Conference 2020: Proceedings

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Conference 2020: Proceedings NAPA CONFERENCE 2020 SECOND BIENNIAL CONFERENCE September 25-28, 2020 (VIRTUAL) Previously planned to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA on May 22-24, 2020 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Global Food Security Through Agricultural Transformation Compiled and Edited by: Scientific and Organizing Committee ASSOCIATION OF NEPALESE AGRICULTURAL PROFESSIONALS OF AMERICAS E-mail: [email protected] URL Conference Theme: Global Food Security Through Agricultural Transformation Rapidly increasing demand for food, feed, fiber, and fuel (4F) due to increasing global population and per capita resource utilization around the world is a critical challenge that agricultural and allied science professionals will need to address in the next several decades. Increasing uncertain and variable weather events and changing climate patterns exacerbate the issue of producing sufficient 4F and creates enormous challenges for maintaining productivity and quality of produce in a wide range of agricultural sectors. Innovation in agriculture such as resilient farming systems, productive crop varieties and livestock breeds, optimal input management, and smart agricultural systems (to name a few) are more important in modern agriculture than ever before. The second biennial NAPA Conference 2020 aims to bring faculty, researchers, scientists, practitioners, professionals, scholars, students, and other stakeholders to a common platform and share the latest findings from cutting-edge research in agricultural and allied sciences. The topics covered include advanced agricultural innovations, best management practices, and environmentally friendly, sustainable agricultural production systems with equitable distribution in a world of widening inequalities, dynamic changes in land-use practices, and volatile agricultural markets. As mentioned at, the conference features keynote and invited presentations, panel discussions, and many concurrent technical sessions to promote knowledge and experience sharing, and discussion on past achievements and future directions. The conference is also expected to provide a venue for leveraging advances in other lateral technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, precision farming, and big data analytics that help to enhance the productivity and quality of produce in agriculture. Our goal is to help achieving the secured and sustainable supplies of 4F and meet the needs of the current generation without compromising the opportunities of future generations to meet their own needs. Conference Organizing Committee Association of Nepalese Agricultural Professionals of Americas (NAPA) 2 Message from Conference Chair Greetings All, Initially, the Second Biennial International Scientific Conference of Association of Nepalese Agricultural Professionals of Americas (NAPA) was scheduled for May 22-25, 2020, in the great metropolitan city of Atlanta, Georgia, USA. While all preparations were in full swing and Atlanta was eager to welcome us, we were forced to suspend the plans for a conference in May because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though we were dismayed for an unexpected suspension of the conference, I am much elated that NAPA Executive Committee, after a careful review of the current COVID-19 situation, and no likely prospect of onsite conferences in the near future, decided to host the conference during September 25-28, 2020, VIRTUALLY. On behalf of the Virtual Conference Expediting Committee (VCEC) and Conference Organizing Committee (COC), along with various subcommittees (Scientific Program, Student Essay, Agri- Poem (Literary), Fundraising, Information Technology, and others), I would like to welcome all the participants (presenters, panelists, moderators, judges, invited speakers, technical coordinators, volunteers, and all attendees) to the historic second NAPA Biennial International Scientific Conference being held in a virtual setting. We are delighted to have 161 scientific presentations (professional oral 49, Professional poster 14, student competitive oral 36, student competitive poster 45, and student competitive rapid-fire 17) at the very virtual conference along with other literary, book authors’ platform, NAPA strategic visioning, entrepreneurial roundtable, women in agricultural and allied professional roundtable, and cultural event. A students’ essay writing contest is another appealing opportunity for talented students, where 14 essays have been received for the competition from several universities. In addition, the literary Agri-Poem event attracted 67 artistic poets to showcase their creativity while targeting for attractive cash prizes. Moreover, this conference brought together over 358 scientific scholars to this platform as authors and co-authors from seven countries (US, Nepal, Nigeria, Australia, Canada, Benin Republic, and Morocco), who are directly working and/or collaborating with, representing 83 institutions. A strong scientific foundation established by the first NAPA conference in 2018 helped to increase the member participation and broaden scope, content, and value of this conference. This VIRTUAL conference has greatly energized the NAPA family in accelerating strategic efforts in achieving NAPA’s mission and vision. On behalf of VCEC and COC, I am thrilled to welcome participants from across many agricultural and allied disciplines and from around the world. Equally, I am delighted to witness the invaluable scientific contributions that address the conference theme ‘Global Food Security through Agricultural Transformation.’ This conference is uniquely structured to provide opportunity and access to many emerging and young scholars by allowing numerous technical sessions, student competitive oral and poster presentations, student essay writing contest, agri-poem competition, student rapid-fire presentations, panel discussions, round table sessions, and socio-cultural and professional networking. The VCEC has also planned for a fun-filled cultural event to engage our varied group of participants. 3 It is our endless pleasure to have managed monetary prizes of over $2,200 (two thousand and two hundred US dollars) and appreciation certificates for the competitive events. I salute all the hardworking individuals for their unwavering commitment in this enduring journey of hosting the VIRTUAL conference. The extraordinary support and dedication of the executive committee led by Dr. Megha Nath Parajulee, VCEC, COC, committed members, well-wishers, and presenters made this conference possible in this unusual situation. Last but not least, I greatly appreciate the relentless hard work tendered by the committee and sub-committee chairs and members, moderators, judges, and outstanding support by the technical coordinators (IT personnel). Finally, the conference organizing team, together with the executive committee, wishes all of you an exciting virtual conference and I trust that this conference will bring great value to your professional endeavor. Together, we can make a difference. Stay safe and healthy. Lila B. Karki, PhD Chair Conference Organizing Committee September 11, 2020 4 Message from NAPA President Dear Delegates, It is my profound honor to welcome you to our Second Biennial International Scientific Conference. While I regret not having the opportunity to greet you all in Atlanta in person at a meticulously planned onsite conference, modern technology has allowed us to accomplish our goals of sharing great scientific information and interacting with colleagues through an international “gathering” of agricultural and allied science professionals and students despite the COVID-19 pandemic. I am pleased to say that the virtual mode of this conference is going to bring more value to the conference and not less – opening address by the Ambassador of Nepal to the United States and two keynote presentations highlight the informative plenary session on Day 1, followed by 161 scientific presentations, student oral, poster, and rapid-fire presentation competitions, student essay contest, several workshops and roundtable sessions on timely topics, and agri-poem competition, and closing the conference on Day 4 with a cultural gala that will welcome internationally famed seasoned as well as emerging artists. I am particularly indebted to the Conference Organizing Committee for their hard work, perseverance, and collective efforts to bring this conference together in this difficult circumstance. I have personally reviewed the entire Program including each of 161 abstracts, and I am particularly pleased with the quality and content of these research presentations. The conference theme of “achieving food security through agricultural transformation” is the central motto of NAPA, and the entire program strives to critically examine the aspects of agricultural research, training, and outreach toward achieving that goal. As President, I sincerely believe that our organization’s march towards achieving our mission is on a great trajectory, and this undoubtedly represents a strong step toward that march. The critical milestones achieved by this 4-year old organization is clear evidence that the collective talent emanated from professionals representing diverse disciplines can make a significant and instant positive impact on science and society if the institutional vision is clearly defined and members embody that vision. Our current members, and the large population of agricultural and allied professionals who we expect to join NAPA
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