General Orders
GENERAL ORDERS WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, No. 256. Washington, September 15, 1864. Promotions and appointments in the Army of the United States, made by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Sen- ate, and by the President alone, since the publication of “ General Or- ders” No. 316, of September 18, 1863. Those made by the President alone are designated by a star. I..PROMOTIONS. Adjutant General’s Department. Lieutenant Colonel William A. Nichols, Assistant Adjutant General, to be Assistant Adjutant General with the rank of Colonel, June 1, 1864, vice Buell, resigned. Major GeorgeL. Hartsuff, Assistant Adjutant General, to be Assistant Adjutant General with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, June 1, 1864, vice Nichols, promoted. Quartermaster’s Department. Major Robert E. Clary, Quartermaster, to be Deputy Quartermaster General jvith the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, April 15, 1864, vice Sibley, resigned. Captain John C. McFerran, Assistant Quartermaster, to be Quarter- master with the rank of Major, July 17, 1863, vice Montgomery, dis- missed. Captain Winfield S. Hancock, Assistant Quartermaster, to be Quarter- master with the rank of Major, November 30, 1863, vice Belger, dis- missed. Subsistence Department. Colonel CharlesL. Kilburn, Assistant Commissary Gen. eral of Subsistence, to be Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence with the rank of Colonel, June 29, 1864, vice Eaton, appointed Com- missary General of Subsistence. 2 Major Henry F. Clarke, Commissary of Subsistence, to be Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence with the rank of Lieutenant Col - onel, June 29, 1864, vice Kilburn, promoted. JohnKellogg, Commissary of Subsistence, tobe Commissary of Subsistence with the rank of Major, June 29, 1864, vice Clarke, pro- moted.
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