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What is an open Heaven?

 Do you need an open Heaven?  Who needs an open Heaven?

An open Heaven means to blast the Heavens open, to destroy every power contending with your miracles, breakthrough and testimony, to be receiving from Heaven and from God unhindered.

When your Heaven is open as a child of God, the name of the Lord is been glorified in your life and you will be fulfilling your God given destiny.

Every born again child of God need an open Heaven. Once a believer, a born again child of God is not receiving from Heaven it simply implies that his or her Heaven is closed, something is definitely wrong somewhere. “ The bible say: Oh that you would rend the heavens, that you would come down, that the mountains might flow down at your presence. (Ishaih 64:1). It simply means that when your Heavens is open you will experience His glory, His presence, His grace, favour and power. It also means that, the hand of the Almighty God is upon your life, destiny, ministry, calling and family, the hand of God is just too big for you, some people just need the finger of God. The finger of God is enough for you to start manifesting your God given glory and destiny. “ An open Heaven is the wish of God for every child of God. For I know the thought that I think towards you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. (Jere. 29:11). “ The bible says Beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper ad be in health, even as your ” soul prospers (3 John 1:2). That is to say an open Heaven bring about peace, it bring about good health, it bring about prosperity of the Spirit, Soul and Body. God want us to prosper here on earth and make it to eternal glory, but unfortunately, the enemy has close the Heaven of so many believers and Christians hence, they are experiencing disappointment, setback, retrogression, failure, all kind of sickness, disease and backwardness.

The thief comes not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.(John 10:10)


Live a life that is above sin, and always bring quality repentance to God, Isaiah 59:1-2, Dan 9:1-21

 Persevere in prayer and fasting (Dan 10:11-14, 1 Chronicles 4:9, Gen 32:24)  Diligently obeying God ( Gen 28:1-17, Dent 28:1-14  Giving and sacrificial giving ( Malachi 3: 8-11)  Giving God a quality praise, worship and thanksgiving Psalm 113:1-2 12 Chronicles 20:19-23, 1 Theselo 5: 18

In conclusion, it does not really matter your location, if your heaven is open, God will relocate you, and give you your desired miracle and testimony Violence is require for your heavens to be opened. And form the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffer violence, and the violent take it by force (Mt 11:12) But if you are not yet a Christian or have not given your life to Jesus by accepting him as your personal lord and saviour, there no way you can live a great life and manifest your God given glory “ or live above the works of darkness. If you fall into this category please do repeat these words Lord Jesus I recognize what you did for me at the cross of Calvary, have mercy upon my life, purge and wash me from every sin and unrighteousness, I accept you today as my lord and personal saviour, Holy Spirit fill me now, help me to live for you and you alone in Jesus name. Amen you are welcome to the family of God. “ that if thou shall confess with thy mouth the lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God has raised him from dead thou shall be saved 10 for with the heart man believeth into righteousness; and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation. Rom 10:9-10 “ If any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are pass away, and behold all things is ” become new 2 cori 5:17

Or if you are a believer, but still have one sin or the other you are battling with, reconcile with God for his mercy upon your life.

The bible makes us to understand that the eyes of God cannot behold iniquity.

If you made these confession, you now a Christian and need to identify with the body of Christ, look for a bible believing church were the undiluted word of God is preached, or locate any.

PRAYER POINTS (Pray these prayers loud and clear and with aggression in your spirit)

. Heavens over my head hear the word of the Lord, open by fire in Jesus name. . Any power or personality closing my heavens of testimony and victory, you are a liar die in Jesus name. . Whatever and whoever that need to die for my heaven to be open permanently, what are you waiting for. Die by fire in Jesus name. . God of Elijah arise, and kill any power closing my heavens in Jesus name. . Any prince of partial assign to close my heaven, your time is up die in Jesus name. . Anointing to manifest the glory of God in the land of the living, fall upon me in Jesus name . Darkness shall not overshadow the light of God in me by the power in the blood of Jesus. . For prayers and counseling Call, Send us an e-mail, or messages through any of the social media. Prayer Line: +2349028089800.

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