Congressional Leaders Blast Record Budget

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Congressional Leaders Blast Record Budget r- » r-V/--' I to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Jan. 5. 1987 HOMES APARTMEHTS ’ CA R LYLE ®by U r r y WrTght U.S./WORLD FOCUS SPORTS 00FOR SALE FOR RENT Suddenly available - Well 24 Locust Street. 7 room & SERVICE DIRECTORY maintained large two bed- apartment. No oppllan- Train crash tied Sculptor works Giants hit stride raam condominium In ces. Security. No pets. convenient Manchester Call 646-2496 weekdays 9to to ignored signai with castoffs at the right time location. Priced right at 5. NEATNN/ MRCOIANEOUR t53,900.Jovce G. Epstein iRERVKa Real Estate, 647-M9S.O Manchester-2nd floor, 2 ... page 8 ... page 9 ... page 12 bedroom, heat and ap­ Government Homes - pliances. No pets. $5n iklMjlmiidiiitno Nome vour emt price — Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ Odd lobs. Trucking. Home from $1 (U repair). Oelln- plus security. Call 646- Fattier ond^son. Fast, throom remodeling; In­ repoirs. You name it, we auent tax property. 3979. rHytmd Ftmodeilno.: dependable service. stallation water heaters, do It. Free estimates. Repossessions. Coll 805- !# ttiieiaiiet in bd^ Fointlnp, Poperhanglng A garbage disposals; faucet Insured. 6434304. A87-8000. Ext. GH-9M5 for Tw o bedroom townhouse IRfoomi ond kltcii«n$. Removal. Call (724237. repairs. 6494539. Viso/M- current repo list. $imiU acoit oMiHirariiMl osterCord accepted. - heat, hot water, carpet­ Your local handvmonl ing, air conditioned, all Rfolstgrtd* ,..ln- Super lnvestmen\- In vour Call John at 643-4353 and appliances. Nice location. jElECTRICAl IMKCELLANEOUR please leave message. future! Excellent oppor­ Call 647-1595. tunity to purchase o ' 3\ Irervicer family In the South end o f '\2 bedroom, 1/2 duplex, Dumos Electric— Having DO A TWO-WAY favor... Hartford. Seperate utili­ appliances, $550. per T<I>.0AY Is a good day to Electrical Problems? Hawkes Tree Service- get extra cashfor yourself ties, spacious rooms, month plus utilities. Bow­ otCFCe onod In classiflod to Need o large or a small Bucket Truck A Chipper. and make It possible for iiaiirliPHtpr HpralJi newer roof. Offered ot- ers School area. Call John •ell : those idle Items Repoir? We SpMlallze In Stump removal. Free esti­ someone else to enloy' ) Manchester — A City of Village Charm S109,900.Jaclcson & Jack- at 643-1591. You’ve been storino. A. Residentlol Work. Joseph mates. Special considera­ those golf clubs you never son Reol Estate, 647-8400 «HttcR call to 643-2711 will Dumas. Fully Licensed. tion fbr elderly and handi­ use. Sell them with a want or 6464646.0 Manchester - Chorter Oak pm Y|wr od^ln print. Free Estimates. 646-5253. capped. 647-7553. od. Street - 5 room duplex, Manchester - New Listing centrally located near bus Tuesday, Jan. 6,1987 30 Cents - Older 4 room vinyl sided line. 1 year lease. Security home on West Side. Hugh deposit. No pets. $465 per LBBAL NOTICI country kitchen, 1 1/2 month. 649-2871. RECREATIONAL MI8CELLANE0U8 LIOAL NOTICI baths, stove, close to RTORE AND ICARS J lEQUIPMENT FOR SALE TOWN OF ANDOVIR VACANT RESIDENTIAL schools and shoppIng.A 3 room apartment - heat, OFFICE SPACE IFOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE BY D e v e lo p e r great buy at $89,900. hot woter, electric ond The 3rd quarterly Install­ E S TA TE. 139 Vernon Street, ment of property toxes onthe Congressional James R. McCavanogh appliances Included. $105 store - Manchester, Main For Sale. Rowing Ma­ 1985- 4 door Mercury Manchester, Connecticut, Real Estate, 649-3800.O M r. Chrlstmos-6 ft tree, October 1 ,1915 Grand List Is 1% story frame house, six weekly, no pets. Security Street. Approximately 750 chine, fully assembled, 1 green. For sale, $15. Call Topaz, 5 speed manuol, due and payable January 1, room,2baths on 00 ft. x 140 ft. m a y b u ild and references required. square feet. For more year old, excellent condi­ 643-7534.0 front wheel drive, 19,000 1917. Also, the Supplemental lot. To be sold by sealed bid Manchester-3 bedroom 646-2253.Avallable Imme­ Information coll 529-7858 tion. $75. Coll 646-3245 miles, AM/FM stereo, Motor Vehicle taxes are due at the Manchester Probate well kept Cope style home diately. or 563-4438. after 5;30pm. cassette. Warrenty. $7000. on January 1,19$7. Payments Court, 66 Center Street, Man­ with finished basement Mini rowing machine with mode after February 2, 19$7 chester, Connecticut 06040 on tension spring and cable. Death In family, must sett. ar e subi ect to a I ate charge of 101 h o u s e s leaders blast January 22,1907 at 9:00 o.m.. and attached garage. Con­ Manchester-Adorable 3 Roller blades hockey 646-0517, 1V!i% per month on the lOte venient location. Asking Has pull bar, small seat. Sealed bids must be submit­ room apartm ent, 2nd ^MISCELLANEOUS skates on wheels, great $15. 649-2287.0 Installment from the due ted to the Probate Court on A $127,000. Flono Realty. floor, appliances. Availa­ FOR RENT for conditioning. Size 12, 1982 Mazdo - 626 luxury date, or o minimum of $2. or before January 20, 1907. 646-5200. ble Immediately. $375 plus paid $120. Sell for $85. sedan. Air conditioned, Payments may be mode by All bids must be accompan­ By John F. Kirch mall or at the Town Office ied by a certified or cashier's heat. No pets. Call 623- 643-2831.0 stereo cassette, sun roof. BuUdlng which Is open 9:00a. Herald Reporter Manchester-New Listing I Garage-For storage only I WANTED TO check for 10% of the bid. If 1983. All options. $4350.633-4581. m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday bid Is conditional upon fi­ record budget . 3 bedroom Colonial, to­ $40 a month. 649-4003. eUY/TRADE ^OOATS/MARINE through Fridoy. The Tax Col­ nancing, the Interest rote, Although a formal application tally renovated. New kit­ Excellent 3 room apart­ I 1974 Chevy Suburban 10 lector Is also In her office amount, and time needed to has not yet been submitted, a chen, windows, and sid­ ___ Ieo u ip m en t Mondoy evenings 7:00to9:00 obtain same must be stated ment. Stove, refrigerator. Used but not abused child­ passenger. New tires, Windsor development firm is de­ By Tom Raum ing. 1 car garage. $124,900. No pets. Security, referen­ Reese hitch. $ ^ . 643-8882. U A Any buyer must be Owner/Agent. 561-0134. Morchondlse ren's Winter clothing. Size SANDRA G.BI DWELL ^epored to close within signing a major custom housing The Associated Press ces. $350. 649-4003. 16 foot Mod River canoe, 0 months to 10. Call 742- TAX COLLECTOR thirty (30) days from the date TOWN OF ANDOVER the bid Is awarded. All bids subdivision in the Case Mountain Bolton Center Road - paddles Included. Used 9596 after 11am. 1970 Mustang-Body res­ area of Manchester. WASHINGTON — Senate Repub­ N New 5 room duplex apart­ 050-12 orb sublect to Probate Court Spllsh Splash...In the four times. Excellent con­ tored 351 motor with head­ approval. lican Leader Bob Dole said today he ment. 3 bedrooms, 1'/j dition. $800. Please call On the drawing board at the great locuzzl that comes baths, fully appllanced. ers. Beautiful car but For Vrth e r details or for In­ doesn’t think President Reagan’s FURNITURE 643-/N42 after 6pm or 647- needs transmission and Derekseth Corp.'s main office is a with this spacious 9 room No pets. References and E l Autoinotlv8 TRUCKS/VANS spection, contact Attorney $1,024 trillion fiscal 1988 budget 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for little other work. Many Thomas S. Florentino at 649- proposal to build 101 single-family Ranchi Large family security. $675 plus utili­ "has a prayer” of being accepted room, 2 cor garage. Velvet couch and love Bob. extras parts, best offer. FOR SALE 2065. houses on 180 acres to the west of ties. 649-4003. by Congress. Pretty acre and lot In seat for sale. $99. 643- 646-8607. 050-12 Birch Mountain Road, a winding 9804.0 CARS The president’s budget plan also Bolton. Close to 384 for Three room apartments, MUSICAL 1974 Ford Van, good condi­ street that passes through rough, FOR SALE was being dismissed as unworkable easy access to HortfordI no appliances, no pets, TRUCKS/VANS tion. $1500 or best offer. hilly terrain. It has been called King size woterbed - com­ ITEMS by congressional Democratic $148,900.Jdckson 8, Jack- security. Coll 646-2426 FOR SALE 875-6344.0________________ IMI8(XLLANE0U8 hazardous by many Manchester son Real Estate, 647- weekdays 9 to 5. plete with heod board, Chevette-1981-4 door leaders. 8400.O mattress, liner, heater. Child's electric orgon with hatchback, automatic, I AUTOMOTIVE residents because of its steep hills " I don’t think the budget itself Ask for Steve.$99.00. 529- IMISCELLANEOUS and tight curves. Manchester-5 room apart­ bench. Excellent condi­ power steering, new has a prayer,” Dole, R-Kan., said 1567.0 tion. $20. 643-7917.0 1980 GMC Jimmy Sierra AUTOMOTIVE This Is o good time to find ment, 2nd floor, carpet­ brakes, shocks, muffler. Classic, excellent^ condi­ That topography has raised on the "CBS Morning News". He 76,000. $1200. 643-0964. 1969 Ford E-200 Window a cash buyer for that ing, stove, wosher/dryer tion. Never plowed, many problems for Derekseth added, ’ 'I think it’s a starting point; hookup. Parking, no pets. Four snow tires on rims, Van. 6 cylinder-running typewriter no one uses. t v /s ter eo / PETS AND power windows, tilt wheel condition. Excellent for officials, who are trying to build a that’s about all that can be said for Use a low-cost ad In Lease and security.
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