spangenberg SEIWA, J-Osaka BIRLIK MAKINA, TR-Bursa CHINA NATIONAL MACHINE TOOL, GRINDMASTER, IND-Aurangabad WIKUS, D-Spangenberg SERVAX - LANDERT, CH-Bülach BOSCHERT, D-Lörrach VRC-Beijing HAEUSLER, CH-Duggingen ZECHA, D-Königsbach-Stein SHANDONG LUNAN, BYSTRONIC LASER, CH-Niederönz COUTH, E-Hernani (Guipuzcoa) HAGEN & GOEBEL, D-Soest VRC-Tengzhou Shandong C.B.C., I-Guastalla (RE) C.2, I-Piacenza (Pc) HEZEL, D-Epfendorf S.I.L.L.E.M., I-Cascinazza (MI) CHIAO SHENG, RC-Tainan Hsien DIRINLER, TR-B. Cigli-Izmir IMAK, TR-Balikesir SPALECK, D-Bocholt CHINA NATIONAL MACHINE TOOL, E.M.S., F-Saverne INDUCTION, I-Poirino (TO) SCREWING AND THREADING MACHINES STÄHLI, D-Schönaich VRC-Beijing ENOMOTO, J-Kanagawa Pref. INNSE BERARDI, I-Brescia (BS) STERLITAMAK, RUS-Sterlitamak CINCINNATI MACHINE, GB-Birmingham ERCOLINA - CML, I-Piedimonte S.G. (Fr) I.T.E.C., D-Eschweiler AFFOLTER, CH-Malleray SUNNEN, USA-St. Louis, MO COLGAR, I-S. Pietro all’ Olmo (MI) FACCIN, I-Visano (BS) ITL, IND-Indore (M.P.) ARLA, D-Wipperfürth SUNNEN, CH-Ennetaach-Erlen DALLAN, I-Castelfranco Veneto Tv FELSS, D-Königsbach-Stein JESAN KOVO, CZ-Sumperk BORDIGNON SIMONE, I-Rossano Veneto (VI) SUPFINA GRIESHABER, D-Remscheid DANOBAT-GOITI, E-Elgoibar (Guipuzcoa) FETTE, D-Schwarzenbek KENTAI, RC-Wurih, Taichung BUFFOLI TRANSFER, I-Brescia (BS) THIELENHAUS, D-Wuppertal DAVI-PROMAU, I-Cesena (FC) FICEP, I-Gazzada Schianno (VA) KLINGELNBERG, CH-Zürich C.B.C., I-Guastalla (RE) TIMESAVERS INT, NL-Goes DENER, TR-Kayseri FILCON, D-Ilsede KOTTMANN U. BERGER, D-Birenbach CHINA NATIONAL MACHINE TOOL, TSUGAMI,J-Tokyo DENN - IND. PUIGJANER, GALDABINI, I-Cardano al Campo (VA) LANG, D-Michelstadt VRC-Beijing VANGROENWEGHE, B-Izegem E-Polinya-Barcelona GAMEI, E-Mondragon/Guipuzcoa LANTEK, E-Minano (Alava) CINCINNATI MACHINE, GB-Birmingham WALTHER TROWAL, D-Haan DIETHEI, D-Bopfingen GECHTER, D-Herzogenaurach LEISTRITZ THOMMEN, CH-Tenniken C.M.A., E-Alzira-Valencia WEINGÄRTNER, A-Kirchham DREISTERN, D-Schopfheim GPA ITALIANA, I-Lomazzo (CO) LÖSER,D-Speyer FLOWDRILL, NL-Utrecht WOLTERS, D-Rendsburg DURMAZLAR, TR-Bursa GRAVOGRAPH, D-Umkirch M & M SHEET, CH-Cham HAGEN & GOEBEL, D-Soest ELECTROX, GB-Letchworth Hertfordshire HAEGER, NL-Oldenzaal MAE., D-Erkrath LEISTRITZ, D-Nürnberg ERMAKSAN, TR-Bursa HAEUSLER, CH-Duggingen MEPSA, E-Artes LEISTRITZ THOMMEN, CH-Tenniken FACCIN, I-Visano (BS) HYDROMEC, I-Gussago (BS) MEWAG, CH-Wasen i.E. LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) DEBURRING MACHINES FARINA SOVICO, I-Sovico (MI) INDUCTION, I-Poirino (TO) MÜLLER, HEINRICH, D-Pforzheim MAXION, D-Pößneck FICEP, I-Gazzada Schianno (VA) JAUCH & SCHMIDER, D-Villingendorf NEU, D-Grünstadt MICRO ENGINEERING, IND-Chandigarh ADIGE SALA, I-Levico Terme (Tn) FINN-POWER, FIN-Kauhava LASCO, D-Coburg NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT, MICROTAP, D-Taufkirchen/München ADIGESYSTEMS, I-Novaledo (TN) FLOWDRILL, NL-Utrecht LEGNANI PRESSE, I-Legnano (Mi) D-Chemnitz MONNIER + ZAHNER, CH-Safnern AIR TURBINE, USA-Boca Raton, FL GALDABINI, I-Cardano al Campo (VA) MAE., D-Erkrath O.M.G. DI MENON GUGLIELMO, NORMAC, USA-Arden, NC ALME-GERIMA, D-St. Wendel GASPARINI, I-Mirano (VE) MA.TE, I-Calusco d’Adda (BG) I-San Zeno die Cassola/VI ORT ITALIA, I-Trigolo (CR) ANGER,A-Traun GASPARINI ISTRANA, I-Istrana (TV) MATTHES + SCHULZE, D-Berlin O.M.P., I-Santorso (VI) PEE-WEE, D-Diez ARLA, D-Wipperfürth GE FANUC, L-Echternach MAUSER MASCHINENBAU, ORT ITALIA, I-Trigolo (CR) PROFIROLL, D-Bad Düben ASSFALG, D-Schwäbisch Gmünd GECAM, I-Parma (PR) D-Oberndorf a. N. PARMIGIANI MACCHINE, I-Cremona (CR) REISHAUER, CH-Wallisellen AUTOPULIT, E-Sant Fruitos de Bages GEKA, E-Oiartzun MECOLPRESS, I-Flero (BS) PEDRAZZOLI IBP, I-Bassano del Grappa (VI) ROLLWALZTECHNIK, D-Engen BLM, I-Cantù (CO) GROB, CH-Männedorf MICRO ENGINEERING, IND-Chandigarh PEE-WEE, D-Diez SAPORITI, I-Solbiate Olona VA BOSCHERT, D-Lörrach GÜDEL, D-Altenstadt MIKRON AGNO, CH-Lugano PFIFFNER, CH-Thalwil SENY, E-Cornella Llobregat (BC) BULA, CH-Henniez GÜDEL, CH-Langenthal MIOS, I-S.Vito Di Vigonza (PD) P.M., I-Salzano (VE) TECNOSPIRO, E-St Joan de Vilatorrada/B BÜTFERING, D-Beckum HAEUSLER, CH-Duggingen M.O., I-Borgo San Dalmazzo (CN) PROFILBIEGETECHNIK, VHF CAMFACTURE, D-Ammerbuch C & M TOPLINE, USA-Goleta, CA HEZEL, D-Epfendorf MÖSSNER, D-Eschach CH-Bürglen/ Thurgau WAFIOS, D-Reutlingen CINCINNATI MACHINE, GB-Birmingham HYDROMEC, I-Gussago (BS) MÜLLER, HEINRICH, D-Pforzheim PULIMETAL CITTADINI, I-Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) WEINGÄRTNER, A-Kirchham C.T.S., I-Podenzano (PC) IRON, I-Mareno di Piave (TV) NANTONG SWALL, VRC-Nantong ROHBI, CH-Oftringen WIEDMANN, D-Deggingen DISKUS, D-Dietzenbach-Steinberg JAMMES INDUSTRIE, F-Cebazat NEU, D-Grünstadt ROLLWALZTECHNIK, D-Engen WYSSBROD, CH-Biel DOALL EUROPA, NL-Dordrecht JESAN KOVO, CZ-Sumperk PARMIGIANI MACCHINE, I-Cremona (CR) ROSENBERGER, D-Apolda EARTH-CHAIN, RC-Sha-Luh, Taichung KALTENBACH, D-Lörrach PEDRAZZOLI IBP, I-Bassano del Grappa (VI) RÖSLER, D-Bad Staffelstein EXTRUDE HONE, IRL-Shannon Co Clare KESEL, D-Kempten PIVATIC, FIN-Hyvinkää RSA BÜRSTEN-TECHNIK, D-Lüdenscheid FASTEMS, FIN-Tampere KMT, D-Bad Nauheim P.M., I-Salzano (VE) RSA CUTTING & DEBURRING SYSTEMS, HONING, LAPPING AND FLADDER, DK-Ansager KNUTH, D-Wasbek PRECITRAME, CH-Tramelan GB-Telford, Shropshire POLISHING MACHINES FLAIG, D-Königsfeld LANTEK, E-Minano (Alava) PROMOTECH, PL-Bialystok RSA ENTGRAT- U. TRENNSYSTEME, GARBOLI, I-Fondotoce (VB) LEISTRITZ THOMMEN, CH-Tenniken REGGIANA MACCHINE, I-Reggio Emilia D-Lüdenscheid AIR TURBINE, USA-Boca Raton, FL GECAM, I-Parma (PR) LINSINGER, A-Steyrermühl REIS ROBOTICS, D-Obernburg RSA SYSTÈMES EBAVURAGE, AM TECHNOLOGY, GERBER, CH-Lyss LISSMAC, D-Bad Wurzach RÖLTGEN, D-Solingen F-Sarreguemines Cedex ROK-Ansan City, Kyunggi-Do GHIDINI, I-Lumezzane (Bs) M & M SHEET, CH-Cham RUF BRIKETTIERPRESSEN, D-Zaisertshofen SAF CURVATRICI, I-Torino (To) ANGST, CH-Oberdürnten GRAVOSTAR, CH-Zuzwil MARCOVIL, P-Viseu SAHINLER, TR-Bursa SAHINLER, TR-Bursa AUTOPULIT, E-Sant Fruitos de Bages HASCON, I-Legnano (Mi) MATCHLING TOOLING, RC-Ta-Ya, Taichung SANGIACOMO PRESSE, I-Vittorio Veneto (TV) SCHUSTER, D-Denklingen BEST DIAMOND, RC-Taipei Hsien HTT, CH-Biel Bienne MATRA, D-Frankfurt SERTOM, I-Collebeato (BS) SERTOM, I-Collebeato (BS) BULA, CH-Henniez IMATEC, CH-Lyss MAXITAC INDUSTRIES, VRC-Nanjing SHANDONG LUNAN, SHUZ TUNG, RC-Taichung C & M TOPLINE, USA-Goleta, CA I.T.E.C., D-Eschweiler MVD INAN,TR-Konya VRC-Tengzhou Shandong SIMASV, I-Thiene (Vi) CHINA NATIONAL MACHINE TOOL, J.W. DONE, USA-Hayward, CA MVD MACHINE,TR-Konya SHUZ TUNG, RC-Taichung SIMEC, I-Schio (VI) VRC-Beijing KADIA, D-Nürtingen NANTONG SWALL, VRC-Nantong SIC-WOSTOR, D-Remscheid SINICO, I-Montebello Vicentino(VI) DELAPENA HONING, KMM, D-Berlin OMAX, USA-Kent, WA SIMASV, I-Thiene (Vi) SOCO MACHINERY, RC-Taichung GB-Cheltenham, Glouc. LISSMAC, D-Bad Wurzach OPHIR, D-Rohrsen SMERAL, CZ-Brno SOLING, E-Barcelona DIATO, D-Ostfildern LÖSER, D-Speyer ORT ITALIA, I-Trigolo (CR) SMS EUMUCO, D-Leverkusen STAR BEND, I-Castemella (BS) DIBO-TECH, D-Metzingen LÖWER, D-Homberg P.A.M. PEDDINGHAUS, D-Gevelsberg STENHOJ, DK-Barrit TAURING, I-Leini (To) DREHER, D-Engelsbrand LPW, D-Riederich PARMIGIANI MACCHINE, I-Cremona (CR) STIERLI, CH-Sursee TEAP, I-Gordona (SO) EARTH-CHAIN, RC-Sha-Luh, Taichung MICRO ENGINEERING, IND-Chandigarh PIVATIC, FIN-Hyvinkää TECHNOMARK, F-Saint Chamond TECNOCUT, I-Calusco d’Adda (BG) ERCOLINA - CML, I-Piedimonte S.G. ( Fr) MICRO TECHNICA TECHNOLOGIES, P.M., I-Salzano (VE) TOX PRESSOTECHNIK, D-Weingarten TRACTO-TECHNIK, D-Lennestadt EVANS & PRICE, GB-Tamworth, Staffordsh. D-Kornwestheim PRECITEC, D-Gaggenau VACCARI, I-Brendola (VI ) TRANSFLUID, D-Schmallenberg EXTRUDE HONE, IRL-Shannon Co Clare MÖSSNER, D-Eschach PRIMA INDUSTRIE, I-Collegno (TO) VALDARNO, I-Buguggiate (Va) TUBE TECH MACHINERY, FÄSSLER, CH-Dübendorf OMCA, I-Cavriago (RE) PROFILBIEGETECHNIK, CH-Bürglen/Thurgau WAFIOS, D-Reutlingen I-Cazzago S. Martino (Bs) FEMI, I-Castel Guelfo (BO) O.M.G. DI MENON GUGLIELMO, PTV, CZ-Hostivice WILSON TOOL, D-Rodenberg VALDARNO, I-Buguggiate (Va) GARBOLI, I-Fondotoce (VB) I-San Zeno die Cassola/VI REMMERT, D-Löhne ZDAS, CZ-Zdár nad Sázavou WAFIOS, D-Reutlingen GEHRING, D-Ostfildern O.M.P., I-Santorso (VI) RIGHTUP MACHINERY, WMS SINSHEIM, D-Sinsheim GERBER, CH-Lyss OSBORN INTERNATIONAL, S-Huskvarna VRC-Nanjing, Jiangsu WOLF, D-Brackenheim GHIDINI, I-Lumezzane (Bs) OTEC, D-Straubenhardt ROFIN-SINAR LASER, D-Hamburg YING LIN, RC-Tainan Hsien GLEASON-HURTH, D-München PEDRAZZOLI IBP, I-Bassano del Grappa (VI) RÖLTGEN, D-Solingen BAR, SECTION AND ZOPF, D-Haldenwang GÖCKEL, D-Darmstadt PFS, CH-Stans ROSENBERGER, D-Apolda TUBE WORKING MACHINES GRIND TOOLS, IND-Pune POLA & MASSA, I-Ovada (AL) SABI SIERRAS, E-Azkoitia GRINDMASTER, IND-Aurangabad POLIGRAT, D-München SAF CURVATRICI, I-Torino (To) ADDISON, GB-Preston, Lancashire HASCON, I-Legnano (Mi) REICHMANN - REMA, D-Weißenhorn SAHINLER, TR-Bursa ADIGE SALA, I-Levico Terme (Tn) WIRE FORMING HONITECH, I-Cormano (Milano) REISHAUER, CH-Wallisellen SAUER LASERTECH, D-Kempten ADIGESYSTEMS, I-Novaledo (TN) MACHINES ILMETECH, I-Carpi (Mo) RILE, D-Deggendorf SCHRÖDER, D-Wessobrunn-Forst AIM EUROPE, GR-Athens-Lamia KADIA, D-Nürtingen RÖSLER, D-Bad Staffelstein SERTOM, I-Collebeato (BS) AKYAPAK, TR-Bursa AIM EUROPE, GR-Athens-Lamia KIRNER, D-Titisee-Neustadt ROTAR, RC-Taichung SHANDONG LUNAN, AMOB, P-Louro - Vila Nova de Fam. FELSS, D-Königsbach-Stein KMM, D-Berlin RSA BÜRSTEN-TECHNIK, D-Lüdenscheid VRC-Tengzhou Shandong APOLLO, I-Roteglia/Castellarano RE HEZEL, D-Epfendorf KNOPP, D-Rohrdorf b. Nagold RSA CUTTING & DEBURRING SYSTEMS, SIMASV, I-Thiene (Vi) AR ITALIA, I-Apecchio (PU) INDUCTION, I-Poirino (TO) LACH-DIAMANT, D-Hanau GB-Telford, Shropshire STIERLI, CH-Sursee ARLA, D-Wipperfürth MIKRON AGNO, CH-Lugano LAM PLAN, F-Gaillard RSA ENTGRAT- U. TRENNSYSTEME, STILMEC 90, I-Sernaglia d.Battaglia TV BAUBLIES, D-Renningen MÜLLER, HEINRICH, D-Pforzheim LAPMASTER, GB-Devon D-Lüdenscheid SUNRISE, RC-Taichung City BEMA, I-Luisago (CO) ORT ITALIA, I-Trigolo (CR) LEISTRITZ THOMMEN, CH-Tenniken RSA SYSTÈMES EBAVURAGE, TAILIFT, RC-Nankang, Nan Tou BIRLIK MAKINA, TR-Bursa PFIFFNER, CH-Thalwil LÖSER, D-Speyer F-Sarreguemines Cedex TAURING, I-Leini (To) BLM, I-Cantù (CO) PULIMETAL CITTADINI, I-Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) LÖWER, D-Homberg SECKLER, CH-Pieterlen TEAP, I-Gordona (SO) BOST, E-Asteasu (Gipuzkoa) ROSENBERGER, D-Apolda LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) SILBERHORN, D-Lupburg TECNOCUT, I-Calusco d’Adda (BG) BUFFOLI TRANSFER, I-Brescia (BS) SAF CURVATRICI, I-Torino (To) MELCHIORRE, I-Cinisello Balsamo (MI) SOCO MACHINERY, RC-Taichung TECNOLOGY ITALIANA, I-Sestri Levante (GE) CAORLE, I-Marano-Vicentino (VI) SHUZ TUNG, RC-Taichung MEPSA, E-Artes SPALECK, D-Bocholt TEZMAKSAN, TR-Bayrampasa - Istanbul C.B.C., I-Guastalla (RE) STIERLI, CH-Sursee June 2005 Page 9

TAURING, I-Leini (To) BUMOTEC, CH-Sales SCHERER FEINBAU, D-Mömbris IAG, D-Netphen BP-KOREA, ROK-Bucheon, Kyungki-do WAFIOS, D-Reutlingen C.B. FERRARI, I-Mornago (VA) STAMA, D-Schlierbach IBS SCHERER, D-Gau-Bickelheim BRECHT, D-Eningen u/A COUTH, E-Hernani (Guipuzcoa) IMATEC, CH-Lyss BRIGHETTI, I-Calderara di Reno BO ELECTROX, GB-Letchworth Hertfordshire IONBOND, CH-Olten BRISTOL ENGINEERING, GB-Bristol EMISSA, CH-Le Locle ITEXA, I-Guastalla (RE) BROOKE, GB-Rotherham, S. Yorks MACHINES FOR THE PRODUCTION OF GRAVOGRAPH, D-Umkirch WELDING AND GAS KKS, CH-Steinen BTA, D-Achim BOLTS, NUTS, SCREWS AND RIVETS GRAVOSTAR, CH-Zuzwil CUTTING MACHINES KMM, D-Berlin CABRE, E-Montornes del Valles BCN I-MES, D-Eiterfeld KÖBO, D-Wuppertal CAFRO, I-Fino Mornasco (Co) BUFFOLI TRANSFER, I-Brescia (BS) KONDIA, E-Elgoibar (Guipúzcoa) AERNOVA, I-Roletto (TO) KULLEN, D-Reutlingen CANELA EINES, E-Badalona GAMOR, E-Asteasu (Guipuzcoa) LANG HÜTTENBERG, D-Hüttenberg AIM EUROPE, GR-Athens-Lamia LANNER, D-Kippenheim CARMEX, IL-Maalot HAEGER, NL-Oldenzaal MARKATOR, D-Ludwigsburg BEHRINGER, D-Kirchardt LAPMASTER, GB-Devon CEMECON, D-Würselen HAGEN & GOEBEL, D-Soest MATTHES + SCHULZE, D-Berlin CEIA, I-Arezzo (AR) LINN HIGH THERM, D-Eschenfelden CERAMTEC, D-Plochingen HEZEL, D-Epfendorf MICRO ENGINEERING, IND-Chandigarh CEMSA, I-Cologno Monzese (MI) LISSMAC, D-Bad Wurzach CERATIZIT, A-Reutte/Tirol IMOBERDORF, CH-Oensingen MONNIER + ZAHNER, CH-Safnern COMAU, I-Grugliasco (TO) LÖWER, D-Homberg CERIN, I-Affi (VR) INDUCTION, I-Poirino (TO) OPHIR, D-Rohrsen CORAL, I-Volpiano (To) LPW, D-Riederich CHIA-MO, I-Anzola Emilia (BO) LEISTRITZ, D-Nürnberg P.M., I-Salzano (VE) DEMMELER MASCHINENBAU, LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) CHIN MING, RC-Tainan LEISTRITZ THOMMEN, CH-Tenniken PRECITRAME, CH-Tramelan D-Heimertingen MAFAC, D-Alpirsbach CHINA NATIONAL MACHINE TOOL, ORT ITALIA, I-Trigolo (CR) REGGIANA MACCHINE, I-Reggio Emilia ELECTROX, GB-Letchworth Hertfordshire MAUSER MASCHINENBAU, VRC-Beijing PEE-WEE, D-Diez RICHTER, D-Konken EMAG LASER TEC, D-Salach D-Oberndorf a. N. CIRCLE, USA-Monrovia, CA PFIFFNER, CH-Thalwil ROFIN-SINAR LASER, D-Hamburg EVERTZ, D-Solingen METAPLAS IONON, D-Bergisch Gladbach C.M., I-Bovezzo (BS) ROLLWALZTECHNIK, D-Engen RÖLTGEN, D-Solingen FILCON, D-Ilsede MHG, D-Düsseldorf CNC-TECHNIK RÜTHEN, D-Rüthen SHIN-YAIN, RC-Taichung Hsien SEMPUCO, D-Greiz HAEUSLER, CH-Duggingen MICRO TECHNICA TECHNOLOGIES, COGSDILL, GB-Nuneaton SOLING, E-Barcelona SHENQ FANG YUAN, RC-Taichung HASCON, I-Legnano (Mi) D-Kornwestheim COMAND, I-Credera (CR) TRANSCO, D-Füssen SHUZ TUNG, RC-Taichung HIMMELWERK, D-Tübingen (Kilchberg) MTM, D-Marienheide CRAFTSMAN, GB-Otley, West Yorkshire VALDARNO, I-Buguggiate (Va) SIC-WOSTOR, D-Remscheid HÖCKER, D-Hilter NABERTHERM, D-Lilienthal CUMDI, I-Curnardo (VA) WAFIOS, D-Reutlingen SITEL MK3, I-Nova Milanese (Mi) IDEAL, D-Lippstadt NC-AUTOMATION, D-Kempten CYTEC, D-Jülich TECHNIFOR, F-Miribel Cedex JAMMES INDUSTRIE, F-Cebazat NOVATEC, I-S.Martino di Lupari (PD) D’ANDREA, I-Lainate (MI) TECHNOMARK, F-Saint Chamond KESEL, D-Kempten OSBORN INTERNATIONAL, S-Huskvarna DATHAN, GB-Holmfirth, West Yorkshire VHF CAMFACTURE, D-Ammerbuch KLOPP, D-Solingen OTEC, D-Straubenhardt DATRON, D-Mühltal ELECTROEROSIVE AND WISSNER, D-Göttingen KULLEN, D-Reutlingen PASSAPONTI, I-Badia a Settimo (FI) DC SWISS, CH-Malleray ELECTROCHEMICAL MACHINING LINN HIGH THERM, D-Eschenfelden PERKUTE, D-Rheine DEFEL ITALIA, I-Biassono (MI) OPHIR, D-Rohrsen PERO, D-Königsbrunn DEHAN, VRC-Qingdao ACCUTEX, RC-Taichung PEDDINGHAUS, D-Gevelsberg PFS, CH-Stans DELAPENA HONING, ACCUTEX EUROPE, D-Korbußen PARALLEL-KINEMATIC MACHINES PRECITEC, D-Gaggenau PLATIT, CH-Grenchen GB-Cheltenham, Glouc. ACSYS LASERTECHNIK, D-Kornwestheim PRIMA INDUSTRIE, I-Collegno (TO) POLIGRAT, D-München DELFER, I-Beinasco (TO) ACTSPARK, VRC-Beijing CHIRON, D-Tuttlingen REIS ROBOTICS, D-Obernburg POLO FILTER, D-Achim DELTA, I-Cazzago S. Martino (Bs) AGIE, CH-Losone COMAU, I-Grugliasco (TO) ROFIN-SINAR LASER, D-Hamburg PULIMETAL CITTADINI, I-Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) DENI, CH-Veltheim ALBIEZ, D-Teningen CROSS HÜLLER, D-Ludwigsburg SAUER LASERTECH, D-Kempten PVT, D-Bensheim DETJENS, D-Großhansdorf BERKENHOFF, D-Heuchelheim DÖRRIES SCHARMANN TECHNOLOGIE, SOYER, D-Wörthsee R.E.A., I-Trofarello (TO) DHF, RC-Taichung BROTHER, J-Nagoya D-Mönchengladbach STEREMAT ELEKTROWÄRME, D-Berlin RENDER, D-Bad Salzuflen DIAMETAL, CH-Biel BUCHEM, D-Wermelskirchen FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IWU, D-Chemnitz STIEFELMAYER, D-Denkendorf ROLL, D-Mühlacker-Enzberg DIATO, D-Ostfildern C + M ROGERS / INFILTRA, FRAUNHOFER - TEG, D-Stuttgart TEMELSAN, TR-Bayrampasa Istanbul RÖSLER, D-Bad Staffelstein DIBO-TECH, D-Metzingen GB-Flore Northampton HAMUEL, D-Meeder TRUMPF, D-Ditzingen ROTAR, RC-Taichung DIETERLE, D-Rottweil C.D.M. ROVELLA, I-San Mauro Torinese (TO) INDEX, D-Esslingen TUBE TECH MACHINERY, RUWAC, D-Melle DIJET, J-Osaka CHARMILLES TECHNOLOGIES, MANNESMANN A., D-Remscheid I-Cazzago S. Martino (Bs) SABI SIERRAS, E-Azkoitia DIXIMACHINES, CH-Le Locle CH-Meyrin/Geneve MAUSER MASCHINENBAU, S+B TECHNOLOGIE, DOALL EUROPA, NL-Dordrecht CHING HUNG, RC-Taichung County D-Oberndorf a. N. D-Hösbach-Rottenberg DORIAN, USA-East Bernard, TX DCAM, D-Berlin OKUMA, J-Aichi SCHICKERT, D-Fellbach DORMER ITALIA, I-Milano DELAPENA HONING, PCI, F-Saint-Etienne Cedex HEAT TREATMENT SCHMITT, GB-Coventry DRAGON, ROK-Incheon GB-Cheltenham, Glouc. REICHENBACHER HAMUEL, EQUIPMENT SCHRÖDER INDUSTRIEÖFEN, D-Flörsheim DRESS, D-Ötisheim DIATO, D-Ostfildern D-Dörfles-Esbach SILBERHORN, D-Lupburg DREX PALLOTTI, I-Vimodrone (MI) ELECTRO ARC, GB-Brierley Hill,West Midl RENISHAW, GB-Gloucestershire AICHELIN, A-Mödling S.I.L.L.E.M., I-Cascinazza (MI) DUPLOMATIC, I-Legnano (MI) ELECTRONICA, IND-Pune STARRAGHECKERT, CH-Rorschacherberg C.E.F.I., I-CASTELLAMONTE (TO) SPALECK, D-Bocholt DÜRR PRÄZISIONSWERKZEUGE, EXERON, D-Fluorn-Winzeln TBT, D-Dettingen CEIA, I-Arezzo (AR) STEIMEL, D-Hennef D-Öhringen FANUC, J-Yamanashi Prefecture WILLEMIN - MACODEL, CH-Bassecourt EFD, D-Freiburg TEKNOX, I-Prunaro di Budrio (BO) EBERLE, D-Augsburg GEHRING, D-Ostfildern ELTRO, D-Baesweiler TIMESAVERS INT, NL-Goes ECKERLE & ERTEL, D-Kinding-Haunstetten HANCHUAN, VRC-Shaanxi Province EMA INDUTEC, D-Meckesheim TURBO-SEPARATOR, CH-Lichtensteig ECOROLL, D-Celle HEUN, D-Kahl/Main GALDABINI, I-Cardano al Campo (VA) ULTRASONIK, TR-Kagithane-Istanbul EGW, D-Ehingen-Donau HIG, A-Wien MICRO MACHINING GH - INDUCTION, D-Hirschhorn/ VMB, D-Babenhausen EIFELER WERKZEUGE, D-Düsseldorf HIRSCHMANN, D-Fluorn-Winzeln GH ELECTROTERMIA, VORTEC, NL-AB Lochem EKIN, E-Amorebieta (Vizcaya) JAUCH & SCHMIDER, D-Villingendorf AFFOLTER, CH-Malleray E-San Antonio de Benageber VTD, D-Dresden ELCO, F-Fougeres JIANN SHENG, RC-Taichung ANGER, A-Traun HAUZER TECHNO COATING, NL-Venlo WALTHER TROWAL, D-Haan EMUGE, D-Lauf a.d. Pegnitz LACH-DIAMANT, D-Hanau C.B. FERRARI, I-Mornago (VA) HIMMELWERK, D-Tübingen (Kilchberg) ZIPPEL, D-Neutraubling ERASTEEL, F-Paris Cedex LIEN SHENG, RC-Ta-Li City DELAPENA HONING, HÜTTINGER, D-Freiburg EROGLU, TR-Nilüfer - Bursa MAKINO, D-Hamburg GB-Cheltenham, Glouc. HWG INDUCTOHEAT, D-Reichenbach/Fils ESA EPPINGER, D-Denkendorf MANN + HUMMEL, D-Speyer DIATO, D-Ostfildern INDUCTION, I-Poirino (TO) EVERTZ, D-Solingen MATRA, D-Frankfurt DIXIMACHINES, CH-Le Locle LINN HIGH THERM, D-Eschenfelden CUTTING TOOLS EWS, D-Uhingen MAX SEE, RC-Taichung EMISSA, CH-Le Locle METAPLAS IONON, D-Bergisch Gladbach EXTRAMET, CH-Plaffeien MAXIMART, RC-Taipei ETEL, CH-Môtiers NABERTHERM, D-Lilienthal ACCU - CUT, RC-Taichung City FANAR, PL-Ciechanow MB MASCHINEN, D-Biebergemünd EXTRUDE HONE, IRL-Shannon Co Clare ROFIN-SINAR LASER, D-Hamburg AF MICRO DRILL, D-Kulmbach FÄSSLER, CH-Dübendorf MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC,J-Tokyo FANUC, J-Yamanashi Prefecture SAET, I-Leini (TO) AFAR, I-Sesto Calende (VA) FERG, E-Gurb (Barcelona) NEUAR, RC-Taipei Hsien FEHLMANN, CH-Seon SAFED, CH-Delémont AFC, D-Mainleus FERTIGUNGSTECHNIK WEISSENFELS, NOVOTEC, NL-Reuver FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IPK, D-Berlin SCHRÖDER INDUSTRIEÖFEN, D-Flörsheim AIR TURBINE, USA-Boca Raton, FL D-Weissenfels OCEAN TECHNOLOGIES, FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IPT, D-Aachen SMS ELOTHERM, D-Remscheid AKE KNEBEL, D-Balingen FETTE, D-Schwarzenbek RC-Wu-Feng Hsiang, Taichung FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IWU, D-Chemnitz STEREMAT ELEKTROWÄRME, D-Berlin ALBRECHT, D-Wernau FEW, ZA-Johannesburg ONA, E-Durango - Vizcaya GEHRING, D-Ostfildern STIEFELMAYER, D-Denkendorf ALCO, E-Madrid FHUSA, E-Barcelona OPEC ENGINEERING, HIWIN, D-Offenburg TERMOMACCHINE, I-Rivalta (TO) ALESA, CH-Seengen FLOWDRILL, NL-Utrecht ROK-Pyongtaek, Kyonggi Prov. KERN, D-Murnau TOKAI,J-Tokyo ALGRA, I-Almenno S. Salvatore BG FORECREU, F-Meudon OPS-INGERSOLL, D-Burbach LACH-DIAMANT, D-Hanau WTE PRÄZISIONSTECHNIK, ALLIED MACHINE, USA-Dover, OH FORZA, E-Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava) PCAM BY PEYER, CH-Contone LANG HÜTTENBERG, D-Hüttenberg D-Ehrenfriedersdorf ALLIED MAXCUT, GB-Kingswinford FRANKEN, D-Rückersdorf PEMTEC, F-Forbach Cedex MAKINO, D-Hamburg ALME-GERIMA, D-St. Wendel FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IPK, D-Berlin POCO GRAPHITE, USA-Decatur, Texas MAUSER MASCHINENBAU, AMADA SÄGETECHNIK, J-Kanagawa FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IST, PRIMATEC, D-Dörth D-Oberndorf a. N. AMVDIAM, F-Yssingeaux D-Braunschweig RIGATRON, CH-Riazzino MICROCUT, CH-Lengnau BE MACHINES AND SYSTEMS ANGST, CH-Oberdürnten FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IWU, D-Chemnitz ROFIN-SINAR LASER, D-Hamburg NACHREINER, D-Balingen FOR USE IN SURFACE TECHNOLOGY ARNO-WERKZEUGE, D-Ostfildern FREZITE,P-Trofa SANE KUEI, RC-Hsin Chuang City PLATIT, CH-Grenchen ARNTZ, D-Remscheid FROMM, D-Wain SARIX, CH-Losone PRIMACON, D-Peissenberg BALZERS, D-Bingen ARTHUR KLINK BRASIL, FUBRI, I-Vigano (LC) SAUER LASERTECH, D-Kempten PROMETAL, D-Remscheid BLASER SWISSLUBE, CH-Hasle-Rüegsau BR-Sorocaba-São Paulo GARR, USA-Alma, MI SAV, D-Nürnberg RENISHAW, GB-Gloucestershire BUCHEM, D-Wermelskirchen ASSFALG, D-Schwäbisch Gmünd GE TOOLING, I-Modena (MO) SEIBU, J-Fukuoka ROFIN-SINAR LASER, D-Hamburg BULA, CH-Henniez AVANTEC, D-Illingen GEHRING, D-Ostfildern SODICK, J-Yokohama/Kanagawa SARIX, CH-Losone BVL, D-Emsbüren AYTIDA, IND-Goa GERARDI, I-Lonate Pozzolo (VA) STAMM, D-Iserlohn SAUER LASERTECH, D-Kempten C & M TOPLINE, USA-Goleta, CA BAHCO, GB-Bramley, Rotherham GIERTH, D-Neuenrade TAI - I, RC-Tainan Hsien SAUER ULTRASONIC, D-Stipshausen CEIA, I-Arezzo (AR) BAILDON, PL-Katowice GLEASON CUTTING TOOLS, USA-Loves Park TAIWAN J & J, RC-Taipei TVB, D-Murnau am Staffelsee CEMECON, D-Würselen BALZERS, D-Bingen GLEASON-HURTH, D-München T.F.E., I-Gussago (BS) COMAU, I-Grugliasco (TO) BARUFFALDI, I-San Donato Milanese (MI) GLOOR, CH-Lengnau bei Biel THERMOCOMPACT, F-Pringy Cedex CORAL, I-Volpiano (To) BASS, D-Niederstetten GMP, D-Bodelshausen TOKAI,J-Tokyo C.T.S., I-Podenzano (PC) BAUBLIES, D-Renningen GOLDEN SUN, RC-Feng-Yuan, Taichung TVB, D-Murnau am Staffelsee MACHINE TOOLS FOR DÜRR ECOCLEAN, D-Filderstadt BECK, D-Winterlingen GRAF, D-Dietingen-Böhringen VMB, D-Babenhausen EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES EIFELER WERKZEUGE, D-Düsseldorf BECKER, WILH., D-Remscheid GRANLUND, S-Eskilstuna VOLLMER WERKE, D-Biberach/Riss ELTRO, D-Baesweiler BECKER-DIAMANTWERKZEUGE, GRAT-TEC, IL-Shlomi WALDRICH SIEGEN, D-Burbach BEMA, D-Keltern - Ellmendingen EMO, D-Bretten-Gölshausen D-Puchheim GRAVOSTAR, CH-Zuzwil WELO, D-Renningen-Malmsheim BENZINGER, D-Unterreichenbach FILCON, D-Ilsede BECKETT PLASTICS, GB-Sheffield GROB, CH-Männedorf YUANG HSIAN, RC-Chang Hua BOEHRINGER MASCHINEN, D-Stuttgart FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IST, BEMA, D-Keltern - Ellmendingen GÜHRING, D-Albstadt ZIMMER + KREIM, D-Brensbach COLCHESTER, GB-West Yorkshire D-Braunschweig BENZ, D-Haslach GÜRKAN, TR-Istanbul EMCO MAIER, A-Hallein FRAUNHOFER - TEG, D-Stuttgart BEST DIAMOND, RC-Taipei Hsien HAMUEL, D-Meeder EVERTZ, D-Solingen GARBOLI, I-Fondotoce (VB) BIAX - SCHMID & WEZEL, D-Maulbronn HA-NA, ROK-Kyungnam FEHLMANN, CH-Seon GERBER, CH-Lyss BIG DAISHOWA, J-Osaka HANITA, IL-Shlomi MACHINES FOR MARKING AND ENGRAVING FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IFF, D-Magdeburg GHIDINI, I-Lumezzane (Bs) BILTZ, IND-Pune HANN KUEN, RC-Taichung GRAZIANO TORTONA, I-Tortona (AL) HANGSTERFER’S, USA-Mantua, NJ BILZ, D-Ostfildern HARTMETALL, CH-Hitzkirch ACI-LASER, D-Sömmerda HARRISON, GB-West Yorkshire HASCON, I-Legnano (Mi) BILZ, HERMANN, D-Esslingen HARTNER, D-Albstadt ACSYS LASERTECHNIK, D-Kornwestheim KLOPP, D-Solingen HAUZER TECHNO COATING, NL-Venlo BISON-BIAL, PL-Bialystok HASSAY SAVAGE, USA-Turners Falls, MA AIR TURBINE, USA-Boca Raton, FL KOPP ALZENAU, D-Alzenau HEIN-HESO, D-Lohmar BLECHER, D-Remscheid HEIMATEC, D-Renchen ALLTEC, D-Selmsdorf LANG HÜTTENBERG, D-Hüttenberg HÖCKER, D-Hilter BOEHLERIT, A-Kapfenberg HEMO, CH-Kriens BAUBLYS, D-Ludwigsburg LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) HÖSEL, D-Ötisheim BOSS JOHS., D-Albstadt HENAN, VRC-Henan BEMA, D-Keltern - Ellmendingen MICROTAP, D-Taufkirchen/München HÜTTINGER, D-Freiburg BOTEK, D-Riederich HENNINGER PRÄZISION, D-Straubenhardt BORRIES, D-Pliezhausen SAUER ULTRASONIC, D-Stipshausen H2O, D-Steinen BOTTELLI, I-Menzago di Sumirago (VA) HEULE, CH-Balgach Page 10 June 2005

HIPAK, TR-Istanbul O.M.P., I-Santorso (VI) TESCH, DIAMANT-GESELLSCHAFT, HIRSCHMANN, D-Fluorn-Winzeln BOTTELLI, I-Menzago di Sumirago (VA) HITACHI TOOL,J-Tokyo OPAS-SMT, TR-Güngören, Istanbul D-Ludwigsburg HOFFMANN QUALITÄTSWERKZEUGE, BRANKAMP, D-Erkrath HOBE, D-Baienfurt OPHIR, D-Rohrsen THELEICO LEISSE, D-Meschede D-München BRIGHETTI, I-Calderara di Reno BO HOFFMANN QUALITÄTSWERKZEUGE, OSG, J-Toyokawa City TITEX PLUS, D-Frankfurt HOMMEL & KELLER, D-Aldingen BRISTOL ENGINEERING, GB-Bristol D-München OTT + HEUGEL, D-Ötisheim TM JESENICE, CZ-Jesenice u Rakovníka IFANGER, CH-Uster CERATIZIT, A-Reutte/Tirol HOLLFELDER, D-Nürnberg PAATZ, D-Viernau TOOLEX BY PIKSAN, INTEGI, E-Ermua-Bizkaia (Vizcaya) CHIA-MO, I-Anzola Emilia (BO) HOMMEL & KELLER, D-Aldingen PAFANA, PL-Pabianice TR-Y. Dudullu - Istanbul JEAN CHERNG, RC-Taipei Hsien CHUCKMATIC, IND-Dharwad HONITECH, I-Cormano (Milano) PARAT, D-Stuttgart TOP-EASTERN, VRC-Dalian JEM, E-Martorelles (Barcelona) CNC-TECHNIK RÜTHEN, D-Rüthen HONSBERG METALLSÄGEN, D-Remscheid PCM WILLEN, CH-Villeneuve TRAMEC, D-Gingen/Fils KEKEISEN, D-Laupheim COGSDILL, GB-Nuneaton HORKOS, J-Hiroshima PEMAMO HONING, CH-Le Landeron TRIAG, CH-Allenwinden KERN, D-Murnau COMARA, D-St. Georgen i.Schw. HORN, PAUL, D-Tübingen PERINO, I-Villarbasse (TO) TRIEFUS, F-Chartres KOMET GROUP, D-Besigheim CRAFTSMAN, GB-Otley, West Yorkshire HPMT, MAL-Shah Alam Selangor Darul PIBOMULTI, CH-Le Locle TUNGALOY, J-Kawasaki KONRAD FRIEDRICHS, D-Kulmbach CRAWFORD, GB-Halifax West Yorkshire IDEMA, D-Idar-Oberstein PILOUS, CZ-Brno TUSA, CH-Mezzovico KOSTYRKA, D-Stuttgart D’ANDREA, I-Lainate (MI) IFANGER, CH-Uster PINZBOHR, E-Montmeló U.F.P., I-Missaglia (LC) LEISTRITZ, D-Nürnberg DEHAN, VRC-Qingdao IHLE, D-Königsbach-Stein PLATIT, CH-Grenchen UFS, I-Sparone (To) LEISTRITZ THOMMEN, CH-Tenniken DELLNER TOOLS, S-Falun ILIX, D-Kriftel POLIANGOLAR, I-Vernate (Mi) ULTRADIAM, F-Roanne LMT, D-Oberkochen DELTA, I-Cazzago S. Martino (Bs) ILMETECH, I-Carpi (Mo) PRAMET, CZ-Sumperk UNION TOOL,J-Tokyo LÖSER, D-Speyer DENI, CH-Veltheim IMOBERDORF, CH-Oensingen PRIVATE TOOLS INTERNATIONAL, URMA, CH-Rupperswil MAKE, CH-Heimberg DIAMETAL, CH-Biel IMS, I-Sommariva Bosco (Cn) NL-Tilburg US SPECIAL TOOLS, D-Wipperfürth MANDREL, FIN-Tampere DIEBOLD, D-Jungingen IMS KOEPFER, D-Furtwangen PROFIROLL, D-Bad Düben UTILIS, CH-Müllheim MATTHES + SCHULZE, D-Berlin DONG GUAN, INGERSOLL WERKZEUGE, D-Haiger PROTOTYP, D-Zell am Harmersbach VARGUS, IL-Nahariya METAPLAS IONON, D-Bergisch Gladbach VRC-Dong Guan, Guang Dong INNOTOOL-AUSTRIA, A-Altach PUMORI, RUS-Jekaterinburg VEBRO, I-Andezeno (TO) MING HSIEN, RC-Taipei Hsien DORIAN, USA-East Bernard, TX INTEGI, E-Ermua-Bizkaia (Vizcaya) PWS, D-Schmölln VERGNANO, I-Chieri (TO) MOLLIFICIO BORDIGNON, DUPLOMATIC, I-Legnano (MI) ISAP, I-Volpiano (TO) QUALITY CARBIDE, USA-Elk Grove Village, IL VERTEX, RC-Feng Yuan, Taichung Hsien I-Rossano Veneto (Vi) ELBO CONTROLLI, I-Meda (MI) ISCAR,IL-Tefen RE-AL, CH-Biel VHF CAMFACTURE, D-Ammerbuch MÜLLER, HEINRICH, D-Pforzheim ELCO, F-Fougeres I.T.E.C., D-Eschweiler RE-BO REBER, D-Bopfingen-Oberdorf VISCHER + BOLLI, D-Lindau NACHREINER, D-Balingen EMUGE, D-Lauf a.d. Pegnitz IZAR, E-Amorebieta (Bizkaia) REICHENBACHER HAMUEL, VORTEC, NL-AB Lochem NC-AUTOMATION, D-Kempten EROGLU, TR-Nilüfer - Bursa JEM, E-Martorelles (Barcelona) D-Dörfles-Esbach WAGNER WERKZEUGSYSTEME, NEWEN, F-La Roche sur Foron EROWA, CH-Büron JONGEN, D-Willich REIME, D-Feucht D-Pliezhausen NORELEM, D-Markgröningen ESA EPPINGER, D-Denkendorf JULIA UTENSILI, I-Tarcento (UD) REISHAUER, CH-Wallisellen WALTER, D-Tübingen NORITAKE, J-Nagoya EWS, D-Uhingen J.W. DONE, USA-Hayward, CA RIGIBORE, GB-Hayle Cornwall WEDCO, A-Wien NOVOTEC, NL-Reuver FAHRION, D-Kaisersbach KAISER, CH-Rümlang RIME, I-Pregno Villa Carcina/BS WERKZEUGFABRIK KÖNIGSEE, D-Königsee OCEAN TECHNOLOGIES, FAMEPLA, D-Sauerlach KANEFUSA, J-Aichi-Ken RITEN, USA-Washington C.H., OH WESPA, D-Spangenberg RC-Wu-Feng Hsiang, Taichung FAMI, I-Rosà (VI) KARNASCH, DIETRICH, D-Heddesheim RITZ, D-Ennepetal WEXO, D-Bad Homburg PASCAL, F-Cergy-Pontoise FETTE, D-Schwarzenbek KARNED, CZ-Decin ROLLWALZTECHNIK, D-Engen W&F, D-Großbettlingen PCM WILLEN, CH-Villeneuve FIDIA, I-San Mauro Torinese (TO) KAYS, USA-Marshall, MO RÖLTGEN, D-Solingen WHIZCUT, S-Helsingborg PEE-WEE, D-Diez FLAIG, D-Königsfeld KELCH & LINKS, D-Schorndorf ROMAI, D-Vaihingen/-Horrheim WIDIA, D-Essen PLATIT, CH-Grenchen FORZA, E-Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava) KEMMER, D-Wildberg RÖNTGEN, D-Remscheid WIKUS, D-Spangenberg POLIANGOLAR, I-Vernate (Mi) FRANKEN, D-Rückersdorf KEMMLER, D-Mössingen RSA BÜRSTEN-TECHNIK, D-Lüdenscheid WIRTH, D-Balzheim PRAMET, CZ-Sumperk FUJI JIKOH, RC-Taichung KENDU, E-Segura (Guipuzcoa) RSA CUTTING & DEBURRING SYSTEMS, WNT DEUTSCHLAND, D-Kempten PRÄZI-FLACHSTAHL, D-Everswinkel GERARDI, I-Lonate Pozzolo (VA) KENNAMETAL, D-Fürth GB-Telford, Shropshire WOHLHAUPTER, D-Frickenhausen PRIMATEC, D-Dörth GEWEFA, D-Burladingen KENTAI, RC-Wurih, Taichung RSA ENTGRAT- U. TRENNSYSTEME, WOLF GRUPPE, D-Bruchmühlbach PROFILBIEGETECHNIK, GMP, D-Bodelshausen KETTERER, D-Bad Dürrheim D-Lüdenscheid WOLFRAMCARB, I-Castellamonte (TO) CH-Bürglen/Thurgau GOLDEN SUN, RC-Feng-Yuan, Taichung KIENINGER, D-Lahr RSA SYSTÈMES EBAVURAGE, WS, D-Niefern-Öschelbronn PROFIROLL, D-Bad Düben GÖLTENBODT, D-Leonberg (Höfingen) KIMU, E-Arenys De Munt F-Sarreguemines Cedex WTO, D-Ohlsbach PROMETAL, D-Remscheid GRAVOGRAPH, D-Umkirch KINKELDER, NL-Zevenaar RÜBIG, D-Nabburg YAMASA, TR-Kisikkoy/Izmir PROTOTYP, D-Zell am Harmersbach GÜHRING, D-Albstadt KINTEK, I-Leini (TO) RUKO, D-Holzgerlingen YAMAWA,J-Tokyo REIS ROBOTICS, D-Obernburg GÜRKAN, TR-Istanbul KLINGELNBERG, D-Hückeswagen SAACKE, D-Pforzheim YESTOOL, ROK-Ansan-City RIME, I-Pregno Villa Carcina/BS HAIMER, D-Igenhausen KLINGELNBERG, CH-Zürich SAAR-HARTMETALL, D-Völklingen YG-1, ROK-Incheon ROLLERI, I-Vigolzone (Pc) HÄNEL, D-Bad Friedrichshall KLOPP, D-Solingen SAAZOR-WÄLZTECHNIK, D-Pforzheim Z & Y TOOL SUPPLY, VRC-Qingdao ROLLWALZTECHNIK, D-Engen HANN KUEN, RC-Taichung KMT, D-Bad Nauheim SACO, I-Castellone (CR) ZECHA, D-Königsbach-Stein RÖLTGEN, D-Solingen HARTNER, D-Albstadt KOMET GROUP, D-Besigheim SAFETY, F-Boulogne Billancourt ZENIT, I-Arcore (Mi) RUD-KETTENFABRIK, D-Aalen HEIMATEC, D-Renchen KONRAD FRIEDRICHS, D-Kulmbach SÄGEN-MEHRING, D-Hockenheim ZHENG ZHOU MACHINERY, VRC-Shandong RUKO, D-Holzgerlingen HEMO, CH-Kriens KOREA TECHNICS, SAID, I-Isola Vicentina (VI) ZHENGZHOU RESEARCH, VRC-Zhenzhou SAACKE, D-Pforzheim HENNINGER PRÄZISION, D-Straubenhardt ROK-Bucheon Si, Gyunggi-Do SAIM, E-Zaragoza ZHUZHOU, VRC-Zhuzhou Hunan SAAR-HARTMETALL, D-Völklingen HOBE, D-Baienfurt KORLOY, ROK-Seoul SAMO, I-Soliera (MO) ZÜRN, D-Dusslingen SAMPUTENSILI, D-Chemnitz HOFFMANN QUALITÄTSWERKZEUGE, KYOCERA, J-Kyoto SAMPUTENSILI, D-Chemnitz 7-LEADERS, RC-Taichung City SAMPUTENSILI, I-Bologna (BO) D-München LACH-DIAMANT, D-Hanau SAMPUTENSILI, I-Bologna (BO) SASSATELLI, I-Pianoro (Bo) HOMMEL & KELLER, D-Aldingen LAIP, E-Abadiano (Bizkaia) SANDVIK COROMANT, S-Sandviken SAV, D-Nürnberg HORN, PAUL, D-Tübingen LAMBERT, CH-Safnern SANDVIK HARD MATERIALS, GB-Coventry S+B TECHNOLOGIE, IFANGER, CH-Uster LAMINA, CH-Yverdon-Les-Bains SASSATELLI, I-Pianoro (Bo) FORMING TOOLS, DIES AND MOULDS, D-Hösbach-Rottenberg INGERSOLL WERKZEUGE, D-Haiger LAPMASTER, GB-Devon S.A.U., I-Polinago (MO) RAPID PROTOTYPING SENY, E-Cornella Llobregat (BC) INNOTOOL-AUSTRIA, A-Altach LEISTRITZ, D-Nürnberg SAUER ULTRASONIC, D-Stipshausen SHINHAN, ROK-Namdong-Gu, Incheon ISCAR,IL-Tefen LEISTRITZ THOMMEN, CH-Tenniken SAUTER, D-Metzingen ADDISON, GB-Preston, Lancashire SHIN-YAIN, RC-Taichung Hsien KAISER, CH-Rümlang LENOX, NL-Helmond SAV, D-Nürnberg AGATHON, CH-Solothurn SHOBHA, IND-New Delhi KELCH & LINKS, D-Schorndorf LIEBHERR VERZAHNTECHNIK, D-Kempten SCHAUBLIN, CH-Delémont ALCO, E-Madrid SICHUAN MACHINERY, VRC-Sichuan KEMMER, D-Wildberg LMT, D-Oberkochen SCHMID, ERNST, D-Esslingen APOLLO, I-Roteglia/Castellarano RE SOWA, VRC-Guangzhou KEMMLER, D-Mössingen LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) SCHMITT, GB-Coventry BAUBLIES, D-Renningen STRAUSS, IL-Raanana KENNAMETAL, D-Fürth LUMI, E-Bilbao (Vizcaya) SCHUMACHER, D-Remscheid BIAX - SCHMID & WEZEL, D-Maulbronn SWAROVSKI, A-Absam KETTERER, D-Bad Dürrheim MADAULA, E-Sant Fost (Barcelona) SCHUNK, D-Lauffen am Neckar BÖHLER, A-Kapfenberg TAIWAN DIAMOND, KOJEX, RC-Taichung MAGAFOR, F-Fontenay-sous-Bois SCHWANOG, D-Villingen-Schwenningen BÖNI, CH-Feldbach RC-Pa-Deh City, Taoyuan Hsien KOMET GROUP, D-Besigheim MAIER, D-Salching/Oberpiebing SCISKPOL, PL-Kwilcz BORRIES, D-Pliezhausen TCM, A-Stainz KORLOY, ROK-Seoul MAIER, ANDREAS, D-Fellbach S.C.M., I-Murisengo (AL) BOTEK, D-Riederich THELEICO LEISSE, D-Meschede KYOCERA, J-Kyoto MAIER, ANDREAS (SCHWENDI), SDMEC, VRC-Qingdao BRANKAMP, D-Erkrath TOKAI,J-Tokyo LACH-DIAMANT, D-Hanau D-Schwendi-Hörenhausen SECO TOOLS, S-Fagersta BTA, D-Achim U.F.P., I-Missaglia (LC) LAIP, E-Abadiano (Bizkaia) MAKE, CH-Heimberg SEG. METAL, I-Rivoli (To) BUCHEM, D-Wermelskirchen UFS, I-Sparone (To) LISTA, CH-Erlen MAKINA TAKIM, TR-Cayirova/Gebze SEMPUCO, D-Greiz CARMEX, IL-Maalot UNIMEX-FORMDRILL, B-Beringen LMT, D-Oberkochen MANCHESTER TOOLS EUROPE, NL-Tilburg SGS TOOL, USA-Munroe Falls, OH CHIAO SHENG, RC-Tainan Hsien WAGNER WERKZEUGSYSTEME, LOKOMA, D-Höchstädt/Donau MANDREL, FIN-Tampere SHAANXI, VRC-Shaanxi Province CHING HSIANG, RC-Taipei D-Pliezhausen LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) MANIGLEY, CH-Sutz SHINHAN, ROK-Namdong-Gu, Incheon COMAU, I-Grugliasco (TO) WEICON, D-Münster M. T., I-San Giovanni i. M. (RN) MANNESMANN A., D-Remscheid SHIN-YAIN, RC-Taichung Hsien CUMDI, I-Curnardo (VA) WHIZCUT, S-Helsingborg MADAULA, E-Sant Fost (Barcelona) MAPAL, D-Aalen SHOBHA, IND-New Delhi DC SWISS, CH-Malleray WILSON TOOL, D-Rodenberg MAGAFOR, F-Fontenay-sous-Bois MATCHLING TOOLING, RC-Ta-Ya, Taichung SHYH BANG, RC-Taichung Hsien DORIAN, USA-East Bernard, TX WIRTH, D-Balzheim MAIER, ANDREAS, D-Fellbach MENLO / IMCO, USA-Warren, MI SICHUAN MACHINERY, VRC-Sichuan DREI-S-WERK, D-Schwabach WITTE, D-Bleckede MANCHESTER TOOLS EUROPE, NL-Tilburg MEPSA, E-Artes SIMTEK, D-Mössingen EBERHARD, D-Nordheim WOLF GRUPPE, D-Bruchmühlbach MANDREL, FIN-Tampere METAPLAS IONON, D-Bergisch Gladbach SKIF-M, RUS-Belgorod ECOROLL, D-Celle WOLFRAMCARB, I-Castellamonte (TO) MARQUART, D-Reichenbach/Heuberg MHC, VRC-Qingdao SMICUT, S-Ludvika EGW, D-Ehingen-Donau YEA-CHING, RC-Hsin Chuang Taipei MATCHLING TOOLING, RC-Ta-Ya, Taichung MICRO ENGINEERING, IND-Chandigarh SOFDIAM, F-Le Chambon Feugerolles EMUGE, D-Lauf a.d. Pegnitz ZDAS, CZ-Zdár nad Sázavou MENGEMANN, D-Frankfurt MIKRON TOOL AGNO, CH-Agno (Lugano) SOMTA TOOLS, ZA-Pietermaritzburg ERASTEEL, F-Paris Cedex ZECHA, D-Königsbach-Stein MHC, VRC-Qingdao MILLER, D-Altenstadt SOPAM, F-Linas-Montlhery EX-CELL-O, D-Eislingen/Fils 3D SYSTEMS, D-Darmstadt MICROTAP, D-Taufkirchen/München MIMATIC ZETTL, D-Betzigau SOWA, VRC-Guangzhou EXTRAMET, CH-Plaffeien MIMATIC ZETTL, D-Betzigau MIRCONA, S-Gävle SPEED TIGER, RC-Taichung EXTRUDE HONE, IRL-Shannon Co Clare MITSUBISHI MATERIALS,J-Tokyo MITSUBISHI MATERIALS,J-Tokyo SPHINX, CH-Biberist FELSS, D-Königsbach-Stein MSC TUTTLINGEN, D-Tuttlingen MOLLART, GB-Chessington, Surrey SSANGYONG, ROK-Seoul FERG, E-Gurb (Barcelona) TOOLING SYSTEMS, MST, J-Ikoma, Nara MORSE, USA-Canton, OH STAMM, D-Iserlohn FETTE, D-Schwarzenbek WORKSHOP EQUIPMENT M.T.E., I-Rovato (BS) MPR, VRC-Qingdao STARRAGHECKERT, CH-Rorschacherberg FIBRO, D-Weinsberg NAGEL, D-Nürtingen MST, J-Ikoma, Nara STARRETT, GB-Borders, Scotland FICEP, I-Gazzada Schianno (VA) ABBOTT, USA-Manhattan, KS NIKKEN KOSAKUSHO, J-Osaka-fu M.T.E., I-Rovato (BS) STELLRAM, D-Heusenstamm FORZA, E-Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava) ALESA, CH-Seengen NINE-9, RC-Taiping City NACHREINER, D-Balingen STOCK, D-Berlin FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IPT, D-Aachen ALGRA, I-Almenno S. Salvatore BG NORDMANN, D-Hürth NAGEL, D-Nürtingen STRAUSS, IL-Raanana FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IST, ANGST, CH-Oberdürnten NORELEM, D-Markgröningen NAWA, D-Veringenstadt STROHM, D-Stuttgart D-Braunschweig ARNO-WERKZEUGE, D-Ostfildern NT TOOL, D-Eschborn NC-AUTOMATION, D-Kempten STUBER, D-Murr FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IWU, D-Chemnitz AUTOCRIB, USA-Huntington Beach O.M.G., I-Cavriago (RE) NEUHÄUSER, D-Prüm SU-MATIC, CH-Brugg FRAUNHOFER - TEG, D-Stuttgart AXA, D-Schöppingen OTT-JAKOB, D-Lengenwang NEWEN, F-La Roche sur Foron SUMITOMO ELECTRIC, D-Lauchheim FROMM, D-Wain BAHMÜLLER SPANNZEUGE, PARAT, D-Stuttgart NGK, J-Komaki City, Aichi SUPERION, USA-Xenia, OH GLOOR, CH-Lengnau bei Biel D-Plüderhausen PARFAITE, RC-Taiwan County, Taiwan NIKKEN KOSAKUSHO, J-Osaka-fu SUTTON, AUS-Thomastown, Victoria GRAVOSTAR, CH-Zuzwil BALLUFF, D-Neuhausen PCM WILLEN, CH-Villeneuve NINE-9, RC-Taiping City SWAROVSKI, A-Absam GROB, CH-Männedorf BARTELS, D-Schenefeld PIBOMULTI, CH-Le Locle NOGA, IL-Shlomi TAIWAN DIAMOND, GÜDEL, D-Altenstadt BARUFFALDI, I-San Donato Milanese (MI) PINZBOHR, E-Montmeló NORELEM, D-Markgröningen RC-Pa-Deh City, Taoyuan Hsien GÜDEL, CH-Langenthal BECK, D-Winterlingen PLASEL DEUTSCHLAND, D-Düsseldorf NS TOOL,J-Tokyo TALICARB, I-Paderno Dugnano (Mi) GÜRKAN, TR-Istanbul BENZ, D-Haslach PRAGATI, IND-Bangalore NSK NAKANISHI, J-Tochigi-ken TAPMATIC - TIC, CH-Kriessern HAAG + ZEISSLER, D-Hanau BIG DAISHOWA, J-Osaka PROTOTYP, D-Zell am Harmersbach NT TOOL, D-Eschborn TAYLOR & JONES, GB-Huddersfield HALDER, D-Achstetten-Bronnen BILZ, D-Ostfildern PWB, CH-Brig NUBIUS, D-Göppingen TBT, D-Dettingen HA-NA, ROK-Kyungnam BISON-BIAL, PL-Bialystok RENISHAW, GB-Gloucestershire NUOVA C.U.M.E.T., I-Brandizzo (TO) TCM, A-Stainz HEMO, CH-Kriens BLOKSMA, D-Winnenden RIGIBORE, GB-Hayle Cornwall O.M.G., I-Cavriago (RE) TEC - SPIRAL, VRC-Songliang Shanghai HILZINGER-THUM, D-Tuttlingen BLUM-NOVOTEST, D-Ravensburg ROLLERI, I-Vigolzone (Pc) OMLAT, I-Ceresole d’Alba (CN) TENRYU, J-Shizuoka-Ken HIPAK, TR-Istanbul BÖNI, CH-Feldbach ROMAI, D-Vaihingen/Enz-Horrheim June 2005 Page 11

ROSE PLASTIC, D-Hergensweiler/Lindau BEMA, D-Keltern - Ellmendingen MECCANICA BICCHI, I-Pianezza (To) AMO, A-Braunau/Inn MICROPLAN, I-Varallo Sesia (VC) RUD-KETTENFABRIK, D-Aalen BERG & CO. GMBH SPANNTECHNIK, MENGEMANN, D-Frankfurt ARTIS, D-Bispingen-Behringen MICROTAP, D-Taufkirchen/München SAAZOR-WÄLZTECHNIK, D-Pforzheim D-Bielefeld MHC, VRC-Qingdao AUBERT, CH-Biel MICROTEST, CH-Thalwil SACO, I-Castellone (CR) BILZ, D-Ostfildern MICRO ENGINEERING, IND-Chandigarh BAITELLA, CH-Zürich MITUTOYO, J-Kawasaki, Kanagawa SAFETY, F-Boulogne Billancourt BISON-BIAL, PL-Bialystok MIMATIC ZETTL, D-Betzigau BALANCE SYSTEMS, MORA, D-Aschaffenburg SANDVIK COROMANT, S-Sandviken BOTTELLI, I-Menzago di Sumirago (VA) MITEE-BITE, USA-Center Ossipee NH I-Pessano con Bornago (MI) MPM, D-Erlangen SANKYO SEISAKUSHO, J-Kita-ku, Tokyo BRIGHETTI, I-Calderara di Reno BO MITSUBISHI MATERIALS,J-Tokyo BALLUFF, D-Neuhausen MPR, VRC-Qingdao SAUTER, D-Metzingen BRISTOL ENGINEERING, GB-Bristol MORETTI, I-Villa Guardia (Co) BARKSDALE, D-Reichelsheim NACHREINER, D-Balingen SAV, D-Nürnberg CANELA EINES, E-Badalona MPR, VRC-Qingdao BECKER, WILH., D-Remscheid NEWALL, GB-Leicester SCHAUBLIN, CH-Delémont CHANDOX, RC-Changhua County MST, J-Ikoma, Nara BEMA, D-Keltern - Ellmendingen NIKKEN KOSAKUSHO, J-Osaka-fu SCHMID, ERNST, D-Esslingen CHIA-MO, I-Anzola Emilia (BO) M.T.E., I-Rovato (BS) BERG & CO. GMBH SPANNTECHNIK, NORDMANN, D-Hürth SCHREM, D-Giengen/Brenz CHICK, USA-Warrendale, PA MÜLLER, HEINRICH, D-Pforzheim D-Bielefeld NORELEM, D-Markgröningen SCHUNK, D-Lauffen am Neckar CHUCKMATIC, IND-Dharwad NANN, D-Böttingen BLUM-NOVOTEST, D-Ravensburg OGP, D-Hofheim-Wallau S.C.M., I-Murisengo (AL) CMT, I-Bologna (BO) NC-AUTOMATION, D-Kempten BOCCHI, I-Pontoglio (Bs) OMAG, I-Induno Olona (VA) SECO TOOLS, S-Fagersta CNC-TECHNIK RÜTHEN, D-Rüthen NIKKEN KOSAKUSHO, J-Osaka-fu BORRIES, D-Pliezhausen OTT-JAKOB, D-Lengenwang SHANGHAI BRISC, VRC-Shanghai CRAFTSMAN, GB-Otley, West Yorkshire NINE-9, RC-Taiping City BOSS JOHS., D-Albstadt PASSAPONTI, I-Badia a Settimo (FI) SHIN-YAIN, RC-Taichung Hsien CRAWFORD, GB-Halifax West Yorkshire NORELEM, D-Markgröningen BOWERS, GB-Bradford, West Yorkshire PLANOLITH, D-Aschaffenburg SICHUAN MACHINERY, VRC-Sichuan DATRON, D-Mühltal NOVOTEC, NL-Reuver BRANKAMP, D-Erkrath PRECITEC, D-Gaggenau SMP, F-Bron DECKEL, M., D-Weilheim NT TOOL, D-Eschborn CEMB, I-Mandello del Lario (LC) PROCEQ, CH-Schwerzenbach SOPAM, F-Linas-Montlhery DEHAN, VRC-Qingdao NUOVA PTM MECCANICA, I-Bazzano (Bo) CEMECON, D-Würselen PROMETEC, D-Aachen SOWA, VRC-Guangzhou DELLNER TOOLS, S-Falun OK-VISE, FIN-Muurame CGTECH, D-Köln PWB, CH-Brig STOCK, D-Berlin DELTA, I-Cazzago S. Martino (Bs) OML, I-Travaco Siccomario (PV) CHINA INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS, REGO-FIX, CH-Tenniken SU-MATIC, CH-Brugg DEMMELER MASCHINENBAU, ORTLIEB, D-Kirchheim VRC-Changzhou, Jiangsu RENISHAW, GB-Gloucestershire SYSTEM 3R, S-Vällingby D-Heimertingen OTT-JAKOB, D-Lengenwang CHINA NATIONAL MACHINE TOOL, RICHTER, D-Konken SYSTEMTECHNIK, D-Wendeburg DI CHUN, RC-Taichung, Taiwan PAATZ, D-Viernau VRC-Beijing ROBOWORKER, D-Weingarten TAPMATIC - TIC, CH-Kriessern DIEBOLD, D-Jungingen PASCAL, F-Cergy-Pontoise CIMCORE, USA-Farmington Hills, MI ROMER, F-Montoire TCM, A-Stainz DM2, I-Travagliato (BS) PEISELER, D-Remscheid CM DIGIT, D-Ettlingen RSF, A-Tarsdorf TECNOMORS, I-SanMaurizio D’Opaglio/NO DORMER ITALIA, I-Milano PIBOMULTI, CH-Le Locle COMARA, D-St. Georgen i.Schw. RÜCKLE WERKZEUGFABRIK, TEZMAKSAN, TR-Bayrampasa - Istanbul EARTH-CHAIN, RC-Sha-Luh, Taichung PINTO, I-Torino (TO) COMAU, I-Grugliasco (TO) D-Römerstein-Böhringen TIANJIN ZERPO MACHINERY, VRC-Tianjin EGW, D-Ehingen-Donau PRAGATI, IND-Bangalore CONOPTICA, N-Klaebu SAIM, E-Zaragoza TRAMEC, D-Gingen/Fils ELCO, F-Fougeres PRATT BURNERD, CRIPPA, I-Arosio (Co) SCHENCK ROTEC, D-Darmstadt URMA, CH-Rupperswil ELESA, I-Monza (MI) GB-Halifax/West Yorkshire CTL, TR-Istanbul SCHINDLER, D-Bad Königshofen UTILIS, CH-Müllheim EMUGE, D-Lauf a.d. Pegnitz PRO RICHYOUNG, RC-Taichung DEA, I-Grugliasco (To) SCHMITT, GB-Coventry VISCHER + BOLLI, D-Lindau EROGLU, TR-Nilüfer - Bursa PUMORI, RUS-Jekaterinburg DECKEL, M., D-Weilheim SCHNEIDER, D-Bad Kreuznach VSK KENTAVAR, BG-Drjanovo EROWA, CH-Büron RE-AL, CH-Biel DEHAN, VRC-Qingdao SCHRÖDER INDUSTRIEÖFEN, D-Flörsheim WALTER, D-Tübingen EVARD PRECISION, CH-Yverdon-les-Bains REGO-FIX, CH-Tenniken DELCAM PLC, GB-Birmingham SCHUMACHER, D-Remscheid WENDEL, D-Horb-Mühlen EVEC, E-Berriz (Bizkaia) REWEFA, IND-Hosur Tamil Nadu DIATEST, D-Darmstadt SCHUT, NL-Groningen W&F, D-Großbettlingen EWS, D-Uhingen RICHTER, D-Langenhagen DIEBOLD, D-Jungingen SHANDONG LUNAN, WHIZCUT, S-Helsingborg FAHRION, D-Kaisersbach RINGSPANN, D-Bad Homburg DIETHEI, D-Bopfingen VRC-Tengzhou Shandong WIDIA, D-Essen FENWICK, IND-Bangalore RITEN, USA-Washington C.H., OH DITTEL, D-Landsberg/Lech SIEMENS, D-Erlangen WOHLHAUPTER, D-Frickenhausen FETTE, D-Schwarzenbek RÖHM, D-Sontheim DMG MICROSET, D-Bielefeld SMW-AUTOBLOK, D-Meckenbeuren WTO, D-Ohlsbach FIEGE, D-Kleinwallstadt RÖMHELD, D-Laubach EARTH-CHAIN, RC-Sha-Luh, Taichung SONY, J-Saintana ZHENG ZHOU MACHINERY, VRC-Shandong FLAIG, D-Königsfeld ROTOMORS, I-Grugliasco (TO) EIMELDINGEN, D-Efringen-Kirchen SPERONI, I-Sostegno diSpessa Po/PV ZÜRN, D-Dusslingen FLOWDRILL, NL-Utrecht ROTOR TOOL, CH-Oetwil am See ELBO CONTROLLI, I-Meda (MI) STARRETT, GB-Borders, Scotland FORKARDT, D-Erkrath RUD-KETTENFABRIK, D-Aalen EMUGE, D-Lauf a.d. Pegnitz STIEFELMAYER, D-Denkendorf FORZA, E-Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava) SACO, I-Castellone (CR) EROWA, CH-Büron STOPP, D-Weinheim FRANKEN, D-Rückersdorf SAFEWAY, RC-Wu Chi, Taichung ESCO, D-Aachen STRESSTECH, D-Höhn TOOL PRESETTERS AND TOOL BALANCING FRESMAK, E-Zarautz (Guipuzcoa) SAV, D-Nürnberg ETAMIC, F-Bayeux Cedex STROJIRNY CELAKOVICE, CZ-Celákovice FUJI JIKOH, RC-Taichung S+B TECHNOLOGIE, D-Hösbach-Rottenberg FAG KUGELFISCHER, D-Schweinfurt SUNNEN, USA-St. Louis, MO ABRO BALANCING, IND-New Delhi GAMET, GB-Colchester, Essex SCHAUBLIN, CH-Delémont FAGOR AUTOMATION, E-Mondragón SUNNEN, CH-Ennetaach-Erlen ACU-RITE, USA-Jamestown, N.Y. GAMOR, E-Asteasu (Guipuzcoa) SCHMID, ERNST, D-Esslingen FARO, D-Stuttgart T & S, D-Poppenhausen BALANCE SYSTEMS, GANTER, D-Furtwangen SCHREM, D-Giengen/Brenz FEINMESS SUHL, D-Suhl TCM, A-Stainz I-Pessano con Bornago (MI) GERARDI, I-Lonate Pozzolo (VA) SCHUNK, D-Lauffen am Neckar FERTER, TR-Izmir TDM SYSTEMS, D-Tübingen BILZ, D-Ostfildern GERBER, CH-Lyss S.C.M., I-Murisengo (AL) FIDIA, I-San Mauro Torinese (TO) TECHNIFOR, F-Miribel Cedex BLUM-NOVOTEST, D-Ravensburg GEWEFA, D-Burladingen SECO TOOLS, S-Fagersta FIEGE, D-Kleinwallstadt TESA, CH-Renens VD BRANKAMP, D-Erkrath GMP, D-Bodelshausen SERVOPRESS, D-Cleebronn FORKARDT, D-Erkrath TIANJIN ZERPO MACHINERY, VRC-Tianjin BRISTOL ENGINEERING, GB-Bristol G&N, D-Erlangen SHANGHAI BRISC, VRC-Shanghai FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IPK, D-Berlin TOTAL DEUTSCHLAND, D-Osnabrück BURRI, D-Bösingen GÖLTENBODT, D-Leonberg (Höfingen) SHARP CHUCKS, IND-Jalandhar (Punjab) FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IPT, D-Aachen ULTRA PRÄZISION, D-Glattbach CEMB, I-Mandello del Lario (LC) GRAF, D-Dietingen-Böhringen SHIN-YAIN, RC-Taichung Hsien FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IWU, D-Chemnitz VISION ENGINEERING, D-Emmering DITTEL, D-Landsberg/Lech GRESSEL, CH-Aadorf SHOBHA, IND-New Delhi FRAUNHOFER - TEG, D-Stuttgart WALTER MASCHINENBAU, D-Tübingen DMG MICROSET, D-Bielefeld GUANG DAR, RC-Taichung SICHUAN MACHINERY, VRC-Sichuan GAT, D-Wiesbaden WENZEL, D-Wiesthal DONG GUAN, GUERNICA, E-Guernica, Bizkaia SMC, ROK-Shiheung-City, Kyunggi-Do GBO DATACOMP, D-Augsburg WERTH, D-Gießen VRC-Dong Guan, Guang Dong GÜHRING, D-Albstadt SMW-AUTOBLOK, D-Meckenbeuren GEOVISION, D-Odelzhausen/Wagenhofen WITTE, D-Bleckede ELBO CONTROLLI, I-Meda (MI) GÜRKAN, TR-Istanbul SOPAM, F-Linas-Montlhery GERBER, CH-Lyss WYLER, CH-Winterthur ELCO, F-Fougeres GÜTHLE, D-Ebersbach/Fils SOWA, VRC-Guangzhou GIMEX, D-Kaiserslautern Z & Y TOOL SUPPLY, VRC-Qingdao FIDIA, I-San Mauro Torinese (TO) HAGEN & GOEBEL, D-Soest SPEEDY BLOCK, I-Locate Triulzi (Mi) GIVI MISURE, I-Nova Milanese (MI) ZEISS, D-Oberkochen GÜHRING, D-Albstadt HAIMER, D-Igenhausen SPERONI, I-Sostegno diSpessa Po/PV GLEASON WORKS, USA-Rochester, N.Y. ZETT MESS, D-Sankt Augustin HAIMER, D-Igenhausen HAINBUCH, D-Marbach STARK SPANNSYSTEME, A-Götzis GLEASON-HURTH, D-München ZHENG ZHOU MACHINERY, VRC-Shandong HOFFMANN QUALITÄTSWERKZEUGE, HALDER, D-Achstetten-Bronnen STATE ENGINEERING, IND-Phagwara GLEASON-PFAUTER, D-Ludwigsburg ZOLLER, D-Freiberg am Neckar D-München HAWE HYDRAULIK, D-München STIEFELMAYER, D-Denkendorf GÜHRING, D-Albstadt HOFMANN MASCHINEN U. ANLAGEN, HEIMATEC, D-Renchen SYSTEM 3R, S-Vällingby HEIDENHAIN, D-Traunreut D-Worms HEMA, D-Seligenstadt SZM, D-Zella-Mehlis/Thür. HELIOS, D-Niedernhall HOFMANN MESS- UND AUSWUCHT- HEMO, CH-Kriens TALMEC, I-Vignola (MO) HITEC, D-Leonberg MECHANICAL, HYDRAULIC AND TECHNIK, D-Pfungstadt HENNINGER PRÄZISION, D-Straubenhardt TAPMATIC - TIC, CH-Kriessern HOFFMANN QUALITÄTSWERKZEUGE, PNEUMATIC COMPONENTS HOFMANN MESS- U. TEILTECHNIK, HESTEGO, CZ-Brno TCM, A-Stainz D-München D-Grosselfingen HILMA-RÖMHELD, D-Hilchenbach TECNOMAGNETE, I-Lainate (MI) HOFMANN MASCHINEN U. ANLAGEN, ABBA, RC-Taipei County INNOTOOL-AUSTRIA, A-Altach HIRSCHMANN, D-Fluorn-Winzeln TEMAK, TR-Istanbul D-Worms ABBOTT, USA-Manhattan, KS KAISER, CH-Rümlang HOFFMANN QUALITÄTSWERKZEUGE, TEZMAKSAN, TR-Bayrampasa - Istanbul HOFMANN MESS- UND AUSWUCHT- AFFOLTER, CH-Malleray KAISER SISTEMAS, E-L’Arboc (Tarragona) D-München THAME ENGINEERING, GB-Aylesbury, Bucks TECHNIK, D-Pfungstadt AIR TURBINE, USA-Boca Raton, FL KELCH & LINKS, D-Schorndorf HOHENSTEIN, D-Hohenstein-Ernstthal TIANJIN ZERPO MACHINERY, VRC-Tianjin HOMMELWERKE, D-Villingen-Schwenningen AIRLOC, CH-Küsnacht LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) HOMGE, RC-Ta Ya Shian, Taichung TOBLER SANDVIK, F-Louvres IDF, I-Pontoglio (Bs) ALBRECHT, D-Wernau M + H, D-Waldburg HUHHOT, VRC-Huhhot, Inner Mongolia TON FOU, RC-Taiping City IFM, D-Essen ALGRA, I-Almenno S. Salvatore BG MAPAL, D-Aalen HWR SPANNTECHNIK, D-Oyten TRIAG, CH-Allenwinden INA-SCHAEFFLER, D-Herzogenaurach ALPHA GETRIEBE, D-Igersheim MESSWELK, D-Kleinostheim HYDROBLOCK, I-Reggio Emilia (RE) US SPECIAL TOOLS, D-Wipperfürth INNOTOOL-AUSTRIA, A-Altach AMO, A-Braunau/Inn METROL,J-Tokyo HYDROKOMP, D-Gemünden-Felda VERTEX, RC-Feng Yuan, Taichung Hsien ISKRA, SLO-Sentvid pri Sticni ARLA, D-Wipperfürth MPM, D-Erlangen IMAO, J-Gifu VISCHER + BOLLI, D-Lindau JAUCH & SCHMIDER, D-Villingendorf ARNOLD, D-Obertshausen MSC TUTTLINGEN, D-Tuttlingen IMS, I-Sommariva Bosco (Cn) VORTEC, NL-AB Lochem JFA, D-Aschaffenburg A-RYUNG, ROK-Cheonnam NIKKEN KOSAKUSHO, J-Osaka-fu INGERSOLL WERKZEUGE, D-Haiger VSK KENTAVAR, BG-Drjanovo JI NAU HUA YANG, VRC-Ji Nan AXA, D-Schöppingen NORDMANN, D-Hürth INNOTOOL-AUSTRIA, A-Altach WAGNER MAGNETE, D-Heimertingen JOHANSSON, S-Eskilstuna BALLUFF, D-Neuhausen OTT-JAKOB, D-Lengenwang ISCAR,IL-Tefen WALKER BRAILLON, F-Montmelian JUNKER, D-Nordrach BÄR, D-Steisslingen PINZBOHR, E-Montmeló JAUCH & SCHMIDER, D-Villingendorf WEXTEN, RC-Taiping Taichung KÄFER, D-Villingen-Schwenningen BARKSDALE, D-Reichelsheim PWB, CH-Brig KAISER, CH-Rümlang W&F, D-Großbettlingen KAISER SISTEMAS, E-L’Arboc (Tarragona) BARUFFALDI, I-San Donato Milanese (MI) RENISHAW, GB-Gloucestershire KELCH & LINKS, D-Schorndorf WIDIA, D-Essen KELCH & LINKS, D-Schorndorf BAZUS, E-Fonz (Huesca) SCHUNK, D-Lauffen am Neckar KEMMLER, D-Mössingen WITTE, D-Bleckede KESSLER, D-Bad Buchau BELKI, DK-Roedkaersbro SICHUAN MACHINERY, VRC-Sichuan KENNAMETAL, D-Fürth WNT DEUTSCHLAND, D-Kempten KLINGELNBERG, D-Hückeswagen BIAX - SCHMID & WEZEL, D-Maulbronn SPERONI, I-Sostegno diSpessa Po/PV KESEL, D-Kempten WTE PRÄZISIONSTECHNIK, KOMEG, D-Völklingen BIJUR, F-Courtaboeuf TBT, D-Dettingen KIMU, E-Arenys De Munt D-Ehrenfriedersdorf KONICA MINOLTA, J-Osaka BILZ SCHWINGUNGSTECHNIK, D-Leonberg TCM, A-Stainz KIPP, D-Sulz YG-1, ROK-Incheon KORDT, D-Eschweiler BISON-BIAL, PL-Bialystok UNION TOOL,J-Tokyo KITAGAWA, J-Hiroshima ZHEJIANG SAN OU MACHINERY, KROEPLIN, D-Schlüchtern BLÄSSINGER, D-Ostfildern URMA, CH-Rupperswil KOHN, D-Rudersberg VRC-Zhejiang LAM PLAN, F-Gaillard BÖNI, CH-Feldbach ZOLLER, D-Freiberg am Neckar KOMTAS, TR-Selcuklu/Konya ZHENG ZHOU MACHINERY, VRC-Shandong LAMTECH, D-Stuttgart BOSCH REXROTH, D-Lohr am Main KÖNIG MTM, D-Wertheim ZOLLER, D-Freiberg am Neckar LAPMASTER, GB-Devon BOSS JOHS., D-Albstadt KORLOY, ROK-Seoul ZÜRN, D-Dusslingen LEITZ, D-Wetzlar BOST, E-Asteasu (Gipuzkoa) KOSTYRKA, D-Stuttgart LIPPOLIS, I-Rescaldina (Mi) BOTTELLI, I-Menzago di Sumirago (VA) WORKHOLDING LAIP, E-Abadiano (Bizkaia) LISTA, CH-Erlen BREUNING, D-Steinenbronn LEADER CHUCK, GB-Birmingham LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) BRINKMANN, D-Detmold ABBOTT, USA-Manhattan, KS LEAVE, RC-Tao-Yuan City MEASURING, TESTING AND M + H, D-Waldburg BRINKMANN PUMPS, D-Werdohl AKE KNEBEL, D-Balingen LLAMBRICH, E-Hospitalet de Ll. QUALITY CONTROL MAHR, D-Göttingen C + M ROGERS / INFILTRA, ALBRECHT, D-Wernau LMT, D-Oberkochen MANIGLEY, CH-Sutz GB-Flore Northampton ALLMATIC-JAKOB, D-Unterthingau LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) ABRO BALANCING, IND-New Delhi MARPOSS, I-Bentivoglio (BO) CAPELLINI, I-Gariga Di Podenzano (PC) ANGST, CH-Oberdürnten MAG SYSTEMS, I-Abbiategrasso (Mi) ACU-RITE, USA-Jamestown, N.Y. MESSWELK, D-Kleinostheim CHING HSIANG, RC-Taipei ARLA, D-Wipperfürth MAIER, ANDREAS, D-Fellbach ADDISON, GB-Preston, Lancashire METRIS, B-Leuven CLEVELAND, D-Löffingen ARNO-WERKZEUGE, D-Ostfildern MAPAL, D-Aalen AEROEL, I-Pradamano (UD) MHC, VRC-Qingdao CNC-TECHNIK RÜTHEN, D-Rüthen AUTOBLOK, I-Caprie (TO) MARIANI, I-Castelleone (Cr) AICON, D-Braunschweig MIB, D-Spangenberg COLCHESTER, GB-West Yorkshire BAHMÜLLER SPANNZEUGE, MARQUART, D-Reichenbach/Heuberg AIR GAGE, USA-Livonia, MI MICRO ABRASIVES, COLOMBO GIORDANO, I-Carate Brianza (Mi) D-Plüderhausen MATCHLING TOOLING, RC-Ta-Ya, Taichung AIRLOC, CH-Küsnacht D-Leinfelden-Echterdingen COMAND, I-Credera (CR) Page 12 June 2005

CUCCHI, GIOVANNI, I-Bussero (MI) KW-ABRICHTTECHNIK, D-Mainaschaff TRAMEC, D-Gingen/Fils MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC,J-Tokyo MPM, D-Erlangen CUCCHI, PIETRO, I-Bussero (MI) LACH-DIAMANT, D-Hanau TSUDAKOMA, J-Ishikawa MOLBRO, DK-Soro MSC.SOFTWARE, D-München CYTEC, D-Jülich LAZZATI, I-Rescaldina (MI) UCAM, IND-Bangalore MSC TUTTLINGEN, D-Tuttlingen MTS, D-Berlin DABROWSKA, PL-Dabrowa Gornicza LEHMANN, CH-Bärau UKF, D-Berlin NC PROGRAMMIERTECHNIK, D-Donzdorf NC PROGRAMMIERTECHNIK, D-Donzdorf DEHAN, VRC-Qingdao LIDKÖPING, S-Lidköping UMBRA CUSCINETTI, I-Foligno PG NEWALL, GB-Leicester NOAX, D-Ebersberg DELIMON, D-Düsseldorf LNS, CH-Orvin V.C.S., I-Almenno S.Bartolomeo/BG NOAX, D-Ebersberg NORDMANN, D-Hürth DELTA, I-Cazzago S. Martino (Bs) LOCKWOOD, USA-Lake Oswego, OR VERTEX, RC-Feng Yuan, Taichung Hsien NORDMANN, D-Hürth NUM, F-Colombes Cedex DEUBLIN, D-Hofheim LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) VOGEL, D-Berlin NSK,J-Tokyo OMATIVE, IL-Jerusalem DI CHUN, RC-Taichung, Taiwan MADAULA, E-Sant Fost (Barcelona) VOITH TURBO, D-Heidenheim NUM, F-Colombes Cedex ONECNC, D-Lage DIEBOLD, D-Jungingen MAG SYSTEMS, I-Abbiategrasso (Mi) VOITH TURBO H+L, D-Rutesheim OMATIVE, IL-Jerusalem OPEN MIND, D-Weßling DIVIPREC, E-Berriz-Vizcaya MAHR, D-Göttingen WALTER, GOTTHILF, D-Mühlacker PFLITSCH, D-Hückeswagen OPUS, D-Kirchheim u. Teck DIXIMACHINES, CH-Le Locle MAIER, ANDREAS, D-Fellbach WANNER, GB-Hants PROMETEC, D-Aachen PATHTRACE, GB-Reading/Berkshire DOALL EUROPA, NL-Dordrecht MANDREL, FIN-Tampere WASSER, D-Troisdorf-Spich REDEX, F-Ferrieres PCAM BY PEYER, CH-Contone DUFIEUX INDUSTRIE, F-Echirolles MANNESMANN A., D-Remscheid WEICON, D-Münster REIS ROBOTICS, D-Obernburg PROMETEC, D-Aachen DUPLOMATIC, I-Legnano (MI) MARQUART, D-Reichenbach/Heuberg WEISS, D-Schweinfurt RENISHAW, GB-Gloucestershire PWB, CH-Brig E+A ELEKTROMASCHINEN, CH-Möhlin MATCHLING TOOLING, RC-Ta-Ya, Taichung WEMA, D-Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock REPAR 2, I-Rescaldina (Mi) QUINX, CH-Zetzwil ECONOMOS, D-Bietigheim-Bissingen MAYR, D-Mauerstetten WITTENSTEIN MOTION CONTROL, RITTAL, D-Herborn REMMERT, D-Löhne EGANA, E-San Sebastian MEYRAT, CH-Biel D-Igersheim RODRIGUEZ, D-Eschweiler RENISHAW, GB-Gloucestershire EIMELDINGEN, D-Efringen-Kirchen MHC, VRC-Qingdao WMZ, D-Schwalmstadt ROLLON, D-Ratingen RIGIBORE, GB-Hayle Cornwall EITEC, D-Eching MICROPLAN, I-Varallo Sesia (VC) WOERNER, D-Wertheim SAET, I-Leini (TO) ROSCHIWAL + PARTNER, D-Augsburg EL.MORE, I-Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi) MIKSCH, D-Göppingen WOLF, D-Brackenheim SCHMITT, GB-Coventry RUD-KETTENFABRIK, D-Aalen EMISSA, CH-Le Locle MOLBRO, DK-Soro XUBI, E-Azkoitia SCHNEEBERGER, D-Höfen an der Enz SAAZOR-WÄLZTECHNIK, D-Pforzheim EMT, TR-Ostim - Ankara MÖLLER WERKE, D-Bielefeld YEA-CHING, RC-Hsin Chuang Taipei SCHNEEBERGER, W., CH-Roggwil SAMTECH, B-Liège ETEL, CH-Môtiers MOLLIFICIO BORDIGNON, YINSH, RC-Taichung SELCA, I-Ivrea (TO) SANDVIK COROMANT, S-Sandviken EVEC, E-Berriz (Bizkaia) I-Rossano Veneto (Vi) Z & Y TOOL SUPPLY, VRC-Qingdao SERVAX - LANDERT, CH-Bülach SARIX, CH-Losone EVERTZ, D-Solingen MORSE, USA-Canton, OH ZF FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, D-Friedrichshafen SIEB & MEYER, D-Lüneburg SCHOTT SYSTEME, D-Gilching EXACT MACHINERY, RC-Fengyuan City MÜLLER CO-AX, D-Forchtenberg ZHENG ZHOU MACHINERY, VRC-Shandong SIEMENS, D-Erlangen SCHUMACHER, D-Remscheid FAG KUGELFISCHER, D-Schweinfurt MW HYDRAULIK, D-Kahl am Main ZMM-BULGARIA, BG-Sofia SKF LINEARSYSTEME, D-Schweinfurt SESCOI, D-Neu-Isenburg FEHLMANN, CH-Seon NABTESCO,J-Tokyo SONY, J-Saintana S.I. ENGINEERING, I-Bra (CN) FEINMESS DRESDEN, D-Dresden NANN, D-Böttingen STEINMEYER, D-Albstadt SIEMENS, D-Erlangen FENWICK, IND-Bangalore NIKKEN KOSAKUSHO, J-Osaka-fu STROJÍRNA TYC, CZ-M‡to SOLIDCAM, D-Schramberg FE-OL, I-Canelli (AT) NIPPON THOMPSON,J-Tokyo INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, CONTROL TEKNIC, IND-Bangalore SPERONI, I-Sostegno diSpessa Po/PV FERTIGUNGSTECHNIK WEISSENFELS, NIVELL, CH-Bremgarten AND DRIVE SYSTEMS THK, J-Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo STARRAGHECKERT, CH-Rorschacherberg D-Weissenfels NORELEM, D-Markgröningen TOX PRESSOTECHNIK, D-Weingarten SURFCAM, USA-Westlake Village, CA FIBRO, D-Weinsberg NSK,J-Tokyo ACU-RITE, USA-Jamestown, N.Y. VHF CAMFACTURE, D-Ammerbuch SYSTEM 3R, S-Vällingby FIDIA, I-San Mauro Torinese (TO) NSK NAKANISHI, J-Tochigi-ken AERNOVA, I-Roletto (TO) VOGEL, D-Berlin SYSTEMTECHNIK, D-Wendeburg FIEGE, D-Kleinwallstadt NTN WÄLZLAGER EUROPA, D-Erkrath AFFOLTER, CH-Malleray WAGNER MAGNETE, D-Heimertingen TDM SYSTEMS, D-Tübingen FISCHER, CH-Herzogenbuchsee OK-VISE, FIN-Muurame ALPHA GETRIEBE, D-Igersheim WEISS, D-Schweinfurt TEBIS, D-Martinsried/München FIXATORENBAU, D-Leverkusen OMLAT, I-Ceresole d’Alba (CN) AMK ARNOLD MÜLLER, D-Kirchheim/Teck WITTENSTEIN MOTION CONTROL, TECNOCUT, I-Calusco d’Adda (BG) FMB, D-Faulbach OMPI, I-Carate Br. (MI) AMO, A-Braunau/Inn D-Igersheim TECNOMATIX, D-Neu-Isenburg FORKARDT, D-Erkrath ORTLIEB, D-Kirchheim ANDRON, D-Wasserburg/B WOERNER, D-Wertheim TEKSOFT, USA-Scottsdale, AZ FRAMAG, A-Frankenburg OTT-JAKOB, D-Lengenwang ARNOLD, D-Obertshausen WYLER, CH-Winterthur THIRD WAVE SYSTEMS, FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IPT, D-Aachen PAMA, I-Rovereto (TN) ARTIS, D-Bispingen-Behringen ZHENG ZHOU MACHINERY, VRC-Shandong USA-Minneapolis, MN FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IWU, D-Chemnitz PARFAITE, RC-Taiwan County, Taiwan BALANCE SYSTEMS, ZMM-BULGARIA, BG-Sofia TORNOS, CH-Moutier FUJI JIKOH, RC-Taichung PARKSON WU, RC-Taichung County I-Pessano con Bornago (MI) TRACTO-TECHNIK, D-Lennestadt GAMET, GB-Colchester, Essex PASCAL, F-Cergy-Pontoise BALLUFF, D-Neuhausen TRAUB, D-Reichenbach GAMFIOR, I-Torino (TO) P.E.I., I-Calderara di Reno (BO) BARKSDALE, D-Reichelsheim TVB, D-Murnau am Staffelsee GAT, D-Wiesbaden PEISELER, D-Remscheid BECKHOFF, D-Verl COMPUTERS AND SOFTWARE VERO INTERNATIONAL, GB-Stroud, Glos. GERB, D-Essen PIBOMULTI, CH-Le Locle BEMA, D-Keltern - Ellmendingen VHF CAMFACTURE, D-Ammerbuch GHIDINI, I-Lumezzane (Bs) PLASEL DEUTSCHLAND, D-Düsseldorf BLÄSSINGER, D-Ostfildern ALPHA GETRIEBE, D-Igersheim WITTENSTEIN MOTION CONTROL, GHIRINGHELLI BRESSO, I-Bresso (Mi) PMI, RC-Taichung Hsien BLUM-NOVOTEST, D-Ravensburg ANDRON, D-Wasserburg/B D-Igersheim GIFU, RC-Taichung Hsien PRECISE, D-Leichlingen BOSCH REXROTH, D-Lohr am Main ARTIS, D-Bispingen-Behringen WOLF GRUPPE, D-Bruchmühlbach GIRARD TRANSMISSIONS, F-Billere Cedex REDEX, F-Ferrieres BRANKAMP, D-Erkrath BALLUFF, D-Neuhausen WYLER, CH-Winterthur GMN PAUL MÜLLER, D-Nürnberg REPAR 2, I-Rescaldina (Mi) BRISTOL, D-Dombühl/Mittelfranken BECKHOFF, D-Verl YAMAZAKI MAZAK, J-Aichi Pref GOIZPER, E-Antzuola (Guipúzcoa) RIX, J-Kasuya-Gun Fukuoka CERNOCH LIGHTING, CZ-PRAHA - Kolodeje BEMET, NL-Veenendaal ZOLLER, D-Freiberg am Neckar GOLDEN SUN, RC-Feng-Yuan, Taichung ROBOWORKER, D-Weingarten CHIAO SHENG, RC-Tainan Hsien BLUM-NOVOTEST, D-Ravensburg 4U, D-Landsberg GPA ITALIANA, I-Lomazzo (CO) RODRIGUEZ, D-Eschweiler COLOMBO GIORDANO, I-Carate Brianza (Mi) BOCK & HEITBREDER, D-Bielefeld GRAVOSTAR, CH-Zuzwil ROLLON, D-Ratingen COMAU, I-Grugliasco (TO) BÖHLER, A-Kapfenberg GRUNDFOS, D-Erkrath RÖMHELD, D-Laubach CONOPTICA, N-Klaebu BRANKAMP, D-Erkrath GÜDEL, D-Altenstadt ROSE PLASTIC, D-Hergensweiler/Lindau COSCOM, D-Ebersberg BYSTRONIC LASER, CH-Niederönz DESINA – DISTRIBUTED, STANDARDISED GÜDEL, CH-Langenthal ROTOMORS, I-Grugliasco (TO) CTL, TR-Istanbul CAJHEN, SLO-Lasko INSTALLATION TECHNOLOGY FOR GÜRKAN, TR-Istanbul ROTTLER, D-Mudersbach CYTEC, D-Jülich CAMTEK, D-Remshalden-Geradstetten MACHINE TOOLS HAAG + ZEISSLER, D-Hanau RÜCKLE WERKZEUGFABRIK, D. ELECTRON, I-Firenze (Fi) C.B. FERRARI, I-Mornago (VA) HAAS AUTOMATION, USA-Oxnard CA D-Römerstein-Böhringen DALLAN, I-Castelfranco Veneto Tv CENTRIFORCE, D-Paderborn BALLUF, D-Neuhausen HAGEN & GOEBEL, D-Soest RUD-KETTENFABRIK, D-Aalen DIETHEI, D-Bopfingen CGTECH, D-Köln BOSCH REXROTH, D-Lohr am Main HALDER, D-Achstetten-Bronnen R+W, D-Klingenberg DITTEL, D-Landsberg/Lech COMARA, D-St. Georgen i.Schw. BRINKMANN PUMPEN, D-Werdohl HARMONIC DRIVE, D-Limburg/Lahn SACEMI, I-Noventa die Piave (VE) DUFIEUX INDUSTRIE, F-Echirolles COSCOM, D-Ebersberg DESINA - VDW, D-Frankfurt HAWE HYDRAULIK, D-München SACO, I-Castellone (CR) E+A ELEKTROMASCHINEN, CH-Möhlin DATOS, CH-Zürich FLUID TEAM, D-Konstanz HCR CREMER, D-Mönchengladbach SAFEWAY, RC-Wu Chi, Taichung ECKELMANN, D-Wiesbaden DCAM, D-Berlin G.C.E., I-Pozzo d’Adda (MI) HEMA, D-Seligenstadt SAIM, E-Zaragoza ECS, I-Calenzano(Fi) DEA, I-Grugliasco (To) GRUNDFOS, D-Erkrath HEMO, CH-Kriens SAINT-GOBAIN, USA-East Granby, CT EKD GELENKROHR, D-Erkrath DELCAM PLC, GB-Birmingham HARTING, D-Minden HENNIG, D-Kirchheim SANDVIK COROMANT, S-Sandviken ELBO CONTROLLI, I-Meda (MI) DIAMETAL, CH-Biel HYDAC FILTERTECHNIK, D-Sulzbach/Saar HENNINGER PRÄZISION, D-Straubenhardt SANKYO SEISAKUSHO, J-Kita-ku, Tokyo ELGO-ELECTRIC, D-Rielasingen DLOG, D-Olching ILME, D-Wiehl HESTEGO, CZ-Brno SASSATELLI, I-Pianoro (Bo) EMA INDUTEC, D-Meckesheim DMG MICROSET, D-Bielefeld KNORR TEC, D-Beratzhausen HIRSCHMANN, D-Fluorn-Winzeln SAUTER, D-Metzingen EMB WITTLICH, D-Laufeld ECKELMANN, D-Wiesbaden MONETTE, D-Marburg HIWIN, D-Offenburg SAV, D-Nürnberg EMCO MAIER, A-Hallein ECS, I-Calenzano (Fi) MURRELEKTRONIK, D-Oppenweiler HOFMANN MESS- U. TEILTECHNIK, SCHAUBLIN, CH-Delémont ETEL, CH-Môtiers ELBO CONTROLLI, I-Meda (MI) NEXANS, D-Nürnberg D-Grosselfingen SCHIMPKE, D-Haan EUCHNER, D-Leinfelden-Echterdingen EMCO MAIER, A-Hallein SIEMENS, D-Nürnberg HOHENSTEIN, D-Hohenstein-Ernstthal SCHMALENBERGER, D-Tübingen-Weilheim FAGOR AUTOMATION, E-Mondragón EROWA, CH-Büron VOGEL, D-Berlin HOMGE, RC-Ta Ya Shian, Taichung SCHNEEBERGER, D-Höfen an der Enz FANUC, J-Yamanashi Prefecture ESCO, D-Aachen HORKOS, J-Hiroshima SCHNEEBERGER, W., CH-Roggwil FARO, D-Stuttgart ESPRIT BY DP TECHNOLOGY, HYDAC, D-Sulzbach/Saar SDMEC, VRC-Qingdao FEINMESS DRESDEN, D-Dresden USA-Camarillo, CA HYDROKOMP, D-Gemünden-Felda SEMA, A-Traunkirchen FIDIA, I-San Mauro Torinese (TO) ETAMIC, F-Bayeux Cedex MATERIALS HYPROSTATIK, D-Göppingen SEMPUCO, D-Greiz FISCHER, CH-Herzogenbuchsee EXAPT, D-Aachen IBAG, CH-Lindau SERVOPRESS, D-Cleebronn FKB, D-Oberndorf FANUC, J-Yamanashi Prefecture AF MICRO DRILL, D-Kulmbach IBC WÄLZLAGER, D-Solms-Oberbiel SHANDONG LUNAN, FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IPT, D-Aachen FARO, D-Stuttgart AFC, D-Mainleus IDAM, D-Suhl VRC-Tengzhou Shandong FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IWU, D-Chemnitz FASTEMS, FIN-Tampere ATC ARMOLOY TECHNOLOGY COATINGS, IEMCA, I-Faenza (RA) SHINHAN, ROK-Namdong-Gu, Incheon FRAUNHOFER - TEG, D-Stuttgart FAUSER, D-Gilching D-Mosbach IGUS, D-Köln SHOBHA, IND-New Delhi GAMFIOR, I-Torino (TO) FETTE, D-Schwarzenbek BAOSHAN IRON & STEEL, VRC-Shanghai IMOBERDORF, CH-Oensingen SHUTON, E-Legutiano (Alava) GAT, D-Wiesbaden FIDIA, I-San Mauro Torinese (TO) CEMECON, D-Würselen INA-SCHAEFFLER, D-Herzogenaurach SICHUAN MACHINERY, VRC-Sichuan GE FANUC, L-Echternach FISCHER, CH-Herzogenbuchsee DIJET, J-Osaka INNOTOOL-AUSTRIA, A-Altach SKF, D-Schweinfurt GIBBS, USA-Moorpark, CA FRAMAG, A-Frankenburg EGW, D-Ehingen-Donau INTERLIT, D-Köln SKF LINEARSYSTEME, D-Schweinfurt GIVI MISURE, I-Nova Milanese (MI) FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IFF, D-Magdeburg EIFELER WERKZEUGE, D-Düsseldorf IRCO, D-Steinenbronn SMP, F-Bron GRESSEL, CH-Aadorf FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IPT, D-Aachen ERASTEEL, F-Paris Cedex IRUDEX, E-Deba (Guipúzcoa) SMS, D-Albstadt GÜDEL, D-Altenstadt FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IWU, D-Chemnitz EXTRAMET, CH-Plaffeien JAUCH & SCHMIDER, D-Villingendorf SNFA, F-Ivry Sur Seine Cedex GÜDEL, CH-Langenthal FRAUNHOFER - TEG, D-Stuttgart FRAMAG, A-Frankenburg JFA, D-Aschaffenburg SN-SPINDELTECHNIK, D-Döbeln HARMONIC DRIVE, D-Limburg/Lahn FUNCTIONBAY, D-München FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IPK, D-Berlin JOHNSON, D-Langenfeld SOMEX, F-Ensisheim HEIDENHAIN, D-Traunreut GBO DATACOMP, D-Augsburg FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IST, JUARISTI, E-Azkoitia (Gipuzkoa) SOPAM, F-Linas-Montlhery HIWIN, D-Offenburg GE FANUC, L-Echternach D-Braunschweig KABELSCHLEPP, D-Siegen SOWA, VRC-Guangzhou HÜTTINGER, D-Freiburg GEOVISION, D-Odelzhausen/Wagenhofen FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IWU, D-Chemnitz KAMMERER, D-Hornberg-Niederwasser SPIRSIN, E-Urnieta (Guipuzcoa) HYDAC, D-Sulzbach/Saar GIBBS, USA-Moorpark, CA HASCELIK, TR-Istanbul KAVO, D-Leutkirch im Allgäu SPL, D-Ebersbach/OT Neudorf HYPROSTATIK, D-Göppingen GNT, D-Kirchheim HAUCK, D-Remscheid KESSLER, D-Bad Buchau STEINMEYER, D-Albstadt IDAM, D-Suhl HEIDENHAIN, D-Traunreut HAUZER TECHNO COATING, NL-Venlo KETTERER, D-Bad Dürrheim STEP-TEC, CH-Luterbach IFM, D-Essen HSI, D-Erfurt IHLE, D-Königsbach-Stein KEYARROW, RC-Taichung STROHM, D-Stuttgart IGUS, D-Köln INDEX, D-Esslingen IONBOND, CH-Olten KINTEK, I-Leini (TO) SYSTEM 3R, S-Vällingby I-MES, D-Eiterfeld KASTO, D-Achern KONRAD FRIEDRICHS, D-Kulmbach KITAGAWA, J-Hiroshima TANSHING, RC-Tantzu, Taichung INDUNORM BEWEGUNG, D-Duisburg KELLER, R. & S., D-Wuppertal METAPLAS IONON, D-Bergisch Gladbach KLOPP, D-Solingen TEAP, I-Gordona (SO) ISKRA, SLO-Sentvid pri Sticni LANTEK, E-Minano (Alava) MICROPLAN, I-Varallo Sesia (VC) KMT, D-Bad Nauheim TECNIFUELLE, E-Deba (Guipuzcoa) KABELSCHLEPP, D-Siegen LICOM, D-Herzogenrath MOLBRO, DK-Soro KNOLL, D-Bad Saulgau TECNOCUT, I-Calusco d’Adda (BG) KAVO, D-Leutkirch im Allgäu LISTA, CH-Erlen NORELEM, D-Markgröningen KOMTAS, TR-Selcuklu/Konya TEDISA, E-Berriz/Vizcaya KESSLER, D-Bad Buchau M + H, D-Waldburg RAJASTHAN UDYOG, IND-Jodhpur KORTA, E-Zumaia (Guipuzcoa) THK, J-Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo KETTERER, D-Bad Dürrheim MACHINEWORKS, GB-Sheffield RUD-KETTENFABRIK, D-Aalen KOSTYRKA, D-Stuttgart TIMKEN, F-Colmar MARPOSS, I-Bentivoglio (BO) MASTERCAM, D-Bad Lippspringe SAINT-GOBAIN, USA-East Granby, CT KTR, D-Rheine TOGNELLA, I-Soma Lombardo MARQUART, D-Reichenbach/Heuberg MICROTAP, D-Taufkirchen/München SANDVIK HARD MATERIALS, GB-Coventry KULICKOVE SROUBY, CZ-Kurim TORNOS, CH-Moutier MAYR, D-Mauerstetten MISSLER SOFTWARE, F-Evry SCHNEEBERGER, D-Höfen an der Enz KUPA, A-Grambach/Graz TOX PRESSOTECHNIK, D-Weingarten MICROTAP, D-Taufkirchen/München MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC,J-Tokyo SCHNEEBERGER, W., CH-Roggwil June 2005 Page 13

SDMEC, VRC-Qingdao AKO-FILTER, D-Flintbek AMC, IND-New Delhi TECNOMAGNETE, I-Lainate (MI) FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IST, SINTER SUD, I-Sant’ Agata de’ Goti BN ALTRADE, CH-Zug ARLA, D-Wipperfürth TECNOMORS, I-SanMaurizio D’Opaglio/NO D-Braunschweig TOKAI,J-Tokyo ARBOGA-DARENTH, S-Arboga AUTOBLOK, I-Caprie (TO) TORNOS, CH-Moutier FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IWU, D-Chemnitz US SPECIAL TOOLS, D-Wipperfürth ARNOLD, D-Obertshausen BALLUFF, D-Neuhausen TOX PRESSOTECHNIK, D-Weingarten FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT, D-München WEICON, D-Münster ARP, D-Alpirsbach BERG & CO. GMBH SPANNTECHNIK, VISCHER + BOLLI, D-Lindau FUBRI, I-Vigano (LC) WITTE, D-Bleckede ARTIS, D-Bispingen-Behringen D-Bielefeld WIEDMANN, D-Deggingen GARDNER PUBLICATIONS, WOLF GRUPPE, D-Bruchmühlbach BÄR, D-Steisslingen BIAX - SCHMID & WEZEL, D-Maulbronn WMZ, D-Schwalmstadt USA-Cincinnati, OH WOLFRAMCARB, I-Castellamonte (TO) BARTELS, D-Schenefeld BLÄSSINGER, D-Ostfildern ZECHA, D-Königsbach-Stein GE FANUC, L-Echternach YUANG HSIAN, RC-Chang Hua BECKER FRIEDEWALD, D-Friedewald BLOKSMA, D-Winnenden ZIMMER + KREIM, D-Brensbach GEFA-LEASING, D-Wuppertal ZDAS, CZ-Zdár nad Sázavou BELKI, DK-Roedkaersbro BOSCH REXROTH, D-Lohr am Main GLEASON CUTTING TOOLS, USA-Loves Park BERUFSGENOSSENSCHAFTEN, D-Düsseldorf BRANKAMP, D-Erkrath GLEASON WORKS, USA-Rochester, N.Y. BKW, D-Wolfschlugen BREUNING, D-Steinenbronn GLEASON-HURTH, D-München BLASER SWISSLUBE, CH-Hasle-Rüegsau BUHLMANN, B-St-Stevens-Woluwe AUTOMATION FOR STORAGE GLEASON-PFAUTER, D-Ludwigsburg LUBRICATION AND COOLING BOSCH REXROTH, D-Lohr am Main BULA, CH-Henniez AND TRANSPORTATION GÜHRING, D-Albstadt BRANKAMP, D-Erkrath C.B. FERRARI, I-Mornago (VA) HANSER VERLAG, D-München ACCU-LUBE, D-Maulbronn-Schmie BRISTOL, D-Dombühl/Mittelfranken CHARMILLES TECHNOLOGIES, ABBOTT, USA-Manhattan, KS HAUCK, D-Remscheid AKO-FILTER, D-Flintbek BUCHEM, D-Wermelskirchen CH-Meyrin/Geneve ARBOGA-DARENTH, S-Arboga HAUZER TECHNO COATING, NL-Venlo ARBOGA-DARENTH, S-Arboga BÜRENER MASCHINEN, D-Büren CMB AUTOMATION, D-Kirchheim/Teck BARTELS, D-Schenefeld HCR CREMER, D-Mönchengladbach A-RYUNG, ROK-Cheonnam C + M ROGERS / INFILTRA, CMT, I-Bologna (BO) BECKETT PLASTICS, GB-Sheffield HENRICH PUBLIKATIONEN, D-Gilching BÄR, D-Steisslingen GB-Flore Northampton COMAU, I-Grugliasco (TO) BLOKSMA, D-Winnenden HOFMANN MASCHINEN U. ANLAGEN, BARKSDALE, D-Reichelsheim CFM-REITEK, D-Remagen DEA, I-Grugliasco (To) EIMELDINGEN, D-Efringen-Kirchen D-Worms BEKA, D-Pegnitz CLEANMIST, I-Busto Arsizio (Va) EIMELDINGEN, D-Efringen-Kirchen EROWA, CH-Büron HOMMEL & KELLER, D-Aldingen BIELOMATIK, D-Neuffen CORAL, I-Volpiano (To) EKIN, E-Amorebieta (Vizcaya) FAMEPLA, D-Sauerlach HOMMELWERKE, BIJUR, F-Courtaboeuf DEPURECO, I-Torino (TO) ELECTRONICA, IND-Pune FASTEMS, FIN-Tampere D-Villingen-Schwenningen BKW, D-Wolfschlugen EGW, D-Ehingen-Donau EROWA, CH-Büron FELSOMAT, D-Königsbach-Stein HONSBERG, D-Remscheid BLASER SWISSLUBE, CH-Hasle-Rüegsau ERDWICH, D-Kaufering FAMI, I-Rosà (VI) FLAIG, D-Königsfeld HOT, D-Nürnberg BRINKMANN PUMPS, D-Werdohl EUCHNER, D-Leinfelden-Echterdingen FANUC, J-Yamanashi Prefecture FLEXLINK, D-Offenbach HWG INDUCTOHEAT, D-Reichenbach/Fils BUCHEM, D-Wermelskirchen FACET ITALIANA, I-Cafasse (To) FANUC ROBOTICS, D-Neuhausen GÜDEL, D-Altenstadt IFM, D-Essen BÜRENER MASCHINEN, D-Büren FE-OL, I-Canelli (AT) FASTEMS, FIN-Tampere GÜDEL, CH-Langenthal IKB LEASING, D-Hamburg C + M ROGERS / INFILTRA, FETZER, D-Reutlingen FELSOMAT, D-Königsbach-Stein HÄNEL, D-Bad Friedrichshall ILT, D-Ruppichteroth GB-Flore Northampton FILCON, D-Ilsede FIBRO, D-Weinsberg HCR CREMER, D-Mönchengladbach IONBOND, CH-Olten CENLUB, IND-Faridabad FILTERMIST, GB-Shropshire FICEP, I-Gazzada Schianno (VA) IMR MECHATRONIK, A-Velden IWB, D-Garching DELIMON, D-Düsseldorf FOX, I-Azzano S. Paolo (Bg) FLAIG, D-Königsfeld INNOTOOL-AUSTRIA, A-Altach J. PUBLISHING, I-Milano DEUBLIN, D-Hofheim FRIESS, D-Monheim FLEXLINK, D-Offenbach KABELSCHLEPP, D-Siegen JOHANSSON, S-Eskilstuna DOALL EUROPA, NL-Dordrecht GERB, D-Essen FMB, D-Faulbach KARDEX, D-Kronberg KELLER, R. & S., D-Wuppertal DORMER ITALIA, I-Milano GPA ITALIANA, I-Lomazzo (CO) FORKARDT, D-Erkrath KASTO, D-Achern KLOPP, D-Solingen DREX PALLOTTI, I-Vimodrone (MI) HALLER, D-Kirchlengern GEVA, I-Arcugnano (VI) KÖBO, D-Wuppertal KONRADIN VERLAG, DROPSA, I-Vimodrone (MI) HANGSTERFER’S, USA-Mantua, NJ GHIDINI, I-Lumezzane (Bs) KUPA, A-Grambach/Graz D-Leinfelden-Echterdingen EF COOLING, CH-Dällikon HASCON, I-Legnano (Mi) GPA ITALIANA, I-Lomazzo (CO) LISSMAC, D-Bad Wurzach LACH-DIAMANT, D-Hanau FACET ITALIANA, I-Cafasse (To) HAWEMA, D-Trossingen GROB-WERKE, D-Mindelheim LISTA, CH-Erlen L’AMMONITORE, I-Varese (VA) FAG KUGELFISCHER, D-Schweinfurt HCR CREMER, D-Mönchengladbach GÜDEL, D-Altenstadt MAG SYSTEMS, I-Abbiategrasso (Mi) LISTA, CH-Erlen FAREN, I-Varedo (Mi) HEMA, D-Seligenstadt GÜDEL, CH-Langenthal MAYFRAN, D-Aachen LMT, D-Oberkochen FE-OL, I-Canelli (AT) HENNIG, D-Kirchheim GÜTHLE, D-Ebersbach/Fils MIKSCH, D-Göppingen LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) FETZER, D-Reutlingen HESTEGO, CZ-Brno HAMUEL, D-Meeder PCAM BY PEYER, CH-Contone MATEC, D-Braunschweig FUCHS EUROPE, D-Mannheim HKS, D-Singen HCR CREMER, D-Mönchengladbach PROMOT, A-Roitham MAUSER MASCHINENBAU, GAMOR, E-Asteasu (Guipuzcoa) HÖCKER, D-Hilter HEILIG, D-Heubach REMMERT, D-Löhne D-Oberndorf a. N. GAT, D-Wiesbaden HOFFMANN APPARATE, D-Lengede HEMA, D-Seligenstadt RILE, D-Deggendorf METAPLAS IONON, D-Bergisch Gladbach GRUNDFOS, D-Erkrath HORKOS, J-Hiroshima HEMO, CH-Kriens ROBOWORKER, D-Weingarten MICRO TECHNICA TECHNOLOGIES, HAAG + ZEISSLER, D-Hanau HYDAC, D-Sulzbach/Saar HESTEGO, CZ-Brno ROTOMORS, I-Grugliasco (TO) D-Kornwestheim HANGSTERFER’S, USA-Mantua, NJ H2O, D-Steinen HIRSCHMANN, D-Fluorn-Winzeln RÜCKLE WERKZEUGFABRIK, MOLBRO,DK-Soro HEBRO CHEMIE, D-Mönchengladbach IAG, D-Netphen HIWIN, D-Offenburg D-Römerstein-Böhringen MÖLLER WERKE, D-Bielefeld HKS, D-Singen IFT, D-Sprockhövel HOFMANN MASCHINEN U. ANLAGEN, RUD-KETTENFABRIK, D-Aalen MTS, D-Berlin HOFFMANN APPARATE, D-Lengede ILT, D-Ruppichteroth D-Worms SAV, D-Nürnberg NC-VERLAG -SCHLÜTERSCHE, D-Coburg HORKOS, J-Hiroshima IRUDEX, E-Deba (Guipúzcoa) IDAM, D-Suhl SCHINDLER, D-Bad Königshofen NOVA AGORA, E-Molins de Rei (Barcelona) HYDAC, D-Sulzbach/Saar KABELSCHLEPP, D-Siegen IEMCA, I-Faenza (RA) SCHUNK, D-Lauffen am Neckar PASSAPONTI, I-Badia a Settimo (FI) HYFRA, D-Krunkel KELLER LUFTTECHNIK, D-Kirchheim u. Teck IMOBERDORF, CH-Oensingen SECKLER, CH-Pieterlen PLANOLITH, D-Aschaffenburg IAG, D-Netphen KEYARROW, RC-Taichung IMR MECHATRONIK, A-Velden SYSTEM 3R, S-Vällingby PLATIT, CH-Grenchen IFT, D-Sprockhövel KNOLL, D-Bad Saulgau INDUNORM BEWEGUNG, D-Duisburg SYSTEMTECHNIK, D-Wendeburg POCO GRAPHITE, USA-Decatur, Texas ILC, I-Gorla Minore (VA) KÖBO, D-Wuppertal INNOTOOL-AUSTRIA, A-Altach VISCHER + BOLLI, D-Lindau PUBLITEC, I-Milano (MI) INTERLIT, D-Köln LACH-DIAMANT, D-Hanau IRCO, D-Steinenbronn WITTE, D-Bleckede PVT, D-Bensheim JOHNSON, D-Langenfeld LANNER, D-Kippenheim JAUCH & SCHMIDER, D-Villingendorf REED BUSINESS INFORMATION, I-Milano KAYS, USA-Marshall, MO LEIBLEIN, D-Hardheim KEKEISEN, D-Laupheim RINGIER, HK-Sheung Wan, Hong Kong KELCH & LINKS, D-Schorndorf LIQUI, D-Engen KETTERER, D-Bad Dürrheim ROSCHIWAL + PARTNER, D-Augsburg KLH, D-Bad Doberan LNS, CH-Orvin KOHN, D-Rudersberg SERVICES, PUBLICATIONS, S & J, RC-Taichung City KLÜBER LUBRICATION, D-München LOCKWOOD, USA-Lake Oswego, OR KOSTYRKA, D-Stuttgart LEASING SAACKE, D-Pforzheim KNOLL, D-Bad Saulgau LOSMA, I-Curno (BG) KULLEN, D-Reutlingen SAAZOR-WÄLZTECHNIK, D-Pforzheim LANNER, D-Kippenheim LTA LUFTTECHNIK, D-Nordrach LACH-DIAMANT, D-Hanau AICON, D-Braunschweig SAIM, E-Zaragoza LEIBLEIN, D-Hardheim LTF, I-Antegnate (BG) LASCO, D-Coburg AIRLOC, CH-Küsnacht SAMPUTENSILI, D-Chemnitz LENOX, NL-Helmond MANN + HUMMEL,D-Speyer LISSMAC, D-Bad Wurzach AJANS MIK, TR-Okmeydani-Istanbul SAMPUTENSILI, I-Bologna (BO) LIQUI, D-Engen MAYFRAN, D-Aachen LISTA, CH-Erlen ARTIS, D-Bispingen-Behringen SAMTECH, B-Liège LOCKWOOD, USA-Lake Oswego, OR MKR, D-Monheim MAIER, ANDREAS, D-Fellbach ASIA-PACIFIC MAGAZINE, RC-Taichung City SCHENCK ROTEC, D-Darmstadt LOSMA, I-Curno (BG) MÖLLER WERKE, D-Bielefeld MAKINO, D-Hamburg ATC ARMOLOY TECHNOLOGY COATINGS, SCHMITT, GB-Coventry LUBRIQUIP, USA-Cleveland, Ohio NIVELL, CH-Bremgarten MARPOSS, I-Bentivoglio (BO) D-Mosbach SCHRÖDER INDUSTRIEÖFEN, D-Flörsheim MANDREL, FIN-Tampere NOVOTEC, NL-Reuver MARQUART, D-Reichenbach/Heuberg ATEC, D-Laubach SECO TOOLS, S-Fagersta MAYFRAN, D-Aachen NOVOTECNIC, E-Sta. Perpetua de Mogoda MEPSA, E-Artes BALZERS, D-Bingen SG EQUIPMENT FINANCE, D-Wuppertal MKR, D-Monheim PADBERG, D-Lahr MICROTAP, D-Taufkirchen/München BARCLAYS INDUSTRIE LEASING, D-Frankfurt SIEMENS, D-Erlangen MOTOREX, CH-Langenthal P.E.I., I-Calderara di Reno (BO) MIDACO, USA-Elk Grove Village, IL BEMET, NL-Veenendaal SKF, D-Schweinfurt MÜLLER CO-AX, D-Forchtenberg POLO FILTER, D-Achim MIKSCH, D-Göppingen BERUFSGENOSSENSCHAFTEN, D-Düsseldorf SMERAL, CZ-Brno NOGA, IL-Shlomi PRÄZI-FLACHSTAHL, D-Everswinkel MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC,J-Tokyo BLASER SWISSLUBE, CH-Hasle-Rüegsau SPALECK, D-Bocholt NORELEM, D-Markgröningen PRIMATEC, D-Dörth MÖSSNER, D-Eschach BOEHRINGER, D-Göppingen STARRAGHECKERT, CH-Rorschacherberg NOVOTECNIC, E-Sta. Perpetua de Mogoda PROMATEC, F-Scientrier NC-AUTOMATION, D-Kempten BOEHRINGER MASCHINEN, D-Stuttgart STEREMAT ELEKTROWÄRME, D-Berlin NSK,J-Tokyo PROMETEC, D-Aachen NSK,J-Tokyo BOSCH REXROTH, D-Lohr am Main SÜD LEASING, D-Stuttgart OTT-JAKOB, D-Lengenwang RENTSCHLER REVEN, D-Sersheim PAATZ, D-Viernau C & M TOPLINE, USA-Goleta, CA SYSTEM 3R, S-Vällingby PADBERG, D-Lahr REPAR 2, I-Rescaldina (Mi) PASCAL, F-Cergy-Pontoise CEMECON, D-Würselen TAIWAN TECHNOLOGY, RC-Taichung City PETROFER, D-Hildesheim RINGLER, D-Waldstetten PCAM BY PEYER, CH-Contone CHINA ECONOMIC NEWS, RC-Taipei TCM, A-Stainz POLO FILTER, D-Achim RÖSLER, D-Bad Staffelstein PRAGATI, IND-Bangalore CNC-TECHNIK RÜTHEN, D-Rüthen TECNICHE NUOVE, I-Milano PRIMATEC, D-Dörth RUD-KETTENFABRIK, D-Aalen PROMOT, A-Roitham COMAU, I-Grugliasco (TO) THIRD WAVE SYSTEMS, RE-BO REBER, D-Bopfingen-Oberdorf RUF BRIKETTIERPRESSEN, D-Zaisertshofen PWB, CH-Brig CUMDI, I-Curnardo (VA) USA-Minneapolis, MN RENTSCHLER REVEN, D-Sersheim RUWAC, D-Melle REICHENBACHER HAMUEL, DABROWSKA, PL-Dabrowa Gornicza TORNOS, CH-Moutier RITTAL, D-Herborn SCHICKERT, D-Fellbach D-Dörfles-Esbach DATHAN, GB-Holmfirth, West Yorkshire TOTAL DEUTSCHLAND, D-Osnabrück SCHIMPKE, D-Haan SERVAX - LANDERT, CH-Bülach REIDEN TECHNIK, CH-Reiden DEA, I-Grugliasco (To) UKF, D-Berlin SCHMALENBERGER, D-Tübingen-Weilheim SPALECK, D-Bocholt REIS ROBOTICS, D-Obernburg DEUTSCHE LEASING, D-Bad Homburg v.d.H. VDMA, D-Frankfurt STEIDLE, D-Leverkusen STEIMEL, D-Hennef RILE, D-Deggendorf DIAMETAL, CH-Biel VERLAG MODERNE INDUSTRIE, SUNNEN, USA-St. Louis, MO T & A, D-Ettenheim - Altdorf ROBOWORKER, D-Weingarten DIBO-TECH, D-Metzingen D-Landsberg SUNNEN, CH-Ennetaach-Erlen TECNIMETAL, I-S.Giovanni in Croce (CR) RÖHM, D-Sontheim DIN, D-Berlin VNU BUSINESS PUBLICATIONS ITALIA, TAPMATIC - TIC, CH-Kriessern TOTAL DEUTSCHLAND, D-Osnabrück ROTOMORS, I-Grugliasco (TO) DMG GEBRAUCHTMASCHINEN, I-Cinisello Balsamo (Mi) TARMOND, TR-Kocaeli TRANSOR, D-Usingen RÜCKLE WERKZEUGFABRIK, D-Geretsried VOGEL INDUSTRIE MEDIEN, D-Würzburg TOTAL DEUTSCHLAND, D-Osnabrück TURBO-SEPARATOR, CH-Lichtensteig D-Römerstein-Böhringen EFD, D-Freiburg VOGTLAND, D-Plauen TRANSOR, D-Usingen VORTEC, NL-AB Lochem RUD-KETTENFABRIK, D-Aalen EGW, D-Ehingen-Donau VORTEC, NL-AB Lochem TURBO-SEPARATOR, CH-Lichtensteig WAGNER MAGNETE, D-Heimertingen SANKYO SEISAKUSHO, J-Kita-ku, Tokyo EIFELER WERKZEUGE, D-Düsseldorf VR-LEASING, D-Eschborn VOGEL, D-Berlin WALKER BRAILLON, F-Montmelian SAV, D-Nürnberg EMAG, D-Salach WALTER, D-Tübingen VOITH TURBO, D-Heidenheim WALTHER TROWAL, D-Haan SCHINDLER, D-Bad Königshofen EUROPEAN TOOL & MOULD, D-Wiesbaden WEISS, D-Schweinfurt VORTEC, NL-AB Lochem WEMA, D-Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock SCHUNK, D-Lauffen am Neckar EUROTEC, CH-Genève WOLF GRUPPE, D-Bruchmühlbach WEICON, D-Münster WESTFALIA SEPARATOR, D-Oelde SECKLER, CH-Pieterlen EUROTRANSFAIR, D-Heimsheim ZETT MESS, D-Sankt Augustin WESTFALIA SEPARATOR, D-Oelde 3NINE, S-Nacha Strand SIDEPALSA, E-Izurza (Vizcaya) EVANS & PRICE, GB-Tamworth, Staffordsh. WEXTEN, RC-Taiping Taichung SINTECO, I-Longarone (BL) EVERTZ, D-Solingen Edition: 4 May 2005 WOERNER, D-Wertheim SMP, F-Bron EXAPT, D-Aachen ZIPPEL, D-Neutraubling SPALECK, D-Bocholt FANUC, J-Yamanashi Prefecture ASSEMBLY, SPERONI, I-Sostegno diSpessa Po/PV FARO, D-Stuttgart For our permanently up-dated INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS STARRAGHECKERT, CH-Rorschacherberg FAUSER, D-Gilching list of exhibitors please visit STÄUBLI TEC-SYSTEMS, D-Bayreuth FETTE, D-Schwarzenbek EQUIPMENT FOR WASTE DISPOSAL ABBOTT, USA-Manhattan, KS STOPP, D-Weinheim FISCHER, CH-Herzogenbuchsee The trade fair catalogue and the AND ENVIRONMENT AGIE, CH-Losone STROHM, D-Stuttgart FRAMAG, A-Frankenburg entrance tickets can be ordered AIR TURBINE, USA-Boca Raton, FL SYSTEM 3R, S-Vällingby FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IFF, D-Magdeburg online. ABSOLENT, S-Lidköping AKT, TR-Tuzla/Istanbul SYSTEMTECHNIK, D-Wendeburg FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IPK, D-Berlin AERNOVA, I-Roletto (TO) ALTRATEC, D-Schwieberdingen TCM, A-Stainz FRAUNHOFER - INSTITUT IPT, D-Aachen Page 14 June 2005 Highlights presented at EMO Hannover 2005

No trade fair for metalwork- services for all machine Italy – Comau - Last generation Transfer share of 94 per cent EMO ing finds such international aspects. The third segment Modules with dedicated, Hannover is one of the key resonance as EMO Hannover. “Corporate services” maps the Comau Powertrain Systems autonomous transfer device. shop windows for presenting Far more than half of the Group’s central functions. The operates in the field of metal- new products. On 1,886 exhibitors come from abroad. export quota is 52 per cent. cutting systems, assembly Comau will complete the square metres in Hall 27 this Within the shortest time, the systems and testing, particu- presentation with a concept company will be presenting Trade visitors to EMO DMG duoBLOCK® concept larly for engine and transmis- of innovative control architec- 27 customer applications Hannover are given a com- has evolved into a strategic sion components. 1,153 ture, based upon standards from various segments of tool plete overview of the whole platform for milling applica- employees in the business and wireless communication. and mould construction as range of innovative manu- tions on workpieces weighing unit Powertrain Systems well as precision parts pro- facturing technologies. up to 4,000 kg – benefiting achieved a turnover of about Key highlight will be the origi- duced with products for ExpoKurier has assessed the universal machines just as € 275 million. nal (patent pending) transfer milling, EDM, and automation highlights that will be pre- greatly as milling/turning device, to be used as inde- technologies. On the milling sented at EMO Hannover technologies and horizontal Comau designs and manufac- pendent components trans- segment the company focus- 2005 by the major exhibitors machining centres. tures flexible transfer lines for port mechanism. The unit is es on the manufacture of from the major exhibiting Accordingly, this innovation is linked with transfer lines and small to large high-quality nations and the second- one of the highlights at the movable modules, to enhance production parts with new largest exhibiting segment 3,466 m2 EMO trade fair stand the lean approach of elimi- 3/4/5-axis high-performance of precision tools: of DECKEL MAHO GILDE- nating overhead heavy gantry milling machines. Other new MEISTER in Hall 2. type transport systems. products will be presented for high-speed milling from 30,000 rpm. EMO Hannover Switzerland – Agie Charmilles More than one half of exhibitors are foreign companies In the EDM category, 16 ma- The Agie Charmilles Group chines will be presented, from Italy 289 was formed from the corpo- the “entry-level model” to the Switzerland 132 rate group GF Machine Tools absolute precision machine, Taiwan 121 run by the majority share- that all do justice to today’s Spain 78 Germany holder Georg Fischer. It pro- miniaturisation of compo- Japan 72 804 vides system solutions for nents. Also on offer are the mould and tool construction corresponding automation and for the manufacture of solutions, chucking and Fernando Caligaris, Comau Powertrain Systems COO, Grugliasco, Italy: precision parts. The range of clamping systems, and con- “Key highlight will be the original patent pending transfer device, to be used as inde- products include EDM and troller software for the unat- Foreign Countries pendent components transport mechanism, both associated with transfer lines and agile high-speed milling machines; tended operation of EDM and 1,119 modules.” chucking, clamping, and pal- milling machines. All in all, leting systems; consumables the visitor can expect 27 and consumption parts; and models, 13 innovations, and Source: VDW large volume machining, flex- automation solutions. a highly motivated team. ible cells for medium to Hall 27, booth B20 small volume machining, In 2004 a turnover of CHF Germany – GILDEMEISTER Of course, visitors will be par- a range of multi-spindle 978 million was achieved by doned for showing less inter- machines, high-velocity sin- 3,062 personnel. Taiwan – Victor Taichung GILDEMEISTER manufactures est in the “platform philoso- gle-spindle and twin-spindle cutting machine tools under phy” and far greater in the three-axis machining mod- EDM and high-speed milling Vertical machining centre the brand name DMG. In advantages for the process: ules, crankshaft machining are the two key technologies VcenterII-550 – Victor 2004, over 5,000 personnel for example, the stability of equipment (turn-broaching in mould and tool construc- Taichung will be presenting at achieved a turnover of € 1.05 the machine bed and rear lathes and balancing tion. In the manufacture of EMO 2005 a new generation billion. The business activities wall is instrumental in almost machines). moulds and punches they are of vertical machining centres extend over three segments. halving the weight of the indispensable for the series that meet the high demands The segment “Machine tools”, X carriage and milling head, The mechanical assembly for high-speed machining. the Group’s business with providing in turn the basis for lines use control processes With a reinforced column for new machines, consists of high dynamic response. A fur- and software developed by enhancing the rigidity of the turning, milling, and the inno- ther convincing feature is the Comau to produce engine C-frame, a 12,000 rpm DCS vative future technologies machines’ thermosymmetri- blocks, connecting rods, pis- (directly coupled spindle), and ultrasonics and laser machin- cal layout. To boot, the inert ton sub-assemblies, cylinder a 550 mm y-axis traverse, this ing. The segment “Services” mass is double that of the heads, transmissions, gear- machining centre is perfectly provides all multidisciplinary former design, giving the boxes and running-gear com- ideal over the whole range of machine frame a high rigidity ponents. The equipment inte- machining requirements from for superior surface qualities grates all the basic processes large-scale production to the and longer tool lives. of mechanical assembly, such manufacture of special-pur- as press fitting, nut/bolt run- pose moulds. Further cuts in In the sum of its advantages, ning, application of adhesive, tool changing and idle times this new design principle now together with mechanical during three-axis machining makes possible tremendous unit gauging and testing mean that this new genera- flexibility in machine tool stations. tion of vertical machining building: the customer opts centres achieves an overall “EMO Hannover is one of the key shop for a concept, the workpiece Comau will present at the windows for presenting our new products,” performance, depending on 2005 explained Michael Hauser, head of the 20 then defines the requisite EMO Hannover trade marketing and sales support branch, the machining method, to traverses – and not until then fair its latest innovative Agie Charmilles, Losone, Switzerland 50 per cent greater than the are the data transferred to products: predecessor model. universal, horizontal, or multi- production of plastic, metal, technological tailoring. - MT2X, heavy duty machining and glass parts and for A completely new concept Hall 2, booth A1 centre, focusing on truck and machining complex precision has also been developed for big diesel engines. components. coolant and chip disposal. The “The new duoBLOCK® concept makes possible tremendous flexibility in machine tool build- - 1 gZ, high-speed module double-spindle conveyor belts ing.” Dr. Rüdiger Kapitza, board chairman of GILDEMEISTER AG, Bielefeld with wide precision opera- For this internationally oper- transport the volumetric tions range. ating company with an export chips to the machine’s front June 2005 Page 15

Milling machine with fixed Milling machine with fixed bed and travelling column, bed and travelling column, model SP-8000: model SLN-6.000: Fitted with only the one This milling centre is also attachment this machine available with electric spin- covers the whole range of dles from 18,000 to 30,000 machining from roughing rpm. Opinion of Soraluce: to finishing. Soraluce points The SLN is therefore one of out that this machine is the most economical therefore one of the most machines on the market. economical models of all on Hall 13, booth B36 the market.

Plate routing centre, model Precision tools – ISCAR FR-12.000: The plate routing centre is The company ISCAR Hart- Hans-Jürgen Büchner, managing director one of the most flexible metall GmbH in Ettlingen will of ISCAR Hartmetall Werkzeuge, Ettlingen: machines that with only the be presenting the new cut- “We will be presenting a new cutting insert.” More than 2,000 exhibitors from 38 countries are expected at EMO Hannover 2005. Picture: Dornauf Foto & Graphik, Frankfurt/Main one attachment covers the ting insert Ofmw...ff suitable whole range of machining for applications with the cutting depth ap of 2.0 mm from roughing semifinished new milling tool family Hof- and a feed fz of 1.6 mm/ Spain – Soraluce products to finishing. For the Heliocto. At the same time tooth for an enormous chip customer this flexibility this insert rounds off the volume of 1,223 cm3/min! Headquartered in the Spanish means a considerable cost available Feedmill milling sys- What is interesting for the town of Bergara, Soraluce of saving. tem whose geometry can be user is that the new cutting the Danobat Group produces used for a max. diameter of insert does not require any milling machines and milling 315 mm. The special features new tools, saving costs and centres with 185 employees of this innovative cutting facilitating modifications to and claims to have always insert are its eight specially existing machinery. been committed towards designed, segmented cutting developing precision and edges whose small setting Also worthy of note is that reliability. At EMO Hannover angles permit extremely high the cutting force is trans- 2005 Soraluce will be present- feeds up to 3.0 mm per tooth. ferred along the spindle’s axis, ing four new products. The following example com- allowing not only applications pares this new with a conven- on small and mid-sized Horizontal plane milling tional insert for machining machines, but also tools with machine, model TA-20: a nickel chromium molyb- long unsupported lengths. “At EMO Hannover 2005 we’ll be presenting a new generation of machining centres that The TA Series provides the denum steel workpiece Considerably smaller cutting meet with the demands of high-speed 125 machining.” Bert Huang, managing director user with a great degree of ( mm milling head diame- depths and an essentially of Victor Taichung Machinery Works Co., Ltd. 125 in Taichung, Taiwan flexibility and high cutting ter, eight teeth, mm cut- higher tooth feed (e.g. ap = performance in conjunction ting width). The conventional 0.5 mm, fz = 3.0 mm/tooth) with the optimal machining cutting insert manages a cut- therefore achieve chip vol- or rear for fast and reliable precision – a key factor for the ting depth ap of 4.5 mm and umes up to five times greater. machining over longer pro- manufacture of precisely fit- a feed fz of 0.15 mm/tooth Hall 4, booth E30 “Soraluce will be presenting at EMO duction times as well. The ting workpieces. Hannover 2005 four new developments for a chip volume Q of characterised by high precision and 258 3 protective enclosure prevents reliability.” Rafael Barrenechea, General cm /min; in comparison, coolant in the 350-litre high- Manager Soraluce, S. Coop, Bergara, Spain the new insert manages a pressure tank and chips from escaping into and contami- nating the operating environ- ment. In addition to the stand- ard version with x/y/z-axes of 850/550/560 mm there is Precision tools – the second largest exhibition also a second version with a larger machining chamber, segment with over 500 exhibitors the model VcenterII-550L with x/y/z-axes of 1,100/550/560 EMO is and continues to be the world’s leading international trade fair for the sector mm. The new VcenterII-550 is delivered with either a “With over 500 companies GTDE simplifies the exchange Heidenhain or Fanuc con- the number of exhibitors in of drawing data troller. the field of precision tools has Hall 27, booth E10 grown yet again compared Initiated by a number of with the last event in renowned tool manufactur- Hanover,” reported Martin ers, an association for pro- Göbel, responsible for organ- moting the electronic data ising the machining, clamp- exchange named Graphical ing, manufacturing metrolo- Tool Data Exchange – gy, and testing divisions of Standard Open Base (GTDE) the German Precision Tools was founded together with Association within the VDMA. the German Precision Tools As usual the visitor will find in Association within the VDMA. Halls 3, 4, and 5 everything The object of these activities new the sector has to offer. is to simplify the exchange of integral part of ISO certifica- is to provide a standardised drawing data between tool tion and in addition are often interface for tool graphics and Also this year will see the builders and their users. used for NC programming data on a dedicated server. VDMA stand C42 in Hall 4 and for tool configuration and There authorised users can present in collaboration with The manufacturing industries management. Manually use the software to transfer the member companies key need full documentation for transferring these data to to their own drawing and projects for promoting coop- handling and managing the proprietary specifications and part list formats the data con- eration with manufacturers tools used. The data this doc- formats is complex and time- figured by the participating and customers. umentation contains form an consuming. The project GTDE tool builders. Page 16 June 2005 faster retrieval mechanisms in a new look for information. By not offer- EMO Hannover 2005 – ing your products in digital The TOOLS e-market will be form on the World Wide Web, visitor service at a glance presenting a new design at you run the risk of disappear- EMO Hannover 2005. The look ing fast,” explained Seydaack. Trade fair dates 14 to 21 September 2005 and the navigation were Together with 180 member Trade fair venue Exhibition grounds, 30521 Hannover, Germany given a more user-friendly companies the VDMA has Opening hours 9:00 am – 6:00 pm daily layout. The features of the created a platform which TOOLS e-market that can provides on the internet Tickets Day ticket 25 euros describe a product were professional catalogues for Full-event ticket 45 euros adapted to DIN 4000. customers’ various product Student ticket 10 euros (on presentation of student ID only at the ticket office) Also eCl@ss is aligned to this groups. DIN standard. Catalogue Advance sales 27 euros “By defining features the cus- Purchased at entrance 24 euros Exactly four years ago the tomer can describe exactly German Precision Tools what the product must have,” Catalogues and tickets can be ordered online at: Association within the VDMA explained Martin Göbel, con- Admission tickets include free use of public transport within the Greater Hanover (GVH) net- launched the TOOLS-e-mar- tact for the TOOLS e-market. work (economy class only on Deutsche Bahn AG trains), including the S5 rapid transit train ket. It is one of VDMA e-mar- “In the meantime the plat- (airport to Hanover main train station), on the day of your trade fair visit. ket’s eleven information por- form lists alone in the tals for the sector. machining category about EBi 170,000 different products The Visitor Information System (EBi) at the exhibition centre offers comprehensive informa- “What’s important to us is from 21 manufacturers.” tion in German and English on the range of exhibits, supporting events, etc. that standards continue to be At EMO Hannover 2005 the Self-service terminals and terminals staffed by trained personnel are available in all halls and pushed ahead,” stressed VDMA e-market will be pre- service areas. Markus Seydaack, head of sented in its new look to sales for the Inland Threading interested trade fair visitors at 3 Technology Division of the VDMA stand C42 in Hall 4. NORD OST 1 EMUGE-Werk Richard Glimpel GmbH & Co. KG in Lauf. Contact Martin Göbel “The internet is a growing German Precision Tools Association within the VDMA 1 decisive factor in communica- Phone +49 69 6603-1247 tion and information supply. E-mail [email protected] OST 2 Milling machines E-mail [email protected] NORD 2 Machining centers 2005 4 42 There must be increasingly EMO Hannover hall , stand C Transfer lines 4 3 Precision tools WEST NORD 1 2 Workpiece and tool holders 3 WEST Measuring and testing equipment 19 20 18 Forming machines 2005 4 EMO Hannover in a posi- 21 23 Lathes 22 IC Gear cutting 5 tive global economic climate 2 WEST 24 Grinding machines 17 Automation The way things are looking at investment activities are 6 26 EDM present, the EMO Hannover clearly on the increase world- 25 16 2005 from 14 to 21 Septem- wide, a fact which is also CC Industrial electronics 7 ber will be taking place in a boosting machine tool trade. 15 OST 3 Sawing machines 14 very positive economic cli- And there is a clear upwards 27 8 Surface Technology mate. As the world’s leading trend in manufacturing Refrigeration, lubrication, disposal metalworking trade fair, the expectations within the triad, Software 11 9 Mecanical Components EMO will benefit from moti- in full continuity with last 1 Accessories WEST 12 10 vation at the international year’s highly positive figures. 13 investments level. Gross plant SÜD 1 SÜD 2 Gross industrial investments - per cent changes from previous year -

+ 10% Travel, accommodation and visitor information USA + 14% Comprehensive travel, accommodation and visitor information services are available from + 7% Travel2Fairs GmbH, a subsidiary of Deutsche Messe AG. Call +49 511 33644-510, or visit Japan + 13% + 3% EU - Domestic and international flights. Shuttle busses run at frequent intervals between Hanover + 1% airport and the exhibition grounds. S5 rapid transit train (airport to Hanover main train station). Source: ifo institute Munich prognosis for 2005 2004 - Trains stop at the nearby “Hannover Messe/Laatzen” station. A skywalk (with moving walkway) leads directly to the exhibition Imprint On a global scale, industrial investments are once again set to increase significantly, according grounds (Hall 13). to estimates by the Munich-based ifo institute. The dynamism will remain particularly great in Editor: the USA. In Japan, investments will continue to grow – even if at a slower rate. And signs are on - City tram services 8 and 18 run frequently between the main VDW (Verein Deutscher Werkzeug- the whole more positive once again for the EU. Investments are expected to get off to a some- maschinenfabriken) 2005 train station and the exhibition grounds (entrance “Nord 1” and what better start in . Frankfurt/Main “Nord 2”). Trams 6 and 16 depart at short intervals from the city World machine tool production centre (“Kröpcke” and “Aegi”stations) to the eastern perimeter EMO Contact - per cent changes from previous year*- 400 3 Dr. Fred Steiner of the grounds (approx. m to the entrance “Ost ”). Phone +49 69 756081-56 + 8% Greater Hanover Public Transport: E-mail [email protected] World + 17% - Arrival by car via motorway A2,A7,A37 and A352. If you are + 11% Asia + 19% using a navigation system to travel to the trade fair, please Editorial office + 10% Sylke Becker, VDW, Press America enter the Hanover destination “Hermesallee”.This is the name + 25% and Public Relations + 5% of the street which runs parallel to the northern perimeter of Phone +49 69 756081-33 Europe + 5% the exhibition grounds. Signs in the greater Hanover region will E-mail [email protected] *Based on a constant exchange rate prognosis for 2005 2004 lead you directly to the exhibition grounds where parking is Source: VDW, ifo institute Munich available for 45,000 cars. Special parking is also available for Layout busses, trucks and camping vehicles. dfg – Dornauf Foto & Graphik A flourishing world economy was the driving force behind powerful growth last year in E-mail [email protected] machine tool production worldwide. Corrected of exchange rate effects, the figures showed an increase of 17 per cent. A joint forecast by the ifo institute and the VDW anticipates continued Detailed information can be found at: Production growth for the current year of around 8 per cent, with Asia and America as continued driving W. Zertani, Druckerei und Verlag, Bremen force behind the growth. A now “mature” Europe will continue to enjoy what is, seen globally, E-mail [email protected] a moderate rate of growth, with manufacturers more than able to counterbalance the impedi- ments to growth of the domestic market by means of their good access to the world market.